##VIDEO ID:DOGLZF80b18## I think my my own name is spelled wrong on e there whenever you're ready okay thank you good evening the Piscataway Township planning board meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice noce published in the ker news notice posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building notice posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building okay ditto notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to The Courier News and the Star Ledger Miss Buckley will you please call the role mayor Waller president councilwoman kahill here miss corkran here Reverend Kenny here Mr Atkins you're muted Alex I I see you he's here uh Mr ahamed yes and Madam chair here um you can see the flag over my left shoulder would could we all recite the Pledge of Allegiance please I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for IT stand one na one nation under God under God indivisible indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh Mr Barlo would you please read the open public meeting thank you madam chair in keeping with the guidelines that have been disseminated by the Department of Community Affairs the planning board has tried its best to comply with the open public meetings act through this virtual platform there will be a public comment period for all attendees each member of the public shall have only one opportunity to speak during each public portion as technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple callers on an individual phone line or logged in in a user account we ask that if you wish to speak that you log in or dial in separately so we can recognize you as a separate individual if you wish to speak please raise your hand on the Zoom app or if you have called in on the phone press N9 to unmute unmute excuse me when it is your turn to speak you'll be called upon either by name or phone number please speak at that time you will be asked your name and address and will be sworn in prior to your question or comment thank you um can we swear the Professionals in placee Mr foot I'm going to just swear you in you raise your right hand you swear the testimony you give before this board will be the whole truth yes okay um Mr chair I forgot Mr Farrell I might as well swear you in now okay Mr farell you swear the testimony you'll give before this board will be the whole truth I do okay thank you sorry about that Madam chair no pardon um are there any changes to our agenda tonight Mr Barlo yes Madam chair number 1024 p212 VD Communications that has been withdrawn anyone is on the zoom call for that matter it's been withdrawn if they want to come back before the board board they will have to refile and start the process all over again um also number 1124 pb08 and 9V lrn properties has been postponed to December 11th 2024 they had an issue with their notice and that matter um will be heard on the December 11th 2024 meeting once they correct their uh notice issues those are the only changes to the agenda Madam chair okay thank you okay that brings us to um item number seven oh um can I make have a motion to pay the duly audited bills from the board do I have a second I'll second that councilwoman kahill thank you roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr ahed yes and Madam chair yes item number eight adoption of resolution to memorialize uh certain items on o taken on October the 9th 2024 normally Miss Saunders would would be here and she'd make a motion to adopt the resolution with a second so in in her absence would someone else like to move maybe Reverend Kenny should do that okay okay sorry sorry oops do I have a second please Mr Atkins second thank you roll call please mayor Wild yes councilwoman kahill yes M corkran yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr ahed yes and Madam chair yes next item please Reverend County we need out the second one T-Mobile there's three resolutions I make a motion that memorialize T-Mobile L do I have a second please Mr second a second again roll call please mayor Waller yes Council kahill yes M Corran yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr ahammed yes and Madam chair yes there's a third item Reverend Kenny Comm second please Mr a second roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes M Corran yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes and Madam chair yes item number nine adoption of minutes from October the 9th 2024 do I have a second Mr Atkins will second roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kill yes Miss Coran yes Miss Saunders oh excuse me write that down Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes and Madam chair yes um the next item for is item number 12 discussion Piscataway Township would like to subdivide block 1132 lot 2.03 thank you madam chair um this is an application or a request by the township to subdivide block 11302 lot 2.03 also known as 551 Highland Avenue Mr Farrell is here he's the engineer that was retained by Piscataway Township to uh do the site plan and I'll turn the meeting over to him Mr frell you are under Road thank you uh good evening ladies and gentlemen uh my name is Frank Farrell as pointed out and I am a principal here at Grotto engineering uh we were tasked with subdividing block 1130 two lot 2.03 into smaller Lots uh I'm going to share my screen in an attempt [Music] to show you what we prepared all right I think I got it right so what we should be looking at is a PDF of a three sheet plan uh right in the middle here we have a key map we have a zone map um not terribly interesting on to themselves but the property uh is fronts predominantly on Highland Avenue two small pieces of it relatively speaking also our through Lots I guess we would we would refer to them as through lots that extend out the Park Avenue um the lot existing lot 2.03 is just under 1.75 acres in total the zone that it's in is is the 7.5 R 7.5 or residential Zone the minimum lot size in this zone is 7,500 square feet with a 75 by 75 uh lot width and depth respectively uh the subdivision that we prepared creates eight Lots fronting on Highland Avenue and another two lots that would front on Park Avenue all of the Lots with the exception of proposed lot 2.13 which I will zoom in on over here our conforming Lots by lot area there's no development proposed at this time so the we're not we're not talking about setbacks although we show the the building footprints on this plan um there's no existing or um sorry there's no proposed uh development on this lot at this time it's strictly a subdivision um and I'll point out too that again there's one lot that we're creating that is a slightly under sized at 40 feet rather than 75 feet in width but uh if you look at the existing condition there's really no way that this this is that area that this lot could ever have been a conforming lot um so we have the the best the best case scenario here again is eight lots that are all uniform 75 by 100 fronting on Highland with the remaining two lots 2.04 and 2.13 fronting on park with one variance for lot area and the second one for lot width related to lot 2.13 that about sums up uh the subdivision again Mr frell this will create um essentially Conformity out of non-conformity and and get rid of that through lot potential through lot condition correct correct does anyone from the board have any questions of Mr Ferell um Madam chair I do have one question so um it creates the conforming Lots on Highland Avenue one obviously on Park but then there's going to be one that is not a standard lot by current ordinance is that correct that's accurate yes there's there's one I guess we could call it an oversized lot that would be this lot too .04 that fronts on Park which is 120 feet wide and 100 feet deep whereas 75 by 75 is the minimum uh and this second lot that fronts on Park Avenue uh lot 2.13 is going to be 40 feet in width whereas 75 feet is required but again had this not been subdivided separate from the lot fronting on Highland you'd have a through lot condition which is also somewhat unusual this is we believe this is the best uh layout and the best use of the of the lot in the property um Brenda Smith I have a question um is there any potential for purchase of uh property on either side of that lot to make it a little bit more conforming to the uh that's not really a question I can answer as the engineer um I'm not sure who would be best poised to answer that question but that's not really engineering I imagine if I may Frank jump in the town would have to town would have to approach the adjacent Property Owners to buy off some of their property Andor I don't know where their houses are situated on their properties too you know so it's a whole another issue okay um so then Madam chair since that's the case there um my concern would be if we subdivide that make it a 40 foot width wide lot and somebody were wanting to build on there now they don't have variances I mean 40 wide seems pretty narrow they they correct want Miss bar they still would have a variance involved yeah absolutely if someone tried if someone purchased that lot and wanted to build on it they would either have to build within a footprint that did not violate the side yard front yard and rear yard setbacks which is build a small home to fit a smaller lot or if they exceeded the setbacks and I I I presume Mr Ferrell your box is within taking into account the relative setbacks they would build the house in the box that's outlined or say they wanted to build a bigger house and exceeded the um setbacks they would come before potentially this board or to get approval for those that variant's relief but you could build a conforming house and I think that's what Mr Ferrell is showing okay thank you you could and G you could build a I mean even if you build a conforming house by frankly they have to go to the zoning board because of the width and the frontage and the lot area so they're going to go to the board regardless um even if even if the house were of the structure were to fit the sidey yard front yard backyard setbacks they still have to go because the lot's non-conforming so somebody would potentially buy that lot as non conforming and do a roll of the dice essentially you're right all right yeah okay thank you okay is that the end of your testimony I believe it's yes okay members of the board we've asked questions of this witness but is there have you finish with your question or should I open it to the public okay hearing no questions from the board um members of the public uh if you would like to ask questions of this witness regarding this particular matter before the board would you please um indicate so by waving your hand or whatever techn technological way of of making yourself known that you want to ask a question Mr F can you unshare your screen please uh yes absolutely stop sharing makes my life easier yeah in the public Madam chair okay close to the public well this was a matter of discussion is there anything for us to vote on make a motion for yes Madam chair it would require uh a motion to approve the proposed um subdivision and I did prepare a resolution in case the board did want to move the matter would uh someone on the board like to make a motion Madam chair D Corrin I'd like to make the motion to approve the subdivision do I have a second chair Reverend Kenny I'll second it roll call please mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr ahed yes and Madam chair yes and again Madam chair prepare to resolution if someone would like to move that would someone make a motion regarding the resolution please on the board I'll make a motion that that the resolution be approved in in regards to the matter of the subdivision that was just discussed for the township do I have a second I got some static there who was that who made that motion who was that second person I grabbed Alex okay I'll get next time uh mayor Waller yes Council woman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr ahamed yes and Madam chair yes okay thank you very much thank you Mr far thank you enjoy the rest of your evening everyone we do you too item number 13 G wl4 Corp LLC Mr pad P pad good evening board Madam chair mayor Waller members of the board my name is David purad uh licensed attorney in the state of New Jersey here tonight uh representing gwl for corporate LLC who is seeking preliminary and final site plan with B variances um the property in question is block 50001 lot 2.02 it is located in the li5 zone and it's also known as four Corporate Place uh tonight the applicant is seeking preliminary final site plan approval for a property that is approximately 366,924 squ ft with 730 Square F feet uh 730 ft of Frontage on Corporate Place uh the rear of the property AB but uh Route 287 and has adequate screen screening from the highway view uh the site currently contains a one-story Warehouse building with an attached smaller one-story office building and Patio that is on the Eastern side of the building Ingress and erress to the site is accomplished via a three via three separate points along Corporate Place and is the property is surrounded by other Industrial and Commercial uses with no nearby residential currently the site is being used as a warehouse for a tenant uh the applicant is seeking to continue a warehouse use on the site just removing a portion of the building that is an office space I do want to point out that the applicant has a hold over tenant in the building right now their lease was expired in May and they continue to stay in the building only because they are searching for they have another facility fac in Georgia and that facility is not ready we have a bunch of informal correspondents from that tenant stating that they will vacate the property by January of 2025 we are trying to procure something in writing so we can present that to the board we have not been able to obtain that today but we do have informal correspondents that does guarantee that they will leave in January of 2025 um as part of this application tonight as I mentioned the applicant is proposing to remove a small one office building from the warehouse which will essentially reduce the building in size um with the removal of that office building they want to construct 13 truck loading spaces with Overhead Doors 11 tractor trailer parking spaces and that's all on the Eastern side of the building where that office building will be removed part of this application the applicant is proposing 29 parking spaces a small 2T deep bio retention Basin landscape in improvements and EV charging spaces I also want to say that the the New Jersey statute does not require EV charging spaces to be installed but the applicant is willing to install them and believes that they are great for the environment um and also our engineer here tonight will go into more detail on those site improvements uh we are seeking four or we had applied for four variances a part of this application one for a Min minimum rear yard setback where 50 ft is required and 49.62 ft is existing that variance is not changing um we are we need a variance for off street parking where 286 parking spaces are required and 29 spaces are proposed with eight EV charging spaces uh we were originally seeking a variance for the installation of two 4in conduits along the frontage on Corporate Place the applicant would like to mention to the board that this uh variance is no longer needed as we will agree to install the conduits on the Frontage additionally and finally the last variance is fencing around that small bio retention Basin that I had mentioned earlier the applicant will agree to install fencing around that bio retention Basin tonight I have four Witnesses here I have the applicants representative Bianca Marquez from gwl for corporate I also want to point out that we will probably use G 4 corporate and gtj synonymously it is the same company gtj is just the overarching company that owns the building um we have our engineer Michael Marinelli who's here from men low Engineering Associates and we have our architect Matthew Walco from parrot s genen Architects LLC um for the record we do have three staff reports that we received from the township the first is a DNR engineering report dated October 18 2024 we have the township staff memorandum dated October 18 2024 and we have a planning report from CME Associates dated October 21st 2024 if the board has no questions of me I'd like to have our first witness sworn in and we can begin testimony you may proceed with witness uh I'd like to call Bianca Marquez as our first witness from the applicant company good even miss as you could state your name spell your last name for the record and give us your professional address sure uh my name is Bianca Marquez uh last name m r quz and my uh professional address is 1399 Franklin Avenue suet 100 in Garden City New York 11530 if you raise your right hand you swear the testimony you give before this boort will be the all true yes your Witness thank you Mr Barlo uh Miss Marquez uh can you please uh give the board the benefit of your qualifications and your role with uh gwl gtj sure uh good evening my name is Bianca Marquez I'm a property manager for gtj re I've been working with the company for a little over six years now uh gtj is a fully integrated self-administered and manag public non-listed re we engage in the acquisition ownership and management of commercial real estate we have 50 industrial buildings located in New York New Jersey Connecticut Delaware and North Carolina with a majority of the buildings concentrated in the tri-state area thank you Miss Marquez if you don't mind can you please explain gtj or gwls experience in piscatway sure uh we purchased four Corporate Place along with five other buildings from settler companies back in 2015 we own over 700,000 square fet of commercial space in Piscataway we also engaged in a joint venture with sudler at two Corporate Place South as mentioned before we own other industrial properties in New Jersey but one of the main things that attracted to us to Piscataway was the large commercial presence that it has as well as its proximity to I 287 thank you um can you give the board the reasons why gtj or GW well is seeking this approval tonight uh sure um as you mentioned before uh we do have a current tenant uh ID NOA it's hold over tenant their lease expired at the end of May and we've had informal correspondence with them for months now on their plans to vacate the property from my understanding the tenant has a building in Georgia that they are relocating to but the facility is not ready for them which is why they continue to occupy our building we are aware of the current condition that the tenant creates and has have many conversations with them on keeping the site clean and organized um tonight we're seeking approval on the propose modifications to the building as we feel that the changes presented will make the property more attractive and marketable to prospective tenants part of our plans which our engineer Mike will also touch on includes removing the office space adding loading docks and adding EV Chargers I just I want to make it clear for the board that none of the conditions on the site and we do mention and they are mentioned in the township staff report uh the dumpsters the pallets the tarps things that are almost halfhazard on the site these are not caused by your company correct this is these are items of the tenant correct and you have had multiple conversations with them they're just not very responsive on cleaning up the site right correct and the last conversation that you did have with them they did agree that they were leaving at the end of January of 2025 is that correct correct they did send us an email stating that yes okay thank you you're welcome um and currently uh you have a tenant but for future operations you are doing these changes because you do not have a tenant in mind at the moment is that correct correct yeah with the proposed modifications it's intended to add the marketability of the site and the site is to remain a warehouse correct yes thank you U I have no further questions of this witness if the board has any questions board members do you have any questions of this witness Madam chair D Corin um so since our La our Workshop meeting when all of these issues were brought to your attention by the staff report has your current tenant made any effort whatsoever to clean up the site I mean the debris the again pallets um dumpsters it's it seems that uh you know when we when we do go by the site uh they do clean it up but then it just kind of goes right back to you know what what it is with with their use and you know uh their business so yes they have but not how they should be is and then you had mentioned there was a D in January is that a firm date I mean is that something there I know I know your attorney said early on that informal correspondence between you and your tenant um when do you expect to have a something firm in writing uh well we did reach out to the tenant um we they said that they were going to be sending us something in writing today um obviously that that has happened so we're hoping maybe within within the week um you know we are we are we understand uh the headaches um we understand you know the the mess let's just quite say put it that way um that they that they make um out of all our buildings that we do own in Piscataway uh this is uh the one of the issues that we have with them is just the uncleanliness and the halfhazard you know the way that they keep the space and um in the past we have reached out uh to the town to issue violations just so it kind of pushes them to do what they got to do and we are welcoming that so no I'm Ser it's it's you know it it'll give them more of a push to be honest with you and quite honestly I'm only asking those questions because until the site is either cleaned up or you can show something in writing with a firm date I'm really I'm really honestly reluctant to vote on this it's it's just one of those things as you said your ten is just apparently they'll just clean it up and I don't know maybe a week later it looks like a mess I went out there with our engineer we couldn't even we could barely get circulate around around yeah correct yeah I mean it it's it's a big issue okay M corg and uh the applicant is willing to hold off on a vote tonight if if we can put on the application and we do want to present something in writing to the board if that makes you more comfortable with a vote it does quite honestly and I would rather you know take another ride out there prior to our next December um who knows maybe they did clean it up or as you said maybe we will have something in writing but um yeah it really is just a mess as as you said it's practically practically speaking Mr pad in in terms of getting the impetus to get them out perhaps a complaint in landlord tenant to vacate the premises they're a commercial tenant um their lease was up in May um um your client certainly has the right to their property back from a hold over tenant and maybe a complaint to vacate the premises would be kind of another kick in the you know what to get them you know to allow your client to move forward just something to think about no we understand and we were waiting for That official writing today but I we did have that discussion about filing a formal complaint okay so hopefully we'll get you guys something soon and and it will be a a concrete date in January yes yeah but I think that might be a good compromise terms of at least getting all the testimony on the record today we appreciate it thank you thank you any other questions from the board this witness um Madam chair um councilwoman kill um I don't know if it's so much a a question of um of this witness rather than uh are we going out there and trying to summons this company for property maintenance or not um we certainly can to answer your question I mean they had an application filed with our office um it was brought to our attention when we were preparing the staff report in terms of what type of condition this was in um I mean if it doesn't get cleaned up yeah we certainly will do that at this point yeah I mean yeah so I guess there has to be a little bit of time right so the landlord's been trying to get it cleaned up this application comes in this is when the township becomes more fully aware of the condition of the property but I you know listen maybe there is a question here is let's say this tenant leaves and they leave all that crap behind I'm I'm going to guess Mr Prasad that your client then is footing the bill for the cleanup of the property is is that about right absolutely correct we they they have expressed I agree but they have expressed the sentiment to go onto the site and clean it up for the tenant however they're not allowed to touch their property as it is not the owners um but they have tried they have tried everything and as Mr Baro recommended if we can't get anything in writing from the tenants we will probably take more serious action to remove them from the and I would just suggest to Don that if the time period is laps nothing's happened that the township also make you know I don't know that they were going to pay a fine but or if they get a warning first but maybe that the township also has that on some sort of record that they're not keeping the property up because you know if you can't move around if there's you know God forb bid any kind of issue over there Emergency Services won't be able to get around correct agree agree also I'm sorry go ahead I'm sorry I was just gonna say I you know when I when I went out there I went to our C enforcement supervisor and he he was you know just as as as Bianca had said he had been out there in the past for other violations he's well aware of the um he knows the property um so we again we were just trying to give them a little bit of time to clean the up but um unfortunately that just hasn't been accomplished so yeah and we have as as uh Bianca did mention we have requested the town to go out there and issue violations to the tenant just to force them a little bit to do what do what they say they're going to do a little quicker um we understand the situation and it's definitely not something we want to bring to the township of is SC away any other questions okay it's uh we'll have to open this up to the public um members of the public you've heard the testimony of this witness Miss Marquez does anyone in the public have any questions of this witness at this time please indicate by raising your hand no one Madam chair thank you close to the public Madam chair this is Nathan foot from C Associates um I just had one question if I can jump in yes go ahead Mr foot uh so one one of the questions that we had brought up in our uh uh review letter was regarding the uh the nature of the use it's my understanding from the testimony uh that was just provided that uh they that um Miss Marquez you you don't have a tenant yet um but that it is proposed to be a continue to be a warehouse use uh there is a difference between Warehouse use and Warehouse ful fillment uh Center um so is there um and that was a calculation that was used in uh I believe in the engineers uh site plans um so I guess the question is is there possibility that any future tenant would be a fulfillment center or is this strictly going to be a a warehouse type use the the the tenants that you would be looking at would be warehouses or could they include fulfillment centers um yeah right now um we're we're looking at at warehouse um like I said we don't have a tenant in place um this is all just for future use trying to make the site more marketable once idun NOA is out of the space okay um thank you I'll be able to provide a little bit more as part of my testimony Mr foot okay very good thank you would would we have to open this up to the public uh after this question do you think Mr Barlo Mr Barlo I was talking to myself because I had to unmute sorry um I don't think that's necessary and if and if you want to let Mr pad put all his Witnesses on and then just open it to the public once also do that that's fine okay thank you I think that's more appropriate for this application y okay your next witness oh my next witness is Miss Michael Marinelli from Menlow Engineering Associates okay come forward so he can be sworn in hello everybody hi Mr marinell if you could state your name spell your last name and give us your professional address for the record please sure it's Michael Marinelli m a r i n l i of mental engineering located 261 Cleveland Avenue Highland Park New Jersey raise your right hand you swear the testimony to get before this board will be the whole truth I do you're a witness Mr pan Mr Marinelli can you please uh give the board the benefit of your qualifications surely uh I'm a graduate of rers university class of 1999 I've been practicing uh land use and site planning since that time I'm a licensed professional of state of New Jersey uh I've been so for 17 some odd years I've provided professional testimony in front of this board on many occasions and your license is in good standing it is thank you uh if you don't mind can you please give a brief description of the subject property layout and the existing condition he's accepted as a as a apologize professional thank you madam chair surely I will share my screen and Mr Marinelli if you could just any exhibits you put up we'll refer to them as A1 and A2 and and just keep going okay surely so if you could see my see the screen now uh I've put on there an existing conditions exhibit well Market is exhibit A1 it's entitled four Corporate Place dated uh 1113 2024 uh as you can see this is an eror representation of the subject site uh the lot is designated as block 5001 lot 2.02 on the tax maps of PCAT Township property property commonly known as four Corporate Place is located on the north side of corporate place kind of sandwiched between uh 287 which runs along the top of exhibit A1 uh and corporate place which runs left right on uh on the south or bottom side uh the property has three access points one on the most uh Southeast Corner one on the most southwest corner and then one Central to the building closest to the southeast Corner uh of the existing Warehouse portion of the structure uh the overall property is 8.42 acres and is located entirely within the li5 Zone uh as I stated Highway uh Route 287 runs north of the project and all the other surrounding properties East uh South and West are a continuation of the lii Zone with other industrialcommercial uh uses in the existing condition uh as you can see the site is fully developed uh it it has a 151,000 712t uh structure that includes a large rectangle off to the western side of the site which is the warehouse portion that we were speaking of uh and the white area to the east of that a very irregular shape is a uh 16,200 SQ foot existing office uh there is parking for the site located all over on all sides of the building uh existing loading is uh four recess door locations at the center driveway access and I had been in front of this board maybe 10 years ago uh when we added eight loading loading doors on the Southwest uh on the southern facade but on the western side of it uh for some additional loading for this existing structure um you can kind of see some of what uh was previously discussed about the the shape of or how the site is handled there there's debris along the 287 side there's haaz or trailers within some Park parking areas and blocking some Drive ISS uh and this is one of the better uh indicators of of how the site uh has been misused by the the the current tenant uh that is is soon to leave if I can then refer to a second exhibit uh we'll we'll mark this as exhibit A2 um this exhibit is an arrow representation of the um site plan colorized um if I can refer back to uh A1 quickly this office space that I spoke of the 16,200 foot office space and Patio that was discussed is in this treat Al Cove of that office space is what the applicant is proposing to remove um referring now to exhibit A2 you'll see in that portion of the site uh we're making some modifications were of course removing that existing uh 16,000 foot office and replacing it with some additional um loading areas for this existing Warehouse that is to remain uh in all there will be 13 new dock positions which will be detailed by the architect uh in a little while uh with a and I'll zoom in real quick uh with a full um full circulated loading area and then 12 trailer storage spaces this will allow T future tenants once this tenant is gone to to have access to the 12 dock positions that they have currently on the building and 13 additional with 11 storage so it it would really make this building more appropriate for more users who need to utilize either more dock positions uh and and have the need for uh trailer storage spaces without impacting the existing part spaces that are located uh around the around the building uh circulation in the proposed condition is relatively unchange the the you'll still have full circulation around the ve around the building for emergency vehicles and Emergency Services it'll still have three access points off of corporate place so that there's good access to each of the loading areas that would be present on on the site uh the the proposed improvements in this area not only remove the 16,2 foot office portion of the building but also uh impact some of the existing car parking uh we're we're looking that that car parking would be reduced on site uh to 219 physical spaces uh where 262 are are there in their existing condition you'll note that on the eastern most side of the site we are implementing eight new EV spaces uh although this site doesn't require it by uh by law uh because we're not implementing any more than 25 new parking spaces uh the applicant thinks that it's good to put them in it on day one of course all would be installed uh prior to any Co being issued uh for the proposed uh building modifications um Mr real quick when you zoomed in I thought you said it was going to create 12 new trailer storage spaces but I think that says 11 uh if said 12 I'm sorry I apologize I misspoke it is 11 is 13 truck spaces and 11 storage spaces okay thank you sir my apologies so uh although we're not required because we're not implementing more than 25 new parking spaces we are providing those EV charging uh locations uh however as noted by your professionals we can't gain that two to one credit that would normally be Associated uh with the um EV spaces and the credit that goes along with that statute uh and I'll get into that more detail as I go through our parking variants in a little bit um other improvements you'll see are you know general landscape uh additional lighting for for a safe area there uh and as Mr paded noted uh we we'd also agree as a condition to the approval to provide the uh newly required uh two 4 inch conduits uh along the entire Frontage as well as a Jun junction box and leader to the existing building uh as you could uh as part of this of course the site would be cleaned up again a lot of the uh stuff that is happening on the sites the pallets the uh tarp areas the extra garbage containers all of those are part of the process of the existing tenant that is going to be removed so of course the applicant as a conditioning approval would agree to have all of that uh cleaned up and brought back into the previous uh approved State uh as I mentioned there is some improvements to lighting and Landscape we're uh proposing eight new shade trees seven new evergreen trees 20 shrubs and you know 72 ground plantings a majority of that is in the The Basin area uh between the proposed loading area and the Corporate Place Frontage uh you'll see there's also some evergreen trees uh proposed along the 287 front AG to kind of shield from from that view a little bit better and then along the Eastern facade some shade trees uh to supplement the existing uh mature buffer uh with the adjoining uh that that abuts the adjoining properties Access Road uh we're also proposing lighting there are two building mounted lights at 25 feet high and four pole mounted lights that uh cast a 0.3 minimum uh and a 1 76 foot candle average throughout the um loading area that meets the ordinance standards uh these lights are all LED you know e energy efficient downcasting uh lights uh dark sky compliant type fixtures uh from a storm water man management perspective uh we we're not considered a major development because we don't disturb more than an acre uh of area and we're not proposing more than a quarter acre of new impervious uh however uh the applicant did did recognize that the uh what we were removing was the impervious that we were removing was roof area which is in engineering terms considered clean runoff and replacing it with um some pavement and concrete for this loading area uh so we took this opportunity to implement a a green infrastructure BMP in the form of a um a relatively shallow um again it's only I think is three feet at its Max point but 2 feet a majority of it uh in the by means of a bio retention swell or Basin along that that side uh it was mentioned in both professional letters and I believe the uh Township planning letter that uh a variance relief would be S sought or needed to be sought for a fence around that Basin we're not going to seek that relief this evening we'll provide as a conditioning approval a fence around that basin uh additionally it was recommended but not required by your engineer to provide some sort of guide rail structure along the top of the retaining wall separating the loading docks uh and the Basin uh and we we would of course agree to do that as a condition of the approval as well uh just to make sure that nobody is coming off this again relatively short three- foot high retaining wall um and into the proposed Basin uh as noted we have an existing non conformance on site you'll note uh on the northeast corner of the existing structure uh the building is at 49.6 feet where 50 feet is required on the rear yard uh in this instance Route 287 is considered a rear yard uh for the purposes of zoning um from and then as far as new variances go the only one that we are proposing is for parking uh this is a variance condition that exists on the site today uh there is a parking a parking variance of that was granted as part of the previous approval that we obtained for this site for sther companies 10 years ago uh we are proposing 219 physical spaces where 287 spaces are required in the worst case scenario and This lends to the question Mr foot had asked uh a little bit earlier um because the applicant doesn't know who the tenant tenant is going to be here um they want to leave their options open so uh in the worst case scenario the the if it were to be a distribution center uh in Li of a standard warehouse the requirement would be 287 spaces if it were a standard warehouse the the requirement would only be 91 spaces we were providing 219 so we we're basically providing double of a regular warehouse but we're deficient 67 spaces from a a a distribution center uh the existing deficiency is 108 spaces uh for distribution center at this site uh so and again we're now only a 67 uh space deficiency so I think that variance could easily be granted uh because it it's better than the existing condition and it calculates in for what is the worst uh worst case scenario the redu we also have reduced the requirement of part paring on site by reducing the area of the building right we we're taking 16,000 Square ft of office off and you'll hear a little bit from the architect about the mezine spaces within the existing warehouses that we're also removing uh that bring down the total requirement uh for parking on the site uh Mi Mr pad had mentioned the three review letters we have gone through all of them uh in detail and agree to comply with all of the comments Andor recommendations with them within them uh the one other minor note that I would make and I'll refer quickly to uh exhibit A1 on the northwest corner on the adjacent property for two Corporate Place uh that treat area has a wetland uh associated with it and there are potential buffers from that Wetland that would encroach onto the subject site but as I've presented in testimony we're we're 100 we're 500 feet away from that existing Wetland complex and have no impact on the Wetland and no permit would be required uh for any disturbance of that existing Wetland but I thought it was appropriate since it was mentioned in both your professionals letters to at least address the the Wetland comment that is my direct testimony should anybody have any questions I'd be happy to answer um could you um remove your exhibit from the screen thank you members of the board do you have any questions of this witness regarding his testimon uh Madam chair councilwoman kill just one quick question um what uh exactly does uh trailer storage look like is that are those just parking spots essentially yes so just it's where they you would leave the trailer portion not the cabs but the trailer portion uh in some instances in most instances they're left there empty into or uh or in staging where there isn't a door currently available and and stuff need needs to be offloaded it's a temporary storage space so that they're not blocking Drive AES or out on corporate place they have a place to reside uh while they're either empty waiting to be loaded or full waiting to be empty any other any other questions one question comes to mind uh there there is no Hazmat material to be stored here at all is is that correct none is proposed that's correct thank you all right um Madam chair again um our uh the CME review letter had brought up uh several uh NJ EMS uh uh uh sites associated with this particular property uh only one we identified only one uh as being open um that was uh I'm not going to read out the the whole number but uh it was HW nonregulated uh item number 11 on page 15 of our uh report um uh Mr Marinelli do you have any um testimony regarding that uh particular uh item from our uh letter I do not um I I note that you listed the the um n uh njms uh numbers for hazardous waste I don't know what that open uh permit is for I I can only assume that it's associated with the existing tenant uh that will be removed once they leave they would have to close that permit okay um then see so so several of our uh so item number eight on page 14 of our uh review letter just deals with a number of different items that we requested further information on um in in regards to the uh the site site plan review uh can that information be provided of course we can update as a condition approval of the zoning table and in order to clarify these existing conditions I would only note that uh all of these are existing conditions on site uh that are not being exacerbated or changed in any manner uh but we can of course provide them in an updated zoning table that would uh clarify uh those requirements of the zoning ordinance okay uh that's all I had thank you any other questions from the board um we're going to save the questions to the public for it all of the witnesses so um sir do you have any other Witnesses yes Madam chair I have one Final witness it's our architect Matthew Walco from parot suon Architects okay you may call [Music] him Mr Walter I'm sorry I'm butchering it wal Walco um if you could state your name spell your last name for the record and give us your professional address please Matthew Walco pet SS and Architects we're located at 439 I'm sorry last name Walco w l c h KO our uh address is 439 Route 46 East in Rockaway New Jersey 07866 raise your right hand sir you swear the testimony give before this board will be the whole truth yes I do your witness Mr pad thank you Mr bar uh Mr Walco can you please give the board the benefit of your qualifications as an architect I am a registered architect and a licensed professional planner in the state of New Jersey received a bachelor uh science and architecture from Pennsylvania State University of Masters of architecture from Arizona State University and I have a certificate in historic preservation studies from New York University I'm also a lead green associate and have you testified before boards in in the state of New Jersey before yes I'm a former chairman of the Garfield planning board and also former member of the Garfield Zoning Board of adjustment and your architecture license is in good standing yes both my Architects and planners license are current i' ask if the board can accept this expert yes Mr vco is Tech is accepted Mr are you offering him just as an architect or as an I think he said he's also a licensed planner Planner yeah he is also a licensed planner but we are just offering architectural testimony thank you okay uh Mr wal Walco can you please describe uh the interior changes that the applicant is proposing to the site right now uh in addition to the uh the approximately 16,000 square foot uh appendage to the building there are multiple uh mezzanine areas internal to the the warehouse building and it's the intention to have these removed uh to to make the floor area of the warehouse building essentially a a flat plate and make it as wide open as and as flexible as possible this uh includes other areas that will become uh the the easterly side of the existing Warehouse where that uh office building is removed that will be modified to incorporate the loading Bays so these will be the the standard uh 10 foot wide loading Bays with low Dock levelers and there will also be some Provisions because we do not have a current tenant uh we do not know what the what type of interior improvements exactly would be required for any ancillary or uh additional office space but we have been uh The Brokerage consultant for the owner has recommended that the with the nature of this building that there would be anywhere from between 2500 to 5,000 square fet of ancillary office space required and I believe it's that 5,000 square foot limit that was included in the zoning table so that the vast majority of the building is intended to be used for open warehousing space and with the potential for a small small amount of accessory illary office space at some point when in tenant if and went say whatever the proposed tenant would require but this would be very minor to the usage of any new tenant and we've seen it on the uh on the engineering plans but just a little more information if you can um the exterior of the building is not being changed anywhere else other than that East Eastern side is that correct no the existing Frontage along uh Corporate Place is going to remain as it is and all the modifications would be on the easterly side of the building that is going to be facing the modified the new truck loading zones and trailer parking areas but these will it's going to be it's a utilitarian building right now that is very basic with some uh some masonry and the majority of that side is going to be the overhead doors for the truck loading base thank you Mr Walco uh there was not there were not many or if any at all uh architectural comments for this application seeing that a warehouse is typically just a big box um so that is all the questions I have for Mr Walco if the board has any questions um members of the board do you have any questions of Mr waltco um individually hearing no questions from the board I'm going to open it up to the public now for B both this witness as well as Mr marinell Mr Marinelli um members of the public if you have any question for either of those these two witnesses would you indicate by waving a hand Miss no Madam chair you don't hear anyone you don't see anyone I don't see and I unmuted them I gave them permission to speak so there there was a there's a question though in the not that this is really perent there's a question in the chat just who is the current tenant in the building to be demolished I assume that's the tenant we were you were discussing earlier that you're trying to um get out of the building that is correct the uh the existing office building attached to the warehouse is essentially just one building that's used by that one tenant got and we and they are trying to get them out as soon as possible okay thank you U if I can just prepare oh I'm sorry public then it's closed to the public once if we after we ask that particular answer that particular question closed to the public and uh now board members any other any other questions of this app for the whole application um Mr pood would you like to make a statement or are you ready to have us uh make a motion way the other uh I'd just like to summarize very quickly about the app do so thank you madam chair um as mentioned the applicant does own five buildings in Piscataway over 700,000 square feet combined uh it is a very successful commercial tenant and a very good uh corporate neighbor to Piscataway unfortunately this is the only building in town that they have a uh difficult tenant that they are trying to actively get out um as mentioned we will try to obtain something in writing from the current tenants that they will be vacating um as they said in their correspondence in January of 2025 um we also think that the parking plan that was created by removing that office for the trailer storage and the loading spaces makes it more appealable site to the township and to anyone driving down corporate place as it moves all of the trailer storage to the rear of the building away from the frontage um the tenant uh the applicant is happy to add the EV charging spaces and making them operational as a condition of a CEO if the board looks favorably on this application and we just like to thank you for your time tonight we appreciate giving us a chance to put on our testimony thank you thank you members of the board you've heard this full application what is your pleasure Madam chair I'm that we're gonna hold off on a formal vote tonight yeah I think it would be appropriate based on what the applicant had indicated and the concerns of the board and the board's professionals as to the tenant and the current condition of the site for a motion to just carry the application to the December meeting at which time understanding the records closed other than I'm assuming Mr persad pad will either appear or hopefully provide ahead of time confirmation as to when the tenant is leaving or or preferably that the tenant has left um if if that's the board board's pleasure okay board members what is your pleasure agre are we going to withhold it of the vote or we going to make the vote and hold it it's imp it's um I don't vote how we going to do that I I think based on what what I indicated I heard from the board members is it would be an a motion to carry the vote and the hearing to the December meeting in order to allow the applic in time to provide the information that was requested as to the tenant that is uh Reverend Kenny I concur with that because I was at this site also and it's been carried on uh quite a few quite a few times we had a discussion about it before and it hasn't been cleaned up as of yet and I see a little problem with this and uh it should have been addressed a little earlier providing that we were going to get this uh application approved I have no problem with the application being approved but I would carry it on to December's meeting and uh see where the applicant who is at at this place now whether he moves and the situation is cleaned up in that area do I hear a second Jo cor I'll second roll call Mayor Waller yeah yes councilwoman Kaho yes Miss Corran yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr ahammed yes and Madam chair yes all right so it's carried to December 11th 2024 exactly no further notice will be required if anyone's here for this you won't get a new notice in the mail but um it'll be carried to the December 11th meeting okay thank you Madame chair mayor Waller members of the board hope you have a great night thank you and everyone have a Happy Thanksgiving thank you thank you well thank you well thank you thank you good night motion to adjourn motion to adjourn anyone do I have a second no move second have Thanksgiving every all in favor I have a great Thanksgiving everyone take care take care Thanksgiving