##VIDEO ID:eOVNH40zDcQ## please rise for invocation by Pastor Mike swingle From First Baptist Church of Harbor Oaks followed by the Pledge of Allegiance let us pray heavenly father as we begin this time of City business I want to come before you I want to ask that you would just bless this time bless each council member and the and the mayor as we go through the city's business father I do pray for the transition Lord with the new leadership and father God that you would watch over them and guide them Father as the city goes through a transition here Lord we pray that it's successful and without any complications father we pray for everything that is discussed tonight and we ask father that your will would be done thank you so much father for loving us thank you so much for sending your son for us and we ask all these things in Christ's name amen amen amen I pledge aliance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all will the clerk call the rooll here here here here here all are present we have a full quorum to conduct business so with that item four Public Utilities Department improvements Mr Steve Parnell well he's getting everything set up just as a little a little bit of background when we were going through the budget meeting back in July we talked about some of the major things people have done throughout the city to to improve one improve our service to cost control uh and and the utilities department stepped up and volunteered to be the first Department to come explain it they've done a lot of really really good stuff and I did not do it justice back in July and Steve volunteered to come explain it and better but I think for the for the community to see what everybody has done it's very important to understand the value of that so we'll let him take it from here and then and do better job than I did back in July I think Wayne summed it up so I think we're good we're good well then EXC right great job very much Mr mayor council city manager City attorney Steve Parnell Public Utilities so I want to take a few minutes tonight and just go over some of the highlights that I've seen over the last couple years in the utility department with some employees who've U went above and beyond um I do want to preface as saying that this just is not utility department doing this this is Citywide police fire Parks Public Works Finance everybody there's people stepping up finding ways to go above and beyond and save a few dollars and just just make it a little better so the two things I want to just hit on briefly tonight is uh we've had a major reduction in chemical usage at one of the facilities both facilities actually I want to key in on U specifically the Wastewater Plant and then um we had the central lab got an approval of a new piece of uh lab equipment that nobody's ever never done before and it was because of their determination that they were able to do that so this slide we got a lot going on here but what I want to key in on first uh Mr Mayor I think I've heard you say it a couple times up there gallon of milk does not cost now what it did four years ago everything's gone up so as you can see on the bottom left here our sodium hyper chloride or the bleach that we use at both treatment facilities over the last four years look at the price we started at 4 7 cents a gallon we've gone up right now we're currently sitting at $150 a gallon for gallon of bleach um so with that we're using on average I'm sorry let me jump back real quick so from 2010 to 2020 on average we used 1,000 gallons a day of bleach just at the Wastewater Plant okay so about 365,000 gallons annually and um if we were to still be using that same amount today just our bleach at the Wastewater Plant we're looking at about a half million dollars in Bleach so what staff has done mainly our plant operators plant managers and our instrument control technicians is over the years they've found better technology better ways to dose the chemical um better ways to track it are we feeding it at the right place right time and really you know to optimize it so as you can see here from 2020 to 24 to current we've actually dropped 8800 gallons a day of bleach at the Wastewater Plant and mind you the plant flow has also gone up about a half million gallons a day so our flow has gone up but our our usage of chemical has dropped just by finding ways to dose it better um what does that equate to so just this one chemical at the one facility uh we feed three other chemicals there also but just tracking the bleach we saved about $100,000 just at the Wastewater PL annually by staff finding things looking at things uh you know going to other plants and looking at how they dose stuff and how they track it um so uh this is to me a huge win that we've seen in the utility department here's a couple pictures um we got our instrument control technician John baller up top and Ryan Sanders on the bottom they're hard at work this just a couple things they've done um they've implemented new ska systems over there so the operators can look at the screen quickly figure out what's going on on where are we feeding stuff where are we not feeding stuff um you know and theyve just top left is kind of the older stuff they've had to work with that looks like a real Rat's Nest bottom right is kind of what they're working towards cleaning things up making it a little easier um and I threw the hydrant in there because if they can do their job more efficiently we're we're not wasting water we're flushing water when we need to flush it when we don't need to flush it so that's win number one I think big win here cool backstory on this one um so our lab manager Paul solaro and Teresa Kingston about 3 years ago found a new piece of equipment that we could test our nutrients and vaces in house with and they realized the savings that we could have and first and the biggest thing would be we have immediate results so the way we used to do stuff with the lab is we used an outside contract lab about $60,000 a year for outside test the test could range anywhere from 8,000 to 10,000 tests annually takes 2 to 4 weeks to get results and sometimes there were testing errors which creates problems with us when we go to report to our regulatory agency um two to four weeks doesn't sound like a lot but just imagine trying to drive a car you make a turn you got to wait you know two days to figure out if you made the right turn so they need results immediately at the Wastewater Plant to make sure that they're operating and at the water plant so initially Paul uh went to the local regulator and said we'd like to use this device the answer was no he said why nobody else has ever done that before the answer is no well that's not good enough for Paul so Paul said what do I need to do they said well you need to show us that it can work so you need to take it up the chain so Paul spent the next Paul and Teresa spent the next year and a half I'd say going to EPA and showing EPA that this piece of equipment will work and this is why and so after a year and a half they came back they got the blessing from EPA came back to the local regulator and said all right EPA blessed it now how about you guys and so we were the first lab in the state to use this little piece of equipment right here on the next page this little thing here was what all the hubub was about they were able to get that piece of equipment approved through the EPA which resulted in us having to do our nutrients and back tees inous we get immediate results same day we can know if there's a problem at either one of the plants the quality control is way better because we're doing it inhouse and we're saving about $25,000 a year just in um sampling um so to me that was it's been a long long road watching them fight to get that and it was a huge win so those were just two of the little wins with Public Utilities that that I've seen over the years staff has worked extremely hard to make sure that we can you know just do more with what we got so we would like to recognize the following employees I know coming off the backs side of a holiday week and we had a couple that couldn't make it but uh if you guys could please walk up Ryan Sanders instrument control technician John baller was unable to make it due to travel Paul Sno Central Live manager Teresa Kingston assistant Central liveb manager and Graham Gardner Public Utilities project manager who was also unable to make it due to travel do you guys have any questions the experts right here well this is certainly a reminder that when we're up here making dollars and cents def decisions that uh not all efficiencies are just simply dollars and cents but uh when you improve the quality of what you do uh and you improve the quality of the product then that that in itself is gains an efficiency that also need further recognition and and Paul I've known you a long time you've always fought for things like this appreciate you more more than you know and and uh keeping this kind of information to ourselves is certainly not what we want to do because I got a feeling that when you're first there'll be people knocking our doors finding out hey how did you do this how' you do that and that that makes you industry leaders and that's a wonderful wonderful thing Council questions or comments read start with you oh man Steve thanks for presenting this it's awesome um and thanks for all the hard work guys uh something that frustrates me and every industry I've ever been a part of is is this fear of innovation and having new ideas and not doing it the way it used to be done oh well we've done it this way for so many years and it always works well that doesn't mean it's always the best way to do it uh I think that's just absolutely Genius of you guys not only to have the idea but to have the follow through to go get the permission needed to do so um that that's probably sometimes even the harder Parts you have a great idea and there's somebody who says no above you you have to go prove that they're right um but now I think that's awesome and something tells me that the mayor is correct there's going to be a lot of people calling asking how that you how we did this and and how they can go about doing it for their own department so I think that's just absolutely outstanding and uh on behalf of all the residents of Port Orange thank you for doing that we really do appreciate it Tracy stemming off for what uh councilman Foley said you know you you did a hard fight dealing with the EPA they're they're just so much fun to deal with sometimes uh in my field we work side by side with them and even though we're working side by side with them they're they're a nightmare sometimes um to do what you guys did to get that past you know $25,000 a year on a piece of equipment that I know didn't cost that much kind of a quick turnaround savings right but the bleach volume itself I mean $105,000 a year savings what you're talking about is two things that came together for $130,000 a year to the budget it's huge and it's it's greatly appreciated by the citizens I know by us Council when we're sitting here looking at numbers any savings is a good savings and going out and doing that I just I know you don't want to hear this what's the next next task what's the next thing we can can do that can benefit to allow us to get to the next step um but I'm not going to take Kudos away from you because $130,000 that's a lot of money so thank you we also forget to mention that that's product that's not having to go into the reclaim system either y environmental impact saving is huge by itself Scott I love it I you know I my day job is dealing with water every single day so I review water test reports and I deal with problem water all over North America every single day and rarely do I talk to people in the same state twice and uh so I can I can share in the frustration of when you don't have results coming back quick enough and people want to fix problems immediately and you're trying to beg them to say hey hang on a second before you spend all this money let's just double check these results and get these tests done so I can truly appreciate that I think that's amazing and and I would encourage us to be proactive with other municipalities and say he hey we want to let you know what we what we've come across and what we've done and and and and put that out proactively to these other municipalities in Central Florida specifically so then HKS when they come up with something they remember Port Orange and go hey they turned us on to this we got this going on and let's let's return that favor so Kudos huge congratulations to you guys a little disappointed Graham didn't make it tonight just for the entertainment value cuz I would love to had him speak so I am going to ask that he come back at some point talk for for a little while and people that never had that pleasure will appreciate that later so but no I know right but in all seriousness what you wish for yeah great great job guys I mean this is this is the kind of stuff that that um sets us apart in a lot of ways and and we you know having been part of the city since 1989 we' we see this actually more often than people realize behind the scenes employees throughout the city coming up with great ideas way to to to build a better mouth trrap so to speak and so I I think it's just awesome and uh Steve I appreciate you bringing your your folks before us to to bring them here because this is the the stuff we definitely want to see and be be hearing from you guys so congrats to all of you guys job well done group yes i' I'd agree I mean it's outstanding results from an idea knowledge and effort and determination to get where we are so you guys are to be commended it like I said I I can't really follow much but it's outstanding and it is greatly appreciated without a doubt one of the most interesting things about uh having set up here in this Das the last 14 years is that we have to make policy on a whole bunch of things that I don't have expertise in we make policy on how to fund our police fire Public Safety water all these things are are important and you know and certainly water is water in water out and everything it goes along with that I'm not an engineer I'm certainly not a water expert yet I have to make good policy and you guys have to go execute it if we didn't have smart people here to make sure that we knew what we needed to do to make good policy we'd be in trouble and we've got smart people in this department and many others that help us do that it really is a team effort we we don't just come up with stuff and go at it uh we we have to be able to ask the right questions and you give us the right answers and you guys produce every day on behalf of the citizens of this city and that is greatly appreciated and Wayne thank you for bringing them in they deserve this absolutely appreciate yall thank you thank you [Applause] guys public comments on consent agenda items only item 7 through 12 12 on the consent agenda any public comment on those items I don't see Robert moving so we can move on to agenda approval may have a motion for approval for the agenda for the evening so moved second all in favor signify by saying I I the agenda for the evening is approved may I have a motion in regards to the consent agenda motion to approve consent agenda items five through how about seven oh yeah 7 through 12 through 12 go ahead I'll second we have a motion to approve consent agenda items 7 through 12 Andy proper second uh call the rooll councilman Foley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes mayner yes may ber yes 5 consent agenda is approved that brings us to public participation first one is Mr Jordan Snipes almost didn't recognize you there no beard what happened was weird good evening mayor good evening councilman yeah you guys have seen me before um just coming up for you we got our event coming up in a couple weeks um for those you guys who don't know who I am I'm Jordan Snipes I run a nonprofit for veterans and First Responders in vucha County we have our third annual 22-mile walk coming up on September 21st so don't be alarmed if you see uh some people walking down us one and a bunch of uh police cars and fire trucks and everything like that um if you guys have any questions you guys can find us on our our Facebook page for any kind of information um we do mental health counseling for First Responders and Veterans so if you guys know anyone struggling or anything like that please reach out to us um we want to help all these guys that help all of the citizens all the time um it's free to walk anyone that wants to walk they can uh message us on Facebook sign up and I think that's it um I know answer your question question too Peter is doing it this year is all right Peter is doing it this year so people can see it like and share your Facebook page what's it labeled again it's called speak up tomorrow needs you okay Jordan you guys ever have some way to sponsor Walkers if you're not able to walk but you can sponsor someone else who's walking have you guys thought about doing something like that cuz I know so we we do accept donations the day of um we haven't really wanted to tie someone's money to an individual just in case they can't either do it or anything like that we don't want to take money away from an individual that shouldn't be taken away from so we do allow donations that day and all of our funds from our nonprofit go directly back to vucha County First Responders and Veterans um just this year alone we've sent almost 14 people through either counseling or some kind of redo process of getting back onto a straight or mental health Edge so all of that goes back to you said you do donations day of is there any way to do Don ahead of or year round yeah so we do on our Facebook page we do have a donation link um we should have a website up and running by the end of the year um we've tried to do it where we don't have to pay for a website um so it's been a little harder none of us are technology Majors um so we're trying to figure out it out as we go you ever want help you ever want help on the website side just call me personally yes sir be happy to talk to you about it yes sir all righty thank you guys have a great night good to see you buddy and we have Mike P tski evening everyone Mike my name is Mike panowski my wife Lydia and I live on tamoka farms Road proudly in unincorporated Luchia County residents of the tamoka Farms Village subject to its local plan adopted into the County's comprehensive plan in 2009 to preserve our rural way of life and we have lived there in the same home for 37 years making a family we moved out there because of the quiet Country open environment but development continues to encroach on our village city of Port Orange most recently annexed property immediately to our North that was previously cow pastures in Woodland that property was promply rezoned and Westport subdivision in towns west was built with about a thousand Homes and Apartments but not before raising the land by about 6 to8 ft to prevent it from flooding well all that water that has been going on of that land for thousands of years being absorbed into the more than adequate ecosystem had to go somewhere so where does it go now it goes south into our homes in the county and we have flooded since that subdivisions have built been built for no less than nine times and after Hurricane in we had about 4 ft of water flowing South for 5 days through our properties and homes some much were destroyed causing hundreds of thousands of dollars worth of damage we've engaged the county and the city for help and we are waiting the county has since come out and cleared their adjacent swells swes the city tells us that the swes are owned by the Westport HOA who they are applying the code enforcement methodology to to get the drainage area cleared as it has not been made maintained since it was developed it is now full of trees foliage silt and is completely grown over um so it doesn't work very well their retention Pond of the north is grown over with slash pines and other foliage and it doesn't retain any water at all at the start of the development we were assured by the planners that we would have a 1acre buffer when questioned about the clear cutting well I can now stand on my pool deck and see Second Story windows down on my looking at my house our village consists of over 2,000 families and properties who are one mind to preserve our rural way of life and to do that we stopped the municipal water lines from getting stubs into our village we stopped the for landing of tamoko Farms Road we stopped the Supercross track and we will continue to stop land use changes convenience stores gas stations apartments and any developments that do not conform your code enforcement team and the city engineering staff have been very helpful in starting the process with working with the HOA of Westport to get the ponds and the Welles cleared out Dena Joseph Amanda Brennan and and Fenwick have been very helpful getting this progress um getting this moved along so our village is organized we are more than willing to work with you and your staff to preserve our natural beauty and the safety of our village and to limit Municipal encroachment I'm also letting you know that we will turn out at your meetings your workshops your town halls and we will be watching for every notice and every placard to make sure that we uphold our rural Village plan which is again in the comprehensive plan of Lucha County so we like it there we love it there we've been there for going on 40 years and we really don't want it to change and we hope you'll help us maintain that way of life thank you I appreciate you letting me talk tonight abely thank you thank you thank you and Barbara an hean good evening mayor council members and city manager just want to update you that our kickoff for leadership 2024 is going to be this Wednesday September 11th actually next Wednesday and it's going to be at the city of Daytona Beach Shores at the community center at 5:30 we thank you and Robin Fenwick for sending us uh wonderful candidates for this program we also thank you for your leaders that help us plan the 10 weeks and we look forward to your participation on that night on September 11th we want to bring as many alumni back as well as all of our community leaders to welcome the incoming class of 20 members strong and to also celebrate our alumni that have uh been part of this valuable program to our city so thank you so much thank you thanks that brings us to that Robin I didn't have anymore that's it okay that brings us to council comments let's start with Drew this time good got nothing excellent excellent report Reed what you got for us is uh just want to throw back back to something on the consent agenda really quick um I feel like I've talked about this once or twice before and I'm not sure but item 10 is the revision to the pars and wck fees and in our in our update that we got um in our commentary packet it talked about how council's direction for a long time has been to try to recover about 30% of the cost on that um in talking with the city manager today at lunch we were just discussing uh what that Vision might look like going forward if you want to make it have it remain the same or what we thought we should do with it I thought was very interesting to find out that some programs that makes a lot of sense for we're very competitive and with other municipalities other were not but um basically what I want to come out and just say is that I think that 30% is too low for us to be recovering when it comes to these fees uh with everything that goes along with all of this we have a lot of people who uh use this program who are not residents and the way that this payment structure works out and I want to see us start moving that number closer to 40 if not 50% on the recovering when it comes to different programs fees cost to get into them I think um Wayne and I were discussing this today about um our summer program how it's it's on average $50 cheaper than any other summer program that's available in the entire County um which is awesome at on one hand but it also means that that's more money coming out for our taxpayers that we're subsidizing so just something that came to my attention today when I was talking to him and something I'd like us to be thinking about going forward um as as we do this again whatever that may be next year I'm I'm sure season will be doing it before us again okay Scott what you got that's it excellent Tracy I'm good actually recovering from Labor Day was beautiful weekend where I was up in North Carolina and took a lot of photos to uh get with Wayne later for ideals to come to our city all right speaking of things coming to our city I was in uh St Pete for a baseball game on uh Sunday the Rays did not come through but even though the Padres beat him it was still a win because I got to go check out Tiki dos in St Petersburg and we all know that Tiki dos will be open here soon in the next couple of months and uh I just wanted to give youall a scouting report if we get what they got over there we're going to be in good shape food was great menu was great there you know how sometimes you get a menu and everybody on the table at different assortments of hot or even on a plate your entree is hot but maybe your side is warm everything was hot it and and of course the atmosphere was incredible so uh if we get half of what they got over there I want all of what they got over there and then some we're going to do okay so I'm looking forward to uh tigy docks coming to Port Orange and then of course uh Wayne uh just wanted to make sure that we are set next meeting to go gold with procl we normally do this every September Port Orange goes gold in uh um propping up the fight against Childhood Cancer so if we could do that at our next meeting and uh Council I wanted to say that here openly so that we can be prepared and dressed accordingly okay with that special reports report from camper Sports on Cypress Head Golf Course another good year going she hear about it hi mayor members of the council City attorney city manager uh Jeff Dayton here from Cypress Head Leslie house is our director of sales and marketing so we brought here here tonight to uh share some things about what's coming but we'll review a little about what's been going on uh first of all the golf course remains in great shape you know the weather's been you know decent as far as Summers go and uh dar's doing a great job controlling the weather controlling the course conditions um with the weather that we've been given um revenue is up um we're over budget with revenues we're we're watching payroll closely we're uh we're up uh 28,000 year to date on revenues we are under almost 40,000 with payroll but the operating expenses have kind of got us uh to where we're just slightly under budget on the bottom line with two months ago so um all in all of course is great the the super L Nino weather P them kind of made us have to spend more money on funes sides and whatnot so most of our overe expenses are in the courts and grounds department but uh the The NPS ratings are great uh we're 91.6 over the last three months May June and July we're uh we got $22,000 to make up on the bottom over August September which we still hopeful we can do and the uh the car path project which we started a couple months ago was about halfway complete so it's going to run past the deadline of September 30 but it is going great the reviews are great and everybody's backs are loving it they're not getting rattled as much so we're starting a back nine this week and that'll be done probably sometime in October hopefully but uh got a lot of things going on with marketing uh Outreach to Orlando a lot of other things we've been uh doing so I want to let Leslie share a little bit of that with you okay thanks Jeff uh good evening mayor council members um thanks for having me again my name is Leslie house I'm the sales and marketing director I'm into this club not quite a year it'll be a year and a couple of weeks so I'm learning everything and um fortunately I'm coming here tonight to report that um there isn't a local course that can say that they are among the top 25 courses public courses in Florida so we did achieve that um 66,000 golfers voted for us through Golf Pass which is um also a product of of NBC so um that is out there in The Ether which is wonderful to see um and then you know among that list Trump Dural stream song and tiberon um also TPC sass so it's quite an Accolade to be among that list also among the the Daytona Community Choice Award um by the news journal so that's another Accolade that we received a couple months ago we're also up for two more Awards that'll be forthcoming news in the in the coming days so we're we're hushed right now on that one but that is forthcoming um just happy to be a part of this community and represent this course um we've got a lot of momentum as as Jeff U mentioned um we did had our hero golf marathon and um Jeff played 100 holes and raised almost $7,000 for um folds of Honor um which we partner with um we also partner with a lot of local uh um other Charities and we also have our um first responder in Military and Veteran um week coming up which is going to be the week of September 8th um followed by in the middle of the week we have a salute scramble so um just really appreciate all the support um out there and and we can maybe partner with some others in the community that support similar causes um we had our Player Development month we are supporting Junior camps we had just under 50 Junior golfers continuing to recruit new go new golfers to the industry so really happy to see that and um we also registered as a youth onour property which is um also a charitable organization that allows you youth golfers to pay for $5 um at any course that is signed up so happy to support again just keeping the momentum going trying to pull a lot of the Orlando traffic over since they're coming over anyway that's going to be our new pivot this year so really focused on um that and um also just um making sure that we're getting the message out there what a wonderful wonderful place it is to come golf if you haven't been there so nice to meet everybody tonight thanks for listening and thank you have a good evening thank you you are on track to have the best running three years this golf course has ever had I'm watching it and when you said 22 I'm like it was 30 a month so but you if you can finish it budget you are going to have the best three years financially in a row that this golf course has ever had and it doesn't come simply just by watching the numbers it comes by putting out a good product and taking care of people it's all about customer service appreciate youall so Council any comments or questions yeah I I think I heard you mention something about First Responders and uh veterans and things I'm just wondering if y'all were working with the young man that was up here uh Jordan Snipes uh maybe you guys could talk to him and partner I have that on my list I I would love to Jordan um talk about that that um we we'd love to co co- partner with with um entirely in the wheelbase so um whether it's a run or a golf event um um as many of you know mayor can do a tremendous job with fundraisers so i' happy to Jordan let's chat absolutely okay conne he's not here right now but we wrote his name down okay Jordan s find him out there on Facebook you got perfect thank you anyone else thank you thank you very much thank you guys thank you brings it to the golf Advisory Board here he is golf golf golf golf golf golf all about the golf tonight Rich Lee uh and the golf Advisory Board speaking on their behalf um unfortunately Leslie stole my whole presentation everything she said now the um the fact of the matter is the the trio of Leslie Jeff and Darren have been just delightful uh Darren is the core superintendent and manages the landscaping and taking care of the greens and cutting the grass and putting the right pesticides down and all that kind of stuff um Leslie has been a breath of fresh air from marketing standpoint there's a lot of Outreach that she's doing to try to draw in more customers and that's one of the things that if we look at and I went through the calculation with uh with them this evening um they're missing their number by four golfers a day that's all it is is one more force them they would be at break even right now wouldn't have to you know try to do accelerate the things to meet uh the demands that the the mayor's putting on them Matt what are you doing the rest of the week yeah so you guys got to get out more often no it it's amazing if you you know you think about it just one more forsome I mean that's all you got to get out so uh but that that's the big push is to try to get more people to play there are times when it's not that busy so we can get out and do that but as I said course conditions are good the one thing that that's come up the evening that that I've observed and I think we've observed now for some period of time is there is some inconsistency in the food and beverage participation um we went through a little bit of what the contract says and the contract claims that the food and beverage facility should be open basically the same hours at the golf course and that's not always been the case and they've lost some business as a result of that inconsistency so just bring that to your attention and U other than that if you have any questions uh the golf course again is in great condition being operated magnificently um the new cart pths are are certainly much less than the bone jaring ones we had before uh nobody Springs in our carts broken again so you know it looks good anything fellas awesome thank you Rich good deal thank you brings us to the regular agenda portion of the meeting item 16 first reading of ordinance number 24-16 is attorney can you read that in the record please an ordinance of the city of Port Orange Valia County Florida amending the city of Port orang code of ordinances chapter 10 section 10-9 to clarify the references regarding procedures for Dangerous Dog hearings and confirming subpoena power to the special magistrate for Dangerous Dog cases and hearings providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances severability and an effective date can I get a motion to approve move to approve ordinance number 202 24-16 second we have a mtion second the is open on the floor for discussion Wayne who do we have presenting Sergeant Harrison will present tonight hello Council I'm Sergeant Harrison with the police department uh this is basically just cleaning up language before we have an issue luckily we haven't had an issue yet but we identified we could clarify and make it easier to understand um biggest thing was dangerous dog hearing versus a youth in Asia hearing to really specify out that it applies to both give the magistrate subpoena powers and just clarify some other language so easier to go through if should an issue arise streamline it a little bit okay easier to understand government efficiency wow saying those two words at the same time Council comments or questions we've all had a chance to read it yeah good stuff I see none that's no fair you you haven't presented we we got to make this harder on this guy so with that let me open it up to the public when anyone here to car comment or come with a question come on Bill we got City supports dogs that's all I all right back to back to us love dogs absolutely back to us Council final comments or questions there being none call the role councilman buy yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor ster mayor berett yes 5 see what a great job you did you got a 5 vote right out of the box EAS thank you additional item City attorney report nothing tonight excellent report city manager nothing tonight excellent report again city council committee reports River to CPO councilman grubs I'm going to pass this to councilman Foley he was at the meeting uh yeah um so we now have a new chair um officially taken over there at the TPO um but otherwise it was pretty much business as usual um nothing really to report right now executive committee meeting tomorrow which I'm still serving on uh it was honored to be asked to do that again for another year so I'll be doing that and um yeah that's all there is for that one okay police pension board Drew you already reported on that I gave that report uh right after we had a meeting right after the uh election and then yeah I already gave it with that just hoping this is the last month of the fiscal year that next month's report will come with some additional good news fire pension board same thing same thing that's right okay you guys are easy with that we will be back tomorrow night to talk numbers and budget have a good night everybody 5:30