##VIDEO ID:MyT-VGGsx8E## e e e e e e e e e please rise for silent invocation followed by the Pledge of Allegiance amen am I pledge allegiance to the flag of the unit States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all all right let's play ball for the clerk call the role councilman Foley here councilman grubs here Bastion here vice mayor stillner here mayor Bernette here we have a full Quorum we can conduct business this evening and the first of that will be the city council Town Hall Center CRA joint special meeting in which case I need to have you call the role for the CRA uh don Bernett here Drew Bastion here Scott sner here Tracy grubs here Michael Benedict chairman Foley here okay with that uh members of the council call the role for the members of the council uh councilman Foley here councilman grubs here councilman Bastion here vice mayor steltner here mayor Bernett here uh with that we have a quorum for the C as well are there any objections to the notice of meeting I hear none the notice is accepted so I'll be opening all the items of joint discussion by the city council and the CRA and chairman Foley will call for the vote for the CRA and I'll call for the vote for the city council with that opening item B2 which it is ordinance 20 24-14 an ordinance of the city of Port Orange fuchia County Florida approving the First Amendment to the re River Yard Master development agreement providing for repeal repeal of conflicting ordinances provid for severability and providing for an effective date at this point I'll need two motions one from the CRA and I'll ask chairman fley to ask for that one yeah I would like to uh get in motion there you I'll read the motion move to approve move to recommend approval for the proposed First Amendment to the River Yard Master development agreement as set forth in ordinance number 2024-the CRA chair and agency clerk to ex all necessary documents all right need a second I'll give you a second on all right and with that I need a motion from the council I'll read that one as well move to approve ordinance number 2024-the mayor and city clerk to execut execute all necessary documents all right and I will give you a second on that one all right both items and open both that item is open both to both the CRA and the council uh let's go ahead and get the next one open uh B3 the temporary license agreement with Bristol uh Port uh Bristol Port Orange Waterfront LLC move to approve the temporary license agreement with Bristol Port Orange Waterfront LLC for partials owned by the CRA and jointly owned with the city subject to the approval of ordinance 202 24-14 and authorized chair and agency clerk to execute all necessary documents and chairman fley Al second his yeah all right that'll work that is open on behalf of the CRA I need the same for the council and I move to approve the temporary license agreement with Bristol Port Orange Waterfront LLC subject to the approval of ordinance 2024-the mayor and city clerk to execute all necessary documents and I will second that so the item is open and uh on the floor for discussion both items to the CRA and to the council we is second reading on both items uh Council and the CRA uh comments questions ready to see something happen Amen to that with that anyone here care to speak to the item Mr Burman you had an easy night what you got Robert mayor council members Robert reyhan 1425 Dexter Drive North Port Orange uh in reading the exhibit I First Amendment to the River Yard Master development agreement it says whereas the developer is the contract purchaser of the city property and as such request the amend the city to amend to allow permitted interim uses and it says uh in consideration of the mutual covenants contained in here and other valuable considerations and I went through the ordinance a couple of times and I didn't see any valuable consideration being offered and I think it's a terrible mistake to uh to allow them to use the property without getting some rental value out of it and indeed it even says in fact it waves fees for City development review applications site inspections building permits and building inspection fees associated with the approved interim fee uh uses uh I just think it's a terrible uh a terrible thing to let them use it without any sort of compensation to the city thank you thank you thank you thank you rob anyone else care to speak to the item that comes back to the council and the CRA do we have any final comments from the council or the CRA Mr Foley on behalf of the CRA would you call the roll on or have the roll called I should say all right so can we get a roll call please for the approval of item B2 Don berett yes Drew Bastion yes ster yes Tracy grubs yes chairman Foley yes and as for the Council on the same item call the rooll uh councilman buley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor ster yes mayor Bernett yes chairman Foley all right and now on the motion to approve item B3 can we please call her all Don berett yes Drew Bastion yes spner yes Tracy grubs yes yes chairman Foley yes and on behalf of the council call the RO councilman Foley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes five though now for the council we have any other Wayne did we cover it all did we have any further business come for us no further business okay Mr attorney same question we're good all right there being none The Joint special meeting is hereby adjourned and we will reconvene as Council and here we are public comments on consent agenda items do we have anything tonight no no no I'm I'm looking at Robert I jumped ahead of you I'm looking at Robert we're good on the consent to J okay thanks mayor may I have a motion for approval for the agenda for the evening so moved second we have a motion proper second to approve the agenda for the evening all in favor signify by saying I I any opposed we have an agenda for the eating now on consent we have items 6 through 10 I have a motion for approval move to approve consent agenda items 6 through 10 second have a motion proper second items 6 through 10 resolutions included call the roll councilman Foley yes councilman grubs yes Council Bastion yes mayor ster yes mayor berett yes I vote public comments let's see Miss Emma Clark hi everyone my name is Emma Clark I'm with the Port Orange South Daytona Chamber of Commerce I wanted to thank you all for your continued support with the chamber I'm just here representing them today to talk about upcoming events that we have um selfishly I'll share mine first I have a ribbon cutting tomorrow uh for my newest uh storage location at allward storage it's August 2nd from 4: to 5:00 p.m. we also have a ribbon cutting next week at a new company called wire 3 it's August 28th at 1 p.m. and then next week we also have our annual member Appreciation Night it's open to the public it's completely free we provide dinner from um uh our local business jeppis he's uh donating free pizza it's August 29th from 5:30 p.m. to 7:30 p.m. and then uh a couple of events that are happening uh later in the months we have an upcoming job fair on September 26th at the Riverside Pavilion from 400 p.m. to 7:00 p.m. which is also open to the public and then uh we have a casino night coming up on October 25th from 6:00 p.m. to 10 p.m. our tickets just went on sale today and we are still actively looking for sponsors and I do have flyers for our event tonight if anybody would like a flyer but that is it for me thank you thank you very much good luck hope to see you tomorrow afternoon thank you yes I have a lot of food and drinks come hungry good Robin did I have any more no okay with that Council comments why don't we start uh let's see who will have drew nothing excellent read got quite a bit actually um first off want to send condolences uh you know our city cleric Tracy her mother passed away and so want to send condolences to her and their family um I also want to congratulate all of our uh candidates yesterday who ran um it's it's not easy to put yourself out there and uh sometimes the result's not what you wanted I lost in my first uh attempt and so uh but looking forward to serving with those whove uh succeeded and for those who weren't man keep your head high public service is something that's very important and uh is is very much needed there's lots of boards and things that we need uh people to serve on here in the city so um also want to say that I was excited about the result of the parks Bond um you know that was a big task I know there's a lot that went into that Susan and staff and everybody I'm excited to see that that passed now I think it's very important and everyone already knows this we just have to be good stewards that money which I know that we will be um but I'm very excited to see what comes of that and uh finally I want to say thank you to the police chat uh police chief um for the new CSO at sugar mill specifically um my wife saw an interaction this week that was very interesting um obviously with that being there it's created some traffic back up and while a lot of people are excited because of the safety a lot of people are not happy because of the time that it's um it's increased for picking up your kids but um nevertheless U our CSO officer had a resident or parent that was very unhappy about the process and decided to tell him about it through his driver window um but our CSO handled it extremely professionally and kept traffic moving and um went about his business so kudos to him and um to everybody over there that's hopefully that's an improved situation first two weeks of school everywhere always are a little bit chaotic Absol it's a much different thing more more patient not less but if safety is Paramount like we all say it is then it doesn't matter you know just got to get there five or 10 minutes early because U it's all about it's in the name of safety and that's what's most important so amen that's it all right Tracy what you got so uh sing off of councilman Foley Susan you got your hands full now so uh don't push retirement out uh any soon so uh we have lots of money coming in for the Parks and Recreation Bond and I think this is a loudly spoken out by the citizens the way this got voted uh having the west side I don't want to say neglected but having the west side not having a beautiful facility like we have over here on the East side this is a great fix for both sides of the city this also adds to the Parks and Recreation to all the sporting fields that we are lacking the fields to be able to supply for the Youth and the adults and like I said three weeks ago we ended up having phone calls after phone calls why do I need to vote on this well it's not just for us it's for our kids and our grandkids this is going to be a beautiful layout and I I just can't wait for all the possibilities to come to light now the other that I want to talk about uh that was on the consent agenda making sure everybody understands cuz I get a lot of phone calls on this one is the pier at uh Memorial Park it's been closed for two years the pier at Memorial Park has finally uh got approvals um staff has worked wholeheartly diligent on this we got FEMA money coming in uh project $676,000 to go back and rebuild those two peers FEMA is going to come up to approximately 75% of that so for the citizens $80,000 roughly give or take a few thousand to have that peer put back in place for that side of the community is is just crucial um from the Walking abilities to the fishing and everything with the kids and everybody down there so thank you it means two years coming up so thank you for getting that done um lastly as for Council um been toying with some other ideals we always talk about the benefits of our citizens but I want to do benefits of what we do uh for our community businesses one thing that always comes up that's kind of a a thorn and and and some businesses sides is dealing with that illustrious open house sides I see smiles and I see frowns with this one but it's the question of having open house signs as a pilot uh program try it four to 6 months only to see if we can keep it under control for strictly open houses uh on a Saturday and Sunday basis only and then that way if anything is there on Monday they get picked up and thrown away the issue that we have is we have people trying to sell homes I know selling homes is not the greatest thing saying but business is good when you're trying to sell them and the market is big but when the market starts to slide a little you need a little bit of extra help signage does help try to figure out the proper policy to that is having it strictly on a Saturday and Sunday only I think not all week long and having those signs available for people to find their homes so they can sell it easier and things of that nature well I'll tell you what based on your query right now I'm going to ask the city manager can we Workshop this item uh allow Tracy to give you some guidance on some of the things that he's looking for but we need to have we need to have a larger discussion and let's Workshop that before we move forward with that can can I ask a question to piggy back off it just a real quick or would you prefer I don't don't you save it for the workshop I can do that what is a simple one it's an attorney question no save for the workshop all right there what El you got that's all okay mayor elect thank you sir the floor is yours yeah so I just want Echo uh councilman Foley's uh thoughts that I want to say thank you to everybody that's involved in putting on the elections not only in the city of Port Orange but countywide it it requires a lot of work by a lot of volunteers um and and just a lot of people in general to to do that and it's one of the greatest things that we can do in our country country and so um it's it's a great experience I will tell you that campaigning is not the fun part of any of this uh as as those that have participated recently can attest uh but I do want to say thank you to everybody that does have that interest to put their name out there and get involved and run for uh a public position um because that's what we need we're a city of a little over 65,000 people and we need people to want to come and do this job and serve and the same thing goes for our volunteer service boards um I want to give a plug to uh participation in the Port Orange University program that's probably the number one place I think people who may ever want to do this should start and so whether you're committed to doing it today or you think you would want to do it in two years four years 10 years or whatever that should be really really high on your list to participate and go through that Port Orange University process it would give you such a background about City operations and what's involved and then applying for the uh the boards like councilman Foley talked about I think is a is a great thing to do so want to plug that um just one other comment I wanted to uh share with the council getting a lot of Citizen concerns as I'm sure you guys are with the roadway condition of Williamson specifically around the Williamson and Taylor area um and and our city is going to reach out to the county to kind of see what their shortterm and long-term plans are and I'm going to do that with the elected officials but so and of course I'm not an expert on pavement but something seems to be going wrong there because they've gone out there and they have fixed those areas and then they just fall apart and and literally there are sections of Williamson that it's just coming apart and I don't know if it's a poor mix or what is involved in that I have no clue but you don't see that nearly as bad in other areas in other roadways that have you know high high density traffic I mean our the paving stuff that occurs on our city streets I've seen me pretty pleased with it we'd love to have more get more done but um but the quality of it seems to be pretty good but on in some of those roads it's just there's something definitely going on there so I've asked City staff to uh take a look at that and see if we can get some feedback for our Council so that as we get those questions from residents we can answer to those but um that's all I got for tonight okay well first first of all yet the reason why we're meeting today instead of on a Tuesday is yesterday was election day I would be remiss in pointing out that a few things are if I didn't point out that a few things are going to be changing December 3rd the three of us on this side of the Das have 36 years of commitment to the city of Port Orange and before us there are a lot of people that had a lot of years of commitment to the city of Port AR y you got guys will become the veterans real fast and Scott congratulations that was that was a nice win uh sometimes this chair comes with cement shoes there is certainly but that's okay uh it has been a lifetime privilege of mine to have served the last eight years as mayor in the last 14 years on his Council I love this town I love this city and the best part about it is when I say that I know I'm not the only one there are so many people in this community we can agree or disagree on some things but most of the time the when people are speaking up it's because of their love for community and they want better for it that's terrific that's the challenge you're going to have and and I know you're up to it as these two seats are about to get filled uh two people sitting in the audience I want to congratulate uh somebody with the last name green has there been a green on this Council before yeah we know him twice Lance has served uh what 14 years on the Planning Commission 18 18 geez see how time flies uh and Sean you have been Sean gfor has a longtime Community activist former chamber president uh uh still coaches like crazy even though his kids are grown I know that connection to kids you don't lose it I'm kind of the same way in some of the things I'm involved in with the schools but uh uh those two people couldn't be finer additions to this Council and uh Barry pek was in here earlier I don't see him now but people like Barry who run for these offices I love for them not to go away even though they lost M we have openings on City boards and then you can learn and contribute to the city so come back don't you know just because an election loss there are ways to continue to contribute you ran for the uh anybody who runs for these offices does it out of some sort of love for this community and we would love to have you serve our community uh and that's one way to do it uh we would love to have those enhancements on City boards and we're certainly going to have an opening on the Planning Commission for some reason here real soon so we're going to need applicants for that and then of course I'm kind of having a Melancholy moment because I know these next two and a half months is the transition is actually longer than the president gets uh but uh each one will be one less meeting towards the end of my service here to the city of Port Orange uh unfortunately for me uh an election for a larger office did not go well for me yesterday uh but in looking at the numbers and the county race the city of Port Orange supported me very well and I did not lose yesterday because the residents of this city didn't support me because they absolutely did and I am grateful to each and every one of you I had stiff competition and I'll give it up to them there were four people in that race with a lot of name recognition there four people with four different views that appeals to a lot of different people but I'm going to say this I am not going away I don't know if it's going to be in politics but I was born here I'm going to die here and in the meantime I'm going to find a way to continue to contribute to this community and as people who have been my friends know it's dangerous to be my friend because you're going to be somehow you're going to get sucked in you're going to be helping me no yeah I'm looking at you Stan with that it has been an honor and a privilege to serve with you gentlemen yes sir and I have served with over a dozen different people on this Das and the faces will continue to change over the years but as long as they show up with the commitment for what's good we don't always get what we want when we arrive but after the conversations and everybody submits to the the right and good process the citizens of the city get what they need and I'm I just going to stop right there because I can continue you know how I get diarrhe of the mouth sometimes so uh the other thing I wanted to mention is I wanted to thank the Chamber of Commerce for their support of the bond initiative you guys did a terrific job of helping get the word out about what it is and what people are going to get from that and that Bond Initiative for Parks isn't just about parks and wreck certainly we we got 5,000 people play in field sports in the city of Port Orange 16 cities the closest one doesn't even have that number half that number and I have said I don't care whether you're age eight or age 80 I want you to have something to do I if you want to get involved and the community parks and wreck is going to have something for you and we do it's we've come a long way but it's also about preserving green spaces karassi Park terrific Park uh multi-purpose facility hard to have multi-purpose things going on because of the size of it it's about to get bigger and that Park's going to get bigger instead of and we're going to have more green space there instead of development uh I like that and I like that an awful lot and one of the thing I was able to talk about on the campaign Trail is this county has a lot of land and preservation one fifth of it is owned or partly owned by the city of Port Orange that has been our long-term commitment and it's started a long time before any of us got up here and uh there a lot of good hard work from people but be uh that that came before us but it's up to us to continue to to to make that happen and continue that uh part of our culture so that parks and rbond is an investment in our community and I want to appreciate I know not everybody felt the same way about it that's okay that's what elections happen but uh a whole lot of people did and I want to thank you all who have voted for it uh we will continue to invest in our community long after the five of us are up here with that this is advisory committee for the TPO do we have a our TPO report Bob's not here he he had several meetings over on the other side of the county today and I don't think he was able to get back Oh you mean we have to skip something darn oh darn additional item City attorney report n tonight excellent report city manager just one you know we had the final budget book ready to go to give you guys to go forward but with the parks Bond passing John said if I gave him a couple more days till Friday to get it to you he'd be able to actually put the funds in for the we we won't have the money for the parks Bond until next year because it goes on the tax roll but he can set the budget up to show that and we do expect to start moving soon we'll probably pull some money through a budget amendment start designing the Horizon Park soccer fields right away so we can get that going rather quickly so we wanted to move quickly so if you give us extra two days he'll get the budget book ready and we'll send it to you I think everybody wanted a hard copy except ree will made one for him anyway uh so we'll get those hard copies to you on Friday Nothing Like Sunday night reading what else you got that was it uh Council committee reports First Step shelter uh wanted to let you all know that uh the first step shelter is at capacity and actually Beyond it there are 86 residents there right now they're doing a terrific job the uh safe Zone has been a terrific addition and that's something that this city has taken advantage of uh in in great numbers uh one thing that has certainly gotten some publicity uh a former employee did file a whistleblower complain complaint and uh we had that investigated with that investigation uh the person who filed the complaint did not want to participate in the investigation uh your truly had to run that first step shelter board meeting because mayor uh mayor Henry was unavailable so we spent an hour discussing it I'm proud of that board and the hard work that they put into it but uh nobody is it was recommended to us uh that we continued investigation at an additional cost most of us didn't see the Practical point of continuing investigation when the person alleging the charges uh didn't want to invest participate in the investigation so we have the investigative report was given to us last Friday we'll read through that if we want to do anything more me personally based on what I've seen and read in that report I don't really want to spend another dime I want the mission of first step to continue so there's that report for AR South Daytona chamber thank Emma Clark for coming and giving that report so I don't have to with that any other business come before us this evening May real quick uh oh may I I we a r well we had a police pension meeting Monday can I get the update now meeting Monday okay absolutely you go first councilman Foley uh just wait a second you go first C sorry mayor mayor's not ready to hand it over just yet there you go um no but the plan is up um 15% year to date and also receive the uh $581,000 that it receives annually through uh the insurance uh 1% tax on property insurance I believe it is so pl's uh doing really well this year I'm really really proud of all the hard work both by the uh members of that board as well as Frank and his team over at BCA all right police plan is very similar news uh fiscal year to date as of June 30th 15.96% net of fees the plan is 86% 86 plus% funded um and with that on uh June uh 24 or June 30th 24 the plan was valued at 64,8 194,50 181 and of course they had a very good July and August and the plan as of uh August 19th the plan was up another $2.1 million and uh so that takes a fiso year to date approaching 18% um So the plan continues to to do well and uh good things are happening over there all right I see Bobby ball snuck in you want to give us a uh report citizens advisory committee well in that case no do what you're supposed to do and we'll hear from you next time any other business come for us this evening if not have a good night everybody thank you e e