e e first salute to flag I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States United States of America it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for allice Mr canelia are there any changes to the agenda tonight uh the appeal of spark Car Wash will not be heard they did not notice for this okay let's proceed to item number five 24- zb- z4v Santino alante I'm here pres good evening I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand yes swear that testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes sir your name and address please is Gia Cen Monte address is N9 R Street Piscataway New Jersey 08854 thank you you explain to the board while you're here I'm sorry I didn't hear you could you explain to the board why you're here sure I had um a company um put in a PVE pavement for me and unfortunately they didn't go to the board for per for permits so I'm understanding I I I got a notice and I understand that I have to bring it in at least six to seven um inches in and then put put up some um green um giant um maybe um aivi plants that are six to seven um feet tour yeah and you have to bring it in six to seven feet or six to eight feet not inches I mean right that's what I meant to say feet my my feet Yes I wish it was in yes yes thank you for the clarification and you're willing to do that absolutely okay I don't even need to speak to Mr Chadwick at this point I don't think um I shouldn't say John just for the record were there anything other notes Henry's report made the recommendation that Jim spoke to and that is it okay do we need to agree landscaping and the removal of six to8 feet of the patio do we have to decide whether it's six or eight feet Yes um I'd say i' I'm I'm comfortable with six to be honest with you I think the plan types recommended will fit in that that that distance is that okay misson that's perfect six I was hoping that you said six thank you six is fine with us I think um let's go around the board and see if everyone else plac the same band um did you did you open it to the public no I didn't I I want to know if anyone on the board had any questions first anyone board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public portion have any questions or comments about application no one chairman okay close the public portion and I will make a motion to approve this application can I get a second I'll second it thank you please call a roll Mr Weissman yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr BL yes Mr Mondo yes and chairman K yes M Seno alonti your application has been approved as a mention we will memorialize it written document meeting and send that document to you awesome now I have a quick question what's the time frame this should be done in because I have to speak to the the company that um went ahead and did their own thing that's a very good question uh the board should give the applicant the reasonable amount of time to do this I believe so I believe we should um six months six months Mr alante that's okay with you yeah that's fine I'm I'm not gonna tell them six months cuz oh no no tell him six weeks yeah definitely they'll wait to December you know I'm glad you understand my point absolutely absolutely you have a great night ma'am let's move on to item number six 24- z-15r net properties uh good evening members of the board board professionals uh this is Tim Arch attorney licensed in the state of New Jersey I'm here representing Venture net properties um Venture net properties is the owner of the uh Johnson and Johnson campus that's on 425 hose Lane I'm sure you're all familiar with it um the goal of the applicant ultimately is to use the campus for their American headquarters eventually opening a home furnishing showroom retail offices something akin to the FW Web building on septennial um but that's not why we're here tonight that's a much more involved uh application which is uh hopefully going to be coming in the next couple months um what we're here for tonight is that the applicant was under the belief that um while they were finalizing and designing their ultimate site plan for the use of the campus that they be able to use that time to begin to do the interior fit out of the building um and so as a result they have a sizable amount of uh products and materials um related to the interior fit out of the building things like um uh flooring doors uh wall paneling um in addition to some of their product um uh potentially down the line that they may ultimately want to uh to to have in their showroom and they need a place to essentially put it um so uh what we're here for tonight is we're asking for a temporary six-month use variance uh to allow storage of those products and materials on the ground floor of one of the existing buildings uh that's on the site um and in the meantime we're going to be coming back before the board uh with uh with a full site plan application for the full use of the site um but we just need a place to essentially store that um we've discussed this proposal with the with the Township uh more importantly we've discussed it with the fire marshall uh who has worked with our architect to make sure that our storage plan provides adequate fire safety egress um there's existing fire suppression in the building that is going to remain operational uh while anything is stored there uh tonight I do have I do have our architect James Chen who's here who's available for any questions that the board has uh specific questions um but uh and I also have um John dupon who's our professional planner um I I would start with I guess John dupon unless you have any direct questions of myself or of uh um of Mr Chen um but that's essentially the the ask that we're asking for tonight before you get to the planner could you either a witness who will testify to which building we're talking about and what the uses are going to be in the two buildings during the temporary use certainly that would be uh that would be Mr Chen so if we can have uh uh Mr James Chen I know we have several James W Chen's on there but I believe there's one that is the real James Chen if he can be called and sworn in Mr Chen could you raise your right hand where the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes I do your name and address please my name is James wuen 22 milstone Road my office at the 29 l Park Road in Princeton New you put your hand uh so Mr Chen if you can for the benefit of the uh of the the board if you can please just give us a quick uh background of your uh credentials um I'm a licensed architech in New York many practice in New York City and I have licensed in New Jersey Connecticut Florida and used to be California as well but I think his credentials are fine you can proceed okay thank you so um Mr Mr Chen you're familiar with the property you're familiar with uh um vet uh their proposed uses of the property is that correct yes yes I do okay and you actually produced the uh the plans that were submitted to the board uh the architectural plans that show the layout of of where we're going to be storing stuff correct that's correct yes sir okay uh and if you can just I know on the site there's two different buildings can you just uh confirm which of the two buildings uh we are proposing to use as the storage the building from the street there's a twostory building we call that building number one and we not have any proposed alteration at this point for that building there's another one behind it after the creek it's a three story building we call that building number two that's the one we are subject to proposed the storage but we only going to alter the first floor ground floor for the building number two okay so just that building number two and just on the first floor of that three-story building is what we're proposing to use the uh the storage area for correct that is correct okay and what I said in my introduction that this is for materials to be used in the interior fit out things like flooring wall panels and different materials such as that that's the type of stuff that we're uh proposing to store there is that correct that is correct okay and possibly down the line because this is a Furnishing um uh Furnishing business there may be some product that we eventually want to use in the showroom that may also be stored there as well is that correct that is correct yes sir okay but nothing that's going to be hazardous nothing that would be any sort of uh um issue uh with with storage these are all non-hazardous materials correct that is all some of them is combustible some of them is non-combustible but the pallet was uh being placed in such a way they have a proper separation and I had submitted the building department that the the storage layout will have been properly protected by the existing fire supression system correct so you had actually uh you've actually had a meeting and sat down with the Fire Marshall and have worked out the the proper placement of these things so that there's safety egress and that the fire suppression system is adequate correct that is correct yes okay uh I don't have any direct more direct questions Mr CH if the board has any questions we can certainly certainly I think that was answered adequately um Mr I can just follow up with a couple of questions please thank you Jim okay the back building where the storage is going to occur on the first floor will any activity be taking place on the second and third floor during the temporary use negative and will there be any activity in the front building during the temporary use negative thank you that's all that I have Mr chairman thank you Jim I appreciate any other I have a couple questions these these building is not going to be open to the public correct it's not going to be open the public at this point no the application here is that it will not have any public access until you come in and get a new site plan if and when correct that is correct and there's no retail sales from this no there's no retail yeah the retail is not permitted under the current zoning and is there any Wholesales um we have proposed to have the second building as a part of the wholesale showroom but that will be part of the next application as Mr Tim indicated for the for the next zoning application so it will not take place until your subsequent submittals absolutely yes correct I have no other questions thank you John any other members of the board have any questions for Mr Chen okay U Mr Tim you can put your uh Planner on uh thank you uh the uh the next uh testimony will be coming from Mr John dupon he's our professional planner and I see him there on his uh on his screen Mr dupon can you raise your right hand you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth I do your name and address please John P Dupont 756 Jackson Road Stewartsville New Jersey thank you Mr dupon I don't know if you've testified in front of this board before you can please just briefly give uh your credentials and uh see if you can be accepted certainly so I have been a professional planner for approximately 20 years um I currently serve the B of Carteret in that capacity and have done so for about 20 years I've served I've performed as in front of the board throughout the state as a planner I think as Piscataway as well but a number your new surrounding towns Mr Dupont your credentials are are impeccable you thank thank you I appreciate John if you can please take us through your analysis of of our request for this temporary six-month temporary use variance and please give us the benefit of your professional expertise certainly will so this is a unique situation because the requested use is really a non-use storage of excess materials and products while waiting a sideon application this is technically a use variance as storage is not permitted as a primary use in the zone so we have to look at the positive and negative criteria under deposit criteria the applicant must show that special reasons exist meaning that the property is particularly well suited for the proposed use given the unique circumstance here no other property in the township would make as much sense to be utilized for material storage than a property that will ultimately utilize that material storing the material elsewhere would result in multiple truck trips throughout the township first to store the materials then to transport them back to their property whereas storing them on site is is much more efficient use anything that can limit the amount of truck traffic on the roads is a service to general welfare and to the mpal when addressing the negative criteria this proposal will not cause any substantial detriment to the public good and will not impair the zoning ordinance or the master plan the material will be all stored within the building not causing any visual impact on surrounding areas the applicant will continue to work with the fire marshall to ensure that all the safety measures are still in place the Township's master plan Echoes the goals of the ml I believe the following are met by this application purpose a promote General Welfare as I stated efficiently transporting and uh and storing the product and materials in a manner that will reduce the amount of truck traffic is a win for the general welfare as well as the municipality to promote the free flow of traffic and to avoid congestion and blights is purpose H I think for the same reasons purpose M to encourage the coordination with a view of lessening cost of development and more efficient use of land this is a relatively minor request to the board but it has a significant impact on overall cost and development for the applicant by granting the temporary use FS they'll help them ensure that a final site plan were to be granted in the future the building will be able to get up and running quicker in conclusion the board can look favorably P aarian the positives outweigh any potential deure and it will go a long way through getting a Premier Property in the township back to useful full usefulness and that concludes my planning syst thank you mron uh mron is available for any questions anyone on the board have any questions or comments Mr cha with hearing none no other members of the board have any questions okay Mr Arch you can rece um I definitely couldn't say it any better than Mr dupon if I had written it myself so I will uh uh certainly uh just defer to the board and open it to the public I guess absolutely yes all right so um hearing no other questions or comments from the board members I have I have one question are you planning any signage as part of this repurposing no no signage we don't want anybody to to we don't want to advertise that we're storing things in the building okay so there will be no signs temporary or otherwise absolutely not good okay thank you John at this point I'm going to open up to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second yes second here please call the RO Mr Weissman yes Mr Patel yes Mr Ario yes Mr blimp Mr Mondo yes and chairman K yes I'm sorry thank you Rodney R said late yes thank you thank you so much everybody have a wonderful night and have a wonderful Easter you too every good luck guys let's move on to item number eight adoption of resolutions from the regular meeting of March 14 2024 first resolution is prios Patel yes Mr Patel yes Rio yes Mr blunt yes Rondo yes chairman kahill yes next is Sher eams Tucker which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Mondo yes chairman Cahill yes next is Dooku which you voted to approve non-conforming use Mr Weissman yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Mondo yes chairman kahill yes next is Maggie Bank you V to approve the removal of two conditions Mr Weissman yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Mondo yes chairman Cahill yes last we have the withdrawal resolution for 100 Lake View rear LLC we would need a motion and a second and a voice and a vote on that I make a motion to yes thank you we need to call the RO Jim yes okay Mr Weissman yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr BL yes Mr Mondo yes and chairman okay yes uh those are all the resolutions I have for this evening but I do want to tell the board that earlier tonight I spoke to Henry who has retired he said he sends his best to all of the board members he enjoyed working with all of us and he will miss us yes and he just texts say everybody hello awes he just has it going well I served on this board a long time with Henry and he was a Class Act a pleasure to work with and I I just got to say the guy coming into replacement it's got some pretty big shoes to that's all absolutely let's move on to item number nine which is the adoption of minutes from the regular meeting of March 14th 20124 all in favor say I I I okay it number 10 a German all in favor say I I thank you gentlemen and ladies appreciate you coming out see you April 11th see you April 11 good night good night every e