##VIDEO ID:fhDy_YNgPmU## [Music] good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council work meeting today is November the 4th 2024 and the time is 6:30 p.m. this meeting has been duy advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the sunshine La roll call please presona pres pres open speak pres Thomas presid S attend may I have approval of previous minutes Mo all in favor CL agenda ordinance number 12 second reading public hearing will be held dur a regular session amending chapter 116 of the city C regulate the number of licensed cannabis cultivation and Manufacturing facilities any questions Council CN ordinance number 13 second reading public hearing during regular session amending the city code to provide for tax abatement for a residential project to be developed on Block 19 blocks 13 and 15 as a non- condation area in need of Redevelopment in accordance with njsa 40a colon 21-1 any questions Council c ordance number 14 first reading amending chapter 139 of the city code to require protection of critical facil in the any questions Council resolution 174 adopting a repetitive law area analysis report for Lake Area any questions Council yes go ahead Council can uh someone to explain that a little bit so for the rest of the council what I can um say is um resolution 173 resolution 174 and resolution um 175 and plus there's an ordinance um that's on here and and it's basically is the credit credit rating system for the city of pleasant bille that was instituted by FEMA I believe it was 2013 2017 everything after Hurricane see and basically what they're trying to do is um bring the city up to to uh current where the flood planes may occur within the city and the Lakes Bay View area has been um has been um reviewed and and looked at as to be um a revenue excuse me a a lost analysis report area for the city because of the the B water the flooding that occurs there so basically this report what it does overall once everything is is done approved and and is sent away over to FEA it also helps uh City residents to obtain homeowners insurance at a discount rate if you're in a prone area where you're taking active um participation in the program because there's another resolution for the public um for the program for public information which will circulate in those area that are uh PR to um flooding [Music] thank resolution 175 adopting the program for public information as part of the City's community rating system program any questions Council CN resolution 176 Grant approval of a Thanksgiving food distribution in the city at the City Hall Parking Lot on November the 23rd from 1:00 p.m. to 400 p.m. any questions Council C resolution 177 adopting and certifying the up and review of a section of the Personnel policies and procedure any questions Council M president I look at this resolution and I was wondering to see clarification on two paragraphs uh paragraph three the ending part of it which says uh overnight on call duut to employees may take set Vehicles home and return to M when ends the policy the policy section number three second paragraph and if you turn to the next page section N9 which says certain employees due to the nature of the duty may receive written authorization from the Department head for vehicles access on a 24hour basis for City business uh I was thinking do impa the police and if they affect them um I need little clarification uh if it applies to them that they will not be using the vehicles after hour uh how do they come when I call them [Music] forication okay these are the ones during the day the day the day Vehicles the ones that take them home at night but these are only I'm F about the on Hing about the ones during the day okay but we'll still have you know the vehicles out here okay tonight yeah any other questions Council see I resolution 178 providing for Budget insur into the 2024 budget any questions councel seeing none next is review of the bill l m so you have um two list of before you we can look at the one that's a two pager and basically these were payments that had to be made um and the bigger amount of payment is the payment that's made to the Division of Pensions and health benefits uh and that's and then the other one is the city payroll um do you have any questions on any other items on here and then we have the Atlantic City Electric so this is the first bill is these are items that are already paid so done that y okay I would like to move on to the second this is the bill list that's um seek your approval as well if you have any questions on them any question yes I speak on the E charge is this a regular does it FL does it go down sometime which um I'm sorry the 00411 the third one okay this is to to replenish it um I know that um there's um various vehicles that have theas but I don't know the exact amount that they each use but we have to replenish it um and and it can vary for one month to another it's usually about thousand now talking about 2000 yeah that's what well I did not see all the Easy Pass bills most likely some of them may have uh that $50 violation but that can always be Abad if if I'm not saying that they're all all that but you can always call them and but you still have to replenish the account and they'll take care of any other thing if they if they have to remove those um um if you didn't pay it on time or the the balance was low sometimes it does happen that the balance is low and it will just assess that $50 value on there so okay no I just want to follow do you sometime receive a monthly or summary I'm sure they do at the at the um at the office absolutely they get a monthly bill or a monthly summary of all the charges there way that we can at least have we can I can analyze that I was going to say so mad da if it's possible can you bring this um in front of our um finance committee meeting please yes ma'am chair yes for the finance committee we should know how many vehicles we have for the Easy Pass right that's the main and where those tolls at where the tolls are being uh paid at anyone else here on the building on the uh on resolution 17 okay let me just anyone else we're good on the build okay um I forgot the ask we want how are we implementing these findings how are we getting them out to the people that live down there all this information and how are we in the future going to get them out to the 180 uh home or renters for the units that are down there that are going to be coming up in the apartments well resolution number five uh excuse me resolution 175 um actually adopts uh the program for public information as part of the whole rating system and that includes informing folks about the flood zone areas and especially in that area they do identify in the importance the Lakes Bay Area there's um vacancies there and the the the the committee for for for this program for the community rating system they are the ones that are going to come together and um hand out and and provide information to the residents in that area okay when those apartments are going to be built and when they are going to rent them they are going to be made aware of these things oh absolutely um and there was something about the U that the city wants to ensure that tenants of the buildings in the flood zone are aware of the risk for their day-to-day safety and emergency planning and that property owners landlords are similarly aware of the risk and take actions to mitigate their risk at their buildings whether they live in them or own them what actions can they take flood insurance for the apartments or are rent renters insurance are is that covered on would flood insurance be covered under renters insurance then I don't know it all depends on on the renter what they get uh it is an option and it's an additional Insurance just like homeowners homeowners have insurance but you can also purchase a flood insurance but you're the owner of the property and and these people would not be you know that that is again between the tenant and and the landlord regarding the rental insurance and the coverage should they choose the tenant on the tenant side if they want to have that I I would just like to make sure that when they are built and at the appropriate time when they are renting that they get yeah when they sign their that they get the appropriate information so you know when the next super storm zy rolls around they're not like wait you never told me this was right okay I did make a notation of that and I will forward it to the committee to make sure that this does happen anyone else Council any comments mayor have anything no may I have a motion [Music] motion to close all in favor good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council meeting today is November the 4th 2024 and the time is 6:44 p.m. this meeting has been duly advertised in the the city newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand for invocation andag father I pledge Al to flag United States of stand IND here pres pres Pres present may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes second all in favor mayor have any combinations proclamations or thank you now we have public portion anybody would like to sign a public portion St name than [Music] first we have Mr har Hill I don't have any complaints in person I just want to say thank you to all council members and all Personnel who took and did all the early voting for everybody to get everybody out to the PO just want to say you your work and dedication is very much appreciated that's all thank next we have Mr Solomon good afternoon Council [Music] afternoon I'm here uh to seek city council help in regard property 122-124 East Park Avenue block 65 BL 19 and 21 about a year ago when I got a resolution 160 the city council would like to see the property back the way it was 6 unit I was happy and celebrating so I went to the Zone in VOR was a quick thing and I went ahead and uh apply just by myself but then they told me no you got to bring professionals you got to hire so okay that's another 30 $40,000 fine so I did that and I went in front of the board just to give you uh how bad it was is uh it has to do with a city employee a year ago employees call me all kind of names slimy land lord and you will never get that property back to the sixth unit the way it was and I complained to the city Administration Linda took the case my complaint and investigated all my allegation was fund sustained that means all the allegation was true but I didn't have a problem and I didn't say the city apologize wrote me a letter of apology and the mayor was nice enough called me in person apologizing everything was good but when I came I thought everything was forgotten some of the city officials have a member or a family member or friends in a zoning board fought me so hard I couldn't even understand because the professionals that I hired and the city professionals agreed this place is big enough to accommodate and the problem was only parking issue which was I had 10 parking and huge outside parking but they W 12 parking so I believe city of Pleasantville is a member agreeing to the inner city uh parking uh relief if you are within a half a mile of uh a transportation if I'm correct you're not to be held to that standard of zoning standard but that wasn't the case Mr Sal can you just wrap it up I'm not sure how much longer because your time's up okay so what I'm trying to do is here and even though the city did apologize but then he went all the way to the Zoning for with their family members and friends and I had five votes then after somebody made a phone call they changed their vot so I have 4 to three and Mark said that the City attorney that this should have been here because it should have been done at the city council the way they did it it shouldn't have to come to us that's what he say so what I'm looking for is right now I want you guys to look at it investigate it for me or I need some kind of resolution it's a big H Place everything is done spend $300,000 there ready to be rented I know there is a lot of uh waiting lists for rentals all I got to do is get City's approval and go through the court enforcement and then be able to uh uh inspect and rent so that is my uh wish I would like to see the city council to look into it and then let me know some kind of a resolution with this property thank you I have a question Mr Salomon how many um just to be sure because it's been said that it was a single family dwelling and this and that which really doesn't make sense to me cuz I know the size of them how many electrical panels do you have out there because that should solve it all right there how many electrical panels I have four electrical panel in the back and there there was two up front so I took the other one so it's only one so the front building is one family right now so I'm willing I don't want to get Stu to the six I can even drop it to five five units but it was two in the front and four in back yes so it was actually never a single family dwelling always separate no no and as it indicated the sewer bill mhm it was six units the city city sewer bills are stay in six years for over 10 years well I'm going to tell you what I know a lot about what's going on here and the way things happened with him with the employee that was very disrespectful and degrading um I just think we need look into this and make sure that we do the right thing which doesn't make sense to me thank you anyone so yes mam chair uh to our solicitor uh I'm not aware of the whole situation but would you would you be able to brief us on that on what actions could be taking if any I don't even know I have to reach out I have to put a v in the reach out to the zoning board attorney to talk about all right yeah because I don't know what actually we could take and what we can do let's make sure we can we ask our solic sir actually I have one more thing when the city when before they wrote me this apology one of the city official said that you're going to rent it to a bunch immigrant n documented immigrant with a bunch kids that we are not going to allow that because you're going to put a pressure on our school system or burden for our school system one of the city official and that is discriminatory not fair biased and that person has a family member on the board and if you guys want me to name no okay and then I that complaint last year I spoke to council victor and let him know but this complaint Mr Solomon can you just put all of that in writing and then you know just make sure that you know you send it to our business administrator who would turn give it to our Sol thank you I will do that thank you thank you president me next we have Miss Gloria G hello glor second time here um I have a question well I know last time I'm just a squeaky wheel about the the speeding on bab and Avenue what are they going to do about it that's what we want to know I mean some of my neighbors are not here I try to encourage them to come but it's it's a huge issue and know what the city's going to do about it go ahead chair good evening M we're going to have a meeting in reference to this I did receive uh from the ba that we received a $225,000 grant so we're going to have a meeting and uh it's layout for that but that is our main concern is uh for the traffic in the areas of certain areas uh that we have noted so that will be done uh by next week we'll have this week next week we'll have our meeting in reference to it so we hope that uh the next city council we be a to provide some type of plan or when we going to initiate a plan to help slow down the speed and the pleasant because every and I said this to the ba her and I met I said every council meeting that's what we hear is a speeding it's a shame even on the council president Street uh councilman dport Street there the town everybody's flying so I mean it's throughout our community every council member here gets complaints about it so we are we we're lucky we just received that so that was great news when I received that I was so thankful that we got 225,000 but we're also going to see how we can enhance our Patrol Division and uh check I wanted to know about how many Radars we equipped with our police cars I mean these are things that I I've asked from our Administration how many Radars uh we equipped with our police cars how many certified officers we have cuz maybe that's the reason why we have to get train more officers on radar to have them go out there and stay out there and slow this traffic down yeah so that's that would be a good well that's what I have in mind that's what I have in mind so I'm going to hopefully that goes through the committee when I have the committee meeting and hope uh I councilman come on in Council DS right here so we shall try our best to come up with some sort of plan that that we will be effective in our city thank you man thank you next we have M for Brown hello hello um I want to just peed back on she was talking about about traffic real Qui and um the other day I was coming home from work I got off as you know about 3:00 and I'm coming down Main Street and these guys on dirt bikes on Main Street popping wheelies and standing up on the seats in traffic that traffic was Heavy that time of day and I think that's extremely dangerous and I'm hoping that y'all could do something to deter this I don't I know you can't chase them and all of that uh safety to you Lord but they have to be stopped they're going to kill somebody they yeah and that's just I was head death I just wanted to stop good m is that that's all you have no keep I bread and but the other thing I wanted to ask about is the lighting and pleasant bill now I spoke to somebody they was telling me that you know um it's a it's in a process or something and but I want to know is there any way to speed up that process or what stage is it in like when are they going to brighten Pleasantville up it's extremely dark and Pleasantville yes it is extremely dark I don't even want to walk down my side street at night to go to my girlfriend's house I take my car that's how dark it is you can see nothing and it's mostly um just about all over Pleasant B and another thing um they need to put some lights in that Park on Woodland Avenue and have morning like cuz kids are going in there I didn't hear can you beat that I said they need to put lights in the park on Woodland Avenue because children are going in there after it gets started you know in this dark early yeah yeah now still and they don't have anywhere else to go so they usually just walk around walk around but they going to the park and I don't think that's a great idea definitely not safe that's do I can I get an answer I mean I just want to make sure you was done because you still have you know like 30 seconds for my issue with the dirt bikes right I've checked in and it's under the AG guidelines our police they can pursue them and stuff like that they said right but here's another way that I've noticed that other municipalities came down is they enforced the rules at the gas stations and and that's as a dirt bike rider as a kid and I'm going to tell you you ride up at the gas station you fill your tank up and you take off rout the city and we might want to come up with an idea that they can't fill those dirt bites and stuff off but they're not registered and they have to use a gas can and that like stop them from running through our city they don't have fuel when they fuel somewhere else but that's where it has to be is at the fuel and I can tell you I was one of them so I'm not I'm not going to bash them cuz I I did it myself I ran through this town on my motorcycles since I was 12 so but that's the way got got way out of hand I see them they went down a black horse bike on qu door I mean so I understand but we are restrained by the AG guidelines but the municipality maybe we can look at U enforcing the fuel rules and regulations without uh fueling them bikes up if they're not registered B so you do anything about them just not driving on the Main Street they don't have license on on their on their um bikes but the only way we can do that if if the officers catch them when they off the bike see because if you want us to do something about that that means literally pursuing them and then we can't do that the way you got to do it is you got to catch them or know where they where they going to park at or where they be at or catch them when they park at a gas station and then you can go ahead and you know check them uh for the serial numbers and all that area Al together in eh can you bring this up in your committee again and report back to this really really yes sir this up last year last year two years years I I wasn't hearing it I just say I do check about this stuff they pissed me off and that's another and I don't know why they still do it because almost every year one of them kids die on in bites especially down there on New Road um um I think it was one on New Road in Adams it was one by the graveyard kids die every year but they still do the same thing you you have to come up with something that they cannot ride those dirt bikes within the city limits they need to have somewhere to go ride so U Renee about the lights we're still waiting for AC they said they have to finish their audit I've been saying this constantly because they continually say it and we don't know I don't have any answer to give as far as when we're going to be able to actually get started with the LED lighting we just checked and now BS you know BS over B low passes over that you and I had talked about that before and he said that it's not going to be much longer soon as audits done and audit throughout the city is supposed to be done by now so hopefully you know I'll make another call tomorrow and just see when we're going to be doing it because it is dark throughout this day and now that is daylight savings time it's maybe if you guys could just maybe try to put some pressure on them some kind of way we did we've been doing that all along I'm worried about the kids I mean it's still early you can't I mean it's 6:30 it's not like they're out past a curfew time or too late for them to be out it's just know we'll follow up on it but I mean we can only tell you what they tell us thank you you welcome this car and the lights so what the the not on the basketball court I'm talking about where the trees are you saying where the trees are where the trees are over to if I'm facing right now to the left of the basketball okay so not thank you next we have carine [Music] tonight okay good um so I'll start with the good things first as always um I miss Linda Payton I didn't get to come to her retirement thing here so I'm going to try to give you all a card you can forward it to her for me please um second of all everyone is trying I guess to do the best that they Poss possibly can with what they're given here but there's always a butt I this week have encountered things I never thought I would encounter once I said that before too Carla and we get all these grants Grant this grant for that grant for this grant for that I can't even get a trash can on a street that should have it cuz it's a local Highway and I was told I could only have one trash can and it can only be put on that spot which is leads West leads Avenue and new road we needed coming out of the school area and then walking the children walking over the bridge cuz I just see them I was Park the L I go around and I do my little investigations as you all know and kids are just throwing a trash right there on the ground it's like no no one ever told them listen go put your sippy cup or go try you know whatever you're drinking throw in the trash at your house do you do this at your home this is ridiculous then I go up here every every time you have to go through the black hor pipe and over that railroad that it is disgusting I've never seen anything more disgusting the grass is this High you got trees overg growing it I did see two police officers coming out of there on the motorized bikes which was reassuring because we are we do need more police and I saw the status of that fire department over there no I would not I wouldn't even let a roach live over there that's how bad it is and you know what I feel really embarrassed to be from pille I've lived here my entire life this community has no backbone we get nothing done we get grants and promises promises and grants you call the police no one comes to your back to your house and tells you what they did to resolve the calling that you made what is the problem and you can't get to the chief of police as one okay I can talk to one or two of you people on the council and one or two will give back to me but this is disgusting how can we live between two beautiful cities norfield and Aben and have to drive through this my time is up and I know you want me to go so if someone can explain it to me after the meeting I would be very well I would appreciate this because this is disgusting I love your half a century some of you more we all should know all right can I say something real quick yes Mr DAV park because you made a comment about I guess you the seem like you're saying that the parents aren't teaching their kids how throw this stuff in the trash and I'm pretty sure that the parents do that but you got to realize that you're dealing with kids you're dealing with kids and that's what they do so you know I'm pretty sure I look at our city employees I know what they do I know how hard they work yeah I to take TR I don't think the city looks like a dunk that's why we try not to let the dunk come in here so we're doing what we're supposed to do to try to make this city better but you know you cannot sit there and say that the parents aren't teaching their kids how to behave that's just not a good way to go well you sit out there one day and you watch it I'm out there with those kids awful lot all right awful lot then maybe we need to have a class in school an etiquette class I don't know maybe might be a thought is starting them off early I'm not blaming anybody's children and also one more thing I'm very sorry there was a naked man walking past my house in the back the other day with just a towel flinging around and I saw another person but this person was dressed all right this has got to stop you call 911 man several times I can give you the officer's names and everything I got no reply I have pictures of these bones they're they're watching our houses at night they're stealing this cannot go I know I'm sorry I'm leaving I no don't leave talk to you afterwards all right cuz now how many people you see somebody's J we have good evening everyone Council over I heard you touch on um the public comes here talks about speeding throughout the city all all the time I'm very happy that we receive the grant maybe would it would help but what offends me is people come here and talk about this speeding all the time and the chief of police is always here and she has never responded or said anything about a plan that she has to try to curve that but you mentioned about police uniforms she runs up here and talks about that so it seems that uniform seems to be more important than people speeding up and down our streets and when you have your meeting I hope the chief is there and get some input for how this Cur this feeling for out the city we will have a as the young lady said we will definitely have the feedback from our committee meeting I will report back to the community on what what we try to attempt to do or what's being done okay we will do that how I appreciate that um if I may um mad president I ask the mayor question okay um from what I gathered um it has gotten back to me that there is supposed to be a meeting planning board meeting coming up and it's supposed to be concerning the dump or the transfer station or whatever could you inform me exactly what this is about it's about a site plan for the uh transfer station a site a site plan so this uh don't is still being planned to come to Pleasant yes it's never it's already been approved to come pleas bill it's approved when did this happen two more years didn't you you never voted on that I voted against it at the planning board and I voted against it on city council that's right the also the D from the state of New Jersey said we are an overburdened community and they would not allow that to come here I don't know what changed in the past six years because he's not come before the planning board it's been about that length of time that he first came before us I don't know what came to think that he has some new information that's out there and I don't know I'm I'm sorry I'm stepping up I don't know what information he has I heard that there was a lawsuit that he won and that gave him the impetus to come before the planning board my three minutes my time anyway well I just wanted to ask one one thing because I it seems that string are you in favor of this project David come to the planning board meeting this every time that you come to the uh to the uh Council meting all you want to talk about ever is that and really I'm I'm I'm really sick of you asking me that every time that's not even the question and now you're bringing this up and yes I did mention if it was anything that I was ashamed of or worried about I wouldn't even mention that it was coming back to the planning board I wouldn't mention anything about that and and I know upet you're getting upset I'm not upset it's just that you're but she still have an answer it's just that you're are you in favor of this project then you'll find out at the planning board meeting so hard to be said yes or no right here I'm I don't have to answer anything to you what disturbs me is all this the city all of the residents pretty much thought that this thing was over and dead and now it's real funny you couldn't have thought that can I fin yeah I did it's real funny that this thing pops up right after the election and now it's back in our face again after people went out and voted thinking this thing was dead because it would I think it would have been a different outcome if people knew you was in favor of this project no doubt and I I hope that every council member goes to the zoning board meeting up comes to the planning Bo and and uh uh voice their opposition to this project every council member should be against this a dump in Pleasantville a dump thank you Mr Callaway I just want to say something because me and you have discussed this quite a quite a bit and fought back and forth about this you know really I told you in the beginning that they were going to try to push it through I told you that they were doing work over there and the mayor knew it the whole time they let this guy go and do all kind of work on his Do not sit there and say anything I you know what I know you I bought it to you I you know you are you KN right now I think you should move on you KN move on if I knew I haven't been dishonest with anything else I don't have a reason to be dishonest and if I knew wanted it and that's my opinion that's can I next we have um Mr Hannah and Charles this afternoon when I mentioned that to you may mayor go ahead you're right okay no but I'm just saying that's evening even for those know my name is Walter H known as okay stepson James uh I have no complaint unfortunately I I moved out of preso coule years ago moved back and I live in Arena Del which I regret I regret it a dump yes I I sold my house a mon moved back and that was you know only thing was open that I can afford you know my fixed income so long story short I moved there a year year and a half ago almost two years year and a half almost two years and the leasing office made me buy a parking permit okay got the parking permit I was parking in a parking lot right one night I came home taking some stuff in the house I forgot to hang their permit they told my car $213 later I approached the office I called the tow firm they tell me oh we draw cars at random you told my car because it was brand new you knew you going get you $213 right I'm going to get these people I'm going to report them to the IRS because they're take they won't take credit card they wouldn't take my credit card we want cash or I knew somebody that works there that told me they're pocketing the money I'm going to report them to IRS okay I'm I'm sorry for get upset okay I know it's not your fault but toy orders okay I called an officer the day they took my car asked the officer oh did you know the T orders he said yes well if you knew the T orders you would have been there check out my car to see if it was F stole okay it's in the towing ordinance pick up the pick up the book and read it I I'm sorry pick up the book and read the council wrote These I didn't right so I'm going to get them so somebody here needs to investigate um city I'm trying to keep my words down but they're they're stealing they're stealing people's cars if you were to come visit me they would come take your car that's not fair we're taking cars random that's excuse my French Mr I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I just want to say that um we took notes um if you can after the meeting give the Madame be your phone number sure will please sure will sure I'm sorry but that particular day I had to Fork out 200 over 200 bucks to get my car back that day you know what I'm saying he's going to say something I got to go I one question Hannah is there signs about uh two signs two signs one on the RO side and one on the Main Street side but they consider parking lots which there's no signs like I said if you were to come visit me they can control my car tell your car right that's not fair that's not fair and somebody needs to look into that all right I'm sorry can I ask you a you said you paid for your part for a parking permit and I forgot that did they put numbers there's no assign no numbers no pained Lines Just $10 $10 and like said and I told the tow Chuck driver it was right here he said oh it wasn't hanging and we're taking cars at R off my car I got a brand new car you knew you going to get you $213 that's why you took my second car thank you Mr Hannah Council barley I'm sorry um I'm sorry to hear your story but I want to ask you a question did they assign your car's license plate to the ticket yes no not I mean to the parking tag yes yes yes all that was they took all it when I moved in there they took all that information took all the information and and and and and truthfully I think the office is involved when I told when I when I called her and told her I went to the office I said they're taking cars people's cars IL legally I told her she said first thing she said oh did you have your thing in the window I said I forgot I was taking groceries in house said I forgot the hanging she who said this the leasing office so can I is that transferable but you it is to another yes and I told her I said I just bought a brand new sub brand brand new car and I've seen them floating around they don't come here no more because I already you office they don't come there no more I haven't seen 3 4 days I haven't seen them because I went to the office and told them they're taking these cars illegally you supposed to call the police department you know that Mr you know that they suppos to call police department when they take any car out private property whatever they have the call on Police Department another if you call my car your car in the computer I worked here for 20 25 years I towed cars here for 25 years for different properties I work for trate toy you that I know that place used to be managed by CRM management company now and forgive me I'm not preice to people out of New York the Jewish people own out of New York and they like I said said it's a dump I'm getting out it as quick as possible it's a freaking dump I don't see how the uh U code enforcement is putting them places through CU they're dumb they don't put they don't put no they don't spend no money for these places this it's another issue I'm they don't put no money in these plac Mr we'll talk to you after the meeting very good thank you he has something to say good evening James did you sign in James would yes yes um I'm also here along with my stepdad Walter um so pretty much he told you pretty much the gist of it um I've been taking upon myself to help my community in Mar del R since I'm a current wrestling and I'm back in Pleasantville that these people are are T cars of I've been pretty much the only one stopping these thr truck drivers from taking these people's vehicles because they they have families you know they have jobs they don't want to wake up one morning their car is gone they're already paying for their vehicles why why do we have to worry about you know the cars take and being taken in the middle of night or in the middle of afternoon um now with the parking the rules and regulations um I think they're also price gouging I have a friend down the street from where I live he told me that he paid 150 for a parking T so I'm trying to figure out how they're getting around that where we paid 10 they paid 150 um also um sorry nervous like it's there's no there's no signs stating that the street is a parking lot now they're saying that the two the Atlantic Avenue where we stay is a parking lot because there's like little divots in the uh yeah in the uh where the mailboxes are there's no Signs regarding that they are parking spaces they're not they're not parking lots there's no signs there's nothing there's only a lawyering sign and the neighborhood watch sign I'm checking everying today make sure everyone has the car is you know where it should be there also should be a list I believe that for these towers the to check I helped one lady out where she was only par there for about 15 minutes visiting her cousin that just got out of the hospital and I seen them take away her her her brand new car and when she came out she's fling her arms out upset and I go out to try and come for her and let her know like City Wide took your car I don't think that's fair why are they sitting and wait like vultures telling these people's cars and then one guy tells me that oh he makes 2,000 a week I'm like yeah why why you bragging about it like that's that's that's not okay my like telling these people's cars illegally and I don't want to assume that they're pocketing the money but you don't have a debit credit system at all knowing that cash is pretty much out these days and a lot of people use their debit credit card um I know my time's about to be up but thank you that's it I just want to say thank you for bringing this um matter to our attention this is serious they they don't take credit cards is that what you're saying you have to pay cash they say cash yes cuz I just got complain about that last week I just took it to uh what's I just took it to the chief of about the complaint that they had over there um at uh near Noah over near Noah the same thing that they wouldn't take cash it had to be I mean they wouldn't take anything but cash and the price that they was on the sign they charged more for the cash so this just validates the complaint that's good and I've been hearing that this has been going for years I'm looking on their Facebook and you know I'm doing my research as a citizen and they they took one guy's car and he had a party pass they took it over to Philly so he went up there he he did get reimbursed he said but why Philly oh because they have a Citywide toing location in Philly as well that's that's not fair thank you no problem thank you next we have Miss Molino [Music] you don't speak a lot of English so I'm going to ask time but we live in the same street same is we've been here before complaining about noise trash and a lot of the St around the house we live in um Washington is next to the car wash and the LA with Ti from that we're supposed to live in a dream house not in an night we can sleep we have a lot of noise a lot of trashs all over the car wash and the laundry need to be closed in the night at Le in the night need to be closed they got to do something about it how that be open 24 hour with no employee no attendance somebody just come two times so they clean and go like this morning 7:30 in the morning loud music like they think day in a clock and the guy cleaning and he didn't say nothing to them so we this need to be fixed and a lot of drug selling all over around the area 4 in the morning noise everywhere of dumping the trash and doing whatever they want I want speak on this I I requested a meeting uh one of the officers in city cville I haven't heard nothing from them yet but as soon as I had the meeting with one of the officers I will give you information what's going on yes please the fir wash and the laundry need to be closed in the night they got to do something about it yeah as soon as I get the meeting I will let you guys know what's going on once I have a committee meeting now I we call you I I'll call and let know what's going on thank you next we have Miss fernandz oh it's okay next we have Mr Archie thank you very much good evening Council council president council members May um just recap real quick ounc um the question came up in reference to the motorcycles riding down the street before previous Chief said that um nothing could be done but something happened in Philadelphia relating to what you were saying when they go to gas up and I think it was leaning towards the gas stations um wasn't supposed to give these guys gas because they don't have license registrations um the other thing it was a lot talked about you as far as I guess to PE up the police department also I had a call I made a call on the U Sunday to fire department because somebody was out on Park Avenue shooting fireworks nice big ones right so I'm understanding there's a drought for new fire department the gentlem I spoke to cuz I didn't go through 901 I called the fire department and um he wasn't sure there was a Dr so he says um I'll send somebody he said I'll send the police so like some of the people said you know you didn't get a response and I did my name you know so I'm like just um just as a nugget you know the fire department I'm trying to figure out now how is it you don't know that it's a drought in New Jersey and in Pleasantville you can't do anything because it's a drought sobody shooting fireworks at night so that that that me for a loop May if I just can chime in I was under the impression when the dump thing was voted down I thought from the dasis here that it was dead I didn't know that this thing could come back but now if it's coming back and from Mr Cal said you know I put you on spot you know what your position cuz I was here last time know I want um I just ask counsel to um do they due diligence in looking to with the help of your lawyer to make sure that this dump don't come in pres because they did the street surveys it wasn't feasible you got trucks sitting and trying to make turns on Watch and that wasn't work so this thing was bad all the way around it didn't I think the government passed something I think the governor pass something in reference to the um law and I think part of the um pwork stated that if it was something that would en communities yes yeah yeah if it was going to enhance the city of pres to where as though would help the community out and from the understanding it wasn't but it's I'm just giveing you a little paraphrase on it it's a it's more to that and from the government standpoint this this rules and regulations that has been written I can't say happening you know so when it's the 12th right the meeting is on the 12th the planning board meeting right that's open to the public right M it beeld that's what oh in here okay okay um so we go deal that cross that bridge right now just my position I know it's enough you know and D he know was what we said I knew his stand off side the previous president off so thank you for time M president I have a motion to close public second all in [Music] favor excuse me okay first is ordinance number 12 second reading public he requir amending chapter 116 of the city code regulating the number of licensed cannabis cultivation and Manufacturing facilities call public heing oh public he is there anyone for the public hearing for ordinance number 12 I'm just anyone see no one may I have a motion to close public hearing second all in favor may I have a motion to approve or dis approve motion second second roll call Dort yeso yes kimona Korea no Mar CL yes Orby yes Thomas yes ordinance adopted ordinance number 13 second reading public hearing required amending the city code to provide for tax abatement for a residential project to be developed for Block 19 blocks 13 and 15 as a non- condation area in need of Redevelopment in accordance with njsa 40a 21-1 anyone from the public would like to speak ordinance number 13 for the public hearing I think I have question for number 13 exactly where is that I I see lots and block numbers but that's not telling [Applause] me right thank you anyone else for the public yes you sure yeah the same one just talk to wife about so that is til and group now right okay how many units are we talking about here 57 and a 5e tax abatement um general question how much are we losing five 1.2 million you're losing in 5 years so first of all can we not pass this right second of all myself as a tax over 20 something years how come I don't get the break also we went through this with the um pilot program I asked for the paperwork for a 10year period I got the paperwork and it was a small amount of money that we we coped from the pilot program so now if we doing the same thing under tax abatement and we are looking for dollars why we still doing the same thing I understand it's a second read but like come on y'all to to get the property and to raise the revenue so the city can get Revenue the first 5 years you cutting your throat if I own that lot and I want to put this thing on that lot you tell me I can't get in the batement so what I'mma build I'm going make money now if I'm not mistaken somebody help me up with this last time I heard about this thing I think it was saying that the individual unit owner gets the tax abatement but I think at the time it was through the pilot program and also if I'm not mistaken it was said that if I live in there and I move out now you get the benefits of the tax AB bment for at the time was called program was talking with so now understand the so I'm Wonder are the same principles following so we losing 1.5 million and I think from watching last month or last week's meeting um you guys spoke about money debt you lost that was a lot of then in a million 1 something million how can we consciously do the same thing and we losing 1.5 million 1.5 million 2.5 million No 2 1.2 1.2 on this one here they we stra for dollars councel people man are we St for dollars why we doing this councilman I'm looking at any councilman here I'm looking at you you can't do got to F this thing down on the abatement side if there's no law that says you can you got to turn it in if there's no law that says you can do this project or you can't do away with the abatement because it's the second rule reading so it means your hands is TI by law if that's not the case council members F this thing down on the batement side and see what the owner does then and then how long has been sitting on the property before you decide to do something with it that's not your yeah put the bur on him put it on the owner why we taking this thing yeah everybody living pres you not get the break on your taxes I'm sure you're not I ain't throwing stones I will say are you but I know you don't have to answer but I don't think you are so don't do this stuff y'all please what this thing down this a Nob brainer presentville is not a cash cow for development do they have some information sideline where they can call each say hey go to pville they suckers is that what these developers are doing but is this what the developers are doing think about it pilot programs got at the high school that he just sitting on you see saying he's just sitting on that prop he ain't doing nothing lost money on that he did the same thing if I'm not mistaking l City he take advantage of us y'all D I doubt if anyone would be saying that we're suckers no no no no no no no let me finish this let me finish this I'm not speaking in reference to anybody here oh yes they are I'm saying Pleasant though but the thing of it is is look how long do you know how long that's been sitting that's always the case but then with how long has school been sitting and I watch your say this what you listen I think man is this if I'm own that property it's like playing chess baby if I own that property I'm going tell you you're not getting the patment but you going be paying us taxes but you to make money off of it and not just pay these measy dollars amount taxes you try to make money and then dump it that's money makes money you don't you don't own a lot to keep the lot you want to put something on to make money once you make the money you sell it that's what he's doing so I'm saying let me have my piece I'm saying these developers are millionaires these people got money we small Pleasantville we need the money M don't underestimate yourself thinking these people AR sitting around Target that's a different conversation you know it folks with money talk definitely to people that don't have money not talking people got millions of dollars a people got $100,000 no no no no when people got money that conversation if youed to fly in that room you hear different conversation you notice as a human being that these people is playing Pleasantville I don't care how long it's been they are well I I but it's up to C not it's not up to you no just respect well and just let Mr Rie yeah just it's not fair y' it's it's a no brand I care where you live at everybody's in the business to make money period they in business to make money and I can make money off of you I'm going come and make money off of you you might say I might not call you a sucker but I'm using business SV I'm going make money off of you and that's what they doing we can't do this y' you just can't do this come on I'm call your life [Music] okay can I just say can I just say this can I get an answer not later can I get an answer from Madam president whoever you directed to or whoever wants to give an answer to it as to have a comment okay good I'm sorry well I'm just because money and and I and you heard the amount that we're losing behind it because of we're uh entertaining in this project but how much are we gain is that the same talking about excuse me Jo said the money we losing is because of the vement okay so but losing money as far as by being but no but no I'm just saying if if it sits there empty that much longer how much are we you know how much do we lose well how long it said and now we G we losing a 1.2 million right so now 2 right 5 years come on he's look look at man he's ready to make some money off of this that's why he was a bait look this one question sit down when it comes to bait the developer comes to the city and says give me a bait and then our bill or do the city says we'll give you a bait to entice you to come build how's this work please explain this to me somebody chicken or the well I'll answer that cuz I never heard the council asked to give an a bit away I know it happen while I was here but just so you know Mr Archie we took a trip up to North and I don't say that it's right but this is the process that they're using now they're doing it everywhere the baits is how you attract the people to come in and as much as I don't like it like you know the city has to move forward and we're trying to move the city forward so the thing of it is is that you're talking about the money that you say we're losing that's honestly money that we never had right right we never had we just never had it so we're just not getting all that we can that's 100% understand but we are making progress we're moving forward so in 5 years and I'm telling you this year cuz I was totally against it we went up and sit with a gentleman that does it throughout the state and he said this is the process this is the way you attract business now don't agree with it right but and was that the same langage they said can I but do you want to stay St you ask me a question can I ask you a question do you want to stay St is that what you want to do what I'm saying to you is L is if you're not making any money off of the proper and and you trying to get money for the proper right if you start this property day baby and you give me a 5e business deal where I have to pay um I'm getting a bacon for 5 years is right then you are losing $1.2 million so by you can't worry about that he's going to build on this so then he once he does you don't give him the bab you Builds on it all right2 milon am right2 this project the abatement is going to the homeowners okay the developer is selling these for $300,000 do the math 57 * $300,000 is $17 million I'm not saying that's profit that's gross okay that's not net what he's walking with but you do the math maybe 50% he's walking with so he's walking with 8.5 million we're losing 1.2 you can say whatever you want about we're stagnant we're not this was not even approved through the planning board it got denied through the planning board she talking to hey actually U call me yes address I I honestly share your concern but let me just introduce the economic side the people that will occupy those units they will be contributing also to the businesses we have in pleasing that's another excuse we have stores we have restaurants bill that they will contribut when they live when they buy homes I understand the $1.2 million sound very high but like our councilman David P said when we went for consultation with a city that looks like ours that experiences the same things we experience this is the approach they use now to entice name the city name the city you comparing with Mr AR I'm sorry he's making oh Sor so who went to Orange this entire Comm the entire Council and we saw consultation and we know that that's why they used to entire we we are not satisfied to bring this far but uh if you measure the time has been sitting down if you just see how much we've been gaining or losing I think we are making a bit a bit of progress yeah that's all I wanted to share with and the other thing is that you're talking let me just if he was done are you done okay the other thing you're talking about were enticing businesses to come to Pleasantville that did not get passed by the planning board because they didn't want to put in a commercial aspect into that property so what if they don't want to bring in a business then who else is going to bring in a business they did not want to bring in am I right they did not want to put in a commercial aspect into that property that's why it got turned down by the planning board and it got turned down and it got brought back to city council and everybody said yes to it so it's not a case of we don't want businesses in the town but the project developer didn't even want to bring in a business into town in that project now look at the did you come up with a public hearing yes I did but not on this issue and I just want to know say something if not on what I want to say about this is I understand when Mr D says that pres is stagnant but I don't understand why you can't see that we're stagnant because all you guys are doing is building housing we need Commercial Business in order to make money here we don't need any more housing housing is what's putting the drain on the fire department and the the police okay and our taxes so I think that y'all are looking at this I don't know what kind of perspective I don't understand the perspective let me say it like that because I see it totally different every time y'all give an a batement our taxes go up the people that's already here we carry is on our backs every time no I'm not going to sit down that's not nice to talk to he didn't nothing to you he didn't say that because what you need is commercial you don't need housing we have enough hous in Pleasantville you don't need another hous of project in Pleasantville what you need to do is if you want to entice somebody with 5e abatements entice some Commercial Business in here you do the same thing over and over you get the same result every time and you do it again like it's going to change it's not changing like you said you've been doing it for years it's not changing thank you anyone else the POR wait a minute I just got a question can somebody tell me what business I mean what city are y'all comparing Pleasantville with it was it wasn't it wasn't it wasn't a comparison I said we went to a city we went up to North sit with the guy guy who was in charge of doing the abatements and all those type of things up there and we said we went around the city saw the projects that they're doing and every project that they're doing is going through this process so that's what I'm saying we can't compare oursel to nor but we went to a city that was minority based black Hispanic and this is the way you get businesses to come in here because listen I don't you know I just say stuff about the housing and I know as a councilman and how long I've been here I've been fighting to try to get stuff here but for the last 20 years nothing has been done nothing has been done and as a matter of fact we're sitting here right now with the high school property down here that the guy wants to sell off now so that he can make money off of that so we're being used the whole time and that's just how it is and I get it we put a stop to it but can we uh can residents get a tax abatement no I'm serious though because everybody gets a tax abatement but the taxpayers and the taxpayers that live here are going to be pushed out why we want to be pushed out because we're not going to be able to afford our taxes especially all of us that have retired and now we not making the income that we used to make so now with the increases in the taxes you're going to cause a lot of your homeowners to move because people aren't going to be able to afford the Liv because of the tax have already left because of that that's why we need Commercial Business right we don't have Commercial Business and we only getting housing with a B but we need people to go out and find those things right right but the rbl that you get in Renee also stabilizes taxes it doesn't make you go down but you will get ratables when you get the housing where any business that you can that you can attract to come here well I would just hope that everybody would do the right thing and not vote this thing through cuz we can't afford another tax debate but I'm just sorry we can't so I hope y'all really think about it before you make that vote I have a motion to close the public hearing motion second all in favor may I have a motion for ordinance 133 Mo they have a second second rall dport yes F no kimona no Korea yes bar clay yes o speak yes Thomas yes ordinance adopted ordinance number 14 first reading amending chapter 139 of the city C to require protection of critical facilities in the flood plane may I have a motion motion second roll call please dport yes I'm canate kimona Yesa yes or clay yes OB yes Thomas yes ordance moov to Second reading scheduled for November the 17th resolution 174 adopting the repetitive law area analysis report for Lake Bay Area have a motion please have a question yes kimona yes yes I'm sorry comment yes resolution approved resolution 175 adoped a program for public public information as part of the City's community rating system program may have a motion motion second call please dport yes B yes kimona yes Korea yes barlay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 176 gr approval of a Thanksgiving food distribution in the city at the City Hall Parking Lot on November 23rd from 1 to 4:00 p.m. May I have a motion motion roll call please I'm sorry before roll call there was a rain date wasn't it next day dport yeso yes kimona yes Korea yes CL yes OB yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 177 adoped certifying the update and review of a section of the personel policies and procedure manual have a motion motion second R call dport yes yes kimona yes K yes barlay yes Obby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 178 provided for Budget insertion until the 2024 budget may have a motion motion may have a second second roll call Davenport yes re yes kimona yes Korea yes or clay yes over thas yes resolution approved I need a motion to approve the bill motion DAV yes yes kimona yes Korea yes or clay yes o th yes motion approved next is comments with mayor and Council you have anything mayor yes good evening everyone thank you for coming out I want to uh safe and fire department Anton thank you so much for bringing the mamogram band here that was a success this like the fourth year that you've done it about up fourth the fifth year that you got and we appreciate that that was well received and just good job and uh also on uh what date is uh November 14th Thursday the seniors are going to uh the Amish market and to uh get tickets that we have a small uh bus so first come first seated basement and we're leaving at 8:30 in the morning from Pleasant Acres Pleasant Manor going to highrise midrise 8:45 and then uh St Peters at 8:55 and leaving so to get tickets call the pleasurable Recreation Center 609 484 3608 any senior that's 60 years and over over can go and it's free bus stri are free so um that's it everyone have a good evening mayor can you just make sure we get that a copy of that FL thank you anything from [Music] Council okay go ahead okay so um I just want to take this time I'm excited I convinced one of my children to move to blessing bille she's in the council meeting today and she moved she mov so I'm excited for that welcome uh yes I want to thank uh Public Public Works and Jackie for doing the job on uh on the bus station and we got it cleaned up so uh I want to thank them also Tony that point that we went out there and we figur out to clean up that little area there got the bus stop so I want to thank public work for a good job anyone else c um I just want to say this issue about bringing businesses to town please understand something I'm going to speak for myself it is not my job to bring businesses to town because that's how people in the public sector get in trouble okay that's how you wind up losing your position because there's stuff going on that shouldn't be going on so City Council people that is not their position to bring in businesses we employee people there are other people that handle those things and those are the people that should be bringing in businesses and not just in this city in every city that's what I'm talking about that those are don't yes well with that being said with that being said as a councilman as a council person I think that is our job to try to attract businesses to the city to make the city better um only thing I have to say to you guys just make sure you go out and vote tonight or tomorrow make sure you vote this thing is important we cannot let certain people get in those positions and you know what I'm talking about you know you have to take care of this city you have to take care of this country so make sure you just go out and hold anyone else all all [Music]