##VIDEO ID:k3FILNdFf6E## [Music] Pleasant Kore present Presby Thomas for attendance we have approval of the previous minutes motion second next we have agenda review ordinance number nine second reading amended chapters 84 alcoholic beverages and 300 Land Management of the city po to regulate liquor stores and regulated Sals of alcoholic beverages within the city this is second re Mee public hearing will be held during regular session any questions ordance number 10 adopting the Redevelopment plan for the properties identified as block 382 Lots 114 on the official tax map of the city of cville pursuing to the local Redevelopment Housing law of mjsa 4A 12-1 uh please note that this has been moved to September the 16th for second reading uh it will go before the planning board at their scheduled meeting for September the 10th any recommendations uh set for from planning for will be presented before you before you make uh your second reading for adoption okay next is 11 ordance number 11 fixing the salaries of officials employes of the city question see none resolution 136 Grant approval of an indoor flea market on September 29th 28 from 9:00 a.m. to 2: p.m. at the recreation center any questions resolution 137 providing for Budget insertion into the 2024 budget questions resolution 138 authorizing the city to enter into a memorandum of understanding with Stockton University for the homework completion program any questions resolution 139 authoriz participation in the Grant application submission for spot ATL fly l f program any questions resolution 140 authoriz execution of rer with at County Children Authority uh for their shared services agreement questions can we have an explanation sure I can explain what happened with the Atlanta County Utility Authority is that the school district was paying the city and then the city was paying the acua and this had to do something that the school district could not engage into that contract directly with the acua so basically this is um an net this does not affect nor lower the cost for the city it's just removing that added portion that the school district was paying to the city and we were forwarding it to the ACA so what you're saying now is that the school system is going to be paying right yes they got their own um vendor their own um good okay next build this good evening uh gr some bills that were uh P to next council meeting this council meeting um not a lot of them um the biggest one is obviously down the bottom when we pay our medical bills for um actives and retire for the month of July I'm sorry August just couple minor ones uh you'll see right in the middle where it says the Tactical Public Safety this was a actually two checks there one was voided uh the other one was written uh had to do with radios and stuff do one of the three what page are you on I'm sorry on page one for checks that we have written between council meeting left counc check by Check Dat and one there you st there in the middle of General Capital 6,500 hours to New Jersey do uh this is for the road work being done in the blackwards pike uh and there the ESR camp that they require from us uh CU they be closing part of the road at certain times during the day and during the night particularly and the EXO Camp if it doesn't stay $6,500 you will get the balance back to us now looking for checks to be approved and to be to be approved um most these are a minor minor one things we do with on day-to-day basis um I think the first one we want to take a look at as unusual is will be uh on page three I think if you been out P at the fire department You' seen a nice new Tahoe out there U that sit over there that's the payment from Tahoe there will be another bill coming in next month for the upfitting of it for the radios and the bars and the light bars and everything else and there's also I think it's a small one for um the lettering of the truck yeah the lettering of the Taho um further down on there you in the midar to game time we are uh replacing numerous parts and fits and pieces for playgrounds swings some the slide some other things that were have been we'll say excess wear and tear on we're replacing replacing those ask your question what what playground are they going to start on first because it's been a lot of question uh I think there's probably I think both were playgrounds start off yeah I think um I know we're looking for some big stuff down Le Avenue so I think Le Avenue is not included but I think some the smaller prr are included in this go to page four you'll see Power Line Industries this is for 29 this is a uh system purchased by NPP uh we know we've had over the years a number of problems with the sidewalks regarding gum and trash and be over the sidewalks so this power this power washing system will take care of that uh the will run the system and clean up up probably on a regular scheduled basis so we don't have a lot of problems uh with the sidewalk I know Captain C has always talked before about people throwing gum on the sidewalk and people stepping on it this will help alleviate that problems um couple down is laf utility most of these are old they just didn't send to be the bills uh but first one for Ashton Avenue and the third one for uh East East Oak had to do with storm drains and clean out some of the storm drains uh the one on 15 that was a semi major problem with the The Source system right down by the over in the corner by the new building on Main Street and Washington par me Main Street and Washington Avenue right here no Main Street and Milan okay Milan okay okay Milan um we go to page five see the new serve right in the middle that is a partial payment for the food program that the the city runs during the summer for all the locations um we've already been paid this money from the State Department of Agriculture we we'll pay it out and there's probably another $30,000 that's due we will pay that during the month of September and then of September and that's all coming from the state all coming from the State Department of Agriculture um go to page six you see South State there's two items there one is the uh the C $86,000 is the partial payment for Dian Park Avenue and the $51,000 is the final payment for Amy Boulevard I know we've had Amy Boulevard up and running for a number of years um this is the final payment checklist it originally started back in 22 to 2022 this a final payment and next month you will see a change order reducing the origional contract by $120,000 original contract 1.7 something it came in 1.6 something that's good so who who do we have that goes out and looks at it to make sure our Engineers our Engineers do check P list and they'll go out and repair the contractor and they'll be re-reviewed after a certain period of time we will refund the the retainage and the final payment but we also have a maintenance Bond of $250,000 if anything happen for the next couple years it we hit that um other than that they RI of bills are just normal operating bills that we handle um any questions any questions than thank you all right we have open discussion anybody have anything open discussion second just motion close work session okay this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in accordance with open public meetings act otherwise known as a Sunshine Law roll call [Music] in beom will be Earth excuse me can we just have a moment of silence for darood wom close friend of ours and good person in community stands one nation under God indiv lice he roll call dport pres Kona pres Kay pres Thomas okay motion to dispens meetings of previous minutes motion second thank all in favor all right okay mayor do you have any or proclamations nothing than the public portion you have anyone okay we have r good evening even uh I just came before you guys to share my appreciation and a plan for a city center project uh as you know IDE Institute of Technology now have a home and we are officially a college town as a Pleasantville we have 22 students enroll in Sant University's teaching site that's at the 1000 Washington Avenue and and uh we are working towards announcing $1,000 scholarship fund for a South Jersey residents to either taking a trade program or undergrad or graduate program in partnership with s University so we will have uh always in my heart Le will first uh for all of our program so this holiday we're coming up with the program for a scholarship for all those students who were told that college is not for everybody you're not good for college whether they choose college or trade they will have an opportunity to earn and learn at the same time at ideal in Pleasantville and uh I have a rendering of what we are doing at the city center project so few things like mayor and I talked on clarification on it when we did the expansion approval and purchase the Press building we purchased as a real estate company so ideal Institute technology is nonprofit organization but we are still paying property taxes to the city and that was my commitment to the city that we won't do anything that decrease the rable to the city and that's why uh we did it that way and ideal is a tenant to the building even though we my wife and I we own the building uh when uh we talk about South Jersey economy and a hospitality industry we don't have any vocational hospitality Management program in South Jersey our uh Este team higher ed education Atlantic cap Community College and Stockton University do offer The Bachelor in Hospitality management but nothing that does provide a training as a trade um and uh we are building whole city block right in a Pleasantville with micro Brewery Food Outlet Cloud kitchen Banquet Hall uh 80 room Hotel rooftop restaurant uh right next to the city hall in a city center project and we appreciate City's support in uh securing uh demolition fund from the U as well so I came here to share that we are ready with the rening plan and everything and we will come before the council to request a pilot for the uh development project because it's a $12 million uh complete commercial project uh and in the heart of the city so we will need as much help as we can get from you guys but we have secured the funding also uh for the uh our development project so I just have a brochur I wanted to share with everybody and I want appreciate can I ask you another question because me and you had a conversation at the U the uh coalitions event the other day could you explain that a little bit more when you talked about the college up and that you're a part of up there also yes so we partnered with the S University they are 150 plus year old Methodist Church run private university and uh we have their teaching site and uh they are already applied to be a brand campus officially we offer all the undergrad program and they also collaborate with a very well-known High School uh called the Patrick school they are they put 30 plus basketball players in uh their uh NBA their graduates are playing in a Main Street like I don't know much about basketball but their players graduates are playing in NBA and they will have a home and their Basketball Academy in Pleasantville and I'm exploring a possibility of the community benefit agreement that we can provide qualified Pleasantville youth to get into the no cost uh Patrick School Basketball Academy as well so that's what I was sharing that you know more about basketball so I said let me pick your brain on how do St Patrick's yeah so that's that's a very big uh wellknown basketball school and they will have Academy in yes yes uh uh when you mention B it touched me because when we are hosting things here I live in Pleasantville I want to host event that will just remain pleasing but then I have to include land City because of space and the quality what rating with that Hall be approximately so the hall it's in here it's a 15,000 ft with a 22t height so it's a bun of a kind in a South Jersey so we're also seeking uh parking lot that count to leing oride also that's 100 plus parking there that's sufficiently allowed we will add addition 48 parking to the the property as well talk about the parking on the Other M and I reached out to the property owner the new property owner right across that's it's like a not in a good condition I reached out to them if they wanted to uh sell it ground it and make extra parking so we're we're working towards and if that happens then it's going to be a parking and Bridge right across if the the construction permits and everything happens uh but we're working towards that so that Banquet Hall uh will be able it's a commercial banquet hall with the anyone who wanted to use it to do the convention conference so it's going to be mini Convention Center in Pleasantville uh not as big as what we have in Atlantic City but then it's a traffic it's a challenges so we wanted to have uh Pleasantville to be that uh only other option it's going to be it's a carriage house in gway technically speaking uh there is no other options like that size and and we will have it in Pleasant of for whole South Jersey thank you thank you well you're taking all of our old buildings with character and make them a parking lot we need that in a Main Street that's all right right Pettis put some pains on there good council president May oh yeah um I was here last week last two weeks ago and I commented my concern about the proposed development project boed by Brighton new Ro Etc um and I still have some concern about 5year tax EV and emplo counsel consider what that translates into in dollars given the proposed project and and and I I was a little disappointed that the representatives of the project couldn't even answer y'all's questions about the project I mean somebody comes here and propose something to you and you ask them question they can't answer the questions oh no he can say it I can say it he so that's that's a problem there that that I would inour you to to look at I know they've been trying to develop that site for 30 40 years um there's nothing new but my concern is you know what there taxes we're we're the highest tax community in in the county with with the lowest income and we just can't continue to be given up proposed taxes we we're closed in by water and land and we have no more territory that we can develop and we need to focus on people who want to come this project I just heard about uh sounds interesting but already he wants a power uh you know paying the ler taxes but that means that we don't want to pay the read the assess taxes we want to pay less and that could lead into long range problem problems and Pilots I think have to be by the state if I recall that's correct and um I would certainly implore this Council as much as uh I have no problem to development the impact is going to have on the school district the impact is going to have on the rec center you ain't going to be a the rest of the Town ain't going to own that Rec Center once that development is done telling you now it's going to belong to the development may not actually I mean may not legally but in actuality the rec centers going belong to them and nobody else in the town's going to be able to use it unless we expand that so there ought to be some conditions I really would emplore you guys please tell the public how much the the tax abatement if approved is going to cost the tax pay that that's that's that's my serious concern and I suggested that you do some studies and some some analysis relative there too uh tax assessor maybe even give you a perspective as to how long it's going to take to build a project versus versus what you know I don't think taxes have gone up less than $200 on my property in the last 20 years so where are we headed in the future when we when we approve these projects and and also with I'm on the plan board and talk to them too about these variances they given for for churches and and uh dollar stores well I just want to say something to you because in the in the past we've been giving out 20 year vements and and things of that nature so you know we' gotten a hold of that and now we've got it down to five years I think it ought be I mean and I appreciate but no no no I just want to say this to you also because I'm in I'm the chair of Planning and Development so what I'm going to do because you brought up interest interest question I'm going to bring that up and we're going to have a conversation on that what the cost of it is and then I'll will get back to you because I just talked to our new ba we're going to have a p& meeting hopefully early month early next week yes sir and I'll be I'll be in touch with you right after we finish it thank you very much okay I think it's important that we do do that and I appreciate your time and I'm try not trying to be a p that was a good question thank you thank you Cory hips hell good evening uh I'm here onf of a very questioning subject short question for you is it is for me and my constituents this is about the rent control um I'm here on behalf of thousands stud I may prar to be here by myself today um that are very worried they're being forced to sign uh lease agreements scheduled for the first of this month not before and a little bit and they're worried and I cannot leave here today without going back to them and giving them a definitive answer of what is going on with the situation so I was hoping to find out what the answer would be today from one of you guys we plan to have the second reading at next next meeting is there anything more defend than that because every time we come here it's the same thing next second the second reading is then it will go into effect so what what can I actually go back and give them I mean I'm I'm not even a member of the council or anything from my board I don't even know who that person even is that's me um okay all right so uh like we have no idea what's going on with that and everybody in the whole city is very concerned they're stressing out and they're about to lose their places where they're going to living at and I I can't go back to them and be like oh well next meeting and next meeting no I wasn't saying next meeting next meeting I was saying that next meeting the second reading of the ordinance which is procedurally by law the ordinance can't go into effect until there's okay so when is it going to be in set into law officially if it's approved it we go after the second reading so can you give me next 16 September 16th so is it going to be signed to date then cuz I want to go back there and be like know I need to give them like some reassurance cuz they're freaking out they don't have the luxury of waiting another two weeks cuzz there's landlords that are trying to take advantage of them and get them sign leases before this law goes into a Circ legally obligated to a hey Mr tell you what I'm going to do is I know where you're at and you can talk after leave here tonight okay but I'll come over and sit with whoever we talk about it tomorrow that way to get some of that pressure off you and give them some type of insight on what's going on all right thank you appreciate that so I'll see you you'll talk before all right thank you have a good evening you thank Mr H good evening um I'm here I'm going see get to everything that Mr bet just said then I'm going to ask I'm going to say another thing um it was said to me several times over and over again this is how business is done this is how business is done and they judge everything on they got the township Galloway norfield and all the other surrounding neighborhoods but I reiterate to them to I talk to why does Pleasantville have to do business like that like Mr bet said we're the only property left with the water the l view we got all the scaping let's take advantage of that stuff if you want to come and do business pay your taxes straight off the bat that's it for that but I'm here for on 318 West Park Avenue the project over here on Park Avenue i' would like to say thank you to Mr DAV for Miss Thomas and M Ward for your help in getting me the apron that I needed to get access to the property um the other thing about the property is that they had to take and pick up a tree or brush and stuff they pushed it back I don't know what they plans on doing because they had they didn't have dump trucks or whatever but I hope that that's not how they're going to leave that that's all right right thank thank motion to close work session motion Public public he motion to close public portion motion second first agenda isance number n okay second here public call motion second sorry thank you okay so we have ordinance number nine public hearing dis required amending chapters 84 of the alcoholic beverages and 300 Land Management of the city cool to regulate liquor stores and regulated sales of alcoholic beverages within the city public care anyone from the public want to come up and speak all motion close public motion second roll call Davenport yes Leo not here kimona yes Korea yes by Clay yes ordinance adopted ordinance number 10 is being moved to September 16th but is adoped the Redevelopment plan for the properties identified as block 382 blocks 1 and 14 of the official tax map of the city pursuing to the local Redevelopment and Housing law of njsa 4A C 12 D1 were we pulling this off the agenda yes just put it for the mar next is ORD number 11 first reading fixing salaries of officials and employees of the city motion second make roll call DAV yes kimona yes Korea yes or clay yes Orby I'm Sor people orders move to first second reading scheduled for September the 16th next is resolution 136 granting the approval of an indoor flea market on September the 28th and 9 to a.m. to 2:00 p.m. in the recreation center motion motion 7 roll call dport yes kabona yes Korea yes Barclay yes resolution approved resolution 137 providing for a budget insertion into the 2024 budget motion second rone call dport yes kimona yes Korea yes bar CL yes resolution approved resolution 138 authorizing the city to enter into an mou a memorandum of understanding with stock University for the homework completion program motion motion second R call dport yes kimona yes Korea yes or clay yes resolution approved resolution 139 authorizing participation and Grant application submitted for the spotted Lantern fly program motion motion second call Dort yes kimona yes Korea yes clim yes resolution approved resolution 140 authorizing the execution of a rider at County Utilities Authority for the shared services agreement motion second motion second call DAV yes Theon yes Korea yes or CL yes resolution approve are they approval for the build second second call dport yes pona yes Korea yes for cl yes motion approved next is comments from mayor councel anybody mayor thank you all for coming out I wanted to um ask Council I'm sorry assing you're absent but on uh Tuesday there was a book bag giveway in Pleasantville first of all uh we had plan to do one on Thursday and a few of you were there and that that was very you know well attended different organizations there and everybody that's been have book bags but prior to that on Tuesday there was a book bag giveway on at leed's Avenue excuse me which I don't know if it's ring leaves Avenue before for anything but the person that I have a flyer and the person that we had to respond to wasn't the one that rented the park and I just want to know you know what what are we doing with this this is nothing that we first that should have been recommended to go to the the uh coalition's event because it was all the same and it was different organizations there that was given out the both bags so that this one was Tuesday you can't tell anyone when to give it you're grateful that they're coming and give to our Pleasantville students but um it just doesn't seem right that whoever applied for it wasn't the one that were using it can you be a little bit more specific cuz well you were there right yeah I can't I'm yes yes I didn't know about you know the application of whether it was NE I I I really didn't want to pulled it out but I didn't really really want to read it I thought we were going into an executive session but I don't want to wait till next week when we're all this one part one party onbody to do it so we can have another we can do whatever we're going to do to all be together to talk about this but just the way that it was done wasn't right and that's all I want to say the way that we rent our you know rent our Parks is going to be straight up and for the residents in the way that we plan it to be can I ask a question they didn't go through the rec center that's what they were supposed to go through the rec center got the application M uh but the the on this flyer the person that you responded to was completely different completely different than anybody on application insurance or anything yeah I just want to agree with the mayor that uh it's a very important issue but I think it's better we discussing outside of this environment detail into it Gally trying not to yeah I agree with you I thought we going to be executive session I agree with you well if you want we can do you want to talk about it now well no no because reason why I'm saying because I was there and I know it was well attended um I watched a lot of kids get book bags and you know had bikes and things of that nature so I don't know what that way I agree with you know what I'm saying don't know right exactly but what I'm saying exactly from the visual it um it served the community pretty well I think the kids were happy and you know I don't know but I understand what you're saying man okay anything else no I'm I'm sorry Mr Solomon um that all that portion everything has been closed out so I was wa but but we did have a good commit EXC yes so we did have a good Community walk on Thursday and book bag giveway and the vendors really um supported the the area I mean the uh event and I thank everybody that came out and Public Work police fire everyone else that contributed thank you I just want to say um uh thing on Thursday was very nice it turned out really well uh portion that I did on the basketball court the kids were happy um it just turned out really well so we just look forward to having more of those things in the future and if that's all I guess we for motion close fireworks um yeah we have fireworks but this Friday Frid yes Frid which is the last one is thek God right God and it's so funny I I was out there and I was glad to see the fire department but I really didn't know we had that many trucks man that was amazing to see that that line up there you know that really looked good so with that being said ready to adjourn yeah motion motion second thank just [Music]