[Music] yep goe the following is the agenda for the regular burrow council meeting of the burough count LS mayor and Council Municipal Corporation in the county of C the meeting will begin at 7:30 p.m. on June 26 2024 in Municipal Building 25 Glen Avenue pton LS consistent with the open public meetings act the meeting will be open Republic comson shall be accordance with the terms and conditions of the Burrow's municipal code and V please stand for to the flag of the United States of America and to the repic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all please bless this marent Council as they deliberate on the best of comps call please mayor sir here counc here coun here counc here counc here coun here here and US evening is our attorney okay so it is my honor along with assem and J Weber come up with us uh who came down to give the boys a a certificate uh first of all I want to congratulate you on doing a great job and wi you know small towns like us when we went state titles that's impressive but more importantly the way you conducted yourself on the field and off the field you represented pumkin laks very well and that's another part of the thing you should be very proud of I didn't get any calls about anybody doing anything wrong or you know something that was a problem so you should be very proud of the fact that you you won the state championship but also you represented your town very well so we thank you for that so with that I'm going to ask who is my assistant who's coming up with me there we go coach come up help so I can't speak to all the great games you guys played so I'm going to have one of your teammates do a little recap of how you guys did so both you together all right so from I can remember was 26 and4 uh some of the Highlight wins that I think we all we all cherish from this year is St Mary um mville go on CLA four and um you know we last year and they kind of [Music] ruined last year so uh rematch this year was a little bit more into it U end up winning that one kept moving on finally it's Pleasant and we won that one 14 to 42 so all New Jersey group one ISS some of the highlights from Individual people here I remember finished 10 in New Jersey st3 and that fin game Bas double and that was merci so [Applause] uh here's our new run scor leader for the history of P links so played the most Varsity games in the history of school well 26 wins is the new school Rec great season the perfect bunch of B tremendous and we're going to be pretty good next year too so hopefully we're stand next year but these guys are aw I'll pick some up next year uh sure thanks appreciate you let me celebrate with you um I I get to do a lot of fun stuff I'm a husband and a father and a lawyer and a legislator ask anyone of my friends they'd say he'd probably just rather be coaching baseball um I I you guys finished a job I about 32 years ago I was where you were over Wayne Valley High School in June of 1990 I played with St Joe's and uh we beat perams Catholic for the north Pula Championship but we went down to Princeton got beat in that state final that you guys cleaned up on so I'm really happy for you that you you were able to finish the job and uh really proud of you obviously happy for the the town uh it's it's a lot of fun I hope you make great memories it sounds like you conduct yourselves like Champs too which is the most important thing but uh really to put in all that work and uh to see it come to fruition is got to be satisfying I know it is from my personal experience I hope you you really take satisfaction in that coach congratulations on your excellent work with boys um look some seniors I know you guys senior heavy starting lineup sounds like not they're not done probably few playing College uh I hope you get the weit room get to work cuz it doesn't get any easier uh good luck to you but the sophomores and juniors on the team man you know get back at it uh because coach will tell you only think better than win a one Championship to win a two so stes know that congratulations really really happy for you and uh and grateful that I get all right so we got cic for one by one come stand up here and then we'll take a group picture with everybody why you AG what you got sure so we have from the state we have a state resolution they're identical so I'll read it once uh but here is the Senate General Assembly joint legislative resolution by Senator pachio suan Weber whereas the Senate and general assembly the state of New Jersey are pleased to honor and salute the ppon Lakes High School varsity baseball team highly esteemed In the Garden State in recognition of its outstanding athletic accomplishments and whereas demonstrating their extraordinary abilities and an unwavering commitment to Excellence the players on the pump LS High School varsity baseball team wrote a new chapter in school history by winning the program's first everever njsiaa group one state championship title in a stunning 14 to4 victory over Point Pleasant Beach and whereas the win capped a brilliant season and saw the Cardinals who finished with a seven game winning streak and posted an impressive 26 and4 record and whereas the pton Lakes High School baseball team includes the following players Jack babage Tyler Benway Frankie Barons Justin bolt Vincent Caruso Harrison curan Antonio D Martinez Calvin egber Angelo tharo Daniel Ian de Marino Nick locatell Ryan melli Jonathan papovich Timothy reach James rhus Vito salvanto Vinnie Sano David Valentine and Jaden V LTA whereas under the superb guidance of coaches mikee Reon Justin Jones and Len Roo the Cardinals baseball team has instilled the community of pped lak with the tremendous sense of Pride while upholding the highest standards of character and sportsmanship whereas their persistence and exemplary efforts in seeking and achieving greatness have earned the Pompton Lakes High School varsity baseball team the respect and admiration of this legislature and the people of this state now therefore being resolved by the Senate and general assembly of the state of New Jersey that this legislature hereby commends the ppon Lakes High School of varsity baseball team pays tribute to its meritorious record of excellence and perseverance and extend sincere best wishes for continued success and being a further resolved a duly authenticated copy of this resolution signed by the Senate President the assembly speaker and attested by the Senate secretary and the assembly clerk to be transmitted to the pton Lakes High School varsity baseball team congratulations is not really as fancy PP PP New Jersey certific certification of achievement Sports Award presented to your name would be honored in recognition of your outstanding performance in the sport of baseball 2024 New Jersey state champions so with that with Jack step forward ja back [Applause] [Music] guys Justin [Music] [Music] Harrison Antonio [Applause] and [Music] and ran also James he also had James [Music] [Applause] and our coaches Mr Jones thank you [Music] all right let's see if we can get a group shot here everybody kind of squishing a little bit big in the back guys front [Music] got sh them all right 77 if you want to watch it to watch it in about a week or two be on the I didn't recognize you without congratulations coach awesome good to see you is that yours too hello hello hello hello oh wait a second is that's the one that I had that one is problematic yeah that one this one is good okay if you guys can work your way out all righty okay our next our next presentation is our historic preservation Society Wells Fargo I'm going to ask Laura to come up and E if you want to come oh Laura you want to get an explanation first and then how would you want to handle this okay hi I'm Laura Jenning pit the chairwoman of the ppon leak's historic commission thank you for having us so um maybe it was a year and a half ago now there was concern brought to the uh commission about the mural that is present at the Wells Fargo branch located on wuab in Pompton Lakes there were plans to renovate the branch and it was unclear um in fact the fear was that the mural will be destroyed as part of the renovation the mural depicts a scene of importance to the Revolutionary War with uh General cfax pictured um obviously an important historic figure locally um and so our commission coordinated with Wells Fargo Corporate Offices where we were able to discover that they have a mural committee um whose purpose is to commission murals of historic uh local historic importance at their local branches um the only reason our mural was a threat for demolition or uh destruction in any way was because the uh corporate headquarters out California didn't know um so through some conversation and collaboration um they were able to make plans that would preserve and protect the mural I believe the view of it is obstructed but the mural is is safe and sound and um in place as it always has been at the branch um further the the Wells Fargo group has taken it a step further to create a replica of the mural which is framed and will be presented to us tonight um and so Jackie SPO from the local branch is here to present that Jackie want come up say some words so here is do one I can see but yeah thank you so much for having us um just like a couple of things that I would like to say um so I know Bora uh went over a lot of it but again my name is Jackie I'm the well uh the branch manager in Wells Fargo um we were excited to be able to preserve the mural and you know take a picture to donate to the town you know cuz um the committee is you know we're strong within the community um a couple uh history historical things about the the painting is that it's um Washington's guard drawn up between Skyler kofax and the Pompton iron furnace during the Revolutionary War and it was painted in 1965 by Lauren Smith who is an artist in Philadelphia so again I'm happy to be uh be able to work with you to preserve it and it's still there intact and there's another actual picture larger picture on another wall and we're happy to donate this to Youk you we we thank you for taking the time and energy to do this I know you know I know how demolition goes and it could have just torn down the building and we lost this forever so I I thank Wells Fargo for taking the time to to save it keep it and move forward so it's it's part of the history of our town and and you know you're saving part of the history so I thank thank you for that and I thank the the uh historic commission for you know pushing for that so with that any historic members want to come up I'll take a picture [Music] [Music] this is fine everybody looks nice come on I was ready to give you my jacket [Applause] [Music] we okay [Music] okay can I have a motion to open the meeting for public comments councilman venon council president the line all in favor I against anyone from the public like to address please step up hi Kathy street I'm sure you all know why I'm here um I just want to uh once again say that Michael has improved the garbage situation tremendously and I'm very happy but um we still do have some you know people that are just repeating fenders um 118 WQ Avenue is constantly has garbage there um and there is a in front of Nikki G's where there's a garbage can and you know uh it's always overflowing I've got a couple pictures I'll I'll give it to Liz and she can just pass it down um but anyway I was wondering if anything had been decided or discussed about my idea of hiring someone a retire to um you know serve as almost like a maintenance uh person that would go along and clean up you know this kind of mess that you know has lingered even after the guys even after the guys the DPW guys empty the garbage can I don't expect them to pick up all this trash and but that would be what I'm you know a maintenance man would do you know sweep up and just keep the town uh cleaner looking um so uh and I did um I did go into ry's ice cream shop and he you know was kind of complaining that the one garbage can out in front of his get so full because you know we were really busy I I was out the door and on one hand you should say you know well ready you should be thankful because your business is doing great but on the other hand you know um he did uh question if maybe the it could be picked up more often and I said to him well you should come to a meeting but I'll mention it if I'm to come to so that's it I just want to know if anything was discussed about that hiring something okay thank you anyone else from the public like to address [Music] in 443 Monclair Avenue um speaking on behalf of the shade tree commission uh we put out a post on Facebook um about this extreme heat and the trees and watering the trees um thanks to you Mr Mayor and the council um for giving us the funds to purchase these trees these trees are not cheap and um we depended on the residents to help us out and water these trees so I just want to make this announcement here at the at the meeting and ask the residents who've gotten new trees within the last 2 years to please put at least 5 gallons or 10 gallons of water per week through especially through this seat way that's it thank you thank you anyone else from the public like to address uh good evening Paul pante 156 Garden Road um from Silk City films I'm a director and um producer of historical documentaries about towns and cities in New Jersey um some of the films that we've done are uh we've done Wayne and um also Bloomingdale uh and the purpose of these films is uh when somebody decides in this day and age that they're going to move to a town or if somebody decides that they may want to do business in a town um what pray tell would be the first thing that they do Mr Curley what's the first thing that they do and they know they're going to move to a town perhaps go on YouTube perhaps go on YouTube perhaps Google it um the question becomes what will they find um and so Silk City films is a company and an organization that focuses on positive content for a town um so that uh in the future um some of the things that are historical in nature are documented um for future generations and for past generations and um I just want to let you guys know um that I'm uh kind of a disappoint that the baseball team didn't stay uh the baseball team maybe you know maybe you don't know but in my research I found that there are a few players that are on this team that were also on the team um quite a few years back that went all the way to the Mid-Atlantic regions in the uh in National little league tournament um and uh so there are three of those such players on this team uh so I thought that was interesting um myself uh Chris felic uh who is my uh uh is our uh our shop artist our photographer videographer um my ask today with you guys is that um we would need access and just basically a tacet approval that you know that you know that something's going on in Pon Lakes it's already out there um social media is kind of a little bit of Buzz about the work that we've done already um some of the Drone mapping and whatnot um you know so I want to give you the opportunity uh to know about it to ask me any questions that you may have about it um that I can answer um and uh from there I'll just take questions from you guys about it all right so I'll answer at the end and we'll give you a answer absolutely okay you'll you'll what I'll answer as soon as this session's over I'll answer everybody's questions including yours got you okay okay yeah thanks thanks I appreciate it anyone else would the public like to address seeing no one can have a motion to close the public session motion second councilwoman Paul Dory councilman Cruz all in favor against short way uh uh yes we are working towards a goal right at the end of the day uh 118 believe it or not has been fine we we've sent out the inspector over there is that correct um and uh I think there were sent fines as of yesterday or today um Nicki G's garbage can there you know he's in a tough spot there because it's it's by itself and I'm having some complaints of some people saying you know I'm the one with the garbage can and the garbage is overflowing so maybe we could tweak that a little bit and see how that works we're still in con conversation with the Union on if they're going to allow us to hire someone to do that um we're in negotiation right now with their contract so I don't know if that's something that's being discussed yeah it is so we'll get we'll have more information when that comes out okay and then was and ry's ice cream same thing you know where I understand his complaint that there's so much garbage there but he has the can but he also has the food in and out too um and I and I you know I can tell you that just today I think Mr Bo left but he posted something on social media in front of the bagel shop again there's a lot of cardboard and garbage piled up right there again in that same spot next to the bus stop um and it's looks like household garbage it actually looks like garbage so I mean that's something we should look into also uh Mr Hinton thank you for reminding everybody about that um yes I'm I'm hoping that the residents do take some charge of some of the trees especially if they want them to grow and and turn into what they're looking for from the tree that they um water them it's good information I would also go a step further if you see a tree that you think is not being watered maybe reach out to Mr Carelli and maybe we can see if we can get the DPW to run to that tree just for the time because I'm sure every resident is not paying as much attention as they should uh can you step out I was going to answer your questions thank you for coming um you know that's the discussion what we'll have as a council I'm sure there's a cost involved you know and we'll have to discuss all those things uh but it's not a bad idea we've done these things in the past years ago um uh we we'll have a discussion more with the council I guess it we me through a workshop or something to see how we want to go if they decide they want to go which I don't see any reason why they wouldn't but I can't speak for everybody then at the end of the day then we would work out some agreement I guess between our administrator and you guys on on how you would go about doing that so give us another two weeks or so to figure it all out and then well the next meeting is not till July so that's when we'll have an actual work shop on and talk about you can't get up get up and there is no cost okay there's no [Music] I don't know okay um yes that's very important that your um all right so uh you guys want to talk about it now or well I can we have a formal presentation can you show us like the the traffic the metrics where it is views um what samples of other towns have looked like like can we organize a formal presentation yes for the July 17th council meeting okay that's what we'll do can you send us everything in advance so we can s to Maria oh you can send it to administrator okay I'll send and he'll get it to us so if we have questions can we reach out to you in advance of that absolutely any okay thank you okay uh where am I approval of minutes motion to approve the following Minutes special close session meeting minutes June 12th regular meeting minutes June 12th close session meeting minutes June 12th motion Council venon councilwoman kilberg all in favor against uh bills and uh payment of bills as listed below we have a motion motion Council Von councilwoman Kent all in favor I I against it's set the agenda anybody need anything removed can yeah yes please um I did I find it um resolutions we're not there yeah we're resol resolutions oh um I just like to discuss I just found it 24-2 76 276 okay okay anybody else yes can we please pull 65 and 67 65 and 67 okay you got those list yes okay okay whereas mayor in the B Council B have consent agend cons propos resoltion mayor does to remove resoltion for now therefore resolve that the following resolutions on the consent agenda are here by approve I'm going to pull resolution 24265 24267 and [Music] 46 okay can I have a motion for the other ones motion councilman V councilwoman Paul Dory all in favor I against okay 24-65 amending resolution 24-55 authorizing nonunion salaries prevention Coalition somebody had a question can you just explain it a little bit thank you Council uh woman uh yes so these three positions are included in the federal prevention Coalition Grant budget that was approved by the federal government um and these stiens have been paid out historically from the burrow however uh a stien is required to be in the non-union salary resolution so moving forward it'll be included as the years progress through through the grant but this is just a formality uh if you will for for this year thank you thank you all right let's do 24 267 and I'll do more again aming contract with Atlantic Health assist Medical Center for occational Health [Music] Services just an explanation thank you so we use uh Atlantic Health System uh Chilton Medical Center for our occupational health services so some of the services they provide to us are physicals uh Fitness for Duty exams Hazmat physicals Police Academy physicals their pricing structure was uh slightly increased for the year uh this has come out of their corporate office so the contract that we have with them annually must be amended to incorporate the new fees however the fees are only increased a few dollars per per physical type or per medical procedure that we would uh you know follow through with uh so there's not a dramatic cost uh to the burrow at this time it's it's just a few dollars on each on each physical type okay so the that's for our employees that that's not the the nurse yes it's uh for all burrow employees okay thank you thank you okay 24276 yes um I just had a question we have a full-time register and I didn't think pton leaks was that big to have a full-time register why do we need a deputy register thank you councilwoman um so in accordance with the New Jersey Department of Health regulations uh each municipality is to have a registar of Vital Statistics that individual does marriage licenses debt certificates uh etc etc it's always a best practice to have a deputy in the case that the individual is out goes on medical leave uh Etc so our Deputy right now is currently with the township of Wayne but that individual is retiring at the end of the year so we have an individual inhouse who has the required certification so we felt it was a best practice to appoint this individual as the deputy moving forward that way the backup is in house as opposed to going out to the township of Wayne Uh having to come here to provide the service it provides for a quicker turnaround to the residence thank you thank you okay is there an increase in the salary or it's the same uh historically we did not pay a rate for this Deputy but they were out of town and there was a lag time for them to come you know to the burrow to service the residents this individual uh would be paid a $500 yearly stien so it's a minimal it's a minimum amount okay thank you thank you okay there's 24 265 24 267 24 276 can I have a motion please motion councilwoman kilberg councilman venon all in favor against okay ordinances whenever you're ready first has been adver posted on the MP ordinance 24-26 amend 7 section 743 handicap parking on streets the municipal to update description of Linn Avenue motion open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-26 motion council president the line Council woman poori all in favor against anyone just to address this ordinance seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-26 council president the line councilwoman kilberg PA favor against motion approve ordinance 2426 for final adoption soov council president line councilwoman kilberg roll call [Music] please yes coun yes yes yes yes Council yes ordinance 24-27 amending OFA and located the motion open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-27 so move council president Council councilman Cruz all in favor I against anyone from the public like to address this ordinance please step up Brandy 443 Monclair Avenue I was just curious of uh of the fines were the fines uh lowered from 1,000 to 500 they stay a th000 or um also are contractors going to be fined if there's a violation those are my only questions thank you anyone else from the public motion to close the public session public meetings on ordinance 24-27 moved Council presid line councilwoman Kent all in favor I uh we did reduce some of the fines correct yes we reduced the permit fees however uh the fine of $1,000 remains uh due to a prior Workshop discussion amongst the governing body however we are incorporating in addition to that a $250 fine to the uh tree removal contractor thank you and the only thing I would add is $1,000 fund is an up to $11,000 fund it's not a mandatory $1,000 F so there is some there is some discretion that the okay thank yep motion approve ordinance 24-27 for final adoption motion council president councilman benon roll call please and yes dine and venon yes yes counil yes coun Cruz yes coun yes yes yes [Music] yes 248 amending chapter 9 of theice General ordinances of The Bu of cont regulating the planting of men food within the fire motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-28 so moved council president second councilwoman kilberg all in favor I against anyone like to address Justice ordinance Step Up ready H 443 monair Avenue I just want to commend the council for putting this on there bamboo was very invasive there's a couple of spots in town that uh it's running wild DPW has to try to curtail it uh very difficult and I just want to agree with this ordinance thank you anyone else motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-28 motion council president line councilwoman paor all in favor I against motion to approve ordinance 24-28 for final adoption so moved council president sign councilman Cruz roll call [Music] please yes yes yes yes yes yes 24 29 29 yeah yeah 29 29 coordinates of the L County say New Jersey vacating a portion of the RightWay designated as loc Street in the B of P Lanes between B Street and gr Street motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 2429 so moved council president the L second councilman Cruz all in favor I anyone from the public like to address justce ordinance seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-29 councilwoman PAAD Dori council president D line all in favor I against motion to approve ordinance 24-29 for final adoption so moved council president line Second councilwoman kilberg roll call please counc yes coun yes yes yes yes yes yes4 taay [Applause] Tax Associates renc Pur to State St motion to open the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-30 so moved Council uh president the line Council who was that woman poori all in favor against anyone like to address just this ordinance seeing no one motion to close the meeting for public comments on ordinance 24-30 motion councilman bennon second councilman Cruz all in favor I against motion to approve ordinance 24-30 for final adoption so moved councilman second council president dine councilwoman kilberg roll call please yes yes yes yes yes yes okay thank you uh for my report um there's a busy wedding month a lot of people get married in June I guess I did five weddings in the last two weeks um we had a meeting with uh oh I'm I'm sorry I attended the five the six o'clock Flag Day ceremony at on the 14th at the um uh Elks Lodge it was a great ceremony it's always a nice ceremony explains where our flags come from and how how they've grown over time it was nice to see the kids involved in that so that's always a nice uh group that they do that do that every year I attended the planning board meeting um I attended the Redevelopment meeting um short councilman venon will'll talk a little bit about it but they talked about the Smith project there and uh the one thing they're going to need is an easement from this Council to uh go through the parking lot to uh enter their building which is not a discussion now but at some point we'll that will be brought to us but uh that'll come more from uh councilman venon uh I attended the zoning board meeting last night uh there was some talk a lot of talk actually about the old um gilby's on Ringwood Avenue there's a uh a landscaper using the area in the back by the by the lake by the river and he has to get his pering in place so what they decided to do is let him apply to the D if the D allows him to do what they're doing back there then they'll revisit it here at the zoning board so right now he's going to have to get theep approval to see that and there was also some and Bobby I'm sure we'll talk about this because he was there uh there'll be some talk about another project happening there and that is my report council president presid uh thank you m um first of all I'd like to start off by congratulating the state championship boys baseball team um again great accomplishment uh to go in and you know you heard all the records that they set and and had a tremendous season I want to congratulate once again to uh Captain Rodriguez Lieutenant rufo lieutenant kufa and Sergeant Jura um on their promotions tonight again exemplary officers really show off the uh the best of pp Lakes uh this Saturday uh there will be a Trails maintenance day uh that's Saturday June 29th at 9:00 a.m. uh we meet at the red trail entrance on Lincoln Avenue down by the MUA again this is the first of two uh Summer Trail maintenance days um this past Thursday um I attended um The Avenues in motion board of directors meeting it's an organization that I've been on for the last four years uh this year was actually held in the council chambers they try and go to different places a lot of times we meet at County College of Morris but um we I offered up Pompton Lakes and they graci graciously accepted I want to thank Michael and Liz for coordinating the room and the food that morning um again they they very much appreciated it um Avenues em motion delivers programs and services that improve Mobility the environment and overall uh quality of life in northern New Jersey they provide commuting options such as car pooling van pooling mass transit biking and walking it also uh manages alternative transportation programs works with schools and municipalities on their safe roots to school program and organizes uh what's known as the junior solar Sprints which is actually funded through a large Grant provided by helmet castings um this this event Act is where middle schoolers design and develop a solar powerered vehicle and they actually race them um pton Lakes has been participating the middle school has been participating in the the past number of years one of the things that they mentioned at this board meeting is that ppon Lakes might actually be um hosting the Championships next year typically it's been held in New Province they are thinking about having in Pompton Lakes uh Mr hell is the middle school teacher that works closely on these events so it'd be really cool to see this com in Pompton Lakes um finally at the meeting uh again I've been a member of the board for a number of years uh at this meeting I will now be serving as the vice chair of the board which I'm really excited for to to participate in because it is phenomenal organization um and incidentally following immediately following after that um a resident came up to me and she asked about she had found out about something called um bike buses obviously as people know pumped Lakes is a non busing School District so kids either walk bike or more commonly have their parents drop them off at school in the morning and maybe pick them up in the evening bike buses walking buses things like that are um informal organizations of getting kids to walk and bike to school together um it you know it it improves the overall safety by having a large uh quantity of of kids walking and biking um they're safe obviously from strangers it makes them independent it gives them some activity in the morning things like that so I'm going to be reaching out to our school district um and connecting them actually with Avenues in motion to see what might be able to be set up for the future um I don't have a whole lot of details now so I'm not going to go into it too much but it might also be a workshop discussion I don't anticipate anything that the bur and the council might have involvement in obviously the PD might have be in some involved but I will keep people up apprised of any of any changes um and then finally um as the mayor mentioned there was a planning board meeting last Tuesday I was not in attendance but this uh the application was the P County uh senior housing project the uh site of the P County DPW Yard um that was approved by the planning board uh so they will be going forward and building um those 52 senior housing units and that concludes my report mayor great thank you uh councilwoman Ken uh thank you mayor I want to congratulate uh again Sergeant Ryan jurer now uh Lieutenant J rufo lieutenant stepen kafati and Captain Anthony Rodriguez uh I'm very proud of them I'm very proud of our Police Department I'm very proud to be their uh the public uh safety liaison they do a great job and I'm very happy that we vote them in and they're going to do a good job for us I also want to let you know uh as uh Public Safety on August 6th uh there will be a National Night Out and the police department is inviting all of the citizens to come out and to attend It's a Wonderful it's a wonderful evening they do uh drug prevention awareness and they generate support for the uh Community um um they strengthen neighborhood Spirit by giving you all free food and um they have handouts for the kids and it's really a lot of fun and the the there are a number of different local organizations and businesses and burough committees that do attend so I would you know I would strongly recommend bring the kids out for a couple hours and you get free ice cream and stuff and you meet all the police officers and it's really a wonderful Community event it's nationally uh acknowledged and and we do a good job with that so and inviting you all out there um I also want to congratulate the boys baseball team the group W state championships it you know having two boys that played all kind of sports and winning some of the Champions uh in different uh Athletics it it really brings my it brings me to it it really makes makes my heart um very that's the generator going on oh my goodness okay uh anyway we're okay um so anyway so I was very very proud of them and they they do uh Mary gave a really nice speech about the way they conduct themselves you can see they are the most uh amazing young men and they're going to do very well in their life and thank them for representing Pompton Lakes in such a wonderful or rewarding way um I want to thank the Wells Fargo and the uh historic commission for saving that beautiful mural and and I'm very happy to have that uh and I hope we the the painting and I hope we put it in this this room somewhere we can find a proper spot for that that would be very nice um I want to thank Paul basanti coming out from Silk City movie uh we talked about this a number of years ago and it was just a bad timing I think you know with the covid and all that stuff but I did watch some of the movies that you made in other communities and they're they're phenomenal and they put the whole community in a different level and I would like to see that I'm looking forward to working with you I'm looking forward to uh having the council uh if we need to have a workshop thank you Paul for for saying that you will work with us and let's see if we can get this done this summer um we're also we're also as uh a movie ready um Community film ready yeah excuse me Al that the generator's not on yet fre lies that's why charge s okay but it's not on now we would hear it's not on okay we back to okay we're okay all right so yeah movie ready is that where we are New Jersey film ready commun film ready let's let's do let's make our first film so I'm all for it um okay the shade the shade tree commission uh they did a tremendous job with trying to get the word out that we need additional we need people to help uh water the trees it's a very simple message uh I spoke with to Randy um and I spoke to DPW and all the bags are all the bags that are on the new trees but it's the trees that were planted a couple uh maybe two years ago they're still very you know they're very vulnerable so we're going to try to get the public to do that and we use social media was a great way to do it thank you Randy and thank the the commission um and I believe oh and and just so uh I know Kathy shway just left I was I was told I haven't confirm this yet but Patterson city is evidently purchasing special garbage pants wow we don't fire um but Patterson city has special garbage cans and they're like high-tech where they they use solar to condense the garbage in the cans so we're not the only city that's having this problem but I'm glad that we're addressing it and I'm glad you're issuing fines um and other towns in say County are also taking this uh garbage issue very seriously it's a real problem so I'm looking forward to seeing how they make out and maybe whatever if they whatever their findings or maybe we can use you know some of their um information to make our program a little better and that is my report okay thank you uh councilwoman kilberg um I attended the EPC meeting um if anyone has pictures of the river cleanup if you can just send them over to Steve B or myself and we can get them over to Liz um the signs for take the pledge will be up soon um we ask everyone to take the pledge to not litter that's what it's for um I attended the Flag Day ceremony at the Elks um they talked about each flag and um when it was flown and it was a very nice ceremony um I attended this year's Pride event um the event was very well put together and I appreciated the efforts of the individuals who organized that day it was very nice um I attended the Redevelopment meeting um and I would like to see a copy of the site plans before we have to approve any sort of easement and I am also curious about the Meridian project because I see that they put those I want to call them Eaves up on the top of the building and I don't know what you would call them the yes that over but it overhangs the sidewalk it doesn't um we speaking a lot if you look at where the fencing is there's the sidewalk there's the fencing there's actually like a little it's actually set back a little bit about 2 to 3 ft away from Where the Sidewalk was before cuz I I look at it too I think actually still think that's within their property boundaries it's just because the building is set back a little bit then they go up then they come out a little bit for architectural features it looks like it's over the sidewalk but I really not cuz I was parked across the street and I'm looking up at it and it just looks like I think that's what it is I think they set the mov back enough because you can't enter into public RightWay without permission I mean it is pretty close to the sidewalk the whole building so I mean it's you know but it is St back a little bit from the actual sidewalk building you have to if you go up to the fence you'll see that there's a little bit of more distance Beyond Where the Sidewalk was you're saying it only overhangs to the beginning of the sidewalk it it it comes up maybe up to the property line but okay and um I did attend the um Recreation meeting last night and uh that's where we talked about pickle ball and U maybe coming up with some sort of a system where people can sign up and I already talked to the mayor and and Michael about it um so that people can sign up for 1 hour Court time and not take you know have one group take up hours worth of time and um Maria this is for you there was um a fishing derby that took or or a fishing tournament that took place on Saturday that no one knew about so I don't know if you can talk to the police department I guess if they see if they see something they should stop an esma if they have a permit I mean we also need people to call if they see it but I mean there there was quite a few boats in the water there should have been a a permit issue I think there's some education to the police department because that's relatively new they just need to know that they're going to have let them know if there's a big group of boats out in the water they should stop and asking somewhere I mean I guess even in a park like if there's a big group of people in a park they need to stop and ask them if they're even if they have to ask to see ID if they're residents they'll have ID and if if they're not then they should have a permit gu that's really how that's our ordinance that's the ordance and going back to the pickle ball yes I agree we should figure out a way make that better yeah it's just not working the way it is right now and that's the end of my report okay you um councilwoman Paul Dory what's a sir is that you know [Music] yeah it's coming down and Che do you know what the siren is yeah probably okay nothing with the water and River okay when the electricity Sur us okay it's coming down okay I'm sorry Council thank you uh I would also like I would also like to congratulate uh our officers on their promotions and uh the outstanding work that our police department does every day for this community as well as uh again extend congratulations to the boys baseball team that is a tremendous accomplishment and they make all of pton lakes very proud I would also like to thank Wells Fargo and Laura Jennings along with the historic committee for their uh diligent work in preserving that mural we do have a lot of history in Pompton Lakes and a lot of artwork so when we have the ability to preserve something like that it's very important which brings me actually reminded me of something um and I'll ask you to maybe make a note of this perhaps we can look into it last year a resident reached out to me and ask specifically about the Alvina sear mural which is the mural that h in the Civic Center Apparently that is many many decades old and it was painted for us by a local artist that lived in town and there was some concern that that somehow may get lost in the shuffle so I know we plan on doing work in the Civic Center if there's any way we can preserve that too there are a lot of folks that remember when that was done and and it's of some significance also thank you um I attended the Flag Day ceremony um the Elks always do an amazing job and they bring the Boy Scouts and Girl Scouts in to walk the flags out through the presentation so thank them for for making sure that we maintain that ceremony every year uh I was on a site visit to herfield park with both our burough engineer uh a representative from one of the playground equipment uh companies and our burough administrator to start working on some possible renderings for plans for phase two of hfield Park which would Encompass the playground equipment um some possible changes to the center um land where all the picnic tables are and potentially depending on whether or not it seems feasible uh some workout stations along the outside perimeter of that area so we are waiting for some updated information uh we had looked at it a few years back I I think probably that is all um you know out outside of uh being valid so they will send us uh some updated proposals to review um and we did talk about in including another animal because that presentation at Pacifico Gallo was really great with the kids so um they're going to send us some choices to look at for that so we can have another signature playground animal at the next Park um I did attend the bid meeting just to talk about the garbage again uh I get so I I get tremendous feedback on the removal of the cans I feel like there are obviously some still issues that need to be worked on but it is a tremendous Improvement and uh I also happened to get a lot of compliments from some business owners in the past couple weeks about not only the streets but the work that the bid is put in on the new flower baskets they're just the streets look actually really nice right now I know we've had some issues with garbage particularly uh over by The Dominoes that small strip so you know I don't know if putting garbage cans back is the answer um you know there are garbage cans inside the store but at one point we did discuss the possibility of moving this into a phase two and requiring that certain buildings have dumpsters in the background um I know that the garbage cans inside of the stores get full but they can always be dumped then in the dumpster and you know continue to be used inside um that doesn't necessarily mean that all the garbage cans have to go back on the street I I really think that was creating more of an issue um I did listen virtually to the last Coalition meeting for the season I know Bobby will speak more to that I just wanted to thank both Ryan and Dr P for all their hard work this year they did a great job the programs were amazing they seem to be very well attended so I look forward to seeing what they bring to us next year the dog park signs continue to come in um that was another great idea hopefully we get to a point where they continue to reenroll every year and uh that becomes a self-sustaining part of town that can continue to improve and upgrade itself without utilizing either open space or burrow funds um for Workshop I did ask uh just so that the council knows a little bit of what we talked about last time as far as uh the group that we've now hired to work on reviewing the pilots and uh collecting revenue from the pilots accurately I asked if we could have them come in and give a presentation as we start to get faced with more pilots I think it's important for this Council to understand the thought process behind approval what actually goes into it what's considered Revenue what makes them different uh just so that we have a better understanding as we look through them what it is we're approving um you know the time frame on them whether it's 5115 so uh hopefully we can have that not just as a workshop but actually as a presentation where we're able to ask some questions of their process as well um and I did attend the Redevelopment meeting so I you know I have a lot of questions and thoughts on how that meeting went not specifically toward that project but just overall I know that we have workshop on for discussion tonight so there was a bit of an issue for the last Workshop as to how narrow the scope was of what could or couldn't be discussed or asked um that is not what the spirit of Workshop was it was to encourage an environment for us to be able to speak about the topic at hand uh the way that we make informed decisions up here is through discussion through asking uh sometimes a question opens up another question which may not have been the original intent but it certainly doesn't mean that it should be overlooked or pushed aside um we're here to learn we're here to have transparency we're here to make sure that we're well informed so I am going to reserve my comments on the Redevelopment meeting for Workshop in hopes that I'm able to actually uh share my thoughts without it becoming contentious uh and that is my report okay thank you Liz we're okay we're recording yeah it seems to be okay because I see that it's up there something up there right okay we don't know for sure okay I looks okay uh councilman V thank you mayor uh I'll start off with the Redevelopment meeting uh regarding Smith project Smith project is a proposed 50 unit project at the corner of kfax and WQ um there was discussion about easement And in regards to that I'd like to have a either a workshop or a presentation so that we can become uh educated in the uh what an easement is we can look it up sure but sometimes it's good to have a discussion just to educate us on on on how that all works um there was discussion about the easements as I mentioned and there was also discussion about uh the amount of retail space on the ground floor for the project next I want to thank uh congratulations to the recently promoted officers early this evening as as well as the baseball team thank you for putting us in the spotlight and keep doing great things want also thank uh Wells Fargo for um the donation of the frame copy of the mural uh it was very nice of them to come to to to go above and beyond and do that as well as uh Lord Jennings historic commission chair thank you for your leadership and uh your work to preserve that specific thing but also for your work with historic commission I also want to thank Masonic Lodge Genesis 88 for cleaning up Wilderness Park a couple weeks ago they came and presented to us and um the uh the day after I saw the bags of trash and I thank you for the DPW for for uh picking that up as well uh lastly I want to thank all the folks that uh supported the fundraiser I did a um pull the tank fundraiser with UPS a couple weekends ago and um this is for the fundraiser went to for veterans obtain Housing Services access legal services and receive mental health treat uh treatment so that was it was a great event it was a great day and um it was a good time by all and last congratulations to council president deline on your new position with Avenues in motion continue to do great things and bringing uh pedestrians and and bike bike ped I guess the phrase is right to pton lake so Mike P yeah our court mayor thank you coun Cruz uh thank you mayor um just want to congratulate obviously all the officers that were promoted today they're you know great group of guys um very well deserved obviously it goes without saying with the varsity team it was just an amazing game again I'm they did an amazing job just not only in that game but throughout the season so congratulations did attend the flag sever as well again the flag ceremony I feel for me when you attend those it's in story format so you're kind of listening to four individuals tell a story about the flags which I appreciate every time I go there and it never you know it's never one time where I didn't learn something new so it's definitely a ceremony I recommend everybody should attend um and it was amazing um moving on um I attended the prevention Coalition meeting on Monday um just a few things a lot of is most just Recaps of everything that went on during the year uh they talked about what's upcoming as well such as National night out uh pton day they had some recent events um on 610 the Lincoln fifth grade party uh funding for for uh funding for the party was partially from the walk um so that was very nice on 612 Hawk and Hawk Jr they had a meet and greets on 617 they had the hog dinner uh Dr Pier Dr pris biski and Ryan will be speaking to the kids in the summer camp program about keep a clear mind uh this is a taken home drug education program for elementary school students and great 4-6 and their parents uh this program is designed to help children develop specific skills to refuse and avoid the use of gateway drugs also the uh Coalition will be receiving between $3,000 or $4,000 from the national opioid settlement um once the money arrives they have to figure out how they're going to use that uh Liz was in attendance she came up with a great uh suggestion uh to invest some of that money in adult programs in town right now majority of the programs all target obviously our youth um and I thought that was a great suggestion on her part um and they did have a representative from the blue crust Recovery Center and they offered to reach out to the daa to come in and give a presentation on gabbling and substance abuse I think that's going to be coordinated between Dr P and Ryan I thought that was a great suggestion or heard they do an amazing job as well um yesterday along with mayor sah we attended the zoning board meeting as the mayor was talking about this was for application boa 2307 for 615 Ringwood Avenue I'm not going to go into any more details the mayor just pretty much covered everything um but there was another application for boa2 2403 that also was approved that's for 4:30 Montclair Avenue and that location there is um they're looking to let me just make sure I get the application proposed to subdivide the property into two lots and are seeking a D1 variance again that was approved and for reference that's the quacken bush and Suns AO repair for those you are familiar with that location and that'll do it for my report mayor so the I didn't realize the uh lions got their own funding from the the uh settlements that's separate from us yes that's from the national orid settlements so they get they can get their own settlements from from that separate from what we get no no the the excuse me the the burrow uh receives National opioid settlement funds which we can use our discretion on how they're used okay so it makes sense to direct those sure okay I thought maybe they got their own the dollar no no it's from them but the dollar amount is not known at this time so okay 4,000 uh attorney's report uh nothing tonight May thank you uh administ report thank you mayor uh so the Howard Street Maple Street babbit Place improvements project continues uh there was a slight delay due to the Reconstruction of the u-turn at the end of Howard Street so the contractor is expected to start Paving on Monday so we've amended our notice to the residents put up a police sign board and uh are in communication with all of the residents for the change uh the acrian place hersfield Street improvements project will begin this Friday with the concrete work uh Paving I'm sorry Milling is scheduled for July 8th while Paving is scheduled for July 9th and again we've provided notice to the residents um I attended today a pre-construction meeting with the pic County Department of Public Works uh to discuss the salt Dome project as part of the pic County Housing corporations application uh I was quite pleased from the meeting to learn that the county intends to substantially replace our recycling center uh with all new recycling bins signage lighting uh containers sidewalks landscaping and fencing uh which is good news however uh this the section within the existing recycling center will not be paved so that is something that we may want to consider in the future because it will be a oneway in one way out moving forward for the residents so you'll come into the center on a new apron and a new driveway into a gravel lot onto a newly paved road that leads you out to the car wash at the corner so that that is something that we we should consider for next year and you mentioned the new gate too coming in right they give new gates as well um the salt Dome is expected to be completed by December 1st this year so we should be operational with the DPW uh with our salt operations for this winter um Jennifer touched on herfield Phase 2 however I spoke with our burrow engineer about phase one uh he did file with the DP finally so we're progressing that now we wait for the D and uh we could go out to bid sometime in the fall I'm hoping so we're moving forward on that um I'm in discussion with our burrow engineer and the DPW superintendent to identify Road candidates for next year so we're looking at replacing a bunch of side roads for next year uh to segue into my next point being that uh on tonight's council meeting the governing body authorized an application to the DOT for the Lakeside a phase 1 Project so we're looking to pave Lakeside a uh from from vanav to the Jefferson a bridge and that project exceeds a million dollars to the do however the do has announced this year that they have a surplus of funding and that they may fully fund a significant amount of projects this year which is the reason why we've submitted for such a large amount uh and such a large project so so more to come on that and of course we're uh in coordination with the engineer as to the complete streets aspect of the project so we're looking at that too and then the last thing is I'm meeting with the finance committee tomorrow to discuss uh potential savings and changes to our health benefit plans which could provide a significant savings to the taxpayer for next year so we're very interested in that and more to come and uh that's my report thank you mayor are are when are we still using an old engineer did for us a survey of the roads um are we still using that for any judgment or we're not really using anymore we're updating our list we are personally or we're hiring some of uh the engineer in conjunction with the DPW are updating the road candidates list okay based on the old list based on the old list okay uh any questions I have one go ahead you can go no go ahead please um just a quick question the delays on phase one won't hold up moving forward with phase two will it we can still move forward with the playground equip and absolutely yes thank you um The Lakeside app project it's about a half mile from vanav to the bridge what's the aspects of the project that brings it up to a million dollars unfortunately most of the guard rail from uh the high school down to the bridge is in non-compliance with the dot so our Engineers recommending that we replace that and in addition to the guard rail that we've been looking at for years to to to replace and to take down the old fencing uh there's a significant cost to that as well you have Ada curb ramps you have complete Street upgrades you have striping um sidewalks so we're looking at at all of that right now okay thank you I just I just want to Pigg you back to that question so I I'm correct to say that they they will pay for that guard rail removal and will they will they remove the uh fencing or do we still are we still we're looking incorporate that entire project into the dot project so no no funds uh will be charged against the open space under any other account the governing body makees me any happier okay thank you okay I have a question the um I'm getting some calls from residents about the orange uh um mats that they put in with the sidewalks when they did the rain camping who's responsible to make sure that the corners are staying down after a couple years they're starting to peel up and is that now become our respons ability or do yeah I mean it's our responsibility to is that an easy fix or they have peel that whole thing and put a new one down I don't necessarily have the expertise but I don't I think it's a reconstruction of of the curb ramp correct I don't know we'll take a look yeah we'll take a look cuz some of the corners are starting to pip up and I don't know you know you talk about you you talking about the uh the tactile Maps the tactile Maps yeah I think you could just drop it in place I don't think it's like you you don't have to no you would have to do it but you would have to pull it out right yes right okay all right we'll take an audit of everything yeah okay maybe we should do that okay uh Workshop Redevelopment who's talking you you uh I'll start thank you mayor uh so at the last council meeting there was discussions about the Redevelopment agency and the Redevelopment plan also the Redevelopment investigation study that was conducted in 2008 by the planning board so I included it in your packet it's quite lengthy um my suggestion would be if the governing body wish to amend anything to take a closer look at it to to let us know and at that point we should probably Engage The burough planner in a discussion with the governing body to to go more carefully through whatever you're looking to do so I just provided it tonight I don't know if you know there will be any discussion about it but uh you know we could bring it up at the next council meeting and certainly invite our planner to discuss more so okay any question I defer to Dave if you have any comments yeah I mean I I'll just t on that the so the study plan was adopted and from from what I can see and I spoke to Andy Brewer is it's on the basis of the study plan that specific Redevelopment plans are put together by the Redevelopment agency working with a potential redeveloper to you know for a a specific portion of that and if anybody knows otherwise let me know for a specific portion of those study areas and once the developer and the Redevelopment agency are of one mind on it a plan is put together for that Redevelopment that is ultimately adopted by the council and that's why when we were talking last week about well can we can we change the plan some towns when they adopt a plan based entirely on the study area without without working with developers it's easy to amend the plan but where you have a negotiated plan and then a Redevelopment agreement agreed upon right on the heels of the the adoption of the plan it becomes much more difficult to adopt to to rather amend the plan that becomes a negotiated Amendment of the plan because you already have a Redevelopment agreement typically in place at that point so just you know that kind of the model that I've observed here if if I'm wrong about that you know let me know but but but but that's that's kind of how I yeah because there's a negotiation between the developer and the Redevelopment agency about where they want to come from and then from there they work out through meetings with the Redevelopment agency what would they bring to us right right any questions so I have like I said I had a lot of thoughts from the last meeting and I I guess this falls under the future of Redevelopment the Redevelopment plan whether or not it needs to be amended but it seems like there are a lot of different things we're encountering with each project that are going to either require amendments to the Redevelopment plan or easements or restructuring of certain things we now know that we have an issue with capacity at the MUA um which and again so my overall thought is I don't understand still to this day how we didn't foresee that there was going to be an issue with capacity with the MUA um at the meeting you had made a remk Mark that the MUA said for years there no problem it's no problem we have room we have room the plan was adopted in 2008 and 2010 we had to submit mua capacity information for a Highlands report so we knew from 2010 that that number was already at or near what it is now and hasn't changed so how we got to this point knowing that we were at our near capacity and continue to move forward without there being a plan in place is one thing I have a concern with the what seems to be amendments to some of these that come to the council in peace meal I don't understand it's been asked a few times by one member of Redevelopment in particular what is the endgame here what is the overall what are we looking at what are we doing um I feel like we're tackling this project by project and I I just so if we're looking at the Redevelopment plan what point can the council look at this and say I want to know what the endgame looks like and is it laid out the way that we think it should be and what changes can we make I mean that that project that was just proposed right so and having a Redevelopment agency personally I think it's problematic we had a previous attorney that was on record saying it's very unusual for a town of this size to have one there are a lot of conversations happening over here that happen over here by the time they get here the information is kind of jumbled it's not coming through accurately we had an issue with this most recent project about removing eight retail stores and only putting two back so the new proposal brings back four stores but it looks like one of the two stores had a little bit of an increase on the space and then it was chopped up into three pieces so we're not really providing for the moving forward of a walkable town with all this retail that I thought was the concept of Redevelopment so if we're getting away from that and we're really just looking to put in as many residential units as we possibly can regardless of what stores we have what does this look like in the end and how much at this point are we allowed to make adjustments to well um again you you have a Redevelopment study area U the Redevelopment study was adopted in 2008 you have different Redevelopment plans for instance you have the M plan for the downtown area and then there are I I would imagine that the Lial development that was sub that was a different plan that was a subdivision yeah that was a subdivision plan part A Redevelopment Redevelopment so you have it's kind of a misnomer to say we have a Redevelopment plan we have several ongoing Redevelopment plans with different redevelopers as I understand some of which are completed some of which are underway some of which are being negotiated all in accordance with the invest Redevelopment invest investigation study that was adopted in 2008 so the foundational document is really your investigation study as I said once the plans are adopted those are on the heels of the negotiation between the Redevelopment agency and the redeveloper and then they're approved by this Council are there amendments made to those development plans yes they are but they are they're not unilateral they're they're typically done by way of negotiation as the work proceeds um based upon the needs of the developer or the needs of the the bar so when we say Redevelopment plan is there actually an overall plan that gels everything together or is this developer this developer wants this this develop that's your study overall I'm going to jump you're partially right and and you're not completely um complet it's a LW incomplete so the the the the document that we got is the area need of re an area in need of Redevelopment investigation that is you have to meet certain criteria of each property has to fall under a certain criteria of the local Housing and Redevelopment law to be able to put it into the Redevelopment area okay that's what that document is it's basically saying all of these for a variety of factors is is meets those criterias to to to declare it in need Redevelopment from there you develop the Redevelopment plan we actually do have a Redevelopment plan it's actually codified within the municipal code which is a little unusual actually it's not a standard alone document um the way that we would typically see Redevelopment plans and where Dave is right is with you can have a a broad area of Redevelopment plan you can have you can have a document you can have code and it generally sets the standards for uses Heights bulk bulk standards basically um within that Redevelopment plan but you can always amend the Redevelopment plan site by site depending on what they've said was ref's needs or the developers need so again let's use the Smith property for example block 6300 L one he he his property falls under the general requirements of the rebu plan but if you if you drill down to the site it might not meet all those requirements it might not really be specific so at that point he could file for an amend he could look for an amendment to Redevelopment plan so each one of these different negotiations capley fortunado Smith all of these things are re really a an amendment to that overall Redevelopment plan they just have more specific standards related specifically to their site uh Jen I think what your point is is does this overall Redevelopment plan is it really appropriate 14 years later I think that's the one thing you and I agreed on last time we're not there anymore there's there's right so I mean I I guess the I mean there's nothing to say there's nothing to say that the council can't because again this Redevelopment plan is also you're never going to very rarely are you going to get like a buildout analysis as part of rment plan we want to build X number of units or we want to do this or or why of that um but you do want to say these are our broad vision and goals here's the standards related to them here's all these other things that get in play um and there's not a whole lot of that in the our actual broad Area Redevelopment plan we know we want we knew then we wanted Redevelopment we wanted to set this set the stage to be able to offer Pilots to encourage Redevelopment but what that actually looks like in terms of total density number number of units total things like that the plan is pretty SLE let's remember also that if people don't want to use Redevelopment they don't have to they could right now build four stories above their retail right now and just go to the planning board make sure they're meeting their variances and we have would have no say on that that's yeah that's absolutely true they just wouldn't anybody we can't tell people on their property what to do well unless they go above the height variance well there's a lot of reasons why we can control what they do but the biggest thing is is if if they don't need the pilot yes you're right they don't have to go to they don't have to do all these things but again I think what we've established with the Redevelopment is that the the fact is that these projects don't get done if not for this alternative financing available well I I think the the offset to that is they don't get as high but I think people are still going to build on their properties I mean it's possible it's possible they're not in front of the Redevelopment agency saying I could do this well well they're going for the most and then seeing what they can do well the well then that defeats the whole purpose of seeking the pilot really because what you're saying is I don't have the right financing to do this under traditional needs under traditional zoning I don't have the ability to do this is though the pilot well the pilot is is it's the Gap right the the the the main test of of of Redevelopment is if it wasn't for the ability to get this pilot which changes the financial structure of how I develop a project I would not be able to do this project correct okay so if a developer walks in and says well I'm seeking a pilot and if I don't get what I want and have all these standard change I'm going to still do all the project except for the fact is I'm just going to follow the underlying Zone well you asking for de right he he wants that monity said no he could still come back tomorrow and build four stories about he still could yes absolutely but that's not his that's not the project he's seeking no not now so that's that's but he also still can't just do whatever but he also can't well he can Within of the whatever board would he have to go to the planning board they would decide what he can and there was no variances needed that he would be yes and no right so once you once you if you meet all the requirements of the zoning that's basically as right as of right permissions to build what we've permitted by zone so it's not like it's a yes or no vote as long as he doesn't have to seek some okay so like in Redevelopment they say okay well we don't really like the face of that like can you use different material would they do they unless unless specific unless there specific requirements within our zoning code which tend to be struck down because they are like you just don't want to get into like that kind of thing um within the the code itself so you you can't control those kind of things unless it's a specific requirement within the zoning code so but there is code that dictates height yes height yes for materials style things like that if asking what like to to to the mayor's point if asking came in and said I want to build these two other buildings in the back it's cool little question well we actually could do that or not but that's beside the point um but let's say just he wants to tear down his existing building build like a new building and he wants to paint it pink made a stucco with you know Spanish Colonial Roofing or something like that there are towns that write code that prohibit certain things like that well yeah but I mean it's pretty rare it's pretty rare um the the Z but our zoning currently is silent on that stuff so we don't have control over that if vasin comes in and says I'm seeking a pilot and I want to build a four-story pink building with stucco and Spanish Colonial Roofing the the Redevelopment agency exists and can say well that's great but we're not going to give you a pilot unless a building looks a lot like what we're comfortable with and that's sort of how Lakeside comments came to look like it did more like the high school and the post office and things so that's I guess let's so two things let's stop there so one you're saying you know does it fit what we're looking for so who dictates that because now like you said well we started this 14 years ago number one we've evolved right and number two we're we are there's some aspects of that that were um that are fundamentally different now in a post-pandemic world right talk about shared parking well there's plenty of people that no longer have spots that are going to accommodate for shared parking we keep saying that's going to be the solution to everything it was it was touted as the solution to everything in the last Redevelopment meeting and you have people that have businesses across the street from Lakeside Commons that will tell you those cards aren't moving people are not going to their office every day some people are going in later some people are coming home earlier that mindset of I'm leaving my house at 8:00 in the morning I'll be home at 6:00 at night does not exist anymore and I personally and I could be wrong and no one knows I don't think we're ever returning to that so does that still make sense um there's been changes in where people have moved to in in the last 14 years are we bringing in more children I think that that that a concept like that is something that should be amendable and it should evolve with the way people are living today it's been almost 15 years so let me answer that so the parking the only way they can park is they bought spots part of the Redevelopment agreement if they're parking in other spots legal spots that anybody can park in and paying per quarter or an hour or whatever they're allowed to do that there's no stopping that for anybody anybody can come from anywhere and park anywhere they want we don't have the strict for parking when it comes to the MUA the MUA is completely separate unit from us we do not dictate to them what they do and how they do things so if they came up to us and said we have plenty of of of room to do this we have to go by them we don't do a study to do that they do the study they did the study and told us that then they did another study and said we and it's not at that CR critical mass right now we still have room for 150 units that fits well within the realm of everything they're doing to build this is from the mua's report not from our report the MUA though has no say they have to go talk to the MUA as a developer they have to sit down with the MUA and discuss what they want that has nothing to do with this board though at all okay I'm not sure what the the you reiterated my vote in the MUA they did turn over a study and capacity was then almost what it's now so to say that we were surprised by finding out what the number was you just said we shouldn't have been and in the last Redevelopment meeting you specifically said the solution to overcrowding for parking is going to be shared parking it's it may that may not be the solution that those spots might not be available so at some point we are going to run out of parking spots but I'm not we don't need to go that deep into that I guess my question is at what point do we have an understanding as to what this actually is going to look at like when it's done and what can we do to change that because the fact that we're just getting so far away from bringing in retail you are taking away we want we want busy retail that was the whole reason for this and now essentially taking out two of probably what are the top five busiest stores in this town and collapsing the square footage on what was two is now four but really it's still two cuz it was just one chopped into three neither one of those stores are going to be able to fit into the square footage that's being proposed so what's coming back so the square it goes by square footage it doesn't go by number of stores and according to their report that they gave us and I can't remember the exact numbers they had 7,000 starting and they're going to have 5,800 when they're done so they're losing 1,200 square foot of retail it's not about five stores or two stores or three stores they could break that up into anything they want there's no restriction he says I'm just making one big retail room here we can't restrict through Redevelopment you have to have five stores there well we can basically what we're saying is we're not going to approve the project if I mean that's why they came back they came back with two stores and we said no so they had to come back again so yes 100% we can and it does go by square footage but it also goes by stores there's a difference between having four businesses and there's a difference between having two businesses but that's a landlord's decision that's not a t but it's not you're saying it's not it's realistically that the the first time they came in the reason why actually something I pointed out was that there's a requirement for retail um Frontage along these buildings so you can't have originally like it was basically the garage part of a corner of of the retail and part of a corner of another retail and then you had a Wallace along CAC know but there is something specifically within the Redevelopment plan that requires a percentage of the building Frontage to be retailed so that's why you to go back I don't think it necessarily addresses number of Stores um versus square footage or anything like that but I mean I think I think I you know I in this case if you have a big business that occupies 1,500 square feet versus 7,000 ft versus two businesses to occupy I don't want to get caught up in the no number of retail spaces that are available because along the same lines we know that retail today isn't the same way that retail was even in 2010 when this planet you there's a lot less Brook and mortar people are doing more stuff online the demand for retail isn't as great as it used to be probably personal services personal services it's pizzerias it's restaurants things like I mean at some point logic has to dictate what we're doing here right you have 7,000 square foot of retail that you're required to put back in are you going to put one store in what what I mean what the market it should be what the market dictates at this point if there's a if if there's a market demand for you know 5 one store at 5800 great if there's a market demand for 3, 2800 on you know between two stores fine whatever whatever it takes that that you know whatever that landlord or property owner thinks he can fill that that space in I don't I don't think we want to get into n gritty of saying you have to have X number of stores because we we decide to look better if it's to that point it's his property if he wants to be a failure on ability to fill commercial space have at it if he wants to be a success and he thinks he knows the market have at it too it does impact us to some degree though and that is the purpose of this so if we just allow whatever it is and then it turns out that everybody's a failure now we go to just even more empty vacant storefronts but we can't force them to do something they stores they could you could keep them empty for the rest of his life I don't know if we want to get micromanaging that kind of stuff no but that's a complete contradiction to what you said at the meeting you were very adamant about not wanting to lose any retail no I don't all sudden it's retail doesn't but what I'm saying let's use that project that you're talking about now the Smith project if he decides he doesn't want to go for a pilot he could build two stories right on what he's got make sure he doesn't need any variances and build it and build it yellow or green or whatever he wants to do and we would have no say as a council on that so let's talk about that right the the workaround to doing what you want and not going for a pilot there are some of these buildings that are in a Redevelopment Zone that are going to be seeking Pilots to change or upgrade their buildings that probably should have been find and there's one I think that has rebar holding the side of the walls together so why are we not enforcing code before the buildings get to this point and generating Revenue through that I mean some of these different question yeah there's no code I mean we don't and then tell me if I'm wrong like we don't go inspect every building and it's we don't inspect should we not be enforcing buildings that fall of quod are they not annually expected or are they I mean there's got to be some accountability there you don't just put a building up and then all of a sudden it just falls down and no one knows it's going to happen or I mean I don't there are plenty of towns building inspector there are plenty of towns that build buildings that don't offer pilots and somehow people still seem to maintain and build their buildings I don't necessarily know that we do annual most it's more so Property Maintenance right if there's an issue or something enforement is called to go there for a reason then they'll they'll check it but we don't check into every store that's built properly and plumbing and heating and all that we don't do that all right so then help me the dire large picture is large picture is if it's of the interest of the council to say we have this 2010 Redevelopment plan we don't necessarily know it really applies the standards the use requirements all that stuff we don't necessarily know that it applies to the the way people live for years later okay we want so our action would be to direct the planning board to conduct another Redevelopment plan we don't have to tell them to redo the the Redevelopment study they're already in the those properties are already in there we could say we think it's time to either amend the Redevelopment take a look at this Redevelopment plan and amend it granted I think probably better off just starting fresh because there's a lot of things again like there's not a whole lot of guidance of like what it wants to achieve so we tell the planning board go do a Redevelopment plan at that point they basically utilize our professionals planners to to redo the the planet that that was where I that was where I wanted I think ultimately like if we are interested in seeing a new Redevelopment plan that reflects Pompton Lakes what we know about capacity what we know about other things where the where the building Trends are going that's that's where we would start I don't think that's an unreasonable ask at this point I I would like to see that happen I think what we would want to do well according to Michael the planner would have to come and explain the process right okay that's great that's even better because I think we could all use that experience and knowledge also right and Dave I I believe that you would need a resolution directly plan we it's a cost large cost sure well it all depends depends it depends on the yes but you start you wouldn't need a resolution to have a planner though no no no right okay right so I think I think here it uh the first aspect of this is to reach out to our planner perhaps get a cost estimate have them come in uh maybe explain the process in whole again and at that point we could consider a resolution to direct the planning board to take such such action I mean I read through those documents I would certainly benefit from having someone with the area of expertise specifically and reading that explain some of it to me you know it's not you know there's no other than Eric none of us are Architects or planners or Engineers I don't I can read it I understand some of it but I certainly would benefit from hearing it from the expert we can look at doing that any other concerns questions to to the point about cars and wanting to drive and parking gen Z has there's reports out there that the current Young Generation are not interested in cars interested in in the in the environment they're going to do ride shares they're going to share cars they're going to take Ubers they're going to take mass transit so to your point about that yeah in our lens yeah everybody wants a car younger generation 5 10 15 years from now maybe not and shared parking I can tell you is is a used formula in every building that and that's a standard way of cating parking I get that that's not unusual thing you're 100% the discussion of running out of parking um is is a valid concern but keep in mind that Trends change and I agree with you but in order for that to be applicable to this we need to know if that's who's living there if it's our age and older that are living there we all have two three cars right I mean there's there's very few married couples that have one car in a driveway younger Generations yes older Generations no so 100% if it's all that age group moving into those buildings we probably need less parking than we have now but where are you saying these cars are being parked they can't park overnight on the street so where are they being parked well you were trying to use the concept of shared parking as all of these retail stores that are now maybe an issue not an issue I don't know people are coming in to shop and park and spend the day here because all the parking spots are going to be open in the pon hole or here or there because people are at work all day that's what your parking is right I'm at work so now you're parking in my parking spot that's why you keep saying it and I'm telling you that not everyone gets in their car and goes to work all day every day anymore Mike could you we we had a parking consultant look at that and bring that up could you pull those reports and show send it to everybody well they would have to be new reports they they years I can take a look at that yeah just just answer those questions I mean there's clearly a parking issue it's all it's we know that we don't have a lot of parking spots left where I don't think we have a parking issue yeah we don't have a parking issue I don't know I don't think we have a parking issue if anything um I think discuss at the Redevelopment meeting from you was sitting there saying we can't give up any more parking spots in the pon hole we already don't have enough no that's if they don't want to build a garage if and other words if we don't give them an easement they're going to buy 50 spots from us I'm not suggesting that I'm just saying that's an alternative to what they want right now they're not buying any spots from us you sat there and said we don't even want to give up two spots we don't have a lot of spots left I mean I'm not we have we have we have plenty of spots in the Ponto they if they wanted to get rid of their garage parking completely and not have an easement then they would have to buy all their spots I don't support that because that's a lot of spots at one time okay but we have plenty of spots right now there's there's P holes and may you me you mentioned a couple compromises too it's not all or nothing one level give them 20 whatever it's going to be how many of those spot belong to the board it's not only that is that we have athletic activities we have a million things those spots are used for but those spot none of those spots belong to the board no they they request those every yearly every year they buy them but that's that's the point I mean so we have record of how many You' bought it's been about 15 per year right you know so I don't know look guys I'm going to say it because you know it's my first term here it's going to reach a point when enough building is enough it has to reach a point if it's you know the the profiteering side of things the financial side of things I don't know when enough is enough that guy wanted to put there from the ice cream station over to s i that is horrible but you understand he can do that I I know he could do that I know he could do that but I don't know you tell me the likelihood of him being refused A pilot that he decides to take it up on his own I'm assuming he doesn't have the funny to begin with which is why he's entertaining a pilot no but it would be a much smaller unit it smaller unit it was still fall before him and I'd be interested to know how many actually move forward when financially it's a better position for him going under pilot because I can tell you right now it's getting ridiculous that that Meridia thing is in ISO you can see that thing all the way down probably coming up over the bridge already but when you're seeing it now you're seeing wood you're not seeing I'm seeing from the beginning to the end that you could look upon the back of the high school parking lot into the school when is enough is enough thank you Bobby when is he enough is he enough there nothing I'm not agreeing with anybody I'm not taking sides with anybody so don't give nothing no it's just I'm just telling everybody here when is enough is enough does anybody recognize IR Forge being super tall that was the first building that came up way before my time I don't even know but you got you got Square Garden on WQ Avenue at this point we had Story one story salvation so iron for is the same height as I get it but look where that one is the one is right in the middle it's set back all the way now we're looking to take that corner turn from Simone Styles over to the ice cream station come on and then it's up to the owner whether or not to do anything with it I I can tell you CU I can tell you for example Basin he's probably going to go with building his own units right there doesn't need any vas but you know what let him do his thing the easma cannot pass through this Council then let him do his own thing no no I'm saying the other the 14th story he might just come back and say I'm going to build myself I'm not using a pilot whatever he wants that's fine then you know if it gets to that point gets to that point but at this point going through pilot program just to be able to build I mean it's just when is enough is enough so in other words when say basting goes that route we lose out as the town on money on that tax dollar well that's what I mean we're talking about money here we're talking about I think that we lose out like um the building I don't know what project that was the one that we just approved tonight because it wasn't approved when it should have been yeah the county no no no the um by the fire by the fire by the fire house oh yeah the fortunado they built four units on the top of that building that was an existing building and they did they that was a 30-year pilot yeah that's a lot for 4 units I mean that's but it's collecting more money over time I don't you need to show me the break point on that yeah I don't know if mik could you pull those numbers please on the no I I actually want to have the Phoenix advisor show us the break even point because there are developers that will tell you they can recoup and find a break even point in a much shorter time frame not every pilot has to be a 30-year pilot not every to be looked at in a different way so not every project needs a 30-year pilot you we just need to you know I mean cuz that probably could have used like a tene and and it would have been fine you know I think it could have said 10 and we he says I'm not building anything there and then you know but it was already there I mean I we're getting a lot of theal discussion well that's why I want the Phoenix advisers to so there any more concerns questions I'm good here mayor okay okay um motion open the me for comments mtion uh Council Cruz council president theine all in favor against any public like to addresse step up Randy head 44 fre mon clar um to your discussion about Redevelopment um so many people in town do not go to the Redevelopment meetings other of people don't even watch this council meeting lot of people don't even know who the mayor is or the council um but they do know when they see a whale in the middle of the town and there's so many people disappointed with the size of that building just like you said counil Cru so many people that I know relatives of mine that live out of town and say what is pumpkin Lakes doing when is enough enough um this is a bedroom community used to be maybe I'm too old maybe things are changing um but it's getting carried away this is just too much development in our little town um that's what I have to say on that um other question I had is all this development going on anything going on with the new DPW garage we adequate need of that and um a couple years ago uh OEM had a request for a building by the first a squad uh to house a lot of their equipment and he moved on that that's all thank you thank you anyone else would the public like to [Music] address Step [Music] Up elel raining for PS uh great discussion I really like this format because I like to hear everybody's opinion and I agree with cman Cruz um everything i' I've been in this town a long time as you know and I saw that Street as a matter of fact I worked traffic on that street at two very important intersections when that se Street was in its Hay Day and I could tell you that back on those Thursday and Friday nights those two parking lots Westside and Pono were full okay people came people went the stores were very U you know viable of course today it's a whole different issue here's my concern about developers and I see this in a lot of towns and I talk to a lot of people my counterparts in other towns that are going through the the same thing developers come in they have no investment in the community other other than their investment in the community when they're done they get out they sell a building which has already happened I believe at Lakeside I think they sold that building couple years after they get out because now when all the problems start happening guess who's that's sure it's going to be when the parking issues are going to start happening guess whose job it's going to be to straighten it out when all the traffic pattern flows which I don't even know how the county hasn't committed on a traffic battern we got a no right turn here no left turn there straight over there go here this town this man wants to exit on coax Avenue where Nikki's pizz is there was a woman killed there many many years ago an elderly woman by a bus that was coming north on WQ AV made the turn on to kfax because as some of you may remember and most of you probably don't is that all the buses used to stop and pick up and drop off inst station Plaza that's what it was called that station Plaza the buses all came in and out of there until this woman was killed and then the county said no more right turn of buses New Jersey Transit just goes straight down W qab now so now they have the signs along the Route where you stop and pick those people up here's my point how are you going to have an exit driveway on that stretch of kofax from WQ to the ice cream station how how how's a car going to come out of there at 8:00 I don't know how many of you are in town in the morning but I am I'm around town all day and I see the traffic patterns in the morning in the afternoon and midday and I got to tell you I don't know what's going to happen between winter school the high school the Lakeside School the traffic that normally traverses on on WQ Avenue up and down both ways because it's a County Road the truck traffic we don't need in town because none of those tandem dump trucks are going to stop anywhere to get a bagel there's just no place for the the trucks to go so my point is this what's going to happen when all these people now in these developments get out to work at the same time 7:00 8:00 in that pawn hole when the parents were all dropping the kids off by the steps and now they're all trying to come out of the bottom of those two buildings I'm not against development or Redevelopment but it's got to be smart it's got to be control it's got to be you can't let me give you an example I have a very big backyard of a pool in I want to throw my pool and and I want to rent spaces in my backyard okay to all of the neighbors that have kids with their cars that can't park on the street overnight in the winter can I do that no I'd have to get a variance I'm in an R1 Zone probably wouldn't happen there's certain things that just can't happen if you just keep changing and changing and changing and changing to accommodate everybody we're going to have a major mess on our hands we got to look at our emergency services and how it's going to over tax those Services we're going to Starbucks every other day for Vaping in the bathroom I can't even imagine what's going to happen when these places are built and occupied and I see what Riverdale goes through with the grant they were up there all the time for smell of gas and this and that and the other thing so the only thing I'm trying to say is I'm trying to encourage everybody which was your lead when is enough is enough what is smart what is not smart I'll pay a little more more taxes than I think I do to live in this town rather than some other towns people get that people aren't screaming they SC they'll always scream about taxes but my point is the biggest tax dollar goes to the school so unless they control the schools they're not not going to control that portion but the more people we have in the schools the higher that portion is going to go up so we're saving on a municipal side we're not saving on that other side we have no control over that side so there got to be a violence here we got to look at the big picture I agree got to look at the big picture even traffic-wise what is the traffic plan going to be where's it going to be a left turn somebody told me the other night we did a walk through the big building when you come out of there now it's in and out on want Q have and there's a right turn only that's good until the first sun gets knocked down the first snowstorm then everybody's going to come out they're going to make the turn left they're going to go right or whatever Direction you want so these are the types of things that have to be looked at and addressed and contain and these easements here and an easement there if you can't do it you just can't do it that's my opinion can't do it just like probably my parking backyard parking spaces probably won't happen but I can make money you know what I mean thank thank you anyone else from the public elect address seeing no one have a motion to close the public session motion council president line who was second was that you councilwoman Paul Dory all in favor I against uh for Mr Hinton and for Mr Evangelista look every town around us is doing this doesn't make it right doesn't make it wrong we've we built one unit that has 62 units in it and to date I could ask police to pull the records we don't have any issues once it was sold uh the first group that had it actually caused us issues because they couldn't evict people during covid and that was where the issue was since that's been pulled we've had no issues there we don't get called there a lot there's no parking disputes there you know there's no issue with parking at at at that building at there today well okay but I'm saying they're not they're not there every day okay okay but they're not there is coming back to move our car okay so that car is in front of the post office today all day that's the post office okay well that that's it has to be addressed with the post post office that's not from we're talking about short spk I'm just saying that building's been built it was built to look like the high school we we're making a good penny on on that pilot program remember this the high school okay that's what we turned it into the first remember the project that's being built right now was the first project brought into town the very first project even though it took longer to build so there were some so you know there were some things to try to bring in Redevelopment to make that work okay if it was to come in now maybe it doesn't who knows okay but that was the first pilot that came in okay if we don't you you can say the taxes will go up slowly that we are in a tax fight in the next couple years that going to really hurt this town I can just tell you that and and it's going to increase tremendously um if things aren't done we don't have a development we don't have a uh industrial park to bring in cash reasons we're losing some other Revenue that we're bringing in right now it's going to be an issue this is one offset to bring in some money I will still say that done responsibly done the right way I agree with with some of the council set up here I have no issue with that okay but but at right now the only project that we built is 61 units and some small for five unit ones 61 units is what we've built so far in 10 that people are living in um uh you mentioned the garage uh yes we're still in discussion we just had a meeting recently about it so there's still discussion on that unfortunately we had to put it off because the budget was so tight this year the uh the uh shed that you're talking about on the property it will be Revisited again next year we'll see what we can do about it okay um motion to adjourn oh no I'm sorry PR the floor quick thing I want to say is uh based on the rainstorm it looks like the big guy upstairs got Shan tre's message as well yeah exactly yeah good true you don't have to wor May real quick so so as far as Redevelopment our buildings are crumbling I don't if you been some of the stores downtown they smell like mold are part of the theater the back of the theater right mayor these buildings aren't new so I I spoke with someone who who's in the that world and Redevelopment is a tool for leveraging private investment development for the good of the public it creat a mechanism by which private developers have incentives to invest in public Improvement so to your point about the shed for the for the uh ambulance for the we're getting a Civic Center that we negotiated there are opportunities to make improvements to our public Space by smart Redevelopment not just Willy Nelly but the only Conant here is change folks we don't build we're left with crumbling buildings that no one's going to develop thank you that's all I have anyone else okay motion to return motion uh councilman president dine councilman venon all in favor all right against thank you everyone