##VIDEO ID:ptkOYC8aQtg## e e e the notice requirement provided for the up we can get the uh are we started on Zoom recording in progress there we go the notice requirement provided for the open public meeting law has been satisfied notice was properly given said notice Haven been transmitted to The Courier new news on Tuesday January 16th 2024 as well as posting on the city's website clerk roll call council members bricks Jones present Cherry present McCrae pres sesum pres Wyatt present vice president Graham present council president hakay present all members president and Quorum please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the invocation to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liberty and justice for all humbly we ask God The Giver of peace and the lover of Charity to give the entire family of Nations true agreement with his will and to Grant the light of his Spirit on all those who work for justice and all those who work for peace amen amen I have a motion to approve the minutes of the regular season regular meeting of July 8 2024 looking for a motion to approve move second okay all those in favor I any opposition or abstentions all right we'll first move to consideration of public hearing second reading and final passage uh we have ordinances MC 202 2439 through MC 202 2445 which is scheduled for public hearing and final passage for the regular meeting as advertised uh regarding legislative body items uh we have resolutions 32724 to 32824 do we have the consensus to add these two items to the voting meeting second okay uh all those in favor I any opposition or abstentions okay those items are uh are added okay we'll uh the business administrator please present uh your items good evening I only have one item this evening but I'm happy to answer any questions okay any questions from Council Members okay Hearing in seeing none uh do we have consensus to add this item to the voting meeting yes yes yes okay any opposition or abstentions okay that should be added to the voting meeting okay Corporation councel thank you council president I have a two items for consideration this evening any questions okay any questions from Council Members okay hearing and seeing none uh I'll entertain a motion to add it to the voting meeting have a second may have a second for second okay all those in favor say I I any opposition or extensions okay those items are added to the voting meeting uh the Department of Finance right ahead good evening all um I have four items for your approval today are there any questions okay council members I had a question for R 33 2-24 so this is an appropriation for 3.5 million is that correct yes so this would be additional grants that were received since the budget's now um already done correct so any grants that come in you might see this on a monthly basis that we have a chap 3519 yes so did we forecast this appropriation in our budget and is this going to offset or will be added to the budget will this offset the budget or how do how does this help us and they're both they it's added twice so in your package you'll see that it goes in as an appropriation and it goes in as um Revenue it goes in both way so it offsets each other it's a grant and we don't have to get we don't have to put hold any money for it to spend to to do anything so it comes in and it goes out and you should see that outlined in your package so for in and out so I'm I understand so for a taxpayer how does this help the taxpayer could you help the taxpayer understand that how the appropriation would benefit it does not impact the tax paay at all okay it just impacts what projects or whatever these grants are associated with that's the assistance that we get okay thank you it doesn't impact the tax rare there's no lower rate no higher nothing okay thank you any other questions from Council Members regarding uh the Department of Finance items okay I'll entertain a motion in a second to add these items to the voting meeting so both second all those in favor say I I any opposition or extensions okay such items shall be added to the voting meeting uh would uh someone from the administration present the police department item I will do that the police director is not able to join us this evening but I am happy to answer any questions on his two items okay any council members have any questions about the two resolutions for the police department I do council president uh R 336 d24 um the subsidy that we will get for this campaign um I read the documents it said that it's used uh for the overtime of the police officers can any of it used to uh to do any marketing of this drive sober campaign I don't I don't think that that is the plan I think that the plan is to use it for overtime for them to be able to do stops and um extra Patrol of for looking for DUIs and um do we have a marketing plan a comm's plan on how we're going to get the word out to the community I I'm trying to think of what he's done in years past um I'm not sure we want to advertise it so much because you know we we definitely want to be able to catch people and and not have them be so on alert that the police are out there looking for this um but I will ask him what general uh driving Under the Influence Communications he does and and I'll follow up with you on that yeah my intent um is more so about stopping the driving while intoxicated not so much trying to tip folks off but if we can stop it then it doesn't then we don't have to worry about so the education piece I'll find out what funds what where he gets his funds for education and what he does with that thank you okay anyone else okay then I'll entertain a motion to add these items to the voting meeting moved second okay all those in favor I any opposition or abstentions okay thank you uh the the director of Economic Development good even Council Pres I have resolutions 33824 through 347 okay you have any questions from Council Members yes so r 34-24 i see the plan fill was awarded $ 1.2 million in fiscal year 23 when do these dollars expire and what other items can be used so they don't expire we have to propose program items to draw down on those funds those allocations are based on population but we have to propose items to the authorization tow so what other items so items we' used it for so far we always use it for marketing and Communications we use it for festivals we use it for our sign of faade program we also did for our security G program and we have it for our ongoing Administration thank you council president go right ahead uh R 34-24 um I have questions about the uh units that we are looking to purchase I believe it says six units and one trailer um my question is how many of these units does the city already have in its Arsenal you were referring to item 340 yes 340 right now this is proposed by the emergency management system so we currently have vehicles in the management system this right now is to allow us to H have vehicles that could TR first um evacuation in the flood situation and also they would be equipped with first responder equipment but the director fire want to detail director emergency uh no we don't we don't have any right now we don't have any of these particular vehicles that Vehicles we coming from the U um will be used um in the U Zone uh to F further promote the stability of the city um welcomeing in uh you know uh new developments saying that we have U Emergency Management equipment ready in val to respond in all situations thank you director speaking of the uaz uh we have a resolution uh to award a contract that dra the 5year plan has has there been any uh any any guidelines or uh that we've given to the prospective individuals that'll draft that plan is there any particular themes yes so it's meant for a strategic planning process it will go out for a five-year action plan so we would look at existing conditions as well as identify opportunities and challenges for economic development it will also Identify some of the key issues for implementation including timelines benchmarks related to retail related to any business strategy within the it will also look at the boundaries of the deter whether we need toine okay thank you for that any other council members wish to yes go right ahead um R 3 41-24 um I see you have several properties listed and my question is um what's going on these properties are they in more Apartments the condos two family houses um I I want I would need to know if you can please just explain to me as as well as uhz constituents that are out there in the audience as well and those that are listening um I just had a conversation with my neighbor about that 68 West forth which is three properties down from my house and as she explained to me that was a little little tiny house that was there and I don't know what's going on that piece but it's it's definitely not enough room to put anything there not even almost even a closet so um and her family and her house is right directly next to it so um explain first of all start with the 608 West Fourth Street I'm interested in that one the 659 West Fourth this um the South 2 Street everything that's on the fourth ward I want to know about it or you can just break down this 3 41-24 tell me what's going on these properties sure these properties are explicitly being looked at because they are smaller undersized lots and they will be looked at for for affordable Housing Home Ownership these are subsize lot so typically for a single family home they need to be at least 5,000 square ft in a lot of cases these are smaller than 5,000 square ft so we will only be looking at single family homes for home ownership and the bulk standards will have to be adjusted because these are undersized Lots okay now does that go for all of these these uh addresses that list some of lots are over 5,000 square ft they will be looked at for two family homes all of these Lots will be looked at for affordable home ownership okay thank you for that clarification cuz that's what we need home ownership that math is math now thank you uh I had a question regarding uh 343 d24 um will these uh uh this project um have affordable housing involved in it 3 43-24 yes 3 43-24 will be looking at affordable Town Homes these will be for rent and but these will be affordable Town Homes actually these will be for home ownership as well pardon me okay and with that being said and with the home ownership element added to it I am assuming that there'll be some sort of deed restriction on these properties all of the properties that we are currently study for affordable home ownership will be deed restricted including the ones that we look at that will be for affordable um rents are still deed restricted okay and can you if you don't mind can you just quickly explain the formula like what does affordable housing look like in the city of planfield as far as the area meeting income and things like that sure so affordable housing is based on area median income in planfield the median income is 70,000 so affordable ranges anywhere from 30% of the area median income to 120% of the median income and 120% is Workforce housing what that looks like is that a studio apartment would at 30% of the area media income with rent for about $700 a month at 120% of the area mediate income a studio apartment rent for $1,600 a month thank you director other Council people like to ask questions of the director yes council president R3 uh 3 45-24 uh Leland Avenue um that property is being being studied for redevelopment but currently there's a church and a daycare center there what would happen to them the property is being studied for redevelopment at the request of the vision of God Church the vision of God church is looking to rehab both the church sanctuary as well as the daycare center and looking at the possibility of adding a wellness center for the community so they would not be displaced no thank you further questions yes director thank you for your explanation on the resolutions um I know the usual format is we go one by one um so I do thank you for clarifying what was that 34124 uh can we just do the same for 342 you did 343 so 342 344 and last yeah those two okay 342 is also uh a Redevelopment study for affordable town homes for sale 344 is a Redevelopment study for affordable Workforce housing that would be for rent so 44 you said for rent yes and okay now also would just like to Al commend you I know the last meeting on the council was tasked with going to find developers who were looking to build single family homes or multif family homes uh they said there was no financing for that but in four weeks I see that you were able to do that so I just want to commend you uh for finding people that were willing and able to come to Playfield and build those homes thank you um next question also could you just um give us a little bit more information also on our 3 43-24 also as well three 3 43-24 is also a Redevelopment study for affordable town homes for purchase Town Homes okay all right we have a consensus to add these items to the voting meeting yes yes no no no okay uh let's uh tell me which one you're you would not like on the meeting and I'll r343 d24 m okay all right so do we have the consensus to add all items save for R 34324 to the voting meeting yes yes yes okay and we'll vote on uh that one separately thank you we need a roll call to add that to the voting meeting you're good to go consensus all right cool all right uh the Department of Health and Social Services good evening council president Council the Department of Health and Social Services has 11 items and I will be glad to answer any questions okay any questions from Council Members um r349 [Music] -24 um it says that in the past year we received 20,000 and change but in the new it's 91,000 over three years so it repres we're getting an increase in that is am I reading that correctly right we're we're applying for an increase okay this is just the application we haven't been awarded that's correct okay and in r352 d24 um I believe the resolution uh the the opening of the resolution said 34636 but then the resolution said 40,000 so do we anticipate that it might increase I think it should be 40,000 and that's an error on on our part CC president have the correct all right yes r 353-2484 ass that's any kind of food assistance uh it's really called housing diversion uh and that's what we primarily use those funds to keep people from becoming homeless okay thank you okay r358 d24 um is that person currently in the position and how it how long has it gone uh vacant that position was vacant since uh February of this year let me just double check for you yeah that person was uh vacant since February of this year um we reached out to well I don't know how many more it's since February since this year we advertised in multiple schools as well okay good is that is that a full-time position they're in the office it is a fulltime position okay all right thank you any other council members before we okay we have consensus to add all of these items to the voting meeting so move okay any opposition or abstentions yes abstaining from r354 d24 okay noted for the record during the time of the excuse doly noted that you're obained for that thank you thank you all right okay move to items on ordinances on first reading uh would the ba present the ordinances uh listed on Force meeting yes we have five ordinance well we have five ordinances and four Bond ordinances for Capital Improvement um on for this evening and my colleages and I are ready to answer any questions okay any questions from my Council colleagues regarding these uh items on first reading no questions I would just like go I'm sorry I defer I'm sorry okay Council white okay on what is this R I'm sorry one second uh let me see I'm first reading I just wanted to clarify I did receive many of phone calls but I did speak to someone yesterday that clarified it for me and reading it um this is the the ordinance that will allow it's pretty much trying to stop people that running commercial businesses in residential areas um so just for an example um it's one household they have nine cars that they're working on um so that that creates an impact on the quality of life for your neighbors around you uh so this ordinance what people were calling today they said the city is going to allow uh the police officers and code enforcement to come on to private property uh but the part that I I think that we really need to message and to put out there to the community is the stipulation so it says through the abatement process the city of planfield may also tow vehicles from private property if any of the following conditions exist a if the owner of a vehicle fails to respond to summonses and or warrants issued by the city of planfield ipal court and City agencies within 30 days the second one is if four or more summonses have been issued to the owner of a vehicle and the owner has not responded to the city of planfield Municipal Court um so I would like to thank the administration this is greatly written um and just to give the people who had concerns regarding this um constituents that reached out and called these stipulations are in place so it's not like they'll just ride by see a vehicle on your property and say you know what we're going to encroach your property and tow the vehicle there so I just wanted to give kudos the way that this was written and explain this to the community that was it thank you any other council members so I just wanted to see if you could clarify just a little bit about MC 2024 d46 so if I'm reading this correctly it's if you have a commercial vehicle on your property so I see a lot of my residents they may have a tractor trailer that is parked in their driveway or they may have a HVAC company that they own um so you're what you're saying in this ordinance is that they will be towed it can be after the after following the abatement process so if either either A or B are true then it can be a or b that councilman Wyatt just read correct it's a Next Step so how we enforce like how I and I know that like how soon are we enforcing this so Oh you mean when will this become effective second well this is the first reading first second meeting and then 20 days so we're looking at end of September thank you any other questions from Council Members if not uh I'll ask for a motion if we have consensus uh I'll ask if we have consensus to add these items to the voting meeting so moved second okay uh all in favor I any abstentions or opposition okay we have consensus to add those items on first reading to the voting meeting okay we'll take a 5 minute recess uh and come back at 7:46 e e e e e e e e e e okay I'll entertain a motion to return to our voting meeting so moved second all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay we are back well uh next move to consideration of public hearing second reading and final passage uh Madame Deputy clerk please read MC 2024 39 by title and further uh certified that is complied with all statutory publication requirements MC 2024 39 is an ordinance amending the schedule of salaries and wages adopted pursuant to article 14 chapter 11 of the municipal code of the city of planfield New Jersey 1971 salary Amendment planfield Municipal Employees Association pmea it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on July 10th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who'd like to speak on this particular ordinance if you're online instructions on the website in terms of what the what the dial it's also on Facebook posted conspicuously hearing and seeing none I'll entertain a motion to close public comment so move all those in favor I public comment on this uh hearing on this ordinance is now closed uh may I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage and if adopted this ordinance shall be published as required by law so move second okay clerk roll call please roll call MC 202 2439 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Qui yes vice president Graham yes council president hakay yes this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage okay Madame Deputy clerk please read MC 20244 by title and certify as complied with the law MC 20244 is an ordinance for a four-way stop intersection at Rushmore Avenue and West thirdd Street to amend and supplement chapter 16 vehicles and traffic article 7 through streets stop intersections stop and yield intersections designating certain four-way stop and three-way stop intersections it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on July 10th 2024 okay the floor is now open for any member of the public who would like to speak on this particular ordinance hearing and seeing none I entertain a motion to close public hearing so move second all those in favor I I all okay may I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage and if second second okay roll call please roll call MC 2024 40 Council memb Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage okay Madame Deputy clerk please read MC 202 24-410 2441 is an ordinance authorizing the conveyance of 153 East 4 Street designated as block 840 Lot 4 and known as The Alley from the city of planfield to 306 Wong LLC it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on July 10th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who would like to speak on MC 202 24-410 uh all those in favor say I I okay oppositions extensions seeing none may I have a motion to to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage so move second roll call please roll call mc22 2441 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage okay Madam clerk please read MC 202 24-42 by title and certified that it's complied with the law MC 202442 is an ordinance authorizing a conveyance of 543 West 4 Street designated as block 772 lot one from the city of planfield to Shiloh Baptist Church of planfield it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on July 10th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who'd like to speak regarding mc22 24-42 hearing and seeing none I'll entertain a motion to close public hearing so move second second all those in favor say I I okay any opposition or abstentions hearing none I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage so move second okay roll call please roll call MC 202442 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sessum yes Wyatt yes vice president grah yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage Madame Deputy clerk MC 202443 please MC 202443 is an ordinance of the city of planfield in the county of Union granting a tax exemption with respect to certain property identified on the city's tax map as block 535 lot 3 and designated in the city's tax records as 1123 d25 West 7 Street planfield New Jersey and authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with 1123 West 7th urban renewal LLC it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on July 10th 2024 okay the floor is now open for any member of the public who'd like to speak regarding MC 202443 name and address for for the record sir yes my name is Richard loosley at 310 Hillcrest Avenue in planfield I rise in opposition to approval of this tax exemption for development of 1123 1125 West 7 Street since I was here last month I went to the uh City Engineers office and looked on the zoning map and I saw that 1123 1125 West 7 Street is in an R3 low to medium density single family residential district I don't think this Council should be Waring it tax exemption to a developer who wants to come in and build a high density apartment building in a low to medium density single family residential district I think it sends the wrong message to developers if they could come in and ignore what the city council has established as the zoning districts in this town and ask for special treatment um I think the residents of a specific Zone should expect that the Zone ordinance be observed and that their expectations not be frustrated by having a developer come in and completely change what they have reasonably expected to be their nice single family low to medium density residents in the case of this R3 zone so I would encourage uh a no vote thank you thank you floor remains open regarding this resolution name and address for the record hi my name is Christia lawrenson and I live at 308 West 8th Street um I'd also like to speak out about the same ordinance um as somebody who lives next to apartment buildings even though I'm in a residential area um my husband and I moved from the city we were really looking forward to living in a suburb building relationships with neighbors um we absolutely love our house but we hate the location and we almost didn't buy the house because we have an apartment building directly uh to one side of us we have an apartment building across the street and then on the two opposite Corners are two houses that are being used as apartment buildings so we have one single family home on our block we've built a really nice relationship with the neighbors there um but other than that we it's really hard to form community in your neighborhood when it's a revolving door of neighbors um we've had issues as well with uh just people being really disrespectful neighbors um and your quality of life definitely goes down um if you know you've got 50 people living across the street the odds are you always are going to have one Bad Neighbor in the bunch um you know if you have one neighbor maybe they'll be good maybe they won't be the greatest neighbors but you're pretty much guaranteed that there's always going to be a bad apple in a big building um we have there were days where there were six times police were called for noise violations um people would roll out speakers and blast them from the apartments for literally the entire day and that would be our our Saturday or working from home I would have to mute myself because we had loud music playing um and when you've got a a neighbor that you live there and they're invested in the neighborhood they're less likely to do that because they want you to show the same respect to them um people who are you know not planning to stay around for a long time aren't as worried about building lasting relationships with their neighbors um so please think about the people that are already there that are trying to keep these homes up they want a good quality of life um in these neighborhoods and they want to keep these uh relationships with their neighbors or build build them with their neighbors um please don't take that away from them by putting these massive apartments up or even small apartments um where the people aren't going to have that same uh desire and they won't maybe be there longterm to build relationships thank you thank you anyone else is there anyone online okay uh I'll entertain a motion to close public hearing on this ordinance take it okay all those in favor I I all right any extensions or extensions okay uh public hearing on this ordinance is now closed May I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final Passage if adopted shall be published as required by law so yeah is there a second is there any other motion perhaps to uh to table it table it we have a motion in no second so far let's take some action motion to table can make a motion to table second okay um can we have a roll call on table it's a roll call on the motion to table ordinance MC 202443 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae no sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president HCK yes six in favor one oppose this ordinance has been tabled okay uh Madame clerk please read mc22 24-44 by title and certified that is complied with all statutory publication requirements MC 2020 2024 44 is an ordinance of the city of planfield in the county of Union granting a tax exemption with respect to certain property identified on the city's tax map as block 341 Lot 2 and block 344 lot 3 and designated in the city tax records as 336 336-346 Johnson Avenue and it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on July 10th 2024 okay the floor is now open for any member of the public who would like to speak regarding MC 202 24-44 hearing and seeing none I'll entertain a motion to close public hearing so move second all those in favor I I okay uh now I will um can I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final second clerk can I have a roll call roll call MC 2024 44 council members bricks Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae sesum yes Wyatt yes president Graham yes council president hak yes as unanimous has been adopted on second reading and final passage okay Madam clerk please read mc 2024-25 mc 202 2445 is an ordinance authorizing the First Amendment of the financial agreement with swe planfield development urban renewal LP with respect to certain property identified as block 233 Lots 237 and 12 on the official tax map of the city it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on July 10th 2024 okay uh the floor is now open to any member of the public who'd like to speak regarding this ordinance good evening name and address for the record uh NCP 1129 Myrtle Avenue uh council members I have a concern with MC uh 202 24- 45 this is very intense in development for this area 501 units and 706 parking spaces I attended the planning board meeting on August 1st 2024 where this redev this development was discussed I raised the issues of the environment in the issue of traffic no amended traffic study was presented which was concerning traffic in this area is already a nightmare and a public safety issue to their approximately 95 structures mostly residences that are located between planfield Avenue and Grand Avenue which is 4/10 of a mile in distance there is no which has no North or South escapes emergency vehicles can only access the majority of the homes by traveling East or West the railroad tracks and Brook are in the way and adding any more vehicles to this area will exasperate the traffic problems and the public safety issues that already exist I was pleasantly surprised that one of the expert Witnesses confirmed that this property has an environmental issue one of the reasons this redev this development agreement needs to be amended because it has um it was too cost prohibited put a parking garage underground with the historic ground issue removal of the contaminated dirt was too costly and now the parking garages needed to be above ground if this property has an environment issue meaning it is contaminated by past uses why is the required notice to the public not loaded located in the public right away where it can be seen without having to step into the property from the sidewalk from West Front Street why is the sign not both in Spanish and English as required by law there is no sign on waywood park side side of this property which may have a different njde pii number why has this property been allowed to have dirt piles for all these months with no tarps or protection on the soil that was Disturbed when the buildings were demolished this is a heavily travel walk walkable area by women and children and um men and they walk there on an hourly basis and there's not to mention all the vehicle traffic people want to have trust in government and in the developers but this illustrates to the public that there's no concern whatsoever to protect human health and environment the location of requir signs breeds great distrust and disdain and is unacceptable this is just an illustration to the public that alleged greed is overcoming what is right moral and ethical and why the public distrusts the government and developers if the environmental sign is not located where the majority of people passing by can see it how can the public trust that the ground will be properly capped or covered people will be living on this land I am not against development I am for reasonable moral and ethical development that takes into consideration the public health and the environment thank you very much [Music] good evening name and address for the record sou Carano 1284 East fren Street I too am addressing that particular property or properties um Nancy said it best it's greed it's bad enough that there are thousands of units going up now we're taking units to an all new level it really is political greed Financial greed when you're now putting them in low density areas or trying to so I commend you on the previous Vote or ignoring environmental issues or putting it you're you might be following the letter of the law but if we put it over here and not the public sees it when they're walking then we really satisfied the law but who knows about it this guys is overreaching you need to take a breath back up this is the beginning of a rebellion of overgrowing your city because now you're kind of smudging and encroaching on a lot of communities slow it down people thank you anyone else okay uh I'll entertain a motion to close public hearing on this ordinance so move second second okay all those in favor I I I okay may I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage and if adopted this ordinance shall be published as required by law no second it's like the last council president can I make a motion to table this second thank you Council uh all those uh let let's have a roll call on the motion and table certainly roll call on the motion to table MC 202 2445 Council memb Briggs Jones yes cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt I'm just trying to think because I'm afraid if we table it it'll come back and things may change um yes I'll table it vot to table vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this ordinance has been table okay we now uh move to public comments limited to resolutions motions and ordinances to be introduced on first reading total of 30 minutes has been allocated each speaker will be given three minutes please state your name address and the resolution or ordinance that you wish to speak about uh it's not generic public comment yet that's coming shortly you're welcome my first time no worries good evening Marie and Sari watching avue um r 34324 that section of Woodland Avenue is 4 Acres of wooded area it's all Woods as I recall the entire section around it is single family housing it's on a slope the thought of removing all those trees sending Wildlife through the neighborhood allowing flooding to occur you mentioned tow houses and I believe it was said they would be um purchased owned or how many town houses are we talking about because five that's going to look pretty ugly it's just not fitting with the section I also get very concerned about ownership owner occupied versus developers purchasing for rental and that would be a very nice area to do rental just like that whole section behind it in Scotch PLS um the other one is R 3452 24 a Wellness Center was uh suggest was mentioned what's the nature of the wellness center what's the definition is it a clinic is it a drug Wellness is it women and children what does Wellness Center in that R solution mean thank you you're welcome go go ahead go ahead ladies first thanks okay I've never been here before so I apologize but um in regards to 34324 as well oh Julie davidovic 1121 Woodland Avenue PL so I am actually the neighbor of that and I can tell you that previously there was a developer who was building on top of my house like on top of the hill and they had went into the easement and they had built a gas line that ran through like across that Hill into Woodland Avenue what ended up happening was there was a trench that was probably like 10 ft deep that ended up flooding Woodland Avenue we needed to have police officers come redirect traffic it affected civilians it affected me it was vile to look at it went on for 6 months I was not present for whatever hearing might have taken place in order to allow that to occur and I regret it um I don't want it to happen again I also have a 4 and a half-year-old daughter who God forbid they start developing this area is going to certainly be affected by all the noise I'm listing my house for sale because I'm kind of tired of all the nonsense to be honest and I could tell you on the record that these houses are not affordable as my house is being listed currently under value at $800,000 and it is supposedly going to have a bidding war on it um so the tow houses that are right next to it are going going to be valued somewhere between $750 to $950,000 which is not affordable housing so I would like to put that on the record because it's dishonest and to put something like that into perspective even further I personally had a discussion with the owner of that property a number of years ago and he told me that he was looking to build a culdesac which would definitely definitely create a Mudslide a tremendous one and it's built on a slope right so what happens if you build on a slope you're disturbing the land right so now my house could have foundational issues it's most likely going to happen and the neighborhood is definitely going to be disturbed everybody's aggravated by it uh Frank Johnson used to work I think for this Council I think many of you might know him he's not happy about it either nobody in the neighborhood likes it nobody wants it and it's additionally going to drive all the animals and Wildlife that currently live there onto my property and onto my neighbor property so you're talking about deers raccoons uh mice and I've incurred so many fees from this lot as it sits right now from having to pay additionally additional money for yard cleanup from everything that's flying over there's garbage in there they're not even maintaining it as it is they are looking to utilize this land just to make money like that's let's call a spade a spade they don't care about the neighborhood they don't care about what it looks like they don't care about the fact that they're taking away one of the the last beautiful sections that's so private and isolated and gorgeous um this doesn't exist anymore in New York and New Jersey I'm sorry I don't know if I went too far but it's just the list is long and it's just it doesn't end it's and this guy's been trying to do this for 35 years thank you sorry I'm done sou Carano 1284 East Front Street but it's not I'm a real estate agent for over 20 years I've lived in planfield over 53 years many of you weren't even born well enough served your community on the henan property on Woodland Avenue tearing down trees they shouldn't have that's why they had to replant trees going up a slope so steep that fire trucks were worried about coming back down and only one way up the culdesac I believe it's I believe don't hold me to The Numbers 22 properties 14 Scotch Plains eight planfield in that culde SEC there have been many before some of you that have attempted to develop the undeveloped property which may include what we're talking about this evening on that road you need to learn from the wisdom of the people that came before you and the mistakes that were made that could never be corrected especially about the First Responders going up that hill thank you hi uh Christa lawrenson 308 West 8 Street um I also wanted to just speak a little for 3 43-24 um the the worry that I have is not only the wildlife um but we're having more severe storms and they're happening more frequently um we just had a big storm this weekend um right now that's absorbing a lot of the the water um I was by that property today and it is it's a steep slope down and then there's a Street full of houses across the street uh across Woodland there's houses the water is going to go somewhere and it's probably going to be in somebody's basement um but we like said before we can't undo this once it's done it's done and we have so little undeveloped land we're a really dense City New Jersey is the densest state in the nation um and there was just a New York Times article uh that was talking about how we are the fastest warming state in the nation uh and it said that the reasons for that uh development is one of them increased development in some parts of the state contribute to the state's rapid warming and we're having an urban Heat island effect in New Jersey the state's land use patterns and development density create conditions that lead to an urban heat island effect um so we're doing this to ourselves but my daughter is one and a half years old we've barely been outside to play this summer because it was too hot and they say that it's only going to get worse from here the only thing we can do to try to counter this is to plant more trees and to leave the little bits of wood Woodland and Wetland that we have left um I don't understand why this would be named as an area need of Redevelopment a woodland doesn't need to be Redevelopment uh redeveloped it's already serving a very important purpose um that serves everyone who lives here because we're all going to be part of this heat island um and I think more thought needs to be given to our children our grandchildren our own quality of life um than developers who don't even live here that are harming the environment um so I I hope you vote know on this as well we do have a generic public comment which you're welcome to come back at that time name address and the resolution that you're speaking regarding thank you okay my name is carollyn a Johnson I live on Woodland Avenue 1104 Woodland been there a lot of years I'm calling a reference to cuz I don't think I have all the information at all and I live on Woodland um they wanted take down the land where all the trees are and put in five houses did I hear that correctly I think that's a bit insane you know and I'm going to tell you why I as a um resident of a community you know you got to have space you need to have places that look like it's welcoming you need to have places to do a balance I understand that it's this got to be about money you know when I'm trying to say instead of trying to um build something because my other question is if they're going to change that area how come no one has sent me anything I live at 1104 Woodland nothing about any of this taking place I would like to have some information on it also I think that um planfield is a beautiful city because of the size of the houses Bes and also the the um interior big big home homes which is great but I still don't think they should come tear down some of the beautiful areas that you have that let you know that it's still not just somewhere where we got houses and let's see how many people we can put in the building so I would like some more information on what it is they want to do and I I can give you my address so we can start to write it up I don't know any of you from what I can tell and I've and I've lived in this town more than uh 20 25 years so I need to know something a little more I'm just looking around I folks this I know this I've seen this gentleman um that's about it but anyway if you're going to do something that's going to tear down and change the community in which you live and I don't just mean one house but a series of homes you should at Le at least let the individuals in those particular areas know what is going on and what you'd like to [Applause] do Joanne bander 118 Hillside Avenue about 34324 um we live on Hillside Avenue at the bottom of marbor Avenue so this is the lot that's right directly ahead of me when we first moved into our house in 74 um my my son used to play up there was snake Pond and I always thought it was a retention area a flood area and this is not the first time development has been looked at for that section um there have been other people coming forward and the city sensibly I guess voted against it and I'm surprised that we're at this point again with so many of the properties are actually going to be in Scotch planes is that true is it all plane field homes it is oh yeah oh again I don't I thought somebody said you know beginning properties are in PL field but then the back end of it would be well finish your comment I don't want to interrupt your so I I'm just I go along with what everyone else has said about the flood thing because now we've had to put in some pumps and French drains in our house because successive storms that have come the water comes down maral Avenue hits our house and we are the stop Gap there and I can only imagine that if we lose that little bit of wet land up there it's only going to impact us more so I would hope that people would understand if not just for a a beautiful little uh culdesac of woods there which kept a little bit of a country going as some people have said just the impact that it's going to have on maror Avenue and the people that are downhill of that thank you uh Nancy f are 1129 Myrtle Avenue one paragraph that I left out on my other comments may be related to R 34324 planfield has the worst air quality than 7 6% of the cities in New Jersey according to First Street a provider of climate risk data that I found on the internet today I saw a report online done by Union County which indicated that planfield has almost twice the percentage of asthma rates than oil of Union County and planfield is also on this report is from uh 2022 if any of the city council members want it I can uh I'd be happy to email it to you to take down a Grove of trees that can help with uh restore some air quality is unconscionable we just passed the tree ordinance we're supposed to have an environmental commission and um I'm just concerned of of the loss of all those trees and what it's going to do to the surrounding neighbors and also to the air quality in the city of planfield thank you [Music] name and address for the record and the resolution you are speaking regarding sure qu Palmer Chamas 1227 East Front Street apartment 43b planfield New Jersey um I'm speaking to resolution 35724 and that is um shared services between the city of planfield and the City of Elizabeth I'm just curious as to what those are and I'm also going to I'm also would like to question are three 5824 resolution authorizing a residency waiver I think last time I came here and I asked about residency waivers in order to hire people uh to work for the city of planfield and I think my problem is as a retired educator why aren't we graduating young people from planfield high school that can come back and take their place in city government in these jobs that keep going for waivers for people who don't live here I think that's something that we should be concerned about are we exposing young people to what opportunities are available to them with their tax dollars where they could come where they could work the variety of jobs that are available to them and what kind of education they need to get to come back and be able to take these jobs because I keep seeing these residency waivers I don't know how many people you've hired in the last month and I don't know how many residency waivers that you're giving but I do know the last council meeting I think there were two residency w is giv so people can come who don't live in planfield to make money off the tax dollars that we pay here in planfield and I think we really need to look into that to make sure that we're qualifying people that live here to be able to get a return on the tax dollars that they pay here thank you okay I entertain a motion to close we have two people virtual uh admit the first one please unmute yourself name address and resolution you're speaking regarding regarding please so far they're still muted would you like for me to go to the next person go to the next [Music] [Music] pleas call our ending in 030 um you're unmuted you can laor bowsky with your place in Playfield okay address and resolution you're speaking regarding please and the floor is yours hello we can hear you if you are watching us on the I'm not sure of the number of the resolution but I'm yes would your place in planfield would your place in planfield Gloria Bowski there's some time delay okay so I'm talking about the resolutions to develop Woodland Avenue uh and also the other apartment the apartment on West N Street but I appla those people who are um resisting that and asking you to table this now I I think for I mean people in government are talking about global warming and trees but put your money where your mouth is and maybe you need to have I don't know if there's an environmental group in high school and Plainfield come and give you a teaching about the importance of trees and the environment and not developing every little piece of land I don't know what your motive is in exceeding to these developments but it's not going to be a good a good outcome so yes I hope you table these resolutions and going forward I hope you throw them out the door thank you good night is is the other person um still there they're still here all right we'll try it one more time before we move on good afternoon can you hear me yes we can okay great it's working it wasn't working before hi I'm Kathleen ni from 716 Huntington Avenue I'm calling regarding resolution 64324 Woodland Avenue I would like to agree with the comments that were mentioned before especially regarding the flood area the environmental impact and the impact on the wood light the wild life in that area I'd also like to agree with s carano's earlier um comments regarding taking a breath and looking at how many developments we are making right now it seems like when you go into town there are so many people you can hardly get through the West End um making more developments I'm not against developing however I think we're at a stage right now where we need to take a breath and not be any planner that wants to make any kind of housing making it like an open house like okay throw a bit and we will take you maybe we need to just take a breath and see what the impact is going to be on the future on our environment on our um Quality of Life there were children on Front Street and also on going down Central Avenue Grant Avenue planfield Avenue they're playing soccer on little spots of land and they actually the one place on Grant Avenue has a a just a like a cloth fence around their front yard there is no place for these children to play maybe some of these properties need to be made into some open area with the trees so children aren't can have just a place to go and take a breath outside and play where are these children from these different apartments or just people get some place to go and just clear their mind our parks are very crowded they're being utilized but at some point they're going to be over utilized so that's my comment I hope you really think about what the impact is going to be especially on Woodland Avenue we have a brand new track will that water be going into that brand new track and causing us to pay for repairs in the future let's think a little bit about the future and how will this actually go forward how will it impact us before we actually take a shle shovel and start to dig for those new properties thank you so much bye thank you okay may I have a motion to close public comments so move second okay all those in favor I all right okay uh allow for the director of Economic Development to address uh some of the concerns that were mention um I guess I I'll ask an initial question in terms of the uh any concerns about uh water retention water runoff flooding uh are there things that uh developers or the city could do to minimize disruption uh of of the water to Residents sure so um council president just to recognize that this is a study right now there has been no decision moving forward about development but a part of the study is to do a complete site plan analysis which includes an environmental assessment which will also include the storm water runoff so we are aware that there are wetlands there we are aware that there is a little Pond there there are requirements that it would be protected in those areas so there's certain part of this parcel where all 4.2 Acres could not be developed and that's a according to D standards okay thank you um can I answer Contin go so um a part of this is that there is no decision about the number of units that will be on this parcel so the five number is not true that that wasn't stated by the administration in terms of looking at what will be evaluated at the site we are are still in the study phase so we're not necessarily saying how many units are going to be on the site we're not looking at the density the bulk standards still have to be developed completely on this um in terms of the development it's looked at as what we C what as a revenue point of view meaning that we're not collecting conventional taxes right now on their Improvement but looking at the possibility of what we could collect afterwards um I just want to make sure council president are there any other specific questions that I could answer for you in terms of the development uh no no I don't have any other specific questions any council members have specific questions that's the affordable piece for the affordable housing so the affordable housing that's there it's looked at at as a way for studying this for the potential of affordable town homes that would be there is a definition of what is Affordable in this area so could you define affordable so one of our residents mentioned that her house is worth what 800,000 so if you're going to put affordable town homes so what is Affordable in that area to find that yeah also maybe talk about the deed restrictions and how that has an impact on uh how those properties don't value the same as a a property market value would okay so one of the things that and and just to go back because I heard a resident in this area I just want to be clear that every time we study a area it goes to the planning board there is a notification of every property owner that's within a 200t radius that is required that will be continued to happen should this Mo move forward um so the notifications haven't gone out because we're just approving the study so nothing has happened yet in terms of affordability what we Define as affordable is looking at the area meeting income so when you're looking at the area meeting income you're looking at a median income for plane fill of 70,000 so affordable in this case where the uh house in that area is on a 1 acre lot which is a single family home this would not be on this and this would look at well how many units you have in there so for a town home this would be possibly a two-bedroom unit and you're looking at the affordability of that so I'm just going to do the affordability of a one-bedroom unit in this case would most likely go from 80 to 100 Ami because we are looking at the Workforce Development affordability so when we are looking at that affordability we're talking about roughly between 350 to of 400 purchase price th000 purchase price it did I answer yeah that's that I mean that's the answer I mean the reality is um right for that area these these these properties are deed restricted so yeah I'm sorry so individuals would not be able to buy it at 300 or 400,000 and then flip it to someone for market value because of the enduring deed restrictions that will be contained in the in the in those conveyance documents as far as I understand it yes so all of these properties will be deed restricted in terms of the income in terms of the down payment of who is able to purchase and they will have to be um plain fi residents and in terms of the duration of the property ownership with the D restriction okay all right so it would be a little different if it's on the west end is that correct no what do you mean because you you talking about you talking about the um the area when you when you talk about the second ward versus the fourth ward and you put in town homes so that town home down on the Weston is going to be 4 or 500,000 or is it going to be 75,000 so when we talk about the area median income it refers to the entire city median inome okay I I just want to make you know make sure we have that clear for the record so that way our constituents know that Western versus that Eastern thing is going to always be but we want it to be all boards we want everything to be the same right that's a that's uh 70,000 is for the entire city and certainly uh residents from the West End of Playfield would be um just as qualified to apply to to live in in that area should they you know that's either here nor there we want it to look the same too we want it to look the same any any other questions uh yes council president just a question for clarification uh so tonight what's on the agenda is to vote for the financial agreement correct which which resolution you talking about for let's go back the financial so C 2024 D no I'm sorry it's the wrong one okay okay I pulled the wrong one up I'm sorry no question okay all right any other uh questions from Council colleagues before we uh we've closed public comments uh we're going to move forward with the consent agenda any in all right all right Mr clerk let's please move forward with the consent agenda yes the consent agenda items have been identified as resolutions 327-4321 344-2 24 through 3 58-24 with an AB exension extension from councilwoman cherry on 35424 not on the consent agenda is resolution 34324 okay may I have a motion to uh approve the consent agenda so move second second okay can have a roll call roll call the consent agenda items council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes mcra yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president gaham yes council president hak yes that's unanimous the consent agenda items have been approved move on to resolution R 3432 four okay see okay can we have a motion to approve motion uh 343 D 24 3434 no this is just for the study all we're doing is approving just a study to see do we have a motion so moved we have a second so we can get to a roll call in the absence of a second the resolution fails council president can I make a motion to table this second motion on second okay can we have a motion uh the roll call on the [Music] tabling roll call on the motion to table resolution r343 24 council members bricks Jones table yes Cherry yes McCrae yes cess yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hakay yes that's unanimous this resolution has been tabled okay next item please is that the last item yes okay move on to ordinances on first reading okay we now move to ordinances on first reading Madam clerk please read MC 202 24- 46 by title MC 202 2446 is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 16 vehicles and traffic article 16 parking temporarily prohibited for snow plowing snow removal and other emergencies of the city code for the city of planfield okay I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading so mov second okay clerk roll call council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hakai yes that's unanimous as the ordinance has been adopted on first reading thank you please read MC 2024 47 MC 2024 47 is an ordinance amending and supplementing chapter 13 streets and sidewalks Article 4 making of excavations and openings in streets and public places subsections 13 colon 4-2 definitions 13 colon 4-3 permit required 13 col 4-4 permit application and 13 col 4-17 maintenance and restoration of openings I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading so move second second okay roll call please roll call MC 202 2447 council members Briggs Jones Cherry McCrae sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president gr council president hak yes this ordinance has been introduced on first reading okay Madame clerk please read mc202 24-48 MC 2024 48 is an ordinance by the city council amending the city of planfield code of ordinances to repeal chapter 17 colon 12 MC 200229 17 colon 12-1 December 2nd 2002 to adopt a new chapter 17 colon 12-1 in accordance with the storm water management rules at njac 7 colon 8 and its amendments adopted March 2nd 2020 and July 17th 2023 the SEO meets minimum njde requirements okay I'll end a motion to adopt this on first reading so move second clerk can I have a roll call roll call MC 202 2448 council members bricks Jones Cherry mcra sesum Wyatt yes Vice President Grant council president hak yes that is unanimous this ordinance has been introduced okay mc22 24- 49 please MC 2024 49 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the 10th Amendment to the 197 scattered sites Redevelopment plan dated July 18th 2024 I'll in turn a motion and a second Some Mo second roll call please roll call MC 202 2449 council members Brig Jones Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hakay yes that unanimous int this ordinance has been introduced on first reading thank you Madame Deputy please read mc22 24-50 MC 2024 in is an ordinance of the city of field County of Union New Jersey adopting the condemnation Redevelopment plan dated August 1st 2024 I entertain a motion to adopt this on first reading so moved second okay clerk can I have a roll call roll call MC 2024 50 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt no vice president Graham yes council president hak yes six in favor one opposed this ordinance has been introduced on first reading okay Madame Deputy would you please read Bond 1281 by title Bond 1281 is a bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Acquisitions and improvements by and in the city of planfield in the county of union state of New Jersey appropriating 10, 342,415 38,1 153 in bonds or notes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof I'll entertain a motion in a second so move clerk may I I didn't hear uh a second roll call please roll call Bond ordinance 1281 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president gr yes council president hock yes Bond ordinance has been introduced Madame Deputy Bond 1282 please Bond 1282 is a bond ordinance providing for various sewer utility Acquisitions and improvements by and for the sewer utility of the city of planfield in the county of union state of New Jersey appropriating 845,000 therefore and a authorizing the issuance of 795,000 in bonds or notes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof inent obtaining a motion and a second so move second roll call please roll call Bond ordinance 1282 council members bricks Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this Bond ordinance has been introduced thank you uh Madam clerk please read Bond 1283 Bond 1283 is a bond ordinance providing for various Solid Waste utility Acquisitions and improvements by and for the solid waste utility of the city of planfield in the county of union state of New Jersey appropriating 1,960 th000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 1 910,000 in bonds or notes of the city to finance part of the cost thereof I attend a motion to adopt this on first reading so move second can I have a roll call roll call Bond ordinance 1283 council members Briggs Jones Cherry McCrae sesum Wyatt vice president Graham council president hak that's unanimous Bon ordinance has been introduced on first reading thank you madam clerk Bond 1284 Bond 12 84 is a bond ordinance providing for various 2024 Capital Acquisitions and improvements by and for the parking utility of the city of planfield in the county of union state of New Jersey appropriating 640,000 therefore and authorizing the issuance of 640,000 bonds or notes of the city to finance the cost thereof I'll entertain a motion a second so move second okay clerk we have a roll call roll call Bond 1284 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous does Bond ordinance has been introduced and for on first reading and that concludes ordinances on first reading for this evening thank you a total of 30 minutes has been allocated for all public comments each speaker will be given three minutes uh if any member wishes to speak uh that are on the phone you may call in you can make your way up um the numbers are on YouTube or online on the city's website conspicuously posted please state your name and address for the record better time uh you can speak about any topic uh that's on your mind okay uh Julie davidovich 1121 Woodland AV I just wanted to thank you for tabling the issue I really genuinely appreciate it I wanted to leave you with a couple of things before I left tonight I I need to make it known that as homeowners in this community we have the right to be free from public or private nuisances that means we have the right to avoid air pollution and distress from that we have the right to avoid oders and no noise pollution right so that is what we're paying for additionally you know there was a bunch of numbers that were thrown around this is a Sleepy Hollow section of planfield okay it is price year to live in I don't know why this number of 400,000 came up because I don't believe it to be accurate the reason why is because again I'd like this on the record I've personally spoken to the owner of the property and he the reason why I said the number five is because he told me directly that his plans are to build five homes okay so I'm sorry that I know that that's not going to be very well received by whomever is for the Redevelopment but I have to keep it real you know I just have to be honest this is what he wants to do and we can sugarcoat it and make it you know um we could dress up the lie as much as we want but that's what it is and I could if if it pleases you I could certainly have another discussion with him record it and then bring it in for everybody to hear so that we don't have to have this back and forth you know with um people you know certain people suggesting that a number has not actually been um discussed cuz I know from the horse's M that it has and I don't want to pretend that it hasn't so that's that's just what I want to leave you with because it's honestly you know it's where we live and again I told you I'm listing my house part of the problem is because of the school district I think everybody knows that and I have to private school my daughter right uh and it's not cheap and I need to if I'm going to get 800,000 out of my house I can move to another town and be in a school district right that's good and not have to feel like I need to pay for private school and I'm spending between you know just basic 10,000 and then with after care 20 um so it's not con you know it's really expensive actually for me to live in planfield and I'm not going to pretend that it's not and I'm not going to pretend that Sleepy Hollow and that section is not pricey if you go on Zillow with your own eyes and you look at it you will see what the home values are there and that's going to devalue that area if if you did put down a $400,000 house now the people who are living there are going to lose money on their properties that they worked for their entire lives and that's just you know that's not building up our community it's going to tear it down I mean right don't don't no so we don't want to have higher value homes and like have a value for everything that we've worked for our entire lives what I've I'd like to be able to let's be courteous but deed deed restricted land is is different than uh market value come name and address uh for the record sir that's right my name is Robert F Edwards I live at 510a West Fourth Street planfield New Jersey it's also known as Joanne Hollis Gardens I am attendant and I've been attendant for about 44 about 44 years currently I'm homeless because although I don't owe any rent the Housing Authority retaliation for my activism and taking them to court winning some issues and some other pending issues have been consistently uh remotely and manually releasing toxic substances into the apartment when I'm asleep when I'm not there um and this has been gone on since uh approximately October when I first raised the issue of electromagnetic radiation since then I've been to about five different emergency rooms I'll just uh articulate just a few who uh with their comments and um hackin saac Meridian um reason for visit dis near cough diagnoses exposure to gas acceptances this picture here which is taken obviously on the on on the um um on their property uh New York Lagoon Health um institution on June 13th my doctor sent me to New York to be tested to to determine if in fact there was a specific gas or exactly what was the substance they couldn't I actually identify what specific gas but they said that your skin has been exposed uh to a chemical and it's suspected to be hazardous because of the lesions and the um the physical effects that this exposure has had to me but the biggest issue is that that not only are they coming in spraying the apartment breaking things trashing my apartment but somehow or another these people have been able to find a substance in which they can um remotely release whatever the substance is into the apartment in which I will not wake up they will come in trash the apartment leave little signs like we here and you can't do anything about it that is D not only dangerous to my health and my life that is a crime and I have about four or five medical um one more sentence you can finish your sentence um four or five um emergency room visits and they all are consistent with toxic disposure you have a thank oh you started another sentence going on we appreciate it thank you though what did you say I said you started another sentence it's fine though thank you for your comments and uh if you want to leave any of reports that you have with the clerk's office uh regarding your condition then you can make copies of all this if you want if you have if uh if if you have the ability to make copies tonight or I can bring it in the morning maybe not tonight but you can take them to the clerk's office and uh and they will make copies for you not a problem for us all right thank you Jerry fosu 91 Leland Avenue my concern is with all the development going on in the city I'm concerned about the younger Youth and also the inclusion that's going on I don't see a lot of inclusion on these job sites uh whether is contractors that's from the city or whether it's the workers that are working on these job sites I mean we love to build a city but what is building a city when we can't build the people who live in the city to be able to pretty much experience the city um I know there's some people here who have talked to me we have worked to try to bring some more inclusion and bring some resources and teaching the younger generation to pretty much have the skills to be able to apply themselves in all this development that's going on so that's my biggest concern when I drive around it's nice you seeing these things going on but I don't see where the tri the trickle factor of our taxpayers money is going down where we also as contractors are going to get some of the benefits from all this development going on especially there's tax breaks going on let's re you know you put some of that money into teaching the youth and teaching other gener people who have lack of skills into being able to get into these trades so they can also benefit their lives that's all I have to say thank you sir if you have um people that you know who are interested in the trades please make sure we have that information at uh after the meeting address for the record ma'am good evening Pamela Dunn 750 West 4th Street planfield New Jersey not related to The Dun and Suns okay my issue is Public Safety my concern right now is the lack of crossing guards it's been my concern for the past two years I now have the planfield police department non-emergency number on speed dial because I've been calling numerous times last year so I'm starting early this year because one our streets aren't painted properly two the signs you could barely read them where the kids are crossing three Spooner and 7th is the worst Street in the morning for these kids to cross hubber is on 8th anybody living on the West End got to walk across 7th to get to hubber I've already spoken to the county for 7th Street to come and paint that and I'm going to be on my friends back for that my second concern is the crossing guards I was told that we were advertising for crossing guards I haven't seen a sign yet I spent the whole month of July riding around looking for signs saying you're looking for crossing guards I was told you do it on social media whatever but the people who are crossing guards everybody doesn't have access to the internet and the older people including myself sometimes can't go on the internet and fill an application so now I'm starting early I want to know I haven't heard anything this is my first meeting I haven't heard anything about Public Safety I heard about these redevelopments you guys ain't building no Community Center for these kids so where are they going and in the community center now you can teach these kids some skills or whatever the case may be we don't have it you got wi's that are closed just sitting there the demographics of this city has changed and I know you all know that so therefore the public schools is twice as many you have nobody Crossing these kids I am a bus driver for special needs I've crossed kids on seven Street myself in the bus I don't even work for the city of planfield so what is that telling us we're developing all these developments these fancy apartments that nobody can afford I would like to know where the $1600 studio apartment is cuz I haven't seen it my goddaughter's paying $1900 for one bedroom the medium is $70,000 come on all I want is for Public Safety to do something about the crossing guards and the street signs that's all I'm asking thank you so much do you know uh do you or someone you know uh interested in in in uh crossing guards I've been calling I don't get no return phone calls I'll get your number at the end okay thank you I return that phone I told about me Nancy p 11 29 Myrtle Avenue first of all I want to thank the city council I know that that property is going to come up again my concern is is the Environmental I would like to see that property cleaned up and not be used as intensively as a developer in the city has wanted it to be used back in 2021 you did a a grand opening of the um Elwood Square Apartments which is a 52 unit townhouse complex on West Second Street something like that would be more appropriate for that I am very passionate about the environment I grew up in planfield near all the chemical plants I played on a contaminated ball field and most people don't know this mberg Hospital saved my life I'm not in any cancer studies that have ever been written but I'm a Survivor of cancer at the age of 22 all right and that's why I'm so passionate about property being cleaned up in this city that had was misused and abused through the years and and I feel like I I have to say it for the future generation and for my future citizens and for the young children that have to pass by and have to breathe the air and the dirty water and I'm sorry if I offended anybody here tonight but I do appreciate what you did and I would hope that the developer would consider it it's a beautiful development but it doesn't belong that intense in that area to create such a public safety issue not just for the residents in the area but for our police department and fire department it's 4.10 miles 4 it's 4/10 of a mile almost a half a mile from planfield Avenue to gr Avenue there is no access uh North or South you if if something happens down there on Brookside Place or in the middle of of of Front Street a house starts to burn there's no way a track uh a a fire engine is going to get through there especially with the way the traffic is there so I appreciate what you've done tonight but I really would hope that you would reconsider some of what you did you did a beautiful thing for the Elmwood uh Square Apartments something like that should be done on that property where marinos was and the other order body shop and I appreciate it thank you very much Jerry F 911 L Avenue um I think you mention you spoke already right yes I think you mentioned something about if I knew any people want to train it yeah so when the meeting's over let's exchange information because I want to get that information from you thank you sir s Carano 1284 East Front Street thank you again for listening we didn't solve all the world's problems tonight but you heard some of the public so I appreciate your movement or the lack of this evening um Babylon Long Island has two dispensaries now recently I was on CAC one of a number of members on CAC reviewing the city's budget and we discussed um concerns with our dispensaries and what is being done about um those that are in need whether it drug issues drug problems whatever and felt some resistance that there's no proof from the administration I might add that there's no proof that marijuana does this marijuana does that I understand whatever those thoughts may or may not be but B Avon Long Island raised a million do two dispensaries dedicated it not to the general budget but to specifically deal with its citizens for drug problems alcohol drugs marijuana you know what Edibles whatever your issues are specifically Mark the money raised from that people well we don't do that with liquor stores okay start doing it start addressing more your community's needs thank you thank you name and I just just for the record sir good evening Steven Grimes 33 Westerville uh Avenue um there's a club that's on watchong 44 watchong AB I live two blocks away from this club and every Friday Saturday and Sunday I can hear that music it's so loud my window shut I just wonder if you guys can consider like looking into this because it's like ridiculous I've been losing sleep um again this at 44 Wong Avenue I live at 33 Westervelt and um it's ridiculous that's all I am good evening again hey good evening again address again right sure name Chas 12270 Front Street Playfield New Jersey first of all I want to thank you all for listening to your citizens tonight and uh tabling that that is that is very important even you're going to go back and vote for it anyway at least you let people know that you heard them and you're going to think about that very good number two I heard someone say that they don't know you all I just want to say I know just about all of you um and I've only been here just a year and that's because I see you out and about in the community participating in different things shaking hands letting people know who you are so I will say you're not just seen at election time you are seen cuz I'm new and I know you all so so just want to give you credit for that but I also want to say I need you to look at the um the sidewalks especially the indentations that are there for people who have wheelchairs or Walkers or mobile issues like myself in particular the sidewalk on um I think that's East Second Street in watchong where the post office is I had to go to the post office today and um because I take Access Link you know you have to wait an hour in hour and a half so I decided I'd go have breakfast over at the Texas wiener when I tell you that sidewalk is a whole mess it's a whole mess it's a lawsuit waiting to happen it's cracked it's brittle it's broken up and it just really needs to be repaved and uh I've seen that a couple times and so if I wasn't a person who had mobility issues I probably would have never noticed it but since this is my lot in life for the last year I'd like for us to look at those corners to make sure that they are appropriate for people who have wheelchairs Walkers canes or some sort of mobility issue and um let's get those fix because we don't need unnecessary lawsuits for things that we can fix thank you thank you Marie and S you our residents who presented tonight were fabulous we have such talent and I agree with those who said thank you for listening and tabling but tabling means the issues will be back so residents please keep involved please keep up with go what's going on in our beautiful city cuz I really have to believe that the majority of people want to be proud of where they live um comments like it's just a study have led to a lot of the irreversible issues we've got going so please keep that in mind and I'll let and with trees are good open space is good we don't have to fill every little space and I love the idea of take a breath and hopefully it's a nice healthy breath um because of the environment that we're creating so thank you no thank you okay do we have anyone online we have one person caller 030 please unmute yourself inperson public comment is now closed and the person online you the floor is yours if you're watching us on the live stream please mute your YouTube and then speak I really have to believe that majority people want to be caller if you're watching the stream please mute the live stream currently muted them it seems like they might be listening to a loop they might have a feedback loop due to the fact that they are watching the live stream isent it's a 45 second delay there a delay on the live yeah I it's obvious so if we could afford that Resident some time it's been like 30 seconds so far okay I'm listening hi speaking again have one person call3 it sounds like you still have the live stream open can you please hi we can hear you yes Gloria bowy GL basy would your place I don't know if I'm un muted I will tell you that hi Gloria with a place in planfield you know a couple of things I would like I mean I live I've lived in planfield for a very long time I I like Playfield so much and one thing I would say why can't you I I I've been calling in to this meeting and it's a little bit um yeah not quite right I think we should have zoom meetings as well as inperson meetings that's number one and what was number two I I really that that's one of the main things that really for participation we should have um meetings in person and zoom meetings and also the agenda for the meetings should be available to everyone for at least a week before and yes you can make changes the day or two before but really to have the agenda put out the day or two before the meeting that that does not encourage participation good participation and people cannot research the topics so I hope you Mr hak you will do that um and I also did want to comment on the de situation and in the past year or two it seems like it's been kind of under cover that um planfield has not come out and said of okay to kill deer in our in our in our city um it's just been left well the city says the county it's count the County's um decision the county says it's the cities and there's there's no one who's taking um responsibility and I will tell you that yes last year um two deer were found with and just they this was brought to the attention with arrows in them wanding through Scotch planes and the county said well we're doing an investigation but we've overed it and no one was doing an investigation there was a deer the year before found with an arrow in Cedarbrook well well who did that well nobody it was never determined who did what and then there was an arrow sound in pfield so come on folks um we know it's not to do with lime disease we know it's not to do with car accidents we know it's got to do with it has to do with a bunch of okay okay anybody else online yes we have one more caller okay call or ending in 596 please unmute yourself and if you're on the live stream please mute that okay can you hear me now yes okay wonderful good evening uh my name is Danielle Casper Zac 1724 Watchung Avenue I'd like to start by thanking you all uh this evening for um thoughtfully discussing the resolutions and to uh counselors cherry and seesm thank you very much for your descent towards um some of the resolutions that are being being raised and asking them to be tabled I'd like to speak on r 34324 as a resident that lives around the corner from this area um I have looked up this location and it is a Woodland area and I won't profess to know very much about Environmental Protection or de um but I will say that that is a very elevated area um and the amount of rain that we have received lately even in my area um areas tend to puddle quite considerably it causes a lot of damage to uh some residences it causes a lot of flooding uh my empathy towards the woman who lives at 1104 wood Avenue she expressed her concerns about living across the street from this area and I think that's worth considering uh somebody that lives directly across the street from an area that's on an elevated Hill um if you do clear that Woodland area um you do run that risk even if you tend to raise it and try to bring it down to a a level kind of plateau I think there is still a concern that Randol road that direction straight towards hubin field rain is going to go off in that direction and we do have a beautiful stadium that we have just renewed so I think we really want to consider the erosion to the homes that are in the area to the football field that is in that area and also I'm not sure if the panel here is aware or anybody that's on this call is aware but there was a really nasty car accident on Woodland Avenue recently I think it was on Southern Parkway right around the corner from that and if you introduce more residences or more people to this area um you're going to affect that visibility you're going to affect a lot more of the drivers that are in that area that come kind of tearing around that corner sometimes or just not looking or just blind area so I do think it's worth considering that maybe that's not a prime spot to consider redeveloping and I know we're just talking about a Redevelopment study but I think we'd all be remiss if we didn't put our voices out there and ask to be heard that for perhaps we look at some other locations that really do need Redevelopment and not our Greenland areas I thank you very much for listening thank you okay public comment is now closed all right uh do we are there any other issues that we need to address from the administration I think I think we're good I think uh director addressed everything no I would just say um in terms of the crossing guard so I know that right now the PD is looking through the last crossing guard list and seeing who's still interested to know how many openings they have but if you're interested in being one or if you know someone who is I would love to take your phone number because we have a huge recruitment issue for crossing guards and so I'd be pleased I went to City ofield have a big illuminated sign don't even have it on our sign say and have a great Su we're not even advertising so I get what you're saying and I will talk to you but I'm telling you now we are not paying right just like our out surrounding cities we're not paying and our surrounding City advertising and we're not doing that so Public Safety to me right now is a big issue okay you can't even drive you two can have this conversation afterwards all right and you can give us some advertising tips Etc uh any anything else all right uh motion to adjourn the meeting all right meeting adjourn moved [Music] I e