please rise for invocation by father Carl Bergen of Catholic um Catholic Church of the Epiphany followed by the Pledge of Allegiance gracious god with only words you created the universe and call it good help us then to use our words well to create only life and give blessing this day you number the stars and called each one by name let us cherish each person we meet and speak their name with reverence you promised that your word is very near us always in our mouths and in our hearts give us your spirit and teach us what to say Safeguard over our mouths and temper our hearts when emotions race and words so easily cut help us to know when to speak up to be cry for the poor a voice in the desert teach us the wisdom to know when to be silent your words C the Sea rais the Dead forgave The Sinner and comforted the mour give us the grace to speak the simple words please thank you yes and strengthen us to say the words that need to be said I was wrong I am sorry forgive me I forgive you let our yes be yes our know me know and our promises be kept above all may we remember that if we speak with the tongues of angels yet if we do not have love we are simply making noise so let our tongues be silenced if I ever forget you Our Father who art in heaven Hallowed be thy name thy kingdom come thy will be done on Earth as it is in heaven give us this day our daily bread and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us and lead us not in temptation but Deliver Us from Evil I pledge of allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all for the clerk call the role call present here here here councilman Foley is missing today but we still have a quorum so we are good to go with that uh that brings us to item four public comments on consent agenda items if anybody wants to comment on the consent anything that's on the consent agenda now would be the time to do it come on up tell us who you are where you live and what's on your mind good evening gentlemen I'm Jacqueline Craven lofer I'm over at 5272 baride Avenue the thing that concerns me is the uh request to extend the hours for the first turn from 11: p.m. to 12: a.m. uh recently since I was here a year ago regarding starting the deciel level theyve tested their limits of going a little bit louder during the week they have been for the most part calm but they're testing their limits and they are going above that 65 limit I'm only about two blocks away honestly I can be standing over at the Beaver Bar and not hear a thing from Iron Horse right across the street when I'm only the same distance away at my house and I canar hear them louder than anything and then go inside where all my windows are closed and still hear them they're testing the limits of that deciel level we need to really keep them on track on that 65 decel I believe we kept them off at um but I'm not too keen on the till midnight during the week even though it is Bike Week people still have to work and they're not set up in an area like across the Street where they're near the waterline where if they are open until midnight you don't hear them in fact I don't even hear the fish restaurant um with all the music that they have and they've got bands all over the time all over the place you don't hear them because their sound is drawn across the water this particular location is right on a main road and they've got residentials all over so their their time frame during the week understandably it is Bike Week but it's very quiet down in our area and to bring that down I'm not sure last year first turn did openly say they were not a biker bar they were a family restaurant so to ask them to open their hours another hour of music to bring in all those bikes kind of it's a catch22 it's they're kind of going over what they said last year where they are a family restaurant it has been and I did research it and under the descriptions um they have found that increasing the volume of their music actually increases their sale of alcohol it's it's been studied it's been proven it's on it's on record there are a whole bunch of studies done but you got to be able to keep it calmer for people to enjoy the music and not be deafened by it so the louder it goes the more deaf they are and I'll be honest with you if I had a family I would not take it there during during the music session because it is so loud it it would cause deafness to to to people so I'm asking that it just be maybe still capped off at the 11:00 p.m. during the bike week and um just let it go with that thank you thank you you've got close to the mic can you that hi I'm Mary Hy I live at 5284 Rogers Avenue um I was also here in June of 2022 when the Entertainment District was discussed and there was such a public outcry that it was put on hold as far as declaring um Commonwealth and South Ridgewood an Entertainment District because a block away is residents um we did make a compromise that on Thursday Fridays and Saturdays they could extend from 10 to 11: p.m. um in June 20th of 20123 an ordinance passed in order to streamline the recurring special events um process section 58- 56 or 5856 C States restriction of the amplication of sound hours of operation and signage noise shall generally be controlled by Article 4 chapter 42 under the code of ordinances unless further restrictions are imposed due to the proximity of the event to Residential Properties hours of operations of the special event shall generally be limited to 11:00 p.m. and less specifically waved by Council during passage of this amendment um uh in the Port Orange City council meeting June 20th of 2023 at the 48 minute Mark um councilman's remarks were interesting um it was deemed um some councilmen felt it was unfair that um people outside the Riverwalk and the down under which this legislation I thought was being directed at were not being included um I have concerns the permit processes sort of being used to circumvent the response of the immediate residential neighborhood and our concern of its impact on our daily lives and to avoid established code and its P purpose to balance between business and Community SP toober fest going to be to 1:00 a.m. is next bike week going to be 2: a.m. this business was purchased under certain conditions and city ordinances that serve the community well is it reasonable to ask the residential neighborhood to suffer the consequences of a business that wants to change code to fit its business plan um I do have dates where I did contact and make contact with a non-emergency number where the bands played after 11 p.m. on Thursday Friday or Saturday May 5th and 6th of the 202 3 June 29th of 2023 September 15th of 2023 on Wednesday November 25th the Wednesday before a legal holiday which is awarding that's used in the Entertainment District protocol and I also had the loud noise ordinances these were mostly after the biketober Fest thank you thank you appreciate you anyone else Robert you don't have anything for me this week all right appreciate agenda approval uh I need a motion to approve the agenda for the evening before I do that I would like number 10 to be pulled do we have any others that anybody would like to pull move to prove move to pull item 10 okay from the consent agenda and approve all other items on the consent a second all right before I call for a vote the item that there were talking about was item 8 did you want to pull that as well or no okay we have a motion a second to approve the agenda for the evening with item 10 removed from consent call the rooll yes yes may yes mayette no the agenda for the evening is approved may have a motion to approve the consent agenda with the exception of item 10 so move second we have a motion second to approve consent items 7 8 9 and 11 call the roll yes yes yes yes item 10 may have a motion for approval move to approve item 10 I'll second that item 10 we have a motion proper second the items open on the floor for discussion the reason why I wanted that uh pulled is I just wanted to give some thank yous uh when we originally approved this uh it was uh because of the awareness of the line of duty death that Justin white suffered and I think it was our intent at the time to make sure that we uh did this for him and the fact that we've got to go back and do this to make sure it's done the way we properly intended it in the first place I wanted to thank legal staff for uh doing everything necessary to help make that happen for us and bring that forward so that we can do that tonight for him and his family uh with that any other comments call the rooll on item 10 yes yes may yes may yes foro uh item 12 public participation agenda vution League of cities presentation by league president mayor Lois paritzky of city of Pon Inlet hello neighbor hello that's so you having major uh three page PowerPoint for us yes I do okay thank you well good evening everyone for those of you who don't know me I am Lois paritzky I'm the mayor of the town of Pon Inlet I'm also president of the vucha league of cities and I'm here this evening to discuss who somebody's missing I Nancy's got to be up Nancy is going to Nancy's going to you're more than welcome to come now Nancy will be brought in but you by all means you to support her so I got support from up here you got to support her right by her side and I would like to point out that we not only have our first vice president of the valua league of cities with us Daytona Beach Shores uh mayor Nancy Miller we also have your very own Mayor Don Bernett who is a current director and a past president now most of you are familiar with the league but my purpose this evening is to discuss a bit deeper into the role and the mission of the league with the hope that I'm able to encourage participation to the extent that you're able to do so with the league and I ask you to think back to when you first entered Public Service your reason for entering public service and and that may have been to um to put forth a particular idea or to stop something that was occurring or give a voice to the voiceless whatever it was it was to express your opinion to communicate an idea and your Hope was to be persuasive well the valua league of cities is your resource we are here to help with advocacy we are here to help through education on many areas that hopefully will be of help for you to effectively communic Comm unicate your ideas now the league represents all of the municipalities in our County and we act as a collective voice and each of you as members are also the collective voice and you're the ones who are advocating ideas for your constituents at the county the state and the federal level now I'd like to show you how hopefully your desire to be a public official aligns with the goals of the league now the vucha leag of cities here are your member cities it's a complete list of all the municipalities including Port Orange now the League's direction is chartered by a a board of directors made up of elected officials of each of the municipalities and here they are and you'll see your very own mayor right there Don Bernett is one of our our directors we have six Mayors four Commissioners or council members and this board of directors is elected each year by all of you by the members and we also have included on this slide Karen Allen at the very bottom she is our executive director and what we do is we have business meetings now what do we do with the business meetings we set an agenda for the leak and what is what is the agenda about well we look toward our goal what is our goal effective advocacy and what we do is we hope to set an example so that all of you the locally elected officials can accomplish the work to help with local solutions for our state legislators now we do this through educational programs we do this through workshops roundtables and educational programs such as how to fill out your form six um how does the appropriation yes how does the appropriation process work how do we bring money back to our cities we host an in-person mandatory ethics training now the league seeks to create the optimal environment for properly representing our constituents and last year we accomplished a great deal sometimes we couldn't stop a bill from passing but other times we were able to modify them so that the needs of your residents could be reflected in those bills and this year the elected officials in vucha County at the uh legislative action days up in uh had a very strong presence we had 23 representatives of uchia County up there and I would like to tell you your mayor had a presence there and um our Mayor Miller was there we had many elected officials and those of us who were there had meetings with our Senators we met with Senator Wright senator mlan we met with our Representatives uh representative leak Chase traymon and um Webster Barnaby and what we were able to do each of us were able to bring to the table the negative impact that many of these bills would have on your residence what would it cost uh mayor Bernett was able to give an ex a relatively exact number as to the impact of Revenue um if a particular bill was passed whether it was the home dead exemption or a local business tax now we work together to have a strong voice up there in Tallahasse and with the opportunities that the league provides whether it's through our round taes workshops organizing trips to Tallahassee we're really only as good as our members and I wish to encourage all of you to participate to the extent you're able to and that way we will help influence the bills in Tallahassee um now our directors do visit the City councils for the purpose of talking and speaking and hoping to encourage engagement and at this time I would like to turn this presentation over to our first vice president Daytona Beach mayor Nancy Miller who is also and this is important she is the president elect of the Florida League of Mayors so um Mayor Miller the first such person ever from Bia County County yes so mayor council people thank you very much for having me this evening so my main goal here is to support my first my president as the first vice president I want to tell you about two of the Committees that we have with inua League of cities the first one is the advocacy committee so we have 16 cities inal League of cities and what we do is try to rally the support for areas that people that cities have come to us and ask for our support I want to give you two examples of what we've done recently the first one was the badier fuel Farm out in Orman the majority of our members took this back to their cities and did a resolution in support of that so the second thing that we did was live local we supported that what we did there was when we were in Tallahassee we spoke with our legislators about Liv local and how it will affect each of our cities we also during our one-on-one conversations with our legisl brought up that issue so advocacy is very very big in valuch Leo cities we are there to support anyone that has any issue if um there's anything that ever happens in Port Orange that we can help you with please let us know the next thing we did is a mentoring program so that began with the elections of 2022 any newly elected official that gave us the interest they would like to have a mentor our director Karen Allen paired them up um we tried to do it logistically sometimes that didn't work out but we wanted to make sure any newly elected official that wanted a mentor got one so that program again began in January 2023 I had two men mentees as most of us did we actually had more mentees that wanted a Menor than Menor that wanted mentees so we we had two of them and it was such a wonderful experience for me what I did was meet with each of them oneon-one and then I got them both together and they had questions that I didn't even think about uh they both came from different cities with different perspectives and it was just a wonderful wonderful time so what we've done now is um Karen Allen has reached out and given us the new assignments but I want to read what Karen said about mentoring it's a relationship that is focused on the growth and development of an individual the connection encompasses broad forms of support including professional career and emotional support the goal is the relationship to be personal and reciprocal for both the mentor and the mentee honest regular communication between mentor and mentee allows for a trust filled conversation all communication will remain confidential and this was so important to me our president Florida League of Mayor president right now has three initiatives one's mental health one's veterans and then the third one was a mentorship program so this is in conjunction with our Florida League of Mayors so not only will this be locally in fucha County but also Statewide we're going to roll that out because we see the importance of that so again any of you I know there's going to be some maybe New Movement in 20124 if you're interested in our mentorship program by all means reach out to one of of us will include you it's been very successful we want to be here for Valia County and now I will turn it back over to our president britzky thank you you're welcome thank you Mayor Miller I would like to see whether if uh mayor Bernett would like to share anything being a past president a director is there anything you would like to share no no okay well what you you're asking me to talk you're going to get enough I don't do it let me just me this is what I am going to say the Valia League of cities you've talked about our relationships and things that we can do in Tallahassee you've talked about mentoring one thing that uh the bcia league has allowed us all to do is get together and collaborate with each other and being in the same room uh even if it's just once every couple of months I encourage everybody to take full advantage of those dinner meetings because we have a relationship ship right now with Pon Inlet and Daytona Beach Shores and South Daytona and new smna beach our neighbors these relationships with these neighboring cities of ours have never been as strong as they are right now and it's because we meet each other regularly and the league allows for that and you know this is my last year's mayor and I'm hoping that we can beyond all of us we can make these relationships grow into something more so it's going to be up to the next generation of leaders to continue that but that collaboration locally is facilit facilitated by the valua league of cities and uh you know what even when Lois is talking about all 16 cities when two or three or four need to work together those are wins those are big wins and and that is one of the things that I have thoroughly enjoyed is being able to work with my neighbors on common interests and we've been able to uh uh propel those things forward and I want to thank you for your part in that as well thank you very much and I really appreciate uh the time that you provided to us this evening thank you so much thank you Scott's got questions oh that's the mayor that's the mayor wanted to put you on the spot I don't have any questions you don't have any questions does any look on his face says I don't know yeah I appreciate after hour Tracy you're good I was going to nominate Reed to be a I like that take advantage when he's not here Reed could be a mentor we'd be happy to have him mayor and Madam president and mayor Madame vice president thank you both thank you very much thank you appreciate you thank you guys public participation uh non- agenda do we have any cards there being none Council comments Drew we attended something on Saturday I'm pretty sure you probably want to comment on that we we did mayor and so it was the first annual um Craig Mory pumper pool that uh benefited a a group called yes youth emotional support and uh so for those that don't know Craig morsy was one of our firefighters his father was also a firefighter for us they actually served at the same time for a short time and Butch retired and uh Craig made it to uh 20133 he got sick uh was diagnosed with cancer and he ended up uh passing in 2013 and so we've done a lot of things over the years in memory of him and this was one of the things that uh came of this and so the the weather shut down the speedway and they had to reschedule a couple races but it didn't shut this down no yeah it didn't shut this down it was a great event um took a lot of planning and a lot of things so got to give kudos to to Public Works and all the staff and everybody that worked on this and had to be there in the rain um so it it it happened right here at city center and it was a really good event had a great turnout even with the the rain and I you know teams yeah IAL yeah and I talked to the Chief and I'm like yeah I guess the uh you know the weather not so good for racing but not so bad for this event um so I'm sure a few people stayed home and it was the first one so looking forward to to doing it again and and many more um and you know I I I just see a really high ceiling for this thing to to to go to because it was it was such a cool event to to watch we had teams from the police department there uh kids from Spruce Creek on the weightlifting team um they had some a few co-ed teams a couple all female teams it was really a pretty neat event um the the only downside of it was of course the weather but it it still was Fab fabulous so um you get a chance next year next February March we'll do it again and and you know everybody can come out for that but the main reason was like I said to thank the the staff and everybody that had to be there and plan that um it was great so um Kudos thank you all with nothing else so there's I'm just wondering if there's any truth to the rumor that Chief wolfing is going to try to add a mud pit for the contestants for next year but I think that's just to jump in after okay after it'd be a little hard to pull the pumper through the mud but it'd be it'd be interesting to see him jump in after 11 teams for the first time ever yeah that's that's incredible look forward to next and I know that the I'll come back and watch I know the the weightlifting team from Spruce Creek I'm sure they'll be back with a vengeance they they uh I I I think they were little stunned at how hard it was I don't know if they got any practice I know they lift a lot of Weights but pulling a static piece of equipment across the road once they got started they did pretty good but um I I'm sure it was something new for them you get a lot of practice pulling a fire engine no no that's a hard one what else you got that's it mayor that's all I got tonight Mr vice mayor what you got this week uh a couple of quick things um just for residents there are a lot of events coming up in the city of Port Orange in the next few months as we enter into the the spring and early summer season so I encourage folks to uh to uh that are interested in what's going on around the city things to do places to go special events uh themed events things like that pay particular attention to the city social media Pages as well as the Port Orange uh website where they can find those events but there's a lot of really great stuff coming up not only at city center but also at the River Walk area and other places around the city um wanted to mention had a couple of res of residents and this has actually happened a few times in the last couple of months Wayne when when residents are calling the non-emergency police department line after most this is mostly happening at night and on weekends there there's some complaints that it just the phone rings forever and doesn't get answered or it just takes so long that they just simply give up and and just hang up the concern that I have with that is that and what I'm asking for I guess is if we could just look at and evaluate what's going on I know that we don't handle those calls those roll over and are handled by the vucha county sheriff's operations communication division I'm fine with that um that happened over the weekend I got made aware of it by two different residents so I decided to try to call myself just to see and there's some Merit to this um cuz when you first call the number on our our number it rings for a little while and then eventually it trips over to the Communication Center and then it rings for a little while and then it goes to another automated thing and you have to make a selection and then it rings for a while and so forth and I get they get slam busy and this weekend was busy we had special events in town we had nasty weather and all that good kind of stuff my only concern is is that sometimes and I've I've seen this firsthand people aren't really sure when it's a non-emergency and when it's an emergency and I I've seen cases where they should have called 911 but instead they tried to go through the non-emergency line and vice versa so I just want to see if we could do some kind of an evaluation I don't know how that really works but how long is it taking for these non-emergency calls to be answered and is there anything we can do to shorten that up if it turns out that it's very very lengthy and it may just be periodically I get sometimes when you don't expect it to be really really busy it's really really busy and so I get that sometimes Manpower and availability has has a role but if you could just take a look at that and give us some feedback that' be good other than that that's all I got see what you got for us I want to give a shout out to Parks and Recreation uh doing a fantastic job for the Youth Basketball uh competition you guys put on a phenomenal show um kids were excited and smiles ear to ear uh was it was a good time I I showed up for a little while for that and got to watch that and it was uh reassuring to know the program in parks and Rex is stronger than ever it was a beautiful thing and then lastly is on Saturday night after the bumper pull the 911 call that went out that took uh station 73 out from the bumper pole was a phone call from me and I want to thank station 73 for coming out on Willow Run Road uh we had a car that was T-boned in front of me and spun it around down into the canal oh jeez it was pretty bad um from time of response to clean up to everybody going home and everybody good it was 30 minutes from start to finish for a wicked wreck in the rain and uh Chief your guys are right there side by side with them standing in the rain helping out doing everything and directing traffic and it's uh one of those things where you you hear about incidences but when you start to see two separate teams pull together and watch how fast and how nice and smooth it went for how bad an accident was it was good to see that Port Orange is there and uh want to thank you both very much so thank you okay okay and Scott I just want to build a little bit on what you were talking about with a non-emergency number because if you Google up and you see the big letters the 506 5800 is actually actually the police department's business line it and you read in the small print the actual non-emergency number is the 2481 1777 so that could be confusing if people um are Googling it up but the 386 248 1777 is the police non-emergency line and uh Wayne maybe we can uh do a uh social media post on our um our Facebook page and the police Facebook page just to raise some uh awareness of that along with I'm sure that uh we want to know that our calls are being answered and and uh the County dispatch system is supposed to take care of that whether it's an emergency or not and uh I I share Scott's concern with that if he could take care of that for me appreciate it now getting on to my list of things uh couple years ago we spent where I should say the State of Florida but we as taxpayers spent $1.4 million to install a smart light traffic system up and down dunon and man did it work great when it first installed and it is not operating the same way that it did before and I know that the county and the state uh operate that system system and I'd like if you could find out for me what's different now than what it is we had a brief conversation and I know that it costs a lot to operate to me that's a them problem not a me problem if they're going to this do is going to put in a smart light system they should operate it to its full capacity so I'd like a little bit more information about that uh better than it was uh when we're not operating at full capacity I I that's very disappointing to me and just if you could find out some more information for me I'd appreciate that do you want do people to come here I know that you have that round table that you have AB absolutely so I don't know you're going to ask that question I'm going to say yes absolutely I don't know that I can compel them to to attend but we will certainly ask I would like if they one way or the other I just want some answers because if this was something that we spent a lot of money to put in in and administratively somewhere uh within their budget they can't fund it okay that's fine but I want to know that I want to hear that from them otherwise they need to operate the way it was intended I know the round the round table of elected officials group that you meet with meets coming up here soon and there will be a DOT representative there so you can start that conversation and then see if they'll come here to explain it they they they call that the Adaptive traffic signal system and they had them on major cors in multiple CI ities here in the county my understanding is that every one of those is no longer in use it's not just dun Lon Granada ISB and the other so so they they were at some point determined not the most effective way to to control the signal systems and do elected to go to a different approach to control system us years to get that system and then they're going to tell us it's not the best system that they can that's just I want to hear I want to hear a a more detailed explanation from them uh because that is uh very disappointing so so we will make that request and and hopefully there some of the conversations you guys have in the round table we'll help we have and certainly since it affect affects not just us but uh several of major cities in Belia County I think that uh uh we should have that conversation at Round Table as well and I'll be more than happy to uh spearhead that since I chair the transportation subcommittee mayor I just comment quick one back when I was sitting on the TPO committee one of one of the frustrations before this program was ever even implemented by do was I don't think anybody really understood exactly how it was supposed to be implemented and worked and then what were going to what was going to be the measure how are they going to measure the effectiveness of it and and those questions were asked a lot and a lot of terminology and jargon gets put out but at the end of the day it just didn't seem like there was a a way where they said and here's how we're going to measure it to make sure it's an improvement and and that and and now that it seems like they just completely abandoned it after spending that kind of money cuz I will I will have to admit right before the last storm it seemed like there was a period of time could have been an anomaly but for about 68 weeks it people were even talking about it in the community they were like hey I I think something's actually getting better and then we had the storm after Ian system got Dam been the same and then it's just never been the same since yeah so I don't know we invest in infrastructure matter of fact I I spent time lobbying for that for years we finally get it and it's it's it's extremely disappointing well and and just to comment on what you're talking about mayor when you say you spent time lobbying it as did a lot of folks there wasn't a second option but I recall that was the only option so of course you have you you got to you either live with you got or or ask for something better and I thought we were asking for something better and then when we get it and they don't operate it but I I Wayne yes that's an excellent suggestion I'm glad you mentioned that it would be very beneficial for us to have a representative from dot it's the number one complaint we hear in the city of P orange and and and and it's frustrating for the residents as well as it is for us to have to tell them that's not our road and we don't control traffic lights people think the traffic lights are controlled by the city of Port Orange we don't own or control a single traffic light in the city of Port Orange those are done by County DOT and Engineering they're owned by the state of Florida in most cases and it's a DOT roadway the thing is they're not the face of the city we are and yet we don't control it we don't own it and and we need them to help give us some information that we can feed back to the residents our residents need to be able to hear from Department of Transportation what's going on now that that's not hasn't worked what is the plan what can you do to help and and and by the way and you're welcome to touch on it Wayne because I know we talked about this the other day we do have several projects that our staff and this elected body has worked hard at getting getting on board to help but it will not fix everything it will mitigate some stuff it will we do believe there will be some improvement Wayne you're welcome to touch on that or mayor however you want to do that but that was one of my comments here but but but still the traffic lights themselves the signaling and how that's adjusted and monitored and stuff like that that's still going to be a major issue for us so any I didn't mean to jump no that's okay and and and thank you because even though we don't control it as an elected official with a voice I'm going to use it sure that's what I want to do right now and let them know we have 21 projects right here on the on the drawing board and frankly some of these that we've been working on for years some of these are are brand new well actually most of them we've been working on for years and they take years to go through the process get the funding and these 21 projects are all things that I'm looking forward to we voted on it earlier tonight uh to approve that list uh but these are what's coming what I'm talking about is what we have right now we have a tool right now that could make the lives of people in our city and other cities with the same system better it's I would certainly like to know more about the what's where and the why about how why it's not being operated the way it was meant to and after years and years of looking at that I'd appreciate that um on to happier things speaking of TP so on um meline we've acquired a beautiful lot across from sugar Forest we've closed the sale on that we've got some wonderful Public Works projects that are going to happen there to help improve drainage and flooding and and and sewage control and the like in there that area and it's very necessary but right now we have a very large area that we're maintaining on that right there at meline and Pepper Hill across from sugar Forest I would like us to do something similar to what we did with Riverwalk Park before the park was ever built uh when it was just a trailer park and we acquired that and we just had and all you could do is drive in and be there we designated that at the time um at a at a council person's request to name that Riverwalk Park so that people knew that it was open and available that by the water and people could enjoy that I would like us to do the same since we're maintaining this property and it's a big wonderful field of people of sugar forest and Pepper Hill and Country Walk or or anywhere for that matter can use this field if they want to go throw a frisbee or or or or or baseball or just walk I would like to designate it uh um sugar Forest Park at Pepper Hill if council is in agreement I'd like us to be able to let people know that that open space is there for them to use and by putting up the signage actually invite them to do so and uh improve the quality of life uh for the people in that area and I'm going to ask councel if there's any objection to that I'm not problem with that works for me perfect fine Wayne and I like to think the great minds think alike because uh Susan routinely takes me out when we do our regular meetings driving around look at the parks because it's a lot easier to learn about them when you're in them than talking about them standing in the office and we actually have been out to that Park driving by looking at it and trying to determine how to best make use of it so they already had thought that through in the interim as you've mentioned before the lift station and the the pond goes in but I don't think that'll take up all of the space so there's probably going to be a little bit of room left for something in the end but in in the interum we're still it's going to take a while before we get the pond designed and constructed so we could do an interim let's use that space let's let people use that space okay that's what we're asking great and then uh the final thing on my list is just to let everybody know one more time we've been talking about a long time this Thursday at 700 p.m. is our annual Town Hall this is not something we do in an election year this is something we do every year and we invite every resident anybody who's interested come to Lakeside Community Center uh we'll all be there uh Thursday night at 7 o'cl uh for our annual town hall and if there's anything on your mind at all bring it with you and we'll talk so hope to see you all there with that uh oh I just Chief see me afterwards I got something to throw your away uh item 14 say advisory report committee for the TPL Mr Bobby ball Bobby hello Bobby ball with the CAC for the TPO we had our monthly meeting some pretty routine stuff with our fiveyear uh tip program and the two-year work program updates nothing really major um I did volunteer to be reappointed on the tips on the uh subcommittee for the project priority list so I've been talking to um Tim's group before and and glad to see the list uh the list of projects going forward and I hope to be ranking them nice and high and uh that's uh pretty much it okay and I'll now ask about the Adaptive signals for see what I can see what I can bug bug them with as well Bobby I'm sorry to put you on the spot but so sometimes it seems like we use acronyms up here a lot and then we use them a bunch in a short amount of time can you just take a second and explain what TPO actually is for people that don't know or may be listening sure it's a trans ation planning organization it's really um we uh as as a group we really don't have anything to approve all we can do is deny at the end of the day our real job is to say if we don't want something um typically the state and the county pays for everything you know and that's how we we get our funds and then uh ultimately our job is to rank and and prioritize the projects that get you know built with those funds and the CAC is the community advisory committee so there's also a TCC which is a technical Coordinating Committee so Port Orange has a a member I think it's Tim but I might be wrong Tim man all right thank you Bobby you're welcome appreciate you thank you sir item 15 parks and R Parks and Recreation board advisory report so should I wait till the next item before I report on this item just in case I don't get reelected just curious I think the risk is low right um we had our we had our meeting uh earlier I guess it was last month now it feels like an eternity ago hold on just a second hey chief do me a favor make sure you okay you're on the same page with me great uh Bob B with the parks and rec board um I was uh elected the chair now so you'll see me instead of Mark and so uh we had our our last monthly meeting um some good stuff uh I'll try to be brief we got a update on the bond process and we're looking forward to seeing the website come out and all that stuff come forward um we also heard about the rec center which is uh doing do phenomenally well so we're really super excited about that and then um new new program agents of Discovery I don't know if you've seen it but you can uh take photos of QR codes and and do some cool uhh wreck activities when you're in our parts so and with that I think I'll just uh stop right there and be short if you got any questions I'll be glad to take them good Budd looking to my left looking to my right I see none I say thank you very much sir thank you just bring brings us to item 16 Mouse on my keyboard is what I'm using now because my auxiliary Mouse is no longer functioning so item 16 is the parks and rec Advisory Board appointments uh we have five openings and we have five applicants and we have five Veterans of the board uh which include Mark bowling John Cameron uh Mr Bobby ball who we just saw Maria and audience as well and Shan Holmes their terms expired at the end of this month uh they have all reapplied for appointment we have no other applicants at this time uh and at this point I would uh request a nomination or a motion make a motion that we reappoint Mark bowling John Cameron Bobby ball Maria Mills Bennet and Sean Holmes to the parks ofre Advisory Board as a slate as a slate that way we can have one vote in cify I'll second it we have a motion and a second to nominate those five individuals as a slate do we have any other nominations I've got asked three times any other nominations any other nominations Robert's Rule of orders have been uh taken care of there so nominations are now closed uh any anyone here care to speak to the nominations or try to any of the nominees want to talk us out of it there being none Council final comments I just comment that how much we appreciate that these folks volunteer for this board and that since I've been on Council I don't know that it's that it's been more important than it is right now to have the continuity that we have on this board for what we're getting ready to try to do uh over the next couple of years with our parks and wck program so it is a long time coming but it's critically important to have the folks that we have on that board that have the perspective of the history what we've looked at what's been considered and where we're going and uh there's some good stuff with this so I truly appreciate their interest to remain and continue to serve on the board that has been always one of the more important boards in the in the city and with what we've done recently and what we've got coming or hopefully what we have coming uh it's great to have continuity that we have any other comments there being none called the role yes yes mayor yes yes 40 reappointed unanimously that brings us to the regular agenda portion of our meeting uh item 17 approval to submit the proposed project list for the river to sepo 2024 Transportation Improvement program priority list which I was kind of flaunting a little bit may I have a motion for approval so moved second we have a motion proper second the items open on the floor for discussion who do we have Wayne at community development director Tim Burman this is normally a consent item but there were so many important projects on this one we ask him to pull it off to let him give you a 65 page hourong PowerPoint presentation you properly truncated down to okay yeah but there were to be serious that there are a lot of really important projects here both for traffic uh more flow safer flow of traffic and there's some also some pedestrian safety projects in here we just thought this warranted a more detailed discussion than a consent item agreed I'm just going to say before he starts I'm disappointed that all we got was a plain light gray hoodie sweatshirt there's no bright color like yeah where's your bright color shirt you run out of stuff in the closet or what they don't come out until uh hit 70 degrees oh okay got so hopefully that's in a few days okay what you got for us Tim I had to quick here on the get the map up here but I think still not working well but um I think pretty said we do this every year um we've got a number of projects that are currently on the TPO um in either feasibility or design or waiting for to be selected for design what we're here tonight to discuss is adding five more projects to that list um these five projects um consist of three feasibility studies and then two implementation projects those are the ones we're asking for design construction funds for feasibility studies before before I get too much into those those are ones where City staff has an idea as hey this looks like an intersection that could use some improvements in terms of turn lanes and safety we make that application to the TPO if we are selected the TP assigns us an engineering firm who evaluates that and looks at the best case scenario to make a feasible project to accomplish what we're trying to get to that so that's the um intent for three of those projects the other two projects are implementation those are ones that feasibility studies have been completed on we have a set path at what with improvements are and we're requesting fdot to provide us for the construction funds and the design fund which is essentially 90% of the cost of the project and the city pays for the um remaining 10% so the project that we looking at today um they again we have five of them first is the F first one is a combination project of both the intersection of Herbert Street and Nova and also at the intersection of Eagle Lake Trail and um Nova Road um first at Herbert Nova this is actually a project that we submitted probably the first time I started submit applications and it was not the best application so it is ranked low so we are taking another run at this one we have a lot more experience in how to do this and we believe we'll get a higher ranking um this time around then so this intent is to look at adding some turn Lanes into there to help that flow during the peak hours which is mainly during school um it's very congested area there is also a tight area there so we got a lot um constraint to work with pre our existing development then so that'll be important for that feasibility so to look out and find the best option going further south there on Nova Road we have the intersection of Eagle Lake Trail and Nova Road that's right right where half wall is and there is essentially an open median cut with Eagle Lake Trail and then the shopping center and there are a number of leftand turns that are made there that result in accidents our idea is to have the feasibility City evaluate is there some safer traffic measures that could be implemented in that intersection to make it more safer I think based on some dot data that we had there's about 30 accidents there over the past five years then um and I think anyone who's driven there has seen probably someone make a left out of there and kind of cringe when they you know see that happening then so that is the first one the second one which is not showing up on the screen but I'm sure everyone knows where Town West Boulevard and Williamson Boulevard is oh um that intersection with the um uh you know currently that the turn lanane for that into townwest Boulevard off Williamson Boulevard is about 140 ft it is probably one of the smallest turn lanes that we have in the city of Port Orange but probably one of the most used turn lanes that we have in Port Orange due to all the residential area there along with the um the park facility that way then so the proposed project would evaluate basically extending that turn lane also to to look at the turn Lanes on Town West Town West Boulevard that turn on to Williamson both left and right to see about modifications those to help move traffic through that intersection um again that's will be the feasibility study the third one is at the intersection of madlin Avenue and Clyde Morris Boulevard again this is another one where there's a lot of existing development we've got some tight constraints to work with but we do need to make some intersection improvements there to help it flow better then so we'll be looking for inter um inter our turn L improvements on mine Avenue both Eastbound and Westbound possible additional right turn lanes and then also trying to extend those left turn Lanes to get more cars um through the intersection the focus really is on that left turn movement onto Clyde Morris Boulevard to go north that left turn lane Stacks up quite a bit into the through Lanes which basically bottom necks that intersection then so that's um the project again that will be a feasibility study we'll be requesting all these feasibility studies too to in addition to the turn lane improvements we'll also be looking at pedestrian improvements at the intersection make those sure those are ADA Compliant then project four and five are projects that have already had a feasibility study and we're looking to basically request um funds for those to be implemented for design the first one is at the intersection of melin and Nova this would consist of constructing both on Eastbound and Westbound right turn lanes and extending the existing left turn Lanes then and then the intersection of Nova or dun Lon and South swallow tail is the addition of another right turn lane there again trying to get the cars that are turning right off of dun LA to help the flow on dunlaw in that area then uh so those are the five projects we'd like to uh submit um so to your guys' approval and then also too we included in there just as the mayor pointed out the list of where our current projects are on with the TPO and like I said we've got a various throughout the stages in there and um you know here to answer any questions you have on these projects or possibly any of the ones that we've got on that list Council on the on the um project number two out there on Williamson yes do do we I know part of the feasibility is part part of that is identifying who actually owns the properties that we would need to be able to extend internally right yep we believe that we've got sufficient right away at that area so that's already County right away yes okay but in terms of the feasibility study too they will look at basically right away and identify who we need to get right away from them that's part of it then but from what we looked at that one we have there's sufficent County RightWay there for that turn then and on projects that we submit through this course when they when they do involve County roadways do do do you guys as our does our staff reach out to the county ahead of time to go hey this is something we have an interest in are you guys going to be on board to help support this yeah as one of the requirements for the application we have to have a letter from the county acknowledging that we're submitting the project then but we've already talked to them initially about about them and then if you recommend approval of them we'll send that letter out tomorrow then and get that for the application all right Perfect all of these are significant choke points or safety issues I don't think I I don't have a question as to the need for any of them myself Council any other questions would anyone here from the public uh like to speak to these this anything along this list here there being none back to council final comments or questions Tim I think he got off easy from us with that call the role yes yes may yes yes 40 additional Adam City attorney report none tonight excellent report city manager report nothing additional excellent excellent report uh city council committee report reports First Step shelter that would be me uh I'd like to report the first step shelter mayor's Gayla was very successful we're not sure exactly how much we've raised yet in support of firststep shelter with that uh but uh We've also expanded uh the reach of First Step shelter as new samna has recently signed on Edgewater is looking at it uh the attractiveness of that safe Zone uh to make us all pottinger compliant is helpful with that and certainly the more people we have participating in the firststep shelter and the more donors that we have uh both public and private the more successful they can be one statistic that was reiterated at the uh uh Gayla was that people going through First Step shelter we're near capacity now at but after two years 90% of those people are still in homes so that is a terrific success rate uh that story is not being told enough so it's not just there as a uh place to put the homeless it's a place to get people out of homeless and into homes and being productive members of society and uh there are many many different reasons and many different issues that can make someone homeless but uh getting them out of that and getting through that and uh uh helping them feel human again on the other side of that is is uh really terrific so glad to see that firststep shelter is working the way it's supposed to and we've got a board meeting next month day ARS I'm go ahead the for the first step shelter maybe at the next meeting I just would be curious next time if you could let us know um with some of the legislation that's getting ready to come out of Tallahassee on sleeping in public places and things like that how they think that's going to impact their their need and demand I'm sure that some of that is going to be conversations at our meeting uh come Monday that's terrific uh terrific topic U because you know people have to go somewhere and it's good somewhere it's good to know that we have this uh Port AR South Tony Chamber of Commerce uh we meet uh mayor manager breakfast uh mayor and the manager we meet with the chamber reps this Friday but uh because I have a special person in the audience I'm going to save my voice and let chamber president Barbara an hean tell us what's going on with the chamber and she's dry for the first time in 72 hours yes good evening Este te mayor vice mayor Council city manager City attorney and directors first I'd like to thank vice mayor stil's vision and dedication to connecting high school students especially seniors to job opportunities within our community his initiative to Foster local talent and provide avenues for students to gain valuable work skills is commendable and reflects our shared commitment to the focus of our success for our youth we we are actively working on the upcoming job fair this may and we are actively working with Spruce Creek High School for our career Expo which is happening here in a few weeks we are excited to partner with the city of Port Orange and this partnership shows the power of collaboration creating meaningful opportunities for our youth by working together we can ensure that our students are equipped with the skills and resources they need to succeed in their careers and contribute to the growth and success and prosperity in our community I'd also like to give switching topics a special thank you to police chief Marino for organizing and leading the police officers for our beautiful aror guard ceremony at the 2024 mayor's breakfast and honoring Our Heroes in celebration uh he did a fantastic job as well as we'd like to thank fire Chief wolfing and division chief meski for the coordination and assistance with the event we congratulate your exceptional honores officer Eric meslin of the Port Orange Police Department as well as firefighter T Tyler Simmons from the Port Orange fire and rescue and we thank you mayor Bernette for your pro business agenda and remarks at the breakfast uh we know that the city of Port Orange is a great place to do business and uh I am honored to be able to promote uh your business Community here every day I'd like to also now invite the council to some of our upcoming events we have tomorrow February 21st a ribbon cutting for Blake Thomas from State Farm he has uh moved his business to 4639 Clyde Morris Boulevard suet 107 that ribbon cutting is taking place at noon and we invite all all of you to please attend on February 22nd at 5:00 p.m. this Thursday we have our business after hours at flag sticks at Cypress Head and uh we are excited to be able to come afterwards to support your town hall so we are promoting that on February 29th as I mentioned earlier is our career in college Expo with Spruce Creek High School we already have 40 businesses signed up those same businesses we are inviting to be part part of the job fair this may and finally on February 29th we have coffee and connections at copperline Coffee and Cafe and this has uh grown quite significantly over the last six months where even non-members come to be able to connect and network and uh we gained new members as a result of that that concludes my report and again I thank you all for your partnership thank you thank you thank you with that does any other business come before us this evening if not I will see everybody this Thursday night at our town hall take care everybody and for everybody watching at home on TV thank you very much