e you can start chairman we'll do zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the cryan news notice uh posted on the Bolton board the mici building uh notice made available to the Township Clerk and notice sent to the curry news and the star you will the clerk please pull the RO Mr Tillery here Mr Patel here Mr Regio here Mr Blount Mr Hua here Mr Mondo here Mr Ellie here and chairman K here will everyone please stand for a salute to the flag the rep can are there any uh changes to the agenda yes there are two changes properties on Highland Avenue is postponed until June 12th 2024 with no further notice by the applicant nb1 431 Park Avenue is postponed until April 25th 2024 they will Ren notice those are all the changes that I thank you sir uh let's move ahead and move on to item number five 24- zb- 111v Manish Patel is Manish Patel present yes I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand yes do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yeah your name and address please uh 56 Manish Patel 56 Rachel teres thank you could you explain to the board what you'd like to do here uh can I speak on his behalf or I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand sure do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please mea Patel 56 Rachel Terrace bcat New Jersey thank you could you explain to the board what you would like to do here uh yeah we're trying to do an extension to the side of our house since um it's being considered like the uh not the front door is this the front of the house but the side is because we're a corner lot so we're doing an 8ot extension to the side of the house the entirety of the house and um in the back because of that it doesn't reach like the minimum 25 foot from the property line requirement so that's what the variance is for and then we're uh because we're going through variants we're also um asking to extend our fence uh in the front like the front side of the yard okay Mr chairman you may want to check with Mr chadwood yeah Mr Chad do you have any comments about this uh only as to the fence did you meet with any of the staff members before you filed this yes and I wasn't presid so can you summarize that meeting um in the sense of meeting it was just like While submitting um I explained it uh in the drawings also we had it drawn out I didn't really like speak in detail or anything with anyone Mr Chadwick Henry did a report on this one yeah we did get a m want to look at Mr H's report um all right Mr Mr hinderstein did uh submit a reports dated March 26 and he does not object to the fence as proposed okay any other members of the board have any questions or comments about this application no have to hearing none I'm G to close it um I'm gonna open it rather to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application Buckley no one chairman okay close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second thank you please call a r who's second I'm sorry CES C Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Elli yes and chairman Kaho yes your application has been approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting you don't need to be here for that we'll send that document to you and you'll need that to get your permits all right we let the record show Mr blown has joined the meeting great good night let's move on to item number six 24- zb- 07v Eileen Sorano is Miss Sano present he might be muted ma'am Miss Sano we can't hear you yeah she's not muted her her her speaker is not working she's not muted okay th this is the case where we needed an updated survey well we got one John I had emailed it to you right no I'm just okay the speed want to make sure we're on the same page yeah that was really why we didn't go forward with it that's what my notes indicate is that correct L correct yeah there the garage but we'll discuss that Miss Sano if we can't hear you you're going to have to go on your phone and call in yep okay the headphones go get your headphones I think that's what she said Mr chairman would you like to do the resolutions while we wa Let's do let's do item number nine the adoption of the resolutions fromal meeting which you vot to approve yes Mr Oria yes Mr blunt yes Mr Mondo yes chairman kahill yes next is Venture net properties for a temporary use permit which you voted to Grant Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr blunt yes Mr Mondo yes chairman K yes those are all the resolutions for this evening looks like Miss sano's back oh do the minutes number 10 okay well thank you chairman I got you I'm here for you Sean swear to God I be lost without you adoption of minutes in the regular meeting of March 28 2024 hi hi thank you there we go is are you there I think she's trying am I still on yes Miss Sano I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please Eileen Serano 989 Sunset Road pisc New Jersey thank you could you explain to the board what you'd like to do here I would like to have a a sun room 80 by 20 by 12 uh sun room at the back of of my house and the plans and documents was required by the township was submitted by uh a representative of the New Jersey uh sun room additions which which is a company who's going to to build the sun room for me okay Mr Chadwick you were alluding earlier to uh some revised plans or something could you uh elaborate we have an updated survey and showing all the improvements some of which were authorized by the board and and particularly the garage was going to be a carport and it's slightly larger and closer to the street than the ordinance permits um maybe you get some history from the applicant as to how that occurred um I previously applied for a variance for that carport and which was approved by the zoning board um um and I believe that that application was mentioned what did you build though you didn't it is a carport nothing was changed according to the plan that that was approved uh by the township and yeah it looks like a a garage in front because it's it's open in the back so it's a carport the way it was um um it's not it's not in the location bu the variant's approval however closer to it's closer to the street than what was approved uh I do have the approval from I think it was documented uh so I'm not sure I don't understand actually what was uh well Mr chairman from the this PL this plan started off in the Township offices and with Mr Indy and we since that date we have uh a new survey submitted and supposedly showing and it looks to be accurate okay uh but it my understanding through this whole process is that the garage whether it's now cosmetically from the street looks like a garage but if you go in the back it's a car board the plan is it doesn't appear at least the information I have now to be the same location as the prior approval so I would suggest that we carry this to the next meeting so that I can clarify it and we're not just going from uh shooting from there okay are you okay with that I don't think Mr J I don't think there's a whole lot of other issues involved here it's just getting things to be accurate Mr can I just ask what she would have to give in to clear up because her contractor dropped off the new survey so I don't know what you need to give me for the next meeting she's not going to give you anything John Chadwick is going to get uh straightened out in terms of is it or is it not um in the same place as we previously approved it was on the same that's not what is that I my understanding at this point okay Miss Serano you gonna uh the right option here would be for you to afford US the opportunity to come out survey the property Mr Chad come out take a look make sure if the the carport is in the in the place where we had approved it prior it is it is and if indeed that's the case you're going to be an open and shut case next time you're in front of us because we have no other problems with your application all right and and should I should I have should I submit the original plan with the with the survey that that in that includes the location of the carport which is is where it is right now as approved by the zoning board I do have the plan that supposed to have it should have been documented in the by the township I do have the the uh the uh required uh illustration of the location within the the uh uh plan or or what you call this the um who who prepared the updated survey that you fil you I did okay no his her contractor dropped it off Mr Chadwick measured it and and redid the survey and dropped it off to me right you said it to me he didn't measure it the contractor went out and measured it okay right and originally they were approved at 53 feet and she did 50 feet so they're off on the garage by three feet so I was correct yes oh you're absolutely correct three feet well to save it to expedite this process the three feet doesn't bother me or well I'll ask the rest of the board so I I think we can move ahead tonight with this to be honest that's why I asked the question to the outset is it exactly the same place gotcha she said yes Fe off it isn't okay now I agree with you totally Mr CH Miss San you you your measurements are off allbe it by three feet but I don't think that's something that we should stop this process over something so um small so do does any other uh do any other board members have any questions or comments about this application hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion i' make a motion to approve this application thank you Cales call the RO Please Mr tiller yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes and chairman kahill yes Mr Ali I'm sorry Mr Ali yes I don't know I skipped your name I'm sorry thank you sir Miss Sano your application's been approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting you don't need to be present for that we will send that document to you to get your permits thank you very much I appreciate this have a good night ma'am good night uh we're gonna move on to item number 11 which is adjournment all in favor say hi I all right guys once again thanks for coming out and volunteering have a great evening everyone thanks John e e e for