##VIDEO ID:F7KfIFx4DC0## please rise for invocation by Pastor Joshua Owen from Spruce Creek Presbyterian Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance let's pray together almighty God our Father we uh come to you in the name of Jesus above every name at which every knee will bow and tongue confess that he is Lord we come humbly acknowledging you as our maker and grateful for the many blessings you've bestowed on us well beyond our merits and despite our many demerits this evening we thank you especially for representative government and the city council that uh serves us and the many agencies and city services that they represent that help to maintain Law and Order and facilitate our lives together in business and in Recreation help us to be be able to receive so many visitors to our Fair City and we pray now for wisdom uh for them uh as they deliberate and hear uh from us that uh they would maintain um your righteousness and your standards and that uh you would be well pleased with us we do seek your blessing and favor above all things we do ask your watch care over their families and your bless blessings upon them as they seek to serve us and we ask this in Jesus name once more amen amen amen I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all with the clerk call the role councilman Foley here councilman grubs here councilman Bastion here vice mayor sner here mayor here all at present we have a full Quorum we're able to conduct business and with that it has been the tradition of Port Orange uh every September to go gold at one of our meetings in recognition of The Perils of Childhood Cancer and obviously we've got a couple of people when I say we're going gold they take it very seriously laor if you'd come up here I uh I'm going to go ahead and read the proclamation uh into into the record as you come to the podium but I I I want to recognize Lori because a few years ago you came to me and talked about this and we do this every September because of what you what you did without that Outreach and I have to thank you uh for that uh intervention and getting us on the right page so that we can make a difference in our community we talk about Childhood Cancer just one thing to think about Childhood cancer death rates are higher than standard cancer death rates the impact of it goes further and it can't be forgotten so with that I'm going to read the proclamation whereas the American Cancer fund for children and kids cancer connection reports cancer is a leading cause of death by disease among us children between infancy and age 15 this tragic disease is detected in nearly 15,000 of our country's young people each and every year and whereas one in five of our nation's children loses his battle with cancer and where two-thirds of Childhood cancer patients will have long lasting chronic conditions as a result of the treatments they experience and 60 60% of the childhood cancers are diagnosed before age five and whereas the American Cancer fund for children and kids cancer connection provide a variety of vital patients uh psychosocial services to Children undergoing cancer treatment at participating hospitals through the country thereby enhancing the quality of life for these children in their families and whereas Childhood Cancer spares no ethnic group socioeconomic class or geographic region it is essential to raise awareness and funding for Pediatric cancer research and whereas throughout this month we remember the children and families whose lives have been forever altered by Childhood Cancer as well as dedicated professionals organizations individuals and communities who support and care for them now therefore I Donald ER berett mayor of the city of Port Orange Florida proclaim the month of September 2024 is Childhood Cancer Awareness Month in the city of Port Orange and I urge all of our citizens in this community to support cancer patients survivors their families and caregivers to remember the lives of those who have lost and encourage those who are working to improve survival rates and treatments and with my signature and the Seal of the city it is so declared in this day and in this place you want to add a few words to what I just said I'm going to talk to you guys first of all I want to thank you for I think it's been since 2018 19 so it's been more than a few years um and when I asked you there was no question you just went with it so I really appreciate you taking that the burden that you know a lot of the people that I know share so you took that on I appreciate it and then when um I found out you weren't going to be mayor anymore I kind of thought oh man like but when I came in here today and I saw these two I'm like you for there you go I got to get hey I got to get four years out of this jacket now come on I had no doubts after I walked in here so um I appreciate all of you and um you've always been very supportive um so I will definitely miss you um and I appreciate you know I do truly appreciate everything um and just a plug for Pediatric cancer um locally out of the Land There is a uh foundation called Warrior Kids Foundation that you can contribute to you can find them on Facebook you can find them online they service um Central Florida pediatric cancer family so if they need a groceries page they need Transportation they have to fly out of state all those kind of things they're constantly meeting the needs of local Floridians which is nice because you feel like a lot of times you can put a face to the money that you're giving um more nationally uh is the C Starts Now Foundation which there is a e Central Florida um chapter as well um but you can just give to them and what they do is they give their monies 100% of their money goes to research so I will say be careful where you put your money when it comes to cancer because a lot of it goes to the pockets of the people at the top and with the Cure starts now 100% of that money goes to research for these kids so without research we're not going anywhere and they see the value in that they for that's where their funding goes so two great organizations one to help families you know rate where they're at is Warrior Kids Foundation out of the land and then more nationally is uh the Cure starts now thank you I got this to say I usually have gold pants on so I pulled the gold pants out this morning I I pulled the gold pants on tried to put them on and I realized that I'm down to a 34 waist and 40 wow so I'm like yeah they don't fit anymore I'm sorry that's best fix got it all right absolutely thank you guys thank you thank you thank item five public comments on consent agenda items 7 through1 13 any comments on consent agenda item 7 through 13 Robert sitting still so we're good to go on that one with that uh item six need a motion for approval of the agenda for the evening move to approve the agenda for the evening a second we have a motion proper second for the approve the agenda for the evening all in favor signify by saying I I I any naysayers we have a agenda for the evening uh may have a motion for approval of the consent agenda items 7 through 13 13 move to approve consent agenda items 7 through 13 second n give it to Tracy I'll give it to Tracy he's he's he's dressed a little bit better than you today Drew so I got I got gold on uh we have a motion we have a proper second on the items on consent uh call the rooll please councilman buy yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes consent to J approved 5 public participation uh 20 minutes designated for that do we have any okay and Barbara and heagan something about the PT orange chamber tell us what's going on in chamber World good evening mayor council members and uh city manager first we want to update you that we have a job fair that is next Thursday September 26th and it's not your ordinary job fair it is also an apprenticeship we want to encourage our high school students and others about apprenticeships in the trades whether it be electricians and plumbers so we are going to have a diverse audience of over 20 businesses there and uh showcasing those opportunities it's 4 to 7 at the Riverside Pavilion so we hope you can help us spread that word additionally we want to make you aware that we are offering small business seminar series through the Kaufman Foundation that will start the end of October and it will go for 10 consecutive weeks and that is to help people that are looking to start a business and those entrepreneurs that need that extra support with marketing and we want to let you know we have moved our golf tournament to May 3 first this year at Cypress Head we have a contract in place this contract signed absolutely so I am excited to report that and then finally we have upcoming our wonderful casino night that will be Friday October 25th at the Riverside Pavilion 6: to1 and we have a number of sponsors that are supporting a portion of those proceeds go to our high school scholarships uh for local high school students when they graduate so so we're really excited for this wonderful lineup and we thank you for your ongoing support of our chamber and you got after hours tomorrow instead of Thursday it is so you're trying to since we'll be here doing budget stuff you're trying to make sure we can't go have fun with youit us it will be beautiful all right thank you Robert ryin Hagen mayor council members Robert ryin 1425 EXT to Drive North Port Orange tomorrow's budget agenda packet has a proposed budget summary on page 16 the budget has an Enterprise fund item titled Wetland mitigation a previous budget presentation showed this Enterprise item as Wetland mitigation credit 96962 I'm interested to know where this money comes from and how the monies were spent to this end I did a search for Port Orange City government financial report and actually found such a site that offered monthly Financial reports I selected general ledger and found that the most recent report was for August 2019 the report had 924 pages with no index and no search option and I finally gave up trying to find the wetlands mitigation section of the uh Ed Ledger report Mr mckin uh confirmed by email that the city no longer posts these monthly reports so I asking you to support Mr McKenna's efforts to reinstitute the posting of the monthly reports and please add an index or a search option so that indiv idual can find the specific items they are interested in thank you thank you Robert thanks Robert thanks Robert Tracy do I have any other requests to speak during public comments that's it speak um okay I have to put in yeah usually we take comment cards but I I can no that's okay I can have you speak and just fill out a card for Tracy as soon as you're done okay oh was there anybody else that wanted to speak just just you okay we'll get you Chief's got you we'll get you uh just fill that for her out afterwards so we have a record give it to her I just want to make sure that we got the record straight hi tell us who you are and what you want to say my name is Lauren Varan I live at 1624 Town Park Drive and I'm here to just express my opinion about what's going on in our city council it's like the 600lb elephant in this room and um I know none of you can speak on it I understand that however we elected you so my question is and I'm not asking you whether you feel are uh newly elected drunken liar city councilman is is uh should be serving my question is of each of you since we elected you is do you feel fit that he is fit to serve our community seeing what a disgrace he was to himself and to our community am I allowed to ask each one of you if you feel if you believe that uh that uh Lance screen is fit to serve our city you know citizens are outraged his wife has been turned over to the Professional Standards Board for her behavior lying the way she did it's a disgrace to our city this whole thing and I know that you'll tell me that none of you are talking to him but I do know that one of you is attached to him at the hip so I'm sure he's getting the message who knows maybe he's watching this but our city deserves far better than Lance green the embarrassment the disgrace that he's brought to this city it's it will never go away I've lived in this city for 12 years and I've heard I've heard stories I have to use the word alleged stories about the Green family and what they've done that I came from Orange County California I lived in a very nice area I cannot believe the corruption that I've heard about in the city I'm just really disgusted it's just um it's a tragedy thank you for your time thank you have any others okay we'll proceed with Council comments uh Reed what you got this week uh well first off just going back to the childhood uh cancel awareness um I thought I had a gold tie turns I didn't so I grabbed every piece of gold jewelry that I had and try to so support um for some reason it doesn't stand out with with some of the people up here yeah yeah I see that Absolutely I'll hold it up high even even my rayb bands have gold frames today so you go um but no in all seriousness um through my day job if you will I've gotten to do a lot of work with a lot of Charities and man the impact of pediatric cancer on families um not only uh emotional which I think everyone could understand but financially the burden uh can be crazy and so the fact that we uh take a little time to recognize that is so important um and so I want to say that also uh during consent agenda we had um pretty big thing I would say um all three Union contracts done and I want to say thank you to all of our staff for all of that for the work that went in that we're getting this done well I would call a very timely manner I think that shows uh a lot of good things from staff's side thank you to the unions on their side as well and their leadership I love feeling like we are you know I understand that we're all have different agendas at times when we're trying to work those contracts out but the fact that we can meet in the middle and get something done to where it's not waiting around makes me very proud and I'm very thankful for that um and and look forward to continuing to work together to better uh the contracts in the future so and that's everything for me thank you Tracy what you got this week so going off of uh what Reed Foy just finished with on the union contracts the staff and the unions came collectively together that we now have with all the unions between fire police and N the employees of the city is it's now one major Union per year going forward and it doesn't seem like a lot for the community to understand that but what that allows us to do is we don't have these huge jumps that we have to go through hoops on millage rates because of pay increases of all three unions every year it's three-year contracts and we adjust those that one is done every year so we have these small increments to the actual tax base so for staff and unions to collectively come together and allow us to do that as a city is huge for everybody uh all the citizens should be thinking uh the staff for that uh it's Florida the weather is back to a normal cycle um unfortunately we we had one of our sister CI south of us uh took a 6 and a 12 inches of rain in a 24-hour period and it shows that why codes are the way they are we're in an older community it's it's flooding uh and unfortunately that City took some major floods this past weekend uh I think we dodged a bullet um we have done and storm water drains and Public Works has done their due diligence and it and it pays and it shows because as you drive around like I did over the weekend looking at ditches and things is they're moderately full the swells are moderately full after having tons of rain for over a week so it's just be diligent um ask citizens to watch uh trying to help us as we're trying to keep our drains clean um lawn cuttings and things of that nature try not to blow down storm water drains it starts to build up over time and I watched it again over the this past couple of days people blowing it down drains and we stop and try to educate um shouldn't have to it's it's Florida and it's something we need to protect as our drainage systems for our city uh on another note um Wayne uh if you could get with um let's see here CBL in the Pavilion area had some citizens uh rais some questions to me on it the last couple of days and I I drove through there and took a look we have uh bushes and things covering over sidewalk areas um so people of walking and things of that nature if we can take a look at that and groundskeeping I know we went through this process a year ago it seems to be a yearly thing so it's just trying to see what we can do with them yes there there's several open cases now and it's a constant with them but we will stay on top of it and report back to you okay and then lastly is a for Memorial Park update in the next 30 days Memorial Park is going to get a complete revamp uh everybody's getting in place to start the engineering and pulling the pylons and redo that so half the park at a time will be closed while the other park side of it's open um and it's going to take take approximately 6 months to complete it um but the good news is is the Park's coming back in full order with all the docks and everything being completed over the next six months so look out for that it's going to be a a great return for the city that's it thank you Scott good um just to touch I guess on a couple things that already been mentioned um so Tracy very timely uh about a month ago I I reached out to Wayne and and asked that code enforcement uh do some some stuff specifically in our plazas at night yes as we come across the uh coming up on the holiday season the time change which I hate uh it's going to get darker sooner people are going to be out into a lot of these plazas and seems like a lot of the lighting in the plaza is not being maintained and kept up and not not just the Pavilion but several of plazas so Wayne to let me know that code enforcement will be doing that so they should be pry busy in the commercial areas um two on the on the union contracts I agree I want say thank you to the to the staff and all the folks that represent our collective bargaining unions uh the the amount of work that goes into that is a lot it's just it's it's not just a show up and sit at a table kind of a thing specifically I want to just comment on uh the police and fire pension plans you know over 10 years ago the pension plans went through what for lack of a better description was probably a disastrous period of time that created a lot of of of angst and and and hard times and even hard feelings um and this Council and the councils before us really in the last 10 years um and I know this has been something that that the mayor has worked very hard on incrementally we have improved those plans tremendously and we've brought them to a point to where we can now go back and and put benefits in place for our employees that are much more competitive I mean it's taking a long long time and so I just want to say thanks to all of the work that's been put into that the commitment of our residents to support that type of stuff uh to get those things back to really uh going in the direction that they need to go and on that hopefully we we we also will learn from lessons a lot a lot of them way before all of our times uh but to protect those plans not only for our employees but because that's the investment that our residents are making long term um just want to make make a note too that the Port Orange family days which is run and hosted by the Port Orange Community Trust is coming up October 10th through the 13th um so that's going to be a great event you can get information on the uh Port Orange Community Trust site or just uh search in in Google family days also um this is a really important great cause that's been going on for a few years that Amy and Jason Hall kind of lead the charge on called Thea basket Brigade um they have announced uh and this is the one where uh they create baskets to feed families uh that need some assistance uh during the Thanksgiving holiday so the vucha basket Brigade has announced that they are accepting nominations and that's a very easy organization to to track down if you know somebody or if you yourself are in need of some assistance during Thanksgiving highly recommend and encourage reaching out to the bla basket Brigade folks they help out over well over a th000 families every year and and it's amazing how good they are at their Logistics y it is a sight to see by the way if you don't need a basket and you want to volunteer and help deliver baskets they are always always looking for people to do that and basically all you'll have to do is show up they will give you the baskets they will give you the addresses and you will go and drop them off with a smile on your face and you'll never feel better for it um it's really a great thing and then I just want to plug those two organizations that Lori spoke about earlier um you know I don't know very many people I don't know that I know anybody who hasn't been touched in some way by cancer um whether you know it's personal in their families personal to themselves knowing a child or whatever but you know Childhood Cancer is something that is is we see and hear more and more and more of it and I appreciate Lor's efforts to to be the voice and to keep that in the Forefront if that means Tracy and I wearing tacky colored jackets then then I'm all for that tacky but but those that are looking to help and feel moved to do so the Warrior Kids Foundation here in Valia County is a good organization to donate to as well as uh the Cure Starts Now foundation so good stuff from her I appreciate what she does that's all I got thank you drew what you got well kind of the following the same thing um on the negotiations with the three unions I'm super proud of Staff uh and the administrative lead for the unions and everything getting together and making that happen um it's good to get it done and have it over with and not carry it through another you know into a different fiscal year and everything um and it's been a long time coming to slowly chip away at those pensions and try to you know increase benefits and and give back to them what you know some stuff was lost and you know it was a tough Financial time 14 15 years ago when that stuff started happening I I lived through it and I know you did too on that on that side so super super proud of the way that happened and agree with uh Tracy thanks for bringing up um The Pavilion cuz I was going to but it's being addressed and so um you know they it's their asset and you know they don't get a free pass for claiming bankruptcy you got to go take care of your your asset they're still collecting rents and leases let's take care of it and and and make it presentable absolutely agreed you good yeah that's it I do want to address what is considered the 600lb elephant in the room um not and I want to do this very delicately because I have to be very respectful of the law in doing so I have made some comments on already in regards to questions that have been asked of me in regards to the uh uh suspected DUI of a councilman elect and it's a very difficult situation I have said and I truly mean it I hope that he takes it to heart and comes out better for it on the other end I would want that for anybody that goes through that when you make that mistake and driving Under the Influence is something it can potentially be fatal and even not it's something that can change lives and never for the better so absolutely I am praying that he come he and his family come out the better for it you know at the end of the day that's up to him the other thing that the law says this is why the city has no comment and I have no comment personally on his uh situation and that's because the city he does the city and its operations take direction from this Council we don't work for each other we are not accountable to each other we are accountable to the people and the law says that these four people up here they don't work for me they work for you and that's what the law says none of us have an ability to hold him accountable one way or the other and right now he's got a very long legal process he's got to go through so like I said I hope he comes out better for it on the other end that's the personal side of me that wishes him the best right now he's not in office yet so what I'm doing I'm I'm I listen I just want to make sure people understand I am not commenting on the situation but I am laying out the facts so people understand them he's not in office yet he would he woulde presumably if he decides to move forward with being sworn in that would happen on December 3rd this is up to him and so many things are up to him right now ball is really in his court until he gets sworn in there's really nothing that can be done from an accountability standpoint at that point in time if he gets sworn in he's still got the legal demons as well as the personal demons and this is if he chooses to move forward to to deal with uh the accountability to the people could there be a recall there are Provisions in the law that allow for that uh under Section State Statute 10361 that after 6 months of service it is potential and it's an arduous process to do a recall election so that is how he would be accountable to the people if the people so choose uh but right now so much of what happens between now and December 3rd is up to him it really is he is not accountable to us he does not work for this Council he does work for you he does work for the citizens of this city and aside from that I have said I am very impressed with our Police Department we have been ranked among the top 20 safest cities consistently throughout my term as mayor it's because they bust their tails to keep us safe part of that is to make sure that we keep drunk drivers off the road that is an aside from this I'm very happy with their efforts can any does everybody get it right all the time no it's simply not possible we're human beings but they work very hard out there to to keep us safe and I if nothing else I'm appreciative of the professionalism that this Police Department shows in its efforts all the time to try to get it right on your behalf and ours uh with that um if there are any specific questions about process that I can answer for people individually I seem to have been doing a lot of that I've been deluged with phone calls I've been deluged with media requests deluged with texts deluged with emails and because of that I felt compelled to speak to it tonight so that I can get that information out to everybody and hopefully they can understand what we can do or not do this city will follow the law and that's what we're going to do with with anything else and and in this regard that's what we're going to do here okay with that we move on to Citizen advisory committee the TPO that report will be uh is uh it will be Advanced to the next meeting public hearing portion of the meeting is now open second reading of ordinance number 20245 Mr attorney if you could read that into the record for me please an ordinance of the city of p orang b County Florida amending section 6-3 relating to the list of properties exempt from the general prohibition on possession and consumption of alcohol and public property owned or control by the city of Port or providing for codification repeal of conflicting ordinances severability and an effective date move to approve ordinance number 2024-25 the it item is open and on the floor for discussion second reading Council we have any comments or questions in regards no not on second reading sir we have none would anyone here care to speak to the item there being none back to us final comments call the rooll councilman Foley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernett yes by V item 17 second reading of ordinance number 202 24-16 Mr attorney if you'd read that into the record for me please an ordinance of the city of Fort orang R County Florida amending the city of for orang code of ordinances chapter 10 section 10-9 to clarify references regarding procedures for Dangerous Dog hearings and confirming subpoena power to the special magistrate for Dangerous Dog cases and hearings providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances separability and an effective date move to approve ordinance number 2024 D16 now second a motion proper second the item is open and on floor for discussion uh Council any comments or questions Sergeant Harrison must have done a spectacular job at first reading for us to have no questions of him tonight on this would anyone here care to speak to the item there being none back to us Council final comments there being none call the role councilman fley yes councilman GS yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes spy bill you got off easy next time we'll Hike It Up On You public hearing portion of the meeting is now closed regular agenda resolution number 24-37 on item 18 Mr attorney could you read that in the record for me please you got it you me me to do it myself I got you with the reso 2437 a resolution of the city of Port Orange L County Florida approving the approving the amended and restated government money's purchase plan 401a adoption agreements with icma retirement Corporation doing business as Mission Square retirement uh providing for adjustment as required by the Internal Revenue Service and providing an effective date move to approve resolution number 24-37 second we have a motion proper second the items open on the floor for discussion Wayne um I know that we've all read on this is there anything that you'd like to add to what we've read because I do oh you you can go first okay well the one thing that I'd like to note is is that this is in reaction to the work that we've done usually what we do is we review the mayor and the manager in uh May and we make compensation decisions that are effective uh in October since then the city manager of Delona the city manager of new samna beach have been hired at rates either comparable to or higher than our current city manager and the retirement uh that we offer him is uh lags behind well everybody uh rather than you know the manager of new samna beach who's $5,000 behind him for a city half his size or the manager of Deltona who gets paid significantly more he's number two in salary uh even though he's never managed a city before uh rather than make an adjustment to salary I would certainly like to entertain Council if you would uh the possibility of adjusting his uh uh retirement benefit from 12% to 15% this year and maybe 2 and a half% to get for the next years after that to get them to 20 uh the uh cost of that is about $122,000 a year and I think we save $200,000 in the elevator repair so we have a methodology to pay for it but uh I do believe that our manager deserves to be on par with his peers and not behind them just my thoughts and uh I at this point I would ask for questions or commentary or way I need for you to elaborate just a little bit for more for me because you're bringing dat dat that I haven't seen okay and I'm not trying to press you hard on it I just want to understand what's bringing this about rather than the 12% of salary uh or 12% of uh that's put into his 401a I'd rather I'd like to move that to 15% okay uh that is uh the norm is 18 to 20% okay and I'd like i' rather move it to there right away uh I'd like to gradually put that into place over the next three years so it would be a 3% increment boost this year two and a half and then two and a half and this is only for the city manager not the City attorney uh I believe it covers both of you guys right oh because you were speaking very exclusively to the city manager there's there's two plans so it it would need to be stated if it is I I what are what are your thoughts I'm specifically concerned about that the city man you know you guys can chime in and do what you what you please but I'm specific speically concerned about the city manager compensation being competitive and the data was the stuff the the documents we gave you back in May it's the same data what we he just asked for clarification on the the F FRS retirement which we hadn't put a number on so the there were like three or four numbers but F FRS didn't show a number so we had calculated what F FRS typically is which is what the mayor stated was the 18 to 20% range so it was all in that document we just didn't have a number tied to it when we gave it to you earlier so it it didn't look as dramatic I guess at that time and the the numbers for the rest of them were what was sent out last week uh in that comparative study and and the attorney stuff is the same I mean he did a similar comparison and they're all the same as well for f FRS to reach the 18 20% calculation how long do you have to uh be in that position to earn that it's approximately 10 years to get to the 20s Matt forgive me you've been here how many years 13 so you've you've definitely done your 10 plus plus 14 you've been here four years now I believe 14 total 14 total but four years in in the current position similar to similar similar to him he wasn't in this position the whole time either I've asked all my questions okay well mayor go ahead I I agree with you but I think we need to address both of them because they're both lagging behind their counterparts um in pay and the the retirement side so I think whatever we do addresses both of them okay what Scott no I agree I mean I want to keep them competitively can you can you just go back over again what the motion is that you're actually looking for because I'm going to make that for you okay say you I would need to amend the motion that's already made to for the both the mayor and the manager compensation to be adjusted uh the retirement compensation to be adjusted from a 12% increment to a 15% increment for the fiscal year about to start and adjust it upwards by 2 and a half% the following two years and that's a $112,000 cost yes which we've already identified uh money that'll pay for I'll make that I'll make that motion so moved and I will happily second it we have a motion and a second to amend Council comments on the amendment just just making sure I understand it caps 20 in that correct 20% correct no comments no other comments comments anybody would care to speak to the item back to us on the amendment May final comments May May the motion clarifying the motion is for the uh boy good catch you just earned your keeps clarifying that motion you just lost a race yes I did that's a whole different animal it was for the May I'm going Dem for the city manager and the attorney that's that was your motion right your mtion and Drew that was your second yes manager and attorney manager and attorney clarify thing is I got called out by the audience uh let's do this again comments Council anyone here care to speak to it come on come on up no you have to come up huh I got to have you on a hot mic I didn't come here for this though oh absolutely that's okay that's all right okay you're welcome my question is I worked uh 32 years for the school system I'm pensioned under the F FRS I'm just curious um what is the current salary of these individuals that are looking for this boost do you have that though uh the city manager salary will be 195,000 as of October 1st um I don't have the City attorney in front of me yeah I believe it's 180 yeah as of October 1st if you leave you if you'll leave your contact stff with the clerk we'll definitely get you the fact the TR we don't know that seems like a very generous salary compared to the normal citizen of Port Orange MH just saying very generous compared to my salary and yet not ranked anywhere near the top Robin do you anyone else huh back to us Council yeah I think we I think we need her name though for the record they're working on it they got can we can we get you to come just state your name on the record on the recording sorry to ask so I have to give my name say your name and address into the microphone Cheryl sarasua 148 Brandy Hills Drive I'm a 40 plus resident uh you're resident of this city thank you ma' your cover appreciate you so are we thank you Don call the roll on the amendment councilman Foley I thought Tracy was speaking s do you still want me to vote hold on I didn't I didn't real realiz it's all right go ahead you have another comment before we vote on the amendment yeah okay go ahead so the what you're trying to do is do a three plus 22 on it as the year goes with the way the economic inflationary rates are at this time 3% I agree with have no problems bringing them to 15 MH but over the next two years past that I think that's something we need to revisit next year when we go to do bonuses or ads to the pension or add to their pay okay setting a set rate right now two years out three years out I disagree with okay if we if we come back and nobody wants to talk about 2008 to 2010 right we just had that talking about pensions earlier I think we need to reserve ourselves to maybe it's 3% next year instead of 2% you never know what it may be you can go back and change it yeah you can amend it at it's harder to amend and people take a bad taste in their mouth you had that conversation in meetings with us before dealing with how the fire pension went when people had things taken away from them we shouldn't have to take away we should always be able to give what we can afford you're betting on future risks we're also doing that with our all our labor contracts that are two and three years and length correct go ahead read yeah I just have a follow-up question and actually it's more to what Tracy said I just want to understand how this affects the next City attorney Andor next city manager do they start at this point or this has nothing to do with that I just want to put that on record all right I'm good free to negotiate any other call to roll councilman fley no councilman grubs no councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes 32 on the main Amendment questions or comments not the main Amendment the main question I should say yeah on resolution 2437 any comments or questions councel NOP anyone here care to speak to the item mayor council M Robert rehagen 1425 TT to Drive Port Orange um I just wanted to say that um I read this in the agenda packet three times I didn't have a clue what it was talking about and it referred to an attachment one which I couldn't even find thank you thanks Robert thank you anyone else back to us Council final comments or questions on the main resolution 24-37 call the rooll councilman Foley no councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes 41 additional item City attorney report nothing tonight excellent report city manager report nothing excellent report thank you Port AR uh County uh city council committee reports Port Aron South Daytona Chamber of Commerce I got off the hook from that because we heard from Barbara Anne earlier First Step shelter report uh last week we had a very very long meeting in regards to one the employee investigation The Whistleblower complaint uh we decided not to spend any more money on the primary whistleblower complaint because the primary whistleblower uh did not want to participate in the investigation of his complaint so we ended that and we also approved the budget for the uh following year the upcoming for First Step shelter Round Table of elected officials we met uh last Monday on a nice rainy day as there were many last week and we had a number U I think I forward it to you but we had a number of Community Health updates from different uh uh Advent health and Halifax and SMA uh healthc care facilities uh talking about uh their offerings and we all the other thing of great public interest uh vucha County Beach uh is going to be uh tollfree for its citizens starting January 1st it's supposed to be a trial program uh beginning this October you'll be able to register your vehicles for that uh and it's basically licensed plate readers they're talking about going to uh uh Technology based that would allow some of the slower ramps to be open and uh and and electronic format so that they can open up more ramps on slower days so that there's more beach access so that sounded like a uh uh very interesting and promising program so we'll see the result of that uh real soon uh with that oh did I mention ouse councilman grubs so Art House numbers uh we go through a few things here is letting people understand what art house is to Port Orange we have Art House housed in one of our beautiful buildings at the rec center if you have not seen it I highly suggest go do a walk through Monday through Friday um from 11:00 a.m. to 5:00 p.m. it's your school kids it's grade K through 12 doing artwork phenomenal artwork I I've been just blowed away every time I walk into the building to see it but one of the misconceptions that we have is that it's Port Orange it's not it's 62 valua County school art programs and five charter school programs in vucha county that go there 2023 numbers is 134,000 people walk through that door you think about that 134,000 people walk through that door to drop their kids off to see art or theirselves to see art while they're here in the city of Port Orange they get to go and visit our restaurants and everything else that we have beautifully done in our city it's in the heart of our city I haven't been there it's right across the street here the good news is is since they've been there since 2023 taking off the projected numbers for 2024 is 152,000 people are supposed to walk through that door and they're growing and that's just for art we had Cameron come here and speak on Art housee she is the director and they are growing the program to Arts as far as music and literature so the program is going to continue to grow reason I bring this up is it's housed in Port Orange but also 16 cities in every school is represented inside our town it's a beautiful thing to understand what actually culturally goes there the cultural Grant by valua it's all facts it's how they get a lot of their money in that facts check all the numbers I just spoke out is from that it's not just something that I'm saying it's actually fact checked because that's the way they raise grants to be able to pay for it lastly is one of their only major fundraiser that provides for scholarships for all the kids that show up is actually coming up this Friday this Friday from 6 to8 it's called the fun and funky luau event a lot of guest speakers are going to be there um if you're interested it's Art House and that's not house like you live in it's h us so arhouse.com menal with what they do and it's all the teachers from art programs throughout the county that come and donate their time excellent report appreciate that any other business has come before us this evening we will commence again tomorrow at 5:30 for second reading of the budget and until then everybody have a good night thank you thank for