##VIDEO ID:VW2PCyNj6MM## e I'd like to call call this meeting of the Piscataway Township Council to order adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 pl1 1975 specifying the time date location login or dial in information and to the extent known the agenda by posting a copy of the notice on the municipal building municipal court and the two Municipal Library bulletin boards Municipal website providing a copy to the official newspapers of the township ship and by filing a copy in the office of the Township Clerk in accordance with a certification by the clerk which will be entered in the minutes there will be public comment periods for both remote and in-person attendees separately each member of the public shall have one opportunity to speak during each public portion as the technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple callers on an individual line or logged in user account we ask that if you wish to speak that you log in or dial in separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual should you have any further comments or questions the township council is always available by email and phone and you can always call the mayor's office during normal operating hours Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call councilwoman Carmichael present councilman espanosa present Council woman Lombardi here councilman Rouse here councilman Shaw here councilman Erin here council president kahill here would you please join me in a salute to our flag thank you um that'll bring us to number five these are comments from Administration and Council this is regarding adjournment of any matters on this agenda are there any comments or concerns about items on the agenda seeing none I'll close number five and that'll bring us to number six this is open to the public this is um comments regarding item number 13 which are the consent agenda items if anyone would like to speak now regarding item number 13 which are the consent agenda items we'll first open it up to uh public comment for remote attendees and then we'll open it up for comment for in-person attendees so for remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star9 when it is your turn to speak you will receive receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their handris regarding this agenda item okay so we'll close the remote attendee public portion um this is regarding items number 13 and we'll open it up to the public for anyone wishing to comment regarding the consent agenda items if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name in address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary again these are for the consent agenda it items which are number 13 hi 29 redbit Road prti Patel um I just have questions on b e and G U the questions for b and e is who initiated this lawsuit was it uh Township initiated it and if there is a settlement uh what is the net result of the settlement in a sense that uh the companies are getting the money or getting tax abatements or what's the deal there and then in number G um the professional service contract for affordable housing is that the same housing that is being built on the River Road and if that's the case um I would just like to um highlight like what is the flood zone on that River Road that they are building all these apartments thank you um thank you Mr Patel so um uh Raj did you want to talk about the uh subdivision settlements first you got that so res resolution B is to accept the same question he asked at our last meeting this is the national settlement for the opioid settlement and this is with McKenzie and it's for $ 53456 that they're going to be paying to us and this allows us to set up a uh L item in our budget to accommodate that money so that's money received in okay a tax settlement from 433 River Road and it was for the years 2022 and 2023 is that 233 Stelton Road though on there e oh right yes 233 Stelton Road and it results in a in a payment a refund of $ 37619 and the rest of them were withdrawn and G is for there's a new as you know COA the new round of COA is coming up which is round four so we've had uh we're absolutely unfamiliar with the rules because the rules have not been prated by the state but we're required to follow them for Professional Services for a consulting company for affordable housing planner and we put on RFP and we're recommending that it be awarded to Harbor consultants for a value of not to exceed $35,000 so is that g actually building houses on a land that is already available or is this they're doing a survey of existing houses where people who already are renting and they can afford it neither what they're going to do is they're going to look at the regulations that the state proposes for and make recommendations for us on how we can comply with that and would you happen to know the state bill that talks about all this kind of stuff or uh it's not in the bill okay thank you Mr Patel is there anyone else in the public wishing to comment regarding items on number 13 which are the consent agenda items seeing none I'm going to close the public portion so that will bring us to uh number seven this is an ordinance on second reading it is amend Redevelopment plan for Block 9201 lot 46.2 it is open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance misser would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled an ordinance authorizing addendum to Redevelopment plan for Block 9201 lot 4620 Rivendell Meadows as shown on the tax map of the town pasaway was introduced on the 10th day of September 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 15th day of September 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the author said ordinance having had a second reading on October 1st 2024 the adopted past and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of pesture approval in the official newspaper be it further resolved that this ordinance shall be assigned number 2024 d23 thank you Miss Cedar and so now this will be open to the public for any comment we'll open it up to the remote attendees first if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you will receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand raised regarding this agenda item thank you so we'll close the remote uh attendee public portion we'll open it up to the public who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary see none I'm going to close the public portion on this item so I'll open it up to the council um do I have an offer Council Lombard do I have a second second second sh okay thank you um Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman r yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president kill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number eight which is also an ordinance on second reading this is acquisition of property block 7508 lot three lot three sorry it is also open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance authorizing the acquisition of property identified as block 7508 lot 3 in the township of Piscataway County of middlex state of New Jersey for public use pursuant to njsa 20on 3-1 Etc was introduced on the 10th day of September 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 15th day of September 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the offer said ordinance having had a second reading on October 1st 2024 the adopted p and after passage be published together with a notice of the date of Passage or approval in the official newspaper be a further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 202 24-24 thank you Miss Cedar so we'll open it up to the public and first to the remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you'll receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and add and you have three minutes in which to complete your comments or to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their handris regarding this agenda item okay so I'm going to close the remote attendee portion we'll open it up to the public who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments and question or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary seeing none I'm going to close the public portion on this item I'll open it up to the council um there any comments or questions or can we go right to a vote okay so do I have an offer do I have a second second councilman Espinosa thank you Miss Cedar would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman irin yes council president K yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number nine is also an ordinance on second reading it is authorizing the sale of 1114 Brookside uh Road it will be open to the public and it is a resolution adopting ordinance misser would you please read the resolution be resolved by the township Council of padway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled an ordinance of the township of piscatway County of middlex state of New Jersey authorizing the sale of certain lands owned by the township of pasaway pursuant to njsa 4A 12-13 V was introduced on the 10th day of September 2024 and had passed the first reading and was published on the 15th day of September 2024 now therefore be it resolved that the offet ordinance having had a second reading on October 1st 2024 the adopted past and after passage be published together with a notice of the DAT of fast Dr R in the official newspaper be further resolve that this ordinance shall be assigned number 2024-25 thank you Miss Cedar and we'll open it up to the public first for the remote attendees if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to speak you'll receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you have completed any comments or questions council president there are remote attendees with their hand rais regarding this agenda item thank you misser we'll close the remote attendee public portion we'll open it up to the folks who are here in person if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary yeah hi uh 29 redb Road prti I just have a question um is this a land and a building or just a land and if that's the case what was the sale price uh that uh Township agreed to sell this so it's a sliver of land approximately 10 feet wide the adjacent homeowner wants to buy it to make his lot a conforming lot and the apprais value is $118,500 188,000 for how many square fet it's uh 10t wide by 5 long but it's obviously not buildable since it's only 10t wide so if I do the math it's 5,650 square feet 10 by 565 is that correct for 18,000 minimum the minimum for building in the zone is 10,000 square feet okay all right thank you thank you Mr Patel is there anyone else in the public wishing to com on this item none we're going to close that to the public and we'll open it up um are there any comments from the council or can we go straight to a vote I see none we'll open it up do I have an offer okay we have a first and a second okay great very good so we'll uh take that roll call vote cwan councilwoman carmichel yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes counc Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president kahill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number 10 which is an ordinance on first reading this is an adopting ordinance uh oh I'm sorry this is authorizing the amendment to Redevelopment plan block 372 Lots 1.02 and two which are 10 Normandy Drive and two Hancock Road it will be a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled an ordinance authorizing amended Redevelopment plan for Block 3702 Lots 1.02 and two 10 Normandy Drive and two Hancock Road as shown on the tax map of the township of Piscataway being is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading and public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the Piscataway municipal building 455 hos Lane pasca New Jersey on the 7th Day of November 2024 be a further resolve that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar any any comments or questions on that item seeing none I'll take a open up for a vote do I have an offer offer car Michel do I have a second second Rous Miss CER would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes council president Cahill yes and the ordinance passes on second reading that'll bring us to number 11 this is an ordinance on first reading construction of local Improvement sidewalks on Sutton's Lane Frontage of block 9101 lot 45.1 in Block 9301 Lots 47.0 3 51.0 52.0 2 and 53.0 3 it is a resolution adopting ordinance Miss Cedar would you please read the resolution be it resolved by the township Council of piscatway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance provide for the construction of local Improvement sidewalks on the Sutton Lane Frontage of block 9101 lot 4.01 and block 9301 Lots 47.0 3 51.0 52.0 2 and 53.0 3 on the township of pway tax map as permitted under njsa 40 65-1 Bean is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading and public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the pcad municipal building 455 hosan pcad New Jersey on the 7th Day of November 2024 we have further resolve that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar um do I have an offer counc offer second Council Lombardi thank you you um Miss Ceder would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman Espinosa yes councilwoman Lombardi councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin yes council president kill yes and the ordinance passes on first reading that brings us to number 12 this is an ordinance on first reading this is construction of local Improvement walks on Ethel Road West Frontage block 9,1 lots 44.142644 and block 9201 Lots 44 and 45 and block 9301 Lots 5203 5 3.01 and 54.0 5 it is a resolution adopting ordinance misser would you please read the resolution they it resolved by the township Council of Piscataway Township New Jersey that an ordinance entitled ordinance to provide for the construction of local Improvement sidewalks on the eth road West Frontage of block 9001 that's 4414 I'm just going to repeat all the those you just said 55 56 57 58 59.2 and 60 and block 9101 Lots 51 sorry 50 51.0 and 53.0 and block 9201 Lots 44 and 45 and block 9301 Lots 52.0 3 53.0 1 and 54.5 on the township of pasaway tax map as permitted under njsa 40 65-1 being is hereby adopted on the first reading that it be published in the official newspaper and that a second reading of public hearing be held at 7:30 p.m. prevailing time at the piscatway municipal building 455 Jose in pasca New Jersey on the 7th Day of November 2024 be a further resolve that a copy of this ordinance shall be posted in at least two public places within the township prior to the day of the second reading and final passage and a copy of this ordinance shall be made available at the office of the Township Clerk for any interested member of the public thank you Miss Cedar do I have an offer offer car Michael do I have a second second councilman Miss would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman Carmichael yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Erin council president Kaho thank you and the ordinance passes on first reading that'll bring us to number 13 which are the consent agenda items um for efficiency items have been Consolidated into a consent agenda to be voted on together the materials for these items have been distributed to the council in advance of the meeting at this time are there any items that the council would like removed from the consent agenda to be discussed or voted on separately seeing none um I will ask for a vote on this do I have an offer Al sha do I have a second second r theer would you please take the roll call vote councilwoman carmichel yes councilman espanosa yes councilwoman Lombardi yes councilman Rouse yes councilman Shaw yes councilman Eran yes council president K yes and the consent agenda items pass this will bring us to number 14 these are announcements and comments from officials councilwoman Sharon Carmichael thank you Madam president I just wanted to say uh the township has already made this Public Announcement just want to make sure that uh people are aware of the anchor program it's the state program for uh tax relief property tax relief and um if you have not gotten a notice from the state then please go to the the division of State Division of Taxation and uh get information if you need help but it's also available to renters and not just homeowners yeah it's a program too for for all councilman espanosa thank you yes um first I want to thank everyone who came out to the um to the first annual Piscataway Bike Tour it was a great success um all the residents had a good time and and it was a great day great sunny day not too cold not too hot it was a great writing experience um we had over 145 registrations plus the onsite registrations so it was great it was safe a lot of feedback came uh came that they enjoyed the ride because of the safety that was that was around them so it was great I want to thank our DPW um our uh our um Police Department scway police department our Marshals our volunteers everyone who came out uh they all did a great job so looking forward for next year um also I would like to wish everyone a a happy Hispanic Latino heritage month and uh to all our residents um just want to say to celebrate your roots and honor your heritage thank you thank you so much councilman councilwoman Lombardi just wanted to say for all those people that are signed up for the upcoming first annual badway Township yard sale I hope you do very well on Saturday and Sunday selling all of things that you're looking to get rid of and I hope that maybe somebody might find something interesting and might be worth a lot of money on the Antiques Road Show so get around and check out all of our um 360 houses that have signed up for the township wide yard sale councilwoman Lombardi I am so sad that I'm not going to be participating but I will be going around from home to home much to my husband's suar and I'm sure he's watching but I will say what you said that there were over 300 households that 360 at our first one coming in and they're getting their signs and they're excited and so I think it's a a really great success and I want to um especially thank Jen Johnson over in the mayor's office for um helping me make this dream come true that's wonderful Jen is awesome um councilman um oh my gosh Rouse I'm sorry comment okay I'm you know what it is is I'm in a I'm in in a days about going to yard sales and I can see the mayor's over there looking at me like I'm in I'm with your husband no yard sales so um councilman Shaw with that Anor rebate if you have a senior then there is extra $400 also you can add it that so you can go online and add as a senior you get more money thank you oh excellent point Thank You councilman Shaw councilman Ern no comment at this time Council Mr Mayor just a quick progress report on our solar project uh they're moving along they're ahead of schedule um I want to publicly thank you know Senator Booker and Congressman palone for voting for the deficit reduction act as well as several members of the uh delegation from New Jersey um this is going to transform a lot of our facilities where over 40% of our energy needs are going to be through solar here in this town and I wanted to publicly thank the members uh from Congress from New Jersey that did vote for this um this would not have happened uh had President Biden with the deficit reduction act right there and I want to give him credit and uh it's it's a good thing we're doing I think ultimately it's only going to cost the town of less than a million dollars for a $25 million project and that includes the upgrading of uh a lot of our heating and air conditioning systems and the lighting and all of our government facilities because in the past the tax credits governments couldn't take advantage of it now now we can so which which is a good thing so we're expecting to have everything fully operational by June of uh 2025 but they're moving along you know Mr Mayor I thought maybe it would be good to comment so you know we know the the cost isn't anywhere what it should have been because of the deficit reduction act but in the long run as well the savings to the Township in the cost that we pay for our our elect our electricity correct yes that that's what's good yeah so and I I would be very remissed um want to mention former President Carter's birthday today oh 100 years old an impressive yeah a life that he has lived for sure yeah and I I want to thank uh also uh Council mccor Michael for being at the community of block grant hearing today uh right there so U as the council knows we're we spending the money on handicap ramps throughout the town to make an ADA Compliant um I know there's another person from the public just for housing uh but you know with the limited amount of money we have uh we thought it was best interest that we take care of uh those folks that need to that are walking on sidewalks or creating sidewalks to make it accessible for wheelchair accessibility throughout our community yeah well very important because I do have a neighbor who takes his wheelchair down to the park so maybe someday there'll be sidewalks there for him um business administrator da no counselor comments thank you okay um and for myself I'll just reiterate all that was said here some great Township events I know um uh Dennis that event was just fantastic that and I think somehow maybe the fairy dust that councilwoman Lombardi has always had for cleanup day is somehow transferred over to you and we'll see if it happens to for for our yard sale weekend but um all around just a um a thank you to the township employees um our First Responders who make these events happen for our residents so we want to thank them very much for that um so can I just add um remember to either register to vote by October 15th send in your mail and ballot if you've received it or send in your application for the mail and ballot and the election is Tuesday November 5th thank you and that is appropriate for the clerk to do that PSA very important to um have your vote count so yes I already voted because I vote by mail yes the the the ballots if you vote by mail have already arrived so fill them out get them into the drop boxes either here in front of the police station or at Wester guard library or drop them in the mail but do it as soon as possible actually is a a great service too for the Board of Elections who'll be counting all of those vbms and because our state does a great job at um making sure that everyone who is eligible eligible to vote can vote our vote by mail program um is is popular and that means the folks there at the board of elections are doing a lot of work so it'd be super good help to them okay so um that closes number 14 this will bring us to number 15 um so this is the agenda session for the no November 7th 2024 uh Piscataway Township council meeting the first item is an ordinance on second reading this is authorizing amendment to Redevelopment plan block 3702 Lots 1.02 and two um this is what we spoke about tonight at our first reading are there any comments or concerns regarding this item for the next meeting see none that will be on the next item is the ordinance on second reading again this is what we heard tonight this is construction of local Improvement sidewalks on Sutton's Lane Frontage of block 9101 lot 45.0 and block 9301 lots 47.3 51.0 52.2 and 53.0 3 it will be also open to the public and it'll be a resolution adopting ordinance are there any comments or questions regarding this item see none that'll be on the next item will be an ordinance on second reading construction of local Improvement sidewalks on Ethel Road West Frontage block 90001 Lots 4414 um there's a lot of blocks and lots there I'm not going to read through all of them we spoke about them tonight Melissa read through that um are there any comments or questions from Council on this seeing none that'll be on okay the next item will be a resolution for fire district one Commissioners compensation are there any comments or questions from Council on this item see none that will be on the next item is a resolution authorizing Award of contract under State contract um patrol cars and upfit 5 2025 Ford Interceptor Winner Ford not to exceed $1 162,163 3,000 and7 $133,700 are there any comments or questions from Council on this item seeing none this will be on okay that will bring us um to the public portion we'll first open it up to uh the remote attendees sorry about that folks if you wish to speak at this time please raise your hand either on the Zoom app or if by phone by pressing star n when it is your turn to to speak you'll receive or hear a request to unmute yourself please click the prompt or press star six on your phone to unmute yourself at that time please state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments the council or Administration will respond if necessary after you've completed any comments or questions council president there are no remote attendees with their hand rates regarding this agenda item thank you Miss Ceder we'll now open it up to the folks who are here in public if you wish to speak at this time please come to the podium state your name and address and know that you have three minutes in which to make your comments you may take a seat after completion of your comments or questions and the council or Administration will then respond if necessary 58 Curtis Avenue New Jersey in front of your beautiful Cath on l view have is an all mechanic shop that's all burnt up years now you lost your opportunity Mar you didn't buy it in time now it's going to cost you 10 times more get rid of that road and infested ordinance violation it's in my face Justice nowhere there thank you just go ahead and talk Mr Patel okay um I'm just here to talk few things uh first of all I'd like to thank Miss Carmichael based on our last meeting she did visit our home she talked with five people um and um I think based on your concern I mean you talk with more than me and I didn't think anybody um said that the taxes were like easy going I mean everybody complained that the taxes were High um so that was the first point that I would like to make the second Point obviously I I I kind of qu um suggested to miss carmichel to if if possible and I don't know what the legal rium around is to put this on a ballot but I would I would suggest that that in order for this tax to go up by th I would like to put this on a ballot um the second point that I would like to make is obviously kind of in last meeting Mr Mayor indicated that uh whatever the tax assessment and the process is fair um I can actually show you went based on today's data I think I've showed on computer with Miss carmichel and I'll give you real example um and I put that in my email but just for everybody else in last year when I looked at Mr mayor's house which is close 20,000 Square ft² in land um his taxes went up by 400 and our neighbor who allowed inspector to come in in the house their taxes up went by a th Which is less than I guess if you look at the square footage is one/ tenth of the size so I don't know what goes around in this assessment systems and how they are conducted even in today's data if I just look at this a Township sold a land for 18, 5,650 and if my math is right that's $38 cents a square feet our lands right now are assessed at $49 a square feet so I don't know where did this $47 in difference even in Township book today in today's meeting it's showing that much of a gap and how could this fall through when the Deeds are overseen by Township so I really don't know how these numbers are coming into the picture but when the assessment office comes comes in and just says that the assessment uh process is fair I would like to reopen that whole thing because it's not fair and um uh on the on the on the brighter side of things probably I can just say that the certain loan uh certain Lane roads and everything are doing perfectly fine I think that's a wonderful job um and we are we are very thankful for a lot of things uh we have raised concern with Miss carmichel uh last time where few houses are getting run run down and and I think agreed that there are a lot of renters in where we are at but they don't have money and they don't fix it and I have eyesore on the fence on the garden side uh on the park side and all this kind of stuff so I don't know what the real issue is is it because of high taxation people have less money to do repairs in the house or whatever it is but it's not working um and uh outside of that I just have just normal things with election since we are talking about register to vote look I studied Constitution and it was a requirement that you have to know English to become a citizen and if you have citizen then and only then you can vote lately what's happening today is people who don't understand English they are voting so if which is fine if you want to create a Fanfare for these folks to allow to vote but if they don't understand our laws and if they don't understand policies I don't know what they are voting on and I don't think so we should have ordinances like this in this town I know that we have people of different faith and different languages and whatnot but it is a very fundamental criteria if you don't know English then there are night schools there are County Schools you can go into school and study English but if that's not an excuse that I don't know any of this the last thing Mr Patel your time is up I thank you very much is there anyone else in the public who would be wishing to comment may do so at this time seeing none I'm going to close the public portion um council president um our our distinguished Township attorney knows that we've explained on numerous occasions to Mr Pattel what the process is he knows what the process is he just doesn't want to file the process and there's nothing we can do at this point because he doesn't want to follow the process that he knows about and uh as far as that last comment he just said about people who uh don't know don't can't speak English shouldn't be really voting uh that's part of the ultra nationalist view that he has and has been pering over the last four years and the emails coming to the town hall so this is nothing new yeah I just like to add as the assessment process is by a third party independent entity as required by the state this has nothing to do with our assessment office this is a third party and it's made that way specifically to take the government out of it so there is no bias thank you it's not a board public portions close sir we can talk on offline okay thank and thank you Mr Mayor um yeah I mean look all of us go through the process we you know we have to let them in and that is the process for reassessments um and we're not the only towns that do this every other town does does the same thing that we do with having the tax assessor come into the house assess the house this is nothing that other towns don't do all right all right we're not going to get into discussion the uh um Goomer talk to you uh Mr Patel um just to make sure that you're completely clear on the process um and with that that brings us to the end of the meeting so um uh I would like to adjourn the meeting do I have an offer offer do I have a second all those in favor say I I we are adjourned thank e e e e