##VIDEO ID:1-v39oQg79g## okay father God we just come to you and we just thank you that we ask for wisdom for the city and for the things on uh the board committees and the meetings tonight the things that will be discussed and decisions be made in that area so we know that we're talking about also the Florida Group Health Trust Insurance we know we need insurance so give us wisdom there so that way the people are covered so we do thank you for that as well and uh we do thank you for the safe plan development that is coming up so we ask for wisdom for that as well and the main thing I want to bring up tonight is the grant that we need for the Waterworks for all the water that we're going to need for the people and for any grants for things to deal with water uh not only water drinking water but sewer water or even canals and things we need so just we ask for that favor we ask for that wisdom and we thank you that we could get that Grant and use it for the resources and I do thank you for Adam coming in in the finance department and so just bless us all tonight lead us and guide us in Jesus name amen to the flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all please may John Cooper here Council David Mueller here councilman Robert Hub here councilwoman Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew cobbler here thank first up is the approved M we got three sets I'll start with was do individually the June 17 2024 town hall meeting minutes look for motion motion June 17th Town Hall minutes second motion second forther discussion all in favor 65 saying I I oppos motion carries next up is the June 18th 2024 city council work sh minutes motion motion to approve the city council Workshop minutes from 618 second motion second for discussion all in favor by saying I I I oppos motion carries and finally the June 25th 2024 city council meeting minutes for motion motion to approve city council [Music] minutes that's not anybody home second all that Mo motion second thank you Linda for being so uh no problem I'm here to please all in favor by saying I iOS motion carries okay next up comments from the general public I do have a couple signed up we'll start with Danny Fields welcome my name's Danny fields and my address is 8114 little kid and again I just want to thank you for your service and your leadership uh you know it's always good to work as a team and so I've been working as a team not only with my local church CH and with the businesses and partners around but also I'm standing in for hersel tonight uh so uh he's a chaplain as well and so he did a backpack giveaway uh last Saturday at uh Waterfront Park and we had a good turnout there and uh I want to thank those that was there they R out in community they supplied backpacks like we do at light of the world and somebody cares for the community so we had fun and food and games and we got to talk to one another and uh a chief was there and another people so it was real great to do and uh we just had fun got to know our communities our neighbors and then Network together and we'll do more events and partner with them and them with us to reach out in the community so the best part about it is the kids got all these backpacks with all these school supplies with these families that are hardworking and some of them on low income or just moms single that needed an extra helping hand and to get that love encouragement from the city and from the faith-based church and the people together and and leaders from here so we represented the kingdom we represented the city of Port Richie and all the staff here and the community and it was a a group effort so I want to say that this was a partnership so thank you and uh we'll have more events coming up up and uh we always give the opportunity for others to be involved and informed and those we know that could be there we are grateful and if you're not you're there with us in love and in and in spirit and truth so thank you thanks an um real quick I see we got some new folks out here so let me go ahead and read public comment so public participation is encouraged if you're addressing the council step to the podium and state your name and address for the record please limit your general comments to three minutes minutes for comments on action items please limit comments to three minutes on a current topic please limit your conversations while sitting in the audience during Council business and silence your cell phone so as not to interfere with everyone's ability to hear the comments of both the public and the council during that time and just a reminder this is public comment is opportunity for you to address the council it's not time to Banter back and forth or to answer questions if you do have a particular question at the end of your comments we may choose to to answer that but it's not required so just so you're aware of that um moving on I've got next up Pat Rogers welcome good evening Council mayor I'm here to give a report on the backpack giveaway we did on July 27th I want to thank Port Richie for your partnership with somebody cares Pasco for our annual backpack giveaway Waterfront Park we had over 245 volunteer hours hot dogs popcorn snacks watermelon drinks games live music and prizes most importantly serving our community together supplies food and backpacks and time donated at a value of over $1,000 thank you for your continued relationship with Port Richie and a special thank to thank you to the Port Richie police and fire departments and the volunteers that work with them we pray that it was a blessing to all the city and all who attended thank you thanks M uh next up have Ronald McDonald welcome Ronald McDonald 7610 deed Rec Circle here in Port Richie I am the President of the Chamber of Commerce and I am pleased and excited to announce that we have formed an association with a professional event planning firm Cheryl's to help us plan the kind of events we need to make our community a little more exciting and a little more attractive to a whole lot of of visitors and we now have our first event coming up in October that is already kicking off at a pretty good pace and we're looking forward to having many more now I'd love to have input from anybody that has any ideas or suggestions of other events that we might be able to put together in the future we have got the uh artist and farmers markets coming and that's monthly and that will start in October and run through November we have uh planned a scallop festival for next year which we hope to involve the entire Bayou in and we're working to um finalize a relationship with the Sturgis South Dakota Chamber of Commerce as a sister chamber and we are going to be performing Sturgis comes to Florida which is a large motorcycle rally which we're excited about and we are as I say open we have a couple of job fairs that we're trying to get set up for our neighborhood and that's about it thank you for the time thought we give you an update thanks ran appreciate shers uh next up Wayne Guido welcome good afternoon I'm Wayne Guido I live at 5445 bluepoint Drive um really only up here today about a question I was noticing the canal Quality Water it's like there's oil in the canal between blue blue um point and Quist drive and um I have one of those green lights that goes in the water you can't see it I got to pull it completely out of the water to to get to see it I don't know again it's a question you don't have to answer but um are you guys looking into any way to to try to um raise the water quality of our canals and waterways I mean it seems to be you know an issue but U anyway that was that was my my basic question for you guys thanks um I will say we we formed the 2125 uh Coastal residency restoration committee that they are to be looking at things like that canals and different things to improve the water quality to your specific issue I'm not sure if if weay anybody knows any oil in that in there but um I I got on me the other day it's clearly oil I don't I'm I know that we have the runoff Lake um from 19 which is a a problem in itself but um I don't know if Swift Mud or somebody is is ultimately responsible for all that I have yeah we had M you can have them come out take a look at it do some samples or something and and of course you know the the the pipe the far north one is still clogged item yeah I know that's still being looked at too yeah so you have update on that pipe by chance were they going to clean that out still work we're still it okay thank you uh next up Joe me welcome Joe me 5446 bluepoint Drive I want to comment on the last pnz meeting that everything was changed at the last minute a lot of people took off work to be able to attend that it was supposed to be a voting meeting and it was changed to a no vote meeting most of the people aren't really happy about that they think that this is nothing more than a delaying tactic so other agendas can be put forth uh to change the Waterfront District and not have the rest of the residents heard the other thing that they're not real happy about is that this is August and a lot of the um San Pebble folks that may be able to vote are not allowed to participate in this and their voices are not heard either um and the um the a lot of the people I've spoken with say there's a total disregard of what they were they want and that uh even though the even though the um report commissioned uh by Tammy's group said that you know most people did not want this kind of stuff going on in their District so uh I would like to ask the mayor or yeah mayor Hoover and Mr coppler to actually put this on the no upcoming November ballot before any changes are presented to the pnz board to change any of this stuff to find out what the will of the people really is when you have that many people I think it was 500 give or take saying no this is not what we want and there is only very few and I don't know what that number was but I know that the 500 way out performed the the uh the very few that said yes this is what we want this is not uh this is not in the best interest of the city of Port Richie and its residents so that's that's why I would like to to have that done uh this and the vote is more to change the the look and the feel of the waterfront district and to change the look and the feel of our city uh is too important just be made by three or four people sitting up at the front it should be something that all the residents have the ability to weigh in on thank you thank Jo I'll just make a couple comments to that you go the very fluid process obviously one thing I want to point out is the reason that um that is coming before the boards is because legally required to do that we the developers come forward file paperwork paid the city to go through that process it's not something the city's initiated it's the developers have paid for that process and that's coming upon us to provide them that process uh it goes through the planning and zoning and on the council I also comment on the uh the reason it wasn't a voting meeting I think there was some details it wasn't going to be ready and so they pushed that it was unfortunate that it did go out uh and was noticed matter of fact M if you give a little more DET notice as a public hearing not as a voting if the City attorney can comment on what a voting meeting is um there's really no necessarily a term call a voting meeting there's public hearings where um sometimes or discussions in votes sometimes there's discussions in continuances sometimes there's discussions in withdrawal of of an issue so it can be many things but the purpose behind the notice just to let people know in the community that no matter what's going to happen at this meeting that Topic's going to be discussed so it lets them have that moment um to come in and and either say what they want to say or send an email or make a phone call or call one of these these individuals up here and give them their thoughts about it yeah and so obviously there was no vote at that meeting but there was still an opportunity to be heard and it just it's another opportunity to be heard so until you know if there's five six more meetings as things happen at some point there will be a vote by the that board right and so all those opportunities are just additional opportunities for the public to to speak on it as opposed to just one so actually probably it's probably better that uh they actually have more opportunity to voice and hear the details as opposed to just having a vote arbitrarily at one meeting just because it was noticed um so again very fluid process um this is not something the city has done a whole lot of in the past and so there's there's a kinks in the process I guess gets worked out the staff is working through um myself and the council are not really involved in those that's kind of Staff working with the planner and developer and all that but the main thing to note is that they have put forth um and paid a fee to have that stuff looked at and action and so that's kind of what's the process is going on I know it you know it kind of comes after the visiting and all that that you mentioned um but again it's just staff doing due diligence uh with the process so more to come on that I'm not sure what the new dates are but keep an eye on the website those will be out I will address one more thing on the timing I've heard a lot issues about the timing of those Planning and Zoning meetings being at 1:00 which makes it difficult for people to come to and I definitely understand that but the Planning and Zoning Board did uh decide to go that time it was the best that worked for them um I think there was some comments about statutory obligations so plan zoning board does not make anything but a recommendation to Council on that so that the uh the statute will be uh fulfilled when the council meets to action those items and it' be a two hearing process and those at 6 o' if I may I think there was some confusion with the city's code for zoning issues does require Planning and Zoning to me I think after five which is not a zoning matter there's no requirement for what's being it was being discussed currently to be on a meeting after okay but in future if it's a zoning issue that would be different so there so it's if it's a zoning issue it does have to happen after five o'clock for your for the Cod but this particular thing is not a zoning issue propos change to the comprehensive land use plan Amendment okay we are looking at the next meeting okay thank you I was going to ask I me because that does seem to I mean I couldn't even go I had to watch I work as well so I was going to ask if we could ask pnz while this very important topic is on the table if they if they could alter their times to accommodate the working public as well it's only enough that even people that don't drive at night would be able to go so I was going to ask if we could ask them to at least while this topic is available that people on both sides of the aisle are able to go yeah great if if they able to do that it'd be great thanks that's all the signups I have that they've signed up show hands anybody else like to speak Dome thank you mayor Hoover my name is David Cruz I'm the disaster preparedness coordinator for the Knights of Columbus for the dasis of St Petersburg which includes Pasco pelis Fernando Hillsboro and citrus County I wanted to thank the board and the mayor for being proactive and being the first sand location open when hurricane Debbie came in in the county and being ahead of the game um it's it's great being involved in disaster to see uh a city take the lead for the county and also be proactive rather than reactive as far as making sure the the residents are protected um mayor uh Hoover helped me actually fill sandbags for a resident here and he's sitting right over there Mr Joseph LaGuardia and uh he's uh got a few years I think on pretty much everybody in this room and uh it wouldn't have been conducive for him to be able to get here and uh and pick up those sandbags so I think mayor Hoover is going to address that issue a little bit later and uh I want to say today I responded with the Red Cross to a fire from the fire department and I have to say that the fire department is great in taking a lead in making sure that the residents are protected and getting the help that they need when they are displaced from their homes and getting things taken care of thank you thanks David anyone else like to speak you already spoke way I can't back minut has to be on for that would be the same topic and this is this is public comment about sandbags so his comments earlier were about something different comment something totally different yeah I apologize um if if it's sub on the agenda you s do you want to speak anyone else yeah about my name is Tom row 5422 Quist Drive uh I was told in 2015 that they were going to dredge the canals it's been N9 years they haven't touched them at low tide they're dry dry so I was just curious if they were going to do anything about that in the near future I know they at the time they had said that they had a uh a a grant from the government to to do the dredging so I was just curious if there was some reason why it's been postponed for so long okay anybody okay anyway uh also about this uh 469 unit condo that's going in uh where Gil Gill dogs is uh there's land right over here on Congress that's vacant on both sides of the street it's a great place for low income housing is what they're saying it's going to be on the waterfront there's no such thing we know there's no such thing on Waterfront L front housing so uh are they going to still let them do the 469 units in there to answer your question after your time's up yeah so the uh two things you mentioned about the canaly create a committee 2125 Coastal restoration resiliency committee that is their role is to go through those issues and come back to council with recommendations there's a lot of funding out there that that uh can be had and so we start that process um going back to your comment about the um the money we have for dredging I believe was $667,000 of restore funding that was uh allocated to us that's been since pulled by the county because of it uh previous administration did not act on that according to what the county multi-year plan was my understanding um so we're kind of starting fresh but we're definitely on that definitely top of Prior list is to address that I know it's been a long time and I apologize for that um but very expensive operation and so we uh we're going to do the do deal just try to get some funding in here to cover that um just briefly on the on the uh project there's nothing happening right now other than developers submitted the documentation to make changes to the C land use plan um that's a first step in this there's a lot more steps involved coming after that um all I do is stay you know stay engaged and you'll be able to be a part of that conversation um but there's nothing property head sold yet so it's just it's all very very fluid and they're working through that process and nothing's been approved nothing's been voted on at all but there is there is a request out there to address a portion of getting that process started if that would come to that so thanks anybody [Music] else uh my name is Joe LaGuardia manate Point Drive Newport Richie or Port Richie New Port Richie address which is part of my problem weird over there for sure uh yeah right first time I ever met you Mr Mayor you were not the mayor at the time you came to my front door which was uh a couple years ago now I guess uh with your wife or whoever and um suggested that you wanted to be mayor of this town and at that time um I asked you why you're on Council why do you want to get under the mar he said I think I can do more things for the city than what I well you really proved the point the other day when um all of a sudden sandbags appeared at my door uh I've been a resident of of Port Richie now for 40 years and I I'm ashamed to say this is the first time I've ever been to this um this assembly of of people that are concerned for our our city so um so I apologize for that but by the same token um you guys are doing a pretty good job of running the place other than a little snfo here and there we won't even have to get into but uh so I want to thank you for number one being a a good mayor but also for filling the sandbags this guy he he even he has no problem picking up a shovel and working like a a regular person 40 years ago I was quite able as a firefighter for 30 years in Cleveland Ohio so I was pretty able and built a little bit better than I am now to be able to do these things and I did for many years after that fill my own sandbags well obviously I'm to a point now where um members of my Council from the Knights of Columbus and d uh Dave um spearheaded this thing and I have more sandbags than you have on your beaches here I want to thank you for that that's the main reason for for my being here tonight uh thank you Mr Mayor and U everybody for allowing me this time thank appreciate my pleasure anyone else hi my name's Don Hernandez 8425 flaxon I'm with sun Co communities um first of all we dodged another bullet with another hurricane which is a great thing you know thank the Lord for that in the process the operations I'm assuming from part Richie had went out and uh put uh pumping stations or pumps of some on the other side of Ridge Road and we were all excited about that in case of in case of uh they never turned them on never turned the pumps on did they not work did anybody fli the switch or I'm here but that's Pas County Pasco County okay the other thing is um across from Leo kid there's a uh well now it's it's full of cattails That was supposed toly a a station for excess water now it's covered over it's it's Mock and it's CA it's behind the auto dealership has anybody ever thought of clearing that out so it actually did work we got take a look at okay well the fact of it is is all that and and we're blaming it we're going to go ahead and blame it on Pascal County but the fact of it is is who over here is checking to make sure that Pasco County does it for us not that it's your responsible to do it for us but we would think that and I'm not going to point pinpoint operations you know because I'm sure they they were doing enough just buckling Down the Hatch for for the 8 inches of rain we got but the fact of it is I would have thought somebody with some sort of authority would have said can you turn on the pump for us yes thank you thank you anyone [Music] else single hands I'll bring it back next up is comments from the city manager I'll pass that to Mr coppler for comments thank you very much um as Council mayor recall we spoke about scheduling a training session for the open meetings act ethics would be attended by both city council boards and commissions apped by the city council we are currently targeting Thursday September 12 2024 at 6m for the approximate three-hour training session um one of the questions I guess is does council want this to be a voluntary uh training session or do you want it to be a mandatory session for all the boards and commission I know that it it may be difficult for everyone to get there we've thought about ways that we could film video this therefore we' be able to have people come in and watch it um but if you just keep it um voluntary you wouldn't need to have a kind of a signning sheet to make sure people do it here um it's probably best that you do it mandatory and uh if you do do that we need to do a resolution saying that this could be a mandatory uh participation by the any any objections to no I just want to make check with Nancy for leg I just wanted to I um I agree with um the city manager that it um is a very good decision and I and many cities and towns have done this before cour V to make it mandatory for the boards um because it applies to them but yet they're not you know the Sunshine Law applies public records applies um but yet the the training is not mandatory so I think it's important that collectively you asked them we've appointed you we've asked you to do this for us and we know we're taking some more time from your schedule but come to this training and what we talked about like Matt mentioned was that they can't be here on the 12th if that's the day it's going to be it'll be recorded they'll have so long to come into City Hall to some comfort some comfortable room somewhere um and watch it um in a time that are schedule I think that probably an annual event would be yeah absolutely so any objection to not make itory board committees same ethics four hours that we already it's not going to be four hours it's going to be a shorter version but it's going to be much of the same content that you've heard through your four hours already met Our obligation so it's really not um it's just a little refresher for you guys those of you that can be here on September 12th um and it's an invitation for the the boards and the Committees to maybe a mandatory invitation for the boards and committees to come in and get that no so uh development services has been working with Pasco County on the public program for public information which is part of the community ring system that helps the city earn CRS points while educating the public grade f female excuse me PPI serves as to for coordinating flood Hazard Outreach with Fort Richie and Pasco County collaborating on the multi-jurisdictional PPI and we were working actually with and hoping Newport Richie would be joining us um I think they're considering it still but haven't really made a final decision so we hope we can conv them to uh participate with this as well I bring this up tonight because at some point in the future as we get further along we will be bringing to council a resolution that you have to adopt to be a part of this um but I just wanted you to be aware that we are in the process of doing this and uh it's positive thing obviously for the flood insurance uh in the CRS so we can reduce that flood insurance cost for our residents um I don't know if there's a time frame in which you think we're going to be coming forth that resolution is in a few months probably um but we are working towards that end no question um we are in the final stages of the implementation of the 4Runner software you might remember Council authorized staff to uh engage or Forerunner um this is a system that uh works with the city and the City Works with it to provide a lot of the flood uh plane management data uh so residents when this site is operational will be able to go and search for properties flood Risk by address provideing information such as flood zones base flood elevations designed flood elevations and relevant compliance warnings um users can also find important documents like elevation certificates review of property substantial Improvement or damage history and contact the local flood plane management team for their assistance so I believe we are going to be uh rolling this out in the next couple of days um so people will be able to go to our website and find out more information um this is a external website ultimately they would go to um but again uh residents will be able to get a lot of information that they rely upon the city to get Now by themselves at their home and it helps reduce the the hopefully helpes reduce the cost of flood insurance for the whole city um and lastly I just wanted to give an update on the Grand Boulevard us19 intersection improvements um we have re reive some preliminary plans for that uh the engineering firm does have a concern that there may be a conflict with one of the signal polls um they want to check that before they give us any type of estimate um that we can start working with because uh if if there is conflict and we'd have to move that signal pole that's an expens so they want to make sure that we don't have those conflicts before they give us the final numbers let's go ahead thanks M uh next up is comments from mayor city council I'll start to my left with Council woman Burke no no vice mayor rodri no good thank you councilman hbert no not this not at this point C Muer wow well I have a you have a list always I think that's nobody else had comments Dave always had Wai for you I yield my time to um I took the time to go through the department reports and I think that's important because we get to do that once um one meeting a month um but I noticed that we've been deploying the traffic trailers um at these various sides uh I think it's important to put the results of that effort uh somewhere so that we can capture that and act upon it if there's an issue I mean just saying okay I put the put the trailer out and speed trailers are out but what happened with that we need the the so what to come along for the ride so I'd like to see results published and in fact even maybe the reports published of the traffic uh that's going on there um also I don't see anything on dispatch have we begun that transition process yet yes and if we have can we get another uh tab added here uh to show where we're at with progress and what our goals are and and that we're on track to achieve those goals i' I'd like to see that um also on our department activity I still don't see any boat usage and I see two boats parked in a parking lot behind is there any reason we can't get them on the Water by the weekend one of them yes we get the the oot on we have to go to enforcement one they're supposed to come pick it up today to get the antenna on it all the lights and everything have been installed the graphics been installed we have to get the antenna on so we can utilize the radio me there tomorrow so so we can start adding that to the activity report because now that thing will start to deploy probably by the next month right correct perfect Was the vote in the water on this weekend I thought I saw I didn't I was driving back through haror Isles and I thought I saw the new boat on but maybe it wasn't ours no okay I didn't get a chance to see Labs or you're taking my time um I noticed this uh this nature code stop walk and talk um and there was only one of those things um is that where patrols walk and maybe talk to people in the neighborhood or something like that it's a combination of things is neighborhood contacts is business contacts it's things of that nature uh that don't fall into the other categories okay I'm just wondering if that would be a good thing to do is try to you know get to know the people and you know maybe walk through neighborhoods I know when I first moved here I had the pleasure of meeting a couple officers that just walked down the street and you know wa and said hi uh I'm just wondering I know it's hot right now but maybe that's something that you can guys can look at doing in the in the fall and and potentially have you know opportunity to you know meet more people in the neighborhood right and me the res um fire you're up thanks for doing the uh hard job at 2 o'clock in the morning I'm sure everybody appreciates that kind of activity job well done thank you um I noticed that you guys um evidently you were awarding a a grant for an auto pulse machine part of your Advanced life support very good um I'd like to get all of these grants and these other departments added to one master list and you know with the grant coordinator so we can effectively track them so if you guys are tracking to just pass that information along and that way it's all in the same place um uh I see that the boat training joint with fire and uh police and Pasco has been done uh that's all good I think that's the more of the marrier there it's all good other than that utilities guys uh thanks for a job well done keeping track of all the stuff that uh blew in on that storm Debbie um I know you guys have been working overtime trying to get everything picked up and I've been seeing the guys moving I want to thank all of you especially for clearing the boat ramp before the weekend job well done and let's see what else I had the opportunity to attend uh Monday the Tampa Bay Regional planning council meeting and met some had some two good presentations the one I particularly like was dealing with drudging uh had an opportunity to speak with um Jack Mariano uh about these baffle boxes and uh an estuary program that I guess that the Army core is doing I've got some contacts uh my intent is to relay that information to the 2125 Coastal restoration committee so that they can uh potentially look at opportunities there it sounds like uh there is some funding a available um and the army po guys seem to have some ideas as well so um good resources there I think it was a good decision to join that group and uh kind of Leverage off some of their uh capabilities they have um some tools in their U software tools I guess that could help uh with some visualization of some of the things we're going through in this community what a flood looks like with certain height and that kind of thing and kind of give uh folks the kind of an indication of what to expect if there's a storm surge of X feet that kind of thing so um I was real impressed with them um the only other thing I can think of you know this is hurricane season we need to probably get after the ditches uh uh there's a lot of when it rains like this things grow fast so uh I know it's a never ending job so appreciate you doing all the hard work thank you yep thanks Dave um real quick before move into my comments just on the 2125 committee do we have the I know they haven't posted the their first meeting yet is that we work through the scheduling on that no I have to get with the manager we waiting for to come back okay okay when's he do back you know just okay so hopefully something soon great yeah because we get that rolled um the uh next up thing I need to talk about is the it's Town Hall time um so September and I want to propose a couple dates um I had um and obviously September 10th would be a u a meeting potentially with Planning and Zoning on the that stuff so it' probably be good if we maybe have the town hall before that to allow a little more conversation back and forth on some of that stuff so uh there's a Tuesday September 3rd would be an option um Thursday September 5th I had the 12th but that sounds s like this going to be the the training that you brought up here and then the 17th and the 19th will be Tuesday and Thursday well but I I'd prefer to have it the third and the fifth if that was works out for everybody I believe the fifth is g to be a public hearing on the budget budg okay I didn't have that in the calendar but I don't have it on the calendar either I looked and I so maybe the third Tuesday the third for a town hall six o' time 68 what year month this year 24 se4 sure okay I'll try to make myself yeah September 3rd is that good 6 PM y so if we get that advertised and out to the public so they can attend [Music] that uh the next thing I'll just touch on the just reiterate what Ron said about the chamber events I know I think was at the last council meeting that I'd mentioned that they were going to start those in August um obviously he he made a change um because of the the the timeliness of that we'll make sure it's a success obviously um I say we I always say we because I follow close R Ron I'm not really involved but uh he wanted to make sure that it was success and um I'm sure everybody C would like to have that be success as well so obviously he's coupled with Cheryl with event com events and markets that's LLC um to do that professional event planner um so she's going to run with that and hopefully make that sense I think that um already got 17 vendors I think signed up for the so and that's in October 6 be the first one and that'll be a monthly event um the first Sunday of every month starting October so look forward to that actually on down there's some uh agenda items about potentially using the logo we'll get to that um also wanted to touch on about the the hurricane Debbie and the sandbag thing so David reached out to me that Saturday um to go to uh he he was up here to get sandbags for um Mr LaGuardia him and his wife 86 years old and of course they didn't do it so when he came um he was he was met with some resistance because David does not live in the city and so um there was a I got a call and I reached out to mat and um they put some temporary in place to allow if someone would bring in a a sign form that they were picking up for somebody but uh again that would involve them and he was there waiting and so I we we we took care that I I came up I wasn't going to put the bags out because I'm fortunate enough that my property is is fairly high on Green Street and so I've never really had a flooding issue um so I went up there and got my bags and helped fill those for Mr LaGuardia so he could get that done I make sure that uh he was taken care of but what I want to make sure and it bothers me a little bit that we've you know almost 100 years old and that we've been given sandbags out for storms many years I would I would imagine um and that we don't have something in place to take take care of issues like this I would think that um I we do have a significant elderly population here in Port Richie that would need help whether it be a son daughter or some kind of family member that would come up get the bags to help them prepare for the storm but we don't have something in place there and again I don't fault um dispatch or anything for for that just following rules right you got to be a city resident that's taxpayer dollars and providing it for the residents um and we didn't have anything in place to uh go outside of that um so what I'd like to see if um is possible if and I had idea to take a step further that if we have a uh a form that somebody comes to pick up bags for a resident that they can fill out their name take their information their driver's license information say who they're picking up for and then release those without any issue and then if by chance somebody comes in like say um David came up to get bags for for me um he gets those goes on his way and then I come up to get my bags and I found out that well they've already been given out and it went to this person that I would still get my bags and then the police would then go and and and follow up to prosecute or what necessary to to um reach out to the individual to theft to government property or whatever's in place so I think I think we can be not so rigid that we we're going to force an elderly person or somebody to come up here to get the bags people could come up that's their family member whatever we have a form in place that's um that release it and then we deal with the with anybody that's offending that later on would be my suggestion what you guys think about that but I'll leave that to staff to figure out the best way to do that but we need to be make sure that we're not um especially in the time of preparing for Hurricane and that's you know it's not the time to be worried about how to deal with process like that let's get to make sure that the tools are available for people to protect their homes and uh put something in place to make sure that we can accommodate uh people who can't come up theirselves um and while I was there I'll bring this up too so I don't uh so while I was here and I I helped fill the bags there was another uh La couple that came up and I I couldn't believe and and not help them fill their bags too so I I filled a lot of bags I don't know if there's uh some way somebody had mentioned that was that was there that uh we could possibly as the prisons have um programs where they can help they come out and actually fill the bags for some of our residents I don't know if that's an option but if there's any kind of or we don't our volunte Like You Youth volunteer things maybe we could contact yeah it'd be really nice if we had some method that we could have somebody fill those bags um for folks I know there certain programs where they have to have so many volunteer hours or something so maybe that's maybe we can find out who those places are huh other than me I'd be happy to help again obviously but uh I can't I can't ctive sorry about that um the uh but yeah if we do something that you know obviously Able Body folks come up fill it's good exercise and I actually appreciate the opportunity to exercise so but it was hard work I got to tell you um so if we could maybe find a way to help out even more exide just providing bags maybe provide service to fill them up and help load them in a truck that'd be awesome and I will also I can't remember the guy's name that brought the second load of sand there um I've we had about uh four or five bags left he he helped me fill the the bags because David had to leave to to take care of his and so I it's by myself and and somebody from utilities actually helped us so appreciate him um let's see the okay the last thing I have um I want to bring this up because it's it's we're gonna have the same type of issue on down number three here in our public hearing um there's been some concern announced about um voting and when when a person should abstain from voting and whatnot um on this particular ordinance there's uh it's it's changing potentially changing the C3 zoning uh their uses and so what I wanted to I want to turn it over to the attorney to explain what when a person need to saying so I specifically own a C3 property but um the I don't have tostain from that and i' let her explain why um because it's it's a it's not a I'm not like putting in a variance for that particular property it's not just me it's Zoning for the entire population of C3 um so so that uh the statute's kind of wordy there but uh it's it's basically you don't be like me not allowed to vote or we none of us could vote for lowering the millage rate for example because we all would pay less taxes or we couldn't change residential zoning uh because we live so we're the elected body up here to make those decisions and unless there's a specific U private gain for an individual like if I file for a variance for my property that would I would need to disclose that and not vote but since this is C3 in general um that that's not the case so I'll turn over to attorney to expand on that a little bit I think you did um you just confirmed talking I was I was waiting and he kept talking um yes there is there specific Provisions within the law that talk about um when a council person um should not vote when those situations don't arise they are obligated to vote um that is their duty to vote um and I have had this question not just with the C3 issue but with some other issues um from Council persons from residents after meetings so I thought um if I'm getting the questions perhap perhaps other Council people are also getting the questions so I thought it would be wise just to to kind of state it in generic terms you're going to get three hours worth of this in September so I won't go too too long um and of course you're all invited to the training too so you can come and learn along with them um but Florida statute 112. 3143 talks about voting conflicts um and it and for someone to that needs to obstain they need to be getting a um usually looks at pecuniary interest whether they're going to gain something or possibly lose something specifically to them um if a situation all U see3 for the example where there's a group of people that are affected by it there's a there's a um kind of a criteria that the courts have you look at the size of the group The um speculative nature of what might or might not happen um let me see what some of the other ones are the degree to which the person that should be that we're dealing with the council person would receive a benefit compared to the other people in the class so there's definitely criteria to look at um but it needs to not be a speculative possibility it needs to be directly you know affect them not a group of people um so hopefully that helps a little bit um we've had the conversations I've had with had conversations with some others with some things have come up um so we do address that before these things come up and and at this point everything's good to go good thank you I have yes so moving on to comments from board committees is there any board commit comments I do have one for the for my board CAC have anything no that's just want we go first go first okay so uh we had our first um 21 sorry the Centennial uh committee met last Monday um and so we had an organization meeting I was elected to chair and uh Caroline Ro Gonzalez was vice chair um we had a long conversation about um what we'd like to do for the Centennial stuff throwing ideas out there um just kind of give a little summation so what we what we decided was is to look at having a 100 days of activities leading up to the the Centennial um and we you know maybe every weekend or something just varying times but then as we approach that week of we would have which would be so the the actual anniversary is on May 18th and so that's a Sunday and so we would uh actually have our big uh party that day we'd have potentially fireworks and whatnot on that Sunday um but on the Saturday before which is the 10th um we would have a parade to kind of open up the the ceremony um on that day and then throughout that week we would have try to have some events pretty steady um going on that week and we all kind of stuff from and obviously these things were um would probably like a fishing tournament was was mentioned for example that would necessarily be that week it might be leading up to it during the 100 days but uh there's a lot of options out there that we had for different things and we continue to formulate those we've also requested that any Resident that has any ideas send those in so we can um consider as well we want to you know do as much as we can to celebrate our 100y year anniversary um but we had a good meeting lots of good ideas coming out there um but that's kind of what we've tally talked about so far more to come on that I welcome you all to join that next meeting I think the next one is when actually I think it's the 19th the 19th of this month okay so that's that's our next senal meeting if you guys want to come out and and engage in that um as well on that we talked about Cheryl Taylor um that board and uh that that committee is only for residents we have uh four vacancies on it but we talked about during that that it would be nice to have an event planner on that board to help us with planning some of these things and so I was going to bring back to you all to see if you were uh would potentially open up at least one of those positions for a non City resident planner type role that would help with that or create additional um seat on the board that would consider Cheryl she's willing to volunteer her time to help us prepare for that um and I'd like to to leverage that um if we could it's there going to be a lot of things that we need planning help with she has a obviously a pathora of resources at her fingertips would be food trucks uh vendors and it would be very advantageous for us to to leverage her her help in that field to do that what you guys thoughts are we would have to change the resolution obviously to allow for one of those positions to be a non- city resident um would be the first step I guess any objections to that if you wanted to if you wanted yes you could do that or you could just kindly invite her to every meeting and she could be there and give her input just is it well then she's limited that's true you're limited three minutes right can you do it three minutes so yeah you change the resolution like you said either make it um I would make it specific to non-resident for that purpose would be what did we recently do the the one I can never remember the name of a 2015 yeah specific to certain you know um Specialties they can help you so that would recommend and hly if there's anybody in the city that that has those skills as well they'd be well put their name forward we consider whoever as well but uh I know she's willing and able to do that she actually attended the first meeting and helped get some ideas from the from the public but uh be nice to idea so objection to change in the resolution to allow for I would I thank you and I would also put it out to like you said that's a good idea to put it out to City residents I'm I'm sure there are other people as well that might be uh will to throw their hat and and help as well the more the marrier yeah we got four seats left right now we need filled so by all means yeah it's been out there may more yeah I mean starting to get closer and and we have people so you know doesn't hurt to keep putting it out there anyway right nobody else has submitted any interest rating now yeah an advertisement out there so that's all I have from the Centennial committee I found my paper good all yours have consensus for me to Dr change for the resolution for the yes okay thank you um we did have a meeting we all going to do another meet your neighbor September 18th we were looking at Hooters we were going to try to get with them to have it on September 18th so we'll get with you um for sure because we had not contacted them at this time but we we are in the process of doing that and um Carolyn is also on our committee the CAC and she's looking at doing an event a pet event in Waterfront Park more more to come on that with vac you know the vaccines the lowcost vaccines adoptions SPCA um runaway um shelter and stuff like that so that will be hopefully coming up we can we can get that going a couple other things we're looking at doing a um some sort of run in Port Richie we might look at um working with wner boy they they are also looking for stuff like that so we're looking at partnering with them as well um so just lots of things in the works the only thing specific date wise is September 18th meet your neighbors time and place will be forthcoming is that run is that GNA be like an annual type we don't know we're in the process we've been talking about it's a little bit too hot right now so we all have been working on that but um when I was um I was active in w a Boyce for a short time but their meetings are are coinciding with here with CAC or or Council so I've not been able to go um but they um they were Al they did a fun run last year at Christmas time um so I we were talking Sher McClary was involved with was gonna be because she's a runner so she was going to look into that from from cic and and try to work on that so hopefully in in the fall um winter type thing that we can we can work something out I just mentioned we because we could also maybe kick it off during the 100 days we do a centennial run as well if you guys want to start with that and then whatever so absolutely yeah no I mean it's a good idea and Order Bo obviously being right there I think would be a really good um for both of us both them and us so because it's a nice park over youve not been to wor voice it's a really nice very low-key nice Park State park y That's all thank you any other board's committees okay we're having a meet and greet tomorrow at Brady's c y sorry sorry sorry um next up the consent agenda um look for motion and our discussion motion to approve the consent agenda second motion second any further discussion you want com public like comment see Hands I bring back for a vote all in favor by saying I I oppos motion carries okay next up we have public hearing um number three second reading of ordinance number 24707 amending chapter 127 article 3 section 12756 to allow for outdoor storage I'll pass that M for the reading thank you ordinance number 2477 and ordinance of the city of Port Richie Florida amending chapter 127 article 3 section 12756 of the Port Richie code of ordinances to allow for outdoor storage providing a definition of outdoor storage providing for severability providing for codification and providing for an effective date thank you I'll now open the public hearing I do have one signed up Joe welcome Joe man 5446 bluepoint Drive um this may not have much to do with this one but I also want to bring up that the pnz board took the time and the effort to discuss changes to C3 properties uh for outdoor storage to make sure that there would be no deri boats no deri RVs or any other kind of storage uh like that that would degrade the city of Port Richie then we find out that this was not about RVs and deric boats and things like that it was to remove the restrictions and setbacks so anyone who purchased a commercial property could use more of it and uh even though it might back up to a residential area that uh everyone well not everyone I've a few of these myself when I when I uh was doing inspection stuff and uh that's the reason so were those were put in is because of the rats and the insects that migrate over to a to a better place to live like a residential area so I find that that was uh not what we were supposed to do we could have finished that up really quickly instead of spending an hour brought up Mr Mayor that you can vote on things you know and that and that's fine if you do a variance but you can sit there with the power to change the C3 codes so you don't have to ask for a variance you've already got the codes changed and to me just me this looks like a backend way to gain the system and get what get what the C3 Property Owners want instead of going by the official codes of the city of Port Richie thanks Joe anyone else like to speak sorry I didn't sign up Janet applefield 801 Apple 6 drive I'm here again to again request that the um change be made to the um distance from the 75 ft back to 5 ft for the um residential uh Zone uh area and um and then the outdoor storage can um can be something that's usable for the residents you're here to represent the residents um so I think you should um follow what your constituents want thank you thank you anyone else see Hands I close the public hearing and bring it back to council for uh motion discussion I got a I got a discussion sure I'd like to make a motion that we reopen this because I have found subsequent research and have some some different insights than where I started with last week or two weeks ago predominantly the discussion about Open Storage versus what is already available within a C3 Zone and one of those is uh I believe uh get there it's parking lots commercial parking lots are already allowed in C3 and warehousing and general storage was the and if I read commercial parking lots as a definition commercial parking lot means a parking lot or parking garage that is built as a facility to provide parking for rent or lease to General Public as a opposed to a parking lot garage which is constructed as required as an accessory accessory parking for another building uh commercial parking lots boat storage RV storage they're essentially a parking lot there are no restrictions on that within a C3 zone now and perhaps that's how the um proliferation of open storage or RV parking lots commercial parking lots uh have been um interpreted in the city this came to us back on April right when I got uh elected and we had some discussion that was brought forward uh trying to get clarification on uh the building official and Zoning wanted to have clarification on these open parking open storage lots and new people that had been trying to open a business uh were prevented from that because the interpretation at the time was that that's really open storage well open storage defined in our code is only in the uh light industrial area and predominantly that's uh indicated as uh open space to store equipment raw materials finished products building assets associated with industrial operations and parking an RV or a boat or something along those lines really isn't that uh there's another defition this is what CCO uses for automobile towing services and connected storage of vehicles it says All Storage that shall be located to the rear the building must be adequately buffered and fenced from adjoining properties and streets and rights of away there shall be no outside display of parts and tires and Stu like that for sale um further found that um it indicated through these uh storage sites that most players in the storage space do not consider consumer storage yards for boats and RVs and industrial outdoor storage they are given an entirely different Tena base and are more operationally intensive so with the discussion that we had the last meeting my main concern was we don't want this stuff happening up and down 19 we wouldn't want to see that down 19 there's plenty of other spaces that are off the beaten path and and that's kind of what Pasco does as well they don't want stuff like this happening down 54 and they put setbacks on and there's no reason why we couldn't do that as well I sat through the Planning and Zoning meeting I did not think they did a really inadequate job vetting And discussing this particular issue initially came forward is just they just helicoptered the industrial storage right into the the permitted activities my concern last meeting was I didn't want it to be a permitted because of some other circumstances and we all chose to move it to or the majority chose to move it to special use or special exceptions but having a lengthy conversation with the ladies from app six U understanding their dilemma and listening to them as residents trying to make an effective use of their property I went back and took a lot of time to go through this effort and found that I'm thinking we're doing a disservice here and we're already allowing commercial parking lots the city just leased rc3 property as a commercial commercial parking lot right in the Waterfront District so what I would like to do is make a motion that we relook at this try to tighten the definition and if we need clarification or to expand on commercial parking lots to include RV and Boat Storage because we don't have enough of that in the city that's probably the major item that gets cited in Code Enforcement uh this would allow an opportunity to maybe alleviate that problem and and allow a business to make money which is American way so that's my recommendation that we pull this definition my motion is to pull this definition relook at that and we don't have to do it tonight so you're for a motion to table I'm I'm I'm making a motion to table the um whatever we got up there the um well if if I could just y just to add a little more clarity I say I I had uh a feeling that that may be the case after we finished the last council meeting and so I reached out to Nancy to find out procedur wise what what needs to be done if we need to if we were to do some if we to make some changes to this we need to go back to start the process obviously we can do that um if you want to have workshops or whatever um but we we are we are in a position where we can move forward with this it's it's Public's here um we can hash out the whatever language you want we can actually make a motion to finish it or we can kick it back um I did have some discussion if I could on I'm gon share my screen asle if you don't mind okay so let me see if I can so just to further uh highlight what Dave was saying so this is this is the C3 zoning okay we discuss okay okay I have a motion to table I need to address that motion is there a second for that motion yeah I'll second it okay Motion in a second no and first question I want to take my first question thank youe for that um so this is a C3 zoning so just a highlight on what Dave had talked about and also I want to be let me just preface this I want to be very transparent here okay uh this is not as been alleged at the podium a backhanded way for me to get storage on my I I'm speaking when I purchase the property I'm going to tell all of you all not that I have to but I'm going to transparency I purchased this lot because I have I have a couple boats trailers I have a a box trailer and I want to have a place to park my personal things and um because I can't park them at my house and that's so I I went out and I I purchased this property um for that very reason in my conversations about what I do with that this doesn't even apply to me I can park my personal things on there this has nothing to do with that even if we didn't allow for it my understanding um but since then I after I purchased the property I've also considered putting a a small Food Truck Park in there potentially so I'm weighing options on what I might decide to do with this property so this is this is not any way I'm not trying to do anything to benefit myself as some would allege um this is uh just speaking as a person who purchas the property um when I look down at these uses and I've got some highlight here I want to go through those but the very bottom number 22 warehousing and general storage establishment so when I as a buyer looked at that when I saw a general storage establishment that basically tells me that I can store pretty much anything there general means just general it's not specific um however the reason that we're all talking about this to try and put this open storage in there is because it's kind of been said with president that we allow a precedent that we allow open storage in this under this our new building official is is will find that that is not the way he sees that and so and he has that Latitude to be able to interpret that code how he sees fit based on his licensing and whatnot and so what we have is we've got several properties that have done open storage under C3 with other building officials that uh was that was okay this one is is it's not so we we're not allowing anymore and so we you know we need to we need to make that clear so that there's no room for interpretation because if Mike was ever to leave somebody might come in and say we I allow it so we need to [Music] hone this in so that there's clear direction from the Council on what the code needs to be for these Zs so that's why we're here going back to the things that David spoke about and when I look at as well you see all these things Automotive Sales new car use car lot so you can have a car lot with all these cars stuff parked out there for a long period of time because they're for sale and they may not sell new and use boat sales same thing you have boats out there for sale that's perfectly fine Building Supplies establishment have that there mobile homes failes we have those there commercial parking lots automobile service auto repair body finish shop Lu and muffer Shop you can have all these things warehousing and general storage establishment and then other uses which are similar or compatible to the permited uses um and so I think it's very clear here to me anyway that um this is something that should be allowed was intended to be allowed um and was allowed in practice but for some reason now it is not and so we need to make sure that it's fixed so when we talked about this last time during the first reading and I will also uh reiterate that I actually voted no because I did not like the language so I actually voted against this first reading I mean feel free to look at the the video to clarify that but I voted no not because I didn't agree with putting outdoor storage in but I didn't like the language and that's what I'm going to get to now so the problem I have and I always have with any law that's that's potentially put in place is we're here to govern and we need we need rules to follow however we need to figure out what our goal is and put in the least amount of Regulation to accomplish that very goal and so when we when we talk about outdoor storage my question would be why for outdoor storage yards would we need to specify additional setbacks we already have the buffering in place um we don't we don't require these additional setbacks for any of these other uses up here mobile home sales boat sales all of these things parking lots automobile sales and then the building supplies in of sales we wouldn't require these additional setbacks so why open storage would we require those setbacks and if I if I would say if that's really our intent here then we should apply those same setbacks to all the uses not just one specific use again the reason that came over that way is because it was picked up from industrial zoning which some of these things you can't do in industrial industrial zoning and was dropped into C3 for us to to talk about so is my recommendation that once we have these additional conversations or whatever or if we wanted to do it tonight that we just we could leave it as it is pull out those setbacks I think we're probably covered but more than happy to um to table this the only the only cautionary taale that I I have is we do have folks that have been trying to get this accomplished and this would just delay the process so unless unless there's a need to go back and and continue to talk about this I I think we well within our right to action it's been noticed Public's here to to comment on it um residents have been waiting to move forward on this so it would be my recommendation that that youand your motion to actually move forward with a motion to whatever you want in here or we leave it and we're happy to pick it back to square one and and talk about so just wanted to make sure it was clear that um this is a second reading and if there are changes to this ordinance it can still go forward and be done tonight should we should you choose to do that as long as the general purpose of the ordinance doesn't change some of what I heard when you were speaking um before you did your motion to table was perhaps changing other things defining some different things maybe commercial parking lot that would have required this to start over that's fine I just want to make sure that's that's clear to to let this go forward essentially the easiest way to think about it is if the title of the ordinance no longer captures what we do in the body we have to start over so if we touch anything other than the outdoor storage definition we have to start over no matter what so we could table which is fine and discuss and figure out what what the next steps are um but if you do want to move forward tonight can't do anything more than touch the outdoor storage definition that helps you make your decision let me let me ask a question could be add to commercial parking lots including outdoor storage of we'd have to start over we'd have to start over yes because you're touching that would then require the title of the the ordinance and the notice to the public to let them know that we're we're doing something regarding commercial parking lots so they're unnotice of that and can come speak and there's also the option up or uh include 24 uh a description of outdoor storage and redef it in a way that aligns with the other setbacks within that same group change if you any changes to outdoor storage we're fine moving for y you can change the the the the um 25 fet the 75 ft you could take some of the definitional words out um as long as you don't change anything other than the outdoor storage definition and moving it from one place or the other is fine and there's no reason we can't finish this tonight for a few minutes but there's some things that need to be changed that I see Welling it done for tonight and I'm going to go do some work based on what you guys told me to do and we're all going to come back good um which is fine um but if what the goal of counil collectively or majority of council can be met by only making changes to the language you see and R this can go forward tonight and be possibly be second if I could so if there's other things that you want to address in here that doesn't mean we have to address it all together again we've got people that are waiting to do things this has been going for a while we could always act on the outdoor storage part then come back as an overall C3 and look at things as well but if you really are just want to monkey with whatever outdoor storage is and fix that there's no reason we need to push that we can actually action tonight we can take as much time as we want to recraft this um right again I don't I don't I don't know what exactly the concerns are with the I mean I I've laid out with I'd be happy to tell you so I'm gonna I'm gonna turn you off because you just a couple things D DAV covers a lot of stuff so but yeah two things uh one is the setbacks um my belief it should be 5 feet when it's adjacent to commercial property that said properties property line was adjacent to residential I believe it should be 10 ft um as far as the setback so that's the as I should see because 75 ft just destroys the property makes it render it useless pretty much so also hours of operation can that be added I don't think any set properties should be open before an hour before sunrise and no later than an hour after Sunset when it's adjacent to residential property it's a private business how could you do that um huh it's a private business how could you do that well that's what I'm asking got zoning here I mean there's a lot of things people want to do zoning zoning let you know what you can do with the property how you can what you can put on it um doesn't usually mandate how you run the business once it's on it once it's on there um so don't think that would be the proper place to put that um but if there's a if there's a collective interest in that I can determine if that's is you know got a family coming in late with their boat long wait at the boat ramp and they get there at midnight with their family putting their boat away waking up the neighbors just done let me turn back I understand your point that we have residents waiting for this but we also have 2900 plus other residents that this is very important for doing codes is um very important for everybody so I think although I don't want to talk about this ad nauseum and table it but I do think we need to talk about it and continue to make sure that we do it right this time not just willy-nilly and throw it out there and and fill a couple holes but then it makes a huge amount of whole gap for other residents so I think this I mean I'm the one that originally brought up before any of you were on about that we needed to do codes because I do need think they need to be addressed um and done correctly this time um we've got it a professional that that's what his licenses and and certifications are in sitting right there he's the expert not one of us up here are experts in this um so I I I I think tabling it is fine so we can get back we've already had some discussion about this with definitions in the past but I think we need to do it correctly the right way and not just throw it out there because we want to get it done and and serve a couple people which is right and maybe that this is correct the way it is but I think we need to do this code service because it does impact a lot of people and we need to do it correct the first time not go back and do it again in a year say well we messed up this should be this instead of that I think we need to look at correctly and do it right the first time and not do it 12 times take time you not feel like we can talk about what we need right now well I think that's very important but I think all this stuff that Eric noted with all these other thing I think that all needs to be put together we can do that all separately right can I mean we can just address this right now yeah and we can make the changes we like but this is tbling the entire um code including that section doesn't take that section away all talking only only is particular ordinance nothing provision and the code would changes of this yeah all this other stuff stays the only thing that we're really asking tonight is do we want to allow open storage or not and if we want to allow open storage if there's we have 19 open storages in the city so I mean we're not saying you can't have open storage we have 19 in a two square mile area I mean it's not like we don't have any I get that but we're not really we're not really actioning on what outdoor storage is what rules but I mean but didn't we have this discuss I'm sorry I'm sorry um didn't we have this discussion at a previous workshop and have all these definitions I'm looking at you m didn't we have all this discussion previous this was the one that this is how they started with definitions and nobody wanted the definitions correct is that is that what happened at that what happened was is we kicked it back to Planning and Zoning they looked at it they didn't spend the time that I feel it should have been spent they threw it over the fence lifted the industrial outdoor storage definition which isn't the same threw it to that we threw it to the setion for special use that's [Music] so what we sent what you sent to the Planning Commission was this we talked about this and I believe we provided you actual ordinance as well that's the definition you wanted to send to plan commission for them to Rie so we put we sent this to them and they said yeah that's good incentive back to us but now we're saying we don't want this so well so it was a 4 to one vote at first reading that we move this Lang this particular language down to an ex a special exception use and that's what passed and so obviously there's been some some changing of of of thought processes on this um you know I'm only going to say this once I think I was wrong and you Dave said he was wrong they bold on the thank you Dave appreciate you're welcome so and that's fine it's it's you know make mistakes you people I mean it's this is you know we're making changes that uh are important and so long same line you know I don't want to drag things out for just for sake of dragging them out talking more we we we've really talked a lot about this um I would I don't know why we can't action this and if we want to come back and look at the whole C3 zoning we can have a workshop on that and do that later but all we're doing now is saying that really we're just codifying what's already in place now that we allow open storage in C3 Zone um again we got at least nine or 10 of them out there already or are we actually clarifying where our building official feels that there's a definition that uh open storage isn't what these General warehousing storage uh General storage establishment is so the thought process was we were going to try to clarify this so that they could effectively do their job and looking at all the sins of the past uh I'm thinking that that went forward with hey it's a commercial parking lot uh they're charging they're putting a fence around it and and you know when you at the end of the day you look at all these other establishments like boat sales and Auto Sales and an amusement facility those have a lot of uh noise and stuff going to neighbors where um if you park an RV and you use it only on the weekends you pick it up on a Friday you drop it back off on a Monday um does that have the same impact that some of these other items have there I don't think they do so my thought was is to clarify that outdoor storage since we don't really have it here and emphasize what that is and looking at the definition uh maybe there's some things we don't want there do we want U bulk materials no or do we want shipping containers and those kinds of things I mean we can we can pull things off of that those things probably belong in the industrial outdoor storage which is where they're at today so anyway that those are my thoughts okay any discussion you want the motion table St you really I would like to make the motion to move this action forward so you're going to amend your motion yeah I'm going to amend my motion and uh move the outdoor storage yard and lot that same definition storage materials goods and vehicles equipment that is not housed within a building or a closed structure the primary use of the storage of items Outdoors can include Vehicles such as trucks trailers recreational vehicles water CFT and construction equipment period And Leave Out All the setbacks and then leave the setbacks out because they're really no different than any of the other ones and it's and it's consistent um that's what my motion is and you want to leave the the provision that shall not permit wrecking yards where's that at right underneath say six feet high um well that's out so okay wait a minute um also the six fets about an enclosure a fence a fence yeah a solid fence so our buffering think it be easier if you just withdraw your motion okay done drawn and you're okay with that you second it are you okay with him with drawing his motion you have draw then he can just make a new one because this is gonna be very right one thing I want to point out to you guys on the on the buffering stuff so here's section 12795 buffering requirements where the uh can you zoom in yeah I think I can zoom in on it actually I don't know if I can I don't think I have a zoom capability I apologize I I'll read though where the rear or side property line of a lot developed or proposed to be developed off for non-residential use within a residential district or where the rear or side property line of a lot developed or proposed to be developed for non-residential use adjoins a residential zoning District residential de residentially developed area or public Street adjoining any residential district or residentially developed area suitable buffering in the form of a solid fence Ming wall or plant materials shall be provided along the entire length of the property line unless this requirement is weighed by the board of adjustment upon specific appeal set buffering shall be at least six 6 feet in height fences and masonry walls shall not exceed 8 ft in height should landcape buffer be provided the plant material should be of an evergreen variety capable of obtaining the required minimum height and shall be properly maintained no buffering shall extend into an area required for Sight line visibility in accordance with the provisions of section 12790 any garbage dumpster located on property abing a residential zoning District a residential developed area or public Street adjoining any residential district or residentially developed area shall be buffered with the materials in accordance with the standard set forth in the section such buffering shall be designed or installed in such a manner the dumpster shall not be visible from the ab budding residentially Zone to developed property unless such visibility is necessary on one side of the dumpster in order to provide access for sanitation vehicles and if such access is required the access shall be designed in such a manner as to be located in a position which is least visible from a budding residential zoned or residentially developed property so it already says in here it's got to be a solid fence or for whatever six feet high minimum so there's no sense in repeating that unless you want to make it more you want require a foot or whatever again and it all goes back to you know why would you do that for that particular use when it doesn't have for all the uses so again my recommendation is fix the fix the open uh storage in zoning C3 and then if you want to look back later at defining things in a more broad sense where we we make things more restrictive on all the use cases that are similar to this we can definitely look at that but I don't think that necessar need to stand in a way of this this is and I said we've we've already we're at the public hearing it becomes law after tonight that will allow things to move forward um otherwise if we table it and go back it's going to be you know once we figure all out we've got first reading and a second reading which is at least a month this one does say landscape buffering where this one doesn't there's a big difference in a fencing and Landscape buffering there is a provision within the C3 zoning that does reference buffer buffering in it does reference 12795 which is exactly what he read there so this buffering here automatically applies to C3 Zing already I think it say but but on this one it's more specific as to the kind of fencing and on that when you can have the landscape which which is a big difference if you're living next door to something I think there's I think if I may I think there's two differences I think the the Landscaping ability for your offense is a one difference and I believe this the new the proposed language says it should be completely enclosed except for Ingress and egress and I believe what you read is just the buffering between the where the property meets the non-res where meets to residential so I don't think that's complete unless yeah this is requiring solid even in between C that's corre but again we don't require that on anything else I'm yes that's fine that's that's you're correct this would require if it's open storage that it has to be a sense all the way around residential or not again thing is that's we want that's rather than landscape but if we don't do it on commercial parking lots all these other things my my question would be why are we doing it for over stor that's somebody that that is going to park an RV there is going to want some kind of security and I think that would some use that well again not our not our role to regulate what business provides for their customers right but as a customer I don't think I'd go there I mean and their business fail there you go but we've discussed this for months we've got tons of stuff down line I'm not saying that doing that why we need rushes but this has been discussed and this has been brought up and all of the storage facilities around the city and in the county are full I've looked at a lot of them and there's only a few vacancies but there's none in the city that are available and we have people have trailers and boats that need to have someplace to put some of these in City's growing I will also add you know the reason I I like this use not because it's that's attractive a lot of things aren't attractive right but what's nice about this use is is it allows somebody to use their property and actually make some money on their property but at any given time if something come somebody comes along wants to put a dunk of donuts there they pull all the the stuff out and it's a clean slate so if they let's say that I put up a a coffee shop and it didn't work out or whatever and somebody wants to do something else like put a uh um an aut payers automobile service they're going to bulldoze it down or whatever so you know open storage is a is is really nice because it can be think of it as like liquid Capital right you uh you if you're investing in stocks you got to sell those stocks to get your return out of it well if you got a lot with nothing on it it's very it's very easy to sell and somebody come in and actually do something nicer which is obviously what where I want to go with all this is you know let's not restrict businesses from from utilizing their property bring in Economic Development where people want to come here and invest and actually put some nice things there and so it would actually take care of itself these things would sell and people would be putting better stuff in there than storage my idea is not to have what Rich be the storage capital of Pasco well that's what we're going for that's well that's no that's what we're going for there's other reasons we're there we have a very small window very small front yard to impress people to bring tourism in here and we are allowing our front window or our front yard to be open not a parking lot a car dealership which are That's Right storage units are not necessarily well kept the ones we have are not well kept so this is this is our front yard and our 19 and that's what we're allow I don't agree with that app come come tourism come look at our RV storage that's not going to help personally I don't think highest and best use I'm sorry I said personally I don't think highest and best use I hear that word highest and best use of that property on 19 is going to be for storage I don't I don't believe somebody would want to put storage there when there's other opportunities we're allowing it so they can we allow it today we allow it today without [Music] this item [Music] number what was it 2022 warehousing and general storage esta a storage structure on that property today what are we talking about we're talking the difference between General and open RVs and boats which you can have a boat sales you can have sales except in leaving it open you're putting a fence around it and you can I can put a nice fa in front of it make it look very presentable make it look better than some of the other businesses around of you what I would you have junk in okay well we beat this horse to death I think so I'm gonna call for a motion one way or another I would like to make a motion to utilize most of the language on number eight pull out beginning with the outdoor storage yard shall not be located closer than 25 ft or closer than 75 ft any portion of the lot located residential district pull that out and then leave uh any such outdoor stage yard shall be completely enclosed except Ingress and egress by a solid fencer wall not less than 6 foot do we want to make provision for the buffering that's already included in the next about 12795 your motion so you I covered it Dave yeah you know we're talking [Music] about all right I was up I was with you till that last point I don't know what you except Ingress and egress by a solid f or wall not less than 6 foot high right um and I guess the buffering already applies uh the provision and the rest of that's good too because we don't want wrecking yard junk yards scrap and that's all in so so if I can help you your Mo your motion is to leave item number eight as is removing the outdoor storage yard sentence Oh the out the outdoor storage yard shall not be located closer than 25 ft to any public Street or closer than 75 ft to any portion of a lot located within a residential district that's what that's the only difference you want to change take that out and and then I would like to move it to 24 move it to the primary use as principal use as opposed to special exception use okay that it earlier you mentioned removing bulk materials shipping containers or other large items you still want to remove that no I said we're going to leave that leave that okay okay wait um [Music] oh yes remove the bulk materials ship that's in the in the top part right instruction equipments out too okay so for clarity let me make sure I get this right your motion is to move the definition of outdoor storage from where it currently is shown under permitted uses making it number be number 23 23 will change to 24 um and the definition will no longer include construction equipment bulk materials shipping containers and other large items the outdoor storage jge shall not be located closer than 25 ft to any public Street or closer than 75 feet to any portion of a lot located within a residential district right that's motion yes the original motion was withraw yes you want to take a peek the screen just make sure that we've got what you want I've crossed off everything that you want [Music] out you know maybe construction equipment wouldn't be a bad idea to have in there thinking of a tranger with with of well I could ask you I mean is there a reason you want to exclude these particular things midd of making a motion we can't start a conversation we need to make the motion reason I don't know I just I just don't think the bulk storage and containers are more aligned with outdo industrial outdoor stor I don't think y'all have this figured out yet I I don't know why we're putting we're going to move ahead this I this is just are you done changing people's lives and it's I think I don't know what's the definition let's move this oh no let's move this I don't think you have it all [Music] together I do hold on minute now so it doesn't matter whether we have it all together or not or whatever we're here to do the people's business he's trying to make a motion he doesn't need any it's any negative connotations of that trying to make motion I I think you got it there I second the motion did you pull off construction clarify motion so you want me leave construction yes that would be the motion okay I second it gotta leave you got to take bulk materials and shipping containers y gotcha so another right there so basically everything after construction equipment gets can and you pick back up at any right and then eight becomes 23 and eight gets moved up to well 20 wa whatever doesn't matter move it back to Mo back prary use okay I think you've got it okay I have a motion for that second have a second any further [Music] discussion and this was already public hearing so since we've made those changes do we need to V public comment again or good okay I'd be happy to open that back up just because we did make a few changes if anybody had any comments so not bring it back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I opposed nay motion carries 4 to one okay Ashley I released it back to you okay next up Council business I have item number four appointment of members to Boards of committees Board of adjustment I pass it Mr cop for introduction uh this this item is for council's consideration of the appointment of Chris mayor to the board of adjustment the board of adjustment currently has five active members and two vacant positions for a motion and discussion I make a motion to add Chris May to the board of adjustment that's second it second forther discussion anyone from public like comment I bring back to vote all in favor 6 by saying I I post carries next up it number five proposal for use of the Port Richie City seal on promotional assets I'll pass that to Mr C for introduction the Nature Coast Chamber of Commerce will host a series of events leading up to PT Richie centennial celebration these events aim to highlight the Vibrant Community exp local businesses and the city's Rich history as a precursor to the Centennial events the co Chamber of Commerce seek commission to incorporate Richie City sale and promo materials to foster a sense of unity and official endorsement city code requires anyone wishing to use City sale must get the express approval city council included the specific section that says that has to be by city council we do have representatives from the uh eace Co or Nature Coast chamber um you have any questions and uh over okay open for motion discuss like said if you want to ask questions Cheryl's here as wellber it was originally Richie apologize thank you originally was just Port Richie and they just recently I found out Chang nature post now represents eight counties up to Jefferson and Wula and Taylor and Dixie and Levy and citrus Fernando and Pasco um I I don't know if putting RC does that give us say we're approving of all these things although they might be wonderful events does giving our seal of approval I guess I'm looking at you yes you are and I until I have an answer perfect thank you your wonderful city manager drafted a resolution that's in your packet resolution 2421 and it indicates in there let me find the spot um section four that any if you agree to let them use it it's a limited time period it's only connected to the the Cent celebration it will expire in on May 18th 2025 and everything that they want to do they have to get approval from the city manager of a city manager designate so it won't be just we want to put it here we want to put it there um Matt will the control of that retain the control over that it's really for use just in the city and that was that was my question I wanted to make sure that that was that was verbally said so that everybody knew about it because I mean going to leaveing and stuff and having a city of Court R we don't know what's going on up there I mean I'm I I trust them and I'm sure it'd be great but still we don't know we have no control over that so I just didn't want our seal going to eight different counties and saying yeah we approve this strip club whatever just whatever the resol resolution number 2421 like I said and it's specific to what it can what the seal can be used for and then like I said Mr Copler will have um ultimate approval very good thank you for that clarification no strip those in Le no well you can if you want unless you're going to have a cental celebration there that is that many okay other discussion look for a [Music] motion motion to approve resolution number 2421 proposal to use seal for pro promotional assets I second the motion have motion second any further discussion anyone public I comment see to bring back for a vote all in favor signify by saying I I I oppose motion carries next up is item number six approval resolution number 24-20 authorizing the issuance of a letter of intent to withdraw from the public risk management Au Florida Group Health Trust Insurance Pool I'll pass it to Mr C introduction as council is aware staff has been diligently reviewing the city's options regarding employee health insurance as well as property liability Auto Workers Compensation Insurance to assist us review the cities engaged the marsh mclennen agency to solicit insurance quotes and evaluate the proposals by the way we have here representing that agency uh Max and hie and uh they'll come forward here in a little bit and give a little B background on at least the health insurance piece um this is a little bit guess convoluted here because what we're going to be asking you is um to stay with PRM in one line of insurance but go away from them um on another line sir so let me kind of continue with this after evaluating the two quotes received for property liability Auto and Workers Compensation Insurance staff recommends we continue with public risk management based on P PRM quote the city will benefit from an approximate 5% reduction premiums from property liability insurance in the upcoming fiscal year additionally the workers's compensation there will be a significant reduction of approximately 32% compared to fiscal year 2024 overall the city anticipates a 12.64% reduction in costs across these lines of insurance regarding the employee health insurance options the most cost efficient proposal was received from Florida Blue prm's quote renewal rate would increase the city's Baseline cost from to 957 or ex me 95740 to $1,617 representing a 10.9% increase in contrast for bl's plan which closely mirrors the existing plan would increase the city's Baseline costs from 95743 to 98847 an increase of approximately 3.2% staff recommends transitioning to this floor blue plan has maintains access to the same Healthcare Network for employees and result in savings of approximately 60,000 compared to remaining with PRM first step in transitioning away from PRM involves sending the required 45 day noce of intent to withdrawal if the decision is finalized the city would then need to provide PRM with confirmation withdrawal 10 days prior to the start of the new plan year October 1st 2024 so tonight what we're asking is Council to allow staff to send the letter um to PRM saying we're going to be withdrawing from the Public Health Trust uh group um but the same time we're going to be staying with PRM for uh the casualty of workers comples um as I said max steep forward a little bit they were responsible for going out and getting good quotes um they got a very competitive vote from uh pgit I believe for that line um PRM really wanted our business and came back in at the last minute and undercut uh what we were going to be recommending to uh Council and we just couldn't say no to that it's just too significant of a a decrease um but with that being said you know they wanted us but that doesn't mean two years from now they're going to want us and so there's going to be a lot of work we're going to need to do between now and then to put our help in a good position to get you know possibly more quotes be quiet and let you speak a little bit that thank you city manager uh good evening Administration city council Mr Mayor uh as Mr city manager mentioned we've been working together for probably about four or five months to do requests for proposals to competitive insurance companies on both the property and the liability as well as the health insurance through the course of that exercise the Property and Casualty Insurance we were able to get a good deal with PRM staying with PRM but we've identified an area for opportunity with the health insurance so what you'll see today the resolution in front of you would be to move from the Health Trust and secure a standalone Florida Blue policy for the city of Port Richie and its members the idea here is for as you heard we're saving money on the transition we're gaining control control of the program because now it's city of Port Richie not a group of 40 cities so the idea here is ultimately to get an understanding of where the claims are to incentivize good behaviors for from the employees to keep the same top quality benefits and ultimately keep it all at a financial Point that's sustainable for the city you heard through this exercise where I mean the number here is an additional $700 a month for health insurance over last year and the prop proper and Casualty Insurance is going down as an insurance broker that's extremely rare so the exercise has borne a lot of fruit for the city and we are really excited about the health insurance piece so I will pause now if there's any questions or dialogue specific to the health insurance piece with Florida blue and if I could uh maybe jump in a little bit so there is strategy associated with what we're trying to do here um you know as we went out there really wasn't a a large market for us to get into unfortunately and one of the one of the areas that I think hindered us was the fact that we couldn't produce a lot of information that the insurance companies like to see We Believe by going with Florida Blue we're going to have and working with Max and helier we're going to be able to start getting that information that will then allow us to Market this when we go out again um and possibly get a better uh price point for the health insurance same time we have to start working with our employees um you know we probably haven't done enough to engage them on you know what what health insurance really is and how they need to be consumers of of the product and look to you know take the right actions that are necessary to ensure that you know we can afford to provide these type of benefits to our employees I think you know one of the goals I I think we should be looking at is right now we only cover our our employees we don't provide any we allow employees to purchase coverage for their spouses and families but we don't provide that to them at no cost um and it's very expensive and you know when you look at what we are paying our our employees those employees at the lower end could easily be given up half of their wages just to have a family plan and we need to change that that cost structure and this is the first step of do with that it's probably going to take three to five years to get to where we ultimately want to be with this but this is the first time yes ma'am thank you um couple employ questions like for instance I'm a sing my I see me myself and I as an employee for the city where does their pre prium go up or down great question so today there sorry because that's as an employee that's what I need to that's what that's the dollars and cents that's the most important question uh today we have four plans in place okay of those plans has one person enrolled in them so I'm going to go ahead and exclude that because what we're moving to is three plan options okay so today for the middle plan as an individual only you get free coverage the city is contributing the entire premium for an individual only on The Middle plan that middle plan has a $500 deductible per year for an individual so extremely rich benefits if you'd like to spend a little bit more money you can take the city's contribution of $988 and you can pay an extra about $80 and you can buy up to a co-pay plan that has a$0 deductible conversely the low plan is a health savings account plan so the premium allocation or the contribution from the employer will be set at $988 that low plan if you will the premium is $693 so there's a significant Delta there which you can see with the numbers in front of you thank so the thought would be a consideration is do we take some of those savings do we need to set this in a record yeah so is there injection to thank thank you HR so the idea then so you know if you go on the right you can see the three plan options at the bottom you'll see your premiums down there uh the idea would be to take some of that $988 so that's the set contribution today and we could look at and say hey if you go on that high deductible plan the low plan why don't we put some of that money into your own individual health savings account a health savings account is your money as a member forever if you leave the city it's yours it rolls over year over year it's not lose it or use it you can use it for medical dental vision for you and your dependents so the idea would be take some of the savings now we start putting it into a health savings account people are now have a and S EG to finance medical expenses which is great it's a great retirement savings account because when you get to be 59 a half it turns into just like an IRA you can use the funds for anything but arguably most important when that money hits an individual's health savings account they think a little bit differently about how you spend the dollars if I'm on a z deductible plan and it's all co-pays I'm swiping that floorida blue card and I might go to the emergency room for some something that I could have done in the Urgent Care so the idea is if we can give people a benefit with money in their health savings account ultimately that will impact their decisions which will protect the Integrity of the plan the claims will be lower because they're better Healthcare consumer so that winwin concept is what we're trying to do bring better benefits to the individual that ultimately keeps the cost down for the city's total plan does that make sense yes okay so for the middle for the middle one Just Me Myself and I there were fre them the middle one I as an employee first of all I don't get insurance through here so just I as the employee don't have nothing comes out of my paycheck for that correct yes ma'am now how much comes out of their paycheck if they choose that base plan um the city pays up to that so they pay 100% okay for reference to The Benchmark this year $957 43 bought an individual completely paid for an individual with a $750 deductible so my point there is for the same free plan if you will I don't like to say it like that but for the same free plan they actually have richer benefits uh in that plan for an individual and for a family if a family were enrolled on the plan as well additionally I think going from four plans to three plans is going to help with any confusion employees are having on which is the best plan which is the free plan and which isn't are these P plans or HMO plans or what are they we have a mix of both so the idea we have the low plan which has that health savings account we want to save up some money there that's an in network plan with Florida Blue the other two plans are what's called Blue options which would have in and out of network coverage around here you have to kind of try to get out of network with Florida Blue it's it's the same network that we have in place today in fact the trust uses a slightly different Blue Cross Network so the Florida Blue network is an improvement in and of itself so the main goal in any transition like this is to avoid disruption to the employees you can see on your right scre there's a lot of green areas and then there's a couple red areas right that's part of the education process for employees is to make sure that they feel like this is an improvement for them and we're not taking anything away and I think that that's born really on the on the top lines there with the deductibles I think that's probably where individual's eyes go first and then the premiums uh and both of those are in an improvement for both the city as well as the folks enrolled on the plan what are the employees say what are the employees well we haven't rolled this out the first the first step is to get the notice to uh PRM nobody likes to change anything if we if we don't do that we're going to be staying with them and we're going to be paying more I know I just wonder I mean it's important what the employees think I wonder if they had got a chance to look at all I know the next step I know their family PL very expensive which uh it's almost cost prohibitive you know and the the ability to have an HSA type format is huge and I you know these came out several years back when cost just escalated escalate escalated and what people are obviously really worried about that because oh these deductibles are so high but uh if you figure the most part unless you're you got some chronic illnesses or whatever um you're really paying a high premium to uh they get nothing for it right you still get um still get all the the write offs and what but what you do is instead of paying that premium you roll that money into your Healthcare savings account which is yours and I just give you my personal example I I built mine up to like 20 grand in there so I could cover my deductible for two years if something happened um and so you basically self-insure to a certain degree and um you know if you go to the doctor a lot and you got medications or whatever you need to look at these other options but for the most part if you're healthy this I mean HSA is are the way to go because that that money yours and you're s insuring and if you build that up enough you can thank you Mr Mary uh you're obviously a Believer for for what it's worth it our organization we have one plan option it's a high deductible health plan with a $4,000 deductible so all of these are better than our solo option one thing you didn't reference in the municipal space where the hsas really work is for my emergency service folks that can retire before Medicare you can sort of use that money to bridge the gap you know if you were to retire still have some money to save but I I'm a huge proponent of the hsas we didn't talk about the investment piece or any of those type things but uh I it's important to me that it's a plan option they are not correct for everybody you you referenc a couple people that it's perfect for I I love the HSA plan if you're on an expensive name brand medication you probably shouldn't be on that plan or we need to talk about it at least so that's all going to be baked into sort of the education that will come in the next couple weeks as we lead into enrollment we we don't want anybody to accidentally end up on the wrong plan so talking through through examples and who it's right for and who it's not right for will be imperative in the roll out of these and when you do go to the doctor instead of the 20 or $30 co-pay $100 that's the exact example I say your PCP visit's going to be $120 on that plan whereas on the other ones it would be $25 or 10 but when you look at the price Delta it should ideally be able to put a little bit of money in there to your argument and remember preventive care is free on all of these as well right so if you are the one person that you don't have a lot of medical needs but you still want to see the doctor once a year you still want to go get your blood screens free on all the plans so so that'ss and all that sort of all that prevent yes ma'am yep colonoscopies any preventive care will be free on any of the plans so the employee does not pay $988 no ma'am no ma'am it because it says single option three I just want to because I just want to make sure that that's Express as gross continue to repeat myself yeah perfect one question point out that if you look towards the bottom there it has the uh distribution of what the employees in the current current year have selected on the left side you see that's current plan you can see that we have five enrolled in the HSA we have one enrolled in that 5360 most employees are enrolled in the e559 and we have three employes [Music] you see below that employees spouses and the family yes sir Mar a question regarding the second tab which is what we're focused on correct so if I go look at option three uh down at the bottom where it's got single let's go to the 988 that you reference that's the city's contribution that's the going to pay zip correct so you can think of it as those are the gross monthly numbers you can subtract 988 from any of those numbers and my suggestion would be to do that because they're going to say I can't afford 20 this will absolutely so one it'll be reflected as per paycheck and then the discussion will be do we want to include the city piece as well because I think sometimes folks don't know how much these plans cost so do we put City pays 9.98 you pay zero this is not a member facing document here but thank you very I appreciate that we're good there that's the only advice that I would give because it is a little confusing if I'm just looking at this certainly know what you're talking yes sir thank you yes sir we get run out of here if those were per paycheck numbers so thank you you might need the insurance when you that's right that's right that's right I'm just G to come across the border and so this is this is kind of a two act play here with this because tonight again we're just requesting the off ation send the notice to PRM that we're going to pull out now to be totally honest that doesn't mean we have to pull out when we get to the 10 days and so there's a little bit of work that needs to be done between now and then the second act really is going to be let's let's get locked in on this plan with uh BL so there's a lot of a lot of moving Parts with that but uh very quickly we're going to have to get that done contracts a lot of things to start forward so we have a lot of work to do here in the next few days so today again all we're doing is asking the commission to the I make I make a motion to uh approve resolution 2420 authorizing issu of a letter of intent to withdrawal from PRM public risk management of Florida group Health Trust Insurance motion second second I got a second thanks so further discussion anyone public like comment bring back for a vote all in favor by saying [Music] iation leave some cards here if anyone has any emails or questions thank you so and sorry to make you all s through open storage discussions that's take care um have day I was GNA say if they need open stores we have plenty of it just come on item number seven approval of tjkm Inc agreement for traffic Engineering Services for the development of a comprehensive Safety Action Plan I will pass it to Mr copper for interuption uh as council's aware uh we went out to a CNN process to uh get a engineering firm to do our comprehensive safet the action plan at a previous meeting Council confirmed the staff's recommendation to tjkm to do that um we then began the contract process with tjkm uh they came back ultimately with a price of $191,100 to complete all FS facets of the plan that we put out in the bid document uh the city's cost share of the total contract is 20% um and so originally the uh the uh Grant would be for 160,000 which would mean that the the city's portion would be 40,000 with that number coming down obviously the city's cost will come down as well okay open up for a motion or discussion I'd like to make a discussion uh that was um a budgeted Grant I believe right correct and we're letting it roll to 2025 right uh well we we we will get this uh going in this fiscal year this budgeted in this fiscal year okay so we'll be encumbered and will carry [Music] good motion to approve tjkm Inc agreement for traffic Engineering Services for the development of a comprehensive Safety Action Plan second I'll second your good job quick sorry Bob got I have a motion second any further discussion anyone public I comment see I bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I oppose motion carries uh next up is item number eight uh first amended restated Pasco County Law Enforcement mate agreement I will pass it to Mr cop for so apparently there was a ruling in the district court of appeals of Florida six District um that ultimately uh requires the mutual Aid agreement between Pasco County Sheriff's Office and municipalities within Pasco County um on the transport I believe this is the transport agreement I'm going to turn the details over to the chief because he knows more about this and I do Chief the floor is yours you want me to start Chief I can talk about the what happened that's requiring and then the chief knows the practicality of what's going on um and see you you seem kind of dismissive this was interesting to me because I'm a lawyer and we get excited about these things so there's a um leld judicially created um uh doctrine that would allow the chief if he started um let's say he arrested someone within Port Richie for a DUI and that that they has to transport that individual outside of Port Richie to where they have the um jail the jail but like um machine intoxilizer thank you um this normally before this um the chief could continue his investigation finish it the case would go forward and everything was fine um the court in this case decided or or ruled that um because there was no Mutual Aid agreement between in my example Court Richie and whatever city or county establishment the chief went to that he is now outside his of his scope of Duty so that evidence that he collected that the intoxilizer is now not allowed to be used in court so the way to avoid such a thing which has been the standard for as long as I've I'm a prosecutor starting in 98 it's always been the standard as as long as I've been practicing but that so that that's been called to question that is just one court and one area it is in conflict with what the second district court of appeals has rolled which is our governing um District um but and an abundance of caution question Pasco County has has redrafted the the um memorandum of of um the mutilate agreement so it covers that now the chief and his guys and gals can finish their investigation no matter where it it needs to end um and they do not lose that ability to use that evidence in court um there's also a transportation component but I'll let him talk about that because that had nothing to do with the case the transportation component doesn't change all that much but it does since it's a third party vendor that they use that if something happens they are not going to be liable and that's one of the big changes um when I say they I mean the Sheriff's Office are not going to be liable um for anything that happens the third party vendor would still be liable the third party vendor will be liable yeah so I guess they they had to specifically call out these things because that's we had the memor of understanding in place but it didn't specifically call out these particular things which seems odd to me well the case just came out in June that I was discussing the change and the the concern is of course know it may it may go to the Supreme Court at some point and the Supreme Court may say the the doctrine that we've all lived by forever that he can can complete his investigation outside of Fort Richie is absolutely correct and that stands so this extra language wouldn't be needed for that but that may not happen so right now the fact that there is a a court that has said he can't do that you need you want that memorandum of understanding so he can complete that if not it's going to be a really hard hard time for the police to do their job um that Transportation I'm assuming was just something they realized when they when they drafted this that they wanted to work differently correct motion and discussion motion to adopt the new law enforcement Mutual second second motion second any further discussion anyone from public like to speak signal hands bring back for a vote all in favor secondy by saying I I I oppose motion carries uh last up we have discussion of old business is there any discussion of old business uh I'd like to thank whoever changed the format I think that's a starting the right process um maybe we can add a few things like point of contacts and maybe U estimate a cost or a funding source in there but I I think this is good good start oh with the speed traffic signs um you guys are looking to park those on Old Post yes and I believe we're going to be sending out tomorrow where they're going to be located so you can take a look at are you going to put something out there a cone or something okay I think uh actually put a a stake there by where they're going to put them yeah he's I'm going to confirm with him picture of the that we're going to do it uh the first we're we're to install the southbound from Coons road going south on oost road um approximately 300 feet south of AA Bay that way um as traffic comes off of coons and comes out of AA Bay going south onst they'll see that um we're going to test run that one see how that site that location works works and then go ahead and install the Northbound sign I noticed you have the speed trailer out there now so about probably where that Speed trailer is it's about [Music] halfway the on the Grand Boulevard speed stuff uh where we at with that so we we did get confirmation from the county engineer that Grand Boulevard is City controls so we'll begin the the process now to get ET uh no we have to restart those discussions that's all part of the discussion [Music] located yeah yeah we voted on that um black some fishing pier the uh yeah why is this taking so long to pull that out I [Music] guess I just received emails from Coastal Engineering they should have they should have the uh preliminary all information ready within either by the end of this week or beginning of next week they told me they're just wrapping up a couple of other things they're preparing the bid packet so um they had a couple preliminary questions from us pretty much finishing off type of like how we want a knee wall or something like that on the site but that's already been taken care of so uh they've had some staff away that we working on the project but they're back now so they should be wrapping it up very soon okay and on the same on demo conversation about Brash Park bathroom closure it uh says that we got quotes on that to remove that something fairly soon we just have to verify Ara is that something we use arpa funding for YP make that motion how is arpa running are we under spending because we got a end of year December 31st be what we putting there after we demolish we still have to still got figure out what's planed for putting restrooms there um we are getting information from an engineering firm to I think we're looking now at a module we re received proposals either doing complete design concept you doing a a park modular bathroom type of concept like you would see in state parks and other you know large Park facilities so I just spoke with one of the engineers who was working on that plan it's the most cost effective plan um working with the building official to make sure that that that that type of concept will you know of course being in the flood plane will be allowed to be built there so um right now we're just we're trying to find out as far as funding you know funding was a big question as far as the demolition shment paying for the you know proposals thank you yeah on the oper conversation please make sure that's SP I don't want l a dime you give us authorization to move forward with the Brash Park usinga a lot quicker you know the issues we have is once we get these designs and you know we have a process we can Fe along knowing where the money any any issues with using arits you would see than you need motion but on the spend on arug you have like a projected spend of projects that are in in Flight yeah usually includ fact I was looking we don't have it part of the part of the Big Arbor thing which is the water infrastructure down at the waterfront I don't know if that's gonna necessarily happen I don't know we've been chipping into that number left just that's a big number so do we need a motion to apply use utilize arpa funding to address this pressure bathro I I think consensus to do that right now so we can go back and put together the budget for you so you can see injection funding and we already are doing that with Limestone perer injection um the the last two on the OB the next Park ramp fees allowance been going on forever we want that to be top of theine just if you're going to even address that it needs to be repaired first right now you're pulling a big boat out of the water you're going to destroy the trailer a low tide it's got holes it's not in good shape yeah and and I don't have a problem hold that I just leads you to believe that something's forthcoming which is it's not so and then the last thing obviously the Grand Boulevard intersection improvements I if I remember right we were like five weeks out at some point five or so weeks ago we were going to hear back on this and that looks like it's not going to happen till September right for the the Grand Boulevard intersection golf cart crossing right yeah you you mentioned it heal earlier we should be getting something by the end of this week and okay so first of September okay okay I don't have anything else anybody else okay for motion motion to Jour have a motion second all in favor by say I I we take