##VIDEO ID:wLcGxWXaMvI## e e e e e e e e e stand for the pledge and a moment of silence we right here I pledge aliance to the flag un States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liy and Justice amen amen did you count I hope nobody gets sick exactly the right time okay good I hope nobody gets sick roll call please Stan Schmid pres Scott stagger here mark bowling here Maria Mills benette here bo b for me Bo's good yeah I'm here and Thomas Jordan here uh our first duty tonight is we're doing election of officers a month early because Penny wasn't sure if we were going to have December although we are so be here be square um so right now Tom is the vice chair um I would like to nominate Tom to move up to chair person person if no one has any objections and I would like to nominate Stan to be the vice chair oh good choice you know I would be more than happy to let somebody else take a shot at it it doesn't matter I mean all you buddy cuz these guys have both been here what year and a half two years now just just out a year oh the rookies in that case screw up don't put that in the minutes I don't think I've been bried enough Bo you don't want to do this any other nominations any other Bo both can you repeat your nominations please Tom to move up as chairperson and Stan as Vice chair and I'm respectfully declin saying no let's let's put bow in there how many years has this been now it's just for you yeah how many years have I've been on this why are you trying to leave us longer than I have I'm just trying to figure out how many years I've been able to duck it I guess it's about time so okay St thank you appreciate are you accepting sorry are you accepting the vice chair role reluctantly yeah I'll do it thank you good did somebody yeah you made a motion I made a motion for Stan I and nobody seconded stand dein it was not second no I thought oh I second yeah second in an effort not to get put in yeah all right so let's run that back again so basically you did a you tried to do a two-person motion well Tom moves up just generally but yeah now we just clean it up just so we just need to clean it up and vote no on Stan since he didn't denied it yeah I mean you could do it that way guess I mean so what are you or do you want us to nominate somebody to nominate Bo and then vote on that one I nominate you nominated that's what you did is you nominated Tom for chair and and Stan and Stan for vice chair so that's both seconded but Stan you could withraw them so I'll withdraw my motion right withdraw your second I withdraw my second now you can make a and now you can make a nomination okay so now I nominate uh Tom Jordan to be chairman you want to do a two-part thing or okay and then I also nominate Bo both me to be our vice chairman I'll second that motion we good it mark seconded thank you st roll call stand Schmid yes Scott Sager yes Mark Ming yes Maria Mills Benet yes both of me yes Thomas Jordan yes deal are we good are we solid okay consideration of minutes from the last meeting I make a motion to approve the minutes as presented second all in favor I opposed motion passes and then number five application for comprehensive plan Capital Improvements element 2024 annual update case number cpam m-24 d004 can I get a motion I move that we approve uh this the U comprehensive plan Capital Improvement elements annual report uh case number cpam m-24 d24 second Penny Penelope crw planning manager I'm not sure why I'm having issues with this one second okay there we go all right so this is something that we do every single year so most most of you here have been here for a while maybe the new one's not because we didn't do it last year because um last year the annual update was kind of merged into the overall comprehensive Plan update um it was kind of like at that same time so the state allow us to do this but other than that we do this every year um basically the the city it's a cycle right um the city has already adopted with the budget the Capital Improvements program and certain projects that are related to concurrency which is like our adequate public facilities for these these facilities that are listed here on the screen any projects related to maintaining that level of service standard or any kind of like objective of the comprehensive plan is then basically just copied and pasted into the Capital Improvements element of the comp plan um and it's required by state law to do this annually and it's required to be in that strike through an underlying format so you're basically striking through the prior year text and adding the the current year and it all kind of just shifts a fiscal year there and like I said it's a cycle it kind of starts um from last year's annual concurrency management report you identify if there's any needs for improvements anything to address the facilities that we have the budget cycle starts at the beginning of the year um you use that analysis to deter DET you know prioritization and what improvements you need to put into your Capital Improvements program that is then adopted by Council um into with the budget and then we take what's adopted in from that budget in that Capital approv program and we have to put it into the cie so it's not anything new information it's not any information we can change it's already been approved in the capital Improvement we just have to paste it into the comp plan so that's kind of a gist of how that that process and Cycle Works I'm here to answer any questions you have yes real quick oh any questions St yeah um just real quick so and you've already touched on it so all this budget stuff has already gone through the console it's adopted it's in place yes this is really just kind of an update because we have to do it yes you have so you have to take that adopted already plan Capital Improvement program and put it into another document and there's nothing we could do here I can't I can't change anything I we didn't create there's no new projects or anything everything is what the all the different departments submitted during the budget cycle was reviewed during all those budget workshops and meetings approved by the council and now we just have to reflect some of them the ones that are related to facility um concurrency facilities in the comp this is a final approval right I mean once we approve it that's yeah it goes to council because it's an amendment to the comp plan and then it's done yeah okay and then and then we start and then we start the cycle again so the council is going to vote on what we do yes in there cons anytime you touch the comprehensive plan it has you have to amend it by ordinance and so it has to go to council but again it's the same like they've it's everything that they already approved a few months ago with the budget so it's just a formality that we have to do by because of state law and then after they approve it will there be a clean version of this somewh on the website yes so right now the Capital Improvements element is on the website once the ordinance is finalized and approved then then the clean version of the um element will be swapped out with so every year the this the Capital Improvements element is updated on the website well the only reason I'm digging on this is because you know the last few months we've had the social media Geniuses who are all experts on everything the city does and there's so much of this stuff answers their questions and it's just it's kind of like okay can we now loudly shout out look at the website it's all there in front of you inad nobody tell anything I can't get an answer out of anybody yeah I mean the new comp plan on it's been on the website since since the plan went into effect this summer um it that's all there and depending on what they're looking for you know the Land Development codes online the our activity report that's updated you know real time when we get new projects submitted and resubmitted that's on the website but it listening H it's on the website everything you want to know is on the website you can just look yep cityof Port orange. goov real easy or or actually port or orange do yeah just Google Port Orange you good Stan yeah I'm just ranting because of the craziness uh no I'm good really surprised St get didn't get to the numbers for how much he lik there was a lot here and there was a lot of numbers I'm just glad to have had this opportunity to read it I'm good you don't have to lie at Planning Commission meetings you know Mark yeah I've got a question sorry um I see where in in the sewer and and the storm water and everything else it it looks like that we had money going to them um for the years 23 through 24 then more then it's going back to 25 um are we putting this any of these out to bid are we are there conceptual plans on how we're going to solve these issues uh lift stations or do we have do we have generators at every station do we have bypass pumps at every station so this isn't the this isn't where I would be able to answer that so those but if I wanted that the answers to those questions I know it's too late now but where do I get those down the road probably the quickest way is to go to those departments so if you have a question about an improvement that was approved in the Capital Improvements element now shown in the cie um that's sewer related you would call the utilities department and ask that question probably if it was something s uh drainage related you could call Public Works or the engineering department and they would they would have the specifics they're the ones that are directly working with our purchasing department to bid out these projects and and things like that so so they know some what's what's happening two years down the road with whatever projects we're talking about what if it's something that's in the Capital Improvements program so as part of the budget cycle every Department submits these projects um and then you know it's vetted through the budgeting process and then once it's approved in the budget then they're able to move forward and work with with um purchasing to actually move forward with you know either um funding the project with existing funds applying for whatever grants are necessary putting things out to bid things like that so but every Department that oversees these projects would probably be the experts to ask about the details of each project because as as probably everybody on this board knows that every time something comes up before us we're asked about it ahead of time and they want to know about flooding they want to know about sewer they want to know about all that information and I would like to be able to call the utilities department or someplace else and say where's our comp plan for the future what how are we going to fix the the outdated um storm water systems that might be out so so the comprehensive plan is a policy document that's not going to get into the weeds of fixes but as the city manager has discussed in the past um few Council meetings there's a master plan that's um going to be finished in the spring I believe and moving forward to then from that point funding some you know getting the funding to move forward some of those projects so that's the more detailed project like infrastructure like this is what we need to do that would then get funded to impl project this is primarily correct me if I'm wrong but this is Broad stroked and you're looking for an approval a you know not a rubber stamp but you know what I mean okay I'm done Tom no I'm good I know kind of been through this routine it is what it is M so thanks well um yeah I think I have a question um as a tool looking at this say from a 30,000 foot view how would this comprehensive plan factor into citizens uh information are the comprehensive plan in general or the cie well I'm talking about how the budget and how this fits together and if I as a citizen if I wanted to to research answers would this be a document that I would go to so the comprehensive plan is a is is your kind of your your large scale Global like blueprint for the future going out through 25 it's your 20-year plan it's a regulatory document um it has the the goals and objectives of the city for how the city would like you know was is looking towards anything related with um with public facilities with development you know these are the policies that regulate that everything else the city does is supposed to be consistent with this plan but again it's a larger overarching policy document it's not the specifics it's the policies that guide the decisions that we make and other things Our Land Development code has to be consistent with this when we make budget decisions they should be consistent with the with the comprehensive plan um but I think the answers that the public are looking for right now this isn't where you're going to find it this is a more General policy document this is kind of a a quas budgetary uh document that's used okay so we're going back so I was just talking about the larger comprehensive plan yeah if we're now switching to the Capital Improvements element it's literally just taking the parts of the Capital Improvements program right that are concurrency related the Capital Improvements program is a lot bigger than what is added into the cie the Capital Improvements program has improvements for say like police and fire okay those things are not concurrency related so they're not in this if you want to see all the Capital Improvements that have been budgeted for you would look at the city budget document it's more of an operational plan so this just takes the this just takes and make sure that we've documented the things that the city has budgeted that are related to concurrency adequate public facilities okay I think I understand thank you thank you you're welcome any discussion or questions there one last little picky thing you know I love doing that um didn't TPO change their name yes okay because we're still referred to it as TP yeah said just pigy and you yeah we don't yeah we haven't that was done after the compl was the larger compl plan was adopted yeah can you fix it next year for for it's still TPO it's still a transportation planning organization it's just not river to see TPO it's the like valua Flagler yeah I knew we had a name change goinging on yep cool okay thank you any comments from the public robt Robert all right I knew you were going to come say hi he just came for the pumpkin bread say depending what he has bring that back commission members Robert rehagen 1425 Dexter Drive Northport Orange um I want to talk about CD 252 will Willow Run Boulevard w wiing and CD 173 Yorktown North segment now at the at the last two meetings people have been coming and complaining about their their houses flooding and some of them were on on in the Hidden Lake subdivision which backs up to uh this uh the the one on the uh Yorktown North segment and what they're proposing in is taking and putting a four lane road through the middle of that cow pasture and these houses that are flooding are on the other side on the other side of chardonay and then this road through the cow pasture is going to be on the other side of the other side of Chardonnay and so I I just see more water piling up and we haven't almost immediately after they they built the Grove it's it's a development that was uh a townhouse development across the street from the the uh School The Horizon Elementary School and almost immediately after that these houses started flooding there was problems with flooding there um and I think what we should be looking at is considering um not not widening that road but rather widening the and replacing the bridge over over the interstate because if you don't replace the bridge all this other stuff just funnel into that little narrow Gap and it's just a problem so um and and they talk about the new Pioneer Trail interchange and how that's going to help solve some of the transportation uh issues and so the idea of taking Yorktown and making it for Lane um I just it just horrifies me and I would suggest we heard uh Miss Cruz talk about that she her responsibility is to put all this together in this plan based on something the council has already done but I'm suggesting to you that you can question that that some of those projects and so I would asked you to question these projects and and suggest to the council that these maybe should be left out thank you thank you Robert anybody else any last comments anything Dan no okay any last comments on the Das no thanks to the staff great job as usual as as always Happy Thanksgiving um roll call for our motion Stan Schmid yes Scott stagger yes Mark bowling yes Mar Mills Benet yes Bo bamy yes and Thomas short I miss a motion yes um commissioner comments Stan one still got to do one yet got do the calendar calendar totally totally scroll past that 2025 proposed public hearing and development review calendars do you need us to vote on that or just you need I believe it's um penal C planning it's it's the same kind of process that we have every year there's a A variation in July November and December um so other than that if you just want to review that and and accept it um and then save them Bo I'm looking at you save the date when in doubt check your city email I got it on City website um so we don't need an official vote we just need to collectively accept it like a voice yeah um so everybody who accepts the proposed hearing and development review calendar think you still need Motion in second and then you do a Voice vote okay so motion to accept the 2025 proposed public hearing and development review calendar so moved second all in favor I I any opposed okay now commissioner comments Stan nothing Scott uh looking forward to pumpkin bread thank you very much Sam Mark I'm good Tom I'm all said thank you very much Bo thank you for the opportunity awesome staff comments come on Tim Happy Thanksgiving oh that was too easy public comments anything from the large public that has arrived here this evening maybe not that large all right Happy Thanksgiving everyone I'll make a motion to I'll take a motion to I'll make a motion to adjourn meting aded