##VIDEO ID:o58m2Z3lg_A## e e here we go Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in The Courier News notice posted on the Bolton board in the municipal building notice made available in the town to the Township Clerk notice sent to the curry news and the Star Ledger will the clerk please call the role Mr Weisman here Mr Tillery here Mr Patel here Mr Rio here Mr BL I thought I saw him Mr Haka Mr mandoo here Mr Ellie here and chairman kahill here will everyone please stand for a Al the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one na under godible with Mr canel do we have any changes to T tonight's agenda yes we have several changes face field LLP on 7th Street will be continued on January 23rd 2025 with no further notice Mary Joe barnowski postponed until December 12th they must notice the property owners list but they have already published on switch 51 New England Avenue is adjourned until December 12th 2024 with no further notice and Grand View Grand Homes investment postponed to December 12th 20124 Laura did they notice yes they did so there will be no further notice required of them either those are all the changes that I have thank you sir let's start with item number six which is a discussion is haresh Patel present yes sir Mr Patel could you explain why you're back here uh I would like to request to remove the condition three and allow me to like you know install uh the fans on my property line and what is the reason for that it it cut Downs like a lot of my area and like know that I do not have like enough like no space between my uh backyard in in my backyard Mr chairman you may want to speak with Mr Mahi Jonathan unmute there you go yeah I um Mr chairman if the board wishes to reconsider this there are certain um uh restrictions and uh additions uh additional conditions that I would add on to this uh if you're considering allowing a revisiting of this matter I am allowing that at this point if you could go through those Visions I'd appreciate it okay so Mr Mr Patel did you receive the utility markout that was part of your uh conditional approval uh not yet sir okay so what I'd like to um and Jim let me know if this is okay what I'd like to do is uh we can allow the fence up to the property line we have to make sure that that utility markout happens and I I guess a a memorandum basically saying Mr Patel that you accept any responsibility and cost for uh repair associated with any damage to township utilities if you are installing the fence in this highrisk zone so to speak okay yep sure okay so you agree to those terms Mr do we know how high the fence is uh it's a six feet the regular size the standard yeah the six for vinyl John regular residential fence we still going to require the deed restriction I think a memorandum of understanding is enough okay yeah memorandum of restriction okay any other members of the board have any questions or comments about this do I open it to the public Jim or no yes okay anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this Mr Patel no one chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to um accept the terms of Mr take away the uh number three condition um putting it on the property line second can I get a call Mr wman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman kof yes your applications uh been approved we'll memorialize this in a written document and send that document to you thank you edone have a good evening sir thank you Mr Patel let's move on to item number seven 24 - zb- 61v Mark dufor is Mr dufor present he's on as an attendee Mark you have to unmute he's not best with computers we were practicing earlier let's give him a couple seconds okay I am muted did that work are you Mr D yes I am I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony about to get should be the truth yes your name and address please 241 Grand View Avenue scway explain to the board why you're here please um I'm here to uh demolition my garage um it's in very disrepair I've uh sort of became the uh executive of the property my wife just passed away and I'm trying to clean things up and the demolition is one other garage it's beyond repair um and I want to take it down before somebody gets hurt and I've already gotten complaints from the neighbors and I'm trying to just make good here and the only the only variance here is whether or not you're going to require a paav driveway is that correct I've I've paid 24t from the sidewalk up to stop uh any more stones from going out into Road good uh Jonathan do you have any other comments uh yes a little bit of feedback so I think with 24t being paved I think that's satisfacted toship okay thank you Jonathan any other members of the board have any questions or [Music] comments how are you Sean I'm getting so much feedback I don't know if that was meant for me yeah I oh come on I you muted him that's okay I saw that no no other members of the board have any questions let's open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion I make a motion to approve this application I second all right got Ste Mr Weissman yes Mr tiller yes Mr Patel yes Mr reio yes Mr BL still not here Mr Hua Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman kahill yes Mr de your application has been approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting and we'll send that document to you good luck good luck sir you're muted but yeah M that's good good luck all right let's move on to item number eight 8 24- zb- 55v Juan Torres is Mr Torres present yes I'm here Mr Torres I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes thank you your name and address and explain to the board why you're here please um my name is Juan Torres I reside at um I applied for um a fence permit uh back in uh late spring and uh received conditional um approval uh based on uh two conditions one to move the line and move the shed uh was on the property when we purchased it the uh we've been there for 15 years of the property uh there the sellers attorneys uh represented that all permits were uh viable um and so when I went to apply for the uh to repair my fence which is fallen into disrepair um it was uh placed as a condition that I move the fence out of the easement area and also move the shed which is too close to the easement area um and so I've applied for a bolt variant so that I could main repair the fence and you know kind of keep the footprint the same and you understand that if access to the easement is ever required you would be responsible for the cost of removing and replacing the fence isn't that what the bulk variance would address though no the the bulk variance if the board grants it would allow you to put the fence there but it's still it's still an easement if access to the easement is ever required by the township they would tell you and you would have to remove the fence so that they could access the easement and then you could put it back after they they were done doing whatever they needed to do uh to your knowledge is there anything there I I've 15 years no one's ever come on the property and and it's possible no one ever will but since it's a recognized legal easement uh we're required to request that you assume that responsibility if it ever occurs I'd rather not but if this is the only way we'll get it to be then so be it the only the only way this board grants that that variance is if you accept responsibility yeah we don't approve it without that sir all right then I then I will live with those terms okay Jonathan anything to add uh no okay thank you sir any other members of the board have any questions or comments for this applicant hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this application no one chairman okay hearing none I'm gonna make a motion to approve this application can I get a second I'll second it thank you please call the rooll Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes yes Mr reio yes Mr mandoo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman Keo yes Mr T as your application's been approved we will memorialize this in a written document at our next meeting and send a copy of that document to you thank you uh do I need to do anything else with regard to the fence permit do I have to re yes call call call me tomorrow Mr Taurus very well thank you have good night Sir likewise take care move on to item number nine 24- zb- 56 V Liberty Tech LLC Mr mongelli present I am present thank you Mr chairman good evening Rich melli appearing on behalf of Liberty Tech LLC uh Rosie Clement of the applicant is here as is Mario noo our architect uh this is 1860 West fth Street block 602 lot 6 in the r75 zone we're proposing Mr chair to demolish the existing dwelling and construct a new single family home uh the proposed proposed houses of permitted use conforms to all bulk requirements with the exception of the minimum lot width and minimum lot Frontage this is a 50 by 200 foot lot uh the board should know that the Lots adjacent to us on each side in fact all the Lots on this block are 50 by 200 so the applicant is unable to acquire any additional land to do it uh and to build uh uh a new house so we're requesting relief from the lot Frontage the lot width from allow the 50 ft uh if I could offer our architect so he could explain the proposed dwelling to the board please proceed who is your architect Mario noo is here Mario hi I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand you swear that testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please Mario Nao and a bedo 128 lands down Terrace planfield thank you Mario if you could just quickly share with the board your education and Licensing please hi good evening my name is Mario NOA I'm a licensed architect in the state of New Jersey I've been working as an architect for 11 years um I have two masters degree one in Masters and AR architectures and master Masters in architecture and sustainability I believe he can be accepted as an expert witness thank you Council Mario if you could share with the board the proposed uh new dwelling sure so we are proposing a new single family home uh two and a half stories roughly 2,200 square feet and 32 and A2 uh feet in height this will be a four bedroom two full bathrooms two half bathrooms an attached garage an unfinish full height basement and an unfinish attic and Mario does this proposed house fit in with the existing structures and existing homes on West Fifth yes the proposed homes fits within the character of the neighborhood uh there are similar twostory single family homes such as 18 52 1862 1866 and 1876 all within the same uh side of the street and Mario I indicated to the board that we comply with all bulk requirements other than the minimum lot Frontage and lot width is that correct correct and you had an opportunity to review the October 21 report from the division of engineering and planning is that correct yes and do we agree do we not that the fiber optic conduit will be installed along the frontage of the property yes and there was a recommendation that we extend the garage East 1.3 feet to limit the sidey yard setback and provide less relief from the code do we agree to do that as well we we do yes okay um Mr chair I think that addresses the engineer and planning report I would submit to the board that we meet the requirements of a C1 variant uh this is a pre-existing non-conforming use with an existing structure we have no ability to expand the lot with because the other properties as I said are also 50 feet wide um certainly there would be no impairment of the Zone plan or the um zoning ordinance in so far as this is a permitted use and a new dwelling constructed in 20124 certainly wouldn't impair or have any negative impact on uh the surrounding neighbors and would we would submit that this house uh it's a pretty good-look house will be an improvement and uh in so far as this is an existing single family dwelling I think the applicant meets the hardship requirements and we'd request the variance thank you Mr Angeli any other members of the board have any questions or comments about this application hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this application no and chairman okay close the public portion i' make a motion to approve this application and a second I'll second it thank you Steve koll Mr wman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel CES Mr reio yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes chairman kahill yes and let the record show that Mr haaka has joined us great thank you Mr chairman thanks everybody thank you we warri realize it at our next meeting and send you a copy thanks very much Jim have a good night all good night let's move on now to item number 12 24- zb- n10 V Wellspring adult dayare uh thank you uh good evening members of the board board professionals my name is Tim Arch I'm an attorney licensed in the state of New Jersey Jersy and I'm here tonight representing uh Wellspring adult daycare uh we are seeking preliminary and final site plan approval to operate an adult daycare facility uh more specifically what's referred to as a day habilitation program uh for developmentally challenged individuals um and we're looking to do that at 399 hose Lane West um you will probably remember 399 hose Lane West uh the site was previously before the board earlier this year for the an um Academy application which is another tenant that is utilizing um that same uh that same building um you were gracious enough to approve that and there were certain conditions and improvements associated with that approval um a lot of those are going to be reflected in the plans that you see uh before you because we incorporated those conditions and improvements in this as well to reflect accurately what the site is going to look like um one thing I do want to just make clear is that there is a distinction between a year one and year two improvements if you remember remember that was because an needed to get into that building quickly and so some improvements were deferred to year two um that does not apply to Wellspring everything that we talk about tonight in terms of improvements made for Wellspring are are going to be done uh for Wellspring to operate um so there's no phasing being proposed so I just want to make sure there's no confusion there's a year one and year two shown there everything we're talking about is going to be in place and all those improvements are going to be made um prior to uh uh to Wellspring uh or any any of the improvements that are directly related to Wellspring are going to be made before their operation um the property is situated in the bp1 zone where adult daycare is not permitted uh so we are seeking a use variance to allow the use um you're going to hear this is an inherently beneficial use um we have an existing variance that we're seeking which is a sidey yard setback uh 24.5 ft where 25 is required that was also previously approved in the Anor application uh I don't think we need to talk about a a uh half a foot um uh uh difference uh all that much uh and we do have a variance for off street parking 331 spaces required uh when factoring in all the proposed uses and uh I believe 234 spaces are being proposed uh but you're going to hear that Wellspring actually utilizes Vans to transport their clientele uh back and forth to the site so you'll hear that the parking uh is more than sufficient um there are three reports uh that we may be referring to one is the trip Party Staff memo uh which is dated October 29th uh there's also a CME traffic report dated November 8th uh and Mr Chadwick's report is dated on November 12th um again some of the comments in the in these reports that refer to sort of common area improvements such as um improvements to the um uh uh the paving milling and Paving of the uh parking area uh additional Landscaping uh a lot of those are are comments that are identical to the comments in the Anor application what was done is the Anor application was a developers agreement was entered into to hash out all the specifics of of what is going to be done and when those are going to be done uh we are agreeing as well with Wellspring to enter into a developers agreement just to make sure that all those conditions are complimentary and Incorporated so that we're not saying something in this application that contradicts something in the Anor application in terms of common area improvements uh so we certainly will agree to enter into that developers agreement um I do have uh five witnesses tonight and I hear you groaning but we will be as quick as we possibly can be uh and unless there's anything for me uh initially uh I'm I'm ready to proceed with our first witness please start I have one one clarification certainly the plan shows you said there's no phasing now the relocation of the driveway and drop off lane and what have you that's going to be done now no so th those are the Anor improvements so if you recall from the Anor application 9 there was an initial uh drop off for them there is a separate drop off area that we will be discussing when we get into engineering that is that is dedicated to Wellspring so that will be constructed and that will be there uh there's a whole separate side entrance that's being constructed specifically for the Wellspring use so everything that's specific to Anor is on the timing that was discussed in the Anor application everything related to Wellspring that is in a common area will be will be done and needs to be done in order for Wellspring to get in our first witness tonight would be Mr Ben um Ben honing would you raise your right hand do you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please Ben honik um my address is at 11157 Street Brooklyn New York 1121 on thank you put your hand down uh so Ben uh you're sort of the the person in charge of well spr please tell us what your relation is to Wellspring and more importantly tell us what Drew you to this kind of work hi good evening everyone my name is Van hon and I one of the found of do you hear me yeah thank you I'm just hearing an echo when I speak yes here okay hi my name is Van hon and I'm one of the founders of Well Spring Circle it's a dehabitation program for adults developmental dis adultness what brought me into this work is deeply personal I come from a large family of eight siblings and one of my older brothers Joel was diagnosed with cancer at a young age due to the treatments available at the time he underwent brain surgery which left him intellectually disabled growing up I witnessed my parents education as they work TIY to find the best therapies education and programs to support my brother as I got older I took a greater role in managing the skier and this experience opened my eyes to the itical need for Quality Supportive Service for individuals with intellectual and developmental disabilities inspired by my brother's journey I wanted to help others facing similar challenges for near for nearly three years my sister and I have been working to secure our dbd license financing and a suitable occation to bring Welling Circle to life recently we exhibit at the LMP networking event and East Bron today where we received incredibly motivating feedback from parents of adults with intellectual disabilities their support reinforced our our commitment and we look forward to giving each of our clients enhance to grow and thrive in their own at wall stre Circle we believe in the potential of every individual and we are dedicated to providing a supportive environment where each client can develop life skills build connections and experience personal growth as well spring Circle we believe in the potential of every individual and are dedicated to providing supportive um and we're offering a trust place where their loved ones will receive compassionate and valuable opportunities we are excited about the opportunity and we are looking forward to making meaningful impact available on slide especially for those who need it thank you so much ben uh our second witness uh Joan uh Marie will be going into more of the operational testimony as to what's the functioning is on the site but um Mr honing is available for any questions if you may have any thank you Tim please pleas proceed uh no questions Mr Hony anyone have any questions Mr Hony no you can proceed to okay our next uh witness would be Joe Marie Granado M Granado could you raise your right hand yes you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth I do your name and address please Joan Marie Granado 95 West 16th Street Bon New Jersey 07002 thank you thank you Miss Granado if you can please just introduce yourself uh and uh tell us what your title is and your experience with this type of program sure I'm joh Marie Granado I'm the consultant for Well Springs Circle I own and operate three adult medical daycare centers and one day habilitation Center I've consulted for over 50 centers and I'm the president of the Coalition of New Jersey the vice chair of the National Association and I'm also the president of the activity Association and in instructor for activity professionals okay so the Wellspring site we we identified that as a dehabitation center can you please for the board's sake summarize the overall concept of what a day habilitation Center is basically a day habilitation Center is a program for adults with developmentally and intellectually disabilities in a structured activity program and it mainly helps uh improve their self-help socialization and adaptive skills through many components especially through activities uh can you tell us a little bit about what those activities are that are included in the program more as uh therapeutic activities or you know physical games special events singals uh social and fun activity programs like exercise Bingo arts and crafts and many many more and then in the life skills area we um do activities for money management education health and fitness personal hygiene a developmentally um developing personal interests and computer and other device technology okay now speaking about 399 host Lan specifically what are going to be the hours of operation at that site uh 7:30 to 4:30 okay and that includes the time that it takes to uh to shuttle the clientele to the site what are the hours that the clients will actually be spending at the center generally oh 8:30 to 2:30 okay okay um and I believe that we uh have it set up for essentially the the plans are set up for um having about a hundred clients but how many clients uh in in reality are we going to have usually there's a ramp up and we start with at least 10 clients and then slowly uh admit clients over time it may take anywhere from 3 to 5 years to get to our goal of 100 clients God willing okay but we've we've anticipated 100 so we fit everything out to accommodate 100 although we don't think that it's going to hit that for quite some time right correct okay uh how is it that the clientele gets to the center through our transport Vans okay um so you actually provide the shuttling service the transport vans that pick them up from their from their homes or wherever they are and then actually drops them back off off site is that correct yeah back to their homes correct um so is there at any time do parents and caregivers drop off their clients usually not at all I mean there may be occasions but not uh in my experience okay so in those rare occasions where maybe you know somebody has to drop somebody off that that isn't on the shuttle what would be uh what would be the procedure for that um so they would call the facility prior we would have a staff go out to the parking lot to meet and greet the parent and the child and bring the person into the facility okay um and generally just the uh uh the shuttling of the of the clientele to the site that's all uh with staff involvement staff are accompanying them the whole way is that correct yes we have a whole Transportation um protocol set up with a transportation director and Roots okay and basically how many staff uh do you anticipate to have at the center so usually we're a 6 to9 ratio for staff and startups have about five to seven staff and then as we grow we add more staff to meet the needs of our clients okay and are these staff trained at all absolutely they go through vigorous training through DDD the division of developmental disabilities they have to be certified and CPR drug tested and have a background check amongst other U mandatory in services and training they have to go okay and uh what are the titles of these of these staff individuals that are generally there usually we have executive director program director activity professionals and dsps which are both drivers and direct support professionals that work directly with the clients okay and to be clear is this a medical facility at all no this is more of a social program okay um do the clientele ever go on outside trips yes usually once twice a week with one van so go okay so it's limited to to maybe one van it's worth of clients going out maybe once or twice a week yes okay and what what are these trips what type of uh what type of outings are there so we'd like to do community integration and we would bring them to restaurants bowling parks museums movies uh even the mayor's office fire department we have done anything to get them into the community okay and the times for these trips well generally when are they well we can certainly be flexible working with the school to avoid any overlap and there's flexibility with most of these programs with their drop off and pick up so it's um usually after breakfast and the program is already started okay and and on these trips off site do they then come back to the center generally or do they not we like to try to schedule Roots so that like the group that comes in the van together will go on the trip and then they go go right home after the trip so they don't have to come back to the center gives them more time out in the community okay uh tell us a little in your opinion is the is the program needed in this community this program is extremely needed to help those with disabilities and also you know you're I always say it's like two clients you have the parents and the client themselves and it gives the parents a peace of mind to have them attend a safe and secure Center um that their loved one will learn and grow um and I have contacted DDD myself and asked them what counties is this service needed and they' have identified AR okay I believe one of the um one of the questions that came up in one of the reports is uh how deliveries would be handled do you do you know uh uh how deliveries are expected and how they'll be handled I guess occasional FedEx or UPS delivery um I they can come to the front there's not a lot of uh deliveries I guess any activities we do we would pick up you know through the community like a dollar store activity crafts that kind of thing okay one of the things that we had talked about with the an nor Academy when they were here is to if there are any expected deliveries that we would um coordinate that to go to the front away from any drop off areas is that something that uh Wellspring would also be agreeable to absolutely makes sense all right I have no further questions of uh of Miss Grado okay any other board members have any questions from Miss G none you can put your next couple quick questions uh the age of the clients would be what so usually it's 21 years and older okay and the facility does it have any medical staff or training or is it uh like CPR and things of that or well our staff will be trained in CPR and we are not regulated to have any medical staff but if we want to to we can have a nurse or social worker but we are not regulated to have any and many facilities don't have any do you have to screen then your client clients I mean if there's some that have clearly medical issues uh just wouldn't be suited for this facility is that how it works yeah that's correct so we would do a total assessment with the coordinator and the support coordinator is like their case manager and those that we usually don't accept is a harm to themselves or to others um so that they need a more structured environment that what we could provide so the age the age is 21 and over right correct adults okay yeah any other members of the board just one question Mr chairman I heard the hours of operation how many days a week is this five Monday through Friday thank you Mr Arch I think the board has been satisfied can you go on to your next uh witness certainly our next witness would be uh Miss Donna Bullock our engineer Miss poock are you present yes I am would you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth I do your name and address please Donna Bullock b l l o c k130 Central Avenue Island Heights 0 I believe you appeared as an engineer before this board previously yes I have for the inor application and have your credentials changed in any way since then no they have not Mr chairman I believe she could be accepted thank you Jim can proceed Mr Arch thank you uh Donna if you can please just take us through the site quickly uh and I know the board is already familiar with the site so if you can please just highlight the areas that are specific to this Wellspring application certainly I'd like to uh share a document and I'll go through briefly what um changes are uh relevant please do can everyone see it y yes oh excellent so I'd like to start with a the 35 by 35 exterior patio uh seating area um access from the inside of the building is from um their activity area so you leave the activity area and you can uh uh have some outdoor time um it's a fenced in enclosure it's a patio base and if you look here there is a a dash line that's the overhead of the building above so it'll be partially covered um from the elements in the sun and the other part will be opened we will provide Landscaping buffer um to beautify the surrounding uh area um we also have for accessibility a 4ot wide uh push gate so um that if there was U any reason to get out quickly and an emergency that would be available we're providing a 4ot wide walkway which is also underneath the overhang to protect from the elements onto a uh sidewalk that is part of the phase one application then we're proposing a interconnection from the handicapped accessibility way into uh the access way into the main entrance to the uh the um w um SC sorry I'm not sure um into the uh main access we're also providing um if it's appeasable to the board and per regulations of the ordinance um a sign in this general area to let um people know that this is the entrance to the main reception area for the facility and we've also talked about before the six spaces where the Vans will be parking when they're not in use um we also are putting a uh depressed curb um intermittently along the loading and unloading spaces that are now going to be reserved for the uh adult daycare drop off for accessibility they're not necessarily uh Ada uh accessible ramps although the sidewalk will be from the parking into the main entrance sorry it's someone's got an open mic sorry about that that please Pro oh oh sorry um and we have uh that's that's pretty much it as far as what what we're enhancing if um if we look back here we see that when we got rid of the fenced in area we have additional parking that has been provided um along the rear property line and we have um the location of the EV spaces um we have two two EV spaces here that will allow for a handicapped accessible uh EV parking and then those are two of the uh total eight spaces that will be um uh built up as part of this application um for the eight total required and that's uh that's pretty much it unless I'm I'm you know if anyone has any questions or anything I just I just want to add a couple more things or a couple more questions for you Donna uh number one that uh the entrance and all of the walkways uh to the entrance can you just uh we agree that those will be Ada uh certified correct uh yes they will from the handicap parking stalls uh across the park uh parking area on this um uh 5 foot wide entrance way and then into the uh uh the reception area of the of use okay and even if the board didn't require that the state requires that so we have to comply with that correct that is correct all right and you indicated some signage any signage that we are proposing or any future signage that per perhaps the township would like us to um to add to the site uh in their discretion those would all be uh uh to the township standards correct that's correct okay uh I don't believe I have anything further at this time okay any other members of the board have any questions m p I have a I have a comment I don't believe staff has received this updated version of the drawing that's indicating the size of the signage the slope of the ramps I I do apologize I should have stated that in the beginning the um the initial plan that was submitted um was a plan that does not show those features based on the engineers uh and staff review letters that we were looking at I enhanced it as a display for tonight so that everyone was aware of where um I would be talking about these items instead of trying to explain it so I thought a picture is worth a thousand words so so we will Mark that uh as an exhibit as exhibit A1 uh for purposes of tonight and we will certainly provide that uh and we will provide uh any updated plans uh if this is approved as a condition of approval obviously what is today's date correct go ahead John that's what I was going to ask what is the date on that exhibit 1114 2024 prepared by yourself prepared by um Matt Wilder of her office okay under my supervision but he gets to sign it I know you're not the witness is there breakfast lunch snacks provided as part of this I do know the answer to that but I'll leave that up to uh up to the people who you know tell us uh I Believe Miss Granada is still under oath if she wants to uh if she wants to uh chime in and just answer that question sure so by regulations we do not have to provide anything the clients usually bring in their own lunch we may provide snacks but it's a non-cooking facility so we won't be cooking on premises at all okay um Miss B could you want share your screen please certainly sorry no no it's okay it's new to me reach to the choir right um any other members of the board any questions from miss poock hearing none you put on your next expert Mr I got two more next is uh is Mr Jay Troutman he's our uh uh traffic engineer good evening good evening do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes I do your name and address please uh Jay Troutman mcdonut and Ray Associates 105 Elm Street Westfield New Jersey I believe Mr trapman has appeared before this board as a traffic engineer on prior occasions yes we'll accept them absolutely thank you Mr Troutman if you can please just uh take us through your uh opinion as to the sufficiency of the parking and circulation yes uh have you as you've heard um we have uh we're going to be improving this parking lot with uh resurfacing and striping providing the designated parking areas for the adult dayare van activity and staff parking uh EV charging stations are being added as well the improved parking lot will be safe and efficient for all users in addition a traffic signal controlled intersection is provided for all site traffic and NJ doot has issued a letter of no interest for both the school and the adult daycare traffic uh based on these facts I conclude that the board can make a finding that the proposed on-site traffic plan is well suited for all users and specifically the adult dayare use uh that's tonight's application thank you any members of the board have any questions Mr tropman hearing none I believe believe Mr Chen Mr Chen from CME has questions okay uh yes I have a question I have a few questions uh Mr trout um do you was was there was a there was there was an N do access permit for the previous application sent to our office on August 28 2024 does uh does that does that permit also cover this application yes okay um with regard to with regard to that permit uh uh could you could you um clarify as to like May is there like any kind of expiration date on the permit for for that uh it's not a permit it's a letter of no interest oh letter of no interest I apologize and and in the letter the NJ do specifically details both the school traffic um the existing office building traffic and the adult daycare traffic is all covered and found to be not a significant increase in traffic over the prior office use okay and uh are you aware of my uh traffic report dated November 8 2024 yes are there any uh are there any items on that track report on the track report that you would not be able to comply with should this application be approved no we can comply with with your report um okay thank you for thank you for those responses Mr chairman I have no further questions of Mr Troutman at this time thank you Mr Chen any other members of the board have any questions or comments Mr Troutman I think you can proceed Mr Arch thank you we've saved the best for last we have h Beth mcmanis who is our professional planner who's ready to testify M mcmanis can you raise your right hand yes do you swear the the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please my name is Elizabeth mcmanis I'm a principal at Kyle mcmanis Associates our address is two East Broad Street in Hell New Jersey before this board before I don't believe I have and Mr Arch could you have Miss mcmanis go through her qualifications Miss mcmanis can you please go through your qualifications I'd be happy too uh so first uh foremost I'm a licensed planner I hold my njpp I'm also a member of the American Institute of certified planners the uh so I have an AI CP as well I have an undergraduate degree from Ruckers in Environmental Policy graduate degree in city and Regional planning done a lot of Municipal work also quite a bit of uh private work I've testified in approxim I think your credentials are more than acceptable this we can Pur ask for it all right miss m if you can please uh um please give the board the benefit of your opinion I would be happy to thank you very much so folks I am predominantly here because we are uh requesting a use variance and in order for me to have uh provided uh to provide this testimony just uh for the record I've gone through and I've I've reviewed the application I reviewed the plans zoning ordinance staff reports Etc and as I look through the application specifically what we're proposing the first thing I see and I I know that this has been addressed already is that I think we are proposing an inherently beneficial use and as part of that uh I will be presenting some alternative testimony consistent with the Sea Test as opposed to the the typical positive and and negative criteria and so while we're not specifically listed inherently beneficial use I think that we are still one that it provides value to the community we're fundamentally providing the public good by uh providing services to those that are developmentally disabled and also as part of that giving an important break or rest to those that are serving as Daily Career caregivers um and so uh as part of that uh as I said that brings us to the point of being inherently beneficial and let me walk you through the planning testimony so as I said earlier it's not the typical positive and negative criteria in fact it's a little bit different uh with a four-part test the first part of the seeka test asks what is the public interest at stake and I think here by granting the use variance the board will be able to uh provide while enable us to provide assistance to adults with developmental disabilities in terms of providing them uh social and employment skills as we've heard previous testimony on and as I had indicated before also providing really valuable support to those providing care to uh to the to the uh clients of the daycare giving them an opportunity to have uh hours during the day to conduct other business activities and perhaps work and so ultimately uh for the participants in the program for the clients uh the program will enable them to better integrate into daily life and be better integrated into the community in part through uh the the weekly outings that we just heard testimony on and so given the assistance to those with disabilities as well as to some extent support to caregivers I think that we are certainly providing uh uh significant uh assistance to the public and and uh are able to address that our application will will address public interest um the second test for the for the uh for sea is really what are the potential negative impacts what are the what are what are the substantial detriment effects if any and quite honestly I don't see any uh any negative impacts much less any substantial detriment we've heard already that there's going to be very limited traffic associated with the property uh despite taking up uh taking much of uh this office building we're only going to have about 25 employees and the rest of the uh folks on the property will uh not be uh arriving via daily cars but rather through uh through uh busing and van services which will also uh limit the the traffic to and from the property and so as a result it's a really low traffic generating use we've got adequate parking on the property in particular given the the low uh low traffic use of the site as I said we don't have individuals the the hund or so participants driving individual cars to the site um and so our property is able to easily accommodate the intensity of the pro of the use also we don't have any smell noise uh light or other Nu Es as a result of the use in fact were really similar to an office use in that respect in terms of Aesthetics uh we're not creating uh not removing anything from the property that is aesthetically appealing in fact we're we're making really modest changes to the rear of the building that will really enhance the the site's usability for this particular use but will not have any detriment to the the view of the property from the public right of way and so overall given the the lack of traffic impacts the ability of the site to accommodate our use uh the lack of any other impacts or or potential change that might have a negative aesthetic impact I think there are no negative impacts from this use and so uh we're able to satisfy that component of the seeka balancing test the third of the of the fourth uh part of this test uh seeks to identify any conditions that are necessary in order to address those negative impacts and while I as I just said I don't think that we have any substantial negative impacts as a result of our application I will say that we are agreeing to a number of the the recommendations set forth in staff reports uh and so we are able to uh through those agreements able to uh further mitigate any impact from the property or from the use proposal and so the last part of the seet balancing test is is just that is the balance and so as I look at the public interest that is going to be supported by providing this adult daycare as I look at the lack of negative impact as well as our agreement to several conditions it's my professional opinion that uh that the board is able to find in favor of the use and more specifically uh that we are properly addressing the balancing test by uh by having such a minor if any negative impact as a result of the application and having our posit postive aspects far outweigh any of those negative impacts um and the last thing outside of of that balancing test the last thing I want to cite is is just that uh in reviewing the township master plan and the zoning ordinance I don't see any substantial detriment in uh to that to those as a result of this application I think the township is uh is well aware of the troubled office Market I see about a 21 a half% vacancy rate in the county in the third quarter of 2024 and so we're providing occupancy of this use uh of this office building in a way that uh I think is creative and we're able to do so without creating any negative impacts but more than that I also see some language in the master plan that is actually supportive of our application in the sense that uh the 2020 reexamination report cites a specific challenge to the township which is that adaptive reuse of existing sites and buildings uh need to be compatible with the surrounding land uses and so our proposed adult daycare use is not incompatible with the surrounding land uses in fact we're surrounded by uh not just uh not we're in a district that permits not just offices but we're surrounded by a variety of institutional type uses such as the high school the scho the Alor school on this Pro property uh as well as some other uh institutional government uses in the surrounding area and so again I don't think we are incompatible or creating a a detriment to the township Zone plan and again we're a very negative uh excuse me low intensity use that is not going to negatively impact traffic congestion so as a result of our balancing test which I think is clearly in favor of the positive outweighing the negative as well as not only not having detriment but actually having portions of the master plan that are in support of the application I do think that the board can find in favor of the use varience thank you no further questions any members of the board have any questions for miss mcmah hearing none Mr AR closing arguments uh closing arguments is that you should please approve this application that's all I'm going to say uh I'll leave it to you guys okay I am going to reserve judgment on voting this evening I'm not going to go to the public portion right now because I want to give my U piscatway staff an opportunity to revise the site impact based on the drawing that was submitted just this evening in on this bu so that's where I stand on this can you agree with me Mr Arch well one of the things I'll note is that that drawing was really just to highlight additional uh is is just to highlight things that were already mentioned in those reports we are complying with all of the recommended staff reports so not not that we don't take your word for it we would like to have our professionals review it to see if they agree with your representation uh completely understand uh I I would say that we have been uh it's been a long time coming for this application we would very much like to go to a vote tonight if possible but I will certainly defer to uh uh to the board and the board's professionals if if Jonathan feels that he needs more time to review uh anything uh or to uh uh perhaps if the I'm sort of reading behind the scenes that maybe the developers agreement would would want to be hashed out prior to a vote but well that that certainly would help um but at this point I can't ask Mr Mahi and the other professionals to review a drawing that just appeared tonight and it may be entirely correct that it just represents the changes that were requested but they should have an opportunity to review it and opine on that I I will defer certainly to the board and the board's professionals opinions um that's all I have to say okay we're going to need to announce a new date so that they do not need to Reen notice December 12th DEC 12 December 12th okay so this matter is going to be carried to December 12th with no further notice by the applicant may I ask uh uh Mr canel if uh if the staff is able to review and doesn't have any sort of issues um uh would it be possible to to potentially get a same night resolution um uh we we can certainly talk about that thank you thank you Mr AR chairman are we going to open to the public so we can close it out or do you want to no I don't want until the we get the uh the final side impact I I feel let them get the full picture next time on December 12th and then we'll vote on it then no problem thank you let's move on uh item number 13 22- ZB d101 oh sorry 101-102 V 429 Bell Street LLC 429 Bell Street present uh yes good evening um Eric friends Simon La group um for the app liant I have a few Witnesses here they're muted right now but they are present I'm here yeah okay we're ready or yeah we're ready Mr please okay thank you um we're here tonight uh I represent as I said 429 Bell Street LLC um is a business um doing business as Central Turf and irrigation supplies um in Piscataway at 429 Bell Street um it is a irrigation supply business uh it has been operating as that uh for a number of years um but we come before the board because um they were cited that they were not permitted uh to operate that business so we are asking the board to um approve a use variance along with a number of other uh variances including uh some setback uh issues and some signage and storage issues um I have with me the um our professional Shri c deala um as well as a number of uh representatives from 429 Bel Street LLC um put your first witness on yeah Mr ly olette wette wette I'm sorry Mr wette could you raise your right hand you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes I do thank you Mr wette your address please uh I live in 38 Brookside Avenue hacktown New Jersey thank you uh Mr wette uh what is your um title with 429 Bell Street or with Central Turf I am the assistant branch manager and um as part of this application you added a chance to review the you know um request by the town is that yes okay um if you could just get into um the nature of the business at Central Turf and irrigation um yes so we provide uh materials uh for outdoor living we provide materials for irrigation and salt we do so we provide you know all materials to for full service landscaping companies uh is that for uh commercial or residential or both or a mix that is for commercial and residential uh you know we we've been doing this uh we've been on that site since 1996 and we um purchased the land in 2018 uh how many employees are um typically on site at at the uh Central term there are six employees there daily and they're full-time employees yes what are your what are your hours um hours are from 7 AM to 5:00 p.m how many days a week is that uh we're open six Saturday we're open from 7 AM to noon and uh do you have a lot of um foot traffic or customers coming into that uh facility or no there's there's not that many a lot of what we do is is deliveries I mean I around you know five or six really come in a day there's not a lot of people that are coming in and out it's it's more uh us delivering to our customers okay do you have uh is or is there parking at the um at that site location yes there's parking for the customers when they come in no sorry go ahead I was going to say there's there are you know there's enough parking in our parking lot the you know every now and then guy a guys is will come with a trailer and we'll put stuff in their trailer but we have enough room in our in our yard for that do you um have enough or do you have do your employees do the employees Park onsite or um offsite or was that usually um we we have parked on the on the street we do Park in the site as well it's it's not a um it's not really a set thing for us um so you said typical is a six Vis how many visitors six or so are they or is it yeah somewhere in that General General vicinity I mean some days could be more some days a bit less you know right now there's you know couple of people a day maybe um and you you said you um the company makes deliveries how are those deliveries handled uh those deliveries are handled we have uh three trucks on site that we use for deliveries what kind of trucks are they uh there is a uh one Kenworth it's a a it has a spider on the back one of those forklifts then there's a you know that that's a a flatbed truck and then there's another rack truck that we use um forget what make that one is and and then there's a pickup truck that we use and are these trucks making deliveries consistently or is there set times that you make deliveries or they in and out um our deliveries you know it's it's only during the time that we operate so s to five would you say they uh the trucks are um come and go a lot or is it just you know not much oh not that not I mean you know the guys will go out they'll be out three or four hours and then they'll come back and then maybe they'll go out and do another short delivery after that all right uh there were concerns about the uh outdoor storage area um uh that you would need to install a fence did you have uh any issue with installing in a fence around that area we do not have an issue with to install a fence uh that's the the new fence would go on the property line between us and the residential that's behind us right and it would have to be eight feet there's no um issue with the the height or no there's there's no issue with the height and we would put that uh you know fake grass or whatever I don't know exactly the term uh you know so that you couldn't see through it you couldn't see into our yard from the homes behind us and uh the town also mentioned something regarding a landscape uh Landscaping landscape buffer did you have any issue with installing that I guess we'll get into that with our you know Mr C yeaha um but any issue um I I'm not sure exactly what it is um that we're looking to do there you know with an 8ot fence that you can't see through I'm not sure what purpose it's really going to serve to have a you know a landscape buffer there any more than a hedge or something okay but if it was a requirement for approval you have no issue yeah we have no issue with that um and there was also a comment regarding the existing light Pooles um lights that should be placed in the lighting plan provided um any issue with the with any of the changing of the light tell tell me a little about the current light situation um if you know yes so the lights uh that are out in the yard that that they're I think that they're talking about they are are not operational at this time and I I'm not sure why they're not uh I I've kind of started getting into some of that outdoor stuff at the at the building there it's one of the reasons why I was hired so but we don't we don't have a problem getting the correct lights put in there that we have to get done uh there's also a comment regarding uh outdoor storage being limited to in height of six feet um if you know what the current um setup is and if there's any issue with changing that or modifying that um no there's there's no issue with the having that at 6et um and if there's any garbage there's also a comment there you know clear of debris um I don't know how this don't personally know how what the situation is but um I I have done you know quite a bit of cleanup the there was along the road there was an area where over the years stuff had actually kind of grown out into the road that has since been cut back uh to the curb so there it's it's a lot cleaner than it was uh a few months ago okay but is further clean up needed or to your know I mean or well for for me there's you know there's some cleanup and some neatening that that um we are going to keep doing and u obviously if it was a condition of approval you have no issue finishing the clean up or yes no yes we have no issue with that um on a similar note there were uh as a comment about existing pallets outside um on on the site um I guess uh wood pallets or you know those those things you might use to stack certain items I don't know if you could enlighten me on that so so the pallets kind of come and go for us um we we now have them inside uh the fenced in area to the right of the building so they're no longer out in the parking lot um and and you know as we get a as we get a certain amount there we call up a guy the guy comes and he takes all the pallets away okay what's that certain amount that you would have there until you have to call your um I mean it we we really don't have a a set number um you know it's it's probably in the range of around you know 30 or so and and that has been you know much more neatly stacked as well um than it had been um comment from the town regarding the dumpsters um I don't know where they're placed currently but they're requesting that it be they would have to approve a location for the dumpsters and an enclosure be placed um around them so that it would be either out of the way or not within sight lines uh any issue or tell tell me about that there's any issues yeah there there's um there's not a lot of places that we could really um you know put that I obviously the town wants to have it in an enclosure so that that's not to be seen anymore we just need to I I need some input as to where it's okay for us to put that well if I can interject just for a second please absolutely we have the we have the township uh landscape architect here um so as soon as you get through your questions he can address whatever questions Lyle has as to where he would like to have stuff put the reason for the buff the buffering um you know why it's got to be six feet piles even though it's an 8 foot fence Mr M Rahi can expedite this a lot uh quicker so we don't have to guess with testimony of your client at this point no absolutely I appreciate thank you um now there's also a comment regarding uh having a sidewalk uh tell me about the the layout um and if that can be accommodated or needs to be accommodated well I mean the the sidewalk um you know there's I I've been going to this site now now I haven't been employed there this long but I've been going to this site now for close to 20 years I I've yet to see somebody walking down the street anytime that I've been there so and it's it's just a a you know an industrial area where I mean if we put a sidewalk it it's not something that's going to benefit anybody you know there's there's no uh path at the end at you know it's just railroad tracks at the end of that culdesac where we are the usefulness of a sidewalk to me it it just isn't there okay um another comment regarding fiber optic um being installed um and including uh two 4 inch uh PVC conduits um any issue with being required to install that should the town need that in the future no there's there's no issue with installing that no okay um and the um I guess the last comment for you would be uh uh replacing or repairing broken curves if there you know if there are broken curves do you know you know to your not um yeah I mean I really haven't seen broken curves there um that that I would say you know needed to be replaced uh but I we would do that uh that's all I have for this witness uh Jonathan could you jump in here with what you've heard so far sure seems like they covered seems like they've covered I would say through the 16 that we submitted maybe a dozen so there's four up in the a if you could address the ones that they about sure and just to just to touch on a comment Mr olette made uh I I think a board on board fence would make more sense than a chain link fence with the fake grass in it just for uh sound mitigation which was the other main reason why we were suggesting a landscaping buffer so that way that vegitation would act as a a sound barrier um the the testimony is a little contradictory to our other staff members when they did a a site inspection uh in regards to the dumpster area just looking at the looking at the site drawing in front of me I think there's two logical areas where we could place it at the uh eastern most and the Western most entrances uh that' be a direct access for a a front loing dump truck to come in and collect the um collect the dumpster I think having everything at the six foot height with an 8ot fence would allow for uh better screening with the surrounding areas so I'm not sure if there's anything more specific Mr chairman you'd like me to touch on uh the light poles he said that they are they're not working now but they are going fix them orall them I think a I think a lighting plan uh a lighting plan just showing the uh the throw of the light not impacting the surrounding residential lots is what we'd like to see so whether there needs to be some sort of Shield or guard on the fixture installed we want to make sure that that's in place okay thank you Mr s any other members of the board have any questions you might want to talk talk a little bit more about the sidewalk believe the Township's policy has been either inst contribute to the sidewalk fund so uh Mr roulette if you had to contribute to the the sidewalk fund any issue any issue there or Township's sidewalk fund I mean I don't if you're saying your testimony is that there's no well is your testimony regarding the sidewalk I mean there's not you testified that there's not a lot of foot traffic I I don't see a necessity whatsoever for that um like I think that there's no it's going nowhere the Township's policy has been to put sidewalk in all districts meaning industrial residential mixed use districts sidewalks have been required my experience probably for that's been the policy um I I don't know what contributing to the um you know to the sidewalk fund you know would be uh that's I mean something I would have to discuss with the owners well if if you felt it was unreasonable you could come back and discuss it with the board you saw at the outset of this meeting that they approved an application and then they listen to further testimony on it and modifi that condition you if you're looking to move forward this evening you maybe can agree to it and if you too burdensome come back and discuss it okay so um what is that uh we would have to do well you would agree to either install or contribute to the sidewalk if you find out the that contribution is not something you want agree to then you have the opportunity to come back and discuss it okay all right any other questions John no okay good any other members of the board have any questions Mr oh I'm sorry I sorry do we just specify the height of these lights Jonathan I think no we didn't specify the height of these lights you have houses you have houses all along the back of this property and I think you got to keep them down as low as you can we'll let them we'll let them play around with the photometrics and see what see what's gonna minimize so uh yeah I mean the sidewalk contribution is probably the way we'd like to go why don't you just hold on either are and then you figure out where you are okay that's it anybody else on the board have any questions yeah I got one one or two questions um what type of products do you handle there and is there any of it has this material um we do have some chemicals there they are stored in you know an approved way this is for our uh Turf program that we have um so and then the rest of it is is just uh seed salt and and all of those things are inside any of that those chemicals all of our fertilizer is STO is stored inside so there's there's no there's no worry of of anything uh let's say leeching out or anything like that okay hey Arty just for the record um fire marshal Robert Gore did approve the site plan uh review okay he was out there taking a look at it so it's it's all right thank you any other questions proceed Mr friend all right I'd like to call uh my expert Mr Shri Cala Mr Cala could you raise your right hand you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth I do I do thank you your name and address please sh not J Kavala s h r i n a t h j Kavala k o t d a w l I reside at 54 Oakland Mills Road in Manalapan New Jersey thank you uh Mr coall Could you um explain to the board your um qualifications yeah I'm njp since 199 sorry since 1998 and I have testified in front of the piscart board once in my life but have testified in many other Township related to land use zoning and planning applications and I'm a practicing civil engineer since 1995 qualif qualifications are fine thank you let's please proceed Mr fr uh thank you um could you um just discuss um tell the board a little bit more about the uh the plan here the plan that you that was yes I'll just if I if you allow me to share a screen I'll just it's the same map which everyone has it I'll just talk about it and couple of issues which was discussed by the owner's representative I would like to put some light on it so can I share the screen yes yes she can if the board can see it I'll just y okay so I'm just showing you basically just the where the site is which most it's in the Bell Street 50 ft wide right offway and if I have to go through the aerial picture of the site just so everyone gets an idea general idea that where we are and what so we are on a Bell Street and at the kind of a like a dead end and our property let me stop you for a moment are all of the things that you are showing us on the screen part of the submission package that you submitted in uh connection with this application yes okay this is separately no this are the one last we submitted and the township has reviewed it and this is a sheet one of two thank you so I just want to just show where the site is off of the rolfield road but I'll go back again to the other plan so here what we see is existing condition map which is done by our surveyor which basically shows our building it's roughly 8,50 ft building on a side and we have like one to three four entrances and four exit basically for convenience of moving the material in and out and we have 10 parking spaces seven in the front and three parking spaces were on a side but none of them were completely meeting the requirements typical requirement are they are like odd and even shapes so what we have done here is creating the space which are easy to move in and like a reverse it out so and also for Ada parking if some visitor is coming to the site the Ada compant parking space is made so we can have a nice access to the consumer pickup area so this are the change basically we are making with the striping so it's easy to park and kind of easy to see where do I park and come out the other stuff other five parking spaces we are creating here by removing the old spaces so Alto together we we were 10 sparking spaces now we going to have a nine but all of these nine are easily accessible easily can be utilized by the employees as well as the customers the one discussion we had about where to put a Down dumpster and I thought that this is the location we will be providing a dumpster so that can be accessed easily as well as it's away from the neighboring homes so we would not have a problem causing any any noise issue with the neighbors so that was the plan we have is to put a dumpster here and the second talk we had about lighting so our thought was if you allow us we will go to the site and check at the every like a point which is behind the existing homes what is the light intensity now and if it's if it exceeds the township maximum allowed code we will knock it down we will try to put a back shield and reduce that number so we can comply with the township offsite illumination so that is our plan to submit a Township professional agrees that is what our plan is to all these locations we will check the candle light compared with the rules and reduce it as needed and and I guess that that is the rest of the questions were answered by the owner owner like a employee so if you have any other technical question I'm here to answer if you have any issue issues which you think we need to revise on our plan we we will be revising the plan I have a I have a quick comment Mr chairman sure so I I agree that the location of the dumpster is uh acceptable it's a good location for it on the plan now how you have it drawn a landscape buffer doesn't seem to fit in I think that considering the uh inability to provide any for a buffer or a rear yard setback I think having that uh vegetative buffer is going to be very important for mitigating the impact of the activity on the site for the surrounding homes U after we we hear the opinions from your office I think we all we will see that we can provide a straight like a like a planting yes Giant aritis in that green line I drew so we can we can provide a single row because we have a 8 ft high fence behind it so and and just in front of the fence we will be placing Green Giant perfect okay thank you so thank you J that that way the residents will have a good amount of screening and some help with the sound pollution thank you could you want uh please un uh do the screen which take the screen I I have one question sure go ahead John do do you know how tall those lights are at this moment I'm I would not know exactly how tall the heights are but uh the if if this numbers as I talk when we check out the existing what what's the lighting like illumination at all these points uh if that is high definitely we have to bring down the light fixtures down as well as we can provide a back Shield to reduce any kind of like a know like a light pollution going onto the neighboring properties so we we will provide to Township professional what we see there and what if if that exceeds the township requirements uh we will definitely do the alteration such that it meets the requirements well the the manager indicated that he he said they didn't work now correct yes he I don't know why but he they don't work because to to me I mean that's all basically deciduous trees along there so the leaves are gone if the lights are high enough you're going to be looking right up at the bulbs correct you could Shield them but you'll still be seeing in that light right in your backyard so to to me you need to get them down and whatever Shield you have has to be uh sufficient to uh block the actual light source okay um what we can do is we can provide the toship professionals you you can figure out when you submit the revised plan just put the detail in okay okay we'll do that no other questions Mr chairman thank you any other members of the board have any questions or comments n could you please unshare the screen thank you yes I did Mr Prince anyone else to testify uh no okay you have any closing arguments or anything any want to suisee um I would just say I I would humbly request that this variance and these the variances be granted this um business has operated for as you heard over 20 years uh really without interruption without uh detriment to the public um uh any changes that need to be done would be done in the you know for the good of the public um any installing the hedges fixing the lights uh putting the dumpsters in a proper proper place um uh but I and I think um the positive criteria would outweigh any of the negative criteria in this situation um there's no yeah thank you if I can just jump in here for a moment um your comment about the positive criteria and the negative criteria uh you have not presented the testimony of a planner um you're seeking a use variance I don't believe this can grant the use variance without the testimony of a planner um so I recommend that uh you return to the board at a future meeting with the testimony of a planner okay at which point we can also have a number for Mr is it wette wette yes wette yeah where we could find out whether contributing to the sidewalk fund compared to putting a sidewalk around the whole Frontage of the property which would be more convenient for you um you know I'm sure it comes down to the dollar uh we can have those answers for you as well as well as finding out how light how hard the lighting is going to be and making sure that it's not a detriment to the Sur surrounding residents there's a there's a couple of I honestly think that I'd like myself and maybe a couple of my board members be afford the opportunity to go out and actually look at the site ourselves um any questions that have arisen from whether sidewalks curbs that are broken or anything like that um I think it'd be a good opportunity for us to go out take a look at the property so we're a little bit more informed um before you guys come before us again sometime next month I'm assuming so uh I'm not I wasn't ready to to vote on this tonight anyway but uh I think Mr fr you should get yourself a qualified planner that could address the positive and negative criteria of the application and then at that point I think more comfortably we can move forward with a vote certainly I where can we go next like January 23rd is the next available meeting December is full it's really it's over full yeah and in January we do start at 7 pm but we'll later Mr friends do you agree to come back to uh this on this application on January 23rd 2025 that is fine with me January 23rd yes it also give you enough time to L up a planner I was going to say even if we had December I don't think that would have been enough time that's good so it works out for everybody that's great so anybody here on the application of 429 Bell Street LLC it's going to be continued to January 23rd 2025 without any further notice by the applicant the only notice you're receiving is my announcement here tonight have a good night gentlemen thank you okay let's move on to item number 16 which is the adoption of resolutions from the regular meeting October 24th 2024 first resolution Daniel Paris gandola which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr Huka yes Mr Ali yes chairman K Hill yes next is jrj fence installation which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr orio yes Mr hauka yes yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes those are all the resolutions I have this evening okay item number 17 adoption of the minutes from the regular meeting of October 24th 2024 all in favor say I I okay item number 18 Ajman all in favor say I I okay guys Happy Thanksgiving everyone Happy Thanksgiving and we'll see you back here in couple have a good night for