##VIDEO ID:6317gbyOQ2I## I quick roll please chairman John Eric Hoover here Vice chairwoman Caroline Gonzalez here member Sal Cary here member Adam Thompson here member Julie Keenan here member Kim lary here member Debbie Robinson here member Janet applefield here member Cheryl Taylor let the record show that member Sheriff Cheryl Taylor is absent from today's meeting thank you uh first up we have approved so moving on to comments from the general public we have nobody in attendance and nobody online that I see uh so move right along comments from the chair committe members I start with my left member Kina nothing at this time Vice chair G um I do have some comments um I don't know if I should reserve for now or later it's about Spartan Manor and VES do after okay so in Spartan manner um they do have May 16 2025 available they did send um an email um with their um menus and how much it would be per person and everything I said around 150 people I'm not sure though how many we can have did they give you a what capacity they I haven't been able to meet them um I'm hopefully this week I'm going to go and meet with uh Daphne and I can go more into that the capacity and everything but definitely it's going to be more than VES um yeah let see what they is and we'll we'll shoot for that perfect and then um for VES I did um RSVP for the or reserve for February 19th 2025 the business expo she has it available so I reserved it um she just wants a time frame of when we are planning to do it and I told her we were having a meeting today so I would let her know more or less what time we would plan to do that okay did uh you have met with these guys yet other than email or I don't know like I said I know they I think they sponsored Newport RS I don't know right if they're want to do something I'm gonna call I'm gonna speak with daffne because I called um was a Judith and then I didn't get a response for a bit and then she put me with DNE and dapne called me and then I had sent um under their website information so then we communicate through email so I'm planning to meet with her sometime this week they were closed yesterday and then today I didn't see an email until like two hours ago that she said they're there till seven and so on this this price list they I was assuming they did like a per person type charge possibly or something yeah there is a room fee $500 per room for Friday Saturday Sunday um and then per person and then she said we can do a cash bar it was just per room um because they had the big obviously the big Ballroom that's that's just one room and then they also had like the these going in the ballroom is kind of like their orer room where they had bars another room yeah that's what I'm going to find um CU they also have all those if we would open everything then how many room two four how much how many is it and they also have that outside area that I know they have for like cocktails right so is that an additional room can we use that is that going to be something that house yeah the only thing they they did for theirs for new Richie was they had the ban ballroom and of course they as you as you walked in the hallway you get kind of checked in there as you went around the corner that hallway they had um had some music playing and I had a uh picture opportunities and as you went around the corner then you were in kind of like that orderve room where they had ordes and whatnot the bar and on into the barroom so try to see what when you talk to I guess similar to probably the layout Newport Richie had just kind get an idea what what they did for their pricing and I guess we these 2395 2495 is that that would be per person charges for the yes meal okay for the meal plus additional like if the odur and things like that um I assume that that probably includes their staff that's should include it um then I will ask as well yeah let's try to get line item as you can we also have dessert um but I was thinking this was just a thought and I'm going to see if I can maybe find someone that maybe wants to sponsor something yes that's kind of what I was thinking to they um I know they had dessert I can't I can't if it was a big cake that they cut there if they had something in the back I can't remember but that's a good idea to have like a yeah a cake with a logo or something on it that they would cut for everybody okay you're me you meet within when I hopefully this week okay cool yeah as soon as I get information um like I told Ashley I'll I'll email her and then um depending on how we would distribute it um but also for the next meeting I'll have all the information right anything else me um NOP just about VES and that's it but VES is just she just wants a time frame okay and then we can run with it okay cool um I spoke with uh lingow north um currently they have the they got February 22nd open um but I have to go up there and sit with the um you know the the general manager or you know the owner and and work out everything one of the questions they did raise is how many lanes we're g to want to do the bowling tournament so um I was figuring at least start at a minimum of 20 and then as we as we move forward I'll talk to them and see if you know if we can adjust that as we get closer to that date because obviously we're not going to know how many people until we get really close to that date so unless you think we should we should ask for more I was going to start at least with 20 lanes and say you know how many they got over there I think they're same sizes small they a little smaller yeah and of course they when they redid there they took out some of those how many lanes they got but um yeah that far out we're still in good shape as far as you know availability um but I'm going to I'm going to call them again they're they're sporadic as far as when they're available so going to try and set a hard time with them so we can sit down and get the particulars um the only thing is we don't use the entire alley you have open Bowlers coming in too so oh which which do happen at other tournaments you know just work the tournament and then they have other open lanes so um I didn't think we wanted to book the entire Lang now either how many people um and tonight Ashley and I have a six o'clock and in Newport Richie so we were asking if we can try and wrap up around quarter going myself okay yeah so yep all right I got and that's all I got right now member Thompson I'm good thank you good alterate member not alate but to the other MV yes sir um two quick things um we didn't approve the minutes there was no minutes oh okay I don't think I don't no that's why yeah see Heavy in there so skipped it okay um a question for Carolyn or what you thought on um maybe limiting the menu like have a set yes let people pick maybe two or three things and so and maybe one dessert or something like that so that's what I was gonna meet with um when I meet with them I'm gonna see what similar like what I think everybody got the same thing there unless like special dietary restricture but they have all served the chicken I think is what it was chicken just um this is what they just give so when I go there I'll just see what is like your most you know used dish and things like that everyone just gets either fish or chicken and a salad and dessert and that's and that's it okay um and then I was going to ask you Mr chairman um if all of our selections cleared through the council yeah they all went through okay so we're all good to go all to go on those okay very good thank you that's all I have remember robon so um I went to the bowling alley and I met West Hodges and I met Lauren um London and um they took me in the back and I talked to them and so they have the package of um Family Fund so it's $62 in tax so it's up to six people so if you're going to do um 10 lanes and you're going to do 60 people on um you know for six six times that party setup I guess so or tournament excuse me was that was that the price for like six people in Lan for a party because only aour you she said that that's that she said that's the price she said that's the price but she has to find out like how many people we're GNA have and then she maybe would give like a um you know because anybody can B at that time maybe like a 10 to 20% discount and um she also said there's going to be a deposit she did say that that date was good and then I um I tried I told I wanted to make it like an entry form and then we would have to like make like a fly like you know something like this you know really fast to make sure that we could find you know start giving everybody but she said you know like so that would be like $600 so just even just a 10 lanes so um I was just wondering she said you know why would anybody come is the city going to be like helping is it is it going to be like a fun day or is it going to be more of like a tournament or or tour was the idea where people would basically pay to bowl in it and then there'd be prizes or whatever for the so they're going to pay exactly like what they can vote like no it' probably be whatever we said depend on what what we're going to do for prizes I all that be worked out obviously but it' be the term and format was is int I think what she probably priced was more like their party rates or whatever book so many lanes you got this many people it's oh she said it's the same she said she she she said she would really just rather have more of a family da it's be you know people that are going to bowl people that going to um like are you're going to have a scratch where so that kids can't go and bowl for that for like a family so that would be like a bowler like you right that was can't talk about was a bowling tournament I mean and that's the discussion I had with them that we are leaning more towards a tournament and not more like a a party or family type of okay so I wasn't quite sure that's I wanted to make I didn't know so we are G to have a tournament it's going to be like a scratch yeah either scratch or I me I don't know what rules we want to set yeah we have to figure that outly as we get closer but um most time you have handicaps so you could technically have kids bowl in the tournament for certain ages they get better more handicap so they compete with adults I don't know how we work that out but obviously it's we have to figure that out we could do a separate division you could do different divisions as well she said either way she said it's um um six people on a lane up to six people on the lane you know so that's 10 lanes that that's right we for a tournament format you you prob no Max it'd be Max of four on each lane and it'd be you have a pair and they they go back and forth on a tournament style so be for Lane want me to go back I think s's if you want if you want um I talk to um um it's um Laura London did you B with there yeah she said you B over yeah I used go over there now the the the um the person I talk to I have to talk to the owner um I have their names right now but neither one of them was a woman so I don't know what so West Hodes was that the manager yeah there's Wes yes you spoke to West yes he was there at the at the meeting I made a meeting okay so but she was more of the like take charge like he like like satting back and she was doing like quick talking yeah I think I want to explain to them more that it's going to be more of a tournament style situation than um than more of like a family fun so are we going to pay for some of the bowling are they just going to pay for their own bowling because you said well well there be ENT fee for each person on the team or the team of four you have a lot of times you can sell sponsorships to it and that sponsorship comes with a team you know there's different ways you can structure that stuff get their own sp right yeah I think what we got to do is that when whoever we assign or how that gets assigned as a subcommittee for that particular event the those are all the things that we're going to have to figure out for that particular event everything from um you know who's going to be paying how much are they going to paying what prizes are we going to have the yeah so it's not GNA be just an easy thing this one's not no no well none of them are I mean everything is going to require planning for every event and there's going to be particulars for every single one of them so um I I think what I can do is that before we leave here today I'll get your number so you and I can coordinate after I meet with them and then and then that way I can let you know what I find out and we can go from so that way you and I are in the same Ag and then did we get the um the numbers for all the businesses in um P Richie I have all the emails I don't have all the phone numbers I can still get the phone numbers through uh through the building department but I do have all the email addresses so do we have to get like because I felt like kind of like a little bit stupid because I was only like showing her like this stuff and it was like I didn't have like an official something to show that right so the sponsor that's what we're discussing tonight yeah we goons okay thank you um so I I talked to Ryan he reached out to inisbrook where there's a member for the the golf scramble and the I can't I think I told you last Mee that week was spring break we had originally set that date for um and they normally do the golf scrambles on like a Monday works out best for them so the only date they had available was Monday the 28th of April and so that would be the date and he said that um obviously depending on how you you structure that if you if you're just doing it for to break even you nor do like $500 a team I think it it works out a little bit over 100 per person when you you book The the venue um and then a lot of times thousand a team there's there's money in there for prizes and and um and I to make money as well so it depends on how you know if we want to break even or if you want to try to make some money on that event uh to put towards other things that set that pricing but anyway Monday the 28th of that's April yeah is the date for the the scramble at in broke what please and that's at inbook so that's for the golf scramble and then the taste of Port Richie are we going to move it toay no you probably keep those the same 22nd okay just leave everything the same there just move the uh the scramble to the 28th of April okay if we had we had originally on the 22nd so how can 28 of April yeah that's different month the 22nd was March yeah so April yeah that week is spring break yeah so just take the golf screen we move to 20th April we'll do an updated event calar Saturday okay moving on to our first agenda item and only agenda item Centennial sponsorship packet um so the committee discussed developing a sponsorship package similar to the one used for C boom on B event City staff has created a draft of of the packet Centennial committee also developed an event list to coincide with the sponsorship packet city council approved the event list at the November 12th meeting uh the packet will be posted on City website and Facebook and email to local business to draw potential sponsors for the 100 day event sponsors will be added to all promotional materials during the celebration so in your packet you'll see that the uh sponsorship packet is there did anybody have any comments on that or I'll start I know we we we talked about the sponsorship levels and I I can't remember what it was before what the bottom one was was a thousand or well the thing is I know you mentioned doing a you know a small one uh for just anyone who wanted to be like just a you know just a supporter or something like that so we added the $250 Centennial support to the the bottom the the in the last draft the ,000 was the limit but then remember you mentioned it before to add a smaller one for if a if an individual or someone else wanted to want to contribute so we we made it 250 and 250 and up so we do we want to limit it to 250 is the smallest will take is there well I I mean how far low do we want to go I mean we don't want to do five you yeah maybe 100 bucks right that's what I thought for an individual $100 um I that's what I was my question was going to be because I see 250 plus but then it says fill in donation amount so I didn't know if they can put like 100 here well we want we that's why I said I thought I thought that the minimum would be 250 but if we want to change the minimum I'm fine with that um we just didn't want to I I I didn't want to have five here 10 here five here 10 here and endless lists of people no I think $100 would be everything so I think $100 would be enough that people would that want to give would you know wouldn't mind doing $100 okay um and then obviously anywhere between that and a thousand so $100 up 100 plus 100 plus 100 plus and I just put there 100 minimum or your custom donation amount okay above we can change that now the question I did have that I wanted to bring up [Music] is the sponsorship so for the sponsor for the so for the Centennial sponsor the 20,000 or you know pretty much most of the big sponsors the you know the turn of the century The Roaring um and so on are they blanket they're going to be blanket sponsors for the 100 day event correct yes that's kind of way I think it I don't think we're gonna my thought was we're not going to get a centennial sponsor for 14 events right you know it's not you know we're not going to get 20,000 for each one matter of fact I would I would say that for instance on the Centennial presting sponsor 20,000 um maybe that includes a bowling team it includes a a golf team we can do that we can add that if you want so getting parting in those events want to add that includes teams for three events or something like that do we want to put that on take it to the get a booth at every they'll get Booth but do we want to like this also includes you know teams for three events whatever we got the golf scream while the bowling tournament and the a ticket to the banquet oh couple two or four tickets or something yeah for the was there anything else would want to um structure these these amounts but obviously like the golf team could be up to $1,000 so that you basically going be get 19 for that because you're going towards EV the bowling would be less than that and then of course the ball tickets if it if they get a table or or whatever you have to kind of figure the cost maybe it should be bumped up to 25,000 you know we could but I would be very I would be very happy if we got the 20 yeah no I agree maybe maybe that's okay I just just realized whatever you throw in there is taken off of the donation so that's what I'm saying maybe we want to limit to um as Miss lary said three uh you do a choice maybe of team for one EV you could do pick threes you know pick pick three because you may have someone who wants to do the fishing tournament or someone who wants to because the we're going to have people's pay for the car show as well um so most of our events are going to be where they're going to be paying some sort of entry fee or something like that so um I think let it to three so I think on the on the as far as the going to the ticketed events like the car show and all that that's no big deal include those in for sponsor they're gonna have a booth there anyway they just and get so many so many tickets for their sponsorship it's kind of hard to figure out what you're giving away before you actually set the pricing and all the the things so well I was thinking the only people that would get you know the this you know team team thing would be the cenal all the other sponsors would basically just get what's listed there you know booth and table and promotions but I think the Centennial should get um I agree like tickets to the mayor's ball yeah a whole table they should have their yeah probably because they're going to probably have you know let's say if it's if it's a large company or a dealership or something of that magnitude they I'm sure they're going to have you know eight to 10 people um if they're bringing themselves and you know a spouse or something else to that so what's the largest amount you got for boom on the B here that was 10,000 you got 10,000 yeah that was the top one for that right yeah yeah that was the top at the time so was that yes mayor so you're specifying it and then um entry events you well yeah because you may have you know they may want to do the fishing tournament as opposed to the golf scamble so say entry to two events tiets May is a table how many at a table there I don't know I think do either or it's probably or 10 I think it's eight to from past experience for other things eight is to fit comfortably 10 is squishing everybody yeah you could just say table to May ball okay turns out to be four six eight whatever it is it's table I had a general question um which I didn't see on here what happens if someone just wants to sponsor one event that's a good question yes so that was my next question thank you so we have the blanket sponsors which this is what will be the blankets but I'm sure maybe someone will want to sponsor a particular event um and that's where it's going to be which I won't have an issue doing but um if if someone only wants to do a $2,500 for one event they're still going to fall within that $2,500 level as opposed to the other higher sponsors so I mean they could have that option but it all depends on you know how much they're going to donate for that event where [Music] they but I want I just want my name Everywhere You mic by way your mic I I just want to pay for all of the bowling I just you know when if it's 3,000 or 5,000 I mean we might not know or I want to donate the fishing rods and all the you know all the bait for the fishing tourn that's that that's getting particular between each event so that's what I'm saying is that if you want to have someone sponsor that that's fine but this is where it's going to get very confusing so you either say yes you can sponsor one tournament or you can say no we're not offering that but you can you can donate let's say 5,000 donate 5,000 and you'll everywhere yeah and we can add them you know to that event and say that so and so donated all the fishing rods or so and so donated the entry fees for the bowling or we can do that as well but it you know I just don't want to stray from everyone thinking that they they can they're only going to be allowed to do one of each event right you know and you're gonna have multiple sponsors for different events like for example the business expo VES is sponsoring it and think about it because they're giving their place they're going to get Bond or um how do you say that 're showing themselves recognition by us going there and them holding their Expo and then they'll be giving ores or whatever it is that it's in VES so I'm just as Advocate because I think it's better for someone to just give $5,000 and be seen everywhere rather than just saying I just want to sponsor the bowling tournament and I think if someone says that okay fine but your your money is better served just giving us a you know a blanket amount because then you can get all the other benefits I think it depends on the business and and what is it that they want right exactly yeah because if they say I just want to do the fishing tournament or I just want to give my money for every let's say Ocean Honda or something gives for the Centennial we not say well the 20,000 is just for this absolutely they can always write that in I mean that's something if they specifically want to do one thing they can always write that in the bottom and we'll work with every so or we could add one blank that would say a sponsorship in kind like if they wanted to donate all the bait which is a couple thousand dollars or something you know if they wanted to donate all the um you know they could just put an in kind sponsorship blank and it does speak in the packet about in kind right yeah because you got businesses that are specifically toward fishing or golfing or that they might want to just give specifically to that so on these these levels it mentions in here um like uh at the event um like the turn Century shows dedicated single signs and or Banner at the event I'm assuming that's talking about yes fin the final event or is it intent that we're gonna have these these logos and stuff on all the events whoever's our Centennial sponsor is going to be at every every event that we have if they if we get someone who's going to if I we get a sponsor that donates $20,000 to the city to do this they're going to be at every for all four team with a banner with a table with whatever they want so so you might want to tweak that so it says probably feature dedicate science throughout throughout all Centennial events yeah I can change it to events or centen yes um and then well and that's why I I that's why I wanted to discuss this because this you know I've had this conversation with staff is that is is this going to be singular or is this going to be blanket I'm I'm in favor of blanket because like I said if we yeah you make the signs at points you take around yeah so I'm I I feel that whoever you know and who and if we end up getting two or three Centennial sponsors I mean that would be amazing but you know um or one Centennial and three turn of the century I mean they will still be blanketed through all four teams so you'll see their name at the bowling tournament then you'll see their name at the field day and then you'll see their name you know from from jump that the the whole idea is to make sure that we get their uh their name and business out at every single event um I don't want it to limit it to just one um and then of course at at our at our final day um the firework celebration you know same thing they'll be there with boots and set up everything like that um yes I reward that just let know that they can it's going to be throughout the all the events um so with that so if you look at the next the 10,000 and the 5,000 is would you be they be setting up a booth at every event would that include a booth at every event yes because I mean the way it reads right now it seems like it's just one of the events um yeah which I assume was the last right he that same thing through all the right so change that recognizes that they they will be seen at all of the events make sure on that page before I made that change yeah so and with that is that too little of a price I mean a 5,000 and you get a booth at every single of 14 Events maybe then they could just pick like two or three events you know that seems doing like the cental 10,000 and the 20,000 obviously you can cover them all but the 5,000 14 events is that's a lot you cut it in half or just give them like five events or something like that for Boost first one all I get one get the signage at all and one do half half price boost and then so we're saying for the 5,000 only so many events like at seven events only so many booth like they could whatever signage we make for each of those it was the signs are already made so we could put the signs up for all the vendors that all the events but actual Booth where they would be well you know there's probably not a issue with letting them have a booth at every every event okay um y'all know the past I don't if somebody's given any amount of money they don't boost uh they start to what 2500 yeah dedicated vendor Booth set up showcase bus yeah so I've me any of those four tiers let me you want you want to give him something for thaty for sure well Centennial we can say all turn of the century we can say uh 10 oh I'd say all on that one too turn of the century say all okay so Centennial turn of the century would be all uh roaring Roar could be uh what do you want to say eight or 10 eight to 10 out of 14 and then the Aaron Richie be uh five I agree with that it gives them more reason to give more really want exposed that we have 14 events is that are they all Bo events I guess in one form or another okay yeah we'll just do the so just take it down so centeno you get full 14 right turn to Century you get 10 or do you say all so all those 14 14 and then roaring you get 10 and buiness Bo five okay that makes sense what does um table advertisement only mean so instead of like you know an entire Booth set up where it would be most of the time you have three tables and a covered Booth you know like they would pitch a tent a table is just one four like a six foot table with you know if you have flyers on them or you know something like that just a small table well because they're not gonna have vendor booths on our inside events obviously no but that's what I'm saying it's just you know okay and so on the back to the event sponsorships um so we have these overall do we want to create a separate category for event sponsor and then have them right in the event if they want to sponsor and not necessarily tag a dollar amount to it but it would be monetary and or something that they want to donate also right so so for example the mayor's ball if if um let's say that they decide to sponsor it in some way shape maybe they they don't charge us for the venue right so so they're sponsoring it or maybe they're they're you doing half half price on the on the per person charge whatever they deci to do or something yeah okay that minimum comp the the facility probably would be something but anyway you you figure all that out based on the event once you get more details on the event the cost then they would you know they can sponsored all part of it or whatever falls under the in kind sponsorship I think it just needs a a space to write in write in space underneath the Centennial supporter just the right in in kind sponsorship well I get my my thought is is whether it's in kind or monetary whatever had one to sponsor this they may be thinking hey I'm G donate bait andad fishy turn whatever right and it does State on the third page down there that in kind sponsorship so they can right not a space for specifically that's what I think instead of actually um putting a dollar figure to it to say an event sponsor you pick one or multiple events that you want to sponsor and then we work out as we you know start to plan those um what we need from those individuals I mean sponsor EV they they they could assume that this is sponsored entire event what's it's going to cost or you know my sharing in it it's so we can create an in kind form that'll go after this so that basically will just leave a couple of spaces and then room for them to specify which event and what items they want to donate so because it it may not even be monetary it may be the physcal items you know someone will say well you know we're having a we're gonna have a field day with with picnic so I'm going to bring you know I'm going to donate you know P paper towels uh plates everything I'm going to bring that so then that would be that inine sponsorship and they can fill out for what's what event they want to bring that for so that gives that even gives individuals if they don't want to they don't want to pay money if they have access to bring items and specify what event then they can do that and we can do another form after the sponsorship levels in between there and add that and that just gives them a text right off right something like that and when we when we um asking for the um the sponsorship should we also ask them the interested in volunteering because we still have to get a lot of volunteers okay right we can leave we can leave information saving and once we once we start promoting this we're going to promote Vol you know if anyone wants to volunteer please contact certain people and then but then once again that's getting to the you're going to want the volunteers when we start doing the subcommittees and for those particular events so but once we start promoting this then we can start you know including that we're gonna want volunteers do you want to put it the I know you said you were going to do a separate page for the in kind but do you want to put on this sheet at the bottom a box that just says in kind if I can fit it you know but I want to make sure that the person there's enough room to for them to understand that that's different than like what event what they're actually do you know if I have enough we have enough room to fit it in there sure I'll do it on the same page but proba yeah but I think in a separate form because what if a person has a whole a laundry list or like a little item list what bring ABS Absolut I'm bringing napkins paper towels for fork spoons you know I'm gonna donate some some some pastries and they list all those things so then we we receive that and we're like okay this person covers that so we don't have to get any of those items some people may just put one item say um I'm gonna I'm just going to donate uh the tables I'm going to bring extra tables and then that's fine but some people may have several things that they may want to list in in kind because um let's say a business uh a business owner has 15 tables sitting in his business that he only uses for events at some time he may want they may not want to donate money but he'll donate his tables that he's got so um I also had a question too it says um on the IAL that the business name is going to be incorporated into the logo how are we going to do that I'm sorry what was that you have under the Centennial one of the benefits is you get it say business name incorporated into the event logo I mean the logo should just stand by itself we should have side just like for on the bou like city was here and then Ocean Honda was here this just meaning their business will be included in no matter what it'll be there along with our loo okay it's kind of unclear the way it's written yeah what section was that that's a top oh up top oh name and then just honestly the pagination wasn't right on here I don't know if it just was our packet or whatever but like see how that yeah that's just spacing whatever so so on the event sponsorship we decide how we're going to we just going to put a box on event sponsorship select the event you want to sponsor in part or in whole or what do we decide that would be part of the incline respons thought we just yeah I thought that was gonna be part of the or we going to do this separate well I don't know is I mean so the EV sponsorship is an anind sponsorship that's what I would think like for example I'm just going to use VES that they're in kind giving us their venue and then let's say they want to do $5,000 to the event like all the events then they give their 5,000 and then they give their their income right that but I'm thinking to say I'm not looking to do any of these levels here I just want to sponsor the bowling tournament and it's $2,000 and there's $2,000 on the on the Bowling Tournament sponsor so that yeah I think that falls under the in kind and if they're not doing one of those then they're going to be they're gonna just do the particular in kind is not a cash donation to support it it's saying so in kind would be they take it run with it and they put it on and we just show up and or they they Supply change the wording on that page where they have ability to write to in kind or specific event sponsorship and then have the room to write down what they want because this is that's a section they can say I have this can yeah see I wouldn't I wouldn't muddy I mean there's there's direct Financial sponsor or donations right and then there's in kind donations which is materials stuff like that that that that have already been purchased all right so that's my thinking is is that I'm gonna sponsor event there'll be some cash outflow for that there'll be some material that I might do that I might provide the labor for it there's a lot of things in kind I provide it as being an event sponsor so should we just do another check box for specific event supporter I just an event sponsor would be a category event SP event sponsor or specific specific event sponsor because I wanted to make sure they understand that it's for specific event so maybe put it on the same page as the in kind spot just so that you have that room to write so they can tell you what they want to do put on this page at the bottom put yeah just just so they have room to write if you were gonna I would put it on here as if you were going to do a specific event um sponsorship and then you don't have to put anything else other than another check box yeah I think they is I mean event sponsor and you would event you want to sponsor and that they could be multiple I want to do the bowling tournament and um the golf tournament right and then my thought is is once we have those committees in place or whatever we would then reach out to those sponsors exactly to get involved in you know pricing and all that they would be part of that planning the same thing yeah specific event sponsor and then they write what they're doing or whatever it is you confused no I'm just worried about confusion um we're gonna have to reward some of this because we really want I mean we really want I don't want I don't want anyone thinking like at the Centennial or turn of the century I don't want them thinking at all that it's only going to be for one event so I'm really gonna we have to reward this reward this a little bit to make sure that Anyone who puts in for the Centennial turn of the century The Roaring that they're they're blanket sponsors and then we want to make we want to make sure that we separate specific event sponsors because I the last thing I want is someone to think like wait a minute I'm not going to put up this money and I'm only getting one out of 14 L of right so you have you have your your Centennial sponsor so let's say we got somebody puts in 20 this is use Ocean Honda for an example since I did the do one bu you so they they give us a centennial presenting sponsor $20,000 at every event and let's let's say somebody sponsors the golf scramble okay their their information is there as a centennial sponsor right but the event sponsor for that event that's the that's the main event sponsored by X company right and then underneath that you would have Centennial sponsors bigger real estate or whatever and they're all they're all sponsor these are sponsored for all the events right they're gonna have their their stuff on all the events but an event sponsor that's for that specific event they're the Highlight well you could all you have to do is the things where it says like on the first one um prominent feature you know throughout all events and you know welcome attendees to all events yeah that's that's how it's going to be yeah I'm saying but s that I mean that's an easy it's an easy fix but the event sponsor that's that's like why don't we just do a separate form we'll have the in kind sponsor and then event sponsor and it specifically says I want to only sponsor this event and this is what I'm sponsoring this is my financial donation this is my whatever else tables or whatever else that I'm going to be doing and if they want to sponsor two events they just copy that page and make it make it double we'll just put two forms one for in kind and one for specific events I mean I would I would think if somebody says Hey I want to sponsor golf tournament they probably got an idea of how much that is or like I'll use the bait Depot just for instance for fishing I want to donate all the bait and I'm GNA let everybody use my rental rods obviously they know that there's fees coming in and all that so there but there's there's ancillary costs that they're going to pick up as a sponsor of that event but they might not know what charge what they might not know what the how much it's going to be they're just going to say I'm GNA give you all the bait and that'll be on them however much it's going to be right which is what I'm saying is right I'm sponsoring the fishing tournament I have an idea what that means to me right um and as we get we as we get closer to planning that that committee will reach out to that event sponsor and okay you're the event sponsor exactly here's what you know and they would be part of that planning thing and maybe they just want be hands off and I'm just going to give you $10,000 and you just put it on or whatever but I mean I would think the sponsor would be part of that planning process and they would ABS say hey I'm gonna we can supply the bait um we can supply some of this um and then we talk about entry fees for everything and um and what comes back to the city what goes to prizes all that could be worked out in the end we just we just need somebody to own the event and you know I'm put the event on and maybe Nobody Does that maybe they say hey I'll be a turn centy 10,000 Lang might be willing to give us some money towards the bowling tournament you know they might well they might sponsor and say Hey you know you can have the bowling tournament here um we'll take 25% of ticket Sal 5050 or I mean it's that's kind of the idea but until you until you set the event and you you uh you kind of talk to and I I would I would strongly recommend when we book Lane glow that we talk about a sponsorship that hey we're you know them just sitting back there and saying hey we're going to have an event here and we're just making money on the event it's not really way you should do things I mean they should be donating something right whether it's a use facility and we just do a call sharing with them and they take on the risk and you know we we put on an event they get paid we get paid I think the um we also have to include what their benefit is for that and it probably is just um being listed on you know what you have here on the website or the social media and then a little un signage at the at the specific event for the specific event sponsors all right so we'll go ahead and create that and we'll have that prep um I definitely want to urge you get this out as a final draft no later than our our first December meeting yeah get this out and as you go back and kind put that together I think just in general we've got these levels we need some way to portray to get event sponsors you'd mentioned if somebody paid um let's say that they had $10,000 to sponsor the golf tournament or whatever that they would automatically get to turn the century level as well you know the only thing with that obviously is is by doing that if somebody comes and does 10,000 they would say well I want to in turn have a event sponsor because if event sponsor all my get this level so I think they really need to be separate but depending on the level of sponsorship we can provide some additional benefits that doesn't put them at this category that make sense I don't know because these people are really sponsoring all the events these top two I mean they're because it's I mean they're they're going to be on they're kind of booth there if it's booth they're going to have you know obviously the marketing material and stuff there they're just in general right so they're going across events 10 and five on the other ones right an event sponsor that's they're doing that but do we want to depending on the level of well sponsorship maybe we give them tickets to another event or something again I don't but do we want to do a limit for an event sponsor so at least I have an idea where they're going to fall between between these categories I I don't know if I do that I mean if you could you could create the event sponsor category and it could have some benefits underneath it obviously at the event you sponsor you get yeah you get to be the top listed sponsor for that event obviously and if you want to if you wanted to possibly look at some of these the free free booth at one of the other events or something like that you could you could kind of put some benefits there to be an event sponsor but there's no specific amount so that event sponsor depend on the event could could outl a lot more Capital than than some of these others and so I think I think what I can do is like I I will take I'll take some from each of these make a hybrid event sponsor page for single event sponsor page it'll be a hybrid of what we're offering for the Centennial turn of the century and the other ones and then we'll also throw in like you know um free take to this or for something like that I will I'll get a draft ready to you know send it to the clerk she can email to everyone good so I I just don't want to wait another two weeks another two weeks no we get this out this needs to get out and I was hoping to like get get this blessed like today but now with all these changes we're G have to go back to typ a couple things and then bring it back again well like I said do we need to get to that level detail if we just kind of leave what you have here obviously change that to 100 and then just create another thing say event sponsor select your event leave it at that and we can work out the details of that later I don't know if that's a bad approach because again you really don't know what's needed for an event until you kind of get in the planning phase of it anyway so some events are going to be more expensive than others if they want to be a sponsor so I'm not sure how much we have to give them other than maybe signage and recognition yeah obviously event sponsor is going to be they're going to be they are they are the top listed you know multiple people sponsoring one event yeah the mayor's ball sponsored by uh Spartan man right and then that's big headline and underneath that you got the turn of centuries you got your roarings you got anybody else's in there but they are the the main sponsor so that's that's the benefit being an event sponsor and then their obviously their donations Financial Obligations are all towards that one event well that's going to happen anyway for an event you're going to have to have their special each event's going to have its own banner and signs and everything it's all it's all gonna be different right all depending what EV we're Doos to just the ones that were on there so now you're including all these other logos then managing all these otheros well I think for I think for your main Banner that you're GNA carry to all the events right that has all your your Centennial you're going to have a banner that says the Centennial Festival Centennial sponsors turns that's one Banner with all these different things have you lay it out or whatever and if it sponsors just its own Banner but this other one is move it around it's that you'll have a lot of those PR because those are going to be throughout all the different events and then each event would have a special Banner for that event let me let me let me let me do some detailing here I don't want to keep it bake um especially as as long as we' discussed this it needs to be specific so um we'll have something together by end of week for the committee to look over I'll give it to the clerk and's our next meeting beginning of and our first set of events is the meet your government and all that second week of February right opening day local government Museum day is the eth and so we actually we're really when we're starting to talk about banners and things like that well business expo is gonna need it too yeah so that's that's really the first event that's gonna be sponsored the museum day is all gonna be here at City Hall C putting that stuff on but the thing is is that once we start advertising these things and I get a centennial sponsor I mean they they're going to be on every single one of these events right you know even even opening day February 7th I'm gon we're gonna need banners and signs created and and advertise that so um that's why I'm saying we need to get this would it be if we this initial pass just put event sponsor on there vag right select your event or whatever right and that would follow up with more detailed EV Foster stuff that way you wouldn't hold up these other sponsors we start we push that out and as they come back in hey I'm sponsoring the golf tournament well then we'd follow up with okay here's you know here's what we need for that so basically just put another check box with event sponsor you know um a line for one event and one amount and just leave it leave that that would would why don't we just put event opportunity events specific event SP sponsorship opportunities available or something like that please reach out to yeah do that yeah I agree with that because then when we start doing the events the subcommittees and everything that's what we're going to reach out to them and say B Depot what are you gonna bring and SP and my thought is that they would have representation on the planning committee for that because they're sponsoring right so they and they may be more more handson than running them they may want and they may not yeah um but I mean that sounds fine to me that way we don't hold this up well well but also I just want to make sure there's gonna be a way to track this too because you know when we say SP let's say spart Manor is the event sponsor what qualifies them as the event sponsor are they giving us the room for free I mean or are they giving us you know share covers and that entitles them as being the event sponsor and being on top of the Centennial so I mean what what are we stating that makes them the event sponsor um they gave us your gave you a 5% discount okay so now they're the event sponsor so these are the things that you know that would would Trump a someone for wanting to donate and a blanket cost if we're if we're going to put them under someone else and they lose that opportunity of being that primary because these Bond these these businesses are looking for an opportunity to get their name out there and saying look yeah I did this you know we did this and we're the ones doing it and like I said I I just don't want a specific person like for the bowling tournament okay I I I donated some pizzas and now they're the prime you know they're the primary of that event so what do we where do we set the bar so you can have two columns you know the event this is Lango is the event sponsor for this event these are the Centennial or whoever um sponsors for the whole for the whole what he's talking about is if if they just if they just give us like20 worth of stuff and then we're making a banner for them and all and say there event spots I think it needs to be more like they're at the road where you think 2500 either in kind or in monetary my my thinking if you are an event sponsor you are at risk for the entire event now let's use bowling ter it for an example right let's say langlow says okay we're going to sponsor bowling ter they put it on we provide but they're put it on right in they part of playing process and they we figure out what the charge is or whatever and let's say nobody buys a ticket well then there's you it's they don't like anything right they're on the hook City doesn't lose anything but so they're but they're they're going to be there's cost you know what their cost is per bowler for so many let's say that it cost them $100 per Lane right and so the ticket sales go back to them to cover their cost anything above and beyond their cost goes to City so it's it's they're the event sponsor they're putting on the event they full Financial Risk it's kind of a public Partners public private partnership where we're holding the event there you're getting you're getting repaid and then we get a residual of it for have it's our event right but you're sponsoring it so you're at risk on providing the facilities providing all that stuff but you're getting your costs are covered so it's it's a it's a business venture for them here's a way to cover ban isue can also be a potential event sponsor so let's say inbook wants to do it as well for the for the Golfo right you're you're basically saying in will put on the whole thing you know here's the amount that all we have to worry about is just telling people how much it cost to golf that you know basically sign up to golf I mean the the fees are going to cover right the cost plus that's an event sponsor not yeah and that's the only thing I wanted to make sure that we understood the difference on is that I just don't want one to Trump the other but if someone yes is going to do exactly what you're saying then of course they would be the pr that's we get that then that's great I that would be excellent but you know I'm I I I just want to make sure we we're all in agreement on what that means right you know now let's say that and we're talking about the bowling langlow let's say langlow they want to they'll let us use the facility but it's it's the cost or whatever right and the car Enterprises says okay I spons bowling tournament then you were basically paying langlow for whatever cost to rent that facility or whatever you set out the outlet for what the you know teams are going to cost or whatever and so you're Financial Risk for that event but you get you get uh you get re recoup that through ticket sales for that event so it's I have a suggestion for the banner issue so we don't have to cost money we make one Banner that's the Centennial for the Centennial um events whoever is supposed to be on the banner and then the single event person puts up their own Banner all of these companies have their own banner and their own signage and so we can have something that says you know this this um this event is sponsored by and they have their own banner and we use their banner and then we just carry along our own Banner that has all of our sponsors then you don't have to worry s about somebody is putting up more or less because to us it it doesn't matter so much what how much they're going to donate if they're going to be the event sponsor and worry about they're trumping somebody else well it does to those businesses though well no so they put up their own Banner next next to ours assuming that they're the sole event sponsor so you could have an event where you're sponsoring you're sponsor you're sponsor and you just divide it three ways and you have three people sponsored by these put our own banner up on the wall and then but the Centennial Banner is there that travels everywhere and then you don't have to worry about um how much did you give how much did are you know are you above this person or not we have our Banner that travels to all the events and then at the single events whoever's sponsoring that event puts up their own banner I would suggest that as a compromise and plus they're on the social media also is sponsor yeah but one thing is the difference and I think that's where s is going that it's sponsorship and then in kind um sponsorship because those are two different things in kind would be paper plates and tables and things the other one is like maybe like that like 2,500 and up like what are you going to give us in that sense so I think that's that's my understanding now with the discuss if like if uh Spartan mayor gives us all the rooms for nothing right that's that's a big that's a big CH exactly right so I mean that's what I saying either in kind up to 25 you know about $2,500 or monetary around $2,500 oh you're talking about keep that in mind as that's our you're the sponsor for this event if you're in that ballpark yeah well like VES like when she explained to me that they're donating their facility well we're using their electricity we're using everything they have but if they just not a sponsorship exactly right no if you're event again if you're an event sponsor you're on the hook for that event that's your that's your baby can we maybe not call them a sponsor and call them a host you're an event host single event some other word for sponsorship so that just not well h mean I gu do I mean that connotation to me means that I'm providing the facility I'm hosting the facility I'm not NE host not not necessarily because like we hosted my son's wedding at somebody else's facility so yes like you're hosting like you're the one putting on like the party and things like that yeah did you know how what the CAC we they say you know our next event is you know yeah H yeah exactly but it's it's basically sponsored by CHC but they're hosting it atever whatever words that we can use is they saying Advocate backer benefactor Patron promoter supporter underwriter use another word promoters is not bad is there is there something wrong with the word sponsor we're trying I was thinking in my mind the keepy Just Between the sponsor being as the overall over sponsor and then like a host for the actual yeah I like the word host like it I would I would rather keep events sponsored because that's what you see a lot of and if if these if you want to differentiate these are donors right the Centennial donor donors yeah the turn Century donor the RO 1925 donor so instead of sponsorships levels why don't we do donor levels and then this is how we know it's blanketed and then sponsorship is EV I mean it's a sponsorship policy so again if easy get I rewrite the whole thing I mean it's fine but it's G take a while no I I I I think we leave leave it the way it is as far as that goes maybe we can say host a specific event I me these you have General sponsorship levels and you have event sponsors I don't know if you need to change the word I mean I I see the I mean I see the point and we could we could just write that when we're putting it on social media so and so so and so sponsors hosting this event right yes yeah and like you you could tile these General sponsorship matter of fact you could you could do in your blue heading here General sponsorship levels and you could have another blue thing that says Event Event sponsorship and then choose your event keep separate I will make it separate and then I have an idea okay I'm sure you come something with putting a pen paper yeah let me let me put let me put it all together I thought of something I don't know if it's gonna be too much but why don't we do that just general sponsorship levels and then you have all this and then you do the second one of specific sponsorship levels we same amounts for the event yeah that's that's what we're going to do like that right okay you're you're right there with us good I'm like like said I think I think after that everything when you get that in you get somebody sends in says hey want sponsor gol turn well then you can put together some other stuff for more specific to those events and maybe they're different maybe it's all the same you know what do you want to do in kind I mean I think if somebody says they're GNA sponsor event they're the they're on the hook for the whole thing and we'll OB we'll help take that we're gonna I'll tell you right now like I said if you get someone on the phone and says I'm GNA put on the whole thing we definitely work whatever we got to work out at that moment so everything is open to negotiation and it just it makes sense for the like if you're if it's a golf tournament fish I mean fish tournament a little different but golf tournament you're gonna have it at a golf course they're GNA sponsor it doesn't have to be you could have somebody independent of that that's going to pay that but I would think I don't know how it's going out hopefully we'll have one of the other single event sponsors need at this point need to be left a little bit more open yeah it's discussed calls to discuss the there's a lot of nuances with an advanced yeah rather like these are very specific right here because we already know what we want to do and and it's in general for all the events but the specific ones we're going to have to leave it open because you can't just write because each event is so different it is you'd have to come up with so many different things in different places and to be you know details to be discussed call us for details or something and that way we can at least get this out quicker so let's go with that and um let's see so that was anything else on sponsorship stuff that we haven't talked about no okay everything else just make sure the calendar gets changed with the golf date yeah the dates we talked about um so that's all the are there any other changes to the schedule at all or is the only one so far the only ones I know of if we if we go forth or whatever we may need to tweak the dates but I say we're okay we spent a lot of time kind of mapping that out so I think just make sure that the um April 28 has put in the sponsorship packet um okay all to have old business so status of the Centennial logo I'll pass that to you for thank you so um if Ashley has moment to pull those up we have three more Renditions um we were able to work with um pictures from the owner oh that's good one so um or or actually the these pictures were from the owner or Lisa Burke so that she took pictures for us um and so we have we have three Renditions that we want to show everyone is that um Lack of Color because we we kind of faded it out or just go as a night pitcher I guess that's yeah it's just the time of that's that's a good shot other than not as colorful that's a good one too did it come up no it's that one's up okay so that's number that's too washed out I don't like that one yeah unfortunately one was yeah that's the second one go back to the second one that one's pretty good I like first one yeah go back to the second one [Music] again oh it's a different angle of the house and it's also got blue um animals rather than the gold animals I kind like the gold yeah I was gonna say the gold we can put the gold animals on picture you put the gold animals on the other picture that's not a problem I still I like that one though I like angle of the house me too you like this picture better it's just deid hey one at time these were great they like the first one I like the first one you like the first one why the second one it's there's a little more color to it yeah kind um all misses together go back to the first one really tasking Ashley over there can you pull them both up actually at the same time put them on the same screen or noosed to me yeah give me second yeah I like that angle the the way that it looks like the flag yeah yeah that the flag's on it side by side that's good oh there you go nice I'll make a motion for the second one for I gotta entertain a second for the first motion if so I have motion for the first a second one is there a second okay that motion dies well your first motion didn't do well I have to recuse myself because I'm the one who did those so I don't want to vote I also toce myself which do you guys like though which one do you think first one as opposed to the second one the celebrating is much bigger Center in the first one as opposed to the second one smaller smaller no but it's it's you can see theing much better in the first one than this one here that is true it's just smaller that's song but that can be changed it's it's centered it's still centered it's Center well I mean if you're talking about the house itself it's centered over the house where the house is a little more off to the side in the second one but the centered they're centered in a circle the picture only allows you to work so much so each picture I'm saying I like that because in the second one it's lower sitting the celebrating is sitting right under it says it's under the animals to the first one CER middle of it it's just size this is melding into the thing so it probably needs to be adjusted it's the same you see what I'm talking about you can tweak those obviously fix the I like I would like the first one with the letters just raised up a little B I would probably shrink them a little bit actually they need to be probably less than city of Port Richie maybe halfway in between small size and the big size kind of find a happy medium between those there is a haby medium number two now so I have issue with the first just because it looks Overexposed I mean the sky the water it's all pretty much the same color at least on the second picture you have some of the sunset in the background you have some variation yes know I wish the first picture had the sunset in the background I know I can crack the house out and drop it in the other one oh that that would be would see how this is centered here as opposed to it's sitting it's not centered up here shun a different size like the the house I think that would be good so you're saying centered you're not talking about centered vertically you're talking about centered in the city of P Richie Dome yeah centered in the arc right see because it's up here as opposed to this right here not up here that's what I meant you just you just trink it'll do that I know exactly we do yeah I would I would pick a size between I would make if if you went the second pitcher I would expand raise it up raise it up change the house that would be great y so house pick one and then raise up the cbra you're able you're able to swap pass I did I did a grab and I grabbed it out and dropped it in there yeah yeah and how about the so these pictures are manufactured these houses those are pictures that Lisa took but I grabbed them from her photo and Dro them into something else Photoshop yeah because they were two do you said that that one is Overexposed it was really dark so I had to Dr the whole house out and then make a whole separate background from another picture that she had so I like combin two so so you're saying so that that ocean picture and that house are not the same they're put together oh okay see picture picture three was taken like during like high noon and that's why it looks like that like with the sun hit the water as much as as it is you can you pull pick three one more one more time Ashley that's that's that's in the middle of the day actual picture that's middle of the day that's why you see so much sun on the water and that's why it's hard to see it at home or anything like that oh yeah I didn't crop any of that that's for picture the words stand out more but you lose the color there's no color yeah you lose the color of this because the sky is blue you know are you talking about just swapping this B into this this I can the I can Dr the house out and drop it into the other one taking the first house and putting it into the second right and how about the color in the M dolphin the second background now do we like gold dolphins or Blue Dolphins gold blue seems more realistic I think when I had the gold that one it was blending in too much withy okay but just make it somewhere the the size of the words like half in right in between yeah I house it's fine I really don't like that picture which one of the house one left you don't like the house you like the angle I get that you like the angle that better than the other it just shows off the flag that flag flag and that's that's so signature of that specific stilt house that that's what should show pretty I don't know well the other one has a flag too just Ang going actually has another flag flying flag and the flag the flag is like on the house and that other one it's just I don't know I like there's something about it that flag in there I do agree with the Blue Dolphin though just it's more it is more realistic yeah I mean I like the look of the gold I really don't understand why we can't get a good picture of that those are cute that's more realistic I mean almost at point this is pay the guy $500 for this I know it is that all he but there was what was also have to pay our City attorney to draft an agreement and the agreement that he's got is you you wouldn't sign it no one sign so it was $500 and he had all stipulations yes so what just $500 and we own the rights to it no it was $500 plus and you know us use of it depart well I had a chance yet because we've been doing other work the fire department has been fire department's been on calls and we had to pull out the day IO from not I love in more so you don't have this background like you have here this is like just on the house then you can see the flag a little better because that's just the house right you just dropped there is it is that maybe why it's kind of washed out like that because you really can't tell the Red White and Blue on the flag you could see that it's a flag but it's all blue remember also how this is reproduced yeah contrast be ont right that needs to be red stripes it needs to be blue I mean it's that's a good point no no it colors don't matter anymore no well how we just go with number two and then just change the wording fix the wording so that's a little bigger I will not vote for number two now that ship is sailed well it takes out so many changes number one and number two fix that that's why we like yeah all that could be that's the easy part yes so that's what I was saying that you pink dolphins manatees blue gold that's all that's easy basically we're looking at the the actual SK home and in in the background actually one picture I the house the owner owner sent us he sent us several photos Le sent us several photos I've seen a lot of photos of this stuff out yeah you know we've tried to incorporate really do we have any issue if we use any of these pictures that are ours for for compensation no so we're no no that's the whole point is that okay it has to be a different photo that that someone is willing to donate or whatnot but it has to it can't be the original picture on that on that house could you add some more contrast so the red white and blue pops out a little better or is it try because I flip the house around I don't know if it's going to let me do any more manipulating to it other than maybe shrinking it yeah you flipped the house around it was yeah the house was facing the other direction she's very good I I don't even do like graphic arts this is just I work for a software company well what on the so on the the sleeper which is good I would move the dolphin V up maybe shrink them a little bit so that they're they stand alone they're above the celebrating 100 years and celebrating 100 years that way it doesn't put you yes put those up there between that and I'd move celebrate 100 years up a little bit higher and if you move the Dolphins and man outside that I don't know if you even need to change the size on it' be able to see it better yeah if these were moved up the size of them would be fine a smidge maybe get that up a smidge off the picture yeah and I mean as far as the the background all that with the sunset I mean the colors are pretty good they're a little they're a little washed out but not bad printing companies can what's that sometimes printing companies can enhance those photos they need to be for printing more than maybe the capabilities that that Kim has with the software she was using I don't know if you lighten up that house if that that might do it in itself actually okay right so we got Direction on that um is that logo going on the sponsorship packet correct no not right now no okay so we got some time on that okay okay um subcommittees uh we put this on the agenda so we can start talking now that the event list is locked have to start you know talking about this in some capacity so I I I did discuss this with the attorney at Council and basically we can have subcommittees to to do that they don't need to go to council whatever but whatever they do has to come back to this body for us to approve because this is a sunshine law issue so they they can go out and figure stuff out they come back and we basically make the decision on it and then we're we're good so we can put together together a group of people that are going to plan the golf event um but whatever they come up with has to be come back to us to bless it at this committee so we we rub St whatever that is we're good so they can't make any decisions in and of themselves I do have a suggestion um actually something I just want to confirm by consensus you guys are all agreeing with number two with slight minutes no motion just consensus just so I have for my anybody oppose that second logo with some tweaks just make he had a motion didn't turn out very well so we just consens so playing anymore so I did want to make mention on the subcommittees um a suggestion maybe we can assign like one of us to that subcommittee um let's say the business exping like that so that we're there for guidance just in case and then we bring back what's going on yeah no I think we as much as we can and pay committee some of us like for example like the golfing tournament I have no idea anything about golf so so it's not something that I am going to be like oh I'll be such a help there I won't so my hus is a golf course superintendent and manager oh that's good you can so then but I'm seeing like we can pick events that we are will be better at in that sense and maybe we can work those events and doesn't have to be just one of us be multiple of us being there um like I was saying like the business expo since I made the contact go if with with subcommittees if if you guys are going together that's a meeting so you can't gotta be careful we can only have one but not have one you can't have two okay got it okay so so if you two I mean I'm not saying you guys can't work together but you can't go together like you need to she's handling something specific for that event you're handling something else specific individually for that event that's fine but you guys can't go together and discuss like I could handle the accessibility and talk to the manager and you could you guys can get together say let's charge $100 for this I think that's a great price because you got to come back to this board to approve that right so okay now I sunsh so that we should and I should know this um okay but so can we have like at least one committe just one Committee Member then be assigned to that subcommittee and then like you said if it's ada8 compliant like that you're you can be checking and things like that can we do that I thought I thought that's what we're going to do have yeah yeah once we get all the on the on this committee is going to be in charge on one of the other just as long as three of you guys aren't going to one location discussing things regarding coming back to this committee so maybe maybe on agenda for next meeting we'll assign committee members individually to the events and then that would be a good start and then want do right now's not here you guys have and that take a little bit so yeah okay so we'll just think about yeah be thinking about which which event you might want to kind of and again you don't have to do all the work that the idea behind was is you're kind of the representative from the committee on that and put together your team or work with the sponsor whatever that and kind of reach out for volunteers be have a point of contact for that you man anything else old business I think once we decid like all the different event locations and most of them are fairly well s but once we finish that um I can start going around and just taking a look at them and then I know I wanted to get with Lighthouse and because they're the School for the Blind and see which uh if there's any way we can accommodate them a little more okay sounds good okay anything else Mo we is there a second second oh see got a second that time congratulations all the favor by saying I I pose