##VIDEO ID:tEHzgHyqfpY## e can't right e e e requirement provided for the open public meetings law has been satisfied notice was properly given said notice having been transmitted to the curer news on Tuesday January 16th 2024 as well as posted on the city's website clerk may we have a roll call council members Briggs Jones absent to a roll call councilwoman Cherry presid councilman McCrae presid councilwoman sesum presid councilman Wyatt absent during roll call vice president Graham present council president hak present five members present and a quorum please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the invocation i al to the flag of the United States of America to the repblic for stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all humbly we ask God The Giver of peace and the lover of Charity to give the entire family of Nations true agreement with his will and to Grant the light of his Spirit on all those who work for justice and peace amen amen amen may I have a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of October 15th 2024 second all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay that that motion is approved uh no presentations on discussion items this evening uh we move to ordinances uh we have M ordinances mc22 2456 through mc2 2460 which are scheduled for the public hearing and final passage for the meeting as advertised and we now move on to resolutions uh first our own legislative body items r28 r428 d24 and R4 29-24 do we have a consensus to add these items to the voting meeting so move second all right all those in favor say I any opposition or abstentions okay those will be added to the consent agenda okay Department of Finance would you please present your items I'll start over good evening all the Department of Finance has three items for your approval resolution number 430 d24 um authorizing transfers for the 2024 appropriations of the general fund and the store utility of the city of planfield resolution number 43124 resolution authorizing approval to amend the c24 municipal budget by inserting three items of Revenue and appropriation in accordance with njsa 48 and resolution number 43224 resolution authorizing tax refunds on properties for the attached schedule are there any questions any questions please can you can you just explain what are you mean when you say to um transfer between the general fund and Sewer utility so um every year in November and December the city gets an opportunity to transfer funds between accounts that might be low running low or you know might need funds to take it through to the end of the year and those transfers can only be done in November and December so you might see a similar resolution next month thank you you're any other questions from Council Members okay do we have a consensus to add these items to the voting meeting so second okay all those in favor I any opposition or abstentions okay those items are added um Police Department please uh present your items good evening good evening director I have two items for your consideration the first one is a resolution authorized Police Department to purchase three uh 2023 Ford police interceptors they are new vehicles uh from neelson Ford the second one is a resolution to enter a contractual agreement with seen Hall University for the enrollment of police officers there'll be every officer in the department and an operational Readiness program not to exceed $58,500 that operational Readiness program is dealing with opioid use and the disorders that come along with that uh with us dealing with uh individuals out in the street who uh who may have overdosed or different things of that nature I want to make sure that our offices are in the Forefront of training when it comes to that now these funds actually come from a fund that is set up by the state so there's no cost to the city we're using funding that we already have we use it for Narcan and other things but it's it's no cost to the city and that's all I have sir okay any questions from Council Members regarding these items I had a question councilwoman for r so if I bring in four or five new officers or 10 new officers next year at some point I will come before you and request to have them trained as well okay good and I'm going to assume Naran training is part of this training as yes absolutely that's that's really the base of it it's about preventing overdoses and understanding what you're looking at when you see a possible overdose okay thank you you're welcome any other questions from Council Members um Council me uh council president yes two questions um yes ma'am director on the the uh the new police interceptors um is that cost all inclusive or then do we have to turn around and retrofit them uh no these this year we've had several vehicles that have been total due to accidents that have occurred um this is money to the the a lot of the equipment on those vehicles that have been that have been crashed and we cannot use anymore a lot of that equipment is being repurposed because a lot of those Vehicles were brand new vehicles un fortunately you know people may have ran into run into police cars and different things of that nature so we are able to use a lot of the equipment that we already had from prior Vehicles outside of that I already have money in my budget to cover everything else so it it won't be any additional cost awesome and um given supply chain command around police vehicles is there a ETA on delivery oh yeah Nelson Ford has these vehicles in stock I'll get them as as soon as you say yes I can buy them tomorrow that's even better even better director and then uh not a question but just a comment as a practicing clinician I want to thank you for identifying this opioid training for our officers in the city um a lot of times people see substance abuse and alcohol as the problem and they're not necessarily the problem they are the way in which people are attempting to deal with their problem so having a law enforcement force that can understand addiction and treatment and how to address it with compassion I think is extremely important so I want to commend you all as a practicing clinician and your councilwoman thank you ma'am any other questions from Council Members okay do we have consensus to add these to the voting meeting so move second all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstention okay these shall be added uh the fire director please present your items fire department has two resolutions for your approval tonight one is to ma P ma Paving uh for the paving of the firehouse on South Avenue's back lot not to exceed $34,500 and the second one is to Jersey power sports for five Argo Vehicles along with uh two trailers not to exceed uh $299,450 72 and this is uee money so it's no cost to us any questions from Council Members can you can you describe an Argo vehicle for me uh it looks somewhat like a uh ATV but these can go on um water snow brush so when there floods um we will station these all along through our planfield and um they'll be to be used for floods they go in snow they're just like an alter rain vehicle okay sounds good all right do we have consensus to add these to the voting meeting yes second all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay these shall be added uh the Department of Public Works please present your items good evening council president hak members of council Department of Public Works has one resolution to present uh resolution 43724 authorizing approval utilize the East scj quop for the City Hall Parking Lot number two improvements this is for electrical improvements to the parking lot and it took not to exceed $16,500 with Garden State pavement Solutions and this is to install three concrete light pole bases and to install a double 4 in conduit total about 65 uh linear feet and that's for it to us to move forward with the purchase and charging stations down the road so this with this electric Improvement support sounds good any questions from Council Members okay do we have consensus to add this to the voting meeting so move second uh any opposition or abstentions all those in favor say I I okay these shall be added to the voting meeting uh the director of Economic Development I don't see her so um oh she's on uh Zoom right okay uh can you hear us director okay thank for some reason director we didn't hear you can you try again we'll just go out of so where where are our speakers in here thisam sorry is there telephone in thisam there's a cell phone there's a telephone um I believe that bus ad okay okay I will speak on okay so the first resolution is for free parking in the central business district from uh November 28th to to January 2nd so from Thanksgiving to New Year's this is something we do annually um so we're looking for your support on that then we have clean and leans 20 of them we have refunds of construction permit fees these are fees that people paid for permits that they ended up not using them so they're being refunded to of them um and then there are the resolutions that are related to let's see Madison AV um designating Madison AV as the 18 to 24 Madison AV as a non-c condemnation Redevelopment area and sending it to the planning board for a Redevelopment plan um and then authorizing the First Amendment of the Redevelopment plan for 1123 West 7th or West 7th Street okay any questions from Council Members hearing seeing none do we have consensus to add these to the voting me yes okay all those in favor say I I any any opposition or abstentions okay those shall be added uh the department of solid waste and Sewer good evening councilman uh president Council I have one for your consideration tonight r444 d24 resolution to purchase two new 2026 battle motor 28 cubic yard zero turn automatic side loaders these this is a very exciting uh piece of equipment for the staff down there myself because this is going to really put us uh in to the 21st century this is an automated these are two automated trucks questions from council member regarding these two new automated trucks question councilwoman SES please um at the price tag is was this in your budget already or this can only be uh realized with the transfer of funds that the uh Finance director referenced no this has nothing to do with it this is all capital uh dollars and let me say that the price is I mean even for the regular standard uh rear loaders are approximately a half a million dollar so they're they're they're not much more of an increase it's just they're just a more efficient way of doing business thank you you're welcome other council members any inquiries I have a question so when you talk about efficiency could you talk about is there is there like the ROI is there a decrease in time is there decrease in in Manpower if you could talk a little bit about that well the major there's a there's there's several uh benefits but the major one is that it's it keeps the employee in a safer environment they're not out in the roadway it's it's automated where the SST a joystick where they can pick up the can so it reduces the amount of Labor that's involved um and that'll help us because that'll give us the flexibility taking that labor from from the GU you know from the stand where we're doing it now and utilize them in other areas of the operation that we want to increase services to the residents so the bigger benefit is that it's reduces your labor cost and it and increases the safety for the employees and you don't have uh as many um workers comp cases like that cuz not physically touching the uh containers any longer and this will be uh for several areas of town that we feel we can utilize it it won't be for the entire town but it'll be for certain areas where because you need a little room to to operate these machines but uh the most of the municipalities are the largest larger hallers already currently using using this uh style of equipment thank you director any other questions from council members yes council president please go right ahead counc director Louise quick question so I know that these use you have to use specific garbage cans are are they the ones that we currently have or will the residents receive new cans that's the nice part they they they uh will pick up the current cans that we have um also uh we're going to be giving out additional cans for uh recyclables because the cardboard would have to be put into containers but again I'm I'm excited the staff is excited because we have old employees too to have served their time as we say on the on the trucks and this puts them into a a spot where they can still can be uh as efficient as possible but not be so out in the elements and and be subjected to the physical uh the physical um requirements working on the back of a of a solid waste truck okay any other questions okay do we have a consensus to add these to the voting meeting yes yes all right all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay those shall be added to the voting meeting we now move to ordinances on first reading uh would the business administrator present the ordinances listed MC 2024 61 through 64 yes council president thank you the first ordinance we have is an ordinance to establish two new zones for parking enforcement that's Westervelt to Washington and north and south a then we have an ordinance um adopting the home ownership small Lots Redevelopment plan that Redevelopment plan was just adopted last week by the planning board um and I know that this is something we've been talking about in meetings you know um previous to this then we have an ordinance adopting the 11th Amendment to the 197 scattered sites Redevelopment plan that was also approved at the planning board last week so it's coming back to you um and that's the one that has the revision to include tow houses and then finally we have an ordinance granting a tax exemption um with respect to certain property identified as 228 to 236 East 9th Street that's going to be 16 units with 31 parking spots and it's a 15-year tax exemption any questions from Council Members yes councilman why go right ahead oh yes okay one second here no problem MC 2024 61 just pull it up so after reviewing the the revenue that municipalities generate from the uh Park enforcement zones I can understand somewhat why the administration uh motivation behind this recommendation however this approach it conflicts with the initial Vision that was told to us by the administration where you asked us to reimagine planfield as a walk-in community and then you provided you know the studies where the studies they promoted the concept which included skewed data suggesting fewer residents would need cars and fewer residents would buy cars which has in turn Justified developers providing limited parking unfortunately our reality doesn't align with that original vision um as we can see we have cars parked all across the street the congestion uh so just a few questions on this on South Avenue there currently are no parking signs up and down the street will the administration consider repealing that ordinance that prohibits parking there to allow pay parking now going forward counc President we have director Fields director field did you hear the question so I have you on speaker phone and she was asking for the question to be repeated okay so on South Avenue there are currently no parking signs up and down the street so will the administration consider repelling the ordinance that prohibits the parking there to allow for paid parking that's the first question yes so what this ordinance is about we am I being heard man yes you can hold it a little closer to the microphone about is that this would ow us to codify having no parking signs installed on South Avenue North Avenue as the ba said and once we have that we're able to place the the signs up there and then this also allows us to look into Park Mobile and when we have Park Mobile we will also be able to move forward with the residential parking permits as well to make sure that we're responding to the needs of our residents that are around the train station okay will the hours for the paid parking be consistent across the city yes it will okay and let's see and how will the addition of the paid parking impact the residents in the area who face limited parking spots at their residents now so I believe the question was how will the paid parking impact the residents of the area did I hear that correctly yes yes so what we're doing here so I I just want to be clear when I say that the parking on North Avenue that's for nonresidents when we're talking about the parking at the residential perit areas that's going to be complimentary parking for the residents as well as their household so we're we're looking at how many parking decals will be distributed per household in terms of the impacts of the residents the reason why we're doing this is that we want to make sure that the residents when they come home they're not subjected to having Transit users Park they going to go homes so we're hoping to improve their parking okay and then just two more question quick questions on so North Avenue um I know that they do have the alternate parking street parking now so how will this affect those attending solid field for swimming Park activities basketball sporting events Etc um the same alternate street parking is going to be in force is there a specific time you're looking at I'm not as familiar with the schedule of cers field uh well I know they have events practice every day but sporting events is usually on the weekend I mean nobody swimming down it's cold but you know sure our parking is enforced within the hours of 8 a.m. and 6 p.m. okay 8: a. and 6 p.m. and that'll be consistent across the city yes it is all right and the last one is does the department have enough staff to effectively enforce these zones or where there be a need to expand the team and I ask this because you know insufficient Staffing leading to the lack of enforcement have been an ongoing issue in the city so right now we're working with the staff that we have we are looking at the possibility of staggered schedules to make sure that we can enforce effectively we're always evaluating how we can improve and streamline our enforcement process okay the last comment uh the park mobile app I think is a great idea um you can pay directly from your phone it sends you text messages let you know that the time is almost expired you can send if need be uh but I just want to know what we have training for our seniors and those not uh techsavvy will we provide training for those for them yes so what we're going to do and we're still in the middle of our roll out we're working with the director of communications we have a plan that's going to go out in social media um Park Mobile has provided us with collateral material to distribute to the public and roll out we're in the midst of that we also have if you're not used to using a smartphone app I think you mentioned yourself that we have pay by text that's available and we also have our um enforcement officers that will go out and explain this to our population okay thank you director Phils any other council person wish to ask questions of the director question please go right ahead coun MC 2024 d62 I know this was on the um resolutions before and the small Lots those were offered to homeowners like people that live next door to the properties also as well is that correct is that the same one am I am I correct so this one was the small lot um these were offered in a previous auction where we did the 197 scattered sites we do have a lot that we are going to off offer that's in a neighboring to the church that's over on East 4th Street I believe that's if you notice it's 430 I believe it's East 4th or east thir street I'll look it up for you but that one is going to be offered to the church as well as the neighboring lots that actually touch the properties okay thank you any other colleagues wish to ask questions okay council president yeah go ahead I was just trying to get somebody else another turn uh MC 2020 4-64 can you hear me hear okay I can hear you yes yes I am pleased to see that the administration um are taking a new approach by proposing the 15-year tax incentive to the council rather than the usual 30-year Arrangement however I do ask my colleagues to remember the meeting where the residents in that area strongly oppose this project um some of you were on the council at the time and I'm sure those who weren't you are familiar with the issue because of your ongoing engagement um the neighbors they voiced significant concerns about their development emphasizing that the area is already already highly densed and densely populated with apartments and Beautiful Homes uh the historic preservation committee also pushed back expressing that their recommendations were not fully considered um and I expect we'll hear from uh concerned citizens who are directly affected by this through calls and emails um if not tonight then by the next meeting and uh so if my perspective doesn't sway you I urge you to please listen to their voices and vote no on this um you can add anything you want to add director but let me say this we follow the laws of this nation we follow the courts this particular project there was a lawsuit and the HBC lost the lawsuit these folks they prevailed and we will be guided accordingly by the decisions of the Court anything to add Zenobia yes may I would just say that this is a fully approved site plan this is a fully approved Redevelopment agreement during the site plan approval the comments of the historic preservation committee were incorporated into the design comments on the windows and then looking at the Bay of the windows as well and some other exterior parts of the buildings but comments were considered from the historic preservation committee and again this is a fully approved site plan which means they can build this as of right again it was a lawsuit and the developers prevailed in the lawsuit and so the project is moving forward as a result of a court decision any other questions from Council CC members oh council president I just had more of a not so much a a question but more of a statement we're not voting to move forward to approve this we're just moving we're voting to approve the pilot because this has already been approved correct two years ago I just want to make sure yeah that's correct okay and and based off of the plans and the designs from the planning board correct thank you point of clarification so if it's already been approved then why is it in front of the council now dealing with the finances so if we don't approve the 15-year agreement then what will happen to the project so what's been approved to date is the Redevelopment agreement designating the developer as well as the site plan so they have approval from the planning board to move forward they also are moving forward with compliance and they can take out construction permits and proceeds what's being presented to you tonight is the financial agreement a 15year tax and that's up for your decision tonight so that the last part of that question was if we don't approve this 15-year tax incentive or tax break as you said then what will happen to this project the developer can move forward as a right without the tax abil but in order to make it financially feasible the tax abatement is need and we receive the revenue what you risk is the city not receiving the revenue because this would stay still and I must add that the the site will remain blighted and the city will receive significantly less revenues than it otherwise would under this pilot agreement my last question can she confirm if the the tax the current tax is what 80,000 is the current taxes and with the pilot it's what 1.2 million yes that's correct councilwoman it's 8,932 in terms of the share with the tax agreement we would get 1.26 with the pilot no you thank you Mr President that seemed like a no branded to me but it's up to you the members of the government body okay do we have consensus to add this to the voting meeting yes yes we probably don't so I so uh we we'll vote on this one separately at on first reading yes all the all the ordinances get voted on separately on on first reading the issue is if there's consensus to add it to the regular meeting for a vote did we did we hear four is there a consensus yes yes yes yes okay yes any opposition extensions okay consensus all righty so we will now uh recess for 5 minutes and we'll come back to our voting meeting e e e e e e e e e okay we'll move to consider oh you need get started again okay we'll move to consideration of public hearing second reading and final passage Madame Deputy please read MC 2024 56 by title and further certified that it is complied with the law MC The Courier news on October 17th 2024 if you'd like to speak regarding this ordinance specifically the floor is yours hearing and seeing none uh entertain a motion to close public hearing second okay and may I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and fin on passage so move second clerk may we have a roll call roll call MC 202 2456 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this ordance has been adopted on second reading and final passage Madam Deputy please read MC 202 24- 57 by title and certified compliance MC 2024 57 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the municipal complex Redevelopment plan dated October 3rd 2024 it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on October 17th 2024 if you'd like to speak regarding MC 2024-25 Myrtle Avenue I appreciate that the planning board economic development director fields and the nwan group added on page 17 of this plan the police memorial currently erected on block 602 lot1 will remain and will otherwise be incorporated into the Redevelopment of the property the memorial can be relocated if necessary unquote please mark this plan as the latest updated plan so it's not confused with previous versions policing is different today than it was when this building was built there is no doubt that an updated facility is needed the police memorial is part of the history of the planfield police department thank you for hearing my concern and listening to my plea at the planning board meeting and the last city council meeting the planfield pbaa raised money erected and dedicated this Memorial on September 11 2010 to the four officers who were killed in the line of duty from 1967 to 1985 planfield has gone through some difficult and troubling times history doesn't change what changes is the way we look at it and the lenses that we see history through I knew all I knew of all of these officers growing up in my neighborhood there were five families whose fathers or family members were PL police uh department members two of the five died in the line of duty that was a heavy burden to carry as a teenager considering all the deaths of national leaders during that time Robert Perry was 22 years old he was a playful high school graduate class of 1965 and a classmate of my older sister he was killed in 1970 he was a Marine Corps veteran and survived the Vietnam War only to be killed in his hometown Mr buic was a father and was killed by Park on parking lot duty at St Mary's Bingo night his wife and my mother knew each other from the plan uh Jefferson School PTA and other neighborhood activities officers gleon Perry and buic funerals were held at St Mary's Church when officer pallet was tragically killed I was older and I was wearing a different type of uniform officer pallet was the first female officer to be killed in the line of duty in New Jersey even though officer palat and I wore different uniforms our offices our offices were the streets of planfield and in some way we were Pioneers Paving the way for other women coming up behind us I remember seeing her on the beat and it brought me G great comfort to know she was out there like I was it was traumatic to many of us whose carrier Roots were the streets of planfield when she was killed the details of the officer's desk were different traumatizing to their families and community and occurred at a time when Mental Health Services were not rily available to the community this Memorial deserves our respect and care and not only honors them and their sacrifice to the city but it honors those who built it with pieces of their everyday sacrifices as police officers and residents who try to make plan fill a better place the deceased officer served and protect just like all of you Serve and Protect this Monument is a replica of the planfield police department shield and it is a symbol of the heart that is in all of us thank you for letting me remember these four souls and thank you for remembering this Memorial and this document thank you okay hearing and seeing no additional uh commenters uh entertain a motion in a second to close public hearing so moov second okay may I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage so move second okay uh may we have a roll call please roll call MC 202 457 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt no vice president Graham yes council president HCK yes six in favor one opposed this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage thank you uh Madame Deputy please read MC 202 24-58 and certify its compliance MC 202 2458 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the TN North Avenue Redevelopment plan Amendment dated October 3rd 2024 it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on October 17th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who'd like to speak on this specific ordinance hearing and seeing none I'll entertain a motion in a second to close public hearing so moved second and may I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final pass message so move second roll call please roll call MC 2024 58 council members bricks Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hakay yes that is unanimous this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage okay Madame clerk please read MC 2024 59 and certifi its compliance MC 2024 59 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the East Second Street Redevelopment plan dated October 3rd 2024 it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on October 17th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who would like to speak on this ordinance specifically hearing and seeing none I'll entertain a motion a second to close public hearing so move second okay uh clerk can we we have a roll call roll call MC 2024 59 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president HCK yes that is unanimous this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage okay Madam clerk please read MC 20246 and certifi its compliance MC 20246 is an ordinance of the city of planfield in the county of Union granting a tax exempt with respect to certain property identified on the city's tax map as block 535 L 3 and designated in the city's tax records as 1123 d25 West 7 Street planfield New Jersey and authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with 1123 West 7th urban renewal LLC it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on October 17th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who would like to speak on this ordinance hearing and seeing none I'll entertain a motion a second to close public hearing so move second and I'll entertain a motion a second to pass to um passest this on second reading and final passage so both second okay clarkman we have a roll call roll call mc22 2460 council members Briggs Jones no Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt no vice president Graham yes council president hak yes five in favor two oppose ordance to been adopted on second reading and final passage okay thank you uh a total of 30 minutes has been allocated for public comments limited to resolutions and ordinances being considered this evening each speaker will be given three minutes uh if you'd like to call in the number is on the city's website as well as uh in the information section on YouTube give your name and address for the record floor is now open hearing and seeing none is anyone online it's just for Resolutions this evening not not general public comment can I speak on the first reading uh this is limited to resolutions motions and ordinances introduced on first reading yeah mhm thank you're welcome Salvatore corano 1284 East Front Street mc202 464 I understood the conversation about the 15 years and I appreciate the adjustment and to take a breath and step back and re-evaluate giving away the keys to the city to developers what I'm not understanding is from what I read and what I heard 80,000 current tax million dooll pilot tax and the developer still May develop if they don't receive the financial Award of 15 years my question is it's a little hard to understand the future but after the property would be developed what would the assessed value of that property be in my opinion it would far exceed the million dollar in taxes that we're giving away for 15 years and an abatement or pilot um consider last Tuesday the voters spoke the elected officials had no choice to listen those in all seven swing States listened to the voters not just the delegates not just the electoral college but the voters I suggest all of the elected officials and those that are serving as the Mayors um under his leadership listen to the people that are opposing stop giving away we're Beyond needing developers we now have property that developers will come to us and want to develop it's still a hot Market stop giving it away thank you entertain a motion to close uh public hearing so move second okay all those in favor I I okay public comment is now closed Mr clerk please announce the consent agenda consent agend items are identified as resolutions 42824 through r 4442 forward okay uh may we have a roll call on the consent agenda need a motion and a second motion and a second please so move second second roll call please roll call on the consent agenda items council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hakay yes that is unanimous the consent agenda items have been approved okay we now come to ordinances on first reading Madame Deputy please read MC 2024 61 MC 202 2461 is an ordinance to establish parking enforcement zones in residential areas I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading so move second roll call please roll call MC 2024 61 council members bricks Jones yes Cherry yes yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous ordance has been adopted on first reading Madame Deputy read MC 202 24- 62 MC 202462 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the home ownership small Lots Redevelopment plan dated November 7th 2024 I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading so second clerk may I have a roll call roll call MC 202462 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous or been adopted on first reading Madame Deputy please read MC 202 24- 63 MC 2024 63 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the 11th Amendment to the 197 scattered sites Redevelopment plan dated November 7th 2024 I entertain a motion and a second to adopt this on first reading so move second clerk maybe have a roll call roll call MC 2024 63 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes MRA yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham council president hak yes that is unanimous Z spend it out our first reading thank you Madame Deputy please read mc22 24- 64 MC 2024 64 is an ordinance of the city of planfield in the county of Union granting a tax exemption with respect to certain property identified on the city's tax map as block 824 Lots 24 25 and 26 and designated in the city tax records as 228-236 East 9th Street planfield New Jersey and authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with Golden Circle urban renewal LLC I'll entertain a motion a second to adop this second clerk maybe have a roll call roll call MC 202 2464 council members bricks Jones no Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt no vice president Graham yes council president hak yes five in favor to oppose ordance to been adopted on first reading okay we now move to General comment a total of 30 minutes has been allocated for all public comments each speaker will be given three minutes uh if you would like to call in the number is on the website uh or on YouTube the floor is now open good morning name and address for the record good evening for gracias okay gracias we have the Police director talk to you about uh enforcement in that area name and address for the record good evening my name is Stuart seiden Stricker and I work with will the spirit a community center that has a center here in the Quaker house at 225 watching Avenue and a lot of our members live in Playfield when the spirit's work is more urgent than ever as the incoming federal government has vowed to start Mass deportation on day one of the new Administration nearly one in four new jerse is an immigrant and over 10% of US citizens children live with at least one undocumented family member we're here tonight to make sure Playfield government has the resources and the resolve to stand with the playing fields communi communities the 10th Amendment is clear that the federal government cannot compel state and local governments to enact or admin administer a function of the federal government which includes immigration enforcement further state and local governments are free to resolve to refuse requests to do so and to prohibit employees from assisting in federal enforcement actions in the mediate term it will impact it will be important to facilitate a rapid coordinated local response to mass immigration raids our partners in ACLU stand ready for information and resource available soon and we know that the city can coordinate also with cities for Action a coalition of nearly 180 us Mayors and County Executives who advocate for pro-immigrant federal policies which are hand happy to recognize that mayor map is already part of it for the very near future we also like to leave your information on the New Jersey immigration immigrant trust act which has been introduced at the state legis later and would clarify the distinction between Federal intrusion and state and local law and values when it comes to protecting the privacy of our immigrant residents and keeping their families together it's important for this law to pass before the new federal Administration takes office and we encourage you to pass resolutions supporting it we are happy to help draft this uh resolution and have included sample of language in this package that I'm leaving with you finally we'd like to leave your a package of statistics of economic contribution of family makeup of immigrants in our great state families throughout the state have members of mixed status some born here some n naturalized some undocumented some dreamers and more those with and without status alike abide by the law pay taxes own business employed workers raise families and contribute to our community the only difference is that those without status lack a piece of paper that the federal government has made increasingly difficult to obtain appreciate your consideration and we'll leave you with a package so you can take a look at this we appreciate that thank you name and address for the record good evening Council my name is Robert Edwards I live at 510a West Forest Street planfield New Jersey I've been in the public housing system for about 44 years I've come before the city council previously because of excessive electricity uh flooding the apartment um I have pictures here from code enforcement um council president you were able to take a photo also and I always will appreciate you taking the time to come and take a look at the situation in addition to that in retaliation um the Housing Authority um did something with the um uh the stove which created a gas leag unfortunately when psng shut that down they came back and uh reconnected again which created a fire and uh the fire department came and addressed that issue not too long after that in March they came in put a whole bunch of toxins in the in the bathroom and I took pictures of that I asked a couple public officials to come and take a look at it and they did but this problem remained for quite a while unfortunately it sent me to the hospital in which um it was determined that I was exposed to some gased substances in my blood recently uh another situation has occurred um let me see November approximately November 6th when they came into the apartment and dismantled not only the toilet but they also dismantled the uh the SC um as soon as I possibly could I got pictures taken and brought it to uh both um code enforcement and the health department and unfortunately they didn't respond uh I did get them to sign that they did receive the complaint but there was no response as the universe would have it um a public official stepped in and had this particular situation addressed immediately that day which I was shocked and pleased thank you today the uh Housing Authority came in and repaired the um the saint uh 346 so I really wanted to thank that particular official for that amazing immediate response to a crisis but most importantly how much time do I have uh none none none remaining none remaining than three minutes one statement yep why because I'm that nice since approximately October of 23 the agency the Housing Authority Playfield and Rand wood and everybody connected to them have been releasing toxic substances into the apartment at various times of the day which has taken me to almost every hospital emergency room in the last 10 12 months all right state state that was a statement thank you now I am sick good evening good evening Maria and s Avenue a couple of things I can't say it as well as Miss P did but I totally back up retaining the dignity and respect of the existing police memorial but by keeping it in a prominent position um after the rebuilding not relocating it and even considering a rededication once that s's finished I did not hear that the plan would be modified to um make sure it's not relocated because that does sucess right now um not every spot in the city needs to be developed let's keep some breathing space for us and along that same line we need a moratorium on the deer kill it's been three years that they've been invited at the sports on into Green Brook and Cedar Brook it's been six years that Cushing has been uh serving as a field for sports huner it's a failed experiment it encourages violence it leaves blood on trails that residents and children use the bait stations if you've not seen them I will be glad to show you where they are they're huge they're put up a good month before the kill begins and they stay up through February that bait station encourages other Wildlife to come we're in residential areas in Cedar Brook and Greenbrook were not in the Deep Woods were losing trees the uh Sports Hunter is visible in CER Brook and although we don't know what the conditions will be in the future right now the leaves are so dry that when they they bring their vehicles in with hard exhaust to take their kill out the fire potential is great we need a moratorium give it a try Stop the Violence thank you thank you good evening pamel done 7514 street I'm here for my concerns about safety again I appreciate the couple of uh crossing guards that you managed to scrape up but the training part I don't know whether they're trained or not I personally went and bought whistles because none of them have them you have a gentleman coming out on Fourth Street who's half dressed he gets there when he can but hey you got some bodies out there thank you thank you but they need to be trained because somebody's going to run over one of them my other concern is the overcrowded this of the parking well I won't say parking when the parents come to pick their kids up from school not only they're parking where they're not supposed to park I'm a bus driver they're in my way they curse you out security guards God bless them when they tell parents to move they get cursed out and the parents stay there it is getting ridiculous when I say ridiculous it is getting ridiculous and then on top of all of that you have two ice cream trucks on the corner of Spooner and a can you just imagine the nonsense going over there with the two the two ice cream trucks the kidss coming out of school they're not paying attention they're running across the street and like I said before the parents are double parking in the middle of the street blocking people's driveways and then when they're asked to move they get cursed out this is ridiculous then my other thing is I don't know when the last time y'all been down on the west end but it is tight it is tight people can't afford these beautiful apartments that are being built so now they're moving down and they're living on top of each other so now when they live on top of each other they got extra cars that are parked in the street you can't get past something got to be done maybe you can find a parking lot since you finding parking lots for everything else why don't you find a parking lot or two where these parents can drop their kids off on a bus and then have the bus bring the kids to the school where you don't have all this crowd this it's getting ridiculous it really is and I'm with the lady with the MTR my neighbors keep bringing garbage to my front yard something got to be done you call the police I don't know if they could do anything or not but they just throwing trash out there like it's okay thank you CL garbage Nancy PE 11:29 La yeah there is more trash cuz I saw trash today and I'll let you know where I saw it today okay cuz they keep dumping on the city property on Gerard I just saw a couple more mattresses there today um but I I I want to thank um on Facebook you see a lot of complaints all the time and I try not to get involved with some of them but I just it was a long process to get West Front Street um paved and I I want to thank the public works department and the engineers um because I was pleasantly surprised once they finally finished it it was arous trying to get in and out of the museum that I go to every day and um they did a really nice job in front of the Drake house and we really appreciate it because I didn't want to have to have an argument with you but it wasn't a battle I was going to fight but they did relay the blue stone and they did um color the uh curbs so I really the board appreciates the fact that the city did the right thing and I appreciate that and Mr um uh davney after the meeting I'll give you an article from uh 1898 where they talked about p in West Front Street between Grant and Clinton so you're not the first one to have to done it I wonder how many more times but they were complaining because they couldn't pave the rest of West Front Street past Clinton because the city didn't have the funds to do it so then they asked for people to to put Stone down so there wouldn't be a lot of dust and um I also want to thank Police director abne because we did bring to conclusion um I I talked about it last month there was a veteran stone that was found in the city and it got um put back at the right um cemetery and I did go over and make sure that it was placed and I got a call from the proper authorities and I appreciate the efforts of the planfield police department to bring that Cemetery home uh Stone back to where it rightfully belonged Bowski wouldn't be a place in planfield I'd like to speak about overdevelopment and um as a a problem in terms of safety for our residents in terms of being able to get where they need to go in a timely fashion just think about a fire engine having to get to where it needs to go an ambulance so overdevelopment is a problem with regard to people's safety in plan fields and also a health hazard if you think about the recent pandemic about crowded conditions being a factor in terms of safe and safe health and I also obviously as you know know I'm asking for a moratorium on the deer kill and also consider a moratorium on development as well thank you is anyone online yes okay uh I am closing public here did come on up good evening my name is Muhammad I live at 920 South thank you come up Sir everyone my name is Craig Davis I live at 181 Kensington Avenue um I moved to back to planfield um in January and I'm falling in love with this place I'm taking care of my elderly parents I live at 810 like I said but next door to me 8:14 it's like an apartment building it used to be a one family house it's like an apartment building now people come in they come out they move in they move out that house and then the house across the street at 8:15 817 is owned by the same person now the property is very well kept they come in in there but every month somebody's moving out every month somebody's moving in on my block on Kensington between Putman and watan they're between 35 and 40 cars there every night it looks like Front Street with the apartment buildings are I don't understand why again we're still in this situation talking about this I have have a cousin that lives in North PL pill he had the same situation the city got the got the people out of there I don't understand what's going on it's going to happen more and more I'm telling you guys we got to do something about this housing and people just have raining out rooms thank you thank you okay closing public comment who people used to stand in lines and I would be able to tell there was more people um sorry I don't think I understand the total process name and address for the record you have three minutes name name and address oh carollyn a Johnson 1104 Woodland Avenue you have three minutes pardon me you have three minutes okay thank you you're welcome um real quick I may have missed another session cuz I came another time there weren't as many people so I don't know which uh session was I think it was in October but I was calling about the possibility of them putting homes up on South Avenue Woodland Avenue five of them and I came and I spoke on that okay and uh oh I I didn't know whether you recognize what I was talking about or not but I still would like to know what the who to who should I speak to to understand what the process is and what they're determining and deciding because Woodland has a lot of traffic on it anyway I think you're aware of that and that initially they were going to have five houses or something up there take down the trees and put in the houses and then all of a sudden somebody said they might put things with multiple people in it so I just wanted to know what the board the council what everybody's coming up with it's a very busy street and it's right above as I'm sure you're aware what is at the um High School baseball uh pardon the field you know where the children come out to play from schools and everything and as I also stated it's a lot of traffic on that street anyway so I just would like to know are they really going to put a whole bunch of people up in there and who is my um council person I live on Woodland Avenue okay thank you you're welcome name and address for the record hiwan Palmer CH one 2 270s Front Street planfield New Jersey 43b um first of all I just want to I never got a chance to say this I I had a really good time in planfield this summer I tried to do most of the things that you offered either from the city from the wck from the pack you know um even at the senior center because I'm a senior so I had a really good time this summer I really had a good time giving out candy at the kids at the um at the Halloween trunk treat that was fun so I just want to be able to give credit because I had a really good time but I do have some questions because I'm just learning when I hear things it hits my ear gate I don't want I don't understand so we're talking about $890,000 versus I think you quoted something in the millions with the pilot does that mean that that Million number is in place for 15 years and there will be no assessments on the property yearly like the normal taxpayers will get some sort of assessment and you'll determine whether or not their taxes will go up so like the gentleman said you know I used to play Monopoly if you put a house or a hotel on the land the amount of money that the person that owns that spot increases because you increase the property with a house or a hotel so if you put something on this land develop doesn't that increase the value of the property and therefore should increase the amount of tax that you get from the property and again I'm just listening to what people saying and the questions are coming and if that is true does that mean for 15 years that property does not get assessed it just holds at that number and with the pilot does that mean that the city is actually going to get that million that you quoted is that the payment in lie of taxes and my last thing is I know that you did presentations about how pilot programs go but I was a busy person I was able to get to them are there slides that I could watch or get in my own time so I can really study how this this pilot thing is working to really determin because I think two sessions ago a man said that he was was it I'm not sure but the pilots in the beginning were necessary to get people to come and develop but now that we have so much development we no longer have to put things in place to beg people anymore which is probably why we've moved from 30 years to 15 years because we don't have to do that anymore so I'm just asking questions based on what I'm listening to and if you can't answer now I'm not sure who the right person is that maybe is a Zenovia I'm not sure last thing uh the senator from Union crying put an article out in The Insider and he was talking about how this last election is now making some of you who are high up in the Democratic party un County State rethink some things so I think that he was kind of right when he said you might want to listen to people because I believe that the voters said you're not listening Union County never swings for the Way That Swing for Trump he didn't win but he got so close and what the correlation is places where the housing prices are out of control vote for Trump in County Union County and P you better thank you thank you okay quiet please all right public uh comment uh is closed in person um can you enable a person that's online caller ending in 022 you can speak yes my name is hadia Muhammad I live at 920 South Avenue I'm calling regarding the parking meters that's going to be placed in residential areas specifically on South Avenue I think you just guys talked about that earlier can you tell me when would that be in place and two I understand that you would be given decals to Res residents who live on South Avenue what about when you have visitors is there any information that I can get in detailed as to what the process will be to put the meters into the residential areas of planfield thank you for your comments uh once we close public comment if the economic devel development director is still available I will have a respond to that question is there anyone else online caller ending in 659 you can now unmute yourself hello can can you hear me we can hear you okay thank you my name is Shirley fed Lewis I live 1094 Central Avenue I just have two questions one is how many police officer ERS are employed by the city of planfield and two planfield is getting overcrowded and you have no Rescue Squad um are you planning on getting another rescue squad put in place or are they're just going to Outsource um or are they just going to continue to when someone needs to go to the hospital and they call 911 are you guys just going to continue to have the people that's calling the other um cities to pick up plane seals Flack thank you for your question and comment uh I will have someone from the Administration address your question and misconception anyone else no one else with their hand raised okay president yes I have a respon a few of the comments that were made go right ahead and I believe the business administrator will respond regarding the question about the rescue squad or what used to be the rescue squad um as far as the farm on cushion Road what used to be a farm I can tell you that the business administrator and I we we have a plan and we have been having conversations with the county about what can happen there at uh cushion Road and anything that happens there we will make sure that there's input from the residents in that neighborhood but we have an IDE for that large six AA parcel of land that is on cushion Road almost at the intersection of Leland and cushion as far as Mr Edwards is concern and his continuing complaints about the housing conditions at Joan Harley Gardens just like was done at what used to be Elwood Gardens where the residents of that neighborhood now have decent quality affordable housing which everyone needs and deserves the Housing Authority has a project and I believe a contract was already awarded that would lead to the total transformation of what you now know as Joan haris Gardens where decent quality housing that people need and deserve erve will be built at that location as far as the comment about the results of the elections and the statements made by the president elect about deporting people from The Immigrant community and as it relates to planfield I can tell you that my Administration will not under any circumstances be cooperating with any federal agency that seeks to Target our immigrant community that is my policy it's the policy of my Administration and we will make sure that our immigrant community of which I am a part of will not need to worry about what has been said by the president elect I must also say that we have been investing in our infrastructure all across the city we repay miles and miles and miles of roadway and we'll continue to do that but there's a temporary inconvenience that is the price that we must pay for Community Development and transformation and so I ask our community to continue to bear with us as we continue repaving our roadways I know that you get a notice from the city every day from the police department that talks about road closures and Wang Avenue and Park Avenue were closed for a period of time during the day that created a great deal of traffic disruption but that is the price we must pay if we want to drive on brand new properly resurfaced roadways the same was true of Front Street Route 28 that people have complained about for decades and our Administration worked very hard to assemble millions of dollars in Grant funds that led to the transformation of what we are now receiving compliments every single day about the roadway that starts at our border with Dellin and so far we have brought that project up to the Drake house at planfield Avenue and that's what we're going to continue to do we're not going to stop until the entire stretch of Route 28 is completely resurfaced but we will not do it with tax planfield taxpayer dollars because it's a state roadway and it has to be done under my watch with state grants and federal grants but we will continue working towards that transformation I will now ask the business administrator to speak to Emergency Services okay thank you so I just want to clarify that the planfield rescue squad was not a part of the municipal functions um of this Administration so we did not we um you know we we actually weren't even informed that they had closed down um and we had nothing to do with that we found out through the county um that that had happened so since we found out that that happened we had taken really Swift action we partnered with JFK and Union County and then eventually brought both of those entities here for approval for contracts with the council um and JFK K and Union County have both been in plain field for over well over a year now um that's also at no taxpayer cost those are grant-funded contracts that we have that we secured grants for prior to entering into those contracts um so you have JFK on one side of the city you have Union County on the other and then we also have a shared service with South planfield Rescue Squad should we need their services um they are available to help and obviously very close by so JFK and Union County at all times are here on the city roads at each sides of the city and they are your EMS providers at the Town Hall recently we talked about we talked about this and we talked about how they've been performing and we gave data for 2024 and we were able to show that the data on the Department of Health for New Jersey website all of the county response times for EMS that JFK and Union County are both far outpa response times in the city of planfield um they were they beat every single County in New Jersey on the Department of Health Website in terms of their response times for 2024 so it's been a successful partnership and we're very pleased to have them they've been doing a wonderful job and again it's been at no cost to the taxpayer and I should add the response time is better than it has ever been and so it's a suck and I think we're very fortunate in the city of planfield to have the level of Emergency Response services that we now have in our city I can attest to that you know unfortunately a couple times I had to call 911 uh when my father fell ill uh and they were there very swiftly courteous professional staff uh on the ready able to deliver him when he needed to go to the hospital and even other times when they you know checked on him and he was fine um and so the response times are good um and hopefully you don't need to find out yourselves about that uh but uh those services are there on both ends of the city for us as residents and it has actually been an improvement in services and and I mean the facts are the facts uh Mr Graham did you want to say something yes uh council president um with respect to um our ordinance that we pass for mc2 24- 59 where we adopted the East Second Street Redevelopment plan uh I have to uh say that I'm I'm glad that this plan is moving forward uh for years that area has been a challenge um and I also want to give kudos to our Police Department because on East 2 Street particularly between Johnston and Netherwood there's been a tremendous amount of loitering and that's been going on for quite some time and although we have challenges with bell reform uh its intent of course was to create equality amongst the halves and a half Nots but the execution of it um has has given us challenges um and just through the hard work and the partnership uh with myself councilwoman Julian Cherry the administration we were able to dramatic drastically clean that area up no more lering the difference is night and day so kudos to the whole Police Department uh for helping to get that area clean once and for all thank you than there's there's one thing I forgot Mr President go right ahead man there was was a question a comment made about pilots and I know that over the last month or so we spend an inordinate amount of time explaining pilots and why Pilots are good for any municipality not just play field we not the only ones that are doing it but you know I can take you back to the 5 acre parcel that was at the corner of southen Parkway and Grant Avenue a five vehicle lot that was blighted where it was a harbinger of crime and we were able to enter into an agreement with a developer that brought 90 units of Workforce housing there as well as a commercial um development known as ABC building supplies and and people could ask so why did you give a pilot why didn't you have taxes based on the assessed valuation of the property the fact of the matter is that project would never have been built if we had insisted that the developer pay conventional taxes the five acres would still be there to today blighted a harbage of crime as it was for decades the same is true of the many different lots that you see across the city so we could provide Excel spreadsheets that give a comparative analysis between the taxes that we're collecting today with no development based on the assessed valuation of the property we could provide that what are we collecting today and what would we collect over the next 30 years if no development is made on that property we could also in the spirit of transparency provide you with an analysis that would show how much the city would collect under a conventional tax situation meaning based on the assessed value of the property times the tax rate how much would we collect if someone were to build a project on that side and what would the revenue be over 30 years compared to what they what we will get without no development we could also show you based on a pilot over 30 years how much the city how much revenue the city would collect on a pilot situation so we can give you the three pieces no development development under a conventional tax situation development under a pilot situation the fact of the matter is under a conventional assess tax situation the project will not be built it's p in the sky under a pilot situation the city will collect significantly more revenues than the otherwise would collect if the project were not to be developed so Pilots bring in more revenues to the city because we get 95% of those revenues and our budget is impacted very favorably as a result of Pilots than the otherwise would be that site whether it's two acres five acres the site on East 9th Street it will not be developed without a pilot of payment in Li of taxes so we could sit here all we want and talk about conventional taxes conventional taxes what would happen if you insist on conventional taxes what would happen is that we would have light all across the city as was the case for 30 40 years before my Administration took all office in January of 2014 where you see a transformation across the city now we have people that are in desperate need of decent quality housing yet we have some people that come to these microphones and want to put off the brakes on development when people are crying every single day for decent quality housing yet we have people that are saying no folks don't deserve to live in decent quality housing let them remain homeless let them just fend for themselves well my Administration is not of that view and we will continue to develop in this city so that we can provide housing with the support of the council to the thousands of people in our city that we need to take care of we can't let people fend for themselves I mean so many of us were there at one point in time and don't we want to pull people along so that they can enjoy a better quality of life you want people who have decent big houses stop us from building apartments to provide decent housing for the people that are crying out that are desperate it's all well and good for those of us who have these beautiful homes to sit in our homes and talk about not wanting to develop anymore in our city well my Administration for as long as I'm the mayor will continue to bring forward projects working with this governing body in order to build more housing the state of New Jersey has 220,000 housing units short people who can't get housing so that that that ordinance or resolution that was on the agenda tonight about allowing for smaller homes and so on and so forth that's the kind of thing that we're going to push we're also going to come at some point in time about what is known as accessory dwelling units where people are able to build smaller homes on their properties if they so choose so that we could provide decent quality housing to the number of people in our city that are desperate and are crying out for hous that's where I stand as mayor of this city that's where my Administration stands and I hope that we will continue to have the support of the governing body thank you council president I just want to make a comment about a separate topic I would be remissed if um I was away during the week and I learned that a toddler was shot at one of our Parks um and had to fight for their life um then a few days Days Later a high school student was shot um fighting for his life as well um so to those families to those children to the parents um as a government body as a city as a community we have to do more and we have to do better um we can we will and we must do better so we can um you know say the things that we do here and some of us think the things are really great but if we look at our real key performance indicators it shows you that like the old African proverb says it takes a village to raise a child and if that child does not feel embraced it will burn down a village to fill its warmth and that's what's going on right now we had fires in the park but we're really stuck out over this last week was hearing that two children a toddler at a park playing and a high school student was shot so as a community we can fight and disagree about so many different things so many different topics we can talk about Pilots taxes housing but we have to do better and we have to do more for our community that's it thank you council president yes ma'am I can't let that go and the Police director could speak on this if and I'm just doing this as an analogy but if a couple living in their home one decides to shoot the other what can my Administration or any of you do about that if a parent decides to shoot a child are you going to playay that at the feet excuse me Mar m i wasn't placing blame on anybody I wasn't placing blame on anybody I was talking about praying for the in the community just tells you that people will go to any degree to try to score some cheap political points yeah let me let me speak let me speak on director Police director let me speak on this Police director okay because without me speaking it's it's really just hyperbowl the reality of it is this there are incidents that happened in the city of planfield that are thoroughly investigated by the police department we bring we bring Justice to victims and this town at a rate that has not been seen in this city in decades that's the reality of it this town is much safer than it was before mayor map became the mayor and since I've been the Police director I take the safety of all of you extremely personal so when I hear things that are going on basically as a result of other factors that are outside of this administration because nobody sitting in this room could have stopped either one of those incidents from happening okay it is not right it is not the proper place or the proper time for comments like that the city of planfield is in a much better place than it's been in years and it continues to get better and that's with the work of everyone in this room outside of the politics so what we will do is we will continue to work on all the things that we're doing we will continue to investigate crimes and we will continue to arrest offenders like we've been doing everyone in this room can say that this city is safer than it's been in a very very long time and the key metrics and everything else say that it's a fact it's not a fact that you can dispute it's not a fact that we can argue about it's the reality of it so my men and women of my department work extremely hard to make sure that you are safe every day and every night and we will continue to do that we have more programs that we're bringing on board to make this town even safer but to bring things up at a council meeting that are really in active police investigations is improper it's improper to do that I need to make sure that the victims of those families receive Justice this is not the time to be discussing things of that nature if there's rumors out in the street let them stay out in the street I need to take care of those families and make sure they are made whole and that's all I have to say l with with that I'll entertain a motion to adjourn so moved all in favor say I meeting adjourn thank you