##VIDEO ID:vg-HrDdCuvc## e e the Piscataway Township planning board meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the ker news notice posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building notice um made available to the Township Clerk notice sent uh to The Courier News and the Star Ledger Miss Buckley would you please uh call the role yes mayor Waller is here councilwoman K here miss cor here Miss Saunders here Reverend Kenny here Mr Atkins here Mr Foster here Mr ahed Madam chair here check it in Madam chair okay Mr Mary uh Mr Barlo would you read the open public meeting notice please certainly Madam chair adequate notice of this meeting has been provided as required under chapter 231 Public Law 1975 this meeting is being done through an online meeting platform in keeping with the guidelines that have been disseminated by the Department of Community Affairs the planning board has tried its best to comply with the open public meeting act there will be public comment periods for all attendees each member the public shall have only one opportunity to speak during each public portion as technology does not allow us to know if there are multiple callers on an individual phone line or logged in user account we ask that if you wish to speak you log in or dial in separately so that we can recognize you as a separate individual if you wish to speak please raise your hand on the Zoom app or if you have called in on the phone press 9 to unmute when it's your turn to speak you'll be called upon either by name or phone number please please speak at this time you will be asked your name and address and you'll be sworn in prior to your question or comment thank you madam chair yes you're welcome the American flag can be seen over my right shoulder can we all uh recite the uh Pledge of Allegiance together I pledge algi to the flag of the United States of America America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under indivisible with liberty and justice for all uh can we have the swearing in of the professionals please can you please raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony about to give me the truth and nothing but the truth Madame chair I think Ron was having issues with his audio um he left but I'm sure he's trying to rejoin okay in the group chat indicating he had an audio issue I just saw that okay sorry Rob he'll let us know when he gets in okay there he is right his AIO can you hear us I I I can hear you now I I rebooted sorry about that we can hear you also okay we can hear you okay M s's gonna try and swear you in again okay can you please raise your right hand Ron do you swear that the testimony about to give you the truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you um do we have any changes to our uh agenda tonight Madam chair the only uh change and I know Miss Buckley had disseminated the agenda earlier today just in case if if everybody didn't get it um in terms of the hearings this evening T-Mobile is scheduled to go first then the Greek Orthodox community of New Brunswick next and then third in terms of the he the Clawson urban renewal but other than that all the matters that have previously been on the agenda are still on Madam chair okay that's fine all right then we'll proceed with um item number eight oh no with with item number seven can I have a motion to uh pay the duly audited bills Madame chairman this is Carol sers I make a motion to pay the bills I have a second Rend Kenny I second thank you roll call Mayor Waller counc councilwoman kahill yes Miss Coran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes H number eight uh adoption of resolution to memorialize action taken on September 11 2024 Madame chairman Carol sers adoption of resolution to memorialize the um action taken at the September 11th 2024 meeting um well isn't are there two or was there three we need a second second back councilwoman kill the just so I can be clear it's the resolution to Grant the three-month extension as oh that's a three month I thought there was 21 PB 4041 that the board approved at the last meeting and will memorializing the resolution for the extension okay that's included in the and that's included in the second correct okay mayor Waller yes councilwoman kah yes Miss corkran yes Miss wers yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes item number nine adoption of the minutes from regular meeting September 11th 2024 Madam chair Carol saers I'd like to adopt the minutes from the regular meeting of September 11th 2024 do I have a second Reverend Kenny I'll second it thank you roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Miss Saunders yes Rin Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes item number 10 24 pb03 T-Mobile Northeast LLC preliminary and Final site plan um Mr Edward pcel Mr pcel would you turn your um Mike on thank you very much mam chair my name is zel with price me shman Dar Andino behalf here tonight on behalf of here tonight on behalf of T-Mobile Northeast LLC uh with respect to fit property at 1551 South Washington Avenue it's block 5301 lot 14.04 uh essentially um what we're asking tonight is for minor site plan approval but before I get into that uh Mr Baro are we all set up with our notice you are um you can proceed Mr pcel it's been adequate thank you can I interrupt M Miss Francisco lindores hit a grand slam home run the Mets are ahead okay we can proceed that's good news I thought it was something I I did Yankee fans don't care still z z that's okay I care so uh as I mentioned a moment moment ago this is an application for minor site plan approval uh the subject use to place um antennas onto a an approved but yet yet to be built Warehouse is permitted in the uh subject Redevelopment plan uh and basically the history of this site is that right now there's an office uh on the property uh which is going to be demolished shortly and replaced with a warehouse and on that office AT&T U I'm sorry T-Mobile was approved to place um antennas and when the office is getting demolished obviously that's no longer an option so we did have a uh an approval we do have an approval for a temporary Tower um on the site but ultimately our permanent location is going to be back onto the warehouse the office is currently located and that's where we will be placing these antennas on a on a permanent basis um so I'll try to keep it very brief tonight I have um engineering testimony some RF testimony just for uh em compliance health and safety compliance and just very little bit of panning testimony uh so with that I'll just call Mr Josh catrell he's our engineer Josh can you hear me yes I'm here okay uh Josh can you well actually you you sworn in uh Josh can you please raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony about to give you the truth and nothing but the truth I do can you please State and spill your name for the record sure it's Joshua Cil coot r l l thank you Josh can you just go over your qualifications and experience sure I have a bachelor's in science and civil engineering changed University um I've been practicing for over 20 years now um I do hold a valid license in the state a valid engineering license in the state of New Jersey I've testified numerous I'm on as a panelist now I was on the wrong nums in the state of New Jersey M chair when I I'd ask that Mr Krell be accepted as an expert in engineering he's acceptable okay uh Mr Katrell you prepared the plans that were submitted to the board that are dated January 22nd 24 and last revise September 19th 2024 is that correct that is correct could you review the aial on the plans and kind of go over the surrounding area to orent the board um sure um am I sharing my screen here or yeah you can share your yeah you can share your screen Mr pcel any exhibits that he puts up and I know you have previously uh submitted them to miss Buckley we'll just mark them as A1 A2 and go through that way these are these are the plans this is an areial that was included in the plans but I when we get to exhibits That's How we'll mark them y okay so I'm just looking at the SEC second sheet in the site plan set it's a existing conditions plan sp1 um this is just an aerial of um depicting existing conditions um you can see the existing seven story office building that's lated to be demolished um um to the west of the site is South Washington Avenue running up and down the plan to the South is Interstate 287 running left to right to the east is um a storage facility um to the Northeast to the southeast is a residential area um with with a little Frontage on New Brunswick Avenue uh and to the north of the site is other uh I believe it's a warehouse but in North uh West Corner up here you can see the where the um uh proposed temporary facility was approved and I believe it has been installed um just not on air quite yet and how large is the property uh the property is uh 10.18 Acres what's the height of the antennas on the existing building uh hied antennas on the existing building I believe the antennas have been removed um I gu what height they were at when they were there existing antennas um frankly I don't remember I think the center you can can tell me if this is correct is the center line 56.9 ft were the antennas that were on the that sounds correct yes okay all right and what how what's the access to the property access is off of South Washington Avenue I'll go back to the area um so access is off South Washington Avenue here there's an access road um that leads into the site okay what's the what's the purpose of the permanent location that's being proposed we could place on the uh just just to maintain the coverage that that um um it had one the antennas were on the seven story office building okay now what exactly is eMobile proposing sure I'm just going to go to I'm G me go to sheet uh let's go to sheet SP2 um which is the propos site plan um SP2 is the property with um new proposed um Warehouse building on it um so what T-Mobile is proposing to do is install and Tennis sectors at three of the corners at the northeast corner Southeast Corner southwest corner and then to install uh groundbased equipment uh on the northwest um um property right against the building so that'll be the the equipment will be at grade uh just moving to sheet a -02 which has enlarged um antenna sector views uh so you can see the three antenna sectors each sectors G to um have four antennas um installed on a steel sector frame each sector is going to be um partially screened by um radio frequency transparent paneling um the paneling is going to be designed to uh um match the building facade um and we have photo Sims to show in a little bit of that um just before we get there what's what's the uh roof parit type of the warehouse so the parapet height varies the uh top of the roof deck I have at from the architectural drawings at 45 feet 4 in um the um par let's see just doesn't have the parit height but it's essentially uh let's see so this is 57 it's about uh 49 feet it varies um tallest parit is I believe six feet so it's around 50 feet um okay okay and the antennas will be the top of the antennas that are being proposed will be at 61 ft is that right top antennas will be at 61 feet correct and the screening will go to the midpoint of the antennas which is at 57 feet above grade okay so uh Josh let's pull up the photo SS we'll mark these as exhibit a A1 and they're going to be qualified by Mr kro our planner when he this testimony that's fine A1 photo location okay so uh I'm just going to show the aerial um so photo one I'm going to show is at the southeast Corner photo two is at the northeast corner photo three is at the uh southwest corner and photo four is at the northwest corner right in front of the equipment so let's go to photo one as you can see um photo the photos aren't aren't actual photos they're the um the building's not constructed yet so they're the actual architectural renderings that uh were used and then um you can see in the top left corner here um we added to these architectural renderings uh the antenna sectors uh so you can kind of see the rectangular box is the screening and the top half of the antenna is protruding um above those so that's the southwest corner looking at the northeast corner a very similar installation um and then the last Corner again very similar installation um and then you can see uh in the last photo rendering the equipment um this is prop this is there's a loading proposed for the warehouse um um there's some access doors on this side in between you can see the uh uh T-mobile equipment um at the ground um so I can kind of describe that equipment it's going to be a uh generator um two equipment cabinets installed on a 4x20 concrete pad within a uh I believe it's a well let me go to the plan um back to the plan um so it is a 10x 25 foot fence enclosure with a 4x20 pad 50kw generator two equipment cabinets and then a Unistrut rack with the Electrical uh cabinets and the fiber cabinets utilities and the fencing what how it's going to be a six foot high chain link fence um then we'll talk about um talk about the coloring of the fence uh in a little bit once we go over the reports um does the applicant propose Landscaping so T-Mobile is not proposing Landscaping however the um developer of the of the property is proposing substantial Landscaping in this area um we do have a uh let me find the exhibit we have that shows up um I believe it's the A2 so this is plans um for the overall development um prepared by bowler engineering um this plan is last revised August 1st 2024 um and that as exhibit just for the record we'll mark that as exhibit A2 right and it's it's the plan is called and and just to be clear we're on A6 each one of the photographs I'm should be marked separately oh you mark okay so A1 was the aerial photograph and then two three four and five are the pictures are numbered one two three and four and this would be A6 okay all right we can do it that way all right so we'll mark this A6 yep so the the only modification we made this to this plan is we color the T-Mobile equipment area um uh in red um so you can see the substantial I believe these are spruce trees the larger um and then shrubs in between and that that'll block the view from the approach from South Washington okay um all right and then uh with respect to um just going pulling back a little bit are there any utilties on the property that would impact the insallation uh that no no we will not be impacting any utilities okay we the only utilities we're going to need is uh electric and uh fiber line can you just go over um you know the site being unmanned how often it's visited that type of stuff so yeah so it's a it's a unmanned facility uh remotely monitored um a cell technician will visit the site once every four to six weeks just for a routine maintenance Diagnostics um and he'll usually shows up in a SUV type vehicle he use assistant parking on the site um as I said the only utilities we need are electric and um and fiber since it is unmanned there's no uh garbage recycling um uh there is a generator that we are proposing um for extended power outages uh that will be exercised once about every two weeks for about 30 minutes and that it'll be exercised uh during the weekday um business hours so it won't be exercised at nighttime um we are proposing a work light on the equipment um but that is um again just in case a cell technician does need to visit the site at night um the the lighting will be provided with a timer switch so basically he'll come on um it's usually a two or four hour timer and when he leaves the site and forgets to shut the shut the light off uh the light won't stay on indefinitely so what about parking spaces uh we're not proposing any new existing uh will be used for the telf te Mission or it's when I say existing I mean proposed by others right uh will there be any trees removed from the property no no okay and then could you go over the the process for placing the applicant facilities on the existing building sure from the tower so um as we you know as you mentioned there is a tent tower on site um that's that should be on air soon if it's not already um so um that'll allow the building now to be demolished um so the building will be demolished site improvements will go um once the new Warehouse building is constructed uh T-mobile will U install their new antennas on the new structure uh when those antennas are are up and running and on air uh the existing facility will then be removed okay the existing temporary Facility have you reviewed the joint engineering and planning report dated August 19th 2024 last revive September 30th 2024 I have and I know we're going to um take aart we're going to we're going to set aside site impact number two with respect to um the coding for the fencing because we're going to talk about that a little bit with the other planning report but taking that one aside are there any other comments that you need to make with respect to that report or have we covered them um no I think we covered them um yeah no I don't have any more comments have you reviewed the CME planning report dated October 4th 2024 I have have okay um so let's just go over the comments and recommendations um so comment number one is just the goes over Ru for variances so we're not gonna enough to talk about that comments two three four five and six deal with um uh changes to the plans based on uh revising you know what we view as what we plans as being the the front yard and side yards and essentially you know shifting that um and would the applicant agree to does does the applicant agree with those comments and the applicant agree to make those changes in in the plans and set forth in those comments yes we agree and we will make the necessary evisions to the B table and if those changes were made there would be no additional variances that are necessary right we're still all right uh and then with respect to comment seven and this ties back to the other planning report uh there comment number two says the applicant can confirm confirmed that the proposed six foot chain leg fence is not a powdercoated chain leg fence or a chain leg fence with slats both of which are forgettable fence types types um should the applicant application be approved we recommend that the plans be modified to cite a deviation other relief granted as an addition of approval and or they clearly be noted on sheets a-2 that chain link fence complies with the plan so we'll do the easy one first are we proposing a a chain link with fence with slats the plant currently do not propose that no okay and then I guess the question is I guess it's more for the board's professionals um so this the comment here says that it's um it's we should clarify that channel fense is not powdercoated that will be prohibited um the other memo that we were provided uh we just noticed today that comment number who actually requests us that be black powder Co that the B Be black powder coed no I I think it just has a double negative in Mr riner's report well Mr pcel if I may that our report Ron was absolutely correct the Redevelopment plan does prohibit the um powdercoated chain link fences our report just should have said the fence it shouldn't say should be black powder coated finish it should have just been black the color we were look right um so please disregard the second sentence and item two of our report aside from the color okay all right so so Mr catrell the the um the fencing will be black is that correct or will stipulate to making the fencing black there'll be uh a black yeah black finish I guess it'll be black PVC coded okay but it won't be powder coded it won't be powder coded thank you and then comment number eight is we recommend the applicant discuss the environmental issues may exist at the site that would impact proposed location with the equipment compound right so we were provide with a document that indicates there was site remediation on the site um from a possible it was some kind of hydraulic lift and that the site has been remediated um our our installation T-Mobile's installations very minimal impact um we are pouring a concrete pad there'll be no soil removed from the site of the installation so there's no concern of removal of any contaminated soils if if in fact it did exist okay all right and then with respect to comments 9 10 11 12 or 9 10 11 and 12 um those are just standard comments that the applicant agrees to and and um and would stipulate to if necessary correct yes it is okay uh that's all I had Mr for Mr patrell anyone from the board or the board professionals have any questions um Madame chair dor cork if I may yes you may um Mr purcel with regard to number three of the staff report do we have more of a concrete time frame I mean once the new building's up are we looking for the new antennas to go up in a matter of weeks is it going to be months like what what is the time frame we're looking at here so I think the the time frame uh from my perspective uh is governed by the um prior approval that we received for the temporary Tower I think it's uh once there's a CO for the warehouse building we have I think 30 days to uh relocate onto the onto the um Warehouse so I think that would be the timeline okay T-Mobile is agreeable to that uh it is okay and then um with regard to item six you know if approved can can you certainly uh could you submit the uh exhibit to our office just because we don't have that landscape plan in this in this um particular file that would be helpful sure great thank you and Miss car I have to correct myself the the approval for the temporate tower says that the approval for the that that approval expires 90 days after the issuance of the co okay for the warehouse so we have 90 days that seems a little bit more realistic thank you I thought 30 was a little bit tight when said so thank you correction in the nick of time I'm just gonna jump in a little bit hey Josh how how you doing good how are you haven't seen you in a while Josh knows me from a long way back from Telecom basically I can tell you from their perspective once that building is is finished they're willing to go up and and and attach your antennas they have to have the new building in place so what I suspect is they want the the cow what do you have on site now the cow it's a it's a h ballast frame Tower okay so basic basically when this when this building gets demolished and a new build building gets um built they're happy to go up within like uh you know once they get the CO basically I I suspect that that would be the timing but I think the main thing is for planning perspective this is a permitted use in his Zone correct it is yes and and basically they've been there previously correct Council correct and they comply with everything else um in the uh Redevelopment plan correct that's correct and so you know so so basically what they're looking for now is it's basically amending the side s plan approval previously for the warehouse put these antennas up and your testimony is you canly exactly with the Redevelopment plan correct is that for me yes okay so don't want to put words in your mouth but you know uh I I I can't uh put my my prior uh subject matter expertise on on Telecom previously but to me what T-Mobile has done they're waiting patiently to to go on this building they they have a sell on wheels that is transmitting in in in servicing their customers and they're just waiting for this uh building to be built and that's what they're here for tonight so thank you okay uh is there anything else Mr pel um I do if we some well do we want to open up the questioning for I don't have anything El left finished you have nothing else is that's what my question corre yeah I don't have anything else so can you please unshare your screen thank you thank you members of the board do you have any other questions any questions for um the engineer who was testified Madam chair it's Council k um just to be clear um right now the antennas are on sort of these mobile um units while they wait for the building to come down and the new building to go up is that essentially what's happening here but today the approval is for when the antennas when the building's built for the antennas to go up there okay so that the approval is in place so does anyone here um you know the professional or you Mr pcel know uh any ETA on the timing of the completion of that building and how long that means the temporary units will be out there uh I I I do not um as Mr contrell said it's a ballast Mount Tower so it's basically it's a tower that's waited down that was approved um but I'm not aware I don't know if Mr patrell is aware um perhaps Mr cron is when we get to the planing testimonial the I suspect he's not even aware because that's really um up to the developers of of that warehouse um I guess I have a question for Ron or for our attorney is the approvals today I mean the likelihood that there are any changes to ordinance or are we talking about slim to none I I mean you just don't know with with the timing of this building is today's approval GNA stand the test of time I guess is the question well councilwoman that that's a great question because this is what I'm I'm at I don't want this applicant to come back two years from now and ask for another extension so basically they're you know they're asking for an approval um and I will defer it to everybody else but my understanding this approval will go for three years I mean um Mr Barlo am I incorrect about that Ma Madam chair this is you have to um Madam chair the the underlying Warehouse is a Redevelopment plan um and this is a perion use within the plan so I I believe that Mr purcel is just being affirmative in that so when it's built that the antennas can go up quickly the zoning board has granted the temporary use for 90 days after the co is granted to the warehouse so that's built in if the developer of the warehouse has to make any changes they would back come back before theard board for changes to the Redevelopment plan and amendments to the site plan so um I just think this way T-Mobile doesn't have to worry about it going forward they are seeking to just put them right back up where they were and that the applicant of the warehouse couldn't do that Mr pcell had to do that because he needed to get the temporary use so okay no you answered the question thank you so per perfect yeah and we're on the same page we don't have don't want them to have to come back okay any other questions from the board okay uh let's Miss Buckley can we I'm GNA open it up to the public uh for for questioning from the public if anyone in the public has questions of this application and and the uh expert who has test who has testified so far would your desire for a question by waving your hand you've heard all the testimony from this oh I'm sorry you have another witness yeah I have the RF expert just to just verify we're complying with the FCC standards and then Mr crom okay two witnesses fine so so I can do it very quickly so Mr I'd like to call Mr Daniel check as our RX he has to be sworn in Daniel can you hear me your yes I can hear everybody okay Mr cck can you please raise your right hand can you hear me yes I can hear you I have my hand raised okay do you swear that the testimony about to give me the truth and nothing but the truth I do please date and spell your name for the record please it's Daniel check SE z e c thank you uh Mr cheze can you all your qualifications and experience yes uh I have a bachelor's degree in engineering from NGIT with an emphasis on communication systems I'm experienced in running propagation analysis for wireless carriers and have calculated several RF emissions for FCC compliance I have over a dozen certifications in RF training I've been accepted as an expert before this board and the board of Woodbridge and Piscataway um M Madam chairwoman I just asked that Mr Czech be accepted as an expert in RF engineering he's uh accepted Mr cze is T-Mobile licensed by the FCC yes and the wireless use is permitted in the subject zone is that right yes and from an RF perspective from a radio frequency perspective T-Mobile is really seeking to fill a gap that exist EXs right that existed when the when the original tower when the original antennas were placed and just to keep that Gap filled is that is that right that is correct okay can you just go over the any RF missions analysis that you conducted uh yes so you w to show maybe show the report your September 5th report and Sh your screen okay okay so we're g to mark this um RF report prepared by pureon Solutions dated September 5th 2024 as exhibit Mr Barlo A7 yes sir I'll mark this as A7 um Mr cze can you just go over this report and the applicable SEC standards yes so when we do the uh MP report RF report we do use two sets of Standards we use the FCC standard which are conservative nature of standards and the New Jersey radiation protection act standards and the methodology we use in this analysis is based on worst case and it's concern conservative and cumulative and it assumes that all the antennas are on and there is no cable loss um and what are the findings of your analysis set forward from the report so our analysis reported that the proposed T-Mobile facility would emit 5.66 7% of the FCC allowable limit which is 17% I'm sorry 17 times below the limit and 1.33% of the New Jersey is a maximum permissible exposure limit for the general public which is 88 times below the limit okay so in some your report confirms that the antennas will comply with all applicable um emissions requirements yes uh that's all I have for Mr Che mam chairwoman uh members of the board do you have any does anyone on the board have any questions of this witness it's Ron rinard how how are you then hey I'm doing well you uh just fine listen I I'm talking on layman's terms if I open my my refrigerator the light in in the fridge does it emit the same uh Power that these antennas do um I wouldn't say so these are low powerered antennas correct they are low powerered antennas and they're also they they only only transmit when necessary okay that that's all I'm looking for and they comply with FCC FCC right yes that is correct and then that's what you have to comply with yes all right thank you um does any other members have any the board members have any questions um I members of the public you have an opportunity un to ask questions of this witness if you have any questions of this witness um would you please indicate by can you please screen sorry madam chair can you please unshare yep sorry about that yeah it's just much easier for me to see everybody okay in the public have any questions would you indicate by show of a hand shake no one Madam chair okay close to the public you may call your next witness all right my last witness is Tim PR our planner Mr cron can you hear us can you hear me yes I can okay um that's swey in okay Mr crunk can you please wear your right hand I am okay um do you swear that testimony about the G be the truth and nothing but the truth I do can you please State and spell your name for the record Timothy mro k r o n k thank you Mr Crown can you go over your your education and qualifications certainly I have a bachelor science from the University of Massachusetts I have 33 years of land use experience predominately in New Jersey I am a New Jersey licensed professional planner and an aicp certified planner and I have been accepted by the Piscataway planning board and Zoning Board on prior occations he's accept thank you very much um Mr K you've reviewed the zoning ordinances Redevelopment plan for this site and the master plan yes I have and the proposed use is a permitted principal use is that is that right that is correct are there any variances required no there are none required would you mind quy Sims right would you mind qualifying The Sims that Mr patrell entered into evidence as A2 through A6 certainly you want me to pull them up again or no just explain if you expl how they work um yes as as Mr Katrell uh mentioned since the building is uh not not existing we were unable to take existing conditions photographs uh I did obtain the building elevations from the developer of the property um and that is we you know added some uh sky and Landscaping and um to make them look more like a a photo than the building elevations that they had uh we superimposed the uh antennas and the uh concealment uh structures as they were depicted on the engineering drawings and um use those as what the uh proposed installation would look like on top of the new building once the new building is built okay all right thank you uh and does this application meet all applicable site plan requirements yes it does completely conforming and do you have any comments with respect to the two planning memos that Mr control went over nope completely uh King car okay that's all I have for Mr cman chairwoman members of the board do you have any uh questions of this witness no planning questions thank you okay thank you members of the public I'm opening it to you for any questions that you may have if you have any questions of this witness please indicate by um waving the hand on your screen no one Madam chair thank you close to the public thank you okay you under you have no under testimony tonight Mr pel that's that's correct and you want to give any closing statement uh I'll just say that I think this is a very very straightforward application it's a permitted use uh we're simply trying to fill you know the Gap that T-Mobile has been seeking to fill on this property for a number of years on the office that's being demolished on the temp tower that exists now and then once this Warehouse is constructed T-Mobile will be very anxious to be back on there um per location so I certainly would respect respect the request of the board approve this application thank you m members of the board what's your pleasure on this application Madame chair dor corkran I'd like to make a motion to approve the application subject to the staff report last revised November or I'm sorry September 30 2024 and subject to the CME report dated uh October 4th 2024 I'll second that Madam chair councilwoman K thank thank you roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman Kaho yes Miss cor yes Miss wers yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes thank you very much Mr Barlo do we have a resolution Mr Barlo do we have a resolution tonight on this no no Madam chair we'll have that for next year okay thank you thank you Mr pel have a good night okay um item number 11 24 pb1 1617 vs and Victor Greek Orthodox community of New Brunswick New Jersey I thank you madam chairwoman Kevin Morse Woodward New Jersey appearing on behalf of the applicant this applicant you just introduced uh is actually you folks may know is related to the St George gree Church which is a little bit up the road from the site the subject property before you this evening is block 11904 lot 31.0 it is located in the R15 Zone commonly known as 57 Riverview Avenue and the applicant is before you this evening seeking preliminary major subdivision approval for this rather large property which contains one existing single family residence proposal would be to subdivide the property into four conforming Lots with the existing single family residents to remain and three New Lots for residential development sometime in the future before we proceed I had previously submitted the applicant affidavits of publication and mailing and I just want to confirm that they have been received that they are in order so that the board has jurisdiction and proceed yes they are yes they are Mr Morris the board has jurisdiction you can proceed right thank you I have two witnesses available this evening first is Mr Haney Wabba who's here on behalf of the applicant I don't intend on calling him unless it's necessary but he'll be here for the entire hearing my second witness uh probably my only witness will be Mr Les Walker who is our professional engineer I i' would ask if Mr Walker could be sworn at this time please Mr Walker can you please raise your right hand sorry I'm not seeing you I'm right here oh okay do you SAR that somebody about to give will be the truth and nothing but the truth I do just please state your name and uh spelling for the record please sure uh my name is Lesley l l Walker w k r um I am the yeah I'm the president of Meridian Engineering Group in Addison New Jersey um I've been before this board before licens and good standing in in New Jersey and several other states um Bachelor and master's degree from Ruckers Ruckers University in civil engineering and I've been doing Land Development for 25 years and been probably in front of every board in Middle sex County and then Somerset Madam chair when I would ask that you accept Mr Walker as our expert with regard to professional engineering at this time he's acceptable right thank you all right Mr Walker you prepared the plans that are before the board this evening is that correct that is correct can you please describe for the board the site as it presently exists and the proposed major subdivision I understand you have a color rendering You may wish to put up as a one yeah I'm GNA put up first I want to put up the existing conditions map just for okay just for reference and that is uh that'll be sheet two of the the the submitted site plan set okay uh can you see that can you see my screen no no yeah there we go okay got it now right yeah okay so so this is the the existing site um this is not a colorized version this is basically the survey you have riverv viiew on the the West Side North is North is basically up on the page um riverv viiew Avenue on the uh page left um and then Golf Links Avenue on the right the Rucker Golf Course is um on the other side of golf links Avenue um completely surrounded on all sides by existing single family residential um you have one existing uh home on the property and a a um small uh freestanding garage then I will go to the colored rendering and you got that can you see the colored rendering now I do okay all right so so this is this would be exhibit A1 I did um forward it on to u to Dawn and Laura earlier today so um Township does have it you can see around the outside of the property it's all single family and you can see um in the the top right corner the the golf course I'll zoom in a little bit here so you can see it a little better okay so um the the property is known as lot um besides 57 River viw Avenue for the existing home it is also lot 31.0 in block 11904 it is a 1.64 acre parcel um it has as I said it has Frontage on both uh riverv viiew and Golf Links um and then the the the small this is Penrose um Lane off of Riverview at the top left of the screen uh with the except with the exception of the uh the front yard of the existing home the uh property uh generally slopes um kind of to the backyards of all these these properties and there's a a hollow in the middle and it drains to an existing um drainage easement and and a large diameter pipe that that's um kind between the properties and and continues on to the south towards the river um there are a handful of existing trees on the site with h shown with like smaller um little green circles that's where the existing trees are there's only two trees that we're going to be uh proposing to take down and they are that's only to uh get the sidewalk um they they're right in the sidewalk pathway along U Golf Link Avenue um other than that U no other trees will be taken down the existing home is proposed to stay along with the driveway the mry garage um and we're proposing to divide subdivide into four um generally conforming lots that the Lots themselves are are compant in every way two minor variances are required for the existing dwelling um a 40 foot front yard is required um the existing porch is 11.3 feet from the the front property line and the the building itself is 20 feet from the the front property line and those are both existing conditions um no changes proposed and not being uh exacerbated by this application um One new um variance is created by by creation of of this this lot line um here U between lots lots a and Lot B um um the garage an accessory structure is required to have an 8 foot sidey yard and by creation of this line um it it creates a sidey yard variance needed for the accessory structure of 4.4 feet um it's an existing garage it it serves that that home and and uh you know a garage is a a required component of a of a single family does not the house does not have an attached garage so we're proposing for that garage to stay so that's the only U that's the only two uh variances uh one existing and one that's being created for the side door of the garage everything else on this application is fully conforming um the lots are um as big or or larger than required by zone right with regard to uh the garage because that's the only variant that's being created uh we are the applicant is not in a position to adjust the lot line between proposed Lots A and B to move it farther away from the existing garage because that would uh render proposed lot be non-conforming and we have conforming Lots here is that correct that that's right the 100 100 feet uh width is required we have 200 feet along Riverview Avenue and and each lot is fully conforming at 100 feet so so that line is is critical to to making sure that those lots are the correct size so so by by by correcting that that um variance it would create a new a different variance right and speaking of the garage because we both been in front of this board on many prior occasions uh typically if the board were to look favorably and Grant the variance in our experience the board would uh require some condition that if the garage became substantially damaged where it had to be uh rebuilt that at that point it would have to be moved back and rebuilt uh compliant with um the setbacks in the future and uh so the boards where the applicant would be prepared to accept such a condition because we know typically that's what you would require second while we're talking about the garage you know we know there's instances in the past uh we've spoken with the applicant this is a true garage it's not used for any other purpose and to elay any fears of uh its future use should the board look favorably on granting the application for uh the variants for its remain the applicant would have no objection to a condition that uh it not be used as any type of dwelling or living space is not used that way now it is a true garage and um we have no objection to that type of condition should you again you look favorably on the application now so Kevin just to reiterate there as a condition of approval the applicant would agree that the garage won't have a kitchen bedrooms or bathrooms of any kind solely as a garage okay thank you knew it was coming so get it out of the way so uh now and uh Mr uh Mr Walker if approved uh this subdivision because it's a major subdivision would be uh perfected by the filing of a final platter map in the um County clerk's office is that correct that's correct we would have to go through the final um subdivision once we perfect the the preliminary we would have to go through the final submit the final PL it is already prepared um so um it's it's ready to go it's just a matter of um following the steps and yes it'll be filed with the county right now I'd like to direct your attention we have two memorandums and uh first memorandum is uh generated by the division of engineering Planning and Development from Piscataway was originally September 16th revised through September 30th again the reason for the revision the board should be aware is that we appeared for your site plan Workshop uh and made some adjustments to the plan to eliminate uh prior questions or plan review comments which is why we have a revised and very short memo uh item number one in that memo you've already described the variances we've eliminated any other variances except for those you've just described is that correct that's right including amending the plan to provide for the installation of the uh uh utility conduits that uh is really a new thing that's being required and applicants prepared to comply with in terms of uh uh padways requirements is that right that's correct all right now uh we are before the board we haven't submitted uh plans for proposed dwellings because this applicant does not in the near future intend on actually building houses uh is that correct yeah we we show um you know just just for um the board information and to to kindy of give a a visual um of how these Lots could be developed um we show homes um with with driveways um but they would the intent is that these these three new lots lots b c and d will be created and um marketable um single family um buildable lots that would be then sold off um they could they they may be um one one buyer that that builds wants to build all three or it could be three individual purchasers and and each one comes in with they would have to come in with um uh building plans at that time along with the the you know plot and grading plan for for building permits um and I I know that that the board was you know wanted another condition to be that that these wouldn't be you know kind of cookie cutter homes where where they're all exactly the same that that each house would have its own um character so again because we don't have architectural plans because no con ruction is proposed one of the reasons you generated A1 was just to show how spacious these lots are and to show that in addition to them being conforming structures as you've located them on A1 would all be in Conformity with the required setbacks and just to show generally how it might lay out in the future when developed is that correct that's correct and just uh Mr Barlo as we discussed at the TRC the applicant would have no objection to a provision should the board look favorably on this application uh some condition that the house do not be Mirror Image I think is the word that you used okay right item number three is really a statement of fact we appreciate you making us aware that there is that a moratorium in place I believe the applicant has already stubbed in utilities and provided uh for those in the event it would try to uh or some intended development would occur prior to 2029 but we are aware of that situation and we appreciate it and then finally item four uh Mr Walker should the board look favorably on this uh application we would of course submit to the middle sex County planning board for their review and approval of the project as well is that correct that's correct as required all right and then uh let me next direct there was a second memorandum uh issued by C Mr uh Riner originally dated September 23rd revised through October 4th again the reason for the revision is because we after the TRC but before this hearing we're able to get an amended plan and and I believe uh Mr Walker that all the plan review comments of the prior memor memo have now been addressed um by your revised plans that were submitted prior to this hearing is that accurate that's correct all right from an engineering perspective do you see any uh uh negative impact on adjacent or neighboring properties in connection with this conforming subdivision application no none at all in in fact um I didn't I didn't get there yet but along Riverview Avenue about three years ago the township reconstructed riverv viiew Avenue um the applicant at that time went to the state obtained a d permit for this to bring sewer up to the site and actually into the site to to provide for future sewer um for the the three New Lots um and and with those the township improvements of Riverview Avenue at that time they put put in the the curb the sidewalk um and even the driveway apron for um the ex the proposed Lot B that's an existing driveway apron um so there is no need for any disturbance of of the roadway so so there won't be any kind of a required delay for constructing that lot because everything was already um envisioned and put in place um with with those improvements so so no uh there would be no Road over permit needed for River Avenue down long Golf Links Golf Links is a it's a narrow road there's only four other houses further past and in a dead end it kind of dead dead ends into the golf course um there's four other houses further up the page um you can see one of them there it's a top of the page number 67 and then there's three more homes this would these two homes would make six um so that the existing road is only 14 uh to 15 feet wide it it varies it's kind of a very Ral rural Lane we are proposing to improve that um the the smallest um designation for um a uh an improved Street uh recognized by the the New Jersey residential site Improvement standards is for a rural Lane a rural Lane has a 18 foot cartway and that's what we're proposing it'll be roughly four three to four feet wider than what's there now and it'll be formalized with um new pavement um across the entire Road um widening out slightly on the golf course side to to kind of hold what's there um on that side of the road and then a more substantial widening on on the project side of the road with um curban gutter a couple of storm inlets um the driveway aprons the uh the required um conduit uh for the the future fiber optic all utilities will be stubbed out the conrete aprons will be put in so this so much like Lot B in the front where where uh when they they did Riverview Avenue that everything was in place for that lot to be constructed um these two lots will be um those improvements will be put in um and uh prior to U you know any any uh building permit application coming in on those lots so so all of the required Frontage improvements will be in be put in the driveways the homes none of that will be put in yet um pending sale and and how each um owner would would choose to develop those lots with a single family home right thank you now does that conclude your engineering testimony on this matter um I believe that yeah I believe that it does yes okay all right so uh Mr barow I don't have a planner available but I was going to um just profer some legal comment or a profer as it were with regard to the plan aspects of this case I don't know if you'd like me to do that now and then open for questioning or board would like to question the engineer about the technical aspects or just hold on I think you should just make your profer um and just get all the your position in and then the board can ask whatever questions it thank you thank you again I'm uh I'm not a professional planner I'm not going to testify as a professional planner but as attorneys we review these cases and analyze them from perspective understanding the municipal land use law and I would just submit for the board's consideration my profer that the bulk varant relief is uh to me from a legal standpoint the Minimus in nature I think this board with its expertise and its own professionals could find uh in review this matter that either under the C1 hardship or the C2 flexible C the bulk is uh warranted to be granted I mean we have a very oversized lot here can be sub divided into uh four conforming Lots four beautiful Lots as you can see uh the house is constrained with an existing single family residents and we really can't change uh that and it would be a hardship to to take away an existing functioning garage for the the Minimus request um of the variant for that particular item uh and under the C2 flexible C again this a odd-shaped piece of property or unique property and I think the you could find that the purposes of the municipal lanus law uh exist here for the granting of the relief come coming to minor sections ACG and M of the uh special reasons or the purposes of uh zoning and I think you can also find again subject to your expertise that um the relief we've requested uh could be granted without substantial detriment to the public good uh and again on the C2 any benefit would outweigh to me a detriment because there is detriment and that well you could Grant the variances because this application in our mind does not impair the intent and purpose of the Zone plan or the zoning ordinance again that's based upon the testimony of our engineer and I offer that simply as legal comment for your consideration in revie this man so that would conclude our presentation Mr Barlo if there are questions of the board on any aspect of the application we would invite them now members of the board um having heard the testimony of the three Witnesses and Mr um Morris's Mr Kevin's Morris's H commentary do you have any questions uh Madam chair can you unshare your screen Mr Walker yeah please ma Madam chair uh not a question just a comment from my understanding Mr mois that the U the Greek Church U inherited this property from um um prior land own longtime land owner up the street and that's how this application came about that is my understanding as well um it was uh a uh benevolent donation to the church so to speak yeah they continue to use the residence and uh preparing for sometime in the future perhaps the um better uh in continued use of the property is why the application is before you right now Mr Mayor and from what I understand from folks from the uh officials from the churches that the the existing house out there one of the uh restrictions that the U benefactor to the church insisted that the house would stay the current house would stay well that is my understanding as well Mr Mayor yeah I just wanted to get the uh the members of the board some background on how uh the application came about and mayor uh Council the the the relief being asked is for this existing house right that's correct excellent and and and Kevin how are you doing well Ron how are you uh just fine so basically this subdivision eliminates a through lot condition correct oh it does absolutely so basically we're going to have four lots that kind of what we expect with with Frontage is on streets one street only in the front and and and the widening has been discussed with the B with with the township correct that is correct the applicant existing condition because when I went out there it it was hard to park on golf if if I could I wanted to actually jump in and talk about that because the you know this the circulation element of the master plan requires that Golf Link Avenue have a 50 foot RightWay so we would be looking for a 25 foot cwith out here and based on this plan we're you know is a 20 foot right away half width is that correct well the the so so the the right away the current property line along Golf Links is irregular it it's got angles to it um we really just we don't know where the other side of golf links Avenue is um there's evidence on on a lot um number 67 lot 35.027185 existing um RightWay easement um right of way um easement to the township that would allow for future um roadway widening and that's where we set our property line um I'm holding what I'm calling 20 feet from it's again it's an IR irregular um roadway um but what I'm calling the center line um and we're holding we are holding 20 feet based on a rural Lane condition this is this isn't a road that that whatever be um unless Ruckers gives up its golf course there's never going to be more than um there there actually is room possibly between two of the four homes um above um that maybe you could get another home in there that would be a total of seven so the most homes you would ever have back here is seven homes and based on the Institute of um trans Transportation Engineers um uh guidelines um seven homes generates a total of 70 daily trips and that's far below what a a rural Lane an 18 foot cartway um would uh would handle um if they actually go up to 200 trips a day um so that's the way we show it um if the township um felt strongly about it um there's there's plenty of depth on these lots that we could give the other five feet but it it didn't seem to um it didn't seem to make sense with the constraints around us above us below us um and and with the the the very unlikely um scenario that that Ruckers ever gives up its um its Golf Course May corrected they don't give it a car they would only have to give up about 10 feet Universe right right now it's right now we're giving up um we're giving up about 12 feet um because again it's an irregular Frontage um so you're you're looking at another five feet is what you're talking about from from from my experience and the mayor is very cognizant on on on lot width and and dedications hey we we we we we don't we don't like doing two bites at the Apple we get the we take the first bite that's it you take the one bite mayor I I agree so I agree but whatever you guys what else could h i mean you can't connect up that road right I'm just curious it's it's a dead end councilor right up there so what you have to realize I mean I'll give you I'll give you for to cut anybody short we're going to get the additional 5et and the reason why is because we had a similar issue up on Hillside going back years ago when the rout 18 uh do was doing the expansion and the residents didn't want it to the full 303 and what end up happening is now we get the complaints from the residents when they have a landscaping company come in nobody can get around a landscaping company trailers so we're we're going to the additional fight feet because I don't want to hear about a couple years from now the landscape trailers unless as you stated it's not going to create undersized Lots here it's not going to I mean yeah no it won't it won't impact the lots and you know they're they're they're far over what what is required what I would ask though is the the proposed um the proposed roadway widening um sufficient I I think if I think any more than that it's going to be you're going to come from very very narrow Lanes on either end to to like a it it'll look like a super highway out there compared to what's there um Madam chair if I may um the the the Township's under U to reconnect uh the sewer line on Golf Links to down to River Road to upgrade that all that's going to be taking place probably simultaneously I mean we're we're several years away from that happening but I could see a uniform without there within about three to five years okay is that going to impact our vote tonight no no it's not but if they give us the the additional five feet you know that'll take a time when the township Engineers go to Divine um design the roadway and the sanitary sewer upgrade out there for the neighbor right Mr Mayor my my question is are the the sidewalk and curb installation where we show them are they acceptable and it's just a matter of moving the property line I believe you're gonna I believe they're gonna have to be pushed back a little bit that'll something if I if I make a suggestion Madam chair that we can approve this application subject to um them sitting down with our engineering staff to get a definitive thing out there and we will be that shouldn't hold up the approval yeah and we'll be coming back for final anyway and we can solve I think Mr Mayor between now and then I'm envisioning and easement for Minal purposes but I'm sure we can work that out yep okay we still have to open it up to the public we didn't do that yet for for um Mr Walker's testimony Al I'm GNA open it up to the public um do anyone in the public have any question for Mr Walker who testified just testified on this application yes we have Chris ker Kaiser okay Mr Kaiser hi give us your I'm Christine Kaiser I live at 69 Golflinks Avenue and this is my husband Maas okay if I may just stop for one second Miss Kaiser so only one of you can testify at a time Miss Saunders is gonna swear are you gonna go first Miss Kaiser no it'll be my husband ibly go first okay if you could state your name spell your last name give us your address and then Miss Saunders can swear you in okay my name is Matias Kaiser last name is spelled k a i s e r address is 69 golfing Avenue can you please raise your right hand um sorry I can't see you um you can't see them you just have to swear them okay um the testimony about to give we the truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you what would you like to either say Mr Kaiser or do you have a question yes actually a few concerns I have uh one concern would be uh the eand that currently goes those two proposed Lots um because I don't want I want to make sure it's not going to impact us up the hill go coming up because before the Lots were donated or to to the Greek Church there was all vegetation lots of trees everything was there uh there was a hold 8T deep now it's fed in um for 30 years I had no problem with water in my basement guess what went through multiple hurricanes nothing dry last last year came water in my property into my into my uh basement so how is this going to impact having two homes over there uh because right now it's it's causing me a problem well I can I can say I can say that that our property um just was looking at 67 which is the you know the home between your property and ours um that that um our property at that limit is at 70 their house is at 72 so it's going considerably uphill from our property um towards your property um and then downhill it goes across our property um from 70 at the the top the North End towards you to 65 um at the South Side um where the existing drainage easement is below us so water water from this site is going the complete opposite direction show so should not be causing any um any problem with your property okay but it's not has not been the case because uh right now that easement that goes to the property goes across underneath um Stafford goes past one house and bears right into uh into uh Riverview uh I believe that's currently blocked off I'm not sure I mean I haven't gone in it because right now it's High Grass but I don't want to trespass but uh I want to make sure that's being adjusted properly that the water flow is going to go that way and not uh stagnate have a have a lake in the back and consequently raise the water level uh uphill no that won't be the case that the property the way it's graded now and the way it'll be graded in the the future we show you know kind of tentative grading for the property it will all continue to flow in the opposite direction then towards your home okay now with regards to gol Lings now I know golfing the way it is right now it's it's country road it's probably the way the buggy Road 100 years ago uh a fair amount of golfing currently actually sits on RKA on the RKA golfs so when this is being uh um redone uh how is golfing going to be redone because currently the only utilities we have we have o above um electric we have um partial water and no sewer my sewer connects into Riverview so is the sewer going to be put into entire entire thingss sewer sewer for these these Lots was provided um through construction and an extension that came up riverv viiew and then goes through an easement across to a manhole in that man those four homes are connect to that man they they'll be connecting to a sewer that goes out the Riverview we're not extending we're not extending up golf Rings now you had mentioned um traffic well there's a lot more lot more traffic than you just indicated first of all there's currently six no one two four homes on on Golf Links right now existing homes um so everyone has two cars so you got you know got people at least cars going back and forth It's heavily used by rodus go course so you have maintenance equipment you have tractors you have uh Pon utility trucks going down it I mean there's a lot of activity there's more activity on on goling you might have on Riverview um so uh if you propose making the road wider it better be wide enough because there's a lot of equipment going down this road because the main currently sits at the end of of of b thingss um more towards uh well grings and then Stafford now I know I understand they may move down the road but they hasn't been you know um proposed yet yes sir as proposed the the road is um probably around four feet wider than than it is right now um than it is up in in front of your home and and then it is to the South um going down towards of Stafford um so so this would be the widest part of the road and then it Narrows back down to the existing width um in front of your homes um from the North and then and then to the South but this section will be widened okay so that's just just the bending is will be widened because my my property Market is actually virtually on the road on the current road that's six inches off the current road yeah that's the way it was on this property as well that's why we're providing a RightWay dedication to to move the RightWay widen RightWay there and wide the road okay now that's it for me for right now thank you sir thank you thank you madam chair there's one more uh Natalia okay come forward Mr Italia Natalia a Natalia okay um um yes hello can you hear me oh there you are natalan yes Des NOA denisova yeah yeah it is Dena okay okay if you could state your name spell your last name and provide us your address and then Miss Saunders will swear you in it's Dr Natalia G last name is spelled D is and David e n as a Nancy i s s as in Sam or V as in Victor a okay my address is 64 Riverview Avenue in disc course can you please raise your right hand do yes do you swear that the testimony about the give with truth and nothing but the truth I do thank you um so I have um two concerns and one concern is um when I came um that lot had a huge Basin in it and basically it wasn't um buildable from my uh point of view but over the years neighbors were like adding soil and some other debris to that Basin and uh now it's significantly smaller now as um previous speaker said once it's filled where water go to the neighboring buildings neighboring houses would it be like that we're not proposing any any changes to to the general uh grading of the property there's no there's no um Basin so to speak there's no no stormwater management feature it's it's just uh it it is a Swale that the general kind of the the back lot line slightly towards Golf Links is where the natural the pressure is and it and it it drops considerably over that over that 200 feet it drops about uh drops about six feet from north to south um across those backyards so there's nothing that's nothing that's holding water retaining water it's it's just um and and it has sufficient slope you know that's about three three and a half percent slope across those backyards so uh that's that's a considerable um slope and and there should not be any water there and and if I if I understand are you on the other side of is it Penrose um you're at the corner there so so you're even further uphill um as well from from this property so this is um this property is downhill and will will cause no problem um to your to your property or to other properties in the area you're cutting out Miss desan NOA Dennis over Miss Dennis overa can you hear us hear me could you repeat that we couldn't hear you very clearly that since we got a new road my basement got wetter than it used to be even though technically I am on the other side of the road I'm not a engineer or geologist I cannot explain it I just can testify that my basement is um better than it used to be and another thing is I noticed that there are new cracks that appeared in the foundation of my house and I only can explain it by the fact that when New Road was built um there was some some material some soil was removed so now ground is settling a new way and that affects my Foundation when foundations for those three new buildings will be dug that will affect many houses around and you probably know that Crux in the foundation is not covered by any um personal uh Pro property insurance so basically that would be up to those residents to manage those cruxs and those will be you know they will come because you know those basements will be humongous how are you going to um address this issue Miss there this is a an application for a four lot subdivision and if the cracks are already existing at your house this wouldn't have any impact since they're already existing so do you have any issues or questions related to the application or the testimony that Mr Moors what I'm saying those cracks were not here before new road conditions were created you know we just got maybe years years ago our street was um how I say reengineered in significant amount of soil was removed I would say at my house probably um three ft of soil was cropped away and I think soil is like Earth is resettling around my house and now I have new Crocs in the foundation when these new houses will be built I pray that it does not affect my house and Foundation of my house because I'm further down but houses which are around this future construction site they will be affected are you going to address this issue thank you Kevin do you want to address that I don't think it's an issue yeah yeah it's um the comments really have nothing to do I I appreciate the comments and I'm sorry if someone's having an issue but it's not an issue created uh it's something going on before this application and you've heard from our engineer nothing proposed here uh according to our expert is going to uh have any NE negative impact on adjacent or neighboring properties and I think he's fielded at all the questions in in that regard it sounds like this particular property owner has a a problem created by some mother circumstance Madam chair we have one more uh could you come forth if you have a question Mr Dr Rivera Dr [Music] Rivera the hand went away so I don't know yeah they muted themselves again I don't know what he's doing May barely Dr Rivera I see yes okay can you speak up just right now my my computer just switch headsets to the actual microphone okay all right should we go through your procedural things uh so my name is uh Luisa I'm on 61 Riverview Avenue and Piscataway of course and what else do you need you need to be sworn in by miss all right can you please raise your right hand got it do you swear that the testimony about the give we the truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you so I think um just a few points that I wanted to make and um uh so one is I think we have to get clear what surface water runoff is with what the impacts on the water table may be in the area um really I've also experienced a lot of the flooding issues as well um this property or the whole lot this single lot was really beautiful um it had heavily forested areas um I received a a little slip from the township sort of I guess giving permit for that area or lot um to remove um Wheats grasses and shrubs there's only two trees left in that whole lot pretty much everything was taken out um also uh as as others have have mentioned that sort of um catchment of all the water that happens on the golf course is really impacting all the properties here um it puts a lot of pressure on the water table not so much on the surface water runoff which is really not the big issue here it does slope I would I would be considering more of an issue for those that are at Stafford um and I don't know if there's any residents that are at Stafford here that can you know Express their concerns I'm a little bit uphill but of course the issues with the water table um uh and potentially this area that was heavily forested that almost you you know being used as a little flood mitigation area is is is gone there's no more trees that are able to sort of take up all that water that was coming in so that's a that's a bummer and from the understanding of the permit from clearing weeds grasses and shrubs to taking close to more than an acre of trees they're gone um uh so that's one thing I wanted to men the other thing I wanted to mention is one concern that I have is with the subdivision of these lots I'm a new resident here I've only been you know recently uh acquired my property about three years ago I I see the sentiment in the community with the issues that are happening in the street with traffic control related to the home games that we have to deal with um the church has expanded their parking they've also taken I think about close to another extra acre of their property to just expand more more more um more parking space they also I believe own a few more Lots in Riverview F which are also used for parking so my concern is that there are no foreseeable plans in the future for these subdivisions or extra lots that are happening and my concern is that in the future when there are plans that come up that basically again we'll see a small little house that um tenants will be you know people that rent houses mostly students or who knows um and that the basically the area around the whole lot will be used for additional parking that's four additional lots that potentially and who knows if they're required by the church or by somebody who is you know sort of a a related to the church they end up getting more extra um uh parking spaces so that's one of the big issues I've sort of seen in terms of the quality of life also in terms of real estate value um a lot of these properties not only the churches but other people that are just basically own and rent they don't really take care of their houses they don't take care of the curb appeal all they really care is renting the house and parking as many H as many cars as they can I've seen close to 150 cars parked um last game it was a $30 a pop that's close to $5,000 per game that some of these people are making so uh it also poses an issue with traffic concerns uh as the township does not provide any traffic control so I've seen traffic jams and River viiew for close to an hour for an Ohio State game I'm an emergency responder if there's any you know if I need to evacuate or go out to work I have to I would have to cross through the golf course basically also poses another issue with the amount of elderly population that we have in this street that again would um you know be uh be uh bestow by all the issues with parking and uh and the games that happen here again uh and and and I don't really understand why so much for parking when we only have about four or five home games it's not that much of a of a revenue in terms of how it affects the community curb appeal property State you know real estate value and so forth so that's one of my concerns in terms of yeah we want to subdivide there are no foreseeable futures um for you know for planning for construction or anything we don't know what we're going to do we're gonna you know what's going to happen in the future that's my my big concern when this was a very pretty Huge lot that should have been kept heavily forested in the back and potentially the house that's there um uh uh reconstructed and and redone for having a beautiful you know single home family um with amazing property value that would also impact all of our neighbors and again the quality of life think about when everybody in your street rents and every so often they come and go um what kind of Community are you you know going to raise your kids so just wanted to bring that in terms of there are no foreseeable plans in the future future and yet I you know there's a a a need for subdividing um and so when I see that need is Mr we really have to limit the comments we have another application um okay so if there's anything pertinent to this application concerns if you want to hear more you know feel free to contact me thank you sir sure that is all Madam chair okay oh there's no more there's no more questions from the public close to the public madam Cher If I I can make a comment um I just want to get some reassurances and on the record that the church will not be using any of that approved subdivision for Football parking or any University events right let me and counselor I want a deed restriction on those properties so whoever buys it they're going to have to abide by it uh if we could I have Mr Wabba present and uh he should be sworn in so no that's fine in church but I'm talking about I want to uh Mr Barlo I want deed restrictions on the properties when they're transferred for this slot division that there could be no um um university activity related parking on the properties you can agree to that Mr Morris you know that that becomes a thorny issue because you know a future how does it become athority issue counselor well look I don't I I know what you're driving at you don't want someone to create a uh a rental parking situation that's clear yeah but uh I could Envision a situation with me if I had a house there and having a bunch of friends over to go to the game and all of a sudden they're Park not charging them but I'm talking for sale charging okay okay uh so let's I just because this was not something that we anticipated and I just want to confirm Mr Wabba is's here on behalf of the applicant he's he's I'd like him to be sworn in and and that includes hold on C so that includes donations to the church too I I understand what you're follow I'm saying I I follow what you're saying so we have Mr wus morning he's here on behalf of the church sir if you could state your name spell your last name give us your address and Miss Saunders can swear you in he has to unmute himself he's trying there he goes okay last nameb address go ahead New Jersey all right now Mr Wabba you are uh here and you've you've has he been sworn I still don't even have the address up I couldn't hear him I'm sorry the wait a minute wait a minute one person at a time please can I still have's address we don't have his address please let's get let's go by the regular process we've established we need his name and address first name's hany last name wava WB now can we have him sworn in please yes can you please um you swear that the testimony about to give you the truth and nothing but the truth yes I do thank you right so Haney first state your address because we glossed over that so that Mr Barlo can take that down 1077 North boy parway North Brunswick New Jersey thank you all right now you have uh been logged in since the beginning of this hearing and you've watched all the testimony and you are here on behalf of the applicant correct is that correct hear me no no he needs to get closer to the computer we can't pick it up uh yes okay and you've heard all the you've heard all the representation so far by your engineer and the comments that I've made correct yes and the applicant has agreed to the some of the conditions we talked about regarding the garage and then uh Mirror Image houses all that I just want to get on the record is that correct yes okay now uh the mayor has brought up a situation based upon some of the comments uh there's a concern in the neighborhood that the uh your organization uh might in the future seek to use these Lots as uh paid parking lots like some of the other related properties uh for uh for football games you've heard that correct I have and I understand it is not the uh the applicant's intention to do that to to to have paid parking on this property is that correct that is correct we have not used that uh those lots for paid for any paid parking um as demonstrated the years that we've had it we've had no parking done uh at that location okay and uh you're prepared if the if the board would look favorably in this application to a a restriction that the Lots couldn't be used for paid parking or or donation to the church parking you're aware of that request yes okay and uh to uh uh otherwise solidify that the mayor is suggesting that uh there be some type of deed restriction so that future owners would also be bound by that uh should you sell the properties in the future that it couldn't be used for paid parking a paid parking and I just want to confirm that you have no the church has no objection to that type to that request and that type of restriction we don't have an objection okay I think we've covered that I just wanted to get that on the record thank you Mr WBA okay now where do we stand we ready for a vote on this application I'm ready if you are um do we have any uncovered does anyone have any questions of the Witnesses are we whether to proceive with a a motion to accept or reject this application board what are your wish Madame chair I'd like to make a motion that we approve the application um subject to the conditions uh discussed specifically that in the event the garage was substantially damaged need to be replaced would have to be in a conforming location the garage is never to be used for living space um each of the houses have their own character um the applicants agreed to provide an additional five foot right of away and finally that the uh church will not use this property for any type of pay parking or donation parking and further that there be a deed restriction in place that the Future Property Owners could also not use this these properties for paid parking do I have a second thank you roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes can I just ask who was the second Flor uh Carol Saunders Carol Saunders thank you I got you Carol all right thank you very much ladies and gentlemen have a pleasant evening than Kevin mhm okay um item number 12 24 pb13 Clon RP owner urban renewal LLC preliminary and final plan final site plan Laura Mr WBA if you could turn I got him thank you thank you I can't see who it was for a moment my apologies Mr trip are you here yes I am there you are Mr trip okay you may proceed okay thank you uh good evening Steven trip from The Firm of w Goldman and Spitzer on behalf of the applicant uh Clon RP owner urban renewal LLC uh the applicant is the designated redeveloper of property that's within the claen Street and bakeland Avenue Redevelopment plan it's a um 13.67% and Conrail right away um the property right now is is vacant it was used by the applicant is for temporary trailer storage uh pursuant to a temporary use permit this board granted um earlier this year um that use is has not been continued there's also um vacant structures on site that will be uh most many of which will be demolished as part of this plan um the only building that's going to remain is there's one bu building it's 386 3869 foot footprint uh with an additional mezzanine that's going to remain and one additional building 9450 foot building is going to be proposed as well and the remainder of the site will be trailer and vehicle parking area and the proposed uses will be any of the uses permitted by the Redevelopment plan which include uh vehicle storage truck terminal equipment storage sales and rentals um those are primarily the uses that we're focusing on um that are among the uses permitted in the Zone per the Redevelopment plan um also part of this uh plan which is uh required by the Redevelopment plan and is indicated on the site plan is offsite are improvements on the adjacent Township Fire Training Facility uh there's a um a requirement in the Redevelopment plan regarding some improvements we're adding and the engineer will explain this fencing and Gates and improving driveways and the engineer will explain there's currently two driveways to the fire facility one is on the portion of uh Clauson that remains in a public right of we it was not vacated and the other driveway is on a portion of a Clon that was vacated and what we're proposing as shown on the plans is the right of way easement um to the Wason right of way and that will provide access to the second driveway and uh the engineer can show that once uh he uh testifies this plan is compliant with the Redevelopment plan uh we're not seeking any variances I think there's one a couple of questions in the reports that will clarify that we're not seeking um any type of relief and we believe it's a fully conforming site plan uh what I'd like to do is have our engineer warning um Bill Lane I see Bill is right there you're gonna start with him you gonna start with Mr Lane yes okay correct Mr Lane can you please raise your right hand can't see I'm not sure if he's on video or Not His Hands is raised nice and high okay do you that testimony about to give me the trth nothing but the truth yes thank you um Mr Langan can you uh just briefly uh review your professional background your qualifications and what your role was in this project yes um I've been with menal engineering for a little over 39 years I've been a licensed PE in state of New Jersey for 27 years with my license in good currently in good standing um I've testified in front of probably over 100 boards throughout the state of New Jersey and including Piscataway uh many times um my my role in this was uh overseeing the design and layout of the of the uh facility um I've done several projects with catalysts over the last couple years and your um task was to develop a plan that conformed to the requirements of the Redevelopment plan correct correct okay now do you um I understand you have have some exhibits yes starting with the existing conditions exhibit yes I'll share my screen um he is acceptable to the committee as an as an expert in dis testimony go ahead proceed just wanted to record to reflect that thank you um is can bills uh get a screen share there we go up everybody can see all right this is entitled existing conditions exhibit October 9th 2024 we Mark that as A1 and Bill using this exhibit Could you um you know review the um the current uh site conditions the property the property location and just kind of orent everybody to where the property is and what's uh what's surrounding yeah um the property's been Consolidated into one lot block 345 lot 101 and it contains uh 13.67% so additional two acres became available to the property which totaled up to 13.67% used as a temporary trailer storage it contains four buildings the one existing building to remain is the 4500 foot building here um and additionally there's a uh single family home and a couple of garages off in the back portion of the corner of the property down along the railroad Uh current access to the property is off at the end of the uh Clon street right away um and the large portion of the site is constrained by Wetlands over in the western portion and uh majority of the wetlands and uh the wooded area over there will remain um even after construction Mr Lane can I just interject with a quick question or maybe Mr trip you indicated that the Lots had been Consolidated to block 345 lot 1.01 when was that done was a lot consolidation deed filed well we're we're going to consolidate um as a condition of the approval they will be Consolidated into a single L okay so your your in is if this is if this is acted on favorably that one of the things you'd be doing is doing a lot consolidation de correct okay thank you correct that's the that's the intent okay sorry you're W yes um Mr Lane um I believe you have another exhibit now the overall plan exhibit uh to to show what we're proposing in all right all right this is entitled overall plan exhibit is also dated October 9th 2024 so yeah okay there we go2 okay okay um why don't you explain what the applicant is proposing Mr okay um applicants actually proposing two phases this site um phase one will be in the Northeast section of the property um that is the portion that will keep the existing 4500 foot building buing uh phase two is where we're constructing the new 9,450 foot building it will be fencing down sort of the middle of where we're considering the the phasing line in between the properties with fencing um the other structures that were down in the corner here are being removed um also just to let you know as far as the phases part of phase two uh we're looking to get Wetlands permit plans uh Wetlands permit Wetlands permits for that portion of the site um so if those are in the works are being held up because the DP you know sometimes takes a little bit of time applicants looking to get going construct phase one portion of the site um the existing as to the D permits uh you have a letter an Loi correct correct and you have your permit applications in and their pending correct correct yes okay um as far as phase one with the existing building um 1,976 sare ft will be part of Maintenance Service and Storage Space um the other 257 square feet will be for office uh for the proposed uh building in phase two um 8,485 square feet will be maintenance service and storage space and approximately 965 Square F feet will be office um in the proposed building be four overhead doors on each side of the building where trucks will come in for a service and they can pull in from the East side and pull out through the West Side um additionally there's a fifth door on the western side in the rear of the building that will be for a wash bay and that they'll access from the rear of the building and just uh BL and then uh get their car whatever it needs to be done is washed um the building we're looking at having a neutral color either gray or beige um and uh as far as the uh proposed development we're we're going to comply with all the Redevelopment plan um with as the site as mentioned the site will be used for industrial and related uses perit to the Redevelopment plan um including vehicle trailer equipment storage sales and rentals um the existing building uh will be 23 feet in height the proposed building be 26 feet in height where the Redevelopment allows for 55 um the buildings comply with the front rear and uh side yard setbacks as far as building coverage we're at 2.2% where 40 is permitted um for our overall impervious coverage uh 26% proposed where 70 is permitted uh we also have additional gravel areas um which we weren't considered because the ordinance doesn't uh require gravel to be uh considered as impervious but if we did we're still at only 43% well under the 70 um the site access is still going to remain off the end of Clon street where the rideway ends um that street portion of the street will be uh paved uh with new curving and sidewalk down the street um after you come into the property uh we're looking to propose a 45 foot wide access easement down about 142 feet into the property this will allow the second driveway access Into the Fire facility as well as um our access into both phases of the of the project um that's 45 45 ft in width yes and about 142 feet long into the property okay um the phase one axess will have a gate on the uh nor the Eastern end of the of the r of the easement and phase two will have access gate uh at the very end of that easement um the main Drive aisles they all comply with the Redevelopment plan where we have a 20 foot wide minimum and 65 foot wide maximum um for car parking under phase one we're proposing nine new spaces just to the east of the existing building there'll be one handicap space one e space there and under phase two north of the new building we'll have 12 new spaces and also there'll be an EV space and Ada space there as well um EV stations will be uh constructed and operational prior to co um for the trailer storage areas under phase one we have three trailer storage areas and that totals approximately 78 spaces for phase two we have four par storage areas and that totals approximately 88 spaces um for fencing around the property we're proposing an 8 foot high fence with uh with chain link fence with green fabric screen on the exterior of the of the side of the fence uh which is in compliance with the Redevelopment plan for offsite improvements on the fire training facility uh we're looking to replace the existing fence along the Clawson Street rway and the bakeland avenue street rway we're looking to replace the new the the existing Gates on the main access driveway for claan Street and then the secondary AIS as we mentioned that comes off of through our easement um also uh in col Street we're installing a new sanitary sewer main down the road and into the existing Pump Station that sits at the corner of Clon and blakeland and we're tying tying into that as well and upgrading the pumps there um the applicant is also conveying two lots um from the property uh and giv back and giv them to the fire facility there lots 5.01 and 12.01 and block 342 and that's approximately 4,000 additional square feet to the to the fire facility that property that property's been convey so the uh fire station La has been increased as a result okay um on to storm water we're proposing three new buyer retention basins um uh for Basin one we have uh the largest one which is in the southern section of the property along the conil RightWay Basin two is up in the northern corner of the property uh right up by Clon Street and uh Basin three is down in the corner the all the way to the east right again also along the Conrail RightWay post and rail fencing will propos around all three basins um the Basin design stor War design addresses Township and requirements for water quality the quantity and recharge um and additionally we've gotten comments in from uh DNR engineering and the applicant is going to agree to all of those comments in there there's nothing we can't satisfy for landscaping we're proposing to install 22 new trees 12 shade and 10 Evergreen and 34 new shrubs um Additionally the three basins because their bio retention bases will have anywhere from 100 to 300 trubs in the Bas and bottom as well as 250 to grasses installed in them um we there's no burms or buffers required or proposed um with the parking uh being uh five and eight feet off the property lines and that's that's the Redevelopment plan um specifically permits uh two foot uh setback for parking loading on the side and a five foot from the rear correct correct yeah and those are question in one of the reports I believe the staff report about providing a buffer um is there anything you could do in in that area between the fence and the end of the uh parking I mean we could look to install stuff but being it's limited from five to8 feet and you're going to have you know cars or trailers backing up in there um you know it wouldn't be ideal but it can be done if need if if really they looking the the board of town is looking to have that done but the conditions we're talking about in terms of the setback is in full compliance with the Redevelopment plan correct correct okay yeah and those and those uh parking spaces uh along the northern property line along the warehouse uh along the South along the the conr railroad and then also along the wooded area next to the uh fire training facility where the parking spaces are you say along the warehouse that's the warehouse on the adjacent property correct okay um so those those are the areas where we have the trailer parking correct correct okay um additionally because uh this site was existing wooded uh down here along the southern portion and we're moving trees um app is going to have to make a a contribution to the tree fund um there's limited stuff that we could do on site um as as I'll mention once we get to the get to the utilities there's easements on site that prohibits us from adding much more trees on here um but what they're looking to do right now is we're doing a tree survey and with an arbor is to try to hopefully bring the uh number down to a more accurate number but we we will be making a contribution to the tree Fund in some fashion um because there was a decent amount of trees out here need to be removed um now you're looking to identify you're looking now you're doing a specific analysis to identify trees that are required to be replaced versus trees that aren't is that correct correct yes okay and uh lighting um we're proposing 28 new light Po um and four new lights along the proposed building um the poles will be 30 ft high with LED lights um with a 0.5 minimal foot candle and an average foot candle of 1.69 foot candles across the property um we're also proposing a new 96 square foot sign out by the cson street entrance um and that's also in compliance with the Redevelopment plan um for utilities um waterers being taken from there's a 12in main that comes down Clon Street and ties to a 48 inch main that cuts from Brook Avenue across the property um so we'll be tying into that 12in line for both buildings um for sewer as previously mentioned we're going to run a new line down cson street and high to the existing Pump Station um uh with those water lines because we're vacating the streets um we're going to propose a new easement over them additionally there's a uh Township utility EAS in back in the corner here which that will get vacated and there's no other utilities back there but what we're going to do we're working with New Jersey American water is we're going to have a easement across their 48 inch water main that comes down Brook Avenue and across this portion of the property and there's a 12 in line that will have also out the CL street across this section of the property um sit's not expected to have any issues with noise from prospective tenants um if anything arises the applicant will have to look at providing some kind of noise attenuating fence but like I said with the oper ation here should be minimal and the the residential uses are on the other side of the railroad tracks correct correct in the nearest home I think from where any of our new uh storage travels will be about approxim about 150 ft with that 100 foot wide rway there um as far as Outside Agency approvals we have our middle sex County approval from June of 2024 um as earlier mentioned we got a letter of interpretation from the D back in January of 2024 and additionally we're under review with the NDP for wetland Perman um we've reviewed professional uh letters that have come in um and majority of it all that I think we just about we can comply um there was one issue um that came up with the I think I think there's a there's a couple of things because some of some of the items require clarification okay so I just wanted to start with the staff with the uh staff memorandum Bill okay um the first couple of comments are just um statements one two three are just statements number four asks for the uh hours of operation anticipated uh number of employees um and anticipated number of trips um we we don't uh at this point there are no there's no tenants correct I mean we don't have a specific tenant yeah correct there's no tenants known at this time at this time and in terms of trips we did submit a traffic report which uh you uh the traffic uh Consultants board reviewed and didn't have any real questions regarding that so um I think we addressed that in terms of the noise I think you just testified that if we don't expect an issue but if there is we can always add an attenuating there's a comment there that we might have to install an 8 foot high noise reducing fence and that's just going to be a matter of uh if if there's an issue we would comply with that correct correct um the next was tree a contribution to the tree fund and I know you indicated that that pending a final count there'll be there'll be a tree uh u tree contribution requirement correct um number seven talks about a buffer and the Redevelopment plan talks about what would be in a landscape buffer but is there is there any actual requirement for buffers in those particular areas that you identified no and that's where where you you have the two foot and the five foot Set uh setbacks correct that are correct they're five they're approximately 5 feet and 8 feet um but if if the board wants as a condition of approval that you do add some plantings there you would you would be able to do that correct correct okay uh the next comment just talks about um additional trees or um and we're you're going to add trees and make a contribution to comply with the requirements correct correct the next comment deals with the color of the building and I think you provided testimony uh comment 10 requires electric vehicle charging stations operational prior to instruments of a CO we agree to that um the next comment has to do with heavy duty pavement detail bill um can you address that briefly yeah in talk about the applicant I guess he's already uh in discussions with um contractors and stuff on how to you know construct a site um one of the thoughts was that um during construction they'd like to have a bigger Stone base out there um so what they did was they had the uh soils engine Geotech engineer design a pavement section to thicken up the stone base um so really what we're looking to do and propose is um a twoin surface uh pavement section with a 3-in binder course with six inch of stone so like a I said during construction it could be a little bit heavier um and that works out usually but your rule of thumb is uh every two inches of stones like an inch of pavement so if you do the numbers we provide that provides an 8 inch section um the I know the town section is one and a half inches of surface with a 5inch binder course of payment and then three inches of stone so if you take that three inch of stone with one and a half inches that that's also an approximately an 8 inch section so we're matching the sections we're just looking to do a little bit more Stone on the bottom and take a little bit out of the binder course um if and you're going to work with and you're going to work with the town engineer on that you need his approval on that correct correct okay um number 12 is to keep uh parking areas clear of debris and vegetated growth um no chemical herbicides that's obviously we agree to that um number 13 is uh replacing certain details with the township standard details bill there's no issue with that on the plans no issue curbs and sidewalks along clawen um item 14 you've already testified to that correct yes and then the middle sex County approval letter has been submitted so that's that report um I believe um the Charlie Carly report the DNR report you um indicated we can comply with fully yes and the DPW the Department of Public Works report um item one talks about extending the Clon Street RightWay to allow proper vehicular entrance um we're not sure what that comment means we have um the right of way and we're giving a 45 Foot Right of Way um we'll we'll talk to uh um Mr gaspari to see what else he's looking for but uh we believe we're providing um a right of the one driveway is on the Clon Street uh public RightWay and the other driveway is on the vacated portion but there's a 45 foot wide RightWay access so if something else is required we'll we we'll we'll certainly uh work with um with your uh Department of Public Works and your Municipal engineer to to do whatever else is required to make sure Mr trip if I may jump in Waller um we'll just work that out with uh the township attorney and the other uh issue I know that Public Works had is about the uh the forest main issue SE Force main issue that needs to be resolved um well the comments on the report I think we can agree to the comments on the report okay the comments two through six deal with the uh with the uh the pump state bill we can comply with all the remainder of those reports those comment yeah yeah just to run through yeah I mean just to run through a few the the the number two we will definitely upgrade the line um the one number three the one and a quar inch PVC pipe um we we did the calculations sent them over to the uh engineering department uh Joe Herrera actually said we were good with the design on that so we're going to leave the existing one and a quarter inch line um number for number number four is just the comment and then number five and number six um we we were doing some stuff with the plan where we thought we might have to alter the line but the existing Line's going to stay so the plans and profiles would get corrected to leave the existing line in place I just Mr I just want to make that the public works department is comfortable and that the applicant can work it out with Public Works absolutely I think Mr trip it would probably make sense to that there be a developers agreement we can subsume all those items uh into that so it can be worked out at appropriate time yeah we have no we currently have a there is a Redevelopment agreement but we have no problem with the supplemental development agreement to incorporate these terms and conditions thank you not a problem um the other reports the traffic report basically didn't have any real comments other than at the end uh this is the Betsy Dolan and Dean August 8 24 they just wanted to um correct the labels um on the plan when revised plans are submitted and I think there also was a question Bill about access to the uh um proposed wash yeah um just to go over those two things um we originally everybody was going to pull straight in and straight out so this was going to be a one-way driveway you could see here even on this overall plan we had a stop bar here that's been removed and it's no longer one way we have a two-way axis in here so the that portion of their letter has been addressed um the the next thing is there's a a wash bay in the back corner here so now that it's a two-way driveway they could pull in back pull into the car wash back out and come through this two-way driveway and um the the final the last report is the CME report and I I um you know subject to um the planner who I know is here we can we start with the comments and recommendations or is there anything before that you'd like us to address I'm here but if they if they have no objections we can move forward um basically one of the things uh I I just looked at I had technical comments about evsc but nothing major yeah the EV comments is just we we uh subtract it and you say it's a credit it's it's it's it's just the math is different and we have no problem that's it that's it if they have no objection we're good yeah I don't there's nothing I don't see anything in your report that's that's that's an issue yeah you basically asked for qualifications you found a misspelling which we will certainly correct um you know a couple just just some technical things but Bill do you see any issue with with addressing their report their report no we're get everything in there okay good thank you so that I think we've hit every report now and at this point I don't have anything further from Mr Lane um unless of course their questions Mr Lane if you could unshare your screen thank you okay do you have any other witnesses there any question I do not I do have a representative of the uh developer uh if there are any questions but um you know at this point I think Mr Mr L has covered everything that we needed to cover we need to open it to the public well does the board have any questions does the board have any questions of this witness if they don't oh Madam chair it's do Corin I it's not it's not necessarily for Mr lean um I do know there's a representative here from the company but I I do realize this was recently brought to your attention Mr trip that there's um debris out at the site from the prior tenant um we do realize that you've been working on cleaning it up one of our inspectors was out there today so thank you for that um when do you anticipate the complete removal of that debris being complete uh done do you need another week another two weeks let me uh let me have Mr uh William Slater who's um y hi everyone they should should W hold on hold on Mr Slater before you say anything you have to you have to get sworn in and you have to identify who you are and what you're doing with the company um can you please raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony about to give we the truth and nothing but the truth yes I do St and SP your name for the record my name is William Slater w i l l i a m Slater SL l a t r thank you and Mr Slater what what is your position with uh the applicant uh I'm the project manager for Catalyst Investment Partners who's the controlling um part of Cl Urban CLA and urban renewal LLC and you're familiar with the site yes and you're familiar with the issue of the debris yes and that debris was there um from the your predecessor and title correct yes so um Miss corkin had asked a question about what your timing is that she is aware that you have you do have people out there doing the cleanup correct yes they they started today and they've told me they'll be wrapped up by by Friday Mr Tre uh counselor Mr Tre I just have a question later how did you folks close on a property knowing full well that the prior owner left all that debris there I I to me it was uh legal malpractice or something to allow something to like that to happen and I'm not trying to throw anybody literally under the bus because it was from leel LA bus company but that's a whole another issue I mean as long as you're getting it cleaned up that's fine but I'm just kind of shocked that somebody would close on the property with condition that way yeah we were we were hoping to clean up we were hoping to clean it up a little earlier um and then it was eventually going to be cleaned up with the development of the property but we're we're happy to clean it up now okay thank you okay can you hear me yes yes okay um let's open it up to the public uh anyone in the public wishing to ask a question of um Mr Lane uh would you indicate would you show your hand so that you can let us know that you have a question yeah Vivian hi ma'am if you could state your name spell your last name for the record and give us your address sure Vivian Harris and the last name is h a r r i and I'm at 59 Normandy Drive in Piscataway of course um can you please raise your right hand it is do you swear that the testimony about to give you truth and nothing but the truth yes thank you thank you so um as as a resident in uh of Piscataway for over 20 years um and actually directly across from where this proposed um site is going to be built um I I really felt that it was important to uh voice my opposition to the destruction of this pristine forest in Wetlands which is actually a sanctuary and home to a variety of diverse protected Wildlife it's been untouched basically for over 25 years we've really um well I guess I really hate to see it paved over for industrial facilities um and so I have a few questions that I'd like to raise uh my first has to do with the pollution and the impact on the residents um there sounds like there's going to be a lot of light pollution for the residents that um are living within 500 feet or less of this facility and we really don't look forward to having all that light shining right in our residential windows and the additional noise and air pollution that may result from having what what did you say 88 truck spaces filled and and also a uh wash basin which this the first I've heard about having a wash basin there um and uh what I I guess what uh remediation is there going to be for both the noise and the light um I would direct the light well the light Mr uh Lane uh can you address the lighting lighting has to comply with the uh Redevelopment plan which has some specific requirements that prevent any glare and any light from leaving the site is that correct Bill correct and can you explain that and and answer the question yeah I'm you know we we've designed these uh to to to pretty much just light up the pavement area um again the Conrail RightWay is 100 feet away so it's only the back side of those lights that are up Along on that property line and they're going to shine forward um they come in with backside Shield so nothing pulls off to the backside um and the majority of the lights are further into the site even much further away um they're probably another couple hundred feet into the site um and like the Mr trip has indicated you know it's been designed in accordance with Township standards and the Redevelopment plan and when when you say that the um the the lights will be aimed mainly towards the front I'm assuming that means towards bakeland yes to into the property yes okay I I still would uh would would like to see some kind of fencing or shielding to be considered that would block that light from coming into our areas our backyard any light at all that's going to be directed towards the homes on the other side of the railroad tracks again there they're probably the ones that that that the heads face in towards the railroad they're they're a couple hundred feet almost off the property line um so they're much further in so as the as the cone of light goes downward um you're really not going to have that shining out across the railroad right away if if we find as the construction goes forward that that's not the case um is there some means of coming back to the board to have something change well I I think that if if the lights actually um exceed the permitted foot candles and actually um create light beyond the property line it would not be in compliance with the uh Redevelopment plan is that correct Bill correct and we would be required to remediate that as matter of law wouldn't we yes um the other question I have is is in terms of the wetlands we have a letter of interpretation correct correct yeah I was getting to the wetlands question and and and Bill is it fair to say that the majority of the wetlands area is going to be preserved and that area is vegetated is going to be left in its natural state yeah there's a I mean there's a big chunk um like like it IND indicated even with the gravel area where it like 43% of impervious coverage where you're even the I believe we're allowed 70 so 57% of the site is uh is grass area or remaining Woods area um and everything over from that proposed building to where we have uh a little bit of the driveway behind there that's all existing wetlands and woods that are that won't be touched okay the um the the the Wetland actually are um a kind of a double-edged concern um my my first concern with the wetlands is um has to do with flooding and flood control um the storm water drains around that area says do not dump drains to the waterways this includes the Ambrose Brook Ron River um yet consistently what we've seen with major storms like Ida and Irene in the past um bakeland area floods at both ends as does River and Pome town roads um with the loss of some of these Wetlands um the uh it it'll actually kind of increase the community flooding and potenti entally and residents already have very limited egress to the area in case of flooding and actually have uh a pretty good challenge to get to medical facilities during storm flooding the last time we had a major storm there was only one exit out of the entire neighborhood and kind of had to drive over some neighbors properties to do that um has the uh has the plan as you've outlined it um taken those flooding concerns into consideration and Bill Bill can you address that um the property bill first of all the property is not in a flood zone is it no and um can you address the issue of the storm water and and and and the uh concerns about about on it yeah um not only you know do we have to have go through a review with the township engineer but because we have Wetlands on site we also have to go through a stringent review with the Department of environment Environmental Protection and every so many years they come out with a little more stricter a little more stricter rules um so as I mentioned earlier we have three bio retention basins which collect treat hold back infiltrate the water into the ground um these things are oversized uh any new development nowadays that has has to go through this storm water design they're welld designed to handle any increase and reduce the runoff from the property from the existing condition whereas the two-year storm gets cut in half from the existing conditions up to the 100-year storm where it gets cut down to 20 25% um we can't change the drainage patterns the Basin one goes into the wetlands Basin 2 shoots out towards Ambrose Brook and uh the other Basin up by CLA Street goes out into the system so this system is designed very very well and like I said it goes through a stringent review with the DP as well as the town so this I this is designed pretty well to handle the storm water runoff increase from the pavement areas and your obligation under the regs just to be clear is to is to reduce the rate of runoff correct correct and to address water quality issues as well correct and your uh basins that you're proposing are compant with the regul and accomplish that yes and additionally the the township engineer in their report had some additional comments regarding the drainage which you're going to address as well correct okay and it's I I realize this is an unrelated property but down the road from this area there's a huge Warehouse uh property that will be buil Miss Harris if we could stick to this application because that doesn't really have any relevance to the the application for site plan here um and and it is getting late so if you have anything pertinent to this particular application otherwise we'd like to move along okay I I understand it is kind of related because it's taking out additional um areas for uh the many species of wildlife that have existed over there there's tons of wildlife over there that are going to be displaced uh lots of wild turkeys foxes fats um there also was a uh well last year there were two bald eagles uh that I've photographed in that area they've since um they they've since I guess relocated because of the cleanup of the debris that is happening along with the wood chips that exist as uh part of an I I guess what I consider or what I've read to be an illegal tree chipping operation um but what um what what measures are being taken to um protect some of the wildlife that's over there well Bill the wetlands areas other than the area you're getting um Hermits for is going to be left in its natural state correct correct and I believe we have to De restrict it and can't be touched and when when you got the letter of interpretation D assesses the ecological value and they and and you also have to um demonstrate that there's no habitat for threatening dangered species isn't that correct correct and D did that analysis before they issued the or letter of interpretation correct yeah okay was there any other residents that would like to speak oh is uh is past witness finished is she finished well I think she's yes far exceeded her a lot of time so no one else Madam chair okay thank you close to the public then are we ready for a motion or Mr trip do you have any closing yeah just very briefly given the late hour I mean we we've come up with a plan that fully complies with the ordinance we've addressed all the reports um we've agreed to incorporate all the various understandings into a uh a further development agreement as the mayor uh has suggested so I think we've demonstrated that we've um you know fully complied with the Redevelopment plan and um we should um uh the application uh should be approved subject to uh the conditions that we uh that we've agreed to and the conditions in your uh professionals reports members of the board uh what is your pleasure Adam shair Reverend Kenny I make a motion that this application be granted and accepted with the uh the applicant complying with the the staff reports that were said for second it roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman Cahill yes Miss corkran yes Miss Saunders sorry yes okay rever Cy yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes thank you very much thank you very much you thank you item number 13 discussion to amend definitions to separate hotel and extended stay hotel under the zoning ordinance pursuant to njs 40- is that 501 26 there's glare under my lamp that's okay um D you want me to just briefly explain to the board okay uh evidently upon review of the um Township ordinances um it it's become necessary that um to to lay out a more particular definition as to hotel and extended stay hotel so that the zoning ordinances can uh more appropriately address those types of facilities so uh I know Mr Clarin had prepared um some definitions of the two that just lay out the particulars as to you know there is a difference between a hotel or motel and an extended state facility and the council sent it over for our review um as to whether or not U but I guess the planning board agrees that's a good idea and the the mayor may have some additional comments or Dawn I think that Mr bar I think there was just ambiguity in the two differences and I think this is just clarifying the differences of the two between a hotel and ex hotel motel and an extended state Hotel correct me if I'm wrong Miss Corley I just think it it was all kind of lumped into one and this will remove the ambiguity and and allow the township to craft the appropriate ordinances for different types of facilities I think it's a really smart thing to do because we want to make sure that if an approval is given that we know exactly what's going in there what type of so the distinction will be made prospectively not retrospectively right there go well do we have to amend uh the current uh facilities that are motels and hotels I would I would Envision now that the if the township Council approves the two separate definitions that the next step may be that the council will uh craft ordinances to relate to the two different types of facilities and how they operate going forward okay so then that would just we would just distinguish in the future future well I wouldn't be surprised if we get additional things to comment on relative to the ordinance as as the council and the governing body flushes that out but I do think it's a good idea though I think we should distinguish so Mr borlo is there an is there a revision Advanced here or is this just a a concept that you're asking for opinion well it's the it came over from the council who's adopted it um on first reading and as of right now it just it sets forth two different definitions it it it differentiates and as the mayor said remes the ambiguity between a what we all think of as a hotel or motel you stay there for one or two nights and going to a football game as opposed to an Extended Stay facility where people are there for weeks if not months at a time and once the definitions are in place then would Envision a a possibility where then ordinances can be crafted to govern and both types of facilities okay and again it was a little unclear to me when I when I saw this uh generally when when an ordinance gets referred on first reading isn't isn't the planning board basically looking to see if it's consistent with the master plan yes and I think clearing up the ambiguity in the statutes is consistent with the master plan re and I would totally concur with that and just put it on a record so if it gets referred back to council I mean as your board planner I I would say it's consistent with the master plan we do have we have an extended St an extended state facility in town now yeah and and I don't think we have the appropriate definitions to address it and I think that's what the council is trying to to remedy so you know again I'm just advising planner we're good so if it's if the board is in favor of that it would be appropriate for a motion um in concurrence with the council's recommendation um as to the two definitions and then I did prepare a resolution if the board wishes to act favorably on it so it can go back to the counc Reverend Kenny one one question on in regards to that that can be Amendment to the master plan and put into the master plan is that correct Council absolutely I mean when the master PL reexamined um if there have been changes you know they can they should be worked into the master plan at the appropriate time thank you that's what I thought thank you sir sir so who would like to make that poose that motion well I'll make the motion that we um make the recommended changes um to the zoning ordinance to make the Amendments do I have a second second that motion doie we got several second it's well it's well seconded can we have a roll call Mayor Waller yes councilwoman kahill yes Miss corkran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes uh you have a resolution sir I I do Manders I see it okay um Madam chairman I'd like to moralize the resolution um for the concurrence with ordinance and to supplement the revised current definition of hotel and the creation of a separate definition of extended state hotel I have a second second okay oh come on come on I know we got some seconds out there boy oh boy this is great seconds tonight mayor Waller roll call yes councilwoman kill yes Miss Corran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend canny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster absolutely yes and Madam chair yes okay item number 14 discussion adoption of the 2025 planning board calendar is there was there a proposed one yeah I sent it to you oh well I guess I didn't get that deep oh I see it I see it here it is I have them all saved in my calendar already Laura and by the way I went enter again I started making duplicate meetings so thank you for sending it that way I appreciate it you like me Council woman I I I do everything ahead of time but your people crazy okay I assume we have no conflicts in here with Easter or anything so uh would someone like to propose a motion to accept the calendar this is Carol son as I make a motion to accept the calendar do we get a second second okay mayor Waller yes councilwoman kill yes M Coran yes Miss Saunders yes Reverend Kenny yes Mr Atkins yes Mr Foster yes and Madam chair yes absolutely okay everyone um motion to adjourn so moved everyone vote and we'll see you next month no we'll see you in two weeks for the site plan work okay and let's go Mets they won tonight they won yeah on of champion are done for