##VIDEO ID:PZh24epWt5c## e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e good evening today is Tuesday October 2024 we're GNA open this meeting up with uh the flag salute and a moment of silence e this is to advise those present at this October 8th 2024 regular board Workshop Action meeting of the Board of Education of the city of penville in the county of Atlantic that notice was given on January the 20th 2024 of the revised annual designation of the regular monthly board meetings as required by the provisions of chapter 231 of the laws of 1975 notice thereof has been distributed for publication in the Press posted in the administration building and forwarded to the city clerk of the city of Pleasantville within the time required by said act roll call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss melow Miss Morgan Miss silver Miss Waters Miss gray Miss roel pres good yes okay next one point5 public comments we ask when you come can you please state your name your address please be courteous and respectful and also remember that we do not discuss personnel and please do not mention anyone's names first we have first we have Mr uh Flores I guess rall Bennet Flores good evening I can't hear you even hear me now no good evening superintendent Martinez and honorable board members uh first I'd like to turn around and make certain that my son is not in in here because I would like to uh say something that is uh very personal private and Hippa um I am coming to you today to request that certain sensitive information be removed from my son's uh file uh there's no need to have it in there his birth certificate is in there and anything else that's in there might expose something that the family has not shared with my child so that is my request of the superintendent and the school board thank you uh hello Miss Ro you can um okay Mr Jones will speak with you okay Mr who Mr Jones okay thank you you're welcome next we have next we have Dr Heyman medy from the P New Jersey principles is the president P EAA paa PA AA get that right good evening everyone good evening um I know the mic is a little choppy but and I'm tall is that can you hear me okay we just had a few questions on behalf of the NJ PSA paa um Union the first question was was about the new job postings or job descriptions that has been listed on the resolution 6.11 um section Q where you have the dean of students position um requiring to do the disciplinary functions that assistant super assistant principal would normally occupy but the pay and the um requirements are not the same and then also so the senior manager of equity assessment and accountability um is a position that does not require no type of uh formal certification but they are going to be responsible in the job description for managing principal of training and PD and someone of that magnitude um we are looking to see why is it not required to have a certification as a as at least a supervisor or administrative ser and then the last one is in regards to we have a group grievance on the P the paa has a group grievance on the board level and I just wanted to make sure that the board was aware that it was a board level grievance um for two grievances um that we were supposed to have heard at today's board meeting but we were told that it was denied so I just wanted to make sure that you are aware there's two pending thank you and that's it thank you Dr Ham Melly next gavid Dudley from the Pea vice president uh good evening good evening the pa uh wanted to discuss some similar concerns to resolution 6.11 uh specifically the dean of students and the technology teacher uh our concerns are the introduction of new positions that are not part of the established CVA and we would uh like to have an opportunity to meet and discuss uh proposed or new positions that are going to be created and added to the CBA because these positions state that there will be part of the teacher pay pay scale from step one to Step 11 with the uh Step 11 going as high as a doctorate degree our initial concerns was because it specifically states that in Step 1 through 11 are these positions being created for new employees or existing employees will be eligible as well because the limitation to Step 11 like why would that be in there let's suppose you have a teacher who's Beyond Step 11 and you create this position are they excluded or were these positions created to specifically for new employees but either way the paa didn't have an opportunity to meet and discuss with positions that are going to be part of our Union or part of our contract thank you thank you Mr dley next we have Kathy Watson from the Pea the president hi everybody good evening good evening um I'm concerned also about this uh 7.3 policy the first reading of policy 2200 about the curriculum content there's a few things stricken stricken out of the current policy um it currently says the curriculum will be reviewed by the superintendent and approved annually by the board in a accordance with the law the curriculum shall is a minimum includeed curricular mandates of and then goes on to say the mandates currently today's reading it's um 7.3 two 2200 now it says the curriculum will be revised by the superintendent and as a minimum include the ccul cular mandates of and then it gives the law so it doesn't need to be approved annually by the board anymore so I don't understand that and then also this is the first page the last paragraph strikes out the board also being involved in the curriculum and then also says the superintendent shall in cons in consultation with staff members assure the effective articulation of curriculum across all grade levels striking out teaching staff I don't know who's going to be writing and dealing with the curriculum if the board's not involved and the teachers are not involved because I wrote physics curriculum this this summer because I'm capable I don't know who's going to be writing this and the other Math teachers wrote the math curriculum because they know what they're teaching and the levels that we're teaching and if we're importing it from another District that's the only thing that I could think of are they going to have the same students as we have the same programs we have and that doesn't seem necessary the board should approve I think and also the teacher should be involved in it and is it a QC requirement that's all anything else thank you anything else Miss Watson have a nice day minutes Pard yes I am okay is that policy that is yes the policy directly comes from stra estimate Miss Watson can you come back for a second we're dealing with the policy M the policy 2200 curriculum content that's directly from Strauss ese which is statute so that's directly from them that they're requiring us to do anything that was crossed off came from Strauss esy we didn't cross it all does in the state of New Jersey require the board to approve the curriculum I mean who's overseeing the curriculum I said the policy came directly from stra Esme which is Statue from our curriculum policy administrator that we use for curriculum Pol well for all our policies comes directly from Strauss ese how about qack I didn't hear what you said is it a CAC requirement that the curriculum is approved by the board you said is it a QC requirement to approve the curriculum or that it's that it's approved by the board yes it is a QC requirement it is a QC requirement the curriculum Conta be approved by the board stress as what exactly is the question isn't it doesn't qac need to approve doesn't the board need to approve the curriculum based on qac requirements the curriculum is approve by the Board of Education that is aligned to the New Jersey standards and comply with qac but in this new policy reading it's striking out the Board needs to approve it that policy was reviewed and that language I believe comes from Strauss SM can we can we for that because I was going to ask that question if be so happy someone came here because it looks like it's eliminating the board this is the first the first read of the policy this is the first this is the first read of the policy we'll get clarification for you with this but normally when things come from stress Esme it's nothing that we can tweak or do anything that's coming from the do but we'll look into it for you and get and also can I get proof of that too because this is the first when we look into it Mrs Morgan we'll make sure all nine board members gets a copy of everything that we come up with thank you so much we'll get back to you Miss Watson Mr dadley thank you next is Bill Morgan Bill Morgan going once going twice next Linda Henderson oh I'm sorry sorry uh Miss Henderson next Bill Morgan my name is Bill Morgan but I didn't put my name in to speak about anything I was just a vendor here to attend oh sure uh my name is Bill Morgan but I don't think I'm the bill morg I didn't put my name in to stand up here I was just a vendor to uh listen in so thank you you w we couldn't you couldn't hear that can you hear me now yes I am Bill Morgan but I didn't put my name in to speak it's interest I don't even know how it got up there so there may be another Bill Morgan but I'm just standing up here thank you testing the uh can someone test those um microphones to see not you Mr Morgan I'm sorry um no I signed the wrong sheet okay no that's fine can you test the microph testing one testing one two three I think Mr Morgan was a little tall for this one that's all can you hear me can everyone hear no we can't really hear you up here can we turn that up a little bit please we don't want any feedback for sure but um I'll keep talking until we're satisfied up there that you can hear everything I'm saying is everybody okay and we'll make sure everybody gets the mic close to them can you hear can everyone hear everyone good now okay okay sounds good thank you you're welcome next we have Linda Henderson good evening everyone good evening I too have a question about the policy for Firearms um it says any student who possessed uses or exchange of firearm or weapon in violation of this policy shall be subject to stringent discipline but it was was scratched out is which may include expulsions so my question is what reform will be utilized to help the student as well as keeping the safe the students and staff State safe what is stringent me what policy is that on Miss Henderson firearms firearms which yes 8467 firearms and weapons policy Alert 2 233 the policies were reviewed in the policy committee and they come from Strauss Esme and they're mandatory but if you have any questions we can address the question that you have on the policy and we can take it back okay so the question would be exactly what is stringent and what what reforms are we going to put in place for that student and for the staff and student to be safe because you're taking out um which may be Expos paragraph what paragraph are you on the very next to last one it page 204 who possesses uses or exchange a fire armor weapon in violation of this policy shall be subject to stringent discipline and is scratched out which may include expulsion oh okay I'm sorry just give me a second Miss Henderson two of four two of four right yes second page it's four pages the second page third paragraph the question is what is when it says subject to stringent discipline I want to know what stringent what is stringent and then what reform will we would be utilized to help the student and keep the students and staff safe if we're not doing if you're took taken out expulsion I another question even though it's from um stress does that mean we have to do everything that is it suggested that we do this or they mandating that we do this do we have to follow mandated it's mandated okay but then we we want to know what stren it is and what what we be doing oh I'm sorry all right thank you I think we would have to check that New Jersey statute that's indicat that's that's stated in this particular document okay so that's whatever whatever the the state law or discipline is that's what we would utilize but do we have anything specific so presumably the the the word stringent is is there in place of expulsion in the event there was some alternative to expulsion but it also includes that it could be expulsion there could be some sort of alternative that the court requires that prevents someone from being expelled um but stringent means in accordance with whatever the rules are or whatever the regulation is or whatever the laws okay whatever the law is what whatever the law is yeah okay right thank you Miss Henderson thank you next Miss Priscilla noell good evening everyone um good evening just uh 2.2 uh board minutes I wanted to address uh issue of as far as the grant that was given to do remote tutoring um one of the board members had stated um well if it's free what's the difference I think the difference is that we have to look look at what systems work for and are tailored to our students and our population so that it is effective to just take something because it's free doesn't mean that it will have the impact necessary to serve the needs of those that we're serving so I think we need to take a critical analysis at those offers when we get them instead of just doing it because um I don't see any of of you run uh using the iPads that was agreed upon to use so to say oh well yeah they can do remote tutoring and you're not even using technology as the board members doesn't make sense to me as far as the South Main Loop I'm very glad for that there was a lot of talk from the parents and staff that they were sad about the tree that has been there for a long long time that it got chopped and taken away as far as 8.4 Community engagement I would like to see that there's some focus on the high school engagement whether it's communicating about our sporting events that are happening to gonner support or things like that I think there's a lack of participation because there's not communication with the parents for the high school students 6.2 as far as new hires I did not see another high school guidance counselor or curriculum instruction director uh high school guidance counselor would be important for the high school coning the snafu of the scheduling that happen and only I think one person is well versed in making scheduling so either we hire another guidance counselor or we make sure everybody's trained efficiently and proficiently to do the job even if one person goes 3.18 3.20 3.21 3.22 and 23 I'm glad to see that there is attention being given to the Athletics uh facilities I really do appreciate that for far too long these student athletes have done well with less um but I see that 3.7 is a maintenance garage why not have a Fieldhouse even bua everybody around us has a Fieldhouse with working plumbing and bathrooms out there so the students and visitors don't have to go back and forth is there a way that we can look into a long-term capital investment into a Fieldhouse out there for our student AF which includes uh housing for the supplies and everything that they need to perform well and that's goes into 3.33 uh acit is getting 210 of our students if we can improve these things I think we can retain more students for our district thank you Miss Noel Miss roel there's two questions I can address uh for Miss Noel 2.2 the list of vendors that was selected for the tutoring that came from the Department of Education the list of vendors that came from the impact tutoring Grant and the facility St the facilities that's for the actual facilities Department it's not a Fieldhouse for the athletes that's going to be a um yeah that was what happened was the district ordered the actual facility and this it's for the installation for them to put up their maintenance shop and facility Police Department I I can't hear you what did you say or Field House it it's coming Miss no we we are we know we work we're working on it you actually that is an extension of an approval that was done uh I believe last year and we're just realizing it this year Mr Boswell um Mr BOS Miss Boswell I'll go back to about the Miss Boswell thank you how you doing Tracy Boswell business teacher at pille high school two things technology is an issue at the high school uh 24 Mac computers and B22 have been there a year and they're still not hooked up I teach computer classes my computer doesn't have the capability to teach the classes that I'm assigned to teach we need tech help it's not just me I think today I have 20 students with no Chromebooks second thing class sizes I have 140 students I'm not not the only one there's 34 students in some of these classes it's unfair to our kids there's not enough of us to go around is there a plan to hire new teachers because we need help thank you thank you the Chromebook there's a an agenda item for Chromebooks we're going to be purchasing additional Chromebooks for the district next is 1.6 the superintendent report good evening board staff guests and welcome to everyone tonight and our viewers online my name is Dr Marilyn Martinez the superintendent of Pleasantville public schools this week is known as anti-bullying week where we highlight the importance of respect for each other our district is working towards the prevention remediation and Report in of harassment intimidation and bullying in schools respect also called esteem is a positive feeling or differential action shown towards someone or something considered important or held in high esteem or regard it conveys a sense of admiration for good or valuable qualities for the 202000 23 through 2024 harassment intimidation bullying uh District self assessments each school had to conduct one for each self self assessment there are eight core elements programming policy training curriculum Personnel incident reporting investigation procedures and Reporting the assessment uses a liyer scale ranging from one to three indicating one does not meet two meets three and three exceeds anti-bullying uh the anti-bullying specialist uh discussed these components and uh completed the self assessment in their schools each school has an anti-bulling specialist they completed training the self assessment and these self the self assessment is based on practices done last year and they're compared to the state's rubric checklist and resources provided by the New Jersey Department of Education the following data are the results of the self assessment for the schools overall the district's total average in self assessment is 63 out of 78 which is approxim L 80% we will immediately improve in our self assessment by the immediate Corrections and which are in two uh primary areas of improvement number one training and what is very significant that will happen in moving forward is that all contracted services and volunteers will be trained and will require certification of that training prior to starting their role this year in moving forward the business officer and talent and development officer will ensure that all contractors and volunteers are trained and receive certification on harassment intimidation and bullying prior to their start so that may cause a little bit of discomfort for some that are not used to it but we will uh we want to make sure that we are in compliance with um regulations the district is implementing these best practices to prevent and address harassment intimidation and bullying number one all anti-bullying Specialists complete uh online certificate programs two we continue to implement the dreams program at the middle and high school bringing the nurtured Hearts approach to staff and students we're expanding inclusivity programs we started at leads and we're expanding in to other schools we are reviewing the hip data um throughout the month and Reporting it uh we are celebrating the week of respect districtwide we have climate and culture specialist at both the middle and high school as I said we are going to train volunteers and contractors uh ensuring that they have certification of hip training prior to their start uh we are implementing restorative practices and I'm requesting of the board today to approve a resolution to have Dr Gray of Stockton University who is a guru of restorative practice and Justice um to uh and who also will provide an audit of our code of conduct and work with staff and the board to and students to um review and design a develop uh a code of conduct that aligns with restorative practice and Justice and with that policy that was just uh raised in terms of making sure that we provide um consequences that abide by regulation but but that also are about Resto restoring students into the community the school community and then hipster is our program software program uh it is being updated to ensure that Personnel reporting is complet completed according to the guidelines established by the Department of Education this year we're implementing a districtwide character education program thank you board for approving the Second Step um it's districtwide and we're also implementing the Franklin cvy the leader and meet program at both the middle and high school and lastly um the district will report our Hib self assessment on the website as per New Jersey Department ofed education great news one of our wonderful students John Howard III is pleasantville's first volleyball player to commit to a division one program yes we are going to celebrate John Howard II he's going to attend the first historically black college and university that is the first to have a division one volleyball program the University of Maryland he will be attending the University of Maryland Eastern Shore I'm so excited you know it's not that far to drive and go see him so we can go see him all right this year I want to highlight the terrific work of our administrators and staff at back to school night here you'll see and I congratulate our high school principal Dr lapel Chapman and our terrific High School staff for preparing for back to school night they did a fantastic job I also want to thank our high school band and band director for welcoming our parents and staff that evening I also thank our Middle School administrators principal mainy guy and assistant principal Mr Bullock and the Middle School staff for an exceptional job in preparing for back to school night the middle school had 7 100 parents attend their back to school night job well done congratulations to principal Hendrick and staff at South Main school for a wonderful back to school night parents and students were keenly attentive to learning about their new school year congratulations to Dr Heyman medley and staff at North Main's schools for a great back to school night uh lots of wonderful displays thank you to Dr Cooper Ruiz principal at Washington Avenue and staff for their Readiness for back to school night congratulations to Dr Mitchum principle leads and staff for engaging back to school night for an engaging back to school night she had a full house parents are our partners this year I'm happy to share that 1,700 parents attended back to school night please give a round of applause to our terrific parents I also want to share our current average daily attendance at Le Avenue the average daily attendance is 95% at North Maine it is 94% South Main 94% Washington Avenue 96% at the middle school it's 93% and at the high school is 89% it is our goal to ensure that students are attending our schools daily um I want to thank the attendance team the officers and Mr Jones director of Engagement and part and uh Partnerships who are really keenly working um with developing plans and I've walked in their into their meetings where they are actually discussing students by name not just by number by name and really um seeking to understand why students are absent and reaching out to families so thank you to that team also like to share that during the month of September in the middle school students learned about the gearup program you've heard me talk about the gearup program in the past the goals of the gearup program at Stockton University served students in grade 7 through 12 and first year enrolled college students in our district students are provided with books instructional supplies field trips meals and public transportation tickets at no cost the goals gear up at Stockton University Atlantic City Campus is supported by funds from New Jersey office of the Secretary of higher education Pleasantville public school district Atlantic City public school district and Stockton University please share this information with parents in the community the gearup program is a terrific program for our students from grade 7 through through 12th grade it is free to them and we want them to take advantage of this great opportunity the monarch butterfly release celebration at leads was it was just phenomenal for me it was very very impactful I had the pleasure of being at lead school when students and staff celebrated together the monarch butterfly release so this was on my bucket list so I checked it off it was great I appreciate the teachers along with leads administrators who put this wonderful Student Activity together this activity made me think about the concept of the butterfly effect which reminded me that a small effect may impact a larger difference and that what we do now in providing our students a high quality education will make a difference in their lives and the community around them National Hispanic Heritage Month is annually observed from September 15th to OCT October 15 in the United States for recognizing the contributions and influence of Hispanic Americans to the nation's achievements culture and history [Music] join us Pleasant full Public Schools education Parent Academy we call it Peppa on November the 16th this year from 9:00 a.m. to 1:30 at the Pleasantville Middle School we are going to have have our Parent Academy a parent education Academy where we're going to help parents start learn to start a library at home for students to read uh at their leisure in a very comfortable place at home we're also going to have topics like understanding special education IEP 504 and one to one Aid we're also going to share uh and provide training to volunteers so that they understand Hib harassment intimidation and bullying and from that training They will receive their certification uh that will be required for them to be Volunteers in our district we're also going to have uh training on helping students with homework and using technology at home for parents and there will be lots of resources and partners there on November the 16th our partners will include Latino Institute who will be presenting workshops and incentives for parents the Spanish Community Center the Community Food Bank of South Jersey the Center for Family Services Atlantic County Workforce Development Atlantic County Crisis Intervention unit South Jersey Family Medical Center the Jewish Family Services Ocean First Bank for for financial literacy uh for families Stockton University gearup Atlantic Cape family organizations parent advoc advocacy Network aanad organization and many more this year our motto is unleashing unlimited creativity because we believe our students have unlimited potential we have high expectations about what our students will demonstrate in learning this school year we began this school year emphasizing with our students that they can think outside the box and believe in big dreams about themselves because indeed our students have un limited creativity and can accomplish great things and we believe it thank you any questions on the superintendence report I just have one question let them know in advance when you're going to start that with the community doing the data and stuff so we've met already with students at the middle school information has been sent to parents we'll continue to send information which is why I'm sharing it uh we want to share as much as possible with parents this amazing opportunity it is free to our students to our parents um students that attend Pleasantville public schools from grade seventh and throughout the 12th grade graduates from Pleasantville Have conditional acceptance to Stockton University and Atlantic Cate Community College so it's a great opportunity to take advantage of gear up more questions a motion to approve the superintendent report motion by Miss Clemens have a second second by Miss Morgan questions no questions comment Miss [Music] Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss [Music] Mello Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters Miss gray Miss roel yes motion Carri next Finance 31 and I have a motion for 32 to 3 we just approved the minutes oh I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry um sorry um have a motion to approve board minutes 2.1 and 2.2 I want to make the motion but I have a question for correction on the August minutes we at the end of in August minutes stated that we didn't have our July meeting because we didn't have a mrgan it has to be moved first before you get the question motion second second when I say questione who first who motion Mrs Morgan motion who had second I take my second who's going to Second it because I never second anything M Grace second it any questions yes it's actually not a question it's a statement on August minutes at the end it stated that we didn't have a July's board meeting because we didn't have a quorum but that's not true we didn't have the I know I received a text message from our ba stating that the meeting was cancell and then I asked her why she said because the Miss roell had a personal matter so it wasn't from a quarum that's what was told to me because I would have came that's for July's meeting unfortunately that's not true we did not have the meeting because it was lack of not having a forum now if you want to table it we can but that's not why I'm not going to argue but that's why it was canell I have it I have it on my phone well it wasn't canceled because of that any other questions you can abstain or whatever you want to do but that's not why it wasn't cancel I said okay roll call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss melow Miss Morgan no for August meeting and yes for September M yes Miss Waters Miss gray M roel yes motion carries next Finance 3.1 may have a motion for 3.2 to 3 motion by Mrs Mrs mow M second second by sorry president yes we need to10 resolution says PA Beamers for 310 the resolution needs to be amended to add teamers may I have a second second by Miss Clemens any questions board yes 32 for the drop off Loop my question is when you go there you see that both entres in the front of theol say do not enter which way are they supposed to come in this is for the back the South Main Street yes so Loop is in the back oh it has what's that in the front of school got the one in the front of school the one that she was talking about cut down the tree so both interest entent coming off of Main Street they enter like because it's the arrows way the traffic is Flowing so it should only be it do not enter on one end it may be because they don't want people entering during the school day no it's two signs States on on each end each end okay so we'll have to look at yeah so it's little confusing it should they should enter one way and then exit it is a one way tell you that it is under construction because irrigation still hasn't been completed that front Okay but there's a loop at the back right which is beautiful and functioning greatly so we still have some work to do to ensure that it's cleaned up that it looks beautiful at the front yes it looks nice it does have the arrows but it still has the signs on I'm very happy that we have it because I know me and Mr Priscilla kept you know trying to get us to get a sidewalk and a loop in the back and I'm veryy and we're going to put a sign up that says you know we apologize we're still on the construction you know looking forward to you know we're gonna have a nice sign up couple people asked me that's why any other questions Miss [Music] Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss melow Miss Morgan yes Miss silver Miss Waters yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries next M motion for transportation 4.2 to 4.3 motion by Miss Clem second by Mrs Alberto second by Mrs Alberto any questions questions Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss Melo Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters Miss Waters Miss Gray well yes motion carries next facilities 5.1 a motion for 5.1 motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs Alberto any questions questions Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss mow Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters Miss gray Miss roell yes motion carries next is human resources 6.1 I have a motion for 6.2 to 61 motion by Mrs Alberto may I have a second second by Waters any questions yes we can discuss an executive we can discuss no we actually can't discuss an ex okay can't discuss personal M all right but on stre okay any other questions 61 61 yes um I didn't see a description for resolution Q Qi manager of is that part of the not exact talking about theor manager of equity assessment accountability right so it really is to ensure that we're looking at The District in all parts of the district particular the educ students through aens of because doesn't so that's and then assessment to ensure that not only the process for testing is how does assessment right improve how does it align to our educational delivery of instruction and then accountability right when we talk about student outcomes when we're talking about growth we're talking about um performance grow and really doing data analysis with staff and not just with staff what students and parents about um student performance because accountability is that failure can't be an option to any student and we have to improve um many of the indicators that are before us by the New Jersey Department of Education but more importantly we have to ensure that all students are achieving and that they're graduating ready for college and uh college career and the workforce and that they are graduating with high levels of proficiency at maximum potential so that's the work of that is accompl I have another question um will you be able to give when will you be able this is not on here but when will you be able to give us um how our kids are actually doing and being able give us a a guideline of where our kids is and what they're actually learning in the classrooms and P well yeah I intend to do that okay all right any other questions other questions call Miss M Alberto Miss Clemens 6.9k to number five okay Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray M roell yes to everything but abstain from page 28 H3 number five page 29 H6 number 13 but yes to everything else so page 29 number six section six number 13 page 29 H as inh number six number 13 next page is page 28 hes and Harry number three number five pass that to her all right passing it over thank on the record motion carries next may I have a motion for policy 7.1 may I have a motion for 7.2 to [Music] 7.3 motion motion by Mrs Alberto MAV second second second by Miss King any questions board no questions roll call Miss White Miss [Music] Alberto Miss Alberto Miss Clemens no to 7.3 7.3 Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray Miss roel motion carries next curriculum and instruction 8.1 may have a motion for 8.2 to 8.4 motion by Mrs Clemens may I have a sec oh sorry there's a curriculum addendum do you want to do it afterwards and this is an addendum too so you want to add the addendum now yes with the uh agendum who motion Mrs Clemens motion I may have a second second but by Mrs Morgan any questions no questions no that's in resources okay roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries what happened we just have the correction for the record number N9 on the curriculum page 55 a grammatical error the name should be gray there's a grammatical error on page 55 of 59 number9 n it's just just want to correct the name page 55 of 59 number nine I just that name needs to be corrected okay sounds Goode going toward that there was there was a a human resources addendum that wasn't a was Human Resources addendum too yes we have a human resources addendum we have aour is it over here okay this is the agenda this is the agendum for um give resources does the public have it it's okay everyone has it may does the public have it no they said they don't have it yeah you can have mine yeah give M are we all good we're going uh the agend you have it okay can we do the addendum first okay may I have a motion to um approve the addendum for human resources motion by Mrs cummin second by Mrs Albert to okay um there's another correction on here um sorry one second okay so we have two Corrections on um Human Resources page one of three um it should not read Acting Superintendent I don't pretend any day so it's it's I am the superintendent so uh pardon that error and then the other one it's in the activities I just want to add that for lead school they are doing the flu shot there's an additional date October 22nd at the parent Center thank you so we have to do these separate right can we do this together or separate blue yeah yeah okay so we have to do separate okay so Mrs Clemens motion Mrs Alberto second questions okay roll call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray Miss roell yes motion carries okay next is don't you have the flu shot yeah um we're adding October 22nd do we have to move adding an additional date of October okay we're just going to to this no no no the resolution is in there we just needed to add a date okay all right um so go ahead and read the so we just added the date yes we're adding the date for the uh extra flu shots it is hereby resolved that the pleasant Board of Education may go into closed or private session from which the public shall be excluded in accordance with the provisions of set forth in njsa 104-112 and 104-113 the following subject shall be discussed on this date in the session of the board close to the public Personnel pupil matters pending and anticipated litigation be it further resolved that the discussion and closed session will be disclosed to the public at this time or a future meeting of the board when it is no longer necessary to maintain the confidential nature of the items discussed roll call Miss White we got a motion to go to EXA oh may I have a motion to go into executive session motion by Mrs melow second by Mrs Clemens questions or questions V call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss K King yes Miss melow yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e spe spe may have a motion to come out of executive session motion second motion by Mrs Morgan second by Miss Clemens R call Miss White Morgan and Clemens Morgan and then Clemens oh my roll call Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King Miss melow Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray yes Miss roel yes Miss K yes motion carries out of exec we just came out oh next is President roel and board requesting that the board accept the hi report as Ed I have a motion motion motion by Miss Clemens second by Miss Morgan questions no questions roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries next uh board president uh roel and board members um Mo I'm requesting to um termination of employees ID number 105 105 019 and 10458 yeah motion to terminate please moot motion by Miss Clemens second second by Miss Waters any questions no questions oh yes for okay all right okay V call Miss White Miss [Music] Alberto okay Miss Clemens yes Miss King yes Miss melow yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver Miss Waters Miss gray Miss roel yes motion carries next good evening again question concern we have election coming up and I know that we're in school so I'm asking what plans do we have um action PL for our students and staff to be safe because in two buildings one that I know let me just see the one that I know there's no um metal detector we limited off do we have a plan in action for the safy of our students does she do we have uh a for election day do we have a security plan in place to keep the kids safe during that day so Mr Adcock director of safety and I uh we are working with uh along with uh communicating with the city of Pleasantville to ensure that there is a strong uh presence of police officers and there will be no access to inside of those two buildings during election during the day they're only limited to coming into one area with no access to the building you're welcome next uh we have Mrs P noell hello again hello I just wanted to focus in on a few things and one of them is about guidance and hopefully we can staff for the high school level on guidance and Staffing appropriately at the high school level for guidance coun um because it seems like that the one who knew the scheduling once she was out the whole ship sank and I think that if we're not gonna again I'm going read it we're not going to hire more guidance counselors that as part of onboarding when staff is hired or the ones that are there need to be trained everyone every guidance counsel need to be trained in scheduling or the scheduling system or whatever is implemented to create the schedule for students because it took too long and they they are the ones who the students are the ones that need to be serviced so it took too long and they should have been everything should have been prepared for them on day one for school in addition to that I think that the student athletes should have their own guidance counselor because there are nuances to the things that they have to do to be certified NCAA as we had one that is division one scholarship there are steps that have to be taken that are different than the general population of students that need to be well vered a guidance counselor needs to be well versed in so that as a parent you're not trying to navigate things and maybe we have either some parent coaches or some some type of student coaches that are collegate athletes now that can guide and help the upcoming student athletes to understand these are the steps they need to take these are the courses they need to have to be division one certified or division two certified there are different certifications that happen within NCAA when a student athlete is Seeking a scholarship so I think that they should have their own guidance Council or if not a support team where there's um parent coaches or some type of coaches who have done this and then can guide our student athletes to success at the next level um I want to Dr Martinez you are doing good work I will not agree with everything you say but I see it one of the things you said was that you wanted a clean we're going to have a clean facility in every school and you delivered on that promise and I see that you are delivering on trying to create Unity by having systems in place that are consistent throughout the district because we don't need one student maybe be on South Side move to nor and is inconsistent so I appreciate you for that and let's keep you in the district thank you Miss Noel ma' yes go ahead M Dr Martinez um board and Miss uh Noel thank you first um appreciate you and I I really do appreciate that you're a parent that is uh engaged and really keeps students first um so I appreciate the advocacy just so that theard is clear uh we did fund allocated and hired a fourth counselor for the high school um I do concur with the recommendation and Dr Chapman the principal and I um we have discussed that the process for scheduling will be extremely different this for this upcoming year the process will begin much sooner uh so that students are able to uh do course selections much earlier we will be training a group of Staff members and uh I'm very excited because we're going to use the Encore system which is an online system to provide schedules to parents and students so there will be no paper will'll be able to um they'll be able to access their schedules uh through their computer so all those systems are coming uh they're here we're putting them together uh thank you for your partnership thank you for the suggestions and we're listening thank you Dr Martinez next board comments Miss Clemens thank you Miss Alberto Miss Waters M silver no comments let's just keep up the good work just what we have to do for our children Miss Melo Miss King yes good evening and it's good to see everyone come out have a good night Miss gray just want to thank everyone for coming out tonight um just want to remind you of a couple of things we have the New Jersey School Board Association this month it's going going to be from uh October the 21st to October the 24th at the convention center in Atlantic City and also we're going to have our second Retreat on November the 2nd in the library in high school we just had one on Friday um I mean Saturday that just passed and it was a great Retreat um so we hoping to see the board members on November 2nd at 9:30 um for the second part of the retreat and also we will be I feel honored and the board feels honored because the New Jersey um school boards that holds their executive meetings they will be holding one November the 14th here at the high school so I think that's very very great news so they normally hold those meetings at Mainland Ocean City absam you know we're never chosen so we're chosen to host one of the meetings on November the 14th so if you guys can come out that would be great um we hope that you have a great uh Halloween um oh and also Dr Martinez reminded me you guys are off on Monday and Friday Friday and Monday they off Friday and Monday so we will see you again next month um get home safe and thank you for all that you guys do here in the district and also board members you have a survey in front of you so make sure you complete it don't put your name on it and give it to miss white may I have a motion to close this meeting motion by Mrs Clemens second by Miss King All In favor I no oppose good night