e was provided in the following ways notice published in the carer news notice posted on the Bolton board and Municipal Building notice made available to the Township Clerk notice sent to the curry news and the Star Ledger will the clerk please call the role Mr Weissman is not coming Mr Tillery here Mr Patel Mr Ario is sick he just called Mr Blount here Mr Haka here Mr Mondo here Mr Ellie here and chairman kahill here will everyone please stand for a salute to the flag flag United States of America na indivisible Mr canel are there any changes or Amendments of tonight's agenda Jim star six to unmute he's having problems with the computer he called it in okay yeah so star s you'll be able to unmute okay how's that sounds sounds well the application of Arvin Patel 52 School Street is being carried to August 15th with no further notice the application of an no Academy hose Lane is being carried to July 25th with no further notice those are all the changes that I have thank you Mr Canal let's move on to item number five 24- zb- 29v Atul Canaria yes is Mr Canaria present yes uh Mr cania you were sworn in at the last meeting you remain sworn in to tell the truth yes okay uh Mr Mahi has uh gone out there and met with the applicant and has a report for the board thank you uh staff uh myself and Township Code Enforcement staff visited the property on two occasions July 1st and July 9th to inspect the site conditions uh after our second inspection on July 9th we found the site conditions to be acceptable in regards to the existing grade and the soil conditions we recommend at this time to allow them to apply a 2in top dressing of top soil that way they can establish a nice lawn and the grading would still be acceptable to staff and allow them to uh proceed with the application so we recommend an approval at this time thank you johnan any other members of the board have any questions or comments about this application hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application okay we have a question uh is there a permit needed for the 2 in of top soil that we'll be bringing in you would need to calculate the area and if it exceeds the the cubic yard amount for a landfill permit yes you will okay understood thank you was anybody in the public Laura no sir okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this application with the recommendations from Jonathan can I get a second I'll second it m Mr Tillery yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ry yes and chairman kill yes Mr caner you've been granted an approval based upon Mr mra's inspection and Report we'll memorialize this in a written document and send that document to you sounds good thank you very much good luck gentlemen good night thank you you too let's move on to item number six 24- zb- 33v ni Patel is Nicole Patel present yeah I'm here can you hear me I need to swear youn could you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony you're about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please uh it's Nico Patel to camlock court botway New Jersey 08854 thank you could you explain to the board what you'd like to do here yeah so um I have two kids at home and the road is where like people are going very fast and we would like to put up a fence for the kids um but the problem is um they want it at the building line and we want it little bit outside the building line so my kids could enjoy enough space um so we just trying to get a permit for a fence Mr mrai Mr chairman I believe Mr misi has a report on com thank you yes so we we wanted to hear a reason for relief which we just heard from uh Mr Patel uh essentially the shed being six inches over is not uh as big of a concern to us as a location of the vents in the front yard we are recommending a minimum of 20 feet from the property line which is a good compromise between the 10 ft that Mr Patel was initially requesting and the line of the principal structure and we're also recommending that Landscaping uh to my satisfaction to buffer the fence along the street would make it uh most attractive yeah I mean I'm okay with 20 feet but if you could give me five feet little bit inside like maybe if you could make it 15 and I'm okay with it um if that if that is possible cuz I mean I don't want to lose cuz there's deer poops everywhere we get deers and the kids are like picking it up off the floor and they're just putting it in the mouth so at least if they have one close I have a fence right now but it's falling apart and rabbits are living underneath the shed and it's it's no good I mean I I just want something for my kids and and the people drive like crazy here and I just don't want them to run on the street and I had a nephew that went on the road so that's why I'm just saying um give me a little more space they could enjoy a little more I understand and the street Mr Patel was our main concern in making that recommendation for the distance because you would be backing out of that driveway uh into traffic with the limited uh limited side triangle I mean I checked uh with the I mean I I got the letter and I you know I um I did measure it it's like there's good amount of space in the front um and I mean there's a house down a block I mean that person has the same kind of layout and everything I mean their their fence is all the way close to the sidewalk I mean I I and even my friends in the back they also applied for the same kind of permit and that's how I got to know and that's why I applied and um they even got a 15 ft approval so that's why I was thinking if you could give me 15 ft then it will be enough space for my kids each application is looked at individually sorry what was it each application is looked at on its own merits just because someone else got relief doesn't mean you're intended you're going to get the same relief yeah I understand but this is similar kind of property and same grammarcy and it's on follower I mean it's same kind of concept what what is your position on the Landscaping um sorry that was for me or yes what do you mean by position you a recommendation to land landscape defense so it's more pleasing to the I'm okay I mean if you guys want me to put up trees I'm okay to put up trees I mean if you give me the 15 I'll put up the trees like you say I think our our main concern was your visibility and your safety coming out of the driveway if you're saying that you've tested it out and you are okay with that I would be agreeable to 15 feet from the property line not from the sidewalk with the Landscaping yeah the with the Landscaping yes so 15 feet with the landscape all agree that works okay 15 fet the fence goes on 15 feet right and then the L Escape right that's that's what I intimated okay uh any other members of the board have any questions or comments hearing none I'm going to open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this application uh hold on one second if they can unmute Alison Doyle it's star six to unmute or just unmute yourself I don't know what you're on yes I'm unmuted there you are okay hi hi so we live at 44 Grand hold on let me let me stop a minute hold on I need to I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand you swear that the testimony you about to give should be the truth yes your name and address please Allison Doyle 44 gramy drive thank you so as far proceed so as far as we're concerned based upon the letter that was submitted right um it was for a six foot solid privacy fence and I believe it is a public safety issue because if I'm backing out of my driveway I'm not going to be able to see the cars coming down the street and to Mr Patel's point the cars do come down more than 25 miles per hour so it is a public safety issue as far as I'm concerned for our household in addition to that though it's going to totally change the Aesthetics of the neighborhood um because if I'm standing on my front porch I will not be able to see someone coming down the street off a palisad where I currently can um and it's going to be like in the line of our site um so I'm quite concerned with a six-foot privacy fence going up because I've been backing out of my driveway since we received a letter and and purposely look I mean I look all the time anyway but but if that were solid I'm not going to be able to see anything and you you know we won't be able to see who's walking down the street I mean so I just I think it's a public safety issue I mean I think there's a reason why the orans would put into place to begin with in the town um where the fence was not supposed to be solid and it was a certain um height and everything that was assigned to it and you know we've been here 17 18 years and never you know had to deal with something like this thank you ma'am La anyone else in the public no sir okay close the public portion and uh based on our Engineers recommendation and the agreement we came to today I'm going to recommend that we approve this application as is can I get a second sorry I not GNA thanks R like please p r Mr Tillery yes Mr Patel is still not here Mr Regio Mr blown I'm stay Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo no Mr Riley yes chairman kale yes Mr Patel your application's been approved as amended we will memorialize it at our next meeting and send the copy to you okay thank you good luck sir thank you let's move on to item number seven 24- zb- 20V Chris vle is the applicant present yes sir I need to swear you in could you raise your right hand sure you swear the testimony you about to give shall be the truth yes thank you your name and address please Christopher vul 1120 Eva Street pasaway New Jersey 08854 thank you uh sir we we've received the uh the new staff memo um in this matter based upon a change in your plans it's my understanding that you agree to that staff memo uh yes I submitted a revised architecture plan yes based on that based on the information and Mr mrai has a report on that and you agree with everything in that report um is that the letter that I received yeah that's the staff memorandum yes yes the staff memorandum yes yeah that this is all fine sure revised through July second yes yes I have that anyone else have any other questions or uh comments about this application okay I'm GNA open it to the public anyone in the public have any comments or questions about this particular application no one chairman okay close the public portion I'd make a motion to approve this application can I get a second I second the RO Mr Tillery yes Mr Blount yes Mr Haka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ellie yes and chairman kahill yes uh your application's been approved we'll memorialize it in a written document at our next meeting you don't need to be present for that we'll send that document to you um okay sure good luck sir thank you good luck uh let's go all the way down to item number 10 adoption of the resolutions from the regular meeting of June 13 2024 first resolution Mr PRL you voted to approve that application Mr Tillery yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr mandoo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes s n SM smsa Verizon this was an application for an exemption from site plan which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes next is the application of d Richardson which you voted to approve Mr millery yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kill yes next is the application of Oita which you voted to approve Mr tiller yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes next is the uh res the application of HC Enterprises for a single family home which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman kahill yes uh moving to the the June 27th meeting the application of Kenna oims interrupt the conversation Mr K yes I'm sorry M continue yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman Cahill yes last resolution is James Lang an application for an an addition which you voted to approve Mr Tillery yes Mr blunt yes Mr Huka yes Mr Mondo yes Mr Ali yes chairman Cahill yes those are all the resolutions I have this evening let's go to item number 12 which is adoption of minutes from the regular meeting of June 27 2024 all in favor say I I I I it number 13 ajour all in favor say I I I thank you ladies and gentlemen for you telling tonight always appreciate it thanks again special meeting July 2 see you on the 25th guys hey thank you thank you good night everyone night good night everyone