##VIDEO ID:3cJ3gIFjdUU## [Music] good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council work meeting today is November the 18th 2024 the time is 6:30 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call please dport pres here presid Korea pres clay o pres Thomas president put a councilman barlay is on his way okay so may I have approval of previous minutes motion second all in favor M agenda R first agenda is ordinance number 14 second reading public hearing will be held during regular session ordinance number 14 amended chapter 139 of the city C should required protection of critical facilities and the F plane Council any questions T orance number 15 first reading adopting the Redevelopment plan for the properties identified as block 339 block 44 on the official tax map of the city pursuant to local Redevelopment and Housing law and JSA 40a po 12-1 ET all Council any questions CN I resolution 149 Rec a retirement payout in 2024 Council any questions resolution 180 support for suitability resolution 180 support for suitability of cannabis business apple tree manufacturing LLC any questions see that resolution 181 a Cel Municipal tax certificate for Block 500 block five actually no as non ban Avenue Council any questions seeing none resolution 182 cancel tax sales certificates for Block 500 Lot 12 actually known as 114 Church Street Council any questions see9 res 183 authorized a budget transfer for fiscal year 2024 Appropriations Council any questions resolution 184 authorizing a place to place transfer Cy retail consumption liquor license to see the liquor Market LLC Madam um Clark do we have an address on this yes I think the resolution States the address that they're proposing to uh 95 North Main Street so have we discuss the last two meetings we had to remove the address from the person to person it was a pocket license now that we have to do a place to place where to anticipate P it so it's 952 any other question see NEX is review of the builds Madam one of the reasons why I returned back to the office and I still forgot my bill was P I apologize but uh yes I can no thank you mayor I got it thank you um does anybody have any questions you have two Bill list and um one is uh for payment and that will be the one that has uh several Pages pages one through through four does anybody have any questions on any of these items 4 622 okay what page is that sir is okay so down be Professional Services the number was 46202 yeah 462 okay that's um our labor Council you're fine okay anyone El 07 councilman D has a question for 07858 that's the first page it says of involving loan trying to figure that out for the group group second fr no that is a service payment for the brook uh group uh most likely it's a bad description that's in there can I make a motion to table that until it gets done properly on the bill list because if it's if it's a payment MH that we are to make for you know for his Contracting work that we're supposed to pay it needs to be on here with the right title to it so we can just table that for right now and bring it back we're table 07858 motion may have Ro dport yes yes Rona yes yes paray yes yes Thomas yes all those in favor to take Council any other questions on any other items seeing none then we have um the second list that's um items that have been paid we went through um both both of them yes oh this is why I was great thank you so now we have open discussion Council have anything to all right may I have a motion to close work session all in favor good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council meeting today is November the 18th the time is 6:38 p.m. this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for invocation and the flag salute please Our Father our pledge to the flag of the United States of America to the indivisible andice for all K pres OB Thom pres may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes all in favor mayor you have anything I have nothing thank you next we have public portion and the first person we have is Mr John B Madam president I Yi to the next person all right thank you next we have Christopher greay good evening uh Madame President Madam mayor address Council good evening um my name is Christopher gray address is 2057 Briggs Road Sweet 2011 Mount Laurel New Jersey uh I am here this evening as a representative of PBA local 77 we are the bargaining unit that represents all of your police officers in this municipality we're here because we want to know what happened what was the breakdown in communication between the bargaining unit the council and the mayor over the years the PBA has consistently worked with council with the mayor with Mr ly with Miss Pon Whenever there was an issue the years when Co funds were inappropriately spent and the city needed some relief with overtime we worked with Council we came up with anou we worked out a way to reduce overtime to help the city out when the city had health care issues and they wanted to get out of a private plan and go to the state health benefits plan they came to us we negotiated we went into state health benefits we saved a lot of money the baring unit even went further we said you know what we'll change our plan we'll go even lower and save the city even warmer we always had a great relationship but it disappeared the city now has Public Safety meetings that doesn't include Public Safety your Public Safety Committee meets without the police chief without the fire chief so you have Public Safety meetings without actually engaging with Public Safety we have tons of issues going on right now you have four officers in your department that you're refusing to promote now we believe the mayor has the authority to promote them under Civil Service she's the appointing authority all the promotion should be made you are paying these individuals to do these jobs chief of police captain of police Lieutenant of police sergeant of police they are doing the job they're getting paid to do the job they're number one on your list for the job and you just refuse to make it official now you may think that's some trivial thing that they don't have the proclamation or the resolution saying you are this rank but if something happens to any of these officers they don't get the benefits of those rank if the sergeant gets hurt and has to get a pension if the lieutenant can't do the job anymore if something happens to the chief going out to respond to a scene they don't get their pension benefits of that position because you refuse to make them permanent they are doing the job and they're doing great at those jobs there hasn't been one complaint about any of their performances they're here because they care they work in this city because they care they've been promoted into these positions because they're that good and they care but you refuse to make them permanent now I can have every single person come up here sign in keep reading this and yield time if you want but it probably just be quicker if I just continue is that okay no you tell we want uh actually I was yielded 3 minutes from the last speak well we don't y here so the other issues that we're having is you have refused to pay for healthare benefits your time is up you have refused to pay for health time is up your time is up please don't be disrespectful no I think you're being disrespectful By ignoring all of these people I'm not ignoring anyone so I'm just letting you know that your 3 minutes is up well I think I have 3 6 9 12 15 18 they'll continue reading but it's much faster if I do it I have I have this sheet here they didn't sign we all want to come up and sign in all right go sign in it's too late I have it already there there's nothing in the rules that say when the sign in stops well I have it okay well then I'll I'll I'll just finish no no no no no you're you're done you're you're done no but I'm not you you are Mr okay please you have canceled Healthcare benefits for the Widow of a police off me you are out toay all for the contract I'm not please don't do that sir don't do that please don't do that now we have a police office officer here who's supposed to come to our Aid correct mayor we have someone here yes we do have someone here I have lots of them well we have someone that signed to our meeting okay tonight so you have refused to pay the healthcare benefits for a widow EXC excuse me now you're cut disrespecting it's disrespectful to not treat and take care of your reti I know your position okay I I I know your position but please do not you're getting our position listen do not come here and disrespect us disrespect these guys every day so the next person we have excuse me you you're just going to keep going yes acting Chief oh he has the right to be here I know he has the right to be here you have a job to do while you're here I'm here attending the meeting oh so okay thank you so mayor who's the police officer that's supposed to be here well we need Aid that's me I'm right here I'm assigned to work the detail we are well aware of what we can do with public uh meetings we have a policy in place okay so who else is on the list next M um is someone that you have so someone else that can council president just keep it moving if that's the case no no do you want to defer I would like to defer we don't do we don't do that okay I'll just speak with him then I mean he has a m of his own he signed in so it's obvious that he has something to say we're Team here EXC sign we don't we don't defer wait a minute no no wait if that's the if that's the case what you were going to say is it the same that's on the list there's more no I'm saying to offic gra off I had planned because we only get three minutes can he read the rest so it's not about the time it's about the person you want to just censor the rest of what I want to say please well the policy for public procedure actually public comment actually clearly states that there is no yielding it says but it's also not in your ordinances no because I actually asked for the ordinances for this through an over request for your whole chapter 4 to explain how this form of government works and there was no response so there's no ask for that I asked for that for ask for public portion you only asked for chapter four done by resolution this is not by ordinance if you would have specifically asked for the public hearing and the rules and regulations would you're acknowledging you got my open didn't actually resp no but your over I did you respond to it I did I respond and if if I didn't it's not with this is taking a lot more time than I would have I could have been finished but you didn't want me to finish so now we'll talk about that can't be finished because value assert me my duties this is the rules and unfortunately at number two it states it can't be and that's my resolution now no that's the procedures that attached to the resolution you never be asking me for the RO of public so if you just let me finish I'll be done what I'm trying to accomplish is you be heard councilwoman uh however we have to do this let them be heard some let them be heard while they're here because what are we going to do go on and [Applause] [Music] on shut me down and I'm not saying everyone it's just easier if I finish I'm not saying that's what we're getting keep it say what I said I will read this into the record she'll read all my complaints into the record either way it's going to Comm in what are you going to do fire me it's much easier if [Applause] I take my $112,000 away [Music] so you took away healthare from a reti excuse me I'm trying to done listen how much longer do you have if you give me 5 minutes I'll be done if that five minutes you want three I'll do it in three give me three all right three clock [Music] I'm sorry and just with a record but I just I just want want to let you know if I'm giving you extra three minutes and now I have to give everybody else an extra three minutes nobody else it's public comment okay so we're also here because for some reason the council has refused to pay the bill for retire healthc care benefits to a widow so in 2022 we went through all of this and the township provided the reimbursement for the Widow of a retiree I I have Miss Wendy Hines here her husband served this department for 25 years earned that retired Health Care earned that pension and you all took it away from her for two years it was paid for we fought it in 2022 for some reason the mayor presented the bill along with the business administrator so thank you very much for doing that for some reason you don't want to pay it anymore now it's going to cost you more because we're going to arbitrate it you're going to pay $2,000 a day for an arbitrator you hire a new labor Council my wall in my office is filled with all the times I've beaten that labor Council and cost cities Millions it's great I'll add another one to my wall I have no problem doing that but it's ridiculous cuz it's going to cost you more to fight it than those benefits actually cost and the fact that you're putting a retire Widow through all this is ridiculous you've taken away stipend per the contract for officers that go above and beyond doing detective work that do SWAT work we actually in the grievance procedure had it ruled in our favor at step one but you're still refusing to acknowledge that we don't want to do this we don't want to come here here we don't want to start bringing out the things that we know about all of the council about everyone that's here we don't want to embarrass people we want dialogue we want to negotiate in good faith we want to resolve these issues we come here because you refuse to come to us anymore you refuse to have us at Public Safety meetings you refuse to have your own Chiefs at Public Safety meetings you refuse to have the dialogue with us to fix these problems we have always looked out for the city we have worked with them at every turn with Linda and Barry when they were here we've been trying to do it with mayor Ward we've been trying to do it with the new uh administrator but you cannot shut us out and just take things away from us because we will continue to fight them and we will win rest assured we will win I will have a court order saying that Wendy gets benefits for the rest of her life so next time when you violate I'm going to go straight to Superior Court instead of even having to come here through the gas procedure these promotions have to be straightened out these officers deserve those titles there is no reason to delay anymore we want a better future here we want better communication and we want you to engage with us to do that you know I'm sorry we had to do it here at a council meeting this is the only chance we can get to actually make you listen thank question Mr great good question sure as far as for uh um Miss Wendy here yeah her benefits now you know from what I've been told throughout the time that I've grown up here and all the Chiefs and the mayors that have come through Pleasantville this is the only Widow that's been getting um benefits from what I know now can you explain that to me and when did this come about approximately two years ago is when uh her husband passed oh sorry 3 years ago almost almost three years ago her husband passed away M the contract that was in place at the time said that the retiree plus their spouses were entitled to the benefits it's clear in the contract there is no debate about the spouse is entitled to the benefit we went through this two years ago they questioned it they said is she old enough for Medicare does she still require the the the full plan we went through we provided the birth date evidence we provided any other documentation from the contract and the city in 2022 agreed to pay for it not only did they pay for it they did it retroactive to when he passed away and they continued making payments through the regular uh Bill approvals it was only until a few months ago that it came up on the bill list was pulled out of it and refused to to be paid we've taken it through the the process to go to arbitration we we want to resolve this but we need to resolve this with something more enforcable to go straight to Superior Court cuz there's no reason that she should be you know forced out to pay the full cost of that health care for herself when it's a benefit her husband earned for her and why it was taken away we still haven't got actually an explanation so I think you were one of the people that voted to take it away I'd love to know why but that's that's why we're here I have a question for you sure you stated that she would benefits for life I thought it was until she got reached the age of Medicare when she reaches Medicare it becomes secondary so how much do we have to pay then cuz my concern is that we live in a city that 80% of the people live below the the poverty line 80% of the people cannot afford their own healthare yet we're paying health care for people who don't live here that's why I voted against it you are paying for health care because by contract you made that a term condition of employment well then it needs to be taken out of the contract permanently that was something that the city tried in the last contract negotiation and just as I was willing to read your statement because I believe in being fair I believe in being fair and that's not fair to the city of pleasant but the city has an obligation to follow through with its contractual obligations it was negotiated in there the city tried in the last negotiations to take it out they failed we went to interest arbitration with an interest arbitrator the city ultimately settled they did not go forward to get a full decision so there was a settlement that Council approved and the mayor approved that maintained retired Healthcare benefits so to say that you wanted it out I'm I understand that's your position but the contract says you provide it the contract is enforceable and we will enforce that contract and provide for those partir can you explain to them about chap 30 and why excuse me excuse me um if you could like be provided that contract so that we can see it because I haven't seen it I definely want to see that part of it the contracts are all your clerk's office and also reason why I'm asking this Mr gr is because like I said we've had Chiefs and people that have grown up in this city that have retired and their spouse has never got it DME so that was where we were looking at someone that lived here in this city served this city as chief of police and mayor and his spouse never got a dime as far as you know being Tak care of medical um benefits so when did that come about when did you guys put that in the contract um I don't know the exact time it came into the contract but we're dealing with the contract that was in place at the time officer Hines retired so I don't know what was in your Chief's contracts I don't know what was in any other public employees contract all I know is the contract that was in place for Roy Hines and his widow says they get the benefits so it's just Roy Hines and his WID I don't know who else may fall into that category but we don't have a lot of widows you understand what I'm saying though I understand what you're saying but every contract's different you can't say do she get the same benefits that other people had in their contracts because the contract well what I'm saying is this here is that if she gets it I would want to see every other officer in here get it also so how can you just how can you just make it one and not everyone in here it's been in the contract since 2001 and it's still that same language today okay thank you same language thank go ahead you explain thank you my name is Council hi Council and I I think you came here to find a resolution to a problem and I would like to ask you to kindly submit those concerns in writing and I want to ask the council because I believe there are a lot of things we have to understand in this matter and we can have a special meeting on this to go into it and find a det details about it because I think there are more details that we need to know about so if you can send your information to the president we are always willing to sit and meet and negotiate that's what this was about if you want it as a list I will send you a list if you want to meet anytime we will come I won't need everyone else then but um so uh yes I'm going to speak to the president so that we can have a special meeting with your concerns and understand better because I see Council woman taking a position and I would like to talk to her not here but to understand better what's happening I think there is enough that we need to know that the city needs to know of what's Happening seeing the police on one side seeing on one side I doesn't look fine for me I want to make sure things are done right and we are on the same side together when you came up here you were explaining things and you said not going to say things to embarrass all of councel we really that's what you're going to rush the you're going to die on is that you've got stuff in your pocket that embarrass everybody I don't think so I just said we are coming here because we want to talk we want to I didn't challenge anybody personally about anything that's happened no you did you did you you said itly you said it and I don't care what you say that's a threat it was a threat not going to affect me like I said they want to get mad at me and take my $112,000 a year job away go ahead I don't doesn't really affect how I'm going to live or die but by you coming up here and wanting to make amends coming up here and saying we're going to expose all of you up on city council isn't exactly the way to do it and I was trying to help you so so much for helping people thanks Mr anything else all right next we have Tim [Music] Jones good evening everyone good evening Madam president good evening Mr I appreciate the way you running this meeting tonight thank you for I'm here to representing our community organization pleas concerned CI pleas concerned citizens we've had meetings and we've discussed this issue in our meetings and I would just like to reflect the the position that has come out of our community meeting we as citizens of Pleasantville realize we need good police we need good fire we're happy with the police we're happy with the fire what we also understand that police and fire consume well over 50% of the city's Budget on a consistent basis therefore we everything needs to be considered in times where the money is just not abundantly flowing common sense I understand the PBA representative's position he represented his position well he little over the top in my opinion nevertheless he represented his position but we're here to represent the people of Pleasantville I live here 20 something years in Pleasantville all of y'all live here in Pleasantville we need to make sure that interest and needs of us as people as citizens of this town are being fulfilled and every decision is made by each and every one of you on the other side of this fence and you and I'm not really complaining about what I see you doing however you need to stand strong at times like this there was a sted a survey I understand that was conducted by Stockton University and a pending study conducted by DCA to determine the proper Manpower needs for police and fire in the municipality of pleas though and that cons that information needs to be duly considered it's only fair it's only fair to everyone it may not be satisfactory to everyone but that's what we need to stand oning and too bad if things get shaking up a little bit that's right too damn bad that's right right is right and we all need to stand for right I love to having as much police fire as we possibly can have but with within the reasonable constraints of our budget and the requirements and all contracts need to be respected to the letter that's the key factor that was also mentioned here that's why it's so critical for everyone to read I've been saying it for years read read read read read read these things get signed on the GU line and then everybody years later goes oh I didn't know about that that's that this is what happens we all us read I encourage everyone to make sure if you even if you don't read it have make sure you get understanding consult the attorneys Mr Hill he need he maybe need to put him triple time working but everybody needs to understand all agreements and and we're reflecting on something that goes back years now and now now now it's a problem because of misunderstanding this is what's going to happen sometimes we're going to have to eat it I believe is a community for misdeeds of the past unfortunately because like their representative said litigation and all that all is going to do is consume more money and it's a waste we are bound by the contracts we sign every time any individual signs anything you're bound by what you sign and you also are responsible for your predecessors decisions the ex- mayor and the ex- counsel people so be very careful in what you do and that's all I have to say about the [Applause] M we have Rene brown right she a following that next we have David hello everyone um several months ago we were here to discuss the transfer station the sewer project right and the one thing that came out of everyone's mouths right during those during those times was that we don't have the money we don't have the money Pleasantville is grow right a nasty rumor was going around around this past week for the past couple of weeks rather about our city Vehicles traveling down the parkway Expressway to our employees homes all right now we cry that we don't have money but I wonder how much if this is true I wonder how much money we're spending on easy passes I wonder how much money we're spending on gas these these vehicles do not belong up and down uh the Garden State Parkway and Atlantic City Expressway they belong right here in Pleasantville if we have enough money if we have enough money to pay the Easy Pass tolls to pay for the gas on taxpayer dollars if we have the money for that and these men and women in blue should be taken care of cuz I'm sure if this is true the easy passs payments have got to exceed well over $100,000 we talk about what this do doing was fair as a taxpayer this isn't fair it's not fair to me our property taxes go up every year yes all right but we have enough money to pay easy toll passes if this is true and gas our vehicles belong here in Pleasantville not at the expense of the taxpayers T taking these vehicles home all right and if it's a and if it's a courtesy right or whatever for these vehicles that to travel up and down the roads to these various homes right this this really needs be looked at again cuz it's costing us it's costing us thank you I Y to Mr Arch thank you sir good evening Council evening uh president and mayor and officers and Union president I'm a citizen of fville I lived here for over 20 something years and I seen that my property taxes have been going through the roof each year and I know it's not the Union's responsibility nor their concern because the Union as D said here is all about being fair and looking out for the betterment of Pleasantville so I would venture into the lane and ask that the Union uh president here since he he said it um to talk to your members to take a freeze on the payke so we can catch up then anything can be adequate also the president St that uh captain right doesn't have the position that I guess was intended for her because I guess the duties as far as the um what you get I get get go through the oath when you recognize in a new position and then swor and that the individual wasn't sworn in that mean she doesn't have it and the previous conversation was why don't she have the position that she should have but if she wasn't sworn in now we understand why she don't have it and as the union president said that um we need to put people in their right positions now that's not the Union's position to say to us that we have to and as the gentleman said you need to do it so if he says you need to do it that means it's not done so if it's not done it means that you don't have authorization to make you do it also mention contract negotiations yes so you do negotiate and if it's not in the contract and it was in there last year then guess what you didn't put it in there this year you missed out so what am I Bound by I contract that was two years ago said you had to do ABC did but your most recent contract didn't cover those previous years so that means you don't you need be by that next thing we talked about is far un president talking about so let me back up for CU when you talk about money we spent over City president 500 and I think 800 5800 something, the um most thing I have here recently for you guys contract in 24 it says here that the the Captain $143,000 year 26 $152,000 if she was Chief is $166,000 as Mr Jones stated we strapped off out all you John women sorry all you in blue you understand that we a strap we need the money it's not against y'all don't take it like that it's not against y'all it's money we don't have it your union president representative and members of The Bargain unit you all about getting your money we don't have the money when do you look and say to yourselves as a union like you said you work with the CityVille for the for the for the uh the benefits you say that we work with the Union I mean work with the city as far as maybe what else you guys do cutting you know I don't think you cutting no money don't get it wrong cuz the union is all about making money the union wants his cake wants his chicken ice cream wants everything that's job a mad at you that's the Union's responsibility but me and some other constituents here that's from pres bille Our concern is the tax dollars so when police vehicles might go offshore and then the engine dies why the engine die how many vehicles are going outside of Pleasantville wait a minute I'm a tax here that's money if I'm not mistaken the rule of thumb in the beginning police vehicles or be allowed go home why so the communities can see there is a policeman or woman that lives in that area so now it might the ter crime but if I drive out wherever outside of presv wherever I'm at now this area now is getting the recognition of hey it's a c area you don't want to do nothing there so where's the benefit for Pleasantville and these things been done years ago sometimes a gentlem told me because something was done at one point it doesn't make it right today so you could have done something years ago and it was all right but today is wrong why because Pleasantville is strapped on the money as Mr Jones say also Police Department fire department had the big biggest budget they killing us is it the poli's fault no you guys negotiating the city said okay if we agree to it I say to my city here representative stop agreeing to it slow your roll stop agreeing to these contracts when you don't have the money because what happens it brings this it takes one person for the police department type out something send a notice out yo we being treated we've been treated wrong the UN President says that's right I'm going come help y'all fight get on the phone call everybody everybody come on and support they come support Pleasantville is right here this name the city here Pleasantville every police man and woman in here detective whoever you are come help pville out if you only mean business as far as negotiating and good and fair practice at the dollar is not the main objective take a cup take a freezer no more raises no more new positions being filled stay where you are right now next thing if an individual is sick that's working out of class next person get it no not badle nobody but if a person drops dead you can tell me the police department stops next thing any sworn officer cuz they are sworn in am I right man for pres right if the officer don't do her job when you are directing her to do her job or his job something's supposed to happen that's right something's got to happen because the union does not Trump that bargain agreement that says man manag management rights you can't Trump that why this is management right I can't they said the hours they say kind of work they he done from the Peace Department what kind of if they need Sergeant lieutenants that comes from the city of pville manag right in the contract and if it wasn't in there and the union had rights to get it out of there guess what been out out why is in there because a municipality a un de with unions they have a clause in the contract what does it say Management's rights and what does management right say please please I got say this 6 minutes no but I got to say pleas let me just say this far are you almost done yeah I'm almost done man right Mr how much how many more minutes what you give five [Applause] [Music] minut management right says this agreement I looked at the other ones I looked at 24 I looked at some old ones that they had and manag rights always said the same thing and this article three if you guys need to find it inck page seven it is the right of the city to determine the standards of service to be offered by its employees whose rights the city right to determine the stands and service to be offered by its employees determine the standards of selection of employment directs its employees take disciplinary action maintain the efficiency of its operations determine the methods and means and Personnel by which its operations are to be conducted determine the content of job classification that's you right MH this is the barain we speaking about here schedule the hours take all necessary actions to carry out its mission in emergencies and exercise complete control and discretion over organization and Technology of Performing its works the Practical the Practical impact of decisions of the bug matters are subject to what union say Grievous procedure you don't like it you grieve it you can't come in the strong arm and again my sister listen you got stop cuz the union should have told you you got a job to do you can't ignore your job and duties right now you took a o you should have told her you messed that up you messed that up badly you sworn the duty and fulfill your obligation to the city that that oath means a lot am I right man am I right Mr um um attorney that off alive hold why you let it do that and another thing one person get medical benefits sorry for the young L husband who pass this thing should never happen because you know why maret agreement but it's not in if it is there guess what you got cont if don't f may I have a motion to close public portion you ready [Music] now have minutes um I don't have minutes stop um I don't know if I'm I don't think I'm confused but I think that maybe we need to to start with those reports that we don't have that lets us know how much Manpower we actually need so they know exactly what they spending but my thing is um about the cars going home and paying for their transportation to and from work and tolls we don't have anybody sitting in this office out here ever that money could pay for a body to sit out there because they don't want to come in off the street and do it I sat out there in that in that Lobby 4 hours waiting for somebody to come and see what I was there for what I wanted wow 4 hours before somebody came in they won't rotate shifts and come in and sit at the desk you can come in City Hall and get get blowed away right here in City Hall cuz there's never nobody in here so that money could be used for that that's what I to say we took the motion stop I have a motion to close um public [Music] all in favor well I I I do if I may have the FL uh it comes to reference to Mr Gray and the police department BBA and everything that we that we have gone through tonight I must say that the way everything went about it I'm a little disappointed about it okay um like if it was a long thing to to be read here I would love for uh the gentleman to email it to all of us you know with us three minutes and so on and so forth and then the only reason I'm saying that is because he creates predent now every every meeting uh we're going to have to yield do this or do that and and and so the other that was the only reason why I'm pretty sure M pres was trying to um limit the talk uh which is if I'm not mistaken either an ordinance or resolution whatsoever because I I remember uh passing it uh not even a year ago we even uh did it once so it's not that we wanted you all not to speak or or the gentleman not to speak it's just to respect how Council in pleas works okay and I believe and that I believe in the the rules and I believe in the protocol and we should all all no matter who we think we are or who we represent because we have other attorneys and other issues and we limit those people as well okay so we don't want to set the president as a uh no you know it's three minutes so from now on members of the public please understand it's only 3 minutes and today was sort of like a special situation uh and and and that's that when it comes to that um one more issue that I had uh today and everybody here knows how much I love and I believe in the police department and the fire department I am one of the counselors who always Pro let's see what we can do to help our Police Department our fire department and so on and so forth that being said I felt really uncomfortable when the comment comes about and say we have something on all of you councilmen however however it was expressed I'm not even going to dig into uh exactly how it was but I felt really uncomfortable races a few question M have I been have I been watched investigated prior to any of this you know and listen the only reason I'm bringing this up is because it wasn't right it didn't feel right so I kind of just don't say anything and that's and I know listen I know that may not even be the case okay but I'm saying how I felt I felt it it didn't sit well me you know what I'm saying I haven't committed a crime so have I been investigated prior to this is that the PBA or police which I I'm sure that's not what I believe but that's the taste in my mouth you know what I'm saying like it it's not the way we do business with PBA you know what I'm saying or with the police department which is not listen we I do have a lot of respect for for the police department fire department and so on and so forth but I left a really bad taste in my mouth and I don't think you should have even been been mentioned you know what I'm saying even if that was the case you know what I'm saying uh so that being said I'm going to uh just leave it up uh for all of you to think about it because it didn't sit well with me and I had to say something about [Music] that I'll defend anybody if the time is right if they need to defending just as I was going to read your letter just because it would have been part of the record I would have done that I'd still do that for you even though youve insinuated that all of us up here have something that we should not be too proud of you insinuated that to everybody up here I would still defend you I would still read your letter because I believe in the process and I would still defend certain things within the police department there are things that are indefensible that I cannot defend for you but right is right and I will always defend what's right just as I will stand up for the people of city of Pleasantville and not raising their taxes because we pay so much for our police department and our fire department there's got to be some kind of happy medium we cannot continue down this path of it's in the contract it's in the contract you know why it's in the contract because people who negotiate contracts also work for a contract you cannot have two people negotiating a contract that are all in a contract together may not be the same contract but you're all in the same Union pot and you can't do that you'll never get anything equal and anything fair for the tax pres so the next time you want to come up here and make a case go ahead but don't pain us as somebody that should be afraid because you got something in your back that's right I just like to say to council and to everyone out there that this I'm in a very uncomfortable position I feel sandwich then because I am a part of the elected officials I am a taxpayer and I do know what position our my city is in on the other hand I'm over the police department there's things that I'm trying to do to support the police department that I know that in the past that we had in place to do through attrition and every which is the promotions and everything else familiar with the Wendy hind Gates and know that the night that that was that that H that it all started this last time the clerk missed that it was three and three and because there was a council person missing and there would have been a tiebreaker but it was missed that night and then the next day is when the Grievances and all that started which now we're where we are where we are so and I I'm not saying that you know it's anything that I agree or don't well I mean that doesn't matter but that's how I remember that's how that started now for me to be supportive of and go through try to go through Council to do the promotions for the chief and everyone else and I find out from the solicitor in the past that we hadn't done it that way and I know many of you that's here that have been promoted and all know that know that when we did promotions in the past they did not go through resolution but our solicitor said that they have to go through resolution ution and council president said that she wasn't going to put it on until after what did you say after the stud he just wasn't going to put it on the agenda the study is that what it was well at any rate it's not it doesn't matter it at any rate it's not on the agenda and if I can do a by resolution then I and knowing that the mayor is over the police department it's a very uncomfortable position and you know right now very confusing because we're we're all kind of torn we're all kind of torn and I don't know how it's just not uh as everyone the police department knows because I talked to several different one of you and know and to council it's not a comfortable position so where we're at where we're headed it's not uh we just have to do better because it's not a good working environment and I'm not comfortable with it anybody want so I just want to add last I don't have to be afraid of my own beliefs right [Music] got I just want to add that um the communication between Council and the mayor isn't there so this is why we are here today so I'm I'm just going to just keep it frame I just had a conversation with the mayor I gave her my take on it um um and told her I sat back because she was having other conversations but not once with the president of City councel not once so not at any time that I intervene myself into the conversation because I was excluded from the conversation wow so when I came here and I sit here and when I have a bill list in front of me I'm going to question things on the bill list so we had the issue with the univ forms yes I had a problem with the uniforms because it wasn't communicated so everyone knows what kind what our budget look like everyone knows that um we are crunching for dollars and it's a it's a budgetary constraint that we are in we have vehicle maintenance and liabilities that we have to us as Council that we have to take into consideration when these cars are being taken home because that's one of the issues that Mr well I don't know if you said that Mr Gray but that's one of the issues that are coming from the uh police department at the end of the day we very we have to be mindful because like everyone said we live here I'm a taxpayer here as well so we have to be mindful of all the taxpayers here and Pleasant bill because who has to pay that that bill is the taxpayers and I'm quite sure just like Mr Tim Jones and Mr Archie and all of them and Mr carington said they live here if you can if we give them a good reason to say if we say listen I or if I could say listen let me let me speak for myself if I could say listen I had a conversation with the mayor and it's a good conversation I can go to the Committees and this is what I told the mayor I could go to the committee say listen listen you all the mayor wants to do this just because of X Y and Z and then I can go back to pccc and say listen we have to do it the mayor is making sense we have to do it and we will have to find monies Miss nunz somewhere else to cover the the money that we're giving to the police and fire department so what I'm what I'm asking is to respect Council up here okay we all have it passed so what and so do you Mr Gray and I'm quite sure you do no one here is perfect for the distri respect from the police department is unacceptable we get disrespect it but yet you all want to turn around to us and say listen this one need a promotion this one need a promotion it's not fair to us and it's not fair to the residents of Pleasantville like councilwoman said I'mma stand for my city I'm going to make sure that we do everything that we have to do to make sure that we're doing everything correctly and with they with whomever not only the Police Department with these cars being taken home is other departments but we going to stop what we were doing years ago right going stop right now there is something in a in a in a uh the policy that states if someone need to take a car home or whatever the case may be it's just communication once again communica we're not trying trying to be mean we're not trying to say oh no it's you against us I know I'm not saying that and talking to my colleagues they're not saying that talking to the people in the community they're not saying that so what I'm asking for in the moving forward like you said Mr Gray let's have these conversations let's sit at the table to make sure we doing right by the citizens and the tax payers of Pleasantville and that's what I was sworn to do I took a oath and I go by my oath that I took so I'm just asking you all to respect us as people as God's people and as council members off oh I'm sorry and elected officials that's all I'm asking Madam president I understand the budget situation here I we've known for years the budget situation in that's why we've always bent over backwards to work with the city what doesn't make sense to us is you're already paying these people the salaries so you're not saving I'm sorry what's your name PBA business agent Ray Ariel r ray yes okay so listen we understand that after this meeting like councilman barklay said we will talk after this meeting we're not saying that we're saying yes we're not saying that we're saying No but we will talk about Rel I think know being said we're going to respect the protocol this is the moment for the council to let's let's concentrate Council thank but that's all I have to say and you know I'm going just say one more time we have to respect each other we got to stop sending all these letters to elected officials legislative assemblymen and all of that talking about councilmen MERS here we got to stop it we got to nip it in the bud and Mr Gray Mr Ray or whoever our labor attorney Mr Hill or whoever we need to talk to we're going to talk but the disrespect stops [Applause] tonight and the other thing that we have to do is make sure Public Safety I mean uh that Public Safety chief police or fire is at every public safety meeting so that's the only way so mayor mayor I just want I just no I just want to say you already know the reasonings of it right you already know and all of that is taken care of well I don't know the reason that we don't have Public Safety at our public safety meeting that's what we want to do we want to make sure we're moving forward I don't want to say it while everyone's here moving forward that's what well you already said it while everyone's here but after the meeting I will have a conversation with you once again to let you know the reason okay that but that I know what you okay we have we have our chair of Public Safety here let him have his way all of this is actually directed at him and he needs to have spoken the president have spoken no no no J don't worry about all right so that so where we at um we at ordinance number 14 second reading public hearing required amending chapter 139 of the city code to require protection of CR facilities and would anybody would like to speak for a public hearing on ordinance number 14 a motion first a motion for the public hearing motion second all in favor would anyone would like to speak on ordinance number 14 seeing no one M cler may have a motion to close the hearing for ordinance number 14 all in favor may I have a motion for roll call may have a second second roll call please cour yes feain so noted kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes or yes Thomas yes ordinance adopted ordinance number 15 first reading adopting a Redevelopment plan for properties identified as block 339 lot 44 on the official tax map of the city pursuant to local government and housing law njsa 48 12-1 Etc all may I have a motion motion may have second second brok Dort yes yes Kona yes Korea yes maray yes oy yes Thomas yes move the second reading scheduled for December the 2nd resolution 179 recognize the retirement payout in 2024 may I have a motion motion May second second roll call dport yes [Music] obain so noted kimona yes Korea yes clay yes over spe Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 180 support for suitability of canabus business apple tree manufacturing LLC may I have a motion motion may I have a second second R call Davenport yes yes kimona so noted K yes barlay yes ogus yes Thomas yes resolution appr resolution 180 cancel minicipal tax certificate block 500 loot five actually known as non faan Avenue may I have a motion may I have a second call dport yes yes cimona yes Korea yes Mar clay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 182 cancel tax certificates for Block 500 Lot 12 actually known as 114 Church Street may have a motion motion may have a second second BR call bport yes Bain so noted kimona yes Korea yes Mar clay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 183 authorizing budget transfer for fiscal year 2024 Appropriations may have a motion motion may have a second second R call Davenport yes obain so noted kimona yes Korea yes by Clay yes OB yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 184 authorizing a place toop Place transfer for PL retail consumption liquor license to see the liquor Market LLC may have a motion may I have a second I have a second dport yes no noted K yes parlay yes ausby yes Thomas yes resolution approved next I need a motion to approve the bill list except excluding item number 0785 eight from the bill L motion second rall Davenport yes yes kimona yes Korea yes clay yes o yes Thomas yes motion approve next is comments from councel mayor you have anything no I just like to thank everyone for coming out and um wish every want a Happy Thanksgiving oh also excuse December 6th we will have another council meeting before then but December 6th is the senior citizen Christmas party that's going to be pleasant B Recreation anyone 60 and over that's a pleasant B resident it's free and it's from 12:00 to 3 p.m. and call the recreation center at uh 609 484 uh 3608 for tickets have a good evening thank you anyone else from Council want to thank everybody for coming out today City residents P pleas everybody's appreciated and thank you all have great anyone else yes uh I also want to tell everyone president want to thank you for Mee may want to thank you as well I think us as Government of this city we should just try to come to more often to see recently and communicate well so that we can understand what we are doing that way we limit or reduce the argument and the back and Power in in public so thank you anyone else I say thank you everybody God bless you have a safe holiday I just want to remind everyone that Kappa Alpha side fraternity fraternity of Atlantic City will be given out H or free turkeys in the Pleasantville City parking lot on November the 23rd at 1:00 you must show your I your ID and it's first come first Serv so once again that's November 23rd at 1:00 right here at City Hall Park in lot thank you may I have a motion to meeting all B [Music]