okay 7:30 um formal written advanced notice is required by njsa 1041 has been provided at this meeting at least 48 hours in advance of today giving the time date and location into the extent known at the time the agenda of this meeting such notice stated that formal action may or may not be taken the notice was posted on the buletin board outside the office of the municipal Quirk reserved for this and other similar announcements provided to the Suburban Trends the newspaper designated by the B and coun burrow councel to receive such notices and filed with the burough Court can we stand for a pledge please pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible Li and justice for all we have openable office here but I don't know why we need we don't need that we need that last month things get Stu we did that already agendas get copied and pasted okay I have a roll call please Liz okay Andy silon here Tom Quigley here Abby no here Ken here not here James kimberland here counsman deline here and with us is D Debbie laa and and mayor Sarah we'll get there okay um first order of business is um approval of the um reorganization meeting we'll do the minutes we'll do it each one separately have a motion to approve the minutes for the reorganization meeting motion have a motion have a second second second we make motion any discussion um all in favor anyone opposed anyone I wasn't there anyone voting present pres I was getting there sorry um can we have a motion to approve the um Regular meeting of January 18th motion second same please any discussion all in favor I I anyone opposed anyone voting present present okay and finally um can we have a motion to approve the executive session meeting of January 18th motion second same Liz um any discussion all in favor anyone opposed anyone voting present present happy okay okay correspondents um we have um a resolution 2491 which was from um Pompton lakes's um mayor and Council in regard to um Ben's contract and also incl we also got um a resolution from Bloomingdale um in regards to um I guess um codifying um square footage of apartments in there um um either development zone or in their zoning I really couldn't tell but basically they um came up with um square footage for efficiencies one bedrooms two bedrooms and three bedrooms which um they are only um going to allow as co-a units um and just for your information um they um are 550 ft for an efficiency 650 for a one-bedroom 800 for a two-bedroom and 960 for a three-bedroom and that's all the correspondents that we have okay executive director's report where is Ben oh there you are no here um yes uh so 223 WQ um that's Plaza five right pton five they um they did close on the deal so we had authorized the uh the sale there they closed uh early in January on the meeting we going to have a meeting with the building department that didn't happen because it was this past Tuesday with the snow so they have to resched that um I did speak with the developer John about the front facade there um and uh I brought that to his attention he promised to bring that up with his um contractor so I haven't heard back from him yet but I you know said that needs to be addressed he did mention to me that they're contemplating uh the side change of some of the materials I guess away from stuckle maybe into something else I advised him or informed him and changes he had to come back before the board so just I don't he hadn't made any decisions yet he we just talking about procedure for that um but he is uh planning on breaking ground in March okay so and he did send me a report um that's I this is a summary of Number of those things so he did send me that report that is uh required with this agreement okay good um senior housing s senior housing uh project we're having a presentation tonight I believe right on that yes so we'll get more of an update from from those then uh same thing with Pon Plaza you know presentation here so update on that and then um I am just coordinate we work on coordinating a meeting regarding the Billy Smith project um you I to Mo back and forth with the attorney there so we'll get that um scheduled soon and see what they're up to okay good any questions for V none okay um so let's move on to um conceptual presentation again I'll remind all those in the audience that this is a conceptual presentation we're not approving anything tonight this is not a formal application as of this point so there is um really just a discussion of ideas and this is Pompton Plaza 199 to 222 WQ Avenue Lot 3000 lot 6 7 8 9 and 10 um as you recall and those of you in the audience that were here um the last time uh the folks from Pon and CLA who were here um they did propose a fairly aggressive not aggressive a fairly um large project um and um I think they um got the impression um at least the feeling of the board that um we we kind of like the idea of the project we thought I mean you couldn't not say it wasn't a beautiful project but we did think it was on the large side so um there have been some discussions with them and I believe they are going to come back and give us their latest ideas and iterations um of this um so gentlemen um you're on okay thank you very much Mr chairman thank you for having us thank you for your feedback we we heard everyone loud and clear that the project was a bit bulky uh for the liking of the residents and businesses and taxpayers in Pompton Lakes so we went back to the drawing board and we came up with the design that reduces costs by about 25% I'm not going to steal these gentlemen's Thunder it actually provides for a much larger or more significant reduction in size uh just for the record my name is Bob beniki I am the owner's rep and managing member of Pompton Plaza for the record less than 10% of equity and our compensation is dependent upon the success of a project here at Pompton Plaza Rich OA is the other managing member you may remember him from uh the December 7th meeting and the August 17th meeting he is in Houston um Chuck and Jeff from Stonefield are in Hudson County my partner is in Garfield tonight so we are sort of spread out all over the place uh we do have a design architect that we put on board to supplement and go over our various iterations I had a PowerPoint prepared I'm not going to to bore you with it um because if I do we may not get to the to the heart of the matter uh because the electronics are a little bit sensitive so the public and the audience can see our new design uh one last thing is we have done a um revised school age children population study we've done a revised pilot calculation and again we're not asking for any RAB as as Meridia did we're not asking for that we want to work with the town we also want to work with the burrow on all aspects of design as we know we have to under the statute but we want to go the extra step it's a beautiful project and I I think that and I know that you're going to be satisfied with the design hopefully uh we can come to uh some meetings of the mind so that we can get our teams together and really get into the guts of things so with that I'm going to ask vasin to um go through vasin sran the sponsor and the owner to go through some of the steps that we've taken over the the last couple few months to bring this project into a different design format uh thank you Bob uh uh ladies and gentlem basically uh what we concluded is that it's going to be a very tough battle to to go through if we stick to the original design and we heard loud and clear your concerns about height uh I still feel that that project would have been great for for the town uh it would have been unique um and I all I can say is that I wish uh hype had not become such a major issue uh given that uh if we're going to reduce the height U also I concluded that uh from our standpoint there's no way we can afford to tear down 50 plus th000 Square ft of commercial that we currently have pretty much uh in place and uh if not fully rented U but at least uh uh occupied and um and I started thinking that maybe uh losing that 50 ,000 ft of commercial would be a mistake and we the town may not recover that uh if ever because 50,000 sare ft no one is going to come and build today uh in the current environment 50,000 ft of commercial so I said what can we do if we have if we keep the buildings maybe with the exception of the rooming house uh in the middle and open up the Vista to the open to the to that the 50t wide uh groming house spot into the back of the property and put the the midrise in the back which would be less bulky smaller so essentially what happens if we Downs the project at the same time keep the existing commercial spaces in intact and uh I came up with this idea that we could also build a plaza which would be street level because I didn't want to give up on the Plaza idea you know we're all in love with the plaza we thought that the plaza would be very beneficial for the town so essentially what the Kevin our architect design architect came up with is a solution which uh sort of puts all these pieces together saves the existing real estate uh we put something in the back in the parking lot which would be smaller so reducing uh the total number of units from approximately 380 requirments down to 210 essentially almost half uh obviously we can only justify doing that if we keep the existing commercial space so then uh you know as I went to the thought process I decided that if the plaza can also connect to the existing buildings it could be a win-win because uh we could have more retail stores on the SES whereas now it's just basically a wall and there's no nothing there so uh the end result was something that I'm quite proud of and uh I'm actually liking not as much maybe as the previous design but almost as much I mean I'm not going to hi the fact that I still like the previous design but this one is a second uh it's quite close in terms of its attributes so it does two or three things which are very benefic to port to one is the fact we're saving 50,000 ft of commercial real estate uh which in the future could be very could be a big plus for the town we're also maintaining the plaza it's a little bit smaller but uh the one nice thing about this concept is that you can't see the plaza from the street it's not hidden from view I remember one gentleman from the audience have objected to that and uh thirdly uh uh although we did not come down in height as much as we would have liked we are creating an extra level of parking which is going to provide an additional 75 approximately 75 parking spots for the public whereas before we did not have that excess capacity so if you have decide that the building is still too high we're going to lose one level of parking and but hopefully you will you will see the benefits of the town to all that extra parking in place and last but not least Kevin came up with this wonderful idea of creating like a stadium setting in the plaza where we have STS for the public and so if we hold events uh public events like music anything that happens in town the public will be able to have seating uh in the Plaza on that note I'm going to press the button to Kevin and he is going to take us through the process so before we do that the the data points Mr chairman are 380 units down to 210 and approximately a reduction of of around approximately 30 ft in height of the total Building height we're going to let Kevin go through uh the height difference and the massing difference in addition the building the new building and this is key is approximately 170 ft from the from the curve line that's so we're not as Mr craan indicated the existing buildings will stay there there will be that Plaza leading into the back building but that's a full 170 ft set back down the hill so that the height differences you'll see from some of the schematics that kin is put together is quite a dramatic reduction in addition that front building uh We've we've reduced that height as well so you'll see that also yes yes uh well U I should I mentioned that in the previous plan uh the front building was going to be recessed from the sidewalk by another 9 ft that was going to be fairly tall we going to have 30 ft of retail on top of which there's going to be another 25 ft for apartments so the total have been 55 uh if we maintain the existing buildings so the height will be less and as Bob pointed out we're also pushing uh the back building another 50 ft making it smaller as for Kevin's comment he said the the angle of view when you look at it from the street the further way the building is in the back the less of an issue height becomes so not only we reduce the height but we also squished the building by another 50 ft so obviously we lost a lot of apartments uh but that's the end result of downsizing so the geometry of the building taking off on Mr Crain just said the geometry of the building now is purely unique to this property there's no one else that can duplicate this geometry this spatial um figure as a building in pton Lakes so this will be a unique Redevelopment project in of itself it can be other nice projects don't get me wrong but in terms of what we're trying to create here with the plaza Etc is unique to ppon Plaza that that would only be true based on the ownership of the properties now if someone came in and masked properties they could do something similar maybe if you go to the left of our site but there's a problem and I won't get into it too much but there's a problem with some of those own ownership in that one driveway the curved driveway as I call it back towards the VFW building I won't get into too many of the details and you're partially correct but they can't push that building back for 170 ft having a 200t frontage on wue Avenue they can't do that they because of that curved line and the eement issues in the back there one other point I just wanted to make real real quick you know we're trying to be and and I hope you've seen it good members of the community obviously Mr and mrsren have been in town a long time we're going to obviously have Community benefits that we're looking for um you to help us with in terms of anything CommunityWide uh as we get through the project we're here to help the community some people have suggested perhaps a Waterway um feature walkway or what have you some people have IND at perhaps um maybe reprogramming some of the existing office space for M municipal or Civic purposes so we're open to those ideas we want to work with the community we don't want to just simply uh come in and say we're putting $90 million or $80 million into the town and that's it we're not doing that we want to work with the community and we want everyone to hear that loud and clear so with that we're going to turn it over to Kevin and he'll go through and I'll be his um scroller one one more point I would like to make uh as a mention this to some of you are in private um it's far easier for us to go the um play in out which should be essentially do what meria is doing as of right add or build in front we probably would end up adding two or three floors to the ex exting buildings in front and putting a three4 story building in the back just wooden stick construction like uh 95% of Builders out there do and I'm de set guess that that's what uh M people would recommend because that's the cheapest way easiest way to do this and I'm dead set against this is what at least I think this is what we should do if not go back to the original plan which still dear to me but on that note Uh Kevin why don't to get us going why don't you just start with your credentials in your background yeah sure okay good good evening my name is Kevin sangan I'm an architect registered in New Jersey over 30 years I'm from Bergen County but I used to be the county architect I used to work with Steve there about 10 years ago for 3 years so the P County architect so so I'm familiar with the area so basically the the site is U located in the heart of downtown r development District obviously right so as of the zoning allows you know 45 ft high like vas mentioned we could just do pancake you know four or five floors and and and call it a day you know so that total looking at the site basically what we did is we took that square footage right so and then left the front the built area the commercial area open and and introduce a plaza that connects to the side in the back so but we added those square footage so we had a higher building mid wise building in the back so right now the back is parking uh we basically organize and and and and can you just tell us where you're going so we can follow yeah page can't see that you all have small sets so yeah page two okay so basically the first one shows how the square footage you could basically fill the the whole side except 15 put in the back setback and and some easement about 19 ft on the on the south side so so taking that square footage uh as you go to page three you see how it works so basically instead of doing a pancake fill out the whole site retail with the residential on top we take all that and add it to the back just go over the existing parking so basically existing parking stays but get becomes reorganized and gets connected through the plaza with the with the existing retail so this sort of makes makes the whole area better and and and and improves the existing retail by activating it bringing residences in the back and um so so the the slide on the left side is the pancake that Kevin's talking about and on the right side is essentially the proposed buildings so basically overall it's about 10 above 4um with mezan so 12 levels of residential over retail and we go through the how the previous design how how we reduce the size and the scale and the volume do that can can we just go back to the that one no one more the one that has the pancake building on it the flat PL uh no the I guess it's number three yeah that's that's that one right no it's our Pages aren't the same our Pages aren't the same not no nope we don't have that yeah we got this one all that's that's it that's that's page three correct well did not remember right there okay yeah right there yeah that's the same we don't the difference the difference is because I was going to point this out the difference is on what we have you're not showing the two we don't see the front buildings oh I'm sorry I'm sorry that was added later that was added okay we don't see the front buildings so what it looks like to us is that there's no buildings in the front it's a beautiful front wall yeah so this this has the existing buildings with the plaza in the middle of the Red Blocks so in the middle of the Red Blocks where the plaza is and that that section that building is going to be taken out to create the plaza and then approximately 47 48,000 ft of nonresidential retail office whatever is there now plus plus because 80% full maybe 70% full depending upon the lease Arrangements that then will stay as is and then in the back again 170 ft from the curve line You'll see this this building now that's from ground up that's not from want2 Avenue up so we'll get into that in a minute okay just wanted to clear that up sure no that's great just was confused that Bob added that later in the day which Prince were done already so now compared to the previous design we go to uh yeah where you see the gray in the back uh that's the building with the dash red is everybody on that this one we on this one yes that one yes um it's the one with the red the problem is that we have to send this to the printer this morning and it was Rush was rushed we apologize for that and you guys know me I make a lot of changes as we all do so anyway so so the red dash line as you see that that's the profile of the previous uh concept of presentation so so you see how the the the the back residential floors shrunk also the front existing um is is almost like half half the height of what was proposed before so basically overall with the square footage and the size we shrank the volume of the the construction new construction 40% basically um and the height went down about you know Bob mentioned 30 ft about 26 ft right and about two floors so and the the best part of it is existing uh retail relationship to the existing Street pedestrian experience stays the same it just gets enhanced by the plaza so so you don't even see it when you're on the street the building that's in the back talk about the Seline yeah the sideline as you see the person across the street so with the with the existing building you see above it so you see only partially the top few floors of the building barely if you're on the on the side on the west side uh of the street you're not even going to see it so then basically let's let's skip this let's so if you flip through we're going to go to the plaza plans which is is the it looks like this one more so it is a that shows the trees trees from above and and now it's there we just skipped over some of the repetitive ones for you so basically above the parking existing parking ground level parking that self Park we putting automated parking so the system what it is is you drive through the the ramp to the elevator that's like the car you leave it there and that takes automatically parks and you know you have a key fob you you you know park it and then you just walk to the passenger elevator Lobby you go either to the retail level or or you go to Plaza level or to your apartment so there is about 300 about 300 400 yeah all together 400 all together 400 but for the residences basically it's automated parking so basically when we remove that middle parking uh I mean middle building so there's a ramp you go down to the lower level under the plaza all the way to the to the building the previous the previous one if you go to the previous page that shows the ramp going to The Pedestrian building pedestrian one page back one page back yes one one page back okay so where you see the ramp uh you know existing parking on the ground level still they go from the side easen they Park as they do and they could take the passenger elat to the plaza level uh you know do shopping or whatever so so the the residents they go down the ramp to the automated parking you see those middle parking elevators so they basically you leave your car there and it Parks itself you know basically and the idea is that we don't want any cars backing up and blocking the street this way as soon as somebody comes in they go down the ramp and just like any so that Center one just so we're all on the same page that Center driveway is only for the residents yes just for the residents yes perfect in essence we are essentially decoupling the building itself from the previous driveway we're saying that let the previous driveway stay the way it is uh everybody uses it including the public right uh but the to the apartment dwellers will use this that that does address a concern that we had at the W Mee absolutely traffic the traffic flow stays the same we don't add to it so so the residents go in from the middle of that uh ramp and come out well when they come out they're also in the middle of that 50t opening so there's Clear Sight to turn so and if if they have to go down to the retail parking they could also do that so so the traffic flow through the site it's it's it's uh it's not really adding to the traffic count so so it's isolated it's going to add to the traffic count you can't make that to the W yeah Wan Avenue it adds but but because it's the buildings sit back almost 200 ft so there's a queue area so if the cars turn in so you don't back into the Avenue so when they go in and then I would agree unless everybody's leaving at the same time or coming in at the same time it takes two minutes it's probably not going to be but there will but I just want to be clear with everyone there can't be a statement that a building with 200 and some odd Apartments is not going to add some cars to one to Q here because it is no sure sure all we want to say yeah but we're not going to block this sh that's the big plus not what I'm saying whereas with the previous design with the previous design previous design was a big was a problem so okay that's good so so pla level obviously once we have that opening between the buildings uh you know we could open uh storefronts on that Plaza from the existing retail space so that gets activated and and because this is heart of the Redevelopment area because you mentioned that other people cannot do it but maybe this will encourage other people to do similar uh you know open spaces for the public yeah so we have um go to the okay upper left okay all right so basically uh we're at the podium level it's the one with the colored blocks this oneor block and the colored blocks identify the bedroom type okay right so we're on the residential floors correct yes we are at the podium level which has a Terrace in the back it's a U-shaped building so this this uh basically um the the way it's done because the core of the passenger elevators and the parking they're all in the front they're all together so you don't have to get any elevator from the park and go somewhere else take another elevator so everything is within contained within that core so um you have amenities on that level and it's just above the podium level it's 10 floors of residential of the same same layout basically same breakdown of different uh one bedrooms uh just couple two bedrooms and and maybe two bedrooms with a with a den you know that kind of so that's it well more than likely when we get that far for Co there's going to have to be some three bed we we have SE 7% um just like Meridia and just like the prior plan 7% COA plus a contribution to bring it up to 10% and we we will comply with fck fredom count low moderate very low income um strata no problem with that okay so let's go to the first section that shows the how the ramp from the street comes and goes so that is the the first building if you will with the section with the elevation page next page okay so as you see when they the cars turn turn right in down the ramp and they go under the plaza you see car elevator you know they just drive in there leave it and and walk out either they go to to the retail level or to their you know Apartments so so in the back under the podium above the ground level parking all that is automated you know so that basically it's efficient no ramps it's very Compact and and obviously we haven't chosen the system of what system it be could even be lower because of the height it could be like steel construction or so it may even lower the the height yeah uh to to Kevin's Point uh uh we may be able to reduce the overall height a bit by with automated parking because we're being conservative we're assuming 10 ft floor to floor or ceiling to ceiling but hopefully it will be a little bit less but also keep in mind that that upper level of the parking is basically not needed uh if you if we take the 1.5 uh ratio of you know parking spots per apartment if we use the you know lowest level which is what we're trying to keep it for the public we have enough parking we don't need that uh fifth level but I think uh for the longterm benefit of the town uh because parking is a problem in every town and become increasingly so in this town if you look at it from the standpoint of the long-term vision for the town you know 20 years from now 30 years from now uh it's going to be very hard for anyone else to provide this kind of parking and this is not uh uh to be honest it's not a good money maker for us parking doesn't really pay for itself there going to be an expensive proposition it's almost like something we're doing because we I believe that this is better for the T itself so you don't want is that stairs going into the walk there oh that's the plaza that we put a little Amphitheater type seating in case you know you could have like events because if you have cafes opening into the plaza yeah yeah that's just cut through the I have a question on this on this I get I get the cars going down the ramp and getting into the automated section which I guess is 1 2 3 4 five stories of automated parking yes but how did the cars get to the bottom which I guess is the public parking right they go through the existing okay but we don't you can't see that from here I guess yeah this next section you go we going section see that one four car backed up against the wall that last one on the right you know it's kind of like he's not going anywhere yeah and and I I we introduced the dash line to see the outline of the the previous design so you could still see how uh how it works this is more efficient with because it's more Compact and and um okay so the next slide will show the same Ram with the with the with the elevator course how it works because that that goes all the way down to the ground parking so anybody Parks yeah yeah anybody parks there they want to go to the retail level so they where is the right here with the gray area with the doors you see the elevator core see there's an elevator core I put my cursor on it yeah right there right here that's the elevator core from the top of the podium to the top of the the floor could you show that again right here yeah you have your see I I have no idea what you're pointing at it's not it's not showing on the screen so it's it's Mr chairman it's this point right here right above the yellow and the gray shade there's a shaft that goes up oh okay oh I see it yeah that's nrow shaft between the yellow and the gray on the right that's the Elevator Shaft for for passengers right and that goes chairman that goes from the very top of the building all the way down to the parking level okay only again for the residents so what what about the visitors also visitors they want only for the apartment building let me phrase it that way well we may we may we may provide for access to the public if they want to park uh at the parking level and take the elevator to the plaza level right okay let me let me phas a different way you mentioned to us before and this is not testimony we're just having a conversation um in our conversation before you mentioned that the automated parking is just for the apartments yes okay so if I park my car if I have an apartment there and I park my car I go to an elevator and I can take that elevator right up to my apartment floor have you your C to whatever I would imagine that okay if I park at the bottom level and want to but you are what you are a resident or no let me finish now I come in and park at the bottom level okay I got to somehow get to the plaza level yes you you'll be able to take I'm going to take an elevator I get it just let me finish okay is that going to be the same elevator that the people going up to the apartments use not all of them go down but maybe one or two will be dedicated just to do that so those then are going to have I know this is way in front of us but those are going to have some kind of key card control then so that they can't get to the residential floors well the elevators absolutely is when you push the button from the lower level so you could only go to the main level to go to the plaza it's not unless you key yourself in to go to that okay yeah okay yeah you're going to have to separate the elevators because if I'm a resident and I step into the same same elevator car if I say step in the same elevator car as somebody that's using in the public and I key my card going up to the 12 floor and I've got somebody from the public that means they can also ride up to the 12th floor at that point because I I've now keyed into it so I think you're going to have to have a separate elevator car for that trying to get we could we we put four elevators not we may not need all of them so one of them could be just dedicated for the that's not a problem but they're all in the same area well that's fine but I think if I think the public one just goes to the we're getting into like detail just so you can start to think about it that's a good point that's a good point okay okay so now then the next slide going any any questions on this one can we look what what impresses me about this when I look at this and just I can't wait to see this building built and populated what I like the most is that stadium that uh getting created it doesn't take up any space it just goes above the ramp and people can sit there and can have events it's going to be good we have about 8,000 for Plaza it's not as big as before but it's very useful okay where we at okay so basically last last page they're all they're all showing the same do you have which one do you have well this one the next one yeah I don't know if it's in the print do you have a print that shows the elev show the elevation you're looking for that where will retail be retail on in the nucle in the big yes if we go to the plaza level plan you see uh it's about 5,000 ft now B in front of the the automated parking in front of the yes uh that's a plaza level want show Plaza level so that's the addition to what you have that's correct correct yeah we're going to have almost like we're going to have almost 60,000 commercial which is going to be unique and then you put theil the back so if I'm looking at P3 this sheet yes on the left side where it says retail and Commercial that's either retail or commercial yes okay that's about 5,000 ft because we're taking the middle building out already the architect our architect is saying that we are decreasing the square footage although I I was not factoring to the 50,000 50,000 is p Plaza and the vinara building which were calling hak those two add up to almost 50,000 sare ft the middle building has three small uh boutiques uh two of them are hair salons and the square footage there is you know not even 3,000 ft so we're not losing hardly anything and then we we're adding another 5,000 in the back plus what's going to happen is that right now if you walk into P Plaza like where my office is all that back area is you know offices that will turn into recil because we'll have Frontage on on the Plaza that that is going to make uh a big difference in terms of how the street level between P Plaza and Liv car building will be okay that makes sense okay where we at uh just one now there's a there's a last page but I I believe it's Miss oh no it's the third page from the last yeah the the pr third page from the to the last what shows this existing you have it side side elevation South exactly that's where it shows the existing U driveway that go down to the ground level okay so remember someone mentioned that I did okay I got it so the eing driveway is going to stay as is it's going to be 19 ft wide as that's always been and it's still will remain most probably one way down and people will have to go back sorry nothing will change nothing will change essentially it will be like before we're not increasing any traffic density to to that you it's going to stay as it is now and hopefully the wind school will be able also to park down there there's obviously going to be less surface parking which is fine it's your property no no the surface parking is the same what do you mean how the it is the same we not we don't the surface parking we have we have about 80 80 parking spots now we're going to have the same but it's going to be in the building yeah being enclosed inside the build right but I mean my guess would be this is just my guess is you're not going to have that open for Windsor School people and Windsor School to use correct you're correct right I mean that it just can't be if they PID uh yes that's a so Mr chairman we have your orientation on the board it's not before you I know Mr Mayor maybe we should put that more FL of the agency see it as well that's the outline of the project that that Kevin just went over it's the again it's block 3000 lock 10 9 87 and 6 you get the perspective of the distance between the front retail and the back and the essentially lot nine will be the plaza area that will be taken out if you will or largely taken out and replaced with the plaza in the drive the rest will remain we then have the back perspective and you show we actually this was a drone shot that Stonefield took and this actually shows some of the issues with the buses and the Windsor School in the back then we have just an overall aerial shot where we have the perspective of the new what I call Salvation Army apartments and the other apartments over by the railroad tracks so the height as we we develop the overall scope the height is within this then we get some project history we just wanted to to remind everyone that this is the well one was April 20th last year was a subcommittee meeting and this is our third presentation I think that we've gotten a a better perspective the 2020 project looked like this and like this and it's massive um you know again we went back and forth with this proposal over that 2-year period through the pandemic this was our original concept that Mr craan still um you know enjoys and we all look at it from time to time but we'll move past that obviously and then I just wanted to go over that uh some of the key data points the first is that we will be retaining three small residential units so we we have that included in the retail I call it retail it's not really commercially there's Professional Services are in there and it's non-residential so we have that 48,000 50,000 Square ft I'm sorry go that do that again sure I'm not sure what you're telling sure so we have in the um current building three residential units small residential units about 450 to 500 ft each those are remaining those will remain together with the 47,000 or so Square fet will add the 5,000 s ft in the rear to make it approximately 50 to 52,000 Square ft of what I call retail but it's really non-residential there's some professional offices we have an accounting firm there a real estate firm and obviously Mr C trin's offices Etc um but it will be retail oriented to the best degree possible we'd like to see some restaurant use in there we're going to have 385 parking spaces um for this project and that is inclusive of Mr crain's no on that additional if you will um parking lot we did the um study on the persons and the school age children the school age children has dropped down uh to 26 from approximately 45 to 5050 and the um total population or number of persons drops down to 3754 from approximately 550 525 from the last study can you reiterate the school AG children numbers School AG children numbers yeah be approximately 26 26 down from what was before uh just around 45 to 50 okay yeah thank you and really the generator of the is the affordable housing is the affordable housing yeah you you'll see the multiples of 2 2.4 and 2.77 and we have that uh in there you'll see that we used for the school a children count the uck program of 41 bedrooms uh four three bedrooms and eight two-bedroom units so that's the six 16 15 16 units 16 units and then the rest will be paid in the contribution and we use sort of U Meridia as a a guide we also have the the text that implements the um Redevelopment plan uh for your context I'm just going to go through it real quickly we have a a modification to the dr1 Zone through the uh an existing paragraph C I'm not going to bore you but what we basically did is we used both in the Dr 1 Zone that's the downtown Redevelopment area zone and the dbd one zone and we marry them together so that where there's a lot that has the the height dimensions and the and it is in your um PCD plan commercial Development Area and in the Redevelopment area if you have a lot that has 200 ft of Frontage and the building is set back 170 ft from the curved line you can then take advantage of the height and we call that specifically expanded lock Dimension standards I just put the one ordinance on the board just so you can see it's textual and then the other textual issue is with the ordinance implementing the underlying zoning so the underlying zoning is the um dbd one zone and that zoning wasn't wasn't really modified um when we implemented the Dr one zone marrying it to the dbd one zone wasn't really change much except for the 750 square ft and some parking shared parking Concepts other than that the underlying zoning has remained intact for Generations until you modified from Meridia our our problem is if you will Mr chairman is that the the geometry of the site is what our financial company is looking for us to try to pin down and again I I can't stress it enough we will work with your professionals we will work with your elected officials we will work with we will have public forums if you'd like uh we will do whatever you want uh in terms of participation but it's the geometry that we need to get and I what I mean by geometry is just ask the outline of the building that you see in the slides and is the sight line data is the bulk data is this is this reduction from the prior is this reduction with the red dash line from the prior plan sufficient and is it more of a likable plan by the Redevelopment agency this is going to cost approximately 75 to $80 million to bring to Market to build maybe more and we have three will serve letters from psng uh from the water utility we have a qualified will serve letter from the sewer utility I don't want to get into a lot of site plan issues or even Redevelopment agreement issues but that's Mr sat Tran's I don't want to say dilemma or conundrum but that's a spot he in where our Financial backers are saying look if you can generate the geometry we're all in if you can't generate the height and the bulk standard we're going to sit back and that means that we're going to have to continue to invest and continue to invest I just am throwing it out there that that's our issue and again I can't stress enough we'll work with everyone and we'll take all comers and we're going to produce something that's going to be what we think to be an award-winning design Kevin's on board now we still have Maro Higgins we still have Linds night involved we still have the group at Stonefield we have a repete you know class a team and of course Mr sran and Mrs Tran are here and we have a builder lined up you met him Mr OA he's in Houston right now on a on a major project site so that's our issue thank you very much for your time tonight if you have any questions anybody does we're glad to answer move down the line is this new building the glass glass to like the last one was going to be well not not exactly it's going to be broken down some Corner units are are floor to ceiling looking outside in the glass but the window actually operates at 2 and 1/2 ft and some of the other windows they go down about uh you know about a foot 18 you know yeah yeah so they're not all glass boxs like it was before that that wasn't feasible look fantastic that's the L with it I love it thank you he said he loves it I would say um you said you love it I love it which one this one or the first one the first one well Kevin said something to me uh the other day which encouraged me about this one because I wasn't as much in love with this as the previous one he said this is more uh unique in the sense that it fits uh it you know it fits all the requirements of a Redevelopment Zone in a small community like like this you know Kevin you may want to add a few points about how how unique how unique this could transform the downtown because we're preserving we're preserving the commercial which are one of the issues I had with the previous design was uh I was mourning the loss of all that commercial space because frankly we have decent tenants yes some of them are keeping us on a short L because they don't know where we're going to go and many of our listes are month to month but you know someone like you know like Annabel who has the ha place it's thriving I mean she's being able to attract people from New York City and uh I had difficulty imagining ter down that space so this does that it solves that problem so so basically it keeps the downtown small town experience intact it just enhances it by activating it so so that's good enough look at that my model maker brought me this freshly 3D prin first time I see it so nice uh this is the old design and this is the the new design and we can pass it around so you guys can take a look at it chairman and you can't keep it paper weight I think Mr kimberland was yeah I I think I I like how you're keeping some of the existing buildings I think that's a very strong positive to this um I I also did like the other building too as well um took a lot to you know a lot of the feedback on height um yeah I I think I I like it quite a bit so um interested to see more as you guys put more details around it we want you guys to not only just say yes we want you to get so excited about this like we this is this is what we need we need everybody to support the project not just a few without exception I want everybody to support it okay Eric so when you came here in August with the the previous plan the one that you love um one of the things I did love was the plaza and I said even then that there's always a give and take right you build a bigger building you have this really nice Plaza everything like that so when I knew you know again but I also shared my concerns about the height and the the overall massing of the building so I was a little bit concerned when I knew that obviously you had to scale back the building that the plaza which became one of I think one of the essential elements of the site might have been lost so the fact that you were able to preserve it in some manner um and maybe even enhance it with the seating um while also scaling back the building not only in terms of height but also the overall size and distance from the from the thing you have a unique property it's it's a deep property you know obviously it's still a tall building but you are taking advantage of the fact that you are have do have a deep property so it's from a you know from a street level standpoint it's not quite we're not talking about apples and oranges here like we're talking you know we're we're doing we're two two different things at this point so I think this project is much improved from the last time I saw it um so again you know overall I I think I think this project is is is much better um and I feel a lot more comfortable with it today than I did back in August for sure keep in mind that that plazza is going to be very close to your buil because we're not taking advantage of the fact we're putting all the foundation work and we're just building the plaza uh the only benefit we getting is the ramp but it's a pretty costy proposition to put a plaza like that at the street level and we're doing that because we believe it's going to be for everybody heavy oh okay so um um okay I'm glad that you you reduce the the height of it um it is still high you know and and so that is so con concern for for me and I I don't know and it just seems kind of a little out there for us that like here we are as the Redevelopment agency and we're we're taking it to like double double the height how high is it what's like at the street level what is it 10 stories 12 from the street level you have the podium the podium is going to be 40t tall okay because you have the the retail and then on top of that you have amaz level right uh and then on top of that you have 10 floors uh times 10 so that's 140 140 and it was 170 it was it was more like yeah 186 186% right but see you're telling me what it was and I'm saying to you we only have five stories um and we don't even have those yet we're we're going to have those moment so it just seems like our agency is taking a big leap and I and that's okay if we want to take it but is it really like our agency or where is the overall concept or um where's the town going where's the where's the vision and I feel a little uneasy when a developer even though I I like your ideas and I think you're quality when a developer comes in and presents a vision that's going to like change the whole concept of the Town well we haven't thought about that yet that makes me uneasy so I think that we need to like kind of maybe regroup as an agency and and come up with a a visual and a concept a concept for what we want the town and get the input from our from our citizens before we just take this one project and then that's going to be you know I guess that everything else will follow after that and and that's okay but then do we want 12 14 story buildings as and I know you said that nobody else can do that but this real quick this has always been then it's going to necessarily be May them stay in the obvious a at least a two-step process the the Redevelopment agency can't approve and let them build it the governing body has to change the plan so so maybe maybe maybe that was implicit in what you were saying but no matter what you do yes yeah okay I I understand that I just I'm just feeling a like you know the the the Tails wagging the dog rather than the dog wagging the tail that kind of thing so that makes me a little concerned like your Concepts I like your ideas but I I like to have like oh that kind of fits in our in our overall scope and vision but I don't really have an idea of what our overall scope and vision is and I'd like to have that before I decide on this one particular project I'm sorry but that's I mean I have said those kinds of things over and over again over many years and I think it's a big change and I want to be really comfortable with that big change I want everybody to be comfortable with that big change um but I do like it I do like the fact that it's the volume's reduced 40% I like that you did reduce the height a bit I think I hear that you have a little wiggle room it could reduce a little bit more wouldn't mind seeing that a little bit a little bit um I mean as I drive up Mountain a when I'm going up to Caldwell and I see that big I know maybe how many stories maybe someone would know the Willowbrook um maybe it's 10 stories that that's not that's not a nice looking building and and that stands out these are looking that you're presenting so I'm happy about that but what I'm saying that that is something that reminds me every day when I drive up that way that 46 going no going up Mountain Avenue going into the caldwells and you're looking like through the woods and you see that that large tall building down to the willbrook area it it just kind of is one in mon those big buildings big apartment buildings will think of willbrook I'm in will okay and you're willbrook and you look out there's some like 10 story maybe 12 story buildings down in willbrook if you're like if you're looking where Bloomingdale is or was and you look out do you know where that I'm talking about yeah those Office Buildings yeah so like when you're when you're sitting when you're going up Mountain Avenue and you're in like it's a nice neighborhood you look down at that building and it's not such a nice looking building because I think you know it wasn't really it wasn't really put together with a lot of um like you know ideas of what it's going to look like down down the road so I want to make sure that we we have a cohesive Plan before we just just say yes and and um I I just that's what I think we know it's well thought out that we have our professionals looking at it we and then we also have to understand like the congestive congestion in the area and things like that I know we're we're um doing Redevelopment but we do have a very narrow roadway I just would like us to kind of have thought this out and then say yes with an overall concept in our minds of what the town's going to look like 10 10 years from now does that make does that make sense it's and also I mean like does it does it go do we have I haven't looked at our um our overall um master plan but how does this fit in with the master plan don't give like do they talk do we talk back and forth do we the master plan refers to Redevelopment okay no you would know that refers to um so many stories along the main street so this would be you know um veering away from what's in there right now right right so I just that would need to be Revisited if you were to go to Cel yeah so that's it I mean I just think I I like the fact that you scale back I like the fact that you still have the um a plaza different Plaza but you do have it um the volume's reduced I mean that's all good it's just that it is still large and it's um beyond the the scope of what our U master plan is or and what the what we have in our in our you know our vision right now and and it's fine to to move ahead but I don't like to move ahead one one um one um project at a time i' I'd like to have an overall concept that's what I'd like to see I mean have I I appreciate your I know I appreciate that yeah but I guess the question becomes yeah that stops Redevelopment well and not really I just think that you know I why don't we have like um designs and concept uh Concepts kind of figured out what we're looking for instead of asking um well let's assume we did that yeah okay and for however long that takes right okay if these folks wanted to build something or if anybody wanted to build something they'd have to wait for us well yeah I know that and now that's kind because we're kind of we're already in the process so here we slow things down I I get what you're saying but if we're going to go with this then how how is it going to affect the rest of it and maybe we ought to think about that well here here there I I have a few opinions first of all the Redevelopment agency is not a planning body okay there it's to effectuate the Redevelopment plans and the Redevelopment zones and what's been laid out so like the idea that the Redevelopment agency would provide a vision of what we want to see in the Redevelopment plan that's where the master plan comes from that is derived by the planning board um through their Master planning process we are there we are here to basically look at things sight by sight not to Envision the whole thing the second thing is with regard to that I mean I mean ultimately you know we we can I mean we had a there was a concept plan that was developed at the county probably 2004 2005 here's the downtown Redevelopment here's what we would like it to look like but ultimately it's also what the market will bear and each each site is going to be determined based on a subject of factors like this like we could say that the master plan says provide up to five to six stories but are we considering a site that accommodates a building that can be set 170 ft back from the street line and what is the effect on that you can't conceive of every every single thing but that's why you need to have flexibility in your Redevelopment plan being able being being willing to amend the Redevelopment plan as appropriate based on what the property owner is what a potential developer brings to us but you know again there's a lot of movie pieces it would be nice for everything to be Mar I just don't think it I I just don't being in the field I just don't know how reasonable It is Well I see what you mean with moving pieces I like I like the concept I like the building like that it's uh 40% less volume I think you can see that in the in the model that was created so that's good um I'm still not sure if it's if it's low enough if if like the 14 stories is is okay um I like it I like like she said I like that it's been reduced in the size and the scope of it um I like the New Concept the way it looks um we talk about reducing the height with the parking just keep in mind we drive a lot of big vehicles these days so I don't know how much you're really going to gain there uh on the height um I don't know what the limits are of the the elevator system for the self- parking um and size vehicle limited size or whatever but um yeah I mean I like it I I think the the 3D model prints help you actually visualize how much of a difference this in size you've made with the building more so than the drawings to a certain extent I mean I I think you've you know you've listened to the concerns of the agency and the folks that are up here I I think I mean I think the model helps some but what I think really helps is the model that has the dash line on it because one of the things I think you have to remember in this building since it went back 170 ft not only is it lower it's smaller so the bulk of the building is is tremendously reduced um I happen to very much like the idea of the plaza I think rethinking that driveway um was a a significant Improvement in the project um having the the driveway under the plaza only for the apartment building is terrific um I think there are still and this is not necessarily your issue that we can fix but I still think there's issues with the remaining driveway what we call the the alley driveway um I think there's issues with the easement um I've done some research on that easement I think some properties have changed hands that I wasn't aware of um in regards to solar in particular which I think the school loans now um at least from what I could get from our town records um there I I think I think the school does but that's what I kind of got from the Deeds no look at the deed look in the Deeds I was talking to the general manager products in the I just talk the other day it was sold to a bunch of people in the same business it just sold like two months ago yeah that's what I saw but I but not not the wi I'll talk to you later we'll take a look at the records I went on on the maps and looked at them the the um the Deeds okay it's crazy we had uh two two attorneys in our Prime Council look at this as well as two title companies the solar company has a right of passage yes that's correct they can't merge that lot and keep that easement if they merged a lot they lose the easement so that that's an issue and they're going they're going to have problem that is our property they just have a right no I get I know what an Ean is I get it I don't have to be electric I get it I mean to Electric okay um so I think I think you've done a terrific job in listening to us um I think the project is significantly better um but I think like most of the other people up here I like the first one also I mean you couldn't not like it um I just don't think it fit um I think that with the reduced height with the reduced bulk with an existing Plaza and remember everyone up here okay when the um Smith project came to us um a couple years ago the first one iteration and we were sitting up here going crazy about losing a store and remember we talked about that going from six stores or six stores to five stores and we wanted to make sure they maintain their retail here we have an app a potential applicant that's keeping 50,000 Square ft of retail and Commercial Business commercial property so I mean that's a huge huge thing um so I think as I look at this in exchange for keeping that retail and commercial property um EX in exchange for moving the building back and creating a plaza I think we can give a little extra height um so I I'm on board with this the way it is Mike yeah um you know look you listen to what we have to say you I I like project but I think we're overlooking a couple things and going to what ABY was pointing out this gentleman is presenting a plan that one is's trying to keep his established businesses that have been in town a long time in town and still build the building that's a big plus because in a lot of the other Redevelopment we do they have to remove the the retail to build it and then hope the retail comes back so this channel is trying to keep the retail there the other thing do talked about you're going to rrab the front of that existing buildings correct yes that's all in part so that's going to all give a new face to the the building in the front right there and the other thing is you know we have I agree with what the chairman said this is set back pretty far 170 ft is pretty far off the street we all know what the put back there it's a big hole right so you're only seeing half of that going up I don't disagree with that it's high it is it's high no question it's High um and is the town ready for this I don't know I personally think it's a nice project what we have to remember and I think we overlook this a lot this gentleman could build six stories on his existing what he has right now and not have to come to any boyss he would be in his realm to build anything he wanted as long as he still keeps the height you know there might be some little side Varan so either way he's going to build something in this site and it could be six stories and it could just be a stick building like some of the other projects or we get some some benefit out of what we're looking for that's the way I'm looking at we have to either way something's being built there it's not staying the way it is so we have to do the best job we can to make it fit the town and at the same time let's not forget about the pilot side of this too you know this could bring in revenue of over $500,000 a year um I can tell you just doing a budget now know it's a very tight budget right now there's a lot of increases in a lot of things and we don't have an industrial park in our town so where are we getting that money as years go forward we're getting money from a taxpayers that's where we're getting money so that's you know lot of saying it's not just one let's do this there's a lot of ways to look at it I think what these gentlemen are looking for is just get an idea of a feeling of of the height that's what they're here ask rest okay let me TV off oh okay is that what happened wondered what happened okay I think what we want to do at this point we going to take a little break and watch Jeopardy um at this point what I'd like to do is if anyone would like to um ask any questions either of us or the applicant um we'll open this up for 10 or 15 minutes for questions um and then we'll move on to um B County anyone from the public want to have anything to say see none we'll close the public portion okay folks thank you have a good night thank you very much thank you for the effort you put into this thank you thanks for your feedb okay um next up is um pay County um senior housing 519 Ringwood Avenue block 2300 blocks 1 7 and 10 and block 2600 block 3 this is also conceptual I believe this is not an application it say it's not yet yeah this is also not an application yet I don't know our secretary I don't believe an application been filed for the our understanding was that you were going to consider approving the Y yet that's not that I hav't spoken with the B Council though still a few things to go before that could be considered the terms are pretty darn close the salt Dome the one way in one way out those things have to be not us excuse me Sal's not us that's the county I agree I understand that but I think that the burrow wants that resolved before the agreement gets done but I you know there's been a draft agreement that is that's I mean it's it's we don't dictate we're just what my understand the biggest part of the of the agreement is what they're approving and that's what they have to see which is why I wanted to you know as close as you get to planning board plans that's their decision the terms are the terms but well no but even so the Redevelopment agreement as we've done it before keep going back to this does include what we want that's what I'm saying that's the big thing that is the biggest thing the terms are you know the written part is okay we it's yeah we here to show you that that's what gets attached to attach that's the import just because I know my client's going to ask when's your next meeting next month third third Thursday Thursday of March okay thank you yeah and I can and I can con the ter the terms of the agreement are are pretty close to what this this agency likes except for the attached NE what are they approving that's right well that's that's what Steve going to take you through right okay yeah okay this is still not testimony no not testimony yet just just conversation's here okay but we' like to know who you are and what's going onbe thank you uh my name is Bill northg grave I'm the uh attorney for sa County affordable housing corporation uh in uh this uh project Steve principal in C mono Architects New Jersey testified before PL Boards of the last 42 years few of them including this one yes you have we Offa Lake Senior Housing which was quite a while ago that was a section 202 uh 202 Section 8 project Hut also did the ab project the same way um this is quite different has a little bit bit more artistic flare and a little more design to it but it's the same purpose provide housing for seniors okay so sure I just have a question I don't know if you thought this one through maybe you have um is this a project that you you know if it it was the county EP doing a county function like building a road or a county building you wouldn't go to the planning board for site plan approval you go for Capital review this is not really that it's one step away from and I and I'm not saying you do or you don't I haven't thought about it and boards are pass the boards is this something you have the position that you have a position on that whether or not you're going to the planning board and you we going and you require site plan approv yeah we were it's it's it is an continum I'm an attorney so I'm used to standing so I feel like I'm being disrespectful by sitting stand up that's fine uh yeah because normally I get yelled at I'm um how dare you sit in front of that's that's that's exactly that's exactly what uh as just real real briefly on that uh County affordable housing Corporation is uh was formed by the county of pic our trustees are uh not all but of many of the Commissioners County Commissioners um and we have gone back and forth several times about you know the the group of us that are working on just Steve and I about is this a public project is this a private project for purposes of Oprah uh prevailing wage those types of things my advice has been let's treat it as if it's a public project for purposes of planning Board review um that type of thing let's treat it as a private project not ask for just a courtesy review or Capital review let's just treat it as as if we're a private corporation which which we are a private Corporation owned by a public entity so are you a private not for-profit Corporation M yes okay so there's no tax impact that there is we're going we're going to pay a pilot that also gets a gets to be a complicated issue um but we have we have essentially agreed to those terms at least I understand there's been an agreement as to the terms uh because it's going to be an affordable project um it it would it would be uh it's not the subject to the long-term tax exemption the 5.5 I mean the 10% and revenue of the long-term tax exemption law um but also uh the my understanding is is not my understanding the agreement is that this is going to be um pump L's pres uh president resident's first Veterans Preference the whole structure of how our financing was set up got complicated because there were certain buckets of money we could not tap without exposing us to to having to accept residents from outside the the town so that is and that's in our administrative plan file with HUD has to be approved by Hud and that's that's what we're operating on jump in one just to double check so I want you guys to be aware of this too so the agreement and I'm part of those agreements worked out with the administration and myself was that it was pton Lakes residents first for veterans and for seniors yes okay then it was North County from that point on and the meeting north of us uh that was supposed to be written out into agreement my question to you guys would be where is that going to be written into an agreement how would that be worked into is it worked into the pilot agreement is it worked into a separate agreement I I would say that would probably be worked in as a reference in the redevelopers agreement preference should be in the redeveloper agreement because that's allowing them to go for so that should be that's so that should be in the that's another term that should be in the read my only my only concern I discussed that um with when when uh I previously had this conversation with your prior Barrow attorney um because it's in our administr my it's in the administrative plan and that's really that's where our commitment comes from um if you want it in an agreement I think it may I think it may be better in the Pilot in the financial agreement than in the RDA because as as as we know the RDA basically evaporates once the building is is built um I mean we can make something I guess continue beyond the RDA but generally the RDA is considered to be probably put it in both doesn't matter just refer to it in both which C has to be something the real claw would be in the financial agreement because then if the if that condition is not kept then in terms of the financial agreement evaporate uh and so therefore it's subject to uh reg taxation so I can tell you that that was one of the starters on this deal just so the whole board understands that so that was what attracted us to this so that is an important part of this and the other part of it is we understand what they're suggesting and our Administration understanding that this is not your typical Redevelopment so we did give them a little less of a pilot agreement which we'll talk about later not going to be talking about now but it's not going to be your to 10% you want have school age kids not have school AG kids so this is a little as you see right from today a hyrid kind of Weir project that involves a lot of different stats but I just want to make sure we cover our bases as the town and I don't know if that comes from your board from my attorney from wherever have to make sure probably from everybody yeah okay does this fulfill our co- responsibilities unfortunately we filled our co- responsibilities already with senior housing but but everyone I didn't want to mention it in the last you know Co was just about to die well let's let's see what happens there's new legislation so there might be increased numbers associated with the senior housing and everything like that so we we we can't say what the next round is going to bring at this point right exactly it'll bring something yeah so if I am done addressing the bo then I will resume my seat on the thank you I appreciate well this is not quite as exciting as the last project but it is necessary um this was the site buildings are demolished now state county looks better already looks better already we did a new facility on Route 23 County Consolidated older dpws including Pennsylvania Avenue and other areas of the county and this was part of that Consolidated into that building on 23 behind all of the retail that you don't um so what we Str to achieve here is this site really goes beyond our property I say what bill is is calling our property uh all the way up to where the card wash is and Beyond and the County's now separating that they're going to be building a salt d uh they're going to be building an area to bring plows and support for not only pper Lakes but up County uh and that transfer station that recycling station will be kept and improved for the use of the residents of of the ls so when we looked at the site there was some constraints that's what the building is going to look like it's quite a difference from the HUD 202s 202s for architect are like poison because they tell you what window you going to put in they tell you the type of brick say how high those are F buildings but say how many units you're going to provide and how many parking spaces that's end so there's not a lot of creativity but it serves the niche uh I dare say and will can correct me the day this is advertised it's going to be full there's such a demand for this type of Housing and it's it's residents that want to stay in the community they don't want to move away and it provides the affordability out of those ownes it's a great project um part of what we have to do which we're in the process of doing now and that's why this is time critical as Bill said is that we have to secure the funding for it and that's why it's time sensitive uh we also have to get through the D so what you see out there now which is a really Baron looking horrible environment is going to be greened considerably there's a 50ft buffer that we have to now maintain that we went to DP and already determined we're going to plant it it's going to be green as to provide space for the residents of this building to use and not just all the resid of excuse It's Over um we provided 85 parking spaces we're proposing 65 units which we felt was a maximized density this mler has been very helpful during this process communicating with Jan and John and and people inside uh and that would provide us with 65 64 One vetom units and one two vro unit which is for the caretaker that's pretty much the the formul at these buildings um that person's on C little time and is also interal in the building management so they live there um we followed the Redevelopment plan to the te not asking for any relief of it all the setbacks are as described the height as I just heard from the last application is I want you know thatat no this is a little bit more um and there will be um additional space here because you have an EV plant in your R development uh agreement that we are sensitive to obviously it's going to be a level two I'm not doing a level three here I would like to see a level three but I I don't think the finances uh would allow it you'd have to go out and get a third party with electricy America I have electric car I love it I use the whole time so so you're going to get the four spaces up front which is part of the ordinance the first part of the 15% and then we can add on to them as we go um it's a it's a an increase embellishment of that property and the county really took uh a great position in getting it to the state County Housing Authority and they've latched on to this now I think it's a great great addition to the town um this Improvement will happen on Ivy Street for what as part of our property so sidewalks and uh plantings and so on it's also going to happen on ring would have is that loc we can't do anything about that industrial building in the corner but eventually that might go in a different direction at some point so I think it's I is one of the very confusing great great addition to the town and it provides need I said won't get two weeks in this this thing will all right that's do you have any questions me I'd like to answer for you the two of us are confused on Locust and Ivy Street yeah I think that might be Locust that you've labeled as Ivy um well so what happened was there's a paper Street here ah so there's a paper Street here that was vacated uh I think Debbie's care yeah so um what they did was the county gave a pie to which going to be part of the recycling center and the salt Dome and you know the area for services and the rest of it came here so that was no I'm talking about what you've actually labeled as Ivy Street below oh that's actually Locust that's probably that's yeah that probably was the the pieces of paper that goes across right yes you're correct there will be I don't think that addresses his question saying this is wrong here that is actually loc okay um but that probably came from that okay that makes sense going should understand too I guess you're not aware of everything so initially they were tearing downam the salt up completely and moving it to Dam to to gr 23 so we asked them while they were in the process of doing this if they would keep the salt down here would help them because it would take care of North County WQ and at the same time we had no qu to keep our salt so we're going to be able to keep our salt again in the same salt Dome that they're going to build and we can go in and out and there's going to be parking I understand for some trucks and some things and we're also going to get an entrance in and out of the recycling center that the attorney was just talking about hasn't been drawn up yet right now as we all know there's one in one out same road now there'll be a one way in one way out that'll all be part of this project correct what about the St Tower STS the orientation on that I I can't tell where's Ringwood ring here oh okay the street so it's going to sit on the back of a lot right that's right cuz the pedestrian traffic was better back there I mean obviously the train runs from time to time I've been there as it goes by not obnoxious but it is it's not going to go away um the Improvement to what's there is that all of this green space which is part of what the DP is demanding us to put in is going to benefit the building so yeah the setback was our choice that's something to FL where's the entrance in the exit for the parking lot so you'll have one off the ring with app and you'll have one off the Locust it's going to be existing and then also for DBW when the count is designing that part of it no and I are just giving whatever they need there will be a Salo as the mayor just represented there will be additional parking there for vehicles probably snow flows for winter and then the recycling center will still remain Ju Just on an aside for that which I know you're not involved with they're going to make that look as nice as they can make a saltone look I mean it's just not going to be a a dumb get a chance to look at that speaking with them it's not going to be a dome anymore I did do one on 23 be rectangular building yeah that's a new style now okay it's was a cliche but it doesn't really work it's just not going to turn into be a county like resting place for old trucks you get a chance to look at it and make a determination I'm not involved in it so I can't tell you but I'm sure that Matt the Commissioners will be recepted to what you're looking for there um there's a large piece of property up front we're not touching this is an area that will probably be a retention area so bosil engineering is designing the site for the engineered site plan we're working with them that's how we know all of this stuff is going to happen because it's already down to DP looking for again in a timely fashion getting it approval so they can get that's an oxy I know they made considerable progress already um so sorry St water yeah so there's a complication here because this is uphill as you know water flows downhill it does so damn gravity we're going to give them some of the retention area that we have to accommodate that water that's coming downhill from the uphill side so it's a it's a good marriage and you got cooperation between the C so I think it's win win for the town but it's these projects we do them all the time like I said it'll be F you get it in the I think it would have been great what what what's the age restriction on these units is it 55 55 and older okay um just curious because um you know obviously the Locust site is is there I guess is there sidewalks pedestrian access off site onto Locust that would enable me to walk to um axon's uh Thatcher McGee the the shopping plaza across the street improve Locust okay and we're going to improve Ringwood mhm to the bounds of our property to the bounds of your property I'd like that but from the building itself there's I'm assuming that then there's going to be some kind of sidewalk infrastructure to to on to okay we're not well no I'm just talking to offsite I I understand that there sort of like recreational path up to the bridge up to the bridge right but from the building itself front door of the building how do you get to a side how do I walk to walk all the way around it okay but how do I get offsite walking offsite we'll provide paths not doing that right now because of the DP I'm not touching that buffer zone so there's ample area here to build sidewalks in here ample area here which we are we're building this now okay but from the building there's some kind of sidewalk infrastructure that gets me to that sidewalk on Lucas Street yes that sidewalk is there that's what that is easy I'm just seeing a lot of like black and white lines on a map so I I don't know what well you're going to get an engineered site plan from Boswell that's going to be more sure that's I I don't mean to hop in just on the timing when will that be uh it's done okay that's okay I didn't to interrupt and Bill will tell you the timing on this to get this funding to go forward is that was me I I didn't know it was done I was told I was told it was going to be a little while but okay good I think that's typically what this board likes to say yes we do does that our requ of parking yes so we need for the 65 units we need 80 spaces we have five additional and we could have put more in there but we chose to keep more green that was too fast 65 units * 1.5 is not 80 no 65 units is 1.25 right 1.5 is what we use the plan because I think it because it was all senior and their one bedrooms I think it was L yes which is the first time we're seeing what's in the Redevelopment plan exactly what it is the Redevelopment plan oh the we yeah they're following may be different May well the HUD requirement is 75 units and 50 spaces now that's then this is now but both of those projects in town follow that regulation our experience is that one per unit is more than you know and you have some visitor spaces that's what you have but I believe that we follow the no you definitely you defin at least when I talk to your office yeah that was definitely in there I'm trying to I'm trying to find it right now the only reason I bring it up it's a good point add more parking to our senior housing um for the same reason you know more people are driving alonger now and and you know back in the day yeah one was enough it wasn't enough now we had actually get more spot well I thought it was 1.25 yeah so that thought it was 1.25 as well 1.5 no the plan no the plan was I thought the plan was 1.25 the plan is ACC in accordance with the existing code for parking code for code from pumpt and lak for parking for is that a separate number from I've never heard that all these years heard we have a parking code yeah we have a parking section of the regular no no I understand but all the projects we've done up to date have been 1.5 yeah unusual for senior unusual okay but Deb are you saying that it's 1.5 I have I'll have to look it up okay I'll have to look it up but I was pretty sure that that's what we were going with what number the 1.5 1.5 it says that it's in accordance with our code so I just need to look it up in the code find that in the code okay that's the reference got it I will also can still make changes in my mind there nothing working here for a senior project and I'd rather maintain the Green Space to put more asol out there well then just go back to the DP and it'll be another four years please no we don't want to do that and there was talk of having an office in a meeting space yes there a meeting space there's an office on each floor there's uh small group areas where the residents can gather on each floor um there's storage units in here um yes we have all of that and um the count has uh taken on a a consultant his name is dou struck he's going to run this he runs Sienna Village he's got a high experience in all of this senior housing they the daytoday is run by them so it's a it's a real a real thing a bunch of establish white golf I think Christian home yeah s Village is the one across way Township they used to be the eth high school now so when when do you start when when does this start if you tell us to go tomorrow we need to get the money first that's why and also what's the square footage on the um the units oh each unit is 650 ft for one metal 640 650 there was talk of a multi-purpose meeting room on the bottom floor that that we could use if be for our senior groups also yes may that's it here cool yeah that would be open for anyone's us resident sometimes go there they bring your families there I mean most of these people are ulatory this is not you know this is not senior citizens these are not nursing homes this is senior housing if you know so and I'm sure everybody's aware our senior housing now that we have has a three-year waiting list on it right now for it so that's why it was pretty important to make it prompt only because I think a lot of those people will jump over I'm getting calls already in my office how do I get on the list and by the way how does that happen well don't ask me that I'm no but when we did talk to Lake you're correct mayor even there which was that was a h 202 Section 8 was the waiting list was gone there's no waiting I have somebody that calls me every single maybe every two weeks and inquir is ready he's in fling was from wants to move back yeah my I mean it's it's just anecdotal but my understanding from from the executive director is that they you talked about the North country that the expectation is we're never going to get there's going to be a list of just pump and L we'll never get off that list by way I don't want to make it the reason we said north county is because South County and I'm going to say the South County have their own uh senior housing within those towns so they're using doing the same thing we're doing their residents are going to their senior house say County anything North US okay anything else you have for us that was excellent yeah screen Improvement obviously for what's there so enjoyable to get same a lawyer right one second what do we need to wrap up here I don't know about today but for timing if they could get all those plans to Deb and for people to look at well before next month's meeting I can work with the m also have everybody will have the draft agreement that if essentially the way you've done it before is if you're happy with what you see and exactly what it's going to look like all those things they are you know the big attachment the other terms I said are largely in place for the for the agreement um I so I would suggest getting those things to deit to B as fast as possible what else I mean just tell me what else what I mean the engineered site plan I heard anything else typically would would go to the to the planning board and and you elevations so they can see what it looks like and then the limits of everything I mean it's it's I Steve what's what what's my office has just text me according to your ordinance it's one per unit senior for for your own and we're providing one all of us well senior but doesn't mean we to follow well they have more than that now yeah we have more yeah okay so that's what we're going to do everybody let's get back on track so I I should plan on almost as if I'm making a yes that's what you should plan on yes okay yep that's it that should they they should get it and look at it I don't think you have to go through it they they're going to they decide what they want that's Ty you present all those things they get to ask all those questions they get to go through it make sure that it looks good I mean there'll be testimony any expert you want to bring you know tag them that's you want that's I'm trying to sorry yes submit the application like the application um data you know that would go with the site plan so that we have that okay and submitted to um caralina fero is the um is the secretary of the board okay so submit it to her and then it would get distributed to everyone to this to this agency to this agency right but we're we're submit you it would be a planning board application ultimately that's not what we're making development application also you want you want a full application all right you hav't subed an application for this right no that's yeah no I I understand I'm making an application to you first but I'm doing it as if I were making a planning application for form yes Prett and you'll get me comments on the agreement oh yeah absolutely yes okay you don't have the application the form fill out no um I'll send it to yeah I'm try now I'm drawing it blank I think some for some reason I think I may we may have done that a long time ago I'll but whatever if you could that I appreciate thank you then we're all the same the site is complete I'll give debb copies of now just to look at and that is complete go check I think was the other one check I know I knew I wasn't going to get to open my mouth until I delivered the check I deliver the check that's what I forgot to ask you was you got you got maskings also correct not only are we the Redevelopment agency we're the collection agency okay the door with the gun said okay okay I think the what I sorry I it's really hard between you and basket I don't know who res this me okay thank you for the presentation this a it's a really great project good for p Lakes absolutely good for ppon Lakes okay so that takes care of new and unfinished business we don't have an executive session tonight and now we'll do public discussion thank you name and my name is gray and my daughter and her family they live in pton um she lives on CX and my grandson goes to L right here I presently don't live in h and lakes I live in Sussex County in Hamburg but I would like to live in hon Lakes um and I I don't know really how to go out if I'd be interested in I'm a senior I'd be interested in senior housing or pable housing and I just would like to ask how I can do this can I be put on the list can I feel like an application um that's not a question for this board um but the mayor may be able to help bu will own and not up to that stage yet as soon as we get that information to us publicly we will make it public either on our website or social media and and then I would do it as soon as you see that I would call but isn't isn't there a but there wouldn't the but be she has to live in Pon Lake I don't know I'm not answering I don't know my daugh or moving with your daughter res change your address change your license oh Meridia is easy call them call them call Meridia development they're in Lyon and ask them about how they're going about leasing that building okay no I think it's just like okay let's get back on track there will be affordable housing in meridium what you need to do to apply for that we wouldn't know but again that's something to talk to them about and Eric also mentioned uh you might want to find out who's the managing agent is at Lakeside Commons because they have affordable housing also so we have a department of company called traded and you can contact the clerk here tomorrow and they handle our our uh portable houses okay and then you can get on the list with them excellent thank you so much for listening you're welcome you're welcome anyone else from the public close the public session any comments from us I I'd like to know how everybody feels about this part just so I know which one the one great awesome any problem great idea great idea incredible incredible Improvement my concern my only concern would be uh ambulance Squad additional load on them with a with the building so I know that they they go to a lot of calls at the senior housing good Y no question we can ask them that when they come next month oh they they will be they have they're going to do an application to us we're going not the but it may be something so so that's where the confusion was this wasn't an application for them what was this a conception I guess pretty much pretty much okay that wasn't the original we have a motion to adjourn you something oh wait a minute one thing this you can turn this off for this de should tell people what you wrote to me uh