you w e okay please rise for the flag standing for United States of America stands na indis andice good evening everyone uh it's good to see so many people packed here for our o of office before we do that though I just need a motion uh to approve the minutes from May 7 okay uh before we start I just want to say uh I've worked with Clint uh Pasco and Antonio for a while uh great guys I'm very excited that they're moving up into these positions I think get they a huge asset to our department and I just got to know Keegan and he's a great asset as well to his department so we are very fortunate and I say every time but I'm very biased but we have the best police force in the state New Jersey so uh the promotions that we're going to do tonight is only going to solidify that so um before we do that Chief do you want to say anything or or any of the governing bodies want to say anything I'll just say as as chairman of the police committee uh the whole council is extremely proud of police department and the great job that they do uh it's so so great to see so many of you here supporting these new officers I'm extremely proud of Captain Clint Daniel Lieutenant Pas Drew Sergeant Garcia and police officer Chev we're proud to have you guys and we thank you for J [Applause] Captain Daniel I Clinton J Daniel I Clinton J Daniel do solemnly swear do solemnly swear that it will support the Constitution that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith that I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same and to the government established and to the government established in the united states in the United States and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that will I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of police captain of the office of police captain according to the best of my abilities according to the best of my abilities and that I will not use my office and that I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain favor or Advantage favor or Advantage not available to the general public not available to the general public so help me God so help me God con [Applause] lien Drew I pasc drew I pasc drew doly swear do solemly swear that I will support the Constitution will support the constition of the United States of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear two Fai true Fai and ALG to the same Al to the same and to the government established to the government's establish in the united states in the United States and in the state and in this state under the authority of the people authority of people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of police Lieutenant of the office of police Lieutenant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to Grant preferential treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to se favor or advantage not available to the general public not available to the general public so help congratulations I Antonio Garcia I Antonio Garcia do Solly swear doly swear that I will support the constition that I will support the Constitution of the United States of the United States and the state of New Jersey and the state of New Jersey that I will bear true faith I will bear true faith and allegiance to the same and allegiance to the same as to the government's established as to the government's established in the United States in the unit St and in the state and in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will fa faithfully impartially and partially and justly perform and justly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of police sergeant of the office of police Sergeant according to the best of my ability according to the best of my ability and that I will not use my office and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to prerenal treatment nor to seek personal gain nor to seek personal gain or Advantage not available to the general public AV to back [Applause] kear that support the constition support theti of the United States of the United States and the state of New Jersey the state of New Jersey that I will bear true Faith Al to to EST in the united states in the United States and in the state in the state under the authority of the people under the authority of the people and that I will Faithfully I will faithfully impartially impartially and justly perform andly perform all the duties all the duties of the office of police officer according to the best of my ability of my ability and that I will not use my office and I will not use my office to Grant preferential treatment to gr PR to see personal gain to personal favor or Advantage not available to the general not Avil to [Applause] thanks for loosing up the crowd um this will be brief um congratulations to the officers and their families on their promotions and the new hire um looking forward to working with everybody in their new roles and thank you for the mayor the mayor and Council Christine for for um pushing these promotions through right before the summer we're ready to go and thank you for that um I'm going to uh read a letter that was written to Keegan from his brother who's uh currently deployed um dear Keegan writing this to inform you of how proud I am of this special swearing in and all that you have accomplished th far this day ensures a lifetime of Duty and a mindset of giving your dedication has made you the man you are today and the best brother one can ask for I apologize that I can't be an attendance du the current combat appointment I am on just know that I am there in spirit with you and your department and your support I want to thank your department with for accepting you with open arms and making you own the plan puant Beach Police Department is one of the best departments I've seen in my eyes to their community and to their people who wear the uniform proudly lastly I I want to wish you all congratulations in the world for becoming a made guy I love you and hope to see you at Christmas time from your brother [Applause] you guys can stay if you want or you guys go go have a good time and celebrate congrats again to all the all St [Music] yeah done with that am right EX the don't okay we're going to continue uh the meeting uh we going to do the department head memos turn it over to council president lanes and nothing's effective there's NOK spots remov nothing adjusted if anything reducing the size of the driveway so I see I would like to recomend that this curve approved this curve request approved it's second request I IDE from the I made a visit to properties as we custom it's our C to do that just to make sure so when I visited I um realized it's a corner lot and actually it's actually takes up the whole street so to the right side there is a curve cut that enables a garage and then also a parking spot where car wask so um I looked at and our professionals letter and we only allow one Cur cut per home so actually allowing a second Cur cut and removing one on street parking is not something that the council would like to entertain um that what have be over coverage so I that the council not approve this at this moment and allow it to go forward for a VAR that is what the Cent again only because two curs in a home are not allowed by our ordinance so we would be setting a street never so you're making a motion for denial this time I think that um I don't recomend removing a parking spot and adding Cur CS to a home uh know when we do public participation you can y i there or not aware of I don't mind it but at Point from what I it didn't showon for us to ENT it because it violates our no sorry you gotta wait till public participation sorry so can I ask a question myself then is this Construction come backs reloc so we could we could make a motion then to table this so let's do that until you guys go to the board I'll to table this I'll okay thank you council president Crowley and let's get to committee reports Council test sent summary and some numbers so I will get back tonight okay so let's start off with Okay so our permit activity report year today permits issued are 188 updates process 44 certificates issued 190 the uniform construction code um we have about 110 open violations um during this transition period the building department has been actively reaching out and working with property and business owners in an effort to gain compliance and clear a backlog of open violation and penalties they have been employing a generous reduction or elimination of penalties in order to satisfy the concerns of the residents and encourage compliance the application process they are now working on the backlog of about 38 denials for uniform construction code applications they are contacting applicants to determine what is needed to move their applications along or dispose of the application if they are choosing not move forward with their project overall status there have been no adverse effects on property or business owners during this period um Brian has um they have adjusted their schedule Brian um to provide additional early hours starting at 7:30 a. to the public instead of the usual 9:00 a. this allows the public and the contractors the ability to stop in on their way to work or the job site um they're making the office more accessible to the public by providing additional time to set appointments and increase walk-in hours from the typical 1 hour in the morning and one hour in the afternoon um this will provide better service and experience within the department he's working with the staff cross training them in various aspects of the department so there's no laps in coverage and the information delivered out of the office is consistent um two of our staff members are currently attending flood plan prep classes okay so for our rental inspections we again this I'm just going to give straight numbers um the applications we have 412 total inspections 371 initial inspections 324 reinspection 47 47 right now we have currently 355 seasonal and 57 annual um so far the fees collected are 117,000 $600 fire safety activities we are working with the fire department and multiple business owners to identify and address light safety system deficiencies for example sprinkler alarm kitchen systems um fire safety inspection statistics they've collected about $25,000 and I'm not going to go into all those details because there's a lot but mertile license uh 411 sign applications 18 applications vacant and aband in um they've collected over 18,000 and there's eight active properties grease traps 57 applications 24 pending 13 pending payment zoning issued 98 and denied 29 so overall they're doing a great job thank you to everyone in the building department thank you to Brian and thank you for this detailed report um if you have um more specific questions or you'd like to um know more about this report you can come up to me and I can go into more detail because I know I just threw a lot but just as basic overall so again um I'm available and the building department is always available for any of your questions uh so that's that and just real quick um Arts committee so um I just want to briefly mentioned um christe Montella who um is one of my friends and um is a dear person she had uh joined the Arts committee way back when about four years ago when Paul was the mayor when he first created and she you know he needed someone and she stepped up to the plate to to run that and she has done a fantastic job and sadly um she has steep down and I just want to personally say thank you to all the hard work that she has done over the last uh four years and her dedication um she's given 100% of herself to putting on great events and you know just making sure that bringing um good things to our community and having everybody involved so I personally want to say thank you to her um she was one of the people that really pushed to have the farmers market and um you know we had our first um Farmers Market um on this past Sunday and you know I just want to say thank you tonight I feel getting on to that segue into that um we went I thought it was excellent um it was you know great vendors I know that there was some positive um feedback on how you know how we can move forward with some so there were great great feedback um so we're going to look into those things um I'd like to say thank you to the police offic that were there that were walking around they were so nice um a lot of the there was no place to go to the bathroom so that was a big concern and they went to every single vendor to tell them where they could go um I believe it's going to be next week are we having a Portage on there or um what's the status with that so when we had last met with the Arts thek committee they had said they weren't going to have a bathroom became an issue okay so all right to have I think we should because they would have they literally have to go across the street to go to other uh businesses and I just think it's not convenient so if we could work on that or look into it that I think that would be excellent it's not a problem all right awesome thank you yeah and um thank you to our volunteers that day uh Jun kuzo uh for being there setting up the list um I signed up for one day so thank you um and yeah was it was a great success and and I'm looking forward uh to going um and if you haven't definitely check it out I got two big things of strawberries blueberries peaches grapes and I think I spent like $25 it was so cheap too it was great pickles so anyway I recommend you go and last push Party by the Sea this Thursday I hope you all got your tickets you're going so um we're going to put an ad in the paper just one more push I think we have like 90 tickets sold um it's going to be a great so this helps raise money for the Arts so you haven't purchased a ticket please don't and uh beautification again um Gard tour June 27th please purchase your tickets it's going to be a wonderful event thank you to everybody getting the um Planters um pretty what we've done this week for Memorial Day weekend and I just also want to give a shout out to the police department and to everybody involved with the Bike Rodeo um I thought that was excellent I attended that um and it's just a great event to bring the community together learn bicycle safety and um I know the mayor's probably going to touch on that more but just thank you again to everybody that help uh put that together and that's all I have thank you sorry talking really fast had a lot to say thank you coun counc thank you mayor good evening everybody than okay I'm going to start with um EMS week said this year is the 50th Anniversary the EMS week a week dedicated to celebrate and honor the bravery and dedication of our emergency service professionals um your commitment to our community is immeasurable we are extremely fortunate to have some of the best professionals on our EMS team thank you our fire company report a very busy spring volume has increased significantly in addition to our calls they handle they handle calls for a neighboring Town providing Mutual a while other and answering to their course our department just recently trained with our first aid to fully understand the intricacies and difficulties they could encounter when and if they are called to assist in a jetty rescue generally their training is always ongo and we are grateful for that uh thank you to each and every one of you for your dedication um to our bright Community appreciated beyond words our Golding goals met this morning Z gold and share yogurt we had three new three new additions today again um tomorrow there will be a guided painted session we have a local artists coming to provide our seniors with the guidance needed to complete the piece of art on canvas a light lunch will be provided by Joe Leon and um although it is not necessarily a golden BS event per se as we are all welcome um this um there is a show that we are invited to at the um the New Jersey Foundation I'm sorry I just had up um the show is GE to older adult audience of course last year we went and we had a poll um this year the show is um cousin Brucey with Herman heritz and with star and Sten Peter Noon and I didn't know the name but everybody show knew the name last time oh my God it was a great time so and then and then Gary Pucket and the union g band among others um we will be leaving by bus but um and if you choose to join us but I have ticket comp tickets are complimentary and I have plenty here with us now if you would like to take some um but we will also have a bus that will leave from the um New Jersey from the transit station and the bus should be approximately $18 a person to go back and forth and if you're interested I'll just I would need to know to Reser spot on the bus um are you also secured I had a little preliminary conversation with point to point to engage their to go to your the garden tour so I thought so we have a few sen that would absolutely need that to get around so two of them today PA me for a ticket all excited that she wants shuttle so I'll get i'll purch the ticket and buy that and so if anybody has anybody that would really enjoy being on that shuttle and going from property to property to view the gardens that would really be um yeah that would be great so they were all on board and again I have the tickets here if anybody is interested and I'll see a lot of you tomorrow and that is all I have took a little walk today and I noticed on the stare that came CS were able to of St police department and the counil would like to thank all that donated and contributed to making the Bike Rodeo sucess then he had between 75 and 100 children of all ages of 10 and they learned importance of bicycle safety by completing a bike bike safety course with our officers and their helmets were check and if they needed new helmets they were giving them for free uh we want to thank A1 bikes they assisted with biks checks to the headlights and all the P PMX stunt show was tremendous it was a great day for the officers to interact with the community and teach them about bicycle safety thank you and we look forward to another great event next year it was really really fabulous we all went down people that work did a great job the officers and so it was really wonderful uh the police department applied for and re Federal grant for safety grant for bicycle safety controls the task is to enforce bicycle and ebike laws I'm glad to hear that about the ebikes officers will engage in plain cloth bicycle patrols targeting bicycles and ebikes with the goal being to educate firsttime offenders then issuing summes if they need to these officers will also be engaging with the public continuing to strengthen the relationship between the public and the police department which again is a wonderful thing to have the police interact with people in town and so on get the people to know that uh law enforcement officers from the point cousin police department will join with police from around the country in cracking down on unbuckled motorists and passengers as of cck or ticket campaign beginning May 20th and running through June 2 the annual Cal mobiles high visibility seat Bel checks and saturation points in combination with local and National publicity efforts ining value that's another great thing to check on all the seat bels too many people that get AC and then and so thank you counc counc presid depart to all the families today that came out here God bless them family MERS are to prot and ser Mee I get monthly reports but I will repeat it for those who may have not heard iter day on Friday ail 16 students to York City to our high school baseball and softb teams have launched impressive starts their seasons amazingy competing on semal for the new comp Talent ARR of student skills that's always such a fun event the Pleasant Beach Public Education Foundation awarded approximately 19,000 in classroom grants they really always help our staff our teachers multiple beach girls across players appeared on new ballot for top girls across new jerse M new school honet lucing won the merer county saf book design compe high school students completed their required State Testing baby chicks have hatched in several classrooms School social EV sta members held afternoon evening exam preparation session thir honor congs to all those kids that so hard high school team highers was selected to compete in round of0 NPA challs vised school student cated decision College swag very blessed to have our students go to some amazing schools the Board of Education passed resolutions at last Tuesday night meeting in hon of teer support staff appreciation andaluc and also on anothere my son today and said they had a wonderful buddies EV with mayor and idft and allar that was well and he enjoyed that I thank you Council good evening everybody um first I want to congratulate all the officers and their families for being promoted uh and also the newly hired uh gentleman tonight well deserved for everybody um also the Bike Rodeo I'd like to acknowledge the Bike Rodeo led by Officer officer Kavanaugh uh it was great I attended that event with my family truly was a great time actually brought me back to when uh I actually worked R back back in the day was run by derck O'Neal Chief I know Derek wasn't here this week but I'm sure dere would have been proud it was a great time um again a great job to all those officers that help that helped make bik success the only other question I was asked while I was there Chief was that if they were doing the police Youth Camp this year by a couple of res when I was at theee I don't know if that's something you guys yeah I'm try to also uh DPW um is now on their summer schedule sanitation uh litter vacuum and street sweeping take place seven days a week now so for all those that are looking for Street be clean up in the morning that's happening real quick with re summer camp registration is now opening um to both residents and non-residents that is now open so please uh spread the word that camp is open to everyone because that sure that's going to fill up um we had a wck meeting last night I have to tell you that whole group of people are really awesome volunteers Erica really good job the meetings are great if you want to join wreck get on wreck it's uh there's a lot of things happening in town so if you uh feel you want to donate your time uh please reach out to that also SE uh several other programs are now open for registration various age groups that include the kids beach volleyball football uh kids Beach football camp that's coming up kids and adults ukulele lessons on the beach and also kids summer skateboard lessons and I believe if you go to the website there's also Ser Camp s adver I'm sorry y it's all good so that's coming in the future all good might be jumping a gun um I know that was one of the things that last night was jumping up also the summer concert series has expanded this year we now have seven concerts that are taking place most of those are going to be held on Tuesday nights uh the Bell has got a rehab I'm sure to mention some of it but uh that's going to be taking place at the Band Shell starting June 25th uh no registrations needed you just need to bring your chair dance and shoes if that's something that you want to do you can also check out the recreation website for future events and on a side not um a couple of residents have addressed certain uh parking concerns around town and also certain uh the line markings on certain intersections stuff like that those have been looked at to anybody that's watching at home or that's here um all those areas are within uh specs and it also came to my attention uh about extra parking lots along arold Kramer and Christine thank you so much we uh found 11 extra spots to add on INR so the downtown area will now have 11 extra spots in so that's great for the summertime businesses like I think I just and then and them all agre we a lot of so that's great I'm glad the residents brought that to uh my attention I'm glad we f it out CHR thank you I I don't want to take credit for anything thank you so much for all your help and uh that's great for downtown area got we found 11 Park spes so that's great great job thank you okay so I just want to Echo the sentiments of the council again so a huge congratulations to uh the three promotions and the one hiring tonight of the officers uh again there are huge asset to our department so I'm very excited congratulations goes out to one of our officers Pete andreev who I'm not sure if everyone knows but became the New Jersey state PBA president it's kind of a big deal uh and it's a good job representing when puin Beach Police Department so congrats to Pete uh we also want to Echo EMS week um thank you to all the EMS volunteers councilman Ramos and I got to spend about two and a half hours with them uh last month on a Saturday morning and uh you know all you see is ambulances flying up and down with lights and sirens they do so much more than uh you know just just respond to Medical calls they have the dive team uh they do other educational uh experiences as well so they really do a lot and they're all volunteers so thank you to all of them uh as councilman Gant mentioned the Band Shell if you haven't done so take a ride past it it looks amazing uh the uh structural upgrades are almost done the frag mes are cut down so you have a beautiful view of the lake and the Boardwalk lights reflecting off the lake uh it just looks really really well done the audio visuals uh implementations will be done within the next two weeks to get it ready for uh for June 8th uh I do want to thank uh Christine obviously for all the work that she put in uh this was one of my first things I wanted to accomplish when I got in and kind of let her know that and to see come to fruition is great I want to thank John mey for all his help uh John trout DPW as well for uh for working on this uh Wellness campaign uh so the bike bash was a great success thank you Chief and the police department uh we were there giving out snacks got to interact with a lot of the kids and the families uh which was fun uh as council president Crowley mentioned this morning uh I attended a program at High School uh we called it tips just to have a clever name uh but it was really just teaching the seniors about cyber security and having the seniors interact with the go Buddies the high school students so that they could learn more about technology uh I was floored how well it went uh just engagement on both sides I walked around and saw you know our seniors with notes and you know pages and pages of notes uh learning things uh we we heard from the seniors that they want to do multiple session so we'll look to do another one in the fall but it was a it was a great event uh we also participated in the opening of the Farmers Market on Sunday again thank you to Jun Kozo for helping out the Arts committee uh the response was great uh we had great vendors I as well spent a ton of money on just getting all the wees and stuff and the products it was really good um the mayor's Wellness campaign has arranged for committees to come in and kind of work the farmers market so I think that's a good exposure for the public to see the Committees and the Committees to talk about what they do in town so hopefully we can get more volunteers to come out and volunteer at our committees uh we are finalizing plans for a wellness Expo in June and two summer camp projects uh with wreck uh offshore wind again we're we're keeping a close eye on that uh we're drafting comments for the Atlantic Shore South lease areas uh which is one project in two separate lease areas Atlantic Shore South one and Atlantic Shor South to so Kristen oror really is involved with that uh and her and I talk uh multiple times a week on this so we are keeping an eye on this um I do want to Echo the statement by Council on Christy Monell's departure uh Christy was a huge asset to the Arts committee uh as well as Just Around Town helping out um sad to see her go uh we are I am going to work with uh Christine o to kind of redo revamp the volunteer experience here uh try to figure out ways to get more volunteers to come in um and maybe you know set some new documentation up and stuff like that I know she's working on anop document uh for chairs and stuff like that so I think we the volunteer experience hopefully we'll get volunteers back into our committees uh and we can do good things um military Banners are up uh we got four new submissions this year which is great if anybody wants to get a banner uh reach out to me I'll give you the website uh there's still more polls available um but I think it's great this time of year we'll keep them up until after Veterans Day uh just so we could salute our military veterans and thank you to DPW for putting those up uh 150 offici uh on the agenda tonight 1C uh is the appointment of several people to the Mount Laurel committee uh for those who don't know Mount Laurel committee is the affordable housing committee uh the state New Jersey just passed new regulations uh that we really need to take a look at and investigate further so uh it was on council's recommendation that we put together committee uh I chose counc in councilman p uh based off their their extensive experience on the boards uh councilman P has been on the board of adjustment for several several years uh but not only that he born and raised here he served as mayor served as counsel he knows the town uh and I think his knowledge and insight will be invaluable on the board see and counil Ros who served for a very long time on the planning board but also has you know his his full-time job as hotel management so he knows and stuff like that I just want to make it clear to anybody out in the audience or up here is that I I didn't pick my people um I picked people that I thought were good for the position and good for the committee and that's the way I'm going to continue to appoint people is people that are the right fit for the committee so um that's on the agenda tonight hopefully we can get that passed uh we just went through the uh antiemetic training would stand with us uh it was about an hour uh the woman Carly was was excellent uh I did a lot of research um in the past few months when when incidents have occurred uh and you know I read a lot of Articles uh took in a lot of information but to have her uh presented to us in a way that she did uh was very valuable to to me personally and I think uh most of the governing body got got a lot out of it um I thought it was very informative I kind of opened my eyes to to to more things on the uh you know how we treat people and anti-Semitism so I want to with us and Carly who came out here from Alaska so that's pretty crazy uh and just want to talk about three quick events happening in town this Saturday the Memorial Day bike parade uh 9:30 a.m. meet in the foreshore pool lot off of Arnold uh and they will do the Memorial Day ceremon follow right after the parade party by the Sea uh is May 30th from 6:30 to 9:30 at the lobster Shany and battle of bands will be on J 8 I know Rec just released the uh lineup uh we have I think 10 or 12 bands it's going to be uh it's going to be great we have uh some uh trying to get some celebrity judges I think we're working on that uh we have the rat radio station will be mcing uh and we're GNA do a tribute to Chris baz is from town uh the Greeks uh and we're GNA do a tribute to jul Lo who uh was tragically killed while away at college so will be there um so it would be it would be a really nice event so hopefully everyone come out with that and that's all I have I have a coule I want talk and the agenda one of them is Chargers I had a little hiccup with Kevin for like two years on getting this move forward we had a gr for this and we can can pick up like 30 credits for Su Jersey for Ev Chargers um we went out to bid and had to go out to bid a second and yest I did get proposal I accept the proposal for flow Services USA subject to the grant was 75,000 and the proposal to and given that we don't have another meeting sometime in June I've been going out for quot painting one is for here at ball from the entire exterior we had I had quotes one came in at 484 one came in at 467 and one came in at 426 there's provisions the bath house um I end up having to this is at I also received three quotes to rept um 426 419 39 but then I also received a quote to have it sided withon siding 39re build 4000 and I would to attend to prob years when we bought the building of to original contract to grq not to exceed 40,3 with about the ands along Chicago right kind of I said wouldn't it be nice really if you have a a grandfather his grandson sitting there with a fishing po right off that little space there so Christine comes up with this photo from from an image that she has from a postcard and the postcard can pick that exact image it's nor Rock St but we can't achieve that because there's a there and so I mean if you really think it's a safety issue just take at that Chief have we had any accidents there if you go over there's a SE had jural issues they were going to come back and take days wonderful thank you very much can I can I um just ask I know we had talked about it I just want to um about the resident on New Jersey we had talked about possibly putting up um the um oh a guard rail guard rail I just um so for the residents out know I'm sure you've noticed the house that's on New Jersey 35 the fence was taken out and then on the front of the house um so she had sent a letter to the council mayor and um it really moved me I had I spoke to her um she was literally sitting in her living room when the second accident happened she thought the car was going to go right through her um front living room and there used to be a guard rail on 35 and I think after Sandy it was taken down so I told her that we would definitely be on top of this and you know you know safety concerns her daughter they moved down here to retire and for Mother's Day her family wouldn't come down with the kids because they were afraid that they would be sitting in the backyard and a car could potentially go through the thing so I spoke to Christine real and counsel and we're just trying to you know what we can help her I I told her that we will do everything we can to make her feel safe and so I was going to um you know make a make a recommendation for us to look to put the guard rail back up there or even councilman Gan had made a suggestion it would be on her like putting a rock you know one of those real nice rocks like on the corner like a boulder on top and the guard rail but that was something that you know we could discuss with her but we were just trying to think of things because I don't think a light would necessarily work I know there would be some push back on that the only other thing I thought of is like I know we have a stop sign and again maybe you can have stop sign with lights but I know the residents over there my other suggestion was we could talk to the residents on that street and get their feedback as well what they would like you know since they live there right and I yeah to do when I I asked them I cop update on the proti for a long yeah and that street and that street yes and that street is very unique because I I drove up and down 35 to understand why and if you look at all the other side crossing over the guard there's no throughway and then St Peters is a oneway and the other Street has a light that is the only street that is like that that to get through so this is the only canest one of the Reas theyed trff that unless Bradway you have to stop at Lake before you can cross we Chang the entire flow of form an to one way this way change municip we ched I know there's a lot of drawbacks speeds as well well I think if we could start with a guard rail if that's a possibly looking at it that would be great theed as well I talked to a few too and I think a lot of them are for it I mean you know yeah we'll definitely find out for sure but I told her that we I would bring it up and that I would do what anything I can to make her feel safe feel safe in her home so thank you whatever you would like to do whatever you like to do yeah whatever whatever you like to do but I don't mind being a part of discussions and helping in any way um I'll be more than happy to help with that of our community and our state and our country so like to put that on the agenda I think it's a great idea do we need to get an in an invoice from them to put that on the agenda as well how does that work that gr was EMP didn't have it in their lineup we get training regularly all year every year different interest all that thank are you goodr thank mayor one more addition request for the agenda I believe Mike sent around resolution earlier todays about amending prior 1 add GR okay uh we'll open it up to public remember it's a 5 minute time limit and only items on the agenda uh it's going to be probably a longer term but there there's things that need to take place shorter term before the end of the year that Bas your choices I May supp yeah additionally we agree with you that there might be redes but after revie it um sure it was introduced separately uh it's uh we're keeping it as is because uh there's already been signs with 20249 on it so to avoid further cost the yes it is is similar in language but they are that's that's yeah um so a few years ago there's litigation about a beach ordinance between bur and Json that was settled uh this is because the council is you know taking or potentially taking action on Future Beach ordinances tonight uh this would just Encompass those so it's all together and that's the cooler size in the 8:00 yes that's why we're waiting for the agreement to be signed we didn't want to pass it until we got that agreement and we do so that's why we're okay nobody atip res all right two e you open it up all right we'll do public participation on resolution which is the 2024 Municipal budget please come up k um I just understand just try to understand number 45 it says debt and it says percentage difference current versus PRI year it says the difference is 55% have I was reading that was my question thank you any other comments on the budget okay so on 2049 be the original General super I'll open up to public comment hearing none and I have a motion to adopt as amended yes have and we'll open that up to public particip okay opening up to Second public participation anything you would like to speak about and just remember it's a three minute time you can hear yeah just speak louder anti-Semitism awareness session start at the showed up a good um takeway from the session and um I wanted to ask Council MERS what did you take away from s I guess if anybody has thoughts com they like open it up to workers workers also counil else I think we pretty much said you were here when she got and said thank you so much it was very informative we appreciate coming out here we learn things you know obviously you know you saw what I had said you were here that's why we think it should beer to everybody else away oh it was very good we're glad that they had it so yeah we would recommend everybody actually to take a class actually anybody who has an opportunity should and like she said get to know people in your community get to know the you know get to know the Jewish community and like I said I work in the Jewish Community for many many years I have very good relationships with that a lot of people don't they don't understand what it is so I would recommend that to everybody in pleas Beach next was it went through counil approval and I think John mey our engineer was looking to help with the flooding issue in town not realizing that so that's why everyone when they read the ordinance and brought to our attention we had discussion that's why off um until we have our engineering committee and um you know to listen to all those concerns I think they were wasn't done intentional to take anyone's property no not at all doesn't agains is that somebody suggest to you should expain very carefully I think they're both very informed have great expse question bu great great uh suggestions you guys thank you so much we appreciate it else gr kitchen 346 River Avenue for councilman Gant you know if there's any uh money left over in the uh Paving budget um because at the end of River Avenue in front of 320 there's a r a hug the other coming out of the apartments and somebody on a bike came out I drifted to the West caught that rut and almost got thrown head on coming the cars coming off the highway it's real bad it's not see that's I've lived on that street for 36 years we took it over we yeah the town took it over years ago it was a because it's more than a I I appreciate thank you K chn drive so I have what I would consider a very positive message to we have to the recall committee um we started the recall committee because like things were spiraling out of control there were just a lot of abuses that we felt like we had no other recourse um so I have a a message that we all proved want tonight um hello I'm speaking on behalf of the recall committee our entire impetus performing the recall committee was because we love this town and we were concerned with the path that it was heading several weeks ago um we decided that we've seen towards the positive and we decided to end the recall and instead focus on the future we decided to make this public comment on the eve of Memorial Day weekend in honor of the sacrifice it takes to have a democracy and to ask our elected officials to continue to do the right thing and also to remind the public here tonight and everyone listening um that democracy is a fragile thing and toe be Vig and to pay attention and to participate and just as a personal note I just want to thank you always listening to me and for specifically to council monesta for meeting with me and really just opening up to me and I feel like I was really than app thanks thank you much more positive for sure anybody else I guess I'll Echo that real quick and closing I I feel like the last few meetings have been very positive there's a lot more communication going on with all of us and I just hope to continue that and the rest of year because we are doing good things for the town that's our our main focus and we're not always going to agree there's going to be times that we are going to say no and they're going to say whatever we're not each individual looks at something and they might say no so and that's okay because it shouldn't be um all one slated you want balance and you want different opinions and different things and that's good and that's good for the town so all right motion to I make a motion second St