##VIDEO ID:f7TIA5Tl9ag## please rise for invocation by Pastor John Maza of the Family Worship Center Pastor here today all right if not we will have silent invocation amen amen I pledge Al to the flag of the United States of America and to the repblic for it stands one nation under Liberty Justice for cler car r councilman Foley councilman geter here councilman green here vice mayor grubs here mayor sner here we have a quorum of I'll beg of some patience tonight as I'm trying to work through a little bit of a different computer configuration and setup up so hopefully I'll stay powered up um agenda item number four public comments on consent agenda items only see none can I get a Where's Robert I know right we'll check on him later um item five I get a motion for agenda approval please I move to approve the agenda for tonight second all in favor signif by saying I I motion passes 40 get a approval for consent agenda items 6 through 13 please you skip it number six or am I on the wrong B yep it should be items 6 through 13 approval minutes from December 3rd we need it'll be in the consent right so agenda items 6 through 13 okay move to approve this consent agenda 6 through1 13 and uh second it all in favor signif by saying I hi anybody oppose oh we have a we have a resolution on there my bad uh call the rooll councilman gfor yes councilman green yes vice mayor grubs yes mayor sner yes 40 we'll get better at it yeah all right public participation non agenda Matthew W come on up welcome tell us what's on your mind used to going at the end not first that's all right so uh yeah Matthew vres 3654 Donna Street uh I'd like to apologize for some of the things that I myself have posted and commented on social media expressing my anger uh post Hurrican and Milton I've witnessed a lot of thoughtful convers ations from councilman Foley vice mayor grubs and mayor sner council members perception is reality from the $50 million storm water Improvement project that we have been informed on there would be development on jackon and Oak Street of Beacon Woods subdivision where I live we've seen some Stakes placed prior to Hurricane Milton for work to begin since then the perception is that 0% progress has been made the perception is that one of the older neighborhoods has been forgotten about even worse reconstruction on the bridges around Memorial Park have begun which I can guarantee you at this time when many of the beacon Woods residents are rebuilding their homes a second time uh that recreational bridge is the least of our concerns my question is when will the construction on the culverts to assist our area with drainage restart I myself have fallen Fallen victim to to thinking that this Council has forgotten about its Community after coming to these Town Hall meetings I realize that that is far from true and during the recent Town Hall meetings post Ian in Milton there's been a lot of very good insightful information presented to us it has definitely softened the blow for what has happened of late learning on what the current residents Council and staff have been dealing with um that the problems that we're facing have been left to us from our previous leaders over the last roughly 50 years I myself have been working in social media advertising industry for over eight years working with companies such as Pinterest adroll and currently Kora going back to the perception as reality I think it would really behoove Council and staff to make it a minimum a bimonthly post with updates on the $50 million storm water Improvement project or any future projects for that matter such as what stage we're in where it's currently being worked on in the city and what's next to be worked on there are many few uh rumors flying around the community both on Port Orange's official and unofficial Facebook and Reddit Pages as mentioned I myself have fallen victim to believing some of these rumors because until coming to these meetings myself I did not have full context based on reviewing Port Orange's own Facebook page and website I don't see a lot of information that can easily be found from the sto about the storm water Improvement plan therefore incorrectly giving the perception that nothing is being done posting on your guys' social on the city's oh sorry go ahead and wrap up your final thought there go ahead uh posting on the city's social media Pages would be free less than 20 minute uh project for a city social media planer manager to complete but reach many citizens and I think help curve the anger and distrust circulating around the mayor and council members if this is something that the current city social media manager does not know how to do please reach out to me I'd be happy to donate my time to help uh educate and inform our fellow residents if nothing else I think it would help make the residents feel better knowing that they haven't been forgotten about thank you appreciate you thank you Harold Jim White on up Mr White good evening welcome mayor council members uh live in Tanglewood my name is Harold white my issues the water meter that keeps coming up and uh can't get a a good answer from whoever I talk to in City utility department or management of Tanglewood Trace they say it's not their meters the city's not reading them I understand that they just estimate the uh meter reading I'm a member of Aqua Hawk I guess you're familiar with that M and uh there's nothing ever on my account that there was a leak or proof that my account had anything so my meter is just being estimated the three it goes up uh like three units and my bill keeps going up so myself and others at the park have this issue that hey the neighbors most of the neighbors 34s probably are like 46 bucks with the regular increase $47 or 50 and mine's over7 now you know and no one's reading the meter but I'm getting I'm still getting bill by the city for the water the meter is broke I've sent in pictures I've sent in uh proof and it's it's it's completely busted it doesn't even move but yet I keep getting charged more and more money Weir I'm kind of at the end of what I have to say and uh I just I just need some uh help here instead of some other residents that uh why are we paying three um estimated three units two people living in my trailer we leased the property and it's it's it's just annoying that it keeps going more money and more money so I don't know if it's a percentage of the clean the sewer water or it's a percentage of something I don't see or understand the bill but I've been monitoring them uh since 2022 they said I use 3,000 gallons of water one month maybe it was a hot summer that month whatever but I'm I know I'm not using but one unit of water like everyone else there understand we'll we'll pass on your information through the city manager's office to have somebody get out with you so they can see what's going on okay thank you all right thank you Mr White any others no okay item 14 comments and concerns with Council how about it Mr Green oh wow I get to start yeah all right so um I do I want a couple issues I want to talk about um last last meeting we we sold or we are getting ready to sell a piece of property uh up at up off of re Canal M um and I don't believe that currently there's any designation for where these funds are going to go um I believe that it's important that we we seek to buy some type of other piece of property with this money I mean it's it needs to be property for property realistically and especially if it's a a piece of property that we can buy that is going to assist and or future futur benefit us for drainage straight up you know I mean it needs to be or or almost put to the drainage funding um so I think it's important that we need to look at where we can where we can put those funds when that thing closes I don't think it closes for a while but I think we could utilize that money and if we're going to sell a piece of property we need to buy a piece of property with it um my next thing is um I was wondering I guess I'm a little I guess I'm confused so the consent agenda has the has the um minutes in it in consent so I was just wondering should we change the order of this agenda or or not but I guess I was a little confused as to you got consent comments and then you got the other couple things and then you get into the consent agenda and then public comments I didn't know if maybe we could reorder it by just moving consent agenda comments down to right in front of consent agenda but so hold on to that idea because there'll be a meeting in January where we'll set our procedural rules okay and and and I've already talked to the clerks on a couple of things that being one of them I know councilman Foley has always kind of felt that way so absolutely those will be uh when we have that on our agenda we're going to be looking at that specific one and any others that you may have in terms of how we do our order business so we'll have a a good discussion I was confused last meeting when yeah I agree so only CU on the only because I'm the Newbie no all right so and again being the Newbie um my next subject is going to be code enforcement and um I was talking with Robin today getting a little more information getting a little more background on where we stand with code enforcement um as we we as a city are are moving into a maturity and I think that the way to to keep our city pristine and looking good because it's not going to be with new construction it's going to be maintaining what we have and I feel like moving forward uh code enforcement of of properties is going to be a big deal and um I know we're in the middle of of of restructuring some people so I'm going to I just want to plant the seed that it used to be where I thought we would have we always had a one-year annual inspection on Commercial properties I mean I can take you and I can show you a couple of properties commercial properties on major intersections in our city that are just filthy and these are the things moving forward that all that's all we're going to have we're not going to have anything new being 90% built out and I think moving forward code enforcement is going to be a big deal um I think that code enforcement needs to have some scheduled things where they work a night shift um I think they need to have weekend shift somehow and um I guess I what I really want to know from code enforcement moving forward is what's our goal um I think we need to have a goal or we need to have a um moving forward I think it's going to be important uh that's all I have all right so yeah uh I want to uh uh Trail on that with what Lance has said in reference to uh the condition of properties uh once they're developed and occupied and that's one of the things that I've noticed over the last couple years we we make it really difficult for someone to develop something in our community they've got to meet all the Landscaping requirements the setback requirements the parking requirements and they do all that and they open up and then 3 years down the road it looks like it's been there for 25 years and you know I'll use well I won't I won't Point anyone out but I really think we need to work on that and figure out a way uh to uh hold them accountable I think we do a really good job landscape wise in some areas but you get out into some of the newest largest locations and it just looked like it's been there for 30 years and it hasn't so uh I'm I'm that's been something that's been on my mind for a long time living here uh is the Improvement of uh once the once it's completed and once it's being occupied then it just seems to go to no one really cares what it looks like after that so uh code enforcement if that's their if that's what they're out to do we really need to give them the tools they need uh to make that better because like you said we're not growing we're just uh improving what we have in reference to um communication throughout the city uh and one of our speakers uh one of our visitors today brought up that communication uh and I use Facebook and and I think the city has done a pretty good job of notifying us of what's going on uh event wise I'd like to share it people comment on it and for projects I think that's a a a good channel to use not everybody uses Facebook though but we give them opportunities to be a part of this meeting and I think you know we we give everyone an opportunity to speak and and come to these meetings and hear what's going on and uh if we have to improve our website let's do that so that open line of communication is very important and uh that's that's what a lot of people complain about is we don't really know what's going on so uh let's see if we can work on that that would be wonderful and then in reference to uh I need an education obviously on another topic that came up today because uh Jim White did call me personally in reference to Tanglewood and uh so if you can update us on on that in the future I think I talked to our city manager about that this week very important that we're in the know on that and uh and in reference to the order of what we do here um you know over the years we allow people to come up and comment and and we're not going to comment back to them in their three minutes but is there an opportunity where there could be a rebuttal where someone who's an expert in that uh information uh in you know providing information might be able to say something back to them while they're here and not to extend the meeting another hour but I just think it's you know they're they're taking their time out to Come Share their concern and we should be able to reach back out to them uh maybe with a quick answer so they have a good understanding all right that's it just comment on that on the last one that was what I was kind of referring to last council meeting when I was talking about us moving up the city manager and City attorney comments right after us because what I've seen in the past is is it just depends on the length of the agenda and how many people are here but a lot of times what what what you see is somebody will bring something up either one of us will have the answer or the city manager or the City attorney quickly but by the time it gets to their comments those folks leave so what we'll start doing is is maybe I'll try to be mindful to let folks know Hey listen you know we're going to do this nonc consent uh non-agenda uh time for you to speak if you would like please stick around if one of the Council uh members or the city staff wants to comment they'll do that if not they'll reach out to you after so um but that's that's a great point because that's what happens is is you know Wayne or or or Matt knows the answer and can give it to him right now and it helps the community because that information goes out but then if the meeting lasts 45 minutes hour and a half later before we get to them a lot of times those folks have gone people have turned off the TVs they've stopped watching and they don't realize that that answer was given so I I like it a lot and that's going to be also something we talk like we talked about with January good yeah so we'll I I I like it I I agree I think we need to kind of figure out how to get a better flow so the information gets out there so I'll come back with some other items go ahead Tracy say coming off the comments of uh councilman Jeff har one of the things that um he said and what we're just now talking about is dealing with the communication as you guys are speaking uh Matthew vress thank you first off coming up and making the comment you did at the very beginning and and I have to agree with you some of the things that we we do very well and then there's some things that we need to look at and that is getting what the city has coming out and coming soon but also the long-term projects um nobody likes hearing long term but it it is the wheel of the government and the permitting process of other entities outside the city that slow things down I'll tell you it drives me abs absolutely insane Wayne Wayne knows this we sit at meetings and I go we talked about this 6 months ago where are we at on another 6 months on some of the projects and it's it's brutal uh to sit here uh uh in my business we have a term called Island time and governmental issues uh with this process is Island time times 10 sometimes so yes having that out there for social media uh as a platform nobody I know up here we we we d crit as far as social media but it is the mainstream Communication in today's times so we need to embrace it uh even though we may uh beat our heads against the table with it um but we we need to embrace it to be able to have the best media to our citizens at that time so that's something uh we'll be talking about later um with staff to to see what we can do as far as just a basic calendar timeline uh where we at and uh what's uh proposed in the future um but those are estimates estimate timelines um I know we you mentioned it Memorial Park dealing with the recreational Bridges here we are with flooding and we got money going to recreational Bridges we don't get to defer FEMA money for other projects they're they're signed off to projects of that time and we uh get our hands tied with that so it's these pieces of the puzzle that are out there those dollars are from FEMA to that so we we can't defer it to what we really need uh dealing with the flooding areas or want I guess is the big thing that we we talk about so thank you um uh and then Harold you talked about aquahawk um aquahawk for those that don't know I just want to make sure we touch on that that is something that is on your city water bill that you can go in and log in and put a number of thousands per gallons and if you go over that during a 30-day period it will actually notify that you have a leak and an issue F to come with your water bill so it's it's a free thing for everybody and and I've had it uh leaky toilet before you know it you're sitting at 4 or 5,000 gallons of water and it's amazing how fast it goes with just one toilet leak so Aqua hawkk I would tell everybody it's free it's on your water bill log in put your stuff there so you can see it so it will stop you from having problems with a city water bill on that your issues are just a way big difference than an aqua Hawk unfortunately so I know Scott's going to get it with Wayne and we'll get you taken care of uh this past weekend uh thank you to staff again um lighting up the city um I got to see it uh by FaceTime I was out of town on business and got to see it with people posting and again social media people posting the events that were going on and seeing everything but driving down here tonight and seeing the city center lit up is just absolutely beautiful the the holidays are here um hence the uh shirt for tonight uh last meeting before Christmas we want to make sure everybody knows that the holidays are here in good spirits and things as we keep rolling um last piece that I had that I wanted to go back on the agenda items uh was agenda item number 13 uh we had citizens come up and bring it up uh in front of us the last three meetings dealing with nuisance houses problem houses things that communities and neighbors should not have to deal with and on that agenda item we had one house specifically in Sugar Forest we had one in Dove Avenue uh we now have the the legal proceedings going on and the past that didn't happen that fast so the reason I bring this up is if there is a Code Enforcement major issue going on one of the things that has to be done is people have to take photos and get unfortunately the police involved to make sure that everything is documented that documentation that these citizens brought forward to the police department then helped the City attorney to be able to get the legal proceedings started to Sol solve this issue and again timeline 6 weeks but we're 6 weeks into it instead of six months so everything works together but it all starts with one thing and that's coming forward coming to us talking to us so we can get it started um social media unfortunately in some ways doesn't get it to us and it's not legal documentation always so having that documentation brought forward to us is how we're able to proceed with these uh legal proceedings so thank you for those that did um hopefully in the future we can uh resolve things quicker and faster governmentally wise and um we can have a great holiday as we move on so Scott good words good words um couple of follow-up comments to a few different things um the and and I appreciate you bringing the comment up tonight about the Social Media stuff because that is that's a you know it's it's a frustration sometimes and then other times it's a great great tool for all of us to have but one of the things we see is so much misinformation that gets put out there and and you know um one of the things that came to mind while you were talking is is Wayne and we can talk about this soon but um you know we've had a lot of meetings and workshops in over the last last two years on storm water projects and mitigation um but very few people have come to those in fact maybe a third of what's sitting here tonight typically we'll show up at a lot of those meetings so what I think we should do is is Council we can talk about this soon we've got we've been talking a lot about this master storm water plant that we're fixing to have in our hands here very very soon and and we can't understate how important that is going to be because that is going to be the modeling process of everything we do so when we get ready to spend dime or $10 million we'll be able to model that idea that concept and that project so we know if we spend this money this is what we can truly expect and that's something that not only us but most cities in the county in our region have never had and we're we're ahead of the game with that a lot of cities had even started that process so but as part of that and as we have that meeting which will be in the next couple of months what I'd like to do Wayne is I'd like to talk about putting an element on our website on our City website for we what to call it but basically what are are storm water mitigation projects and planning and things like that where we can at least link prior meetings uh in workshops and and staff has provided a tremendous amount of resources and what those different projects are and what the timelines look like and there in a lot of them are already existing in our our Capital Improvement plans but it'll just make it easier for us when we encounter someone to say Hey listen here's my card go to the city website this is what you're looking for click on there and all that information is right there go through it and then get back with me if you got any specific questions if I can't answer we're going to get you to staff uh because a lot of that information's already there it's been there um but it it's always it's always getting updated and revised um a lot of the frustrations too you know people uh they hear us talk about ideas we have to be careful about that because we say something up here and and and sometimes we can pass on the the the the idea oh well that's going to happen well and then we find out St John's Water Management District says no no you can't do that or the EP says no you can't do that or the State of Florida says no you can't do that or or what have you so um we just want to be cautious of that we want to get as much information out there be as transparent as possible but there is some there is some good en lightening information coming as soon as we can get this uh Master storm water plan in our hands and model those projects against it and then start moving a lot of those things forward so it is coming and Tracy couldn't say it any better it just doesn't move any f faster for all of us than we would want to see it but it it is coming um something I mentioned uh last last meeting and I wanted to elaborate on I talked about uh this idea in June uh January when we have this meeting and we look at our agenda what kind of adjustments we want to make um to be able to allow residents that bring something up like Council gerer talked about tonight somebody can respond a little bit quicker to but one other element I want to bring up that I've I've already kind of touched on the city manager uh I haven't I don't know if I've mentioned this to Matt so I apologize Matt but and I hope you guys will all feel the same but if one of us in our comments inadvertently misspeaks and we say something that is just not true I my expectation is that the City attorney or the city manager as professionally as possible when it gets to their comment turn we'll say hey I just want to clarify something that the mayor mentioned earlier because what I really don't want to do is I don't want to see us inadvertently put information out there that's false and then it just it just goes out there and it never gets corrected so I think correcting that in time and we're it's going to happen it happens to me it's going to happen to all of us um the intentions are good but those folks what a lot of people don't realize is the former government we have here they think that the council and the mayor works at City Hall Monday through Friday 8 to 5 45 50 hours a week that's not the form of government we have it's a strong city manager LED form of government he is 100% in charge of the day-to-day operations and Matt is in charge of the legal aspect for the city so they know a heck of a lot more than we're going to know and if they know that we have said something inadvertently misspoke it is my my uh intention that they will make that correction during the meeting if they know it if they don't you can beg for some extra time and bring it back to us so you guys are good with that right absolutely perfect hey Kudos uh huge kudos to City staff Public Works um Parks and Recreation Police Department fire department for all the events over the weekend you know those events they they make it look easy I mean they do but the amount of work I mean just fighting the squirrels that chew through the the the tree lights in the trees I know how bad that really is and that is a thing um as well as Logistics and moving a lot a lot of people shutting down a four lane State Highway to have a Christmas parade and and still making sure people who aren't going to the parade get to where they want to go so truly appreciate everything it it couldn't have gone any better I know councilman Gord at one point the other night he had a moment if you don't mind me Sharon he was just looking out at the crowd at city center and he was like wow like this is pretty cool right this is really impressive it was pack uh great weather great time so I just want to give my praise he earned a nickname at the parade is old Two Scoops over here yeah right yeah yeah two scoops I need to have a little more that's right that's right uh incredible turnout at the parade weather could not have been any better uh somehow or another every single year staff seems to elevate that bar just a little higher so we're grateful for that um and a comment on the on the code forcement man I I love it Wayne can look for an opportunity maybe in a workshop or whatever obviously get with those individually with any questions but let's uh let's have a little bit of a we've already talked about this but have a little bit of a of a discussion one night on specifically code enforcement and I will tell you not to steal the Thunder of that but I will tell you there are some serious complexities when it comes to code enforcement that frustrate us absolutely um but they're not they're not created by us you know there's a lot of State mandates there's there's there's uh enforcement legal issues with a lot of things especially when people's homes are involved and and you know it's it's tough you can't get the enforcement the way we want it to be as Swift as we would want it to be all the time but it is one of those things where you have got to be persistent absolutely persistent um I councilman green brought up the um you know the commercial properties or Sean the commercial properties and and I couldn't agree more and in fact over the last I don't know month or so that's one of the things things that you know I've asked Wayne specifically on is a lot of our commercial properties have let their lighting go at night and here we are you know you pass taight savings time you got the holidays people are out shopping I hate that it's dark at 6 o' but it is you know we have Fitness facilities and retails and restaurants and those lights are there for a reason and they have to be maintained and they need to be lit up and so uh I'm thankful code enforcement has made some some gains in that I've noticed um the the plaza out there I I don't know why I always forget the name out here where uh LA Fitness is and Al thank you uh I noticed a lot of the lights that hadn't been working in quite a long time it's lit up um and so that's great and I want to stay on top of that and and and Wayne can bring back some updates on that note just a suggestion for the city manager um as we kind of come to the end of the debris picking up and and and our staff getting back to as much normaly in their routines of Maintenance in the city and identifying things that we need to take care of one of the things I would really like to see collectively as a city as all of our city employees including the council and and public that wants to help but we have a lot of Street lighting and a lot of signage that's been damaged from the storm and I don't know how any one person or one Department can can collectively really you know see that all the time so as our city employees you know are out and about whether it's police fire Public Works public utilities City Administration the council whoever and you see a sign that's down it's damaged it's bent distorted lights aren't working at night we need to be getting those to the city Administration team so that that can be organized and pursued o over time to get everything back to where it's supposed to be the C click fix Works um so for us and and the residents that's the easiest way to go if if it's not something critical if we see something like the entire signs missing uh then that's a little bit more urgent would get that to Wayne and his staff but um that's somewhere I'd like to see us going over the next couple of months and and getting that for the interest of Public Safety all right that's all I got for those comments anybody think of anything else they want to jump in on Qui good good good all right item 15 first reading of ordinance number 2024-25 comprehensive plan amend Amendment annual Capital Improvements element update good evening good evening good evening p c is planning mayor would you let me read the block for you what penel if you would hold on one second I'm going have the City attorney read the yeah I thought it went a little faster we'll open this up for you yeah an ordinance an ordinance of the city of Port Orange BL County Florida amending the comprehensive plan Capital Improvement element providing for fiscal year 2025 to 2030 5year schedule of Capital Improvements and supporting data providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances and resolutions providing for severability and providing an effective date can you put a motion on the floor for me vice mayor I could if I had the ordinance in front of me let's see here put a motion for the first reading on 20242 comprehensive plan Amendment capitals on case number cpam 24- 4 I'll second how about it good evening penel crw so every year we have to come before the council um this time of year to update the annual um the Capital Improvements element and basically what it is there's no new information in here uh we're basically required by Florida Statutes to take the concurrency related adequate public facilities um related projects that the council already approved in August and September when the council was approving the Capital Improvements program and the budget and take those concurrency related projects and copy them into the comprehensive plan into this Capital Improvements element so that's all this is it's those concurrency related projects that have already been approved by the council during the budget process put into the comprehensive plan so I'm here just answer any questions you have about that I'm going to ask you for for one step for a lot of lot of new folks watching along and following uh city government now and some new Council explain what concurrency is for us so concurrency is a requirement in Florida Statutes it's known by a lot of different names throughout um the United States in Florida we call it concurrency um to make sure that you have adequate public facilities concurrent at the same time that the impact of development is felt um and so in Florida that includes roads um there's a water sewer uh for residential it includes uh um parks and um facilities in it's an optional now in the State of Florida used to be required but there's op it's optional with for public schools um we have maintained in fucha County to keep Public School concurrency as a required um concurrency facility um so those types of facil fa ities are things that every time we are reviewing development we check all of these facilities to make sure that there is uh sufficient capacity before a development is approved and then annually we we take a step back and we look at a big picture of um the city as a whole all the development that has been approved over that past year everything that's in the pipeline and we kind of take a big picture look annually as well good any comments or questions from Council for Miss Cruz good all right anybody from the public wish to speak on the item seeing and hearing none back to council last shot at this Wayne any comments about this from you all right need a roll call or yes all right call councilman gfort yes councilman green yes vice mayor grubs yes mayor sner yes 40 item 16 to the attorney have your time yeah no Corrections tonight no Corrections tonight thank you we did we we did all right we passed legal muster that's not bad for a second nobody getting called out yet that's good item 17 city manager I just want to also while we were talking about all the ways to communicate we do a newsletter weekly that goes to everybody that has a utility building contract or contact with us so that gets 50 40,000 people uh that's a better way usually we found to control information like at least make because not everybody does follow social media or if you're busy with other entertaining things you may miss the city's feed and it you just you just just gets buried so trying to catch that one Facebook post or that one Twitter post isn't always as effective as if you know you're getting a newsletter every Friday so we try to use that as a way to communicate and the other thing just to be aware of when we start doing construction and we'll we'll structure that once we have the master plan and the projects but just be aware that construction projects are notoriously slow so you're going to get complaints from people going nothing's changed on their website I went back and looked at it last week and and I can I can tell you we have turn lane projects that are seven years in the process the one right out here in front of city center right turn lane into City Center came up I don't know how long ago my had kids were probably in elementary school and and because it's being funded by state funds we have to wait on the process so we put it in it gets ranked it sits in an out gear it works its way up it gets funded for design then we got to jump back into competition for construction so that that you're going to see that happen is that that and this is a just a general rule of thumb but generally a project of any magnitude you award it to be designed and it takes a year to get it designed and then once you get it designed and permitted it takes a year to construct it so so there's not a lot of progress in the in the interim so one of the reasons that we started doing the weekly that we do for Council and the in the newsletter to hit Milestones is you could we'll sit up here and put it in the budget and then a lot of time will go by and then be like well when are we going to see it so when it's designed and they're ready to start construction we'll say okay we're ready to move into the next Milestone stage so construction's going to start so some of these projects are smaller scale and there may be one of them is just a purchase of a generator again without a hurricane they don't necessarily notice the value the bigger projects these multi-million dollar ones that would be necessary if we're going to attempt to try to combat 15 20 inches of rain on the east side of town though those things are going to be out there so there there's it's not going to be the kind of web page where you need to go look at it every day to see that kind of change so I just want to make sure that expectations out there on those kind of projects that we'll get it structured and out there but but progress of that type and I know we we're hearing that all across the State of Florida that that these major projects are are likely to take some time to get there yeah and and and too if if anybody's ever followed along with Municipal budgeting you'll see in your Capital Improvement plan thattime a percentage gets funded this year percentage the following year so forth and so on and sometimes it takes multiple years and that's a frustration that that I think we will all have and our community has is because we watch you know when we think of government by and large we think of the federal government right they just print money when they need it they do it all the time right they need $60 billion you just print it like that that doesn't happen in city of Port Orange if we've got one of those machines I haven't been told about it um so we have to have real money in real time in order to carry those projects and real ity is that sometimes one project that's been on the radar as a high priority sometimes gets leap frogged because something unexpected happens right and the next thing you know you've got something of a higher priority that that is is gets weighed out so um it's it's a process and and and I appreciate the city manager comments because it is the process that we have and I appreciate the people who who have come forward and pointed out that some of the things and this happens in any City that that that people circumstances get Beyond you and certain councils or certain periods are more difficult so there were periods of time prior to us where the council was a little bit there was a little bit more difficulty going on but we inherited some things and and we've had that conversation here that one of our priorities once I realized after Ian that we didn't have the team structure to to really be as effective as we should the council supported us creating an engineering division splitting public works out from utilities and putting people in charge same thing we did with it and HR so that there were people in charge of those specific key functions and they're not buried under some bureaucratic organization and as a result of that we are way better suited today to get construction projects done we have project managers the council has supported Staffing the people who will get these things done that can inspect them and be sure they're done so you're in you're in a far better shape today than you were five years ago to get all those projects done and so uh that's one of the major things that we've got going is is that that unfortunately we weren't able to do that 10 years ago but but I I feel much better about who we have to help get get projects done today than at any point since I've been around and I'll ask you to comment on something the councilman green bought up in his comments if you don't mind real quick um so there's this you know one of the things we've heard a lot in the last few months is to fix a lot of these issues or to try to improve storm water mitigation issues we need we need some property we got to find some lots and some land and stuff like that uh the one the one thing we have to keep in mind is just because it's a piece of land doesn't mean it can help us you there there are properties that cannot help us and Wayne and I have been having a lot of discussions over the last several weeks many many weeks and I appreciate your comment because that's something that he and I have been talking about is once that property is sold we've got that check um that that probably is a good discussion for us to have to give them the authority to say put this into that um and and Wayne's got some properties I don't you don't have to name them tonight but you want to talk about that briefly or just mention for Council what we've been looking at talking about to do with that and and that's the conversation so and once the property closes it it has up to nine months it may not take that long when they get through the due diligence but they have about nine months to get there so that that funding and we're we're getting we have some every now and then we get FEMA funds back from older storms if we those of you have been around a while you know how long it takes to get your reimbursement from FEMA they're doing better now so we actually got all of our Ian money back but uh those funds will we have to if we get cash like that we have to come back to you and do a budget adjustment I I don't just get to put it wherever I want to I have to come back to you and say this is where we're putting that Revenue so when the money comes in we'll do an adjustment our intent and this is not immediate so I hadn't had a chance to talk to you guys all individually is to put it in a storm water fund not in the storm water fund where it's restricted but we we may use some of it for construction I don't know that we would recommend we use all of it for land we may some of it may be to buy pumps or to buy pipes but it would go in that was our thought to come to you and say this money would go into funding some water some form of storm water physical improvements whether it's land or or part of the infrastructure to get it done and so that's where we would we would come forward with with those funds we have looked at um some of them we've tested in the model we haven't gotten through testing everything and there's a couple of properties where having a pond when you run the model it didn't help it just it helped you know not enough with 11 in of rain but if you pump it in a different direction and kick it out fall a different way then suddenly there's 12 to 15 houses that no longer flood so we've been looking at where strategic properties are that provide the best impact the the whole priority the plan is keeping water out of people's houses at this point we're far enough along in the development of the city that the the roads will be secondary if the roads have got four or five inches of water on them right now we need to get it out of people's homes and out of businesses and buildings and so the priority has been to figure out how to do that and we have found a couple of property that appear to work reasonably well in that situation so but but I think they one of them is actually just the piece of land is valuable a couple others would need a little bit of infrastructure to make them function so we're we're trying to put those together and put ourselves in the best position to start going down that path uh as we move forward and that's that's a another critical component to us having the storm water master plan because now when one of you guys are out riding around you see a piece of property and you want to call the city manager and say hey what about this this one he can have it modeled on that plan so that's uh that's why that's so important because you know big chunks of money like that don't come along come along a lot and when they do and we're going to invest them into something so important like this we need to know absolutely at a high level that we really think this is going to be helpful and that's why that study is so important so any other comments on that we're all good we do not come back for another council meeting until January the 21st um so there is going to be a break but that doesn't mean city government stops so if people need anything City staff and and government is still operational and around uh so I just want to take a moment and wish everybody a very merry Christmas and a happy New Year and I look forward to to working up here with you find gentleman in 2025 even re but don't tell him and uh so I hope you all have a wonderful holiday season you do the same all right thank you guys have a good night e