##VIDEO ID:c0cwK1VUoAc## good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council work meeting today is October the 21st 2024 and the time is 6:30 this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law roll call please dport pres here kimona present Korea pres baray Thomas pres all attendance may I have approval of previous amendments please motion second all in favor next we have a a RP combinations presentation okay next we have Kenya best practices yes uh good evening all so uh best practices inventory is done every year about this time of the year for the past 12 13 14 years and basically what they do is uh have a general database for all municipalities to find out where they are and on that database they create regulations and laws and assistance to municipality bed on response also your response number depends on the amount of a that you can get the minimum that we needed to score was a 35 we scored a 43 so we're not in Jey of losing any of our federal excuse me any of our state aid uh this year they did have um many um questions regarding to housing uh broadband um and those questions were unscored so last year they had a seminar saying that there were a lot of regulations coming on and so they did they added them on towards the end of the summer and so now we need to uh carry out and Implement best practices inventory and uh we did very well um practices the best practices homes on your core competency and municipal uh Finance Administration as far as budgets um um audits also um fining of um your annual debt statement your annual financial statement also this year they included because I know last year they gave money for L mediation they included it this year in the best practices although the survey is unscored so we points wer Tak away even if you answered a no to it but what they're looking for is how are the municipalities doing with the implementation maybe next year it will be a scored number so we will look into that to see where we're at to make sure that we get the highest point in that we um we don't fall behind on Le remediation also it gets into the court confidency for um Personnel when it comes down to the fair labor standards that waivers for health benefits um and your chapter once name which is your current health benefits it also goes into the procurement part of the municipal um Finance Administration that's your bidding process sharei service agreements they're really heavy on shareff service agreements uh and it is a benefit to both uh the to the two municipalities that are involved because what share service does is there's an what they call outside caps that is not subject to the cap bank law of the 22% or the 3 and2 so as long as items aren't there that's how much you can increase it but this is a benefit having uh share service agreements with the municip with other municipalities we also um part of the Court competency is um transparency that is information on our website uh information with um our financial uh reports such as your audits your B your budgets your um your annual debt statement annual financial statements and basically that's what it uh it does for municipality they gather information together to see where they can help municipalities that are a little bit behind there's some municipalities that are doing everything that's in here and Beyond so they want to raise that level for the other municipalities sometimes they create through State a sometimes they can send you assistance sometimes they can make suggestion to a municipality more to a county to post a shared service agreement so for the city of Pleasantville we scored very well and that concludes my best practices report if anybody has any questions um remediation the program because the program that we have now in place shared Serv we didn't have that correct correct so I believe it it should improve um that was one of the things that I recently asked the auditor about cuz when I was looking at our 2024 budget I didn't see anything that was labeled as shared service but I believe that has to come from the county as well um because I believe it's the Atlantic County Improvement Authority that has the lead uh lead remediation program can you question so the highest what is the high for a municipality can get when you look at the questionnaire itself it just says um 30 it says 35 Plus we're at 43 okay so and it's based on the number of questions but if you if you look at the number of questions that we have the last page is question number 69 but a lot of the questions in here you will see that they are unscored so that does not go towards our SC that's just for information for them in a general sense to help out municipalities okay they need area in a for let's say like for instance number one unscored survey is affordable housing so we answered it to our best of abil but it did not knock scores off of us so when they receive this information they'll take certain areas maybe the entire state municipalities and say okay it looks they're saying no well how how can we help to get them to where they need to be with portable housing counil I'm going to go back to 67 uh requires an urban renewal entity uh with which the municipality has a financial agreement for its long-term payment in live with taxes which is a pilot program to submit annually within 90 days after the close of its fiscal year its auditor report to the mayor and governing body does your municipality enforce the annual submission urban renewal entity audit reports and review those reports I've yet to see them says yes okay this questionnaire was actually completed by our retired CFO so the answer did yes that is I could not question and I did and I still do not have access to what the best practices inventory is for the city of pleaseno he printed it out and he gave it to us because it's is is actually due on the 25th and 25th of what of October can can you see if the auditor has that rep and if the auditor does have it can he forward it to you and you make us aware of that report sure thank you uh Mr yes Council woman Thomas is brought to my attention number 69 and I really think that that's really beneficial to the community so could you make sure that that's on our website or make sure that it's you know repeated Services CU that's something that I think everybody needs to know mhm any other question 23 uh electric uh electric vehicles yeah okay we have two coming in okay so what we can do is actually develop then the policy on that okay okay develop policy I'm talking to myself first develop Poli on electric F uh 16 no 16 yeah I think for a storm recovery Reserve um so we have a storm we don't have a uh okay what this is and and um so what we need to do in our 2025 budget is insert a line item for storm Reserve recovery apparently the city has been payt it as you go but you just never know when you're going to get hit with that big one that you're going to use every dime from the municipality and then what you do with this snow trust is it's um is an inbook um Ledger that what we do is when we raise it anything has to go through the general excuse me through the through the budget everything that we do raise um for for trust accounts for recreation account Trust on anything so what we do is we we raise it in the budget and then we take it out and put it in the reserve as a side thing so when it we need it we use it for excuse me yes account specifically for snow removal yes so we don't have that as of right now apparently we don't we can we can do 2025 budget add a line item for that anyone else no other than compared to last year how do we do if I'm not taking last year we're Al also in the 40s am I correct remember think it was 45 or so but we were over 35 we were definitely over 35 but compared to last year I think we that far off no no because usually when you look at the um and the reason why I I know looking at it cuz I just did another best practice inventory for another camp but I have not seen our but it's all the same but I cannot remember last year's scores but most likely pres did very well is what I can say because um Aid did not affect um your account did not affect your St and lastly got uh CH uh you you just taken over but if you're looking to I'm not mistaken last year we talked about some sort of Grant that's going to provide for the logistic on the electric vehicles coming we were talking about uh p& stations if I'm not mistaken so that may be a better answer as of next year because this just FY that's just an FYI and also uh on the vehicles where says do we have any uh we don't have actually any but I think we have approval for a few electric um vehicles coming in so a little bit of better story Just for information purpose anyone else from coun thank you you want to resum back to number one okay here all righty a a r come on up come on young people the old people Y young people come on thank you um we thank you for allowing us to have our Junior RCU here um for the past three years the pleasant a chapter has sponsored a shred event and our Junior RC stud students have come to help us out that's to take the bags out the cars and put them in the the buckets for the shred help the The Shred guys that drive the trucks and do this job these guys do that for the not drive the truck they take all the bags out of all the cars that come through and I think we had um close to 60 cars this year that came through and they worked really hard so we just wanted to acknowledge them and we thank council president Carla because she had um asked to do this before so we have certificates and the certificates are all the same and it just reads A ARP Pleasantville chapter 5317 certificate of appreciation this certificate of appreciation is gratefully presented to this one is for Kimberly Perez Junior ROTC cassette Cadet uh straight event September 21 2024 uh SRE Thompson chapter president so we would like to present each one of these Kimberly Kimberly okay Kimberly Michael thank you can you turn around so I want to say a great job I was out there with you all you know and I want to thank a a RP for bringing this service to our community it's it's well overdo I wish you all can do it twice because we definitely need it thank you so much thank you all for doing it and a ARP thank you I heard about how you guys are just the ones taking just doing all the work so you must be taking your vitamins and be really strong everybody was coming and saying how happy they are that we have this service here and Sandy I just want to say thank you people just appreciate it and need it so much you know to dispose of their private stuff thank you can everybody in a meeting come on let's get this done go back to work we need to stand on the chairs one two three hold it thank you conratulations thankk you I have something else to say Kenya I love her I used to work with her at l City City Hall thank you okay um first uh resolution 159 authorizes the removal of zoning board adjustment members which will be discussed in ex second session and reg which will be discussed in regular session resolution 160 important members to the Zoning Board of of adjustment which also will be um item discussion in executive session ordinance number 12 first reading amending chapter 116 of the city code regulating the number of licensed cannabis cultivation and Manufacturing facilities questions okay orance number 13 first reading amending the city code to provide for tax abatement for a residential project to be developed on Block 19 Lots 13 and 15 as non combination area in need of Redevelopment in accordance with njsa 48 41-1 ET all um I have a first I have a question about it um in the best practices in in number 67 it speaks of the urban renewal so and the fund has got to be set up for the old urban renewal entity so who in this case is the urban renewal entity each of the homeowners that is getting it because the development is selling the houses and then leaving they're not paying they're not administering the um pilot program so who would be the entity that we are dealing with what I can say is um just from the previous question of best practices I can um ask our developer I'm Sor I'm sorry our um revelop that yes I also have something else too that uh this fiveyear plan and this I'm just putting out the numbers and these are the numbers if anybody cares to follow along with these pilot programs the first year they pay nothing and that nothing amounts to $399,000 the second year they pay 20% because that's what they'll always tell you they pay 20% they pay 40% they pay 60% and 80% they pay 20% Which is 79 almost $80,000 which is a loss of $319,000 paying 40% it's a loss of $239,000 paying 60% it's a loss of$ 159,000 and at 80% it's a loss of 79,000 for a grand total of $1,276 that's in the five years the six year they do pay but even though at the sixth year and the seventh year and the 20th year or whatever they'll be paying their share of taxes it's a million two that the city will never ever make up and it's a million two that this city absolutely positively can use absolutely I just want to make sure everybody those numbers marinate when we think about it thank you 161 authorizing the release of Maintenance bonds of cinel Subway for onsight improvements block 58 23 actually known as 310 South Road question resolution 162 excuse me thank you resolution 162 authoriz change order for an increase of $55,850 was important my ignorance when it comes down to electrical installation the best way that I can describe it is that the original specs was um splicing and they don't want to do that they don't want that as part of their um rules and regulations due to safety and liability issues so what Atlanta City Electric did was provide what they call a CT cabinet then there's approximately 80 ft of cables that has to be re replaced from the Transformer under the ground into this yes through the CBT cabinet so they came down and they they didn't want it done that way because it doesn't align with their regulations so correct so that's why the $55,000 increase happened the cable most of that money is going into the cabling and when it comes down to underground cables the city owns them and are responsible for them but when it comes to residential they take care of that cable so anyone else resolution 163 awarded the contract agreement Incorporated for the preparation of the Safe Streets for all action plan in the amount of 9,297 can you can you elaborate on this sure so the city was awarded I believe like $1.2 million for the St to school route program and we had to go out to bid we have to be trained we have to do everything according to um Federal Department of Transportation guidelines so we went out to bid for the consultant of this we had six responses and GPI was the lowest responsible bidding uh bidder being so that they have had experience with the federal government in this particular Grant and um they have over 40 years hands-on experience versus the other uh biders that um sub their quotes or their BS and basically this is the safety school program this has to do with um traffic stop lights on uh this is for the schools of um Washington Main and Le Avenue and it's basically improving the corner areas um speed signs uh close speed sign maybe uh possible speed boms so it's a program that uh will benefit the children um that cross um highly trafficked areas in Ro how much was the grant for I think was 1.2 million I believe and they and we're paying them almost $200,000 for right they took a little big off the top right I guess I guess so I can't I mean we're looking I mean we had bids come in um actually from that from around this range to like three and $400,000 well we got something out of it because they fre strip the streets out in front of South Main Street I kind of think that is more Madam chair Madam chair last time we talked about this particular uh we were talking about $5 million think you are correct now and and aside from that this is necessary in order to get Grant we need a consultant to let us know as in a city what's it the strategy as of where to spend that kind of money m is it possible for us to get you know like breakdown of where these things are going to be done what's going to be you know scheduled to uh go at what schools and what areas work as soon as we um um based on on the vote tonight that we'll know we'll pass and then we'll get the plan from the contractor or the consultant and I apologize because I remember that this was the big program that has been the largest granted in the state of New Jersey and I said 1.2 and is actually 5.2 if I'm not mistaken sorry for the um mistake for the from any other questions counil Madam cler resolution 164 authorizing hacki Concrete Incorporated to perform services at the pville bus station and the amount of $112,000 any questions see that resolution 165 amending resolution 105-24 authorizing a personal person transfer of a Cleary retail consumption liquor license to ca Ceda Liquor Market LLC Madam cler could you explain amend why there's an amendment well the original resolution stated the address and so when it went to ABC due to the fact that the liquid license they purchased is a pocket liqu license it rally should not have a location of where it's going to be name but just the name now typically we can include the name and the address because you do it person to person they also allow you to do it place to place so in this instance we're going to have to amend it to just do a person to person remove the address and then the applicant has to then come before you you for place to place transfer this typically doesn't happen here but this is the first pocket license to be sold okay so this is what we have to do thank you very much um with that being said with this liquor license are they allowed to sell liquor out of the for take out out of that store or is just cons they do allow B packaging um if they choose to do so but it can't be a distribution which is a liquor store so if someone wants a sixpack they can come and get that but they can't get liquor or bottles so speak yeah they do allow restaurants to have what they call B permit where you could go and just get a bottle I mean a six-pack for not bottle but a bottle but um yeah so they will be able to do that if they choose to now keep in mind that place to place if you approve it it still has to go through the necessary motions of the city's C departments and see it's just application stated where they would like to have the the Lial license but that's thec that's that's the place to place that's going to be coming up in the next meeting or so so place to place does not guarantee it still has to go through the cities uh regulations and codes but it's stating where they would like to be yeah coun why we come Council wasn't there a fight about this with the city of fville and putting this liquor license over that spot or there was a hearing or something I think something went before the planning board regarding that location or zoning but we lost that we did hold number I said there was a lot of controversy about it because it's close to a school yeah I know that's what I'm saying people was talking about I just didn't know the outcome so I'm asking now what was I know the city triy to fight fight it so I didn't know the outcome I guess we didn't it was denied you went to court lost because what happened what because we didn't have a specific ordinance detailing where we want would allow liquor licenses to be that's how they got in with that I think we have rectified that since then so this can't happen they they kind of slid in okay so we learn a lonach moment resolution 166 requesting a six-month extension for new judge Department transportation for the fiscal year 2023 Municipal a grant for the bike path from decada to Milan improvements Kenya you want to elaborate on this please sure um we met with doot a couple of weeks ago about 10 days ago and they um came with all the projects that they had outstanding for the city of pille and some of these actually the three including this one the three resolutions require extension because the time that we received the funding cost of construction was one price now today is another and um it exceeds little bit we have so we are requiring this extension and putting together a plan to obtain the financing so increase excuse me increase increase yes okay thank you anyone else have any questions quick quick question I'm sorry to when you said to to to meet their finances they said to put it on the budget next year or to it can be B for borrow against it can be both it can be a combination of the two it can be the combination of putting some in the general and bonding other because we also have in 2025 in the in the first quarter going into the second quarter other projects that also have to be um looked at where we are with the f you okay I'm good but I wonder if it was now it's half a million dollar more or whatever the case may be more what what was the hold up from the very beginning we had it a budget and so so you I know we may not you may not have yeah this this uh we were supposed to have these lights a while ago is this one that we have to pay in advance and then we get re because we got the Grant and we were supposed it was supposed to be done I think that's what council m is say that it was supposed to while about and we never did that and I just can't see and the price of everything is going up but I just wonder why we didn't do it unless we have to have the money well I know that one of the projects when it started as a um guate construction right right at the time that we got the it was like 1.3 million and that today's cost is 1. I and then the other two um need to be awarded um one in November and the other maybe one in November one in December we're requesting um an extension so we can put the financing together can we just follow up with those two 66 and 167 back to um to commited for update and we can regularly look at it so if it's got put on the budget whatever the case may be for to be done before it gets up to another so this is why I am I have been putting numbers together talking to um especially with the do because they came down and um they gave us the list of all the open projects that we have and they get they gave us the opportunity to do the extension for these programs so um hopefully this week I may have something together along with our engineer to see where we're at with the cost of the additional funding that he need okay Kenya I'll just um schedule a finance meeting so we can hopefully you'll have oh no absolutely we can schedule one but please let me work it out this we and before we schedule a finance committee meeting on on these items yes the point the point is to keep revisiting uh his three GRS because if I'm not mistaken it's a six month uh extension but it's a one time extension it's a one time money that we don't want to lose absolutely not absolutely not the area any other questions C res 68 requesting a 6mon extension from the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the physical year 2023 TV Municipal aid grant program for the Green Street Street skate improvements any questions resolution 169 recogniz payouts in 2024 any questions Council resolution 170 recognizing retirement payout in 2024 any questions coun C resolution 171 recognizing retirements payouts in 2024 questions Council CN resolution 172 recognize retirement payout in 2020 any questions see n resolution 173 is a addon support for suitability of cannabis business 4420 DJ Incorporated any questions councel see none next is review of the bill L ex I do have one question um resolution 167 says Ridgewood Min program Forwood Avenue improvements is this the South Bridgewood or the North side no I do not it was the east or west what I asked for we had to find that out for us I ask the same question was the east side of Rood hopefully the west side of Rood I you to let us know that that's I'll let you know which side it is have to put in is that the same everything not another Bing all right bill right can start with the shorter two pager and um these are the this is the check register for items that have been paid and that's why it's um two pages only um that includes payroll it includes um Print and Mail communication for open otion first um anybody has any questions on any of the a now we're going to go over to the other build these are items to be paid do you have any question on any of these items yes item number four 00245 one here it says promotional uniform alteration what department is this for 115 I believe that's the um fire department yes it is 115 is the police department okay there you go 115 Poli Department you see the account number 115 is for the um when you look at the 00245 and the name of the vendor and underneath it it says the purchase order number and if you keep on going over to the right the account number is 4-01 1115 281 all we have is promotional uniform alterations have nothing oh then you got the condensed version of it 01872 what's that number number again 24-87 wait a second uh mam chair we have um both heads of the Departments here what what was the commissional uniform alteration was it for police or was it for um fire it's fire I'm sorry it's police it's account number 115 281 and purchase order number that you're looking at 24-87 yes so this police so I can answer that so we have um Stacey can you sure yes ma'am we have three pending promotions that have been on hold for some time and at um de mayor advised for my officers to go out and get upfitted for their upcoming promotions so that's probably where that fee is coming from just oh is this you said this is just for three uniforms no it's for three different positions for uniforms all right number it's in our um CB got it okay got it yeah so um I don't know how we can do this I mean did they already have the alteration mayor do you know they were act in positions and the chief asked me they from when she became she and I told yes that they could get them because they are going to be and they're acting in that position they're going to be in the position so I don't think we should put the cart in front of the horse so it it wasn't approved by Council yet so why are they getting alterations done no but they've never been approved by Council no they have there was no I mean the position uniforms have been approved by Council yes we have to approve the uniforms that's why it's on this um that's why uniforms in the past hadn't been approved by Council prior to them getting their uniforms just as just as the um Council hadn't been approv I mean the U positions hadn't been approved once they got positions and now uh solicitors saying that everything has to be done by resolution but about the uniforms yes I did tell her to go ahead and get the uniform so they it was already done it should be done so solicitor please help us through this because I don't think that we should be able that we should pay this bill because there there have been numerous conversations about procedures not coming to council and at this moment right now I feel very disrespected well there's no need to feel disrespected this had this happened a while ago when was this was the operations done I don't know when they were done but they but the reest request came in a while ago when they were acting when they were going to be sworn supposedly going to be sworn in before the delays came up and I did authorize so um Mr so I remember before or right when I became city council president we went through this because there were I want to say maybe two or three three promotions three um people that were in in in the winds to get promoted I want to say uh uh memo went out to you mayor to all the city council and now here we are again yes I approve with you so why shouldn't I feel disrespected if we're here again well I don't I they have been in acting position all this time and uh they're up for the promotions and they had uniforms that didn't state that and I again I did bottom line is position is not an ultra uniform Once you walk to that uniform if you have an active Sergeant right and if we don't promote them now they have a sergeant uniform so no so what you're saying is because they were active you I did not interrupt okay you're right go ahead because they are acting you authorize them to have a permanent uniform for that position but there's no guarantee that they were going to get promoted so why so and we went through this on a zoom call recently with the solicitor why when we go through that situation because I thought we was really trying to work things out but now is putting the C before the hor as the president said just because they acted don't mean that the council was going to promote them and as you made aware and the memal came out and all we've been fighting over this for a while now in order be got to go through the committee to the council and as you said we never had to do that before but past practice just because you do something that past don't make it right the president brought it up we went through these rules and regulations we deal the solicitor the labor La we just had a zoom conversation over this and then you're saying well I authorize it anyway so how should we take that that we was doing after to you saying well since you did that the hell with everything how would you take that well I to go there with it although there have been things that I could easily say I've been disrespected we're not there just ask you on this organizational chart has we're doing everything through uh attrition and we brought that up and we brought and we said Journey we said we don't have to do everything nutrition and here's the bottom line all we ask was from April we want not with all I asked for was the champion was was to do nothing against the PD if they needed 70 officers then they need 70 they need set5 they need set the only thing I said was you know what people say they need this people say they that Community say they don't need this the community say they don't need that I said be fair we'll do a survey now what bothers me is that last week we had a citizen coming and he request the survey through the open request and we denied him and I said in our meeting several times that we agree and the solicitors on the phone that no one will be promoted until the surveys were done and we agreed to that all on the phone we all agreed to that so today we're going to pay some $3,000 something for uniforms but we didn't know we don't know we're going to do the promotion because and this is why I am scared and I said this privately but I'm going to say it tonight if and I'm just saying here we do the promotions and those surveys come back and say you know what you guys a top heavy you need more you need more Indians and less Chiefs I'm not talking about police we do need a police I understand that I'm just saying was C lieuten whatever and we need less then and then we said well we promoted five and we did this how are the people going to feel how are they going to feel because then they're going to say that we were the idiots because we didn't wait but we agreed and and I argue that point I have nothing against the PD all I said was the people ask why are we doing this why are we doing that can we afford it the police say we need 65 they do the job every day God bless when I understand that to the public they say we need five so what is the proper thing was all we asked for was that survey all and let the public have it just and if we're going to do any the all this is all I said please let the public have what it is that we have and let them say what let them see what it is but right now right there no no not but right now to say that because they're temporary we alter their uniforms that's not correct because they they you're saying they no longer temporary so what happens if they don't get promote it what happens to the uniforms then well honestly what reason would it be for them not to get promoted we talked about we talked about we talked about the ser and what did you say man I said surve back up when we talked about the survey what did you say I said I said from the rip we want to do DCA surve y'all want to do the stop we have a delay DCA get until July that's not my fault but I'm not going to keep going back and for all I'm saying is this man let's release it to the public what it is and then we can all that but don't make it not you for I'm not saying you I'm saying I don't want it like we hiding something from them and we're doing something that you know we might not need but I'm not I'm not the judge of what they need let a professional decide that councilman you said when we were trying to get the promotion of the chief you did not want to promote the chief let's just go back there now you're saying Chief no no we need the chief you didn't want to promote the chief because you're saying no because you no no actually we wasn't going to promote no one no no first it was about but it wasn't about anyone in the beginning and then we had the other three I think they were we had the other no and then we had the other three and then that's when you did start saying no we weren't going to do any any promotions until DC you started with the DC no man that's not how it started and I have witnesses start so listen we're not we're not to back and forth so the point is here that um I I don't feel comfortable with voting on this or I can vote it uper down correct you can yes you don't want to pay for you don't want to pay I do have you as we're going through this here and we've had a good conversation I thought last week um in executive session we went and we talked about respect and doing things in the proper manner and here we are going through the same process all over again where we're not giving each other the proper respect when we make these decisions and mayor all I can say is that things are supposed to come through the city council and when we sit down and we have a conversation about this about Pro protol and how things are supposed to be done and my thing is this here I've never voted against the police department or the fire department having anything that they need but things have to be done in the proper manner and now we just just just give me a second and this is not the proper way to do it I I know the conversations that we had in our um committees I know what we've gone through I know what the back and forth has been I know there are surveys and I asked for Mr W name to have one survey and then come get the other one but for some reason they said no like these type of things just doesn't make sense and it brings a lot of it brings a lot of friction between the council and everybody else and then we had the police department thinking that the um city council is doing something wrong and we're not you know we've been labeled anti police anti- this anti that and it's all because we're not doing things in a resp respectful man and I think we have to start respecting each other that's all I'm saying okay but what survey did you ask for and they said no uh the other day when the resident came up here and he he asked for the Stockton survey and the DCA survey and we said just let him have it but for some reason y'all said no what it is what it is it's not a y'all if he overed it I if did he over it he did understand we don't have to go through that but I'm just saying it's just the proper way us to respect each other and right now it seems like things that be done are being done in spite of and that's not the proper way to run the city we have to handle oursel like adults and right now doing this type of thing and fighting back and forth over something like this that could have easily been addressed with all of us together with our committees or whatever has to be it could have easily been done there and it should have been done um can I put in an over request for that that because I don't have any of that I don't know what meetings went on and what was discussed I'm not in on those meetings there's no nobody has ever said to me this is the report that we got from Stockton this is the DCA I have yet to this minute got well you guys know you're fighting about something for the record there's no DCA okay there's a sto report there we said that last wait wa Joan and we also discuss that it would not be released until both report but wait a minute wait a minute why going city council Cy of it I should know what everybody else knows so as for that that that's between you and the rest of you shouldn't have to ask for a thing it should be automatic that's like I said I'll put in an over request but this is kind of silly do you have the report no do you have the report Mr no there we go there we go we'll double check I'm not sure I want to say it was sent out to no it was never sent out it was never sent out because I brought it up before about not having it you know come on you want to talk about the mayor you want let's have some respect I feel disrespectful I don't have the correct information no you're you're talking about you know what's in it I don't know what I don't know I wasn't recipient I'm I wasn't the original custodian of that report however if it needs to be disseminated after this we'll just make sure every give me the directive and then I will go ahead can I just say something real quick because we're sitting up here talking we're going into this report thing and that's not the issue the issue is protocol and handling our business in the correct manner so let's get back on that and then we'll go from the council call is to make sure all council members know what's going on M president May yes as far as the as far as the promotions that were concerned we were given a date of June 17 by whe whether it was um the Public Safety Committee or whatever it was and then they were postponed so because of that specific date that was given that is why the approval for the promotion or for the uniforms because the promotions were supposed to happen and then when it was found out that I wasn't going to get promoted because my waiver still hadn't been approved that's why there was going to be at that time hold on the promotions so that is the reasons why they went and got their uniforms because they were supposed to get torn in on a specific time so well I gu we I can talk to you later because thaty any I know it doesn't justify but the fact that these men and women were supposed to get sworn sworn in and they were actually told three or four times that they were getting sworn in and that is why they had the uniforms is because there was a certification of the promotional list so that was an anticipation that there were going to be um promotions okay so we'll talk because I do know that the mayor knows when the promotions supposed to take place so even if you called and say can they get the uniforms the answer should have been no and communic came when she remember was it up with everything keep up with everything you know I know what's going on I'm glad that anybody have any other questions Kya um when the bill is 44609 I'm sorry say that again 44609 page three it says life insurance is that for one person or yes okay are you reading to purchase order number or are you reading the vendor number what number are you reading I'm sorry vendor number okay and what is it again 44609 star life okay because we have different reports on not reli you said the name yeah like I think that's our is that I think that's a policy but that's a policy that we may pay in general but it's not for a specific person okay I just see 12200 so I wasn't sure I think that's the mon yes anybody else have any questions what it is employee group life insurance thank you Council anyone have anything to add on the bill so we off that no we're open discussion yes I like the F station can you come up for me please and uh you're you said something early about your waiver yes did that go through yet yes as of August 29th of 2024 your waiv has been approved yes I am permanent as far as civil servic is concerned all right um active Chief thank you I just wasn't aware what about you was your waiver approved Dad I know of no way we was submitted yeah I did tell you that and you can't say I got a problem not you man m l not you the problem that I see is that we filed for the actor chief for for the PD but we didn't file for uh the fire department I don't know the procedures on the w we can but to make that ail to get things done very quickly are we able to do that if you can look actually you answer now if you can look into that or do you have an answer for that CU I think we're in the same situation that no one wanted to be the chief onbody oh I'm sorry um I had spoken to um Chief Bas about that actually he had asked me about it the difference with the chief and chief vus is that in her Department um it was only her in the second person when you do that um you can do the waiver and with Chief Benes you have many eligible folks that even if you may want to get a wer from each of them to say okay you know you can apply for the chief or or the waiver Civil Service wouldn't allow it to happen because of the number of people that are eligible to take the test for the fire chief so what would be the next step in moving forward here I believe the closing date is October 31st next week oh so this month and by the Clos period what does that mean like who put in for the test or who's eligible like what what does that that goes to Civil Service they'll um do what they need to do on on their end and sometimes based on how he submitted its application I don't know if this applies to Firefighters but I know on the civilian side title you can score based on your application and you don't have to test so I don't know if that's applicable to the fire and um to the fire chief position I'm anticipating that nobody submitt an application um so I will be the only one as cling so U Solen so after that closing date on October 31st and no one then we get a certified list say he's the only one he's the only one question how long I mean have you known this information that you were going to be the only one I thought we thought you were only one so that's I think that's why Charles is asking a question how come yours wasn't put in at the same time so officially I knew that no I mean they they submitted something in writing but again that we can't take that I can't take that officially that they can still apply for the test so a person who service even though they submitted something to me they can still apply for the test no matter what so there was more than two people or three people that were eligible to take the test and the fire department so four four okay so we're waiting we're I guess we're waiting to see if three put in letters to take the test if they didn't submit their Letters by October the 31st then it's just you correct it just be you and the chief Lo okay so you have yours already in yes all right yours is in August 1st that's when the announcement came out okay thank you thank you counc may have a motion to close session second all in favor good evening this is city of pville city council meeting today is October the 21st 2024 the time is 7:37 this meeting has been duly advertised in the city news new paper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for invocation excuse me we like just do a moment of silence for two people that passed away darthy Smith who grew up here in pville and also ski the same from Atlantic City who was uh one of the uh people that was in the basketball Community pres and Atlantic City Pres un States Kon th may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes motion I have a second second all in favor uh may you have any accomodations next we have public portion yes start um I just have few things as you all know um one thing has been outstanding for like 60 years is that we never had a corner on West Leeds Avenue in Route 9 there's no handicap access there for children but on the other three corners there is that correspond with that on other side of the street is nothing but gravel it's never been paved there's no sidewalk no gutter no runoff and like I said there's no handicap area for that any children to come up there um so I I would like for someone to look into this um we briefly spoke me and Carla about it I brought it up in a committee meeting we did okay and I'm I'm hoping that this year hopefully fingers crossed that it it's gets paved it's a dangerous area I mean UPS is like how many 80 60 trucks that come P there and like there's no curb so you know what if a handicap child gets hit there okay next next issue um um with businesses keeping up with their properties it's disgusting all right they have people that calm landscaping companies they move lawn they don't go down the Ravine to pick up the trash there's trash all over the place I mean are they too good they're getting paid to clean up the property why are properties these people that own the property is being held accountable and that leads me into that we need more Code Enforcement Officers we are laxed in a lot of areas cars not parking the right way cars zooming down our street new Mark Avenue we have dirt bik zooming down the street I mean we got a ton of cars on the street that are parked on both sides so there's not a big margin so that's another issue of ours that we have on new Mark avenue I just don't want to say ours because I'm sure the people pu have theirs too that this is happening to a suggestion was made a speed hump instead of a speed bump so that these people will learn even people that live on the street learn to park the right way and follow the speed limit on the street and slow down I I'm so fearful these kids that you're zooming down the street on a dirt bike they have no helmet on there's no lights on them and I'm aware of the pigy backing where they think if they can have a dirt bike on the street with a car fallowing behind them I that is just yes thank you so and what's the time done Excuse me yes what specific properties are you talking about that aren't being cleaned um preferably the industrial ones like down the street the Art Park area and you know on the corner of West leads and Route n that is disgusting in the retention area nobody cleans that out especially RE Michael that's wet so one West Le's Avenue they don't clean out theirs and like of course excuse me the vagrants are hanging out back there and there's still a tent person living back there um I do not feel that this is right and this person is lived there for a year and a half where is this at again where the person is living yes it's called Bartlet with two L's I believe Bartlet Avenue and it just has that boat place there and it's right behind the boat place you can't miss him he's like maybe 50 ft in got his own car the police have been back there oh okay so has Public Works cuz I had him back there two or three times and it's still no adult yeah so who who do we go to God Almighty can can you check with a Kyrie tomorrow morning and that way he'll know what he'll know exactly what you're talking about okay I appreciate that sir and ma'am because he's been back there for a year and a half you can ask the boat people they know him would you want yeah yes so I I have pictures too also I have pictures of all the Wawa cups that are still at ending up on our street I don't understand why we don't have trash cans anymore they're in front of the police department and in front of the library and in front of the public works so um I'm just asking we need some trash cans down there because the kids walk home from school that way so you know it just helps them to be a little bit concerned thank you very much I'm sorry I went over thank mom you coming up she was going my dog I'm sorry because I got bad vertigo David callway thank you good evening everyone good even um I wanted to touch on the C liquor of his you Jo you said they slid in which pretty much they did but we all know what liquor store is bring it's going to be a hangout they going to be out there begging even though it's going to open there nothing that we can do about it can we make sure that when it opens that Police Department make that place safe and no hanging out amen Lord excuse me no exactly exactly um the other thing is last meeting I was talking about Park having pretty much what you were saying how these once that Streit was paid I mean 65 70 M an hour zooming I have nieces and nephews that live on that block and I'm very afraid that someone is going to get hurt or kill out that's right the police department did come they put a uh sign out saying speed limit 25 R speed limit will be enforced this ISS speed limit is 25 speed limit will be enforced y that sign is okay but when is it going to be enforced they still find out how you enforce it well she was saying speed bumps and how you pay for the speed bumps since we don't have the money you get the police officers out there with their radar thank you yes and pay for speeds amen I mean it's constantly blly down yep BL every day and it's not just Park Avenue it's all over pleas I just wanted to ask does um city council or the administration have numbers of of tickets that was given out for speeding in pleas because I maybe once or twice since I've lived in and I've seen anyone with a radar do we even have them yes sir Mr C the chief did provide that information to our committee uh how many tickets were Vehicles were stopped how many tickets were issued and stuff so we did receive that information hopeing we receive that every month so we know the officers are uh performing by writing the motor they they issue uh movement violations and the non-moving violations and they also provided uh parking violations which no they're not no they're not excuse me I'm just saying the police department as he asked has given us that necessary information that was the Republic questioned it I questioned the committee it was turned over to us and you can see the numbers have been going up I can say that as a chairman okay I was just saying that my time is running out you took a lot of oh you hour was done oh okay okay no well um I just wish that you saying that they have provided that report yes sir if they could please step it up it's just not part all over pleas you have really once they finish Franklin Boulevard same thing we fixed the roads no no I'm saying fix the road but still slow them down we fixed the roads they're nice and smooth and now they're like a but you have we can control that we can control that because uh sum point that streets are paav and you know what yes it is no you don't speed through some's Point CU you going to get a and we must had that reputation here in to slow him down that's all I'm saying I just want to say something listen what I want you to understand is this air is that I've been complaining about that on Adam's Avenue for the last four or five years I one night I'm sitting in there me and my wife someone went up the street at least 90 turned around and came back down at least you could you could hear him going up the street and the thing of it is is we've complained we've asked um and you know we have our chief over here and I'm going to sit down and have a conversation with her hopefully the mayor but we have to have some police officers out there giving our tickets because there are a lot of Revenue that could be collected and the thing of it is is that if these people have no repercussions or no consequences of what they're doing it's going to continue to happen me and my brother was out in front of my house about a month ago and I kid ran up the street so fast I told him to stop this guy turns around and comes back and says F you so you understand this is the attitude and the mentality of what's going on and when nothing is addressed it continues to happen so it needs to be addressed um it needs to be brought to a stop you know right down the street you have a guy with a big SUV he Parks right up on his lawn so these are the things that continue to happen and he needs to be brought to a stop so I my my other issue is uh C the market not just Market the convenience store is per and pleasant do we have any kind what department overseas because it's a lot of price Gall you have a 99 cent TOA well Arizona it's right on the can they charge you do502 $2 a can it's right on the can you already making money that's the because they put that price on it they not selling it for 99 you you already making money then on top of that if you go in there with a debit card they charge you for using your debit card yes they do and that is illegal a debit card is cash now a credit card is something different they used to do it at the gas station us a debit card they charge you credit price debit is not credit can we get someone to look into these store is bad enough I mean they are ress in these little stores especially I have a put the um like the things are out on the street to tell you the speed limit that are there any of those with cameras that automatically generated ticket I mean but if there a lot of money it would generate a lot of Mone abely maybe can we look into something like that there something they're not enforceable in the state of New Jersey they're not enforceable in the state of New Jersey yeah lawyers litigated that in North Jersey well you know I'm that's the reason why I'm saying that's what happened because they were doing it they they had the because of calibration things correct that was the whole ARG so same way with Rad but that's the reason why you know with your hair well Radar Radar um are calibrated correct yeah but if they're not recently you can still make a no you can't really get this anymore no that's pretty C you have to keep them certified they have to be certified every year next we have Miss Dy but it looks like she left next is Lily Freeman she's going and Gloria glass good evening good evening I'm here again with everyone else to complain about the speeding I live on P and bab Avenues and it's a Speedway honest to God day night weekends it never stops they don't stop at the bike path where people walking their dogs or riding their bikes somebody's really going to get hurt we''ve been playing for a couple years also so and you know you put the thing you know you're going this fast and then the sign goes away this you know NE goes away and it and it just comes back they don't slow down we've asked for Speed bumps or humps whatever they speed through here Pleasantville is ATO Raceway it really honestly I'm not pretending I'm not exaggerating it's terrible someone's going to get hurt there are children there are people walking their dogs there just people walking and they won't stop for them please do something somebody's going to get hurt please miss glass I know where you're talking about espe especially at the bike pad because people come through there and uh last week I was coming through and there was someone riding some a man was teaching his child to ride the bike and they they slow down but they fail to stop you know and no one was we stop you know but the car coming the other direction doesn't stop so I was wondering uh to um M Carmona and she what we need to do is get better lines because there's nothing saying Crossing there so that's something that maybe we should do at all the bik p some Lin signs some yeah but I'm saying even the bright yellow lines would be a start because there's nothing there yeah I'm sorry what you say a few minutes few minutes okay I need to know if um well let's put like last year the tree fell on my house now the trees outside my property fell on my house it was two trunks one fell on my house the other one is still standing but it's in bad shape it's going to fall I don't know what year what month but it will I need somebody to come look at it because that the one that fell on my house they said was my property but the one that's still standing Roots out the street so the argur said it belongs to the city but I don't want another accident like that to happen so someone can come look at the tree Miss Glen when the meeting is over someone will come and get your phone number and your answer okay thank you I have a motion to close public in Madam clerk next we have a motion for exec session may I have a motion second okay may I have a second all in favor have a motion to come out the executive session motion second all in favor all right M CL okay first is resolution 159 authorizing the removal of zoning board adjustment members lawence St and call please motion I mean motion a second second call dport yes yes Kona yes Korea AB bar clay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 16 important members to the Zoning Board of adjustment D Archie and Allan madx may I have a motion motion may have a second call please DAV yes yes Kona yes Korean barang yes speak yes Thomas yes resolution approved ordinance number 12 amending chapter6 of City C regulating the number of licensed candidates cultivation and Manufacturing may have a motion motion may have a second second roll call D Court yes yes kimona yes Korea Clan yes Orby yes Thomas yes or move to Second reading scheduled for November the 6 5th that is or number 13 amending the city po to provide tax abatement for a residential project to be developed on Block 19 Lots 13 and 15 is a non- comination area in need of Redevelopment in coordinance with njsa 4A 21-1 we have a motion motion we have a second second D yes no Kona yes Korea yes clay yes over yes Thomas yes is move to Second reading resolution 161 authorizes the release of a performance bond to preing pel Subway for Onsite improvements the block 58 locks 23 actually known as 310 South New Road may have a motion motion may have a second second that rep yes yes Bona yes Korea yes or clay yes over yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 162 authorizing a change order for an increase of $ 55,800 and the contract to F Incorporated for the installation of the generator at the recreation center may have a motion motion May second second Dort yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Baran yes OB OB speak yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 163 award the contract agreement Peterson Incorporated for the preparation of the Safe Streets for all action plan in amount of 19929 may I have a motion motion may I have a second roll call Dort yes yes kimona yes ker yes CL yes B Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 164 authorizing happing conrete Incorporated to perform services at the Pleasantville bus station in the amount of $112,000 and0 may have a motion motion have second second dport yes yes yes yes CL yes yes Thomas yes resolution resolution 165 amending resolution number 105 d224 authorizing a personto person transfer of retail consumption liquor license to see the liquor Market LLC may have a motion motion may have second yes yes kimon yes Korea yes barlay yes OAS yes Thomas yes resolution approve resolution 166 requesting a six-month extension from the jge Department transportation for the fisical year 2023 Municipal aid grant program for the bike path from decada to Milan improvements may I have a motion motion may I have a second second roll call D yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Aran yes Overby yes Thomas yes resolution three resolution 167 requested a 6 month extension for the new judg Department transportation for the fiscal year 20123 Municipal aid grant Improvement for the Richwood Avenue improvements may I have a motion motion we have a second second roll call B yes yes Kon yes Korean yes yes over yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 168 requesting a 6mon extension from the New Jersey Department of Transportation for the physical year 2023 TV Municipal aid grant for the street Green Street Street skate approv that's a motion second all right thank you you repat that Green Street ESC almost had it dport yes yes kimona Kore yes yes speak yes Thomas yes resolution approve resolution 169 recognizes the retirement payouts in the 2024 may I have a motion may I have a second second Dort yes fero yes kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes OAS yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 170 recognizes retirement payout in 2024 motion call dport yeso yes Kona yes Korea yes bar clang yes yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 71 recognized pay in 2024 have may have a second second call Dort yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Clan yes over Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 172 recogniz Tommy P 2024 may have a motion motion may have a second second roll call dport yes yes kimona yes Kore yes or clay yes over yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 173 addon support for suitability of a candidate business score for 20 DJ Incorporated motion a motion second second D cour yes yes Korea yes or yes over yes Thomas yes resolution approve I need a motion to approve bingoo AER second I got to go the he Port yeso yes kimona yes Korea yes bar clay yes ausby you word Thomas yes motion approve I need a motion to approve the bill this motion second second dport yeso yes kimona yes Korea yes or clay yes over yes thas yes to everything but 00245 can you give me the vendor's name action un and is it entire yes okay so noted motion approved next is comments from Council or mayor you have anything nothing I mayor noad um I just want to talk about I guess it's uh resolution number 164 because of uh what brought this about was the uh contamination of the soil me we were down there public works took us down to the bus station and because of the war and feces human fees that were compiled right there in in the front of the bus station it made it so that we had to dig the dirt up and cut the trees down now they taking everything out um you know with that being said I was hoping that we could have a um a committee meeting Public Safety so that we could go over this so that something like this doesn't happen because I talked to the um Public Works people they said Not only was it there but on the other side of the street they had to take all of that stuff out because that was going on in that area also so that is not something that we can continue to uh you know let happen in the city of Pleasantville you that's right here on Main Street and if they're doing that Not only was it your IND pces so it's just not a good situation you know I would definitely like to sit down with the chief the mayor and everybody and go over and a game plan so that we don't go through anything like that again because the guys that public work work hard and uh they should have and also we have another issue where with all of the um and I don't know whether this is something that I can say but it's about the uh the old high school field is that okay for me to mention that and just I don't even know what the issue is so I couldn't I couldn't I'll leave you Al for now yeah you can talk to me privately and then I can you want address we'll talk privately I uh on Sunday I went to uh St Mary's Episcopal church for the church in city government relations it was very nice they explained what they first of all they were welcoming the new Haitian residents into the community which was very nice uh they ALS o explain that they have an ESL program there that they do for people that you know English is not a first language and I also got to see firsthand a little bit late in the season but their Garden that they have that they have all the vegetables and everything it's just it's an amazing um little piece of farmland and the church was just kind of amazing too I was I felt very comfortable in it was a very nice welcoming feel was very and was so uh we come here the majority of our complaints is about speeding in the community up we can name all the streets and everything like that but we have to realize something uh with our tax ratio and all that and it's very hard for our Police Department you have to understand this right in order to enforce them rules and regulations and the speeding that we're going to have to come up to have that work to field that's out there to do it because it's hard to answer calls and what I mean by calls domestics and phone calls that come in and also enforce ra uh radar or traffic and I give you an example somebody mentioned some point some point their cause is not similar to pleas cause we have more uh calls com in by value I don't know the number but I can tell you that basically so as Council as our committee Tony we if that's something and this why I'm going to Har back to with the survey I wanted that so we can have someone who can guide us tell we need more IND in the street then that's what we need if we need more Chiefs and that's what we need I know something has to be done we hear the complaints and all that if we had more officers in the street I believe like uh if we pay the officers in the field and less in Command Staff that's something we have to look at we're going to have to look at something so it's a push and take but whatever we do we have to have the Buy in by the by the community so what I'm saying is just keep it up front with them they come and complain about traffic they complain about speeding and all that which is totally right told you been on Adam part bab you we all been there if we going to do something we have to have a plan but it's going to C you H we're not going to be some do something for nothing so that's why I'm saying is when we make the decision let the public be involved so they know that they were part of it too so don't come back later on they say well why did you do that well now ta two cents because you hir three officers we have to be able to explain that so we have to communicate it to the public do we need it absolutely but how do we do it we have to do it up front we have to do it right that's all I'm trying to say cuz that's what the complaints are we all here we all get a phone calls and they come right here and say it on our face but we can't blame officers is out there at work when they trying to answer calls and also track people down for speeding cuz that becomes a Traffic Unit and things like that so we have to do something T I bring up my committee hopefully Chief would you be able to make it to our next public safety meeting let me know the date and time I schools and stuff I think Mondays are bad for you uh this week the rest of the week I'm in school or next week next week um I'd have to check my schedu just let me know let us you good for so we set up all right thank you that's all I I just have a reminder that on Friday is our annual trumpet ret treat right here in the city hall parking lot from 5:30 to 7:30 p.m. so bring the children out make sure hopefully they in costume and come and get some of this good C may I have a motion to adjourn motion motion all in favor talk