##VIDEO ID:pR0IvK6lhyo## e thank you George good ahead Mr chairman oh Mr Canal yes the Zoning Board of adjustment reorganization meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in The Courier News no notice posted on the bulletin board of the municipal building notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to the courrier news and the Star Ledger will the clerk please call the role Mr Wiman here Mr Tillery here Mr Patel here Mr BL here Mr Haka here Mr Meto is not here and chairman kah here will everyone please stand to salute the flag pledge allegiance to the flag United States of America to the repblic it stands one at this time I'd like to open nominations for the chairman of the zoning board for the year 2025 are there any nominations yes Steve wman I like to nominate Sean kale 30 seconds second are there any other nominations for chairperson of the zoning board all in favor I I I any opposed chairman kahill I'll turn the meeting over to you thank you Mr Canal I'd like to uh entertain election thoughts on a nomination for uh Vice chairperson personally I would like to nominate um Steve Weissman can I get a second please call the RO Miss Buckley Oh no just I'll do I do all in favor yeah all in favor say I I uh next like to entertain a nominee for the election of a secretary Steve Weisman here I'd like to nominate again Sean kill can I get I'll second I'll second all in favor say I I I thank you again uh now we come to the point where appointment of a board attorney I have been on this uh zoning board for 20 years uh Mr canel was the township uh zoning board attorney at that time I've learned a lot from him he's become a friend um right now he is probably the best land use attorney in the state of New Jersey now that Jim Clarken has retired so I would like to I would like to appoint uh Jim canelia as the board attorney all in favor say I I do need a second though chairman I'll I'll pick somebody thank you thank you thank you very much okay at this point we also come to the point we need to select a planner and Mr Chad has been doing an excellent job for us for the last well again 20 years I've been on the board he's been with me all the way so I'd like to nominate um Mr Chadwick as our planner all in FA can I get a second second all in favor say I thank you very much for your support well it's fun to work with you guys ladies now it's time to appoint a recording Clerk and I believe that this young lady has been the stir that's the straw that stirs our Zone board drink um for for the last couple years and she's a go-to and she gets all of us up to date and I would love to uh nominate Laura Buckley for the recording clerk can I get a second all in favor say I I thank you um Laura can we take committee appointments the same as last term and for the committee members election the committee chairperson absolutely I could just pull it out I think that's the easiest way to go there's U very little there all right I would call at this point for an adjournment all in favor say I I I you are adjourned Mr chairman I'm going to be leaving the meeting the remaining cases are all Jonathan's riew got you sir all right thanks John have a good night Mr Chad great new year I see you in two weeks okay let's start let's start the real meeting here uh Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the cura news notice posted on the bulon board of Municipal Building notice made available to the town chief clerk notice sent to the cura news and the star lger will the clerk please call the role Mr Weisman here Mr Teller here Mr here Mr BL here Mr Haka here and chairman K here will everyone please stand for the salute to the flag over my shoulder I pledge allegiance to the flag United States America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all Mr canel are there any changes to tonight's agenda yes there are uh Ronco development 146 Hillside Avenue is adjourned to February 13th with no further notice Ronco development 160 Hillside Avenue is adjourned to February 13th with no further notice and finally Mary Joe barnowski 784 River Road is adjourned until March 27th 2025 they must notice thank you Mr Canal let's move on to item number six 24 zb- 82b new Singular Wireless excuse me I'm sorry Mr Quinn uh just want to record to show that bill Mondo is on the meeting thank you thank you L thank you I'm sorry thank you Mr Quinn oh sure hi good evening uh for the record name is Christopher Quinn um for those I was here in December I was there and I uh and Back Again representing Newar Wireless PCS LLC whichever knows is AT&T um ATS in the of a nationwide upgrade or modifications to its Network so it's effectively changing every single one of its facilities throughout the entire country uh it's part of an equipment upgrade uh that helps them for future development talked about that a little bit in December this particular application It's 121 centenal Avenue uh it's a rooftop there block 67 3.02 um upgrade is very basic they're replacing nine of the antennas there's no change to the number and height of the antennas they're replacing certain uh equipment cabinets on the platform again no change to the height um they're replacing some of the kind of infrastructure to the antennas that are there uh there's no additional antenna height there's no additional uh antennas there's no um changes really to the structural implications here we submitted structural analysis we've submitted a uh radio frequency analysis to show there's no impact there from that either it's a fairly straightforward uh modification it's really just replacing of equipment um so we'd request that this be granted as part of the uh interpretation that um that we comply with all requirements of the FCC uh standards with respect to those to that collocation statute Mr chairman I've reviewed the submission by uh Mr Quinn I agree with what he has stated to the board all of those submissions the RF report the structural analysis are there uh it appears from the site plan that they are not creating any new variances so I believe that they are uh deserving of site plan exemption in this case thank you Mr Canal any other members of the board have any questions for this application hearing none I'm G to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second a second okay please call the role Mr wasman yes Mr Tillery yes yes Mr Patel yes Mr BL yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes and chairman K yes we'll memorialize this at our next meeting great thank you so much have a good evening item number seven 24- zb- 77b Kim Vorhees is Kim Vorhees present I am here I need to swear you Inn could you raise your right hand absolutely do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes I do your name and address please Kim Vorhees 62 Parkside Avenue piscatway thank you could you explain to the board what you'd like to do here yes sir um I current 30 years ago I moved into the home that I have um I did everything with permits and I have a 30-year-old fence that's ready to fall down so I'm looking to replace the existing fence with a new um uh un PVC fence the plastic fencing but it will be a two-tone white with beige um and I'm just putting it over where the the existing fence is and just putting a new one in what I what I'd like to point out though on the memorandum um there were a couple of uh areas that um had uh existing was non-conforming but when I did my measurements just to let you know I did it from say the pool to the fence and my whole fencing is done at least a foot off the property line so the numbers that I gave you can add on at a minimum a foot to the whole perimeter cuz uh the fence was done one foot off the property line you know due to to requirements um at the time or or specs that I had done Mr chairman you may want to check with Mr M Mr u m could you jump in Jonathan here and give us your evaluation sure certainly so for items two and three Miss fores we're we're in agreement uh those two comments are looking just for the future if they need to be replaced could you speak briefly on the construction of the uh pergola the Gazebo that you have drawn on the plan that you have in your yard yes so it's a freestanding object um we had just placed had um TR flooring put down and we just put the burgle on top of it there's no footings it's six inches off the ground so it's a free standing and an accessory structure like this for your Zone should be uh set back 60 ft from UH 60 ft from Sheldon place so it is in a non-conforming location uh I also just want to point out that if this gazebo pergola for the board members if this gazebo pergola is going to be allowed uh at the end of this resolution uh building permits would need to be sought for the structure just to make sure it's secured in an appropriate way um as for the fence I think the fact that it's a two-tone fence is uh attractive compared to the the solid uh monolithic White Fence um however uh some buffering might be might be uh attractive to help lessen that it is a 5 foot fence uh the the fence is one foot off the property line like you mentioned is there any way to get that three feet further in well currently the the well first let me I live on a that's a dead end Street Sheldon's a dead end Street and there's only four houses it's not a through Street and they can't even build at the end because there's cold sack so there would never be a through street through here there's only four homes behind me in that area um the fence itself um when I bought the house the driveway the fence just lot goes Lateral with the driveway bringing it in kind of makes my house look a little awkward the way the fencing is because there's Belgium Block and then I'm coming in three feet off of that so it kind of makes it a little awkward um in that situation and on the inside of my fence I have a couple of bushes that were always there so it's uprooting all the bushes and shrubberies that are running on the inside of my fence too okay so aesthe aesthetically it would look from the front of my house for me personally it would look a little odd because you got a driveway running up and now you're offsetting it you know with the fence it doesn't run smooth straight front the back all right and just to confirm it's a five foot solid fence but it would be a two-tone two-tone in color absolutely f with just white trim around it just a little white trim around it uh that that's all my that's all my comments Mr chairman thank you Jonathan I appreciate it um the U the 15 the item that you mentioned Jonathan number five the $1,500 uh Landscaping Bond yeah four and four and five would be together so if the board wants to pursue a if the board wants to pursue a buffer we would want a bond to ensure that buffer is installed if the board feels like there's no need for a buffer because of the the color and the height of the fence uh then four and five not be applicable okay thank you for your interpretation I appreciate it uh any members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application okay close the public portion and um uh Miss fores you're okay with getting permits for the perg if we approve this application sure yes yes okay yeah I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second just to be clear Mr chairman uh What uh what decision would you like to make with the denot taking out items four and five on the side impact no understood okay sorry St I'll second it thank you Steve can I get a a a roll call Mr wman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes and chairman kahill yes your application's been approved uh we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting we'll send that document to you good luck thank you very much everybody appreciate have a good evening have a goody New Year happy New Year Mo on to item number eight 24- zb- Jeffrey sundelof yes I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please Jeffrey sundelof 229 running Avenue pway thank you Mr sundelof could you explain to the board why you're here uh I was purchasing a hot tub to put on my property in my backyard okay sounds like a great idea to me especially on a cold night tonight I thought so too Mr Miss R could you please chime in with your side impact certainly we don't we don't see any exacerbation of any existing non-conforming setbacks the hot tub's going to remain within the visual uh footprint of the of the residence along runion and it doesn't like I said doesn't exacerbate the uh the setback along uh Scott Street so staff doesn't have yeah any concern thanks I appreciate that any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm going to open it public anyone in the public has any comments or questions about this application no one chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this application a second please call the rooll Mr wsman yes Mr tiller yes Mr Patel yes Mr BL yes Mr Hua yes Mr mandoo yes and chairman K yes your application's been approved we'll memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting and we'll send that document to you good luck thank you expecting some invitations Mr Su y they'll be in the mail I'm a mail man you'll get them in the mail have a great night guys you too let's move on to item number nine 24- zb- 81b Eva cook is Eva cook present yes I am I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand you swear that testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please Eva cook 436 Prospect Avenue bway New Jersey thank you could you explain to the boy why you're here um my front steps my door stepped on them and they dropped we had them somebody look at them there was wood underneath and it's all rotted I want to replace the existing steps but I think it's 20 feet from the curb I'm 21 I'm not changing anything or modifying it I just want to replace what's there okay um Mr MRA could you jump in for a second sir yeah so this is a 7.5 Zone and it's undersized for that zone so this is a true hardship even if they were to even if they were to uh reconstruct in any sort of way it's already going to be non-conforming with the front yard setback so as long as they're not expanding or um making a larger staircase and what was there existing it should be fine thank you appreciate that any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm G to open it to the public anyone in the public have any questions and comments about this application no one chairman was the public I'd make a motion to approve this application can I have a second I'll second okay pleas call the RO Mr wisman yes Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr Blount yes Mr Hua yes and M uh chairman kale yes Miss B yes your application's been approved we'll memorialize it in the document at our next meeting and send that document to you good luck thank you everybody happy New Year Happy New Year have a good night let's move on to item number 13 adoption of resolution from the regular meeting of December 12th 202 first resolution new Singular Wireless which you voted to approve Mr Weissman I'm staying I was not there thank you Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes chairman K yes next Grand Homes Investments which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes yes Mr Patel yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes chairman kahill yes next is Lisa Williams M gaffy which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes chairman K yes finally 36 he Avenue which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel yes Mr blunt yes Mr hauka yes Mr Mondo yes chairman kahill yes those are all the resolutions this evening item number 14 adoption of the minutes from the regular meeting of December 12 2024 all in favor say I I I item number 15 adjournment all in favor say I I I okay guys thanks for coming out happy New Year and uhy year and you guys be planning board yesterday they were 721 and mine's 720 for