##VIDEO ID:4QfImh45Q6M## good evening everyone uh thank you for joining us I'm going to call the August 12th meeting of the Puma school committee to order and we will start out by the Pledge of Allegiance if everyone will join me I pledge allegiance do the the United States of America under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all awesome thank you everyone everyone and our next order of business is a moment of silence and just gonna you know if we're GNA pause a moment to reflect on The Life and Legacy of our friend uh Arthur montron who passed away on July 11th art AR Arthur was a proud alumnist of the Mass Maritime Academy where he graduated with a degree in engineering Arthur had a long career with the pmet public schools serving as director of facilities uh where he retired in 2020 after 34 years of service to the community Arthur's dedication to his work and his remarkable ability to connect with others left a lasting impact on everyone who had the privilege to work with him his friendship wisdom and unwavering support will be deeply missed if everyone will please join me in a moment of silence for Arthur's memory and appreciation for the difference that he made in the lives of each of us in the Plymouth Public Schools thank you so much for everyone taking the time um for the meeting all right our next we will start out with comments from the general public and I believe we're supposed to have somebody here for comments but I don't see them is that correct Kristen not to my knowledge we have no either okay all right then we will pass by our comments and I will forego reading uh our policy on that our next item is the AR agricultural opportunities for Plymouth Public Schools and I know we have um Greg Hanley Plymouth County Commissioner here tonight to kind of give us a presentation on um his idea so Hanley commissioner Hanley thank you madam chairwoman and members of the uh committee uh superintendent Campbell and thank you for the opportunity and supporting us uh just wanted to announce on um the 15th of August there's a public hearing and um the county is making the Plymouth County Farm available for disposition and uh through inquiries and information sought from the town of Plymouth where uh the superintendent was invited to a meeting of uh the manager and some select people uh in his stad he sent Mr duck Duffy Mr Mark Duffy who's a vocational administrator for Plymouth Public Schools and feel free if anytime I'm I'm misrepresenting names and titles so I apologize um but um we had an exciting um meeting where I believe an expression of interest um by U Mr Duffy through the superintendent office was something that we needed to bring uh for you to consider uh the educ ational opportunities that may be presented um why this hearing is taking place is because the Plymouth County Commissioners are making the property available for rent is approximately 100 acres of property that is um currently being used by the sheriff uh and he is looking for Renewal uh he has nine acres in the 4 program of Plymouth County has 16 Acres which leaves about 75 Acres uh for disposal um to the public so by the Mass General law the land needs to be offered to the Commonwealth uh as a first right of refusal and then the town of Plymouth has a second right of refusal and if both entities refuse then it goes to the public for um commercial concerns so why and how we think this could be an opportunity is because the term is about five years on the lease that is currently being proposed and it would give uh the town an opportunity to explore opportunities within the campus uh which is existing uh in discussions with Mark he has programs that um potentially have a need for about 25 acres and he has been working uh throughout the county near the Plymouth South Campus to try to procure uh space for um programming that uh I believe um he has either presented to you already or has sought and has received approval in grant money from so having said that the first stop along the way is for participation in the public process and it's simply by uh getting a vote of this board to express a public interest in the property uh which doesn't bind you in any way it just satisfies the Mass General law with respect to the County Commissioners doing um the advertisement and seeking U public comment on it uh once that is done then um the Commissioners would then consider the public purpose and the best and highest possible use again the sheriff um has expressed an interest Plymouth County 48 is an expressed an interest and we're looking to have the Plymouth school committee Express an interest so that we can uh do the due diligence necessary um for this property okay um anybody have any questions for commissioner Hanley Melle um so we would share a portion of that property with the sheriff and 4 or are we all bidding for the same portion I just want to make sure I'm understanding yep so right now the uh there is a lease that has been uh proposed by the Commonwealth through the Sheriff's Department uh for the use of the land uh and right now or the previous uh lease included uh N9 Acres um for the sheriff's department and if you know where the petting zoo is and the green houses he that's pretty much the delineation of resources there uh over the last five years the land was occupied and some of uh the sheriff's programming I.E the horses uh that he used to use um for stabling and for ceremonial purposes uh the program has sunsetted so to the to the degree that um access to all the acreage uh is necessary the first attempt at this expression of interest from their department is just to renew the existing lease which is something that would be considered however uh since that time these opportunities have presented themselves and um again like I said we had a meeting in the manager's office and out of that office came a that meeting excuse me U presented this opportunity which um to the superintendent's credit said that we would need to present to you for your permission just to express the interest it's a letter that would needed to be voted on tonight that could be presented on uh Thursday to satisfy the law and then the due diligence begins if we don't if you miss this deadline um it may not be considered or would not be considered because you didn't satisfy the law but at Le would have an opportunity to let Miss the Duffy explore the educational opportunities so potentially uh Miss Shaw we could be three tenants we could be a soulle tenant but where it has been used I think the sheriff wants to work collaboratively with 4 which he's done successfully and we're looking to collaborate with the town educationally and collaboratively with 4 because the students that would participate would automatically offered entry into our 4 program in which is an economic uh driven thing that would help us all if if that were to come to fruition I don't know if Mr Duffy is on the line with us oh he's not okay superintendent Campbell Dr Campbell thank you Miss bad so um as Mr Hanley pointed out I don't know it was the day before the meeting I received notification of the meeting and was already at um out of town at another meeting so I sent Mr Duffy to this meeting we've had lot a conversation as you know about agricultural opportunities here in Plymouth or the lack of agricultural opportunities for our students we um many of our students I believe we have about a dozen or so students that attend Bristol Bristol Aggie um it's certainly something that is becoming of Greater interest for our students the challenge for us I think as you all know is um is finances right so when we look at fact that we have uh reduced our budget after level service for the last three years and laid off staff and reduce staff um it becomes challenging to build something so um you know we had this conversation uh Mr Duffy as Mr Hanley pointed out has been looking for opportunities to try to give students you know whether there's grants out there that would help support uh this kind of um you know interest that's out there something for our students to connect them in a you know in a meaningful way around this work uh I think building a program obviously would take a significant amount of time you know Mr Duff I've had lots of conversations about that you're talking you know several years to to build that infrastructure um Staffing budget dedicated budgeting Etc so we had we um we had we had a follow-up meeting uh just last week as well I think it was Friday if I'm not mistaken I no Thursday maybe I can't remember um about this so I had questions too and I knew that the school committee would have questions about this I know they were all supportive of giving students opportunities but just what um and with the public hearing coming on Thursday um certainly don't want to commit any anything that would extend us Beyond you know you know put us in a situation that um would either be unsustainable or financially could jeopardize us in any way so I I my suggestion was for Mr Hanley to join us to have conversations about this to exactly sort of really delineate what we're talking about um by being a um supporter of this didn't really figure out what that was thank you Dr Kimbell and and just for a point of clarification this letter of interest does not bind you in any way it just allows us through Mass General Law chapter 34 section 14 to move forward so that we can consider it the um the Board of Commissioners um will then take the information and see if um we can put together a plan that has the best and highest use for everyone who's interested and there's plenty of land there uh and for us it just gives a starting point for you to to consider uh Mr Duffy and I I don't know if you've ever dealt with Mr Duffy he is full of energy and he is a great representative uh in my opinion uh to your programming uh when he came in and added his um um what is the word interest he filled that room with energy and it really got uh selectman excited us excited and when you've got someone like that that's someone that can make uh and move Mountain if he has the right team put together so all this does for you folks is allow him to uh unleash that unbridled energy to a positive uh result and uh one thing I can guarantee is if we don't answer it in a public way that that energy will be extinguished at least on this posle so I'm willing to dream you know yeah yeah know Mr Duffy is definitely a very um he's wonderful we're very lucky to have him I think Miss Shaw has another question haven't MERS that um so budget wise we the cost is undecided and um this is just simply us saying we are interested in using a piece of this land for an undetermined cost at this time and then later we will figure out what the scope of that is and and the cost associated with it because personally my intention would not be to take over any of the land from the sheriff I don't don't want that I just want to be clear that that's not what we're attempting to do here and also that we do not have a cost associated with this yet um that we're committing to we're just we're just interested in learning more right and and I can guarantee you we will not be taking land away from the sheriff this is again satisfying the law allows us to consider multiple tenants and as superintendent Campbell mentioned although we if you Express the interest it is literally in the interest of um the town of Plymouth and education a 4 to fiveyear plan uh that you know that you'll have all sorts of opportunity to comment on it publicly it wouldn't be proper to discuss anything here without getting the permission to move forward but um getting that expression of interest will allow us to do a master plan for you to consider we we actually have feasibility Mone through o Colony planning Council and if you express the interest I am going to see if we can add to the scope of that um plan which will take about a year so it doesn't uh disrupt anyone we're not taking anything away from anyone because the lease hasn't been signed yet so just to ease your concerns there great thank you so much anybody else have any oh miss Heywood um thank you uh I think this is a question either for um Dr Campbell or Dr blazedale just in terms of I don't know if you could give just a roundabout in terms of how many students that we have going to um Bristol AGI um and and what has that looked like over I would say maybe the past three to five years no that we certainly could um I believe and I think Adam could correct me if I'm wrong approximately a dozen maybe 13 students that are going to personal to agricultural schools um that is probably increased by five or six in that time period um you know there's a cost associate it certainly is a cost associated with that as you know uh certainly not to the point where we could build our own program um so it's about we spend approximately $28,000 per student plus Transportation okay for those students the Transportation uh is re correct me if I'm wrong Adam if I'm misspeaking is reimbursed to the town for agricultural students not to the school but to the town that's budgeted on the town side we've got questions about why that's budgeted on the town side and it's that it's for that reason because the town gets that reimbursement I did have um through the chair if I could ask a question yes um in terms of the commitment to Mr Duffy through this process my I I that's something that I also want to be mindful of he is um full of uh energy and he's he's he's a a very um as you as you experienced a very um both Visionary and and um thoughtful um just an outstanding administrator um my concern is the just concern but I just want to check on the commitment on his part through this process I do do think it would be a multi-year process but but how much of his time would this potentially entail are you asking me superintendent Campbell yeah thank you if there's any that you could even speak to that I'm much sure well in just the preliminary discussions that I have had with him uh in in informing him that this is a process that will take years to develop and I asked him what is his schedule of implementation what is his commitment you know from desie for this programming does he have grants and things that he needs to um conform to um this would potentially start out as a potential partnership but he's looking potentially for 25 acres to uh take some of the stuff he already has in house to bring it to fruition in terms of Grant compliance um so where he would go from that educationally I don't think has been discussed but with respect to establishing a foot hold within the 25 acres he would partner with uh our 4 program uh to allow dual enrollment uh with 4 and which would give us access to more money through uh U UMass Cooperative which is a funding source for 4 so if I have a a body count that adds to that in a relationship that's made through this uh potential agreement uh would be with your approbation in in in your support obviously we can't do anything without you folks being the driving force it's just that with him I think the commitment would be over time so satisfying what his um need is and commitment to get credit and and you know work with desie to improve the programming is I believe in your office Mr superintendent with your administrator so you have Community standards and you have programming that you would want to push forward and I think once you uh present it in an educational manner in a curriculum uh I think it would prove um worthy of of the effort having said that I'm not too sure if you folks know that I am the chairman of the board of governors of quiny college and drink thinking into year five and year six on this collaborative effort potentially we could bring the educational piece where a curriculum could actually be CED out of this that you go from K through 12 right into a programming in dual enrollment in quinsey college which we offer right now to begin with but that's the dream part okay there's a lot of work a lot of sweat um that has to go into this to even get us to the table of for consideration but if you dream big I think there's an opportunity here and uh if you look back to the history of the pel the town of Plymouth actually paid for a deed restriction for agricultural use only more Al out of the fear of uh development by Realtors and with that conservation restriction allows for single uses so now let's just you know move it forward if if the the sheriff in the in the town were not uh didn't Express an interest at one point we had put it out for commercial um consideration for a dairy farm the HRA Farm people from duckberry expressed an interest uh in putting something together and then uh that's when the sheriff invoked his right to First refusal and got the the last five years of a lease on this and since then his program has um dwindled in size so he had like I said got rid of the horses but also his his prisoner intake has um um gotten low so uh I think he has applied for a h hydroponic grant that allows uh farming with a soiless technology uh his structures that he has out right there out there now are green houses and support buildings for his Staffing and so there's there's a lot of opportunity and for this presentation you know to start the conversation if you're interested if you're not that's fine too but we I believe that there's a great opportunity here for uh educational purposes and however we do it is how we come about we be with your full permission and nothing moves forward there's no Financial commitment just the ability to dream to apply anybody else have any questions right if nobody else has a question I have some I have a couple so I I don't think that I can't imagine that many people on this call will say that we don't want to create opportunity for our students I think this is my question is have you talked to other schools in the county other school committees because I'm just thinking we have 12 students or 15 or 20 and you know we have the 4 AG cub from some of the 4es students come from other parts of Plymouth County so is has that been a consideration because I'm assuming that whatever comes out of this if we're g to make it you make it viable in order to do that that's more kids because you're saying just one agricultural schools have many different programs in it um and so I guess there's there's a whole lot of opens up a lot of discussion with other if there's some some sort of regional Regional School how do we how does it get put together uh you know all those pieces which I know we're in the beginning stages of those conversations but just curious if you talked about there there are areas that we did consider so for me personally uh I gained an interest in the sale of camp borale in the end of Nature's Classroom in 1978 in the eth grade I spent a week from the city of quinsey down at camp borale in that Nature's Classroom and I don't know how how much of the uh participation with the town of Plymouth but when we started looking at it you know our job as County Commissioners is to maximize the value of that property and if you can have a return of investment through a lease or whatever it's maximizing the opportunity financially to um keep the ball moving um to ensure the property etc etc so when the opportunity presented itself you know on the county side alone we could pursue uh creating that 501c3 um um Nature's Classroom opportunity with 4 and allow for an economic engine to kind of create itself if you think about a weeks long activity by um pretty much all of the S Shore school systems where they get actual desie credit for that experience in their science programs that is something that without bricks and mortar uh we can contribute to um and there like I said there's existing infrastructure onsite with buildings that could be retrofitted but that's you know talking about a revenue stream that would be uh nonprofit but for public purpose it would supplement our forage program we think you know it would give an opportunity when we presented to the town we talked about the possibility of recreation getting involved in uh having a program and having the counselors uh get involved um we talked to the Northfork County Sheriff about his ropes course it's a leadership course that's been in place for 20 2 years and it takes uh youth from Member communities and brings them to a leadership camp where they have a a ropes course which is the big draw but it's uh All Day activities in the summer uh that is supported by the sheriff's department in collaboration with norfor County on the norfor county respiratory hospital we have their template we have their information so uh are there opportunities without a doubt and we will move forward with an expression of Interest it it just for me personally the best and highest possible use would be a public education piece and if as we move forward we can then gain economies of scale by allowing teachers potentially to do Nature's Classroom in the summer when they're not educating during the year I don't know it's a blank canvas right now but it's worth pursuing in my opinion yeah I guess I'm I guess the answer that question kind of maybe I don't know if any if it for others kind of made me think so so I think are we talking about supplemental to our two programs we have within the schools and just having this be like an elective uh program that we would or are we talking about a cc CCT program because what you're talking about sounds like supplemental education which obviously is always a good thing to have but I'm just want to make sure I understand what I don't want to confuse you on that is something we considered on our own until we brought it through the ma through the Mass General law process of offer it to the town okay so the town has expressed an interest but not as much interest as this presented once Mr Duffy get in the meeting and I think we acques to that as the greater good and then if that's the course we want to explore for due diligence purposes all we need is permission to do so by responding to this public hearing so nothing do but we do have a trigger that we're running out of time on to to respond to okay I I just that we like to do our due diligence here on the school committee we're very much like just make sure we have all our teeth crossed and uh our eyes dotted but I have another question but I'll I'll let Mr Morgan go first go ahead Mr Morgan thank you um I see on the agenda this is an information on an action item so when do we but I understand we have to give um a letter of interest soon so is this really an action item or it sounds to me like it is an action item and I don't think think I don't know if we knew if it was an actual action item I I could be wrong Dr Campbell I think I I had a question regarding whether not the letter needed to come from the school committee or or be like something a letter of support showing that this from the district the district just merely stating um that we're interested in pursuing educational Partnerships um with 4 or other agencies in this land um again not having that much information it being very sort of preliminary discussion so I wanted to have a discussion with you all um I don't think there needs to be a formal Vote or am I wrong Mr Hanley on that no it we just out of an abundance of caution on protocol we didn't want to uh not follow I think an expression of interest from the superintendent would satisfy it I think it would be nice for the committee to support the the superintendent if you so choose uh we just think it's an opportunity that should be exploited okay what is the feeling of the committee what are we what are we thinking anybody have any additional questions uh I mean like I said I don't think any of us are opposed to helping our students and continuing to expand but we do have and you know about our budget constraints we' had that that's been something that's been out there and uh discussed pretty regularly this this whole calendar year so we just want to be mindful as we move forward and I understand it doesn't tie our hands to anything but it's important that we fully understand what we're what we're doing I don't know but how the rest of the membership feels Miss Badger again um I think sorry um that Mr Duffy is clearly very excited about also quite anxious about timelines and and just how the amount of work that it would entail so I think um depending on the the route that this took it could be small it could start small or it could be something more substantial I think in terms of um it all depends on I guess resources um like human capital how much time not you know every all all the partners and people could put into that certainly I think um we had a lot of conversations about and I wasn't on that initial meeting and I know that Mr Duffy uh is always constantly looking to pursue other opportunities or grants out there that could support um any kind of Career and Technical education opportunity for our kids so I think um you know hearing about like Partnerships extension opportunities 4 opportunities for our students to to get involved in that's a seems like an easier left initially than developing a comprehensive agricultural program to your point Miss Batcher that has many different Pathways uh that our students pursue which which vary right so um I think the whole the the you know dreaming big is really is is is great um and and I would love to be a part of those conversations and and have our departments be part of the conversations and I just don't want to put ourselves in a situation that would um impede the day-to-day that work that that that we're doing including Mr Duffy but also put us in a situation um that would impact the rest of our school system in a in a challenging way and from what I'm hearing you know both from this call and um prior calls it doesn't seem that that would be the case by just engaging in the collaborative conversations Miss Jackson I would like to um just make a statement and then I would I would like to move that um that we move forward with this but I would also like to set the expectation just by stating that um we're just looking into this and there's a lot to be considered just so less for um Mr Hanley and more for the general public who's watching that there's a lot to consider here so this is only a step to look to um there's a lot of considerations funding being probably I think the most imperative one but if we're just looking into it um and seeing what's feasible then um I would move that we go ahead with that so I have a motion to send a letter to Miss Morgan um I'll second that uh motion she um miss miss Jackson kind of stole the words from me um we're on kind of a time crunch I think there's it may not be realistic but uh I don't want the option to be taken away from us so with the expectations low let's um support Dr Campbell um with a letter of interest and then we can see what happens later so anybody have any questions on the motion you're muted four years later and we can still say it I can't hear you can others I think it's his earphones he's he's not muted though oh yeah he isn't muted it might be a headphone issue okay anybody else have comments or meeting I think I think you're oh you're you're working now all right yeah for some reason for some reason it was coming through my earpods but it wasn't picking up my voice so no more of a just a additional com comment of sport yeah to me I feel this purely as exploratory I don't see why we would um take ourselves out of you know take ourselves out of the discussion if it ends up being more more more work than we want more you know cuss and we you know there's all sorts of off-ramps here so I would see no reason why we wouldn't want support Jackson and Mr Morgan's motion anybody else have a comment or question on the motion I do I just want to clarify are we the school committee members school committee sending the letter or did just from the wording of of your motion um or are we authorizing Dr Campbell to write the letter Mr Jackson um I would say authorizing Dr Campbell to write the letter if that's all that's needed but I'm happy to draft something also if you could do both Mr Morgan is that your feeling when you were seconding motion I just want to make sure we're all on the same page yes that's fine I support I support what Mrs Jackson just said okay perfect all right now I understand all right any no other questions U on the motion then we can vote and I'm just going to go as I see you on my screen uh Mr Morgan yes Mrs Jackson yes Mrs Shaw yes Mrs Haywood yes Mr kazano yeah and I vote Yes so that's unanimous so we'll get Dr Campbell than you for writing that letter on our behalf we really appreciate that and thank you um Mr Hanley for coming to our meeting this evening and sharing that with us look forward to hearing Madam chair superintendent Campbell and members I appreciate the opportunity thank you thank you thank you right our next we've got summer building project update sure um that's me tonight um our facilities department has been extremely busy um themselves getting buildings ready for for the for school's opening and I can't believe we're only a couple weeks away um and then also working with different contractors to get quite a few quite a few um tasks done and projects done across the district um just to kind of give you a rundown of some of them all of you know about the uh Indian Brook Federal furnace West Elementary School roofs I know Bob and and and Louise have have filled you in in regards to building committee um we have two schools they have lifted the HVAC units um successfully and are in the Pro and have connected um few issues with some of the HVAC units but weren't necessarily related them to lifting them and raising them um and so we have two schools that are completely done and they're working on Indian Brook this week um so we're hoping for some some good news on Indian Brook as well and that's it's usually only about a two-day lift they lift them build them up to the height that that we wanted them and then place them back down um so that's in progress and we're almost done um and they have to do a couple different things when regards to um putting the mats down on some of the roofs we're we're pretty much done there um and doing some metal work along some of the sides so um we'll be in good shape we should be in good shape by the time school starts um hedge Elementary School and nathia Morton um are in the finishing phases of getting a a brand new gym floor um Nathaniel Morton looks great I saw it the other day um they haven't painted the lines yet but it looks really good um bed furnace we've been working on there's been some concerns about some moisture in some of the classrooms so they've been working on um some drain lines to help prevent um the back units from stopping so those have been drained um to the outside um and to sink so they the unit shouldn't stop because of of it being filled with water and so forth um we're still working at at Nathaniel Morton they've done quite a bit of plastering repair on some ceilings up on the third floor um some painting of the ceilings and painting of classrooms um as well and they're doing them in small segments so they're not taking over too much of the third floor so this work will be goneo during some vacation s and probably you'll still probably have be using this money next summer as well um so we're working on that um South Elementary School if you've driven by you'll see a new driveway um there we've we've done that um if you drove it before it was driving like almost like on the road I live off of which is a dirt road um but it looks much better now um they the well reconstruction um we successfully have water not in the building yet um but we have water coming out of the well so that that is working um we have to work with the Department of Environmental prevent try that again Massachusetts Environmental Protection to get um some tests done and they have to come down and improve it before we can fully turn the whole thing on so um we're working on some final paperwork Touches at this point in time um and the the the company has been wonderful to work with so um we should hopefully have water maybe by the middle of the end of this week in the building so um we're keeping our fingers crossed on that um let's see pcis it's been extremely busy over there um if you've driven by um you'll notice that we've taken down some of the hill in the front so it also prevents some of the animals from living in right in front of pcis um and also what we're doing is we're adding a little bit of additional parking between Mercury and Gemini um and that should be paved this week as well um Plymouth North if you've been by there um there is a gorgeous new track um they finished the track and it is absolutely beautiful um it is open to to use at this point in time um South High School we have a grant um working Mark Duffy Dr Rogers um Patty fry had all worked on a gramp and they're they're replacing the TV studio equipment which is from the Old South they never replaced that equipment when they moved over to the new one um and other than that um the last thing we're working on is Cold Spring nathani Morton in hedge Elementary School um we're working with the town through some arpa money um to get some cooling stations for those buildings because those buildings don't have central air like some of the others so um hopefully by the end of next school year when it warms up again in the spring we'll have some of those in place um but we have to work through some federal Opera money um working with the town um and then there's all sorts all the little things going on but those were the major ones and there was quite a few of them back to helpen that the photos you showed today oh yes a pcis also I forgot that um if you go into pcis all the floors and the main hallways are are being redone there's one hallway left it is a totally different building when you look at those pictures um so just get just if you have a chance at some point in time if the school opens up take a walk through it's absolutely beautiful anybody have any questions no I saw some pictures the other day I was with a member of the staff Who had who got some pictures and it looks beautiful at pcis and I went for a run a couple weeks ago to the I was just running I was like I'm almost at self Elementary let's just keep going and I mean it looks beautiful so thank you I know that's just a piece of small piece of all the work that's being done so really excited to see everything all improved and beautiful and the of North track is also beautiful saw that the other day so thank you thank you for all that hard work that everybody is doing to make it happen really appreciate that thank you um anybody else right um now we have our um our school Improvement plan uh schedule and this we started to put together I mean I know it's been put together for several ohop sorry I think I no I didn't jump um we started to put together last year and and I know it was it was put together before but not shared with the committee so I'm glad we were able to get this out so everyone can kind of plan and see and everybody watches us and looking for certain uh presentations will be able to see it obviously there'll be a little bit of um could be some changes given scheduling and things like that as we move forward but I know we're looking also to add some quarterly budget updates to that I know that I've talk to Dr Campbell about that um and just kind of get the schedule out so we all know what to expect when to expect it so Dr Campbell sorry I probably took some of your thunder there no no all right no I think to your point uh Mr dger we haven't always shared this up prior to the start of the school year so I think just knowing um as you all know um particularly those who have been here um for the course of the year um we scheduled these presentations both School Improvement plans as well as uh programmatic presentations um my goals are also on there as well for the early September meeting to start uh sharing with you the draft of what I started this summer so now we look forward to it can't believe that we're we're already here and um so if you ever have any questions just reach out thank you for putting that together and sharing it anybody have any questions all right we been right along and next is our policy section so uh Dr Rogers hi good evening um the policy subcommittee met last week we met on Tuesday evening um August 6th um in attendance was myself Dr Campbell Dr senson um Miss Haywood um vda Scott and Christine rickets from from the CPAC and um the we met to discuss um Miss Shaw's concerns so after our last meeting actually it wasn't our last meeting it was our meeting before that in June there were several um policies that Miss Shaw had concerns about so she put those in writing and so those are the policies that we focused on um so those changes are indicated in the policies that were uploaded I can go over those changes quickly if people want it's a little tricky on a laptop as Michelle said earlier I don't have like the luxury of double screens but um I can do my best um if people would like me just to go over the language changes in those sections I I think that'd be really helpful for people at home and just everybody here so yeah so the first one was ibaa which was observations of special education programming um so let me just get there um so I highlighted on this one it was number eight um and number nine and a little bit of 12 um so number eight we um change the language so the Observer will be asked to minimize any disruption to the classroom if their presence um presents a significant disruption they may be asked to discontinue the observation so we we tamed that language a little bit um just to ensure that um The Learning environment is not disrupted um and we know that having you know multiple adults in a classroom can be a little bit distracting to some of our students especially some of our students with more challenging disabilities so wanted to just make sure that that some language was in there um again making sure that our kids um our kids are at the Forefront of those observations number nine The Observer will be asked to submit their report of the observation in advance if the report will be reviewed Andor discussed at the students team meeting so the language previously was a little bit vague in the sense of we're not asking the OB Observer for any of their personal notes or Memory aids this is strictly if anything is going to be used in a team meeting um the team would ask to have the a copy of that report prior to the meeting so that it can be reviewed beforehand and that's typ that's practice of of any Special Education team so anytime that there's a report um that the team is going to preview or review in order to make decisions for the child um it that the team has it PRI prior to the team meeting um and the number 12 the school administrator design will um also observe so we've always had either an administrator or design we talked a lot about this in our policy meeting so we added the word design in there um we talked a little bit about or I guess it was in there previously so um we talked about who the design might be and it could be a bcba it could be a school psychologist it doesn't always have to be a school administrator but we feel as though it's important to have um somebody from the school in addition to the parent Andor um The Advocate at those observations so those were the changes for observations of special education programs our next one was homebound instruction which was ibf so let me just scroll down to that one all right just taking me a minute to get there you're fine I contrl F if that's more helpful for you bound instruction oh there we go um so again we just cleaned up a little bit of the language so it's a little bit more clear um I think there was a little bit of misunderstanding with regard to Laboratories or special equipment um so in the second paragraph to qualify the student needs a written statement from a physician on a home or hospital form um which is I put the regulation in there requesting homebound instruction stating the reason why and the estimated time that the student will be out of school and the statement should be sent to the building principal or their design um so that's right from the regul with regard to homebound instruction and then the last paragraph again we just kept it very simple um homebound instruction is offered in core subjects which do not require Laboratories or special equipment so in other words if a student was a carpentry student we can't replicate um what they would be learning in carpentry through a tutoring program or through a homebound instruction program so things like that um would have to be modified um the next one imga which was service animals in school we deleted that entire um policy we're going to go back and revisit that because we have um we have Baja over at South we have anel over at pcis so this policy I think is going to take a little bit more work um so we do want to have um something along the lines of having um therapy dogs in school because we have dogs that are assigned to um staff as their Handler um but that's going to take a little bit more time so we deleted that um policy for now um the school admissions policy which is J and f um so what we included in um column B so this was a verification and an equity issue you we do have families who may have trouble getting a gas bill oil bill electric bill home telephone bill or cable bill so what we did was we just took the language from column A which was a legal affidavit from a landlord affirming tency or and or a record or most recent rent payment and we included that in both um both columns so that if a family is having trouble um with either of those um producing any of those documents um they would be able to get a letter from the landlord which makes it a little bit I think easier and it's um more and more worth seeing sort of a lot of those different bills sort of bundled together so I think it's a little bit more challenging so giving people the option of of having a letter that's notorized from the landlord I think might be helpful so thank you for that suggestion um let me just change to section J um which was I I'm sorry ji and if anyone from policy wants to jump in feel free let's see did you find it Dr Rogers because I found it oh I haven't found it yet you want to go over that one Dr Campbell because so that's the searches and interations policy so we had a lot of conversation about that um so the searches by staff um there was believe no recommend recommended changes to that however for the interrogation piece um it was rewarded to State the following when law enforcement officials find it necessary to question students during the school day or periods of extracurricular activities the school principal or design will ensure that that the student's parent guardian or attorney is present during the questioning no interrogation shall take place on school property without the presence of a parent guardian or attorney to protect the students rights um and the last one was physical Restraint of students so Miss Shaw had said that she was not able to find um the statement that says procedures for receiving and investigating complaints regarding straint restraint practices um so on that very first page it's bullet one two three it's the fourth bullet down so it was in there I think it was just potentially overlooked as she was going through them so that that piece is in that policy um and those were all of the updates from our meeting anybody have any questions any anything they'd like to add about any of the hey oh sorry Michelle no um I don't have anything to add I I really appreciate you going back over that um I really appreciate those changes I think that does address um a lot of the concerns that I had about those policies specifically um the interrogation one um that's that's much better on that one um and I think it's a great idea to to uh have more discussion about the the support animal um one before that one is implemented into a policy as well so I really appreciate everyone going back and in doing that work on that thank you so much yeah of course thank you for asking those questions question it's really good that we're able to you know get you know we want to look at it from all the different angles so thank you for bringing that up um so this is an info action so we can take the we can take all the policies oh sorry Miss did I see you put your hand up oh sorry um we can take all of them and we because we need to approve them in form correct and then we approve all of them all the ones we've looked at over time yeah yeah so at this point Mard you've um this the Poli the school committee has um voted on all sections in form with the except exception of the four that are attached this evening I J K and L you've seen them multiple times um but this this would be the the the vote in form that would that would conclude the entire policy manual the exception of the one that we extracted which policy sub could work on so in in theory um once you've done that the committee could consider to adopt the policy manual as previously approved and to resend the that's in the next section next vote should the committee want to do that yep so do I have a motion to approve these in form a oh jeez J J KL inform Mr Pano yeah I move to be approve policies by JK and L in form I have a I have a motion do have a second Miss Heywood second she got you beat you to it um any questions on the motion no questions we can vote so I'm going to go again in the order you appear so Miss Shaw yes Mrs is Jackson yes Mr Morgan yes Miss ha yes Mr Pano yes and I vote Yes so that was unanimous so thank you all so much thank you for your hard work on all of that and we will move to our next piece which is to adopt the policy approval and resend the previous version of the policy manual um that would be the motion that we need if I have a motion for that or any any discussion at all questions Mr Rano nope I would move to adopt the pl school's policy manuals previously approved and form and resend all previous versions of the policy manual the adoption will have an effective date of August 12 20124 right I have a motion do I have a second I second Jackson thank you a motion in a second I don't have any questions on the motion no all right we can vote so Miss Shaw yes Miss Jackson yes Mr Morgan yes Miss Haywood yes Mr Pano yes your votes yes so we unanimous thank you all for the hours and hours and hours of work that you did on that and know that from all of I know that you all were working really hard Dr saon Miss Miss Haywood really worked a lot obviously Dr Rogers and Dr Campbell and everybody else who was brought in you I know we had principals and teachers and administrators from all across the district brought into you know advise on different policies so I really appreciate the hours of time and dedication that you put into that so thank you very much now we have a shiny new policy so yeah Miss P yeah that's yes that that large that's exciting that large manual which now follows the National Standard as as you heard um will masc will take all these edits they will publish it it will take some time but that will be a direct connection on the masc website as well as our website um we will work um in the interm to get a pdf version both a word and pdf version of all these policies from masc and we will put a link on our website in the you know um temporarily um in a in a um more of a PDF fashion before the interactive uh connection occurs through masc but it's yeah it's very exciting undertaking it really is because it's really hard to find those policies even when you know what you're looking for the organization that we have is not exactly ideal so appreciate it and I look really forward to being able to find a policy that I'm looking for a little bit easier thank you um all right so the next thing that we have is um so there has been an a couple additions to our subcommittee and Lea's on appointments I know we brought this up before uh we have Miss Haywood is going to be our leaon to the cape C collaborative so thank you for stepping up and being willing to do that and then after we had some discussion with both the the select board or I should say Kevin C KY and then we um advocacy and then some other discussions we decided to add a third person onto the budget subcommittee so we figured I just I took that one and um and be part of those conversations just so that we have another um eyes and ears you know that way if one person can't make it we still have an AB we still have a couple others who are able to make it because it is that important and um I know we talked to Dr blel this this afternoon maybe like an hour or two ago um about we'll do our first the first meeting that is being had between uh letting us know what's kind of happening will be end of September and so we're going to do something probably beginning of October as the first budget subcommittee meeting meeting so I have it in my notes to send out a um a meeting just to see when we'll be able to set that up or I should say um a doodle to see when we can set up a meeting uh but th these should be the assignments if you have anything that needs to be changed please let me know um or any questions about your assignments let me know as well but um there hasn't been any really changes since the first time we presented other than those two things any questions okay moving right along now we have superintendent superintendent report Dr Campbell thank you m b just a few things briefly uh first um today we had our um annual administrative Retreat Day one of uh today so we'll look forward to meeting with all of our principles assistant principles coordinators directors again tomorrow um busy day today really welcoming a lot of new administrators as you know we we have four new principles this year new to their principal ship with us uh Mr Thompson at self Elementary Miss chase at uh Nathaniel Morton Miss Barrett as an interm at sou middle um miss van winkl um at Cold Spring uh we also welcomed a new assistant principal Mr Andy sh at South Middle School um Taylor soell who is joining uh Miss Chase over at Nathaniel Morton she is um a Alum of Nathaniel Morton and a graduate of the pouth public schools um um not a recent graduate but a graduate um of plumouth Po a recent really actually um we s vanetti is an inter coordinator uh for us as you know that um Miss Reen is doing a sort of sabatical this year working with 18 Foundation um yeah we welcome Christine Smith to our team with the entire team and then um recently Shannon uh Turner of a Plymouth North High School um accepted a position as director of um human resources for the Taunton Public Schools so with that vacancy we have an interm uh assistant principal uh Jennifer mcarter who is an actual teacher um atth MTH high school so she's assuming that role uh this year so we look forward uh to her joining us as well we today we spent we spent some time actually going over not specific policies but how we've been doing this work for the last couple of years and and and demonstrating where that will lie and just bringing close attention to our administrators on particularly the instructional policies the pupil policies the things that that we're going to be familiarizing themselves with particularly now that everything has been voted in um to replace our existing our our former policy manual so we look forward to continuing that we had some legal updates today uh regarding Title 9 Student Records Etc we we um sort of rolled out some conversations about strategic plan so we could start doing goal setting both as teams and as individuals um and you know so it was it was it was a busy day busy day so we continue we'll have a lot of professional development tomorrow uh that we look forward to continuing uh one thing just to bring to families attentions uh in the very near future we will be replacing our summer icon for summer summer work or summer opportunities with a back to school FAQs we've done this for the last few years just answering questions that families may have regarding the start of school where you know when the school assignments going out uh U any materials that I need so there'll be lots of questions that we get uh that will be answered there U with hyperlinks that will bring them to um the specifics depending on the level or or the school um that will also be included in my welcome back letter which will go out uh a week or so before school so um that should be going out soon and then just opening day uh just the invitations have gone out or started going out we've sent uh personal invitations uh through my office to many guests uh both of all all of you of course but um other officials in the community so we look forward to seeing everyone at our opening day ceremony which is Tuesday August 27th at pouth North High School we will start in in the Performing Art Center at 8:30 but you're welcome to get there earlier around 8:00 we'll have coffee and refreshments in the cafeteria uh we'll welcome our new uh Educators in as we do and we're looking forward to a um a great a great opening we also one thing that we started um we continue to do is we have an annual food drive that day so we encourage our staff to bring any items and we donate those uh directly to the Southshore Community Action Council uh once everyone leaves we we we send those there so it's a great tradition that we've started which has been very helpful as well so that's all I have this evening Miss Patrick thank you anybody have any questions for Dr Campbell okay all right we're gonna go to retirement announcement Mr Trophy yes good evening uh we just had one retirement that we accepted over the summer uh was to acknowledged that this past June was her last last go round uh it's Kathleen kuk she was a par educator at the early childood Center and it 24 years of service so we're certainly grateful for her time with the system thank you Mr P yeah it's on behalf of the committee and the community like to thank Miss GRE for her 24 years of service to the district thank you all right I just muted myself not sure how I did that sorry um next thing we have is our committee reports report proposals from the committee members do we have anybody who has any um anything they want to share Mrs Jackson I just wanted to uh mention briefly that a few of us had the opportunity to do a number of events with our sister city shishi when they were here um I also hosted somebody which was a great experience so um I'm sure myself along with the number of others who are on the pa uh really enjoyed meeting and getting to know a lot of the uh teachers the mayor the chairman um the travel agent and all the students uh and the educational Summit that we had was also very informative so um we're really happy for all the information that we got out of there it was real pleasure to meet it's SP time with everybody you have another update from earlier today uh yes I um regarding the transportation fees yes yes I wasn't doing that one or not see any other hands we we have been uh we did get together today to discuss the transportation fees um for it was uh something that was brought up by a concerned parent of a federal furnace student um that they lived within less than a mile of the school but had no accessible walking ability um so we are in the process of having those discussions um and trying to figure out um what that looks like uh no real determination has been made on things but I just wanted to let um that person and others in that area know that we have been discussing it and we have not forgotten about it thank you anybody else have anything um I just wanted to um so again I know I have said this several times but I'll make again we have meetings with Dr Campbell uh um every Wednesday and the Wednesday afternoon sometimes it gets moved around a little bit uh but if there's anything that you are interested in making to talk to Dr Campbell about you want kind of addressed in a an agenda that basically we go over the agenda for the next meeting that's the point and if there's any other things happening um and that's usually with Mrs Jackson and Mr Bano if they're available um and so if anybody ever wants something to be addressed or wants to be part of that conversation please let us know because we want to make sure we avoid a quorum and either you know Mr Bano or Mr Mrs Jackson won't won't attend the meeting and we can figure that out but um Wednesday afternoons is when we typically have that late afternoon I should be clear um so please let me know if you ever do um because those are open we are just talking about the agenda and we're talking about some other you know issues that might be happening in the in the district that we um Dr Campbell wants to update us on so you are welcome um and then we want to know we wanted to let everybody know that we are putting forward we didn't bring it to a vote here we've been having uh after after our budget theing our that we went through in December and January and that February and that whole process um you know I've been reaching out to our select board counterparts and uh we finally were able to find a date and a time that worked for us in June and so we've been having conversations about how we can move forward together what that looks like how we are better planners with our budget and we're all on the same page I mean I think that's something we've all wanted for a while and so uh these conversations have been really good with the town manager and Dr Campbell and Kathy I mean Mrs Jackson has also been a part of those meetings and um Mr KY from the select board and some of the things that come out of that is we've again kind of bringing up that concept of consolidation and I know that as a committee we've been a little bit uh it's not that we haven't wanted to have the discussions but we've wanted to make sure that the actual parties within our um staff are part of those conversations so it's not school Committee Member and a select board member talking about something we don't know the day-to-day workings out and so that was really important to us that that be part of the the conversation uh and so we are putting forward a warrant that is going to kind of look at a few areas within both the town and the school side to see what we might be able to do consolidation wise what that could even look like if it's even possible um and what areas make the most sense and it's we've had two meetings now and just to kind of go over that and I know Dr Campbell has been working on finding some um some Consultants that do that and so we're going to hopefully put forward that ask and hopefully get some funding to be able to pay for that um uh consolidation study and then the other study we're doing is that we're going to put to get put forward a warrant or warrant has already been put forward we just didn't have a meeting for us to have this discussion beforehand um is transportation so looking at possibly taking over our transportation has been a discussion for gosh I think Dr Rogers gave a presentation gosh years ago about taking over special education transportation and what we might be able to do moving forward on other parts of Transportation so it's been going on for a really long time and so um we're going to put forth a uh warrant to see if we can get the funds to do a study to see what that might look like in us taking over the transportation and is that a phase in process what does that look like and get some answers there uh and so those are those are two things that are already put forward we can always remove them if we decide that we don't uh as a committee aren't interested in moving forward with however um they kind of fall out but we wanted to put them on the warrant so and meet the deadline so we don't you know Miss it we have that opportunity so those are the Dr Campbell if I'm missing anything or Mrs Jackson no I think that you know we talked about again studying these two issues in the transportation we've heard talk about time and time and time again and finding a way that and it could be a multi-gear most likely would be a multi-year yeah plan regardless of the suggestions so that we're doing in you know an efficient um but in a successful way so that we don't impede um the quality of Transportation along the way as well and the same that with with the the consolidation discussion I've been here it's my 17th school year here we've had some work done by committees with some consultation to the committee I think one piece that we always are look at is efficiencies um but I I'm sure I speak for the you know I I know personally wouldn't want to disrupt our operations in any manner that um would would impede the the the quality of the work that we're currently doing so um just being mindful of um getting the right people to to to explore that as well so that they have an understanding of how things operate both you know in the school department but at the town as well well so that is the update there um anybody else have any additional okay none we'll move on to master planning Mr Morgan um yes um we did meet on um July 17th again we kind of went over the meeting back in June that we had at South Middle um where we had 186 people ATT 10 uh we went over some of the initial feedback um we've had about 180 180 surveys filled out as of our last meeting the survey is open through the end of August uh we will be meeting uh again um um to go over the results of those surveys um and we're kind of splitting our meetings between town hall and meeting in the um uh community um again we're paying Consultants we got to budget their time in charges like that so but we're going to try to mix it in here and there we can get around um the town um but um we're we were very encouraged by the um the initial interest and the the goal is to keep it going so uh hopefully we'll have more with our next meeting awesome thank you any questions from Mr Morgan all right now we're going to do Plymouth building committee report Mr Pano Mr Morgan I'm back um um um uh Mr blel kind of covered the school so I won't be redundant there um um West Plymouth fire station is essentially complete there's just some punches items there landscaping's done um looks really great I know our um visitors from Japan toward the fire station and we're very from what I understand we're very impressed I wasn't there when they did that station five um um is moving along the timbles moved up a little bit they were behind we still think they might be behind but they are making up ground things are going well there um and the town sign a purchase and sale for a property that could be a potential for DPW building uh again a lot to um um to be worked out there I'm going to go to town meeting but um that was encouraging awesome thank you for that report um the next thing we have as Personnel report Mr Ji uh yes um recently we brought on 20 certificated staff uh 10 classified staff and we also process 12 resignations thank you so much for that busy busy time yes it is anybody have any unfinished business or business anybody have anything for new business okay we're moving right along so then the next piece we have is a consent agenda does anybody have anything that needs to be removed from the consent agenda Mrs hawood yes it's just it's not that it there just a couple of Corrections and I'm sorry that I didn't do this um earlier um just on um May 20th um and they're just name name corrections to tell you the truth May 20th 2.0 um my name is misspelled it's just ha ha y instead of Hy um also on May 20th 8.1 doctor it has two RS in it in front of Dr Campbell um and then on 7.2 on 617 um Dr Sorenson's name is spelled Mis correctly so what we'll do is we'll pull those out we're going to pull those out of the consent agenda because I also have I was going to say so we'll pull all the minutes I'm going to ask that we pull all the minutes out of the consent agenda um and we'll get back to those and we'll file those in there so um so we've move them out does anybody have anything else they need moved out of the consent agenda no okay all right do I have a motion to approve the consent agenda minus the minute I motion that we approve it thank you a motion REM a second thank you Mr Morgan any questions on the motion all right no questions well Miss Shaw yes Miss Jackson yes Mr Morgan yes Miss Haywood yes Mr Pano yes and I vote Yes those unanimous now we'll look into those minutes again so does everybody um we've got the minutes corre from May 20th that Miss Haywood shared with us um does anybody else have any other additional Corrections before I go through mine okay yeah sorry sorry in 67 oh 617 go right ahead no it's the same I I already mentioned it but 617 7.2 oh sorry yes sorry uh yeah so my correction are that in all of the minutes I believe in all of them when you have an attendance piece we're just missing a comma between uh saon and Miss Haywood um and then I sent all of these already CHR and so she already has them I say Miss gravio um we've on May 6 we just need to make uh it should be state representative not state senator Kathy latra um and then 7.1 it says I just this is my edit the Miss Badger explained that the resolution is to put a cap on and that was doesn't have anything so on the the cost of cost for buses for out of District transportation those are my May 6 edits and then May 20th um we just have Chrissy spel Chrissy's missing her y I believe she spells her name with a y at the end um and then uh June 3D is again just a statement that I made says Miss Badger asked for asked about manat elementary housing pack and how long how long they will need the space but what I think what I asked is how long they'd be able to operate it before they needed additional space um and then June 17th same uh did that uh 5.1 it just looked like it wasn't finished so just so Miss Shaw will send Dr Rogers her concerns via email I andj will be revised so so basically Miss Shaw will send Dr Rogers her concern via email regarding I andj and they will be revised um and then 7.1 uh Mr Morgan gave an update on the master planning committee an informational meeting and I just included was held on um in and then D then there's a Dr Campbell announced for certified and there was just no commas in that piece so it's for certified appointments comma one classified comma one parental comma leave um parental leave comma sorry three medical leaves comma and two resignations there just wasn't any um commas they all just ran on um and then July 8 um 3.1 is just needs no space between FY and 24 uh 6.1 uh it says Miss Jackson gave an update on and I think it was dii and I just had a Miss Jackson gave an update on the diversity committee she shared that all subcommittees were finalized uh the committee is going to work on a land acknowledgement moving uh land acknowledgement W land land acknowledgement wampo for the wampo people this year this year at the end of it uh and then 6.1 Mr Morgan updated the committee on the needs uh updated the committee on students from Japan and I just added on the needs for host families for the students from Japan but those are my they're just little kind of tiny issues so I don't know how the committee feels moving forward with these edits or if they want to hold them and put them on to the next meeting so it's up to how everyone feels I have a a motion in either direction or a thought I have a thought oh M sorry see your hand it seems like there's enough changes that' be cleaner to just pull them all get all these changes updated and then come back and let us see a clean clean is everyone okay with that okay perfect so we will take these me minutes and then at our next meeting in September we will address them and um so perfect thank you all for working through that with me and Miss Haywood um so we will put those on for our next committee uh meeting and then so that is it for our Open Session I need unless anybody has anything else that they would like to con like discuss okay seeing none so now we would like to go in we're gonna go into executive session to um talk about collective bargaining can I get a motion to go into executive session miss saywood I move that we go into executive session for the interest of collective baring thank you Mr Pano did I see your hand yeah before that we um there were other things on the consent agenda did we we already approved them all oh we already okay right right we did do it okay I just make it sure it's possible that my brain could work like that um so do I have a second on miss miss perfect perfect we have a motion in a second do we have any questions on the motion all right team done motion to go into executive session and we will not come back we will adjourn from executive session and end the meeting correct that is correct okay um so miss sha yes Miss Jackson yes Mr Morgan yes Miss Haywood yes Mr Bano yes right and I vote Yes and we will wait a little bit for us to not be on television thank you everybody