##VIDEO ID:xtOEtJbopv4## United States one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for allk you please be advised this meeting is being live streamed on Facebook and recorded for potential rebroadcast uh on local access channels YouTube what did I say youbook I said Facebook YouTube thank you it's somewhere on if they watching it they know yeah if you're watching live you know where you are all right uh first item is minutes I will make a motion to accept October 24 24 uh minutes second all in favor I I make a motion to vote and accept and approve CPS forms stia Quinn promotion to payroll clerk accounts payable 23 uh one and Sarah STI promotion to uh insurance benefits coordinator 21-1 second all in favor make a motion to vote and accept and approve vendor vouches second all in favor motion to vote and accept and approve payroll vouches second all in favor uh motion uh for the Plymouth County heating fuel oil bid award and fuel oil contract that's a longer one you're not getting off that easy commissioner right I guess I have to be Greg tonight huh yes you probably don't have does she have to read I don't the uh not all the numbers down below just the top part the names got it and um each of the names yeah okay it's been awarded to all those and a regular meeting of the County Commission is holding at uh Plymouth on the 7th Day of November 2024 voted that the county award bids for the purchase of number two fuel oil for the county of Plymouth and various political subdivisions there thereof for the period from December 1 2024 to November 30 2025 uh to the following Deany energy Inc 177 Wells Avenue Newton Mass uh Global Montello group cor uh 800 sou Street sweet 500 walam n and brothers petroleum Inc 415 West Street West Bridgewater Mass uh Petroleum Traders Corp po Fox 2357 Fort Wayne Indiana Spray operating Resources LLC 185 International Drive Portsmith New Hampshire G Williams and Suns Inc dbaa Williams energy 39 Adam Street FR tree Mass second all in favor hi unanimous update on land Court registered land action for 44 to 74 oy Street excuse me Sor second part to the that's our contract with the winning bidder for the county for Brockton Superior Courthouse fuel uh heating fuel okay Plymouth County Commission is here by accept the Plymouth County number two heating fuel bid of October 29 2024 and enter into a contract with no and brothers petroleum Inc 4115 West Street Westbridge Water Mass for the Furnishing Furnishing of certain Plymouth County buildings with fuel oil in accordance with specifications in of October 29 2024 the period from December 1 2024 to November 30 2025 as follows the number one fuel oil at 100% of the increase decrease over the base price for the Providence low of 26646 cents per gallon is shown in the opis Publications uh on Monday March 25th 2024 plus uh 0.097 cents for the operating expense and profit to be delivered to the following building on as needed basis uh Plymouth County super Courthouse 72 Belmont Street Brockton Mass second all in favor okay now to update on land Court registered land action for 44 to 74 oy Street Plymouth uh yes chair um so uh you may recall uh about uh two years ago uh or so Shannon Resnik our attorney uh was directed by the Commissioners to uh work on uh bringing the pel of land uh from 44 to 74 uh land oy Street out of land Court uh registered land and um and then having it uh become recorded land you started the process with landan court and there's a letter in front of you that uh has approved that uh granted that request uh discussed with the register and we need to have that recorded uh with your approval I will work with in we'll get that recorded and uh we'll that uh this action will be behind us perfect and so just for to refresh my memory we are splitting these Parcels up that would be the farm the registry no sorry so it Still Remains one piece of land it just goes from uh land Court governed land to recorded Court uh to recorded land um that the red can can details about about it it basically what it does is it allows when the Commissioners if the Commissioners and when want to do something with the land it's a lot easier to work with recorded land than it is uh land Court land it could take several years to get something approved through land for it this happened to be fairly quick and we were looking at a two-year turn around so uh it just gives a little more flexibility to the Commissioners that's good I that was enough yeah all right that's good thank you uh vote to award 32 Belmont Street Brockton Roofing replacement project right so we did um as you know in preparation as one of our Opera projects we're working on 32 Belmont Street uh renovation uh the first uh I uh um invitation for bid ifb that went out was for roof so the project uh the big project will be uh uh renovate the roof with a brand new roof fix the facade and new windows and doors uh looking at a brand new HVAC and then uh selective demolition within the building to ready it for a uh a tenant um this is the first portion of that project we broke these portion these projects into pieces because we weren't sure and aren't sure about the funding until we get um until we know exactly how much Opa funds we have so that's why we broke it into a couple pieces so we can pick and choose which we want starting at the roof then going to the outside making sure that the uh building is completely weather tight uh these will be 30 uh plus year um Renovations that'll be good for that long uh really sets the the county up in a good position with this building it also takes care of the registry of deeds local office and Brockton um these were the uh the bids um we ended up getting nine bids the bids ranged from a low of 300,000 to a high of 56750 our initial estimate you may recall we were carrying 600,000 the great news is um we just hit it the timing right uh in several uh in the walkth through in several of the uh talking to the contractors uh it's a quiet time right now for roofing um we're looking at a job to be done um sometime uh over the next couple months uh and it just worked out real well the type of roof that we're putting on there is not weather dependent uh as long as it's not snowing or has snow on it uh the cold doesn't affect this kind of TPO roofing so uh we hit the timing on this uh very well and uh the the winning low bid was $300,000 we sourced um several um uh Nancy did a great job uh contacting the um uh people that uh spoke uh about um what you put the word referen references thank you there been a long another long week um Nancy spoke to all the references we got 100% uh positive uh uh references on them all of the references stated they would love to work with the company again it is a local company which is great being able to work within the county uh located a Street in Brockton so it literally is a couple miles uh if that uh from the project so that's that's how we explained that it came in uh much lower it ended up coming in about uh 40,000 $45,000 lower than the no low uh the nearest bid uh and that was because he felt very proud and did not want another roofing company working in his backyard so um I I did put a motion if you'd if you're so uh inclined or I can answer any questions we have a documentation packet that's about that High um and we work with Jeff meaf as architect to come up with the scope and the uh specifications great any questions do have a question um so they do they do have to put up a bond is that correct they actually put up three bonds that uh at this level of procurement for um for the type of project it is uh we have to do um a bid Bond first which they already put up and then there's a performance bond and then a payment bond to their subs all those uh three bonds have already been uh approve uh rece uh or um once we award they will uh send those Bonds in uh we're working on another Bond um another project a roofing project at the retirement um um building and they have submitted all three bonds so uh the bonds come in right after the award letter right after your uh vote of approval okay I know I had another question but I can't remember what it was that's okay thank you uh move to accept uh the bid proposal of North Conway reading LLC 64 a Street Brockton Massachusetts as the lowest responsible and eligible bidder for the invitation forbid the roof replacement project at 32 Belmont Street br Mass dated September 27 2024 offering the lowest price of 300,000 in accordance with Mass General law 149 and 44A furthermore the authorize to authorize the uh County Administrator to sign the contract and proceed with the project second all in favor I I all right thank you thank did you say we should take the uh exension report out of order before gby Treasurer I think might want to so if there's her no objection we will have the extension report unless she I mean of course she's free to stay for this G be that I'll probably you all up on that you you've been here for a while Awards tomorrow night so reminder it's across the street at sth North High School 6:30 p.m. will'll be Awards time you welcome to come earlier U meet with folks if you'd like uh other than that we have our East Middle borrow for H Awards night also this weekend there's some por clubs participating in Veterans Day parade and celebrations on Monday uh and myself and Meg rley will be attending a Hydroponics training at the sheriff's department next week on Wednesday afternoon they invited us um with the folks that put in their aquaponic hydroponic system um to have a training so we're going to participate in that great and other than that things you know are continuing to go well everyone is busy we have school program starting back up next week um Kathy's be doing some of her work with dogs in some of the local elementary schools and uh we had our rat presentation today that some of you heard about um through the New England test management association uh we had a lot of boards of health and local you know industry groups coming to participate to learn about rat mitigation in their Industries so hopefully that will help any problems in pouth county that anyone's having with pet but happy to take any questions and I look forward to see you tomorrow night thank you I will be there tomorrow I'll be there tomorrow great uh any questions no I think you're doing great thank you thank you okay next up gby 7475 FY 2023 report update and acceptance so commissioner you have that report in front of you um make sure you have the 2023 you have 2024 to we're going to wrap them both up today as you know your OPB Investments are with peock and continue to do very well turn your attention to page three where you get a quick summary of our net position uh you'll see of course that beginning in June 30th 2022 with 1,749 500 as our net position and then throughout the year with ins and outs uh we end with 2,798 181 I will point out the investment income a little more than 10% which you're getting annualized uh much better than most other places and that's a benefit of being part of beot lastly I'll just turn your attention to page five uh and you'll see where it says toward the bottom of the page plan fiduciary net position as a percentage of the total opab liability that is essentially how much funded you are you are funded at 13.3% uh which is very good for an organization that has a total budget of $1 million you continue to fund regularly and ually uh and we'll continue along that Trend if there aren't any questions what I would like is a vote to approve and accept this report and to authorize the administrator and his office to post it on our website motion so moved motion commission by theas motion commission right second by myself uh no questions just a comment I think I asked that question you said all in favor I think I asked that I thought you were going no no I was just GNA make no thank you no I was just making a comment I think it's uh I am so sleep so thank you um I won't help you what was I now what was I gonna say no I do just appreciate the work and the effort um I think that the fact that we just continue to outperform and this just puts us as a um as a government entity and a considerably better position than really anybody else and this is a problem that just so many government institutions seem ignore and keep kicking down the road because it's not fun but it's important and I appreciate the effort that has put us in this position so with that all in favor I or do you have a comment I have a comment okay commissioner right I just want to thank you so much because uh you know coming from the beginning where we first started how we've grown it's just you know incredible and where we're at today and we're so grateful that you know you started it and and went out to so many people and and um you know I just think that you know the PO more people that are just heing about it and and getting educated about it I think they'll there'll be more interest so you know I always ask the question of why what's holding them up and why aren't they joining and coming in but you know I think that they clearly see that this is a definite value to them and um I think we're going to see a lot more growth that's all thank you very good okay all in favor all right there we go we go to the 2024 report I'll Fus your attention on the same pages go to page three you can see it began with the $2,788 we referenced on the previous report I'm always glad when the reports I out like that um and we end the position with 2,545 367 so growth continues you'll see the investment income of close to $300,000 again almost a 15% return uh over the year uh our annualized return is just remarkable in this product uh and continues to ener to the benefit of the county and then just slipping your page over to page five and that attention is how funded we are we went from 13.3 to 14.8% funding so we're getting there and I do uh complement the Commissioners adopting the scenario for approach that they did back in 2014 uh because we were at zero that effort has led us to be where we are today again the same thing if there are any questions i' ask for a vote to uh accept and approve the gby 74 report from 20 from June as of June 30 2024 and to authorize the administrator office motion does specify treasure second by myself all fa that's unanimous 10 years ago I know amazing isn't it 10 years ago and you guys are ahead of the curve you have more in stabilization more in opep and more paid against retirement than you anticipated 10 years time goes by so fast my God y okay no wonder I get sold no so just a quick update if I might and then you have a number of and to approve um as of today after you take those votes you'll have authorized and approved 79 milon 562599660 5919 6 uh every Community has submitted up to their original allocation a number of communities but not all submitted an additional reest of up to 10% uh in case we have resources available I doubt we will because communities have been very Adept now and applying I will report that we had the deadline was October 24th we had 122 applications come in on the deadline so we are working through them as fast as we can I really want to compliment the team this spending an incredible amount of time reviewing these uh from CLA to Markham to our in house small staff to get them in front of you and get them done uh you'll see this robot but if you have any questions as to what I'll be spending next time on next two months it be processing these applications I'm sure um are we taking Christmas off or are we working No in fact I will I don't I don't want to go out of order but I will be requesting that you set up a meeting uh tentatively at least for December 30th and December 31st I'll be back from Georgia excellent excellent um if there aren't any questions on the program overall uh you have some votes I'm supposed to give an update on a few other things you want me to do that or do you want to to votes um yeah go ahead yeah why don't you do the update and then we'll uh we'll go from there excellent um one of the things I was asked at the last meeting to give an update about was a possible involvement grew up in the Norwell range program um Molly was fantastic immediately got me a bunch of information I reached out to the various folks involved with the program as you'll recall we set up arpa that if there was a community project like this they should work with their Town Administrator and their Boards of Selectmen and go through that process this had been presented to the board in Norwell um I don't know where that went but uh it clearly is not a project that would be eligible under AR as it stands and so uh I would just report back that it's not an eligible okay noted I do have a file of research if anybody wants it about the norw range certainly a noble project they've done a number of things have a good of a ways to go but not something we can do here and then lastly I gave you a a list of uh towns and checks that we've approved recently I don't know what the commissioner's uh wishes are with respect to that we can immediately begin to set up meetings these were all just approved at your last meeting I don't know if you wanted to deliver them we have found if we deliver them though uh that it is important to make an appointment as opposed to just trying to come in and bring money to the towns yes we have would you disappoint I'm not gonna say who but let's just say I was uh I was shuffled around town hall interesting struggle trying to give a town half a million dollars huh that check is still not so we'll be following up on that it's clear we need to make some kind of a I think um what would you like like to do I think see if we can be scheduled at as many select board meetings as possible on these um and you know if our schedule's permit you know my schedule's flexible so you know I'll make it work if we can't get to a s meeting then I think setting up with the town manager or administrator would be the next next logical move and then one of us can deliver them during the day and then I think is I have time so if you're not available I will be happy to but we really need to get you're GNA be on up this is our you just stay here that's fine no I I do think that we'll set up those meetings that's fine we'll try and get on agendas as you can imagine with the holidays coming up some of them have not as regular meetings got a lot of things on their agenda but that'll be the approach if we get in in the next two weeks we'll try and get on if not we'll try and arrange it it's fine with me okay J said okay yeah yep if we can't get a meeting then we'll just yeah I mean I'll work as much as I can well we can divide and coner all right I think we have some no yeah where's Greg I know I know is he in did he come in on the M no he's not coming in I don't anticipate Commission going to okay oh no no I'm sorry Pur to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality re uh referendum below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant uh dispersement of funds held at administrated through the Plymouth County APPA program as follows town of Halifax $ 35,2 second all data right so to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the Brant uh agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality uh referend below the Plymouth County Commissioners Branch dispersement of funds held and administered through the pth county Opa program as follows town of Halifax 35,000 second all in favor hi pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality uh refered below uh the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administer the P County oper funds as follows town of hangam $441 15,638 7586 think that's there first for us right it's not there for us oh but right we haven't delivered yet all right uh all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality refer below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows County of Plymouth $ 35,6 second all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows County of Plymouth 75,000 second all in favor I hi pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows Clifton Lawson Allen LL P $4,850 second Pur to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows markm LLP $3,400 second all in favor CH this is a closure there um you'll note the last two were our uh some of our administrative cost you'll notice those uh bills are a little higher than they have been in previous months because of ring these projects uh that will ramp up so expect to see that I've been in touch with some of the other administrators uh of these programs in the other counties they are tracking at about 2% administrative cost here in P will so add are around maybe a little bit above 1% but clearly uh one of the lowest uh not only around in the country but even around here so try and keep those classs down as best we can uh and continue to free up resources for Stuff excellent very good job thank you okay uh next item on the agenda vote subcommittee for pulou County Fire Chiefs communication project I don't know am iting that okay uh you'll recall that one of the programs we're looking to fund through ARA is a communications project through discussions with the administrator and others we needed and wanted to set up a subcommittee and involve the Chiefs uh they gave us our list of who they would like on that committee so it would be my recommendation that you appoint one member of the Board of Commissioners the treasurer and the administrator and then for the communication subcommittee Chief Reen from ducksbury Chief Douglas from Kingston chief gallagan of Deputy Chief gallagan from Brockton Chief okay um I would entertain a motion to nominate commissioner Hanley administrator Basler and Treasurer O'Brien from the county of pet second you to make the motion oh sorry I'll make the motion as can you includ the Chiefs as mentioned I guess it makes sense because it is something and could you please just restate the chief I can I apologize thank you Chief Reen from ducksbury Chief Douglas from Kingston deputy chief gallagan for Brockton Chief Kelly from we okay and on the amended motion I second all in favor I I we'll be setting up those meetings quickly uh and keep everyone up to date next is the mobile educated Health Project which is going even better than expected I I started to get some numbers the Chiefs are interested to hear that uh we're going to set up a subcomittee there as well my recommendation would be a member of the Board of Commissioners the assistant Frank Basler and the treasur and the two chiefs they were asking is Chief duddy from Clinton and chief Jack voney from Mary I will entertain a motion to nominate commissioner Wright with Treasurer O'Brien administrator Basler Chief bony and chief chief ddy from and chief Jack vony from Mar Jack and chief bony from Marian second make how many times you g tell me that I still make the motion motion commission right second by myself all in favor I'm only making a recommendation that's right that's right we'll set that up very quickly thank you very much I know they're extended to participation great the good news is I have nothing else in the report so uh unless there are any other questions I can nope if you feel we can see the treasur report we will seing it for commissioner W has a question for the treasure support so you you just update me on the Integrated Health Project what's going on and I know that um they had several towns in the very beginning what are they uh now up to or what are they doing now yeah so you'll recall that it's a pilot program that started in July yeah uh they had maybe 100 calls or so in July uh by August they were up to about 200 September they were doing over 300 calls uh and I believe that number for uh October is in the mid 300s uh so much so that they're looking for a second vehicle I don't know how we'll be able to do that but uh it's been successful they've collected the data I just got my first report uh the end of last week followed with an update Chiefs are interested in seeing that data I haven't honestly looked at it yet uh it's broken down by Community uh we haven't we're we're plugged into the four hospitals but predominantly working excuse me with Brockton and with deons sorry water water no thank you though um and so uh they've been responsible for most of the calls but what we're excited about is the data that we're getting uh and seeing what groups are being served uh the age population uh it's very very helpful to have that it's obviously coded you know or anything but and the Chiefs are interested to see that as well but um the professional firefighters of Massachusetts who are a stakeholder and a participatory member have trained 11 firefighters to be part of this program as well and it's some pretty extensive training so that's what what I have now that's the reason for the committee we're going to assemble all this data and give a report to the Commissioners probably not at the next meeting but their first meeting in December and what towns are they reaching out to so it's through the hospitals not reaching out to the town wherever the patients are oh right so they send them home and then they and they go to those patients even um like up in uh hangam where sore hospital is um if the patient is a patient at one of the hospitals in Plymouth County but lives in h then yes yeah I would say the 27 again I literally saw the list early this afternoon we've probably touch pointed into 11 of the different Community pretty everyone around Plymouth because of Beth isra leak us a lot around the Brockton area but some outliers that you wouldn't have naturally expected great okay thank you treasure O'Brien thank you next up register's report Mr Buckley so believe it or not with through the first third of fisal year 25 um I released checks today uh to the deputy treasure um real estate is getting more active um relative to funding and the estimates were almost $200,000 over estimates through October um month of October so a huge burst of mortgages L refi which is kind of surprising since in my last conversation I talked about the rates being funky even though the Federal Reserve had made some decisions to reedu the federal funds rate they dropped it again a quarter point today but again the bottom line is um highest in two years mortgages our Deeds were 16% higher than last year so we're we're clearly um you know at a good Pace Rel TI to the budget um I do want to say um the hiring phrase is impacting us um and I would like to have some conversations about that fairly quickly we're finding that with our retirements that some of our departments when somebody is out sick in vacancies we're actually closing uh for an hour every day customer assistance um may not seem like much but we had a day today with every registry in the state had this life lock explosion there was a problem with their emails and people were getting emails at home saying their property in situate is something that they need to pay attention to people don't even own those properties so it's a really wacko kind of thing but when that those kind of things happen uh when people get scared and there's stories that go out about fraud where do they go they come to our customer service department and I'm very concern about coverage because we pride ourselves as ases the county and responded to our constituents um most of the other departments are doing okay we will have a problem in Lan Court soon L cour has five positions um one is vacant one will soon be vacant so I had a conversation with the treasurer he thought it might be a good idea to reinstitute some kind of a discussion group about this year and actually many towns are starting to talk about next year's budget and try to get ahead of so that's where I'm coming from and what I would hope you can do okay thank you Miss F questions no that that life luck that you were talking about I know that I I think a while back I had asked you about the uh mortgages being secure or the um the Deeds being secure through the registry you told me that there is something that you have on your website that they can go in and and get secure where it would be so so we have and a lot of the other registries do have something called fraud alert if you go to fraud alert sign in with your email anything under your name you will get an email anything recorded under your name you'll get an email so if your name is John Smith you're GNA get a lot of EMA for most people it at least gives them the chance to see whether something that should have been recorded so a lot of these people were calling us today say we want to get fraud alert U because like black told us our property in hangam um is at risk they even own property in you under under today's experience but frud alert is is a good thing and there a lot of people are using it when we get asked the question should I sign up for life blck I say that's up to you but you can use this free front alert that gives you a notification now not everything that gets recorded is negative if you paid off your mortgage disch charge will be recorded at least you get the opportunity to look at it those are the kind of things we're doing right now and I and I um do bring it to your attention because um you have granted up to you to fill couple positions um but as we go forward uh and people leave um we have very older uh level of employees at the registry deeds and and those phans are vacated they get very hard to do the work so I'll leave that thought with you thank you well I know that you have very good people there that work for you and I know that they do a good job job and I'm sure that they can continue in you know accommodating these people that are coming in and not if there's no good there though yeah that's the problem if if if in if in customer service you have two people right somebody's out sick um and one's on lunch break you have one person handing all the Flor customers you know I'm just asking that I know you're concerned about revenue revenue is I know you're concerned about this year's and next year's budget but we do need to operate regish okay thank you thank you hey I just I'm sorry uh thank you Mr Buckley uh maintenance and administrator support right thank you chair um we are working on a uh new generator uh we have a need at wam District Court uh there is a 50 plus year old original generator to the building uh it's a large generator 90 90 kilowatt um we have uh found that we're getting uh some seepage in the diesel tank uh this is the in the area that we had the water infiltration uh over the winter time uh and we moved the diesel tank and uh we found that um the between the generator being as old as it is and the tank uh we need to replace it great news is we have gas line there uh so we're going to be going out to bid looking for bids and then at that point I'll come back uh to give you an update uh anticipated will be around $90,000 it is reimbursed by the um by the state it is a large purchase but um unfortunately that that does you know when we have 50 plus year old uh equipment um and it decides to go that doesn't give us a lot of options useful life on something like this is usually around 20 hopefully 25 so it's definitely earned its keep um I'll keep you updated on the um on the uh uh process uh the the bid will go out next week and then we'll uh bring the results back to you to see and look at the work with the treasurer look at the budget and see what we can do on that likewise uh there is an immediate need for uh new Chiller in Brockton Superior you'll remember in August I told you that um the compressors uh have died on on the unit it will not work uh next spring uh lead times are about six months so we're actually up against the gun uh we're uh engineering and finding out what we can use uh for uh replacement uh but we'll probably be going out um waiting on specifications of that we'll probably be following up um with our invitation for bid on that probably within the next couple weeks also um good great news actually uh We've scheduled a training day and appreciation lunch for the maintenance team on Friday December 6th uh it'll be in Brockton to try to eliminate as much travel as we can uh it'll be uh OSHA training uh training from our uh department of labor standards inspection the results from that uh and uh along with um some work uh and training by our our vendor team uh L car um a lot of the training is uh done at prono uh and we'll uh they even are providing lunch uh we'll there'll be a small fee for the um for the uh for the room itself the rental room uh we're going to use the the uh facility right next door again to cut down on on that's great saw that new building that the black building there yep that's a that's a wedding or funky facility St there was like why didn't we take advant we should take advantage of any space that they have there yeah we are we are and an setting that up uh and uh the key here is that we're working on training uh in bilingual status good so it'll be both English and Portuguese uh for our team members uh we've had training in the past we didn't get as much out of it because of some language barriers uh but uh that's why we're doing it this way um and uh that'll continue to come together as we can uh for the administrator report it's been um Opera applications Opera rfps oper um followup uh we've been doing the brand the burn Grant went out last week uh for 24 um we're waiting on approval of that uh procurement recertification for myself uh nany's uh just finished her certification uh and then also unfortunately we have our once in every three years Financial Federal CFR 200 training which is 40 hours of training and unfortunately it's done by myself so that's literally 40 hours in front of a computer it's the basis of all our of of our getting grants so it's unfortunately can't delegate it have to sit through it painfully uh and then we also uh finished our it cyber assessment last week we're waiting on uh the results but I'll be bringing those results to you um at our next meeting and uh other than that it it feels like we're juggling a million balls right now but the team's doing in delivering so that's key awesome any questions yeah we um welcome wood uh we haven't heard anything about the uh elevator how is that going so um it's always a the last time we had we had a motor burnout uh the team that was about three weeks ago the team did an amazing job both Doug uh Miguel Bob and our vendor did an amazing job and sourcing it literally over the weekend and we had it up and running within a week time which could have taken months um this was something after the person got stuck in the elevator something that was that was a result so the person got stuck in the elevator it was the motor that went uh luckily that motor that person was saved and no no harm so that's when we went and replaced the motor a week later uh we had not associated with any of the work done or the motor we had a hydraulic fuel uh hydraulic oil uh seal go and pumped about 50 gallons of hydraulic fluid into the area and into the hallway of the courthouse again emergency we fixed it this is again a 50-year old elevator we keep looking at proactive things to do you can't a a hydraulic seal is just not something that you can assess is that considered our hazardous waste we did we had our Hazard hazard waste team on there um we actually just ended up getting the uh hydraulic oil off site today uh we Ed Trident uh we also uh tried in Environmental Services uh had somebody on site uh I got a call at 6:15 that morning from Doug we had somebody on site at 8:15 and uh Hazmat uh uh activations at um by 10 o'clock 10 am. nothing had to be closed down no nothing had to be closed down but these are just the kind of crazy things that happened to the team that uh literally chew up a full day and and you know at the end of the week you say okay what did I do on my to do list and there's not a lot checked off because of all these things crazy things we just fighting time with that elevator you know it's just a matter of time we did I actually had a a a conversation with the chair um the the best thing would be to build a redundant elevator off the side of the building you're talking million plus dollars um we don't have confirmation that the uh state has a long-term commitment there there they will not commit to p and they're doing feasibility study after feasibility study um but it would be to put a redundant uh elevator for citizen use uh build it and then rebuild this one for security and for prisoner um detainee access um unfortunately I don't we don't have that in our budget that would take a full those that combo project would take a full Year's worth of our our our entire budget for everything but looking at it uh even if they were looking to go someplace else I mean it's going to take years 10 years for them to find a place build a place or do something so it would certainly make more sense to put the money into this uh and do something about it so uh over the past couple weeks we've uh invested over $35,000 in a series of three different jobs one's a safety issue with the safety eye one was the motor issue I just got another quote uh for um a it's called a soft stot motor switch which will uh help the motor uh that's another $10,000 uh so we're you know the um the chiller you know our job since day one with Dougs when I got here has been um do as much as we can with the budget that we have and prioritize prioritize right now the building being 80 degrees in July is a greater Hazard than not having a second um elevator or or a new elevator right then I wish I had better news but that's that's what we that's what we do stretch stretch dollars and it's just uh you know putting gum on it and hoping it just lasts for a few more you know months weeks well the motor the motor a 10year Pro you know it has a successful life for 10 years anticipated right the eyes are will will help we replaced all the controls uh a year and a half ago so we've been other than the box which is just a metal box we've been replacing things as we can and as as necessary and I just give tremendous credit to Doug and the team uh and and our vendors for being so on the spot and ability to to react to our needs right in such an emergency status um you know we pay our bills um which is good our vendors love us they like the relationships with us and we continue to push that as far as we can right right I worry about it too oh I'm sure he does he's the one that gets the calls y um all right thank you Frank thank you all right I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion so move and second all in favor hi anous great --------- ##VIDEO ID:we2iZpcTdhk## I'll call this meeting to order United States rep to stand One Nation God indivisible liy and justice for all thank you please be advised this meeting is being live streamed on Facebook and recorded for potential rebroadcast uh on local access channels YouTube what did I say you said faceb Facebook I said Facebook YouTube thank you it's somewhere on if they watching it they know yeah if you watch live you know where you are all right uh first item is V I will make a motion to accept October 24 24 uh minutes second all in favor I I make a motion to vote and accept and approve CPS forms Gua Quinn promotion to payroll clerk accounts payable 23 uh one and Sarah STI promotion to uh insurance benefits coordinator 21-1 second all in favor make a motion to vote and accept and approve vendor vouches second all in favor I motion to vote and accept and approve payroll vouches second all in favor I uh motion uh for the Plymouth County heating fuel oil bid award and fuel oil contract that's a longer one okay not that easy commissioner right I guess I have to be Greg tonight huh yes you probably don't have does she have to read I don't the uh not all the numbers down below just the top part the names got it and each of the names yeah okay it's been awarded to all those and a regular meeting of the County Commission is holding at uh Plymouth on the 7th Day of November 2024 voted that the county award bids for the purchase of number two fuel oil for the county of Plymouth and various political subdivisions there thereof for the period from December 1 20224 to November 30 2025 uh to the following Deany energy Inc 177 Wells Avenue Newton Mass uh Global Montello group cor uh 800 sou Street sweet 500 walam non and brothers petroleum Inc 415 West Street West bridgew Mass uh Petroleum Traders cour po Fox 2357 Fort Wayne Indiana spra operating Resources LLC 185 International Drive ports Smith new Hamp GA Williams and Suns Inc dbaa Williams energy 39 Adam Street FR tree Mass second all in favor I I unanimous update on land Court registered land action for 44- 74y streets excuse me second part to the that's our contract with the winning bidder for the county for uh Brockton Superior Courthouse fuel uh heating fuel okay well County Commissioners hereby accept the Plymouth County number two heating fuel bid of October 29 2024 and enter into a contract with n and brothers petroleum Inc 4115 West Street Westbridge Water Mass for the Furnishing Furnishing of certain Plymouth County buildings with fuel oil in accordance with specifications in dat of October 29 2024 the period from December 1 2024 to November 30 2025 as follows the number one fuel oil at 100% of increase decrease over the base price for the Providence low of 2.66 46 cents per gallon is shown in the opis Publications uh on Monday March 25th 2024 plus uh 0.097 cents for the operating expense and profit to be delivered to the following building on as needed basis uh Plymouth County superar Courthouse 72 Belmont Street M second all in favor okay now to update on land Court registered land action for 44 to 74 oy Street Plymouth uh yes chair um so uh you may recall uh about uh two years ago uh or so Shannon Resnik our attorney uh was directed by the Commissioners to uh work on uh bringing the pel of land uh from 44 to 74 uh land oy Street out of land Court uh registered land and um and then having it uh become recorded land you started the process with land court and there's a letter in front of you that uh has approved that granted that request uh discussed with the register and we need to have that recorded uh with your approval I will work with Shannon we'll get that recorded and uh we'll that uh this uh action will be behind us perfect okay thank and so just for to refresh my mem we are splitting these Parcels up that would be the farm the registry no sorry so it Still Remains one land it just goes from uh land Court governed land to reced Court uh to recorded land um that the reg can can details about about it it B basically what it does is it allows when the Commissioners if the Commissioners and when want to do something with the land it's a lot easier to work with recorded land than it is uh land Court land it could take several years to get something approved through land for it this happened to be fairly quick and we were looking at a two-year turnaround so uh it just gives a little more flexibility to the Commissioners that's good I that was enough yeah all right that's good thank you uh vote to award 32 Belmont Street Brockton Roofing replacement projects right so we did um as you know in preparation as one of our Opera projects we're working on 32 Belmont Street uh renovation uh the first uh I uh um invitation for bid ifb that went out was for roof so the project uh the big project will be uh uh renovate the roof with a brand new roof fix the facade and new windows and doors uh looking at a brand new HVAC and then uh selective demolition within the building to ready it for a uh a a tenant um this is the first portion of that project we broke these portion these projects into pieces because we weren't sure and aren't sure about the funding until we get um until we know exactly how much Opa funds we have so that's why we broke it into a couple pieces so we can pick and choose which we want starting at the roof then going to the outside making sure that the uh building is completely weathertight uh these will be 30 uh plus year um Renovations that'll be good for that long uh really sets the the county up in a good position with this building it also takes care of the registry of deeds local office in Brockton um these were the uh the bids um we ended up getting nine bids the bids ranged from a low of 300,000 to a high of 56750 our initial estimate you may recall we were carrying 600,000 the great news is um we just hit the timing right uh in several uh in the walkth through in several of the uh talking to the contractors uh it's a quiet time right now for roofing um we're looking at a job to be done um sometime uh over the next couple months uh and it just worked out real well the type of roof that we're putting on there is not weather dependent uh as long as it's not snowing or has snow on it uh the coal doesn't affect this kind of TPO roofing so uh we hit the timing on this uh very well uh and uh the the winning low bid was $300,000 we sourced um several um uh Nancy did a great job uh contacting the um uh people that uh spoke uh about um what what's the word referen references thank you there been a long another long week um uh Nancy spoke to all the references we got 100% uh positive uh uh refer references on them all of the references stated they would love to work with the company again it is a local company which is great being able to work within the county uh located a Street in Brockton so it literally is a couple miles uh if that uh from the project so that's that's how we explained that it came in uh much lower it ended up coming in about uh 40,000 $45,000 lower than the no low uh the nearest bid uh and that was because he felt very proud and did not want another roofing company working in his backyard so um I I did uh put a motion if you'd if you're so uh inclined or I can answer any questions we have a documentation packet that's about that High um and we work with je meaf as architect to come up with the scope and the uh specifications great any questions do have a question um so they do they do have to put up a bond is that correct they actually put up three bonds that uh at this level of procurement for um for the type of project it is uh we have to do um a bid Bond first which they already put up and then there's a performance bond and then a payment bond to their subs all those uh three bonds have already been uh approve uh rece uh or um once we award they will uh send those Bonds in uh we're working on another Bond um another project a roofing project at the retirement um um uh building and they have submitted all three bonds so uh the bonds come in right after the award letter right after your uh vote of approval okay I know I had another question but I can't remember what it was that's okay thank you uh move to accept uh the bid proposal of North Conway reading LLC 64 a Street Brockton Massachusetts as the lowest responsible and eligible bidder for the invitation forbid the roof replacement project at 30 to Belmont Street BR to mass dated September 27 2024 offering the lowest price of 300,000 and accordance with M General law 149 and 44A furthermore the authorize to authorize the uh County Administrator to sign the contract and proceed with that project second all in favor I I all right thank you thank you did you say we should take the uh extension report out of order before gby Treasurer I think we might want to so there's leave her no objection we will have the extension report unless she I mean of course she's free to stay for this gas be probably you all up on that you You' been here for a while Awards tomorrow night so reminder it's across the street at pouth North High School 6:30 p.m. will be Awards time you welcome to come up few earlier meet with folks if you'd like uh other than that we have our East Middle borrow 4ward night also also this weekend there's some forage clubs participating in Veterans Day parade and celebrations on Monday uh and myself and me rley will be attending a Hydroponics training at the sheriff's department next week on Wednesday afternoon they invited us um with the folks that put in their aquaponic hydroponic system um to have a training so we're going to participate in that and other than that things you know are continuing to go well everyone is busy we have school program starting back up next week Kathy's be doing some of her work with dogs in some of the local elementary schools and uh we had our rat presentation today that some of you heard about um through the New England test management association uh we had a lot of boards of health and local you know industry groups coming to participate to learn about rat mitigation in their Industries so hopefully that will help any problems in pouth county that anyone's having with pet but happy to take any questions and I look forward to seeing you tomorrow night thank you I will be there tomorrow I'll be there tomorrow great uh any questions no I think you're doing great thank you thank you okay next up gby 7475 FY 2023 report update and acceptance so commissioner you have that report in front of you um make sure you have the 2023 you have 2024 to we're going to wrap them both up today as you know your OPB Investments are with peot and continue to do very well turn your attention to page three uh where you get a quick summary of our net position uh you'll see of course that beginning in June 30th 2022 we 1,749 500 as our net position and then throughout the year with ins and outs uh we end with 2, 79,81 I will point out the investment income a little more than 10% which you're getting annualized uh much better than most other places and that's a benefit of being part of Bot lastly I'll just turn your attention to page five uh and you'll see where it says toward the bottom of the page plan Fu your in that position as a percentage of the total opab liability that is essentially how much funded you are you are funded at 13.3% uh which is very good for an organization that has a total budget of $1 million you continue fund regularly and annually uh and hopefully we'll continue along that Trend if there aren't any questions what I would like is a vote to approve and accept this report and to authorize the administrator and his office to post it on our website motion so moved motion commission indicated by the motion commission right second by myself uh no questions just comment I think I asked that question you said all in favor I think I asked I thought you were going no no I was just gonna make no thank you no I was just making a comment I think it's uh I am so sleeped so thank you um I won't help you what was I now what was I gonna say no I do just appreciate the work and the effort um I think that the fact that we just continue to outperform and this just puts us as a um as a government entity in a considerably better position than really anybody else and this is a problem that just so many government institutions seem to ignore and keep kicking down the road because it's not fun but it's important and I appreciate the effort that has put us in this position so with that all in favor I or do you have a comment I have a com okay commissioner right I just want to thank you so much because uh you know coming from the beginning where we first started how we've grown it's just you know incredible in where we're at today and we're so grateful that you know you started it and and went out to so many people and and um you know I just think that you know the PO more people that are just heing about it and and getting educated about it I think that they'll they'll be more interest you know I always ask the question of why what's holding them up and why aren't they joining and coming in but you know I think that they clearly see that this is a definite value to them and um I think we're going to see a lot more growth that's all thank you very good okay all in favor all there we go okay go to the 2024 report I'll attention on the same Pages go to page three you can see it began with the $2,788 we referenced on the previous report I'm always glad when the reports out like that um and we end the position with 2,545 367 so growth continues you'll see the investment income of close to $300,000 again almost a 15% return uh over the year uh our annualized return is just remarkable in this product uh and continues to inert to the benefit of the county and then just slipping your page over to page five and that attention is how funded we are we went from 13.3 to 14.8% funding so we're getting there and I do uh complement the Commissioners adopting the scenario 4 approach that they did back in 2014 uh because we were at zero that effort has led us to be where we are today again the same thing if there are any questions i' ask for a vote to uh accept and approve the asby 7475 report from 20 from June as of June 30 2024 and to authorize the administrator his office do specify by the treasure second by myself all in favor that's unanimous 10 years ago I know amazing isn't it w 10 years ago and you guys are ahead of the curve you have more in stabilization more in opep and more paid against retirement than you anticipated 10 years time go by so fast my God okay Wonder no wonder I get so old no so just a quick update if I might and then you have a number of and to approve um as of today after you take those votes you'll have authorized and approve 79,500 5919 read that a little slow if you want sorry 79562 5919 uh every Community has submitted up to their original allocation a number of communities but not all submitted an additional ref of up to 10% uh in case we have resources available I doubt we will because communities have been very Adept now and applying I will report that we had the deadline was October 24th we had 122 applications come in on the deadline so we are working through them as fast as we can I really want to compliment the team they spending an incredible amount of time reviewing these from CLA to Markham to our in house small staff to get them in front of you and get them done uh you'll see this robot but if you have any questions as to what I'll be spending next months next two months it will likely be ar processing these applications I'm sure um are we taking Christmas off or we working No in fact I will I don't I don't want to go out of order but I will be requesting that you set up a meeting uh tentatively at least for December 30th and December 31st I'll be back from Georgia excellent excellent um if there aren't any questions on the program overall uh you have some votes I'm supposed to give an update on a few other things you want me to do that or do you want to take your votes um yeah go ahead yeah why me do the update and then we'll uh we'll go from there excellent um one of the things I was asked at the last meeting to give an update about was a possible involvement through up in the Norwell range program um Molly was fantastic immediately got me a a bunch of information I reached out to the various folks involved with the program as you'll recall we set up arpa that if there was a community project like this they should work with their Town Administrator and their Boards of Selectmen and go through that process this had been presented to the board in Norwell um I don't know where that went but it clearly is not a project that would be eligible under ARP as it stands and so uh I would just report back that it's not an eligible under AR okay noted I do have a file of research if anybody wants it about the norw range certainly a noble project they've done a number of things have a bit of a ways to go but not something we can do here and then lastly I gave you a a list of uh towns and checks uh that we've approved recently I don't know what the commissioner's uh wishes are with with respect to that we can immediately begin to set up meetings these were all just approved at your last meeting I don't know if you wanted to deliver them we have found if we deliver them though uh that it is important to make an appointment as opposed to just trying to come in and bring money to the towns yes we have would you disappointing I'm not gonna say who but let's just say I was uh I was shuffled around town hall interesting struggle trying to give a town half a million dollars huh that check is still not so we'll be following up on that it's clear we need to make some kind of a I think um would you like to do I think see if we can be scheduled at as many select board meetings as possible on these um and you know if our schedule's permit you my schedule's flexible so you know I'll make it work if we can't get to a SL Bo meeting then I think setting up with the town manager or administrator would be the next next logical move and then one of us deler them during the day and then I say is I have time so if you're not available I will be happy to but we really need to get gonna be on this is our you just stay here that's fine no I I do think that we'll set up those meetings that's fine we'll try and get on agendas as you can imagine with the holidays coming up some of them have not as regular meetings and got a lot of things on their agenda but that'll be the pro we get in in the next two weeks we'll try and get on if not we'll try it's fine with me okay chair is it okay yeah yep if we can't get a meeting then we'll just I mean I'll work as much as I can well we can divide and yeah all right I think we have some no yeah where's Greg I know I know is he in did he come in on the M no he's not coming in I don't anticipate to I thought he was going to okay oh no no I'm sorry Pur to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality re uh referendum below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant uh dispersement of funds held at administrated through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Halifax $35,200 second all so to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality uh referend below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the pth county Opa program as follows town of Halifax 35,000 second all in favor hi pursuant to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between pouth County and the municipality uh refered below uh the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administer the Plymouth County oper funds as follows town of hangam $45,600 second all in favor pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and municipality refering below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held in administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows town of Wham $228,700 for us right uh it's not there for us oh but right we haven't delivered yet all right uh all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan Act and the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality refer below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant bement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows County of Plymouth $ 35,6 second all in favor I Pur to the the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act in the grant agreement between Plymouth County and the municipality reference below the Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opera program as follows County of Plymouth 75,000 second all in favor I pursuing to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows Clifton LW Allen LLP $4,850 second hi to the terms and conditions of the American Rescue plan act Plymouth County Commissioners Grant dispersement of funds held and administered through the Plymouth County Opa program as follows markm LLP $3,400 second all in favor CH just as a closer there um you'll note the last two were our uh some of our administrative costs you'll notice those bills are a little higher than they have been in previous months because of ring down these projects that will wamp up so expect to see that I've been in touch with some of the other administrators uh of these programs in the other counties they are tracking at about 2% administrative cost here in P we still add are around maybe a little bit above 1% but clearly uh one of the lowest not only around in the country but even around here so try and keep those classs down as best we can uh and continue to free up resources for Stuff excellent very good job thank you okay uh next item on the agenda vote subcommittee for pouth County Fire Chiefs communication project I don't know am I starting that Frank go okay uh you'll recall that one of the programs we're looking to fund through ARA is a communications project through discussions with the administrator and others we needed and wanted to set up a subcommittee and involve the Chiefs uh they gave us our list of who they would like on that committee so it would be my recommendation that you appoint one member of the Board of Commissioners the treasurer and the administrator and then for the communication subcommittee Chief Reen from ducksbury Chief Douglas from Kingston chief gallagan of Deputy Chief galin from Brockton Chief from okay um I would entertain a motion to nominate commissioner Hanley administrator Basler and Treasurer O'Brien from the county of pum second you got to make the motion oh sorry I'll make the motion as can you includ the Chiefs as mentioned I guess it makes sense because it is our something and could you please just restate the chief I can I apologize thank you Chief Reen from ducksbury Chief Douglas from Kingston Deputy Chief gallagan from Brockton Chief Kelly from we okay and on the amended motion I second all in favor hi I we'll be setting up those meetings quickly uh and keep everyone up to date next is the mobile educated Health Project which is going even better than expected I I started to get some numbers the Chiefs are interested to hear that uh we're going to set up a sub committee there as well my recommendation would be a member of the Board of Commissioners the assistant Frank Bor and the treasurer and the two chiefs they were asking is Chief duddy from Clinton and chief Jack vone from Mary I will entertain a motion to nominate commissioner Wright with Treasurer O'Brien administrator Basler Chief bony and chief chief duddy from and chief Jack vony from Mary Jack and Chief vony from Maran second how many times you gonna tell me that I still make the motion motion commission R second by myself all in favor I'm only making a recommendation that's right that's right so we'll set that up very quickly thank you very much I know they're extended to participate great the good news is I have nothing else in the so unless there are any other questions I can no if you feel we can see the treasur report we will seing it for commission W has a question for the treasure support so you you just update me on the Integrated Health Project what's going on and I know that um they had several towns in the very beginning what are they uh now up to or what are they doing now yeah so you'll recall that it's a pilot program that started in July yeah uh they had maybe 100 calls or so in Ju uh by August they were up to about 200 September they were doing over 300 calls uh and I believe that number for October is in the mid 300s uh so much so that they're looking for a second vehicle I don't know how we'll be able to do that but it's been successful they've collected the data I just got my first report uh the end of last week followed with an up that you are interested in seeing that data I haven't honestly looked at it yet uh it's broken down by community we haven't we're we're plugged into the four hospitals but predominantly working excuse me with Brockton and with Israel deacons sorry water water no thank you though um and so uh they've been responsible for most of the calls but what we're excited about is the data that we're getting uh and seeing what groups are being served uh the age population uh it's very very helpful to have that it's obviously coded no names or anything but uh and the Chiefs are interested to see that as well but um the professional firefighters of Massachusetts who are a stakeholder and a participatory member have trained 11 firefighters to be part of this program as well and it's some pretty extensive framing so that's what I what I have now that's the reason for the committee we're going to assemble all this data and give a report to the Commissioners probably not at the next meeting but their first meeting in December and what towns are they reaching out to so it's through the hospitals they're not reaching out to the town it's wherever the patients are oh right so they send them home and then they and they go to those patients even um like up in uh hangam where sore hospital is um if the patient is a patient at one of the hospitals in Plymouth County but lives in ham then yes yeah I would say the 27 again I literally saw the list early this afternoon we've probably touch pointed into 11 of the different Community pry everyone around pth because of Beth is a lot around the BR area but some outliers that you wouldn't have naturally expected great okay thank you treasure O'Brien thank you next up register report Mr Buckley so believe it or not we through the first third of fisal year 25 um I released checks today uh to the deputy Treasurer um real estate is getting more active uh relative to funding and the estimates were almost $200,000 over estimates through October um the month of October so a huge burst of mortgages um lot of refi which is kind of surprising since in my last conversation I talked about the rates being funky even though the Federal Reserve had made some decisions to re reduce the federal funds rate they dropped it again a quarter point today but again the bottom line is um highest in two years mortgages Deeds were 16% higher than last year so we're we're clearly um you know at a good Pace relative to the budget um I do want to say um the hiring phrase is impacting us um and I would like to have some conversations about that fairly quickly we're finding that with our retirements that some of our departments when somebody is out sick and vacancies we're actually closing uh for an hour every day customer assistance um may not seem like much but we had a day today when every registry in the state had this life lock explosion there was a problem with their emails and people were getting emails at home saying their property in situate is something that they need to pay attention to people don't even own those properties so it's a really wacko kind of thing but when that those kind of things happen uh when people get scared and there's stories that go out about fraud where do they go they come to our customer service department and I'm very concerned about coverage because we pride ourselves as ases the county and responded to our constituents um most of the other departments are doing okay we will have a problem in linkt soon linkt has five positions um one is vacant one will soon be vacant so I had a a conversation with the treasurer he thought it might be a good idea to reinstitute some kind of a discussion group about this year and actually many is starting to talk about next year's budget and try to get ahead so that's where I'm coming from and what I would hope you can do okay thank you missy any questions no that that LIF lock that you were talking about I know that I I think a while back I had asked you about the uh mortgages being secure or the um the Deeds being secure through the registry you told me that there is something that you have on your website that they can go in and and get secure where yes so so we have and a lot of the other registries do have something called fraud alert if you go to fraud alert sign in with your email anything under your name you will get an email anything recorded under your name you'll get an email so if your name is John Smith you're GNA get a lot of email for most people it at least gives them the chance to see whether there's something that should have been recorded so a lot of these people were calling us today say we want to get frer because like black told us our property in hangam um is at risk they even own property in you under under today's experience but FR alert is is a good thing and there are a lot of people using it when we get asked the question should I sign up for LifeLock I say that's up to you but you can use this fre front alert that gives you a notification now not everything that gets recorded is negative if you paid off your mortgage your charge will be recorded at least you get the opportunity to look at it okay oh wait those are the kind of things we're doing right now and I and I um do bring it to your attention because um you have granted me the opportunity to fill couple positions um but as we go forward uh and people leave um we very older uh level of employees that the registry deeds and and those positions are vacated they get very hard to do the work so I leave that thought with you thank you well I know that you have very good people there that work for you and I know that they do a good job and I'm sure that they can continue in you know accommodating these people that are coming in and not if there no could you there yeah that's the problem if if if in if in customer service you have two people right somebody's all sick um and once's on lunch break you have one person handling all the FL customers you know I'm just asking that I know you're concerned about Revenue revenue is up I know you're concerned about this year's in next year's budget but we do need to operate registry fish okay thank you thank you for hey I just sir I'm sorry uh thank you Mr Buckley uh maintenance and administrator support right thank you chair um we are working on a uh new generator uh we have a need at Wham District Court uh there is a 50 plus year old original generator to the building uh it's a large generator 9090 kilowatt um we have uh found that we're getting uh some seepage in the diesel tank uh this is the in the area that we had the water infiltration uh over the winter time uh and we moved the diesel tank and uh we found that um the between the generator being as old as it is and the tank uh we need to replace it great news is we have gas line there uh so we're going to be going out to bid looking for bids and then at that point I'll come back uh to give you an update uh anticipated will be around $90,000 it is reimbursed by the um by the state it is a large purchase but um unfortunately that that does you know when we have 50 plus year old uh equipment um and it decides to go that doesn't give us a lot of options useful life on something like this is usually around 20 hopefully 25 so it's definitely earned its keep um I'll keep you updated on the um on the uh uh process uh the the bid will go out next week and then we'll uh bring the results back to you to see and look at the work with the treasurer look at the budget and see what we can do on that uh likewise uh there is an immediate need for uh you Chiller in Brock Superior you remember in August I told you that um the compressors uh have died on on the unit it will not work uh next spring uh lead times are about six months so we're actually up against the gun uh we're uh engineering and finding out what we can use uh for uh a replacement uh but we'll probably be going out um waiting on specifications of that we'll probably be following up um with our invitation for bid on that probably within the next couple weeks also um good great news actually uh We've scheduled a training day and appreciation lunch for the maintenance team on Friday December 6th uh it'll be in Brockton to try to eliminate as much travel as we can uh it'll be uh OSHA training uh training from our uh department of labor standards inspection the results from that uh and uh a lot with um some work uh and training by our our vendor team uh L car um a lot of the training is uh done at prono uh and we'll uh they even are providing lunch uh we there'll be a small fee for the um for the uh for the room itself the rental room uh we're going to use the the uh facility right next door again to cut down on on travel that's great you saw that new building that the black building there yeah y that's a that's a wedding or funky facility stuff there was like why didn't we take advant we should take advantage of any space that they have there yeah we are we are and a setting that up uh and uh the key here is that we're working on training uh in bilingual status good so it'll be both English and Portuguese uh for our team members uh we've had training in the past if we didn't get get as much out of it because of some language barriers uh but uh that's why we're doing it this way um and uh that'll continue to come together uh as we can uh for the administrator report it's been um Opera applications oper rfps oper um followup uh we've been doing the brand the burn Grant went out last week uh for 24 um we're waiting on approval of that uh procurement recertification for myself uh nany's uh just finished her certification uh and then also unfortunately we have our once in every three years Financial Federal CFR 200 training which is 40 hours of training and unfortunately it's done by myself so that's literally 40 hours in front of a computer it's the basis of all our of of our getting grants so it's unfortunately can't delegate it have to sit through it and painfully and then we also uh finished our it cyber assessment last week we're waiting on uh the results but I'll be bringing those results to you um at our next meeting and uh other than that it feels like we're juggling a million balls right now but the team's doing in delivering so that's key awesome any questions yeah we um welcome wood uh we haven't heard anything about the uh elevator how is that going so um it's always a the last time we had we had a motor burnout uh the team that was about three weeks ago the team did an amazing job both Doug uh Miguel Bob and our vendor did an amazing job in sourcing it literally over the weekend and we had it up and running within a week time which could have taken months um this was something after the person got stuck in the elevator that that was that was a result so the person got stuck in the elevator it was the motor that went uh luckily that motor that person was saved and no no harm so that's when we went and replaced the motor a week later uh we had not associated with any of the work done or the motor we had a hydraulic fuel hydraulic oil uh seal go and pumped about 50 gallons of hydraulic fluid into the area and into the hallway of the courthouse again emergency we fixed it this is a again a 50-year old elevator we keep looking at proactive things to do you can't a a hydraulic seal is just not something that you can assess is that considered hazardous waste we did we had our Hazard hazard waste team on there um we actually just ended up getting the uh hydraulic oil off site today uh we used trident uh we also uh tried in Environmental Services uh had somebody on site uh I got a call at 6:15 that morning from Doug we had somebody on site at 8:15 and uh Hazmat uh uh activations at um by 10 o'clock 10 am nothing had to be closed down no nothing had to be closed down but these are just the kind of crazy things that happen to the team that uh literally chew up a full day and and you know at the end of the week you say okay what did I do on my to-do list and there's not a lot checked off because of all these things crazy things just fighting time with that elevator you know it's just a matter of time we did I actually had a a a conversation with the chair um the the best thing would be to build a redundant elevator off the side of the building you're talking million plus dollars um we don't have confirmation that the uh state has a long-term commitment there they they will not commit to p and they're doing feasibility study after feasibility study um but it would be to put a redundant uh elevator for citizen use uh build it and then rebuild this one for security and for prisoner um detaining access um unfortunately I don't we don't have that in our budget that would take a full those that combo project would take a full Year's worth of our our our ENT entire budget for everything but looking at it uh even if they were looking to go someplace else I mean it's going to take years 10 years for them to find a place build a place or do something so it would certainly make more sense to put the money into this uh and do something about it so uh over the past couple weeks we've uh invested over $35,000 in a series of three different jobs one's a safety with the safety ey one was the motor issue I just got another quote uh for um uh it's called a soft start motor switch which will uh help the motor uh that's another $10,000 uh so we're you know the um the chiller you know if our job since day one with Dougs when I got here has been um do as much as we can with the budget that we have and prioritize prioritize right now the building being 80 degrees in July is a greater Hazard than not having a second um elevator or a new elevator right and I wish I had better news but that's yeah that's what we that's what we do stretch stretch dollars and it's just uh you know putting gum on it and hoping it just lasts for a few more you know months weeks well the motor the motors uh 10 10 year Pro you know it has a successful life for 10 years anticipated right the eyes are will help we replaced all the controls uh a year and a half ago so we've been other than the box which is just a metal box we've been replacing things as we can and as as necessary and I just give tremendous credit to Doug and the team uh and and our vendors for being so on the spot and ability to to react to our needs right in such an emergency status um you know we pay our bills um which is good our vendors love us they like the relationships with us and we continue to push that as far as we can right right I worry about it know too oh I'm sure he does he's the one that gets the call yep um all right thank you Frank thank you all right I will entertain a motion to adjourn motion so mooved second all in favor unanimous