of theion can I get a motion in a second to resol e for for e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e e you like Tom I got the you for you off for yes for work full at bra yeah very nice da you do your y so I just you were sitting there in the shade a ofu en don't that for know could see the sun want gu what that's ab and Chang from January January is quite a few months ahead of all these there is EAS is there something we said everybody no yes yes our B engineer very was and then after that you wide some Kevin Kevin chair yeah I am I am just want to get up you for 2 take gu is so and I know return right e never for e e [Music] son EX spe dis spe we e e e spe spe e saw e e we l good see it for e e e that's e for yes spe all right can I get a motion to close executive session ande yes y here do you have to read the public meeting notice okay please rise for the flag salute stand for the United States americe people all right good evening everybody good crowd tonight uh I'm going to start with uh approval of some minutes can I get a motion to approve the May 21st 2024 regular meeting Mo second a motion to approve the June 12th 2024 special meeting I'll second yes and finally can I get a motion to approve the June 12th 2024 exe executive session oh yes okay moving on to the proclamation uh so I am honored as the mayor this is my first sports Proclamation uh but also as a parent of one of the players to uh to give you guys this Proclamation uh I've been around a lot of sports teams in my time with my kids and by far you guys were the most fun to watch uh even when you guys were losing your five games maybe not not South hunterton but the other games you guys were still having a blast you guys were still cheering each other on you look like you guys were just having a lot of fun and a lot of that is Testament to to coach coach D you are phenomenal with the girls all Danielle years and just it was a pleasure just watching this team so the mayor and Council want to give you guys Proclamation before I do that you really need to point out so name to the B Central all division team Daniela Vitali richet Kane Faith mares Lucia Robinson Morgan zalinsky NE Mory and Sydney zalinsky nominated to play in the short conference senior All-Star game again thank you to your coach Daniel V sta leader for run scored and short Bridget King stat leader for triples most in county and tied for fourth most in the state Danielle vital Class B Central hit leaders NE Mor Daniela Vitali and Sydney zinski so you guys really accomplished a lot it was a great season I'm looking forward to I know we're losing two seniors but I'm looking forward to seeing you guys do next year and the year after so I'm G to read off this Proclamation we'll take a picture and then coach this is for you to have whereas the point pant Beach High School softball team once again clinched the B Central division championship defeating St Rose on May 7th 2024 and whereas the garet gos completed the season with a 12-5 record and achieved a division record of 11- one and whereas the team was led by seniors n moring and Daniela Vitali and whereas the other team champions included Juniors Isabella F feli Faith mares Lu Rob son Morgan zinsky and syy zinski sophomores Bridget Kane McKenzie pelito and M Orosco and freshman Vivian Anderson Hannah Bradley Jackie Daniels Marley Thunder marada Gia Gates and Sabrina SPAC and whereas the team was coached by Sylvio christano now therefore be resolved on this 18th a June 2024 that the governing body of the Barrow Point Pleasant Beach does hereby congratulate the 24 Point Pleasant Beach High School Varsity softball team the pride of the community on their B Central division championship and wishes them much future success signed mayor Douglas R vitalian Naro Council awesome congratulations con con okay moving on to curve cut requests Council Ramos yes thank thank you mayor um I'll start with uh 72 Inlet Drive uh proposed driveway entrance uh currently is 14 ft uh the driveway is going to be servicing a one car garage uh one thing I noticed the maximum uh is F feet for one car garage not 14t uh I checked with um Kristen Tron con our zoning official um and also check with Ray savaco who is the uh engineer for the um the board of adjustment um uh there was no variance given or granted for 14ot width so my recommendation is that we uh that the uh the granting the curve cut does not impact the number of parking uh it appears reasonable to Kristen uh Kristen um the only issue is I think if we are we are proving this we have to direct them to limit it to a 13 13 foot we will not permit a 14 foot um so that would be my recommendation on that one um before you go further is everyone okay with that condition yeah as I said r ray savle uh and and I had a copy of their uh of their determination from the board there is no variance that was granted and he confirmed that so let's stick with 13 that's that's the maximum that's allowed uh the other one uh for um sorry glasses on this one is for 21 yes 20 21 ocean app thank you um site currently has a depressed curb to the north um they're going to replace that with a full height curb they're going to relocate the U driveway um driveway entrance with is 16 ft this is a proposed two-car uh driveway so 16 foot is the maximum allowed by our ordinance so uh there's no delineated Street on street parking spaces adjacent the property on Ocean AV um therefore even Kristen chanone I'll just State what she says curb cut does not impact the number of parking spaces and appears to be reasonable so with that uh my recommendation to the council would be that we approve put on the agenda okay and everyone's good with that one too right okay moving on to committee reports councilman Ros so quickly here all righty um as I um let's see it's nice to be back I was away for two weeks uh vacationing in Sp so uh this combobulated getting back but um we want to start with this since the first meeting for the month of June um we have some of our employ our employees that have anniversaries um in DPW Kenneth seals is celebrating his third anniversary with us uh with the police department William Kavanaugh three years uh DPW Michael gry grmy uh has three years uh with the police Brian sper uh four years uh with the police department Antonio Garcia six years uh David uh marquetti another police officer uh six years uh uh with the police Brian Benitez seven years in finance Christy glass uh nine years in our building department Eric suda 16 years in public works Jack Johnston uh who handles our water area as well uh 19 years and uh the the master is uh in public works are John trout 38 years so congratulations to everyone that's celebrating a anniversary this month okay for Green Team and Sustainable New Jersey uh Sustainable New Jersey today uh just today unlocked our submission uh they leave a very short window to make revisions and achieve the 3 50 point level of silver status Green Team remains focused uh on the goal of silver certification but the reality is that having a final submission deadline of July 31st instead of septe the end of September in previous years does make it more difficult but they're determined that we're gonna keep pushing and and and Achieve that Luis Stillson and Jun Kozo attended the Sustainable New Jersey award lunch in on May 29th and received the Point Pleasant Beach awarded Grant of $2,000 uh the money will be put to good use um to to continue with our sustainable actions shade Tre commission um uh had uh had a strong response from residents and businesses in town for the street tree program commission has concerns that street trees are in the right of way areas and need watering on a weekly basis and they when they are newly planted they're hoping to work with the buau for assistance I think we will be discussing that further um the commission is also recommending that the bur look at adding Hazard trees as a public safety ISS is and look at possible uh changes to Municipal ordinances to include them in the future this would also be discussed um further and uh finally they are recommending that the burrow adopt a Heritage tree ordinance that would protect mature and historic older trees from being removed without review by the burrow appointed tree expert I have forwarded this information to the mayor and the and the burough administrator and we'll have further discussions for possible councel consideration um and I I just want to say separately that I know a lot of people here tonight have major concerns with the five cheap polls uh that have started appearing in town I have many questions and concerns myself uh I am gonna go defer to Mayor Vitali to address this tonight I know he's been working diligently on this since these Uncle polls started appearing in our town and he's a lot of information shared with everybody tonight so I I I defer my com to the mayor and I know that he has a lot of valuable information to share and that's all I have thank you coun thank you thank you mayor good evening everyone um I will start with the Arts um basically just to really focus on the farmers market I want to thank everybody for coming out and supporting it it's every Sunday um I want to thank the police uh for coming there and helping set up with the barriers they walk around they're very helpful and I really appreciate them being there every weekend they're just great great um just a great team so thank you thank you to all of them that show up and the venders um they're just wonderful I feel like they're my family now and I'm there every Sunday helping them set up so you know if you haven't been out please come out of course the farmers market um they're doing a fantastic job and if you know any vendors or if you would like to participate you know let us know we would love to have you we are seeking more vendors we can definitely use a couple more um um the artist of the month is Jim Cook his artwork um will be display now through August um Jim Jim's artwork um he won a couple awards at the jur art show um it's a very unique 8090s um he has a versatile range of artwork and he will also be here on August 12th for meet and greet so if you have not um seen his work I believe it's displayed in the hallway so you can check it out uh for the beautification again thank you to all the volunteers that take their time to water the Planters um just to make Point Pleasant Beach look beautiful the gardens it takes a lot of work and a lot of time and we're very excited uh next Thursday every meeting I mentioned it we're having our garden tour and it's our first garden tour in a long time and we have six beautiful homes we have local artists at all the houses um if you want to purchase your tickets in advance you can if not you can purchase them that they're $30 at the Gazo it starts at 9:30 um we're going to have um The Master Gardeners there so you want to learn about gardening we have some free giveaways and we're really excited so if you haven't gotten a ticket we' really love for you to buy one and support this um a lot of hard work to all our volunteers again so thank you we couldn't do it without you and um again um as um councilman Ramos say says um you know I'm going to defer to you with the 5G Towers obviously you know um we're all here we're all concerned and we we definitely you know going to let mayor um make a statement on that but uh you know I too um you know very concerned so I'm glad that you're all here to uh you know you know that's what it's about to be here and express your concerns as well so thank you for showing up and um that's all I have thank you mayor thank you counc counc thank you mayor good evening everybody welcome I'm going to um begin a report for a few Som words to express our sympathy and our deepest condolences to the friends and family of Tom Conroy um the emergency service Squad wishes to express again their deepest sympathy and regret at the loss of the active life member Tom Cony please keep his family and friends in your prayers during this time of morning Tom joined this SP in 1998 as a diver and then went on to become an ENT he also became CPR and entt instructor he served as both a trustee and a Treasurer Tom also volun Marine Mammal stranding Center helping marine mammals that became stranded on our beautiful Jersey Shore will be greatly missed rest easy sir and thank you for your years of service um for our fire report from Chief miles um as always we're engaged in a robust training schedule never passing an opportunity to engage in further training to serve our residence with the summer months upon us as a motor vehicle accident call volume has increased significantly please try to pay close attention when you see an emergency service vehicle on the side of the road whether it be a police car by a truck or an ambulance that usually means that someone is not in their vehicle and could be near or to traffic we also ask that during these summer months that people spending more time outside we ask that everyone use extra caution when using the fire p in your yard please make sure that they are safe distance from your home and that you have aose nearby and then for our golden goals we just have a few things to discuss um our participants that dance and stretch on every Tuesday morning would like to add another class and they're looking at something outside probably introdu a sh class maybe over by ouro Christine offered the property out here we'll come up with another thing we'll be offering a few more classes um we have been invited back to PNC for a September 26th show um there'll be more details on that I would like to fill a bus like the last time um I'll have the tickets when they me the tickets I'll have the tickets here for anybody that would want one last um for the last show they sent me 150 VIP tickets for us so that's for everybody in town that would like them more details with that on the coming weeks and so um we are currently planning an ice cream social like our community has gotten accustom to a date in July will be secured shortly and um we welcome any residents that want to come and help and volunte that bring smiles to our Older Adult Community you're more than welcome you don't have to M to just come and want to you know to our seniors and to finish up um pointto Point shuttle is available and has volunteered to provide transportation for our seniors that will that would be attending the beautification committee Garden T when I reached out to them I thought there some of our seniors that don't necessarily have you know a couple comrades to go with and Carol when I made the plan I thought you wanted to attend you know so it's the pointto point shuttle will come to everybody's home in the beach and take them to the gardens in town I think it's really and they're Don so it's free of charge it's toally charming and um it's it's there to enjoy so if anybody's got parents or yourselves or anybody that wants to join just reach out and then we'll set up the transportation and be part of the tour with us and um that's it they're really looking forward to it point and that's all I have great thank you thank you mayor the police activity report that I'm going to give is from our last council meeting which was May 21st so it's less than a month as far as Arrest there were 46 resulting in 61 criminal charges for the following weapon possession heroin cocaine possession ewi defant trespass simple assault Criminal resisting an arrest aggressive aggravated assault on a police officer disorderly conduct less death of property and warrants this a 20% increase from last year burrow ordinances 614 in less than a month for the following sleeping in a motor vehicle drinking in public interference police urinating in public misbehaving smoking prohibited areas pedestrian violations dog regulations and noise nuisances on June 7th uh the final class graduated from the Ocean County Police Academy so we are now at full strength and ready for the summer but as you can see the police have already been extremely busy and fabulous job to keep all of you people safe in going Pleasant Beach uh as far as the five G Towers I to have a lot of concerns numerous concerns and I'm going to defer to the mayor and our attorney also but I want to assure all of you it's not going to end until we're happy thank you thank you Council council president good evening everyone you it's nice to have democracy and be able to come out and voice your opinions on this 5G as we all have said up here the mayor will have a report to give on some facts so we can all understand where we stand I have been at the Forefront of this as well attending meetings about the 5G coming but we couldn't do much about it I was told had to just wait and see and now we waited and we saw we don't want it so we'll see what happens and and how things the mayor will have a report for all of us here regarding the Board of Ed I don't have a formal report to share with everyone I do have a congratulations to the an from graduates that graduated tonight they had their ceremony sadly you could not attend but we wish them all the best from all of us up here congrats to the Point Pleasant Beach high school graduates that will be tomorrow evening at 6:30 p.m so please come out and support our our high school students they're graduating um on the finance committee I don't have anything to report mayor um senior gold and goals I'm excited for all the wonderful events that are being planned we attend our meeting last night and made some fut plans with and shuttle and concert couple other things couple coup events nice to see that forward and thank you all for coming out and that stand with you on this battle thank you Council again good evening everybody um for DBW um we added some more bike racks to the fora Central I know it's a mess down there on the weekends they down yesterday so they're down there new parkes were painted on Arnold andrs River was fixed that's fixed that's better uh summer camp is exended until this Friday so if anybody's looking for summer camp please sign up by this Friday Beach football camp is um starting on Monday June 24th registration still for that the rec department is also doing bags on the beach it's going to be a cornhall tournament that's scheduled for August 25th registration for that opening soon locals only bonfires in works that's being scheduled for September 7th that's usually a great time you hav that awesome the tug of war event is also being planned uh currently that's scheduled for October 13 the summer concert series kicks off next Tuesday it's a kids concert there'll be ice cream and pizza truck there during that event with regards to the 5G people already commented some people know where I stand on that that we all very concerned say that uh Chief also he's pass to the police department yourself great job with the minor popup party that happen I don't know if some of the resents are aware of that or not great job to you everybody dep exent job and business owners as well that's it let you the thank you so I will touch on the 5G I just have other things to report on so just bear with me as I get through that uh so first off again congrats to the beach for rcity softball team that we just gave a proclamation to next month we're going to honor uh the beach baseball team varsity team antrum baseball and Anum softball teams who all won their championships uh also purol who is a a long jumper uh with the beach track and field so we'll give proclamations next next meeting to them uh as council president said congrats to the eighth grade an graduates tonight uh and The Point Beach senior class who will be graduating tomorrow uh before the next meeting we're going to hold a dedication outside to the canine Memorial uh we will be joined by Caitlyn Delany who is the eagle scout who made it her project to fundraise and design the memorial uh so once we get more information on time uh we'll push that out so you guys can come join us before the uh the meeting next week or next month Band Shell update Band Shell looks phenomenal uh Band Shell is pretty much completed with the exception of some minor painting there's still some red that I would like to see painted over um but audio visual components are in uh we're going to meet with the audio visual vendor in the next few weeks to learn how to use that system so we could use it for movies in the par or summer concer series and stuff like that so uh the improvements made a huge difference to that area uh so make sure you guys take a look and and come out to the events we hold there um last Saturday or June 8th we had the third annual battle of the bands at the band shelf uh we had 430 attendees which was huge for uh a concert like that uh it was a special night because we honored uh resident Chris bazis and Jillian lwig both who passed away unexpectedly last year uh so it was a very nice tribute to them uh we also had 11 amazing bands compete for both garage and pro categories uh the well wish congrats to them they won the top end that night so make sure I think they're on Spotify and all the music apps make sure you give them a list and they were very good I want to thank all the rec volunteers as well as the Chamber of Commerce for helping of putting that event together uh as councilman G mentioned the same day as about bands we had and we were the recipient of an unintended pop-up party so a pop-up party was planned in Long Branch it was cancelled they all got on the train came down here uh Chief kudos to you and the entire police department uh for the way you guys handled the situation uh using the police department's Partnerships they were getting real time information of how many kids were coming down on the train so they had a really uh succinct number of how many kids were down on the boardwalk they kept the peace uh there were no issues councilman rless and I who were out out the bands went up to the boardwalk several times that night as well as the police uh headquarters to meet with the chief uh at the end of the night and they just did a great job keeping the peace getting everybody back on the train uh so Chief again thank you to you and your department for how you handled that uh so part of that was uh I got a call from uh this was prior to that event but the New Jersey office of Homeland Security and preparedness invited me uh to come down yesterday to be a guest on their secure the shore podcast so I sat down with the deputy director of New Jersey office Homeland Security and preparedness uh as well as two other members and we kind of talked about the secure the shore uh initiative and how it benefits Point pu Beach so once that's released I'll put that out on my social media uh but just for you guys to know the big thing is see something say something it could be something as you know simple as somebody sleeping in a car uh or somebody walking out the shet with a weapon but but if you see something please call uh the police department uh there are some residents who like to post on Facebook or social media first it's not going to get the information into the police hands so please if you see something say something reach out to law enforcement uh on the mayor's Wellness campaign uh we continue to participate in the Farmers Market uh each Sunday providing nonprofit groups for public education such as the r Ruckers Master Gardeners and Sustainable New Jersey uh we are hosting an employee appreciation and employee Wellness uh lunch on June 26th here for town hall employees uh so I'm looking forward to that uh in July we're participating in both Pleasure Park summer camp programs providing campers with an education on animals in the community with a visit from therapy dog team the campers will meet the dogs learn about their training to become therapy dogs and they will also be doing this for the rec summer camp and kuis summer camp program uh plans are underway for personal care packs to be provided at St Gregory's Food Pantry in August uh and I am finalizing plans for a walk with the mayor uh I think it's going to be cool to get everybody out uh on a Saturday or Sunday morning and do a walk through town want to go to a destination I'm not going to release where yet but maybe get some public education uh as well so I'm looking forward to that uh thanks to Christine real who's not here tonight but the business improvement district finally re uh it's 5013c status so we're going to kick that back up I know that was talked about probably about a year and a half ago uh so that's going to be uh to help improve downtown uh work must be done to revive the board and refocus on the needs and wants of the downtown area we need new members we have to establish a Mission Vision bylaws vote on fee assessments priorities first year budget and fiveyear perspectives uh we're still working on the point uh we're updating all the list of businesses hopefully that's going to be done in the next few weeks and then we're going to totally redesign the app before we we relaunch it so uh keep an eye out for that we'll push that out as well all right so 5G um there's been a lot of information thrown out on Facebook I put out a couple of statements uh I've read almost every single comment on social media um I just want to start with uh just put putting the facts out there so you guys understand how we came to where we are right now um and I just want to clear up some of the misconceptions so back in 2017 mayor Reed took a stand that the town was not in favor of 5G polls and that kind of died nothing really happened thereafter um in 2018 there was this FCC mandate I guess that said that they could come in use the town's right ways to construct these 5G PS in January of 2020 marra answered an email from Verizon again stating that the borrow does not have an appetite for these NOS to come to town in 20121 after discussions with the Bor attorney the mayor and Council adopted ordinance 2021-22 regulating the placement of small cell towers in the Burrows rways this ordinance mandated that they use large poles so many carriers could colocate a one pole if you see the poles now they're rather large in width that is so that the three Telecom vendors could use the one poll if not we would have had three or four polls at each location now look I was a member of the council at the time I wasn't council president as being stated on social media I was a member of the counc I voted on that because I thought hey let's be proactive and let's get ahead of what the FAA is trying to do um so we all arene uh Ken I guess the three of us were were s Council m we voted in April of 2021 the governing body uh executed a RightWay agreement with munite so the company that's now constructing the polls for 27 locations around town in May of 2022 they came back to the May and Council asking for another 41 locations and they were denied we said no way after phone conversations and email changes with Dean of scandin it was determined that they would take up all the available spots so another carrier would have to locate on an existing pole and said they probably would not use all 74 spots so on social media there's a map circulating with 74 locations uh again the telecommunications company was saying they probably won't use all 74 I can't see how in a one square mile town we would need 74 but that's not my line of expertise in September of 2022 additional 41 locations were approved making it 68 Lo that were eventually approved as some were were in point bar in January of 2023 they made contact with the town to start the UCC and Engineering review so they had to go through review and permitting process they also had to go through soil soil testing and permitting with escro payments on October 10th of 23 the B engineer and construction official approved the first eight locations to date there's five polls that are up and standing on October 18 2023 uh they provided detailed specifications on placement design and construction to Mike F and John Meer I want to make it clear that nobody on this days saw any design specs when this first came out in 2021 I asked for design specs and was told let's wait until we actually get closer to the project and then we'll release the design specs well in October of 2023 those design specs were not sent to the council at the time so we had no idea what we were putting into the ground that we now know is an eyesore on December 8 2023 uh they went for cafro permits and they were approved on December 23rd 2023 they were given the green light to start installing and constructing these polls the first polls uh began to be installed just a few weeks ago the entire process was run through the building department again no say no notification to us up here right down to the size and shape the locations were selected by mun site and approved by mayor and Council by an executed contract twice so that's the history of where we are today um I am in agreement with the entire Council and with probably all of you that these are an isore uh we have to do something uh I reached out to B attorney Mike Collins um we reached out to mun site and asked for a temporary work stoppage which they granted us so no work is going to continue right now we are working on a date to meet with this company uh which we think is going to be sometime in early July um and we're looking at all legal options we actually brought on special counsel to assist us with this so I just want to let the residents know that we are doing everything we can as a governing body legally and I can't talk about some of the steps that we've discussed privately um but just know that we are doing something we're not going to sit back and let these polls get constructed whether it's five whether it's 74 we are doing something to proactively fix this issue I think that's all I could say about that um uh you guys could come up and speak at second public participation with any questions comments or concerns you guys have but hopefully that kind of laid out the facts as to where we got to this point I think if any of us uh were to see design spec in 2023 I think we all would have voted against what is currently up there now and would look for a little more aesthetically pleasing design and the health risk as well which we haven't even gotten into yet um so that's my statement and again hopefully that gave some backdrop to you guys I look forward to hearing from you in second second public participation uh if there's any questions I will we defer to Bar attorney because I know there's some things that I I can't say but if we can answer those questions we will okay moving on to the administrator report Christine is on vacation uh so I do you have anything agend I okay thank you uh so we'll open it up to First public participation so anything on the agenda only uh and there's a five minute time Dave can we basically the Gover body worked with to address the occy at the beach facility lot of I know that uh Christine did talk about that last time and we also that was an agreement we have we already had that we have to pay that out but moving forward instead of paining it's a lot of money we decided that we were going to have it but this still has to get I think that a good idea us and it's also the historic preservation has an interest in that as well yeah thank you please state your name and address I don't doesn't appear to be working my name is EST and I'm a registered nurse in New York and New Jersey got 20 years experience and M I'm just gonna call you off is this on the 5gs yes so that has to be second public participation this is anything on the agenda yeah oh so when I call for second public you could come back up sorry sorry about the payout thing 622 Trenton I was just asking regarding uh the Channel Drive revitalization for $1,047 I thought that was on no for the 15,000 that's different that's that's to improve the streetcape and wi the streets and stuff like that that's not the the other one yeah anybody else Andy Cortez Washington Avenue I'll first address you I was on Council in 2021 and like the mayor said we I voted for that ordinance because it felt like we had control the Aesthetics and all that that was my last year on Council so I was not there when the building department engineer and they dropped the ball in my opinion um mayor can I address the uh chairperson of the committee Council again public property buildings and grounds um 1w what repairs what repairs were made on the bath house or what needed to be done okay I'm I'm not picking on you just like one why um which playground needed resurfacing because I know we have the the rubber stuff over in Pleasure Park and at Pompeo down the inlet Park is that is that the playground resurfacing um uh the uh let me see here it'll be two 2v the Lincoln Avenue outfall pipe we just going to be replacing the broken pipe or addressing the grounds in front of I spoke to Christine about that okay last week um that's project that's been in the for several years as I was explain so I was coun when it was I addressed it somebody brought it to my attention I reached out to her try to figure out when that suppos to start thank you I have one last question Council PES um see to cute does uh that person have the proper credentials and certificates to become the taco I believe she does yes she's everything has yes I think that's legitimate question considering our you know official that's Now open up an ocean Port you know when he was hired not um I had a question for Christine that she's thank you thank you oneing for the bike would the county pay for that we got some grant money for that um but they they paid for but they're the ones that striking they wanted that done correct well it was our request as part of the bike yeah Street okay and what is the hourly rate for is it do you know if it's more or less than class special makes I don't know but had mentioned it once before she had mentioned it someone had else had asked that question and I remember she had specifically addressed theun she's not here today for that specific I guess I was just asking more or less that you know I'm not saying that a compation you know isn't important but we giving pudos for all the statistics that Council P said as far as the police department goes that you know uh we might want to maybe pay the class and what not you know a little bit more money hi K Chann Drive um I just have a question about the $15,000 expenditure for Channel Drive what was the main well nothing has been done yet these were just and Christine will be able to answer I could get that answer for you but these are for the engineering to do the work on the street so the plan to fix to revitalize the actual street is still going forward yes any timeline for I don't have a obviously probably wait till after the summer season so this wasn't necess like routine maintenance that was done in other words something yeah okay YK thank you K anybody else on first public all right hearing none can I get a motion to close and adopt send resolution one two and three I make coun yes will I'll open that up to uh public participation on the ordinance none can sorry I just want to compliment you counil any other comments can I get a motion to close and uh we're now on to Second public participation so anything off the agenda including the 5G uh you are limited to three minutes please keep an eye on my talk here um and please state your name and address a bet 400 New Jersey Avenue mayor can you tell me if a visual impact study was done with regards to the cell phone towers that went up as required by the ordinance so if there was one done that we didn't have access to that that would have stayed within the construction Department as we saw because the ordinance says that's supposed to go to the planning board representative do you know if that happened I don't know if that happened okay can we find out we could find I would love an answer thank you thank you next my name is Estelle Doyle and I'm from 108 mid street I'm all about the science the only problem is to try and find the real science due to censorship there's lots of studies on the health ramifications of 5G it's just suppressed and it's similar to what the Tobacco Company suppressed on the harm of smoking cigarettes the tobacco industry had Decades of lies and delayed valuable regulations to inform citizens of the harm the tobacco industry just like the Telecommunications industry are one of the strongest lobbyists in Washington Joel mosow is a researcher in the School of Public Health at UC and director of Berkeley Center for Family and Community Health States cell phones cell towers and other wireless devices are regulated by most governments our government stopped funding research on the health effects of radio frequency radiation in the 1990s since then he said research has shown significant adverse biologic and health effects including brain cancer associated with the use of cell phones and other wireless devices and now he said with the fifth generation of cellular technology known as 5G there is an even bigger reason for concern unfortunately with no government funded studies this means we are the experiment we weren't given the opportunity to vote or oppose the 74 Towers going in a 1.2 square mile radius there's a tower which has started going up on ni Street and ocean that is just feet away from a homeowner's bedroom window we were never given the opportunity to even discuss the amount of towers according to a YouTube film called 5G Friend or Foe and Truth or health.org we are all at risk and some of the early symptoms of microwave sickness are nausea dizziness headaches migraines nose bleeds cognitive impairment insomnia anxiety depression heart palpitations arrhythmias memory loss sinusitis bronchitis pneumonia digestive problems enlarged thyroid hair loss dehydration abdom pain immune AB abnormalities and now we are seeing earlier Alzheimer's and Dementia these invisible post radio frequencies are dual sorry I have to cut you off it's three minutes but I I appreciate the the statement that you're reading off I did a lot of research into the health effects I didn't see any clearcut either way you know there's a lot the one thing I want to mention the 74 polls I know people are stuck on that again as I stated in my in my statement I don't think we're going to be putting 74 poles I think we just did designated 74 locations to be proactive but I appreciate you coming up and and educating us on I I would like to just say one more thing one very very quick thing okay I mean I don't think that people realize how devastating it is to children to immune compromise children's brains are not fully developed they actually they actually absorb more of the radiation than adults because their skulls are not completely they have more water on their brains than adults do so they absorb more radiation thank you and also to the fetus thank you thank you very much than thank [Applause] you good evening Kristen henness New Jersey Avenue um this came up back in 2021 and a group of residents actually came onto a zoom council meeting to express our concerns about 5G radiation coming to our town and then councilman santanello said you people need to take off your tin foil hats and here we are today well here I don't see anybody wearing tin foil hats but I see a lot of people really concerned about the health effects of what this is going to bring to our town put aside the athe I mean our beautiful Community our beautiful Beach Community is going to be littered with these 30 foot high metal poles 74 of them but that's crazy but more so is what Miss Estelle was just saying about the health effects I mean the research is out there you can say it's not definitive but the federal government is suppressing the research Rosa Crowley councilwoman Crowley and I because we are interested in this subject travel to the town meeting on April 18th up in Belmont and we just went there to listen and gather information it was led by two Council woman from belmare one being a doctor and they were hosting this meeting where 300 residents of Belmar were in attendance and as Rosa and I stood there and listened one of the council women said don't let Verizon due to our beautiful Town what they did to Point Pleasant Beach and Rosa and I were like dreadfully embarrassed that Point Pleasant Beach is being used as the example of what not to do what not to do okay we thought we were ahead of the curve no so as a result of that town hall meeting there are many different organizations involved many different government entities involved and I would encourage you to work with those entities at that meeting was um Tom arnone the uh mmth County Commissioner director the County engineer the County Administrator they were all there the mammoth County um officials to support Belmar in this in this quest to fight Verizon um additionally Chris Smith three days after the Belmar town hall meeting Chris Smith sponsored HR 882 and I just want to give you I'm going to run out of time so I'm not even going to read it off my phone but basically what HR 882 does is it gives power back to local governments and gives power to the residents all these people who are sitting here coming to you as the local government leaders to say no we don't want it and there is now legislation that's on our side so I would encourage you to work together this is too important to fight over work together get the Ocean County freeholders on board and reach out to Congressman Chris Smith's office for his advocacy because he is with us on this issue to assure you that the council ised no no fighting no disagreement we areed get to the counties get to the to the Federal [Music] Christopher thank you very it's great to see all you on the page I'm just going to buzz through some of these facts that I found just asking AI some simple questions okay radio frequencies potentially gene expression through several mechanisms electromagnetic induction interacts with biological systems affecting cellular processes in gene expression oxidative stress RF exposure can generate reactive oygen species leading to oxidative stress that affects gene expression cell membrane alterations RF signals can alter cell cell membrane structures influencing gene expression calcium influx RF signals can alter calcium ion flux affecting cellular signal Pathways and gene expression genomic instability RF exposure can cause DNA damage leading to genomic instability and alter gene expression all of the these things are cited in well funded and studies for what that's worth in these days so I'll I'll continue and uh altered calcium channels it can affect the activity of voltage gated calcium channels in cell membranes leading to changes in calcium influx so it goes on here for a while talking about calcium um calcium is very very important in regards to how our mitochondria function and that has to do with everything from how we absorb nutrients to how we evacuate waste um it also has to do expression particularly the mitochondria um and calcium is very very susceptible to radi frequency modulation all of this stuff is easily easily researched you just have to have the proper language to POS the proper questions and then connect the pieces because there's no study out there that's going to tell us yes the RF resulted in this child having some sort of abnormality iner growth but we can string the correct information together with the correct questions it's all available and I'd be more than happy to print out some of this stuff and Supply if it helps you help us thank you I [Applause] appreciate uh Scott Gray uh 622 so um I I looked at the this from three different topics there's the health which people have already talked about there's Aesthetics is you know having all these towers up irregardless of whether there's a health issue okay and the last one is need what what is need because we have three major Towers in this area when on the water tower when over the bridge on the other side of town is the need why why do they need 74 more if they got three major towers that are already putting out the you know signals to our phones and everything else so that that's part that I would like I would like to know is what what's the need for 74 Towers when you have three major Towers within a mile and a half of each other why can't those carry the load put aside the the health risk why can't those carry the load for the town why they need 74 more of these all over so so I can I'll talk about that I'll talk about the other uh Towers in town so first of all these 5G what we we just learned tonight was more for data than it is voice signal right so obviously everyone has a smartphone summer season everyone's on their phone posting pictures videos whatever we do have other polls in town right so we have at the Little Silver Lake lot we have the temporary structure that goes up every summer that's at& Tower uh the plane or the board of adjustment just approved a cow cellular on Wheels carrier on wheels that's going in the Fishman Supply lot that's a Verizon tower and then we have the monopole that we've been discussing which is going to take the telecomunications equipment on the water tower put on on the uh on the modle um so I guess there look and again that's not my area expertise but we're being told that there's a need for uh just more you know polls and and stronger signals to uh help facilitate the data transfer that happens particularly in the summer right which I get and again the 74 number is probably the 74 number is what's disturbing to everybody and I understand that because when we saw it too we were like the 74 so you're thinking 74 of these towers are going up but my understanding it's they're not 74 Towers going up they just that if they wanted that they would have it in there that but that's what we're looking into all of that so you know we'll have more information but right locations who knows how many right right right right you know like you know for my technical expertise on an I I I know the the difference between all the generations you know just like you know G it's all D you're you know there's you know whereas before the 4G there there was two separate signals one for voice one per dat 5G meshes it so it's all data so so but that's where I'm a little confused on why can't you just replace the old technology with the new technology in the existing place you know putting aside any health risks but that that's where I'm and that that would be a question that I would when we meet with them that would be something I ask yeah you know because you know like they they probably don't want to spend the money to take down the old stuff the the 3G that's been out there and outdated that's turn that off replace all that equ that's [Applause] good Sao one of my homes is that home on ni um so before I forget you just about it being about the data um for the summer well just just overall so that instant gratification everybody needs to get their answers right I suffer for that so I'm happy that you say you didn't know about it as I came here guns are blazing I've had to walk here to calm myself down but so it's the building department you're saying did this Department who wants to know if I'm changing a receptacle who won't let me put a four-foot fence because it has to be a three-foot who makes me send certified mail letters to the entire country so my question I thought I missed something a certified letter but there wasn't it so what do I need to do now besides my South Philly mind tells me to do which I don't want to do because I so what do I need to do will you guys help us know when to be where to be yes because this is ridiculous that there's no other spots for these things next to my I could literally hang my towels on it if I reach out the window and we yes trust I I drove by your house and I and I took a picture of it was a that's the that pole is what we used to I saw the circle like what is that no it's very up what is that and then I saw the guy I came back the next time and it was this big and he said no it's going to go 43t good for you cuz we think I'm excited about that very Sor a yeah so just know that again we are all United on this I am super happy attorney is fully engaged in this we have other outside Council to assist yes we have meetings scheduled in July I will put out information on social media we'll get information out to you as to updates as they unfold you can even do a t we could if if it comes to that we could probably do like a last time maybe I'm just saying you know as you move forward to have like a different public form so just specifically on that topic I mean I just I find it insane that it's the building department who wants my Blood Sweat and Tears well it's not just the building it was it just I mean there there was more in they're the ones that okayed the design the design without without you didn't know without telling any they may have not known and and just know that but you're everybody's so worried about Point Pleasant and you want it to be so great but nobody did the research to what it would be and just know that I mean the building department has undergone some changes so uh it's in a better spot than it was thank you would you just please repeat your name I apologize your name okay Sav one of the houses 21 yes Tom P 405 New York Avenue that that was that was so important but it got lost where is the certified letter somebody moves a shed if somebody's putting a shed Within properties of mine where is her certified letter I that I got to know how is that possible that I get a letter certified letter I throw it out somebody is moving a but you're putting up a a poll and don't get don't this is an uphill battle because Dean oan o scanland state senator Google him he's a paid lobbyist for the Telecommunications industry he was here and he said when we were talking about the monopole that my daughter lives next to a monopole you know we can see you could see it in the pictures so this is a political Hot Potato but don't be you know I know Chris Smith is fighting for Mammoth County and I know our known is fighting for Mammoth County where are our freeholders and you know where's our assembly our new assemblymen who is is quick to be down here and have a photo off when the five are down at the tiki bar I I don't understand good question what I understand is 5G is short wave and that is why you need hes almost on every other Corner because the waves only go short distance you can't have a monopole up in the sky and it's going to hit across town or whever that's why when they ask for 72 poles propose you're going to use almost 72 poles because short distance is short distance you look to the next corner and that's as far as short distance is going to go also you got to be careful that each company you mentioned to put their own poles up and you must stress legally no one why we need 5G I don't know society's pushing 5G down your throat that's why you're getting 5G just because the Summer's here that's not the reason but understand what you're getting [Applause] into good evening jockle 2011 New York Avenue Point pleas Beach two comments number one first kudos to the people that are sitting in front of us four or five months ago I couldn't say that but tonight we all understand you're here working together to protect us and we thank you for what you're doing for us as a community and to keep up a good fight hopefully we'll get through second thing I had the pleasure of being able to work the battle of the beds and I was working at the entrance way as well as working backstage by the bands I can't tell you positive comments that we heard about the B show people from out of town wanted to know what other events are going to be going on people that were just down for the day that are going to come back for the concert series it really looks fantastic and it went over really well and we're really excited about being able to move forward with a summer concert just one more thing to Mike and to Doug thank you spending the time to work with us that it was really appreci thank you Jo [Applause] youor to Ocean Avenue um I requested a copy of the ordinance that was signed in May 20121 and on its face it's fabulous it looks like you're trying to be preemptive because you know they're going to come into town you have it's FCC you have no control and everything here was wonderful you know this the Aesthetics are property Valu being to Valu um but nothing was done so when Andy said it to me this is a major you know dropping the ball I mean I you know I don't mean to be disrespectful but I I just shocked you know I got this and I said well everything here sounds wonderful we're going to protect our Citizens We're going to protect our property values try to get them installed on existing structures and then just one other thing is there a huge disconnect between the council and the building department and why isn't a representative of the building department here building didn't have anything to do no no I'm talking about the r the Aesthetics of the came in unbeknown to anybody all of a sudden you look they're here and put these ugly things but but the billing department they they did approve the design yes well that's you said that's why I question so for them to I mean you would think that we would as as the governing body had some sort of say in the the design let me correct that okay if Christine real was here right now there was a design that went out there and what you see now is what was not what was shown to us so we were just as shocked what I'm telling youz thank you that's my favorite word I've been saying all day that's all I wanted to know I mean because I just find it like that was my first message I sent to you was did someone not see a rering of this Russian missile the street from my house it was I think and not just go on but we were like we said we we all saw just like we were like that and it is wrong it's s and I wish I could say something different but I can't but I can tell you this I'm gonna fight I'm gonna fight so I will fight people on Street who never when I said our building department didn't have anything to do with this our previous building department we have new people in the build no I I was just had to do okay that's I was just questioning that they saw the rangering and didn't bring it thank you okay thank [Applause] you oh hold on we have someone coming up wait wait he's 108 so I was here for Sandy jump through hoops with perits just see the paperwork for the baring to put that thing up on between I just want to see the paperwork and why can't we get the guys from the old school to get back in let's hear that's he these guys are in the show there's no accountability you know stops at the top you know what I'm saying when you work in government the stops at top and where's the person that got to answer all the questions she's not here you know what I mean well again you know uh we're GNA we're taking it upon our where's the guy that ran the show where's the guy that signed off where is he works for Verizon right thanks thank you you're [Applause] welc go first sorry my name is Maria I live at 306 Avenue I am a realtor in town and I'm just finding out about this on Facebook uh we got a list of where these towers are supposed to be going first of all 74 I don't think that's going to happen because it's doesn't make any sense at all to anybody to have 74 5G Towers in one M but what concerns me is that a lot of these towers are not evenly distributed through the town so you have 311 Cal then you have 2 Lane a bunch on Ocean one on 62 Arnold and that's it you know everything seems to be onesided east of the train which I think for two months somebody can watch a movie on the beach or do a PowerPoint it doesn't make sense why we can't just have one Tower somewhere Cally located and it doesn't even to anybody that people's real estate is g to I mean it's a fact no one's going to come in and want to buy like the Frank house for 2.9 Million he's got an or on it I don't know if he but just on his house I mean the new buyer he's going to come down like WTF you know it's just not fair so forget to help we know that's that's an issue but aesthetically this town it's going to be [Applause] Lou I know our community everyone's concerned about this issue I would like toose our representes when will this next meeting be so that we can be here for you guys give us a bigger venue to room maybe hopefully that'll be big is it be next month sure I'm trying to remember all the comments going on so yeah so so so me and the B attorney are going to meet with uh Mite sometime in July based off of that meeting I will determine if we need to do a town hall meeting and do it say at Anum where we could bring everybody in bring representatives and I don't have any further information until we sit down and kind of talk to them but but but know that I will post updates and information uh as to what the next steps are going because we would like to hear and that might be the next logical step yeah councel can you add anything may may hit everything Ma on the head earlier I would just remind everyone that un has voluntarily agreed to not complete any further installations or construction at the B's request pending our opportunity to meet with them so everything's on hold at the moment we are going to have that meeting and we also are reviewing things internally from a legal standpoint both myself and special counsel that we've appointed and met with in executive session tonight are actively looking at that I just like to say the past year two I've attended Belmore meetings so I know they are not proceeding with anything everything's on hold it's being reviewed legally so to be at this point and having us alled up about it I think we missed the vote somewhere the good news now is heard from the B attorney it's on hold here it's on hold they're not going to put any more up right and there's nothing it's just the base I mean I'm just there's nothing connected thank God so it's just a base there's nothing in there just ug we take down the ones that have already up we're looking at all possible Rob 622 Trenton and I speak to you guys as somebody who fought the um telecoms and day had when they and the important thing to realize is that there is already a law the telecommunication Act of 1996 that this Falls completely under completely and nothing with regard to health issues can be said can be argued you can't even though it's true you can't so you guys have to stay away from that you have to because they'll just throw it right out what you can do is that there was no public nothing no public we didn't get to say anything that's in the law we have to have that ability and second and most important section 704 of that act says that you six have complete control over where they go you can't say no for any reason whatsoever you can't just say no but you six and I know you say you're going to fight to nail to The Nail you have to act you have to act and what you can do and you've already done the first thing that you need to go further is have them stop but you can also say you need to stop not when and start up again when you want to you get you have to stop because there's been no public input and you guys are considering legislation okay so they can't start up when they want to second I would seek the councel and maybe this is who you have Mr Peter Lup who specializes in Telecom law he helped Delmar draft the legislation 20239 which said because the telecoms wanted to put a bunch on their boardwalks and Delmar said no but what they did is they actually did something they enacted an ordinance that said no you have to use existing infrastructure okay they did it so you guys I know you're together but you got to act um I would also seek the council the mayor of Delmore and the Council of Delmore and to see how they did it and what things are needed and fourth I would enact a legis a legislation an ordinance goes farther than the previous one and you can even include and it's totally legal is these ones that they have built got to go that that is totally okay you can say you honestly can say you guys get three PS you can also as I told you last time I was here probably a couple months ago you can request and get you want to say I want to see that this pool is needed they have to show you data that we needed to do something about this I told what I was told in 2021 we did what was done and now we had to take the steps I believe in right now but I have been have to we situ point out she was the person who feed it and got to but but don't forget you cannot say anything about the health thank than for your good evening I'm Jess from the bur so I have emailed you recently and thank you so much for your communication back I very much appreciate it um I'm sitting here tonight because there was an article posted um about 5G now coming to point so I know that we're separate in our councel and our Mayors but as I sit here and I see that some of you went to bmar seeking advice and guidance or ideas to bring back to your own town I sincerely hope that as they take their steps moving forward that as one Z code that you could guide and we could make good choices for our community as a I know there are children that go back and forth in athletics and in homes and in friendships and with family and if you knowed I hope and I sincerely hope that sitting here and hearing how United you are and that the town is here and you're here to support them that with the article that was yes and I just read it today knowing I was coming here this evening I have friends building in town that couldn't come they asked they um now I'm even more upset because it's not only well and I thank you and I hope you know hearing the experience that you have if you could hopefully guide the well it's just con very well may the mayor had a lot of good things to say sounded like he's on top of it and I understand with the federal government certain things that we can't get past but in the choices that maybe errors were made that they could maybe prevent or that you know surrounding towns it's not you know we're our own towns however we travel together in County they join communities to fight it it exactly so I hope hear the same things from multiple towns in Ocean count have good relationship so I was just with mayor SAS this morning at a meeting so we had a few minutes to discuss this offline so yeah we're in line you know we have the same vision so and I hope it sends them a message as well we're all on the same page it's not you're not getting results this way you know it's one united front [Applause] soj G 115 Arnold Avenue um I was at that meeting in 21 and I admit it sounded like we were getting on top of things um but I think like a lot of things that have been going on the ball things just get forgotten and things get dropped um we get a lot of positive press for things when things are starting up we does anybody remember the big billboard and all the production at the Bank of America building has anybody heard anything about that lately what's going on with that let's not drop the ball on that too let's keep an eye on that let's not forget about that the gly building took how long to finally get moving it was another thing big splashy headlines when it started and then it just got forgotten and this SCS like that was one of those things that we were had it out there in the headlines we were getting on top of it and then it snuck up on us because things weren't being paid attention to um we got liaison to all these committees you know these standing committees I ask all the time where are the committee reports from the standing the aison I heard a great one from councilman Bola today other than that not too much um one other thing this is the FCC writing I've been trying to kick through the thing is massive um and there was one other thing that spped to in my mind I was getting to if I remember I'll come back CU I got a minute and a half left and E just you know uh there has been talks about the Bank of America building so okay we have we have a we're keeping an eye on that y all right y SE separately EJ just so you know the golet building is moving full steam ahead they just got all their approvals I all the board of adjustment yeah they're moving ahead Andy Cortez 409 Washington Doug I shared this with you on the phone but the rest of the council maybe attorney I used to work for 35 years with our very popular cable company so I kind of know facilities up on the poll back in January I went to the Verizon store to get my phone fixed pulled up my address did all the work he said you know your house is 5G ready 409 Washington this is in January really I know there's no fiber or anything going up said yeah give me the modem a 30-day free trial I went home plugged it in turned it on it worked good it worked as well as Comcast no better no worse that was in January you guys know what changed what happened now if they told me back then so keep that in mind when you go to argue kit 346 r Avenue just got a question about the number of polls you keep saying it's not going to be 74 and you're saying that there's been a seat toist that they're not going to build anymore correct right now they voluntarily they voluntarily did that okay so they don't voluntarily do it and this you know they keep moving on they have to know where they're going they have to know I mean they don't have you know they they have to know that okay we're putting 54 we're putting 33 up so I don't understand how they're not letting you know where they're going oh there's a map no no the map is the 74 could possibly go but how do we not know where the locations are as the town I don't understand permitted for 11 they put five up okay right now we have the the stop as far as the additional ones I mean they would have to go through the permitting process to get the permits for the addition want to put up at that point we would find out where they're going but and that's something that we can talk to them about that we're going to talk to them about a whole host of things but one of them would be just notification like the other one was saying that they're short wave because if you look at the ones that are up now got nibet and we had Broadway look how close they are so to cover the whole town there's going to be way more than 11 so that's my question is how do we not know where they're going thank you and Mr G thank you for taking care of for arriv pretty quick thanks anybody else okay kitty dri whole thing really feels like kind like a dust storm and kind of like try to go back and figure out what happened so I looked up the to Mayor KRA this whole thing was a big win forant Beach and um The Towers were supposed to be 300t apart legal limit then I read the ordinance and there 200 apart because I and when they came in not to cut you off Kitty but I just when they just stop the stop it I no but I just I didn't mean to interrupt you but they're 500 ft apart we when they when they came back with the ordinance and I remember just I I remember specifically stating I corrected it and everyone remembers I said excuse me this is incorrect you didn't put it 500 and they said oh you're right councilwoman thanks for the um catch make sure you change that to 500 feet they told you that but that's not what's on the book 2023 it was amended y oh all right I open her requested the ordinance I didn't get I know the original I'm starting the clock right you yeah so anyway but even reading through the ordinance it's it's very Loosely worded I think we're finding out now it's a lot of problematic things in that I think a first step for a plan of action would be to amend the existing ordinance also that I just was um listening to the Verizon just got approved to put either is it a 60 or 90 foot pole across man chnri and listening to their expert Witnesses they sounded very credible and there ultimately was approved um but the problem of course is that when you have expert Witnesses from a multi-billion dollar company you know they're going to have some inherent bias so I think that our town um behoove us to get our own expert Witnesses ideally not from New Jersey IDE more than one I'm kind of thinking like what as said earlier like from kind in the Forefront of the cell tower issue um and then when I went back and also the council minutes it was like a little confusing because at the time the focus was on censuring an innocent councilman and then the eminent domain which of course has led us into lawsuit and I think it's also important right now to be transparent with the public that even though we might be like thinking about going litigation we might not have the money for it because we are involved in two huge lawsuits and you know as you guys know I've been lied to it many times and still like it seems like being condoned that behavior but I don't know if we have the money to go against a multi-billion dollar company like Verizon or any of the other cell towers our our kind of our only hope I think I mean who knows but is to do what heard say is to leverage our power and work with other towns and you just try to make a statement and yeah I don't know where assembly is he could do some political help it's right now I got expert I think that was it it just kind of really feels like a from oh and also it's my understanding that the the towers that are put in now are not going to work this summer is that there's a hold so I don't know what but I think that they're not working well right they're not fully right so if Verizon like Verizon came and they wanted a supplemental Tower to meet their needs a deficit in their needs for our Spike population in the summer and the towers are not working I don't know why then we need the towers because Verizon only wanted this one extra Tower Verizon wasn't looking to put in multiple towers and their Tower is only temporary so kind of begs the question if Verizon is satisfied right now just getting this one Tower why the need for all these other Towers or if we have all these other Towers then why is Verizon looking to get that Tower in unless they want to do something again after this time [Applause] wait did you come up second I know I know depart just from a protocol point of VI May connect and decisions there coun know agend I'm sorry no I mean when agenda the internet agenda you could see the ordinances so we P I know but you didn't pull it on Friday yeah it's just I don't want to come to meeting to find out what's in theond thank you anybody else you came up sorry sorry all right so Shar mney um as you know I was against the cell tower um and now all of a sudden this is popping up is there any way they can send us a letter let us know like what's going to happen forward instead of being so surprised you know I am worried about the health more than anything but as that gentleman said we can't say anything but I just don't understand five is too many for me you know I don't even care about 74 because five too and I anyone else 109 Chicago I'm helping gentl the back also robed to know form ad two or three people from the uh the community to I guess kind of go back and forth with I mean look we'll we'll figure out the next steps I think I think the mayor's being it clear we're going to be reaching out to Residents in terms of like the decision Mak a lot of it really is5 prived because we're negotiating him I'm not look at everyone so obviously we have the issue of contract negotiation and also candidly potential litigation so you know we have to work in CL session with the governing body which we actually did tonight and last week we had a special exective s I think was Wednesday morning in order to jump on top of this few other issues so you know we'll engage with the residents as we can but we can't on ASP inform so real quick before we close again we're all United uh we're all working for the residents uh give us some time to do what we need to do uh with working with our Bor attorney uh and as soon as there's information to be released we will release it in the meantime my phone number everybody's phone number and email address is out there if you have questions if you have comments if you have concerns please give me a call please email me uh I'm very responsive to emails I've gotten a ton and I've gotten back to everybody um so please keep that line of communication open probably can't tell you a lot as it relates to our meeting and potential litigation but I'll I'll be able able to tell you what we can um and again I really appreciate you guys coming out here and voicing your and any and not just 5G Towers anything that bothering you or there's a concern reach out to us I mean I do have some bus and they I take you very seriously and I will do everything in my power to get the answer and help you there's issue so please know you can reach out to any of us that's what we're here for so please thank you again all right here know can I get a motion to Jour oh sorry Andy Andy real quick storage doors were replaced that's what you asked what that money was for 96 storage doors make