##VIDEO ID:yrMnCfGDdTM## e e e e e e e provided for the open public meeting law has been satisfied notice was properly given said notice hav been transmitted to The Courier news on Tuesday January 16th 2024 as well as posting on the city's website clerk may we have a roll call council president bricks Jones I'm sorry councilwoman brck Jones pres councilwoman cherry present councilman McCrae present councilwoman sesum present councilman Wyatt is absent during roll call vice president gram pres council president hackaday president councilman Wyatt we have all members president ACC okay please rise for the Pledge of Allegiance and remain standing for the invocation I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States States of America and to the for it stands one nation God indivisible withy and justice for all humbly we ask God The Giver of peace and the lover of Charity to give the entire family of Nations true agreement with his will and to Grant the light of his Spirit on all those who work for justice and who work for peace amen amen I have a motion to approve the minutes of the regular meeting of September 9th 2024 so moved second okay all those in favor say I I I any opposition or abstentions unanimously approved we move to presentations ba or mayor can take can take it from there thank you council president and members of the governing body at this time I would like to call forward Kenne Hines is she here oh she's right here I so I want to take this opportunity to present this proclamation to miss Hines based on the life saving measures that she took a few weeks ago to save this life of a young child and had she not been there at the right time in the right place this child might not be alive today and so I normally I don't read proclamations in their entirety but I will do I will read this in this instance whereas on Friday August 2nd 2024 at approximately 10:08 a.m. ticket agent for the city of planfield kellyanne Hines was approached by a concerned citizen requesting assistance for an infant in distress Miss Hines proceeded on Wang Avenue towards the Salvation Army to investigate further while simultaneously contacting 911 for medical assistance and whereas upon arrival the child's father handed the infant to miss H to miss Hines who observed that the infant was barely breathing and turning blue Miss Hines immediately administered abdominal thrusts and back slabs during which the infant expelled a brown fluid but remained limp and whereas the infant father then noticed an object obstructing the child's Airway and successfully removed a deodorant Gap from the child's mouth and whereas shortly thereafter planfield police Emergency Medical Services arrived on the scene the infant who was now alert and breathing was transported to JFK hospital for further evaluation and whereas Miss hin prompt actions in conjunction with the father's intervention and assistance were instrumental in Saving the infant's life and whereas this is a great example of helping a neighbor in need and Miss hines's action demonstrated selflessness concern and caring this serves as an inspiration for residents of the Queen City that we are one planfield now therefore be it proclaimed I agent om M mayor of the city of planfield do hereby recognize and celebrate the heroic actions of Kelly and Hines and the impact her actions had on the Infant and its family as well as the planfield community please join me in Applause [Applause] [Applause] so miss Hines I'd like to present you with this Proclamation for the actions that you took on that day which led to the life of the IND being saved and thank you for what you did and for being the kind of person that you are stepping up when there's a need to thank you [Applause] and she wants to relax relax relax glasses good evening everyone good evening my name is Kelly anhe I'm just a little bit nervous okay just a little speech that I have to say um good evening mayor Adrian om council members and fellow community members I am truly honored to recognize here today for the response to the recent emergency involving in an infant as a ticket agent I do have foral CPR trainer yet but in that format I act on my instinct and did everything I could to help I was fortunate to be at the right place at the right time and with the father quick intervention we were able to prevent a tragedy this experience has shown me the value of staying Cal under pressure and importance of having a life a life saving skills I am grateful for the recognization but I share it with the father who assists with dis loging the object I com I am committed to furthering my knowledge and training so that if faced with a similar situation in the future I can be even more prepared thank you Adrian or map the council members Sergeant Kisha baa for acknowledging this moment in remind in a reminder of the importance of community on how each of you us can make a difference and I'm looking forward to foring my CPR skills thank [Applause] you awesome wow mayor the floor is still yours for the council and the residents here in attendance as well as to those who are joining us virtually I just want to take a few minutes to talk a little bit about Pilots payment inl of taxes this is a subject that has generated a great deal of attention and it is a topic that often times is misunderstood by people whenever they hear the word Pilots but it's particularly misunderstood I find by members of the Board of Education in particular and so I thought it necessary for me to attempt to explain pilots and I must first tell you that the notion that when we give Pilots to developers that developers pay no taxes is very very for FSE it's actually a lie it's misleading when we give Pilots payment in L of taxes it simply means that the developer is making a payment to the city in lie of what we all know as conventional taxes that's taxes that are paid based on the assessed value of a property times the tax rate which results in a portion of your taxes being allocated amongst the tax and authorities School Board County as well as the municipality so it has been said that the city negotiates pilot agreements and that they negotiate what are known as Community benefits and therefore when we do that we are denying revenu to the Board of Education let me again say that the city of planfield collects more Revenue as a result of a pilot agreement than it otherwise would have collected under a conventional tax situation we actually get more revenues from Pilots than from conventional taxes if we were to not have Pilots all of the developments that you see in the city would not be done there would not be the developers who have to raise in some cases 50 million $100 million they would not be able to generate the funding from financial institutions and so that is why they need Pilots so as to be able to do the projects now as it relates to the schools there's this idea that Pilots deny the schools of Revenue again that's totally false and here's why the school district gets its funding primarily from the state and from us the taxpayers it gets some small grants from the federal government but by and large its funding is the state and the municipality so each year the school district must submit a form known as an a4f which it tells the municipality how much money it needs in order to operate so like all of us who put together a budget and the municipality in particular we look at all of our expenses salaries we look at public words sewer all the things that we know we must fund and so we come up with a budget the school district does the exact same thing it looks at all of its expenses each year how much it needs to pay teachers how much it needs to put into the classroom into utilities it looks at the total picture how much it needs for Debt Service and then it strikes a budget let's assume the budget it strikes is $300 million the school district year after year the school district year after year and I must say that I've been a strong advocate for additional funding for the school district from the state very successfully so the school district if its budget is $300 million and it gets 200 and let's say 73,000 from the stage it then comes to the municipality it sends us that form a4f and it tells us we need 27 million dollar from the plane field taxpayers plain and simple it tells us exactly what it needs when it takes into consideration how much they're getting in state funding they minus that from its total budget and then they come to us the municipality for the difference we then collect that money and whether or not I should say we collect that money every year we must by law send to the school district exactly how much it asks us for how much it needs to operate we send it usually in four installments so if the district asks for $27 million because it knows that it needs $27 million plus State funding in order to hit its full budget to provide for the education and everything that it needs that's what they get they get exactly what they ask for to provide for everything that they need in order to operate at what they believe is their full capacity they full obligation to students so the notion that when there's a pilot that the school district doesn't get anything makes no sense and here's why it makes no sense if we have 15 pilot agreements it makes zero difference to what the school district gets the school district asks for 27 million because that's what it needs that's what it gets we can't give them a dime less now let's forget about Pilots let's say we have 20 new projects and they all pay conventional taxes does the school district get any more money no it doesn't get a DME more it still gets the 27 million that it ask for that it needs in order to operate and to fund its daily operation so Pilots versus conventional taxes has zero impact on the funding of the school district zero impact so if we have a entire city block that gets raised by some disaster the municipality will be losing money because it can't collect any of the taxes from that entire block that was raised does the school district lose anything no the school district still gets that 27 million because that is what it needs it simply means that the other the other property owners would pay a bit more because we can't give the school district a DME less nor can we give them anything more now recently the school district passed a resolution asking to have a seat at the table when Community benefits are negotiated Community benefits are for the benefit of the mun municipality not the school district the school district acts for 27 million because that's what it needs it gets 27 million it gets everything that it ask for so if the school district has a need to build a pocket park or to have some S Equipment in a classroom that costs $150,000 all the school district needs to do is what they are required to do tell us how much they need put it in their budget so instead of it being 27 million let it be$ 27,1 15,000 and that is what they will get because that is what they need and that is what we as a municipality has an obligation to provide to the school district so again contrary to what you've heard that the school district is shorted as a result of Pilots totally totally absolutely false the school district doesn't get a dime more if we have all conventional taxes it doesn't get a dime less if we have Pilots they get the exact amount of money that they need to operate that they must request from the municipality on that form a4f which must be certified by the municipal clerk and sent to the New Jersey dep Department of Education and we are obligated to provide that amount to the school district so when you hear this conversation about pilots and the school district know that it's being politically generated and that it has no basis in reality or in facts the school district is always made whole and guess what every every month every meeting we have to refund thousands and thousands of dollars to property owners who have filed tax appeals and they were either awarded those tax appeals by the Union County Board of Taxation or by the tax court and when we have to refund $100,000 $200,000 guess what the school district doesn't give back a dime because they don't have to so we the municipality we eat all refunds and the school district never gives back anything because they don't have to because we have to make them whole and make sure that they get what they need and what they ask for so I hope that brings some clarity to the conversation that often times occurs when it comes to Pilot and I hope that that enlightens people who sometimes they have these questions about pilots and they're misled into thinking that developers don't pay anything that the school district loses and that we're doing an injustice to the school district and to the students that we serve that is false the school district always gets what it needs what it asks for and if it needs more there's one simple thing it has to do ask for more and they will get more because we are obligated to give them what they need and what they ask for thank you Mr President thank you council members thank you to the residents within the sound of my voice all right thank you for that comprehensive explanation okay we are now moving to consideration of public hearing second reading and final passage uh we have ordinances MC 2024 51 through MC 2024 55 which are scheduled for public hearing and final passage for the regular meeting as advertised let's see so uh we let's see let's start with the legislative B items uh do we have consensus to add the legislative B body items to the voting meeting that's R 38924 to r390 d24 do we have consent or are the items that anyone wishes to remove so move second okay uh all those in favor I any extensions or opposition okay legislative body items are moved to the voting meeting okay for the mayor business administrator items uh would you present your items Madam I sure will thank you we have six items on the agenda tonight um two of them are related to the Municipal Court they are appointments of an additional municipal court judge and a replacement for a public defender who has resigned the additional municipal court judge um is coming on board because we have a backlog with our DWI cases and we receive a grant for DWI um that we can use for DWI cases an alcohol education grant that goes to the court and so we are able to use those funds to hire an additional judge on a part-time basis so that we can get through our DWI backlog and um have have timely hearings we had to receive approval from the assignment judge and we did receive that approval so that's why we're coming to you now um so it does you know it is has been given the okay from the assignment judge um and like I said the public defender is a replacement for a resignation the following four resolutions are all related to our health insurance plan so I'm bringing to you a resolution to leave the state health benefits plan um as you know the state health benefits plan has gone up about 50% over the last 3 years I think 3 years ago it was 24% last year was about 5% now we're looking at 177% it I believe that it's time to stop the bleeding you'll see in the attachments and I've talked about this at length with you before that we have a 2-month premium delay and so in next year's budget you may not see reflected the savings from this decision however you will see it moving forward and I and I believe that the fiscally responsible thing to do is to leave the state we have no reason to believe that these increases won't continue at this level we did get um two bids on us which we have to take advantage of because as you those of you who've sat here for many years know that there have been years where we had no option but to stay because we didn't have any other bids we were bid on by both hffs the Etna hiff and a brand new Horizon Blue Cross Blue Shield hiff that will be starting in January for the first time that one was the cheapest option it also causes the least disruption because our employees are currently on Horizon so there'll be no no change in provider um and so we are going with the we are looking to go with the brand new hiff um it's an Acure hiff it's going to be backed by Horizon we're one of three municipalities that are starting it but there others coming on for February 1st and so the first resolution is leaving the state that's 39324 and then the next three are all related to joining The Horizon hiff um it's joining the hif appointing myself and our CFO Ricky Garts as Commissioners who had would have to serve on the hiff and then executing the um Indemnity and Trust agreement happy to answer any questions you have any questions from council members council president I have a question please go ahead excuse me um so with the new health care um you said we won't realize the savings for about another year so if there is a um a change in rate we would have to wait two years in order to renegotiate no so the reason that we won't see the savings next year is because we have this 2-month premium delay when we first went into the state in the year that we went in we only paid 10 months over 12 months so now next year we have to pay back those two months so essentially we'll be paying next year 14 months of premiums over 12 months because two for the state and 12 for the hiff a once that's paid off then we'll start seeing the savings if next year around this time that that hiff is going up a huge amount I don't think it will but if it does we'll have you know whoever bids on us will still have those options and we'll still have the option to switch again but we should we will start seeing a savings after we've paid off the two-month premium delay and if it turns out that we're able to pay off some of this two-month premium delay this year we won't know until November when we see kind of where we are with the budget then anything that we pay off would would increase the savings next year we might be able to realize savings but I won't know that until we're closer to the end of the year and I see where we are with the budget what left Etc and this plan covers all city employees uh civilians and law enforcement and fire correct everybody just like the state does police have their their own prescription plan but it would be it would be included in this for all okay um and then regarding the assignment of judges and public defender what is that process you mentioned that you did reach out to the assignment judge but what is the hiring process is this open competitive or does the assignment judge say this is who you have to take could you talk a little bit about that so the assignment judge has the final say as to who who we can appoint um the mayor make you know speaks with people decides who he wants to bring to your attention but before he can even bring it here we have to have the assignment judge approve the name and so we did reach out we did reach out to her and receive approval before we can bring it to you and that includes the public defender as well no no just the judges okay council president that's all I have thank you anyone else yes just one quick question uh regarding the hiff did you meet with the leadership and a different unions to get Buy in prior to doing this yes I met with them prior to bringing this to you met with them last week we went over um I G I was just very transparent what you have here they have um I gave them the chapter 78 contributions for both the state and the new hiff they saw that you know they'll be paying less per month and it's the same plan and so they were all on board thank you okay anyone else okay do we have consensus to add these items to the voting meeting just another question um as far as the health benefits and now you negotiate you said every year or every two years we we can we can we go out to bid every year and we see who bids on us and if there's any any takers okay and then you of course obvious so you compare um the different companies the horizons and etas and whomever to see exactly we have the the better benefits for the for the staff exactly whoever whoever bids on us that's who we assess and you know look at the price we can't we can't lower the benefits because it has to be equal to or better contractually right um now do you think that you would ever enter back into the state benefits ever if they state stabilize if they stabilize themselves potentially M okay that's it who knows ccil president sure let me just make one quick comment we will always be shopping around for insurance because it's an industry that presents us with great challenges and every year the cost keeps going up and this is a problem for all municipalities these County governments and so last year when the state hit us with a 20s something per increase many municipalities try to take flight from the State Health Benefit program but it is not easy getting new coverage because it's based on your claims experience and when you have members of your staff retirees and other folks that have significant Health cost as a result to be it cancer or one of the other you know diseases that very costly it impacts on our ability to get insurance and not just us but this is true for all municipalities and so we aren't going to sit here tonight and tell you that we aren't going to be shopping around again next year because we always want to keep the cost down we don't want to go to our taxpayers which is where the money comes from if the state decides it's going to pass onto our significant increases and that is why we've been shopping around for the last two years and finally we've been able to get this plan that cushions the impact of what might otherwise have been a huge increase from the state and so we'll do what we have to each and every year we look at the cost and we'll make the decision that we believe is most favorable to the residents of the city okay do we have a consensus to add these items to the voting meeting yes yes uh all those in favor say I I any abstentions or opposition okay these items will be added to the voting meeting Corporation Council present your item please thank you council president I have one item the item uh an additional appropriation for redevelopment Council McManaman Scotland and Balman for additional $445,000 any questions I'm happy to answer any questions from Council Members okay do we have have consensus to add this item to the voting meeting yes any opposition or abstentions thank you council president you're welcome all right Department of Finance please [Applause] move resolution authorizing the approval to adopt a prototypical deferred Compensation Plan this is really um confirmation to the um dlgs that the city has adopted a Deferred Compensation Plan and that the such plan is in compliance with the Internal Revenue code and that there is a local plan administrator then resolution number 24 399 d24 is resolution authorizing the approval to um conduct the tax sale electronically which is what we did last year and we're looking to do that again this year 4-24 resolution authorizing the approval to amend the current year Municipal budget this is our chapter 155 that we are adding yeah and then resolution 401 D 24 resolution authorizing the approval to issue tax refunds totaling 79379 and these are duplicate payments and repayments and resolution 40224 resolution authorizing the approval to cancel taxes due to 100% disabled veteran exemptions are there any questions that's the question I have for my Council colleagues anybody like to ask questions of the finance director straightforward okay do we have consensus to add these to the voting meeting so yes okay all those say I I I any opposition or abstention okay I'll add those to the voting meeting as well Police Department please present your items director good evening council president and Council I have uh three items for your consideration this evening the first is um uh resolution authorizing the police department enter into a one-year renewal with q's infort development which is QED this is the maintenance system that we use for all of the records Management Systems in the police department it covers the police department uh 911 computer AED dispatch fire and our police record system uh this is a contract that we renew every year is for $ 4,281 resolution 40424 is a resolution authorizing the award of a contract to Aon security Inc DBA AOS security for armed and unarmed security guards an amount not to exceed $4,380 this is so that in an effort to put more police officers back out on the street the officers that are currently in City Hall and in City Hall Annex will be put back out into a patrol function and three uh armed or unarmed uh security guards will take Post in City Hall and also in the annex as a added benefit because of the um because of the savings by putting these officers back on out on the street we will also provide armed cover coverage to the planfield public library the planfield public library is a vital resource in our community we feel that it needs to be covered and um and taken care of on a on a more on a more strategic and aggressive basis we want to clear up that whole area and Library Park to make the library more inviting for families and individual taxpayers who live in our community and in the surrounding communities because it is one of the best libraries in Union County going on 40524 is a resolution to purchase an entry Intel contract with fire and safety services for the purchase of a cr22 Police mobile command precinct not to exceed $364,000 uh this is uh funds that is uez funding that was provided to the police department by um by director fields in uh Economic Development this will give us a permanent footprint in the downtown area around the clock so we can step up our efforts in uh cleaning up the downtown area and making it safer and brighter by having officers out there and um increasing like I said our footprint in the community that's all I have okay any questions from Council council president I have a question please go ahead um but before I answer uh ask my questions I want to um congratulate the Police director for the faith and blue week of service I thought it was an amazing um engagement of police clergy and community and I look forward to next year um it was it was awesome so congratulate to you congratulations to you and your entire police force just some real simplistic questions on the armed security I see you're only asking for 40,000 is that to take us from October to December 31st that is correct okay uh it's it's about $20,000 a month for us to for us to cover those locations so it would be for November and December of this year and then going into the next year it would it would obviously be based on budget approval got you and then regarding the mobile command Precinct at 364 is are the Urban Enterprise Zone funds going to cover that cost entirely or 300,000 of that it's going to cover it entirely okay council president that's all I have thank you any other council members wish to ask questions of the director yes um director for the armed uh guard for the library uh when uh would that take place it with Council approval it'll start on November 1st okay and I also want to Echo uh councilwoman uh sesam's comments regarding the efforts uh with the faith and blue event and as well as um our police Personnel actually going out in the community being proactive uh and listening to the concerns of uh our residents our business owners um of course and our children so you know kudos to the department uh for you know really taking the lead on that really impactful effort effort thank you thank you i' I'd also like to take a moment to um thank the council as the business administrator uh talked about our our DWI numbers all way up uh so we do need the coverage to to fill that backlog and since you brought up Faith and blue I'd like to thank Sergeant Beth I see her out in the audience she was a lead person in regards to it uh she did a a Yan's job and I like to thank her publicly for her efforts along with the rest of the police department and the community policing unit thank you thank you okay do we have consensus to add these items to the voting meeting yes yes any uh all all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay those uh items are added to the consent agenda uh Fire Department fire department has one resolution for tonight and that is for a change order for additional services that was needed uh Paving the um lot and back to the Firehouse okay any questions from Council Members okay do we have consensus to add this to the voting meeting yes yes okay alth those say I hi any opposition or abstentions okay that shall be added uh DPW director resol seven resolutions for your approval resolution 4724 resolution north city of planfield to support the county of Union application to New Jersey Transportation Authority this for traffic signal warrant evaluation for lights that's at planfield Avenue West 8th Street and Avenue R nor Road uh This was done back in January of 23 where we did a traffic study evaluation and this is where slice will go uh for the county once everything's approved and resolution 40824 is resolution authoriz is change order one increase in original contract amount by $727 256 uh and final payment in the amount of 64240 64 that's for the performance bond retainage uh for the West eth West End Avenue and Grant Avenue improvements to that goes to Topline construction and resolution 40924 resolution change order number one final decreasing the original contract amount by 9,84 accepting a two-year maintenance Bond releasing the performance bond and retained final payment in the amount of $2,589 for the hanak Park tennis and pickle ball courts improvements to howon Inc resolution 41024 resolution authoriz the purchase of one new 2024 elen street sweeper for the amount in the amount of $322,982 our Fleet that's much needed resolution 41124 is resolution authorized award Professional Service contractor Associates for to uh design an ADA Compliant playground at Siler field in amount of $47,500 resolution 41224 resolution authoriz approv realiz the Educational Service Commission of New Jersey uh this is a co-op uh from millon paven in Road reconstruction of uh West safe street from Park Avenue to Grant Avenue and that goes to Garden State pavement Solutions located in uh Commerce Street tenton falls in the amount of 754 85260 in resolution 41324 resolu authoriz approve to utilize the escj co-op 2024 for the infrastructure mpal aid grant for the city hall parking lot number two improvements in the amount of $259,600 Fighters are in the city of planfield I was able to experience that along with a few of my other Council colleagues um the training that they receive is phenomenal and how they put their lives on the line each and every day for the city we all should be proud and we owe a great debt so uh director thank you for inviting me it was informative we had a great time some laughs and uh some of us got to relive our childhood desires of wanting to be firefighters so thank thank you uh director um first of all I want to say I read in some of the materials um some language that said uh savings a couple of projects coming in under budget and you should be touting that that's a good thing you know every penny that the city is able to save when we put out for a project and put back into our general fund is a blessing so I want to commend you for the savings um and and it wasn't a pennies it was it was significant so thank you for that um just a couple things so on 410 um was the street sweeper already something that was in our budget yes capital okay awesome um on 411 regarding the Sidler uh Park um I had some comments from some constituents well before this uh agenda was published they wanted to know regarding the bathrooms for the park are we going to do a family bathroom so you have has a father who has a daughter he's not going to take her into the men's room he can't go into the lady's room and a mother with the son so on and so forth so they want to know if within our parks are we going to do some uh family bathrooms so now look into coun awesome our residents will appreciate that and then with regards to 412 the repaving again this is awesome I love when we're able to fix our roads but can you just talk a little bit about how um resident notification will happen the timing will it impact schools and school buses and people going to work you know unfortunately sometimes you're darned if you do and darned if you don't I'm appreciative of the roads being fixed so a little inconvenience for me is fine but could you talk a little bit about that because that's something that I often get calls or emails about well we try to do when we do that we of course proper planning prevents poor performance right so what we try to do too we work with in conjunction with the police department for traffic control then make sure everything is right and we set the traffic patterns according to the needs whether schools in the area Etc whatever so we make sure that our contractors are well aware of that notices go out to every homeowner about when it's going to start construction is going to start and hopefully end so that's always given out in addition to have sometime Robo calls we do too to let them know that it's going to construction is going to start in this area town for uh for Paving milon pavement services so it's always someone's always put on notice when things are going to take place with anything we do and we try to again set the pattern according to like what schools are located Etc to make sure we can get everything done and monitor everything in then out uh because it takes about 3 to four hours now to WEA the way it is for a road to cure so that's the key to make sure everything happens once you pay but the Milling process takes a CP couple more days but it's always access to and from your homes we make sure of that now police do a great job to monitor that to make sure that traffic is steadily moving and everyone has a way in and out always thank you director keep up the good work any other council members wish to chime in uh yes just two quick questions uh one is a segue um from what councilwoman Dr CES was just speaking of what would be the impact if we started the construction on roads at 9:00 a.m. rather than early in the morning this way rush hour traffic is done um the children are in school people are at work it's less traffic on the street what would be the impact to the the the contractors that's doing the work I think sometimes with the councilman the earlier start is better for them to get things done and get started because I mean before when it gets started traffic's light and they get the machines ready to go and move it's better I mean nine would take us even later into the day to get done so no matter where you go it's going to be a problem with rush hour right whether you get on the front end or the or the end the back end same with the rush hour so most of the time during the morning I think it's better to start to get everything done for us I that's just something I would like us to just take a look into I did look at some other municipalities that did pass resolutions saying that 9:00 a.m. would be the start time and I know you saying at the end you would get it at the end but this would at least alleviate uh parents dropping off their children to school uh the buses as well so that's just something as a councel I guess that we can take a look at as well as the administration and see if we can do that uh the second question was regarding the the paving of the parking lot number two at City Hall and that's next to the Salvation Army correct that was the previous old Salvation Army Park line yes yes will the EV charging station still go at that location yes that's where they're going Council okay all right thank you any others president yes mayor I have just two comments on total resolutions 4 OR7 um I think it should be pointed out that these two intersections planfield Avenue and West A Street as well as planfield Avenue one side is Randol Road the other side is Sheridan there were significant number of accidents at these two intersections over the years which you know damage people's properties and as a result we received a plethora of complaint from the residents in that area who pretty much all but demanded that we do something to enhance Public Safety and so we work closely with Union County because planfield Avenue is the county road the side streets are local roads and we were able through traffic studies to justify why there's a need for traffic lights at these two particular intersections and hopefully the count will be able to get the funding so that we can move forward with place and traffic lights at those two intersections the other one is 411 and this is more an appeal um we have spent millions of dollars enhan in our parks at Silo field we spent no less than $6 million or so and what has been happening is that vandalism has been plaguing some of our recreational spaces and someone cut a chunk of the fence out from Silo FEI now if you see something say something but these are tax dollars that we are investing in making our Parks what residents want them to be and then you have someone who cuts out out a portion of the fence and they didn't just pull back the fence they cut a chunk out and so I just want to bring that to the attention of the public so that when they see something they'll say something they bring it to the attention of our Police Department we will look at ways that we could do some more monitoring by cameras and so on but at the end of the day residents should understand it makes no sense to destroy your own property and that really you know gets to me seeing the Investments of tax dollars that we're putting into these facilities to make them the best and then we have people just destroying the same facilities that they're asking for and so I just wanted to put that editorial comment up yeah well understood and you know there also could be a possibility that they are out of state or out of City residents they might not even be our taxpayers that are doing that stuff you know and then that that's the Hope um but nevertheless uh as taxpayers we Al all have to be vigilant to make sure that if we see something we certainly report individuals who are doing this so that they don't uh so that they don't destroy our property okay uh any other council members wish to chim do we have consensus to add these items to the voting meeting yes okay all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay those are added to the consent agenda Economic Development please present your items good evening Council I have resolutions 414 through the second resolution is to designate a redeveloper for 516-522 Arlington Avenue this is to develop a 2 and 1 half story 11,000 square ft daycare the next resolution is to reexamine TLD South Redevelopment plan this is to look at adding additional block and lots to the Redevelopment plan the next resolution is looking at the scattered sites Redevelopment plan this is to add the town home use to the plan the next resolution is to reexamine the Western industrial Corridor Redevelopment plan this is to add a educational use to the plan looking to have a presence of K University the next resolution is to look at Several of these properties that are listed in the interest of developing a small homeownership lot Redevelopment plan so this is to present it to the board to conduct a Redevelopment plan from for that small home ownership lot for purchase the next res resolution is to apply and accept a Union County Grant it's Greening of Union County this grant would allow us to plant approximately a 100 trees throughout the city that is all that I have questions from Council Members a question for R 46-24 you mentioned Kane University could you talk about the service some programs they're going to be offering sure it it will be Kane University offering the services they will determine their curriculum that would range from looking at different Workforce looking at cyber security as well as looking at other non-traditional curriculums thank you councilman Wy yes r414 d24 uh I see that we did table this in the past and it's back on the agenda once again just wanted to know um has anything changed with this resolution we didn't get the print out until today um did anything change with this resolution um this is still looking at to do a study of the property for a town home development okay so I I leave this to my uh Council colleagues because I know that we did not receive a second to move this forward in the past um so I'm just not sure maybe I missed something maybe you have some more knowledge or some information um where you see it fit that you're going to move this forward this time did you receive did any of my colleagues receive any additional information in the last time since it was tabled okay thank you I have a question regarding um resolution 49-24 um these I'm assuming are undersized Lots yes a majority of these lots are undersized to be considered for single home ownership or they're under siiz if looking at the possibility of developing for two family homes okay and giving um these opportunities um would these homeowners need to go before the zoning board for variance or does this alleviate that no once this is in a Redevelopment plan then the bulk standards and the zoning requirements that are in in the Redevelopment plan suped okay thank you council president uh just real quick director and this may be the answer may be no but regarding 41924 and it being uh single homes um homes for purchase is there an opportunity Unity to ensure that planfield residents get first opportunity yes it can be a part of the D restrictions thank you Council councilwoman Cherry thank you for 44-24 could you talk about the steps so this is just a plan correct and then what will be the steps after okay thank you um this is for 414 this is actually looking at commencing the first study so what we would look to see if this property are is eligible for redevelopment if it satisfies the criteria if it's found to satisfy the criteria that is presented to the planning board then after if the planning board chooses to recommend it as a area in need of Redevelopment Which smart growth can be a area in need of redel elment it does not have to be uh blighted or dilapidated property then after that the planning board recommends to the council for authorization for the designation of the property as a area of in need of Redevelopment then also directing the planning board to prepare a Redevelopment plan once a Redevelopment plan is prepared that includes the bulk in the zone in standards that would supersede what's currently identified in the land use ordinance that Redevelopment plan if it is approved by the planning board then it is presented to the council for adoption and it goes through two readings for adoption for that then after that the city Administration could choose to recommend to the council for the designation of a developer for the property so could you talk a little about talk a little bit about the study what are they studying in that area so they're going out and examining the study in each level of the study so we have our internal departments that review it so it's reviewed for planning it's reviewed for zoning it's reviewed for the Department of Public Works it's also reviewed for the sewer Solid Waste capacity there's an environmental assessment that's performed the police and fire look at it it's looked at by the tax collector as well then our Redevelopment planner goes out and examines the property to determine what criteria for redevelopment it fits so the property is walked it it's surveyed and the findings are presented to the planning board thank you I have a followup question director by right what is this land owner permitted to do with this property without this study by right this is a R1 property it's one dwelling unit per acre okay thanks and how many acres this is 4.2 Acres but on that 4.2 you we're not looking to build on that entire 4.2 no um currently there is a pond and a wet lens that will be required to be preserved as a part of the plan and that'll be shown in the environmental assessment thank you um for the r419 d24 when um the question was asked about the homes and if the planful residents will have the First Choice how and how would you determine who is going to get first digs what would be your procedure and tell me how would you determine that who's going to make that choice so this is going to be a partnership that's with the developer in terms of selling the property they are going to have to produce residency documents there so similar to where we're going to have with our affordability and looking at if we have Workforce housing making sure that our city workers get first dibs and our first and our residents gets first dibs that's going to be the same way there's going to be documentation that's required in order for signing the lease and disclosing because well excuse me the um I didn't mean I said leis I'm indeed I was um because you know sometimes someone might have a challenge with credit or something like that and you know if someone has a challenge with credit we would want to help them especially someone that's getting a home for the first time we want to make sure that these residents are taken care of so we're going to be partnering with the housing and Mortgage and Finance Agency for that so we don't necessarily determine credit or or financial viability but we'll partner with other state agencies with that experience okay thank you director um on the the deed restriction does that have to come before Council or is that language that uh you all can the city can automattic ically put in the agreement cuz you said can so what will come before a council similar to the uh afford when we present affordable housing and it's a deed restriction you do have an attachment to look at the Clauses of the lease and the restrictions thank you any other questions from Council Members so for 4:14 approximately how many other times after the study would they come before councel okay uh if it were to move forward so it excuse me it comes back again once you have the study complete it comes back again once we look at presenting the Redevelopment plan itself it also comes back again again when we're looking at designation of the developer and it comes back again if there's any Financial agreement so it comes back up anywhere from three to four times okay thank you um in all those times will the council be able to ensure that this is a 100% affordable property yes okay thank you last call for questions from Council colleagues okay do we have a consensus to add these to the voting me meeting no no okay uh which one would we like removed 44-24 any others okay we'll remove that from the consent agenda um can we have a consensus on the remaining items yes okay all those in favor of all items ra besides 414 say I I any other oppos any opposition or abstentions okay that is noted all right okay Department of Health and Social Services good evening council president Council council president I am withdrawing resolution 421-2425 and 42324 are Grant applications one is for is to um the mayor's Wellness Campaign which uh we had successfully did last year and we well this year rather and we're applying for the same funding for next year many those activities were around increasing awareness of mental health uh we did okay we did Outreach in the community as well as Outreach internally so we wanted to it was a comprehensive Grant and so uh we we are applying for that Grant as well 42324 is a grant through the division of Aging Department of Human Services and that is to fund salaries and programs and we and that money goes through Social Services as well as through our senior center um and and that's what we use those funds for and those are two applications we're submitting okay questions from Council colleagues okay do we have consensus to add this to the vote meeting yes yes all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay that shall be added uh Department of communications just left we can go out of turn uh let's go to Department of solid Wast and Sewer thank you council president Council I have three resolutions for your consideration tonight 425 is a resolution to purchase one new 2026 Mac Granite this is a rolloff truck to carry those big boxes around round that we use R 426 is a resolution to utilize the Mars County Co-op to do Paving in our vegetated area we have a spot in the transfer station where we collect uh vegetated waste it gets very muddy back there so we're going to pave the surface to help reduce that mud it's also a requirement with the D uh resolution 427 is a resolution by one new uh Mac 2020 2026 uh Granite this is a vac truck this is to maintain our City sewers and um sanitation lines uh sanitary lines I'm sorry any questions I'll be morning glad to answer any questions yes um for for 42724 you said to maintain our sewer lines could you talk a little bit about that director Lis sure so the sewer lines uh require maintenance they get blockage due to um you know solid uh items in the sewer itself this machine goes in there breaks it down and flushes the system it's also utilized for the storm water the inlets that are located on the sides of the curbs uh they periodically get clogged with leaves and things like that and this this uh truck would also assist with the maintenance of those uh inlets as well thank you any other questions from Council colleagues okay do we have consensus to add this to the voting meeting yes yes yes yes okay and all those in favor say I uh any abstentions or opposition okay this should be added to the voting meeting uh ba you want to handle uh the communication item yes no problem thank you um so the department of communications and technology has only one resolution essentially what they're looking to do is currently we have a contract with Comcast and they're looking to enter into a new contract with Comcast a less expensive contract because we no longer need the infrastructure that they provide we only need the Internet and so this is a cheaper contract for the next 38 months because we're going to be just using their internet but not their infrastructure okay any questions from Council okay do we have consensus to add this to the voting meeting yes yes okay all those in favor say I I any opposition or abstentions okay that shall be added to the voting meeting okay ba it's still on you to uh present the ordinances listed on first reading okay thank you the first ordinance um is an amendment to an ordinance that uh we actually have not amended since 2004 and these are the salaries and wages for our um Municipal judges and public defenders and chief public defender and also our crossing guards um it started with an with a desire to change the crossing guard salaries and then we looked at at those as well and so this is um an increase in those salaries which will greatly help our recruitment efforts and then you have um three Redevelopment plans ordinances and finally an ordinance for a tax exemption um for Block 535 lot three it's 1123 to 25 West 7th Street okay any questions from council members uh just um a comment on mc202 24- 56 uh from what I read about the way wages that the traffic guard uh gets they're going from I think $13 an hour to $18 an hour yes so actually they were getting 15 because that's the New Jersey minimum wage um but they are we are bringing that up to 18 as the starting as the starting point yeah this is great for retention and recruitment because a lot of our uh crossing guards um they're on a fixed income and this uh is significant it will help uh with you know extra things that they may need the money to buy uh with this wage increase of course this gives them better choices thank you thanks anyone else I do have a question for 2024 56 for the wages for our judges how did you come to those wages did you look at other cities yes so actually I have it in front of me I surveyed all of the counties in Union and I came up with we're keeping the we keeping the bottom I surveyed all all of the municipalities in Union County we're keeping the bottom but we're only moving the top we actually are pretty much on par with where everybody is I mean every municipality has judges doing a different amount of sessions so it's kind of hard to compare dollar for dollar but we're we're about we're we're pretty close to where everyone else is but there are some that are higher like Elizabeth is higher Summit is higher and so we increased the top so that we would be on par with them we we do from time to time have a hard time recruiting especially in the public defender role so we want to be able to be competitive thank you anyone else um council president 2024 60 um I know this came before us previously and it was 46 units now it's down to 36 um if I'm understanding this correctly the this development could happen with or without Council approval council is only approving the financial agreement is that correct that's correct okay and the agreement now reflects that all of these units will be 100% affordable yes that's correct okay and will the agreement also reflect that plain fill residents get first opportunity yes we can put that in the D restriction thank you go right ahead Council Cherry yes for MC 202 24-6 could you talk about the height of this structure cuz I know to the right of that if you stand in front of that home to the right is the building the garden apartment yes so this AP apartment is on West 7th Street the maximum height that is allowed um based on the Redevelopment plan is 40 ft that 40 ft is approximately the chimney height of the current house that's there now now is actually 40 ft is actually lower or the same as the multifam house that's right to the left of it if you're facing it it is a bit higher than the garden apartments that are to the right and could you talk about parking sure the parking is actually going to be on ground level so they're going to enter through the front of the building and exit through the front of the building which faces on West 7th Street and exit through the front of the building on West 7th Street but it'll be first level or ground level will be parking for the 36 cars then there'll be apartments on the second and the third level thank you council president yes go go right ahead mc22 24- 57 um while I do agree that the Municipal Court and the police station do need upgrades and Renovations I just want to ask a question on the record is this uh Municipal complex red plan does it consist of any apartments that would be built this is so this is looking at a municipal complex which will be multiple buildings so it'll be the municipal building which includes the uses here as well as additional uses for the complex and it will also include affordable units partnering with the developer okay can you just I was looking at the presentation um that was presented to us but can you just give us a description of like where the apartments would be so I I I will say that what we're presenting tonight is the plan and the concepts come at the time of the designation of the developer which will be presented okay so we don't have a ballp park figure of how many units I can say that right now we're looking at 100% affordable units and we can present the plan which hopefully we'll be able to designate next month okay and 20246 just on the record as well this is a single family home that's here um West 7 Street which is a very busy street I know that the res the the ordinance did say that there's one parking space per unit so 36 parking spaces so where do the other if you are tenant that has two vehicles where would they park at so they can park at other locations but according to our plan we're not required to require any additional units or parking spaces for that okay all right thank you that's it thank you any other questions um real quick the MC 2024 d uh 57 the read the development of the municipal complex I know there's a statue or something in the front I believe it is how are we going to move that is what are we going to do about that the memorial will be incorporated into the design okay all right I just want to make sure okay thank you one more question goad for MC 202 24-6 what is the ratio for parking and then also for our rental so if we have 36 units is 1 to one mhm and historically if we if there's 36 people that are in an apartment do all 36 have cars or I mean what has been the ratio I so for a lot of our apartment units we have a very large zero vehicle household in unit so there's some people that don't have Apartments we would have to give the ratio for each block group okay any questions okay all right uh do we have consensus to add these items to the voting meeting yes if uh if there's any that we'd like to remove please state is anybody requesting removal of any of the items point of clar we have to vote one by one of them correct that's correct okay that's correct M okay at the time at the time at the time of the regular meeting we'll be voting on them one by one right now we're determining whether there's consensus to add all these orders to the agenda we can just do that with a Voice vote do we have consensus yes okay any opposition or exensions okay hearing none these are added to the voting meeting thank you okay we will recess for 5 minutes and come back to the voting meeting recording e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e recording in progress the omega's got the same song since the 80s I don't know all right we're going to reconvene I'll entertain a motion to return our business we have a motion to return to business let second I all those in favor say I we're now return to business moving first to consideration of public hearing second reading and final passage uh Madame Deputy please read mc22 24- 51 by title and certifi that it is complied with all statutory publication requirements MC 2024 51 is an ordinance amending the schedule of salary and wages adopted pursuant to article 14 chapter 11 of the municipal code of the city of planfield New Jersey 1971 salary Amendment policeman's benevolent Association local 19 Rank and file it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on September 13th 2024 okay the floor is now open to anyone who would like to speak on mc22 24- 51 the floor is now open you are have three minutes seeing and hearing none and none being online uh uh public hearing is now closed for that ordinance now may I have a motion to close public I'm sorry uh to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage so second okay clerk may may have a roll call roll call MC 202 2451 council members bricks Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this to been adopted on second reading and final passage thank you m madame Deputy please read MC 2024 52 by title and certifi as complied with the law MC 2024 52 is an ordinance amending the schedule of salaries and wages adopted pursuant to article 14 chapter 11 of the municipal code of the city of planfield New Jersey 1971 salary Amendment policeman's benevolent Association local 19 Superior officers it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance with was published in The Courier news on September 13th 2024 okay the floor is open to anyone who would like to speak regarding mc202 24- 52 seeing and hearing none and no one being online public hearing on 2024 52 is now closed now may I have a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading and final passage so move second clerk can I have a roll call roll call MC 2024 52 council members bricks Jones yes Cherry yes yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Grim yes council president hak yes that is unanimous as ordance been adopted on second reading and final passage Madam Deputy 202 24-5 3 please certifi it's complied with the law MC 2024 53 is an ordinance amending chapter 2 col 12-9 assignment for off-duty private or quasi public functions on the municipal of the municipal code of the city of planfield New Jersey 1971 it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on September 13th 2024 floor is now open to any member of the public who'd like to speak on mc22 24- [Music] 53 hearing and seeing none uh I am closing public comment on such ordinance and now I entertain a motion in a second so move second okay clerk mayor have roll call roll call on MC 2024 53 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this ordinance have been adopted on second reading and the final passage thank you Madame Deputy please read mc202 24-54 MC 202454 is an ordinance by the city council to amend ordinance 17 9-30 91. 2.1 temporary storage adding privately owned salt storage in accordance with the njde for tier a municipality it is hereby certified that notice of a public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on September 13th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who'd like to speak regarding MC 202 24-54 hearing and seeing none and there being none online public hearing on such ordinance is closed I'll now entertain a motion in a second so move second okay clerk may we have a roll call roll call MC 202454 Council Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous his ORD been adopted on second reading the final passage thank you Madame Deputy please read MC 202 24-55 by title and certify its legal compliance MC 202 2455 is an ordinance of the city of planfield in the county of Union adopting the Tod South Redevelopment plan Amendment dated September 5th 2024 is hereby certified that notice of a public public hearing on this ordinance was published in The Courier news on September 13th 2024 okay the floor is now open to any member of the public who'd like to speak regarding MC 2024 55 hearing and seeing none public hearing on such ordinance is closed I'll now entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance on second reading final passage so move second okay clerk roll call please roll call MC 202 2455 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous this ordinance has been adopted on second reading and final passage thank you we now move to public comments limited to resolutions motions and ordinances to be introduced on first reading uh total of 30 minutes has been allocated for public comments limited to such to the same each speaker will be given three minutes uh the floor is now open uh state your name address and identify the resolution you're speaking regarding when you come up yes good evening this is in regard to 44-24 about the lot on Woodland Avenue uh just I noticed it was tabled earlier this evening um but just there we have many concerns I'm a 41-year resident of Malboro Avenue U my name is Katherine hilard at 1421 21 Malboro Avenue and uh we just uh the lot that Redevelopment that uh refers to is a wooded lot that has been wooded and forested for uh decades as uh as far as we know and uh we just have a lot of concerns because Woodland Avenue from South Avenue all the way to Oak Tree Road are uh single family homes and we would uh just like this property when and if it is uh looked at for development uh stays with that concept I'm not sure what the zoning is for Woodland Avenue I would assume that uh single family homes is uh what it's designated for at this point um there's just a lot of activity on Woodland Avenue we've got the hubin field the uh the Randolph uh uh the apartment buildings uh the new school uh you know further down towards South Avenue there's just a lot of traffic there and we're all of us on Mar Avenue are concerned with the amount of activity on that street and further uh maror Avenue is directly below this wooded area and any runoff or any kind of uh flooding or that really kind of pools on Woodland Avenue is always a concern of ours as well so at some point when this is further considered we'd very much like to uh have some input or our concerns uh you know presented at a later date so thank you thank you hi guys David marceli for uh 1427 Marboro Avenue uh we have well we're 36 years in the batana of planfield my wife and I and we live directly four houses down from the area that you're thinking about redeveloping uh first of all this is somewhat misleading when it says that it's need of Redevelopment it doesn't need Redevelopment because God put all those trees and everything there right now and I don't think we could do any better but the biggest concern two concerns is as Kathy said we have steinfield there we were well I was thr cuz I'm from Western Pennsylvania that they put the lights in the football field so now we can watch the football games at night although they did ruin a perfectly good football field but the water runoff coming down from Woodland Avenue down our our street and every other street down the road towards the school the new school if you go by the houses everybody has pipes coming out of their drown Dr down spots and stuff putting the water all the way to the street or close to the street not in the street but there it's a big problem with the water table my house was hund something years old I the brilliant plumber that put my furnace in put the return pipe underneath my basement floor so when it failed I had to I'm a a retired Carpenter I did the work myself I cut the floor up and while it was open uh luckily they put a French drain in when they built my house but when that hole was open and it rained quite a bit that water would come up within 4 Ines of the of my basement floor that's how high the water table is if it really rains it'll almost come up to the top but it never does my wife and I have arguments about that all the time but it never did I mean but that is a very big concern also and you know typically when they were doing this 15 years ago they were talking about oh we'll put a 100-year storm in well we don't know what a 100e storm looks like anymore you know is it going to be a 200e storm or or have they developed a way to get rid rid of water better than they have in the past I don't know but that is the main concern is the water and the added traffic and also with all the new housing and stuff going down on downtown I find it hard to more housing all right okay thanks thank you [Music] sir okay okay any anyone else Patrice Sims marel Avenue same issues as Kathy and David um it's so much activity out there on MAR on Woodland Avenue currently so much activity we have Friday Night Lights which takes up we're a narrow Street we're not wide it takes up so much cars come out there there's no parking if I had any events of my own believe me I couldn't have family over they wouldn't be able to park on my block because there's so much activity going on going on so to put something on Woodland Avenue unless it's single family homes where they have their own parking it just doesn't seem that it would help us as taxpayers who've been here forever you know we've been on willing Avenue forever we're very good neighbors so we just need to hear more about what this research what the development is single family homes fine because they would have their own parking but that still would be a problem thank you Maria and S watch Avenue R 41424 I just want to clarify something Kathy mentioned this was was tabled my understanding is it is not tabled it was just removed from the consent agenda but we'll still be discussed and voted on tonight my guess is you all feel you have the votes to move this to the next level it's a terrible decision for for all the reasons the residents said at the last meeting and are here to talk about tonight the destruction of that remaining parcel is horrible and it never will be replaced plus I'm hearing all kinds of different information last time it was discussed it was tow houses four to five smaller tow houses I did not hear correction this time on four individual freestanding homes so um I'm sorry to say that I for one have lost a lot of faith in the information that the inid are given it seems to change I am against the destruction this isn't Redevelopment the destruction of the few trees we've got left in pling fi thank [Applause] you hello I'm a member of the Church of the Living God on on East Forth Street and there's a property name and address and the resolution you're speaking regarding sure can resolution is r419 d24 and your your name name the address is 434 is 4:30 my address and your name and just your name my name is Geraldine C good evening okay I live in planfield I'm a member of the church that's located right there at 4344 Street in planfield and um there's a property there that we've been require in qu you know questioning about um for some time now but I want to know if the property on one side and the property on the other side are owned by the church and we've been trying to get that middle property shouldn't that property be offered to us first as uh residents of the city of planfield I will let the uh economic development director answer that question once she has an answer you you may need to repeat it because did you hear the question want uh wait let let her finish her comments first and then I'll give you an opportunity because we we want our property we needed to to finish up doing what we got to do there as far as building and there's some services that we would really really really love to offer for the community but we need more space okay was was that your only question that's my question okay all right thank you do I stand for the answer or do I go it's your choice you can stand sit down yeah go ahead go ahead sure um so for sorry um I I would need to know if the property is directly adjacent if it's a undersized property and you're looking for the church to purchase it it is possible if it's directly adjacent to you and we would have to offer it to all the other surrounding Property Owners it's in the middle of our property council president if I'm May interject this there can be no back and forth with regard to the comment also I don't know if it's appropriate for us to negotiate the property during a council meeting that's true thank you I'm sorry he just said we're not going to we shouldn't negotiate sales of a property during a council meeting but but your your your your question is noted and certainly after the meeting at not now but after the meeting you can talk with the economic development director thank you thank you the answer F 11:29 M Avenue I want to talk about two items MC 20 24- 57 concerning the municipal complex I'm glad that director Fields um made the clarification about the addition to the uh uh Memorial monument that's right outside this building um but the planning board resolution wasn't attached to the documentation and I don't see that memorialized in this ordinance um that memorial memorializes for uh four at least four police officers and I would hate to see that something would happen to that uh the other resolution is r414 d24 uh I don't believe that it meets the statutory criter here for redevelopment it's a a wooded lot it's been wooded probably as long as all of us have been alive um the property owner is already allowed to build on the site so long as they confirm conform to the existing City zoning rules for that area and it's zone for low density meaning one house um is this going to be precedent setting for a single family home owners is the city going to take the position that any time a p a person purchases a home or a piece of property that they can then apply to the city to have the site be considered an area of Redevelopment should each of us apply for our own homes to receive such exceptions so that we can each put up our own multif family dwellings and live in penth houses above our tenants and regardless of the single family nature of the surrounding area I I personally live on a pretty big piece of property and if the city's going to do a Redevelopment maybe I should negotiate with the city and as far as uh the residents talk about Woodland Avenue how dangerous it is I almost lost my life on Woodland Avenue in 2007 delivering mail somebody slammed the back of me it's by the grace of God I had a seat Bel on and a park car and I'm here today because I had a seat Bel on a seat Bel saved my life but it took me years to recover I still suffer from headaches I still suffer back neck and backaches so when they say that's a dangerous Street on testimony that it is a dangerous street thank you name address and resolution my name is Christa lawrenson and I live at 308 West 8th Street uh I have a number of questions thank you very much thanks I have a number of questions about resolution 41424 um as Nancy just stated the property owner of this lot is already allowed to build on that site as long as they conform to the existing City zoning rules for the area the area is zoned for very low density which means they can do one house per per acre public notice has stated that the lot is 4 Acres if the lot is 4 Acres with a large EPA designated wetlands area at the top of the slope which you can confirm via Google and the state wet Wetlands map then you can safely assume that the property owner is allowed to put three single family dwellings there so my question is why is that not enough why is the city concerned with the finan ability of development projects why should a developer be granted more variance relief than the homeowners that will no doubt be negatively affected by this Redevelopment um i' I'd like to know why the developer isn't satisfied with our current zoning conditions the these conditions were in place when they purchased the lot they made the business decision to buy that lot anyway so why should the surrounding neighborhood and the city contend with higher density in an area because this developer made a bad business decision why do we need to destroy one of the last wooded areas in planfield because the developer didn't do their due diligence uh again we our schools are are uh we're not able to currently accommodate all the students we have so we're adding to more of that issue um and I'd also like to know who's paying for these studies the taxpayers shouldn't have to foot the bill for these developers to try to circumvent our local zoning rules and regulations um like Nancy stated I'm worried about my own neighborhood if we're setting this precedent that any anybody can buy a property my neighbors someone across the street and get it named as an area in need of Redevelopment tear down the house and put apartment building then none of our neighborhoods are safe we as Citizens and homeowners should feel confident that the zoning laws that protect our homes our neighborhoods and our investments will be upheld a wooded lot does not meet the criteria of being designated as an area in need of Redevelopment this is a clear abuse of that tool I implore you to please vote no on this resolution thank you [Applause] good evening Charles lovey 1545 crab apple Lane I'm speaking also on resolution 14 sorry 44-24 our property is adjacent uh to the development site proposed development site and you've all heard from the residents this is a mature stable area you know it's one of the nicer uh communities in planfield the residents are sincerely devoted to the area I'd also like to point out uh in addition to everything that uh you've heard previously that a Redevelopment of this site is completely inconsistent with the city's master plan adopted in 2020 uh on that Master Plan specific uh blocks and lots were allocated for redevelopment were allocated for proposed zoning changes not only is that site not in that uh plan but there's no site along that area of wood wood Woodland Avenue the entire neighborhood is not seen as ripe for redevelopment as to affordable housing you know the plan identified over 200 vacant and abandoned properties that would be ripe for affordable Housing and Redevelopment certainly those neighborhoods would welcome uh such development clearly no one in this neighborhood wants to see this and I reiterate that it is an abuse of the Redevelopment process and inconsistent with the master plan thank you [Applause] Gloria Bowski Woodmere place in planfield I in support of uh the many residents who spoke out against resolution 44-24 for many of the reasons they stated I'd also like to know how does it work Miss Fields does it work that the owner of the property approaches the town and asks for a variance and Redevelopment does a buyer approach the city and say we want to do something that is not currently allowed does the city is the city behind it and asks the uh and actually is the force behind wanting to declare re uh areas area of Redevelopment that property does not need Redevelopment it is it is a it is a nice property and it looks like you're talking on two you're count you're you're contradicting each other yes you want the variants do you want to take down these trees but on the other hand you're going to apply for a grant for Greening of Union County come on hi my name is Dr Janice Marcil I live on maror Avenue and I just wanted to say I was a um High School teacher for 35 years before I retired and I'm thinking a lot about the students I live directly across from from the entrance to the field for 34 years I have watched these kids being endangered because it's it's a dangerous area they're crossing the street cars are zipping up and down they're standing outside I've I've often thought they don't have a light they don't have a garbage can I mean we're not showing much concern for them and to me this is just more in addition to what everyone else has said but it's more of the same these students deserve to have a safe place to walk in and out and developing that land having an entrance there having cars coming out of there and more people is just endangering them further in my opinion s Carano 1284 East Front Street um I'm speaking on 41424 as well as 419 I'll hand 4191 uh in reference to the church the reason neighboring properties have not been asked discussed notified is because of green money developers pay for land they pay taxes um but it should be offered to neighboring properties and establishments first 414 we Can Dance all we want we can smirk we can make comments some of us aren't as articulate as some that's been in the public all the time so we may or may not put our words together correctly I would simply say this property if developed should follow the very strict guidelines as to what it was purchased for not what any Administration can manipulate any planning board to do and change that very strict guidelines of one acre for one home having said that I prefer not developing it at all that is my preference tonight all all of your constituents whether you're running this year next year the year after or the year after the voters in that area have already voted please keep that in mind when it's your turn to vote thank you hi um qu Palmer 1227 East Front Street plan Feld New Jersey I want to talk about R 14-20 24 I don't live in that area I don't plan to buy a house I don't want that smoke no more I'm I'm enjoying what I'm doing but I heard some really good arguments some real thought out arguments as to why that land should not be developed some environmental some safety some that it's already overburdened because of the activities and things that are there in the apartment you have but what I'm urging you to do that if you decide um not to vote on this please don't do it because of any of the dog whistles I heard tonight it's one of the nicer properties in planfield dog whistle and then we automatically heard and we don't want we've already voted that we don't want this affordable housing in our neighborhood it sounds very red linish to me sounds like some things that I heard as a little girl that we didn't want certain people living and buying homes on certain blocks M so I'm pushing back against some of that dog whistling I heard the environmental stuff I got you the overburdened stuff I got you the let's keep that area green I got you but the we don't want you here no I don't have you and it doesn't have anything to do with some people being more articulate than the others that was articulated just the way that it was supposed to sound thank you [Laughter] Dave uh our counselor wanted to address some issues that were raised uh yes uh public comments hereby closed we do have someone virtually okay let's let them go first then if you're uh you are now audible please unmute yourself name address for the record and the resolution you're you're speaking regarding caller if you're listening on YouTube please mute and then speak it sounds like you have a loop okay am am I okay now yes you are okay Brenda Gilbert 1208 East Front Street I just want to speak about the Woodland Avenue uh property and what's going on there um I have listened during this meeting and I have listened during the last meeting that this was discussed and residents have come before the mic and told you all continuously that they do not want this development going on in that area why is it still being discussed I am just baffled to the to the last core of my body I'm I'm trying to understand what is driving this is need driving this or is greed driving this because evidently it's not the the the the the the the need and the want of the people that's driving because they done told yall loud and clear and people are acting like they death what is the problem they don't want it vote it down let's keep moving you can't put a house on every little vacant lot that's in the city we cannot afford it we seven miles long okay you know stop all right is there is is there a planner be a consultant or paid planner somewhere sitting down with somebody while they doing all this here developing I I I don't understand it does it's not making any sense to me and I am a planner I have a master's degree in planning so I'm not talking off the hip or out of my left shoulder I'm talking from some common sense and I'm talking from some book knowledge too and I think another reason why the residents are getting confused because all they're getting is textbook answers give them some answers that make some sense give them some answers that answer their question and I just want to make one other comment while I got this time Miss cin call me when you get a chance because the the question that you ask are I'm not mistaken I don't think it was answered correctly and I need to talk with you thank you so much thank you public comments now closed councelor thank you council president I thought i' take the opportunity to respond to the The public's concerns here because I think director Fields has done a really good job of sort of explaining the process here but I think in explaining the process a a lot has been missed uh by the public with regard to this issue specifically we are at stage one of any potential Redevelopment that could happen here okay council president if I could just the thank you quiet in the gallery in stage one of this process all that the administration is asking of this council is to conduct a study of the area that's it in my decade plus of sitting in this seat we have conducted hundreds of studies all over the city to determine whether or not they meet the statutory criteria that's in the law there are there are enumerated criteria as to whether or not a property meets the uh an area in need of Redevelopment what is so harmful about one about taking that first step to gather the information necessary so that the council can make an informed decision as to whether or not to move forward with Redevelopment so I think that there was a lot of comments tonight that have been made with regard to uh this this area as if it is already is a feta complete that it is going to be developed that is certainly not the case this is merely the first step to gather the information so that the council can can make an informed decision what makes this property different than any other property that has ever been looked at in this city um never once in my in my tenure has a property not been granted uh at least that initial step to determine whether or not it meets the statutory CR criteria so um I just want to just clarify that for the record this is an informational Gathering part portion of the process and the council will have as the Director said at least four more opportunities to review this before it would get to any Redevelopment that would be a go thank you council president thank you uh okay any other questions any other directors wish to speak so I I I will leave it with corporate counsel for item 14 414 I'm just responding to MC 24-27 uh about the memorial um just want to know that the planning board did enter as a part of their approval that we have a consideration for the police memorial and that will be incorporated into the study moving forward in the planning okay sounds good okay so let's move to the consent agenda at this point all right uh Mr clerk uh please announce the consent agenda Mr council president the consent agenda items have been identified as resolutions 38924 through3 through 41324 and resolutions 415 24 through 42724 removed from the agenda has been resolution 42124 and voted separately on the non-consent agenda item will be resolution 4424 okay may I have a motion to approve the consent agenda still move second may I have a roll call please roll call on the consent agenda items council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes that is unanimous the consent agenda items have been approved we now move to resolution 41424 okay um okay do you need to read it by title we just go right to a resolution 41424 is authorizing the planning board to conduct an area in need of Redevelopment investigating of block 11 L 21 1101 through 1117 Woodland Avenue to determine whether the property satisfies the Redevelopment law criteria to be declared need of Redevelopment and if so commence the preparation of a Redevelopment plan okay can I have a motion and a second so moved second all right and and before we get to the roll call I I am going to vote in favor uh of this but I'm going to say why because it's been a lot uh of uh of talk about it um for one we are just in the initial stages of investigating this property uh secondly I am a strong advocate of affordable housing throughout throughout all Wards of planfield New Jersey and I believe that the second ward the Third Ward first uh and and the third all should have their fair share of affordable housing we don't know that it's going to go there at this point but this is an opportunity for that to look at it to see if it is feasible and that's all we're doing at this point and I think that uh in order for all four Wards to be able to have their fair share of affordable housing then every parcel needs to be looked at that has that opportunity so that's why uh that I will support this so can I have a roll call roll call resolution 4142 four council members Briggs Jones no councilwoman Cherry yes councilman McCrae yes councilwoman sesum no councilman Wyatt no vice president Graham yes council president hackaday yes that's four in favor three opposed the resolution has been adopted okay Madame Deputy please read the next uh MC 202 24- 57 well what's the next MC 2024 56 is an ordinance amending the schedule of salaries and wages adopted pursuant to article 14 chapter 11 of the municipal code of the city of Plainfield New Jersey for judge prosecutor public defender and traffic guard I entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance on first reading so move second uh clerk roll call roll call MC 202 2456 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes this ordinance has been introduced on first reading okay please read mc22 24- 57 by title MC 2024 57 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the municipal complex Redevelopment plan dated October 3rd 202 4 I'll entertain a motion to adopt this ordinance so first second roll call please roll call MC 202 2457 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt no Grant vice president Graham yes council president hak day yes six in favor one oppos ordinance has been adopted on first reading okay MC 202 24-58 please MC 202 2458 is in an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the TN North Avenue Redevelopment plan Amendment dated October 3rd 2024 I'll entertain a motion in a second move second roll call please roll call MC 2024 58 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hak yes ordinance has been introduced oh okay MC 202 24- 59 Madam clerk MC 2024 59 is an ordinance of the city of planfield County of Union New Jersey adopting the East Second Street Redevelopment plan dated October 3rd 2024 I'll entertain a motion in a second to adopt this on first second clerk roll call roll call MC 202 2459 council members Briggs Jones yes Cherry yes McCrae yes sesum yes Wyatt yes vice president Graham yes council president hakay yes this ordinance has been introduced on first reading thank you Madame Deputy mc202 24-6 please MC 20246 is an ordinance of the city of planfield in the county of Union granting a tax exemption with respect to certain property identified on the city's tax map as block 535 lot 3 and designated in the city tax records as 1123 d25 West 7 Street planfield New Jersey and authorizing the execution of a financial agreement with 1123 West 7th urban renewal LLC I'll entertain a motion in a second to adopt this on first reading so move second roll call please roll call MC 202 2460 council members bricks Jones no Cherry yes Grant uh McCrae yes councilman sesum yes councilman Wyatt no vice president Graham yes council president haked yes five in favor to oppose this ordinance has been introduced on first reading and that concludes ordinances of first reading this evening okay we now move to General comments a 30 total of 30 minutes has been allocated for all public comments regardless of topic each speaker will be given three minutes uh the floor is now open name and address for the record please Gloria Bowski now I don't know if I should ask this question of you Mr hakay or Miss fields but I really did want to know how does how does it work does the uh owner of the property approach the city and say we want to be known to be identified as an area of Redevelopment does a potential buyer contact the city and say well we're interested in that property but only if you do this that or the other or is there some mechanism in the city where the administration is the uh engine behind getting an area looked at as an area of Redevelopment thank you is that your sole question now the other question or actually a comment is Mr hackaday since you are the president if you could do something about making meetings Zoom so that people can call in and not have the problem that people seem to have when they call in and are not recognized okay okay all right something to look into thank you uh want to address that certainly council president it could be one of any of those options uh there is no one way in which uh either we can be approached by uh a potential buyer a property owner or it can be initiated by the city itself there there all as as the speaker said it could be all the above okay thank you name and address for the record sir gracias okay uh we'll have you speak with uh Abby and Anna it's a housing issue uh after the meeting hi uh Christ lawrenson 308 West 8 Street uh I'm extremely disappointed that you guys went went ahead and pass passed this one council member that voted yes came up to me after the last the last council meeting and said they would be a hard pass if this came back again and that's not what happened tonight um we we all know we've seen it happen time and again already that these area need of Redevelopment studies when they're put before the planning board they're a done deal so I think we're all tired of hearing it's just a study it's just a study we're we're smarter than that we know exactly like things have happened behind closed doors why would something that was tabled come back again especially when such a bad idea that benefits no one except the developer um I would also like to request that you move back to zoom a neighbor a direct neighbor of this wooded lot was trying to call in tonight and couldn't get through because of this archaic phone system that we have going on Zoom worked well I called in during Zoom I have a a toddler at home um that I would like to spend my evenings with but for all of our different meetings here in town we have to come in person which is really hard if you have uh need child care so to get more citizens to be able to interact and take part in democracy in their City we should be making it easier for them um also the agenda fixing session the way it used to do be done where there were two meetings it gave citizens a chance to find out what was going to be happening right now it's so last minute nobody has a chance to respond most of the citizens don't even know what's happening right next door to their own houses um again the council is here to serve of their constituents that's the whole point of a city council a mayor it's here to try to make the lives better of the people in their city and I don't feel like that's what's happening right now it feels like we have a council that is here to serve developers we do need affordable housing we don't need to take down a wooded lot for it we have many empty lots in town that could be utilized um this one isn't it and I don't understand why we would even be entertaining this idea [Applause] 1129 Mor Avenue I too I'm a little bit disappointed in the vote especially since this is an environmentally critical area and we do have that definition in our our Municipal Code um and maybe perhaps somebody can convince the property owner to maybe give the land to conservation land service so that the the area can be preserved and and and hopefully um you know the state of New Jersey just was awarded or mentioned in the Arbor Day Foundation for regreening of New Jersey during the two hurricanes and if everybody saw what happened in North Carolina and Tennessee uh in the mountain areas we're talking about runoff off a steep slope um yes affordable housing is needed but you also have to consider the environment in the area and what it could do to people that are purchasing those affordable homes um you know you're going to have water running off just like it did in the hollows in in North Carolina Tennessee those people are now living in tents some of them don't have water some of them don't have a lot that water just ran off the mountain I've worked in the mountains up on in in waren and Watchung during rainstorms during Hurricane sanding I saw the water run down I saw the water run down and now I understand why planfield gets flooded and why we're in a flood zone because if you're ever up on that mountain you'll see the water just run just like it did in Tennessee and North Carolina so um I'm I'm a bit disappointed but also on a positive note I just want to extend my great gratitude to uh Police director abne um the mayor and a few council members today mentioned about if you see something say something two of us residents saw something said something and he acted immediately and his Police Department acted immediately and I really appreciated what he did last week on behalf of the citizens and on behalf of a a dece veteran thank you director abne I really appreciate what you did and I also appreciate the fact that you believed what we had to say and didn't ask us a million questions you just acted and I appreciated that very much oh is there anyone online yes there is okay are you GNA are you are you speaking okay come on again Quan Chamas 1227 East Front Street 43b planfield New Jersey um this just must be the night to talk about housing so I want to talk about housing from the tenant side of this um equation um I received maybe actually on September 17th I received a letter that um my rent would be increasing the letter said my R would be increasing 3% but as a person who teaches math after doing the math there was a 43% increase let me say this again 43% increase in a city that does not have rent control now of course me being me the few times that you probably met me out here you see that I'm articulated and I can speak and I can't Advocate and I am confrontational and I don't care um so I was able to do what I do and I got that corrected but I never do things for me right the word say for ourselves and our posterity do ordain right so in terms of people who don't know how to Advocate like myself who are not afraid of speaking truth to power like myself um who know how to put my words together before I speak to people they would be sitting somewhere at home crying right trying to figure out how this is going to be done because they don't want to be confrontational so I did some digging and I did find an article that councilman Wyatt wrote um about affordable housing in planfield and some of the issues that he encountered with some senior citizens here I got to say if you're going to build to attract people who have higher incomes that come out of the city and other places to move the plane field along the railroad you have to protect your renters here as well as some of the homeowners that were speaking you have to protect the people that are already here when I hear things like well we want to make sure our rents are comparable to the new construction when your building was built right after World War II I don't have no stainless steel nothing I don't have a bathroom in a master bedroom I don't have a back patio I don't have a gym room all this other stuff that some of these other people are charging for rent right so the amenities are missing um from where I live but what are we doing to protect the residents I don't know if this discussion has been had or it hasn't been had Mr Mayor it needs to be had you've got to protect the lowincome people that you have here a 43% increase because I want to be comparable to what is happening in the new construction is it's just Criminal criminal it's criminal that was absolutely criminal and um that discussion needs to be had so I don't know who's running but I sure think there's a whole lot more tenants than there are homeowners and to gather them up and R them up that's a lot of votes CC pres thank you for you thank you very much thank you all right public comment in person is now now close in person and I'll entertain the uh online guest please unmute yourself name and address for the record the floor is now yours go right ahead virtual call yes go ahead virtual caller okay Brenda Gilbert 1208 East Front Street um and I guess my my comment right now is basically for those that are sitting in the seat since you have a Council that's before you that is basically Death to Your needs and your wants and your desires then I say to you then you get death when they want your vote they can't hear you then don't you hear them my second thing is that I want to know the status of the parking space that was asked for Mr Harvey jins I've heard no more discussion about that parking space Also I have not heard any more discussion about the Rescue Squad and I know that there was a grant that was received for that rescue squad we cannot really live in a city without a rescue squad um I I don't I don't know where when that discussion is going to take place we so busy building houses and I got a couple of rabbit holes that I want to develop as well so maybe you know um the discussion can be turn from that you keep trying to make people take a dose of of of of of Casto and keep telling them that it tastes real good when they keep telling you we don't want this and you keep trying to make them understand well why you should have it they don't want that Woodland Avenue construction going on they live up there and you should honor that you should hear what they're saying to you I I don't I don't I don't understand I mean it's almost like you are are death to the people that are coming to that microphone and and and it speaks to why people don't want to come to city council meeting because they they they they feel like they're not heard please please the citizens please begin to hear them and what they're telling you listen to what they desire not what what the developers are Desiring because before it's all over the desire the Developers are gonna take what their little money that they done got out of whatever they buil and they gonna be going on about their business and they gonna leave us with a town in Ruins hear me what I tell you and you may not agree with me all you got to do though is wait a little while and your see so I'm saying to you city council people you didn't get in those seats by yourself and the other thing about that you city council people who sit in those seats and don't feel like you have to run or advertise when it's time for you to be reelected that you done got so high and mighty and Arrogant with the fact that let me just put my name on the ballot because they G speak feeling that way somebody G make M thank you absolutely go ahead councilman Graham um I just what so what I think of affordable housing I think of our young firefighters and young police officers who definitely qualify for affordable housing and if I'm in the public and I'm going to get up and speak against affordable housing that's me saying I don't want my own son and daughter living next to me near me and things like that to refer to the second ward as the nicer part of playing field and that we don't need uh this type of development in our backyard and our neighborhood I'm actually disa just just as disappointed as some of you are uh with your comments uh um based on you know just what's going on and so we have to kind of go back in history to understand that our United States government created laws so that certain people could not live in certain neighborhoods and and and I just want to I I want to name a few of them if you don't mind uh how about red lining uh racially restrictive covenants um hold on there's more yeah hold on there's more have order please yeah thank you public housing segregation suburbanization in the GI Bill [Music] urban renewal and Highway construction these are all laws that were um that our own United States government um had on their books and what about the Mount Laurel decision what was the purpose of that and so some of the comments were hurtful because this is planfield I would expect that that if we were in mbour but not planfield this is our city we all share this city we all live here we all love where we live and I think that our children uh deserve affordable housing and we are here to create affordable housing for our children we have section 8 vouches affordable housing is for working people so there may be a misconception of affordable housing and I think that we just need to dig a little deeper and understand what that means because for you to say I don't want affordable housing in my neighborhood I can't believe that you mean I don't want my working son or daughter to live next to me or near me And so that that's kind of all of what I uh wanted to say council president all right thank you thank you for your for your comments uh public hearings Clos I'm sorry pardon me uh public comment close yes I'm sorry sir I just wanted to address what the call set online go regards to uh Mr jins we did several studies on on on his property and unfortunately he does not qualify for the handicap parking in front of his house uh we tried every possible way that we could but he just doesn't qualify so that's why he doesn't have that okay all right I I don't think there's any out other outstanding questions that need to be answered do you need go ahead fire director I guess we may also mention that there are uh two rescue squads that protect the city 24 hours a day for the past year or more yeah okay all right thank you all right with that uh I will entertain a motion to adjourn the meeting second all those in favor say I meeting adjourn e