please arise for invocation by chaplain a Ray Campbell of the Florida hospital at new subna followed by the Pledge of Allegiance chap let us pray oh Lord Our God we began this official business for this day in this place by praising you for sustaining our presence we remember facing situations that we were certain we could not face and having to face them we could not survive yet by your Providence we were able to overcome so as we continue throughout this day we want to praise you for sustaining us want to thank you for all that you have made possible we praise you for your Sovereign reminder of who you are you are everything to us even when we were going through pain or facing disaster you made way so we confess Lord that that all of our problems in our community in our homes are quite often something that we forget to tell you about and so we are guilty of trying to be self-sufficient but we know that you are a good God and we praise you and thank you for all of the abilities and troubles that we have been overcome thank you for blessing this mayor and these council members for all that they do for this community we may be frustrated from time to time by injustices that we cannot address but remind us oh god of the brv of Life remind us of the coming Judgment of its reality it's certainty is an eligability is finality when we are tempted to be selfish and indifferent in our work remind us of the responsibility that you have given not only to this mayor and to this counsel but to all of us to listen listen to one another to learn from each other to reflect and to pray and legislate and Obey when we are tempted to let Pride take over remind us we didn't do anything all by ourselves so it is For Your Glory oh God that we we pray your blessings upon this meeting and that you let all that we do and all that we say be to your honor and to your glories in Jesus name we pray amen amen amen thank you chap I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all will the clerk call the role councilman fley here councilman grubs here councilman Bastion here vice mayor stman here mayor Bernette here all five of us are here we're present we have a full Quorum for this evening we can conduct business uh do we we have any public comments on anything that's on consent I'm looking Robert's way and I don't see anybody else so we will U move on to agenda approval may have a motion to approve the agenda for the evening with the removal of item nine from consent so moved second we have a motion proper second to approve the agenda for the evening removing item nine from consent uh may have a uh motion uh I'm sorry call um all in favor signify by saying I I the agenda for the evening is approved with that items 6 through 8 on consent I need a motion for approval so moved second we have a motion proper second items 6 through eight on consent call the role councilman Foley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes 5 consent agenda is approved item nine retirement of K9 Nico and transfer of ownership to officer Jared alisados did I say it right you got that pretty darn good mayor I didn't even practice that's okay mayor Wayne who do we have presenting on this one police chief Manny Marina come on down Jared good evening mayor vice mayor council members City staff and guests I'm waiting for my counterpart over here to make his way so the item before you tonight is to as mentioned um we will be retiring K9 niik uh and be transferring his care and ownership to his Handler for the past eight years officer Jared alisados uh Nico is 10 years old uh we knew this day was coming but it unfortunately came up a little bit faster uh with some health issues that came up in the last few months he had an unexpected surgery um realized that his vision on his last uh vet exam was having some issues with his vision and with most Shepherds issues with his uh with his hips uh so we said this was the best time he's given his best years to us and it's time to uh let him live out the rest of his best years with office relev assados perfect uh I really appreciate the opportunity that I've gotten to have with uh the police department and and Nico has been a vital asset to the police department he's been a Community member the entire time um one thing that we've tried to do religiously is interact with the community um you know the children that named him originally I've actually been fortunate enough to follow them and they've seen seen him driving around they've asked how he is most of them are finishing up middle school now so it's been a it's been an absolute pleasure to to work with Nico work with the adjacent cities and have this uh amazing reputation with him and um very happy that he gets to live out his uh awesome his good days with me there's also something to be said for his Handler as well because that relationship between K9 and the Handler is symbiotic it goes both ways and having I talked about this before the experience of being able to ride with both of you uh for a shift uh and see both of you in action together uh it's incredible it's amazing being able to sit there and watch how he's passive and quiet and then as soon as you get out of the car and walk up to uh and approach a vehicle all of a sudden he's alert you don't have to tell him you don't have to coach him you don't have to coax him he knows what you're doing and he knows where you're at at all times and uh that that was just absolutely incredible to see and what I would like to do is request Council join me below because we need to uh uh take a picture uh congratulating Nico on his service and uh uh and his Handler for doing such a wonderful job with him as well look forward to more of that from you thank you Council a retiring from play time he's even got the been around a little bit gray and his beard that happens always most of it's been caused by me would everybody join me in a round of applause for [Applause] ni off a question what is could you share like what is his specialty uh so his well his specialty was tracking Nar and evidence recovery awesome so um over the years I took a rough count um I think he was involved in approximately four to 500 drug Snips in his career um evidence recovery he was fortunate enough he's recovered a decent amount of evidence for cases uh his money seizures that took a rough count he seized almost $9,000 over his career wow so who ever questions why we should have a Canon on this department you just answered that just just in 60 seconds thank you and it's that so much more is no it's been a uh it's been an absolute pleasure and like I said the the K9 program at Port Orange we maintain it to be as top tier as we can and we want the citizens of the community to know that we have full protection of them we strive to continue to evolve with any case changes that come in new training that comes in um we were fortunate enough to change over to a program that allows us to recover missing children missing elderly and it's been a great asset for us so moving forward um we're going to continue to be top tiers we canal was he not a Chase he did the drug thing or so the initial portion of his life he was an apprehension dog okay um then we transitioned away from that which was fine um when he was an apprehension dog he did apprehend two people one who was actually in a fist fight with me on the side of International Speedway so he actually saved me from getting my butt kick like usual um and the other one was just an escape so he located for that agen latar to another ride along suggest keep it could you get them to say little we get a bar like did you just hear all right everyone one more time for ni that was great speaking of item nine may I have a motion for approval move to approve item nine retirement of K9 Nik and transfer of ownership to off officer Jared alisados I will happily second that all in favor signify by saying I I it is so moved and accepted appreciate that public participation non-agenda do I have any cards that would be a yes okay who's this guy Jordan Snipes he thinks he cleans up pretty good come on up here Jordan recog all right good evening mayor councilman my name is Jordan Snipes I'm the founder of Tomorrow Needs you it's a local nonprofit supporting veterans and First Responders as a veteran myself with nearly 9 years in the Army our mission is to provide unwavering support to our First Responders and our veterans for mental Wellness helping them overcome challenges and heal from drama we've now started to be able to offer counseling to our Local Heroes and First Responders and we have also a few events up that I'd like to talk about on June 8th from 5:00 p.m. to 7:30 at the Port Orange Eagles we'll be having a charity dinner that's open to the public on July 20th we have a couple spots left if any of the local fire departments or police departments would like to send Personnel we have a mental health Symposium down in Miami that we've went ahead and purchased six tickets for First Responders and Veterans to go and we also have our annual 22-mile walk which I've been talking about for the past couple weeks that'll be September 21st and we actually got it approved that we're going to be starting at the Riverwalk in Fort Orange um we'll be doing 11 miles and we'll go down to edgew water turn around come back people that walk do not have to do the entire 22 miles if they only want to do a mile or two they're more than welcome and we will have an escort to bring them back if they only do a couple miles um if anyone wants any information on that they can scan the QR code or I will be here the entire night so if they want to see me afterwards they can have any questions or anything like that excellent all right looking forward to it thanks Jordan Jordan hey Jordan Have you shared that on social media could we like yes sir is it sharable for me and others to yes sir okay okay I'll look for that on your thanks sir yes sir and with that we move on to council comments why don't we start uh with Drew this time I got nothing tonight mayor excellent excellent report Scott you got for tonight pass really yeah nothing from either of you okay well move this way Reed I've got nothing for you Tracy Tracy Tracy bring it on me I got stuff okay thank goodness okay so we had a slight report that came out to all the council and and it's a highlight of what happens inside the city and things of that nature and I I just want to bullet point a few things here here in uh my one year in side council with you guys it it's always come up to me multiple times of what has the city done big question right the question I have is where's the information the information gets disseminated out on social media and different streams and it kind of gets lost and then people don't know what the city has actually done for its citizens it's kind of concerning because there's a huge list and I'm just going to touch on the highlights one of the big highlights um coming into utilities three new lift stations under construction that's that's a big one but going back into that having a 20-year consumptive use permit that we've talked about several times also Community Development 10,000 ft of linear um walk repairs 6,000 linear feet and 2500 linear feet by month of storm water ditches and maintenance and a lot of people will go well that's supposed to be going on yep it is but how much of it is actually going on that you don't really realize it's it's a ton 20,000 linear feet a storm water pipe in the last year now pipe underground being lined and things of that nature that's just shy of being you know right at four miles piping laying underground uh it's pretty pretty unique uh engineering uh repaving thank God Town West thank you thank you thank you Madeline Willer run these Paving projects are are major projects that have been neglected and have come parition in full force and I go on and on with this I'm not going to talk on Parks events um because we're going to talk about that here a little later on the second reading want to hold that one Public Safety Police Department recruiting accreditation of 20 years again having that accreditation redone uh nine license uh plates readers and a lot of people think that's that's minor it's not it's that's expense and budgets and everything else to be able to keep citizens safe with people patrolling around that shouldn't be on the roads 19 new officers year ago I was being blasted with emails of going why is the department down with people 19 new officers Chief good luck more people more fun right5 25 awesome so we have all these things and I and I can't not go through this this list without smiling I mean it's five pages of love in my in my mind of having to see what the staff does for the city that people don't give credit back to and again I I praise the the ladies and gentlemen that are there um the financial side John McKenna's Team all of y'all have done a great job with the the new Tyler system coming online and a lot of people don't understand what a new computer system does but it's a savings of over $400,000 a year to the city that's that's substantial all these little things add up I uh had a meeting with Wayne Uh yesterday and one of the things I asked him is what's next how can we go and look for other things for savings inside the city it's what I do as a business owner uh not to say that I treat the city as a business but that's how we save money so we can take care of property taxes as we move forward that we can keep our property taxes as low as possible with the amenities that we give our so that's I want to say thank you thank you all for doing your jobs very very well with that that I guess that brings it to me I wanted to call to attention everybody knows that this is Memorial Day weekend and uh Monday being Memorial Day the 27th 10: a.m. we do this every year it's a very solemn occasion to have the Memorial Day event in uh uh just across at uh Memorial Park here just across from City Hall we usually have a couple hundred people attend I would invite anybody and everybody please come to attend that event Monday morning we're expecting fantastic weather the Chamber of Commerce has promised it but if you've never experienced the M Memorial Day ceremony the BFW 3282 that puts it on and cons U with a lot of help from the Knights of Columbus and and several other groups does a fantastic job with that and uh it's it's not long but it's absolutely worth it when you think about the people who have served this country from its very beginning to now that we really give them just one day out of the year I'm asking for you for you to give 45 minutes out of the year just to think about it uh and it's so worth it it it's a a terrific event and I think it's Shady for everybody who participates and comes except for the speakers we sit sit in the middle directly in the Sun but that's okay uh it's worth it uh write down to Taps and the 21 gun salute that closes it out I would encourage everybody to come and what I would love is for instead of seeing a couple hundred people to see a couple thousand people there it doesn't matter we figure it out Bring It On love to see you all there that's Monday at 10: a.m. right here at city center and if you want more information visit the uh uh Facebook page of uh port City Hall tomorrow and we'll have that up and uh ready for you to see love to see you there the other thing I wanted to do is just give a nod to Debbie Phillips who's here from Congressman Cory Mills office sitting here in the audience Debbie thank you for coming and and being here and appreciate the congressman as well and his ability to represent it is wonderful to have our United States congressman's office right here in Port Orange City Hall where it's easily accessible for all with that let's go to board appointments interviews and reports CI advisory committee for the TPO Mr Bobby ball all with the CAC the TPO we had our monthly meeting and um some normal approvals of different variations and changes to the uh tip but uh what I really wanted to point out was you typically asked me for an update on 995 try to give it every quarter um I asked about it today and um apparently the district secretary is going to present to the TPO tomorrow um with some more details about it but uh the highlights are the St John's permit was issued the Army Corps is pending a response um the do has responded to the REI and construction funding is approved back in April or August so um with that I think um the only other thing is I think you guys are aware of the cleaning of the ditch or the nov canal there's also a resurfacing effort that's going to start this month along D Avenue uh dun Lon so some of not all the lanes just some of the lanes so maintenance bring it on any idea if that's uh nighttime work I didn't ask just in the report okay okay Bobby when you bring a report like that I feel like I could skip the meeting tomorrow I see our staff is saying yes thank yeah not so much thank you we appreciate that just want to do a note that uh that I95 interchange is something that would take a lot of non-local traffic off of Williamson here in Fort Orange and reduce traffic by as much is 8 to 10% at peak times I think that that's a wonderful thing if it's built right and designed right it'll be a wonderful project and a great benefit to us even though it might not be a lot of our residents uh who use it they uh it will give us an awful lot of relief or needed most so appreciate you keeping us up to date on that thanks thanks Bobby thanks Bobby the public hearing portion of our meeting is now open we have item 12 second reading is of ordinance number 20244 ordinance number 202 4-4 is an ordinance of the city of Port Orange Val County Florida amending the city of Port Orange comprehensive plan in its entirety pursuant to chapter 163 Florida Statutes providing for adoption of the city of Port Orange comprehensive plan 2022 to 2045 including amendments of the future land use element Transportation element the housing element the public facilities element the public school facilities element the recreation and open space element the coastal zone management element the conservation element the intergovermental coordination element the Capital Improvements element and the property rights element inclusive of all Associated tables exhibits and Maps providing for the repeal of ordinances inconsistent with the ordinance providing for conflicting Provisions providing for severability providing for transmittal to reviewing agencies and providing for an effective date move to approve ordinance number 202 24-4 second we have a motion proper second the item is open on the floor for discussion we have second reading comments questions councel no this one not on second reading good looks like we hashed through that what do anyone here care to speak to the item there being none back to us final comments with that call the rooll councilman fley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor stillar yes mayor Bernette yes I O that brings us to Second reading of ordinance 20245 ordinance of the city of Port Orange Luchia County Florida amending the city of Port Orange code of ordinances chapter 14 Article 2 Section 14-27 to modify the currently adopted International property maintenance code is further provided herein with General and Technical amendments deletions and revisions providing for protection of copyright providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for codification providing for scrier errors and providing for severability and providing for an effective date move to go for it I was going to ask you go ahead move to approve ordance number 202 24-5 second we have a motion proper second the item is open and on the floor for discussion Council comments or questions there being none would anyone care here care to speak to the item there being none Council final comments or questions call the rooll councilman fley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes 5 o that brings us to item 14 Sega reading of ordinance number 20247 of parks and rec Bond ordinance number 202 24-7 is an ordinance of the city of P City Council of the city of Port Orange Florida authorizing the issuance of General obligation bonds of the city of Port Orange Florida in the aggregate amount not to exceed $30 million for the purpose of financing the design construction renovation expansion and Improvement of public parks and recreation facilities related to and related infrastructure located in the city of Port Orange subject to approval at a referendum herein called providing for calling a bond election of the qualified electors residing in the city to be held on August 20th of 2024 on the question of the issuance of such General obligation bonds providing for severability providing for a repealing clause and providing for an effective date move to approve ordinance number 202 24-7 second so who do I give it to I'm GNA you know what I'll give this one to Foley because I know that you're going to have some comments here so second by councilman Foley the I is open and on the floor for discussion Tracy you alluded to the fact that you had some uh uh comments on this one I do um so after the last meeting went back digest try to get some research so we could talk about numbers um when a bond comes up you you always want to know where's the money going why are we looking for money how's the money going to be used so the first thing is always like councilman Foley I talked about last time was dealing with the expense of it and how that affects people uh happy to say with Parks and Recreation their website went live uh it's it's available for all the citizens to go online you literally just type in your address and it's there it will tell you what it is the but I I want to make sure everybody understands that when you do it that's full the full amount there's no way to go okay if we only use half the bond what would that price be it be half the price but it's for the full 30 million that's what you're looking at when you're seeing that so just don't look at it and go well is it going to increase it's not it's the full price tag if they use all the money and I know we did fire and uh uh police stations before and we had the bond that went out there and they didn't use the full amount and everybody looks at that and they always get a little gun shy with it but it wasn't the money side of it I know that's what everybody is worried about I I'm worried about it too so I typed in my address now I am a longtime citizen so my millit rat's a little different than most people typed in my address it's for the full amount $34 a year is what the increase was for my military and I was like okay well let's pick a business well Parks and Recreation I would think that uh let's pick a business that probably uh uses Parks and Recreation because of the kids so I picked ritters typed in it's business it's $188 for the year for the business and that's just two examples I'm going to tell everybody you know you need to go and look at your property property taxes and that way you know for sure what it would be if it was the full 30 million if I can do it on the website anybody can do it it it's simplistic it's on the main page front and center but also inside there is a frequently asked questions list things that people have already brought up and then if you don't see it there go into the bottom section of the main page is the concepts one of the things we got hit with last time was dealing with well you're building new parks yes we are what are you doing with old Parks well a lot of the initiative for the bond is repairing and redoing and updating a lot of old Parks so make sure you look at it to see the full scope um and then I have to get Miss Susan up here a little bit to ask some questions she she's hiding she probably doesn't want to talk to me we we had some lengthy conversations on this and and I want to make sure that the data that she gave me I I want to just have it that it's not just Tracy saying it it's the head of Parks and Recreation some of the data that was given to me was dealing with youth baseball youth soccer youth tennis and youth basketball and the data is kind of unique and I I want to make sure people understand this we're talking from 2019 to today the increases and the increases ranges from the low side being soccer 16% increase in the sporting events to tennis being 37% increase of individuals showing up but the fun one that she gave me was the Rex attendance number sheet this was just in the last five months and Susan I know you're getting there can you tell me that total number for the last five months how many participants was on that sheet total uh check-ins was 43,2 26 43,000 kids so when somebody makes the phone calls and starts sending emails out to anybody up here at the council and they go is Parks and Recreation being used uh 43,000 kids said yes I'm just kidding during that 5 Monon period 43,000 people showing up adultss and kids utilizing this as our conversation went I I I was like okay that's Way Beyond what I thought then I dug a little deeper with her and her team today and ask the next big question is have of the sports is it not three4 of all of our sports are slap full they are and they have we waiting lists we do okay we have waiting lists waiting lists for sportings it's because we don't have enough Fields so when people are asking why do we need this well the demand is showing this is the demand and the population that we have 65,000 people in Port Orange right now I want to make sure everybody understands Daytona doesn't give us permission on whether or not the Williamson area is being built that has approval of over 10,000 homes that is right butt up against us in Port Orange 10,000 Homes at 2.5 people per household you know it's a lot of people now they're not going to go to Daytona when they can come right here to Parks and Recreation kassi Park is two miles from where they're going to be building these homes at we're going to have have an influx of another 25,000 people that's not our residents but they're going to use our Parks it's another concern a lot of things come to our Parks and Recreation by different grants the Eco grants pay for this also those Eco grants is from homeowners building in the Daytona property so they have all the same rights as everybody else to come to Daytona to play fors if we already have an increase and we already have a backlog and we're fcing to put another 25,000 people just on our outskirts of our city parks and recreation is going to be overloaded we're already having in a four to five year period 20 to 30% increase and we're talking in a two-year period having another 25,000 people more than likely in our outskirts residents coming in they're going to be playing sports too adults and whatnot the one that got me today though who and I'm going challenge yall for this one because she challenged me with this question is the summer camp programs what we do with our kids at elementary level and Middle School level the summer camp program went live and mayor how fast do you think it filled probably and based on my own experience with getting my own kids into the program it doesn't take very long yeah so I said 4 days me and my wife kind of agreed with four days I thought that was fast I was wrong got it down to four hours and then Susan delivers the message four minutes they flip the switch and in four minutes the summer camp was full good wow so when somebody asks me why do we have a bond initiative coming up it it's needed I you asking I'm telling you go online please look at the actual frequently Asked question section look at how easy it is for you to go and do it um come and ask questions please because it's beyond a percentage of 20 and 30 % now and as more people coming into our area it's going to only increase the other conversation I had with Susan was dealing with if we don't do this the maintenance uptake for our Fields is going to be be exponential can you explain that one a little better than what I said yeah so so currently as you all know as we play on our Fields who are you again I'm Susan volen parks recreation director sorry went that maybe I didn't skip that part so anyway um so basically what you're seeing is we're starting to rehab our Fields now we're starting to resum um if we don't have the opportunity to rest our Fields especially during the growing season during the summer times um that is a more of a reality there's many cities in the state of Florida that actually replant their fields every year um which is very costly we've been very fortunate in here we're getting ready to resod city center that sod's been down for 30 years it's really probably 15 years too long um because anybody knows anything about grass which I didn't but I'm getting very good at knowing how it grows uh it does break down the Bermuda does break down and then it doesn't become true Bermuda but uh the guys do a great job they keep it up we do the best we can but as we get more and more play and we start playing multiple different sports on certain fields that becomes a much greater uh impact to our maintenance so I'm going to leave that to yall because I was enlightened it was it's digging finding the questions because we're all going to be having these questions given to us why why do I have this bill why do I why do I need a vote for this and uh ultimately what are you getting for the money what are you getting for the money and having cross SE expanded and then the west side that we talked about for rec centers it's it's needed so it occurs to be that councilman grubs has yet to be on the dis when their standing room only in the chambers and in the hallway and out into the parking lot with parents who couldn't get kids into Field Sports and not having enough sports it's not lost on the rest of us though this is long overdue incredibly needed and and you know with every amenity there is there's a cost but this cost for what you get is an incredible value for the future of our city and not only the residents that exist in the city today but one of the benefits of doing it this way is those who are coming to Port Orange later will have the opportunity to pay their fair share as well which is a great way to do this in a in a in a valued sense that spreads that cost amongst all of the users and all of the investors not only investors that we have in our city today but the investors that we're going to have in our city tomorrow and and he brings up at a a point that is often overlooked is that we provide almost a regional benefit um and and some like that and some don't like that and um you know for for the time that we can do that we will continue to do that but it will at some point you know if we cannot do something like this that's going to have to get restricted and that's going to have to get looked upon and that's going to be not a great day for anybody in Port Orange or the the region of this part of the county so good comments we talk about why to do it who it's going to serve I mean we've already I've said this million times before 5,000 people playing field sports in Fort Orange of the 16 municipalities and that's people of any and all ages that's more than twice our closest uh I guess you could use the word competitor not really competing but I mean it's the the second closest city that's more than twice that number so it speaks to the need and there are inciler benefits as well we talked about we're going to be paying money in maintenance uh that wouldn't that that'd be coming out of adval orm taxes and we're going to save that but every time somebody says well we don't like you know uh see the property built with more homes and this or that or whatever we need to all the times on this di that whenever something has come to us we've always tried to reduce the density and I think we've been successful to a certain degree there A lot of times these things don't ever become before us they're built the law they're uh uh built the way it is the only way you stop that and make sure that you have land and preservation is to own it and this gives us an opportunity to acquire some land preserve it park space uh becomes preservation space as well and instead of building on that more homes we have a place where I don't care whether you're age eight or you're age 80 you can go and enjoy it so that's the goal here so the the obvious benefits of service there are a lot of instiller benefits as well one of the things that you said and I kind of left it off was owning the land for the city of Port Orange for Parks so one of the things Susan told me today was dealing with the school system I'm not dising the school system on the school board so I know I'll have emails coming out the Wazoo from this one but the school system because of security we used to share Parks inside the school system and because of security they've gated it off closed it off so we have lost ball fields that used to be available for Parks and Recreation so when somebody goes why don't we have as many ball fields before where we are now it's because of that and and I know you can say it better than what I just did so you talk about that how that relationship works and where where we are and what the future may look like sure so before sorry I was going to say before I go to the public were there any other questions of Staff did you have anything you wanted to add I think he was asking me about the schools I've got a question whenever but don't need to be in um like councilman grub said this the schools when we when I first came here um we had a lot of relationsship with the schools and then you know probably your kids remember playing probably at sugar mill and super Creek Elementary Portables came in right schools started getting crowded Portables started going onto our Sports fields that we had on the property and then he spoke to the most recent changes we're seeing is due to school security and we all agree that is very very important um and understand why they have to do what they have to do but it did change the way and what we have to offer our citizens and far as far as Parkland is considered so what question did you have I I just thinking about long term right obviously this this Bond builds it but then we have to maintain it what council as I understand for decades has had a policy of of what to charge for fees for these Sports and what the recoup has been and what is that percentage currently roughly we've been asked to use the guideline of 30% of the total cost to revenue okay for the Department because because I I will say this you know um I mean I support this Bond I'm going to vote Yes here obviously um I I think hindsight's always 2020 you you didn't know schools were going to tighten down on security uh maybe didn't know how many people were going to flock to our Sports um and our programs that we have for people of all ages you know people younger than eight and people older than 80 but um I do think that there's going to have to be a serious conversation up here probably among future councils I don't you know I don't know that it'll matter in the time frame that Don and J are still here but what that recruitment percentage needs to be from a percent from a percentage point of cost because I I love the parks that are coming the rec center has proven to be a huge success we obviously need one on the west side I can go on and on which you've already done there is a maintenance aspect to this and I don't want you know I think the key to getting this passed when it goes to the ballot is going to be fully transparently telling our citizens the absolute truth and and making sure we're not hiding anything at all and there is a huge maintenance component with this and so I think that's something we have to be ready to look at is what those recruitments are going to be for programs what those prices are going to be for people who actually participate in the program but I mean as far as the bond itself and the things we we have an opportunity in front of us to do uh when you can't acquire land every day you know you can't put these kind of projects together every day this is a really really really exciting opportunity so but but there's just another component of it that doesn't something we have to be thinking about as we move forward Yeah we actually started those conversations last week on fees and the percentages and looking at that we plan on bringing something back to council uh in the fall for an October one start as we do every year on our fees but being able to show what that looks like on the cost recovery yeah anybody else okay I just think it's I just want to comment that I think as as this moov mes forward and as the as the message and and and what this brings to the community and and how the value um is increases the community that it's really important that while our hearts we will we will think a lot people will recognize this a lot of the times and associated with kids but the one thing about Port Orange and if you haven't seen it you're just not looking is this isn't all about kids I mean our hearts are with it because we want kids to have places and spaces and all of that stuff and we going to do that one way or the other but in our city this is an incredibly overwhelmingly active community and they need spaces to be active we hear it nonstop we've heard it nonstop they they become active in places that aren't designed to be active I mean you go to the Pavilion and there are people who are just walking the Pavilion because it provides a place to walk right so I just think it's really important the that everyone understands this is this is not just about building a baseball field or soccer field or whatever for eight-year-olds this is about having multi-functional facilities and space and that that needs to be kept very much in the Forefront because there is something in this for every single resident in for AR every every location that's right and it's and it will be spread across the entire municipality and all of our boundaries and so there will still only be one Susan there still will only be one Susan I have great people anyway I just I just think that's really important to make sure that that is clear in the message because you know while we have this has been a process ongoing for quite some time and we know a lot of the details and a lot of the thought and a lot of the the vision here it's hard to grasp all of that very quickly to make that decision but the broad sense of that that's what this is this is an investment for our community for everybody in this community all right let's go to the public would anyone here care to speak to the item come on up Barry good evening everyone Barry PC 5648 Bald Eagle Drive Port Orange uh it's great to see the enthusiasm and joy that is is showing with this um movement forward forward on the bond where I'm coming from is and you may have addressed some of this I'm sure you have is how are we going to be promoting it and advertising it and selling it because when people go to you know to to The Ballot Box and and they see an increase what does that increase do for me or take away from me or give me so I think it in coment upon us to be as creative as resourceful and as Progressive as we can be in selling this job that's all I have to say thank you you're welcome anyone else twice in one night I was thinking the same thing it's really and who we are you sir and Bobby ball with 59 kendrew I don't usually come up here as a resident very often so uh you get the I get the privilege to do that tonight um I'll be quick I've been a resident here for 44 years I grew up playing on these Sports Fields my kids have grown up playing on these Sports fields and um I think it's been a prior I've been on the parks and rec board now for a number of years and I think it's um it's been a priority for us and I am super excited that you guys are putting this forward and that the potential that it brings for my kids kids so thank you who else we got seeing no one else back to council final comments looking this way looking that way I see none on second reading of ordinance number 202 24-7 call to roll councilman FY yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastian yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernett yes by o and I do appreciate uh the fact that even though that we just finished our work up here at second reading the work in getting the word out is only just beginning um it is terrific to see this Council continue its commitment to a high quality Community one that takes care of its residents giving the residents the choice what kind of highquality community that they want to have knowing that this is one of the ways that we preserve the value of our community you know and aka the value of our homes and the cost uh and our ability to uh maintain uh the value Prospect of what is Fort Orange thank you everybody with that first reading of ordinance number 202 24-8 7eventh Amendment the Clark Professional Center and wedding chapel plan commercial development and master development agreement ordinance number 20248 is an ordinance of the City Port Orangeville County Florida approving the Seventh Amendment the Clark Professional Center and wedding Chapel plan commercial development master agreement and conceptual development plan providing for the repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for severability and providing for effective date move to approve ordinance number 202 24-8 second item is open and on the floor for discussion who do we have here Wayne good evening penel Cruz planning um so as you might recall um there was an amendment that came forward to the council about a year or so ago um for this same property and for some other adjacent properties in this PCD this particular Amendment um is only applied to the area you see highlighted in in pink there on the left at 5120 Riverside Drive that prior Amendment about a year or so ago the sixth amendment um it authorized the prior existing single family home that was on the property to be developed to be converted into a bed and breakfast as they got in there started doing the work they realized it was not financially feasible to convert that house um because of all the ADA requirements that were necessary it was a very old house um so that house has since been demolished the site sits vacant um and this second Amendment or seven I'm sorry Seventh Amendment um continues that idea of doing a bed and breakfast on the property but lays the the framework to do that in a in a kind of unique um small cottage concept rather than one single building with a common building where people can get food um like you would typically get a bed breakfast um Common Parking facility here um as well as um connections pedestrian connections to the rest of the PCD um where there are opportunities for um other uses and additional shared parking as well um so that's what this amendment is all about it's just taking that existing use that's already allowed on the property but setting up the framework to do it in smaller Cottages rather than one structure um this has been reviewed by the staff development Review Committee Planning Commission and staff for all recommending approval um so and the applicants here to answer any questions you might have as well okay questions of Staff Council none ready to go to the public already I think it's a I think it's a great project it's a yeah it's a it's a fabulous use of the property um I think we're allili familiar with this location and the property and how it has progressed and transitioned over the years I don't know that it could have been done any better um it has brought tremendous value in that area um and it's it's it's truly a gym of of the east side of the city now and so I I think this is a great idea this is an area of the city we want to reinvest in this is it this is a great and this is a great way to do it would the applicant like to speak first or would you like to try to talk us out of it you've learned learned you've learned uh would anyone from the public care to speak to the item they're being none back to us Council final comments call the rooll councilman fley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes 5 that brings us the first reading of ordinance number 202 24-9 the 10th Amendment of the master development agreement for Crystal Lake plan unit development nor of the city of for orange Val County Florida approving the Fourth Amendment to the 10 uh to the 10th Amendment approving the Fourth Amendment to the 10th Amendment it's a really thing there to the master development agreement for the Crystal Lake plan unit development providing for the repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for severability and providing for an effective date move to approve ordinance number 202 24-9 a second we have a motion and fortunately we got a second so the item is open on the floor for discussion Wayne who do we have here Tim Burman Community Development following an administrative MDA Amendment to the um lot 16 of the Crystal Lake Master development agreement then this property is currently owned by the city of Port Orange the proposed amendment is to assign the um uses that are allowed in the light industrial and the commercial industrial zoning districts on this piece of property it has had the future land use of Warehouse industrial for over 20 years and we are just assigning the uses that typically go with that future land use on this piece of property um this is also the property that Council had um indicated a few weeks ago or a few months ago at being Surplus and will be actively promoted for um sale um on the property so we're just kind of cleaning up the um land use and the or the zoning on the property and assign the uses that typically should go with that future land use staff is recommending approval and here for any questions jtim I know we've put this aside as Surplus but frankly even if we Market it I think we're still going to have trouble finding a buyer considering most of it is wetland is that not the case there's just the um kind of the burrow pit in the middle there then yeah but basically around that is um buildable land from what we've been um looking into right in the middle where most people would probably want to build something so we'll see what happens okay Council questions there being none anyone here care to speak to the item mayor council members Robert reinh 1425 Dexter Drive North um I would just like to say that uh and repeat what I've said earlier uh this is a Surplus City property and I think this is an opportunity for you to create uh affordable housing and um I think you should uh consider that uh instead of making it industrial um an opportunity to have some affordable housing in accordance with some of your other promises and programs thank you thank you whether it's I don't know whether it's industrial or whether it's housing or what whatever the case is that's kind of a this might be Surplus forever if it's it's not only a portion of it is usable one way or the other but we'll see anyone else care to speak to the item there being none back to counsel comments we can always reone it if we change our mind right uh call the role councilman fley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes 5 the public hearing portion of the meeting is now open additional items this is the part where we get to be mean of the city manager once a year and do his evaluation uh what I would like to do is first of all I'll ask all of you if you've had a chance to have a individual discussion with the city manager Mr Wayne Clark yes I have I going to uh looks like everybody's nodding and I'm going to assume that there's a consensus that we've all individually been able to uh uh have a discussion with him which I think is beneficial uh Wayne ours was quite long but I think we spent about 20 minutes talking about performance and then we spent the next two hours about talking about the city itself and uh that's I appreciate uh uh your vision and your ability to uh think from the 10,000 foot view I'm going to run down each of you individually first of all before we get into anything that we may or may want not want to do from a compensation standpoint what I want each of us to do is uh have a chance to give uh the public feedback portion of it and Reed you have the wonderful job of getting to go first oh it's an honor um now I already met with Wayne um as all of you did it's an interesting position to evaluate somebody publicly but you are a public servant as am I and so therefore you know this is just part of it um I when I met with Wayne I I laid out for him a lot of things I think that he did really well throughout the year uh overall you know I I scored him very high on on a lot of areas um and and brought up a few things that I noticed throughout the year um which those those are between me and him as to just personal feelings overall Wayne I think that you've really impressed me the most with your ability to uh hire and put the right people in the right seats um I think we've seen some really uh the new structure which was somewhat of a brainchow of yours um having an internal and external instead instead of having a true number two person I think that's played out pretty well so far uh um I think a lot of your department heads in your tenure here that you've put in the seats they've done a great job in their roles and I think um a lot of the staff that you've been involved in hiring have have really done a great job um I do think also um the morale I've noticed um amongst employees seems to have risen a lot in the last year to um and I I don't know what all that stems from but I think that's a lot of your efforts um um I've had you know employees come to me and tell me they feel like they have someone they can come talk to at the office and and and you know discuss things one-on-one with and that they feel like they have somebody in there that has their back while at the same time also is doing the best they can for the council and for the citizens I think you balanced all that very well um I think that overall man you know um I'm really glad you're here and and want to have you around I I think Riverwalk is still a big thing uh that I know you're working hard on I know there's you know always that that's a moving Target but it's something that um you know I think we're we're turning a corner on as we talked about today and so um yeah man overall I I think you're doing a great job I really do Dre that's hard to follow up typically I don't I I had my meeting in chat with Wayne and and um I don't share word for word what what I've done here but um the the written copy will be available I'll turn it over to Tracy again M uh exceeds expectations are outstanding in every category so very high marks very happy with his performance um and uh he's just done an outstanding job and ex exceeds All my expectations we're very lucky to have him as our manager and uh look forward as a city this is my last one I get to do of these I'll be done November so looking forward as a city to see where he him and the future councils take us over the next four eight 12 years I've been up here this I'm in my 12th year so uh this is the last one I get to these to do I will turn this hard copy into Tracy after the meeting it'll become a public record and if you want it they'll be happy to send you a PDF and you can review what I've written and the comments great job Wayne Tracy me and Wayne Uh met on Monday and uh probably a little lengthy conversations between us um uh being year one first time when this came around it was literally two months in so wasn't a whole lot other than uh scrapping out trying to figure things out um between the two of us we've uh had some bouts some good stuff and figuring out uh approaches of how his management style is and I like it management style is awesome the reality is the last two and a half years he has had a great opportunity to put people in place to make his job easy that means that he's doing a great job picking people his staff is pretty amazing you know I can't get up here and talk about staff being amazing all the time he's not picking the right people so his management style is is right on for the city of Court Orange in my eyes today the other thing is is like councilman Hy said the morale I wasn't here sitting in this position in the last previous years but I did sit out there in the audience listening and learning and seeing how moral was would being a citizen here in Port Orange for 30 years it's it's had some rocky uh Road bumps and it's nice to see and and finally really say that when people come up to me and they start complaining I I I I smile and they go has it been in the last two years let's not bring up dredge up history last two years things have excitingly changed inside the city of P orange and it's from employes that were internally promoted that saw the things and wanted to see things change and you guided them and I I want to say thank you it's uh it's been good um we got some projects in in front of us that me you have talked about and those are coming so we we'll see how those pan out for us so thank you Scott sounded like he's going to keep his job at least till the next council meeting that was a good start all right I um I I saw this thing on social media the other day and it was in response to you know as we all see on social media everybody's got an opinion about everything right you don't they don't always have the facts they don't always uh put forth information that's factually correct but everybody's got an opinion and it said some to the to the effect everybody's an expert until it's a time to prove it and um you know it's it's the city manager role in a municipal government like the city of Port Orange it has a lot of moving Parts it is complex as we saw when we went through the process to hire Wayne Clark there was some interest but it's not there's not a lot of people that can sit in that seat and do what city managers do and um you know as the year the years now are starting to go by I feel more and more confident about us making the right decision back then and and making the decision to continue uh having Wayne serve as our city manager um and you know to that a lot of a lot of residents a lot of residents really and and and they don't you know it's okay if it's out of if it's not something that it weighs on their mind or they really need to know but they don't they don't truly understand the former government we have in the city of P orange you know a lot of them think that the city council is a full-time Council we're here every day and we're involved you know up to our elbows in the day-to-day operations and that is the farthest from the truth it's a it's a strong city manager form of government and you have to have a strong city manager and you have to have somebody who is patient who has the right demeanor and has the right mindset and can build confidence in a team and and and like everybody else has spoke about putting the right people in the right positions and and and and there's also not only does Wayne do that well there's also never a Finish Line Wayne and I talked the other night and we we for a couple of hours like you talked about mayor and and that was the one one of the things you know we were talking about is there there's never a finish you never get to that Finish Line you never get to a checkered flag because it's always moving it's ever changing the city grows it redevelops um things get overcome by events that weren't expected hopefully we don't have any of those this year uh but and so you have to be able to adapt and Wayne does that very well and we talked a little bit about that and we talked about you know what is the what is the the what does tomorrow look like as well as um you know the next many years here in the city of Port Orange and and I think way shares a lot of the same vision that I have for the city of Port Orange and that I that I believe our residents have um and so to that um you know I truly appreciate the work that Wayne does and his commitment that he puts in with the city and and and he would be the first one to tell you uh as a city manager he continues to grow and develop um that's probably a NeverEnding thing because things change legislation changes I mean we were 5 minutes before we came into this meeting tonight we were talking about an issue and he reminded me of a legislative change uh and and so that impacts you know how we do things in the city of Port Orange and so there's a lot to keep track of and and having the team and the staff that Wayne has assembled uh is is quite good and and and and we we appreciate that Wayne and the job you do um my my message to Wayne is just keep doing what you're doing keep the city moving in the direction be you know be responsive be be adaptable which you have been and uh look forward to another great year with you good Wayne I appreciate the conversations that we've had and uh don't get too swelled ahead because we've still got a lot we want out of you even though seems like all of us are very happy Scott to hit the nail on the head this is a benchmark point this is you we're taking the temperature today uh and one thing I appreciate is that you bring Future Vision you're able to look one one three five 10 years out see where we want to be you want to be able to where do we want to be in six months uh you've made Staffing decisions uh uh you're not afraid to that have been very vital this city you are not afraid to admit when you make mistakes and you go to correct them because nobody gets it right all the time uh and that that's just reality uh and that is a weakness that a lot of leaders have is that when they do make mistakes they try to sidestep it hide it and avoid it uh and good leaders don't make a lot of mistakes but when they do they fix them and you've done that as well and I want that was something that was a lot of good things that have been said uh that is certainly among them the morale aspect of that uh is vital I've said this a thousand times up here we are a customer service organization first and foremost and if we don't have a happy engaged Workforce ready to take care of our citizens uh then we're in trouble and Wayne you set the tone and you put people in place to make sure that permeates down through the organization and I greatly greatly appreciate it because that has got to be uh things that we put in place that will last beyond all of us so to make sure that our citizens and their needs are taken care of we've got a lot of things going on a lot of projects coming up and uh first of all um and foremost I want to just say thank you I appreciate the ability to come and communicate with you frequently and often both formally and informally and I know that that's just between you and me and you've got the job of doing that times five not very many people have five boss is not one and being able to take public criticism and public praise is not easy uh but you do it and you do it well and I think that that sums it up for all of us that uh we seem to kind of like you at least for one more year here uh with that and all five of us being able to give feedback before we talk uh compensation or if we want to make any changes I just want to say that it has been our practice as a city to do these reviews for May for our city manager and for a City attorney in May so that as we go into budget season we don't have to make any budget adjustments and we uh in the course of uh a budget that's already been created we uh make these things uh implemented October 1st and unfortunately they have to wait for that uh we can do this any way you want to but that's been our past practice Council I I kind of like it because uh then we have accounted for this year and we don't have to change anything that we've done this year but we can plan accordingly for the future uh before I had that conversation Wayne I wanted to give you a opportunity to respond thank all of you for the opportunity U we have a great City council's provided the vision the resources to get there there are 500 of us on the team and our job is to make sure it stays that way it stays great U I love the challenge of it they always talk about if you if you like your job you never really work a day and and so I don't I don't count hours I don't count time uh the challenge there's never a dull moment there's never the same thing it's not a boring routine there's always something out there fun uh if we solve one thing we'll have another one another opportunity that there's opportunities all over for this community uh the best thing I can say is that I'm extremely fortunate to have the 500 people that are here helping make sure that we take care of it that it's safe that we have these great Parks we have these great opportunities uh that we have reliable infrastructure that this is a team that is embraced having us uh they they have us out there all the time I've worked in places where used to hope the manager never came like I've worked a couple jobs where I worked four or five years and never saw the manager leave and come over to our facilities uh we get out there all the time they invite us over when they're having cookouts or having meetings so we we do our best I know you guys are going to go out and see the fire training facility we've done that we we out at out in the field offices as much as we can the department heads I try to when I have regular meetings with them the idea is to get us out of here and go out and see things out in the city so we try to do that as much as we can so that you stay hands on you stay connected one of the things I think that we're most proud of is we put together something being responsive to our citizens not everything is a huge thing not everything may be as big as a bond or a river walk but if you live in the neighborhood and it's your line that's leaking or it's your your pothole or your sidewalk it's really important to you so it was really important to us to create a group of people that are responsive and not all the things that come in are are the city's responsibility but somebody that lives here isn't interested in being told here's the phone number for a some other agency you call them so one of the things that we've done is built really strong relationship ships with do fpnl the county so that when the when the situations come up where it isn't legitimately a Port Orange thing to deal with we call those people and bring them in and work together to solve our residents problems because that those are invisible lines to them they're not they're not real lines and so they're just looking for a solution and I think that team has worked out really well and all the Departments have contributed to going out and the idea that they will go meet you in your backyard or go meet you at your business to talk about that problem so that you don't have those Mis understandings that come from trying to talk to people over the Internet or or on the phone so I appreciate everything that they've done to to help this city be what it is and look forward to many more years with all of you thank you with that on the issue of compensation whether it be salary or retirement or anything like that I would entertain comments and possibly a motion mayor you know when you look at the the competitive list you know one of the things that we we strive to do is is is keep all of our employees and our departments in that upper third uh throughout the county and um there's an updated list that's been provided to us and and uh I think we should be looking to stay consistent with that and these things always change and fluctuate and that needle is is forever moving but um it it would be my uh recommendation that Council consider a 5% uh wage increase for the city manager um that doesn't put him you know I guess that putting around the the fifth in the county um granted there are there's quite a few city managers that have a lot of tenure with those cities but I think that would uh be quite competitive for for our city manager and something that I think we can work within our budget for I think also I appreciate that I I I think that with that I would also like Council to consider maybe a small adjustment to uh uh the defined contribution cap maybe raising that slightly from 10% uh it's actually lower than the F FRS equivalent I would like to see that move a little bit more closer a little bit more competitively you know whether it would be 13 15% uh if that's something that you all would want to do as well absolutely um but I'd certainly like you to consider that I I see some head nodding I did the math over here and that um as far as a salary if he's at 185 250 right now 5% 194 51250 um I was going to say mayor as far as the retirement goes um the sheet that we were provided actually says we have some people uh in the city getting 12% so I think 10 to 12 makes a lot of sense that's uh that's right there where the market is moving for reement moving from 10 to 12 okay I'm good with that seems like we have a consensus on both uh I just need it in the form of a motion well well hold on I I well hold on hold on okay look out Drew he's swinging for the fences like he normally does I feel it coming no not swinging for the fences okay so I just know your track record yeah well I I you know with his performance every year it gets better the I'm good with the 5% on the salary that'll put them like like Scott said uh four right at fifth um including uh Daytona city manager which the salary for that is way up there 292,000 um so Wayne would move up to fifth but um I'd like to do the uh you know basically his retirement is just that contribution and so I'd like to you know consider put 5% towards that five on the Sou salary five on that end 5% salary 5% as far as our contribution yes yeah and allowing him well 5% additional we do 10 right now right it's a 10% so we do five I'd like to do five more okay that's where I'm at I actually was looking to do more in salary so whether you want to put it in salary or whether you want to put it in benefit uh um what is the FRS contribution does anyone know um it may vary by the city yeah yeah it varies by City And that would be considered a senior management class um it's got to be it's got to be mid teens or higher I mean it seems like the 12% contribution is is pretty competitive in in in our area in terms of you know contributions to the to the retirement so I mean I I'm I'm feeling pretty comfortable with reeds thought there and then a 5% salary adjustment I think that's that's mov the heal quite a bit if if you want to do a little more Sal you could round him up to an even 195 which would be round it up to 198 you said 195 198 you said five five which would be 5.2% that would be a even 195,000 that so we have consensus at 195 and an additional two to get to 12 that's our consensus uh I'm have five on I no I you'll support the let let say the general support the 12 but I I think he deserves five I I think a lot more than this but I also know that we have to pay for it too so I understand that it's all within the realm what he deserves is a whole lot more than this I can't give him what he deserves because uh I'm also doing that on the backs of the taxpayers and I have to be respectful of that as well um I would entertain a motion I'll move to approve the city manager's wage increase to 195,000 annual with an increase of 2% for a total of 12% into uh the 401 effective October 1 of the that's October 1st and that's your motion do I have a second I'll second that any other comments from Council the item is open would anyone here care to speak to it there being none final comments councel well if it gets voted down I'll be looking for another motion but I don't think it will I know call to roll councilman yes councilman grubs yes counc Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernett yes 5 I'd say Wayne's buying but he can't do it until October City attorney same sure format like feedback from you guys on the City attorney let's start on this let's start with Drew this time okay same same type of thing the the my written hard copy will be available um we have an excellent City attorney he shines in all aspects of his job uh I the ratings I gave them were exceeds or outstanding for every category uh and so I am uh the city is blessed to to have him as they are Wayne um Matt continues to work hard and he does an outstanding job for us so um that'll be it I will submit this to Tracy and if anybody would like to see the written copy it is available okay want to get a Tracy so Matt and me uh met a couple weeks ago when I was in town and one of the things that uh I don't think everybody gets privy to is some of the information that what the Senate attorney uh has on his plate a lot of times uh some of the cases and trials and I want to say tribulations of money but uh it can get down right scary to have the city attorney's budget though turn back in that he did a phenomenal job last year and I don't think people know how good of a job he did but I'll say it locally that his budget was $100,000 back to the city he wasn't over budget he he had $100,000 left in this budget that came back into uh the city and to run a tight ship um and have that type of cash flow to come back to the citizens that's unheard of usually on the attorney side it's we're shielding we're protecting we're doing everything but that was a was a Kudos times 10 on that one Matt and uh so yeah uh it's trying to figure out what is right for the pay that's going to be the difficult part Scott yeah you know um our our role with the city attorney is quite a bit different than it is with the city manager we you know no no offense to to to Matt Jones and his team and his staff but if I had to spend every day talking to the city attorney those was would be really bad days so no offense I like to hear from you and I appreciate you being there when I need you um but but to that it's interesting because we don't see the City attorney as frequently as we do and spend as much time as we do with the city manager and his staff because of all the the moving Parts in the operation of the city uh the management of the city the but you know to digress for a second not all of the Cities municipalities in Bush County even have an in-house City attorney Mo most of them don't they they they Farm all this stuff out and I cannot imagine the hurdles and headaches of that with five Council folks or five Commissioners or seven in some cases trying to deal with you know a private Law Firm that's on a contract and um you know there there's tremendous value in having an in-house City attorney with the responsiveness and and attorney Jones is incredibly respons responsive um I I don't I don't really have any critiques for attorney Jones he he he has become seasoned he's very experienced now you know it still seems like you and I were having a conversation up here on the Das just a couple of years ago and you forget how long it's actually really been and he's been with the city a really long time um you know I'm I am more concerned with the fact that I think we we have we have not kept that position as competitive and pay as it should be and so we need to have that discussion tonight when everybody's done with their comments but um I I concur with with Tracy's comment you know one of the biggest things is is he's not a City attorney who just says I've got this much money and we're going to spend it all every year he's he's mindful of of that which I truly appreciate um um and he's he's he's very responsive I guess that's the probably the biggest thing is him being available and responsive to all us when when we do need to have these conversations and things occur and things are going to happen things are going to occur you know there are going to be incidents and in in legal matters that have to be dealt with even though we don't want to deal with those sometimes um and he's got the right demeanor in the mindset and his his interest is always in doing what's best for our taxpayers and I truly appreciate that for sure okay greed yeah I agree with what a lot of what Scott said um I think Matt's a very valuable asset again Matt sorry you're getting talked about you know to your face behind your back but um he's a valuable asset he's a HomeTown guy um I think the thing that's impressed me most over the last year or two uh from his office is actually just his depth of knowledge how quickly he has the answer I need top of mind it's not even something he's sometimes a big well let me look into that and get back to you but usually he's already on it you know he already has the answer to the question that I'm going to ask um I think he does a good job the budget thing is is really really impressive uh bringing that forward because um it does and I think C manager staff you know I think Council we've rewarded that uh because we we are not a council that believes use it or lose it uh we've never we've not been that policy with uh people that if you know you set the budget uh I know other cities where if you don't spend every dollar you lose your dollar the following year and that is not how we've operated on this Council and I think that's U I think mattch rewarded us with that by continuing to bring money back that way um overall I like I said it's it Scott's right I'm glad I don't talk to the City attorney as much as I do the city manager it would uh probably mean that we have other things going on and the fact that I don't I think it's one of those cases where no news is usually good news so U but Matt I I do appreciate you being here man I think you are a a huge asset to our community and to our residents and um I also agree with Scott on the compensation side uh mayor you just said we try to keep everybody in the top third and uh it's kind of alarming you know I I I was the one who did not vote for the race two years ago and I voted last year because I had some numbers this year the numbers are scary that he could leave us and go be a valua County Deputy attorney and make more money than we're paying him that is really scary to did you have to tell him that out loud you know what yeah I think I think I did I think he's uh I think he's been held down for being a homer for a long time and I think that uh maybe it's time we reward him for being a homer it's too long of a commute he's not interested read I I I I would agree with you because the the uh salary survey the comparisons that we were given and again several cities use you know not in they hire it out Farm out the legal work which um I I'm not interested in doing and uh right now I believe we got the finest attorney that's available and he is the lowest paid attorney let let me let me give you my feedback maybe I can talk y'all out of this I I want to make sure we do something private well I can't really talk out of this because most of what has been said is along a l um Matt I I'm very pleased with the progress that uh uh we have made as aity City and how you've played into that uh I always talk about customer service the city manager is in charge of line operations and you are have a staff function of supporting that uh you're customer service to all the other departments and we've made a lot of strides in being able to step up to that uh one thing that I always do every year I I I have semi I have monthly meetings with the city attorney but uh quarterly or or or or or or or or here and there we'll always talk about Staffing within his department but at least once a year we will talk about that as well because I don't feel like I'm just reviewing you I'm reviewing the performance of your entire department so it's good to have the conversations that we had about your people uh the things that you uh they've done their progress how they're supporting you and how they're supporting uh the city and I appreciate the fact that we're getting 100% commitment from you and your entire department not just yourself and that that goes a long way with uh my argument for supporting I think what what these guys are are are are aiming at so with that we can talk about what you guys may or may not want to do compensation wise and that can include retirement as well as salary so um does anybody have any suggestions or recommendations Drew you've taken Avid notes I see you've been taking you're away at a calculator I've got a spreadsheet open you've got a spreadsheet open from you well I start by saying I think we have to I'd like to see us go to 12% on his retirement as well as what we just did with Wayne because he that's a 10 now I think that's also something we need to consider here so make sure I'm good with that but let's get to the other number the salary I do okay well I think we just settled the easy one because we're consistent with both positions that way as well I think at uh one of the things that was brought up was dealing with the vucha county that they got um three attorneys Deputy attorney and all the way up to the full range County attorney um to match into a deputy attorney so we don't have him staying inside Florida State retirement and going over to County Sheriff's Office is by doing that you go into 7 and a half% and and that brings it to 172 that's 7 and a half% and then putting the 2% onto the for State retirement I'm not sure 172 does it for me me either I personally like to see at least 180 but what's your spread sheet jur I I know I want to hear what Jer has to say he's we have the low number now see one thing if you I'm good on the 2% so here here's my idea the the lowest paid I don't know how long tenur he is but the low the deputy County attorney is 173 I I'd like to see 175 at least I'm going to maintain that the city of new samna beach should not be paying their attorney more than ours that's where I came up with 185 but more than that it's one thing to give up a percentage raise on top of some body who's making what they should be being paid you know so if have a comparable salary scale and you're giving a percentage raise on top of that uh the Merit and the like it's earned he's not there right now so I to me it's like I'm going to throw the percentage out the window and get you to the dollar amount where you should be I I think that comparably I I'd like to land somewhere between the 173 and the 182 between the two Deputy because that is a different the the count is a different thing than the city of PT orange absolutely and we we have used that analogy a many a times to discuss many things so I think that it would be very wise for us to be somewhere between those two uh counties 182 the two deputies 182 would leave us slightly behind uh Orman and new samna but on par at least so I think 178 might be a good number that's that's basically 1,500 a month it's 18 ,000 do quick mouth uh 178 I think is probably here again I'm not worried about the percentage it I'm not even I'm not even talking percentage Yeah I'm talking dollar amounts y y I've got um and I could do that really quick because I have the spreadsheet ready uh 178 would get him a that' be an 11.25% raise right now which is inconsequential as far as get just getting him where he needs to be I I don't know Tracy where do you think he should be wow where he should be and where I want payroll payroll to be for the overall absolutely citizens is two different things you know always this this is a difficult thing you sit here and you go what he needs to be at is $180,000 to get him there when people are fighting inflation and everything else these are Big Numbers I'm not saying that he's not worth it it's what does it do to sacrificing the dollar amounts to our citizens you know if we go in there at 11% I think he said yeah it's 11.25 it it's it's up there well take a look at this he saves us $100,000 in his department and we're giving him 20 to get him to where he should be I mean 172 was 7 and a half% so you were comfortable with that yeah um I'll throw something else out there I I asked Matt this question and and had him email me something about just where he was uh student loanwise uh because he has been held down for a while um I don't know if this is something you guys would have an appetite for but he's got a little less than $5,000 remaining according to the information he gave me um if we can't agree on a salary number maybe we can agree on a lower number but a one time to help him finish paying off that we had programs for employes for a while if they didn't have a degree we would pay that tuition um for them to get a degree it wouldn't be but but he arrived with his degree so it's slightly different yeah I'm I'm not sure that I want to go down that road because it's a different Road for everybody depending on where they got their education and H and how they did to get there but uh it's interesting thought it's just just trying to think about how we might come to a compromise when this is all over well honestly I mean that five grand would be one time thing I just assume put that into his salary um and make him bring you a receipt I'm kidding no no he he it was a joke forget the student loan thing I let me do this how do you feel about 180 I'm there how do you feel about 180 I I think 180 is where we need to be that still keeps he's still the lowest he's still the lowest paid City attorney in Lucha County at 180 you feel I think that's the area where it needs to be honestly yeah I I was at 178 um I'm so what's two more at that point to get him to still be the lowest paid City attorney is wild I think he all gives us value well beyond 180 but at the same time we have to uh be respectful of the taxpayers who are paying it that's why I can't go also would like to know new submer attorney gets a 22% contribution well these num these numbers are also this year I mean they'll probably be they're going to change they're going to change probably still going to fall behind you guys will have a very interesting conversation next next year next May than in the meantime it's this may and uh I'd like to entertain some sort of motion I'll make a motion that we increase the City attorney salary to 180 and increase his uh Define contribution plan by 2% to 12% I'll October 1 affected October 1st I will second that we have a motion a second on the floor Council comments there being none would anyone here care to speak to every penny there being none back to us I I'd say this Matt you should feel very good about this because it's earned we would not be having this conversation I don't think if it was not for all of the work youve put in um it it's not just this is this is more than Market this is Merit and I think you should be very proud of that and I think one thing to take in toll of that is you know $100,000 saved you know people we're going to get blasted either way for this one we are going to get blasted yeah this one's because people people don't see these numbers like we see up here of everybody else we making I wish those I wish those numbers were on the TV so people I can hear less about making Market wages unless we're getting the Merit you know hasn't he done 100,000 two years in a row yeah was it two years two years in a row six figures he's brought back so it's already it's already saved us the salary back okay we have a motion and a second uh any other comments or questions there being none call the roll councilman FY yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes 5 that was plenty awkward and painful Mr Jones do you uh have any comments just briefly I just want to thank the the five people up there in the office that you know keep everything going I know there's 500 employees on the other side but there's only six of us that are constantly trying to to keep everything moving and um you know I I think a lot of that money coming back is is really a product of their hard work um but also the manager team you know um some of that was was also part of you know getting the the morale turned around and and fixing some issues that that he's taken care of on that side too so I think that actually uh works with us as well um but I wanted to thank those five employees of mine um that make me look good so thank you they do a damn good job of it with that Council committee reports fire pension board councilman Poley I actually have a pretty length of report here um pretty exciting the plan year to date is up 14.8% 5.8 million outstanding more than the S&P and more than the NASDAQ that's the first quarter that I could find where that occurred um which is pretty pretty exciting there um City contribution is actually going down um from 78% down to 74% um but it is important to note that part of the reason that percentage is coming down is because it's a percentage of payroll and payroll has gone up due to all the wage increases that we've given which have affected the plan's um Actuarial funding um I have more State funding coming in because of that it's also back to over 70% funded which is uh awesome and uh during the meeting uh we fin we agreed for to engage with James Moore who's going to be auditing the payroll systems um so that was something that the board agreed to do nice um so I just want to say thank you to my fellow board members on that board uh there's and and Frank who actually manages the plan um there's been a lot of hard work put in by everybody and I think that we saw some of the results of that this quarter um and and I appreciate all of their efforts sincerely I really do yeah I would ask that on behalf of the entire Council that at the next meeting that you express our gratitude and and and what I don't want Tope but this this is this is a great Trend the they're trending in the right direction they're managing the Investments they're they're they're looking for those gains to help the solvability of the pension plan and and I so look forward to us getting that Pension Plan over that 80% Mark that we're all looking for and so that we can start evaluating the ability to maybe even improve the benefits in that plan so um you it's it's great when they're taking advantage of Market opportunities as as best as possible and then minimizing losses in those other times and that's really what we need to get it there oh yeah it's good I'm really I I'm eager to see the next meeting I really am yeah okay Council Foley what is their um assumed rate of return it's 7.25 right now we we left it there at seven and a quarter so not quite double but that's a heck of a good return yeah that and that was that was yeah good stuff good police pension board councilman Bastion that would be me similar good news so um year to date 13.53 Neta fees um and as of March 31st the plan was valued at uh 63 m971 th000 in change uh and as of May 17th April was a little bit of a rough month but as of May 17th it's gone up an additional 400,000 that it's sitting at 64 m335 uh, so and the plan is 87.2 n% funded so it continues to Trend in the right direction um things are going good over there and uh we it's yeah the the investment managers and the whole all the people we have working on that plan um have done a really good job and uh continues to show and I I mean these are very good numbers for that plan so it's it's good news okay for sure Hard House councilman grubs I missed the uh last meeting I was overseas during their uh monthly meeting um just a followup phone call with them is they're got two projects that they're trying to come to council with later on okay one is dealing with the building and murals and then we keep toying with the Down Under projects for the columns until we can get projects going underneath that so things are coming about okay first step shelter uh that would be me uh I was elected the vice chair of this uh Board of Directors for First Step shelter and actually had to run a meeting this month but a couple of things that came away with uh over the course of time since the shelter opened almost four years ago we have put 16 people from uh city of Port Orange through the shelter uh and into home uh into homes through the program but even even greater than that the safe Zone has only been open about 2 and a half years the city of Port Orange uh and popd has put 81 people into the safe zone so that as far as being pottinger compliant that's terrific as far as helping people that's absolutely terrific uh so I I would maintain that we're getting Great Value uh for the dollars that we're spending and certainly knowing that we're getting more value and uh when we get into a budget disc discussions I'll be asking us to consider spending a little more because uh when we allocated that dollar amount originally there was no safe Zone and four or five years ago you know costs of things have gone up a little bit Sun so we got to make sure that we're taking care of uh maintaining Our obligation to make sure that we're getting the benefit from that Ford AR South Daya Chamber of Commerce last week we had a job fair uh in conjunction with the chamber at the wreck uh that was a fantastic event got a couple things coming up including uh ribbon cutting tomorrow for pixie dust accounting and on the 30th U uh coffee and connections uh is coming up with the chamber as well uh look forward to having conversations with them about the things to come and Round Table of elected officials met last week uh we had report from the hospitality and tourism uh Lori Campbell Baker from Halifax ad Authority Debbie Mills from Southeast valua ad Authority uh our person Georgia Turner the West fucia tourism Bureau Lyn planders from the ocean Center and Sirus the aviation and economic Services Department director for Valia County and we also had Jim judge and Clint me mechum talk to us about the County's hurricane prep for the year uh so that was the round table of elected officials before I conclude Wayne did you have anything that you wanted to add including introducing somebody want me to introduce our you want me to introduce our new HR Director oh gee that might be a great idea Michelle do you want to come up Michelle's been with us for about a month now I'm notoriously bad at at time so it feels like about a year or so that she's been here but been a short period of time very positive impact you want to give them a little bit of background on yourself um yes I came from Vero Beach where I was the uh recent director of employee and Labor Relations for the school board been there about four and a half five years um I spent about 7 months back in Michigan helping my mother out from surgery and whatnot and here I am in Fort Orange um so I am originally from Michigan Michigan State graduate um twice and I'm really excited to be here serving the city um I have a lot to learn about the city side of things and uh Wayne and many of the other staff have been helping me learn that stuff um but I'm really excited to revitalize the HR function um I've partnering a lot with Matt who is also helping me out um learning and you know getting used to everything so it's a great experience I'm I'm really so impressed with this city um what I see and the enthusiasm going on with the staff so I'm really excited to serve you here and uh get to know you better and she's giving you the humbled descript so in just in a few weeks she has actually been able like a lot of us had struggle with workday to try to find information and pull it out of it she showed up at the last meeting that I had with it were like 18 charts with tons of data on on various Personnel related Trends so in in just a real short period of time she has upped our game on numbers and Trends in order to through a variety of things whether it's going to be risk management to lower our cost to the community reduce turnover uh do a better job of hiring uh so so there's a whole lot of of professional positives in a really short period of time but I couldn't believe somebody showed up in that short period of time with that much information and that much depth and started going through numbers you know Personnel by Personnel that that's a very quick absorption of a lot of stuff well you can't fix you count you're already raising the bar for yourself yeah that's good I have to live up to that there you go I'm have to come with more more info but yes I mean I feel like you can't um improve anything unless you know what it is and and how much and what it looks like and uh can't move the needle unless you're counting the the the the important stuff so you got to know where you are to know where you're going that's exactly right there you go appreciate you when you went back to Michigan for what seven or eight months uhhuh did you go into shock with the weather like how did your body handle that not well if you were there seven months you were in you saw some cold that's right yeah it I got through a mild winter mercifully um we didn't have much snow up there this year but yes it was certainly cold and my two cats were not enthralled with this idea so welcome to Port orang thank you so much it's a lovely city any other business come before this evening thank you there being none thank you everybody have a good night