##VIDEO ID:3GG4o-alTmc## cheat go check out the Chinese Buffet they get cameras for 10 [Laughter] bucks it's called over city of Port Richie city council meeting Tuesday September 2424 stand stand for the Feld for the so father we just come and we continue ask for wisdom we know we got a lot of stuff on the agenda tonight as we pray into that you'll guide us through each step of that but I want to also lift up this uh hurricane that might brush Florida we ask it to just fizzle out and and not cause no damage to uh the coastline into to the people and the businesses we ask you to protect the city we thank you that all the First Responders and the city is prepared with Public Works to be ready for anything that we might face but we're asking for for your protection and we just thank you for that father in Jesus name and then for the stuff on the agenda we just thank you that the traffic Crossing improvements and stuff for the storm and Utility Fund budgets and uh for the the vehicles for the empowerment Vehicles we we need wisdom on that what to do with them and how to get rid of the vehicles and recruit money and and do all the things that we need to do in the purchase of uh the sewer pump and we thank you that uh together with those that's going to be speaking on that tonight with the water and all this and that you're going to help us in all these areas to be good stewards to manage the city in Jesus name amen the United States of America stands Nation indivisible and justice for about that Dan last couple meetings I didn't have a invocation I skip right over you there apologize M cler I have roll please Mayor John Eric Co hoer here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here councilman David Mueller here councilman Robert here councilwoman Lisa Burke here City attorney Nancy Meyer here city manager Matthew copper here thank you uh next up we got two sets of minutes to approve first Set uh let's do the first set first need a motion for July 16th 2024 City Council budget Workshop minutes motion to approve the July 16 2024 City Council budget workshop and the 723 2024 city council meeting minutes just do the 716 there's going to be a correction on July 23rd so Mo 716 2024 City Council budget Workshop a second motion second for discussion all in favor say I saying I I I oppos motion carries next up is the July 23rd 2024 city council meeting minutes I did notice um on that set on the millage rate get to the right page here Bob had voted no on that but it was him voting yes it's not I think Dave voted no no this is B page 13 item number eight approval 10 of milage rate for FIS year 25 you remember that because I laughed at you that was sarcasm well you stated so okay you actually said n so I just want make sure that so I need a motion with that Amendment motion to amend the minute to what he said second can do a motion to approve would be recommended change with commended a recommended change motion to approve I said a motion to approve the recommended change motion to approve the minutes with the recommended change motion to approve the minutes with the recommended change one motion got it second to all of those a motion second Pro discussion all in favor say saying I I oppos motion carries I'm here to help that's I'm saying thanks Nancy here from the all right one moving right along to comicman General Public I do have one signed up Danny Fields welcome my name is Danny Fields my address is 8114 little kid here in Port Richie uh first thing I want to do is thank you and all for uh being here for 911 uh when we did the removal for uh those that laid down their life and what happened with the twin towers and all that it was a good event I I appreciated that so much and I'm I'm grateful for the mayor and all of all of and chief of police and the chief of the fire department what they've did we want to continue to give honor what honors do so that was a great event uh I do got something else I want to cover too uh we did have uh carefest or carfest is what they call there in Golf VI mall they it was a great event there was over 3,000 plus people I'm saying about 7,000 through the whole event but we know those who registered it was 3,000 plus there was over 400 cars there for a car show there was vendors there there was people from Port Richie businesses had vendors set up food it it it really was a good time a good event they was 128 people give theirself to Jesus Christ there was nine baptized miracles signs and wonders took place but the good part of that was is it's building relationships I I there was County Commissioners there there was City officials From Here There and uh police departments a sheriffs I I I build a lot of relationship with new people that now I'm working with so I just I just love that Unity working together for the best for all of us so we do have a event coming up in 8119 oost Road uh it's called Fall Fest and it's going to be October the 26 at 11: to 1 at Waterfront Park and we'll probably have four or 500 people there as well that that's in our neighborhood here in the city of Port Richie and we're going to have food fun and games we're going to have the faith and blue is going to be there we're representing that and the fire department the city the local businesses and churches we even I even believe that I've got another couple of churches come on board to even be a part of that and even some County Commissioners and working with them as well and uh with human trafficking it's going to be setting up a tent to protect our children from trafficking and you know all these things that go on so these are great events that that we're doing uh so we uh we'll have uh it's free to the public uh it's a great time you you I know some of you just been there if you could get there just for your family just to come and have fun and do PR you're welcome but we appreciate you we know that everybody's got a busy schedule and a lot goes on and so my time is running out and so we are doing the 50 days of fight that means that the churches are coming together and praying globally for you for America for for these things and so that will be the website on that is uh www.50.com so you might want to be involved in that and you could also join that and join the prayer which Leonard and Jerry and him did and I'll be on that uh them prayer calls and going out to the Nations thank you thanks Dan that's all signups I have I show hands anyone else like to speak see that I'll bring it back for comments for city manager pass Mr C for his comments thank you good evening uh wanted to talk a little bit tonight about the preparations for the upcoming potential hurricane um but before we talk about that I wanted to turn it over to uh Chief pastry to give us kind of a situation report that we've received from the uh the county on the weather so as everybody knows the city of por is currently still under just went under Hurricane Warning um is under a storm surge warning um we're expected to start to see some type of Effects by the storm um initially it was going to be around 10:30 um being last tomorrow night uh but now it's being pushed up because the storm has slowed um which is good or bad um so now we're starting to they're saying we're going to start feeling the effects um sometime on Thursday potentially Thursday morning Thursday midafternoon is we're going to start seeing the effects the big concern with this um after everybody's probably seen how we're now under the we're out of the cone of uncertainty is now is the fact that um is the storm surge this is one of the it's a large large hurricane um it's in the 90th percentile of hurricanes um for its size and they're saying that it could be in the top 10 of largest hurricanes so don't let the cone our residents and to you guys don't let the cone steare you to say Hey look it's we're out of the the area the storm's 260 something square miles I mean miles wide and we're on the NASA side of the storm um so they're predicting in our area um the Storm surch Prediction forecast right now is 6 to 10 feet um they're saying if you flooded in Adalia there's a good chance you're going to flood in this is what they're saying at the current track today's information at 5:30 a.m um and that very well could change which way the storm goes but as of right now the ACT actual quote from the um the Weather Service um on the probability of um excuse me of storm surge is expected to rival um Adelia and AA in some spots um so that's what our City's looking at getting right now is going to be the storm surge that's going to be our biggest concern being a low L Coastal Community is the storm surge So based off those predictions um again we're preparing for the amount of flooding that we had as comparative to idalia where it basically came up to US 19 and some areas just barely crossed it um and also based on the fact that it only takes one spawn Tornado toak havoc in our city um the fire department's done the following we've Tak as many protective measures as we could so far fueled every unit every spare gas can everything that we have um we've checked every unit and rechecked every unit um all the boat boats have been checked secured and ready for response uh we assisted PD with pulling the PD boat out and it's uh it's up you know it's off the water and it's back here behind the uh the police department um we started an inant accident plan uh to track our funds and expenses so we can hopefully seek reimbursement through through Pam um and we're in the process of uh deciding whether we're going to be moving operations to council chambers sometime tomorrow or staying at the station that's going to be dependent on forecasts and uh you know what the uh um weather officials are determining that you know that's going to affect us um we're going to increase Manning tomorrow night with the goal of uh having the ability to handle four small to average calls at once on our own without help and one Incident That's our overall goal for now questions so staff has been busy you know preparing for the upcoming storm um you know like the fire department I know Public Works utilities have been taking a lot of time making sure all the uh different areas are secured as well as uh to the best of our abilities getting the the waterways maintained for uh what's to come to get the water out when it comes in um Police Department if leave I if you want to give a an update real quick since you're here why not normally our standard procedures to fill up all fuel all the vehicles GL spare Vehicles get our generator running test the home bees for functionality and things we've done we've done that um we're going to secure any things that could possibly any debris any equipment that we have in the impound lot we're going to secure those things including the trailers uh the traffic trailers uh so as far as Manpower we're still deciding on that we're waiting trying not we're preparing everybody letting them know that the possibility is to bring the sleeping gear toiletries food and things of that nature um so they're kind of like on a standby and we're trying to see what the p the storm is determined how we're going to deploy them um as you're as you're aware we have declared a state of emergency within the city um actually tonight and do we need to add that to the agenda at some point have a motion to add it then they can address it um we need to have the resolution approved by Council to uh to ratify the Declaration um rather than wait 48 Hours when we're probably going to be in the midst of a storm so we need to add that to the judde do you want to do that at the end or beginning or whatever is your preference you know the numbering if that makes a difference or not I don't know if that makes any difference it's completely up to you okay wait if you guys want to do a motion to amend the agenda to add the um the resolution for the state of emergency motion to amend the agenda for the state of emergency I'll second that motion second forther discussion anyone public comment see have to bring back for a vote all in favor 6 saying I opposed motion carries um you want take it up now do we have the a copy of the resolution or Y the resolution copy so you have it in Fr okay I'll pass it to you for your reading Sor thank you resolution number 24-31 a resolution of the city council of the city of Port Richie Florida ratifying the state of local emergency in Port Richie declared by the city manager due to Tropical Cyclone 9 now known as tropical storm H and his Potential Threat of harm to the residents and property of the city of Port vishy providing for for powers to adequately respond to a disaster in providing for an effective date just got one copy you want you guys see it probably I it is it duly introduced you think yes I okay so I need a motion to approve resolution number 24-31 so moved second second okay motion second for discussion anyone public I comment see no hands up put to vote all in favor secondy by saying I I opposed motion carries thank you um I guess the uh the last piece of all this is uh one of the things that that we realize as we talk about trying to uh improve upon the the the outcomes resiliency uh restoration for the city pictures are very important um I know in working uh with the count County's resiliency and trying to get a couple of our projects on to their um adaption plan uh related to uh resiliency one of the things they keep asking for is give us pictures and that's something that we don't have a lot of um that's one of the things that we've been stressing with our employees during this upcoming storm is take a lot of pictures and that end fire department and building uh they went out and got some dash cams and have been traveling every Road in the city so we have evidence before before the event of what condition our roads and our facilities are in and then you know we'll do the same thing when all said and done um I think we're also working at some level to get some drones up in the air to uh do some videoing of again the pre-storm and then if uh time allows and resources available we'll do a post storm as well and I think these are all going to be very valuable for us as we go forward whether it's through our restoration and resiliency efforts or if it's you know creating the story that we need to be able to tell the state and the federal government when we're seing money from them of what our issues are so a lot of work uh going into this Beyond just the recovery that's going to happen with all done okay thank you all right next up comes from the mayor and city council I'll start to my left with vice mayor Rodriguez go first hi um this past Saturday we did clean up Fort Richie it was myself hler Dave and a couple residents we started at s Pebble went all the way up Bay up to old poost um some of us went left and went all the way down to um the uh Warner boy we met up some boy scouts they were doing the um rasher Park um we got four big bags of garbage and a couple of the big pieces and so we we did good it it was it was we cleaned up B Boulevard was much better so thank you there was a lot of us out there but we were we were Mighty but we did a good job good thank you Council counciler I'm good thank you H good um I just got one thing just a reminder that um the fir the chambers Community Market at Waterfront Park is October 6th from 10: to 2 um so make sure that if you listen to community get out and and support that that's their first one of the monthly it's going to be every month starting in October on that six and then the first Sunday of every month after that so make sure you guys support that event be exciting um that's all I have and of course just thanks the staff for all the preparation and continue work towards this the storm I you're going to be on the effects of it's probably gonna be some long nights or whatever so appreciate you guys stepping up sure can I only because the storm is coming I didn't I thought darl might be here too I was going to ask if we could amend the agenda to move number 10 11 up first so we can let fire and Public's work to go because obviously they're going to be real busy for the next couple of days instead of making them sit here for the whole I don't see Daryl here so I think maybe we can but I was hoping that we could do that and get them out of here problem good you do we need amend it or can we just do it I would do a motion to amend it motion to um move I don't see darl so let's just do move number 10 up to now so we can address that issue sure second second motion second for discussion public I comment bring back for a vote all in favor 6y by saying I I oppos motion carries okay uh so next up we have the consent agenda for motion motion to approve the consent agenda second motion second further discussion yes oh you um on the the third item Pasco utilities I noticed we got a remaining budget of 324 5,000 that would lead me to believe that there's still outstanding invoices from potentially maybe Newport Richie sewer and other things um that's a pretty good amount to have being to exit the year with does that seem to be uh any more items coming in for sewer as far as I know we are up to date with with the uh should be and and I again I don't know if we're paying a month behind so when this is August it may very well be July so maybe so in October maybe our last payment for them but when I talked to them we were up to date okay I say in seeing the bills come in Pasco County is doing it on a very regular day I mean I can't I can't think of a month that we not though so again I don't know if it's one month in reers or if it's you know the past month I'm not sure of that but unlike new Richie they are send me L their okay so essentially it might have been just an over estimate in the budget and compared to how we're budgeting this year I didn't I don't have the numbers in front me I think there's there could be a couple factors with that and and you know one I think with a lot of work that uh the utilities Department's been doing and and trying to address the storm water issues and the inii um so it could be that we're just you know running below what the normal is because that is there a motion to approve did I get that I thought there was already motion okay so yeah okay discussion so anybody any further discussion on that anyone public comment C has a bring back for a vote all in favor 6 by saying I I oppos motion carries okay so being we amended the budget we're going to bring up number 10 to discuss now I will pass it to Mr C introduction yep uh in the current budget year the for fire department's budget place a set of vehicle rescue rescue tools with battery operated vehicle rescue stools rescue people have been trapped in their vehicle after an accident by creating greater access to the extrication tools are essential part of every firefighters toolbox have been used since 1999 City of Fort Richie iron Department this purchase repl an outdated set of tools that was purchased in 1999 City's first set is unable to be used on newer vehicle Metals the outdate set is gas powered and requires several firefighters to operate and set up the outdate set will also be used as a credit of 6,000 towards purchase of new set of FL motion discussion um do we know what the budgeted amount was in 20 uh 24 for this because we're we're at 38 and that includes this credit we know what the amount was it was I think we budgeted uh 40 40,000 um but the bunker year costed us a little more um so we had to pull out of that but we had money left over in penny for Pasco all we did was just move it from um fire equipment to I mean from safety equipment to fire equip that's fine yeah we have the money but to cover it and this is 2024 budget you know I'm wondering when you guys present these things I'm wondering if we could show you know what it is that you're requesting what the budget amount is show that you've got capacity to absorb these fund you know this activity and then show any remaining available because there might be things that pop up and it'd be nice to know those those things thank you second motion on second discussion get the motion out first but actually got the majority of it out anyone F got comment see has to bring it back for a vote all in favor by saying I I oppos MO carries what was the other one 11 we just move 10 for now so okay so back to the regular schedule business item number yeah item number three presentation of Grand Boulevard and us9 traffic Crossing improvements I'll pass it to Mr C introduction in August 2023 City provided traffic study and request letter to floor Department transportation to allow all vehicles safety across Brand Boulevard us9 fot responded that alterations would have to be made to the intersection so all types of vehicles could drive through saf April 10th 2024 count council meeting the engineering firm burs McDonald was tasked with design Crossing improvements tonight representative BS McDonald will present to the council with design the crossing the projected construction cost and answer any questions ready for the presentation I think so ready come on down evening Mr mayor council members pleasure to be here once again welcome back so providing an update today on the us19 and Grand Boulevard intersection improvements so to provide a little background the overall intent of the project is to improve and enhance safety at this intersection US1 19 is likely the most heavily trafficked north south Corridor in the city over 60,000 vehicles per day travel through this intersection so as the uh city manager mentioned in order to um get FD approval to make these improvements they recommended safety enhancements of which include dedicated turn Lanes on both sides of 19 on Grand Boulevard so that's the overall intent of the project is to add left turn Lanes on eastbound Grand Boulevard as well as westbound Grand Boulevard um each side of US 19 so give a little background on the existing geometry and what the overall um design challenges were US 19 both Northbound and southbound have three through Lanes dedicated left turn lane and then right turn Lanes going both North and South Grand Boulevard it's a different condition on both sides so on eastbound heading towards the Waterfront overlay District there's three lanes and the good news is there's enough asphalt and existing pavement structure to accommodate the left turn lane without any additional pavement or modifications to the curb line so what we are proposing there is to basically perform a uh pavement striping and marking um operation the pavement structure is rather in poor condition there so we are also recommending milling and resurfacing the limits of what we are uh going back with some pavement markings on the other side of us19 so on the West Side much tighter um roadway typical section on Grand Boulevard there there's only two lanes um one lane coming in and then the uh eastbound Lane approaching 19 one lane which includes a left turn lane it's a shared left turn a shared through and a shared right so the goal is to sneak in a dedicated left turn lane within that tii Corridor so it's about a 24ot um width now and we'll need a minimum of 33 ft to accommodate 11t lanes for those three lanes and a lot of design challenges and accommodating the existing Mast arms as well as some of the other trees and pedestrian Crossings there yeah if you want to go to the next page that's the typical section there hard to see and apologies our presentation is lost in Internet land but we'll get that over to you perhaps for next time um so the west side was the most challenging design effort but we were able to accommodate the dedicated left turn lane without impacting the existing M arms without modifying the controlled intersection and limiting the taper length to not impact um some curb inlets and some underground storm water drainage so right now the plans are 80% complete actions moving forward will be to finalize the plans which will take about 3 weeks from now assuming no comments from from the city on the current uh configuration that we are proposing 3 weeks have put together the final plans we've reached out to uh the fora Department transportation and uh commence the permitting process they desired to see the final sign and sealed 100% construction drawings before fully approving and accepting the permit application um so application has been prepared and we are uh ready to submit that application once the plans are finalized in about 3 weeks um steps moving board after that is at the city's discretion to elect how to proceed with procurement of the construction operation whether traditional uh bid and issuance for um competitive bids to the market or the city may elect a alternative delivery method hiring a construction manager or a construction manager at risk would be another option and happy to present the pros and cons of those methodologies at the city's discretion that happy to answer any questions yeah I just wanted to add um we have sent these uh preliminary drawings to the County engineer and Sal will be meeting with his office uh next week at October 3rd whatever that is um to discuss you know what what their their take on all this is as well as us trying to see if there's any help they can give us to actually bring this to construction um I've also reached out to the mo to um let them know where we're at and since we do have a uh construction cost preliminary construction cost to start that dialogue about what what money could and would be available through uh their their programs to help fund this particular project and it is on their unfunded project list as number six pretty high up on unfunded list so it's a good chance we might be able to get uh get some help there uh I did have one question on the so on the West Side Grand which the change is to widen that I'm assuming you widen it equally on both sides correct it's about a three foot widening on each side both north and south and um Mill resurfacing that entire segment adding new pavement structure new F curve for the entire duration pavement markings as well there'll be a section of the sidewalk that'll be replaced impacts to um two driveways one on the South Side one on the north side and then removing a two trees as well or relocating so that sidewalk I guess it goes along the north side of grand would be moved more North Count is that a portion of it yes about half of it needs to be modified that's all included in the estimate stuff here indeed it is is a million replacement of the the road itself as well in here this kind assment that was subed absolutely it's inclusive of all the construction elements without contingency right do we know what the new road capacity is going to be because there's potentially going to be some development in that area and people are going to be wanting to flow out of that area to9 East what was the Waterfront overlay District 219 uh yes capacity will be improved with the additional Lane um we have not proposed to modify the timing um the light the light timing hey Bob beer picking that TS up other questions thank you pleasure so with that uh the next steps obviously is to complete uh to the final design stage to get the permit in to do get their approval once we have Do's approval um we can start moving forward with the pro procurement process and hopefully by then we'll have uh more information either from the no or the county Engineers office as to the best direction to go with that and a little bit later on we get to Old business we can talk about uh potential City related funding um if you want to move forward with that okay I did have one question sure what would the thank you what would the potential time be from let's say everything goes smoothly no problems till when it's done construction duration yes construction duration I would cly say six months beginning to end from notice to proceed till Final close out hiccups along the way but correct okay y thank you you got okay that was information only so we we good move right along item number four presentation of impact Fe study by Stan technique I'll pass it C [Music] introduction at the November 14 2023 regular meeting city council approv Stant Tech consulting services to analyze the current traffic fire police and storm water fees representatives from Stant are here this evening to present their findings on the current impact Fe structure after the presentation the council will decide to instruct City attorney draft orance adopting the new impact fees okay welcome good evening mayor council members my name is Peter napley I'm here on behalf of stantech Consulting Services uh we we completed the impact V study for the City this past year and I have a brief presentation summarizing the results and recommendations um from that study a little background we looked at the fire police the roads and the storm water impact fees uh they were last change in 2000 so a good bit of time has elapsed since the city has looked at these fees it was definitely due the scope of the study was to recalculate all the EX existing fees look at the structure look at the uh the cost recovery of these fees since they were based on 2000 cost numbers they're almost certainly not recovering to the full extent the storm water impact fee in particular we looked at the fees ability of updating it and we decided that we uh it would be best for the city to defer its plan to update this fee until the master plan was completed uh updating these fees is really your ability to update these fees is Contin on the availability of official plans from the city either through a CIP or through um historical Investments and we just felt that uh for you to maximize uh that fee in the future You' it' best be suited to wait till that um plan is completed so the three fees we did go forward with looking at are the fire police and Roads and we have the results in this presentation tonight a quick question did you I know we get down just jumping ahead a little bit everything was suggested to % which is the max we can do did you look at storm water what we would be would be be doing the max or was below that I guess I think it was below that at the time that's why we felt that it would be it would be best for you to wait okay thank you so just a little background on impact fees because there are a lot of misconceptions when it comes to impact fees what they can fund what they're there for and who's affected by them uh they allow new development or growth or new construction to essentially pay its own way um so there isn't impact on services in a city when new development occurs and uh the the uh the goal of these impact fees is to capture that proportional cost of servicing the new development and charging it to the developer responsible um this these fees are intended to fund expansion related Capital not annual reoccurring operating costs so so not Personnel salaries repair and maintenance Etc large Capital assets the acquisition of buildings Vehicles Etc without impact fees it's um it's fair to say if you you're not collecting the proportional cost of uh expanding service related to growth either you're not going to fund the assets you need to serve growth and your level of service will decline since you'll be uh servicing more people with the same amount of assets or you will fund the those assets but existing taxpayers are going to be the ones that fund that through General revenues so this uh this fee schedule here on this slide shows your existing fees that were adopted in the early 2000s uh currently your residential fees are charged per dwelling unit so uh this fee scales if it's a multif family apartment complex and there's 50 units they'll pay 50 times the fee adopted and then on the non-residential side it's per th square fet of developed space uh so fire is currently sitting at approximately $188 per single family home and then police at $88 roads at approximately $763 and that's a total uh impact fee for single family homes of $1,000 and then that's scaled for each of the different land uses that um if the development falls into that category those are the fees that they would have to pay so on this slide here we show the updated calculations and and and the fees that we calculated based on really the industry accepted methodology that's uh been upheld and and and challenged in the past um we didn't use any kind of groundbreaking or uh um Trail blazing methodology here we use the the tried andrue um accepted standards so for fire what we did we looked at the exis in cost basis uh for impact fees you can either use future costs or existing costs so we looked at the existing assets that have been acquired for the fire department we have to back out anything that's been donated or Grant funded and then anything that's been funded by a dedicated funding source like a sales tax so um I believe there's a Pasco sales tax that you use to acquire assets sometimes the fee that we calculated based on the existing investment in fire Act assets is approximately $483 U that's 157% increase over the existing fees um and and that doesn't exactly line up with our uh recommendations later on in the presentation I'll explain why the next fee we calculated here was the police fee the cost basis over the existing um unit served in the city we calculated about a $480 fee so very similar level to Fire and this would have been a 444 per increase over the existing fees so quite a degree of separation there and then the roads fee kind of has a different uh formula in total understanding that the effect on capacity has more so to do with the trips generated by development um rather than calls for service like in public safety so um like just like you were uh uh just talking about with that one road the capacity expanding of that road to serve more cars going through um that actually would be a project that' be eligible for uh partial impact fee payment or funding so what we did was we estimated the average cost of a trip length um the trip capacity per unit of one single family home before you'd have to essentially widen or extend a road and uh the fee that we calculated was $1,827 and of course there's going to be much more detailed calculations in the report that we submit to the city for um final approval the existing fees $763 so that's an increase of about 139% so um several years ago uh the state legislature passed a bill that essentially limits uh local government's ability to increase impact fees and they set these standards or or or limitations or guidelines and law they include um basically rules where if the impact fee increase that's being considered is anywhere below 25% it has to be adopted over two years in equal increments meaning if it was a 20% increase it has to be a 10% and then a 10% the next year if it's anywhere in between 25% and 50% it's over four years so this is giving essentially giving the development Community more leadup time than know what's going to happen to their impact fees and help them adjust um so a 50% increase in that case would be 12 a half% each year over 50% is not allowed but then the law goes on to say that exceeding these limitations uh a local government May uh conduct a special study that outlines the extraordinary circumstances um that are necessary for exceeding these limitations uh then you'll have to have two publicly noticed workshops and a two-thirds approval by the council is is an extraordinary circumstance considered since you have done it since 23 years ago that that is one of the that's one of them that we have used and we've seen other firms use right now that so they don't go on to say what extraordinary circumstances are so that's kind of left up for interpretation at the local level um and I am not aware of a case yet where kind of have some precedent that we can point to so right now we're kind of feeling around in the dark with it uh but we have seen that used but often it's used in combination with a very robust Capital plan in plans for expansion and then a significant amount of growth occurring so Pasco County has just used it with all the growth that they have in some of the the regions of the unincorporated County so they're increasing their impact fees above those limitations Hernando County has just done that as well um so local governments in the area have done that um Port Richie is a little smaller and there's a little less undeveloped space and room to grow so the growth isn't as convincing and then when we looked at the capital plan at least as it sits currently there weren't a lot whole lot of purchases or facility expansions out there like substations and multiple additional ladder trucks Etc um you can't use it you can't use the replacement of an existing vehicle or asset it has to be an additional one so if you have three ladder trucks it'd be the fourth one or you know um Etc what excuse me what about the U the development that we're potentially going to see here that could add what 500 more units 500 more in that Waterfront District that's vacant right now M but this road that I was just speaking of that's going to fuel uh 19 that's going to be an Ingress and egress uh component of that and you know if they're going to build condos there in retail space and uh what they want to build uh they could be adding quite a bit so maybe that needs to be considered in the future capacity like you'd indicated right that's true I mean we we weren't given the plans associated with that development have any you okay this is this is something that's sure to the area sure how soon I don't know but yeah so it the past several years when when we've been doing these extraordinary circumstances studies in addition to the impact V study because it's kind of a separate thing um we've been using historical uh uh data as proof of uh extraordinary growth so um I don't know if if it's strong enough to base on you know um plans or or proposed plans I I wouldn't suggest doing that uh but maybe once they start to materialize in the next four years um so another part of the law is that you can only adopt increases every four years so now we're going to recommend the city looks at this every four years into the future that way you can make sure you're recovering as much as possible I would I would uh I would recommend we look at that and in a four-year time I mean the only caveat to that would be that you would potentially miss that development right yeah exactly if it's happening within the next four years are supposed to yeah and well the extraordinary circumstances would essentially if say it's happening or it starts to materialize within the next year or so you could use that extraordinary circumstances study to then say okay we are going to exceed the limit on every four years and in increase our impact fees again so I would say it's up to the the the council's discretion if you wanted to go that route and um and we could certainly assist the city with that but during the course of the study over the past year we decided that the going forward with the phas in limitations for all the fees um felt Justified and and the safest route forward so so this just covers the 25 years that have passed and brings us up to where we should be now the full 100% these numbers here on this table uh if you were to say we want to do the 157% increase to fire the 444 per increase to police and then the 139% increase to roads that brings you up to current day but the issue with the law you used to be able to just adopt those figures based on the study now the law says you can't exceed these limits unless you do this whole special study that kind of opens you up to you know a little risk in uh speculation so in your opinion is it not enough just to say we haven't done it in 23 years 24 years to it's usually used in combination with a multiple extraordinary circumstances yeah I haven't seen that one just used alone um but again it's kind of a being 4 44% behind in the police yeah it's pretty excessive yeah again I mean we could draft up the the extraordinary circumstances memo for you guys based on it's been the duration of time since the last study um we can use you know uh potential uh growth needs if there's maybe a capital plan we could put together for the Departments if this growth occurs then we'll need these assets something like that we could go down that route does when you submit that does the legislature have to approve no it's it's up to the local government's discretion that basically feel it's sufficient yeah and then it just be litigation yeah okay if you ask to do that go above does that like put us in a bad light like for future I I I couldn't say I I don't know there's a lot of places that are doing it um and then there's also a lot of places that would rather not you know I think the reality is if you do the 50% the the mexan spread out for four years there's no I agree no no issue if you go above that even if we have a good case there's potential forsit there to and over time if you keep adopting that 50% increase every four years you'll start to catch back up with that full cost depend on that police that's take a while to get that yeah yeah I would agree so these next tables just show the overall impact to Future future development of the fee schedule changing every year with these uh the maximum increase that you can you can uh adopt under the the the limits of the law and uh it's about a $24 oh this is for fire so it's about a 24 23 $24 increase to the fee for the single family annually for police it's about $11 annually for roads this is only two land uses uh for the roads feed that we we just kind of picked out single family and then a shopping center and again the roads impact fees is based off of the trip rates and the capacity that um different land uses generate and the increase is about $95 per year to single family homes and then $180 for a shopping center and that's per thousand square fet the combined impact is um approximately $130 to the single family home annually and that's not to your existing single family residence this is only a new home built in the city of Port Richie and then we have some surveys here this is the fire impact fee the green is where you currently are in comparison to some Regional entities and the Orange is where you'd be at the end of the four-year phase in Period so I have a question on these charts here too so I notice that Newport Richie wasn't listed in here Pasco was listed in the fire but not in the other two I don't believe um was there a reason we didn't use it's it's they may not charge those fees it's totally up to the um discretion of the county or city if they wanted to charge they could charge all those fees or if they have the Departments and you know some cities a County Service uh not sure the situation in Newport Richie whether or not they have their own fire department um they do have their own fire department I think they do not charge in PES I think I saw that their code yeah they they they don't have to yeah there's no automatic like impact fee it has to be adopted and put into code you're saying is you can charge impact fees for the police and the fire but not the roads yeah they could do that yes interesting so guess this case probably let with Pasco they charge fire impact but they don't charge police and Roads yeah it's police for the problem police one problem than thank you and then this is the police survey uh the green is where you are currently where you'd be in 4 years and then the roads impact fee so the next steps um you consider the adoption in the future of the updated schedule of impact fees it it' be the fouryear schedule of the phase in increase you'd have to uh provide notice uh 90 days before the effective date of the new fee and uh and then relook at the stor warm water impact fee when Once the master plan is completed and there's a outline of what the needs are in the city for uh you know drainage infrastructure expansion and then uh Continue to update the fees every four years so that's that four year is that so if we say October one we adjust them then the second year would be October one yeah calendar year I believe it's from effective date yeah so whenever the effective dat so once you notice the first one you would just roll after that year after year yes sir would be 90 days from the effect from that date so it wouldn't take effect till January 1 well if we did it whatever today it take 9 days for sure any questions for yes how do we get it up to where we need to be now and start and if it's going through the extraordinary out we've missed 25 years of opportunity effective um for whatever reason we're aware of the problem what do we do to start solving the problem in a quick man well you you'd have to you'd direct us to go the extraordinary circumstances study route where we would essentially prepare a short memo Something official from our group that says we looked at the the growth in Port Richie we looked at the duration of time that has occurred since the last impact fee update we feel that these expressly uh demonstrate extraordinary circumstances for exceeding the limits that the state has put placed on impact fee increases then you as a board would decide that you know we agree with their findings and we feel that you know the city has extraordinary circumstances and you vote you would have two public noticed workshops uh where you you I would show up and explain the extraordinary circumstances and discuss it and then eventually there has to be a super majority vote to adopt that increase so from a timeline would that be a month or two i' as quickly as you get those publicly noticed workshops we could prepare the memo you know within the span of a month or probably less and then you as quickly as you can get those two publicly noticed workshops completed and then still 90 days the the implementation of that say we we take that route is it still a four-year phase in for the that or is that immed it would be immediate you would decide that there you could um decide anywhere in between so the limit is a 50% increase and that one say for example police was a 400% increase the council could decide that we'd like to adopt 150% increase or or something you can adopt any level in between we're just essentially saying this is the maximum that the data can support for an impact but there is no phase in on extraordinary C there would be no phase in if you went through the extraordinary circumstances you could look at it again in a year or two you could and then uh what's the agency that would have to give the blessing on that there is no blessing it's we decided we roll the dice attorney I would like some when we get to that point Beyond how many of these special circumstances have you have you tried for I I've we've successfully done I think maybe five I don't know around the state I I had someone do a survey this past year or so and I think there was it was in the teens like I think it was like 12 have been done so Statewide yeah last there's more and more a lot of people are looking at impact fees right now and and where it was easy in the past to okay we looked at impact fees we're going to adopt these increases that's it now there's this whole extra step so that a lot more people are doing it and uh but also if if if there's more built out cities that really their needs aren't that high they're kind of shying away from it so it really depends on you have to prove that they're you're going to spend it too like if you don't have the plan robust plans to spend it then that's kind of a hole in the armor you want to make some comments on I mean not really at this point obviously it would be something we would need to see what information they could gather to see if they could support it because what you're going to want is that report that can support their conclusion if they're able to get to it that yes there's a there's a valid basis to do this because what's going to happen possibly is you do it you get sued you'll end up in court and if you're in court going we just wanted to catch up there's really no other reason you're not going to you're not going to win you're going to be set back right so you need the the findings and the basis and the reports to so that you went through a proper method to support your disc I get that I guess the the risk's let's say that that plays out somebody sues what uh is it they just they they Su to have their fees reduced was Su they probably sued to um have the impact Fe fees run out and you and if they were successful you'd go back to what you had before which is where you're at now and if people had paid them along the way you refund yeah I can't answer that they don't if they don't Sue it if they don't Sue and they pay it they wouldn't have they wouldn't be the ones part part right so it wouldn't necessar back and you have to pay them back okay the um it wouldn't work that way right the so we would do that and we basically to start over what we do if if you were unsuccessful now there's also the chance that you have the best report ever and it's very supported and you guys are very comfortable with it and you still get sued and you go to court and maybe you come out on top and you have your new fees and you can move forward you still have to pay for that litigation and that could be costly by itself yeah so it's just another factor to consider I think if you're interested in it I think from what I'm hearing and I'm agreeing the first step is the report and to see what they can put together to bring to you to see if that's something that's worth entertaining or if you want to start getting some money let's do what we're doing now and let me get an ordinance well then the other thing on that is there a statute limitation to be able to bring that suit I'm sure there is most everything has one I'd have to look and see what it what it see what that is I can I can look at that but um yeah the my guess is it would be very quick you would I mean not the stat limitations my guess is a developer that might be interested the city would be suing us very quickly right yeah if we don't have the backing for it if the report if the report comes back and it seems a very solid backing to do what you're thinking about you may not have that challenge so I guess the real question is is do we do we attempt to catch up or do we just take the easy road I don't know what to answer is at the 50% because there's no because you're going to increase it's more without the risk my I guess we don't have the development plans we we we're not close to anything like that that's quite a few months away if everything goes through I'm sorry no no yeah I understand but we're kind of focusing on the big the big ticket items it applies to all and any money some I think your your point for a good point and I wanted to actually say that so if you're looking at again be their their report to put together and see what they could find working with the city but if you're looking at we we may have a big Development coming and that's our support you're going to lose in court because that is speculative it's so far down the road I mean there's not that's right and that's that's where I the ordinances haven't even come forward yet I mean it's that's a long way away so there's going to have to be something Much More Much More in my opinion than a speculative possibility of a big development to support extra C extraord circumstan because our our lack of planning our lack of doing it does not constitute extraordinary circumstan I don't know that's what I'm that's the point I think you're he was trying to make that that one was yes they waited they waited a while but they had these other things happening and right now we don't have those other pieces which would hurt our our chances to survival lawsuit I think so I guess from my point of view why I felt this was probably the better way to go is this yeah what's being recommended I mean I I I think while I like thought of being aggressive and trying to get us caught up to where we need to be I know in probably two years we're going to have a more robust Capital Improvement plan um as we go through all these studies and start developing that that I think will will be a better basis for making that extraordinary claim I think also we will be getting into the developments that are occurring that again will be even more basis for that so I I kind of felt that we just you know we're not we're not at the stage we need to be to make that case as airtight is what I think we can make that case in a couple years down the road so doing the 50% now I know the law is you can't do another increase you know you can only do your the extreme circumstances you can so you can do the extreme circumstances in two years in two years yes I think I think going the 50% now that leaves us the opportunity to go to the extenuating circumstances immediate we get immediate increase too within 90 days so and I think you know the other piece is where you know like water sewer storm storm sewer you know those are a lot easier to to do the studies and quantify where it becomes a little more difficult in roads I should say as well police and fire becomes a little bit more difficult because because you know I think we have to take the time to really understand what that means you know does growth in the city and just as an example does growth in the city mean we have to have another station for the fire department right if that's a different you know projection than if no you know we're still going to have the same the same uh area you know we're not going to be expanding that so maybe we don't need that um but I think there's a lot more uh work for both police and fire to come up with this analysis than what it will be for water sewer storm water and Roads agre what do we need to do now we um So based on that um I need a motion to approve the impact fee presentation by Stan Tech Consulting service and I have the City attorney draft an ordinance of the new impact fees motion to approve the you just say so moved I stated so moved okay is there a second for that second okay motion second further discussion anyone public like comment see Hands I bring back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I I oppose motion carries easy peasy thank you appreciate you coming okay next up item number five resolution approving storm water utility rate increase pursuant to the adopted fiscal year 2425 storm Water Utility Fund budget I'll pass it Copic intruction thank you um pursu to the budget that Council recently adopted for the storm water utility uh there was scheduled to be a rate increase from 905 to 21 per year per stands for equivalent residential so to to effectuate that make sure we have uh enough uh Revenue to undertake all those things we promis we are going to be doing to the residents if we adopted the budget we'll need to adopt this so we can start charging thank you and also we've talked about this and this we were all Bo this before so unless there's any discussion look for a motion to approve resolution number 24-30 increases storm water utility rate from 905 eru to 1221 eru and makes that rate effective a second motion second forther discussion public that comment hands I bring it back for a vote all in favor second by saying I I I opposed motion carries okay next up is the item number six final selection of Centennial City Centennial logo passes Mr C for introduction the city centennial celebration committee opened an online contest to select an official logo for the 2025 City Centennial our submissions were presented to the committee until August 22nd the committee then selected Ty finals to be part of an online survey decide on Final Logo the survey ended on September 16th and there were 368 responses the art with the highest response is red white blue red white and blue still house with golfin and managing the CCC recommends this art be selected as a logo finalists are presented to the city council for a final selection creators the Lo will receive Proclamation at so I I'll elaborate a little bit on this out I chair that committee and so we we sent we we selected these five to go out to vote and we got the results back um and obviously that was the one that came out on top the uh we did have other lots of other logos and we also had a a small section of of kid logos that the school put together and they were really cute and I know probably should have mentioned it during boards committees but um you know I think we need to probably look at doing something along the lines for those kid logos maybe kind special kid thing t-shirts or whatever U but obviously this is this is focused on just selecting actual logo for the um Centennial for the city um this is what what we recommended and this is what the what the votes came out to be we had 104 votes for this particular one the next close was 92 which was almost the same logo but had the sunset um I personally I was actually torn between the two I really like both of them um and you know there may be even some potential that we could utilize both of them and then of course the the third uh third place was yeah the thir third place was the one with the alligator in Florida uh there that was actually one of the students that submitted that one and then the other ones let's see were quite a bit down 56 ni 26 so th really nice was a good job and I so let's see that being said is there any discussion on on the logo it's not the still house I'm sure the owner of the is is accepting this is okay that we use this good point I was gonna actually bring that up so that still house owned by the Lakes um I I'm ass assuming well what is the issue with using something with a I need to look into because I haven't been asked before this moment but I would definitely want to look into that and ask he told me it was okay and we might want to get that in writing but I I need to look into that I got the text he said it's fine might want I'm just saying don't care so let me ask a question on something like just for my knowledge because it's out in the golf and somebody Tak a picture of it for your own personal use is fine you want to use it to promote it promote something it may not change at all I just need to to look into it I don't know the answer to that so I like assuming we can go ahead and move forward with accepting this contingent upon um release from making sure that we need I'll make sure that we need one and then we get one we need one okay so with that look for a motion to approve the red white and blue stilt house with Dolphin am Manatee art as the official logo for the city of Port Richie Cent celebration contingent upon release if needed by the owner of the property mve I second uh I think I heard Dave Dave you moved yes Bob second I think we'll go with that I love your all pleas I'm a mom I'm I'm fast not that okay motion second further discussion anyone public like to comment see Hands bring back for a vote all in favor I saying I I oppose motion carries okay next up oh sorry uh next up is item number seven discussion of amendment to committee and board ethics training resolution I pass Mr for intruction yeah says we were in the process of implementing uh this resolution and having the training uh some ideas were brought forward one related to what what was the training that we had to provide to the boarding commissions and the second uh thing that came up was could a member of a boarding commission or committee go out and actually take the training pay for it themselves and still be covered under under this uh resolution obviously the second thing was not contemplated during uh the discussions that we had um the first item I brought up I think there was never an intent to actually deliver four hours of the mandated training the council was going to council Council needs to go through um the intent was to introduce to the boards and committees a lot of the ideas that you know you have to go through in your training as elected members um to give them a better footing as we move forward I think you know it could be as we move on uh in the training in later years we we get into that but it wasn't really contemplated um to do the full four hours and so between the City attorney and myself we were talking about this um obviously if Council wants to uh change this so it reflects what I think the discussion was in terms of the type of training um and the second is consideration of you know would you allow a member of a committee or board to go out pay for that training and accept that under the uh the offices of this resolution to do that we need to amend it and that turn it over the city ATT Tre for anything I didn't I think you covered it um I will say that um the intent initially like Mr cofler said was not to provide a full 4our training it was a the idea was the condensed version of these same topics that you guys are required to be trained in um and I will agree that the writing of the resolution doesn't reflect that the way it should looking at it now it before obviously I thought it did reflect that so if you want to maintain what the intent was I think we need to do an amendment to show that it's a condensed version or some ter terminology like that so it's clear it's not the four hours just it's going to cover the same topics um as for the um request to on their own um pay um I would say at their own expense no City reimbursement to sit through the four hours that you guys have to sit through um I don't see that as a problem it's what you guys have to have to have your training for the state so that would be the same thing that they'd be getting more than what was recommended but that's really just um obviously they would need to bring proof of that I believe after you guys take them online you get some kind of notice or certification that you that you've gone through it I'm assuming isn't that a state requirement not a city requirement for you yes right so so that some people on the boards don't want didn't want to come to what was being offered they wanted to do the 4our course on their own and there's online you can get them free I've seen them out there so yeah so that's just a that's just a decision if you guys want to um accept that I don't see any reason not to like I said it's your training they're going to get more training than what we intended to provide them I think speaking from a working person's perspective not everybody is available 8 to four every single day um you know even they they have nine to five jobs and they can't get here and I know we tried to accommodate them by saying they could come at any time to their convenience but if they work Monday through Friday 9:00 to 5 then there's no convenient time for them so I think we need to make accommodations for them they need the education I felt I needed the education at the time too and and I think we need to provide them the education um I would almost say if they're working and we're requiring it maybe we should pay for it because we can't expect them to take a day off of work to come here and sit for the education I don't think that's fair they're volunteering their time to sit on any border committee for any number of hours sometimes it's an hour a month sometimes it's 10 hours a month depending on the border of committee you're on um and we're requiring it I don't know I'm kind of and I gotta go to work you know what I mean like these some of these people have to go to work where they have children they have home obligations that they need to do and we're requiring I think maybe we should if they can you know if we if we know they work obviously then I think we should pay for it as well that's just my opinion you would have to pay it for everybody whether they worked or whether they didn't if they did if they took you couldn't say well you work so we'll pay for you but you don't work but we're not going to pay for you to do that okay you couldn't do that so the the I guess the the problem that I have with it is that uh the city is paying to have the training here in house and it was in the evening right um now granted people schedules may not allow for that that's why they have the opportunity to have 30 days to watch it um you know I would you know if maybe that's not super flexible maybe we could extend that to 60 days to give some more time but uh you know the idea is that the city's paying it one time as opposed to I mean because technically if you open it up you'd be paying for it many 30 times or whatever so and again I you know you can take these these free through the Florida Le of cities I don't know if that extends to board of committee members or not um but there's opportunities to do it at no charge as well on your own time so you know I don't want to get in open up a can of wordss here we got to start paying people's training if we're provided in house um that's the opportunity sorry yes no finish I'm sorry um the um the other aspect of it is the shorten version or the full version I get the reason and I'm completely on board with that doing a condensed version for those folks um I do like the the option of not the option but actually making it the 4 Hour you're you're you're not going to um go wrong by having the full 4our ethics training by any stretch um but that also gives us as council members or whoever at the time the ability to go ahead and certify ourselves I mean pretty much I think we all were here except for maybe did you you w here we did we did I know a couple of us were here but that would and so I have to basically I Was Here For example and I still have to do my 4 Hour went on top of that so was not a problem but it would be nice and if that it was the full four hours I could have just checked that box myself um it's not that much more to offer another hour or two right so you know going forward maybe obiously this year is is was done we've already did that but uh maybe it makes sense going forward to make that the 4H hour one and then you know we could allow you know people if they don't they don't want to be able to do it there they can do it on their own at their own cost um and accept that and we could also maybe extend the time frame uh to be a little more generous in the 30 days to accommodate schedules so we do have there I forgot there are free ethics trainings out there so the people who can come we can supply them with the websites to go and get it and and there's got to be like some sort of certificate or proof that they took it and then they provide that so you're not paying for it so they're able to do it at home on a Saturday at 3:00 am. when they're sitting there awake because they got nothing better to do and they can still complete it doesn't cost anybody anything but we if they've got a certificate saying that they took the class yeah I don't have I don't have a problem so I mean I just want to make I I don't want to make it more cumbersome for people to volunteer and help us we keep asking for help but if we're going to make it C you know that they can't go to work or something I what gonna cut yeah no I totally get I the the only issue is is if everybody did that and we still pay and nobody shows up in training that kind of Feats purpose so I mean the idea was is to get everybody done at the same time and that you know we we we we expense some funds to do that really to try to make that training and I will add that the benefit and why I wanted it to be you know bring everybody together is when this time Mr MOA but whomever may present it whether it's me or him again next year whatever we decide to do or somebody else when you're sitting there live hearing the conversations and the scenarios it triggers questions you're sitting at home you may not remember the question you know we're all guilty of this we kind of stopped listening because it's a video and it's not live so there's definite benefit and there's a reason we the thought process was bring everybody in bring them in together give everybody you know the same same experience so the questions can be answered and you can hear the question that you may not thought thought of but that person thought of sitting at home alone you're not going to get that but there are situations where people can't make it so you have to you know that's what we had the 30-day idea but then they're also seeing the question and answer face that that everybody that was there saw so you're it's the closest thing you're getting to actually being there I know in the I know in the league of cities does does there it's it's um it's not you're you're not watching a video I mean it's a online like Randy's given it in a virtual setting and you're actually in the meeting um which is obviously not going to happen at 3 o'clock in the morning right so there's um you know I think it starts early in the morning maybe 8 or 9ine and goes to noon or something um at least the one that I've been attended so you know I think we need to provide the trading it could be a contens version um and you know we do it at night and it um they really tried to make it it's kind of like the original intent was but if there are circumstances where they you know they can't make it and they want to do it on their own if whe it's free or not you know I just I have the same concern you do obviously that um you know they're just they're not starting it and taking a nap and then four or two hours later whatever well four hours later in this case they would uh have their certificate and not actually be trained so and I will tell you what H happened here which happens most places this this information is ever presented people kind of walk in like okay how long is this going to take I'm here I'm doing what I'm told to do and they leave going huh okay I didn't know that oh that's good to know it's is important stuff so how many people should we have had and how many people came do we have that information it was about half I have about 17 18 people left who still need to do the training and have any of them come in to watch it well that's I was waiting until today to figure out what the direction was going to be because originally I was going to set up one day week for four or extended time depending on people's schedules to allow them to come in and set it up to where multiple people can do it at once and get their training done but I was waiting to see what the conversation was going to be today moving forward and what's going to be required of what how many it's been at least a week or two since the training right so discuss questions came about with this that's why I was waiting and it does say in the current resolution the city manager can allow more time okay so I agree I like being here where I could hear other people's questions I I I like that but you're right too a working person it's just not you're really people can say you G have to get the ethics training they go I can't I'm not taking off for work I'm not taking a vacation day to sit there for two hours you think it's to be here well I agree with you 100% it's preferable but some people just can't well and and there's there's there's no question that being on a board and Committee of the city has a responsibility to attend meetings and and a required trainings like this is and I get it they don't get paid for that or whatever but you know they don't have to sit on the board of committee and well that's it they and they willon and that's maybe not and if that's what you're we're willing to do as a group then that's what we're willing to do we're willing to cut out a working population not and and not to not to be rude in any way at all if if you aren't willing to to take ethics training to accommodate your board position you probably shouldn't be on the board anyway I'm not saying they're not willing to take it I'm saying if we if we give them websites to that they can provide get free ethics training and allow that and allow that to happen that's what I'm I'm not saying don't get ethics training I agree with that 100% Eric that they absolutely should get it but I think we need to be flexible into these people who are volunteering their time and and effort efforts to do that so that they and maybe they'll do it and maybe they won't pay attention but we what are you gonna do I mean what are you gonna do you could make them come here and take it and and that's that's that's that's the U that's what you do they still might not pay attar what you said they still might not pay attention well but I'm just I'm just trying to make it convenient for person so we can get more people involved in our city which is one of our goals absolutely I and as I said I I have no problem with having um a provision in there to allow for that but you know it again the goal would be to really try to attend if you really can maybe that's an exception base that Matt has the ability to approve or not leave it up to him to make sure it's a valid reason you want that responsibility is that okay no call the principal and make sure no whatever you tell me yeah I mean we don't want because we are going to we are going to invest taxpayer dollars in providing the class and we don't want that to turn out to be we're paying for that and nobody comes that's I guess my bank concern right so um we really we really want people to be here and really make an effort to do that and it's I really thought there would be more than half I was no we we've done it before and there were maybe 10 people the last time last year we did it was hardly anybody was Council was here but there can't be that many people doing something maybe that you know maybe that's I don't know why they weren't here I was here I don't know why anybody else wasn't here but so we got more participation this there's always there's always somebody that can't make it but but to have half I think in the future to address that issue we can look to do it on a Saturday first thing Satur work whatever you want that's an option okay I yeah I mean that's that's where I'm at I think we need to we need to hold trading in house like said this off subject on another subject are you guys thinking full four hours putting it on in the future or just this version what you guys thoughts on that let me ask a question it sounds to me like and I didn't attend but you recorded it and then people can meet their obligation by watching the recording here what difference does it make whether they're here or whether they're proof that they actually watched it you can't get them to sign a statement well you can but honor System right well we should be doing honorable stuff and if people aren't then that's not the kind of person we want on one of these committees you know but they are on the committee no what I'm saying is if we have the thing here record the 4 hours make it available that they wash it maybe you you set it up in an IT way where they log in you see that they log into it there's a password and you can do that and manage it that way is that an alternative to doing it anytime they want I'm just suggesting well the city would have to invest in whatever it take to put that train together blog him no no no you already have the guy here right we're paying for a guy to come and train for four hours right and you already have it recorded and you already have it recorded make that everybody that didn't attend give them a link so I'm sure our it guy can do that this isn't hard stuff that they can come in they get a password they log in they watch it you know and you can count it that way rather than having them to show up here I mean this is technology we we do have technology to do this stuff this isn't hard well no it's it's the the certification of that I'm just telling you that's the certification the certification is they sign in watch the thing it runs for four hours they can pause it stop it and at the end they've got to sign something in in the thing or or that testation yeah I'm just thinking that might be an alternative and it solves a couple problems right I mean technically they could when you guys what was your plan to have in a room I guess by themselves piece of paper so I'm trying to get multiple people to come at once so I'm not doing this every day I'm trying to set up time for multiple people to come to be in here you have it on the screen and play so that way they can sit in here and listen and maybe they can discuss amongst themselves s questions that may arise with it um so that way I don't have one person at a time TR to do that and I think you know one one of the things that you lose by doing that is that that I mean you know so if you give me the alternative to do it at home and not come here and be a part of the group you're gonna do it at home I'm GNA do it at home you know um and I think one of the benefits of doing it as a group is actually to get and and I will say those of you are here you I thought it was very well people were listening it was even entertaining it was they were interacting um there was a lot of good discussion questions that came up and all that you lose that and and so I think that is one of the tents that you want to get everyone together and start you know doing that training together I mean there's there are a lot more things that we could do training wise but if we start again just letting individuals go off their own and incentivizing that I think that's what you'd be doing be incentivizing them not coming take advantage of the training as a group and and be able to participate as a group um that I think would would hurt that process as we go forward I mean I think you know in my mind you know you get the ethics piece out of the way you get the open meetings you know stuff out of the way then you start training them about their either how to run a meeting and how they should interact with the meeting um and beyond that it's you start getting it into the individual subject matter for those boards and committees you know at Future meetings as well but but I think you just you you lose a lot of the benefit of that type of training when it's yourself sitting you know at home with potentially a lot of things interacting with you that take your attention away from what you're doing I don't disagree with that I I think what we're trying to do is solve the problem for the exceptions right and so much so much I mean so much schooling now is online you you all want to go to zoom meetings we you know everybody is more computer savvy than I I and I readily admit that but all my learning at work which is mandatory is on the computer it's not it's no longer in person it's all on the computer um multiple schools are all on online training and going and learning and you get degrees you get you can get your Bachelor and your Masters going 90% of the of of the time online with with a very minimal amount of whether it be clinical time or or in you know in person time um and and these people are volunteering to help us and and I think we have I I I agree and understand with everything you're saying I prefer an in being there in person I was here and I didn't have to be I was Nancy told me 30 minutes before I didn't have to be here and I still came so I totally agree with everything you are saying but I think we have to have some opportunity to have these people who were trusting with volunteering their time and helping us with our city that if they can't make it we give them websites they they can do it free and Supply us with a certificate that they did I I believe they need to do it but I'm people get their masters and nursing online with very minimal in-person training and and this is an Ethics training and I think but there's a test that authenticates that kind of those kind of things obviously this is just a on your honor hey I I tended it I I heard all my stuff and and I don't uh you know we could had that Zoom where they could have joined virtually I don't have a problem with that at all I mean so if you can't be here whatever but your your your cameras on you're attending the meeting that's that's different than just going off on your own at 3:00 in the morning morning and watching a video saying you did it cuz like I said there's no test you know and you you make you need to make sure that they're trained this is important stuff so that's still I mean I want to be as flexible as possible as well but also want to make sure that the people we have H board Comm are properly trained and and be prepared not to have to have a lot of people drop that's all I well we could make it uh give them six or seven months once they take the chair to take the test but once they sign up for the test they got 30 days so in other words we're not going to spend the money until they make it the dedicated time to take the test and as far as whe they do on line home or here I mean they could fall asleep here as well they could do well there is no test you have to I mean you not just be watch the video right like I did at home so that way we're not spending money unless we know they're already dedicated they they pick the date I mean Matt provides or Ashley provides the time to do it and they pick the time when they can do it and they can sign up 30 days before that they have the 30 days once we pay for it to take the test but we don't rush them into it give the free website I agre I mean I forgot that they were free websites so get the free website we're doing everything we can do not to put in handcuffs to make them do it I mean we're doing all we can do to provide for them to do it and they're saying they're doing it then what was the cost of that training I don't think that his bills come through yet but it's going to probably be but he was here for two and a half hours same same rate as me so it's two and a half hours yeah so I mean probably five hours conservatively it's probably more than that thousand bucks thousand bucks yeah yeah probably I I I don't know like I said there's uh you know there's there's a there's a commitment involved in Ser on board commit get it's free and all that and and it's this stuff is important um you know we pretty much we do get a salary but it's hardly anything and there's a there's a lot of time and you know I and I believe me I put in the time I'm sure you all do as well but I tell you I put in the time um I'm making pennies on the hour when it comes down to it so um you know it's part of the job it's part of being on you know you take take responsibility on a on a committee you you know you should you need to have training I mean so I I I sympathize to a certain degree but not completely I mean if you sign for a board commit you need to come to the meetings and you know there there have been times when folks didn't you know don't show up for the meetings religiously either so you know we need to make sure we have the right people on the boards committees that are going to invest the time because we need those folks yeah don't want to be inflexible but this is this is not a a huge ask to take two hours at day no watch ethic but these days everybody milks the cow differently yeah well you still get a bucket of milk how long how long they don't they're unable to watch it up here before we remove them to the committee what was the time for well it was 30 days I mean I I definitely think we could extend that to make it more flexible gave them 30 days to watch it um or there was a provision that if they talked to the city manager they could work something out if they out of town or whatever whatever the situation if you're going to amend amend this you would right but we could change that obviously um but there was no like immediate like if you don't do this you were G well I think you have to I mean I mean you can't say maybe and then 20 people show up and then the rest don't and then well consequence if you're G to do it here's the deal lot of people but that's the choice that is made don't we have a annual commitment to do that why wouldn't it be the same for them let's don't make different rules let's keep them the same they got a year to complete the training right they get every year they renominate the boards of committees right in fact it's probably right around the corner um so if we're going to make add that to the requirements they know that they got a year to complete that ethic strength right and I can't believe somebody's going to lie about ethics training you know that doesn't make sense at all so well they'd have to come here and do it so they could light true that that's what's on the table but for example when I was a CPA I had to take a annual commit or every two-year commitment four hours of Ethics they didn't ask to see any receipts they didn't ask to rece any of the 80 hours all they wanted you to do is sign your name say that you did it because obviously you're ethical right so I would think the same would apply here give people the benefit of the doubt and and the criteria that we're trying to do is encourage people to learn what their roles and responsibilities are they have you know Sunshine Law that's totally foreign to a lot of people that's all good stuff and it lets them know that hey you can't be talking about this over a beer right so you know make it a year commitment you know we're starting a new year they got to have their training within the next year so do we need amendments to this I mean coming back to this do we need to change this yeah I mean so and we probably need to we just need to know what we're changing to I guess because we talked about a lot of things I'm I'm not sure we have a consensus on any certain thing so it sounds like I'm I'm hearing at least from Once well flexibility I definitely hear need to be flexible um David brought up the the thing what what do you all think about the allowing the whole year so I think we October 1st we reup everybody in the Committees that's the time frame when we actually do the bo committees from that October 1st until September 3rd 30th they've have to had their ethics training or maybe give them six months or something you know I think shorter because yeah because especially somebody new coming on you have member on a board for a year and doing a lot of bad things these committees are annual as opposed to council positions or three year right so maybe have it six months and if and make it a criteria if you don't show proof that you've completed or signed a document saying you completed your ethics uh then you're no longer on the committee you know I mean you got to have some teeth in the in the process your your paperwork when you go and apply for this then it should be in there that you're going to be required to take this ethics place also as part of the job when you get this you know folks have been on a committee and and been through once it's not so important that they necess do it within a certain time frame every subsequent year right because it's relatively the same training so once you've been trained it's just kind of a a recertification so that makes some sense as far as maybe stretching that out but uh when you when you first trying to get the training in you need to get that as soon as possible so right know yeah [Music] um I mean somebody want to make a motion on on something I mean sure make a motion on something chocolate milkshake I motion that we all get chocolate milkshakes i' second that if I could although I like vanilla better me too let me say what I think I've heard and you guys tell me if this is right maybe this will help get us to some kind of motion do table I'm Sor I'm gonna tell you what I'm what I think I'm hearing and see if this kind of gets us to a motion I think there's an agreement that it doesn't need to be the four hours at this point that condensed is sufficient right at this point right so that right there I know we need we need a motion to change right now the resolution the way it's written um and I think those that pointed this out to me it's not the intent this says that they should had the four-hour training which was not the intent so that right there is a motion to change it to reflect that they are getting condensed training that's one point okay um the other point obviously is the harder Point um I think the consensus is we want to be a little bit flexible but not do whatever you want just get it done you guys are paid the big bucks you got to figure out what what that looks like whether it's um I'm not a big fan I like the idea of that new people coming on you know moving forward you're going to be this is going to be asked a you each year obviously have a lot of people that have already been on so that's not applying to them anyway and they still haven't had the training unless they just happen to come in years past if it was provided so those are the people that make me wake up at night and get nervous I need them to understand their responsibilities and this this Sur which is why this all came came up um I obviously think being in person I agree with Matt I think being in person is better all kind of agreed on that but I think there will be circumstances that people maybe can't make it and I think there should be taken situation by situation I'm not the person that gets to analyze those that would probably fall on the city manager um that's my thought on that that part but obviously that's something that you guys need to narrow it down so there's only one thing left to decide condensed versions decide decided no four hours it's just what how how lenient you want to be with people not attending in person and what that that can look like okay what do you all think about this if we obviously use a condensed version we still put it on as a city like we did and uh we extend the 30-day time frame to either 60 or even 90 to let them come in and watch it if they leure during hours like I said you make arrangement for it that way we we keep the same Spirit we just extend uh that flexibility and then also um if uh requ the city manager can approve an alternative there they do the four hours on their own and they have a certification or whatever he can approve that is is good within that 90day period is that provide flexibility yes than so somebody want to make that yeah proba I can I'll repeat it and just you can move it that way get it on there so if I get a motion to approve uh resolution 248 modification of 20 resolution 24-18 to in include a condensed specify a condensed version of the training to be provided by the city and also to extend the 30-day time frame to 60 60 60 days 90 I like 9 I I think 60 if they can't get it within 60 I I think we're good all right 60 days 60 days um to complete that and then any exceptions to that where there's a training outside or whatever be up to the discretion of the city manager perfect so moved second have motion second for discussion and if they don't they take it off the board that needs to be in there I change that that's in there is you you'll have CA to say that you will right then it comes us for a decision to moove or not to remove decision okay so all right we don't have to may all right all right so I got motion second anything else got that anyone pull speak sure pretty you're representing the public today from the back right I bring backe all in favor saying I I opposed motion carries oh my goodness not to extend this conversation any long but once that resolution comes that's effective immediately corre so I'll be able to allow those more time to come in and do the training again okay I just want to make sure for for will that be just I can have that for you next for you at the next meeting will that be the six day starting for the date of that resolution yes yeah let's go you can agree now that they can have like sense is okay to reset the clock based on that new resol absolutely okay we agreed to put a a sheet a page of packet inbody signs up city manager about that thank you it's a good [Music] idea okay next up item number eight add McKim mree to approved Engineers list I pass for introduction staff is requesting that McKim and Creed be placed in the city's list of approved Engineers for the new FIS year McKim and Creed have an extensive background in surveying design construction and operational assistance in public utility if you would add anything that yes every year we we reach out to all our Engineers that are approved by the city to offer us um a statement of qualifications um McKim McKim and Creed are um have a vast knowledge in Public Utility Systems um we've already reached out to our already existing approved Engineers um and mck Creed have already sent us their statement of qualifications and we want to set them up as um you know for the next fiscal year okay I for motion discussion motion to approve mckin and Creed as the approved Engineers for 20242 second motion second further discussion anyone public that comment I'll bring it back for vote all in favor 65 by saying I I I oppos motion carries okay next up item number nine Royal Auction Group to transport and auction impounded vehicles of to Port Richie Police Department I pass intruction the for Richie Police Department is partnered with Tampa Bay Machinery Auction TMA for the last several years to auction the agency's impounded vehicles and surplus Patrol Vehicles however TMA has informed the agency they're no longer be handling they will no longer be handling the service due to the decreased return return and increased scrutiny at the DMV regarding vehicle titles considering this development the police department reached out to two auction companies Public Surplus and Royal Auction Group uh New York Newport Richie Police Department utilizes public Sur Public Service Surplus the service position Surplus thank you however they require the agency obtain the title and that the vehicles remain on site until the online auction is complete in the winning bitter response PD to retrieve the vehicle Port Richie police department has limited vehicle storage space facility this is not a viable option Royal Auction Group also requires agency to obtain the vehicle title but they retrieve the vehicle and transport it to their site for the auction thus alleviating the storage of vehicles at our facility Royal Auction Group has agreements with penel County Sheriff's Office and several municipalities from which uh police Police Department can picky back Royal Auction Group is preferred accompanied by the police department to handle our vehicle auction needs I don't know Chief if you want to add anything to that with process was that we they would come pick up the vehicles they would go through the process of obtaining the titles and and do basically all that work well when um they decided they weren't going to do it anymore the only options were the uh the Surplus and also Royal Auction Group they require us to get the titles ahead of time so there's a little either way we went we're still going to have to get the titles that just seems to be the way that the industry is going now um before they come and get the vehicles as city manager mentioned uh for Newport Richie uses the Surplus U group but they also have a storage facility on Pine Hill where they can ship the vehicles and parked them there we don't have we only have a certain amount of room in the back where we can keep the vehicle so that is that's not in my opinion a viable option for us where is the roal auction group is um I had a question on I guess process so and this probably applies back to the the old one but I assume it's probably the same scenario with whoever we choose the new one when we send a vehicle auction goes to the highest bidder we get a portion of that I guess is that that's correct okay if that if it doesn't sell at auction what happens to the vehicle we right now um Mr cop asked me to find out how many we've sent since October 23 we sent 50 vehicles to TMA they' sold 27 they still have 20 and they're there until they sell them or because they the pro a little bit of the problem is and I can understand it is they have a $600 minimum bid for their vehicles and I think that is to recoup the cost the time and effort to retrieve um the vast number of titles that they have to go through whereas Royal Auction Group doesn't they don't since we do it um it's easier for them we the vehicles are still there and they've been there for quite some time we checking and see if they're going to sell but some Vehicles just do not sell um we have some Scooters or something like that that are down there that aren't worth um them selling so right now we still have 20 Vehicles down there at some point they're going to say you can come and get them or the toe companies that actually took them down they can come and get them because they're not going to be able to make any return on their investment and therefore we wouldn't make any return on the investment either and we only get the impound fee obviously because they didn't come get it right so that's it's total loss in our part artificial so we got 20 20 some odd Vehicles sitting back here occupying auction what at TMA they're still there are they charging us to store them there no do we have keys and titles for all those Vehicles most of the vehicles we do some people um we had one just the other day we told the she wouldn't give us the keys to it until she came and picked it up so not everybody cooperates okay um I know at one point in time Chris Mayer here uh I spoke with him about uh a company that they use where they film it right here sell it on the internet and then the people come and pick it up right in our facility how how much space do we have back back there I don't know the acreage but right now we have 13 vehicles that are ready to go auction I just dropped off six more to her we don't have the space to to keep these vehicles here and the Surplus organization sorry I can't remember the first name of it um they no not Roy they do the same they do the same thing where we keep the vehicles on our property and then it's an online auction but they stay here until they get sold so and what happens if they don't get sold then we're going to be stuck and at the same time still impounding more Vehicles ween out of space which is the reason I chose the other organization that takes so could we use some other options is there a way that we can donate these either to uh churches or a or organizations that uh for example single uh single mothers that need a vehicle or something like that is there a way that we could you know kind of enich the community in a way personal my personal opinion is we shouldn't get involved in use car business I think by using Ro Auction Group it's cleaner it's a a standard that canel's County and many other municipalities use Citrus County Sheriff's Office uses them and it keeps us out of any hint of impropriety the agency was already investigated priv getting here by FDLE for some scrupulous things right so I think we should stay far away from that in the timeline uh we have to hold them 90 days before they can move that's correct so during that period of time are we trying to acquire title or trying to acquire we can't we can't attempt to get a TI until after that 90day period once that 90day period is passed um we put the packets together that should be a simple fill out a form and send it in well you send it's not it should be but it's not it can be boiled down to that but it's not it should be and then getting keys that should be a simple process too but we the process that we have like I said 90 days we have to send out mailers return receipt to the registered owners um once we get the package complete they go to the City attorney she reviews them and once she reviews them if we go to this new process with our Auction Group we have to uh advertising in the newspaper for a 14-day period uh listing the vehicles that are going to be um that we have and the owners have 14 days to come and pick up the vehicles they don't they become uh our possession and then at that point then we can go to DMV and get uh the titles so which we have to pay for so it's Royal with royal you're going to do the 14 day with either one have to do that's part process you have to do advertisement once that is done then we can go into DMV right it's it's process to get the title I think there was a time in the past before you Chief when we did do something with impounded vehicles and there was some it didn't go very well there was something not right and so that's why we went with the auction and it made it much cleaner kept our noses so it wasn't it wasn't good yeah the only part that's that's that's bad about that is if they don't sell I think that whoever's the auction I we don't take them back obviously they the tote company takes them and they just get to do whatever they want right them out they can call us and tell us a back which they haven't done or the toe company can can go and get them but then we would have to pay if the vehicle's not worth uh the money then we have to pay $77.70 per title so we're going to be putting money we may not get that back that car's been sitting there there's a reason no one wants it you don't want it back not going to donate it because it's yeah but here's the thing after 90 days it's our property right the process can begin for it's becoming and then 14 days advertise okay look maybe it's a little more than 90 but you ought to be able to say if it's got a key and starts and runs it's going to be worth something if it doesn't then it needs to go right to the Scrapper and we don't need to go through this process we didn't we didn't just it's not like you selling me a car this is we've taken the car away from somebody we've taken their illegal right away so it's it's not we haven't until that goes through this process at the end of the process after 90 days we apply for a title we take a mechanics lean or or the impound fees whatever it is we obtain title to that property now we can dispose of it it's our property at that point is is there that's where the problem ended up last time where well they sold it to they sold it to their friends and neighbors that was the issue yeah and that was wrong and so we this we don't want to put anybody in that potential situation again it needs to go to an auction house let them take care of it and then house can't sell it and then we got to pay transport out transport back that doesn't make any sense at all so is there is there Avenue you can donate to a Marchman well yeah outside of that if we get something back that's doesn't sell at auction there is scrap value to it I don't know if sell to a scrapyard or if you can um take it down here to recycle the stuff and they depends on the car you sometimes you can sometimes like you can donate to Marchman Marchman fixes cars up sometimes they sell them to need families after they them up keys can be anywhere from 90 to $900 for a car depending on the car but if it's worth something that's going to sell just because it's not they don't sell it don't mean that Marchman can't fix it up do all kinds of mechanical work do body work make something out of it and sell it to a needy family and teach kids in the meantime so there's other institutions that will take Vehicles like that also yeah it sounds like there may be two different conversations kind of happening I think the first question is the cars that can sell at the auction we want to go with royal Auction Group to let them do that and then your next question is those that don't sell what can we do with them I'm not ready to talk about because I know nothing about it that might be a conversation for for staff I don't even know who someone to figure out what are the options if it doesn't sell at auction I think right now your first question is he needs somewhere for his cars to go and we need to decide if that's what you if you guys want to go with royal auction for that yes yeah let's let's action that and then maybe if um you talk about those items that don't sell what we do those to to nany's point somebody needs to make an evaluation before you just don't just send everything down the road you make an evaluation that says yes this one has value or no this one doesn't and you have an A or B you got a decision tree this is real simple stuff you know if it's going to start and run it's going to be worse something if it doesn't if it's a wreck you know and doesn't have value yeah that's not something we can do is there is there a cost is auction yes it is the initial cost the original cost of Royal Auction Group they make their money on the back end off the off the seller it do cost the same thing to give it to them and we basically we either get money when they sell it or we don't or they bring it back so why why don't we do this why don't we why don't we action this to select this auction group and then make a motion for approval of the royal Auction Group for transportation the auction of of vehicles second most second further discussion on that yes are you aware this is a 84 month agreement it's going to be it's going to be a piggyback agreement yes it's going to be a piggyback agreement um I have not been asked to draft the piggyback agreement yet which would be my conversation with royal group to see if they will agree to less than that or not the the there needs to be a separate agreement between the city and Auction Group we can't just say hey we join in so there's going to be another document that will come for for Signature um you can give Matt The Authority obviously to sign that and not have it come back to you but it can also come back to you now if they say no we want 84 months then that's going to be a conversation that Matt has to have yeah and so so the recommended motion besides selecting Royal off group also authorized City attorney to draft an acceptable agreement and then authorizes me to sign that and my thinking is because I I kind of sense that there probably be a lot of questions maybe a non willingness to go a long term with this that we would try to get just a 12mon agreement at this point which takes care of the immediate issue I mean that's that's I think from my perspective we have this immediate issue where we have cars starting to add up here and and assuming that you would want us to look a little bit deeper into what our different options were um it didn't make sense to get into a long-term agreement but it also doesn't make sense to put this off because again we have cars that well and part of that agreement I would assume if we if we talk about what happens when they don't sell at auction we probably it's right here it says contractor shall then provide the seller that's us the invoices showing actual Transportation costs which will be deducted from the sales proceeds right right there's a sense procedure they're got to make something they're going toil for they're going to give they're going to hit us for for charge they're going to charge well they're doing it service they're Towing it they're not doing it for free no yeah they don't charge up front go out the back yeah they don't sell it's not free it's not a free service they to make money so is there any further discussion on the the motion second any the motion that she that um Council woman bur put forths a little different just need to add the extra part that you're also directing you're basically also directing Matt and I to negotiate with royal auction and draft an agreement you meend your motion to include the negotiation G here um motion to approve Royal so we got a motion on table do we need to retract thatw your first motion easier just retract your motion withraw your motion I withdraw my first motion and now now you going make another one I make a motion that we approve Royal Auction Group to transport and auction impounded vehicles of the Fort Richie police Department utilizing the pelis county sheriff contract and and to authorize the City attorney to draft an acceptable agreement based upon the pelis county sheriff contract and to authorize the city manager to sign said contract second motion a second F discussion yes okay uh has anybody contacted anybody at these cities to find out how successful are any problems with the organizations and what do they say C County each one has their own C County they have their own contracts um and they're satisfied with roal launching group anything else have a motion second Public Act speak to bring back for a vote all in favor 65 saying I iOS motion carries okay next up is uh was item number 10 we've already actioned that so Mo it down in item number 11 purchas request to replace a sewer pump at the scenic drive list station on pass was C for introduction thank you Public Works utility director darl Rose is requesting authorization to purchase a sewer pump for the SC Drive lift station the current 15 horsepower pump was undersized not working currently the L station is operating on one okay motion discussion motion to approve the sewer cup at Scenic Drive lift station for $1 1,96 second second second motion second any further discussion on that item public comment see no hands up bring it back for a vote all in favor 65 by saying I I oppos motion carries and finally uh it 12 discussion of old business is there any old business to discuss I motion we adjourn we have a second well I got something I think Matt's got something first okay go ahead go yours I'll be brief um how many lived in Port Richie in the 70s and 80s not too many people you lived here in the 70s and 80s you probably remember um something was brought up at the last meeting as far as new par Richie did a traffic study on Grand as well as Massachusetts they did and I thought about and I remembered um that meeting and and what they did we were when we went look for a house in the 80s I was looking for houses in Tarpon Springs we wanted to live on the water it' be nice but it was just too expensive but Port Richie has some cheap houses and come up and down Grand there's a lot of houses for sale and we found that particular house very reasonable in 1983 and after living there for two weeks we realized why back in the 80s Grand was like the Grand Challenge it's like a l man's course people were coming up down Grand bouevard 80 90 100 miles an hour in night time we hours in the morning if you probably remember they towed a lot of cars out of the river either they hit a tree or they went in a river probably 100 mailboxes were changed and I had a Z28 79 Z28 in front of my house I got called at 2:30 in the morning Police Department called me and says my car is gone my mom needs me what the hell so I get my bridges on I run over there sure my car is gone my mom's apologizing there car is all over the road there's a mangled car pile of mess on the neighbors property across the street what the hell happened well these guys were drunk they left the wagon in which a lot of people left the wagon in that was the name of the bar down a main and Boulevard they race up to 19 or they race from 19 down to Main Street and they lost control and hit my car where's my car what car is up there was in the tree next door up in up in the tree like 10 feet up the tree and when the tow truck came to take it they didn't even know what kind of car it was very dangerous it lost a family of four got head on collision down there um a lot of people were dying and shortly after that my mom got a notice of the Town Hall in reference to the traffic on Grant and she all exited well we got to go see what this is all about so we walk out City Hall was where the fire department was and the police department everyone was all in one building we walk in there and the people that did the study on the traffic was in there and they were resenting their study and they were going to do new which approved the speed humps and they were just going to continue to put them up so we can't put them here until you approve it so we just want to let you know this is a study we did so we can continue two more speed humps that coincide with the ones we put in new Richie and um at the time he was telling us that per car traveled on Grand Boulevard it was the most dangerous route in the State of Florida that's how bad it was and it was it was really bad but the speed humps changed everything obviously it's not like that today but they sit sit there and explained that to us and the contractor was putting his speed up stood up in front of council told him we just continue on what we're doing since we're here $600 put more speed humps in two more speed humps to coincide with it and this will resolve the problems of this speeding and the council said No at that time and that's what we've been fighting for ever since so at that time we neglected to take the advice of a professional study group on the traffic on Grand Boulevard so if someone on a bicycle gets hit by somebody can he or his family sue us for negligence for not taking advice of a professional study that was done at that particular time I don't know well so I you're talking about just just a filler information on that thing that's good I think last time we had talked about that looking at doing a study or something about where to put them or something part of the Safe Streets is that that's still in the works obviously so right it's still in the works but I know they we talked about the we' be negligent and not having to put we got to put it in a safe spot well not doing it also is negligent as well any any idea when we might okay so I'm sure Linda remembers those days you don't drive down Grand Boulevard when sun goes down not back then that's interesting I'm surprised people did that fast that's crazy it was well look it's a beautiful Road it was it was a road course really was any else on business okay go ahead you're gonna do this yeah I'm G talk about that real quick I I'm gonna say mine real quick I don't know if I'll be real quick so um we wanted to get moving to try to get the money encumbered by the end of the year in the arpa funds we have uh approximately $625,000 that that we feel is available uh right now um how much 625 up in the are yeah it's up there and so to get it encumbered we need to have projects right so we can start moving forward to get those done so down towards the Bottom now I I just labeled them as option one two and three just just to show you different ways to go about it obviously you can pick and choose in any of these um so the first option as an example we know that Grand Boulevard US 19 intersections about 300,000 um we know the peer demolition is going well we believe is going to be about 70,000 so that that's one of the numbers that is going to be hard in this I mean we're going to be us utilizing that money for that um I know we've talked about sun shades again 120,000 uh would get sun shades and then miscellaneous section and Paving throughout city streets my thinking with that is we have a lot of city streets that probably need to be rebuilt in the next 10 years and but we could probably get to that 10-year period by going out and cutting out certain areas that are bad or or doing some Milling in different areas and that would probably not take care of everything but it would make a a start to it another concept we throw out there in option two is we just throw 625,000 into additional Paving and again I think some of it would be spent in that sectioning uh concept the rest would be in you know picking out the streets and doing Paving so we could approximately get what we've what we've done uh thus far in that $550,000 range um and we could do another set of streets with that um option three again we do additional Paving we do a number of sidewalks and something that has come up more recently um we have some repairs at olar Park that we're going to have to do uh there's undermining at at uh the walkway by the Bayou plus also get rid of the uh gazebo because that needs to come down and put something in its place assuming about 30 ,000 to do both those things at this point but again I I wanted to get talking about this so we could start narrowing this down so we could actually get the projects moving on that so I'll add some some information here obviously where where I'm at the on the Grand Boulevard pending whatever the county tells us and what time frames I I mean obviously that was we had a meeting all kind of people hear about the the golf cart Crossing and all that so that's that's issue number one so I I think we we need to look at this from a standpoint we spend that to do that Grand Boulevard stuff unless we are pretty certain what we're going to get from the county so if we can come up with that so I think that needs to be in the mix of whatever option we we look at but that we have an alternative and whether it be Paving or whatever um so we we have to encumber this by by the end of the year um but we definitely need to make sure that Grand Boulevard is taken care of one way or another um so the other I see the older Park on here we got Brasher Park stuff being done too it's underwater still I think yeah so bathroom so part of my thinking with these are there may be some projects that are take a little bit longer put together to get out and so I'm being cognizant of you know if we don't have a good idea of what we're doing at this point that that we're probably not going to be able to get it done and under contract by the end of the year well the restroom be good could you well you know the demolition there the demolition is the easy part we I've already had us move forward with the Demolition that was I can't remember what the the number was but it was 20 yeah it was a low number but de this is demolition of the bathrooms yeah the bathroom there at Brer Park you guys haven't looked at addressing whether they can be uh remediated yeah we talked about just just the engineering alone was in the $4 to $50,000 range the guy came for the presentation with pictures and 8 by10 glosses and all sorts of stuff to show he said it was beyond rehab I mean that's what they said a professional so we have to go by his professional opion what's our solution to put new bathrooms in is to put a portable bathroom in well I think that's that's the the quickest probably the least expensive way to go about this is to get a modular manufactured restroom so but again that's that's still going to require a degree of engineering to get that done don't they come engineered it's like a mobile home or modular structure done the foundation yeah because we're in a flood zone so we're G have to that a little bit differ from the elevator right yeah see you're asking the questions that we don't have answers to and that's why you have engineering so basically saying you can't get that done probably I don't believe you can the water main project Cody River Landing that the main water is coming down you want to bring it down from all no so that that originally was the money towards the project that was engineered and put out the V and so that that was really just the uh water lines within the waterfront that's not addressing any Improvement any of the mains coming into the Waterfront area that was replacing existing not capacity for the new right wasn't that make go taking wasn't that taking the water lines from like two inches to four inches because the supplying catches is only a 2 inch water line no that may not be true oh that's what was said well we we have a map that shows that there's a 6 inch running down the long so I mean that's that's that's the issue that had you the service you have the service lines and then you have the hydrant lines yeah oh the water hydr like for the fire 6 inch line so the water line supplying the restaurants that's all that's down there or the casino those are two inch lines right to the service lines that provide to those places but but in the you know looking at Future development we don't think we don't feel like that's going to accommodate any future development we're going to have to go bigger than what than what the proposal remember that's what was said yeah well at this point we're not gonna be able to cover any water stuff within time frame so well we we saw a 10 inch M coming down Old Post we're talk about bringing that all the way down again this this funding is we have to have it encumbered by end of the year so I mean I know well well we just heard a presentation tonight $50,000 I don't see that in here I see 13 for golf cart Crossing are we missing something right you've only only I see the engineering you've only done the engineering the 300 covered at 288 that 13 never happened the 13 the 13,000 did happen that's what he was talking the so there 10 happen you did the yeah Coastal Design cart Crossing which was the preliminary that then led to this this preliminary we just did I got you so we got to make up six and six and a quarter somewhere do the if we don't do the peer de demolition we where would that money come out of if we don't take it out of here that's out to bid is it it will be out to bid shortly but by we need to do the peer demolition so that's kind of like a no-brainer so that Ops right yeah yeah that Happ that should happen right yeah I mean I think we I think people would do go for the sidewalks more so than the sun shades I think the sun shades aren't as big of a PRI right now especially going into winter well side walks and Paving actually so any any mix of that sense where do we have any specific location for sidewalks where Bay's bad Washington's bad L well I know there that's why I didn't know if he had any option I if you want us to pursue that we would put that okay so okay it was just the general statement then you decide where which is the worst I understand thank you so we obviously peer demolition on there Grand Boulevard tedly on there right and then um then the and then if we end up getting money for the county for that again there's going to be a timing thing too they may say we'll give you the money but it's going to be another year too we may need to figure out if we're gonna wait on or not they're in a brand new year too they didn't spend it last I'm just saying there that's there's a process there that everything's a process so we so basically in lie of that 300,000 you I guess what sidewalks and Paving whatever we can best fit that because that obv that stuff's very visible highly utilized let's just go ahead and start cranking it out okay is that you all agree I'm good with sidewalks rather than the sunshades can I can I ask I know we B Boulevard getting flooded constantly are we in the process or we going to be in the process of looking at unflooding Bay Boulevard women so we we have we have applied for a grant to do that the first phase of the study which you would be looking at that okay thank you I had heard anything about that so thank you it's also something that we've talked to the county I it's it's part of our adaption plan to do something there we're talking to the county about getting that in their adaption plan as well um the thought working together we might stand a better chance of getting um a larger Grant to do that that's that's going to be not only a very expensive project but one that's going to disrupt it will it'll be very disruptive and and understanding that to raise that road like it needs to be raised is going to impact residents um immensely because again if they're not raising their property we're raising the road like this so there's there's a lot of work that need to be done with that anything else bus second by day so motion second all in favor 65 saying I