##VIDEO ID:vEh52DYACmE## maybe when you called her boss we didn't get the announcement yet we're on we're now live streaming anybody watching no that yeah yeah and now we are recording another minute two I know put my clock isow tomorrow th this meeing to order I pledge Ali to the flag of the United States of America and to the rep for it stands one nation God indivisible and justice for all remain standing for a moment of silence for Miss Deborah Swanson the former for H director for the county of Plymouth thank you okay first item on the agenda vote to accept and approv CPS form La green B for registry Deeds FMLA request so mov motion commissioner right second commissioner Valena all in favor I Hara Treasurer O'Brien arer arper harer thank you uh m Mr chairman to let folk know we come to the final day and Final hours uh it is very clear that the P County offer program has been one of the best in the country I had some conversations with n earlier today where we're still learning of individual communities and states that are scrambling at the last minute to get out as much as 20 or 30 or 50% of the money it's also clear that a lot will be going back to the US surgery but pursuant to your mandate uh I can represent today that not a single penny of the money that under the program will be returned to the US Treasury and that's the work of a lot of folks uh I know that you've heard of the task that was before us and have committed that this will be the last time that we make that representation um but it was y's effort by a lot of people from a lot of offices my office the Commissioner's Office uh and others that particip in including the team that we brought on to help with Administration so once you take your votes today you will have put and I know you like this number so I'll say it slowly and give you a chance to to write it on 99 mil 38,2 1834 thank you your original allocation was 101237 7 378 that still leaves you 2,999 however I can also tell you that pursu rules and guidelines issued by we have overallocated the program and will in fact have enough applications to utilize every single one of the dollars that were provided to the county through the US treas um the other bit of information I know we've sced about this uh but it has been the success that we've had here in the program in keeping our administrative cost down at the beginning of the program we were told that around the country they were allocating anywhere between 5 to 7% of administrative costs we knew we would have biger cost of head of cares but you folks test us with doing it at about two and a half% and so we allocated that amount uh to administer this program it is clear now that our admin on this program will be around 1% and that's a real to eff collaboration we had with the other counties I was on a call with the other counties as well uh they are grateful for the partnership with P County thank the Commissioners uh for their leadership uh and for their recognition that the Count's doing these things uh is a better way to get resources back to our individual communities other than that you should have at least to go through today and then I will be available if you have any questions we finalize this program about what happened during okay pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referen below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds and administration through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of Duxbury 116 , 358.50 second all in favor I I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue act PL um plan Act and the uh Grant between Plymouth County and and municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersment of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Duxbury 119 19,1 19 uh and 13 cents second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of Duxbury 37,200 second all in favor I pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County in the municipality referen below Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of Duxbury 46,49 second all in favor pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referen below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds um held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Duxbury 41,8 2154 second all in favor person to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality referenc below Plymouth County Commission is Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Duxbury and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows town of Kingston $52,900 72 second all in favor I I pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County in the municipality referenc below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows County of Plymouth $498,900 all in favor purum to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between the Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows County of Plymouth $429,500 Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows Plymouth County of Plymouth $38,600 second all in favor I pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan and the grant between um agreement between the Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersements of funds held in administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows County of Plymouth 28,3 9166 second all in favor I puru to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows County of Plymouth 46,0 second all in favor before you ask question yes that first one I it my number the first one yes please 308 one before that uh $429,500 I can go gra thater we'll just double check I'm glad you check it as I read them God knows what I could say I could give out millions that on our mou last night no we have a contct I just going to make sure it's the right number okay I can go check in my office too 48,8 79 I have Frank just very slightly okay yeah 498879 is correct okay I don't know that yeah I know I know I know where it came from okay that yeah so so that is the correct number the application corre thank you for double okay thank you okay um you did yeah you did as a reminder we have we have to report quarterly the next big report is going to be due uh 31st and then after that just because you've distributed $99 million doesn't mean the uh I would estimate and we get our lastek waser I would estimate that about 60% spend so we have to monitor theit they spend it as they said they were going to spend it and we have an administrative that monitoring so that is complet any comments no oh I just want to thank the treasurer and Frank and uh the treasurer staff as well as CLA this program um was certainly a incredible undertaking one of which I think uh most folks some on the receiving end and others um don't fully appreciate uh not only what this undertaking was but to have been able to once again pull it off for 1% which has meant millions of more dollars for the member communities uh and has enabled the county to be able to do uh so many things uh as we discussed a few weeks ago at our previous meeting relative to earning $6 million of Interest we've been able to air down our retirement liability off the interest but on top of that improvements in this building and improvements in other um County offices but of course when you drive around the county as I do often enough we look at some of the projects that are occurring and realizing that a lot of those projects maybe would have been delayed or may not have been able to have happened without These funds um and without the expertise of the treasurer and his staff I know mine personally is always going to be um the home of the housing project father bills um why am I blanking on the correct time a father bills in Brockton that um that housing uh transitional housing center there we go that we were able to contribute a portion of this money towards and again so many other great causes from Hal to matap poiset so uh job well done to everyone involved everyone in our office in this building the treasurer uh the administrator uh this was not easy um and I know there's still work to be done thankfully we've gotten through the uh bulk of it and we're here on New Year's Eve to make sure we got every last penny allocated out the door and once again again I think pouth county has proven itself worthy um and should be held up against any other government entity in the country when it comes to managing These funds so we thank you thank you very much I will say that we had a flood of uh emails coming in thanking the Commissioners and the team for the administration of Raa we sent out a notice because we approved some applications that were above uh the amount and we noticed to the towns that that would depend on available resources but uniformly they came back and said thank you I meant to actually bring one from Bridgewater which was very complimentary to your efforts so maybe I'll read that in a later time I left it over on my desk but everyone really appreciated the assistance administratively and uh financially great uh Frank anything to add or uh no sir okay um I know that there was anou relative to one of the allocations did we want to do that now thank you no so uh commissioner Hanley has been working as part of a subcommittee with the treasurer and myself uh with fire chief the Plymouth County Fire Chiefs and he asked um is put this together uh stating that the memorandum of understanding between Plymouth County and the Plymouth County Fire Chiefs Association uh we are going to be working with the fire chiefs to uh to complete this uh the American Rescue plan Act is a comprehensive of economic stimulus package passed by the United States Congress in March 2021 in response to covid-19 pandemic Opa provides a unique opportunity for State count and local governments to make strategic investments in longlived assets the package includes measures to provide Financial relief to individuals fam businesses and local governments affected by the pandemic eligible instances of Public Health response to the covid-19 emergency include new Public Communication and and investment inal expenditures including property facilities and Equipment as allowable under this category the county of Plymouth has administrative Agency for the Plymouth County Opera funds which in a collaborative effort to benefit the inhabitants of the county of Plymouth agreed to utilize $498,900 will improve Mutual Aid Communications within clouth County as First Responders it is critical that the communication between all fire departments within the county stay open during major events this system upgrade is critical to preparedness in order to better respond in major emergencies such as the next pandemic natural catastrophes like water uh Wildfire earthquakes and floods and global warming Co cause storms the funds requested will be used for purposes of upgrading communic ation equipment on 12 repeating towers by purchasing equipment is detailed on thepage addendum contract for goods and services further the pth County Fire Chiefs Association agrees to discuss and assess alternatives to create a pilot program for emergency communications in e911 for Plymouth County Andor sections thereof a working group will be created to study and analyze the current state of commun communications and to investigate options that can create added value or cost savings for all participated communities thank you very good do we have a motion motion so moved second all in favor I I very good uh is there anything else see I I will entertain a motion to adourn motion so move moot commissioner right commissiona all in favor I thank you everyone and happy New Year Happy New Year to you heal C