##VIDEO ID:yKYxfPjrl5A## [Music] good evening everyone this is the city of Pleasantville city council work meeting today is October 7th 2024 the time is 6:30 p.m. this meeting has been duly advertised in the City newspaper in conformance with the open public meetings act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law V call please M CL D pres here Kona K pres president for the record councilman bark will not be here [Applause] may I have approval of the previous minutes we have a second second all in favor cler agenda review first agenda is ordinance number 11 second reading held at regular meeting fixing the salaries of officials and employees of the city any questions councel see none resolution 149 authoriz of the tax collected to cancel tax and Sewer delinquencies of less than $10 any questions councel resolution 150 authorized the imposition of a penalty on tax delinquencies and access of $10,000 questions Council resolution 151 authorizing the billing of special charges for property owners for work performed on neglected properties any questions Council what do you mean by a work for C like cleaner thatt up just keeping up with the Okay resolution 152 authorizing the tax collected to to p Electronic Tax sale for the tax year 2024 any questions councel see none resolution 153 authorizing the tax collector to charge a notice fee for electronic tax sale for the year 2024 any questions Council say n resolution 154 providing for Budget Insurgent until the 20124 budget any questions Council C resolution 15 proclaimed the month of October as Breast Cancer Awareness Month any questions counil C reg 156 authorizing a sale of surplus personal property no longer needed for public use or an online auction website any questions Council CNN resoltion 157 authorizing the sell property located 100 West Floor Avenue block 349 9 currently by the city any questions Council see none resol 158 granting approval of a demestic violence awareness walk in the city on October the 19th from 10:00 a.m. to 12: noon commencing at the hille police station any questions Council everyone's okay n next is review of the builders there's two Bill lists uh the shorter one which is four pages long is for items that had to be paid and in this bill um if you have any questions I can share with you um like your our de service are payroll payment to the state of New Jersey Department of Labor um health benefits um does anyone have a question [Music] sir second pack okay the second packet which is our which is um the bill list for payment um I don't know if any of you have the time to to go through if you have any questions on any it I'm sorry counil hey har town you s uh what page is that I think g g g that has to do with uh the league that you play in right I in the leag that we played against yeah I believe that's huran employ well no I don't know where the egg that's what I'm trying to ask the egg Township Park came in becausee you know something I I don't I think it's the uh hurricanes the Pleasantville Hurrican team and they just played the uh fire department I think they skunked the fire department but but we're trying to figure out the EHD part I think it's a mixture because they started they started they started the softball team can you come up I'm not 100% sure if this is what it is or not but my daughter's in egg haror Township softball leagues so there's a fall league that is only run in Egg Harbor Township so if you want to join that League there might be a fee for that oh the entrance the the Hur to join that fall all right got so all the games are played in NE Township in that league but we're Pleasantville is represented we have a team in in the Le absolutely so we just we're just paying our not 100% sure but I'm pretty sure what's the age group and age groups are for what any portion you want to go so it goes all the way from 8 you to 18 you so uh I think hurricanes or um I think I think a 10 team and 12 that are in the fall league now the spring League I know they play in the penville fields is something completely different but when it comes to the fall league it's only played neber Township so there's Vin Pleasantville EHT uh norfield but we had a game there Saturday yes the ball game W Saturday so that's probably what it is so that's thank you who's coing that's not what it is it's the the back from U Department Tony yes Tony Department coach oh okay pleas coaching the girls thank you the [Music] day a Township started this league earlier this year and they're the main ones who play there it was started by them through the rec center thank you thank you thank you that sounds great number four down on page two is that J payment $494,000 on what page page two oh you have the diff different one you have the Consolidated one yes that is the GI payment so is that a payment for the full year or is that that's quarter that's just a quarter four qu well it says fourth quarter [Music] 0603 City of Alliance C The Joint Court payments yes that is the um municipal court so we pay them that Fe what is it once a year we pay them like about 900,000 a year this is 150 yes I have to then that's the that's what we pay them a year I don't think it's a year that's report that you we haven't gotten a complete report yet because we haven't been doing so we owe 150,000 to right yes and this is a one- time payment are we not it's not a quarterly payment no it's not it's a yearly payment and we get revenues from them as well M yes sir can you give us I mean once you we get the revenue from them can we get a breakdown on what the bottom line is after the 150 you know whatever we're getting from them now you know whenever we get it thank mad Madam uh chair yes yeah that's that's a good item to bring to uh I'm going to put it back on you to finance committee to give us another update as of how we doing exactly how much we paying and um what sort of Revenue is there question for 205 to Hubert lockmith page four and and 22505 what department is this for the key says police department and then Amazon business doesn't have a is it all I see two items for Public Works [Music] 3,13 $313 Amazon um most of it looks like it's the heavy duty Shredder was for an office um a desk um Public Works locking hubs you're looking at commercial style uh Shredder that's a big Shredder um there two shred we have two sh one small one for an office and then the big one I believe that's the one that was replaced in the copy of room M here City Hall City Hall so it's a mixture of Department Mi of various departments the two shredders are for uh City Hall one is the main one that everyone uses and the second want is put in the office and then you see the items itemized listing for public work so that bill is for various departments what's the LC desk with M schore it's a desk and unfortunately I don't know where then I don't know what department went to $554 and then the keys is it for this room over here the 200 yes it's for the room here so for the police department so we're not going to talk about the room for counsel again I I have a question are we going to do we want to discuss this out here I see we're going into executive session we want to do it there is being used for the detective well mayor I know we had a conversation the other day and we talked to M mun and we said that we wanted it for our um our um executive session so that counc have some that was brought up coun that counc D rep brought it up in committee Council come and we talk about we did talk about it and we asked you to make sure you know that everything was going to be okay and you wrote everything down we thought no I I I wrote everything down the detective buau this is even before I started was they were told that they can come up to this office from the basement and um actually this is prior to I left this was um with prior VA and the mayor and speaking with um Chiefs I believe Chiefs slacker so this has been ongoing for a while because um when they when the court moved out back in April they were told then that they can move up here they were told in April April they didn't leave until April this year so for the record um I just want to say that we had conversations about it and I thought that you know we will be able to sit down and to discuss you know or make a compromise because from the last um meeting that we had you know that was a a suggestion that councilwoman famero had um brought up but the last conversation was in public SA Public Safety Committee with all three of the members stating that you know they wanted their and prior to even public safety meeting I have made mention that police detective buau was coming up here and that was the arrangement that was done um so what did you suggest that um where should we go from here because we we have the comprom was something that was already the that was already the um in progress when you all had said that you wanted to move up I mean move into the so the issue here is that since it was in progress the communication isn't here so I know I didn't know that it was in progress and I'm quite sure no one else up here knew that it was in progress I don't know about the communication part the only thing that I know is um that this was agreed upon before I came here I had mentioned it in maybe one or two or last the public safety meeting that the protective Bureau was coming up and I understand you also wanted the the space for um close session when we went into close session but this was already arranged for back in a to this happen and I did mention that um that the detective buau was coming up mam president question yes who decided that because if it didn't go through Council who made the decision that's the bottom line was if I when we mention this in public safety Elementary councilman Davenport brought it up I I totally forgot all about and he brought it up and uh we called it and we called a vote on it so if anything after that happened and if that wasn't going to happen why were we notified why wasn't the government body notified that what I vote didn't mean nothing no sir I don't think there any disrespect to any council member here and I'm sorry that you do feel the way that you do um and again this was said and established before I came here and it's no disrespect to councel but did Council agree upon it that's what I'm ask was this who made one who determined that who made the decision who determined that that's that's all I'm asking because if Council didn't who did or I'm sorry or I know I Heil did we decide that that was didn't know about it well that was a request and when it came to me I didn't see a problem with it because they wanted to come out of the basement the room was the room was going to be available they wanted there was other changes that they wanted to do and we said no that they couldn't do that because we don't know whether or not the court would be coming back because we're on the 5year you know whether 5year probate uh probation just to see whether or not it works and we just never um we didn't think anything of it they can't they were coming up and then we got the request that Council wanted to use it for office I mean for meeting room and uh whatever I just want to say the reason why it was brought up in our um committee meetings because of the issue that happened at the council meeting um Monday before because I wasn't here I missed that meeting but I know that there was some differences and people disagreed with going across the street and we had a lot of public here so right now the council is just trying to find the best way to accommodate the public and also to have a place for us to go like you know the council has nowhere we can meet anyone where we can sit and talk with anyone um it's like and we ever no we haven't but being that something was available and the detectives were already in the spot you know I thought that might have been um the one way to try to accommodate everybody so that's why I go it up so the police detectives want to come up here to do their work F the detectives are on five days a week mostly so they want to work five days a week 52 weeks of the year appear and we want to say no we want that room for every other Monday just in case we go into executive session right is that do I have but you agree with that no I didn't agree with it because I think that there's got to be somewhere else we could go you know like I said give us a sale give us something don't make it too cozy because then we'll be in there longer but just give us some place to go to and you guys take what you need on the off champ that we do need to go into executive session because I've been up here for four years and I think we've gone into executive session three times to keep the police from moving into a place that's more you know easier for them to work more responsive easier to get to for everybody I think is kind of and if you want to have a meeting with somebody go up to the second floor and go instead of us going over there for executive session which I don't think that's a great idea either well last time we went into the the you know there was a conference table back there and we all started a conference was over here we not allow over no it's back there we went back into the CH I don't see why we can't use that so now the question is so now the question is so we're done with that they have it and and what are we supposed to do just nothing we just go with the flow I don't know what you want to do council president but um is your ability to carve out a time slot during this releas during Council Council I'm sorry say that again really the carve out of the time spot so that they can actually go into a room somewhere in here for two and a half you know available for 6:30 9 you can ask the chief that I don't they have Police Department you have to have an nccar in order to um go into the building without an officer would have to be in that room with you through the entire executive session and I believe that's against your rules as well Chief answer question what is the reason for wanting to come upstairs I mean is it that place downstairs or is cuz that's where I wanted to come and sit and take a walk through just to have a visual what's going our um our our protect Bure was was moved downstairs um for additional um Command Staff um offices um when um Captain Ballas returned from the uh Sheriff's Department after his uh couple terms whatever he was there um so the and the chief's office was um made so that there was a comp in a more um professional place for meetings to be held for the law enforcement executive of of the um Police Department the detective Bureau was moved down to the police um down to the basement we did some reconfiguration we moved um the arms the Firearms room knocked down some walls and um they've been downstairs for about four years um when this space became available we also got hit with um the Attorney General's mandates on inservice training which were sent back to the um municipalities and one of these includes unarmed defense so we now need a facility a place for us to do on hand on hands training at least four hours a year per officer um and we um in that proposal was to make the downstairs our training slash um unarmed defense room which we would put tables um at because at one point it was our training room which was downstairs so a lot of this has it it it's not city of lesol and it's not the county of Atlanta County it's the state of New Jersey that has imposed additional mandatory and service training and that includes um on our defense where we actually have to do Hands-On um training the curriculum is put out by the uh police training commission and that curriculum should be out by next week and all of that is mandated next year so when you say unarmed defense that's like restraining people yes question so we also need a a secure facility for that as well and when that's brought back to the Departments you know we can't just do that at direct Center that's a public place we can't do it out in North lot with some mats it's it it's open to the public it has to be a secure environment um just like if we were to go out to the police academy which they used to handle um uh years past but they no longer um offer Serv trained anymore for the municipalities it's put back to the municipalities the city itself yes a question no I'm good but I want to thank you for that explanation because no one has given us that explanation no one has said well let me bring Stacy over so she can talk to you all to tell you why she wants that room and why they still need the basement so I really appreciate this conversation no of course and it was it it was put in to our proposal on all the reasons why we we we were I'm sorry excuse me requesting um all the space up here and it all included the you know the the training facility that we can put downstairs you know for our in service training and also um to bring those members of our Police Department back to this you know first floor of and be more um integrated back into the police department and mayor you it is no I'm hearing it for the first time as well I knew they wanted to come up I didn't know that so the prop detail what she excuse me who has the proposal that's she saying the plan who has this plan it was something that was written yeah it was written and it was submitted to at least I know it was um submitted to um Miss pton well we had the discussion but I didn't see the a proposal I can I can I can forward that I can forward that proposal if it's okay with the mayor I can forward that proposal when it was initially um put out and that was at the beginning beginning of this year when it was decided that the court was going to go to ATL counc um so is there any wiggle room is there anything that we could have a little space down in the basement to have ex I mean I know see the only I mean the only thing is is I mean unfortunately like we we we have stuff all over the place that is sensitive information and even down in the basement I mean our our class two officer um pipini who does Firearms he is still working out of the basement and and right now we don't have it set up like the tables and chairs like we don't have it set up the way that we need to have it set up in order for it to training facility so Stacy you all already moved up here when did they take away about two weeks [Music] [Music] ago well this could have been presented to us at public safety meeting and then a lot of this could that information that you sent could have been sent to us and this could have been resolved now I'm upset because now you do something and then you tell us we have to accept it and that's what makes it unfair that that what makes it unfair to me CU it's already done not that I disagree with anything she said I totally agree my only question was uh civil service now been turned over so I mean not Cil Service uh in service I understand everything totally but it was just a lack of communication of not of not knowing that or what's going on and then saying well we already moved in there then that that SLA on my face no no we was in the meeting Council D reported he brought it up I did not he brought this up listen it was discussed and Ved an action was taken after that meeting and anything if action was taken after that meeting we should have been notified at least myself or the or the counsel in that brought it up cuz he brought it up directly and made sure he wanted that I didn't have information on it so what I'm saying is the administration made that decision the administration made the decision to allow that to happen without council's consent that's the whole bottom line to it the reason for it happening is good that's good I understand that but we should have been notified what she said is it's good I understand it no problems with it because the senstive my only question is I don't think you get what I'm saying once we voted upon that in public safety there was no one who Council Kon did you get a call no counil D or myself no one notified us that after we took the vote that the action was taken that's the problem I have not what she's requesting and not why she request I understand what's what uh uh we coming back to do that and they need the training room downstairs and believe it or not and believe it or not I would have totally agree 100% she said and I still do but what I don't agree with is the way that things go down you can't do something the administration cannot do something and then tell us that we have to accept that is good for right it's it's called compromise and working together and I'm up say cuz Tony brought it up sorry coun DP brought it up and we took a vote on it not a vote well board members weren't involved yeah well that's why we were bringing it here that's why weing he if I may interject here when they it's already done no it's already done but um well that can be undone by four votes that's my question so that's that's all working together that's when actually when um when they came around to do the original plan to move here I came here and I mentioned to a couple of you that I came here did the tour downstairs up here and and um next thing you know we had a public works employee taking out cabinets and all the debris and all the and we weren't even aware of it then all over a sudden the keys were made last week so the keys was okay go ahead I'm sorry but I understand she said that wait wait Miss Williams no no no no no go ahead mayor that was already and they had started already when uh I remember when Linda gave them the okay I think that's so you Linda gave them okay not you no you're Council you're on the wrong uh you're on to something all together when Mrs pton and and we were all discussing it and everything was okay and they were get they were getting okay to move upstairs if I have to be so technical no you do you do well when they were moving upstairs it was already in place and then you did come along later and say oh we we we want that room or we should have that room I told you I talked to that wasn't before I told you I talked to Miss Peyton before she left and asked her what was the outcome of the room and I told J that she told me to talk to you was that right before she was going she did oh I have I have the emails and everything I'll show you after well that that decision was made and I'll tell you it was when it was when we were in Philly that we would start uh Kyrie started taking everything out of the um the room to take upstairs I mean cing the room excuse so that was basically a little bit more than a mon ago yeah was yeah that wasn't just the other day so the thing thing of is the thing of it is is they had no one had moved in yet they were still preparing the room but um the uh decision was made not to change the room because we don't know what's going to happen in the future and for them to move up and they needed the space and all but it was the other day when you were saying that councilman and I said it's all they've already started I didn't hear it so that's all I they've already started and then U someone said well we're going to talk about it you know in that experence yeah cuz I didn't I didn't hear you say that if you did it you know maybe I just missed it but one thing I wanted to say is that you know communication needs be a little bit more better and I know I had discussed that room with someone maybe about 2 or 3 months ago and there was no decisions made so I thought that everything was okay next thing I know someone's moving in and this and that we get the message upstairs at the uh when I talked to council woman um I think it was last Tuesday right after the meeting and I know there was some differences and you end up leaving because you didn't want to go over to um City Hall you know for executive session okay they said you left so but still in all if there is a problem with us accommodating the public and also having a spot for us to meet with the public or to do whatever business that we need to do really there's no place else to go what he want us to do go over to the library and when we brought that to your attention it was just ignored and that's the problem um you know just being ignored I think it needs to be a little bit more communication and a little bit more respect that's all and once that happens I think everything will be care like you said once we heard her explanation Chief's explanation we understand why it was done but the whole process and the way it was done is the problem and that's not the first time that's happened it's happened quite a few you know quite a few times around here and I don't like being left out and finding out in let the next minute or when we come to a council meeting find out what went on it's just not it's not proper cuz then we have to vot am I correct yes right all right anyone else discussion anyone have anything to say well where are we leaving this at then with this wrong we we discuss where we going to leave at we tonight should be the Clos are we going into executive session are we yes we have exective session let's discuss we leave to go in the basement I'm Not Afraid there to session motion second all in favor this is the city of fville city council meeting today is October the 7th 2024 the time is 7:06 this meeting has been duly advertised in the city news paper in conformance with the open public meeting act otherwise known as the Sunshine Law please stand foration and [Music] hereon here Kore here speak Thomas may I have a motion to dispense previous minutes may have a second all in favor mayor any comod next we have public por next we have public portion Harold Hill councel I just want to bring something to your attention that I've been having a problem with the acua on my last trash collection day last Thursday um I think it might even include the neighbor Minds as well CU I see that her B is still out they did not pick up my trash nor my neighbors I caught up about the Miss trash collection that Thursday later on they said they was going to come out and pick it up I see it on the camera got everything on camera the trucks went by twice and did not stop and they were going faster than any other cars like they was trying to hurry get home so I called up later on at the closing end of the day and they told me leave it out we'll pick it up first thing Friday morning because on Friday morning on Fridays the second half of pleasant will gets picked up on our district I did that no Chuck whatsoever so then I call today and they told me we'll put it out tonight and we'll pick it up tomorrow I just wanted to let you know about the ongo problem going on with the acua because ja people taking pickup trash collection and they're just not doing it and then when they do do it they do leave a mess behind at some points not all the time but most of the time there's a lot of trash still in the streets that they don't even sweep up and pick up when they totally in the wrong and last but least are you Happ married meeting tomorrow yes okay I see y'all tomorrow Mr Hill what's your day of pickup your trash pickup trash pickup is on Thursday Thursday Mr Hill are you calling ACA or you calling call ACA okay to trash out today I had they told me to put my trash out today because I told them that I did not put my trash on Friday once they not come by I put my trash back into the yard because it's the weekend and kids and stuff walking around I want like know the trash M so part of them today when I called up the ACA they said well we'll put it out today and we'll pick it up tomorrow I said no problem put it out again seems like seems like seems like a wasted amount of Manpower because somebody didn't want to pick up two trash bins on that was clearly out I have the video I have everything if you ever want to see it just let me know everything's time stamped and sleep everything K do you think you could call um public works tomorrow to see if they can call over there AC thank you Council appreciate your time next we have Miss Williams good evening everyone please forgive me from my Outburst but I just felt prior to that y'all had a question about egg haret Township and something y'all were paying on the bill y'all allow three people to address and comment so when I commented concerning I got slashed down it's all good y'all do what you want to do how you want to do it but if everything needs to be done it needs to be done in decency and order that wasn't decent that wasn't order they stretched out I stretched out I got backlash right and I apologize okay so that's all I'm saying all right um also as I listen and y'all work meeting y'all should know what bills what they're being paid what what for what bills you are paying you should know what they're for and I just pray that y'all would start to unite where there's Unity there is strength and Pleasantville is a very small y'all want to grow y'all want to develop y'all want to mature y'all need to unify to together to come together you know this room is kind of empty and it's empty might might a whole lot I don't have transportation but I'm here thank you for uh number 10 y'all voted on it we're moving forward okay and be in touch okay all right so you know we just have to come together I don't want to leave pleas and I know a lot of y'all don't want to leave pleas but we got to work together and whatever however supposed to become I I disagree the woman said that this was in place prior if it was in place prior you have a whole lot of knowledge of it after it was in place and prior so that you got to come together thank you next we have Mr Archie good evening Madam president mad councel um I requested to open a copy of the stock and State College report on the study for the uh police department I talked to I met her clerk she gave me her response I turn email you mayor according to the email address that's online and get a response back from so what I'm asking is for um Madam president your direction to whoever you want to direct it to I'm still in requesting for a copy of that study that Stockton Stockon university has completed I understand now there's another part I think it was the DCA DCA DCA haven't completed their part yet correct if I have a left side of the room and the right side of the room after the left side is finished that's the part I ask for meanwhile to the right side giv their information I'll get that when it comes since pleas has the left side that's done by the stock State College univers I'm asking for a copy of that report can you make that happen what did you ask for Mr AR it's called the I think no I said when when um that's about two weeks now all right am I right about two weeks what is usually one getting no no no I respond resp because there's two parts to the they wanted to hold off one no pursuant to oah it doesn't it doesn't have to be released at this point okay can you explain when it says it doesn't have to can I ask is that the same report I mean the one that's two different reports am I correct but it's part of a bigger global report so it's two parts to a report so as as needed as two parts to a report it does not have to be is in complete actually that wasn't together at all that was totally separate I remember when we asked for it they had done their report and then we asked for it separate so this is not the same animal it's two different ones it is the same animal coming from two different it's the same subject from entities so since there is two reports that's needed for the C to make plate analysis it is incomplete and Mr Archie has been advised accordingly that at this time we cannot release the report until we get the other half of the report which is the DCA and I don't know that will take some time at this time it's been according to correspondence that you all been saying here it's been information's been given to the state and at this time we're waiting for that report okay so one more question is the state telling us not to hand out this is this is the city time he's asking for a report unfortunately it's not a complete report you need both parts of this report that I best is part of whatever you are working on so at this time Mr Arie has been advised that this report cannot be released at this time question I have if Council has part of report I guess you you not Li to tell me that you do so I'm going let ask you the question did you guys receive part of the report at all no I didn't get it nobody's be SE so if that's in if it's not a state law that says that I have to wait for the other part understand you want to give me a complete package I got that I'm a good mind to where I can take part of a package that you're presenting to me knowing that is not a complete package at least I can start looking at this package um if if it's not a legal issue where the from your attorney St that uh you don't have to give it to me because of what law I guess if that's something you would have to cite I guess Mr attorney if that's the case could you please cite that for the record then I go home and look that up also so I'm not questioning your ability but I'm just want to follow what like I like I said it was the same thing that the clerk said based on the fact that as part of Oprah it was part of a bigger Global report it has not been given to the rest to the entire body so it's still in draft form until the title the total report is I I got I got got fast forward so did someone from Council or the mayor or the previous ba did someone misspeak when misspoke when they stated that pres bille is seeking information on a study on the police department and it's going to be done by Stockon University it was nothing about DCA so if that's the way it was worded now it's being reworded in reference to us it's a package and it deals with Stockton State University and DCA in the beginning it wasn't worked like that I don't know did did you hear that yes Council Mee that's that's what made me that's what made me submit the paper to your office and and and that's why I'm here now because that's the way it was wored and that council president I'm sorry if a council member has a part of the package that's from Stockton University then that's the only one I wanted from Stockton University that's all I want you know I'm not saying it's a complete package I know it's not a complete package but let me show doing my research and my reading now just like I do one the budget you know it's like there so much going on you know it's like Police Department 5 million fire department 4 million and then 400,000 for other stuff that I a going down that okay so leave that alone but going back to the point I need information that at all fairness city council said this is what we doing now when I going to request it there's another part to this puzzle now I can't get anything until DCA no one knows what d is going to do their thing want to stick around to after the meeting sure sure sure sure all right please thank I like the idea CL was you want to say something no no I was but we're good may I have a motion to Mad president I came in a little late may I have good evening everyone even um I have a concern the park avenue street that was redone looks nice and everything but I'm I sit out there and I'm telling you it's Vehicles going almost 70 M hour down this street we need to have a radar there giving out tickets or put speed bumps to do something CU I'm concerned especially what happened in Atlantic City the other day a 5ye old got hit and I I see it happen because it's a lot of children out there playing so it concerns me how fast those vehicles are going I mean you got to see have you seen Mr over yes sir yes sir I was there they going so fast you couldn't even tell what what kind of car we did y yeah but I mean something need to be done before someone gets Hur up out there um the other part that I have um for City Council in the administration we are I I go to other towns when they have meetings and when they have executive session the body leaves and Le the public right where they supposed to be CU this is our building why you want to inconvenience the residents and put them out when you go in executive session you sit here comfortably and they have to sit out here where no seats so you need to make some kind of arrangement or get a room so the public was don't be disced when they a here sitting down it's not fair to the public so I think you should consider that you know I don't know where you're going to go but leave the residents alone when they in here to come to a meeting it's bad up getting them here then you're going to inconvenience while you in executive session sometime it may take a couple hours and they sit not sitting because there not enough seats for everyone you have people that are handicapped you have standing it's uncomfortable and you go in executive session by the time you come out of executive session people were so uncomfortable they don't left the media that's all I have please do something with that street their speed is terrible thank you thank you may have a motion toose I mean second all in favor M cler okay first is orders number 11 second reading public hearing inquired fixing the salaries of offici and of the city have a roll call I mean mo mo the public is required oh I'm sorry public hearing anyone for public hearing number 11 on ordinance number 11 sure I got one small question in reference to fixing the salaries of officials What official who are they and employees if if you're at liberty to say who these are official are and if not then what salaries for and then for what what um employees salaries are you talking about as far as department so I guess under salaries and employees I guess make a long story short because you can't give me names am I correct one that's up don't know our city right right when it says employees and Sal it I'm retired all time we can't list name I just want to say what these salaries was the employees and and what was it that they were in positions and they were low pay and trying to bring them up on the contract uh there's no official increases there that's just a title and employees are all employees including contractor so non affiliat so so just for my make sure I asked the question right make sure understand the answer being what I'm asking no one is I'm use the word low ball there's no employee that's low ball to where they Sal need to be brought up some those are salaries and those are regular employees because employees you're not talking about salaries are you are you okay so no one's salary is too low to where you had to bring them up am I right this I believe that did happen it did happen it did happen because of the changes of law with minimum wage and we had to bring um employees up to that and um include it in their contract so we had to do that okay those are a minimum wage we got minim wage no no they're above a minimum okay but they still yeah they had they had to be brought brought up yes thank you anyone else for public por for ordinance number 11 seeing no one may I have a motion to cl to close please motion may have a second second all in [Applause] favor may I have a motion for orance number 11 motion they have a second motion second Roo D yeso yes kimona yes Korea yes yes OB Thomas yes cour is adopted resolution 149 authorizes the tax collector to cancel tax and SE delinquencies of less than $10 may I have a motion motion second roll call dport yesera yes kimona Yesa yesy yes Thomas yes resolution appr resolution 150 authorized the imposition of a penalty on tax delinquencies and access of ,000 may have a motion I have a second second roll call D yes yes kimona yes Korea yes OB yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 150 authorizing the bailing of special charges to property owners for work performed on neglected properties may I have a motion motion second may I have a second roll call P yes P yes kimona yes Pera yes OAS yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 152 authorizing the tax collector to participate in electronic tax sale for the tax year 2024 motion may I have a motion motion have second roll call DAV yes yes Kona yes Korea yes oby yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 152 of the rise of tax collector to charge a notice a charge a notice fee for the electronic tax cell for the tax year 2024 I have a motion that's 13 I'm sorry yes who gave the motion car okay may I have a second second roll call Dort yes yes yes yes speaker Thomas yes resolution approved resolution to 54 providing for Budget insertion into the 20124 budget may I have a motion motion may I have a second second roll call Davenport yes FEA yes kimona yes Korea yes Obby yes thas yes resolution approved resolution 155 proclaiming the month of October as bre where they have a motion motion they have a second second roll call dport yes yes kimona yes K yes OB yes th yes resolution approve resolution 156 authorizing to sell a surplus personal property no longer needed for purp public use on an an online auction website may I have a motion motion May second second R call davp yes yes yes Korea yes o yes Thomas yes resolution approved resolution 157 authorizing to sell property located at 100 West Floor Avenue block 349 l 9 currently owned by the city may have a motion motion may have a second second dport yes yes Kona yes Korea yes OB yes Thomas yes congratulations M will resolution 158 WR approval of a domestic violence awareness walk in the city on October the 19th from 10: a.m. to 12: noon commencing at the pleas police station may have a motion motion may I have a second second roll call DAV Port yes yes kimona yes Korea yes Orby yes Thomas yes resolution approved next is a second session all right what you say ex session I was no I was asking the procedural question okay so we're all going to sit here tonight and we we're we're going to send you all out ready for you someone come out to get you all right have a motion to come out executive session motion all in fav may I have a motion for motion second roll call please D yes no I'm sorry no except for Yes Yes except Yes except 666 number so noted yes to everything but 6666 yes Kore yes yes was 6666 Thomas yes to everything but 6666 okay the bill list has been approved um item number 666 has been denied next is a comments from Council city mayor city council May good evening everyone thank you for coming out anyone from counil no thank you guys for sticking around sorry about the long thank you everybody have a blessed night it looks like we missing two people yeah I went to the goad I just have to apologize to my wife I told it was going to be a short meeting but things Chang I hav been coming I went to the soft yeah it was great and I'm telling you you guys got stumped telling on y I'm good thank you for coming may have a motion can someone help Mr with these vending machines please may I have a motion to close all in favor [Music] St [Music]