##VIDEO ID:Nm7EL6Fq2G8## e e good evening everyone and welcome to the first meeting for 2025 for the Piscataway town Council I'd like to wish everyone a very happy New Year and healthy New Year I'd like to make another comment I'd like to thank Gabrielle Cahill for her leadership in 2024 so thank you so much Gabrielle for your leadership for the year I'd also like to thank uh capil Shaw and Reverend Rouse for their service to our community congratulations I'd like to congratulate our mayor for being reappointed to be the mayor again and again to Gabrielle Cahill for being reelected and I would also like to welcome our new members Laura liebertz and Sarah Rashid welcome to the team we as a team will work together to do good things for the township of Piscataway and every day is a new opportunity to be better than we were yesterday so now we'll move forward and get this meeting going I'd like to call this meeting to order adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 PL 1975 specifying the time date location login or dial in information and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on the bulletin boards the municipal building the municipal court and the two Municipal Library bulletin boards Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspapers of the township and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk in accordance with the certification by the clerk which will be entered in the minutes there will be public comment periods for both remote and in-person attendees separately each member of the public shall only have one opportunity to speak during each public portion as technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple callers on an individual phone line or logged in user account we ask that if you wish to speak that you log in or dial in separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual should you have any further comments or questions the Town Council is always available by email and phone and you can always call the mayor's office during normal operating hours could everyone please join me in the flag salute to flag of the United States of America and to the for stands nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all as everyone knows this is the reorganization meeting meeting this evening so I open the meeting and I will now open the nominations to elect a council president can I have a nomination to elect the council president yes I'd like to nominate Dennis espanosa as council president second Carle okay can you please call the role council member kill yes council member Carmichael yes council member Espinosa yes council member leitz yes council member Lombardi yes council member Rasheed yes council member inin yes and we have a council president Des Dennis Espinosa and you can now join the seat here e um thank you everyone thank you councilwoman um Lombardi uh I would like to also thank uh Council uh woman k um uh for her leadership for being a council president in 2024 uh you truly you know love this town and care for its residents so thank you for your leadership thank you councilman I would like to Echo uh councilwoman uh Lombardi uh uh statements from before I would like to thank uh capio sha Reverend R for their service for uh being council members last year uh thank you so much uh I definitely learned a lot from everyone so thank you and also congratulations to the mayor and a very warm welcome to uh Sarah Rashid and Laura LTZ uh I'm going to look forward to working with both of you I would like to call the nominations to elect Council vice president uh I would like to nominate Michelle Lombardi um and before I we hear a second um the reason why I'd like to nominate Michelle is because um well first Your Love of this town life long uh resident born and raised here um and um for all of the various things that you've done for this town for the different initiatives that you've um spare headed the cleanup um the Christmas decorations you know many the many many things and I know I'm missing a million things but you do it because you love the town and you want to bring us together as one town and have sort of that small town feel in a big town um and also because for the years of um good guidance good governance um from my perspective when I was first on the board so with that I'd like to to offer um our councilwoman Michelle Lombardi to be uh Council vice president have a second please yeah I like to second that I like to roll call please council member kahill yes council member carmichel yes council member Lombardi yes you guys are out of Border sorry council member Liu witz council member Liu witz yes council member Rasheed yes council member inan yes council president espanosa yes congratulations thank you okay I would like to uh we would like to call the meeting uh to order the reg organization meeting of January 2nd [Music] 2025 can I have a roll call please council member kill here council member carmichel president council member lieberwitz here council member Lombardi here council member Rasheed here council member inan here council president ESP NOA here so now we're announced the mayor mayor's appointments uh Miss Ceder can you proceed to the Civil Rights advisory commission Taran Atkins e Basher Ahmed rahan akmed shamain Richardson Sharon Robinson Briggs Lynwood Rouse Kenneth Saunders Shirley Saunders Brenda Smith to the community outreach advisory commission Amy B man Calvin Laughlin Chanel McCullum Jenny Perez Ray Lynwood Rouse Frank Anin to the historic preservation advisory commission Gabrielle Cahill Peter nean capil Shaw Emergency Management coordinator Nick Lombardi Deputy Emergency Management coordinator Paul Snider to the planning board e Basher ahamed Gabrielle Cahill da Corran Philip asaria Henry Kenny Carol Saunders Brenda Smith the presiding M Municipal Court Judge James P hovish thank you Miss Cedar comments regarding item number 11 consent agenta items opening to the public if you uh opening to the remote uh portion of if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on Zoom app or by phone by pressing star n when it's your turn to speak you receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at this time at that time please state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments the council Administration will respond if NE NE after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised regarding this agenda item thank you misser opening to the inperson attendees if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration would then respond if necessary I see no one closing to the public can I have a motion please we have an ordinance first reading be it resolved yeah I'm going to read it be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance of the township of Piscataway County middlex state of New Jersey designating a qualified purchasing agent pursuant to njsa 48 11-9 B and is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading and public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the Piscataway Municipal Building 455 hosan pasc New Jersey on the 23rd day of January 2025 be it further resolved that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final pass message and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss CER can I have a motion please motion I have a second second councilwoman Lombardi thank you misser can I have a roll call council member Cahill yes council member carmichel yes council member libowitz yes council member Lombardi yes council member Rashid yes council member Anan yes council president espanosa yes ordinance pass consent agenda resolution for efficiency items have been Consolidated into a consent agenda to be voted on together the materials for these items have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this time are there any items that counc would like removed from the con consent agenda to be discussed or voted on separately none thank you none thank you I'm going to read these appointments okay okay thank you appointment of Kelly Mitch as Deputy municipal clerk Melissa Cedar as regist of Vital Statistics Kelly as deputy registar and Bunty Su as alternate Deputy registar of Vital Statistics Jame kandine and Kenneth Saunders to the board of Ethics Sarah Rasheed Laura libowitz Katherine juttner Raj Kumar and Eloise Robinson to the cultural arts advisory commission Norman Edam Muhammad Hussein Karen Lynn and Jerry Wilson to the health advisory commission Frank Eran Henry Kenny Dawn corkran Alex Atkins Lynwood Rouse and capil Shaw to the housing Community Development advisory committee Timothy Daisy Chris a verando and Janine albanes to the library Board of Trustees Animal Control Solutions as certified Animal Control Officers and Sean melli as the animal cruelty investigator Dorne corkran as Municipal housing liazon for affordable housing program Gabrielle kahill to the planning board as class three member Michelle Lombardi legina Adams Karen Johnson Raj Kumar Kimberly Lane Nicole Owens Amar goswami ammed molani and Peter non to the public relations advisory commission capil sha to the recreation advisory commission Camille fernicola Antonio abano Joyce Kohl's and Karen odonnal to the senior citizens advisory commission Michelle Lombardi and Amy Bowman to the senior citizen housing Board of Trustees Arty Huka Rodney Blount William Mando wakar Ali to the zoning Board of adjustment Amelia light Esquire as supervising prosecutor Thomas Lanza and John Kinski as Township prosecutors Timothy daisy as public agency compliance officer James Harding and John wisuki as public defenders Vanessa cologne as Municipal Court Administrator Angela dos Santos as Deputy Municipal Court Administrator Christopher yotus Kenneth Schultz Thomas presolski Brad Stover and Joseph Quigley as special police officers vanana kurana as the treasurer Keith L Stith as the deputy as the Director of Public Safety Timothy daisy as business administrator Jonathan Miss Rahi as cdbg Township certifying agent guy gaspari as recycling coordinator guy gaspari as the clean community's coordinator Melissa Cedar as the certifying official for municipal lean searches Dawn corkran as certifying agent for sub subdivision approvals Timothy da or Joseph Herrera as the agent for filing applications with the state for flood Hazard area permit authorizations Timothy dacey or Joseph Herrera as agent of the township for filing applications with the Freehold Soil Conservation District Timothy dacey or Joseph Herrera is Agent of the township for filing applications with State D for extension of sanitary soures thank you misser okay announcements and comments from the officials our officials um Gabriel okay have to vote on that can I have a motion please offer for the consent agenda items I second I'll second it Frank roll call please council member Cahill yes council member carmichel yes council member liebertz yes council member Lombardi yes council member Rasheed yes council member Eran yes council president espanosa yes council president if I can make a suggestion that everybody whose name was called please come up to the front and if they want to use one of the Bibles or if you have something else or you don't need to have a Bible I'll just please come up the front so we can ad Minister the oath of office thank you Mary you come up here up to the front here this is organized chaos if your name was called please stand up to take your oath thank you all right all right we're not we're not holding hands and sing kuay out here so you're going to take the oath through office okay okay okay everybody raise your right hand and repeat after me I and state your name I do Solly swear doly swear that I will support supp the Constitution and support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and of this constitution of the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same alance to the same and to the governments established and the governments established in the united states in the United States and in this state and in this state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people that I will Faithfully that I will Fai impartially impartially and justly and justly perform all the duties perform all the duties of the office of and state your oh good I didn't have to say according to the best of my ability congratulations I want to thank you for showing it this really is in chaos [Music] if everybody wants who just took their um oath you can go in the back and see Dana she has your certificate SEC that you have to sign so if you want to get out and go ahead and sign okay right good how are you to see you I love the group group oath of office thank you mayor and congratulations to everyone um we come to the announcement and comments from official portion um councilwoman uh K would you like to start off yeah I would just like to uh wish all uh people present Piscataway residents a very happy and healthy New Year um it's going to be a very interesting year at the national level but we know here in this town um that we are all working to make us a better town and so I look forward to that and just wish everyone um safe travels on the roads during the winter season and um yeah and I look forward to the Martin Luther King celebration which I don't know if my colleague wants to talk a little bit more about but thank you that's a great segue thank you councilwoman K councilwoman uh Carmichael just looking forward to working with our new Council and I'm looking for us to thrive and 2025 oh yeah very good thank you C councilwoman Lombardi yes happy New Year healthy New Year to everyone um I'm sure that we will all work together to do the right things for our community here um one of the first things coming up are our Township rabies clinics for the animals so Saturday January 25th at 9:00 and Saturday February 1st at 9 9:00 to noon uh will be our rabies clinic for um getting the animals vaccinated so um other than that everybody have a very happy and healthy New Year thank you councilwoman uh Lombardi uh welcome councilwoman Li witz would you like to have um give an announcement I want to wish everybody of course a happy New Year and I want to point out that we are in the darkest time of the year and we should reflect on the um point that many of our faiths celebrate light at this season uh today Hanukkah ended at 4:43 um we had a wonderful light decorating contest here in town honoring Christmas um and so I hope that we each take the light and carry it in through this dark season um heading us into a wonderful year of working together thank you councilwoman uh Li wtz councilwoman uh rashed welcome thank you um I want to wish everybody a Happy New Year it is very exciting to be here and I look forward to working with everyone um it's very befitting because this is uh Muslim heritage month January celebrated all across New Jersey so look out for events happening in schools and the libraries and around town thank you so much Council councilman ER yes I just like to wish everybody a Happy New Year and I'm looking forward to another great year in 2025 and I want to welcome our two new council members welcome thank you councilman um I would like to say uh again it seems like there's H the same message across the board you know we we are working together we have two new council members looking very forward to to working with both of you and of course uh 2025 let's drive you know I think I think that's going to catch on for me uh so thank you so much uh to everyone mayor just happy New Year look forward to all the nice infrastructure improvements are going to taken place in the town so much so there's one going on right outside in front of our window uh if you notice there's no water in the building right now because of that so hopefully this is a good sign of the start of 2020 things are getting fixed so thank you mayor uh business ad Min administrator Timothy Daisy that was everybody a Happy New Year thank everybody for uh what we accomplished last year to council was certainly a very important part of all the progress that we made and believe it or not the mayor actually has more planned for this year so look forward to working with you on this year's projects thank you sir and from our Township attorney uh Raj gumore yeah just a happy New Year and looking forward to working with the council this year thank you great thank you so much okay we're going to review the uh agenda session for January 23rd 2025 um ordinance second reading designating a qualified uh purchasing agent it's going to be open to the public resolution adopting ordinance ordinance first reading amending chapter 7 traffic Section 8 resolution adopting ordinance resolution authorizing submission of f uh fiscal year 2025 local recre uh Recreation Improvement Grant LRG resolution authorizing Piscataway Township to join the Keystone purchasing Network Cooperative purchasing system resolution authorizing return of Sterling Village security deposit and payment to Piscataway Township for damages apartment 455 resolution authorizing Award of contract through Somerset County cooperative gasoline Supply 87 oan National Fuel Oil Inc not to exceed 275,000 okay at this time we're going to open to the public for remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or by phone by pressing star n when it's your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press St six on your phone phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions CA do we have anybody online council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item thank you so much closing the remote portion opening up for the inperson attendees if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have 3 minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration would then respond if necessary state your name and address please yes good evening Council uh my name is Charlie Caville I'm from New Brunswick I'm the editor of New Brunswick today Community News Outlet available online at new Bruni today.com I want to start by wishing everybody a Happy New Year and uh congratulations to everyone who you know won a term in office and I hope that uh you'll all uh have a good experience serving and and that you'll be guided by the Constitution and your constituents first and foremost um I did have uh just one matter I wanted to ask about I saw a contract that the council approved in November for information technology Services it was uh there was a certification that that quote an emergency condition exists and uh wanted to learn more about that I wanted to know what the emergency was and how uh Atlantic IT services will be addressing that emergency yes so the emergency was just there was a Personnel issue Our IT director was unavailable and has been unavailable um and so therefore we needed someone to step in and provide support um while we look you know while we figure out a solution fut yeah we're advertising for an IT personel so got it so the the situation was that there was a uh person on staff doing the work and they had to leave yes are they still employed are they on leave what's the staff not no longer employed by us no longer employed and now Atlantic it is doing all the it work uh we've got one employee in there and Atlantic it is helping with their expertise got it hopefully hopefully by the end of the first quarter I hope they have somebody hired here okay uh well I think that's all the questions I had today so I just uh want to wish you all well and thanks for hearing me out I appreciate being able to speak here and I also appreciate being able to watch on zoom and on YouTube thank you thank you so much thank you Charlie I see no one else closing to the public motion to close motion second second I I are you asking us to vote all in favor star I I thank you so much meeting Ador thank you have a great night