second by who second by who silver oh second by Mrs silver any questions is white Miss Alberto yes Miss King yes Miss Melo yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray yes Miss roell yes motion carries next 1.6 the superintendent report [Music] good evening board members staff parents and to members who are online the superintendent's report this evening will be about uh information to parent parents and how to get their children involved in our summer programs this year we're planning to focus on getting as many Pleasantville middle and high school students in our summer program we currently have various students from the Pleasantville District who signs up for Stockton University six week summer program I'm inviting parents of middle school and high school students to please take advantage of this great opportunity the goals Gear Up program at Stockton is there's full steam ahead it will occur July the 1st through August 8th from 8:00 to 300 p.m. at Stockton University in the Atlantic City Campus meals and transportation will be included this year summer Academy Flyers are both in English and Spanish and they are on our website the application is now offered in both English and Spanish and they have Stockton has an assistant director Alondra Martinez who is bilingual and familiar with the Pleasantville Community alra Martinez beling our students can also participate in Stockton's nine weeks of Saturday Academy in the fall that's for middle and high school students we're sending more information home so parents can sign up their middle school and high school uh youngers as soon as possible the information will be on our website we also have a great opportunity this Saturday May the 18th we going to have a free parent conference there'll be Raffles with valuable prizes breakfast and lunch will be included those Child Care available for children 12 and under this is a free parent conference for all parents please try to RSVP there's a form that you should uh complete and return to your child's uh school's office um all of this is on our website the conference is again on the 18th of May this Saturday from 9:30 to 1:30 p.m. and it's going to occur in our Middle School we're also going to have a great Multicultural fair so try and make it and then we are once again going to have our summer school our summer school will be from July the 8th through August the 1st from Monday through Thursdays the hours are from 8:30 to 230 we also have many students that have already signed up their parents signed them up for extended school year and this is uh students that have uh an IEP and it's for prek through 12th grade the location of our extended school year will be at the Pleasantville High School from July the 8th through August 1st from 8:30 to 12:30 and breakfast will be served as well as lunch Transportation will be provided all right my favorite part and that is to really highlight our students and today we're going to start with the end in mind so that is we're going to highlight light our Pleasantville High School students so if you're here please come up Kiara Lou thank you Mel Johnson and let me read the certificate it's a student of the month and it reads the certificate is awarded to Kiara louu and Mel Johnson you're getting closer to your dreams each day keep up the hard work and you will get the best results I wish you a great future because you deserve [Music] it how you do stand right over here congratulations to [Music] you Kaya sheperson and anael Peralta espinal great are you man this is our sophomore and we're great are you in and this is a grand freshman come on let's give a big round of applause to our students we are so proud of you thank you keep up the good work to our middle school students Cameron trar Victoria Feliciano a true middle schooler come on Victoria and lastly but not least Isabella [Music] irisari Victoria right how you doing good how you I'm good in seven break nice hello right so Victoria is in seventh grade and Isa you're graduate you're going to I know you're moving up you're an eighth grader you're going to high school right congratulations to both of you big round of applause thank you next we're going to celebrate our elementary school students we'll begin with leads at Avenue yes Matthew Medina are you here aandre Smith Valen Romero FZ [Music] mat how are you Matthew how you doing that's yours it look over there what's your name how are you nice to meet you we have valin Romero funes henaro Sano Ben maai Payne last but not least oh Mai come on Maki let's go and Jacob kones Regal how are you great are you gr maai is the fourth grader Give It Up to Mai nice thank you oh oh oh get out there here thank you just stand there come onas Jacob how are you Jacob gon Regal you go to them all right here we go now together look at the audience give them a big round of applause thank you you had a hard day didn't [Laughter] [Music] you from the Washington Avenue School Nova Lewis Jan Lugo Rosado you must be beautiful how are you your name Nova nice to meet you look over there Justin Janes mansanarez Lucas mendosa agil oh yeah Jasmine erera Sano and rul aosta Mareno what's your name right let's give him a big round of applause thank you gracias our next School South Main Street School Paris Brooks Mel loano Juan bagas Guzman are you Paris how are you Paris I love smile are she has that nice Whispering voice nice but we're not done you got to hang in there Juan Banas Guzman Ian sa hair all right Josiah [Music] Jackson all right Josiah y f club and Isabella sento how are you let meah how are you good can I first grade first grade fourth grade third grade third grade give a big round of applause nice job thank you keep up the great work and next we have North Main Street School North Maine let's start with Keandre Hannibal Kaye white Matthew tpan Gonzalez a there's one Ralph Casmir jlin gonz oh the other way other way oh I see we're but I do love his creativity right Jan kones and Ishmael Alex Alexander what's your name what grade are you in fifth fifth grade third third first first give him a big round of applause let's thank you appreciate you so much keep up the great work kaya sheperson from our great High School are you in the house yes [Music] here okay let's give her a big round of applause she's a junior a junior in our high school we wish a great future because you deserve it hello beautiful Hi how are you are round appla thank you so we have another group of students there are amazing we have some amazing athletes so this evening I'd like to recognize Brandon St Martin Brandon St Martin was honored on April 21st for being our scholar athlete for the football team Brandon currently has a 5.5 weight at GPA and is part of our early college program a $500 scholarship was given to Brandon for being the best student athlete on the football team Brandon is on our football team and track team give up for Brandon St Martin our next high school student edixa Cabrera Peña edixa was selected for being Pleasant Bill's best scholar athlete she will be receiving her award and scholarship on May the 18 she currently has a 6.6 weighted GPA and thinka was part of our volleyball team softball team and flag football team I don't know did you sleep at beaw I don't know did you sleep AA was also recognized for being one of the best scholars in the cape Atlantic League this banquet will be on May the 18th adiga was also nominated to represent Pleasant bber for the old grad award the old grad award is a reward for the best multiport athlete that is a senior she is current Curr ly competing against 14 other girls top five girls will have a banquet in June where they're where the uh They will announce the winner we are so proud of you thank you thank you so so proud of you nicely done that's so yeah wait a minute uh Yousef golden is he here Yousef golden was nominated to represent Pleasant B for the best senior multiport athlete for the old grad award youse of us completing competing against 12 other boys for this award top five athletes will be invited to the banquet in June Yousef plays football and track so give it up for our three fabulous um high schoolers we're so proud of you thank you but for every great athlete there are many great coaches so coach Alan lws senior kach alen Law Senior was honored at the pen relays on April 27th for being inducted to the pen relay's Wall of Fame as an athlete coach laws was a part of the 1983 4 by 400 relay team that won the championship of America coach law team was the first team from Philadelphia that won the championship we are so proud of our coach um if he's here is he here all right but congratulations to coach Alan M senior we have wonderful students as well as wonderful employees we want to recognize the following employees Anna McMahon teacher at Washington Elementary School hey you [Music] are and this reads your commitment has been exemplary and your hard work is an inspiration to everyone around you you are one of the people who make this District great this District's future is sure to be bright with team members like you your hard work and creativity and is is an inspiration to all of your colleagues and us as well thank you Marie normal a prek special needs par professional at North Main school and just like teachers par professionals are equally as important you're one of the people who make this District great there you go this District future is sure to be bright with team members like you your hard work and creativity is an inspiration to all of [Music] us thank you you're welcome Lisa Johnson cafeteria manager at Leeds Elementary School I don't know Miss Johnson [Music] you are one of the people who make this District great this District's future is sure to be bright with team members like you your hard work and creativity is an inspiration to all of us thank you for your work thank you so much appreciate [Music] you Ivon Dill white Ivon is a te teacher at South Maine Elementary School Miss Dill white thank you you're one of the people who make this District great and our district it our future is sure to be bright with team members like you your hard work and creativity is an inspiration to all of us thank you so much all right and then Cynthia Johnson student services secretary at the middle school she in the house great all right Miss Johnson the dedication is remarkable thank you so much for everything you do Miss John appreciate you thank you officer Quinton Manning at the high school thank you for everything that you do you're one of the people who make this District great Mr Manning we all know you're working hard thank you so so much we appreciate you thank you thank you so much and last but not least Carrie prevard from the trans a [Music] department so can I our staff Miss Johnson can can you take a little step over here that's yeah I love like they do it here you come on over representing our fabulous staff thank you so much for you're welcome thank you can you please give our staff members a great Round of Applause thank you for your work your dedication and on behalf of our students and our parents and community and the Board of Education thank you for everything you do we appreciate you thank you thank you that concludes superintendent's report doesn't does any board members have any testing testing does any board members have any comments on the superintendent report any questions on the superintendent report no may I have a motion to approve oh you did the 17 right okay okay uh Mrs White can you please read um the board the code of eth the code of ethics please you should have them in your on your desk go ahead the code of I want uh Mrs White's going to read the code of e ethics to the board uh should be uh on your desk on the top go ahead Miss White code of code of ethics I will represent all Pleasantville School District constituents honestly and fairly I will model continuous learning and work to ensure good governance by taking advantage of board members development opportunities such as those sponsored by my state and National School Board associations and encourage my fellow board members to do the same I will strive for a positive relationship with the superintendent respecting the superintendent's authority to advise the board Implement board policy and administer the district I will not disrupt or be disagreeable before during or after school district meetings instead I will actively prepare for attend and productively participate in school board and other district meetings I will encourage and respect the free expression of my of opinion opinion by my fellow board members and will participate in board discussions in an open honest and respectful manner honoring differences of opinion or perspective I will abide by the majority decisions of the board while retaining the right to seek changes in such decisions through ethical and constructive channels I will take no private action that might compromise the board or Administration and will respect the confidentiality of privileged information I will recognize that a board member has no legal Authority as an individual and that decisions can be made only by a majority vote at a board meeting I will I will avoid any conflict of interest or the appearance of impropriety which could result from my position and will not use my board membership for personal gain or publicity I will refuse to surrender my responsibilities to special interest or partisan political groups we're going to have public comments um we asked you to come you'll have three minutes to speak we just want to advise you when you come please be respectful courteous and also we do not discuss personal matters any legal matters or any litigations in public first we have Mrs Mrs Kim sheer hi good evening board members I was here last week talking about the budget but today I'm going to embark on the technology department you guys in 2022 went to signed off on the technology department to do a tech uh aligning the infrastructure and aligning the stragic the Strategic long-term plan that you guys created when this superintendent came to Pleasantville she did not meet with the director or the team team in technology I don't know if you guys know everything that they've done but they've done exemplary work in this community and for this school um the director wrote the grant herself to get $1.3 million to the school district every child in the school district has a a Chromebook even the special ed kids have Chromebooks to take home the teachers have them so so what she did was she NE never had conversation with the director at all so what she did she brought her friend in from conres and had them do a walkth through without the director of Technology being present I don't think I've seen her curriculum to v um she doesn't have any technology behind her so why would the superintendent just walk this group she's it's a woman-owned group but they're from Philadelphia she has stripped the technology department of the three minorities and two of them are graduate which from Pleasant High School okay and and and this this department has done so much for this school district in the last two years but she wants to Outsource it okay when she had conres coming to do their walkthr she didn't bring the director of Technology with them but after the walkth through she told the director of technology to give conres all of her resources and all of her data to them why I'm I am a nonprofit Housing Development Corporation I get millions of dollars in Grants every year to from this federal government the the state and local governments to provide affordable housing so I know about Kickbacks when you bring when you bring all these outside agencies into the school district that don't have any vested interest I want to know who's getting the Kickbacks because I smell them somebody's getting them also you got the to the board I said last week 15 superintendents in 10 years why don't you vet I mean her her resume and curriculum in V looked beautiful on paper but she has sued every school dictrict that she's been in Edison pens salkin and Camden she's going to leave here too and she's going to sue y'all she's going to cost this District more money than anything I don't know why you guys don't look inward we we have plenty of people in the Pleasantville School District that are capable of being [Music] [Applause] superintendent I'm I'm saying this to the board this is a farce I don't know what you guys are doing up there but if you ain't doing the right thing the ones that have um that are coming up for reelection y'all ain't going to be there thank you Mrs Kim next we have thank you Miss Kim thank you next we have Mrs Rhonda Queen Rhonda [Music] Mo good evening board good evening my name is Ronda MOA McQueen and I am a current executive secretary for the Pleasantville School District I started my 32-year career in the district of furors after I graduated from Pleasantville High School in 1988 I grew up in Pleasantville the mo family is well known and respected in this city and throughout Atlantic County some of them is here tonight with me as a sign of solidarity for 32 years I have worked my way up from secretary to executive secretary and through and though my journey has not always been easy with multiple changes in administration I remained faithful I have worked for two interim superintendents and briefly for to superintendent as recommended by the state Monitor and the Director of Human Resources at the time but over the past 10 years I have been transferred in and out of central office depending on the whim of the administration and unduly influence of fellow co-workers who hold or held the same position as I do and though the constant changes were and are stressful at times I remained a hardworking honest dedicated passionate loyal employ of this District which is why I'm so disheartened to be standing here at this Podium being forced to respond to recent correspondance that I received from the superintendent you can imagine my shock and disappointment to learn that the superintendent is recommending to eliminate my position as an executive secretary change my title back to secretary and transfer me to some unknown disclosed secretary position within the district stri me of my title I was perplexed I know for a fact that plenty of executive secretaries have been reassigned to other locations within central office due to administrative changes and have kept their titles even without direct supervision during the meeting with the HR representative she stated I could request a meeting with the superintendent for clarity you see the superintendent has always stated we she has an open door policy I was searching for that she always says there's we are fa family and central office so I went for that she often speaks about showing Grace to people all to no avail I found it all not to be true so after my union rep submitted a request we received the response saying and I quote the superintendent will not be meeting to clarify or discuss the executive secretary positions had I been given the courtesy of a meeting I probably wouldn't be standing here today my title as executive secretary has nothing to do with change in administration or supervisor supervisory organization structure as stated in my letter it was at that very moment I realized this was an ambush and that began months ago I started to reflect on January thank you Miss McQueen my sister will will thank you Mrs McQueen next next uh Dr Robin [Music] [Applause] Moore good evening good evening my name is Reverend Dr Ron Robin Moore I'm the sister of Ronda Mo McQueen I am a a Pleasantville graduate and I am also a former Pleasantville teacher I will be continuing Rhonda's letter it was at that very moment I realized that this was an ambush that that began months ago I started to reflect on January of this year where my job duties of collecting organizing and typing the curriculum instruction section of the agenda was abruptly taken away from me and given to another executive SEC secretary without warning and very little plausible explanation then I was strict of all access to the system this was very humiliating I was treated as if I'd done something wrong before January the HR representative told me in the conversation I was too passionate about that part of my job I was treated I treated like I owned it I guess she shared that opinion with the superintendent as well can you imagine punishing an employee for owning and being passionate about work during my direct supervisor's absence the superintendent stopped communicating with me I watched her communicate with other people in the same office suite but not me I was wasn't given any direct directives or instructions in the absence of my direct supervisor like they were given but being the professional executive secretary that I am I continue to perform what was left of my duties to say I felt and still feel mistreated isolated disrespected and disregarded would be putting it mildly the mistreatment of the superintendent have gone too far beyond work is personal so I stand at this ponum actually I stand for my sister Rhonda she's not asking for a raise she's not here for vengeance because that's God's job and trust me God will do his job she is standing here asking the board that she have worked for her for 32 years to allow her to keep what she has earned her title as executive secretary and to remain in central office thank you very much for your attention to this matter thank you than you Dr Robin Moore next we have John Howard good evening good evening my name is John Howard junr I am a resident here in Pleasantville New Jersey also a graduate of Pleasantville High School School class of 95 I am here to address the proposed removal of Mrs Raina Miss Raina Hendricks from Pleasantville High School I'm the parent of a early college student here at the high school Miss Hendrick has been the administrator of the early college and ropes and Advent programs here at PHS she has overseen the implementation and progression the administration and the administration of these programs and has helped to make College available to students while in High School Miss Hendrick has been removed numerous times throughout her tenure as an administrator within this District it is a disservice to her as well as the students what is needed is stability so that the programs in place can grow and flourish even the more I am concerned Gravely concerned about the future of these programs without Miss Hendrick continued leadership and oversight I'm also standing here on behalf of Dr Felicia hman medley Tracy Holland bar Ronda Moore McQueen Vicky Williamson and any other employee of the administration teachers where who wherever in this District that has been treated unjustly from what I understand the superintendent is the culprit in all that is happening and I am asking that the board take proper action and do what it takes to make this problem go away immediately thank you thank you thank you John Howard next we have Tracy Holland we have Tracy Holland [Music] [Applause] good evening everyone I'm going to ask all those that are here in support of me can you please stand all right good evening superintendent board members staff parents and all those on tonight my name is Tracy Holland I am a resident of Pleasantville 824 Cedar Lane I'm standing before you tonight because I have been placed on the nonrenewal list without reasoning for almost two years I have been the assistant coordinator of Transportation in 1989 I started my journey for this District right out of high school at 18 years old I have worked on and off here for 35 years I am a product of this district and this community I have worked in many roles a teacher's aid security officer secretary and presently the assistant coordinator it has been an honor and a privilege to serve the students staff parents and the community in which I [Applause] live my question to the board today is why how can you non renew someone who has not been evaluated has good attendance and a good track record no solid reasoning how can I be recommen recommended by the superintendent for nonrenewal when she has never met with me or seen about me in the transportation office in 10 months not one encounter between us and it as it relates to Transportation she spoke through others but never through me when I first came to the transportation office Madame President embraced me Madam president taking me to the side making sure I was good even saying whatever you need let me know M something changed not long after our newly appointed superintendent of right I'll tell you why Madame President you don't have to you don't have to answer me for what I'm getting ready to say do you condone sexual harassment because allegedly you told Dr Martinez not to trust me because I'm the reason why a former employee who sexually harassed me was fired Mrs Holland we I wasn't the one that brought that up but it was approached by me so it was told to me mhm this is a personal Vendetta towards me you personally have to that's okay can somebody come and speak thank you Mrs Holland next we have Margot is there Margot in here Margo right my name is shenan Muhammad I'm going to give Tracy my time you personally have taken place in not wait a minute I messed up this is a personal Vendetta towards me you personally have taken place a non-renewal decision of me and several others that are here today board most of us who are on the nonrenewal list are placed on the reappointment list and I hope there be no retaliation after today I am asking before you vote us on the list and agree to being non-renewed do your homework it is your duty as a board member to live up to your oath please do not vote on the reappointment list the re the re the non-renewal list or the budget thank you thank you Mrs harand next we have Pastor Jerome pige Pastor Jerome pagee Pastor Jerome Paige is Mr Paige in here okay next we have uh Chanel Morgan at this moment I will no longer be a board member I'm going to the mic as taxpayer Citizen and a community leaon when I come back then I'll put back on my board member head good evening everyone I want the record to reflect that I do not have on my board member hat I am a taxpayer and a community leader Aon and I have a lot of things to say because when I tried to say it before I was being cut off by our attorney so this way I won't get out bored and any trouble for the words that come out of my mouth tonight I'm very pleased and honored to receive sympathy cards and gifts from the passing of my daughter who also has been in our school district from prek until she graduated that passed away excuse me April 7th I received some cards um personal cards I want to give a special thank you to IBA Miss Dale White that sent me a card actually she was the first one Miss Linda Henderson I received one the last board meeting it was delivered to my home and Tracy Highland I want to thank you for your personal card and everyone else that signed the card for me and I heard that it was another card floating around okay I'm very dis I'm very displeased from receiving the calls from my Muslim Community that work in our district we approved for them to be able to take off for the ID and it was taken off as a um school calendar day off and it was supposed to been a room for they' be able to pray and break their fast I received numerous calls that that did not take place where they was able to um serve and participate inside the ID during the month of Ramadan when they were at work and and I heard that allegedly it was stated that the superintendent saw one of our Muslim Brothers with his easar on and he felt ridiculed because it was said to him oh you wearing that now uh ezar looks like a long dress I mean a long skirt that the Muslim Brothers wear to cover their bottom halves uh like I said allegedly because I wasn't there but I received these calls but I was going through some much family issue that I didn't even take the time out to reach out to the superintendent because when I first boarded up she was very supportive suppor of of us having it and I appreciate that part also um a lady I don't want to say no names scheduled to do a juneth event and allegedly was told that she could not do it because the superintendent is planning her own and the lady had already had contractors presentation all that already established so I'm waiting as a community leaon to see how that turns out for all the work that she has done I'm very upset to hear that a lot of presentations that were done some of the presentation work was being stolen I repeat stolen from staff that did the work and credited to people that done nothing to it to make themselves look better when they actually didn't do it as far as the technology as another person came up and spoke I'm going to keep on talking for a second that came up and spoke stated that thank you m Morgan you're welcome that our people have next Sharon cross Sharon our people have worked hard on this and we did as a board agreed for her to do it and for it to Mrs Morgan you can continue at the next okay I'mma finish this sentence and I'mma finish I am am no you're not out of order M then turn the mic off you're out of order turn the mic off then so like I said the technology department was approved and the work was stolen from her to other people may I have a motion to go into recess and we control have my time motion all in favor go into executive session I signed in twice so I I knew was going to happen I signed in twice I gave you the floor but we have to disrespect it cuz then everybody's going to want to take the Flor like I said no she's trying to give me her minutes and I'm letting her know Shar cross that I don't need Sharon cross is next are you Sharon cross need you minutes I appr the next person is Sharon cross is there a Sharon cross in here Sharon cross one one second Miss cross one second Miss cross listen the board is here to listen to everyone and we're here and we're we're we're here wait a minute we're hearing you guys we're we're here to we're here to listen to you guys but we're being respectful too we're not screaming out we're not doing anything else we're sitting here listening so we would like you to listen to us we just like you to listen to us the same respect we're sitting up here doing giving to you guys while you're talking we just want you guys to give us the same respect okay the same respect we want to give I'm not going to go Toe to Toe I'm just trying to do this in a nice and pleasant way next go ahead Mrs cross I'm so sorry go ahead good evening everyone my name is Sharon cross and I'm one of the staff members who received a letter concerning the status of my position I come to this microphone tonight to express some of the things that I experienced of intimidation tactics by Dr Martinez that has been used against Dr medley since working in a central Administration office and I find it very disheartening on one situation Dr Martinez came into our office and she saw this appointment card that I had made for Dr Melly with her name on it and the position the same card that I used at South M when she was the principal Dr Martinez made it very clear to me that under no C certain terms was I to ever use this card because Dr medley was not the assistant superintendent but the assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction and she actually tore the paper ripped it up and although she approved the requisition for the order on another occasion the assistant ba came to my office several times looking for Dr medley and I stated to him that she was in a superintendent office in the meeting and I asked what is this about what does he need he stated that he was told to tell Dr medley to take down the sign that was outside of her office that had Dr Melly assistant superintendent on it I said to myself here we go again so I took down the paper sign and quickly made another that posted with the correct title why didn't Dr Martinez just tell her this personally as she was with her all day why would she send on a sub subordinate of Dr Melly the assistant ba to tell her this a third occasion Dr Dr Martinez with the business administrator came to the office on another occasion about Dr medley's name appearing on the district's letterhead for the title one parent compacts for various schools Dr Martinez made it clear as she was holding that binder and hitting it letting me know that she gave a directive that title was to be changed on those documents to reflect the assistant superintendent of curriculum and instruction I again why she didn't tell Dr Melly but she sent I sent an email to all of the district principes and the secretaries asking them to cease to desist from refrain from using her name with that title about an hour later we were brought into Dr Martinez's office Dr Melly and I and we were reprimanded in front of the business administrator and their superintendent secretary as she stated that she didn't give me that direcor to send that email which she clearly stated to me earlier that it had to stop so I have to say Dr Martinez at the staff convocation you gave all of the principles to a a plant to take care of you gifted them to the schools and you said that you wanted them to come back and show you the progress of those plant so I have to say to you just as you wanted the principles to nurture those plants as students you have not nurtured the staff here I have to say that as a leader you failed to care for and nurture us depriving us of the vital necessary nutrients that we need and as today as you see there are tensions high in this district and that is a direct reflection of your leadership here today so the tension is so thick the climbing on the third floor is that those throughout the district is like we playing The Game of Thrones so staff stop being scared stand up there strengthen numbers Dr medley stop letting people steal your life you are thank you Mrs cross thank you Miss cross next we have Mrs Rita Hyman good evening everyone good evening okay the last last week when I was here I asked board members if they were told about the non the well I'm I'm going to say the firing of staff and the demotion of Staff because that's exactly what happened if they knew about it before last Tuesday's meeting and three board members told me they knew nothing about the changes two said they knew and that was the board president and the vice president I'm here today to ask um Miss Alberta Melo and Waters and King if they knew about these changes excuse me Mrs Heyman we're not answering questions right now why not because we're not answering questions okay I apologize but we're just not answering question can anybody answer did you know about it no board members are answering questions M why what you trying to hide we're not hiding anything we're just not answering questions Mr s I'm so I'm going to I'm going to assume that they did not know okay so thank you 18a 27-41 says that prior to notifying non- teing staff members of non-renewals the superintendent will notify the full Board of the rec recommendations not to renew non-tenure teaching staff contracts and the reasons for the recommendation so so I'm safe to say that that did not happen if that did not happen then everything that she's trying to do you guys have to make it right and and and and do it the right way I don't understand how roell and gray could know about these changes and this these structural changes but no none of the other board members know no three of them didn't Clemens Morgan and silver did not know because that's what they said at the last board meeting so that means six board members sat and met somewhere and talked about this without the full board is that a violation of the Sunshine Law and know you didn't talk about them beforehand because they weren't rice so you can't talk to the board about firing people unless they were rice they got their rice notice I mean they got their non-renewal letters and they were never riced so I know you didn't talk about it so you need to do it the right way thank you Mrs Hyman next we have Lisha Heyman good evening board good evening good evening members of the audience you know when I I first came up here I had a bunch of items I wanted to address it's a little disheartening to hear all of the issues that the staff members are having in Pleasantville it's and for someone who's only been here 10 months and board what I'm going to say to you is you have the power and I said this last week you have the power to say yes or no to any of the actions or recommendations by the superintendent you have a right to say you've only been here 10 months let's give you give you need to take more time to evaluate your departments and the staff before you make such drastic changes I'm an administrator I have a doctorate degree I have a superintendent search so I understand that sometimes when you go to a new District you have to evaluate the district to see what's in the best interest of the district and I'm a proponent of that but this is not making great changes for the district this is dismantling in a school district and taking important people away from their jobes in their Community is too many people I mean this is crazy so I ask of you I see that the budget is back on the agenda today and I just want to make sure that you are aware or you have thought through some of the positions that are not uh identified on the budget that if not will be abolished from the budget and one of them is I want to ask is it the assistant superintendent of cni that's one position if you can't answer I just want to put that thought in your head and many of the other positions to remove all of these employees think about it if it were you and you have families and you have children and someone comes in for 10 months and destroys an entire community in the school district it's in your hands board not hers thank you thank you next we have Felicia hman medley if you are from Pleasantville the great city of Pleasantville please stand if you attend to school here if you live here if you have a relative or a family member a loved one that is on this list please stand I want you to see this board because these are the ones that going to be voting come November I want you to see this when I say to you the very first first day if you stood up and said you were a proud product of Pleasantville you were frowned upon am I do I have a witness if you've been in pleas School District more than 15 years you don't have enough experience you need to go do I have a witness ladies and gentlemen I'm proud to be from Pleasantville and when I say to you I want you to understand what it means to have a voice my voice has been shut down smothered and gagged from the very beginning I was purposely isolated from staff and stripped of all authority in my role my first board meeting the superintendent grabbed my name plate and slammed it down on the table so that no one would see my name I had no ranking in an organization what organization business I don't care if you work in McDonald's there there's no level or Chain of Command Staff were told not to share information with me in regards to data or any curriculum or pertinent information but I was expected to produce reports or complete projects that required this information I worked diligently to complete expected tasks to later found out that someone else was told to the same to do the same task or told me later on after I put all that work in that is no longer needed if you were seen speaking to me or viewed on a camera interacting or talking to me you became a Target there were so many times I would meet with staff and my meeting would be interrupted and I would be told to end my meeting Al together I always remain professional in hopes that we can build a relationship and we she will respect my work let my work speak for itself 23 years I've been in Pleasant I'm proud of it I've been been through things in this district and if you've been here past 15 years you had War marks too we had PTSD and pille we need stability this mistreatment did not originate from Dr Martinez the former Acting Superintendent was a major contributor to my challenges as well right I'm putting it out there now and for the record the principles and I have a positive relationship with each other and respect one another and we love one another every single one of them so that lie was told to you don't eat that food thank you Dr hman medalie I have more next is Kim white want to read the rest of mine Kim white is there Kim white in here Kim white Kim white uh is there Kim white no uh next we have rain hris Raina Hendrick Raina Hendrick I want to give her my time that policy didn't go through yet first reading today I'm getting her time but tonight I'm taking back my voice board members take back your voice you have been told how to vote and and what you should vote for who you should vote against I ask to you to say it loud in your heart you are residents of Pleasantville be proud of it I believe in Pleasantville and the richness richness of his great culture if you look at the non-renewal list of Staff most of them are from Pleasantville in Atlantic City and there's nothing to be ashamed about it these these staff members have worked so hard for so many years and sacrificed so much to be successful in Pleasantville you can't blame our staff that's on that non-renewal list for what's happening with that data it's the turnover that we have experience in this District that contributes to that data result so don't throw us away like that so I stand here today unafraid today we are Awakening our community today is a resurrection of Pleasantville not an Insurrection of Pleasantville 2 Corinthians 11: 12 14 Satan will stage the ultimate deception by appearing as an angel of Light or shall I say a change agent if you heard that before let me tell you the difference between scheming and planning scheming is when a large systematic plan is attained through ill intent or wrongdoing in a crafty or secret manner to obtain a personal gain planning is an orderly arrangement of formulation of steps that lead to achievement God and Satan are different Satan or Shayan schemes but God plans the Quran states that God is the best of planners so I appeal to you board to support God's plan not align yourself with the schemes have a good night thank you Dr H medy next we have Alise Sanchez Alise Sanchez oh miss Hendrick did you pass your time to her who oh she pass okay I'm so sorry wait a minute Elise I'm sorry go ahead Mrs Hendrick good evening Madam president and Dr Martinez I am Dr Sher Mitchum principal at Le Avenue School I am the vice president of the paa I'm standing with principal mcen guy and principal Williamson in support of our colleague principal Hendrick good evening good evening I have been employed with Pleasantville public school district since 2003 I have been an Administration with this District since 2011 I have been moved seven times that is ridiculous if you look at my personnel file you will not find one negative evaluation all of my evaluations are effective and highly effective you will not find one write up you will not find one reprimand and yet I continue to be moved this year in June I'm sorry in May I was at the jrc military ball in support of our students here at Pleasantville High School I was ridiculed by the board president publicly in front of the business administrator and the director of curriculum and instruction because she had received negative information a snapshot of what she thinks is happening at the high school which most people don't know because they don't set foot in here on a daily basis I was asked if I wanted to leave Pleasantville High School I said No at the end of the year I was told I was being moved to Leeds Avenue I moved to Leeds Avenue without saying anything with no office to house myself in two weeks later I received a call at 9 :00 at night saying that the superintendent the new superintendent wanted my phone number I received in an email a rice notice stating that I was being moved back to Pleasantville High School the superintendent told me that she had information that I was an expert in alternative education which I am not I was told that I would have the opportunity to build with the superintendent we're going to build a wonderful new program I asked where I would be housed I was told don't worry about that right now to this day I have yet to receive a job description I have yet to receive directives as to what my job is I was called over on a whim saying that I missed a meeting which was never scheduled in which I was told that I would be overseeing the seashore program and that I should recreate an executive summary which I did and never received response from I do not know what my job duties are but yet I stand here today to be told that my position is being eliminated I am the administrator of the early college program at Pleasantville High School we have 25 graduates who will graduate this Thursday with an associates degree and I say to you you're welcome for bringing Stellar education to the Pleasantville High School Mrs Hendricks please don't do this we have Elise Sanchez in the building Mrs Sanchez thank you good evening everyone good evening I had a I had a bunch of footnotes that I had written down I want to speak on but I'm going to speak from experience three terms in a board so I know the schemes that go behind closed doors I know the secret meetings that happened with some of the board but not all the board I in turn am a victim of being isolated because because I care and I'm from Pleasantville to the superintendent I just want to tell you personally from me and my family of Pleasantville we are not a circus ran by clowns as you so often say we are a family that often fights but I promise you you will learn from today forth we will stick together and we will fight two for nail before you take one of ours anywhere I will gladly firstand sit on the stand right hand to God and tell the honest truth to anybody who needs me to tell what's really happening in this District our minorities are being targeted for what reason I do not know if you're I'm from Pleasantville you're targeted let me Enlighten every board member you are elected officials elected and that time of acente ballots is almost done so let me put that out there this is ridiculous it makes no sense you're blatantly disrespecting our our community in our district and you don't have the care I ask today number one this is what I'm gonna say first you guys do not have to accept the recommendation of superintendent because you've done it many times when I was on a board but let me tell you something you guys are very very clear on that you like to do a vote of no confidence you tried it on me won't you try it on her thank you thank you Mrs Sanchez next do we have a Muhammad in shenise Muhammad no not yet no um no you're not on here Mr Sanchez it's just Elise no no you're not on this list maybe on the other one I'm sorry okay you giving him your time okay good evening board good evening Mr s Mr Hamlin um I'm disheartened with all the phone calls I got this week I know y'all not gonna be surprised what you're about to hear from me you know what's coming my very last meeting with you guys there was a secret attempt to ask Dr hman yes and I can and I can attest for all the board members that don't know anything was one of them they keep the information between one or two people and throw it on everybody else at the meeting and expect you to act that night I was able to convince you guys that it wasn't a good idea to get rid of Miss Hyman because I knew about all the personal vendettas many of you up there have against her over time I ended up finding out you've now had it someone else I grew up with and Rea hendri to that list as much as I hate what's going on here also Tracy harand and I will tell you as much as I hate what you're doing right now I want to thank you for doing it because you've awakened the Giant in this community and we're not going to lay down and allow you to do this to our people I want every one of you on that nonrenewal list to know you all know three years ago I was the president so I was privy to a lot of information I'm now retired I have nothing but time on my hands to do depositions to be Witnesses and make sure they're not able to do to you what they're trying to do so I'm going to assure you I will do everything within my power to make sure these people receive Justice and if not you will pay the piper y'all have a good night thank you Mr Sanchez next we have Don uh Daniel McDonald Daniel McDonald [Applause] good evening board good evening superintendent good evening [Music] Pleasantville I was about to start with who I am but I think we already know so listen right I was graduate of 2006 in this building the first ever class to come through the new completion of that middle school and this High School 1998 we opened that building in fifth grade okay I just want you to know that I went way to school went to a job Court program I became a certified computer technician in 2008 I started working for this District in 2016 since then ien seen a lot of changes I don't went through a lot of experiences this is not my first school board absolutely not not my first superintendent how could it be right the issue the issue we have is that again i' done been through some tyrants i' done been through some people our previous superintendent our previous superintendent and I never found myself at this microphone but see Dr Martinez you did something that people don't really do with me you tried me you tried me so what I want to tell you is this you may be big and bad and trying to stop me from working one job but baby when I'm done your never have another job I just want you to know because if what you did to me that day by telling us our relationship was going to be a little different you right you right because I want y'all to know something I done seen them change numbers incorporate prek numbers to make registration that we wasn't going to make I done had to try to justify job titles and job codes that don't exist that we report to the state so y'all keep sitting up with her she GNA get y'all sued and that lawyer don't think I forgot what y'all tried to do to me when y'all tried to fire me in secret 6 months ago funny how I'm right back here again yeah I'm back I'm back because you called for me so I'm going to answer you and I'm going to land on my feet regardless but I am here because it's not right what that lady who is not from here has nothing invested in here has no one here other than the people she bought with her doing nothing for this District except destroying it and Mr Paige Pastor Paige asked a question last week he made Miss Doris Ro well he made you answer this and put it on record he said that the changes you are making will not affect these children well my two children right there and my daughter is an honor rooll Merit role student in this district and tell me that fire and her father is not going to affect her thank you Mr McDonald next we have Linda Henderson good evening boy y'all got y job cut out for y'all huh they got their job cut out for them all right so in the last 10 years I'm I'm talking in reference to reduction in the last 10 years the young lady had already mentioned that we have had 15 superintendent and I feel like when they come into our district those who have come in fulltime they come in with the mindset that they're gonna fix Pleasantville Pleasantville don't need to be fixed we need people to come in with the mindset of stability collaboration communication no dictation Madam president I heard you say that you support the superintendent and I have I'm all right with that but you she has a team and they need your support as well this team was already set in place before she came in here here's what's happening when someone come in and they bring it they take out somebody they bring in somebody else when they come in with somebody else you know what they doing they're changing programs they changing reading programs math programs they just keep changing when our students can't learn the previous program they haven't enhanced grasped that so what we're doing what is being done by every time somebody come in and make a change and change the program you push our students back further and they cannot compete with this District surrounding us you have to know what is actually going on it's about our students it's about our staff and it's about our community board this is our town we have to know what we saying yay to and what we saying nay to it affects our children what affects our future which affects affects our community you got to know what you're doing if before you say yes can you please ask a question and every story every it's always three sides at least get two at least I ask that of you please y'all I voted for most of y'all in here and I voted because because I need y'all to work on on behalf of the community it's about us it's about our children my grandchildren now and even a great please y'all please take the time and ask questions and if it don't sound right it's enough thank you Mrs Henderson next we have David Dudley uh David dudy paa vice president as we prepared to accept the budget for next year the paa is concerned that the changing of titles will mean will mean a a reduction in our membership the PA believes there should be no changes to staff titles of positions in the union without discussing with the Union uh thus we are asking are there any new positions being created that are not part of the paa that's one question uh we accept no no we appreciate the board listening to us in the last uh board meeting and understanding our concerns with special ed uh we had a successful and productive meeting with Administration which is reflective on the agenda tonight with the inclusion of more special ed teachers being included in the curriculum and instruction planning going forward uh we encour encourage more collaboration between Administration and the union throughout the year uh in terms of the budget uh how how are we addressing student safety and the tears of discipline for example does this budget include ISS Does it include 3 to7 is there an alternate program as an admin as a teacher in this district for 26 years I know we have difficulty maintaining discipline and improving student Behavior but to only have two tiers of discipline when I say two tiers of discipline I mean you either get a detention or you get suspended the other tiers would be detention in school suspension maybe a 3 to 7 program in the evening an alternative to scho school and suspension but to only have two either you give a student A detention or you suspend them and then we want to question student performance when we have a high rate of suspension that's going to affect our academic performance uh also considering the loss of three computer texts we have millions of dollars invested in technology what is the plan to address technology related issues moving forward when there's a reduction in stat any responses for any questions no you have done so in the past we're not answering questions today Mr because of the president today no we're not answering questions today like I said you can make an appointment with the superintendent and address these questions to her and she'll get back to you but we're not answering questions out of resp effect thank you so much for your time next Mrs Primus good evening good evening everyone good evening Madame President board members good evening and superintendent and all staff present again my name is Serita Primus and I represent the paa as their president the PA paa has asked numerous times for transparency we have been willing to work from the beginning with the administration and a superintendent to be respected and to be valued and we have not received that just some examples each year we have the renewal list as part of my responsibility as the President we are to receive the renewal list prior to the non-renewals being informed I received the full list yesterday on May 13th at 4 pm which did not give me ample time to review the list to make sure things were in proper order we have staff that are being renewed due to this quote unquote restructuring we have heard that on numerous occasions and yet we have still not seen this plan of restructuring that will affect over 530 employees here in this District we have been working with our Administration our our building principles on numerous occasions trying to get answers the the plan is just not given to anyone not just the staff but it's not even given to our building principles so how can we move forward as a district if we're not part of the plan it says in the word it says where there's no vision of people parish and so how can we move forward forward without a vision and I'm speaking you to you directly Dr Martinez because you are the vision caster and if you are going to cast a vision you want your people to come with you with the vision and I've asked you personally what is your vision I have yet to receive it I'm going to ask all pea members to please stand at this time if you're here in the house this is just a small crosssection of our employees here we come to work every day we work tirelessly every day we support our babies every day we we work with our administration every day and I want to say we want to work together as a team but again there's no I in we have to work together we want to know what this reconstruction is we need to know what this plan is we need to know as my colleague said what are these new appointments that you're making who are these new titles thank you Mrs Primus we need answers and we need them now thank you thank you Mrs Primus we have Kevin Mays is there a Kevin ma in here good evening Madam president good evening my name is Marcus King the president of the team Union representa Mr M um I think there was an ERA because this is a Personnel matter and we'd like to take it into private uh close session okay thank you so much thank you next we have Camila Ingram Camila Ingram y'all look so sad y'all represent my kids looking like that good God I see like two faces over here smiling the rest of y'all looking like we don't did it I'm here to tell you you don't did it you elected and I got a voice I think you need to ask if most of these people here know me I'm really loud and it's not intentional it's really who I am so I just want you to know this right if you remember when you first had your children if you got children you remember you first had them they was connected to you around here we are connected I don't come to this I think I'm too busy you know you know how that go I'm too busy but once it started hitting the internet and you thought you was going to play up in people faces we don't do that here I'm here to tell you my name is Sheree Harris Miss Martinez baby this ain't what you want I think you want to go back up the road where you came from grab your crew and roll up out of here because if you don't if y'all don't fix her I'mma fix you it's not a threat I'm using a number remember you were monitored one time you want to be monitored again they know what I'm talking about you need to fix your attitude you've been sitting up there this whole time with this face these people here live here you you probably don't you looking you ain't looked at nobody you ain't said nothing that tells me everything about you that tells me who you are as a woman but you looking at me now right see you look you ain't looking at none of them you did wrong but you did it that was wrong I'm telling you this God makes no mistakes and some of these people you don't call out a favored I know them personally and When God says vengeance is Minds things begin to change it's going to be a shift up in here it's going to be a shift cuz there's some prayers I got 50 55 seconds and I'mma say it it's going to be a shift watch how God Work watch it watch it it's going to turn up like a tornado I advise y'all to fix it fix it with y'all cuz y'all representing thousands of kids out there it's thousands of lost kids out there you want to represent for them and you want to show them that we got common sense cuz some of this ain't even it's not even common it's intentional y'all personal drama what you don't like that she wearing them shoot we don't care about that we wearing about our kids education we woring about getting these kids a d1s we got great ad leetes we want to be looked at y'all making people run away from us with all this chaos I'm telling you board y'all elected and I talk a lot I'll go out there and spread the word now it won't be a voting sight thank you next is fetto Ramos did I pronounce the is okay he's coming how you doing Bard good evening I just I just want to say I've been working here for three months right three months I not only came to the district middle school high school I grew up out here um just like other folks too right but to be handed a paper saying that you no longer have have a job when you have a little boy right there three months now I'm not much to talk but what are you going to show what what are you saying to the future of this of the the children that come out of here and won a job in this District three months hir me for three months to let to let me go let that sink in your head thank you so much we have priscila Noel good evening everyone good evening I heard a lot of people here I want y'all to keep that same energy at the next meeting and the next meeting and the next meeting keep it up why because I've been coming to these meetings since 2018 and I wish I had all y'all to back me when I was coming up here asking some of these people that are still here which I don't know their education level but I digress so when we think about the children that's what should be at the Forefront when we make these decisions it should be at the Forefront but somehow it gets put on the back burner the budget I know know y'all disagree with it but there are things in there for the kids including grants so we got to work this out I'm tired of coming here and somebody or everybody or whoever got a problem with a superintendent you got to work it out these people like hman medley these people like cross they work hard I do the eye test I see them I've seen them work hard I've seen them put their boots on the ground during the pandemic trying to do everything to make the needs of these kids get met so it's not fair that Pleasantville bred Pleasantville born Pleasantville cultivated gets the short end of the stick like the young man said what are you telling these students if their future is bright I guess it's dim in Pleasantville that's not right what are we doing here I'm tired of seeing another superintendent another superintendent and another superintendent you even had a problem with the interim superintendent we got to figure it out we all black and brown in here except for the you know few but we all black and brown here we got to stop it we got to stop it figure it out we got to figure it out it's a problem that we have and I'm tired of it because our kids are suffering when the roof is leaking come up here tell somebody something when the system is down come up here and tell somebody something cuz I'm tired of it I'm tired of being the only one up here speaking for the children everybody won't be worried about what they got to do what they going to earn and I hear the fear I hear the the fear I hear the trauma but we got to get past that cuz we doing it to ourselves and I'm tired of it I'm getting done with it I come up here all the de on time and it's all y'all I'm looking at the early college program you want to talk about it us new news 2.2 in college readiness my child is in the early college program and I had never not had one meeting but I had to sign a contract that my kid is in the early college program and I'm supposed to be committed let's re Revitalize this let's examine it if you think something happened that you didn't deserve let's look at it together because y'all don't include the parents like y'all should and I'm being truthful and I'm everywhere and I do everything to try to be there and support bingville but I'm getting tired of it thank you Miss Noel next Dorothy miss Mr Dorothy thank you Miss Smith all this mess and it's a hot mess and starts from the top and next I have to address this board of education most of you don't even need to be up there you don't know what education is about I don't know if you're sitting there because she take it for Pride I say to you you need to step down you need to get a life other than sitting up there letting people travel hundreds of miles miles away from school districts that won't take them but you accept them they don't know nothing about this community and I'm not going to call no name cuz y'all all know who I'm talking about don't even know where Main Street is in Pleasantville don't even know when this school was built well I tell you what I'm considered as a catalyst in this community a icon in this community I was one of the principls at this school and a couple of people that have gotten riff letters I taught them or either I was their guidance counselor or their principal at this school and I tell you this is the worst I've seen it I can't even begin to tell you how many superintendant I have been through in over my 35 years of service in this community and I say to the new superintendent this the same way you come you can leave and I say to the board you need to wake up wake up and smell the roses look at Miss hman look at Miss Raina look at everybody miss Tracy they have dedicated their lives in this District they have walked the wall they have been through the Journey and here you allow somebody have been in here I been nine or 10 months how can you Rite somebody or nonrenewal somebody when you don't even know their name so I say to the feeder there's got to be a feeder that's feeding that superintendent and when I say that it's a writer it's a rifter and someone is feeding this lady cuz she don't know nothing about Pleasant and you sit back and let these things happen you got to wake up we are the community that people talk about when are we going to let this stop you got qualified highly qualified staff members here who can sit right up there like that lady up there and do better and better but no you rather let somebody come in here thank you and take over a no thank thank you Miss Smith I'm not done your three minutes is up I'm not done I need okay thank you my daughter who left this to go to Atlantic City all I can say is I know you got a clock but I'm a taxpayer I'm a citizen and I have put my foundation in this community and I'm not moving nowhere I never thought or dreamt that I was was being in a meeting of this type where all these people are being nonrenewal rifters Drifters everything so anyone out here who think your job is secure as long as you got that board sitting up there nothing is secure so the rifter need to get a letter where's her nun renewal who none renewals her contract get back on the Parkway and go back to Camden Philadelphia Williamstown none of them will take her nobody's going to take her that's why she's here everybody that they don't want they come to think come to pville because the word is out Pleasantville takes anybody work with what you got we got highly qualified staff here that same way you give somebody else a chance traveling hundreds of miles away way give what you got right here in this district and then you sit up there looking stupid because you don't want to hear the truth the truth is the light so everybody who thinks your job is secure as long as you got the kind of board that will take anybody that nobody else wants this is why we're where we are and who loses out our children and our St how do you expect to get the best out of a staff when you're always causing chaos if you want the best you got to get the best and work with them you don't have no dummies up in here they got doctor degrees too and they got common sense you could have as many degrees as you want speaking many languag as you want if you don't have no common sense you lost you're like a bird that's got a broken wing that cannot fly and I'm sick and tired of being tired of listening to what this board sits out to do and from all things what I've heard tonight you don't even know what's going on you don't know you don't research you just let anybody come up in here and it needs to stop and I say to everybody out there the power power is in the pin go out and vote that same way you got them in there take them out we got people like Raina Hendricks and Miss uh Felicia mle Bor and race and wait I taught you so you wait thank you Miss Smith I have I'm so sorry thank you Mrs Smith may I have a motion to close public comments next Finance may I may I have a motion to approve Finance 3.1 to 3.19 okay okay gotcha okay I got some more time's don't W your hand up at me he didn't sign the list I got more time you don't have time there's no more time this is as long as I pay taxes I got time this is no you don't have any more time my taxes is my this is a second list superintendent her time is up next next may I have a motion to approve the finance I'll make a motion that all of you go away and my motion is that we vote you out1 to 3.19 may I have a motion please motion for 3.1 to 3.19 finance may I have a motion for 3.1 to 3.19 Finance motion by Mrs Melo May second second by Mrs Clemens okay any questions about the finance no questions about the finance roll call Miss White roll call Miss White Miss Alberto roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens 3.1 and 3.12 listen C we're trying to conduct a meeting can you kind of keep it down a little bit go ahead Miss King Miss [Music] Melo Miss Morgan we on finance Mrs Morgan Finance Mrs Morgan um can if you're not can you please um keep it down cuz we're trying to move the um meeting forward we've been nice and courteous to everybody we haven't been respectful we haven't told anybody screaming and yelling at anybody so we expect that you could do the same for us if it all possible where's security at them to be quiet because we're trying to condu me it's not fair come on finish the roll call it's not fair Miss Miss Morgan no to 3.1 and 3.12 yes to the rest you said no to Miss Morgan can you repeat what you said no to yes to everything besides 3.1 and 3.12 Miss silver yes to yes to all but 3.1 Miss Waters Miss gray Mrs Gray audio go ahead go ahead go ahead she's I don't know yes motion carries next may I have a motion for Transportation 4.2 to 4.7 may I have a motion for 4.2 to 4.7 Transportation motion motion by Mrs Alberto may I have a second second by Mrs water any questions board no questions roll call Miss White Miss Alberto we're on Transportation um Miss Alberto or the rest of the board Alberto Transportation Mrs Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss melow yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray I don't think she can hear you she's muted she's she's muted Miss gray gray muted okay go for it yeah Miss roel yes motion carries next I'm sorry it was hard for me to unmute okay I'm sorry we're on Transportation Mrs Gray yes um 4.2 to 4.7 what did she say said yes okay okay next we have human resources may I have a motion for 6.2 to 6 oh I'm sorry facilities may I have a motion for facilities motion motion by Mrs CL second by Mrs Alberto any questions board no questions uh roll call Miss White Miss [Music] Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss melow Miss Morgan miss here miss silver yes Miss Waters Miss gray Miss gray yes Miss roell yes motion carries next Human Resources may I have a motion for 6.2 to 6.9 motion motion by Mrs Clemens may I have a second second oh second Mrs King I'm so sorry any questions board no question yes I'm sorry say that again we're on human resources and we just voted on facilities yes one yeah one human resources now y okay uh who did the first and second Mrs um M Clemens first and Miss King second okay Miss okay any questions board no questions roll call Miss White Miss Alberto I didn't hear what you said Miss Alberto aain Miss Clemens Miss King Miss melow but for it's on the reappointment list yes Miss Morgan yes to everything besides 6.2 and 6.5 Miss silver yes to everything except 6.2 and 6.5 Miss gray yes Miss Waters M roell yes to everything but set um page 19 number four page 25 number 44 and name number 569 motion passes for everything except for 6.2 and 6.5 seven may have a motion for 7.1 policy motion for may have a motion for 7.1 policy M motion for 7.1 policy motion by Mrs Clemens MAV second M second second CL men's motion may I have a second for policy second second by Mrs Morgan any questions about the policy yeah policy [Music] yesy uh and if any board members haven't had a chance you should take um a chance and take some time out to read the policies any questions board no questions roll call Miss White Miss Al Berto yes Miss Clemens you should upay Miss King Miss melow yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss [Music] gray yes Miss roell yes motion carries next curriculum and instructions may have a motion for 8.2 to 8.3 Miss roell there's an agendum for curriculum do you want to do that separate yes okay may I have a motion for 8.2 to 8.3 curriculum and instruction motion by Mrs oh yes go ahead Miss pman oh wait a minute we have to get we have to get the motion on the floor first have to get the motion on the floor first oh sorry yeah um may I have a motion for curriculum and instruction uh who who who made the first oh Mrs Clemens um made the motion and Mrs Melo seconded have a question okay questions questions Miss Clem yeah that's going to be the addendum we're going to do that separate yeah it's going to be separate M but we're going to do it yes that was my same question okay thank you okay um no questions for roll call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King resolution that's going to be a separate the addendum separ so resolution number [Music] what Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters Miss gray yes Miss roell yes motion carries we could okay do the agenda 8.4 yes the agenda yes you you want to do a motion and second uh may I have a motion for the addendum 8.4 motion by Mrs Morgan second by Miss Clemens questions board oh Alberto I'm sorry Mrs Alberto questions board about the addendum that's great no questions about the addendum okay uh roll call Miss White Miss Alberto yes Miss Clemens Miss King yes Miss Melo Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss yes M roell yes motion carries um we get right going to Executive session next is executive session I have a motion to go into executive session motion by Mrs Clemens oh Mrs Alberto second by Mrs Morgan all in favor all opposed e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e for may I have a motion to come out of executive session motion by Mrs Alberto second by Miss CL all I'm sorry say that one more time oh all in favor all in favor Mrs Clemens and Alberto all in favor all oppose may I have a motion to approve the hi report motion by Mrs Melo may I have a second second second by Miss King any questions no questions roll call Miss work Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan the hip report oh yes Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray said yes he said Miss roel yes motion carries yes motion for the Board of Education to accept the recommendation of the superintendent of schools and hereby approves employee number 10485 for three dat suspension without pay and additional other requirements according to the superintendent motion I have a motion please motion motion by Mrs Morgan I have a second second by Mrs Waters any questions for IT no no questions Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss [Music] Melo Miss Morgan yes Miss silver yes Miss W yes Miss gray yes Miss roel yes motion carries this is a resolution to approve a settlement um resolution to approve the settlement in the matter entitled O's B versus Pleasantville Board of Education at all the case is currently pending in the superior court of New Jersey under number at- l- 00285 d23 in the amount of $100,000 specific terms of the agreement were discussed with the insurance carrier contain agreement that'll be contained in the bo have a motion I have a motion motion motion by Mrs Morgan second by Mrs Alberto questions board no questions Ro call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens Miss King Miss Melo yes Miss Morgan Miss silver yes Miss Waters yes Miss gray yes Miss roel yes motion carries so there were um two board members who abstained from votes on resolution under 6.2 which is the staff reappointments that did not was not approved in 6.5 um it's my understanding that they want to cast their votes now as per um questions that they had one was for a lack of uh ability to review the proposed agenda and the other one had a potential conflict but there is no conflict so if no objection they'd like to cast their votes now any questions for no questions oh is there any objections no roll call Miss White you have a motion only if there's any objection okay only if there's an objection and there's no objection I'm lost what what happened okay there were two board members who abstained they did not vote right one abstained because she said she didn't have a chance to read it The Other Board member abstained because of a poti itial for a conflict now that she has read the resolution she'd like to cast her vote board member there is no conflict so she would like to cast a v not okay if not then if there's an objection if there's an objection then you can have a resolution to permit them to cast their vote I have a I'm object a resolution them to cast V but that resolution is not debatable resolution no a resolution to allow this [Music] V their VES I have a question yes I have a question normally when people um abstain we don't know never come back for nobody to change their votes so why are we now coming back for it to be changed as many times as many times that people didn't understand didn't read their paperwork or whatever the case may have been and abstained but nobody came back to change the vote it stayed as an extension so why now all of a sudden it's it's it's it's it's a change of mind even though that like they said that they just now so it had to happen an executive session sometime for somebody to explain to them what was going on okay of of what's going on yeah so I'm no I'm saying it I'm saying that as many times board members abstained and then it's stuck like that no one came back to change anything or do anything and now of a sudden it's okay um let's change it it's permitted if they would make a if someone abstains and they want to change the vote during the course of the meeting and the board approved them to abstain to to go from a exstension to actually casting a vote that is permitted unless there was a circumstance where a board member wanted to change their Vote or change their exstension to a vote and was denied okay that'd be a different story roll call Miss White what are we what are we calling rooll for are we rev voting so it would be a resolution to permit two board members who abstain to cast their votes on number 6.2 and 6.5 that's the resolution roll call Miss White yeah may I get a motion said Robert rules may I have a motion moot by Mrs Alberto I mean Mrs Melo may I have a second second second by Mrs King Mr Page right now we're in the middle of a a vote I I see you for public comments though uh roll call Miss White Miss Alberto Miss Clemens those two people Miss King yes Miss melow Miss Morgan no Miss [Music] silver I'm Sorry Miss silver what was that your vote I'm going stain Miss Waters Miss gray Miss [Music] gray M roel yes motion carries I can't hear next oh they Chang okay so the motion is for the two board members to he over can you hear me Miss silver can you hear me Mrs Alberto what was your vote for 62 to 6.9 tryck they trying to trick you yes Miss Alberto 6.2 to 6.9 6.2 and 6.5 yeah 6.2 and 6.5 right Miss Alberto okay yes and Miss Waters Miss Waters Miss Waters you vote for 6.2 and 6.5 the motion now carries next you don't have four comments in here at the end you don't have comments pursuant to Robert's Rules of Order any board member who has abstained is permitted to cast their vote provided there is no objection by the board in this instance when there is an objection by the board which there was there is a votee that is taken by the Board of Education to permit the vote to be actually cast that vote was taken it was approved and then the the board members were permitted to actually cast their abstentions to votes and they cast their votes so that is permitted permitted by Robert's Rules of Order one ACC according to the board secretary that means the 6.2 which reappoints staff members for the 2024 school year is now approved prior to that there were no staff members that were permitted that were actually approved to be employed for next year by allowing them to cast the vote it it permitted it and 6.5 6.5 is the reduction in force which that was approved initially it was not there weren't enough votes to approve it that's the explanation next is public comments we have Miss an Smith and Smith next we have Alberto Rodriguez evening Bard how you hello evening hello um I've been working for the district for 23 years hello my name is Alto Rodriguez I have been working with the district for 23 years in the technology department and I came on here because I just feel that we've done really good work in the last two years we've completely rebuild infrastructure go ahead okay can you hear me now apologize can you hear me now okay my name is Alberto Rodriguez I have been working in the district for 20 2 3 years in the technology department in the last two years we have completely changed the infrastructure of this network from top to bottom and and to be honest with you I have to completely give the credit to the leader um she's had a vision from the beginning and we've carried it through um there's a lot I could say just I think we just need to reconsider that including the whole department we're losing a lot of people you're cutting us at the knees it's going to be rough but these people are good and we know what we're doing thank you thank you uh is there a I can't read this Andrea Kohl's in here Kohl's Mr Co yeah she gone okay is there Karen in here Karen Miss Robinson my name is Janelle Robinson I've been in the district for 25 years I'm an employee at the Middle School Pleasantville I tend to keep to myself I work hard I'm embarrassed to say that I had no idea how bad this is my heart hurts every employee that has spoken this evening and many that are or were in these seats I have personally worked with at one time or another we've likely even bumped heads but we've always come back back together because our hearts are the same we believe in being there and in working for the children of Pleasantville despite the unnecessary chaos we are forced to regularly go through we're family this chaos is not healthy it hurts the children it has to stop over and over and over again changes like the ones Miss Hendrick mentioned are continuously made that negatively impact our children I can't remember a time when our eighth grade graduating class was able to make a speech thanking their current Administration for an awesome threeyear experience Miss Henderson mentioned the need for consistency it's only with consistency that children feel safe it's only with consistency that real change can take place it's only with consistency that morale can be lifted and that our students can receive the best possible education from inspired motivated staff that feel secure under their administrative leadership in 2023 September I walked into a building and introduced myself yet again to another new administrator she had a warm smile energy full of positivity I could tell she was definitely there for the right decisions the children I wondered at what point I would meet the rest of the administrative team as we had always operated our approximate 850 Plus student population with three administrators months and months passed and the assistant principal Suites remained vacant while the classrooms remained full I thought I had seen it all up until this point and yet somehow this woman with a big smile and positive energy was commanding in the most loving and nurturing way a respect throughout the building among both students and staff I'd show up to staff meetings and find home prepared dishes meant to nurture community and relationships among the staff I listen to motivational talks reminding us of the importance of powering on powering on no matter what odds we face and was consistently reminded that we do do it for the children I watched this woman sit in the secretary's seat when the secretary was out and answer phones thank you so much filling for classes because there wasn't enough soup substitutes keep her door open regardless of how overworked she was so that staff knew she was available to them and The Whispers in the hallways and staff lounges were ones of awe and amazement I would walk into the cafeteria to pick up my children and there wasn't a peep among the students who were listening intently to This Woman's advice and guidance there was without question respect which only comes from nurturing relationships that convey care and concern I watched from the sidelines as an Irate parent stormed into the office and somehow this new principal was able to deescalate whatever situation had been going on I sat in meetings where there seemed to be no Solutions and yet by encouraging a team approach and nurturing the exchange of ideas the team found Solutions together I've watched new procedures be put into place that have proven to be beneficial for all and a priority placed on celebrating successes and expressing appreciation for hard work that benefits our common goal the children of Pleasantville anyone who works where there is leaders leadership knows that everything trickles down the good and the bad I'm asking that the board and the superintendent give our children of Pleasantville the consistency they deserve by ensuring that not only our current dedicated Middle School administrator remains in her current position but that our dedicated staff throughout the Pleasantville District keep their current positions let their leadership skills their work EIC their hearts for the children continue to pave the way for our students and one another let our upcoming graduates from elementary to the high school class be able to say for the first time thank you to all for the years of guidance your love and your unwavering belief in us and what we could achieve because it truly does take a village families with familiar faces raised children not strangers thank you next we have Mr Pastor Jerome pagee good evening Robert Rules of Order when a vote has been taken especially with Personnel the prevailing side would have to make the motion in second to allow whoever voted differently to vote again again it has to be approved the persons that that voted that said they wanted to um abstain they had to give a reason why you know we're we're we're dealing with the Board of Education and it's time for every board member that's been elected and took oath you stand up and you take an oath that you will do everything you in your power to follow the rules and regulations you have an agenda here tonight to the board president where are your committee chairs where are your committees um in 2022 through 23 I was the president and I put together a committee chart every board member from the powers of the president has a right to the president has a right to assign a chairperson to every committee and then add at least two more board members to that committee it is the responsibility before an agenda is put together by the superintendent and the board president that the Committees formulate with a assigned administrator from the superintendent to that committee they come out with minutes and send the minute out to the board members that are not part of the committee Communications trans trans um transparency I'm sorry transparency this is what makes the district run well board members you cannot run the district but you can make sure it runs well the only way that you can make sure it runs well is that you are a part of the decision making yes the the superintendent is the the key number one person the chief number one person for the education of our children but everything must come through the board the board has the final say Madame President you are responsible you took an oath your job is to run the meeting and to run it well your job is to communicate with the public some people don't even have the agenda tonight that should have been made copies of it come on guys we have a job to do and that is to educate our children we have no time to think about who's sitting in what seat and who's doing what or whatever you have to educate our children can I get can I get somebody thank you Mr Pig I got I got somebody's time oh you I got um taking his time Sean okay okay goad Mr paig the Board of Education the buck stops with you you are been you've been voted in by the citizens of Pleasantville to do the right thing with our children when the new superintendent came on you had an Acting Superintendent that Acting Superintendent should have sat down with the new superintendent and explained to every job that's in the district when it comes to educating our CH children like the curriculum position the assistant superintendent position and why the previous board at that time voted for those people to take the job the first time under the Acting Superintendent that we had a change in the Personnel Department of interviewing properly not bringing in the friends of a superintendent not bringing in somebody's boyfriend or girl none of [Music] that it is your responsibility because it's our children that come to school and they want to learn and you're not giving it to them to the new superintendent you get paid well and I'm sure your salary is in the budget please take the people that are around you not the board members take the people around you sit down with them and talk with them superintendent board policy you are to sit down with every new board member by yourself with that board member see what their goals are see what their objectives are and work with them they must know you you're just not to know four or five board members you are to know n because they're working with our children they they they they have responsibility of when they vote tonight it it helps our children my grandchild can't come to Pleasantville schools cuz my their mother won't allow them that's my daughter she sends them to second to uh uh um sumers Point ly she's they're better schools I did 17 years with this board education trying to straighten it up and it's still not there so all I say 27 seconds left board members when you wake up tomorrow morning look in the paper see what's what you did tonight our kids are failing we need to know why it's not because of the curriculum person it's not because of the principal it's not it's because of something else and you we got to change that system it's got to be changed thank you Mr paig next Felicia Heyman this board meeting tonight was not advertised as a virtual meeting how are you allowing somebody to vote virtually when it wasn't advertised as such this whole thing is a violation the public should should have been made aware that it's going to be virtually so if people wanted to call in and ask questions of the person that's on that screen they could so you guys are in violation of the open public meeting act Sunshine Law because you didn't advertise it that way second of all this time last year I said this last week I stood here and the assistant superintendent's contract did not go over when the business administrator contract went over and when I asked the reason why I was told and this is in June the new superintendent didn't start till July 1st I was told in June that the superintendent that was coming in next month wanted it held and my question is why did she want it held when she didn't even know this person never even met her who was talking to her who told her to hold this contract see there was a plan all along to get rid of the assistant superintendent that was way a year before this woman came in so she carried it through the Acting Superintendent played a part as as well so they held her contract her contract didn't get renewed until August I've never heard of anything like that in my life so I knew and she knew that when it come time this year she knew she was going to be non-renewed because the plan was already in motion there's board members who sat on that board who had conversations and close session with you miss roell cuz you're behind it and Miss gray that you said in Clos session that you wanted to get rid of her and they're willing to testify to that and you should be ashamed of yourself thank go ahead say something go ahead say I wish you would is um Miss wiita Hyman disrespect I just spoke and I don't your daughter pass your time to you okay so you're speaking Miss okay no problem I just want to say I know a lot of people here have given a lot of years but I got to speak for myself at this point 23 years I had some of your children I had your grandchildren family members I'm disappointed I'm very disappointed it's not even about me when we were out here some of the staff members are here today kids came running up to us and hugging us Thanking us for our commitment to them and I'm not just speaking for myself it's a lot of treachery going on right now and I'm I sat and I'm I'm observing all of you and I see some people in the behind me and I see how they maneuvering too and I'm disappointed I thought everyone up here had their own mind but when you went to that executive session you were changed you were your minds were changed because you knew in your heart what was the best thing to do for our kids but by the time you got back there you were bullied just how we're being bullied every day at work and I just we were hoping for better for our leadership that we voted you in here for to have our voice to have our children's voice in your heart and your decisions but unfortunately you allowed yourself to be bullied I don't know what I've done to any of you and I have not been given a fair chance even prior to M Dr Martinez coming in it was so many lies that was told to me and everything came to light since I've been going through what I've been going through this this this NE this time right now so many things were what to light I did not know conversations that were had about me lies that were told behind doors just so I wouldn't even get this position I earned this position The Blood Sweat and Tears I put in every year every day I earned this position it wasn't given to me and I and listen the only reason why I wanted it is because I wanted these babies here I grew up here I want the best for them just like they wanted the best for me when I was growing up in this Pleasantville neighborhood and every person who supported me I always said I'm never going to let you down because I know you put me in this role for a reason but what's happening now we're being divided people are being played against one another people are scared afraid to speak up what's right I asked the board I know you made your decision you changed your mind you were told to change your mind you may have legally been told to change your mind cuz I don't know who he's wait who he's working for only thing I can say to you is this you know the kids best interest at heart the next time we come back just know that you got to vote right people are holding you accountable for what you're saying for them we voted for you to have our voice don't keep disappoint and I swear I wish I knew what have I done to you I have done nothing and I'm not going to not speak up I'm not going to stop thank you Mrs Hyman next Lisha Heyman Lisha Hyman okay next is Kim white uh next is Elise Sanchez speaking to the board members because I was there before I came into the school board not knowing I didn't know anything about politics I've been arounded but I didn't know so I came in being told how to vote what to do by my third Mee I figured out this don't make sense something's not right here this is not what I thought it was supposed to be so I've been where a few of you been I know which one of y'all are being told what to vote and how to vote I've been in some secret meetings but at some point in life before my grandfather died I went to talk to him and said grandpaa I didn't know this is what this really entailed and all he said to me was vote with your conscience and that's what I've done ever since so I stand here and I plead to you guys vote with your cons just a few months ago when I was still on the board everybody up there we not termina nobody they would do anything to fight for jobs everybody Melo Alejandra y'all was fighting oh we not we not taking nobody's livelihood what happened today what happened today this is a hostile work envir environment they're being bullied they're being targeted y'all VI violated so many rules and acts I pray this District can recover from the lawsuits that are getting ready to come because I promise you I'm telling you firsthand you can call who you want to call you could do what you want to do I'm not scared of nobody or nothing I serve God I serve a mighty God I'm going to sit on every stand and tell every truth I know go to sleep with that thank Mr Sanchez with all due respect Madam president I won't bore the Das with a bunch of dialogue that you're not going to listen to anyway instead I will use my three minutes to empower those effective you guys have a voice this is a great time to use your voice it's election time I know so I'm seeking some votes at this present time myself this is a time for all of you starting first thing tomorrow morning to get on your phones get on your emails reach out to these people that's up for election this year let them know Pleasantville was not Beyond State oversight we need it unfortunately I fought against State oversight I was dead wrong we're not responsible enough to run our own District we can't be trusted they're all being manipulated by our outside entities I'm going to be honest they're not voting their conscience why are people texting back and forth on their phone the whole meeting that's right because they're being controlled reach out to the Department of Education reach out to the commissioner of Education reach out to your local senators and let them know if you do not step in in Pleasantville and do something we will remember your silence on Election Day don't waste no more your voice talking to these people it's going to fall on deaf ears their minds were made up before they came here tonight we spoke as passionately as we could we laid out as much information as we could unfortunately there comes a time where talking has to stop and fighting has to start and when the fighting starts you have a soldier in me let's go thank you Mr Sanchez next Mrs Muhammad M Muhammed next Miss promise from pea okay uh I'm addressing the board because uh the PA wants to caution you against changing policy to control public comment uh in terms of the paa we represent over 500 employees often we bring four members of the executive team to sign up and speak when there's occasions that three minutes is not enough rather than us trying to deliver that message with two mostly as men miss pise or for members of the executive team I caution you tonight was very disruptive instead of us representing 500 members and speaking in a matter of three to six minutes it could be hundreds thank you Mrs edley next is Donald M uh Daniel McDonald good evening again board good evening um I directed a lot of comments earlier at our superintendent but these I'm going to direct at the board directly people came up here and talked about why they don't come up here and I'mma say it as a current employee for however long until this vote gets passed it is a hostile work envirment I know firsthand I was afforded the opportunity to step into a role that I was subsequently sabotaged and cut from and lied on for being honest and promoting and presenting the truth to your elected superintendent or excuse me selected superintendent I kept everything open and honest and I wouldn't tell on people that you know I might have saw you know that probably wasn't right but just terms of behavior I'm not talking about you know changing numbers and things because those things I did tell but those people weren't being cut six months ago it was me so miss no well just to just to address that when I did speak out I got threatened with termination as a matter of fact it was a few of you board members and some that no longer sit there but they're in the audience that actually stopped that but this thing was made personal that is why again 6 months later I'm back because with no evaluation with two people behind me in my department that came in after me it's funny how those two gentlemen were cut then to me and stop because I was the target I've had people call on cell phones to my direct uh uh uh super visors and oh he's outside talking to his coworker yes cuz we were planning on installs and they had PD so we need to work out a schedule to get in there and not disrupt class to work on the installations but they didn't tell that they just saw saw me on the cameras instead of doing their actual job cuz there was no security guard that called they were watching me because I've been bullied and harassed I have been I've been intimidated I have been so what you saw from me earlier and why I was that way is because I am tired of being bullied and threatened and my job every six months I'll be here cuz I won't kiss the ring and I'm not selling my soul and those of you that sold your soul oh you know who you are but I ain't about to do that I'mma spend my last 20 seconds because I'm not necessarily looking for sympathies for me but yall notice the sound wasn't quite right not my guy friend's fault not his fault but the gentleman that usually does the sound is in the hospital right now because they can't control his heart rate cuz of this do the right thing man do the right thing thank you next Linda Henderson good evening again a couple of things I was talking to one of my co-workers and I was saying you know we as a people we bounce back we go through trauma trials tribulations uh the worst but we bounce back but here's the problem I say we stand we're standing but we're standing broken I'm watching leaders people being in leadership and they're broken and they taking things personal and it's personality conflicts or something you don't like about a person that you make a decision that they don't get to work here no more you make a decision to take their livelihood there are a lot of people who have in in in inward problems and you need healing because what you're doing now you're hurting the whole Community I hear a lawsuit you know who suffers from that the kids again they're not going to be able to get books they're not going to be able to get a program they're not going to be able to get this this swimming pool is not going to get fixed we can't go on the track all it the kids suffer these are our kids and I hear they saying it's falling on deaf ears but I refuse to believe that I'mma keep sewing the seed of y'all and hoping that y'all hear me it's about our babies these are our babies this is our future lawsuit no education for the kids I suggest we go get some healing now I went to school to be a social worker I got my bachelor's degree I'm going to get my masters but I realize what I will do before I become a social worker is go get counselor cuz I refuse to let my unresolved issues become their issues we need to get it together thank you Miss Henderson next is there a robin in the house Robin good evening boy good evening superintendent good evening I'm going to start this a little different than everybody else up here um GNA actually thank you for all of your support um if you don't know I'm the middle school band director uh I've been building a wonderful program I've been working hard and this year I have had some unbelievable support from our Administration I have had the superintendent even come to our concerts thank you so much for that coming into the band room making sure that the repairs are made again thank you so much for that that really affects the kids having a place that is clean and organized that they can make music in I thought I had a great team we had a great team all year but then you changed that and that's why I'm here you're taking my Captain you're taking the person from our school that has made so much change I haven't been here long but I've been here long enough the amount of admin that I have had in that building is insane but now we have someone who cares and knows the job and does the work she supports each single person she supports the school she was there at every single concert first time I've had that in decades but now you took you took my captain you took my conductor you can't have a good band if you don't have a great conductor thank you next Charles Charles Goodwin Goodman good evening board and superintendent good evening I'm speaking for my husband Charles Goodman um so that you we can get through this and you can be understand uh first I first we want to thank Miss Morgan we thank you for taking a stand for the faculty and staff and we realize the courage it took for you to come down and speak we thank you Miss superintendent based on my husband's research the reasons why superintendence average only three years is because superintend fail to listen and validate the faculty and staff who fight and are the soldiers in the trenches they also fail to hear they meaning those superintendants which happened which you seem to exemplify fail to hear and include the concerns and ideas of the community to be most effective it takes time to research it takes time to get gather information it takes time to plan and then Implement and that takes more than 10 months in reality that takes about two years in my husband's research he found that there was a PR a self superintendent in Princeton very recently who tried to do the same as you and she is now looking for a new job the biggest issue with her was Outsourcing putting many local workers out of work my husband's point is that it all depends on you board members you board members to turn this vot turn this all around and vote it down she don't want no more time thank you thank you next is Charlene oh is he finished next Charlene Sheldon but then y' y'all mess me up right so y'all going to take you know y voted I guess now y are taking we back to the they what are we they not going to have the jobs right all right so they not going to have the jobs then what we going to do with that money from them not having the jobs we don't got a plan wow what's the plan with the money from the money that you're saving when you cut these people jobs oh so you firing the hire again like that secret interview you had going on see we know things we just don't address them your energy Dr Mark oh is driving me crazy you ain't paying none of us no mine she ain't even paying y'all no mine she all to herself and if you allow someone to come up here in our town our city and just treat us like that look at her I'm look at her president look at her look at her body language her glasses is down here nothing we seeing is mattering that's how she feel about our kids that's how she feel about our kids remember that when you casting them votes look how she feel about her children look at her board members look at her look at head down she ain't right nothing she got everything she need here there she it's that's bad you got to do better I don't care about the personal issues I don't care about the kickback I don't I'm talking about the way you representing our children when anybody comes here they come through you they going then and then you vote on it and give it to her and look at it you just standing up you you really just sitting there with with like ignorance on you it's very ignorant I got a minute and I got to go here cuz I got to tell you this I said it at another board meeting and things change some type of way hold on I'm getting there because I want you to hear word for word it's Mark this is the Bible I'm talking about Mark 8:36 for what shall it profit a man a woman if he gains the whole world and loses his soul remember y'all can thank you so much next we have Priscilla Noel this is disheartening you know cuz as you know I was sitting there I'm trying to get data trying to understand what's going on why we and it kind of dawned to me usually I try not to be on Race but was it all black women that got all black women H now it feels racially motivated so we have study after study that says the experiences of africanamerican women faculty administrators has anything changed right that's a study there's another study that says attainment of superintendent roles for African American women right African-American females hold only 1% of superintendent positions in the field in which 27% of superintendents are women so that number just got reduced because we have people who are in administrative roles who had the potential to be superintendent and assistant superintendent or were assistant superintendent or oh wait sorry assistant superintendent curriculum instruction is that the correct term okay whatever but people who have built themselves up without the support that they need which another study says that women of color don't receive support and they are the ones who spend the most time at their schools when it's time to dedicate themselves now I wasn't going to bring it to race but it seems kind of racial now and I'm looking in the data supports that this is racially motivated I thought that we was all together but it seems like there's a division I'd like to think brown and black is is family but it's not looking like the data supports that we are family because these behaviors are being perpetuated so now I have to go back to Injustice and inequality and inequity that you all supposed to be brown black people women women women women women women are perpetuating against other women misogynistic behaviors cease and desist cease and desist this misogynistic behaviors we as women need to support each other this is abhorent and quite frankly we need to figure it out so that this doesn't occur all black women are this that's it those out of everybody that work here who's part of the $100,000 club and another thing how when did y'all get your agenda because I don't understand how you could just make a snap decision like that in a matter of an hour whatever so it's showing a little bit of incompetence thank you m Priscilla no well can you make out this last name there someone on here that signed I cannot make out their name I want to give everyone a chance is there Anthony in here maybe no Mark Anthony Maybe oh Mr Anthony okay it's not here okay so uh we're gonna close this part of public comments oh you sign what's your name uh number seven is Mr Paige okay somebody passed your time they passed your time to someone else okay you can come forward then but your time was passed somebody passed your time no you can come speak Miss L yes sites I'm so sorry I apologize affectionately known in this community and abroad you can look it up in Google as the community Community I have done marches I've done many things for our community but I'm coming here today everybody has already addressed you guys and the superintendent but I'm coming in the name of Jesus Christ that every Kingdom that has risen against every person in this place that has been of default that has been of negativity every place that the enemy is holding their names and trying to take them down your kingdom will fall I decree and I declare that every witchery every warlock every enemy of this system may fall in the name of Jesus anyone that is holding their names hostage and negativity in any form of disr or disarray you will fall in the name of Jesus any one of you that have rooted and grounded against all of these people that are of God that work in this Kingdom you will fall in the name of Jesus time has been spent time time has been given time has been overturned I decree and I declare that the blood of Jesus is in this place and everything that works against the blood of Jesus you got to fall no weapon that has been formed against these friend families friends or anybody else shall prosper everything that comes up the kingdom of God you will fall everything that comes up against every woman every man that their names have been placed on demonic forces I decree and I declare you will fall in the name of Jesus failure will be your portion if you did it on an agenda of the enemy you will fall in the name of Jesus I decree and I declare Hallelujah that the children shall Excel ah the children shall Excel the children shall Excel and outside of that those of you that have your own personal genders you will fall in the name of Jesus I decree and I declare that these families safe I decree and I declare that every one every woman every man that has been put on this agenda that is not of God all of the plans and the plots of the enemies will fall in the name of Jesus and I decree it and I declare it and I say that it is so and that our children will be safe under the unhaven of the Haven of God in the name of Jesus I mean no disrespect to any Islamic sisters and brothers I stand with you but I decree and I declare that everything that has worked against these families it will fall hallelujah thank Hallelujah more comments Miss silver I'm grateful for all of you coming out tonight I want you to know that I hear you no one strong arms me my nose remains no my heart is heavy at this moment when I got elected to this board I didn't really comprehend this feeling that would come upon me and I want to say that I'm so sorry our children is important to me I ran because of them I will continue to fight because of them my vote is my vote no one tells me how to vote when to vote my vote is my vote and I stand on that and I will continue to stand on that thank everyone for coming and be please be blessed Mela Miss King Miss conin thank you Miss thank you Miss Clemens Miss Alberto Miss Morgan I want to say that I did sign in for the second portion of the public comment but I guess from my first portion of public comment I got overlooked I'm sorry what I'm sorry oh well I'm going to say part of it here because I'm still sitting up here as a board member when I'm down there I wasn't but it just bothers me that on a lot of these non renewals some people worked hard in our district is a product of our district and if you look at like the sister said the women that's came up to the microphone that's on these non-renewals they skin color secondly I want to say I'm looking on the renewals of contracts and I see that we still are servicing our food service department I wish everybody had the same energy that they have to non-renewal people for us to find a good food service company to serve our children this food I'm tired of receiving pictures of molded bread spoiled curdle milk the children was fed supposed to been cinnamon toast crunch but it cinnamon toast mold last week pizza that's more dough than sauce and cheese hamburgers that's gray tuna sandwiches that got a scoop of tuna in the middle of the bread and that's it sandwiches that you got to make your own peanut and jelly last summer time and time I bring it to Administration they do speak with the people they say they gonna get better but every time it say get better I'm still get sent these pictures they had molded lettuce so if everybody talking about holding people accountable what's going on I sent out a text and asked how long is it going to take for one of our children to get food poisoned for something to happen I never received a response back from our superintendent normally when I text her she immediately responds and I'm still asking that same question so everybody's fighting for their do for their jobs that deserve earned and need them but yet still we're paying all this money to companies that don't care about the nutrition of our children this is is ridiculous but as you see things are being picked and chosen when it comes to our children and like I always said our children do come first but in order to take care of our children we got to take care of our staff our staff has the hand toand interactions with our children all the time so if we cannot take care of our staff we cannot take care of our children so when you holler our children think about the people that has the hand in hand with the children not just sitting in a room telling people what to do how to do and saying it to the children I mean saying it to the staff as if they're there children by scolding them pointing your fingers in their face your delivery is totally wrong totally wrong it belittles and degrades the staff and then you expect them to go back in the classrooms and teach our children are you kidding me thank you for the whole community for coming out speaking my heart is with you if it wasn't these two topics these last two weeks I wouldn't have been here I'm still grieving for my child but I love my community I love my people and I came here to help and it hurts to hear that the staff has been threatened from day one not to talk to board members and those who talk to us some of them want to non know job descriptions was changed because some people didn't think that they should be overseen or have anybody up under him and we was convinced to take the position now both positions on non-renewal so it's like it's some trickery and the beginning is we need it we need it we need it this is because this because this because and being though it's saying that it's for our children we accepted it and now months later we don't need it what's going on here so Community continue to come out those who want to fight fight those who want to March March let's change this because I too heard that Pleasantville was a Mickey Mouse Town ran by clowns so if this is a Mickey Mouse Town who the heck is Minnie Mouse I'm done thank you Miss Morgan Miss Waters next I have a motion to adjourn the meeting motion motion by I