##VIDEO ID:MmHY08VIeIc## may we please stand for the flag in a moment of silence way this to this is to advise those present at this September 10th 2024 regular Workshop Action meeting of the Board of Education of the city of fville in the county of Atlantic that notice was given on January 20th 2024 of the revised annual designation of the regular monthly board meetings as required by the provisions of chapter 231 of the laws of 1975 therefore has been distributed for publication in the Press posted in the administration building and forwarded to the city clerk of the city of Pleasantville within the time required by the said roll call wife Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss Melo Miss Morgan Miss silver Miss Waters Miss gray miss roell here is here good yes next 1.5 public comments we ask if you come could you please come state your name um and your address please come and be courtious respectful and we cannot discuss any personal matters first we have Mrs Priscilla Noel good evening everyone good evening uh a few superficial items uh 3.13 as far as photography I just wanted to make sure that those who are uh photographing our students especially those who have deeper skin tones are cognizant of that and that it is done and conducted with care so that everyone looks aluminated appropriately 3.25 as far as the scoreboards I am very very pleased to see that that is on there because it's been at least as I was keeping track at least two years that uh scoreboard wasn't functioning in the gymnasium as far as new hires I think that if you are having positions that are open in general that they should be on the website because the website does not reflect from their open positions and that is inconsistent I know for a fact that when I checked the website there were candidates who came in and were told that there were positions open that weren't on the website so there needs to be consistency and for those candidates who you may have not hired there needs to be consideration to have a reply thanking them for applying but that you moved forward with other candidates because that also shapes the perception of whether somebody might want to apply for another position and it creates a sense of personalization or at least that you care that they did apply to the time to come out as far as meetings and y'all about to uh vot in the board minutes I think it's disheartening and I understand that the only reasoning that was given for the cancellation of the July special meeting and then the re uh scheduling of the August 13th was a quum or a lack of a quorum I think that is very disheartening when every up here makes a commitment to be here and serve the community it is disheartening because it delays and it has a cascading effect on what the employees including the superintendent can execute because if it's the other way around and they start to make moves without board approval I'm sure they'll be penalized so y'all whoever needs to take I know I get it things go on but you need to take in consideration for the operation of this District that you need to be present and you need to serve in a timely and considerate fashion because the student scheduling was messed up it's still not right because they had to wait for board approval all the things that help daily activities y'all impact so I think y'all need to take that into deep consideration if you're serving this community appropriate thank you Mrs Noel next we have Kevin M I heard ex session okay if it has anything to do with uh personal matters or anything like that we can't discuss that um did you a with our superintendent first we can't hear I can't hear you oh for 3 weeks I've been been trying to contact them and email and respond so that's why I can't he so um this is what I recommend you to do um call tomorrow make an appointment with the superintendent um and then you can come back because we she's not the superintendent isn't here today so um we really can't discuss personal matters so to be cautious and caution the board to keep us out of trouble make an appointment with the superintendent for yourself for your safety and the board safety make an appointment with the superintendent and we can go from there no okay but I'm just asking you just make a make an appointment make an appointment with the superintendent okay and if she does not get back to you you can email me and let me know okay I'm the board president my name is D for if you look on the website you'll see my email address so when you make the appointment and she does not get back to you in the Tim and fashion email me personally and we'll go from there I just want to follow protocol thank you so much um thank you Mr ma next we have Kathy Watson um concerned about this on today's agenda [Music] like Outsourcing teachers T students after school looks like we're hiring this online group called um imagine imagine learning for 38399 and it's an online tutoring 19 um I divided that out that 300 almost $400,000 for toring that's 80 if I was to be paid if the teachers were to paid be paid one onone t our personal children that we know love that's 8,533 teacher hours so that's a lot of money and to be Outsourcing tutoring and to be Outsourcing it on for videoing it's a video service it's not one onone and I teach special ed and I know I teach special light Algebra I know for a fact I need to be watching what that but my little kid you know what my student is writing to know where that child is going wrong and I also was working during Co and it was very difficult to share my I have to share my screen the child would have to share his or her screen and it's hard to point where where they're messing up you know where they're going sideways and so if they don't understand if if somebody's not right there with the child and then we have a rapport with the with the child I have a rapport with the other teachers I can call the teacher and say hey what is this kid need you know what else should I work on because I assume they're going to just show up with their homework and say here help me with this homework they'll help me get this homework filled out they're going online I'll get the homework filled out and then that's it like what other skills are they working on you know some of my kids will might say to be my might my ninth graders might say to me you know I'm trying to build a relationship with the poor they might say oh I used to be in band but I don't have band now I can go contact the band teacher and then Network and help this kid in more ways other than just like this outside source of who are these people it doesn't I doesn't make any sense thank you uh [Music] one this is Mrs Watson Mrs Watson I'll have Mrs White elaborate on this um funding and program for you yeah she can come up yeah this is a grant that the cni department was awarded through Department of education is for high impact tutoring and from my understanding it's oneone tutoring with this agency and the cni team we went out for competitive Contracting uh competitive Contracting with several vendors that submitted proposal and the cni team which is um supervisors reviewed their proposals and they selected this imagine learning as the vendor to provide services is for our students so they're coming in to tter from my understanding they're supposed to come in and do the just Outsourcing our jobs and I already have a relationship with these kids and that's a lot of money almost $400,000 if you look back in tutoring in the past I don't think we spent and I don't know but that's a lot of money $400,000 Mrs Watson have you have you had a conversation with Dr Martinez in regards to this I've been trying to email her well my question to you is uh email her again if she does not get back to you like I said to Mr um M email me you know my email once you email me the board president will go from there okay I just don't think it's a good idea well I just you looked around and you found the best people to do it we're the best people to do it you hired us here for 20 years I know I know your kids I know your and and and don't get me wrong I know you probably taught all of our kids in here and our yeah I know you have but I just want to follow protocol keep the board out of trouble and as long as we do follow the protocols and we follow the procedures then we know we're good okay but if you would do that for me email her call her get in touch with her you don't get no response email me personally my email address and then we can go from there is Mr may still in here too Kevin did he leave Mr ma did he leave okay Mrs Mrs Diaz can you please come here can you tell Mrs Diaz I wanted to be on the rec everything I do I want to be on the with with the public when I'm in the meeting come here please hey Mr okay um come here Mrs this is um Dr marz's um secretary um you can email her she understands that Dr Martinez will be expecting an email from you and Mrs Watson okay so she knows now um and we'll go from there okay okay thank you all right thank you you have a great day thanks for coming may I have a motion to close uh public comments question I just got off I just got off of work so I can't sign the sheet like to speak as a tax Mr Paige I'm sorry I'm I'm sorry you had to be here to sign the sheet because if we do it for you that means we have to break the rules for everyone I couldn't leave my job to come sign and I did that Mr Page U I have question Mr paig please I have a question ask Mr Paige please do not do this we you can sign up for the general comments and as thing but as a courtesy if we do it for you everyone else is going to be getting off of work I know people have to work but we cannot do this because we're not following the rules I'm very sorry so can you explain what do I have to do the next time that I'm not here how do I get my name on the L Please Mr H so the process as I understand it is when the meeting starts or before the start of the meeting there are two lists one is a list to speak on agenda items only which is what members of the public are doing now and then there's another list to speak after the board uh finishes its action and that's on any issue that you R so you just have to sign up on the list like everybody else and at that point you'll be permitted to speak on both items so since the second list is later in the meeting can I sign the list now for a sec that's that's what Mr you can sign to speak later where is it she has the L she'll give it to she said that earlier I'm sorry think talking about the I can sign that list yes thank you may I have a motion to close public comments motion by Miss CL M have second second second by Miss Sil any questions roll this one miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Morgan Miss silver miss grg m Ro yes motion carries thank you next is 1.6 the superintendent isn't here today so we won't have a report do you have the fire dra okay uh 1.7 is the monthly and safy we have that next month may I have a motion to approve the board minutes 2.1 motion by m Clemens and second second by Miss gr any questions for yes goad Mrs King in the minutes the August 20th minute item number 1.7 the AL presentation um what the minister does not reflect is what is Al and why did they present a presentation at our last meeting that's not reflected in the minute um and I think it needs to be explained why they were here and what impact their presentation makes to the school district okay we going to rise so um need Cassie um we're going to table the minutes but we need you to take back your motions because because the meds need to be revised uh Mrs King said in the presentation that we had there was some detailed notes this was was not included in the minutes and who did the second Miss Miss gray you s your can I get a motion to table the minutes from August 20th to the next board meeting motion by Mrs silver I have a second I second second by Mrs Kim any questions questions for it on Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan Miss silver Miss gray M Ro yes motion carries next fin we have a motion for 3.2 to 3.2 motion by Mrs uh PL have a second second by Sil any questions for yes Miss yeah I want to know if we can table 3.19 because I do agree with work came up to microphone because during Co we had a lot of children that f behind from doing things on trying to go to class on computer so with this right here with tutoring andl I don't think that it's going to benefit our students I think they work well not I think but they work better on Face the face oneone so through the internet we had a lot of children that struggled so I don't think this is a good idea so I'm asking can table and then maybe we all can with the superintendent if you want to build different Mee with the staff so we can let them know how we feel because she wasn't here when we co we were well some of us was um one second uh also is this a grant that we can table for next month or do we have to use it in a certain amount I believe this ends December 31st okay so does anyone have any questions about tabling this if it's a grant it doesn't cost the district money right all right the money is not the issue it's the oneone face to face with the students instead of using the internet to teach our children okay so if you want to take and I do keep all table it just want to shorten your time because if you approved in October just have November December two months to actually okay get it okay yeah I just want to um not not right now it's over I'm sorry um just want to make sure it's not Mrs more than one of those grants that if we don't use it right away that we'll lose it or like that that's why I question that but we can table it does anybody have any questions even if it was one of those BR if we didn't use it to lose it when it comes to our children and it's going to sound funny we all what we get but if it's not going to benefit our children then they can have it back would you clarify this a bit more for me please now you saying that uh to use this particular Grant and this um tutoring system we have a short window is that or is it spread throughout the the the December 31st we have to use the funding by December [Music] 31st okay so we don't at we only have October we would only have to use [Music] it well I can I can Sy aing system be how caning system be harmful and who who makes that determination that that they're not going to learn we can't no we just was saying when we had it during Co we had a lot of students that get it okay that's where he is we're talking about right now there a two system that's being gr oh this particular tutoring system didn't work and from what I understood at the finance this is for third and fourth graders it's only for third and fourth graders so if we have an opportunity for funding for a tutoring system of third and fourth graders that only has a very short abuse I don't see where there could be any harm in using that system if you have a toring system and and in school and you got an opportunity to it why well why would I mean we can't we cannot determine if whether it's going to be successful or not have we had this system before Mrs um uh well no we haven't had this type of tutoring service in in a while so what service did we have what service did we have last year in the year before that well we do Power Hour interal okay so how did the power hour work and how was the numbers in Power Hour Dr martinz supervisor this is where we're at BO we can just you can either table it or we can table it or we can pass [Music] it silver first can everyone make sure they talk in the mic cuz um the technician said they can't hear the board members okay so I'm sorry said that M Sil yeah we'll take this in executive session okay yeah we'll take this in executive session next any more questions about the finance any more questions about the finance no more questions may I so we're going to take yeah it's going to be a resolution for9 we'll discuss it we the other Finance yes yes everything except for 3.19 319 everything is said 3.19 because the re session yes yes Miss K yes yes and we're also going to take for the public 3.29 in the second session so we're going to no we already have the motion on the floor do we need9 that so we have to take back the motion for everything so you take back Mr Silver your motion to approve 3.2 to 328 Mrs second Miss silver and first Miss that was the first one this is the second one where we wanted to vote on the whole agenda and she took it back already missed it yes yes yes may I please have a motion fining 3.2 to 3 20 29 no 3.28 with the exceptions of 3.29 and 3 [Music] 19 is everyone clear any questions I need a [Music] motion you need to listen we need to talk into the mic um um I know this is a little bit confusing going back and forth but we need a motion for Finance 3.2 to 3.27 excluding 3.28 and 3.19 to be discussed in executive session a motion 329 we're discussing 3.29 in executive session Mrs King just had a question on that and she asked could that be tabled to Executive session 28 because 3.29 is going to be discussed Mrs King wanted you to discuss that in executive session as well as [Music] 3.19 I need someone to move it I thank you thank you Mrs King m a second second by miss any questions no questions right Miss clenin no Miss King yes Miss Morgan no Miss silver yes Miss GRE m r yes motion carries we'll be discussing 319 and 3.29 in executive session just so everyone knows we have not voted on those items yet we will be discussing them in executive session next Transportation may have a motion for 4.1 motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs P any questions yes question have we had um c c county is transporting our iing we had agreement with Cy count Transportation before is this something new yeah this is something new this is a Cooperative that we using to free up some of our bus drivers for day to day is say again for dayt day transporting so we use this Cooperative so they can transport a post to using one of our bus drivers for finance so we are going in contract with them so our employees don't have to do the job right as I understand Mrs Morgan That's not totally correct this is not taken away from anyone's job in the district no one's jobs are being cut nobody's jobs are being taken away the way it was explained to me this is for like the kids that are um homeless kids or kids that are disadvantaged and go for far out we don't have too many kids in the district like that to my understanding that does that but this job is not replacing any of our staff in the district at all okay I have another question with that being said instead of employing camping County why we can't make that where we employ our home and just have that certain bus driver do the transportation where we take from no one else instead of just getting cam in our M I have same question too um our own having our own person do that but we have we need bus dri we need bus drivers yeah but we need bus drivers so it's not like they're on uh everyday rout I'm like I'm understanding like our regular drivers they're not taking our driver's jobs but Mrs Marcus can elaborate on this but what I'm saying is even I'm listening to what you're saying maybe we can advertise that this would be like a certain route and then maybe a bus driver will take that root they may it might be someone that just a couple days or however case may be they may be the ones that going to take that root instead of paying candy when we may find our own here if it's advertised correctly uh let Mrs um so we can't hear so this is a unique situation for a particular student who has U moved to several different home placements due to an outside agency so this particular student was previously Bust from the cille area to Pines and then uh has already moved from this so it's basically outsourced because we don't have enough drivers and there's a lot of mobility within the situation and like I said while we can't advertise for that job position specifically for that student to get Transportation instead of giving the money to Camping when we could do our own County also M Morgan our part-time drivers are only limited to 31 hours a week and then our full times we have nine full timers anything over 35 hours they would go into overtime again why we can't just hire someone just for that position many students how many students have we try school just want to once student and it's a unique situation yes Miss K well from the action the information provided here it sounds to me like the student probably lives in g county and and and the transportation is either from here to there or from there here two Pleasantville one Pleasantville student to P land Le so they must live Clos there I think explain to us about us students that people homeless children yes you know we just this school district has to accommodate their uh transportation to a learning facility okay Mrs spus um is this um student uh in the is that their County or their school district can you come to okay were and there you know what they were in the cille area and I believe cille is the cville camp I'm sorry they're from the cille area so is C bille considered Candon okay so that's why because they're um the individual um individual is has the unique situation that is their home District so I believe the home district has to um do the transportation and then it just comes to us for board approval so if the say if the student was here in the um Pleasantville we would have the contract because the Pleasantville if I'm understanding this correctly or the Pleasantville District or say if was land city city with contracted or vice person whatever their school district is because it's coming from them am I explaining that right I understand I understand that part but my question now is is this student a pleas student no so why do we have something to do with if it's not our student because it's a unique situation which unfortunately this is where they live so their home district has to be responsible and we have to also approve it unfortunately I [Music] understand oh okay she Mrs farcus really doesn't want to um disclose any more confidentiality without getting to um involved or exposing the person but it it is their home district and since it is their home District their home district has to supply the transportation there there some things by law we have to do yes I just need a better explanation I understand all that but I still just don't understand why if is not a pleas student why do we have because they're not a pleasant go student they are a um C County student well cille is considered Camden County so that's their school district now if they were say they lived in Pleasant B it would be under us because they are Pleasant uh he live in the Pleasantville District so the Pleasantville will be responsible it's almost like when we send our kids to another school like we're you know we're responsible yeah I know that's why I asked was this a pleas student no I'm sorry no they're from cille and cille I believe is a is Camden County if I'm not mistaken so it's Camden County's responsibility so while we yes please she's going to clarify TR is there some factors that we are not aware of with this situation this a special situation yes so the factors that we are not aware of correct yes that cannot be discussed right now yes thank you so if a particular student in general no specific student um the guardian or parent resides in Pleasantville then the district is physically responsible and and responsible for providing Transportation so parent Guardian originally resided in Pleasantville however the student may never have attended Pleasantville so why we can't hire whenever our own to do the transportation I'm just discussing the situation and services that that's my major question so if we're responsible which I have no problem with but if we're responsible Why Pay C when we can pay our own that's my okay what we're going to do right now is we're going to talk about this in executive session okay because I don't know how much more without getting in into trouble or we got to protect the rights of students right so okay um who um make the motion for this we need you to take it back um and who second dat Miss C may I have aot to table um transportation motion motion by Mrs Morgan second by who second second by Mrs Clemens any questions for call one M Miss K yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver Miss gray M Roy yes Mo par next um facilities um Bard I want you to we have someone on here that she wants to use our facility and they are a senior group and I was wondering if the board would entertain W the fees we have uh auil group here that wants to use our facilities and they're being in charged of a fee so I wanted to know if the board would entertain waiting their fees because they're more on the senior side and to me I just feel like when you get there you done your time why not so it's up to the board ask ask the board did they want to wait their fees we tabled all of it cuz it's Transportation because Mrs Morgan had questions on that yes that's the only because that's the only been one so only 4.4 is 4.3 is yes we Ted the whole thing now I'm asking if we can wait the pce for the senior Exel group that wants to bring our the auxiliary gym the group fitness exercise class [Music] yes it's on the facilities tab if you go back to the faity tab see on the bottom um one 106 and why did you want to W is that you ask yeah I wanted to wave the fees okay because it was ask in committee but I said we need to get the consent of the whole board is this the Fe right here Mrs White um the 130 or is it the 130 weekly I just said because the seniors D time why not I'm only one person now I'm asking what will doing so we have to take that back uh we have to take the motion back no okay yeah so may I have a motion to if you want to table it I mean if you want to approve it say yes or no about the fees or not may I have a motion to wait the fees for the Middle School auxiliary gymm group fitness exercise class P young uh will be 13 and the usage I need a motion motion by Mrs silver matter second second by Mrs BR questions is this open to thee the yeah do you have the dialog to that yes I think it's open to the public [Music] yes I said because it's sen oh oh are they charging anyone to attend um do you know it doesn't indicate that on the facil usage it doesn't indicate that they charging anyone it doesn't indic I'm only going by what white said and this is for the community correct all Community can attend all Community can all the community attend this white the exil gy so there's a limit to I would say yes if they are not charging the community free it's free to the community abolutely I say yes don't have do you have do you have the application that you out all right yeah it's supposed to be free so we're in the middle of a vot so we really can I need someone to um say yes or no oh yes Miss Clemens Miss King Miss Morgan Miss silver I'm going to for further clarification Miss gr Miss roel say yes motion fails next Human Resources 5.1 yeah I wait okay all right yeah we have two more on facilities may I have a motion to approve the other facilities 51 it's everything else except the the auel motion by Mrs K second second by m CL any questions no questions Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss gray M roel yes motion carries next he resources may have a motion for 6.1 to 6.8 motion by Mrs may have a second second by who second it Mrs Morgan any questions for yes yes offer of which number number offer uh which page is that on this U 17 yes [Music] yeah I say it's on um it's on page 18 all right my question um is was this the employee that didn't want the position or did the superintendent take the position back I oh wait Terrell it's based on policy 4 4123 she say they did not meet the requirements any any other questions M morg call Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss Sil yes Miss gr Miss roel yes motion care next is I have a motion for I have a motion for curriculum curriculum and instructions for oh I'm sorry I'm sorry please forgive me they have a motion for policy 7.1 to 7 4 motion by Mrs King have a second second second by Mrs P any questions for no questions um yeah I have a question for the policy 0141 number and ter is that for that's something that's made up where board members can't um speak at the mic problem I'm sorry1 no I could no this this this is policy from St estim they just excluded some language so it's still the the same there's nothing about board members not speaking at the M it's just revised language from Strauss has for board members the terms remain the same in the number of members I got I the WR one I'm in any more questions V Miss Clemens no from 7.2 you abstain from 7.3 Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes everything 73 Miss silver yes Miss gray m yes motion carries next correct instructions motion for 81 to 8.4 motion by Mrs M a second don't speak at once I need a second for the instruction second by thank you questions Bo yes um with the curriculum did we ever get the schedules right for the children they are they're currently working on that but what I'll do is once I find out that they have they have completed it I'll make sure the whole board is emailed once it's complete and final but I know they're working on it all I know is that they're working on it um and once it's complete I'll email the board and let them know off conference with Miss Dr Martinez tomorrow and I'll let I'll ask her when the time frame will be complete and hopefully it should be done compl by the end of this week before the end of this week and I will make sure the board is emailed and app prise that we do any other questions any questions both right Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver Miss gray Miss Ro yes Mo cares and and ask for the schedules in the first day of school on behalf of the board and myself and everyone up here who want to apologize to the staff we want to apologize to the parents the grandparents the Guardians uh anyone that has children in the district we are working on it and I will be talking to Dr is tomorrow and I will get a time frame of when everything will be complete I will make sure that the board knows when it will be complete um so with that once again I apologize I also apologize for the transportation I know that was probably a little hiccup but I want on behalf of myself and the board we want to apologize for that to the parents to the staff the Guardians foster parents has children um that they have in the district we like to apologize to you we're working on that and also once I find out when that will be complete I'll make sure that I email the board and I'll make sure that you guys are aware of it um and with that we're going to go into executive session um may have a motion to go second I have a motion to go into executive session motion by Mrs King I have a second Mrs wel on M Clemens M King yes M Morgan don't you supposed to read about us on to the exective session can you excuse me can you please read that I'm so sorry we apologized we apologize to the community to the staff and everyone is here could you please read that we're so sorry it is hereby resolved that the pleas Board of Education may go into close or private session for which the public shall be excluded in accordance with the provisions and set forth in njsa 10 4-12 and 104-113 the following subjects shall be discussed on this date in the session of the board close to the public Personnel pupil matters pending and anticipated litigation we further Reserve that the discussion and closed session will be disclosed to the public at this time or a future meeting of the board when it is no long necessary to maintain the confidential nature of the items discussed Miss Morgan yes Miss silver Miss gray Miss Ro yes motion um Morgan all in favor I okay next um we have to go back to the transportation 4.4 I have a motion motion by Mrs K second second by Mrs silver the transportation 4. yes um [Music] question no questions wel call this Transportation oh we have to vote on all transportation so sorry um oh four point may I have a motion I'm sorry we made the motion 4.1 to 4.4 I'm sorry1 yes oh I need to send Miss King who second U Miss Sil you okay now may I have a motion for transportation the whole Transportation 4.2 to 4.4 motion by Miss King second by Mrs Morgan any questions no questions Ro on Miss wife Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss gray Miss Ro yes motion cares okay next we have the finance is 3 19 and 329 oh yesh be separate okay may I have a motion for um 3.19 in the finance motion by Mrs Clemens second by I mean Miss kid questions no questions roll call Miss White Miss Clemens no Miss King yes Miss [Music] Morgan Miss silver yes Miss grg Miss roell yes motion carries next is the finance other one 3.29 may have a motion motion by Mrs Clemens second second by Mrs Morgan any questions for IT no questions for Miss White Miss Clemens no Miss King no Miss [Music] Morgan Miss silver Miss Greg no M roel no motion fails next is public comments General matter only M Mrs [Music] no Mrs Noel next Mr Jerome paig pastor Pastor Jerome paig Pastor Jerome Paige going once going twice [Music] next next is board member comments Miss silver M King I wish everyone pleas Miss Clemens Miss Morgan I want to um say that I apologize for the students not having any schedule even though the president um spoke on our behalf but I want the person who do it because that has never happened before and like I said I've been here since 2015 and this is the very first time that I seen this disaster I'm Hing that by the time they fix this that we can probably um reward our children with something since they were the ones that affected maybe we can do something to reward them for going through this um secondly I'm just going to say thank you everybody for coming out thank you Mrs morning Mrs next would like to thank everyone for coming out uh also I was unable to make the um back to school for the staff I missed it I was unable to be here I just want to welcome the staff back uh hope you have a great year um I hope you have a blessed year happy safe and healthy year we want to thank you for coming out to the board meeting CU you could have been somewhere else but just want to thank you for coming to the board meeting um and we will see you next month and we hope that you get home safe and have a blessed week May I have a motion to adjourn motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs Clem all in favor