##VIDEO ID:B6-PtpEBWTQ## I would please rise for invocation by Pastor Sheila Turner a touch of him his H Ministries and we will follow that of course by the Pledge of Allegiance let us bow our heads and hearts unto the Lord we thank you Father for allowing us to be here one more time for this beautiful city of Port Orange Florida we thank you Father that you covered us from the storm and we are doing pretty well so far in this great season so we thank you Father that you're going to allow us to make the right decisions for this beautiful city in Jesus name we pray amen amen thank you you're welcome thank you Pastor I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with and justice for all will the clerk call the role here here here here here all at present we have a full Quorum so that takes me to the point where I can immediately call a temporary recess so that we can reconvene as the Town Center CRA so I will pass the gavel down to Mr gets to chair this I called and hold on just second because we got mik's coming up we got to get the the best part about this is we get see the attorney walk away a uh oh did I say that Matt okay Mr all I call the regular meeting of the Port Orange town center community redevelopment agency to order clerk will you please call the role here here here here here here all right are there any objections to the notice of this meeting hearing no objections the notice is accepted do I have a motion to approve through the minutes of the March 19th 2024 second all right I have a first and a second can we call the roll yes yes yes yes bened yes yes all right uh item three is a resolution number 24-1 Port Orange Town Center CRA tax increment district for fiscal year 2025 operating budget may I have a motion before you do that I'll be happy to read that into the record for you Mr CH I would appreciate that resolution number 24-1 is a resolution of the Fort Orange town uh center community redevelopment agency the city of Port Orange ficia County Florida adopting the annual budget for the Port Orange town center community redevelopment Agency for fiscal year beginning October 1st 2024 and ending September 30th of 2025 providing for conflicting resolutions providing for scrier errors and providing for an effective date excellent read out now may I have a motion so moved all right we have a second stillner stillner all right very good all right we have a motion we have a second does anyone here have a comment from the C members seeing none is anyone from the public wish to speak to this also seeing none any back to us one final time all right clerk please call the roll yes yes yes yes yes yes all right so six very good is there any further business to be brought before the members of the Port Orange town center community redevelopment agency all right seeing none I hearby adjourn this meeting and we'll pass the gavl here to Chairman grubs for the Eastport Business Center Michael appreciate your hard work on this one that was uh everything I can do for the city there you go perfect going to say I call the regular meeting of the Eastport business center community redevelopment agency to order Clark will you please call the RO yes here here here here yes here are there any objections to the notice of the meeting here are no objections the notice is accepted uh do I have a motion to approve the minutes of the March 19th 2024 meeting on the Eastport business Cent moved second cler call yes yes yes may yes sorry Vice chairman chairman yes so item three is a resolution number 24-1 Eastport Business Center CRA tax uh increment uh District of fiscal 2025 operating budget Mr chair I'd be happy to read that into the record for you please sir resolution of the Eastport business center community r Redevelopment agency at the city of Port Orange fuchia County Florida adopting the annual budget for the Eastport business center community redevelopment Agency for the fiscal year beginning October 1st of 2024 and ending September 30th of 2025 providing for conflicting resolutions providing for scrier errors and providing for an effective date I make motion may I have a motion on the item uh three resolution for 24-1 so moved I he a second you need to R out will second your fine motion that's fine okay move to resolution number 24-4 approving the Eastport Business Center CRA tax increments in District for fiscal 2025 operating budget and hearing a second we have a motion on the floor and propose second ask for uh comments of CRA members anybody no sir okay uh public comments final comments from the CRA members all right please call the RO yes yes yes yes yes uh any further business to be brought before the members of the Eastport Center announce announce the vote total UH 60 or 50 50 there you go okay uh any other business nothing from us okay there being none I will adjourn the meeting and pass the gaval back to the mayor all right way to go gentlemen oh by the way you only needed a Voice vote on the minutes but I was happy to let you both run with it with that uh public comments on consent agenda items only yeah I was looking your way Robert come on up mayor council members robt rhagen 1425 Dexter Drive North for Orange um I would like to comment on item 7 C approval of the First Amendment to the recer service agreement um item three in in the uh agenda packet said section 7.i of the agreement is hereby added acceptable forms of payment shall include any of any two of the following groupings one cash cashier checks money orders or Travelers checks grouping two bank debit or credit card or grouping three mobile payment services digital wallets or other and um my concern is that they get to choose two out of three and they could choose to not accept number one which is cash and that seems uh unacceptable to me and I'm I would hope that it would be unacceptable to you also um the idea that we're going to go cashless it uh I think it it hurts the poor people the people that live from Check to Check and um so I asked you to review that and to determine if you can make a decision to make it more liberal in that the uh Towing agent has has to accept cash thank you thank you anybody else on the consent agenda with that uh moving on Council may have an approval motion to approve the agenda for the evening so moves second we have a motion appr proper second for approval of the agenda for the evening uh all all in favor signify by saying I I I the agenda for the evening is approved can I have a motion to approve the consent agenda items 6 through 12 move to approve consent agenda item 6 through 12 second we have a motion proper second on approval of the consent agenda call the rooll yes yes yes yes yes by vot Robin do I have any comments uh comment cards for public no public participation comment card and we will move on to council comments Scott why don't I start with you thank you mayor I've got a couple of things so uh I'll try to move through these as quick as possible um we we I briefly brought it up um at our last actual council meeting it was kind of a had just occurred but the unfortunate passing of the Dayton Beach Shores former Dayton be Shor city manager Michael Booker and at that time we did not have his uh official obituary to read into the recer Michael Booker was uh not only a a great partner regionally for valua County as a longtime city manager I time up sorry it's okay uh Rusty yeah the longtime city manager for the city of Daytona Beach Shores which is uh a neighboring community and and a great partner of ours in a lot of ways um so his his his passing was definitely a sad moment for all of us uh but he was also a resident of the city of Port Orange and because of his contributions uh to us regionally I wanted to make sure that we read his obituary to honor him into the official record of the city of Port Orange Michael T Booker age 66 of Port Orange Florida passed away peacefully on July 14th of 2024 after his Battle of cancer he was born on February the 16th 1958 in Cape Charles Virginia he was the son of the late Thomas Booker and Nancy Williams Booker after graduating from Cape Charles High School in 1976 Michael also known as Mike to his friends and family attended Sal B State University where he received his bachelor's degree in history and the University of Delaware where he received his master's degree in public administration Michael dedicated his career to local government and several jurisdiction over his 36 years making positive impacts through his application of successful manager counsel relationship broad policy knowledge and strong leadership skills he had the utmost appreciation of all his employees often expressing that his success as a manager was attributed to their hard work and dedication he started his City management journey in 1987 at the city of Milford Delaware and served through 1996 in 1996 he migrated South to the town of Bethany Beach where he served as Town manager of a smaller tourist population a popular Beach Community until 1999 afterward he finally settled at the city of Daytona Beach Shores looks like he was looking for warmer climates through the career good moves proudly serving as the city manager of the agent be Shores until his retirement in 2022 Michael had many interests particularly in sports where he was an avid golfer a zealous University of Florida Gator fan and a dedicated Sidelines spectator of his children's teams even serving as a soccer coach for Port Orange YMCA Youth Soccer many will remember his big smile his witty sense of humor he also enjoyed traveling golf outings with friends and colleagues and playing his drums he had a fondness for Jazzy sports cars and convertibles and the Simplicity of a fine cigar in addition to loving his pets most of all he favored The Simple Pleasures of being at home and spending time with his family in addition to his parents Michael was predeceased by his son Andrew M Booker he is survived by his wife Tracy Tanner Booker son Zachary T Booker of Camp Pendleton California daughter Samantha C Booker of Jacksonville Florida and several stepchildren and step grandchildren and while age 66 is way too uh young for anyone to pass um he had a valiant fight with cancer and uh we'll remember him for a long time for his contributions regionally to Southeast FIA County specifically so um and Tracy's here tonight Tracy did you want to say anything I don't want to put you on the spot you don't have to so thank you so much for honoring him and he loves his community and service where he left AIG Legacy in he did he'll be missed thank you all right all right um we had a press release and I don't mean to put the police chief on the spot but if he wants to come up and touch on it he can but I just wanted to make note that uh we had a very troubling and tragic incident that occurred in our city um there the last week of July where a 13-year-old became the victim of a shooting in which they were handling there were some juveniles I guess handling uh some firearms and a firearm was discharged and uh into the body of a 13-year-old I want to get into too many of the specifics of that but definitely a very concerning situation uh today the for Orange Police Department released an updated press release I would encourage people that have the ability to find that press release and please share that throughout blushia County they have arrest warrants for a person who they believe is responsible for selling Firearms to these young juveniles in the bla County community and this is somebody that needs to be located and brought into custody Chief did you want to any other comments on that um Mr city manager can we request the chief come up yes sir just got to follow the charter y Jane in command and I've got the I've got the press release in front of me if you have there's anything else you want me to talk about good evening mayor vice mayor counsel uh Manny Marino chief of police uh that is correct we did put that uh press release out today and on our social media we are looking for that individual that case is still ongoing uh we continue to investigate uh we were fortunate to recover several weapons including the two from the night of the incident and then from follow-up investigation an additional four uh off the top my head I believe three of the four that additional guns that we stole that we recovered were stolen in fact uh in the system as stolen from various locations so so I don't want to get too in depth in it we will continue to work it um but we wanted that out uh we have been looking for that individual so we're looking forward if anyone from the public knows you know he is to the area both familiar to Orman Beach and Edgewater particularly uh but we know he's been to Port Orange obviously through our investigation so we're asking if anyone has any information to please call uh the numbers that are listed on the press release itself and we can find that on the Port Orange Police Department social media Pages correct that is correct yes okay and I'm sure that photo and and all that's also been released to the print media as well yes that was off our media release that we put out this afternoon and we wanted to get it out on all of our platforms excellent thanks for the hard work on that gks Scott else what else you got um Wayne I wanted to you don't have to expound on it tonight but I know we switched vendors uh to maintain the medians on dun Lon um maybe at the next meeting if you can get us an update cuz it they're looking bad I mean there are weeds growing through the tops of the bushes 12 18 in higher than the bushes themselves and it just doesn't seem like there's like the new vendor is attentive to that we need to get on top of that as quick as possible because there was a lot of money invested in those and we tried to simplify it in the design to make it very easy to have success to keep them looking good and they just they just don't look good I mean the the weeds and the trimming and stuff like that is bad there's there's dead grass in a lot of the places there's fungus evidence of fungus on it I don't know what's going on with the spraying but if you can maybe the next meeting give us an update on that and let us know what's going on with the new vendor and and and how we hold them accountable and responsible for it I know it seems like it's an Ever it's just it's something every year we I've been on Council we're we're always seem to be talking about how can we not get this maintained we've tried to make it as simple as possible so if you can bring us back some information on that that would be great okay that's all I got oh one last thing I don't I don't have an obituary um but we had another uh resident of Port Orange Robert troop uh passed away from his battle cancer if anybody didn't see that um we'll be looking to try to honor him and read his obituary here in the near future but um he served on some Community boards y uh and was was was a really good member of the community not only a resident but a business owner who you know he sponsored Little League teams and soccer teams and like I said had served on I think it was the uh police or the fire pension board at one point and then maybe the general employee pension board too and it was might even been a couple other uh boards and and so anyway unfortunately uh Bob another huge Florida Gator fan they got some good they got some good ones up there uh now uh he did pass so our thoughts and prayers with his family as well Tracy what you got tonight I want to start with uh Robert what you were talking about earlier dealing with uh ER record I understand uh where you're coming from on that uh two weeks ago I had an incident uh with my son with a vehicle and currently the only thing error record does is cash only they they don't accept any credit cards at all nature of the businesses they love cash yeah so as of right now it's 100% cash and I know that firsthand um and we're just trying to get a secondary source there that people that don't have have cash laying around the house early in the morning that they can use a debit card even though some people think a debit card is the same as cash it's it's not if it's not accepted so that's that's reason part of the contract is going that way uh the other is is I want to thank uh the staff and the community as a whole for preparing tropical storm we dodged a bullet North Florida got pounded um but I I don't want to make light of that I want to make sure that people understand that these preparedness are things that we live in Florida and we need to take and maintain the safety of the city as citizen safety of the city can be done by you also by as simple as checking drains the ones that may be in your neighborhood or right in front of your house or your neighbor's house if your neighbors are on vacation in August which a lot of people take vacations checking the drains is as simple as a rake if you can get out there and maintain so those type of things I I did watch and see uh during the last couple of days it's it's a great thing to see the community pulled together but also the staff out and driving if you didn't see the trucks they were everywhere driving and maintaining and looking so thank you very much staff and uh lastly is um been getting a lot of phone calls on the bond initiative um you know early voting is out and people are asking the question and I think one of the big ones that has been asked by me um to me is dealing with the bond initiative what is it you know what what are we actually doing here and there's so many ways that could be explained it's on the website uh I know it's out there uh for people to read but the big one for me when I was talking to my parents was really simple to my dad it's not just for us today it's for our kids in the future that's what we're paying for in this Bond initiative is expanding onto the parks and services but also to our grandkids and great grandkids is what this is going to help as we go forward so also keep in mind that when we purchase land for parks and enjoyment that's land we're preserving and not developing correct particularly in the carassi area that where that's very vulnerable you good I'm good Reed what you got tonight well um this is hilarious uh Tracy was just talking about drains um I did a bike ride today and um that's not funny uh well unfortunately I saw several drains where people have piled things and I mean literally piled them in the area um and I've given Wayne a list of those um I know staff went above and beyond here in the last several days for Preparation I appreciate them um cuz I I I drove around a couple of neighborhoods and saw how much work had gone in prep from street sweeping to debris removal and other things like that so um very thankful for all that effort I it's more just to the residents is like please when these storms are coming please do not make it harder on us to prevent things from happening especially in your own neighborhood um the one drain must have had I don't know three or four Palm frons laying in it and other thing and I I took picked it all up moved it to the side but um it's still we we just have it takes a village when it comes to these storms um I'm glad we were prepared I'm glad that we approached the way everything the way we did I'm glad we weren't hit but we got to make sure that we're all doing our part when it comes to that in our city um and then so I I feel like it's contrary to what you just said so you know maybe I'm speaking to my my part of town but either way um the other thing is I want to remind everybody in two weeks it is election day uh want to wish all the candidates good luck um all of our Port Orange seats will be decided in two weeks because we don't have any option for a runoff there's only two people in each seat that are running uh which means we will not have a council meeting in two weeks we'll be meeting on Wednesday instead of Tuesday but get out and vote good luck to all of our candidates um and yeah that's pretty much it with that early voting begins this Saturday that will run from this Saturday the 10th through Saturday the 17th every day from 8 to 6 in Lakeside Community Center just across the way here is a one of the seven uh early voting sites that you can take advantage of anywhere in the county doesn't matter where you vote uh at the early voting sites uh unlike on Election Day you have to go to your Precinct but you can go to any of the early voting sites uh uh during uh early voting so that's the 10th the 17th 8 to 6 and city and county races are are among them so yeah absolutely appreciate you bringing that up mhm Drew what you got I got nothing mayor excellent report thank you thank you uh well and Reed I appreciate you mention the city and county elections and early voting already starting uh I just also wanted to mention along with storm prep September is typically the peak month of hurricane season a lot of people picked up sandbags and I was out there and a lot of them were asking me do you think I'll need these and I said I don't think so but I'd rather you have them and not need them than the other way around so what I'm telling people is when you get your sandbags save them for the season please please save them for the season because the last thing if we do have a storm coming our way and we have Mo big lines we we've opened up as many as five locations for sandbags in the city at the same time and I've seen them all be very busy in the past as I visited the mall um you can avoid that by saving your sandbag so if you've already got sand hold on to it for the season uh we're not into the peak of it yet so hold on to those things and then you will be ahead of the ball game and you can worry about other things to do with preparation and you don't have to shovel it twice you don't have to shovel it twice that's true uh with that Wayne I appreciate the fact that we had plenty of Staff out there to help people through that um I know that uh people were told to bring their shovels and be prepared to do most of the work but we had a very helpful staff with that also so that was great to see appreciate that that is what I want to see customer service first and foremost with that environmental Advisory board report item 14 do we have our rep both reps are ill so oh well then that would be a no so that brings us straight to the public hearing portion of the meeting the public hearing portion of the meeting is now open we have item 15 second reading of ordinance number 20 24-10 Mr attorney could you read that into the record please an ordinance of the city of Court Orange Valu County Florida amending chapter 54 Article 5 police pension fund amending section 54-1 122 definitions amending the definition of average final compensation amending section 54-1 126 pension benefits amending the normal retirement age amending section 54-1 127 form of benefit payments providing drop eligibility for certain members providing for codification repeal of conflicting ordinances severability and an effective date on ordinance 20 24-10 may have a motion for approval move to approve ordinance number 202 24-10 I'll second that we have a motion prover second of items open on the floor for discussion second reading Council any questions or comments no that's would anyone here care to speak to the item nobody wants to come talk us out of it all right back to us final comments there being none call the rooll yes yes yes yes yes 5 brings us item 16 ordinance number 20 24-12 the small scale future land use map Amendment for 890 Taylor Road an ordinance of the city of Port Orange valuch County Florida relating to comprehensive planning amending the future land use map of the comprehensive plan amending the future land use designation for plus or minus 7 Acres from Office residential trans I to rural residential 0 to2 units per acre providing for conflicting ordinances severability and an effective date on ordinance number 20 24-12 we may have a motion for approval move to approve ordinance number 20 24-12 a second we have a motion proper second the items open on the floor for discussion second reading Council comments questions there being none would anyone here care to speak to the item there being none back to us final comments or questions call the role yes yes yes yes yes 5 brings us to item 17 ordinance number 202 24-13 the Second Amendment to the altim shopping Village plan commercial development and master development agreement an ordinance of the city of por orang County Florida approving the Second Amendment to the master development agreement for Alam shopping Village plan commercial development providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances separability and an effective date on ordinance 202 24-13 may have a motion move to approve ordinance number 202 24-13 second it we have a motion proper second the item is open and on the floor for discussion second reading Council comments questions second there being none would anyone here care to speak to the item I see none back to us final comments there being none call the rooll yes yes yes yes May yes 5 o that brings us to item 18 first uh first reading of ordinance number 202 24-14 an ordinance of the city of Port War B County Florida approving the First Amendment to the River Yard Master development agreement providing for the repeal of conflicting ordinances severability and providing an effective date we have a motion in that regard move to approve ordinance number 20244 I second it we have a motion proper second the it is open and on the floor for discussion Wayne who do we have presenting Tim bman Community Development uh the proposed amendment is being prepared by Bristol Development Group this is the amendment to their MDA and what it will do is establish the ability to put interim uses on the property that they currently have under contract purchase with the city that's the area that's located north of dun Avenue between Halifax and um Ridgewood Avenue also the former out Art House parcel and the formal days Pest Control Pro property what the MDA does it establish is the interim uses that can be developed on the property um such as food truck courts um entertainment venues um Recreation amenities um coffee bars juice bars Etc really kind of those um uses that are intended to be water activate the Waterfront with entertainment food and go from there then it also establishes the ability for staff to when we're reviewing the plans for these interim uses to have some flexibility with the design requirements Land Development code we don't want to design this like a parking lot on dun Len it needs to have some flexibility and this gives us the ability to approve that flexibility when Justified also waves the development fees as a way to incentivize this to move forward and quickly and then also establishes a last part is the um essentially approving the use of the established inem on the property will come through a license agreement that will be heard two weeks from or on Wednesday the 21st then and that is basically is being prepared right now and that gives the authorization for them to move forward and have the uses on the property um so this is really just establishing that framework for those inter uses to be developed um Charles car and Michael Benedict um are here from the development team to further discuss their proposal um if you have any questions for me here to answer them but like I said they've got more of discussion as to the um what's going to be kind of built there and give more of a input on that then and if nothing else get people down to the water to be able to enjoy things going on down but the water much sooner correct comments of Staff questions of Staff before we hear from the developer how long is this um going to effect is this is this permanent until until it's changed or basically the um basically interim until basically construction starts but we did put the framework in there that if they're starting on the North End or the south end then basically we can still have this going on as long as it can be safely um met then so the intent is if for two to two and a half years then yeah that's the intent but like the actual language like how long can it go on could it go on forever well the that's where the license agreement we basically identify the terms then and I believe the license agreement we're looking at two-year term on it then okay and that will be you know discussed further two weeks from now okay any other questions of Staff uh one question dealing with the times I mean it's going to be an outside venue correct that's the time parameters it will follow basically our noise ordinance there in terms of the um the noise there I believe at this location entertainment Zone yeah they can basically have the um music until U midnight there on the Thursday or Friday Saturday Sunday um and then basically fall back to the normal time frames I believe 10 10 p.m. on the weekdays then but it will follow the noise ordinance there in terms of the hours of operation for noise in that area if that's what they decide to do with it correct okay any other questions of Staff okay Tim I I mentioned it to maybe Wayne I I know um there's a lot of space down there and they're not going to utilize every square inch of it I wouldn't think but is there a way we could temporarily of course maybe convert some of that one or two soccer field since we're we don't have enough and we're sending people out of you know out of town and go into other areas because we don't have enough soccer fields is that something we can consider temporarily I can answer I talked to Susan after you brought that up by the time we could get it set up and ready to go it would use the area that they're likely to start in so we didn't think the cost to get it safe to actually play soccer on uh ready to go where you could park it it probably isn't feasible to use it as soccer in this short duration cuz we'd have to clear all the trees grade the whole lot got to put s Turf on it so that it's safe for the kids and set up stands so it it it was a substantial effort and it would affect where we have parking and and driveway yeah parking would be my concern about that idea yeah it's thought it it would only be able to use in the daylight because we don't have any lights short term you know it's it's worth asking the question and getting the answer okay why don't we hear from Charles and see if he wants to try to talk us out of it Michael you want to come up and stand up here with him and uh make him look good one old guy one pretty guy which is which question mayor and vice mayor council members thank you for having us uh this is a really exciting concept and and mayor you hit the nail on the head the idea of this is to um to to activate the Waterfront now so there's activity going on down there um I wish I could say I thought of this it was a collective idea that came about from several uh months of discussion and um quickly we turned to to Michael and his group to say would you all join us to help us in this as being our our operator day-to-day uh decision maker about what's going going on down there I'm going to give you just a quick overview of the concept and then let Michael provide some details about what's actually going to happen on site but we're taking the area of the land shown in this picture and this the river is at the bottom of the page the old fish restaurant soon to be Tiki docks is over to the right side and Herbert Street is to the top of the page the blue where the number seven show is the existing building that the Parks and Recreation Department was housed in that's going to be turned into a facility that would be part of this um we're making improvements um throughout that little area to provide an outdoor atmosphere if you've ever been over to Lake Nona and seen uh boxy Park that was part of the inspiration for this there's another little group over there called allaha cart that has outdoor activities and um food trucks and things that was part of the concept for this we've identified some parking areas where we can park on the property with very little Improvement but but provide a place for um a number of cars that would be sufficient to serve this um we got a place for a sand volleyball court and we're going to actually make some improvements to the to the Waterfront itself to turn it into a little kind of a a beach front um the structure of this is is we mentioned we would enter into a lease agreement with I mean sorry a license agreement with the city and then we would in turn enter into an agreement with Michael's group we'd both be part of this we're putting Capital into this Michael and his group are putting Capital into this our motivation for this is it's going to be an opportunity to prove out that this is going to going to work I think that helps with financing this it also provides some Fe feedback on what works and you know maybe what doesn't work Michael has always wanted to be a part of this and have restaurants that would be part of our retail facilities this gives him a chance to test out what works and what doesn't work as well so I think we're both in it for what good it can do for the Waterfront and and I'd just say I've gone from thinking this is a good idea to thinking it's a great idea and we're eager to pursue it but you want to talk a little bit Michael about sure and uh the mayor made our job real easy uh if you guys saw on the TV about a week ago there's a nice little uh plug on this area and the potential that we all every resident every local sees the opportunity there and I think the staff start of been inundated with calls of how they can participate so what we thought was a great idea the public sees it as an excellent way to activate uh we're getting a lot of positive feedback and I say we the staff uh because they still taking all those calls in and talking to people uh so the interest level fortunately we have a space to do it unfortunately we probably don't have a big enough space for the amount of demand that's probably going to be required so we've we've created a scenario where we're going to hopefully float in as many possible local vendors and opportunities for people to be a part of this project but we are extremely excited I mean we've talked to a number of people and everybody we talk to is is a yes I'd love to do it especially with the opportunity to grow into what Charles and Bristol and his team are going to be building on the site and so this is kind of that first step uh you know we're excited about that we have some Concepts that we're going to be bringing in that we're very very happy to be a part of it but then also have a a lot of other people being uh able to participate you know with some sports some water sports you know there's a opportunity for kayak and paddle boarding uh exposure there which is a great launching point there if you've ever been down there and if you haven't been down there it's activated already there's a lot of people parking there and enjoying it it's a great area to sit relax and have lunch or have coffee and so coffee is obviously a big part of that uh we're just really excited we think this is a great use uh from a temporary standpoint to build that excitement that we've all wanted in the Riverwalk and this kind of just that kind of intermediary phase I believe to help us get there I like that I'm just short bicycle ride away yeah it's going to be a lot of fun when you got the Great Park right next to it and you got Tiki opening I think later this year it's going to be we're going to start to see the energy we all have envisioned for a very long time there and amen and this is an intermediate part but I think it's also hopefully going to be kind of transformed into the long-term part if a lot of the people that you and businesses that you see be a part of it and invest in this they'll be there long term hopefully excellent Council what questions do you have look at that it I don't really have I I guess questions because one of the one of the unique things about this by the way if you're traveling around Florida especially a lot of the coastal communities around our state you're starting to see these and I I didn't know what they were at first and and if you I'm a very visual guy so if I can see it I can get it but if you were to just TR explain this to me without seeing it i' I'd probably be like I don't I don't understand I don't get what you're talking about but having been to several of these I totally get it um there are a lot of really good benefits in the short and the long term for something like this one of which was which is important to me these things were really proving to give small business owners and and people who have an idea a place a way to stick their toe in the water so to speak without a massive amount of money that it sometimes cost an outlay to try a business to whether that's a craft business or a small restaurant idea or you know whatever those whatever those things are um that's one of the things that they're finding is that these are great things for that entrepreneur who wants to give something to show it's also a great uh concept like you mentioned for an area too like we need to really see is this idea that a lot of people that we've been talking about if we if we do something like this this is a way to prove itself and to show that people really do want to be closer to the water they want places to go they want something unique something a little different we've already seen it right I mean we we talked about this a couple of weeks ago it's Council comments where you ride all over different places in Valia County and you go by parks and and places that have been heavily invested in and you see some people here and there and this and that or whatever but not when you go down there you go down there there's always people down there I don't care seven days a week night day great weather so so weather there are people out there in that area walking along the water on the causeway fishing using the park sitting on a blanket reading a book whatever so the the this will be easy to get people to want to gravitate to this so I I do like the idea especially as a an intermediate idea to to let's get some excitement going let's get the community closer to their area that they've been wanting for so long with something unique um I I I agree with you Michael I think the challenge will be there's going to be so many people who want to be a part of this that you're not going to be able to get them all in there I I've thought that's even on the grander scale of this project once the project is fully developed and permanently developed but I I've always thought that there won't be enough area for mixed use that being said it's a catalyst for everything else in that area we're already seeing that investment all up and down that us one Corridor I I talk to business owners all the time where can I put where can I get a place where you know tell me what's going on what's coming what should I be looking for what kind of so um that's that's already built there so I think this will be a good thing and and this this happens pretty quickly right I mean this is something it it can happen extremely fast that's what's so great about it and we are working very diligently to rotate in so that if you want an opportunity here we're going to try our best to make sure you get that opportunity because we do know that you know you can't just let four people do everything that wouldn't be fair and we really want to and we have scheduled that into our philosophy and the way we're going to do it so we now we we're probably not going to be able to serve everybody but we're going to darn sure try we are really going to make an effort to Jo and variety is what gets people coming back oh absolutely without a doubt envisioning that rotating in like give somebody a couple you know six food trucks two months and then we're going to put other ones in here and so if you have the demand you can that'd be rotating fairly regularly but not daily or weekly no and because that logistically wise we go into yeah probably every month or every two months it would be a rotating type thing and the the demands there I mean Tim and his team have already been fing the calls and they're not going to want to tear down and set up every day and it's built to be more of a not in a day in day out type thing it's so we can Market hey these are the trucks or this the group that's going to be here for the month of X Y and Z so it can build a because you can't maybe get through that weekend but you want want to check it out correct yeah okay and live entertainment and uh you know so we'll have live music uh hopefully we're we plan on this I don't know if this discussed or not we plan this to be a to start a Friday Saturday Sunday thing the coffee uh will be 7 days a week uh and so plenty of parking and plenty of activation and seats for that and they will have food in there as well but the Food Truck Park would probably be a Friday Saturday Sunday to start yeah I could see that quickly probably going to yeah five or six days of L operation the eventual development down there of the amphitheater and things like that you turn already tur into a destination it's interesting whenever we have events at Riverfront Riverwalk Park that you know that are well attended uh as much parking as we have down there and it fills up the because the the excitement that's a good problem to have a problem nonetheless but a good problem it means people are going down and enjoying themselves and that that's what that's what we're aiming for I think one of the things that uh people miss and I Scott talked about it is the places that are already doing this my travels in my business I go to townships in the middle of the Panhandle in North Florida and there's a little Township called willston and Williston is no man's land I mean it's population about 10,000 people and you go up there in it's horse country and they've taken an abandoned warehouse and just paved and graveled everything around it and this same concept was there they went in there it started out small and the next thing you know on a Friday and a Saturday night there's a thousand people there and they're all coming in from Gainesville because it's a place to go it's not and sounds like thousands crowded but it's not crowded compared to Gainesville they were trying to find another place to go and eat flip side of this is the venue the venue of having the water right there suns setting and things of that nature and everything going across it I mean absolutely gorgeous um I go down to South Florida and boken Fort Lauderdale to teach down there and you know there's venues Inland the same way they have a small little Band Shell set up and two food trucks and it's sponsored by the city I mean it's pretty amazing and it's just a grassy null everybody comes out there brings a b beach blanket and lays it out and it's a City Event that's always on a Saturday night and they have it posted it's just an amazing thing I think the one thing on here that you're missing is one of the trucks being a bait shop I mean you're on you're on the river I see that happening you know you're going to have a beach sitting right there and everything else going on what a better way for the kids from the Halifax shot club right down the street coming down and doing fing events at the same time so I think weos set up to do like Kay paddle board rental that kind of thing and bait and bait and bait bait to it yeah kids got something to do and mom and dad's got something to do it's it's a fantastic ideal there you go so when when are you going to be playing Reed well actually that's why I'm going to be abstaining um from this uh as you know I I performed play shows all over and uh I'm currently under contract to perform for Mr Michael Benedict actually later this month which I'm super excited about but because of that um I think it's only right for the residents for me to obstain so I'm going to have to do so here can I plug that event I'm not I'm not I have to I think it would probably be improper for you to plug the event that's happening at uh on Labor Day at Dunes that's very inappropriate Labor Day weekend Friday Labor Day weekend okay with that uh let's hear from the public would anyone here care to speak to the app come on up come on up I come up you got you got to get up tell us who you are so my name is uh Joe Maly and uh I am one of the working owners of jeppi Steel City Pizza here in uh Port Orange Florida and I am 100% behind the project and getting it done but my concern is since the panhandling ordinance have been has been overturned and I understand the difference between public and private property and being able to trespass whenever we have an interim project and we're going to bring in a mass amount of people money and an influx of foot traffic obviously pain handling is based on a higher median income Beach Street versus Port Orange where are they going to be they're going to be Port Orange versus Beach Street all day long what are we going to do because I deal with this firsthand I have seven homeless people that live across the street from my restaurant what are we going to do as a council to combat that for our citizens so our citizens don't have to deal with that so they can enjoy the food trucks so they can enjoy the live music so they can enjoy the riverfront property that we've worked so hard to develop and create good that's what what I would like to know from you guys what we're going to do as a team hopefully one day I'll be sitting up there if not no hard feelings I just want to know because I deal with it firsthand every day as a business owner at 3658 South Nova Road thank you thanks s who else come on up Robert mayor council members Robert rehagen 1425 text to drive nor uh when I first heard about this proposal in the Planning Commission um I envisioned this parade of Carnival troops coming in weekly you know every week There's a new new group there um setting up on the city's property earning income for the developer without paying any rental fee to the city um I believe this would create a real problem a terrible precedent where you're letting somebody a private developer use your land without a rental fee um it it just seems to me it's a it's a terrible thing to do um and if if you want to make use of that land um and and get these traveling carnivals in um you we've got a parks and recreation department and they can do it um so I would hesitant be hesitant to support this thank you thank you very much thank you who else I see no one else so back to councel comments or questions let's start at uh Mr uh I need to not say anything are you still not saying anything I'm not allowed to okay you are maintaining your consistency with that Tracy so the concern is uh really worried about panhandling and things of that nature for the city I do get that um being in a strip Plaza I'm a little different than you that my land all the way around me is private property so we we we can't have police enforcement on private property um I don't know as far as with a CRA being privately versus the city if there's anything different to that or not that's the uh nature the license agreement okay that's that's why you have the license agreement because if we were to just operate it then we would be extremely vulnerable okay yep it's a problem don't know I don't have an answer Jo I just know thaton got the U yeah well and here's the thing we are bound to follow the law oh absolutely we are bound to follow the law and we will enforce the law to the full extent of it but the license agreement uh allows the operator a whole lot more latitude than we would have if we were to operate it ourselves okay Matt I I am correct when I'm saying that yes yes though thank you okay oh no no no I'm going to bring more clarity to that mayor so so I just want to make sure that public who's listening this as well as a business owner understands if you don't want pan handling on your property you do not have to allow pan handling on your property you can call the police department the plaza that you have a business in is the same thing if you don't want pan handling on your property you can call the police department you can have those people remove through a trespass point that is criminally enforceable so that needs to be understood same thing with a license agreement once the license agreement is is is issued out they have control of that for those types of nuisances and things there is a process for that that is a totally different discussion than what you are seeing across the United States where the Supreme Court has ruled asking for money to be a form of free speech in public places it's totally different stuff so I want to make sure that business owners do understand that now in councilman Grub's situation I'm a little bit aware that the property management of that group and certain large scale business entities decide they don't want to get involved in that that is their that is their prerogative to do that if if big companies that rhyme with the word public want to allow that that's up to them and and the and the consumers that go there know that and so or they should know that and they have to decide Hey listen I I think they should do something about it and they're not going to then they shop somewhere else but I can appreciate that but I just want to make sure that everybody understands on private business property that is not the case you you have a lot of authority um very few businesses exercise that Authority but there is a tremendous amount of authority and so they need they need to be aware of that so Drew any final comments or questions it's been covered we're good with that on first reading of ordinance 202 4-14 call the roain yes yes yes yes for row thank you very much open Friday that brings us to First reading in of ordinance 20245 for item 19 that an ordinance of the city of porns Bush County Florida approving the First Amendment to the River Yard Master development agreement and providing for the repeal of conflicting ordinances severability and an effective date approve ordinance was this 2024 read item 19 there we go 15 is in ordinance of the city of Port Orange BL County Florida amending section 6-3 relating to the list of properties exempt from the general prohibition of possession and consumption of alcohol and public property own or control by the city of Port War providing for codification repeal of conflicting ordinances separability and an effective date move to approve ordinance number 202 24-15 now second we have a motion proper second the item is open and on the floor for discussion Wayne we have who do we have presenting Tim Burman Community Development this is kind of a conjunction with what we just heard this allows for the um ability if you propose a license agreement as part of that license agreement approval on city property we could basically allow for the use of alcohol to be served there then so okay all the ordinance does allow that to be request at the license agreement and basically apply for any prop city property where license propos and so that's the only change for this ordinance if you any questions here to answer them I do I need to abstain from this one as well or is this a separate conversation okay Reed why don't you start then answer questions I have no I have no questions I think it's great Tracy I'm good Scott no Drew I'm good with it anyone hear care to uh speak to the item there being none back to council final comments or questions there being none call the roll yes yes yes yes 5 that concludes the public hearing portion of our meeting additional item City attorney report nothing tonight excellent report thank you city manager you have some budget discussion stuff for us Council asked a number of questions at the special meeting in July we provided you the follow-up information on that I don't have a I didn't intend to go through like an extensive PowerPoint presentation but I wanted to at least give you the opportunity to see the information see if you had any questions we have had a couple more things come up since the meeting uh that that we maybe affect the millage rate from so I'll put that out for you tonight as well uh we originally weren't expecting John to be here because he's got an interesting foot there but he he rolled himself in and and has made it here so we appreciate both Linda and Deanie who've been helping me while he's been out but all of them are here to help if we get questions the first question was related to Trends in the fund balance and so we we put this together over the last several years to give you an idea of how much money we have in fund balance for the general fund and how it's changed over time I think the bottom line on this slide is just getting at that this year we're expecting somewhere between a million and a half a little over two million that will be an unallocated moving forward principally over the years where you see those numbers that has been salary saving so in the Years where we had large amounts of money except the one that's noted where we had some delays in getting State funding their salary savings and we had upwards of like 50 vacancies certain periods of time we're now down to 10 vacancies we still believe one and a half or so this year will go forward because a lot of the vacancies didn't get filled until partially in the year most of them had been in police and so while we have them been being they're being paid in training they're not fully on the force so they're not getting the pensions and the full payment right now so as of next year that number will come down even more we expect to see lower numbers uh we we've renovated the HR department uh the leadership in these departments has done a really good job at containing uh turnover and and hiring well so we we don't expect to be able to see as much money going forward I did put at the bottom various uh numbers related to fund balance from 30 to 35% in the event you wanted to set some kind of Target uh in that going forward I had a couple questions with a few council members about a typical hurricane cost us about $7.5 million so in instead of using percentages if we had two hurricanes you'd need $15 million to cover it give or take U we are a member now the the state has put together a program that's called Rock Stanford Florida whatever it is you get your money back quicker from FEMA so uh I can't remember the acronym but the the benefit of that is you don't have to wait three four five years like we used to to get our money back to replenish the fund balance so we are a part of that uh we we have gotten our Yan money back already so uh so it's your call as to what level you want the fund balance to be at in here we're expecting it to be closer to the 30% right now based on on what we have going forward so that was the answer to those questions I can stop for this I can go to the next slide why don't we hold our hold right right there and uh I me personally I'm good at 30% I don't see a need beyond that because we take care of our hurricane needs with that uh and in years like this where we had a number of things happen that still allows us the flexibility um I don't know Council uh any other Divergent thoughts mayor I honestly don't I mean it's not broken I don't think we should try to fix it we have a range between 30 and 35% MH if we get to 30 then then then we know it's it's getting a little tight if we go up to 35% then we we have that room it doesn't always have to be at 35 or a set number and we'll know where we're I think the range works good and if we you know God forbid we have three or four storm three storms like we did in nine nine weeks in 2004 we can protect ourselves and our and our people so I I I mean I don't think we need to make change there's a range for a reason and if it approaches 30% we're still good I'm I'm fine with 30 plenty there and if if it does bump up to 35% then you know that's okay too but I I don't think we should stick to a flat hard line I think the 5% gives the city flexibility for rough times yeah and we're kind of at that floor right now anyway because you see uh what was it um in 2024 the on that same page there the 3.12 two million for the repairs and the things that we're doing well we had a lot of unexpected expenses why res that's why we're down to that's why we're down to 30% instead of 33 or 34% so um I I I just think we leave it alone and and it gives you know Administration and and Wayne and them a range to to work with it okay anyone else on that I I would just I would just offer that I I think we constantly have to evaluate these kind of policies because things do change and and and like the city manager real you know when we when we set that initial policy FR Rock didn't exist it took forever to get money back which was our concern that if you have a storm it could be three four five years until you see all that so now you know as things change we we have to change because you know what we have seen has torically is that sometimes this I mean look at the numbers up here 59.5% 46.8% 40 I mean that was why we put that Concept in and policy is we is that what we were seeing was it was it became almost like a stockpiling of taxpayer funds and I'm not than yeah right more mov up yeah more so than what we had seen now you've got programs in place that the turnover the re the refund back to the taxpayers purse so to speak is much quicker and more efficient and effective and so I I'm with the mayor I think 30 30% fine I'm not arguing I'm not saying we need to go below 30% I just think that as as as things a good floor right as things change and as things adapt we always we just need to always continue to evate we don't always need to stay on 30 is all I'm saying there a rain there if if it's down floor we all agree that 30 is a good floor I think 30 is the the basement yeah so to change yeah it has to be okay I think we have consensus at 30 is a floor for you Wayne were questions about who who did and didn't pay taxes uh in the last one this this one we had to pull raw data basically they they handed John the data set and said go through there and find the ones that are zero uh so what he did and this just shows the residential total Parcels there's about 800 of them uh that are residential that do not pay taxes from a variety basically your exemption or save our homes whatever they are and you can see the amount of money the others being institutional churches there's a couple of federally funded apartments that don't pay taxes as well so you get some of the commercial and institutional but the biggest dollar amount is the the certain number of residential I think you all saw the story that Ovito was talking about their struggles to handle funding and they have 40% of their houses homesteaded and we have 60% homesteaded and we were finding a way to make it work here so this it wasn't really a policy thing as much as it was just a question Council asked so I wanted to show it to you Wayne does that um that line for uh non- tax where it says industrial government and institutional does that include our properties our City properties it does yes which is probably quite a few of those right yeah and all the churches and okay right I put the millage thing back up the rest of the slides are the year-to-year comparisons I'll go through them if you'd like me to but this was kind of showing you as we talked about it there were there fund transfers that are the main reason the bottom as you saw on those other ones is it was about 4% differences what we talked about the inflationary change for the millage and the reason I put this up here so since the last time we were here we had just determined we were saving some money on the elevator repair here at City Hall and then we got one of the state revenues back in that was higher the municipal Revenue share came back in higher so I I think tonight we're prepared to to say that we believe we can get to the the 4975 number if you would like us to do that we may be able to go lower at somewh in the future but we the the question if we find some more savings with the rest of the state revenue we may suggest that you put that into streets striping sidewalks and and continue to to put back into the things that that the citizens see instead of lowering the millage but we could tonight you can go to the the the trim's already going to go out on the max that you set but that doesn't mean we can't adopt a lower number and this would allow you to adopt a lower number you know that Max Max isn't always said it the what you adopt Max is what you gave us to work with until we get more numbers and details I think it would be a good mix to see a mix of additional savings and investment in our community at the same time yeah but if you like we'll Target the 4975 for September and if we come back with substantial changes I'll let you know otherwise we'll we'll suggest that we put it into the the visible Street sidewalks striping that's F if we can if we can go lower after you take a look at all that then we can take a look at that as well okay all right and if there's anything else on here you want me to go over where whatever amount of time you want it's up to you I appreciate the information Council you have any questions the city manager in regards to the budget Wayne do you have any else anything else to report no sir okay with that city council committee reports that brings us to uh Mr Foley uh River to CPO what you got for us we did not meet in July uh actually have my executive committee meeting tomorrow so nothing to report that it makes for an excellent report yes with that just a reminder our regular meeting the third Tuesday of the month does fall on Election Day so August 20th we will not be meeting we will meet on August 21st the next day uh so Wednesday August 21st is our next city council meeting appreciate everybody Wayne keep up the good work keep working uh keep tweaking that budget appreciate yall have a good night for