I'd like to call a meeting to order Advocate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 P1 1975 specifying a time date location login or dial information and the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on a municipal building municipal court and two Municipal Library bulletin boards Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspapers of the township and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk in accordance with the certification by clerk which will be entered into the minutes in order to ensure a clear record of the meeting can be made that all parties are heard in an organized fashion all members of the public that are partici remotely will be M muted during the meeting the township will provide for public comment periods for both remote and in-person attendees separately if a member of the public wishes to speak during any public comic portion for remote attendees please raise your hand this can be done either through Zoom app or by pressing star9 on your phone when it's your turn to speak you will receive a prompt to request to unmute please click on the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute and begin making your comments all members of the public will have three minutes to speak and should ask any and all questions that there any any questions that they may have during that period at the conclusion of the three minutes remote attendees will be muted again iners attendees will also receive 3 minutes to ask any question any and all questions and may then take a seat at time the council Administration will respond as necessary should you have any other further comments or questions the township council is always available by email on phone and you can always call a mayor's office during normal operating hours each member of the public shall only have one opportunity to speak during each public portion as the technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple calls on an individual phone line or login user account you we ask that you if you wish to speak that you log in or dial separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual c did you please take the role councilwoman kahill councilwoman Carmichael present councilman espanosa here councilwoman Lombardi here councilman Rouse councilman Rouse you have to unmute yourself can you hit star six councilman Rouse councilman sha yeah council president Ern here please stand for the flag salute I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all item number five comment from Administration and Council we regard to inurement of any matters on the agenda I see none item number six open to the public comments regarding item number seven consent chender item for remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on Zoom app or by phone by pressing star9 when is your turn to speak you receive or hearer request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments Council Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item I'm going to close the remot portion for imperson attendees if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may then take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will then respond if necessary this is for item number seven conent items council president I'd like to separate uh SB to be voted on separately please okay I'm going to close the inperson portion item number seven consent agenda item for efficiency items have been Consolidated into consent agenda to be voted on together the materials of this item have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this time are there any items that the council would like remove from the cons agenda to be discussed or voted on separately 7B please 7B okay do I have a motion motion councilwoman Lombardi do I have a second second okay I didn't hear him sorry see please take the role councilwoman carmichel yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse councilman Shaw yes council president Eran yes item passes for 7B resolution Fire District number one commissioner's compensation do I have a motion for that motion Dennis I have a second second car Michael C did you please take the role councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi abstain councilman Rouse councilman Shaw yes council president Ern yes item passes item number eight announcements and comments from officials Michael just I'd like to um acknow knowled that I really enjoyed the uh Christmas tree lighting and um thanks to everyone who came out and make it a really enjoyable occasion and really love the carolers and I just thought it was a really really wonderful event and I hope we always do that yes uh councilman Spinosa uh yes I like to Echo uh C councilwoman Carmichael's comments it was a really great time I saw a lot of um neighbors uh I also saw kids smiling and laughing and and pushing me out of the way for the hot chocolate so uh thank you it was a great time Council Mardi yes ditto to those comments I could say it can only get better each year um one uh thing that we do have coming up Sunday December 17th we have breakfast with Santa at the Pome toown Volunteer Fire Company councilman Ralph councilman Shaw no thanks Mr Daisy uh just like to uh thank Santa for taking time out of his busy schedule during the holiday season to come toyway and be with our family and kids mayor Waller no I believe Santa loves hanging here in piscatway given the fact that's a Money Magazine town thank you council president um C of attorney I just wanted to wish our clerk a happy birthday birthday Melissa happy birthday happy birthday Melissa thank you and actually I have a comment to make um Miss Kelly Mitch our Deputy clerk has passed her her registered municipal clerk exam and is now certified so congratulations conratulations thank you and I have no comments item number nine agend agenda session for December 19th 2023 order second reading amending chapter 21 Z will be open to the public resol ordinance second reading ordinance the extinguish rights portions Brook you field that this to public ordinance on a second reading amending and supplementing various chapters of the minicipal code this will be open to the public resolution adopting ordinance ordinance on a second reading amending supplement chapter 7 traffic section 40 control for the movement and parking of traffic on public and private property to assert title 39 jurisdic section on 135 Flemington Street and this will be open to the public ordinance on a second reading Grant Municipal consent for the operation of cable television systems in Township of pasca to CSC tkr LLC DBA cable vision of Ron Valley this will be open to the public resolution adopting ordinance resolution authorizing an award of Professional Services contract Smith stre from Carlton Avenue to Cumberland Road Nigerian Associates not to exceed 7 $4,550 resolution authorizing the word of contract through State contract for two 2024 Ford F250 pickups with plow and Sanders Wier Ford Cherry Hill not to exceed $143,300 for resolution authorizing an award of contract through State contract for1 2024 Ford F450 pickup with plow and liftgate Wier for Cherry Hill not to exceed 94,000 $122 resolution authorizing Award of contract through escnj for one load Master Exel backer body Theon detachable container and compactor Corp not to exceed $14,995 32 uh motion to accept report of clerk's account November 2023 motion to accept report of the division of Revenue November 2023 and motion to receive an enter into the min ments for the month of November 2023 item number 10 we're going to open to the public remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on Zoom app or by phone byess pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you receive or a request to unmute yourself please click the promp or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments Council Administration will respond if necessary if they have completed any comments or questions council president I'm asking the first individual with their hand raised to unmute themsel David a and both Valley Lane good evening Council good evening David evening item s Echo that's on agenda like to know what is that amount I know it's chapter 159 David do you have anything else besides that that's it David the total amount on that was 495,000 $100 and that was a do Grant from the state of New Jersey Council president there are no individuals with their hand raised remotely regarding this agenda item I'm going to close remot potion for inperson attendees if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will then respond if necessary I see none I'm going to close the public portion do I have a motion to adjourn motion do I have a second second all in favor I I meeting adjourned thank you