##VIDEO ID:HXAQEjIzP7o## the tease are you going spend all your money by December 31st $500 to fix my heat in Brin now recording we're actually YouTube in live and now we're sign after the meeting how many are there look like that's not too bad manageable that was the same amount as the last meeting yeah all this meeting to order iedge the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible liy and justice for all please just stay standing for a moment of silence on the passing of former President Jimmy Carter thank you okay please note this meeting is being recorded and broadcast live on the county YouTube channel and is distributed to the 27 or I should say variety of local access channels inl County for potential rebroadcast there first item on the agenda minute acceptance December 19th motion so moved motion commissioner right second commissioner Valena all in favor that's unanimous CPS form Sheila Avery May FL Municipal Health grp salary adjustment motion Move Motion commissioner right second commissioner Valena all in favor I vote on register ad shity Bond I assume this is one of those yes fancy ones okay okay uh we Jared valenzo Sandra M wri and Gregory uh M Hanley County commissioners of the counties pursuant to Mass General Law chapter 36 section section three hereby approve the bond of John R Buckley Jr as Register of Deeds County of Plymouth with Weston shity company as sh uh and in the sum of $200,000 second all in favor I that's unanimous vote to award gasoline and Diesel you bid Frank or Nancy another nice long one yep I'll sign oh he's going to sign that y voted the county award the bid for the purchase 87 octane gasoline in ultra low sulfur diesel fuel for the county of Plymouth and various political subdivisions effective January 1 2025 to December 31 2025 to noon and uh I have to name read all three noon yep noon Brothers petroleum Inc 415 West Street West Bridgewater Mass Dennis Burke Inc 555 Constitution Drive Taunton Mass pum trades Corporation 7120 point in Bess way for uh Wayne Indiana second all in favor hi hi that's your us okay and the reason for the season American Recovery plan act update and distribution votes treasure O'Brien thank you very much I think about the he reporting on virus pandemic gave to the States and how so they've identified more than 191 billion with it be FR payment and that's really just a reminder of the success of our programs and how uh doed we have been and making sure that that doesn't happen and that every dollar that goes out where it's supposed to go out and that no money get returned you we call your cares of course we were one of the few agencies certainly one of first also one of the few to turn out every penny and not have to return a single penny that after some significant Reason by levels of government and the for the state and very pleased with that same as true of ARA we continue the same Rous program to make sure that once a community receives its funding it's to keep his funding and that it's applied appropriately I do believe there will be years if not Decades of review of both cares and arpa but those monies administered by Plymouth County will be uh successfully secured by the subrecipients through the meeting today after your votes I wanted to report that you will have allocated 97 Milli 87,8 6685 of the Monies to your communities that all but five will have received their full funding as originally allocated and that tomorrow we will be approving some additional monies I'm glad that one of our communities represented here today deliver the message directly just because an additional amount gets approved tomorrow does not mean it will be funded require a a lot to obligate the fund but doesn't mean that they will be funded and it is fairly certain that we will not have any additional monies but we're doing this just in case towns after the fact we return we're finding in other counties that some uh communities that had received advancements found their projects coming in under budget that they would have monies coming back those monies could be returned in calendar year 25 and calendar year first half of calendar year year 26 if that happens here we'll have these additional allocations put money board down the road but as of right now it does appear we will get all the additional funding out to the subrecipients I will tell tell you of our 27 communities only 10 put in money for additional funding if there's additional funding it would be split amongst those 10 communties that being said you have I believe 16 to approve and uh if there aren't any questions i' ask you to go ahead and and approve those but want to answer question you have about the program we will need to meet tomorrow they still have their applications under review as I reported two weeks ago we had 80 applications put in so working furiously seven days a week we get as many of these done as we possibly could and get them processed by the deadline very good any questions yeah I do have a question so if uh a town doesn't use all the money and it comes back can we allocate that to other towns or is it too late beyond the deadline or what can we do or what do we do so the the ability what we've done the Brilliance of the program in really is by allowing these authorizing these additional applications we will have a place where we could send that money to the uh Federal legislation was somewhat uh challenging because it required the fund to be obligated by December 31st 2024 but didn't have to be spent until December 31st 2026 yeah how do you how can you pinpoint exactly what that thought was going to be what we realized early on and you folks adopted in June was a program where towns could submit more than what their funding was in case money's G back and so 10 communities are taking ADV bity of that opportunity have submitted more than their funding will'll obligate that tomorrow they'll see that as a level three approval but it won't be funded unless money's come back into okay great thank you great idea actually it is have those back stops and the EV that that happens I'd like to tell you that it came to me in a moment sitting at my desk but it came to me early morning in the shower inste this would be a way that we might be able to get around the requirement to have it all by that's where we do our best thinking and uh I know that the other four counties at least one of them adopted the same program very nice you also recall that pth County getting any of its money until after everything is done and community so that's why you have two for count you may have more tomorrow depending on what comes in very good very good thank you okay ready when you are okay pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan uh and Grant between agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County op funs is follow town of cover $92,800 all in favor okay pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between pouth County and the municipality referenced below Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of Duxbury $125,900 it reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of East Bridgewater 300,000 second all in favor iand pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through through the Plymouth County oper progam as follows town of East Bridgewater $3,255 second all in favor I pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the Grant in agreement between Plymouth County and the mun municipality referenced below plmouth County Commissioner Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa funds program as follows town of T over $137,700 second all in favor I pursuant to the terms and condition of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referenced below Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County oper program as follows town of hanova 9,628 second all in favor to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Hanover $1,146 46 second all in favor pursuant to the terms and condition of American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioner's Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County oper program as follows town of Hansen $ 4,915 and10 second all in favor ass to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipal reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Lakeville 91,8 second all in favor I but so much to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant between agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referenced below the Plymouth County Commissioner Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County oper program as follows town of Lakeville 147,148 9719 second all in favor pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referenced below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Lakeville $4,618.00 agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of mville $76,900 128 second all in favor I pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and anality referen below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Apper program as follows town of middlebar $977,000 199 second all in favor pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan the grant between agreement between the Plymouth County in the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County oper program as follows County of Plymouth $2,880 second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows County of Plymouth 156,000 second all in favor yes it's interesting the last two for put County and I want to mention this because I know we have a representer from the town those covered the cyber security assessments uh that we provided to our communities uh essentially at a reduced cost um the assessments were taken advantage of by about half of the P County communities that second larger bill was for endpoint monitoring I would say maybe a handful of it but I do know that the town represented here today took full advantage of that program I think both on the town and the school side so benefited ex pretty signicantly from covering that cost great okay awesome baser anything to add uh no we're all said all our applications are in uh and uh completed and uh have gone through the approval proc or the vetting process just waiting for approvals great all right well we appreciate your efforts getting that stuff in from the county side as well creting those back stops so it's great all right uh with that I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion so move commissioner right second commissioner Valena all in favor hi