##VIDEO ID:uNXkpIyyBL8## right [Music] got to mute that TV bead you got to mute the TV or we're going to hear ourselves echoing and that's not going to be fun that TV you the TV we're g hear ourselves call this meeting to order we'll have uh Miss AIA from l lead us in the pledge how's that sound I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation of God indivisible liberty and justice for all that's a risk you run coming you know when we get visiters I like to put them on the spot to lead us in the pledge uh please be advised this meeting is being recorded uh on YouTube live and is distributed to the peg access channels of of the member communities for potential rebroadcast first item on the agenda are minutes do I have a motion I'd like to make a motion to accept November 21st 2024 and December 4 2024 minutes motion commissioner right second commissioner Valen all in favor I I motion to vote and accept in payroll vendor vouches uh just vendor sorry uh that's a motion and I second all in favor I I uh vote to accept and uh approved payroll VES second commissioner Valen all in favor I I motion to vote and approve additional vehicle for uh current PC vehicle bid for Colonial Chevrolet is that what I'm going to read now yes pleas um that's the uh one with the price single okay thank you you okay voted to approve the in addition and pricing of the following vehicle manufactured by chevr Chet Motor Company for the current uh Plymouth County Municipal vehicle bid a Chevrolet number 2023-2024 7,805 second all in favor I it's unanimous okay vote to approve changes for accessory pricing for car and PC vehicle bid for Liberty Chevrolet okay voted to approve an increase in in contract pricing for accessories for emergency equipment for the 2025 model year for vehicles is listed on page 2 through 51 and manufactured by the Chevrolet motor company in the current Plymouth County Municipal vehicle bid Chevrolet number 20 23-26 uh to Liberty Chevrolet Inc 90 Bay State Road Wakefield Mass for attached documentation the requested increases are uh allowable under the terms of the bid specifications commissioner right second commissioner Valena all in favor hi that's unanimous arpa treasur O'Brien chair I just want to give you the update that you're always looking for once you approve the up applications in front of you you will have distributed and then I say this slow I know commission WR write it down write down this number commissioner Valena does too exactly 92 million 264,000 you're welcome I'm also pleased to report that the total administrative cost of this program so far to date has been 752 35715 Which is less than 1% 8% uh the lowest that I can find on record I did a quick search throughout the week to see other governmental entities again we had this most the 5 to 7% range I couldn't find a single one that was under 1% now remember we are anticipating some heav C during the tail end of this is our communities submit a lot of applications our goal is to keep it around the one one and a half% but again that'll be uh some of the lowest in the entire country what that does of course is leave more money for our communities and you folks have been very adant about that and I just again want to compliment our team uh for making that happen by working diligently and and processing as much of this as we can internally uh with that said you have if there are any questions you have 16 votes to uh get through so we can continue to give money out to our member communities any questions no I think it's great thank you thank you been a great program yeah and if you want I'll read them since I know you have feelings if not I can I can read I can do it okay and this will make it easy for minutes Frank because it'll be me doing all of them presuming of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality referen below the Plymouth County Commission is Grant dispersement of funds hel administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follow town of Abington $ 51,8 65 all in favor fiveing of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality referen below the Plymouth County Commission is Grant dispersement of funds hel administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows city of Brockton 70,000 $ 4489 second all in favor presuming of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality referenc below the Plymouth County Commission has granted dispersement of funell and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of tuxbury $96,900 second all in favor pursuing of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipali reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds hel and administer through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of East Bridgewater $3,255 second all in favor pursuing of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Pou County and the municipal reference municipality reference below Plymouth County Commission has granted first of funds heeld and administ through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of East bridgew $1 35732 second all in favor pursuant of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between pouth County and the municipality referen below the pouth County Commission has grantman of funds hel on administer through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of East Bridgewater 31228 A45 second all in favor pursuing of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue planet and the grant agreement between pouth County and municipality reference below the pouth County Commission is going dispersement of funds hel and administer through the pouth county Opera program as follows town of Halifax 40,000 $ 22356 second all in favor pursuing of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the P County Commission has granted firstman of funds hel administered through the P County oper program as follows town of Halifax $ 5285 21 second all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commission has Grant dispersement of funds hel and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of Halifax 28,500 second all in favor I pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue planet and the grant agreement between Pou County and municipality reference below the POU County Commissioner is Grant firstman of funds held administered through the P County Opera program as follows town of Handover $14,597 second all in favor hi pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue planet and the grant agreement between PMA County and the municipality reference below the PMA County Commission has granted SP of fun hel administer through the pouth county Opera program as follows town of hangam $2,552 72 32 cents second all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County the municipality reference below the P County Commissioners granted first of funds H administer through the P County Opera program as follows town of Maran $375 71 second all in favor all right pursuing of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue planet and the grant agreement between pouth County and the municipality reference below the pouth County Commission has Grant dispersement of funds hel administer through the pth county Opera program as follows town of middle borrow 338,000 second all in favor pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Mexican Planet the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality res below the Plymouth County Commission is Grant dispersment of funds hel administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of middle borrow 1, 15,624 second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions of the marican rce be planet and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commission is going to dispersement of funds H administer through the pouth county Opera program as follows town of plon $66,000 all in favor I pursuing of the terms and conditions of the American Rescue planet and the grant agreement between pouth County and the municipality referenc below pouth County commissions Grant dispersement of fun administered through the plon county Opera program as follows town of plon 9,675 all in favor pursuing of the terms and conditions the American R Planet the Plymouth County Commission has Grant his first funds hell administered through the Plymouth County oper program as follows payment to cbiz Inc $3,663 for administrative support Second all in favor I that's unanimous thank you commissioner B you're very welcome commissioner and completly as a result of that 13 of the 27 communities will have received their entire allocation very nice today's date very good thank you Treasurer O'Brien okay with that I will entertain a motion to recess until the Plymouth County Advisory board meeting second motion by myself second by commissioner right all in favor I still let me forget to formally adjourn us later later everybody's early tonight I know it's on the um