##VIDEO ID:EtFYtzN5IBY## is this this is yeah I'm gonna W so she I'll read it still read her P right but I'll have that as reference I think John alate or that chair thank you all right I will now reconvene meeting of our County Commissioners uh first item I'm seconded we already did the Pledge because we recessed you want to do the pledge again you know that's a good idea yeah to do the Pledge of Allegiance I'll ask uh Mr baz to lead us I ALG and I was missing doing this at the actual top of our meeting but please not this meeting is being recorded and broadcast Live on YouTube and distributed to the various local public access stations around Plymouth County for potential rebroadcast next item on the agenda is swearing in of Jared Valena as Plymouth County Commissioner like to invite my commissioner to qualify Nicole mamakos and my mom this is different she used to swear at me now she's swearing all right I I jar jar Valen that's me do you solemnly swear do Solly swear that I will Bear full truth and alance Bear full truth and allegiance to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts to the Commonwealth of Massachusetts and will support the Constitution thereof and will support the Constitution thereof so help me God so help me God I I Jared L Valena do solemnly swear and affirm do solemnly swear and affirm that I will faithfully and impartially that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all of the duties discharge and perform all of the duties incumbent on me as incumbent on me as Plymouth County Commissioner according to the best of my abilities and understanding according to the best of my abilities and understanding agreeably to the rules and regulations agreeably to the rules and regulations of the constitution of the Constitution and the laws of this Commonwealth and the laws of this Commonwealth so help me God so help me God I I Jared Al Valena do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that I will support the Constitution of the United States I will support the Constitution of the United States thank you thank you next item I'd like to invite Register of Deeds John Buckley we sworn in where do you want to go my oh where is yours well I have this one here same same one same yeah I read we have another one use mine as reference yeah fine yes this is a pleasure right hand okay hi hi Jonah Buckley Jr swear that I will be the faith and allegiance to me swear that will be truth faith and allegiance to the common wealth of Massachusetts and support the Constitution there to the common wealth of Massachusetts and support Constitution therea help me God help me God hi JN Buckley Jr to swear and affirm that I will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform to solemnly swear and affirm that will faithfully and impartially discharge and perform all the duties incumbent on me as all the duties incumbent on me as pouth County Register Deeds according to the best of my abilities and understanding according to the best of my abilities and understanding greatly to the rules and regulations of the con constition agreeably to the rules and regulations of the Constitution and the laws of the common and the laws of the Commonwealth so help me God I hi John Buckley Jr who Solly swear I will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States congratulations okay register Buckley can I just had to sign some one more you love signing papers oh lot papers applications did we sign Treasurer 26 and how many total for the life of the program not bad and we weren't allowed to use a stand rep on thank you no stamps thank you thank you Mr bule thank you next item on the agenda is the annual reorganization of the board I will entertain nominations for the position of chairman I'll make that motion uh to nominate uh Jared Valena as the chairman I will second now for the greatest law on the books we vote by secret ballot you think I'm kidding here is the secret ballot don't look at my ballot commiss right that would be so unfair well now should we do like what thousand Senate does can I ask ranatra and Senator Duna to Canvas the votes see who uh who won and Miss Rook will announce the win by unanimous decision jedel Valena has [Music] been appointed the chair again for 2025 yes thank you thank you for the nomination okay several appointments that we have to make I say several it's not a lot um I will uh entertain a motion for commissioner Valena to serve as the May Municipal Health Group advisory committee member and Frank Basler administrator Basler to serve as the alternate do I have a motion motion so Move Motion commissioner right second commissioner Valena all in favor I I will make a entertain a motion to appoint commissioner Sandra Wright as pouth County Cooperative Extension trustee liaison second all in favor I I will entertain a motion to appoint Shannon res as County Council second all in favor I and I will entertain a motion to appoint a member to the Plymouth County Retirement Board okay so I will make that motion and I will um appoint uh if he would want it Jared Valena to be the next uh Plymouth County Retirement Board member I accept the nomination in second and I appreciate commissioner rights of faith and and I think we both extend our gratitude to member Harrington for his 20 years of service to the pulma County Retirement Board and I'm looking forward to taking on that role all in favor I just like I would just like to say that I greatly appreciate Mr Harrington for all his many years of uh representing the Plymouth County Commissioners I think it's 20 plus years uh he's done a great service to us and um I you know will definitely miss him and and I wish him very well and um I you know think that this is the way and the direction in in which we uh need to go uh in the future so uh I do appreciate all that he's done and hope that he will be very much still involved yes I agree yes okay I'll call the vote all in favor hi hi it's unanimous next item I'd like to invite register Buckley to say a few words if you would like watch out for that c I want to thank commissioner mol and commissioner W for administering my he um yesterday um I was sworn in as an assistant land Court recorder L Court in Boston as register de you serve as register need for the county and also is an assistant recorder of the Lan court and the Chief Justice of the Lan Court made a very important point about the role he do as registers the primary responsibility is to protect people's make sure there's no interference with their title we record millions of documents every year and um it's important as often to to not record certain things that don't meet the standards as it is to record the things that should be recorded and we value that role very U uh importantly uh going forward we look to modernize the registry uh continue tremendous customer service and work with the Commissioners and The Advisory board and the treasurer going forward and of course our great member of the legislature so thank you very much thank you Mr buy okay now the best part me no I'm kidding um it was my pleasure Mr Buckley to to swear you in um your years of service to the county is uh been measurable and uh it has been a privilege working with you these last four years and I'm looking forward to the next four I do want to thank everyone uh for being here this evening I do promise I will be brief which is very like me although Senator duner has actually left the room I was going to say I'm feeling inspired by that very long I'm feeling inspired for a longer address after the two plus hours in the Senate chamber yesterday um so when I did practice his speech last night it came in at just a hair under 45 minutes bathrooms are down all there food in the middle um I do want to thank Senator junor and rep latra for being here rep the coast is on his way um it has been a pleasure working with ranatra these last four years and I'm excited to work with my dear friend Senator duner who's left the so she won't believe I said nice things about her on behalf of our shair constituents uh to Nicole in my nana who is uh sick this evening they were both going to swear me in but you've both always been an inspiration to me hard to believe for Nicole I'm sure but you have been you are both Nana and you the most hardest working and dedicated women I have ever known it's always been a priv privilege uh to be Nana's grandson and your cousin although if I am being honest I mostly invite Nicole so I can see my two favorite people in the world which Al Lucas in Olivia so you do not pass that test this evening that's okay but my favorite title with uh that I have is certainly being their uncle and Lucas's Godfather and I certainly wouldn't trade that for anything uh it did actually dawn on me that they won't be joining us on our recent trip coming up so um actually have me second guess in going on the entire trip but then again probably not right is every everybody know where you're going the most probably do um just want to make sure I think this R has gathered that so four years ago I was sworn and this is a lot more than four years ago uh it was during a covid surge so we were very limited in the amount of people we could that I could have join and I could invite so I'm grateful this year to have many family members here that could not attend four years ago uh due to that Co surge they've all played an intrical part in helping me get to this point and I'm very grateful to them and to my friends that are here as well I owe you all the debt of gratitude as well simply put I wouldn't be where I am without anybody in this room tonight and I thank you all very much for supporting me believing in me and being there for me I am incredibly proud of the record of accomplishments we have achieved the last four years and I am going to go back to 1620 so again settle in I'm just kidding and I'm excited for what the next four years has in store for Plymouth County I often say we handle the unfund stuff of government responsible budgeting refunding pension liabilities managing an oped trust fund and that's just what Tom does in his sleep uh but this this is what we are here for which is common sense good government uh no Fanfare No Frills just good Common Sense government we successfully manage nearly 200 million in covid relief funds at a mere 1% Administration cost the lowest in the nation and again a lot of credit of the treasurer's office and to to our administrative office as well that effort has resulted in millions and millions of more dollars uh for our member communities we have one of the lowest pension liabilities in the state our oped trust fund is returning 25% year-over-year in our parking Department Mr Welch so leads so admirably uh is saving towns and taxpayers money by service state originally voed upon towns as an unfunded mandate and we will continue to provide these services and more all on one of the smallest budgets in the Commonwealth uh going forward my goals will continue to be simple expand Regional services that we offer at the County Mobile Integrated Health is the wave of the future in healthc care and the county was able to fund a pilot program for the first year we can crack the code on billing for this it will be a model not just for other counties in the Commonwealth but Nationwide I'm also excited working with administrator Basler and the Sheriff's Office and many local organizations to create a food resiliency Center to begin addressing hunger in the county and there is so much more together we'll continue to prove the county government's value of Massachusetts and I will always be an Unapologetic cheerleader for the work we do at the county level which I know sometimes may come across as a bit much but I'm really proud of the work that everybody here does collectively and I will scream it from the mountain tops all across Plymouth County uh to commissioner Wright it has been a pleasure working with you and serving with you looking forward to our continued partnership for these next four years moving Plymouth County in the right direction to you treasur O'Brien I'm grateful for your Sage Council and also you're on a batched love of Plymouth County I think I've taking on uh just a fraction of the treasurer's enthusiasm for County Government uh to our administrator Basler thank you for being a dedicated and committed administrator for me and my colleagues and the best administrator at any level of government in the entire Commonwealth and Nancy you are the glue thank you for being the glue who holds our office together and seriously you watch the meetings that you out sick for you are absolutely the glue that holds our office together and to Molly and Doug who can't be here this evening Molly who does such a wonderful job with our 4 extension services and Doug will keep our buildings sck and span uh Doug is actually H his shoulder so he's he goes to work early so he couldn't be here um but it's not easy managing a collection of buildings from Ham to wam something you know we have former selectman here imagine your buildings are in one town our buildings are well Ham's AR even on that map our buildings are in Hingham down to wam so it's a big big geography and lastly of course the local elected officials who are here tonight I've cherished the ability to work with all of you uh the most Joy I've had in this role has been the relationships we've been able to build across the county to serve our shared constituents Plymouth County has been on the Forefront of American history from religious freedom to private property ownership to trial by jury the pilgrims laid the Cornerstone of Liberty and freedom in America just a few short miles down the road from Brockton and Rockland producing the most boots for the northern Army in the American Civil War to the gr cranberry farmers and cver and weham and to the most beautiful downtown in America in Hingham according to First Lady Elena Roosevelt I'm sure the rep Senator have some their favorite downtowns that they will enter into the conversation Plymouth County has been leading the way since 1620 and 1685 and I'm truly humbled and honored to have been given the opportunity to play just a very small part in the incredible story that has enfolded Within These 1,000 square miles I will end with this quote as many of you know I'm a devout Catholic and St Mother Teresa has always been an inspiration to me I find myself often referencing this quote one that has especially served me well on this public service Journey especially uh often enough referencing it as a subtle reminder people are often unreasonable and self-centered forgive them anyway if you are kind people may accuse you of ulterior motives be kind anyway if you are honest people may cheat you be honest anyway if you find happiness people may be jealous be happy anyway the good you do today may be forgotten tomorrow do good anyway give the world the best you have have and it may never be enough give your best anyway for you see in the end it is between you and God it was never between you and them anyway thank you very good all right Nicole I told you half an hour right so commissioner right do you have anything else for the next 90 minutes while we have an audience no I just appreciate everybody coming in and uh well we s in these two great men that we've had on our our elected officials and you know we look forward to working together once again as a team as we have and we've been very successful in in being a team and uh I'm excited about what's uh into the future thank you with that I will entertain a motion to ADN motion so Move Motion commissioner right second commissioner Valena all in favor I I there you go --------- ##VIDEO ID:Ajq8djvCpuY## we don't actually have any AR no no no op of boats no why is that on here then your chairman is you never know okay we are recording um Mr Harton can you hear us okay okay thank you you know why we can't hear him because I have that off but then you know why that's off because then we Echo we recording um see us okay yeah so I don't know how we're goingon to be able to hear him can you hear me now normally it comes through there but you heard the delay all right it's like when we talk it'll delay you understand I do but um normally both sides come through there that is the oh I understand okay I get what you're saying all right well it's anything that has to be done here I'm sorry Jim can you can you try one more time uh talking yes can you hear me he's talking can't hear him okay for some reason we can't hear you Jim you're muted now all right now I'm taking the mute off as it can be can hear us not required you know what I'm saying I wonder if the TV overrides that I shouldn't no it does it doesn't because we recorded all I've checked the audio meetings um well we're gonna have to let it ride call he can call you and we can do it that way yeah why don't we do that all right while you okay I will take care of that well call yeah call him first and then we'll Jim if you could give me a call and uh that way there we'll use my phone to so that you could speak my number is 781 1 hold one second 718 9967 great sorry about the uh the problem with the communication gym can you hear me now I I can hear you on my phone yep great okay I have you on speaker phone now all right Perfect all right sorry about that oh it's not your fault still trying to learn these things so perfect all right I'll call this meeting to order like to ask former Rockland select with Mike Mullen to lead us in the Pledge of Allegiance Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation God indivisible with liy and justice for all okay very good first item on the agenda is to make several appointments uh it was brought to my attention that it would be more appropriate for those appointments to be made post the swearing in of the new Commissioners so we will take action on those items however I know uh one of the items that we are looking to uh explore an appointment for is the Plymouth County Retirement Board and I know that our long-term member Mr har Harington has called in uh to offer his thoughts uh so before I turn over to him is there any objection to moving these items to after am I swearing in no not at all nonone by commissioner right none by myself um I will now recognize Mr Harrington to say a few words wish you guys a lot of luck in your new ter thank you just wanted to let you know that uh saw the appointments com up I wanted you to know but I really was interested in staying there as the on the board I'm in my 20th year now on the board we've come a long way a lot of hard work and working with the chairman uh the only thing I'll say is My Philosophy about is this that the responsibility that we have all the employees of the county and all of our other member units is to guarantee that their money there when they're ready to and that's our so Focus dealing with the members the financial issue is to make sure we build it up I think if you look right now we're like over a billion and a half on our way to do and I don't have anything more to say that other than thank you very much it's thank you um any questions commissioner r hi Mr Harrington um to have you here in uh our meeting this evening uh I do appreciate all the many years I thought it was more than 20 but 20 is sufficient uh I appreciate all your time and effort and uh you know we will be taking this under advisement and um uh we can let you know at a later time of what our the uh vote is of the board uh so thank you so much for coming in this evening we apologize for the technical uh difficulties here um so uh I'll pass on to Jared if he has anything to say yeah no I I Echo commissioner rights sentiment uh obviously I'm not sure what the pleasure of the board will be once we get to that part of the agenda you are welcome to uh revisit the zoom later um for when we do take action on this and other appointments but I I do Echo commissioner right sentiments and thanks for your years of service to the board and uh certainly uh we will deliberate uh on that um you know C we are cognizant of of the service and work so we do want to thank you so um and again you're free to you're free to stay on Zoom we might hang hang Frank's phone up but you're free to stay on the zoom or you're free to to go over to YouTube and uh and watch the proceedings later okay you tooy too thank you so much that really stinks yeah well all right next item on the agenda vote to accept and approve end of vouchers motion so Move Motion commission right second commissioner Valena all in favor vote to accept and approve payroll VES motion so move commissioner right second commissioner Valen all in favor American Recovery plan act update and distribution votes treasur O'Brien even after meeting Monday and Tuesday we have none which is and you know the program the obligation ended December 31st 2024 this is day two of 202 yes there may be a few down the road uh depending on if communities return money but for this evening no offer vots okay we can all take a deep breath and know that they've been fulfilled and done and you know we appreciate so much of our team and our group that you know has put so much effort into it and worked so many many hours on it and you know we greatly appreciate it and I know the towns appreciate it so good job thank you absolutely okay uh extension director's report Molly is out this evening I don't know if she gave you anything Frank but she actually is uh covering another meeting uh with Meg this evening uh but uh she had no report uh Qui week or so uh and since we've been meeting on a weekly basis uh treasur support treasure O'Brien thank you chair and just briefly I wanted to report at this opportunity that on Monday the deputy Treasurer duly delivered our additional payment of $3 million uh from P County to the P County Retirement Board so that payment is in that will reduce our future obligation pretty significantly I just have to continue to commend the Commissioners and the entire team for their foresight uh you'll recall that that we had back in 2014 and said how are we going to deal with these liabilities how are we going to deal with these challenges many of which our local communities are facing and we developed a very rigorous uh plan that we had to stick to in order to reduce this obligation over a period of time by funding this we're going to derive the benefit of that investment performance for the count retirement Association which has been pretty remarkable over the last 5 10 15 20 25 years so again uh compliments to the Commissioners and the team thank you to the deputy treasurer for delivering it in h and the retirement Association appreciates the extra $3 million sure the the other thing I would report and then Happ to answer questions about anything else under my perview uh we talked briefly last time about the May Municipal health group and I had mentioned that we were starting to get a couple of calls of interested parties I can tell you that those calls continue to ramp up I thought maybe they' level off but asting from other providers and from their current um Insurance Group uh they're finding that our long-term plan is is pretty desirable I don't know that we'll have the bandwidth but I'll be able to report in January and February and March uh which groups we were able to to bring in and I know that will continue over the next couple years so just be pleased and proud of that service that we provide again real high quality Healthcare that low price any questions for the any of those uh towns that might have uh left in the past and want to come back in as a matter of fact yes uh two of them are exploring that opportunity one of the challenges of course is if you come back to the m public group we have a very robust trust fund and you need to buy back into that trust fund to get the benefit that we're providing over the next five years or so we've created a very good mechanism so the towns don't actually have to put cash out that towns save enough joining us but as long as they pay their old rate they don't even need an increase that differential usually allows them to to buy in over three to four years so we're having those discussions I think they'll continue on um just seeing what we're seeing in the healthcare industry talking to many of my friends not just in the public sector about the private sector uh there's a real concern about the healthcare Trend and where it's going what opportunities we position ourselves to really be a leader for the next five to seven years very good okay I think I'm good thank you Treasurer thank you all right uh where are we maintenance and administrative support Mr Bor uh yes chair um maintenance uh Team uh uh superintendent wedge is uh battling uh the whole team really uh having a lot of what we have uh for illness uh we actually have uh some uh more serious illness on one of the team members we actually have two members of our 17 member team in the hospital right now so uh things are a little challenging uh as always he does an amazing job and it's keeping everybody uh afloat um we're working on all the major uh uh infrastructure projects as we move along uh that'll continue and ramp up in the new year uh for the administrators report uh I shared earlier with you and uh for um and uh commissioner um right uh we have uh the The Dredge going down to Yarmouth uh actually it's down there right now picked up this afternoon uh we'll be working uh all next week down in y Yarmouth uh right outside of Lewis Bay down there Hy hyanis uh and then uh The Dredge uh excavator will be going to Falmouth for several weeks uh working with the uh a few of the uh Harbor Masters to uh get a little more no noise out there and also uh highlighting the uh CPC WDC hydraulic dredge uh as ways to help uh work on other projects and that is it for tonight great thank Mr Basler okay uh I will entertain a motion to recess until 6:45 PM motion so motion commissioner right second commissioner Valena favor hi hi thank you okay that was fast motion to recess yes so uh yes okay there anything I can pre-sign Nancy while we why are we um resist because that's when I asked folks to come 6:45