please arise for invocation by Pastor Tom Nelson of First United Methodist Church followed by the Pledge of Allegiance let us pray God as we celebrate National Teachers Day may we learn from all the teachers in our lives to put our own actions in working with others that we might all grow May the Port Orange City Council lead us to a bright future with their deliberations and decisions and may all residents benefit because of their efforts on behalf of their people may wisdom and Care Prevail always amen amen I pledge allegiance to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and justice for all will the clerk call the role councilman Foley thank Pastor Council here councilman Bastion here vice mayor steltner here mayor Bernette here we all are present we have a full quum and we're ready to conduct business with that recognition and proclamations item four is the Port Orange University graduation certificates Wayne you want to have our PI come up first and foremost and uh have him explain what Port Orange University is for those that who are watching at home and watching in the audience uh good evening mayor council Mike Springer public information officer for the city city of Port Orange so we have just wrapped up our Port Orange University this is our Citizens Academy we do this every year it's been going on for about six years now um it's a nine-week course and it allows kind of residents to get the answers to a lot of questions they have you know with their questions about reclaimed water how does that work how does our storm water system work or Canal so this is a really in-depth class where they get to kind of spend one night every week for nine weeks with each different department learn about the intricacies of that department kind of get a better all understanding of how the City Works and operates so behind me we have our class that graduated here for 2024 about 20 students or so that just finished their last class uh this past Monday great excellent so we're going to recognize them I'm sure we have a uh a stack somewhere of we do okay why don't we uh do that right now Council if you join me below Let's uh start our handshake line I tell you what uh what we put them through the archers and and and the gring uh uh classes the the many many hour the homework you had to do the the the final exam you had to take and then having to climb that 75t fir Tru ladder well you only had to go halfway to get credit we're on a budget we had to shrink it a little bit uh I tell you what I am ever so grateful for all of you for each and everything that you've done and you deserve this recognition publicly Council if you join me below let's let's do this and we'll call you up one by one one just an alphabetical order if you want to line up and then hang up here afterwards because you know we're going to want so we'll start first with uh Bobby ball hang know wanture uh Carl Cole so he was that one in the class for you guys I [Applause] see Tom fanken [Applause] uh Heather [Applause] Chavez Dave bonor Dave bonor Jason Hall [Applause] [Music] uh Mary [Applause] Hy uh Dave [Music] [Applause] Hampton youjo Janette Hastings [Applause] [Music] Lance [Music] [Applause] [Music] green yeah [Music] uh Beth mcnamer Angie [Applause] [Music] palet Sandy Reese [Applause] [Music] Mary [Applause] rhods Carol ryar [Applause] [Music] Mona [Applause] y now mayor council that's your Port Orange University class of 2024 I know you want a picture sure I know you do you got have a picture we'll have you guys Trac there we go now's thanks guys [Applause] and of course item five it is professional Municipal Clerk's week so that is something that uh Falls near and dear to the heart of a couple people here including the notetaker right down below uh and I am going to read this Proclamation and then I Tracy and Robin I'd like to present this to both of you Proclamation the 55th annual Municipal Clerk's week whereas the office of the municipal clerk a time honored and vital part of our local government exists throughout the world and whereas the office of the municipal clerk provides the professional link between the citizens the local governing bodies and the agencies of government at other levels and whereas municip Municipal clerks have pledged to be ever mindful of their neutrality and impartiality rendering equal service to all and whereas municipal clerk continually strive to improve the administration of the Affairs of the office of professional municipal clerk through participation and education programs seminars workshops and the annual meetings of the state county and international professional organizations and whereas it is most appropriate that we recognize the accomplishments of the office of the professional municipal clerk so therefore I Donald oett mayor of the City Port Orange proclaimed the week of May 5th through May 11th as Municipal Clerk's week and further extend the appreciation to our municipal clerk assistant city manager Robin Fenwick and Deputy clerk Tracy Cody and to all our Municipal clerks and their staffs for the vital Services they perform and their exemplary dedication to the communities they represent and with my signature and a seal the city is so declared on this day and in this place please join me up there so that uh Mr Springer can take yet one more picture [Applause] and the irony of this is not lost on me that these two ladies help produce these yeah absolutely I know [Applause] and we are on a roll we actually have three of these this week to do now it is National travel and tourism week and I'm going to present this to Debbie Ms if you'd come up front and center I'm going to go ahead and read the proclamation and then I'm probably going to have to read it again Thursday morning aren't I you are for sure so this is just a warm up warm warm up your event Thursday morning I'm looking forward to that you'll get to see all of the mayors of the Southeast valua uh at that event I've already talked to a couple of them and they're looking forward to it as much as I am excellent whereas travel has a positive effect on Florida and the nation's economic prosperity and and our image abroad it impacts business productivity and individual Travelers well-beings and whereas travel to and within the US provides significant economic benefits for the nation generating more than $2.8 trillion doll in economic output in 2023 with nearly 2 3 billion estimated Travelers and whereas travel is among the largest private sector Employers in the United States supporting 15 million jobs in 2023 including 8 million directly in the travel industry and 7 million in other Industries and whereas traveler spending directly generated tax revenues of $89 billion for state and local governments across the country funds used to support essential services and programs and whereas visitors contributed 59 million in economic impact in southeast valua in 2023 59 million just in this area alone that's incredible it is visitors also paid over 20.3 million in state and local sales taxes in southeast volution 2023 taxes that we didn't have to come up with and travel is a pillar of economic growth creating 5660 jobs in southeast fuia and welcoming visitors from near and AAR has always been and always will be enduring ethos of the travel industry so therefore I Donald O berett mayor of the city of Port Orange Proclaim May 19th the 25th of 2024 is National travel and tourism week in the city of Port Orange and I urge all our citizens to join me in this special observance with the appropriate events and of course with my signature and to seal the city it is declared on this day and in this place thank you and I got to do this before my caffeine high runs out on to the business of the evening public comments on consent agenda items would anyone here care to comment on anything that's on the consent agenda there being none I need a motion for the approval for the agenda for the evening so moved a second we have a motion proper second all in favor signify by saying I I I the agenda for the evening is approved I need a motion to approve uh consent agenda items 9 through 14 move to approve consent agenda items 9 through 14 we have a motion and a proper second do we have a second okay now we have a proper second uh for items 9 through 14 on consent call the role please councilman Foley yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes five oath consent agenda is approved and with that I would like to thank mayor Lois paritzky from the city of ponet for coming and being a visitor here tonight uh and making sure that we took care of the agreement as we've consented to do very appreci thank you very you bet May one thing that we're really blessed with is that we have uh neighboring cities that we work well with and work uh very well with and I the relationships we have with our neighboring cities whether it be Pon Inlet or the shores or South Daytona or new samna have never been better and it has a lot to do with not just us it has a lot to do with the leadership in those cities as well if the it doesn't it's a two way street it can't work unless the leadership in both sides work together and we're very fortunate that the relationships with all those cities are as good as they are today uh it benefits all our taxpayers and all our cities when we can work together public participation do we have any cards all right Cassie roads evening everyone my name is Cassie rhods and I'm a board member with the Port Orange sou Daytona Chamber of Commerce on behalf of the board of directors I would like to thank you all for your continued support and commitment to enriching the community for the residents business owners and employees alike we do have some upcoming events that I'd like to share and I would like to invite everyone to attend all events are listed on our website however to highlight a few we do have the ribbon cutting coming up this week Thursday May 9th for Hawks Mill luxury apartment living here on Clyde Morris we also have a lifestyle and wellness Expo Wednesday May 15th at sunshine Park Plaza in South Daytona additionally we're also putting on a job fair May 16th from 4 to 7 for high school students and the general public which is being held at the wreck and we also have our ever growing coffee and connections the final Thursday of the month at copperline in the Pavilion on behalf of the chamber I'd like to thank you again for allowing me to not only share the upcoming events but also our gratitude and appreciation in serving this community alongside of you appreciate you being here thank you and uh who's this stranger Chris Cunningham never seen her before Chris Cunningham one50 sweet G Lane uh so I'm here just to thank everybody for a response to a Facebook issue that came about because of the parking situation under the dun Lon bridge and it became quite ugly on Facebook and I I really wanted to see what was going on and help people understand um if it was right or wrong I didn't know the answer so I reached out to the city I went to Parks and Recreation um and took it from there and they were quite um generous in their time to go down there and check it out with me and trying to understand what the problem is so after I reached out to Parks and Recreation councilman Foley who helped me go through more of the channels to find out what actually happened happened and why people were so angry about a place that they weren't allowed to park under there and finding out has to do with parking it's the whole thing is the parking and people need to park where they are allowed to park and when I visited it it was filled with massive amount of parking areas there is not a lack of parking and so that small area that has mangroves and it's very close to the water it dips down is not a place to park anyway so I I just want people to be fair to the police department I want people to be fair to the council I want people to understand in Port Orange we just don't do things for the wrong reason if there's a reason all you have to do is ask and everybody will help you so I wanted to thank everybody parks and wreck um councilman Foley uh City uh city manager Police Department for helping me work my way through asking everybody why does this exist and is there a reason and there is an absolute reason and that small amount of area where you shouldn't Park please just don't park there you have plenty of space to Park thank you let's take care of those mangroves thanks Chris that's right and we got Tasha FCO love it hello um my name is Tasha fulco um um this is my first time doing this so I'm a little bit nervous um no reason may I ask a question um has anybody ever heard of the Academy of Information Technology and Robotics otherwise known as AER at Spruce Greek High School yep okay wonderful so um my son Elijah FCO um and our friends Bryce Muller along with his mom Kathy mhler are here because there are some plan changes coming up for next school year for AER so just to give kind of like a brief summary AER um runs as a school within a school meaning um all seven class periods are within the academy they actually are based off of first um the first robotics model of a six week build season so one of their main focuses is doing six challenges per year these challenges um they basically work on real their real world problem-based projects that cover every facet of curriculum um so AER a wonderful program um reducing it to only three periods of the day really would take away the whole essence of the academy um I understand that you here are not the decision makers so we are going through the proper channels um contacting you know School Board superintendent planed to you know be at the school board meeting next week so here I guess I'm just asking if anybody in the city of Port Orange would advocate for us um because the city of Port Orange you know is a stakeholder in our education um let's see I have a few notes sorry just cuz I'm a little nervous um you know Port Orange schools I feel like are the gem of our community I've been almost a lifelong resident of Port Orange you know with moving away and back a few times but ultimately when we decided to choose you know a home to buy we chose in Port Orange so we could be in that good school district um so the AER students I I feel like they're our future Workforce I feel like this is an issue that really can affect the city of Port Orange in general it's not just like a student um and parent issue I feel like this Academy is wonderful for our city I feel that if the academy was promoted better which that's something that we'll talk about with the school board we could really generate a lot of interest um the reasoning for red reducing the academy is a low enrollment but again we don't feel like it's been promoted well so we would love to try to change that and go in like Solutions oriented and we would love any support from um the city so thank you very much we appreciate you all thank you thank you thank you is that all of them okay Carolyn didn't fill out a card see me afterwards I got your email we'll talk with that that brings us to council comments why don't we start with uh Tracy this week thank sir so dealing with the uh click it and fix it I had a few phone calls over the week um since our last meeting and it's making sure that people understand that even though you go on to Port Orange's website and you type in what an initiative problem may be click it and fix it is putting it in the queue they take it down after that that doesn't mean instantaneous fix I know we'd love that to happen but it's in the cue of where they're going to come out and inspect whatever the problem may be the one that we're talking about currently is is dealing with sidewalks and seems like a a never ending battle but we we are behind the eightball we have finally those that haven't been watched uh into these meetings is knowing that before uh August last year we had one contractor we have three contractors now before August last year we had 600 linear feet done we're over 10,000 linear feet done so the initiative for sidewalks repairs and everything is a high priority they're moving as fast as they can to the point of where um in the agenda on the last bullet point on number 14 in the resolutions is dealing that we added another $150,000 to the budget to the city because we literally ran out of $300,000 on sidewalks so understand we're we're adding money to the budget to keep the contracts pavings going it's not that we're in a stalemate it is literally we're having to get the funding there and they found the funding to be able to present that to keep it going forward so for staff thank you yeah and it seems like a every time I come up here I'm thinking you guys and it's because you do a phenomenal job you found money I I like that instead of having to find money from the citizens it's it's already come from the citizens and you guys are finding leftovers from old projects and that's where this is coming from we're not going back out and asking money from the citizens this is from leftovers from old projects $150,000 is is is a lot of funding so hopefully we can keep that going and we can push along last piece that I have is in the month of May is bike month everybody talks about green initiatives and how we can safely travel around and what the National Standard is bike month for the month of May we have a flyer that we have in the back uh that is actually on Friday May 17th which is not this Friday but next uh city of Port Orange is going to pair up with a couple of different vendors here from the cycle Hub that are citizens and businesses in Port Orange and we're going to do a ride to work day starting at Riverwalk and continuing down through the recx center which I think is a key component to everything that we stand for of having fun and being healthy and riding to City Hall so if you're available 8: a.m. all Riders doesn't matter what age uh if you got a good bik come on out and we're going to ride uh from Riverwalk to the city center at 8:00 a.m. leaving that area um I would also like to uh put in uh with that is understanding we have a bond initiative that's coming up tonight that's going to be talked about and the importance of the Parks and Recreation to the city of Port Orange these type of things that are nationally done goes along with these events parks and initiatives and the way we live our lives in the city of Port Orange is is just absolutely incredible that we have all these field events and things for our children and our adults so when that comes up tonight for the the reading understand that all this is tied together there's nothing hidden it's all out in the open we want to be able to have EMB better our Field Sports our parks and expand upon what is already over the County's highest uh rating as far as all the other cities every time we we talk about it is how can we even make it better and that's and that's one of the shining stars of city of Port Orange so I think it's one of the things that we can uh really capitalize on as we go forward and I look forward to having that conversation later this evening Reed what you got for us this week uh just one thing mayor I want to address uh something we passed on in consent um item I had the letter but not the number in front of me uh sorry guys I think it was 10d or was it 11g either way it was uh the PBA contract uh which we were able to pass um that process you know going through impass was a lot and um I know it was a lot on them I know was a lot on us I know that uh we learned a lot of things um but the reason I want to take a minute to highlight off the consent agenda uh is because by them agreeing to it even though I know it wasn't exactly what the other side wanted um they didn't hold up any of the benefits to benefit all of our officers and um I really appreciate that and I look forward again I said this at that meeting I'm going St again here I look forward to getting right back to the table and working together to uh to move in the in a direction that we you know unify on but um I really appreciate them that the process went the way it did that they did ratify it and that we were able to give those retirement benefits across the board to all of our officers and I want to make sure that I say that publicly and I am ready to go back to the table amen that all you got that's it all right Drew what you got well the two things I was going to they're already hit on so I agree with them and I'll just yield to him and we're good excellent comments yeah Scott what you got this week just a couple brief comments um Friday night I attended the um Port Orange get fit uh oh yeah um finale and and dinner and and an awards program over at the City wreck facility I just want to thank our parks and wreck um staff for putting on a great program um it was a packed house over at the wreck uh they had a very nice event over there and everybody really seemed to enjoy that program uh very unique program whenever you see that come out I encourage people to uh to sign up one of the things other than a a structured schedule to to to to exercise but you really get to see a lot of our parks and wck facilities and a light that maybe most people don't see uh and you get to meet some other people in the community so very well attended great job by the parks and wreck program they always do phenomenal with that one um also while I was over there I got to see the new gym floor fascinating I mean it looks gorgeous it's beautiful and um that the that is the that is only the second actual floor in the history of the gym the original floor 40 made last 40 years by trying to keep maintaining it and keep refinishing it and all that kind of stuff so anyway it it looks spectacular uh if you get a chance go by and check it out hopefully it'll last us another 40 years Scott if you're going to mention that I think it's appropriate we thank Advent health because they pitched in to sponsor that to to to help put that new floor in place uh and they deserve some of the credit for sure absolutely um just on a side note of being over at the rec facility it was a Friday afternoon uh at about 6:00 and I can just tell you it was really cool just to walk in and there wasn't any aspect of that entire facility that wasn't being utilized there were kids playing basketball there were folks in the the electron the the gaming room and there were kids in the in the front playground area and I mean every aspect of the facility was being utilized which was pretty cool to see so lot of lot of time effort and and taxpayer dollars invested into that and it's great to see uh what it's what it's doing for the community um I just want to Echo the congratulations to all the Port Orange University folks tonight um and just plug that program um M do you know when the next program when people can start signing up for the next one open they go the right now yeah so anybody that's listening and I challenge all of you folks and and I've said this in the past encourage two or three people to do what you did I think I I've never heard anybody ever go through that program and at the end be able to say I didn't learn anything new or I didn't realize something about the city or whatever and I and I think everybody feels that way when they go through it and um it's an incredible program that gives you a very unique inside look to municipal government in the city of Port Orange and and uh so I hope you'll enoy that congratulations I thank you very much for doing that because you guys now become part of a group who helps Advocate and help educate people in the community when they think they know how something how how the soup is made and they don't really know right so um you guys are now part of a unique family um and we appreciate you guys taking the time out of your your schedules and away from your families and businesses to go through that program so thank you very much um and lastly I just want to Echo the mention of the job fair for next Thursday night um one of the things that is unique about this particular event uh it will be held here at the wreck on Thursday night from 4: to 7: um this was born out of an out of an idea an initiative to try there's a lot of of career Expos and career fairs but they're not always hiring on site this is a hiring Fair there will be employers there that are looking to put people to work so um it was born out of an idea and a vision we have a lot of graduating seniors from the local high schools not everybody is planning to go off the to college and a lot of them are looking for jobs right now so if you know folks like that in the community strongly encourage them but it's not just for graduating seniors other high school students that are looking for part-time jobs and then I think it's at uh 5:30 or 6 the the main doors open for for for everybody who wants to come out there um so I hope that's a successful event I'm looking forward to to seeing how maybe that can be built upon year after year but if you know people out there that might be looking for an employment opportunity um I think that's going to be a great event to send them to and refer them to good all you all right appreciate it couple things I wanted to mention first of all uh for those of you have heard about the water goat it is in place down on uh in in Riverfront Park and you can see it there's a sign there you can check it out I am very very glad to see that we've got that done and and really the grand scheme of things uh major benefit for for not a lot of cost so uh check that out and uh if there's anything that we can do to to help promote it uh and raise awareness of it uh so that uh we can and as we monitor it and see its progress and see where else we can use it and utilize it that'd be greatly appreciated so I appreciate all the people who've been involved including the those on our environmental Advisory board that we're fighting to get that to happen and it has it's in place and it's working and it will uh definitely defend our waterways the other thing I want to do this is kind of a a personal thing for me I've been involved in the law and government Academy Advisory board for the last Dozen Years uh I had two boys that graduated from there and they've been uh out of there for five years I'm still involved last week they had their annual banquet uh for the academy and they asked me to be their keynote speaker and it was such an honor because seeing the seniors that are coming out of that Academy several of them you've got two of them that are going to military acad iies some of them that are have already committed to military service you have some that have received their certification uh from the county that uh for communications they can go to work in dispatch uh we're desperately short of dispat good Dispatchers in this County and frankly it's not a widely known thing the problem we've we're actually using contract labor to cover shortages from out of state but uh those kids are coming out of the academy we've got a couple of them that are going to go into fire fighter School uh some of them will be police officers and quite a number of them are going going to college but uh what a great thing to see that and I know it's not just this particular Academy but the seniors that are coming out of our high schools are committed to making the difference in our community and they will uh we hear a lot of things about uh what's wrong with the youth today not these kids uh and I need them because one day we will all be retired and we need them to make the world go around it was great to see them and uh to talking to two women two young women that are about to go to a military academy and they know they're representing us when they do that uh it was just very reassuring and it was uh an honor and it was very humbling to see and hear all their stories uh and I just want to congratulate them and all of our seniors because uh in about three and a half weeks they'll all be walking so let's uh get ready uh for all the uh 2024 graduate signs that are going to show up in people's yards and uh give them their due they they've worked very hard in high school and in throughout your academic careers and I know it's for some of them it's an end it's also the beginning of something else and I'm looking forward to seeing that it's it's a great time and a fantastic time in in our community uh we're going to celebrate all those kids uh with that board appointees interviews and reports environmental Advisory Board reports who Could That Be greetings again um yes we've been very busy this who are spring I'm I'm Chris Cunningham with the environmental Advisory board chairperson thank you for reminding me um so starting because we haven't reported since January uh starting with the water goat it has been installed we took classes on how it is cleaned out so we are all ready to um share the volunteer aspects of it with different organizations right now um unfortunately we're in a bit of a drought and the river has been low so it's sitting there being um well taken care of but when that water comes rushing in it's going to catch that trash which is exactly what it's there to do um if nobody uh is familiar with the area if you it's down at Riverwalk but it's over by the chamber and it's over the little bridge between the chamber and going over to where the kayaks are so uh just big sign beautiful sign showing you exactly what it does um and so go visit it and and read our little signs that go with it don't feed the goat um also uh this Saturday thank you to read f that we're going to be planting our Native Garden and it's already the city has already dug out we've been uh it's already cordoned off and we have volunteers coming Saturday morning at 8:00 and we are going to be planting our native plants in a horseshoe uh so that you're looking out over the river when we get the benches in we will be looking for people to sponsor benches as well and so that's very exciting there are a lot of organizations that have been asked to come help so so we hope everybody will show up uh we had our spring uh festival at Riverwalk and we gave away 182 trees that's a lot of trees we doubled since last year so that was um people pulling up getting their trees and also reporting on the trees that they had got um gotten for free last year as well people love to come by and tell us um how their trees are doing and next year we're hoping to do fruit bushes uh so that first of all to support gardening and also um have people that not everybody can have a tree but most people can have a bush and so we're helping um other people get familiar with taking care of um some uh growth around their homes that doesn't have to be a tree and speaking of trees we all know we are the tree City and we're going to put our signs back up so most people know we're a tree City however the signs have not been up for a very long time and so the signs have been ordered and they will be in and they will be uh put up hopefully by the end of May on city property okay so um the main roads on city property and finally on our agenda we um addressed a mitigation of historic tree removal without a permit on Ridgewood so that is a situation that will is in uh negotiation right now and that will be brought before the council in July and so that's uh that's a lot for volunteer organization that only meets six times a year to to get done and we we just have an awesome team so um do you all have any questions any questions for Christine I don't but no no when you said you were busy though need more ass we we were busy yeah but it takes a team so um thank thank you all for your support congratulations on your new job working for Habitat for Humanity yes that is a what an exciting program that is uh I mean almost everyone has heard of it but when you actually get into how the process works and the people that you're in influencing and the people you're guiding through the process and and the I think the biggest impact is the gener the how generous people are to the program the numbers are are just incredibly large and unfortunately these days it you don't have $500,000 houses anymore you know it and property is very expensive so you're working against but the volunteers wow they come out five days a week every single week to build houses it is just amazing so thank you for everybody who supports that as well you you good to see you good to see you with that the public hearing portion of our meeting is now open that brings us to I should say that item 17 will be incorporated with item 20 for efficiency's sake so item 18 is the second reading of ordance number 202 24-6 ordinance 20246 is an ordinance of the city P Orange valua County Florida amending the code of ordinances Chapter 70 traffic to add an article relating regulating the use of golf carts within the city of Fort Orange fori providing for General enforcement providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for codification providing for setability and providing for an effective date move to approve ordinance number 20246 I'll second we have a motion proper second the item is open on the floor for discussion second reading Council comments or questions yeah I I got a comment mayor um I voted no on this the first time because I wasn't understanding um the sidewalk portion of it I had concerns of that um I actually spoke to Lance green a little bit about it also uh did my own research and drove out there and and now that I understand it more I'll be switching my vote in support of this um but originally as I was understanding it was going to be all the sidewalks through the entire neighborhood my concerns of course kids strollers as a father a newborn obviously I'm I'm a little more protective now than uh than probably I was three four five months ago um but nevertheless um I'm going to be supporting this now because I understand which side what they're talking about and I have have no issue with it at all okay anyone else would anyone here care to speak to the item there being none back to us Council final comments or questions there being none call the rooll councilman fley yes councilman grubs no councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernette yes item passes 41 that brings us to item 20 first reading of ordinance number 202 24-5 ordinance number 20245 is an ordinance of the city of Fort Orange vucha County Florida amending the city of for orange code of ordinances chapter 14 Article 2 Section 14-27 to modify the maintenance code AS further provided herein with General and Technical amendments deletions and revisions providing for protection of copyright providing for repeal of conflicting ordinances providing for codification providing for scrier errors providing for severability and providing for an effective date move to approve ordinance number 20 24-5 second we have a motion proper second the items open on the floor for discussion Wayne who do we have presenting on this one Amanda bone and our code enforcement manager will present this one everyone Amanda Bon and code enforcement manager for city of P Orange um so in 2010 the city originally adopted adopted the international property maintenance code the ipmc it's the National Standard of reference for rules covering maintenance of existing buildings and properties and it's updated every 3 years the ipmc includes both both residential and Commercial structures and properties includes but not limited to exterior and interior property area maintenance for safety structural members rodents sanitation pool safety overall appearance of buildings and properties such as peeling paint leaky roofs and windows and heat requirements the majority of the proposed revisions are related to updating our code to reflect the 2024 ipmc modifications while complying with the local laws and maintaining the existing character of Port Orange as it relates to building and Property Maintenance requirements such as who can perform inspections the Florida statute requires code officers to actually observe the violations for themselves the lean process against the property record retention as it pertains to Florida statute in the hearing appeals process all other modifications were minor items such as consolidating reorganizing or removing repetitive and outdated codes and correcting any scrip errors staff recommends approval of ordinance 2024 d05 to update the city's code and to adopt necessary modifications to the standard ipmc I'm happy to answer any questions any of you may have Council what have you got questions concerns any can't make it this easy on Amanda say feels feels pretty ceremonial at this point we'll see what happens when our parks direct director gets up here in a minute or two uh with that anyone from the public care to comment on the item back to us uh like I said first reading now is the time to take the bite at the Apple any other comments or questions there being none call the roll thank you councilman fley yes Council grbs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor B yes by vote first reading second reading will be coming up in a few weeks uh that brings us to the close of the public hearing portion of the meeting and brings us to regular agenda item number 20 first reading of ordinance number 202 24-7 here we go ordinance number 202 24-7 is an ordinance of the city council of the city of Port Orange Florida authorizing issuance of General obligation bonds to the city of Port Orange Florida in the aggate amount not to exceed $30 million for the purpose of financing the design construction renovation expansion and Improvement of public parks and recreation facilities and related infrastructure located in the city of Port Orange subject to approval at a referendum here in called providing for and calling a bond election of the qualified electors residing in the city to be held on August 20th of 2024 on the questions of the issuance of such General obligation bonds providing for severability providing for repealing Clause providing for an effective date move to appr approve ordinance number 202 24-7 I'll second we have a motion and a proper second the item is open on the floor for discussion Wayne do you have who do you have presenting for us good evening mayor and Council Susan Val Parks and Recreation director um before we get started with the presentation there's a few people I just want to thank for their efforts upfront to this point working on this Bond initiative our Consultants who are in the room tonight G G Consulting consensus communication Zev Cohen and associate our Parks Board um our city staff in the finance and GIS departments and of course Peter and Teresa from my my departments so they've been working really hard on this so excuse me so tonight you have the first reading if that passes we'll go to the second reading on the 21st and if that passes we'll have a website available for our residents for informational purposes and facts um the site will include the what why and how much and I'm sure that's the questions you get what is it why are we doing it and how much is it going to cost me so the 2024 Parks Bond refer rendum will be on the um ballot on August 20th um we will ask registers voters to vote on the general obligation bond to fund Capital Improvements to existing parks and build new parks the efforts will include preserving our past securing our future needs as well as improving the needs of today the projects we will um go over at a high high uh level will be conceptual and the department will also look for Community input as we go forward if this passes and we start um designing these projects we definitely will look into our community in the neighborhoods that these are in and get their input on what they would like to see in their Parks some projects will solve our need for more field space and serve our current and future residents like carassi Park and some will preserve our history like the Depot Park W West will fill the future needs of our current and future residents on the west side of the city while a project like white place will Revitalize one of the oldest parks in Port Orange and it will be something new for the next generation will a run will fill current field space needs as well as allow for New Field Sports not already offered and finally Trail enhancements will provide residents with alternative ways to navigate the city sounds good right it but how much is it going to cost me so the website that we will uh unveil after the second reading um we'll have a quick reference chart like this if you just want to do a general look at it to see what it will cost you but again if you want to be more specific we will have a calculator and this calculator will be linked to our Property Appraiser's website you will be able to go in find your home figure out click on your address figure out your taxable income come back to the website punch in that City taxable income um the city tax able put that in and it will give you exactly what it's going to cost you in your home um and that that will be realtime data again on August 20th the voters will see this language this is the bond language um that you'll see on the ballot a yes vote is for the bond a no vote is against the bond and this will be uh the website um is po Parks this is a little splash page it won't be available till after uh the May 21st meeting um but in here we'll have information facts and then we will with our consultant's help we will continually update frequently asked questions so if you guys are getting questions send them to us and we will put those on the site so people will be able to find out um the answers to those questions as soon as we get them we'll we'll get them updated I love this we'll also work with our partners to help us get the information out to the public and of course social media right everybody's pretty familiar social media this is kind of a sample post of what we may post you can see there's a QR code down at the bottom but these f Facebook posts will also link directly to the to the fax website so we'll have links there get see it on there you can scan it Council can take a screenshot of that show that QR code on your phone to somebody they can scan it so it's just a lot of ways to get information out we'll be available at all the events um this QR code and and uh website information will also be available in all of our Parks and Rec facilities will also be linked to the city's website the parks and W website um hopefully we can cover all the places people are looking for and at very least if you don't like the computer give us a call at the department and we will make sure we give you the information that you're looking for again facts it's all we're interested in providing our residents is what are the facts to in order to to make an informed decision on how will vote on the bond so that's it in a nutshell I am available to have answer any questions if you have them tonight also have some the team behind me um if I can't answer I'll ask them to come up and help me out okay there's a lot uh to unpackage I know we're still looking at things from the 10,000 foot view because there are a lot of things that you can't uh necessarily spend a lot of time and resources on until you have the commitment to do so but that we saw the concepts uh certainly it's amazing to me we have 5,000 people who participate in field sports in this city and that's twice as much as the second closest city in blushia County so our parks are valued by our citizens here and and I've always said I don't care whether you're age eight or age 80 I want something for uh for you to have something to do in Fort Orange and this is part of that I appreciate the hard work staff has put into that but it's so much more than that our our Parks Board a lot of these projects and the things that you're talking about are things that they've worked on and been pitching and pushing for years and now we're here at a precipice and we have a chance to make it happen I appreciate that uh I guess I kind of jumped the line here a little bit up but that was me trying to framing the issue U Scott what do you think questions right now sure um Susan can you can you touch a little bit more on ultimately how how does this get paid for how does a how does the bond get paid off what's the longevity of something like that look like I know there's going to be the calculator I appreciate you showing that kind of went fast on that H so but um as like can you just break down a little bit more on how that process so I'm sure the people my team behind me is probably laughing right now um so I can give you the high level it's it's a you you can delegate that explanation I will ask our finance director to come up and explain a little bit more on how that's done but basically it's a it's paid over 30 years um we don't borrow all the money up front we borrow it as we need it in order to start the projects as you can see with the magnitude of projects like that it's going to take a few years to get it to get it going and there's going to be some design work so um it's going to be assessed based on that and John and the calculator isn't it that's that number is assuming all 30 million borrowed too so that's the maximum you would pay so if we start off with five or six you you start lower and it will grow as we borrow the money over time and we're also paying it back over time as Cor and it's similar to what we have with the public safety Bond right now we're we're closing it on paying off the the two fire stations and police station that were done swh so evening mayor councel um so Susan said exactly right so based on whether or not this you know if it passes then I would take the taxable value um based on that time period against the um assessed um taxable value and the millage that would be required to pay the principal and interest for that year that would be recalculated annually based on that Year's taxable value of all properties within Port Orange um so it would start here and over time it would go down I did one recently a few years ago and I can tell you it started here it's half of what it was not five years ago so I do anticipate with you know the increase of taxable value which averages 7.8% here within Port Orange that it would um go down over time to the individual property owner we factor in other things to were talking about the taxable value not the assessed value because a lot of us have Homestead exemptions in place that lower uh what we're uh having to pay to get to that taxable value so we're so say you have a $400,000 house but you have X amount of exemptions over the years as they accumulate you might only be a taxable value might only be $150,000 so when you're using that calculator you got to kind of factor that into play and we um do have the highest um Homestead within the Vala County at roughly 64 65% so at minimum the average person then here in Port Orange has $50,000 of um exemptions that would be applicable to um the um your millage on this okay don't leave John I got a question go ahead so the question I would have is dealing with the fire and police bond that we did with buildings and that's sing to come up to maturity and be paid off if we went to the 30 years 30 million on the bond my question is is we got one Spence to be paid off and we already got that millit rate set there for that bond is it close to being a wash I'd have to get back with you on that because I don't have in front of me the um U when that bond is paid off that was it what 2007 so it's like 17 years yes sir so it should be around 30 you know well probably either 32 or um at 25 years or 37 if it's the full okay my my questions are also Financial but I don't want to jump out of turn here so you got any any more for John I I do no I was going to say I was asking Tracy if you had any more for John okay read letter letter brip so I think that the question I'm going to get asked a lot that I want to make sure I understand fully is is the recalculation of it annually right um because you've already said you're right it's when where how why what you know we're talking about how much so it's a 30-year Bond um if it's passed then that's the cap that's the most we can take out would it all come out at once once would all the project be moved at one time what I'm trying to figure out is like year one may be this much year two may be more because you draw more money the second year out like I'm trying to understand how that works so that way I can understand like that so we're showing them what the website the maximum right that is if we took all $30 million out and you this is what you paid in property taxes and this this is your taxable value this is the most you can pay is that is that what that calculator is going to show it may be less but it will never be more and we're not going to go borrow $30 million the first day after we're eligible if it passes you have to we will build the because you don't want to be paying the interest on that debt so you're going to you will we we you some of the projects will come sooner than others so some of the parks we already on the land you can get out there and do a soccer field a little bit quicker then you can you know we got to do some neighborhood meetings on some the bigger ball fields require roads and water and sewer to get to so so they will space themselves out over time so you you won't be borrowing it all at once and as John said as you start borrowing more of it we also have more taxable property value that should help offset it a little bit too as it goes up so uh we see development down at Pioneer Trail and and Williamson that may help offset the cost as we start borrowing that money going forward so it will vary over time but we we wouldn't go out and borrow it all right away because you don't want to be paying the interest for 10 years while you're planning and designing and getting everything ready well and and and to to that point it's extremely like0 z00 1% chance if property values were to go down it could cost a little bit more but in reality that's what I'm trying to make sure is I guess this is the question from the top is just whatever number people are getting from the website for their taxable value that that was that can be a generally expected maximum that they would pay towards this Bond that's all I'm trying to make sure and it's simple way to ask the question when it passes if I would immediately come within a couple Council me meetings to the reimbursement resolution and I'm looking then to potentially issue any bonded debt with your approval of course probably in the first quarter of 25 which is based off of what your financial adviser Toby Wagner has suggested of when we will see a um decline of interest rates from when I started to today it's already decreased over 50 basis points and we're anticipating another 75 basis points by um March of next year so that's what has allowed us to potentially issue more debt for the same amount of cost as the original amount discussed in other words making our dollars go farther exactly correct you're talking about a a major number people are seeing that with their houses that they're shopping for right you know purchasing power was eroded because of interest rates same thing here now as interest rates go down our purchasing power goes up so it makes sense to me I just want to make sure that residents who do go on the website or make the phone call can feel good about feeling like hey the city is giving me as much information as possible and and they're they're giving me the worst case scenario right uh and that's that they're not going to be surprised and see it go up pass that number in year two you know what I mean and like G who um help you know on the formula for um calculating the amount I can always work with anyone up here if they'd like to see a projection in a few years cool I'm good now you good Drew you got any questions for John um no I'm kind of getting the the finance part I just am curious as to the like the rankings of the projects and how we're going to decide what we attack first or yeah so so that's a really good question so Wayne kind of alluded to it a little bit so there's some property that we own that we can move on immediately okay there's some property that we're going to want to include uh neighborhood meetings and workshops on to to meet with them um there are some properties that we need to uh do some things with in order to set it up like Wayne spoke about roads and and utilities and infrastructure things because it's in real raw land okay um so you know we're going to Pace those out and and see where we're at um but we will if once if it gets approved which we do hope it does get approved um we will then come up with a plan and we'll be able to provide that plan to the Council on how we're we're seeing that go um we also plan on uh posting the sites that these projects will happen in to let people know this is your bond project coming soon and we will you know try and make sure we have the information out there to our community and to our neighbors Yeah so basically kind of the the easier slice of the pie to get it going and then you'll have time to work out all the infrastructure stuff and everything before we borrow for the next correct major project or something okay and our goal is to try and get it built as quickly as possible sure um so that that we would look at that timeline okay great thank you m all right don't go far let's hear from the public here I'm not done I wasn't done well you already took a bitee you going to take a second bike I got 20 six questions only got the 25 well you should have gone through turn man so through the through the how you are I try to get you off the hook thank you through the through the course of the the the process does does does the bond initiative itself if it's approved prohibit us from pursuing other grants and other forms of funding that can be utilized for these projects and and not have to take as much debt to get the project yeah that's a really great qu question um we do plan on just like all parks and W projects in the city we do plan on using the bond to be match money to valua Eko if we have an opportunity for find um you know any of those types of grants that are matching we would still go after just like we would today absolutely so yeah again making that money go further that was a question I had a resident posed to me a couple of weeks ago because the one thing that we have seen I know have you have seen over the years is you know never know what what's going on in Tallahassee and where the priorities are and and and right now there aren't a lot of dollars up in Tallahassee for this kind of stuff but in past years there have been and so I know our our city staff has been very aggressive and ProActive at going after those those types of of dollars and and uh I just want to make sure that everybody knows that that is something that will always stay uh as a priority and the Forefront of our our city team that we'll always look for that and so that the debt that we that we decide to take during this bond which will be a good debt and it's a great investment in the community but but that we will only take where we need that and that if we can supplement and offset that with other with other forms of funding and grants and and things out of Tallahassee or wherever they can come from Echo like you talked about the that's pursue y go ahead that's that's it mayor what do you got you already went through your 25 questions okay with that why don't we hear from the public any comments from anybody here anybody other than John anybody this is somebody that has served on our parks and wck board for a long long time and knows an awful lot about this thanks joh it's good to be here and uh thanks for allowing me to speak uh it's been a long time coming and that's the point really of what I'm about to say that I think it's taken way too long to get here I think the city has to do a better job of identifying these things and being much more proactive and the fact that we are here asking the citizens to pay more tax to float this and get these projects done I don't think is the best solution we should identify these things more up front we should listen more to what the rec board is saying what our staff is saying about the needs of the city and try to stay ahead and right now we're behind we've needed a rec center on the west side down south for a decade and we've met with you gentlemen and ladies at one point and you sat at the table with us and said it was a priority to get it done and it went by the wayside we've been talking about Karachi and buying land for over a decade is anyone talking to him oh yeah oh yeah yeah well it's it's about time that's all I can say because it's gone by the wayside for a long time and there's a lot of speculation about what whether they even want to sell us the land maybe they do now since we've expressed interest and we're going after money but I think it could have been done incrementally and a more timely basis so we could have met the needs and further needs of the citizens so I just urge you to listen to us a little bit more and listen to the staff and try and stay a little bit ahead and we we were by and large very much ahead according to the planners who told us too that we were ahead and we were fine with fields and and things and we were meeting the needs of the citizens but we just got caught up by a lot of people moving in and we got behind but still we've needed more on the west we need more on Ridgewood so I'm glad to see that that project that white is going to happen I hope it does uh Karachi and also the center we've seen the tremendous success of of the wreck which in my opinion was 5 years too late so please do more study think about it more let's do more planning let's talk to more people about the needs let's put that out there let's challenge our Pio to put that out there and solist an opinion about what people think and listen to it and act on it thank you thanks joh thanks John appreciate it anyone else okay back to council comments questionss I got one more question uhad Finance wise uh so obviously it's it's a bond it's not revolving so you can't pay some back and borrow more um my question is what what's the long furthest out you could still draw that money up to the 30 million I mean can you literally you could be in year 28 and then decide to finally go pull like the last 3 million for a a project that's in this or what's our draw period yeah draw period thank you that was a word phrase I was trying to remember it would go for as long as the um ballot initiative would allow I don't think it's um you know has any defined date but I would say that we don't want to issue debt and have it sitting in escrow for too long because depending on interest rates we also don't want to get into um Arbitrage so you know that becomes you can't do that to your tax payers waiting 30 years on a b you need to spend it way faster than if they want you to do it you got to spend it faster within 5 to 10 years Max typically is what I've seen in other go obligations thank you just one other thing on that I do there's been a lot of conversation about the finance part of it which is important because it is but don't ever lose sight of educating yourself on what you get for the money you the focus needs to be on the value to the community and and educating on what the results will be to the quality of life in the community because I know if we talk too much about the dollars you forget what you get for the dollars so the the website when it goes up and the information will link you to information on what you get for it because you never want to ask somebody just to give you money you want money for something PE people will pay for Value when it's when they see that it's a value to them and their families and and our our point is to provide information on it so they can decide for themselves whether or not it's a value to them so we're trying to make sure that there is at least enough information there is this worth the price for what I believe I'm going to get that what I'm going to get is an important part of making that decision well and I think that you know staff's done a good job of of hand selecting projects that benefit all regions of the city you you know you're talking about you have Airport Road right and you're talking um putting up another Rec Center then you're talking about carassi which obviously we 5,000 people in sports so 100% you know we we need to have more uh fields to accommodate those needs and then you also consider uh you know that that's property acquisition you about white place which is over there that's where I played baseball I played t-ball at White place all right that's how long it's been um you know you're not that old I am that old I was a man used to love I think that fence was 150 yards we all hit home runs it was great 150 ft um everybody was an Allstar player we were going every one of us were going straight to the Atlanta Braves but but no like I I think that you know the the wear within this is really done well I'm I'm not trying to get into too much of the nickels and dimes but also that's going to be the questions that we probably get asked the most and that's what people want to know uh you know it's you see it every presidential election people vote their wallets and and this is the same thing you're asking people to vote their wallets and I just want to make sure that we're arming ourselves in advance to answer the tough questions so anybody else Wayne and I know that you've been here almost three years now and you and I talked about this when you first got hired and I know the the process process of getting we been the staff has been working on the bonding process for over uh what about a year and a half two years getting everything prioritize it's it's a slow painstaking process and of course the economy's got to be right people got to see the need for it and I think they've U as alluded to earlier that the need has existed for a long time and I appreciate the hard work but uh now it's time toh see make the rubber hit the road and at the end of the day the people of the city will uh make a decision as to what we want out of our community and we'll have be able to say that definitively at the at The Ballot Box and uh we will be able to respond accordingly and I and I think that the uh August 20th will be a good day one way or the other for the city because we'll know we will know we'll have our answer with that any other comments on first reading of ordinance number 2024 I'm sorry yeah 2024 7 call the role councilman FY yes councilman grubs yes councilman Bastion yes vice mayor sner yes mayor Bernett yes 5 additional item City attorney report nothing further than that excellent report city manager report I do want to to thank the fire department and chief wolfing they had us out last week to the burn center at the training facility in public works yard and uh they're going to try to set up something if the council members are interested in seeing this so that you can go out and witness this but it it is uh it's a great way to train our to to keep our people safe to keep our property safe to keep our firefighters safe uh they can take you through that better than I can but the ability to learn to train to fight fires off of a gas fire versus just burning pallets and what it can do with a variety of different ways to learn uh in addition to the fact that that we did this they saved us money there's some pretty talented guys out there that are capable of building things and so in certain areas they got donations they built things themselves we've got a confined space training facility out there uh they've done quite a bit and they've saved the taxpayers some money by doing some of this in-house with their own creative Talent uh it's worth seeing uh I I do think as they explain to me the difference in putting out a wooden pallet as you're trying to train a new firefighter compared to being able to be in a kitchen scenario with a gas fire where they can help Up and Down based on how well you're doing your job and you can stop and talk to them it's it's it's worth seeeing and I think it makes a difference to us in the long run uh so so I appreciated them having us out there to do do that they also have the tower you can repel off of so if any of you want to uh R risk your health uh feel free to to try to do that I I chose to watch myself but but we'll we'll set that up and and Mimi from our office will be contacting you about times to do that could could we Wayne could we possibly do it in August when it's really nice and toasty warm with all pretty warm in that room and in the winter time okay bring some marshmallows yeah right that all you have that is yes excellent city council committee reports for to CPO councilman fley just a small thing that um we've hadit a bump in the road in the office relocation for the TP um because it is a federally funded organization there are certain requirements in leases that they're having a hard time getting the uh potential we see to agree to so um we'll see Federal brick it's fun yeah so we'll see how that moves along they're meeting with attorneys and I guess they're going to get all the people in the room now to see if they can figure it out but um that's the only thing to report otherwise it's pretty business as usual over there all right anything else come before us this evening with that we'll be back here again in two weeks have a good night everybody thank you very much for