##VIDEO ID:KXhp8IRpegw## oh right sorry uh twoth I did watch it I should say that okay uh 2011 motion to vote and accept and approv CPS forms Lisa Wade promotion to data entry manager 18-1 second motion by commission right second commissioner Hanley all in favor okay uh vote on cly buyback for Mary dundis I believe that is a red item should was in the payroll folder oh do I have it it's in the big long one on the left there yep I don't know what order they're in I think that's the one isn't that the one that um in this one contract sorry yes yeah okay okay had a regular meeting of the County Commission is holding it ply on the 21st day of November 2024 ordered that the county treasur pay to Mary and this 25 David AB Ley nass 02 01238 the sum of $ 74251 cents to be paid from the Plymouth County uh fy2 budget as said Mary dundis retired from the position of comproller at the pth County Treasurers Office on October 31st 2024 with 74.4 hours to her sick leave credit the amount of sick leave buyback is 20% off 14 88 hours at the rate of compensation of 4990 per hour second motion commissioner right second commissioner Hanley all in favor I that's unanimous next item is uh vendor vouchers do I have a motion motion so move second motion commissioner right second commissioner Hanley all in favor I that's unanimous okay payroll motion approved motion commissioner Hanley second second commissioner right all in favor that's unanimous to approve additional manufacturers and subcontractors for current PC vehicle bid from a government mhq Colonial Motor Group and Central Dodge that's think that's in front of you commissioner right it [Music] is [Music] say think one about five of them to read all of these yeah they're all new equipment uring add-on I didn't know if it was all the same y okay um a regular meeting of the County Commission is holding atth on the 21st day of November 2024 voted to approve the addition of following vendors to tab 3- accessory vendor list of the current Plymouth County Municipal vehicle bid D4 number 2023 d226 and Chevy number 2023 d226 awarded to Colonial Municipal group 11 Pilgrim Road Plymouth Mass accelerated media Technologies manufacturer 2% Bulldog fire and emergency apparatus um manufacturing 2% uh motion and second all in favor I that's unanimous okay at a regular meeting of the county commissions hold on Plymouth on 21st uh day of November 2024 voted to approve the addition of the following vage to tab three- accessory vendor list of the current Plymouth County Municipal vehicle bid -4 number 2023 to 2026 and George Chrysler Jeep number 2023 d202 awarded to mcgoverin H mhq 401 Elm Street Malboro Mass EZ holler manufacturer 2% second right second commissioner Hanley all in favor I that's unanimous okay um at a regular meeting of the County Commission is holding at Plymouth on the 21st day of November 2024 voted to approve the addition of the following subcontracts to the current Plymouth County Municipal vehicle bid Dodge pricely Jeep uh 2023-2024 day of November 2024 voted to approve and increase the contract pricing for accessories truck equipment for the 2025 model year for vehicles manufactured by the uh Chevrolet motor company and the current clth County Municipal vehicle bid uh Chevrolet 2023-2024 that's unanimous and that is all of them okay I vote to award 32 Belmont Street Brockton facade renovation project Mr Basler uh yes uh we had a tremendous luck uh we did uh put our uh facade renovation project for 32 Belmont Street out to bid uh we uh that came out on October 7th we received the bids earlier this week uh Nancy and I are in process of going through the dcamp certifications and uh the all the references uh so far all the references are excellent but we still have a few that have not come back in because the would actually due just this uh past monday uh I'm asking for a motion to award the bid to uh to Northern Contracting Corporation of 68 Jackson Street Panton pending the rest of the satisfactory outcome of the references and to move forward with the project um I I handed you uh the bids the bids range from 49,100 all the way up to 842 435 so uh we're very excited that um we uh uh with a very uh advantageous pricing and I think that is due primarily to timing uh on on the bidding uh this is all work that'll be done in the spring so we CAU in uh think it's going to work out fantastic great Mr chairman I move to accept the bid proposal of NN Contracting Corporation 68 Jackson Street canson mass as the lowest responsible and eligible bidder for the invitation for bid facade renovation project at 32 B mon Street Brock Massachusetts dated October 7th 2024 offering the lowest price of $49,100 in accordance the Mass General chter 149 section 44A furthermore to authorize the County Administrator to sign the contract and proceed with the project once all references a satisfactory documented second motion commissioner Hanley second commissioner right all in favor I that's unanimous ran thank you very much Le first articles will momentarily put it order out caught my eye because of course it says County finishes AED with misuse of federal arpa funds fortunately it's a county in New York um but I am continuing to hear more and more of these situations and want to put your minds at ease and also give you the information as you're going out talking about our program uh that we are insulated from this given the robust review that we have set up I know commissioner Wright and I will in ham last night they were complimenting our efforts and our process and how we do the administrative work for them and they feel very confident I worry about some communities outside of our perview um but hopefully they'll not make some of the mistakes that are going to happen and then just as a reminder I give the article from today from the globe about the Commonwealth of massachusett mistakenly spending 2.5 billion of the federal M that they reive and we recall how they were a little bit concerned early on about us administering Federal money I think perhaps they should have been more concerned about their own abilities to administer that money which we clearly did a little bit of a better job than they so just a reminder of how um our program has been run a little better than others around EXs to that end I want to report through your vote today you will have distributed to the municipalities I know some of you would like to write this down so I'll go a little slower 85 million 30,9 18824 thank you you're welcome um I also like to report where we stand administratively again a reminder it's always good to put it in the context nationally the average is between 5 to 7% in Massachusetts is between 3 to 5% as of today projecting out to the end of the program which ends actually in March of 2027 uh we believe will'll be at 1.33% administrative cost um in talking to our friends and fellow participants in the ARA program that being Barn Bristol and North County they're looking in the two to three so I believe we will be certainly the lowest in the com Massachusetts is trending up about 3.5 to 4% so once again a lot to be proud of there and you can share that story so that's just a quick overview of the program I don't know if there any questions we had two very presentations well there have been a number commissioner Wright and commissioner Vala went to haror with I think enough applications to feed a small paper shredder and like this big yes C 17 applications and then at Halifax a little bit later than we were in Maran with two more and then hangam last night three they're going to be fast and furious I do apologize to the Commissioners about the number of meetings you're going have to have in December but all for good cause that's our if there are any questions um you can read the ones that we have and then I have a quick update on Mob sure no I think did you mention East Bridgewater as well I miss we in East Bridgewater Monday night and Halifax as well on Tuesday you mention and of course Bridgewater asked where you were told I was I told him we don't let you out of the office can't we have too many we have too many checks that have to get out so all right is there any questions for treasur O'Brien if not we will begin with the uh dispersements yep I just want to say thank you so much for all that you've been doing I know it's been really cramming in a lot right now but you know you put a lot of effort in into it so thank you you thank you pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American MEC plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of ducksbury $40,000 second all in favor I Su to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grand agreement between pouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant disruption of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows time duckberry 72,900 second all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the Plymouth County commissions Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County APPA program as follows town of duckberry $773 7426 all in favor I I I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American invest plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality referenc below the Plymouth County Commission has Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of ducksbury [Music] $45,600 funds held and administered through the Plymouth County oper program as Falls awarded to the town of East bridgew $557,500 185 second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions in the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referen below the Plymouth County Commission gr dispersment of funds held administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of Halifax $3,652 second all in favor I I Su to the terms and conditions in of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and Municipal reference below the Plymouth County Commission has Grant dispersment upon held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows awarded to the town of Halifax $166,000 second all favor I I suing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and a grant agreement between Plymouth County and Municipal reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds helded administered through the Plymouth County APPA program as follows awarded to the town of Halifax 20997 second all in favor I soon to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and a grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commission has Grant dispersement of funds held in administered to the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of Halifax $1,716 23 cents second all in favor puring to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County commissions Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County oper program as as follows award it to the town of Halifax $ 29,185 second all in favor to the terms and conditions of the me American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referenc below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered to the Plymouth County Opera program as follows wed to the town of p over 17585 415 second all in favoring to the terms and conditions of the American MEC plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the M municipality referenc below the Plymouth County Commission is Grant dispersment of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as followed awarded to the town of hanova 27653 all in favor I I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and a grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the Plymouth County commissions create the expressman of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of hanova $181,300 63 cents all in favor Mr chairman there is a representative from the board select from Hanover can we just give her the checks instead of going up there and visiting the board no okay I'll personally U bring those by way of U sayings Village yeah okay we set a time 7 pm tomorrow night is that fine Mr chairman no you guys can make whatever dinner plans you'd like I'm not going to interfere but we'll still bring the checks to a regularly scheduled select board meeting hand over I think I have that on my schedule yeah so we'll take it December 2 thank you making sure you're all awake that's pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersment of funds held administered through the Plymouth County app as follows town of T $125,000 second all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and a grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referen below the Plymouth County commission's Grant dispersement of funds held at administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of Lakeville 50,7 741 thank you all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and a grant agreement between Plymouth County and the min reference below the Plymouth County commissions Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the county of Plymouth 8,825 second all in favor to the terms and conditions of the American res plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held it administered through the Plymouth County APPA program as follows to of Norwell $ 66,329 second all in favor suing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and a grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the Plymouth County commission's Grant dispur in the funds held administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of Pimpin 31,250 second all in favor I I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and a grand agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispos of funds held administ the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of plon $157,200 second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act and great agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds H been administered for the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of PL $1,484 and88 all in favor I so to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below Plymouth County commissions gr dispersement of funds held administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows AED to the town of Rochester $615 56 cents second all in favor this is a nice one Mr chairman pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the town of w him 3,621 24194 very nice second all in favor all right that's their first correct that is not their first no they had a smaller one that went through ear right but that is by far their largest yes pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American res plan act and a grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the Plymouth County commissions Grant the person of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows boed to the town of Plymouth $16,200 32 wear him get second all in favor put them out of order and you were the last to touch them Madam no pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the miss refence below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant disman of funds held it administ through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows AED to the county of Plymouth $1,027 32 second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County commissions Grant dispersement of funds held administered through the Plymouth County yappa program as follows AED to the county of Plymouth 9,4 $ 4855 second all in favor ass to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held in aded through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows Ed to the county of Plymouth 9,135 pull that again it was all in favor on the last one yeah hi hi hi it's unanimous commy looks for that how many towns now are at their cap or reach their C 12 12 good was 46 a few 106 16,200 is County of Plymouth so you said town ofth okay so for the terms and commiss American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between County and municipality refes below Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersment of funds held and administered through Plymouth County Opera program as follows awarded to the county of pth $16,234.73 the parking lot work that we had done in the second underneath the parking lot that needed to be fixed had been done for last 200 years in the Wi-Fi and under Wii so all those issues were taken care of under the public progress also I do want to commend commissioner Henley's greeting he does a a very good job despite the one County Town mishap which course regularly um but a job well done on that FR how he slapped me and then P me at the same yeah jelly yeah we call this a backhead and C that's okay don't expect anything L from a Georg toown San guys so um all in all though the towns are are thrilled and we have a lot coming out next week and we got for presentation any other ARA questions on that I do want to talk about mih we had our first mih subcommittee you recall you created a subcommittee that consists of um commissioner Wright commission Basler myself Two Fire Chiefs a representative from Brer a representative from mascon and a representative from PM we had that meeting today bffm was not able to make it but we keep them up to date and mascon uh was unable to make it for various reasons um but everyone else was in attendance commission Wright will add her flavor but I thought it went exceedingly well was a very great first meeting um a lot of good input from the Chiefs and our own team in the admin Ator I will report that through the first five months of the program they've done 1,821 mobile home visits uh much higher than they thought increasing each month uh all but three of our communities have had at least one touch Point uh and uh they continue to see growth they are considering increasing we're not sure we have the resources to do that we'll now be spending the next several months figuring out how to bill for this service because right now it's being funded through our off is under AR but I didn't know if commission wri wanted to add anything else to that I thought it was very thank you Tom uh for setting it all up I thought it went really well uh a lot of good information there uh that we needed to uh understand um I think we have a lot of work ahead of us and uh seeing what the next steps are I look forward to the next meeting in uh January and that's about it I didn't know Commission anything to you guys you guys uh no we have enough of those no everything uh back there ruling everyone out of order now was covered very good and then lastly chair if there are no other questions my report will be very short if I do one more thing and then I'll sit down and I don't have to come back I think if Mr Buckley's okay with that then we'll allow that to take the treasurers report out of order I just wanted to Report on health insurance briefly uh there are some very disturbing National Trends in terms of increases I don't know if you've been following the news uh I'm starting to get a flurry of calls uh worried about that nationally we see increases anywhere between 15 and 20% and that's in one year uh it's really creating a nightmare scenario for a number of municipalities around the country um the good news and the reason I wanted to to mention this is some of our Mayflower groups are calling and we will be well below that um we are in really good shape to handle what's coming down the pike we anticipated this much like you folks anticipated 2024 we anticipated it as well at Mayflower uh in fact we've had in the last two weeks eight inquiries to join the Mayflower Municipal Health Group sadly we won't be able to allow all of those communities in um but uh I think those that are in are very glad they have found the safe haven known as the M Municipal health group we also have seen two joint purchase groups one has closed one is on the border of closing so um it's a it's a tough industry out there but we're in very good shape and look look to be so for the next five to seven years Mr chairman uh commissioner Hanley yes Mr treasur so the there are two rate increases one for retirees and that's due in December for a choice by the retirees on the increase so in other words our group is setting rates for the retire that is due December 7th or 8th correct we've already done that okay and the percentage of that was how much that percentage increase on the retire for ours and don't forget ours were low to begin with um it's on our website don't want to give you the wrong ballp just ballp I can give you the dollar amount 447 okay is a dollar amount I don't know what theend was from the prev year it just I had experience with Maya uh in another municipality and that was eight to um 11% so it was I don't know how we perform well it's interesting I think the dollar is much more important because we were so low before we've had a bigger increase on that but the average there is well in the 460 470 so even though our increase might have been in the 8 10 11 12% we're still cheaper than any other plan that's offering the same product so in March when we open up open en rollment uh you've had eight communities uh appeal to you to seven uh with respect to that do you know the origin of where they came from was it Maya was it GIC um answer is yes two from a joint purchase group that is struggling uh and the rest from Maya I think one might have been a GC so of the seven two joint purchase group um one GIC four from Maya and so on that you may have stated I was signning documents with respect to Mayflower what is our percentage of increase so we don't know yet because we're still waiting for the data we vote on that in January February um but again we're telling our communities you know other folks are budgeting 15 to 20 we're saying be very conservative do 8 to 10 but we should probably be below eight okay so with respect to our administrative um overhead that we process the decisions of their board correct the member communities pick a group to then put out to bid the services and all of that um when they people that are coming in they have to they're required to give you an incident or a history of claims claims hisory yes yeah and so as anyone move forward in that process in the application yeah three communities are giving us their claims data um so they're in that process of doing that it's interesting I we're such a our program is designed to have members long term we're an insurance pool we don't want anybody to come to us who's going to be chasing rates we want people that want the high quality health insurance we provide at the reasonable price we provide it so um you know that's a factor claims is less important to us because as you know things change from year to year a town could have a very low claim and say oh you want us in because our claims are low and next year it could be double so I've really tried to discourage our steering committee from looking at claim solely unless there's there there are one or two cases that make it Challenger then you can do What's called the laser but what we're looking for is stability we don't want groups that are going to hear the siren song of lower rates from whatever group saying oh we can get you lower rat for what is really half a year or isn't factoring in all of the cost I can tell you of the few groups that left me not a single one today is providing health insurance cheaper in fact most of them are spending anywhere between 400 or $800 or million dollar more per year to provide the same insurance so they got caught in the hey we'll save money in year one only to see that evaporate in the first six months and now paying astronomically more in fact what's fascinating for me is they can come back and join our group as a Buy in the differential between what they were paying now to what they will pay when they come in can be used to pay in the B that's how big it is uh we just met with Community the differential to them is almost a million dollars amazing so you you recall that one Community where we went up there about maybe six years ago made the pitch and that individual who's no no longer in management up there you know claimed that you know his go alone strategy longterm for that Community was going to be very beneficial to that Community not to say I told you so but we're all performed again there is no doubt that the record would allow you to say I told you so and then one not that we do that but one last you question so with respect to no I just you know you're absolutely correct we don't do it because we benefit from it you know we do it as a service to the communities but my um last question with respect to the buyings is there a minimum amount of buying time so if they're not your policy is don't chase the rate do they when you let them in do they have a minimum amount of time that they have to stay within the group so the short answer is no um we don't require that but they don't get their buying back so we feel comfortable that that will have them stay in very costly to them do that was another the few groups that left right completely ignored that right lost Revenue to that and they're regretting it to this day um but the groups that are looking are clearly going to stay 10 to 15 to 20 years they they're serious about bringing their healthare cost we had we had agre I can't say because they're in discussions but we've had a couple of very good meetings with some groups that haven't been with us and just said boy we wish we'd been with you the last three or four years because they've seen 15% each year for the last three or four years and it's just unsustainable are there any carriers that want to you know be a provider for us now this competition we get we get regularly the good thing about the way we're set up is we got those through our Consulting through the team that we provide through the county and actually they do um and we try to only give the better provid ERS but we get requests I'd say monthly for us to look at different offerings to see what what's what's palatable remember though we have a unique service area it's pretty much the Plymouth County region um and some are better than others there are some service providers that want to be here that don't serve in this year so doesn't make sense and they make promises that I'm sure they would like to St to keep but you know the serviceing Central Mass why do we want them here I will say it was fascinating a few years ago some of the providers for the State wanted to come with us and we felt very uh confident that they would not be a good fit and in fact they have proven to have to consolidate at the state level into other providers but they weren't able to survive on their own so we're very glad we didn't partner with them thank you very good any other questions why do you think this is servicing around again this just something every year that they go out and they search for even Myer or whatever services that are out there I mean because I think we went through this what seven or eight years ago seemed like there was a big talk about you know they had to pull out change and so why is this coming around again yeah I think you see it in the roller postal Coss of health insurance so what happens when rates go up and when they when they go up into the double digits and when that happens for more than two years people begin to say this is untenable and unsustainable the problem for Mayflower seven years ago was we had four years of 0% increase right and after that we had one year where we had to go to 13 14 or 15% one year of increas assuring them we would be back down and unfortunately some of our naysayers used that to say oh they're going up 15% um it wasn't full long term but they were looking at shortterm what we're seeing now is a nationwide increase and people are like how am I goingon to afford this I just tell you every community in this Faceook doesn't just doesn't have a clue in fact right meeting I had 2,000 what are we projecting for health insurance I'm being told by neighboring Community 15% I'm saying well you can put in 10 as a conservative that make our probably gr and say thank you and you know excited them say y he is right they move on and go to the next part of their budget um so that's why it's when rates go up over a period of time pretty high you double dig rates for more than two years people start yeah okay thank you very good A little B longer it's okay treasure O'Brien uh extension report Oli is not in um yeah so go register report Mr Buckley so today I get to follow the good news all good news I have some good news and bad news we need good news good news was for about 20 years I matched in multiple fron parades every parade I walked in someone commented on the north side of our building in Brockton and it's thanks to Frank's work and you vote tonight that should be solved so thank you for that um a little bit of concerning news this is the first time in my 24 years that we actually had to shut down register land department and always sent pictas out to Frank and Jared um we had had we're low staff we have vacancies we had a person called in sick and one person was left she voluntarily worked through her breaks but um it took her in her required lunch so we had to put up a sign and people had to wait for her to come back um and it's an overall concern that I've been sharing for many many months kind of like a broken record but I'm looking forward to the day when we can just run on the budget that we negotiated commission is voting The Advisory Board approves so I'm hoping that they comes soon because it's very hard to run the registry the way we're doing it where I'm sorry go ahead commissioner right um where was that that you had to shut down reg land Department right over here it's only one Department not of the end satellites satellites only do record Custom Service okay and but they've been closed for lunch for for a long time um we lost people there but that's more manageable than cling people expect to go to w when they walk and they you know time it and had to time it based upon lunch have always been able to come in to record and customers service and um reges land so um um just want to highlight my concern of operation and hope we can deal with that going forward okay any other questions Comm Hanley um Mr Buckley with respect to um your operation we the revenue side of things did we come in uh this month I I wasn't I didn't get that infoe every month I said last you might not have been here he was as I said last every a month for the first uh four months of the year we've been overestimate sometimes slightly sometime more but clearly meeting our cers okay and then so the end of the first quarter you've absorbed the vacancy rate and now you've got breakage in your line additional Revenue with respect back to the fees that you gonner from the area where the state doesn't State charge what a dollar or something like that but has allowed for you as your individual registry to charge higher fees what is the income on that uh depends upon the year sometimes it's been over a million dollars probably trending at about 600 700,000 okay so when you have vacancies in your department do you to cover those no that's included in the county budget Revenue so it has to be authorized you know the hiring phrase that's in that's in place right now um has frozen all our agencies it's not a fund I can go to fund on my own no but I'm saying that if you have a shortage of Manpower are you able to CH charge those fees are you able to process the request of someone uh to do that and if there's not enough people at the cter do people just walk away from paying those fees and make their C people will will wait angrily sometimes but they'll wait um people expect unlike the registry motor vehicles expect in our operation to come and then get service and go back to work and and and believe it 80% of our documents come in over the internet and each document that comes in has to be reviewed in the same manner as as somebody coming in over counter but um um recorded site has not been an issue of our couple build a couple positions that were vacated in indexing and that is not as much an issue our customer service department is short Personnel vacancies and now land Court vacancies with another one leaving this week is coming a major problem Mr chairman I don't have that fund that I can just go and take and build on my own Mr chairman could you just remind me our hiring frees was for all departments within the county correct correct therefore Mr chairman I would say that I believe we are ahead of the numbers and I would make a a motion to resend the temporary hiring free only for the registry of deeds if there is a concern on on other departments I know I don't know who would have the answer to that are there other departments that are overspending or are uh we have issues in I don't know the answer to the question that's why I'm asking that's why specifically in this instance Mr chairman with respect to the registry I first can resum thaty I first I have some questions um but the motion is out of order is that it's not a duly noticed item on the agenda so uh the motion is ruled out of order I can't make a mo chairman uh not on an item that is not duly noticed on the agenda there is no discussion Point uh relative to the hiring freeze on our agenda um So within recorded that department um have there been any promotions within those departments uh since the hiring freeze because while the freeze certainly is applied to new hires uh I know we've processed some promotions and I guess this drives to the question if we're concerned about uh folks that are on the customer facing folks have has anybody been promoted out of the customer facing positions the problem into back of could have been okay the problem with thetion why we haven't done a lot of it is when you have a promotion with iron fleas you still have a vacancy right and people have people to do and I only ask because I do recall processing I think several promotions maybe I shouldn't say several that might sound a little hyperbolic on my my part um but I do recall that we processed promotions and one of the promises I I made to you and and to the treasurers I'm not in any way looking to micromanage you the Departments the people elect you to run your departments um just as we're we're elected by the same folks but that being said um I'm cognizant of your concern I would know in years past I've had plenty of positions where I've been in management and I've had to to um fill a gap fill a hole if it's necessary and um while I'm cognizant of the fact that we are over projection right now which is great and nothing is hard and fast and I'm certainly willing to review um we're over projection in the better months of real estate what will our projections and revenue come in December January February and March I would personally feel more comfortable getting through the winter uh again knowing what inventory looks like out there uh some towns still only have one two three listings total so um I'm cognizant that we're over I'm cognizant of your concerns I appreciate you keeping me appraise to them and feel free to obviously keep the full board appraised as well um I'm still of the opinion that I think it would behoove us to continue to see how our Revenue comes in and uh especially given we're entering the winter months which we know will be leaner months for for Revenue yeah in regards to projections we work with the treasurer's office every year and do an estimate which is different for every month based upon your con concern uh and clearly um January February a slower months there also slow smaller restaurants true so um you know I my point is that um we're coming up on year and a half it'll be a year in December a year full year two two different budgets and it's really affecting that's my my point understood it has to be an end in sight and I'm not sure what that end is understood and and we have if I recall we did Grant uh one and a half positions um couple of months ago so again this is not uh something that is Ironclad um but your concerns are raised I guess the last question I have is how many uh customers were waiting or delayed today two two okay that's two people who never experien that no and I and I don't disagree it was just they shouldn't have to experience that and uh ultimately was were the fees collected oh yeah they record the documents okay and and I don't know how many people were waiting in the queue electronic recording I I don't track that number without further um investigation okay it could have been 100 in the que for all I know it could be three right okay Mr chairman May uh commissioner Handley you put on for the next meeting a vote as to whether or not to resend the hiring frees um for public discussion so it properly noticed so we can have the discussion so uh vote could be taken you know and in support of that you know we've had for the whole since the July what were we 15 days into the budget when we made that motion and with due concern over Revenue but you absorbed one quarter's worth of um employees not filling positions so that means that money for one quarter if there were four positions that would equal one FTE for the whole year right is that an a good analysis so at the the very least we should be giving him what he wants with respect to that the other thing is I question and I'd asked that shann and Resnik be here to determine whether or not lawfully we can go against uh a budget that advisory authorized we don't have the conditions we had in December a year ago which I agree that that hiring fees because we were 900,000 projected to be in the hole now we're trending out to at least break even from the additional resources that have been brought in through you know his ability to do it remember it's a revenue generating body and if you have disgruntled employ um um sorry patrons or customers you know that causes a problem and now when I I appreciate your pre comment about when you were asked in the previous um position to absorb or pick up the slack and in you know the missing people you know I don't know if the Unions would see things that way that you're adding it additional responsibilities and creating these potential hardships and potential grievances by not fully funding I just wonder what the legal ramifications would be want to ask that Chen and be here to address those questions and if I need to be more specific in terms of what needs to be published I don't think I have to but that's your discretion Mr chairman I just thought that it would be appropriate but if I'm ruled out of order I understand it wasn't on the agenda so if I have to be more specific on that request you can request any agenda item you like and it's of course the discretion of the chair and I will um when we Frank and I discuss the next agenda I will uh decide whether to place that on or not yeah I don't want to believe with point but I do get constant complaints from our employees about the difficulty in doing the job with short staff and people get case many people work for many years they get five weeks vacation they get personal time they get sick time and um if everyone worked every day all year round without breaks would be fine but that isn't how government works right any business right we don't want any workplace like that all right I'll continue to p with you Mr chairman and treasure let's see where we go yes all right thank you Mr Bley I have something to say so the thing that frustrates me Mr Buckley is you know you had mentioned the registry of deed I mean the um Registry of Motor Vehicles nobody has more customers and uh more flow of people through the registry of motor vehicles and you've never ever seen one Department shut down and if it was then other people stepped in and filled it different app surrounders yeah and I don't understand why you know if you have two only two people waiting uh to be waited on and you have numerous other people there that somebody can't step in because the the employees that work the counter at the registry of motor vehicles are doing the same job the same way no they're not well in our case no they're not well in our case um L is a different world in recorded land you can't just flip somebody from recorded land over the lanord to record they're totally different skills totally different practices different rules that's that's why the registered motor vehicles has many many different things that they deal with you know whether it's registrations whether it's licenses whether it's tickets whether it's you know uh whatever they have a whole lot more and I've never take back my criticism well I and I appreciate they have to I think most would agree Mr but um I I just don't understand how you know the the and to me it just shows that you know there needs to be no I'm not going to say it never mind Mr a followup question if I may just uh because um Madam um excuse mad Miss right uh brought the question up so similar to the registry where they have job descriptions if you have a vacancy and there's a person that is a principal clerk say and you have a vacancy in a higher classification to cover that position do you have to pay out a grade to do that so the Lesser person entry level principal clerk is covering for a vacancy at a window is there a a Frank would you know answer to that there are five days by which um somebody is vacant um we appoint a person to act as the office manager if I'm a manager uh that is the only way happens we can't just promote somebody in leave V I'm not saying promotion I'm saying coverage for the day so if you have an entrylevel person you just hired with them the last year and someone with 25 years experience in a different part of your operation is a critical pathway for revenue or Pro process how do you fill that does management come down position cross train for example our records if there's a backup in indexing the backup project is to is to index um Le Court's a total different world it's run by all the rules set by the judges in Boston it's totally different than Rec we so we can't take a clerk from customer service which is vacant have vacancies and move it into Lan court because they're absolutely uh takes years to be trained is I thought that we I'm sorry no that's okay is there anything and Frank or John can answer is there anything in the contract that precludes management uh whether it be yourself or your assistant um from backfilling any of these positions should these instances arise but I'm not sure what you're asking well I guess to put it more simply is there anything that would have prevented you or Mr Mr White from being behind the counter in the Union contract during that hour probably not okay because I I do know operation Administration cover um lunch hours just to have a person there but not not to that is not trained in doing when court right certificates all that how long would that be for I mean it's not a long time they might be there for maybe 152 maybe a half hour they wouldn't be able to do the job would be able do the but I thought we cross trained everybody to I didn't say that I said quarters are cross train index we don't have the staff to move out customer service anywhere because we're down to three people my my question was more specific to Mr Buckley and Mr White himself right um themselves again in positions where I've been a department manager or department head I I mean I know Frank has stepped in you know Jeff has sat in the parking department when there's been been yeah gaps there as well so totally different yeah it would be have to be expressed in CBA though for that to be well I I are you aware that yeah so that was going to answer so um part of Management's right is to manage the department Department as long as it's a short term not taking Union work roles away uh that's part of our jurisdiction to do that right so in the instance of today was was there just an unavailability of those in the administration or management to have potentially covered that hour totally not trained in that okay so that would be applicable to you and your deputy and others in the administration okay um for to sit there and just say you have to wait no I know you can do that but for the two customers that were there so you're saying that that two customers plus whoever was in the was in the in the queue online and and look as a working real estate professional I have had the privilege of dealing with multiple Registries and I don't say this to be factious plymouths is one of the best at getting those things done and recorded in a timely manner but so my my question is and I guess it's just for the edification as I try and look at the organization wholesale again pointing to the example of the treasurer's office if if uh the two employees in that office are out Mr Welch will sit and do that position uh Mr bazer has expressed when uh Tammy is out he has processed payroll so I guess my question is right so when there are gaps whether it be in recordered land or anywhere in your operation I gu guess what you're telling me right now is neither you nor your Deputy are recorders are records and you're not trained and capable of filling in should a situation like today arise Absol never have been okay or as any of my okay nor of any of my colleagues okay so if I may um are there any of these departments that we can Outsource I know we had talked in years is before I'm G kind rule that question out of order just because that could start getting into the idea of bargaining um I don't want to okay have a conversation in which we would I mean I was just using as an example you know like what what we had said years ago with it but um you know that's maybe something to think about right one a supplemental request M Jim and with respect it being an agenda item if we are going forward at the next meeting at your uh could we also have the treasure report on the other dep departments within the county that are either onp behind or ahead of uh projections and costs associated with it because I understand the hiring fees I understand why and how we need to do it but I think to limit the revenue producing um requests for additional labor I would like to know if we have deficits in the other department so and I don't want to go again too far a field but the the only answer to that I would offer is the registry of deeds will collect what the registry collects because whether I like it or not as a real estate professional it has to be recorded the Commonwealth sets the fee rate um to be blunt whether one person is working there a hundred people are working there or a thousand people are working there the revenue will be the same there's I I am obligated I can't it's not like the Mass Pike where I can decide to take a surface Road and avoid paying the toll if I transact real estate in Plymouth County or any County in the Commonwealth it has to be recorded respect five we we we we add additional Revenue to the county that the state Registries do not add to state government they charge nothing for online service we produce around $600,000 treasuring could probably give you a breakdown I can give you a breakdown over the last five years so that is not an accurate statement understood so so the convenience of online recording has generated some Revenue um significant well significant fine but my point is if we eliminate it which we're not talking about doing but if we eliminated online recording the revenue is still going to come into the registry right irrespective of the number of people that are there that's not true how can it not be because people wouldn't be paying for that service but they would still have to the rec fees are going to be the same but the amount of Revenue to the county is absolutely not the same in suff where it'll it'll charge for online recording we online research we do that's a totally different lineer through you Mr chairman so though under that scenario then if those people that are processing those requests need to be reallocated within your operation and say you just did away with online research okay that would that person that body which you apparently have cross trained to cover other parts of your operation if you would have forsake that then that Revenue goes away yeah in sou that Revenue has always gone into the county budget um other counties Bristol County and nor County been able to keep their online money separate for the registry it's amazing to me that in Massachusetts there is one set of rules written in the budget but different counties run their Registries in their funding in different ways correct me if I'm wrong on that statement but the county of Plymouth absorbs the health insurance cost so that's not in your budget per se whereas in nor Bristol it is in theirs right fly what I'm saying is okay budget LW is the same do it different got it that's all all right thank you very much thank you well and then we'll continue to conversation so with just a clarification shman the additional request was to see operationally if any other department is on budget under budget over budget yeah I mean I'm happy to have that conversation again I think what we're looking at now is wholesale some of the things that the county may want to do and um we will continue to have the conversation but as it stands right now there's a freeze in place I understand Mr Buckley's concerns we've been having conversations we will continue to have the conversations uh and we will as I've said all along come up with the plan that is in the best interest of the county as a whole as well as his department but others but to be frank about it and I do want to move on because we're getting a little a field of the's report but guess question is the flam isign because of budget issues which is correct yeah yeah that are County that is countywide and it is countywide and as it should be and again we've addressed individual concerns as they've come forward but as I've said all along I think everybody top to bottom in the county uh Works incredibly hard and I think everybody in every Department could use I'm sure if we had uh Frank in the maintenance report I'm sure he could offer a significant number of uh needs that the maintenance department needs I'm sure the treasurer could offer needs in his Department as well so the the county as a whole as an operation is not without their needs and um we've heard Mr Buckley we'll continue to have the conversation yeah why the negotiated voting budget by the commissioner and the report is is all I'm asking I'm not asking for any additional needs just the budget that we worked out and approved okay that's not everyone is we all could do additional requests that's why we have a budget right okay all right just for clarification my request Mr chairman is to get a report from the treasurer on the performance of all departments sure would help us make an informed decision but also to see what is the health of the county departments where are we and is there any problem with disclosing that or having a done if the treasurer can produce that in the midst the treasurer in the OFA now we are inundated with arpa um but we'll we'll do our best to give you what you're looking for doing perhaps not quite as detailed report as you want more of a general overview yeah I don't possibly see how we can get them to do that b while these checks are still going out it all you got to do is compare it to what you're processing in Pay there is I will say we're not going to because there's no revenue generated by most departments in fact I understand that I would argue it's not a revenue generating operation I will show you who's within their budget and who isn't that's all I want all right so with respect to people who are out on injury we have people that uh were not accounted for in our budgeting process that would now back filling a time and a half to cover positions that are long-term disabled or whatever the case may be just as an example so that's all I want it's just and there's no honestly there's no conspiracy here I just want to know where are were Year date and now we necessarily in a hiring phas I think when it was made there was a lot of questions a lot of things have happened in the last five and a half months so all I'm asking for is give me an update on where we are financially sure all right my department maintenance and administrators report Mr Basler uh thank you very much uh we uh Doug and the team uh in our team have a lot of projects going on at the P houses and and our buildings register Buckley referenced uh of course and and Dev voted on uh all the work that's being done at 32 uh 32 Belmont Street uh we have snowplowing contracts that are uh in negotiations along with weam uh dist Court a new generator and heating upgrades Brockton Superior we're working on the chiller replacement and hangam uh we're working on heat upgrades after a bunch of cosmetic painting and repairs so things are looking great uh the buildings themselves are looking phenomenal uh and uh we continue when Doug continues to do an amazing job with his team uh as far as the administrator's report um I did want bring up the fact that the M MMA uh schedule is out uh there's a new name for the uh annual meeting trade show it's called connect 351 it's actually moved from Back Bay to the seport area uh and uh this year it's at BCC uh the uh convention center it's uh January 23rd to January 25th we have about uh a month to get tickets so if you can check your uh schedules uh the county does uh pay because of the great uh education programs and um networking opportunities does pay for the Commissioners opportunity if they want to attend uh that uh the convention um so that's us January 23rd through January 25th uh just let me know uh if you'd like to do that uh we are working on the schedule of the squaring in uh for the Commissioners and the register on January 2nd I just need to work with uh each of you to fulfill your uh desires on that and uh um we're still got a ton going on with burn grants uh Courthouse rent report uh is now uh coming up uh and um uh all these procurements have been taken out lot of time but we're getting good results so that's makes us very happy I do want to thank Nancy and Senator o Conor's office on uh they work for my uh side of the swearing in thank you for that um any questions for Mr Basler the only thing as it relates to MMA um I know we've covered the registration we'll continue to cover the registration um I don't I haven't gone I it's not something that particularly interests me if I'm being honest um I know in the past that we potentially covered Hotel um given again that we have a highing freeze and we're trying to be cognizant I I would suggest that that not be a part of uh what the county pays but certainly covering the registration but that'll leave that to the pleasure of the board um are we getting a far from the agenda Mr jman MMA conference is on there and certainly we can put uh a formal vote on the hotel um however MMA conference is noticed under the administrator's report so but I would say there is no urgency either and we can certainly put a specific vote on the hotel and registration going forward on the next agenda I think the one that benefits most for it is uh Mr Basler uh I would you know feel strongly in paying for whatever he needed to be able to go there and uh because it only help us he brings back a lot of information uh as far as anything else I think you know that should be um probably out of pocket for any one of us but um yeah stay overnight you know I I do attend the sessions because I think the sessions are critical learning so I I think that's important for us yeah once sessions come out we'll see where the needs are and how that D tails with what we do right um hearing from DLS hearing directly from the governor about some of the topics of discussion um is important so I do attend uh you know education sessions and the trade show which actually have saved us a lot of money um in the past uh for some ideas like LED street lights and other things like that um but uh it's only for the uh the um actual registration fee right okay um all right that'll entertain a motion to adjourn Mr chairman just Personal Privilege U my apologies at the last meeting uh wasn't able to attend due to the fact that I was being honored by quinsey college for 12 years of service I did come in uh earlier that day to sign all my requisite paperwork I had uh reported to both the treasurer to the administrator into yourself that I wouldn't be there and I was just curious and I want to thank um selectman nyman for campaigning on the need to have uh open and transparent meetings I was a little taken back by the fact that uh I was questioned as to where I was when I think pretty much everyone in the room knew where I was and the response was less than question you did no I didn't okay so the beauty of transparency is that we can Replay that so I just that was a moment of personal privilege and secondly Miss chairman I would like you if you wouldn't mind putting new business forward um the register deeds and I traveled uh over to Ireland we have a report to make I've asked for access to the agenda since September 28th and have yet to receive it we have some important news to share with the county on opportunities um if you if you weren't aware of it and I think you may be that back to back years two representatives from Plymouth County were recognized by the Republic of Island and the north of Island Island for economic development awards for our Outreach and our creation of the sister County program we have information to share about our trip in the area of uh battery storage in the area of desalinization in the area of wind and solar that we were sent over on a mission to um you know bring economies to scale to both sides and uh I just want to recognize uh register buck for his Excellence with respect to being recognized by uh a foreign government in cooperation with our government so you know when and if we can get access to the agenda I would appreciate on the new business that you restore that and under uh items that specifically we need your approval for I'm stating them publicly now so that I will just I'll just remind commissioner Hanley that we had commissioner new business on the agenda uh is my the open meeting law that those items as well as open forums are generally frown upon due to the lack of notice that could occur given the comments that were made as commissioner's new business was uh continued uh through the summer as through the last year uh it was my judgment and my discre in consultation with others uh that commissioner's new business was being stretched to begin to include items that weren't and should be properly noticed on the agenda as it relates to Ireland I received your request and uh will uh further consider placing it on a future agenda okay and just in answer to that question Mr chairman you you said as long as we're not deliberative if per your instructions per your policy if we introduce it at a meeting to be requested that's all new business would be it's you can't we can't vote on new business there's no transparency issues it's bringing it up for your approval for the board's approval to put it on for the next meeting putting the public on notice that we have information Shar and we're requesting through the process of new business that it be publicly stated that we'd like it on the agenda and for whatever reason it was well within your discretion to make those decisions then at least the the record reflects the request that's all and there it is all right with that I'll entertain a motion to adjourn motion commissioner right