##VIDEO ID:xFo4MTS3lO4## e Zoning Board of adjustment meeting will please come to order adequate notice of this meeting was provided in the following ways notice published in the cura news notice posted on the Bolton Board of the municipal building notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to the curry news and the Star Ledger will the clerk please call the role Mr Weissman here Mr Patel here Mr Regio Mr Blount Mr haaka here Mr Mondo here Mr Ellie here and chairman K here will everyone please stand for salute to the flag flag United States of America na canelia are there any changes to tonight's agenda yes there are the base field application on 1300 7 street is adjourned until September Laura do you have an exact date for that uh September 26th and no further not will they read notice or are they we going to carry this notice where it's going to carry it okay so anybody here on the face field application it's going to be carried to September 26th with no further notice by the applic those are all the changes I'm aware of now Mr can uh 52 School Street has withdrawn oh 52 School Street Arvin Patel that they have withdrawn that so that will not withdrawn without prejudice okay let's move on on to item number five 24- zb- 35v Darlene mumber is Darlene mumber present yes I'm here okay I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand you swear the testimony you're about to get should be the truth yes your name and address please 207 Elizabeth Avenue hcway New Jersey 08854 thank you could you explain to the board why you're here I'm here because we had um wanted to put a shed on the property um we've always had one here since we purchased the house never um and we're just replacing it yeah we really wanted to replace it because the other the metal one just rotted and the other one the wooden one was just falling apart animals were attacking it and so we thought if we put something up a little more sturdy um and I could put all of the things for my you know well for gardening and mowing the lawn Etc um and have a neat Place understood that's okay that's a good that's a good option it's a good reason um Jonathan do you have any questions or any issues with this no I don't Mr chairman uh as we mentioned in the report it's a very uh minor overage of the coverage from the principal building and there's no need for any other variances gotcha okay um any other questions or concerns from anyone else on the board hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this application I believe there was a gentleman who uh yes was there earlier yes yes could you hear me yes we can okay your name and address please yes I'm Ken bites Bei TZ at 201 Elizabeth Avenue just got away for us I'm right we're adjacent to the shed and the illegal structures before you go ahead and testify I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand okay hold on my hands up do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes sir thank you go ahead sir okay uh I read the papers on this and it sounds like the the board has already made up their mind on everything and uh I got really sir the board has not voted on this matter yet the board has not heard anything about this matter so don't say the board has already made up its M oh no please don't take offense I'm trying to express myself I I said not nothing to do with the board I said just for reading the application papers it sounded because some of the things that I read here I'm not going to get into all this it's it's basically trivia however um ordinances are law in town um the reason uh the the this the so-called um what it called the survey that was submitted there's no there's no data honored or nothing and I was just concerned like where did this 160 square feet come from when they want a 98 96 square foot shed I was just confused and I really didn't know and I'm like what is this like where is it I went down to the township and I went over there and I got I was still confused I ended up with Mr Hoff's office and I showed him some pictures because what I did first excuse me I'm out of order here uh you know chronological order I went to the tax office and got something with the actual footage on it so we're you know we're correct with it I have that here but you're not allowed to see it Mr Hop's office has it and the planning board has it I don't know if you folks could see it or uh regardless of that the main structure is 1364 Square ft that's the house the garage which is attached to 588 square feet it's 28 fet by 21 feet that's a very big garage uh the mumbers are the fourth owners of that house I live there for well I'm 74 and uh my father built the house in 53 basically my whole life um we knew all the owners um I don't recall them having that first shed there anyway I'm backtracking a little if you add the 1364 and the 588 you get 195 2 okay got 1952 and they won a 98 square foot shed I said okay I figure all this out I say this doesn't add up so I went out and looked I said well the canopy which is not on their on there what they submitted and it's not on the tax office that's a taxable item by the way uh you check with Greg at the tax office it's 120 square feet on the back of a garage with a roof on it it requires a building permit and inspection and building codes I didn't know this I just went back with a simple thing and said where did you know where did the footage come from my issue here with this meeting is the 1.6 increase okay which I'm getting to so they want 98 foot and I wrote it down on Mr um Mr Hoff's office I forgot the name of the Departments I'm trying to find my uh map here ah you know when you want it you can't find it Mr hosta construction official he has nothing to do with the zoning board sir no I know that that's nothing to do with his Z sir I'm trying to I'm trying to tell you I'm trying I'm trying to expedite there were a lot of applications tonight I'm trying to I'm trying to do it right here right now what they want is 2,168 square feet over two illegal structures you were never permits okay the metal shed they're talking about was ripped down matter of fact a friend of mine Michael tol took the scrap metal away and I believe that was with Joe Frank they never removed that Mr mumber when he built a shed in the back and Corner which is still there I told him I said Richie you everever permit to that after his explits he said he didn't need one he later built a 120 excuse me a 21 foot by 6 foot wide 120 square foot canopy on the back anyway the the Hops office uh construction over there they made it they just took it down last night excuse yesterday and today they ripped it off the house okay it's off the house so the real issue here this whole this whole uh uh thing you have here is void on the face because it doesn't exist there is no the exact coverage of this house now is 1952 square foot and they want to put a shed okay 1952 they can and they don't even need you folks they could just go down to town get a permit put a 48q foot shed no problem beautiful it's all within the law and nobody will be jealous and and you have to go across the board in the whole town okay it's 48 square foot they want 96 okay okay the 120 in the back is gone it's ripped off okay now that that puts them not at a a 1.6 increase it put them at 2048 okay you round I'm gonna cut you I'm gonna cut you off sir I'm going to cut you off sir our Township our Township expert has no problem with this application okay he represents I'll tell you right up scway big SE and it's not for Chiefs okay that's good I appr know thank you sir normally we give you three minutes to come back and discuss this I've given you anywhere from six to seven minutes thank you no problem I I had figured out right from day one thank you sir appreciate it any Laura anyone else have their hand raised okay we're gonna close the public portion and I'd make a motion to approve this application a second please call the roll Mr wman yes Mr Patel yes Mr Haka yes yes yes sorry I didn't hear you already Mr mandoo I abstain Mr Alie yes and chairman kahill yes misss mumber your application's been approved we will memorialize it in a written document in our next meeting we'll send a copy of that document to you thank you very much sir I thanks everybody good night thank you item number six 24- zb- 38v BOS sherissa yes yes I'm yes good evening do you could you raise your right hand do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes sir your name and address please thank you could you explain to the board why you're here I want to have around my house uh just to protect from from this deers coming so much so many deer coming all the time eating my fruits vegetable in a garden and also now we have a grandkids coming here for their for their security also and then for the Privacy that we can have and you understand that if the township ever needs access to that easement you would be responsible for removing and replacing the fence yes that's that's what it's written here but at the time ofation I was told that removable Township will remove and I have to replace I have to back I don't know you would be responsible for removing it and replacing it yeah okay I understand now thank you I got the ler so I understand any other issues Jonathan uh yeah we just want to see a full utility markout and we're recommending it be placed a little bit inside of the center line of that easement just because we don't want to have the footings of the fence interfere with any uh utilities that might be there is that okay BOS so what I have to do now so instead of having the fence instead of having the fence run along the property line um I got it I have to I have to uh in five five foot in no five foot in from the East the East property okay that's I mean yeah I will I will do that yeah that's fine and make sure and make sure there's no pipes underneath no okay okay you're in agreement with that yes sir fantastic any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm GNA open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application no chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second second everybody Mr Weissman thank you Mr Patel yes Mr Hua yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman kahill yes your application has been approved with an amendment that you're going to move the fence slightly we'll memorialize this in a written document at our next meeting and send a copy of that to you good luck okay thank you sir sir good luck sir I I leave now is that a question I can leave the meeting now or I have to have a good night just want to take my place and I'll gladly leave thank you 24- zv- 36v Abdul sharik Muhammad hello sir this is Abdul sharik Muhammad I live in 55 West Street B uh good evening I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand please we that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth I do thank you could you explain to the board why you're here yeah so basically I need to put a six feet solid fans um because uh I need it for safety security and privacy for my family I have two little kids and most of the time they spend um Outdoors playing and recently I have the burglary at my home uh on 7th of July uh all my valuable stuff we stolen so I that's the reason that's the main reason why I need to put up the fence so that it acts as a privacy in security for our family because we feel very vulnerable right now uh we really need to have a good security so that even my kids can go outside play anytime when they want and the sidewalks in front of my house they're not they're very uneven and they are concrete sidewalks and if my kids try to play the right cycle on the sidewalks they tend to fall off because they are very uneven and very old so at some point time yeah so that's the main reason we want to set up the fence and I I'm looking forward to decision from your side okay Mr Mohammed no problem um Jonathan do you have issues with this uh the main in the main issue that we have is the site triangle at the intersection of Buttonwood and Crestwood uh that's why my recommendation was to push the fence back uh along Buttonwood just to make sure that there's a clear side triangle so right now the property line is approximately 10 ft from the edge of the road uh I was suggesting that that fence below located 30t from the edge of the road 20t from the property line M Mr Muhammad you okay with that uh can I at least get like 10t if you don't mind at least 10 because if if if you give me like 20 fet I would be left with very little Fen in area and that would be like you know uh because mine is a corner lot I would really not have much space for my kids to play around and I I I mean would it would be very squeezed to be very honest and down the road I'm also planning to put up a shed in my property and that would also eat up a lot of space so I would appreciate if you guys can you know at Lee give me like 10 ft I would really appreciate that unfortunately because the fence is proposed in the site triangle it affects the ability of motorists to see safely and that's why the scataway is recommending that it be 20 feet from the property line it's a safety issue Mr Muhammad I apologize but you can do those other things with your backyard at different spots other than where it's going to be uh you know 20 feet right I I can read the room pretty well and if you are in agreement with the recommendations by my um my expert I can get you this approval I'm pretty sure so depends onward yeah so just to add one more thing the Buttonwood drive it's a dead end Street there's not much moving traffic over there it's very quiet throughout the day um you can also check the layout sir uh so if you can just please give me some you know um you know concession or you know so that we can definitely go ahead and put up the Pence because 20 ft seems to be you know very uh I mean it would leave us with a very little Fen in area so please see if you something can be done on this regards Mr chairman I'm not sure that while I've been representing this board we have ever agreed uh to allow somebody to put a fence in the site triangle yeah no I'm not gonna be it's not going to be the first time either you really must either take time we can put this uh uh application out for another month or so give you time to talk it over with family whatnot but I I think that the recommendation made by uh my engineering department is going to be a deal breaker with getting you this approval it's you're on a you're on a corner of property and I apologize but you purchased the property and for safety purposes for all of scataway residents um we can't approve that in that site triangle so sir how about like 15 15 feet set bag is is that doable I I believe Jonathan said 20 feet is that right John that's that's correct would it be possible would the board entertain uh having the fence be um having the fence be at an angle on that corner so that way it stays outside of the side triangle uh provided that there's Landscaping in front of it to make sure that it stays attractive he can come into the office and we can yeah I'm I'm all in favor that I I want the applicant Happy by that same standard I want the township to remain safe on that corner lot so yeah um if you want this gentleman to come in and sit with you and and go over uh options or alternatives to the to the fencing I'm I'm more than happy to entertain and I'm sure the rest of the board is saying okay so so let's say if I get offline and talk to Mr Jonathan uh would that tonight yeah yeah so uh would that be approved on that day when I come and make the decision uh when I talk to him or does I mean would do that conditionally give a conditional approval based on the outcome with uh Jonathan and yeah as long as as long as we know what the setback is going to be and what the angled part is going to be and I can describe it in a resolution then we could do it tonight okay that that makes sense to me uh anyone else on the board have any questions or concerns about what we're trying to do here no okay um show public Jim well I I I need Mr mrai to tell me what the setback of the fence is going to be and how many feet are going to be pained that will be uh that will be measured tomorrow when I have um when I have the equipment to do so okay so Mr chairman we're gonna have to carry this matter if we can't uh have that information this evening gotcha because I can't prepare a resolution if we don't have that on the record the specific on the I could appreciate that Laura what's the next um meeting we M uh Mr Muhammad September 12th is when we would entertain this application again once you and Mr Mahi have uh figured out how you want to come to a compromise you don't have to Reen notice have to okay so we're gonna put this off till September 12 all right thank you so much no problem okay anybody here on this application of Abdul Shar Muhammad it is being carried to September 12th with no further notice by the applicant the only notice you're receiving is my announcement here tonight okay thank you Mr Muhammad thank you let's move on to item number eight which is 24- z-34 V par Kumar Ania and PTI MAA are the applicants present and meta yes okay I I need to swear I need to swear go ahead I'm sorry uh record just show that Mr BL has joined the meeting thank you thank you R um could the applicants raise their right hand do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes thank you one at a time could we have your name and address please we can't hear you yes hard Kumar 13 New Jersey thank you could one of you explain to the board what you'd like to do here already the and everything for the landing and the steps which is going 4.5 within the set to we're seing the VAR for constructing Jonathan do you have um comments about this side fact the the rest of the the rest of the site's conforming so this this is the only uh variant uh we do have a couple of comments and recommendations in the report uh that I'd like the applicant to to agree to to be conditions of approval um pertaining to the side triangle of the intersection with maintenance of landscaping uh as well as obtaining permits for new outdoor mechanical equipment and screening the air conditioning and Equipment units on the site are you in agreement with that yes okay great we can move forward now any other members of the board have any questions or comments very none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any questions or comments about this application yes Alex W hi how you doing hi Alex good evening I need your name and address please uh my name is Alex white and I live at 614 planfield AV thank you could you raise your right hand sure you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes thank you go ahead Mr White um sir yeah so uh we we've actually met the the new neighbors who are moving in they're very lovely people uh we're very excited to you know have some uh more younger people living next to us too um but the only concern we had is a big beautiful house they're building um and unfortunately it's it is very close now to my house which is um you know I I can kind of get over that um and my house has been grandfathered in it's kind of close to the closer to the property line than normal my only concern and and hope and I hope I'm not being irrelevant but I saw there was um some something about air conditioning um units or or a you know the I guess the outside condenser needed to be fenced in or whatever but I just I just wanted to see if it was relevant to know if that was going to be on my side um because if it is it's basically going to be on my house and I was just wondering if there was any way to make sure that it would either be on the other side or maybe in the backyard or something but I mean it's not complete end of the world but I just wanted to see if and I'm sorry if I'm being irrelevant I'm a first-time homeowner so I'm I'm just trying to trying to figure this all out but no you're entitled to your concerns absolutely Jonathan is is that something that's relevant um can I just clarify with the the question asker you live adjacent on the side where the driveway is correct correct okay so there was a there was an existing air conditioning unit shown on the drawings uh close to the intersection so the other side of the house yeah uh and seeing that equipment is what prompted that com so we don't have a plan to be clear we don't have a plan showing proposed equipment uh but that's what caused that comment to be generated okay but but at this point we don't Mr White under the law as long as that air conditioning unit is 10 feet off the property line it's allowed to be there if it's any closer than 10 feet they would have to come back to the board for for another variance application okay has to be 10 feet between your the property line that you guys join and where that air conditioning unit starts sure okay that that makes total sense I appreciate it thank you sir thank you any other members of the public no one else chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second second thank you co R Mr Weisman yes Mr Patel yes Mr blamp yes Mr hioka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes and chairman Kaho yes your application has been approved we will memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting and send that document to you good luck thank you have a good night good night uh item number nine 24- zb- 32v andrean Bera is the applicant present present I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand do you swear the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes I do can I have your name and address please andrean be 440 New Market Road bcad New Jersey thank you could you explain to the board what you would like to do here I'm I'm looking to do a fire rebuild um I'm doing um I believe I'm Max it for 232 square feet um out of my variants um I don't know what else uh I will be required to answer but that's what I'm looking to do right now currently um just just the remodel fire remodel currently not living in a home uh Mr chairman he's also exp he's expanding the house he's not just doing a we doing an expanding okay uh Jonathan you had some issues with the side impact form uh code Code Enforcement uh informed us of a number of violations associ with the property um some of that was reflected in the site plans were provided such as a second kitchen uh the number of bedrooms um and uh yes we acknowledge the building coverage as well in that uh staff report um Mr chairman we do not usually permit second no I'm well it's not it's not it the the the plans that the the architect did was supposed to be a Butler's pantry and the the he put a it's not a kitchen I and I I believe that what's coming up is a is a a question is um when I bought the house back in 2006 I got a a letter from code enforcement said I had I was um rent I was it was a bunch of Mexicans living in my property um as you can see I'm not Mexican um um back then it was code enforcement official came out Mr Johnson came out and did a walk through through the house at the time um I showed him who lived in a house at the time which was my kids who at the time went to Arbor they were all young kids um it's never been a rooming house and I I never had Mexicans living with me I'm I'm I'm I'm foundational African-American so it was basically slander and also there was a over the years I got to know Mr Snider personally because it seems like every time there was something I I I I'm a car collector so I have and I currently I still have my cars I have all the cars here the collect cars they all registered in short collected plates um they I was accused of running a car a used carlot um Mr Snider came out um multiple times and and and and checked the the insurance policies and the plate to made sure the cars was there there was never any cars for sale on the property never any cars on Street but it just was seemed like every anything that happened sir was always something um if if a neighbor parked their car by some on the street it was it was my car you know I used to get Mr Snider I had my my personal office number because he would call me and the police would come out run plates and find out car wasn't cars belong to me this has nothing to do with the second kitchen yeah it does because what was what was told to you in the past and and other it's in the letter I apologize it's in the letter it's in the letter letter that was given that um there would be questions that would be brought up so I thought I was address the letter so con see the pantry the butler's pant sir because I'm sorry my name is Leslie sopia and I'm his wife for 40 okay I need to swear you in ma'am could you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes thank you my husband is a chef by trade and that is why he wants he wanted to add a Butler's Pantry so he has more space to put put all the stuff in the kitchen that is what it's for yes it's not an extra not a secondary kitchen I yeah exra like room for us to have more space there's no there's no running water in this room there's no uh gas are being run or electric no no it's just for more space yes it's a pantry it's got to be a pantry because I I I make my own bread in and baking and pastries and stuff so sure um I I don't I'm not looking to do anything illegal I'm but you I'm not looking to rent rent the property out could you describe what you plan to put in the Butt Loose Pantry um bread maker um coffee station um storage place separate from the kitchen to have like bigger equipment we have like a bigger I do plan to have a a a prep station in there with a sink for for um yeah like butchering or anything I don't know that's part of you actually was I going to have anything in there besides um there'll be no will there be any cooking where you would need ventilation no okay and there'll be no gas running to a a cooktop or anything like that no no can there be water I don't think water is an issue Jonathan would that be an issue they would they had like a slop sink or something like that uh I would defer to the building department on that one uh my my concern is on these drawingss and it this sounds like it's a miscommunication with the architect on the drawings the kitchenet dep picks a refrigerator a gas uh a gas range and a double snc so if that's got that's got to be taken out of the plan we can't proceed I I would I would like a revised set of drawings just to reflect what the applicants actually trying to do which would uh satisfy that comment and then our only other comment was to make some architectural revision to bring the footprint back into a a conforming size and then finally just to make sure that they follow any uh code violations which it sounds like they're on top of already all right Jim do we have to have the beas come with new uh plans uh you could certainly make a condition of approval that they provide revised plans showing that the the only items in the butler's Pantry are what they've described here tonight and not what's on the architectural plans um um I believe one of the concerns was that they bring the building coverage down closer to Conformity and we need some testimony on that okay so we're okay yes okay any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none now you say s sorry okay the the building Conformity what does he mean when he says that uh the building coverage uh is lied to 20% you're currently proposing 22.3% which is a rather significant increase uh and a rather significant um Vari is there something you can do to reduce that number closer to the 20% maximum so the 22 maximum for what 232 square feet 22.3% and 20% is the limmit we can get the arit you're have to get with the architect and revise the the plans with the quote kitchen no refrigerator no gas cooktop uh the sink is fine as far as I'm concerned um and also you have to he has to reduce the footprint to more Conformity it down to the 20 as opposed to where you are at at 22 point was it eight Jim 22.3% and this is not this kind of thing that we can do as a conditional approval Mr chairman we would me those numbers in front of us before we vote gotcha yeah you're going to meet you're going to have to meet with your architect and address those two issues and then we'll uh we'll revisit this application at a future date wow next month September okay okay so anybody here on the birthday application it is going to be carried until September I'm sorry the date do you want to do the 12th do you guys think you'd be ready or you want to do we have a second one in September which is 26th I believe when as possible because we're trying we're in a rental so we don't have the yeah we don't have the resources and the funds yeah you'll be one of the first ones on okay so anybody here on the ber application it's going to be carried to September 12th with no further notice if for some reason you're not ready let us know and we can carry it again thank you have a good night guys item number 10 24- zb- 21 22v Muslim Center of middlex County Mr Arch hello good evening members of the board board professionals my name is Tim Arch attorney licensed in the state of New Jersey here representing Muslim Center of middle sex County um you will recall that we were uh before you not too long ago I believe we placed all the testimony on the record as to what we were looking for in terms of a um freestanding LED digital uh signage uh for uh for the mosque's usage um to basically act as a as a wayer finding sign um there were some outstanding issues um I think uh what was brought up in the staff report the two sort of outstanding issues were ours of operation and uh the type of of um imagery or or potential video uh being shown on that signage in the interim since last time we were here we had the opportunity to uh discuss with uh the uh staff and the uh town uh the Township's Administration and worked out a developers agreement to address um I believe all of those concerns um sets forth hours of operation sets forth uh the specific um uh occasions during the year where um where a short video clips may be able to be played uh talks about their duration talks about uh all those sorts of limitations um I don't believe there's any additional testimony that's necessary unless the board would like it um the developers agreement was already executed it was provided to the township and I believe provided to um uh to the board uh to to Mr chairman and the uh got my copy right here I believe we can we can move ahead on this right now to be honest with you any other members of the board have any questions or comments about this application knowing that all the issues and comments that the or concerns I should say that that the county had are are addressed in this document here and we can move it forward on this um that being said do I open it to the public yes okay uh anyone on the public have any questions comments about this application there is no public so no chairman okay close the public portion and I would make a motion to approve this application can I get a second I'll second it I second please call the rooll Mr wsman yes Mr Patel Mr yes yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie I la I refuseed myself from this application oh that's right I apologize thank you you I didn't write it down sorry and chairman yes thank you thank you so much enjoy the evening good night sir thank you thank you thank you chairman thank you let's move on to item number 11 adoption of resolutions from the regular meeting of July 11th 20124 uh first is UL Canaria which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr yes yes yes yes Le yes chairman kahill yes next is Nicole Patel which you voted to approve Mr Whitman yes Mr yes Mr blunt yes yes Mr yes yes chairman kahill yes next is Chris vle chuk would you voted to approve the amended application Mr ban yes Mr Patel yes Mr blun yes yes yes Ali yes yes uh last resolution is on no Academy LLC which you voted to approve Mr Weissman yes Mr Patel yes Mr blunt yes Mr Mr Mado yes chairman kill yes those are all the resolutions I have this evening okay item number four 14 adoption of the I'm sorry item number 15 adoption of the minutes from the regular meeting July 11 2024 all in favor say I okay item number 16 adjournment all in favor say I I Thanks for Everything guys have a good night good the rest of your vacation