##VIDEO ID:9ie3MOy3s_c## anniversary step increase to 13-9 Evan J young transfer L Court recording and Jada figural new high temporary emergency part time custodian motion and a second all in favor vote AC second volume right the TV that'll work thank you fa all in favor I I motion to vote and accept uh approve payroll vouches second all in favor I unanimous motion to vote uh certification of election uh Plymouth County of Deeds that do we have to read that one or is that um I think we do there yeah that's yeah the UND sign board of examiners for the county of Plymouth met on fourth day of December number 24am the return of votes transmitted by the proper officers of the 26 towns in one city within said County given by Plymouth County Register in Final in declare that John ruckley Jr of s would have been elected pouth County treasur for said County to toint those said he was elected Plymouth County treasur just read it as read it as correct yeah just read it re re it reread it correctly and then they'll board examin for the county on the fourth day of December ad 20204 examine the return of votes transmitted by the proper offices of the 26 towns in one city within the county given for Plymouth County register of deeds and find and declared that John rley Jr of six to have been elected Plymouth County Register register for said County to serve for a term of six years from the first Wednesday of January next motion commissioner right second second commissioner Hy all in favor I I it's unanimous congratulations John vote Central Dodge edition of 2025 vehicle pricing vote P like no this is Central Dodge you give me the p this's already been voted change yeah I will change that and get that right back you you Nancy is indispensable first one isal Dodge wanta while we wait no I'm just trying to give you guys time we can't we can't do this one um and uh okay voted to approve the addition and pricing of the following vehicle manufactured by this uh Chevrolet motor company to the uh current Plymouth County Municipal vehicle bid Chevrolet number 2023 d226 awarded to Colonial Municipal group uh 11 Pilgrim Hill Road forth Mass just uh do I have to read the amount I don't see this one on the agenda it's um uh uh that uh is just one vehicle ad Sy right but it's not on the agenda so can't do that where we where we separately noted Central Dodge we can't we can't do we can't do that do that that's all right I we put on the agenda for the 12th y we'll do that yeah sorry and I can't um all right well we'll we'll move on if you can find it um do you have the county snow cont s available yeah that's in your back in your folder okay please there another I don't think so move to authoriz a County Administrator to award the by 25 snow cloud contracts to uh the below contractors that were the respect responsive and responsible Lo uh bidder for the spoked work lowitz Homes Construction Bron super in 32 Belmont Street D&J Landscaping Wham District Courthouse construction hangam District Courthouse Even Flow irrigation LLC the P County Administration Building and registry of deeds the commissioner right second second commissioner Hanley all in favor unanimous MMA annual show connect 351 and vote for reimbursement for attendance CH you have to have this on the agenda um we do have um uh information uh as far as uh attendance it's a uh $300 per person for attendance into the uh into the show okay uh approval Mr chairman there is a motion by commissioner Hamry second by commissioner Wright for reimbursement for registration all in favor unanimous okay um were you able to find the other one or we'll just keep plugging away I think treasur O'Brien will be able to take up a decent amount of time for the next several items so discussion and vote on amending operating receipts for fiscal year 24 I believe that's this one on top Deputy am I correct yes all right I've asked to present the next number of items here 1 million what's that it is is that the same as this too much paper at no it looks the same operating yeah operting rece are we gonna do the SJC one oh I did miss that you're right commission Hanley thank you uh letter to SJC for additional appell at review of the 1924 mgl act uh I happen to jump in on a call Frank was on with Shannon uh remember I think commissioner Hanley brought these FKS before us this is relative to um roadways uh in the Commonwealth do you have the coffee I do yeah so I believe this has been reviewed by Shannon and this would just be us signing on we really stand to gain or lose nothing but offer them support so um there's no other questions or objections we'll just take a motion to approve motion so move right second commissioner Hanley favor I unanimous minute Staker is left but we're recording our meetings so um all right Deputy well yeah I guess this did I sign the right one or she's got something in just handed me these yeah I think he gave these to us so there should be five separate RS right so this one here is for the operating receip okay operating budgets the budget yeah vote on transfers budget transfers to maintenance operation and then U operating receipts as approved by the so those are just copies yeah um let me see okay and then there's this and then it should be a supplemental appropriation for 25 which I thought Mr Basler had over there yes okay but if she has those on top then she can read those right yeah all right um but I do wanna that's your copy that I thought the administrator and then that's your that's no so Frank has everything that needs to be signed I'll leave that to his capable okay hands to make sure the correct things get signed um all right Jim before the begins his the discussion I just had a question I know this was a late entry onto the agenda and I was wondering why it was put on so late number one number two with respect to our traditional uh meeting with the advisory this is something that's typically done at that meeting I had spoken to the treasurer and he had mentioned it was a courtesy to us understanding that today was a meeting that was moved from Thursday to Wednesday and from 5:30 to 4 and I know there's a check presentation after in other commitments by others I was just wondering is does it make sense to uh have this vote tonight um rather than next week it just seems we Crush for time we were kind of thrown into this situation I was unaware these discussions were even taking place and I was just wondering um this should be pushed over considering you have time considerations you're making a check presentation I believe up in Norwell so I was just wondering if you could explain it um as well first of all the meeting was moved from Thursday to Wednesday because statut we needed to certify the results ofs election um and owing to other scheduling matters that folks have uh we moved it to 4m and uh given that we are now broadcasting Live on YouTube I felt that that was appropriate uh considering that Public Access has been a conversation of such uh lastly the uh Treasurer's Office had the documents prepared uh I felt it would be appropriate for us to act on these and then disperse to The Advisory Board eight days ahe head of the meeting rather than uh several hours before so um with the materials that were prepared I made the decision to place it on the agenda okay so are we going to limit discussion on these items because the reason it's traditionally done the the night of advisory because it's the only thing that's on the agenda that evening where you're in a rush to get out of here you know I am in no rush okay but that being said I'm not gonna you're not gonna limit discussion because that's what it's listed as discussion in vote so I know you had the benefit of being a part of discussions with the treasurer in the administrator I don't believe as always with any item on the agenda I will use the discretion of the chair to allow for as much conversation and appropriate discussion on any item as the agenda allows what I won't allow is for the occasional repeating of points or the occasional points that may not be gerine to the noticed item on the agenda uh as that is obviously a violation of the open meeting so uh we will take these one by one if I feel that the discussion is becoming redundant then I will certainly limit it um but in the meantime I am confident that given what is in front of us uh these are some uh worthwhile Investments uh in a worthy use of of the funds which the treasurer and his office worked very hard to um realiz through their management of arpa so I will turn over to the deputy treas presentation if I may I would like to know Mr chairman how much time you spent on these issues so that I can gauge my um you know Authority in terms of being a fellow commissioner you obviously had put together meetings you know was the totality of the meetings less than 15 minutes or was it what was the time that you I recognized the deputy Treasurer the deputy treasur respect if you wouldn't mind answering the question so you've made a statement about in your discretion I just want to know by way of background how long you delibera on this so I can accordingly you going to rule me out of order Mr I've already ruled you out of order the right if you don't mind I would like the deputy treasure to begin commissioner Wright please thank you Mr Welch thank Mr chair I would just State a couple things to the record one the late add to the agenda in part due to a miscommunication between the treas office and the commissioner's office we did not let ccy know that we had these documents ready to go that's why they were added weight to the uh the agenda had we done a better job of communicating with the commissioner's office this would have been on the agenda early was there a reason there was a departure from the traditional meeting before uh the question I don't think it's really Germaine I would prefer if we stuck to the notice item not what the reason I bring it up is because it has appearance of impropriety there's appearance of impropriety it's right here it's listed what we're spending it on there's you are talking about the report itself are you are making it improper because you may disagree with what this is but I don't know I can't speak for you that's why we have an open meeting and we have I'm going for you Mr chairman and I'm ruling you not I'm ruling you out of order and I'm asking the deputy a parliamentary inquiry Mr chairman there is no parliamentary inqu is so you're here we're here please continue this Deputy all due respect I apologize for your time this is has nothing to do with you or your presentation it has to do with the ability of the chair to rule people's time in discussions and deliberations when I inquired of the chair how long it took to put this together and who was present I just want to know what time I'm going to have to question these things because it's the first time I'm hearing of it and it's been less than 72 hours since when it was um reported so the commissioner would allow the deputy to make his presentation you will be more than allowed to ask questions what you're not going to be allowed to do is what you insist upon doing at almost every meeting now which is to fill a buster with uh constant diet Traves that are irrelevant to the notice item respect Deputy Treasurer will make the presentation and I will decide when questions can be asked which will be when the deputy Treasurer finishes the first item which is vote on amending the operating receipts for fiscal year 24 that my presentation is going to be clear and couple Lucid what's going on around here and that we'll be able to rise at cisions so we have five votes for you three for principal 2024 um there's a couple that are actually a little bit um out of the ordinary any that we're adding money into the budget uh that came through our usually with the yearend fiscal transfers it's just transferring money in Money out from departments uh usually if our revenues exceed estimates it just falls into the inappropriate fund balance for the next year to be spent but because we had projects that were eligible under arpa that the county undertook which will uh I'll talk about in vote number two uh we actually are going to apply the excess Federal money that we receive into the uh revenues for fy2 24 and then we can expend them and then the third vote will be to move on to the normal budget transfers so um as you may may not recall um the original line item for federal grants and Awards in the FY 2024 budget was for $175,000 um as we went through the arpa process we um ended up with uh a total of 1,559 32295 in eligible reversible expenses which we are now um asking um in this instance is just a direct overwrite of the $175,000 in the F so you're just actually you're adding a uh 1.3 million but it's we overriding to change that number to 1559 32295 chair we can move on to the next Bud next item discuss um well I think I think we'll we'll take these one by one um I would just correct one statement you said that this was access AR money this was interest generated this is not interest that's got it okay these are hard to follow um commissioner right do you have any questions I no I'm just trying to figure out which one I'm gonna read okay Mr chairman commissioner handle do we have any work product on this in writing because I have nothing before me that even represents what the deputy had just uh said I don't see it in writing just said9 322 is this it right here yeah the very top my apologies we're discussing amending operating receipts for fiscal year 204 okay so if I went May uh so Jeff you originally carried 150 was uh 175 is what we had anticipated at the beginning of the fiscal year again those numbers come 18 months before the end of the fiscal year that 175 is really a placeholder that we anticipated fil for our El projects in okay and then the 1,559 32295 represents the actual money that we actually received we received for our projects yes for our okay and those are things like the roofs and things were in um the next vote that can I can the chair wants to jump ahead to that we can explain exactly where all those money there's no further discussion on amending chairman this is a vote just to amend the 175 and it just makes it did come in already it's just applying within the budget that okay so this just the yeah it's a yeah okay I'll second the motion Mr chairman um well no mo motion I'll make the motion motion by commissioner Handley second commissioner all in favor unanimous discussion vote on amending the operating budget for fiscal year 24 all right so the uh increases are Within These are ARA projects um in Department six that's Building Maintenance uh the administrator can speak through greater detail but most of this is some of the HVAC projects that happen at the cour houses the next department is Department 16 311,000 0334 which was to start up the mobile program and then in special accounts Human Services $350,000 that went towards father Bill's main spring main spring project over in city of Brock that supported through ARA with theator in the other room any questions on the building mainting specific we can get him do you mind I will retrieve the ad exterior repairs I believe is 32 Belmont Street I think all Building Maintenance is 32 Belmont some of it is it's for the flood fixing this building got it so would that be 600 in Department 06 yes all so that's this building so exterior would be the outside of U Belmont yes okay and then machinery would be the elevator don't know just uh we're going over the building maintenance y uh Department 06 number 273 Machinery Repair 79 G these are the adjustments for you spend money on it is that the parking lot is it the sewer hookup so the these are all adjustments um in the actual budget from 2014 nothing wither or anything like that so Machinery there's probably a thousand line items that contribute to the overage in the machine item I can it's a 150 page I don't need to know I just give me the so it's aimation in total in total of the whole years when you say Machinery repairs are they uh could be anything from um from pump Improvement you know pump repairs uh could could be um electric uh motor repairs like on on these uh elevator and this is over the entire seven buildings that we we manage so we don't have that broken down for us to well we have it line item by line item but these these budget adjustments are always done at the end of the year um the treasurer and we and in our office work to come up to estimates as to in the budget what uh each line item can be now we do that 6 months in advance of the actual year even beginning so it's an 18mon guess as to what the actual line it items are we always have uh historically we always manage to the overall budget but allocations into machine repair and one item might be a little bit different than um building structure improvements or exterior repairs um so I can get you a breakdown on any of these items but it we've never gotten into that detail ever before to be honest with I don't I don't remember really going through this process where we listed these things by so when when I asked the question generally of everyone there they said what is Machinery no one knew so of the Machinery pair you say seven billions okay three of those are cour houses correct are any of those going to be on schedule o for reimbursement so schedule o doesn't work like that uh schedule O is a wish list proactively in next year I'm working on 20 fiscal year 26 schedule L right now um so uh these are all every one of those items in maintenance that happen in the courthouse go on the courthouse rent report yeah which is about 500 pages sitting on my desk right now for review for that exact same year right so do when we list that with the trial court yeah they it's on their do we get any kind of reimbursement we get 100% reimbursement oh well that's what I'm getting yeah so anything done in the courthouses we get 100% reimbursement okay I understood that that was my question I said of the seven buildings three of them are courthouses on this number 79918 there were four buildings that have U monies I just asked the question how much of it is the courthouse and how much that's 100% the so I can bring you through the no no idea I couldn't even fathom guess because again our budget's about $2 million in maintenance covering all our buildings um and then at the end of the year we look okay that budget was a little bit over that budget was a little bit under we move this and okay so of the 79918 yeah okay there is a portion of that it is attributed to the courthouses that you will be EMB then the remaining balance is an adjustment upward to your estimate pre-budget no one want you throw a DOT at the that board take your best guess based on historical I I would imagine right so of that 79 90118 how much of it is coming back from the courtess from the court so again this is a summation of the budget so if you have 10 invoices during the year yeah what we're saying is those 10 invoices total that amount over so is it invoice one or is it invoice 10 like it really doesn't matter what what amount what what invoice it is at the end of the year we take the summation of the invoices we look at every invoice that was attributed to the courthouse that goes adjust your budget right um we don't adjust the budget that portion just gets a portion to courthouse rent which then get comes back in fiscal 20 that number will be fiscal 26 so the unaccounted um Machinery repairs in the other buildings is the number that I'm concerned what is it because it's non reimbursable so it's not unaccountable for unable non reimburse word you just used that was unreimbursed numbers that number is basically the sum less the courthouse rent and we that's the number I'm okay and and we run the treasurer and I run every couple weeks reports on uh on the entire maintenance budget by building so I can give you that maintenance budget per build building that shows every invoice associated with every building and it's just Frank I don't want to make it hot on all I'm saying is I just asked a question on what is the Dela between what we did in the cours and what was the difference on our regular buildings I just want to know what that number is and you don't have to provide it now but I'm looking for breakdowns you know we can move down line because I got a general um answer from the treasur so if you could just let me know don't have to provide just give me a number what the Del is ated future date I'm not going to not vote for it yeah okay so if you could go down to building structures and improvements on oy the 374 was basically as chairman and I believe the treasurer said primarily to do with HVAC at correct so in fiscal 24 prob that that number for is based on the repairs of these buildings building infrastructure the flood the flood you're correct that's flood related less the which we were we've already given that report which we showed we got more insurance which covers all it's on an inquisition don't you don't have to be defensive okay so so all of this is just 44 over and nothing with our again I don't have that answer by I will look into that all right I think if I commissioner right I think in past uh we have always come up with a number to for the budget to go forward we don't itemize or we don't show us the itemized bills right we just put one figure down and this could be a number of things even weam where we had to flood I mean there's a a lot of different projects that we were throwing at that had to be uh included in this so it's just one bulk I understand I will and I will remind we vote on vendor vouchers we can examine those more closely or any individual can examine those more closely where those bills are laid out in front of us so that information is given to us in advance we vote on it we sign off on it so it's not yeah I'm not I'm not keeping that kind of detail I'm just ask I'm not necessarily saying you should commissioner I'm just pointing out that this information is has been and always will be readily available to us as we vote to make the expenditure right so with respect to uh is that account number 600 Mr treasure Deputy Treasurer yes that's a count 600 so of the 374 we know a majority of it is 44 rry Street correct the flood I would say that's a good uh understanding yes yes and then there is a portion of other buildings that are grouped into that category right the exterior repairs that something to do Witham where we had the uh flood and they had mean what is it waterproofing for this building didn't we doof that that that project was approximately $22,000 that was 269,000 um and again this is fiscal 24 which was already six months ago ago yeah so and this is all summations the budget's been spent and closed this is the summations to move things around I agree I understand I just I'm asking questions on what is it when I see the general category how does it break down now I know we got a significant amount of insurance on what we did here uh and then and when you say exterior repairs I just remember that we we're going out bid on Belmont correct right but that has nothing to do no I understand so what we've expended so far in exterior repairs you can't tell me which building it is I can if I get the report if I get the report up I wasn't prepared to speak that because we've never gone into this kind of questioning didn't we do windows and and other things that would you know be under that item the facade that's fiscal 25 right right so let's keep it let's keep it Germaine to 24 I think commissioner Hanley has made his point if Frank can at some point produce the information that he would like and I'm gonna the question be moved well that's building maintenance so when it comes to mobile Integrated Health is professional and Technical Services the 31103 340 is that covering pffm uh Bruce the ambulance and whatever that is it the do we also pay for the uh equipment I mean the right so the the supplies that go into Bruce's ambulance okay so that's a total of all spent in thatal year corre okay and on the breakdown just on labor piece do we have an estimate just a guesstimate I don't need to see actuals I want to know what it's costing in labor um whether it's with pfm or Brewster because in some instances a professional firefighter is not Manning an ambulance in Mobile Integrated Health correct and I want to know if there's a disparaging uh a disparity between the wage of the firefighter and the wage of the um that's that's gerain question that is you're asking for salary differences between two separate enemies that are not in the county so that's not information I would presume the treasurer to have or anybody here to have what do you mean so the firefighters were in training in so none of these are Firs okay so everything in the label line would be boost okay so when the when we have the conversation on on FY 25 year to date we'll have that cor right because this is 204 all right and then lastly under special accounts Human Services that was father bills okay all right Y no I remember and we're going to get our names on the building and all that for 350 that's great uh I'll make a motion Mr chairman to approve subject to uh Frank providing information um I'm gonna ask that to not be subject to Frank providing information that's fine but as long as I get an exp I'm sure he will give you the information never withheld information from you before yeah I would uh also I guess if it wasn't satisfactory we reserve the right for reconsideration vote at the next meeting uh no unless the majority of the board would so all right there's a motion in a second on the table all in favor I I'll oppose that's a vote all right next vote is actually H this we do every single fiscal year at the end of the fiscal year while we move money in accounts that have accounts that are in deficit uh again as we said we have to project these departments the line items out 18 month in advance uh some years you need more paper than you need uh house supplies and some years you need more computer hardware repair than software with there and you know Mass do they may they have a very very fine detail accounting as opposed to towns I can tell you that my town we were in aington we actually took a voted town meeting to just allow the treasurer's office to move all these things around the town budget just is a bylaw and that uh without having to go to town meeting for all these budget transfers that actually passed on a voice quote uh with one person loudly yelling no that being you yeah that was me I figured if I have to produce all this work product here at the County uh they should have to do with but here we are anyways tonight um you know with the increases in the permanent employee permanent employees that's uh predominantly from the contract negotiations that concluded and with the signing bonuses from the unions the rest of it again is mostly just routine ins and outs for different departments but if anybody has any specific questions about anything you can try to answer them other than you know from my standpoint everything to me is just looking at numbers and moving them around right uh to make those make them work so strictly CBA um yeah 100 accounts yes yep than you just go down by line please all right do I have a motion Mr chairman I'd like to go through um whole each line item so we have a decrease of 36 not I do not recognize that commissioner hle Jim I have questions again we are not going to go line item by line item it's self-explanatory well why is there a decrease of 3600 if you have a fixed amount on cell phones did we have a reduction in force did we get a new provider instance the aoll department those cellone allowances credited them for Department line item 100 rather than taking them out of the 170 account that's something that's been rectified 3.5 um it would probably go so everybody that was entitled to the cell phone allowance. it's just that came out of the salary account rather sell allowance but again we Rectify that for FY 25 so the decrease comes out of that account and then get transferred into the account okay y all right so what is professional and Technical uh represent for us specifically and what line 2399 uh professional Technical Services or anything from fire uh panel monitoring to security Alarm Monitoring uh to uh some of the uh preac fire alarm systems y so this is I'll remind commissioner H this is our operating budget which I know you have three terms of experience with so but I haven't had the to review this but you're asking about items first time that we take care of it I think it was emailed out when the agenda was amended am I correct uh I didn't get this information not sorry we can do that it's a pretty routine um for you maybe this first time I'm seeing this information have fewer years of service as well has to do with the year question now this is basically our regular what we us have for the our revenue and and expenditures right so it's just a little bit different I think in paper form like this than what we normally see from the treasure the same no it's the same we've seen every year yeah just a little bit right yeah no different than what we exactly so I'll entertain a motion well we go through the parking Department which is a new Department been around since 1982 I'll entertain a motion commission chairman I have I'm trying to go through this budget you're this is what I was getting at okay you add this in at the last minute for us to have these conversation you have had the benefit of working with these people at your leisure to go through the budget the first timey asking question of commissioner I have not had the luxury of working in any way shape manner or form outside of the boundaries of being a commissioner you have had years you're not affing me you are looking ask that you already have the answers to we know what you're doing we absolutely know what you're trying to do this evening you're trying to fill Buster and drag this out by going line it my child line item by line item ask me things I have seen first time you're asking questions you know the answer to because that we table these to the next meeting so I can get the answers prior to a vote and traditionally that is the way we'd handle anyway in no way or shape or form I will personally come and talk to Frank and get in okay you made a motion is there a second I'm making a motion to continue this I heard you made a motion there's there's no second are there any other motions on the item on the agenda there's no second Sandra I make a motion to accept it as uh written here this is what we've done in the past I don't see any problem with it motion commissioner second commissioner Valena all in favor on the motion Mr chairman you have to recognize I do not all in favor motion has been made and seconded on the motion you have to allow for debate I do not have to allow for debate yes you do I most certainly do not yes you do we have a motion in a second all in favor commissioner right two all opposed two moving that on as an objection discussion and vote on amending the operating receipts of fisc year 25 Mr Welch oh year 25 so this uh this is to uh recognize that we've uh got far more interest from the arpa accounts than we had anticipated at the beginning of arpa back in 2021 when we the interest rates we getting 0.1% okay 0.12% but as inflation increased and as the FED rais interest rates we ended up with uh for almost over a year getting 4.68% interest on these accounts which is uh substantial which leads us to having $6 million in interest from the ARA accounts and the uh goal here is going to be to accept and apply that interest uh into the FY 25 budget apply it towards some one-time expenses and some onetime um actually setting aside for other for for retirement purposes and things like that so non-recurring uh activities uh the mmhg reimbursements were looking to increase that again Dollar in dollar out because the the um one of the positions down there was non-un position uh they've been increased salary compensation for the steering commit of MFA Municipal health group and since they're paying for it it's appropriate to raise that uh account uh increase that line item for Revenue so um what this does also um with the interest income as we're also not going to transfer any money into the stabilization fund at the beginning of uh this fiscal year The Advisory board and the Commissioners voted they going to use $750,000 from the stabilization fund for the fy2 budget which as far as you know we're concerned that 750 would have just gone into the retirement uh so it's not like we were really spending it on something that is isn't paying down at debt we weren't spending that on operations so in a sense uh by undoing that vote we're more or less putting money back in um so this is uh overall a pretty good um thing for the county to be doing as especially if you see the next vote that just will tie everything all together and above but I know that the chairman wants to take each one individually rather than in Toto so yes we can certainly do we have a motion on the operating receipts ofman I have some questions of the treasurer on this are we going to rush to vote on everything can I ask questions on the interest income specifically and the uses of the money you may ask on the interest income specifically the uses of the money is the next item commissioner Hanley that's how the agenda works well well this is new only to amend the operating so you can ask address what could happen if you voted to accept this money and appropriate it into the into the uh um Revenue estimates and then you just decided to vote no on the uh expenditures this money would just fall into the unappropriated fund balance next year and would just be available on FY 26 this doesn't mandate that we spend it but it certainly gives you the opportunity to spend it is that the only account that it can go into could it go into stabilization could it go into free cash could what are options apprpriate fund balance is the essentially the same thing as free cash yeah you could take a vote if you wanted to ignore the recommendations uh before you and just put all of it into stabilization uh however I would tell you that you're going to get a better return in investment we're kind of getting ahead of ourselves here right I would again note that the item we're only discussing right now is to accept the increase of the operating receipts or amend the operating receipt on the next item Mr chairman yes next item before us okay I'll make a motion Mr chairman that AC motion a second all in favor that's unanimous so the line item by line item of these are either uh things that uh we had not anticipated at the beginning of the fiscal year that are new that we'll have to make adjustments in FY 26 ongoing uh and others are um Capital things as well as Financial so overtime uh Department 3 in the Commissioner's Office that's overtime uh to cover the administrative assistant covering these meetings uh she used to use uh comp time it's been agreed upon between the union and the administrator to Grant overtime pay so that wasn't in the budget to begin with so we're adding that in you mean earn comp time not use comp time correct so on that if I may Mr chairman so in our in our office who made the decision that that was be the only item within our office that we we would apply but usually we don't do a lot of things in the middle of the fiscal year to add or try to keep everything to a minimum um I think you right but I think the depu has explained the reason for this the employee that covers our meetings time she has desired to instead be compensated the union is in agreement uh is I'm not sure what further well question Frank has something else to add can we add more to the commissioner's office line specifically can we hire a assistant administrator out of this line item commissioner's office right create the position and fund it that is no I'm asking the question and I'm answering through you to the to the administrator we can do we can do as the the deputy just explained what we please okay however this is one-time money structurally speaking we have been filling our budget gaps with stabilization and unreserved fund balance since I got here and from what I can tell historically for several years so we do have a structural issue I my belief and I can't speak for either one of you is using one-time money to hire permanent employees is a recipe for disaster in any organization let alone government or otherwise so this is one-time money and it would behoove us to not use one-time money to hire permanent employees that we do not have in any way shape manner or form the ability to sustain in the long term well I I would disagree with that Mr chairman but with respect to our need we have all stated that our administrator needs an assistant and if this money starts to see the seat we can address the additional employment through the budgeting process so what right now do we have as a plan to seat someone as his assistant who I've been calling for for over a year now and finally it it's been heard in discussions of moving forward on getting you an assistant administrator so if if this is not a use of funds is it illegal to do that it might in your opinion not be the sound practice that you're talking about about my understanding right now is that we're ahead of estimates on money coming into the county with respect to at least the the registry side of things so you know so are you making are you proposing an amendment commissioner no no I'm asking a question so I can make an informed decision and I gave you an answer but you're the only one who has amongst us as Commissioners been able to agree to this I am asking if we could consider putting money in that line item from the excess money you have $6 million inue that is coming in you so you want me to make a motion to to fund is that how you want me to handle it I just was a asking is it legal to do it yes under this it most certainly is I I would urge that we not do that as we will have no means of sustaining that into the future when these funds run out if I unless you're making a motion to amend this I will make a motion to amend in add a salary uh that the um administrator can do a uh average of the other counties that have assistance to create at least a budgeted line of salary that we may or may not be able to are you are you deliberating you we're allow to if I may so I would ask that Frankie do you due diligence find out what the average pay is and then we will use that as a set aside as part of this funding now also I would like to know no sorry commissioner Hanley you need to make a support this you need to make a motion with a specific doll leaving it subject to you can't leave it subject to we need to set the number and it can't add up to more than 5 mil 273,000 so 85 80 grand 75 to 85 would be onage I will go with that recommendation between that is it I would set a so are you making aing of 5,000 Mr chairman sure as a set aside from the funds that we're voting and and then with respect to and where do you intend on taking that 85,000 take out from the 6.125 in interest income we just earned where on here where sorry where on here do you want to take it from work do you want to take it from County we have 5,273 n00 which leaves where are you proposing interest I understand and now we've we've the 6.125 are you saying that the 750 repes I'm saying on this motion on this I'm sorry not on this motion on this year where do you want to take the $85,000 from or anywhere else in the budget or anywhere else in the budget can I just ask the question so in the interest income the 6.125 and this proposal right here minus the 750 equals the 6.125 yes okay so you're saying to me that if I were to take it from anywhere I would take it from a line item that is here to reduce it so I would red I understand so we've already uh in the budget through whoever can answer it accounted for this year's opep liability funding schedule that we agreed to in what 2015 we are short put enough money we had okay so do you have a Delta around that a million doll a million dollars we're behind a million dollars over the years you have behind a million no I understand as we discussed was to under I want to handle the motion first you asked me to take a from available funds and I'm just trying to find out because I wasn't part of the process are you reserve for salary increases looks like the appropriate place to draw that from negotiated increases to do that the contracts were all signed after the beginning of thect after board had voted on the budget I would um I I would do you have a recommendation Mr chairman on where this money can come from no this is not my idea I I have ideas on where I would like to see the money for an assistant administrator come from and we will have those discussions for the next respect my motion you asked me to I I wasn't part of this and I'm asking questions you've been a part of the budget you voted on the budget you know the budget Mr CH this is all new to us right here this is all new based on the sit none of these line items commissioner Hanley are new these are line items that have existed in our bu before I got here5 million in deficit if we don't if we don't approve these things what's that we will we be in $5 million in deficit no we don't approve no as the deputy Treasurer pointed out we would we would have these funds go to unreserved fund balance however I believe as the treasurer is well made and again the point with the structural issues with our budget overall is we have fallen a million doll behind on opep trust as it relates to the County Retirement putting three million in will reduce our payment by how much once is it ahead of schedule mean is it ahead of schu we what putting what is putting the three million retirement obligation about 8% to about 3% right so that's a 5% year over year that we get to Compound on our we've also budgeted for that 8% correct so we'll have breakage in that that line budgeted line item that's the wisdom so there's a motion on the floor is there a I am trying to get to um the part M chairman where you said from what fund now let me ask you we created the the pawn Bureau resources and we're charging communities for the we're not Char anyone anything yet yeah but that's the intention cor let's not jump ahead but if we're GNA if the job responsibility of that program is going to fall on this gentleman's lap wouldn't it be something he could delegate to his assistant incl in the source of funds cover the salary for a certain amount of time and then when the funds run out I mean there are there are there are departments within our budget that I have been looking at for several years that I believe we could effectuate some efficiency and Savings in to execute the things that you want to do that's not the conversation we're having this year I was trying will have that convers we have begun that conversation and and I will continue to have that conversation I firmly believe that the operation of the County uh needs to have a top to bottom examination there is a lot outside of the scope of this motion well it's it's in the scope of discussing the budget so you've made a motion is there a second hearing no second the motion fails I would ask if there's any other questions if not I do want to thank the treasurer the deput in Frank for their work on this um one of the things that I think is always a prudent use of one-time funds uh is to address um matters is again relates to uh putting three million into the County Retirement to slash our yearly uh obligation from 8% to 3% is going to result in a return of Revenue to the county bottom line of how much we% we no no no we don't lose it we're reducing the obligation we have to pay if we don't do that then oh if we don't do we continue to pay the 8% we pay the higher amount so um so there's that commissioner I'm sorry I have floor now apologize um again as it relates to the opep liability trust fund that's a million dollars that we can play catchup on and and get ourselves back on that funding schedule um and then obviously as it relates to parking with the computer software Service uh the deputy has done an incredible amount of work um selling that program to many uh communities and I have no doubt that if we continue to support that that is a revenue generator for us that does make the county money um and and frankly if our service in that department goes down uh those vendors and those I'm sorry those customers can go elsewhere if they so choose so um so that is that is a true Revenue maker for the county uh as it relates to to parking so I I have I'm confident in those improvements as well so um and would like to increase it if we could someday we very well may so it does a great job so mman with respect to the first item was the Commissioner's Office overtime was a question we answer that right so can we move down the line so I can understand I just answered them well you didn't I did no you haven't gone through all of that I just answered them I answered the computer software service update um you just did that we answered for the building structures and improvements under Building Maintenance under Department 06 account number 600 for 500,000 where is that money going to what build go all 32 B okay so it's we're moving along now which I'm sorry no uh that is not 32 Belmont that that is um going to be a new Chiller for Brockton Superior and a u uh new um air duct system uh for weham district right so you see what I'm saying here Mr chairman all right one Department says this is the use you Concur and then the uh administrator corrects the where the is going that's why it's transparent and has to be open it's always been transparent it's on that's why I could have avoided all of this m Chim and if you just allowed the motion to have this continued I could have done all my due diligence and unanimously voted on all these things and about 30 seconds so we haven't been afforded that I think you have done your due diligence commissioner you just chosen to fill a bus of the evening because you know we have Grant presentation later and you're doing this purposefully and that's okay I'll continue to indulge it but you're not going to be able to continue and ask questions thatment uh numbers on the County Retirement so that $3 million is a 8% to 3% reduction Tom okay and did we have anyone advise us to do that was there any actual real study was there information provided by absolutely it has been the significant most significant accomplishment of these commission I'm not saying it is uh which has put you in a remarkable position to exist for the next couple of years so it reduces has been an advisory recommendation has been an audit recommendation and it has been an actuary recommendation you folks have received every year since 2014 so does it cut down on the amount of years that we need to service it or we just taken it from 8% to 3% okay so in our plan to pay it all forward had we not had the benefit of new Revenue okay how were we going to come up with you're have to cut people otherwise down the road okay you don't want to do that of course not but that's that was that was the scenario when we signed up for it okay that's good to know um so with respect to Min mayile Municipal I can get past that salary increases are contractual Y and then reserve for Capital Improvements what does that 250,000 represent okay in conversations with the administrator he has a projects that he believes are going to be occurring that we couldn't get done by June 30th so we have them there to cover those projects if they're able to get done in our are there any restrictions are there any restrictions due to op like do we have to have these committed by all right so because this is revenue off of oper interest then it goes into our account we can move it and so this this was 32 Belmont Street this is the so right now we're paying with Opa funds for for the facade renovation the roofing the HVAC Improvement uh and uh the demolition of the for the vanilla box this uh $500,000 in Capital Improvements would be utilized predominantly to finish out the buildout of 32 Belmont stre to make it a revenue producing facility so then it'll be just core and shell everything will be there and any tenant that comes the Le Improvement yeah so they'll have the basics of everything ready fully okay we got to find a t all right so that was pretty easy Mr chairman uh thank you for the clarification and uh I'll make a motion to approve those and I would ask Mr chairman that we put out a a future date a conversation about um putting um from whatever source of funds um a motion to um fund an assistant uh County Administrator I am certainly all in favor of that conversation I think we have identified um uh source for that and uh sure the next fiscal year conversations we will have those and we will make a recommendation to this board on that um but certainly we are in support of that as well as some of the other priorities that uh the three of us have all expressed a desire to carry out so uh I have never been opposed to that um and we will examine the budget and find again where we have redundancies and find areas where we can be more efficient uh so that we can execute uh the necessary dollars that we need to um have such a position so there's a motion on the floor do I have a second can I just say something before I second it sure so I just want to say that you know I want to thank all of you Frank I know you need an assist I know this has been going on a long time and you have been so good and not complained at all um treasure O'Brien you've done a fantastic job as you know same as with Jeff and I do want to say that you know one thing Nancy does is she does send out these um to us well in advance and if any of us have any concerns you should come in and you should sit down and talk to somebody here that you know can help you to go over these are pretty standard this is what I've known in the past it's nothing new so um I feel bad I'm you know a little disturbed about what's happened tonight and uh the way you know it has come across but this is nothing unusual so with that I'll second it there a second and I and I'll just add to well I'll add to commissioner Wright um again the information gets sent in advance I I am not a singular decision maker while certainly um I was a part of conversations with the treasurer's office and Mr Basler as commissioner W has apply pointed out this information was disseminated um I certainly took some phone calls from folks who had questions about it uh certainly as I said before and I will say again um commissioner Hanley commissioner Wright you are both free to call the Treasurer the the administrator if you have questions I certainly have no problem ever uh as a matter of fact this is the correct form for discussion and dialogue what I'm not going to continue to allow which is something that has carried on for the last couple of years is um an austic of our proceedings um because somebody May dislike the notion of what we're working on I'm not going to continue to allow any semblance of an idea that we are engaging in anything nefarious which is other statements that were made earlier uh this is as commissioner right pointed out straightforward stuff I'm the newest person here I've seen these documents now this is my fourth year doing this um you have been here a lot longer than I have uh I apologize if you do not feel like you fully understand our budget as well as I may do I've taken a keen interest in our budget uh and I have made it a priority because I believe in the long-term viability and success of the county if you've chosen not to that's certainly your choice I'm not your boss you can serve as a commissioner you please however what I won't do to commissioner right's point is allow routine business to be hijacked um because somebody wants to take things personally um or take them out of context or in any way shape manner or form uh spin up uh a narrative that just truly in no way shape manner form exists this is an incredibly responsible use of these dollars uh and I think we really owe a Deb of gratitude to the treasurer and his team uh including deputy welz and Special Assistant Matt andley for their extraordinary work to execute the level of uh arpa interest that we were able to achieve over these last three years uh the treasurer has mentioned to me again when I call and have inquiries about these items uh that we have far exceeded our fellow counties in terms of earning the interest that we have uh and this certainly allows some of the hard decisions that we have to make every year in our budgets be a little bit easier so with that there's a motion in a second all in favor the mostos I have I have the right Mr chairman you made treasur O'Brien Mr chairman with respect to my point of view if you'll allow me to that's a 2011 V Frank yeah with respect to getting this information for the first time treasur O'Brien I would appreciate you full goinging for now I just you made a statement it was a political statement and I'm telling you I have the benefit of 12 years on this board I've had respect the uh intentions annual budgeting commy please st125 not get this information until tonight to for the record treas o'ri this came out on as an amendment to our board thank you arpa today you have distributed 86,7 33,44 86 a little slower I'm sorry you're right 86 m 733,000 $844 86 thank you I am pleased to report that 11 of the 27 communities have now received their full allocation once you take your vote today you'll notice one town has a number of them that will complete their allocation we continue to go out and make presentations pretty regularly uh the towns are thrilled with the report I appreciate the comments uh and the sentiments from all of you about the work that we've been able to do with arpa uh the recognition that we receive not just from uh folks in our County but from other counties and around the Commonwealth uh in particularly our efforts to manage these monies in a way that benefits from the County Municipal levels of government received uh it was a task you gave me early on and we've certainly uh been proud of what we've been able to accomplish you have I think five votes in front of you maybe six uh that will uh complete that um and I think in terms of arpa we continue to keep administrative cost low you received a particular thank you from the town of Rochester for that effort when we went there and presented earlier this week and I can report that the Senate chair ways means was particularly impressed with uh the scope of this project and how little it costs to manage recognize the Tak some work from the team so uh the projects continues to go well you have a number of meetings scheduled there'll be fast and furious applications and uh we'll get them out the door so that we can uh give the money to the municipalities as they need thank you okay were we going to uh present them next week or uh what we're going to do I know we're talking about that if you recall you did a number last we no problem and towns couldn't schedule them and so I think the thought is that on the 12th y uh the towns are coming it'll be an added incentive that you get a check we pretty much expect a line of people to come in get a check take a picture of the three of you and then have the next town go through uh so far I believe we have 14 communities that would be eligible to uh receive a check uh they've been excited about that opportunity many of your advisor board members will be bringing their administrator so they can have the picture taken as well so if we do it the way I hope and expect we should be able to do it in about 20 minutes as long as you guys bring your smiles and your uh and are ready to take pictures quickly uh we should be able to do that in order and get even more money in their hands before the end of that calendary okay you're going to be given 14 big checks so it's 14 Small Checks so you're gonna erase Small Checks we're not going to erase in between make sure you have your finger over the account number we will put it in an envelope yeah well through you Mr chairman I want to thank uh the team uh as always Tom you guys do an exceptional job uh for me it was all about transparency and you know I voted for every single thing that was on this tonight uh after I got the information not all of it to my satisfaction but I in Tom we trust has always been my motto here at the County so I continue that motto uh with you and I want to thank Jeff specifically for tonight's presentation my apologies if you thought I was outside the law I saw this information for the first time tonight you are outside of Z arpa as well we've moved on from that point I wanted to just thank uh and clarify my position treasure and the deputy and thank them for their the oper motions are in front of you unless commissioner right chooses to make the Motions good uh all righty uh pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipalities referenced below the Plymouth County commissions Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County oper program as follows awarded to the town of Abington two $227,700 cents second all in favor I I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and minicipal referen below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of Caba $4,355 second all in favor hi I pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commission has Grant the dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows awarded to the town of mapet in the amount of $180,400 a municipality referenced below the Plymouth County commission's Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows award to the town of mapo $910,000 second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipali reference below the Plymouth County Commission has Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows awarded to the town of mapo $ 59,6 5234 all in favor I suing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act when the Plymouth County Commission is Grant dispersement of funds held in administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows payment to Clifton Lawson Allen LLP 14,36 uh before on the motion Mr chairman Tom haven't they changed their name no not Clifton Larson Allen um you're thinking Sal the powers who became Marco who two weeks ago became SE okay okay all in favor that's unanimous okay um extension director's report I spoke with Molly today actually and um they've been very busy they have some horse shows this weekend uh six for each clubs were in the middleb parade which I saw one uh I did not recognize Tia as she was dressed up as the Grinch as they went by uh but she was there um and they are working I think Molly had previously reported that UMass extension has allocated a position that is going to sit in our building and she has been working with them on uh interviews for that so some more good work out of extension treasurers report Mr O'Brien yes just briefly chair um to update you uh we have started the work on assembling the pond management Bureau team based on the interest that we've received uh We've scheduled the meeting uh in conjunction with the administrator for December 18th I'm pleased to report that we have some good interest from around the county it will involve the selectman or select board member from Hansen a select board member from Kingston the director of Department in energy from Plymouth Town Administrator in Lakeville Conservation Commission agent in Bridgewater Town Administrator and Hal so we think we have some good interest we'll be excited to report after we have this ini meeting who you Mr chairman so uh Tom those people have all expressed interest in participating they have all right so there's like kind of a commitment there yes okay they become our committee because they express interest so with respect to the old County Planning councils um uh they have some sort of survey maybe s you can weigh in on it on water my understanding there's seven communities within that um County um correct mey yeah there are seven Plymouth County communities well iank has been very much involved withan in the water but those are but I'm just saying with respect to water right well it's a so I what I think this is apples and oranges the pal the resource center is sep different from um where ocpc utilized the footprint of CDC w c CPC the longest alphab that's right well Frank provides it's not under us per se Frank is the administrative services for them but they are separate separately by Statute a separate organization from us entirely um are you aware that the chair of ocpc put out um something on Facebook regarding an opportunity for member communities to apply for um planning funds through Oak Colony planning Council and I am but that's not yeah but are we eligible through Frank's Administration on behalf of those communities for planning money that could be helpful to the those member communities as an an entity I I yeah go ahead do you understand the question um sort of I think what you're trying to ask is can we utilize or leverage whatever money they're pursuing are we eligible find their way here so we can fund the pawn resource center and the the the short answer is no a lot of the funds that come from the state are are County eliminated and are spe specifically on planner planning funds are or channeled to the regional planning agencies the rpas the um this water Group which is the the study which is where the questionnaire came out is in ocpc there's 17 communities within that group that are are doing that study the CPC WDC is seven communities within our County geography they have nothing to do with it other than no eligibility they don't they don't have eligibility as that group to apply for planning money well the separate from our it's a it's a the CPC WDC is a separate State uh created um organization agree but are they eligible for funding through the ocpc for whatever their their goals are yes that's question but I would just add none of this has anything to do with us well that's what I'm trying to get to Tom I mean Frank is the administrator of that group he is but so they is it like may flowerway he just gets paid to administ yes I think that's probably the best we get we get about $5,000 a year to basically post their minutes we get paid an hourly rate uh for me or for Nancy depending on what yeah we handle technology infrastructure and build that back is all at cost so with respect to the pond Bureau do we have eligibility for ocpc cl none I mean that's I'm not sure what they have but I yeah no no not through this I not through the vehicle I think that you're thinking whether there's other opportunities that may exist that we're unaware of I can't say but I think the vehicle I don't think so no right on the board I know no that's why I was asking the question so if we go forward with this program and do a memorandum of understanding to represent these communities as the you know Pawn Bureau management what what then do we what status do we give that committee so I think the long term you'll recall that you guys had that executive council meeting in March and two selectman presented the concept of the pond management resource Bureau which we're creating we're going to let them Drive and say what their needs are if we get a consensus as to what that's going to be and what we're going to provide as a resource then we'll see if we have the resources to do that or if the towns want to contribute in but in terms of gaining access through ocpc I I don't believe that's possible so so would we be petitioning the general court for um permission to create this is you don't need permission you have statutory authority to create it okay we might ask them for money some but I think I'm something that we want to discuss um you know right but we can have this on on the next agenda if this is something that we want to further no worries I just want to know GC is uh completely separate in this state funded no I understand that but if their member communities are joining forces with the county and they've already uh doing a feasibility study on our behalf for an Agra Center is there an opportunity regionally to help out this potential you know organization some things that we could help them with but uh we're not a a part of it no yeah but if that's a I'm I'm done with the subject matter but I I just want to know if moving forward if we proposed to be the manager of that program what would we then become in terms of funding eligibility from the state from the federal government from ocpc what kind of entity yeah I think all those things are worth while exploring as right except CPC Mone we can apply for money the feds and right right okay on our own yeah thank you Tre O'Brien um maintenance and administrators report Mr Basler um uh update for uh maintenance is uh just to remind you we're having our custodial training day on Friday in uh Brockton uh we'll be covering oer training and uh we have an appreciation lunching for the guys we'll be doing some scratch ticket prizes just as you know kind of make it a little try to make it a little bit fun pretty dry material but well we have a h bilingual Portuguese um uh translator also in attendance along with some subject matter experts our uh our partnership with L car one of our Distributors is funding the majority of the day great so it works out great uh finally uh for the administrator's report we talked about the signage for father bills I would just go back and um first off I just want to apologize for kind of the Mayhem of today's signings with Nancy out and then there was so many things to sign and a lot of the stuff that needed to be signed was in the original packet it was just kind of uh paper clips ended up getting messed up so J no that was on me I apologize confusing they need and they do need to make sure that those are all signed and then finally um just we skipped over chair could the letter for the SJC the no we did that you did that so I was just asking for approval to work with Canton Council and thank you very good all right just a question on OSHA um is are they going for OSHA 10 o30 or what's the Ultra part of that so uh it's part of ult 10 are not required are not Mand mandated to uh get a full certificate but this is a biological biological cleaning and uh disecting uh which we feel is important for the team uh to know thank you treas yes uh I think one more vote that you and I discussed oh that was on under the full group um that was under the uh yeah but they were going to take a vote on yeah uh so that I thought that was under the discussion on uh on the operating budget 25 I do have that so um so this was the uh uh the vote to fund the we voted on all five items yeah oh okay okay okay so I thought we were just do it y you're correct is a sub you're correct I'm sorry for the um under okay yep um one of the all right I'll entertain a motion to adjourn motion to adjourn motion commissioner right I will second the motion all in favor sorry that's okay wonder why registered didn't speak he not on the agenda um yeah correct so we have a motion commissioner Wright I will second all in favor I oppos N that's unanimous very good thank you all for coming I just need uh iiss Frank that's still recording I believe yep the recording willing right now good night honestly I never got this information it's fine