##VIDEO ID:7mPyBvAEJJ4## e e the township of scway council meeting for September 10 2024 would now start um adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 P 1975 specifying the time date location login or dial in information and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building municipal court and the two municipal libraries bulletin boards Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspapers of the township and by filing a copy in the office of Township Clerk in accordance with the certification by the clerk which will be entered in the minutes there will be a public comment periods for both remote and in-person attendees separately each member of the public shall only have one opportunity to speak during each public portion as the te the technology does not allow us to know if there are M multiple callers on an individual phone line or logged in user account we ask that if you wish to speak that you log in or dial in separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual should you have any further comments or questions the township council is always available by email and phone and you can always call the mayor's office during normal operating hours can I please have a roll call councilwoman carmichel president councilman espanosa president councilwoman Lombardi here councilman Rous here councilman Shaw here councilman Erin here councilwoman kahill thank you please join me in saluting the flag America Republic nation very thank you comments from Administration and Council regarding enjoyment of any matters of this agenda none thank you I see none thank you open to the public comments regarding item number 12 consent agenda items for efficiency items have been Consolidated into a consent agenda to be voted on together the materials for these items have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this time are there any items that the council would like removed from the consent agenda to be discussed or voted on separately I see none none thank you item number seven ordinance second reading gather for each public com comment portion for remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it's your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the The Prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions Council vice president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item thank you very much for the public comment portion for the person attendees inperson attendees if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will then respond if necessary longer have to hold the button so you just speak into it okay this is good okay please state your name and address please um prati pel 29 redb Road I just like to get uh some details on resolution item number e and then the settlement with Jens script and Jefferson realy about some tax appeal settlement uh what was that about and uh would that that change any taxation in future Years thank you I'm sorry what letter was that the last one you had mentioned this was with number M and number n uh it shows authorizing tax appeal settlement so if you can shed some light um the impact on future overall taxes for residents thank you and number e as well start with number so e is to set up a an account to accept the settlement fora from the op settlement so that was 41516 but did we have any cases related to that in our Township because we I mean from our from my understanding we pretty much banned you marijuana or any of that so this settlement like how does it does it just come into us wide Nationwide settlement so it comes into every town either if you you're a small town it goes into your county if you're a bigger Town it goes to the town and this money goes into police general fund no it's right now it's held in reserve until we get guidance on how to spend it okay M was for an appeal on a property for four years uh it's we settled all four years and the reduction is only about $31,000 so that won't have any impact so they're getting 31,000 in tax abatement they're not going to pay or pay less they're that it's a commercial property at the property has lost value so they will pay $31,000 less over four years theal don't for instance the other one ask about the60 Centennial they have vacancies within the buildings so they're allowed to file a tax appeal uh for the vacants because they're only charged by the square footage that they actually have occupied that's state law does that apply to residential property in future that if you don't have a tenant on residential property you will get tax up no why do you have different laws what's that why do you have different laws one laws for commercial and different laws for res St legisl that's state law not Municipal law sorry your time is up thank you so much and and was what the mayor just talked about it was 860 Centennial Avenue the the property has lost value and they've lost uh rented space since 2018 and it's a generally small settlement also thank you I see no um no one else item number seven ordinance second read okay public p c item number seven ordinance second reading authorization of special assessment sidewalks on suton lane open um Su Lane be resolved by the township Council of piscatway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to provide for the construction of local Improvement sidewalks on the Sutton Lane Frontage of block 9101 lot 4.01 and block 9301 lots 47.3 51.1 52.2 52.3 and 107.0 3 on the township of piscatway tax map as permitted under njsa 40 65-1 was introduced on the 23rd day of July 2024 and had passed the first reading it was published on the 30th day of July 2024 now therefore for be it resolved that the offer at ordinance having had a second reading on September 10th 2024 be adopted passed and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be it further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-21 thank you now we're going to open this to the public if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it's your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you will have three minutes in which you to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions Council vice president there are no remote individuals with their handr regarding this agenda thank you very much closed for remote open for public uh inperson attendees if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary I see one person please state your name and address uh prati Patel 29 redb Road um I would just like to thank you for all the great work that was done on certain L it looks really nice um and and can't appreciate enough for all the Pooles that has been removed and I don't know I don't know about the map and public map but I would request that the work gets extended all the way to Road two I know it's up to sut's Lane but I don't know how your projections and plans are but I would request that the work continues all the way to road to where it hits Kilmer Road on the other side if that's not into the plan probably find a way that it makes into the plan so it's one work that gets continued one time it's done for next five seven years thank you thank you very much I see no one else close to the public can I have a motion please motion councilwoman Lombardy second Rouse count please councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes counc Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes Council vice president Espinosa yes this pass item number eight second reading amending chapter 4-7 automatic electronic Amusement devices be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to amend and supplement the revised General ordinances of the township of Piscataway County of middlex stadi of New Jersey revising and supplementing chapter 4 licensing and business regulations to allow for the permissible ownership and use of redemption Amusement Games was introduced on the 13th day of August 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 18th day of August 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the offet ordinance having had a second reading on September 10th 2024 the adopted past and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passenger approval in the official newspaper be a further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-22 thank you very much opening to the public remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on Zoom app or by phone by pressing star N9 when it's your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt press star 6 on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address is and you and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments the council Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised regarding this agenda item thank you very much closing to the remote attendees opening to the in person iners attendees if you wish if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council Administration will then respond if necessary I see no one closing to the inperson attendees may I have a motion please motion sha thank you can have come councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes Council vice president espanosa yes motion pass okay ordinance first reading amend Redevelopment plan for Block 9201 L 4620 resolution adopting aordance be it resolved by the township Council of pasca Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance authorizing addendum to Redevelopment plan for Block 9201 lot 4620 Rivendell Meadows as shown on the tax map of the township of piscatway B and is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading and public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the Piscataway Municipal Building 455 hose Lane Piscataway New Jersey on the first day of October 2024 be it further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you very much may I have a motion please motion councilwoman Lombardi May that count please councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes Council vice president espanosa yes motion passed to the second reading item number 10 ordinance first reading acquisition of property block 7508 lot 3 resolution adopting ordinance be resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance authorizing the acquisition of property identified as block 7508 law 3 in the township of Piscataway County of middlex stadi of New Jersey for public use pursuant to njsa 20on 3-1 at secc Bean is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading of public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the piscatway municipal building 455 hosan pcad New Jersey on the first day of October 2024 be have further resolve that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you very much do I have a motion motion carich have a compx councilwoman carmichel yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Anin yes Council vice president espanosa yes thank you ordinance first item number 11 ordinance first reading authorizing sale of uh 1112 Brookside Road resolution adopting ordinance be resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of padway county of state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of certain lands owned by the township of Piscataway pursuant to njsa 4A 3 I'm sorry 12-1 13B being is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading in public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the Piscataway Municipal Building 455 hos Lane Piscataway New Jersey on the first day of October 2024 we have further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading of final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you very much do I have a motion motion carel second thank you have a come please councilwoman Carmichael yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Anin yes Council vice president Espinosa yes item number 12 consent agenda resolution for efficiency items have been Consolidated into a consent agenda to be voted on together the materials of these items have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this time are there any items that that the council would like removed from the consent agenda to be discussed or voted on separately no that's no thank you can I have a motion please motion councilwoman Lombardi second house thank you may have a count please councilwoman Carmichael yes councilwoman Lombardy yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman eron yes Council vice president espanosa yes okay item number 13 announcements and comments from the officials in car Michael I wasn't using the mic a I'm sorry a reminder of the shredding event this Saturday at8 to 12 at the little leag parking lot Road shred it and forget it that's woman um Michelle tomorrow evening the uh Piscataway Elks invite everyone to observe the September 11th remembrance service it is at 6 o'clock at the Piscataway Elks um in remembrance of September 11th may we never forget councilman r no comment at time councilman Frank no comment at this time cap sha no comment thank you I would like to just add that just to remind everybody that on September 21st we do have that first Annual Bike Tour that's going to be happening at 8 o'clock over behind the community center I I really would like to see everyone there uh but if you can make it it starts at 8 o00 we have on-site registration or you can register early on our Piscataway site thank you mayor well our our counselor is going to be there on his tricycle which one real quickly in seriousness um the solar Project's coming along I don't know if everybody saw the steel going up uh they're going to be starting over at Sterling Village uh next for the pilots so thank you may no comments okay thank you and no comments than thank you wanted to remind everybody that the National Night Out is rescheduled for next week on Tuesday that's right thank you all right item number 14 agenda session for October 1st 2024 ordinance second reading amend Redevelopment plan for Block 9201 4620 um ordinance second reading acquisition of property block 7508 lot 3 and ordinance second reading authorizing sale of 1112 Brookside Road at this point we're going to open this up to uh the public for remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it's your turn to speak you will receive receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions anybody on the one coun VI president there are no remote attendees with their hand raise regarding this agenda item thank you very much closing for remote attendees opening up for inperson attendees if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion or your comments or questions and the council or Administration will respond if necessary please state your name and address please uh good evening uh vicam salanka 511 Dalal Court uh Mr Mayor thank you for all the solar updates I've been getting them the emails uh pretty uh quick and and regularly one question that I had is uh once this is specifically for the EV charging there's very limited information on uh I know the 28 charges are going to be set up but limited information on how the payment process is going to go and if the township uh residents need to register for uh for uh Payment Processing uh uh opportunities so if you could shed some more light that'll be greatly appreciate it thank you so we're we're still in the process of of figuring that out uh uh we found the company that actually is part of Schneider that you can do it on an app so you'll just have to download the app once and uh we're setting we're we're looking at setting rates for we're to looking at comparable towns to see what they charge but we're probably going to offer it like at the community center for the first two hours for free at the library probably an hour or two for free and our building will be an hour probably for free and then after that we're looking to set a a standard rate that we're really not making money on so it could actually with that app it could actually change as the cost of energy changes for us um any other so it'll be a floating rate and uh and what the good thing is is that after after your car is charged you can't and you can't take it out and put it back in because one of the problems at the community center is people leaving their cars there for a long period of time so the app will recognize your car so you won't be able to do that and we're going to probably set a rate like a lot of other towns do that if you're there for like five hours or something to rate goes to like $10 an hour or something like that to discourage people so we're formalizing it now uh the Chargers are in at both of the libraries uh waiting for one part to be installed at both of them to energize them so we anticipate that they'll be energized sometime during October and then we'll turn those on and uh we're probably not looking to charge until probably January 1 first thank you they're they're moving a lot they're moving a lot quicker than I thought they're going to be moving actually so the next ones I think are going at the community center wonderful thank you and one one final comment uh will Schneider Electric or the township come up with the uh charge ratings which is like type one type two type three because I think that's what people with EVS have a question what type of charger am I plugging the car into yeah it's it's the like the uh it's faster than we have now but it's not the one that charges your car in like an hour so it's I think they they'll have all the we'll publish all the information when uh as we get closer wonderful yeah thank you appreciate it thank you very much please state your name and address uh pratique Patel 29 redb Road um so few good things and then obviously I'll talk about the hard things and not working things um I would like to recognize M Miss Mitch um I've asked numerous requests through Oprah and they've been very supportive and the data is very good where you can actually make informed decisions and things are working very well the areas where things are not working well is the assessment and I know mayor last time mentioned that I was rude and whatnot but sometimes rude is just the byproduct of somebody's not getting their right Service uh by example what I mean is if there is a code which just says uniform assessment I looked at their data they they have pretty much the residential assessment have gone up from 4 billion to 6 billion um while the commercial assessments are pretty much remained the same over the last four or five years of the data that I had so essentially what they did was they put all the tax burden on pretty much the residential owners who have different income level while they're giving tax breaks to all these companies who are leaving empty buildings and I don't think it should be that way and when I'm asking for a a a proper method of assessment like a software that gives input output the assessment Department gives me runaround um and obviously they're not factual um I think the same thing happened with uh I guess the attorneys on Mr Goomer when I'm asking for standard questions about uh related to Constitution what are the fines what are exact fines and whatnot I get put onto some I guess ecode and whatnot and even the data on that is not clear for citizens to understand what is the fine and what are they paying for the third thing was in terms of the assessment where mayor indicated that I was paying thousand more because I didn't allow somebody to come in which was exercising my right so if I'm exercising my right why am I getting penalized law shouldn't work that way um so it should be and and the counter side of that is when I just said it somebody was lying is when somebody allowed somebody to come in their taxes still went up by a th so the question then becomes is regardless of what we do the land taxes are on the rise which is fine you can you you can do all the projects but if the incomes are not going to support someday and if because of that somebody is going to be short Change how am I going to finance this deficit so for example if my if my taxes just went up in the property by thousand I cannot charge my tenant that much because they are going to become delinquent if they become delinquent should the township be responsible or should I be responsible for no fault of my own because my land taxes went up and what is the recourse for those people right now who are getting delinquent and who are straining families and I've seen people working 12 hours and they still can't make make rent obligations this is not no fault of my own but that's reality today so I don't know what data that you look at but that's reality and the other thing is I always send an email and this is to you miss carmichel you represent I think Red Bird Street if I'm not mistaken I sent an email to get some response in terms of the issue that I raised there is no return phone calls return anything meils am I done seconds oh okay so I haven't gotten anything back so I don't know if you have a chance to read those emails or respond to that thank you thank you if if I may council president we're going to we're beating a Ted horse here he still will not L the assessors in so they have to base it on highest and best use that is the state law commercial property assessments are set up by the state of New Jersey same thing with the residential those are no matter what town you go in it's all followed by the same thing I can't help it that he has you know several businesses you know as commercial Properties or should say homes that are he's renting out but my advice is as I told you the last several times is let the assessors in as a matter of fact I had the assessor come to my house on Saturday right there and a lot of my neighbors so my you know he can say that he has a constitutional right to you know not let anybody in that's fine okay but it's a good bet that you're paying he's paying way more in taxes he probably should be and that's no fault except him that's his obligation allow they also got taxed more so I think what mayor is but if they if they can't see what they're that's formula that's followed by the whole town if they can't see what they're assessing the formula is to tax to the highest and and no but those who allowed they went up and and I looked at the data I requested the data I mean that's if I may this is not going this has been going on for seven or eight years with this gentleman he's not going to change he going to continue to come here and complain because he won't let the the assessors in the house which is fine that's his prerogative your choice but the bottom line is I'm thanking him for paying extra money and subsidizing everybody else in the town thank you very much thank you Mr Patel motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion all in flavor favor hi all in favor hi thank you we J thank you good night thank you for