[Music] good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville council meeting work meeting today is May the 20th 2024 the time is 632 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call please Madam clerk gav court pres here kimona here Korea pres clay Austy president six attend for the record councilman markl had to take care ass something um a personal issue may I have approval for um a previous minute Mo second all in favor Madam Clerk first of the agenda is ordinance number five second reading concerning rent control regulations amending chapter 215 of the city code um Madam B Madam cler were asking if this can be table okay so we need a motion motion oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm juming ahead any further discussions on this or no yes that it's going to be table what is the next step how are we going to set up we set up the meeting or what are we going to do for so since it's going to be table we're going to ask for uh a special meeting correct and I'm correct you do need to make a motion now to table it motion okay second all in favor M president so we motion that we I mean uh we tabled it so now we're going to have a special session we all involved and the citizens and uh landlords can all meet and that's what we're planning on doing M president I guess that's something we need to discuss can we hear from our County what is the best way to move forward with this so I would recommend that if you were going to do it it would be a special special session because that would allow for the number of individuals that would like to be participate in the matter on both sides on both sides thank on all sides so that way you as a group as well so we have to call a special session then everybody can correct all right thank you okay next is May I yes ma' next is resolution 22 report the contact person for the Employment Practices liability attorney consultation Service Atlanta County Insurance [Music] Fund mad CL can you read that again I'm sorry 77 ort contact person for the Employment Practices liability attorney consultation Service Atlanta County Min insance any questions councel what is that have that's okay thank you n resolution 78 awarding the contract for the roof replacement project at the F police and anic buildings to bwalk Construction LLC in the amount of $51,500 any questions councel Sena resolution 79 execution of memorandum of understanding between the city and the police benevolent associations local 77 ranking file and Superior officers um I'm asking if we can um go into executive session on this item we going to do it now or after we read all the agenda all agenda item very well resolution number 80 adopting the neighborhood preservation plan for submission by the city to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs for year 2024 any questions Council cn9 resolution 81 support theability of cannabis business green I Chief LLC any questions councel CNN resolution 82 authorizing the municipal budget to be read by title only at the public hearing any questions Council see next we will have the public hearing during regular meeting any questions reference to that coun and resolution 83 adopted the 2024 Municipal budget and authorizing amount of 32,592 45669 for municipal purposes for the city any questions Council see none next is review of the bill even if we go counc meeting this one start um see on page one you'll see something school board $332,000 there was a grant given to the school that we administered for um I guess your hopefully nonviolent type of things for I believe they're metal detector that type of thing at the school we were we're administrating officer for that we received the money from the grant then we distributed back out to that they already paid for it we're just reimbursing them from the grant for that was given to us and then Mr it's something that just come up I'm glad you explained what it was because I'm at the school a lot and a lot of these things aren't even hooked up um that's that's $332,000 that's a lot of money they they they did pay the bill mhm and part of the the agreement with the grant was they pay the bill and we and they reimburse what they do with it I can't tell it or how they how they handle it how they monitor it this was money coming from U state of New Jersey for for the grant um [Music] I'll here's my question we applied for the school board it was a joint application for violence in schools uh they weren't allow they were not allowed to apply for it so they were not allowed so rejoined them with as an administrator for the grant and then we got the Grant and gave them the money they got the grant they got the grant to do that work at a school we just administered the grant to get the money back from them for them once the bills are paid once we submit everything to the to the government for reimbursement everybody knows what I'm going to say right $116 million that's their budget okay we just said what our was oh it's a great one for us no I I know and know if they had apply for it we wouldn't be giv it back to uh down the bottom you also see uh uh quarterly tax bill for million4 um to we had two one small one large desert and then payroll for the the week of May 13th 17th uh if you go to P to Bill to be paid uh we go through these normally at the bottom of page one is your ACA monthly uh trash pickup $139,000 for trash Recycling and do um go the bottom of page three this monthly tax t to the school bottom page what sir bottom page three four on the bottom public board bed $830,000 that's a monthly uh tax bill that we collect on their behalf and reimburse or pay then um we go to page four right in Middle Z striping I you I think you've seen some uh painting of the roads down by the wooden Avenue School and Avenue School this is a bill for one of those uh payments um Ernest and three down below that Ernest Transportation School uh we're through the Pathways to Recovery uh they are training people to be CDL drivers that again that's being paid from the from the Grant from uh Pathway to recovery other than that all the other bills are just our normal operating bills you'll see a lot of them uh for for whatever reason we we made a lot of payment their month but this is uh any question for what we have so far questions counc I'm sorry Mr Hill we should go ex may I have a motion to go into executive session second all favor M do we have the room we can go s i yeah I know and there is room over here all right everyone I guess we're asking if you could step into the lobby for maybe no more than 20 minutes to close executive session I mean I'm sorry a motion to close special session second all in favor the time is 6:56 this is the city of Pleasantville city council meeting today is May the 20th [Music] 2024 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in performance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for implication and father [Music] [Music] States pres here Bona pres Korea pres CL over Thomas pres six and attendance may I have a motion to dispense the previous minutes motion have second all in favor mayor any proclamations have none thank you now we have public portion thank you first we have Lorie [Music] Greenberg arus Michael Burns Brian Ken Barney Lyn Brad Herman Mark Carpenter Reginal schaer Anthony Miss Renee Brown Next we have Tre Harris but ter Harris she [Music] Brown me how's everybody tonight all right let me um well let me start with this um Madam president did you take into consideration our request to have the heads of the uh Council committees give us report in the council meeting oh we didn't talk about that yet um m brown but we were at a special meeting everybody got a special me okay give me a second cuz I was just outside talking I don't even know what you have something else um I probably do can I just sit down and collect myself for minute somebody else can talk that I come [Music] back is that okay all thank you ter and Harris you come up to the hi my name is Terence Harris I'm a uh citizen here I believe it's the fort first war and I'm just uh want to come and see what's going on with our community heard it was an issue on the on the uh that was going to be discussed today about rent control I guess that's put off the table or something for now but uh that's the extent of what I came okay thank you Mr next we have Sam Cohen no Sam Eli eer Marella [Music] Williams Street so yes I got to call about the pie of pie um that's what I'mma call it okay um it's a and if y'all don't know it's a piece of property that's connected to my property that's owned by the city okay so they came and they cut it but they did not clean it up um you got tree branches that are falling all and I called them back and they gave me a fuss um I don't know why you fussing about a piece of the city's property that they're supposed to make looks a hot mess okay until y'all make the decision and turn it over or whatever yall going to do um it needs to be cleaned up okay so um and also I'm speaking for my neighbor that even in the back where that piece of property is where somebody is paying the taxes trees have fallen on his garage trees falling on his fence I did call they did come out and do the um weed whacking that was on the side of his fence um do have a little picture on my property but um but they just need to come out clean it up that's all I'm asking and that's not a hard thing until yall make the decision of whatever we talked about before thank you thank you thank you m Tim Jones good evening everyone good evening Tim Jones pleas pleas concerned citizens um I just heard that the uh Rin was table and I um did go out and I talked to some of the persons that were here on the other side of the agenda that have property ownership in Pleasantville and they did express some of their concerns I do see the vality of those concerns and we um as an organization intend to have meetings as well as with the I'm sure you have your meetings with them and hopefully by the time we come back to this we will be on the same Accord of our organization as well as the um the um you know the developers and we can present something to you on one Accord okay thank you and we have Margie Wilson M Renee Brown um the other thing I wanted to talk about was ask you about was why we can't hire more code enforcement people that go around and you know make sure that the everything is like it's supposed to be it's clean that um people are not turning their loans in par in lots and we still have um people parking commercial vehicles on Corners you can't see around the corner coming and um people sleeping in garages you name that it's happening in pleas so um from my understanding we don't have enough Co enforcement officers and um I think that's something that you desperately need and to it will help keep of the count and everything fall right in line with our clean up initiative no comment the have re on that we have now we are this isn't just making an excuse what's the for that though is it yeah we just yeah we just don't have the qualifications one just I understand that scar out just you know you just don't have them you all can't train people you can't give a course someone and train people to be code enforc someone just was newly hired um and they're being trained um so they're being they can't go off on their own so if if I gu J right so that whole department is being restructured so that we can address those issues that we know exist so um they're actually just sent a proposal into um Administration where they're going to do a maintenance uh campaign from one border to the other um and this will include the new hire and we also do have a parking enforcement officer on the street that'll handle some of those parking issues so I'm hopeful um that you will see a change very soon particularly with this initiative that they just put together um and we'll keep monitoring it um but the that department has just been restructured due to some vacancies retirements Etc and uh again hopefully what we put in place you'll see a difference in the city all right okay um is it is there anybody uh maybe Joan Joan can you tell me where we are with the parks and playgrounds and stuff that we were supposed to be doing go the parks and playgrounds like the swings and and that stuff when when when do we plan to do that that only me you can't talk I believe that it's still with the city engineer that they're still working on the design of everything and exactly what they're going to be doing on each location but I will tell you that what we had scheduled for uh the movies in the park is now going to be at Tilton Road so all the movies and everything will be up here on Langston Avenue Old tilon Road why is that why not in the middle of town yall building this new park at the unity Park yes because it's not quite ready to be open for those times when do you expect to be open September there is a issue with structural because it's it's uh Green Acres and it has to go through the state everything's got to be boom boom boom you can't open part of it and go back and do they want everything done at one time and and they want to get it done right the first time we don't want to have something done first can I add you're absolutely right Council fero um when you have Green Acres money every piece of the construction has to be approved by the state before you go into the next phase so dealing with government local state bureaucracy it's it's time consuming um so we got an update just recently as councilwoman fero was stating um that based on the time frame that the state has been given us it looks like a September date but we're ready to go all everything that we've ordered for the park the contractors everybody's in place is getting the approvals for you got a a splash pad which is going to be beautiful so you got to make sure that water and all of that so it's different entities and agencies involved in that approval process so it does take time they gave us the worst case scenario by saying September but we're we're where we may we may and I hate to put it out there um get it open before then so we got you know we told them to give us the worst case scenario and that date was September and to add to what councilwoman F Laro has stated after her committee meeting internally we did an inventory of all of the playground equipments throughout the city so um we're getting quotes and cost and all of that so hopefully we'll have all of that stuff replaced um based on you know working with finance and all of that but we have a a inventory of everything that needs to be Place throughout the city and every playground um so you'll see some playgrounds where uh public works or contractors have already gone in and remove those pieces of equipment because of safety issues so don't you know the first thing we're going to think is oh my God now the kids don't no we have them we removed them because some of them have big holes in it and all this other stuff so we had them removed and we're in the process of getting that stuff ordered so that the kids will have something to play on during this summer I was just going ready to say that there anything will be ready this summer yeah that's that's the equipment side this is not green aor so we're moving on that as we speak okay so the playgrounds will be available to the kids this summer all the playgrounds we're doing our very best yes okay okay thank you you're welome have a motion to close public portion motion all in favor M number five concerning rent control regulations amending chapter 15 of the city code this has been tabled to further notice resolution 77 appointing council person for the Employment Practices liability attorney consultation Service Atlanta County Municipal Insurance Fund may I have a motion Mo have a second second please Yesa yes Korea yes Overby Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 78 awarding the contract for the roof replacement project at the fire police and anex buildings to ball Construction LLC in the amount of 51,52 may I have a motion motion may I roll call please Fe yes kimona yes Korea yes OAS Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 79 execution of memorandum of understanding between the city and the police benevolent associations local 77 ranking file and Superior offices may I have a motion motion may I have a second roll call please Feer yes kimona yes Korea yes ausby yes Thomas yes resolution approve resolution 80 adopting the neighborhood perservation plan for submission by the city to the New Jersey Department of Community Affairs year 2024 may I have a motion motion second second roll call please Feer yes kimona yes Korea yes ausby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 81 support of suitability of cannabis business Green Iron Chief LLC may I have a motion motion may I have a second second roll call please yes kimona yes Korea yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 82 authorizing the municipal budget to be read by title only at the public hearing second call yes kimona yes Korea yes speak Thomas yes resolution approv next is the public hearing of the 2024 budget I'm sorry so this is the public um public hearing for the 2024 Municipal budget so okay so I me Mr so if anyone would like to speak and reference to the budget you may come up to speak just state your name for the record hello Tim Jones pleas concern citizens I just have one simple question does anyone have any um presentations of the budget to share with the community what's in the budget or highlights of the budget or L likes of the budget or anything I mean I understand other municipalities actually had formal presentations on budget I know I'm supposed to address M president I just remember but I'm just I'm just asking does anyone have a presentation other than asking us do we have any questions I did get a copy of it and look through it but uh I would just like to hear from something about may this is a public hearing the public is entitled to speak but we do have our um Mr St Baron is that correct from Bowman Company who is here to give a presentation I can give some insight regarding information you like good evening thank you for the opportunity to speak good evening as you mentioned Scott ban with B company the city's outside auditing firm I can just give you some summary information for the budget um as you mentioned gave a total when we talked about the resolution to reik title only um the local Levy in the budget this evening is 26,50 46.83 that's an approximate 25% increase from the prior year local Levy okay the net valuation of the town which is where we take that you divide that out divide the levy out by the net valuation of the town that gives you the tax rate the net valuation of the city for the year 2024 just under your 792 million just shy of 792 million up about 1.4 million from the prior year as a result of the Valu valuations being that 791 th000 791 million excuse me a pending on the tax rate is approximately 79,90 okay so any addition or subtraction by 79193 is approximately dep pending on the tax rate that local Levy I divide that out by the valuations of the Town it gives you a local rate of $329 that's per $100 of valuation so on a roughly $100,000 tax assess of a property that's 3,290 is the local Levy for the year if you compare that to the levy for $100,000 assessment from the prior year it's an approximate 2.38% increase from the prior year okay that increase uh that increase equates to a local tax increase of approximately $76 annually for every 100,000 of property value assessment okay I can tell you the 2024 budget is under both of the state's budgetary caps that's the appropriation cap and the state's Levy cap those caps is it's a 3 and a half% cap on the appropriation side you get to a 3 and a half% increase by that Cola ordinance that we passed previously that you adopted I think last month you're under that appropriation cap by 867 approximately $867,000 and you're under the 2% Levy cap by $870,000 now we're under the both of those caps it's pretty ific amount that you're under those caps that's primarily because the large the increases that are significant in the budget are exceptions to both of those caps okay so I'll just go over briefly what the significant increases are that are in the budget uh the primary One Last year around this time around April in 23 you passed a special emergency appropriation uh to fund Severance liabilities that the that the city had at that time through a number of retirements that were taking place that special emergency preparation was just under $2.5 million and how that's funded it's funded over the next 5 years you're required to put 1 of that amount in the budget for the next 5 years so 1/5 of 2,480 it's $496,000 the first year of funding that appropriation is this year's budget okay so $496,000 uh is approximately if we look at again that valuation what I said a penny was 79,000 that $496,000 appropriation represents a six 6 Cent uh increase to the tax R uh Debt Service um is another significant increase in the budget your principal payments on debt your overall debt pretty level hasn't really uh changed over the last year and the principal payments on debt pretty level that's normally how it set you meet with your bond counts and your financial advisor for the city they try to have level debt payments from year to year so your principal payments are level but you're faced with a situation like all towns uh this past year that interest rates have gone up dramatically so the interest not on your permanent financing which is your bonds but the interest on the temporary financing which are the notes that you have from year to year um that that interest rate has gone up so that was we looked at 2023 the interest rate on most of your temporary financing was about 2 and a half% that went up to about 4% um last year so that is a pretty significant increase for your town and for most towns in the state is The Fairly significant increases the interest rates okay you also do have again for that special emergency that was pass for severance liabilities that's funded we need to still be able to pay those Severance liabilities so you did have to take temporary financing out for that so the temporary financing for that again about 4% interest rate uh the the financing of that note is about 128,000 last year so those are the two main drivers of the increases to the budget that would be the sance liability payment that we're making and the interest on that as far as operating costs and we talked about the Sant liabilities and retirements there is a flip side of that look at the operating cost in the budget primarily going to sheet 17A of your budget and you see overall salary and wages are down approximately $700,000 in comparison to the prior year that's about 5% so that's primarily driven by some of those retirements that now we are funding through the severance liabilities um but overall sound wages down about 5% in the budget through those retirements and also now that your court is a shared service there's about $200,000 worth of salaries from year to year that were for court personnel and that's kind of flipped now that you're in a shared service with Atlantic City that's Shi from that has shifted from salary and wages to oper other expenses now that those payments are made and it's not salaries okay so part of that reduction in salary and wages it is about 200,000 of it is court cost that went from s wages to other expenses that will now pay to the city of Atlantic City okay other than that operating costs um other expenses up approximately 750,000 and again part of that would be the court that went from salary and wages uh down to OE and health insurance again most towns health insurance is a large driver of the budget and for yours it is as well it's about a $550,000 increase in the health insurance appropriation for 2024 okay those are really the drivers on the on the expense side on the revenue side the last of the American Rescue funds that was from several years ago that's been utilized in the last few years budgets uh the last of that was used in the 2020 three budget about 450,000 was used in the 23 budget and that was the end of that that funding so that source that Revenue Source was not available for 2024 as a result that 450 is gone from American Rescue funds we did utilize more Surplus you'll see in the 2024 budget that increased Surplus again about 450,000 almost a direct match with the ARP funds that were utilized to the extent they're no longer available so that extra 450 of surface being utilized helps to lessen the impact of the taxpayer of the loss of those ARP funds um that we had available to last couple of years other new Revenue line for this year um some of the Cannabis fees you collected during 2023 they came on board really started to come in after the budget had already been adopted um so they were not part of your introduced 2023 budget they came in as what's called miscellaneous Revenue I think you did get in a about the same about 70,000 last year for 2023 this year were able to put that into the budget to help offset the uh cost of the town or offset the tax levy there's about 100,000 in cannabis fees that were able to anticipate in the budget you are under what's called a cash basis budget in in New Jersey so that amount that could be put in for cabis fees 100,000 pretty close to what was collected in the prior year you can't really anticipate more than what was collected in the prior year so you may collect more than that you weren't able to put more than that in the bu into the budget for 2024 okay uh couple highlights tax tax collection percentage for 2023 was up to 98.92% uh compared to 98 and a quarter in the prior year U pretty significant it's a good place to be uh there is what's called a reserve par collected taxes appropriation in the budget that we had to calculate and that uh collection percentage has a very significant impact on the amount of what that appropriation needs to be okay so 98.9 to a very good place to be in um other than that I just say the city's budget annually is reviewed by the state of New Jersey um they get a little backed up this time of year so we were a little concerned we weren't going to get their review notes in time but they did get back to us late last week our office work the bar to kind of go through those questions uh that the state had answer those questions and we did get approval I guess it was Friday afternoon um that they had reviewed everything they were fine with our question and answer session that we went back and forth with and it's approved for consideration by state approved for you to be able to consider it tonight for adoption um verse 98.2 9892 um thank you to every taxpayer who pays their taxes the city appreciates it we appreciate it because it makes everybody's job just that much easier um the other thing is the $25 million for the severance fund should we have a windfall of money um through cannabis or or whatever is there a penalty for paying that off early or are we better off to just keep funding the $496,000 there's certainly no penalty for paying it off early um there were several covid special emergencies that you had several years ago and that was when some of that then when some the ARP money came in we were required to pay those special emergencies all curly did some of those uh Co M ARP monies that came in so certainly no um there's no requirement to stick on that 5 payment plan you could pay it off early um there was a bond sale so some of that might have been funed the note might the interest rate may have came down as a result of that Bond and note sale that you had um last month um but it still is a significant amount that's out there to be to be financed and and you said something about the interest rate on those bonds right that at 2023 they were 2 and a half% now they're up to 4% right so so that's um that that's your temporary financing so that's from year to year you don't s bonds every year you sell these temporary notes so those roll every year so you're subject then to fluctuations in the interest rates um from year to year so for 2023 most of those temporary notes that you issued were at 2 and a half% interest okay for 200 and 24 when there's notes and again we issue them and then the interest becomes due in the subsequent year so the interest that was due then in his 24 budget was about 4% on those notes so not quite double but close to it yeah that represented I'd say the in increase in interest interest cost was approximately $1 1228 128 was on the special emergency note yes overall interest on notes up about $227,000 and that represents about 3 cents on the tax rate thank you anyone else D so this is I'm sorry this is the public portion want to go to about the hearing I mean the I'm sorry the uh budget yes this the budget I wonder I keep hearing increase and increase increase what is the total increase for the taxpayers coming this year what is the number 7.6 c 7 7.6 says wow all wow good evening everyone 1000 Church Street I just wanted to if Barry or his associate could give us an update on what the resolution or what is being proposed for the um pay increases for city council members there is okay I just want to make that okay thank you anyone else almost thank you sir for Budget presentation I think it um it's very important just understand you know 7 cents per 100 uh I think you said 2 and a half% increase G speaking is going to be overall this is why we have to be as residents mindful how this is why we have to be as residents mindful of how the money spent by the city you know I I appreciate the fact that you know this community has become kind of a woke and um actually um participates and what goes on um there are several concerns that we will be addressing you know some some things are just not easy and comfortable but we will be addressing those things too but um we we are concern about what what the people are pleasurable want now whether myself or even our organization once what we find from people who join our organization what they want that's what we will pursue thank you thank you anyone else for the public hearing to public it's about the price of the roof for the fire department I can't hear you the price of the roof for the fire department $510,000 for a roof is that what I read no it's not just the fire it's the fire department police department and the anex build free build it's just not one we're doing three bill but that still seems like it's too much did y'all put that out a bed or like come with that that amount 500 trust me we bed we p the buildings aren't that Big M BR we actually had a bid that was almost two amount what we had and and I can speak for from experience I just had a flat roof put on my roof a little part and it's very very expensive material man is expensive and this quote this job is about half of what it originally was when it first when we first put it out with the first BS so it sounds like a lot of money it is a lot of money but it's a lot less than what it originally was it's a it's if you can believe it if you can believe that $500,000 is cost saving it is cost saving because the original amount was so much and then m brown is also say was lot we've been trying to get these roofs done I know Sal a lot but it cost us a lot more because when we have rain Damage Done inside our buildings and we have situations that occur so we've been working on this for a while trying to get this done so the bid that you know this one of the lowest bids we had to get this done as soon as possible that we truly need done for our workers and the safety of the workers to have the room space all right I'm I'm just trying to say so it goes further than the roof you're saying you got like some rock or something or oh yeah we have that you're taking like is the building roty and we have I'm not a roof all I know is we have leaks and stuff that our roofs need to be repaired and so that's what we're doing as a city we're repairing the fire department the police department and an building so we've been going through this since January to this point so right now I'm very happy that we've been here we've been going through this for a while to have to get the B and all that stuff to get this done it just seem like a lot of [Music] money is is it for the public hearing it's for the public it's yeah it's the budget I don't know if I'm allowed to ask this question or not but um is it possible where we as the citizens can actually see that in black and white we can actually understand what we're looking at cuz he read it we comprehended but the budget yes yes I didn't know if [Music] I anyone else for the public hearing I got a question K I'm glad to hear about the repair being made to Bo of Fire Department police department act in the annex buildings our question is has anyone addressed the M Remediation in the fire department so health hazard for our firefighters who put their lives on the line every day already does anyone address that is that even still legal that they have to work in that type of environment that their their health is on the line should we close out public the um public hearing well only be questions related to the budget public I don't think he has a question the budget right I just made a comment on I'm glad to hear about the group okay but have you addressed the other issues with the fire department building a lot of other issues that's my question yes yes there being addressed yes okay is there is that is it something we can read documentation you have it online exactly what the buildout is what the details are so what is what's your actual question Mr my question my question was my statement was I'm glad to hear about the roof but all the other issues the mold the racks the filth that are in that fire department building that I used to work in has that been addressed and if it has what are the details to that breakout the contract you know contractor gives you a bid he gives you a sheet he's going to give you line items I speak uh how you doing sir yes uh I believe about a month and a half ago we have addressed that issue uh we had a company come in and clean uh the fire department when I observed it to I came to city council so we started having that done cleaning it up and um one of the issu was in order to clean it up and stop the M issue or could be uh coming back we have to fix the roofs of water and the dam don't going so that's what I've been working on as a public safety chair we got we had to clean up inside the rest of K for now we get the roof done and then we'll address the other issues sir so I will tell you that is what our committee has been working on with our fire department got you understand is there any way we can get a schematic on that build I I'll do that I don't put nothing on line I'm not computer liter you have to ask the clerk if they they put it online I mean if our tax dollars are paying for it we just like to see what's going on that's I totally understand that information is is available to the public so if you communicate either with the qu myself we'll make sure that you can get that information but I am working on this I am thank you appreciate it fire appreciate anyone else from the public for the public hearing seeing none I have a motion to close have second roll call yes Kona yes K yes yes Thomas yes motion oppos approved next is resolution 7 I'm sorry 83 adopted the 202 for budget and authorizing the amount of 32,592 456 and 69 cents for municipal purposes for the city may I have a motion motion second roll call please P yes pona yes Korea yes o yes thas yes resolution approved a motion to approve the bill list motion call B yes kimona yes Korea yes Austy yes Thomas yes motion approved comments mayor have anything I'd like to thank everyone for coming out um concern and Mr King the uh mold issue had been evaded a long time ago I understand and um that is on record so you will have a chance to look at that last what the state said that's that's the report that we had and I wanted to also um remind everyone that June 15 uh the Jun uh Mount Zion Baptist Church is having a Jun Festival that to save the date for everyone to come out during that time and everyone have a good evening thank you counsel any wel from counsel uh it's that time of year Drive slowly down Main Street look at the banners on Main Street that represent the best of the best of Pleasantville for those kids to have their photos up there on those banners it doesn't take just the kids it's the mothers the fathers the grandmothers everybody who is behind them and they're outstanding so take look go look at their names and remember them thank you anyone else anybody thank you for coming out have a blessed night thank you for coming out uh but we are trying to work to make things better in the city for everyone thank you thank you all for coming out everyone have a great night I have all in favor ah [Music]