##VIDEO ID:6M5J43Uozjs## Workshop Tuesday October 15 2024 like stand the pl United States stand cler have roll please chairman John Eric coover here Vice chairwoman Caroline Gonzalez let the record show that Vice chairwoman Gonzalez is absent from today's meeting member Sal Cary here member Adam Thompson here member Julie Keenan here member Kim McCary here member Debbie Robinson let the record show that member Robinson is absent from today's meeting member Janet applefield and member Cheryl Taylor here thank you okay first up uh comment from General Public we have nobody in attendance and so I'll move on to comments from the chair and committee members I'll start uh to my right with member AI you have any comments oh nothing member lary nothing member Thompson nothing another member lary um yes I just uh I would I'd like to discuss um later on after this um you know the um the number of events that we're going to be doing um I've been giving us thought especially with all the issues that we have with both hurricanes and what the city is working on um I'm asking the committee to consider reducing the number of events that we have planned yeah I think as we when we sit down here we can kind of go through and maybe pull out the ones we as we do that we'll pull out the ones that we really want to keep and whatever's left we decide we want to keep it toss it anything else remember Kean I copy what he said okay remember Taylor good to see everybody healthy y absolutely so and I don't have anything else so moving right along to our agendas our discussion workshop on timeline for Cel celebration events so we've got all the events on Post-its over here we've got the table down here so what we'll do is we'll go down here at the table we've got a couple calendars and um we've got a print out of what Cheryl submitted in the a packet kind of layout um so maybe first thing we'll get down here we'll kind of go through the events and and pull out the ones that we really really really want to do and we'll kind of lay those out on the calendar we we can use the um what Cheryl submitted kind as a as a start and as we kind of get that we can move stuff around as we see fit sound good so you guys are more than welcome to take these chairs down or use those however you want to do it I've done I got two calendars if you want I thought maybe because it's February through May could do quadrant however you guys want to do it if you need anything in the meantime when you guys are working just let me know you want leave these mics on or off yes leave M on I'm gonna put one over here as well hey got you okay dep that's a moment because asley just put it back up there oh really okay I printed some extras I know there was a couple lagging but I everything that was added there was a couple that were added they're all and see first [Music] day okay so what um I'd like to make a consideration of combining meet your local government capsule opening and Museum day that's one one event Museum day yes [Music] you know either here at City Hall or somewhere else all the same time um I can I can lay it on the table in the middle put this on there if you want put it on the end [Music] yeah I should turn it off [Music] first put it watch the that's mic right there these things I'm tell you fishing thing again that's a sign [Laughter] I picked him up four times before the meeting even started yeah like go okay feels good that way it doesn't all there you go okay any you guys I got the blank one too INE you guys need Jack notes or anything actually want you to put that right next to this well well you can write it in on the on the calendar move calar so under meet your local government they also had um Community Resources and volunteer organizations and also the dunk tank do we want to do that as part of that or just kind of have it almost like open for the city hall the best I think we're going to do a dunk tank on outside anyway those three items can within City Hall and set up all museum items that we have here obviously the capsule opening and and install of the new one is right out front here and then of course meet your local government with the council members and anyone else just mingling around here at City Hall so yeah the the D tank if we were going to initiate probably would be during one of our outside correct item so I'm just reading what it says on right so we so we didn't have those on here guess so committees Community Resources volunteer organizations so we can do all that under government be [Music] different nostal event with capsule opening and closing for the next up we have stuff ready to put in the next time capsule that we're going to close or we going to close it at the end that starts with the Centennial Day celebration we make all those announcements and get the Time Capsule um introduced to the community so that's part of the opening day so the opening day is just opening the prior Time Capsule no the opening day sry where to go um [Music] we need add something we [Music] can yeah those aren't going to stick let me go get some tape's tape here or you can use the little stickers little circle stickers too there's little circle stickers too I was going off memory so the Centennial kickoff event is where we introduced the Time Capsule this yeah that's parade that's the parade oh it says we but I think this wasn't let me get back to my list that I had this was the here kickoff ceremony Time Capsule preparation right so that's I think that's what we're making all that right that's what we're doing over there that's the capsule opening right right we're going to open the old one okay and then somewhere near the end at the end we're going to do another capsule same day we'll open new open a new one have everything exposed and then put everything back into it we can decide what you know if we're going to do something before or like start you know let people know that we're going to be doing the capsule opening on a certain day and then start Gathering items and decide how many so you want to do a promotional campaign before that might as well yeah yeah yeah so you want to do the opening and closing of the capsule on the same same day on the same day only because it's that if we're going to be digging and Exum it outside might as well just put it right back in the ground we need to know okay so this is going to be a promotional so we need to know what we're what we're putting in the C which which we can run a promotion for that and get ideas and you know and ideas for that what we're going to put back in that's an online event yeah like an online like getting ideas before we we do that guess yeah okay so we need to make a note that we need to do that because that necessarily doesn't have to be the our first day like inary I don't think that can be sometime later on these are just a group of things yeah that's just the I think we just do those three things on a date but that doesn't have to be the first thing we do yeah so maybe do that like in Mar Oh I thought that was the no no no this this those are just that's what we're keeping yeah just yeah we're just focus don't worry on the time we wor okay so we're not wor dates okay go and move the mayor's ball over I know we want that one recording in progress oh and then we'll worry about where it's going to go okay gotta business expo we have to have yep business expo and you can certainly combine the taste of pori with there was a um which is top this is this is concentration you remember that there was a um the chili thing at the bottom no you don't think those two be combined no that should be like an outdoor event of some sort yeah that that needs to be like the Children's Day event or the car show or the field day probably the field day would go chili cook off yeah cuz everybody will be there and everybody can taste it and whatever yeah for those that aren't athletic that'd be a great thing for them and you can combine that with a 5K race that doesn't take a whole lot of time it can be a part of the field days and even though we got it if we're at the waterfront park there well the only thing you get lot of too many things no I know I'm just saying we're trying to no I agree the 5K race it'll be early in the morning seven and then into the field day and then the again the people that want to do the chili cook off and barbecue which basically that you have the people running while the other people are making their chil you know exactly so maybe you know you can up the tape here and then there's then there's something for everybody so while those people are running you got people cooking chili and then you can also do the mud you can do the mud strut and are you going to have as well precook it have aook at there it's a competition day combine the mud strut with it should we combine the mud strut with that field yes yes well then the children children's event well that's the Easter egg hunt we didn't we weren't going to do the Easter egg hunt because there was another group oh that's right that's right okay I just say written on oh so we can that off St at the bottom of that oh the rock I go you so so yeah you could combine the mud strut right you want the children's event there too if you no I would do the mud strut with the children's event yeah and keep all that separate because then you're going to have dogs running around while people are trying to do field events okay true the Johnny Cash concerts on its own and did you have any certain ones you think about well we had one that was supposed to be like a uh you know how you go around you drink beer from a bunch of places or wine or wine stroll or whatever yeah but I think but I was saying combine that with the taste of for Richie right yes I think those just yeah that was but it's not up there so that can just be part of tast of Port regie so tast of Port regie the pup crawl and the the wine stroll all basically the same thing which I agree with all so now would the taste of Port Richie go with the uh business expo no no okay that's business expo is more indoors right so we have one two three four five six seven seven seven events that would be seven separate days I think you can mix the historical tour because we'll carry that over with Museum day maybe highlight those properties that way that's yeah definitely that can be like kind of near the end you meet and maybe we could even provide a historical map for people to while they're at the Museum stuff y can we combine the Centennial festival at the bottom with the Centennial Day celebration are these generic posters listen I'm not in charge of buying posters it's not myin I beg to differ for the record I'm say this to the camera the clerk did tell me we had plenty of poit um I I don't want to use the same word that she used earlier but there was a lot of them but she didn't say they functioning these These are sticky notes that's problem they're not is it even spelled correctly sticky with an ie the yellow might be a little bit better tournament I think can stand by itself because that'll be a couple hours what about the rata with the fishing tournament yeah that no let it stand white right yeah I mean you well it's both water yeah and cuz the fishing ter you know they send them out and then they they go out and they do their fishing when they come back we the kind of keeps it on the Waterway and it's two different kinds of of recreational vehicles right I would I would say to have it on separate days so you have more events and have more people coming back to the water as think we're trying to get less well I think we're trying to get less many events of a lot we have going on right now and I'm hoping that we can even make this February deadline and like I said I might have to move it into Mark I don't mean to be the pessimist of the committee but being realist I'm being a realist give circumstances we our circumstances and what's going on gotcha okay understandable um I think the the tour the idea of the map and let people go on their own is the best thing and just eliminate that all put that like eliminate it as an event like but give them a keep and that's something that map if we if we could put something together for this that just is good through the whole but I think at the Museum night we hand out the map for that yeah yeah so that can go with the museum night and then we're just handing out a map on that and that's something that could or maybe certain days because these will be homes that might be lived in so that they would be open on certain days well they we can or damaged yeah yeah we could also it we say announce those openings on that map yes where is that oh I didn't even know so we we don't think that the Centennial day and the Centennial Festival should be the same because you could be combined as well Centennial day in the cental FAL yeah yes most most definitely U over there back on oh all right so what do those entail Centennial Day celebration will be an outdoor activity day it can kind of go with the children's in the mutru at the same time too that's what I'm asking if I'm right the Centennial day is where we're planning on doing the fireworks and and that's big day is that the final day is the final is that the actual anniversary day is that the Centennial day that that one yeah so then we just make that a firework so Sunday but we could do like the kickoff oh no that's a kick off never mind we could do like the golf cart parade before that and then have fireworks but yeah you probably should have like a a series of events boiling up to that day I mean because you know normally when we do boom on a bayou it's only three hours long and it's basically you just have people coming you know there's a few vendors there we were there yeah so and then then the fireworks and that's it but for Centennial day I would assume that you we would probably do a couple of things throughout that day and then have that so I think that that go ahead the children's in the mud strut on that day that kind of gets it out of the way I I would see why not so Centennial day children's day and mud strut all on the same day what day is that that is into May um what is light of the world doing that Easter they do that I don't know just so long as we're not on the instead so but that's that would be in April but we can make it whatever we decide to right well the Centennial Celebration would be the final day right on the actual 100 yeah that's that's whatever this is kind be locked into that last we just got to when it comes to um I mean obviously weather will always be a factor and uh May is usually a you know um we'd have to make sure we do like the mud strut and the event more towards the morning you know that way it's not too hot for everyone to do that and then you know then we'll do the other thing early in the evening and and that'll give us time to set up for one exactly break down and then set up then for the other so we've got this the craft vender that's a lot of movement so by so well why is that not with the community yard sale oh we can do that yeah do you think that's going to send people in two opposite direction what do you mean well you're have the vendor fair down at the waterfront and you're trying to encourage everybody to go to the houses where the yard s Oh I thought they were just going to set up or do you want them do you want to make it like a yard sale and vendor Care at the same okay it's all on the same proper you could do like a um I'll do it like I did the trunk yeah yeah because um just going around everyone's houses like everyone you know they do that all the time yeah that's nothing special and this why you have I'll do it like the you have a bunch of clients right there might be EAS to or make it a craft and Fleet Fest or something like that or just a a community fair if I it's more of if I brand it as the flea Fest I'll end up getting all that attention that we carry with the flea Fest yeah but you have to put craft in there we just have to record it as long as we record it have to go to each individual homeowner and ask them what their sales were yeah the restrictions with the park you know it'll be cooperation on that part but as long as you know we can well if they buy a table they have signed something saying they have to tell us what their sales are I handle it all through a job form they'll do a registration and then they'll have to add that in at the end it's real easy and really given the circumstances there might not be a whole lot of stuff to sell it's some of stuff that got rid un do you mayor oh okay golf scramble I'm going to say yes to [Music] that those kind of take care of themselves really it's not does Port Rich have a golf course I was just going to say that we we would have to do that offside Place do it does does that scream Port Richie though that's because there's no there's no golf course here right exact no buing Tech right we have to do both off side which that's why that's why I'm saying I mean I just put those in the if pile or maybe P the one right here they're good Revenue generators as a thing this this is the really yeah okay this is the most the most eastern Eastern line is the city hall okay interesting I don't know I mean langalo was very close to City Line last week yes there's so many people that especially in the bowling that enjoy it and then you have all of the kids with um special needs that do the bowling although that one's not very uh if I was to pick out of the two I would pick the bowl because everyone can do it like you just said everyone can do it not everyone can golf I can with help um yeah they have the all the well we'll make sure it's there okay okay and we had bowling import Richie days I think the car show and food truck night would also take care of itself yes that would what's that car show and food night and hopefully we can probably talk to Walmart about hosting it there yes that would be perfect I think that would be a perfect spot to do that so could the golf cart parade take off that car show yes y you know we we could do car show food truck night and the Port Richie Got Talent I I can get the stage for Port Richie Got Talent that would be something that you cars there and then in the evening had a got town or something um the one the one that they just had at the mall the car show they had a stage set up and they were doing stuff similar food trucks would take care of the food for the and they had they had food trucks there and they had a stage with people doing announcements playing music that' be great the covered stage is really easy to get especially this where and the golf cart parade can lead up to the car show I mean everybody likes to show up their golf carts too and you could do prizes for golf cart best golf especially in poor Richie is what we're trying to do now with the with all the work we're trying to do with golf carts and and everything so CU you could do some of that later in the and then do the talent as a as like an evening event yes it's an all day event you start off with the golf cart parade we definitely want the kickoff parade we want keep that yeah so this on this list there's a um there's still a Bed Race with the field day so maybe part one of the events and hopefully okay yeah this list really broke everything down but yeah I know this is good oh we can do the dunk tank at the field date that would be oh that's a good idea yeah the community brunch sorry you're not getting out of that one yeah the community brunch I I can't leave that off because we've got the chili and the barbecue and all that kind of stuff leave that off ex leave it on that one would be more cost costly yes I think the T to Fort Rie too would probably be costly because you're going to need police out there and fire and and blocking roads off yeah and we already have the 5K we already have the tour the golf scramble the golf scramble if would say no it does bring I actually like that one it's it's a it's it's a big brand new generator it's it's something I would want to participate in and I know we get a lot of people that would want to participate in that Theos and it's also selfcontained as well yeah I ask Ryan he actually puts one on every year so he's familiar with putting one on because the golf course has its own insurance Magnolia is that the closest one uh no we have um Rich clo there's there's a couple I just finished a meeting there's some development there oh they might have that opening that's a short course too not first that might there's there's there's places and they love to they po them like said it's yeah you've got ones that are still relatively close and Timber Pines Timber Pines is right there that doesn't work um Seven Springs the Estates the Estates so there's there's several very within within five miles we saw you put that there this hard hard stuck in the want one the uh I don't understand that one and how to pull so I I had brought that they used to do a circus thing in the mall parking lot um and it's a company that comes in again Revenue generator don't have to really do anything it's they we' have to reach out and see if there's anybody willing to do that I don't know if that company still does them around the area I met him I have his contact I can reach out yeah um H you think you sell a ticket we get a portion of it they put it on they make money we make money and it's it's really other that we could couple with the children's event no we can't no because it's a big top they can't get it down that fast I think we should consider it on the if if pile and if you know not not dismiss it completely but I would say the if pile only because we need to talk to somebody we need to talk to somebody see if we can actually make it happen Okay so you really want a circus with the clowns and all that kind of stuff well no I just I was just thinking that um it's a it's a tent and they get in there they do their show you know this spinning thing what I had in my mind was completely different than that so got a motorcycle thing that they ride around in circle they do couple I have for that I think it's just uh you're not allowed to tra and St stuff okay I said they used to do it we'll leave it on in the mall parking lot like I said I know they I've seen them travel around different ones in the area so it's matter just reaching out to some of those folks do that and see if they're willing to do some kind of partnership with it y the 13 of it okay I think 13 is a you know much reasonable number than 25 well we have 13 events however we have several things going on within those 13 events so right exactly but we have 13 days days but that's 13 events where we have to have so let's maybe start to work backwards from the end because that's easy to fill that part in so it was March what's May May May 18th this Oneil so may the mayor's B is going to be that Friday I think right right which is May what [Music] day and then 17th was a sentential day that says kickoff that's kickoff week up right so that would be that goes that goes on that like Saturday the 10th but that's say parade on it yeah the S week kickoff parade the week kick off yeah so like the 10th so the 10 okay that's so we're doing a parade okay Saturday for kick off the week okay and then fireworks would be that next Saturday or no the Sunday right there that's on the 18th so all that's on the is that the fireworks wait 17th is that the fireworks then that goes on the 18th the actual day of was it Sunday yes yeah that makes more sense to do it on Saturday the only thing I wonder if we do that on the Saturday and just leave the Centennial day for that do the kids stuff on Saturday and do the fireworks on yeah maybe I don't know so now what's actually involved with that other than fireworks say celebration what is what are we actually doing I would assume just if that's going to be per food trucks at the power food trucks you know and the actual just could you combine that with a Johnny Cas concert and have a Johnny Cash concert before the fireworks before the fireworks the late afternoon or I don't know what y'all were plan was that a paid fireworks wouldn't go to about 9 I guess during that time of year uh May yeah I would say between about 8:30 about 8:30 you could do like the concert starting 6 or something yeah yeah yeah otherwise it was like celebration no that's actually good is that all we had in mind for that week that gives us a good lead time at the beginning of May to get all this done so I've leave May alone at that point where is the Mother's Day do something on Saturday oh that's right that's right thing but when is Mother's Day those days 11 11 you're not going get a lot Fe no I was just making sure we're not on Mother's Day right even if we want to do it what if we do everyone takes their moms to different places turn a Let's see we got how many Saturdays do we got so we we had 15 weekends oh there's more than enough so there's four five five why we Al S8 N9 10 because then we do we can see all more at one time then we start on this 14 Saturdays left do we want to try to do every other Saturday give maybe week in between probably I think that'll help us so clear that would clear may we just would have all that happening there let's take a look at April then are any of these events meant to be on a weekday the business expo is that the only one do we want to throw that in Centennial week to kind of keep the you went that probably early because that's generate sponsorship sponsorships yes let's that's true let's come back to that if we need to that's pretty good so if we so that skips that week yeah and I got April so then we're on the 26th if you could go up here for the car show because the first of the month is when your older community is going to be more fluent financially with a car show Food Truck Rally and all that and your it's more comfortable for your chamber event be on the six too right Sunday I can always move it around well no I think we still have that but that's in Walmart that doesn't affect [Music] that that's on the fifth I would do just making sure we're staying away from Easter the water stuff Sunday yeah right yeah the water stuff at the end when it's a little bit warmer so we Skip and do I think we skip 12th and 19th and go to the 26th yeah Le we got Easter and Friday skip over Easter y Easter egg going to be going on there don't we have to coordinate with the field day with new for Richie yes are they when are they to do that we'll have to the DAT I mean it's ain't got anything going on after well I mean the April 26 would be great for that it's warm enough but not and it's not cold right still not too warm actually um I kind of agree with her with doing do the water doing the water stuff on the 26 yeah and maybe moving our field day to March March will be a much cooler month March will be a much still warm yeah right so water on the 26 yeah water related on the 26 so your fishing tournament in rata on the 26 so move March to the 22nd or the E the before everybody decides they're going to drink on the 17th okay we're going to come back we're doing the fish right [Music] uh you know one thing is March formative when we got when snook in season when what snook are in season um I see well you got to check Tides too well that's not as if you tid be going on oh yeah it matters where we are we can't even get out those tides are decent okay West Coast is March 1st to April 30th okay so you're on the 26th yeah and okay so we're good there are you're on March what 26th oh wait that's West April 2 West April 26 so that's still [Music] good and tides are perfect well it depends on they got to get up early would you start it early or not fishing no fishing get up bait and all that so what's it's low TI at 6 a.m. nobody get out that's going to be see that's the next thing we have we can't get out at all what about Sunday the7 yeah it's only little different it would be different um but the think for now trying to just what days are on and as far as see if we can get them launched and and done we'll fall we'll have to depend on many different things you know so sponsorships availability of you know police and fire all those factors are going to come into play as we start be an alterate weekend I think right now that's a Bo like if weuse somebody from the what the 19th is that something that doesn't require P or fire or city person um Char chartering using and that might raise more money doing it that way doing the whole charter boat as opposed to individual votes so March 26 right 25 Mar no April 26 oh I'm looking so April 19th would be better 26 for boats well depending on time frame so you saying April 26 so you've got low tide is it I mean normally we get about here people can get out which is about 9:00 and then you have a you have a basically all day are you talking about 26th April 26 oh okay well you're want to start late then that's not a bad idea though do like having one or two charter boats like if you want to start yeah you got you'd have to start about because we'd have to get out at 9: they you and that we could just barely maybe get out at 9:00 Virginia that's that's the only my son went on that like 20 years ago we we're we're we're pulling maybe 2T of water at that point in our [Music] canal in the main chere else okay and then if we went back to with the 12 I the one good thing is like the high tide where you get your best fishing is between 11 and like two right I think that's a better idea I mean if we start it at 10 or 10:30 yeah I mean and then you'd be your good fishing would be there and you'd end it they have to be back bybe way in at three four three or four yeah the problem is then they can't get back what's your thought about the charter books I think that's a great idea for fishing yeah doesn't matter to me fishing ter be from the bank for all I mean just everybody has opportunity to do however they want okay it's really tight window that's all I mean you you'd have to getting them back home they'd have to kind of just take them back would be an alternative date we go back one week to the 19th as far as getting good fishing in in the middle of Easter no no no April April 12 April 12th is really a similar scenario yeah that isas for weekend to May 3d we're just then then you're out of snook season just get it dredged before then how about that please what was wrong with the 19 Easter Easter oh want to keep like a week or so to prepare for each one yeah okay so what like I said it's it's a it's a turn right so May 3rd would be good that's not what happens if you go all the way up to the 5th April 5th plus yeah I kind of understand what you're saying it's a tournament it's kind of falling on them yeah you know they'll know when to go out where to go out and you know what to do you know if they know what they're doing oh I know but getting out is the problem don't worry they they'll get out they figure out they'll figure it out a turn that's their and like said if I was going to get in it basically depend on what I would pull my boat out and launch it at the you know ear at the ramp yes or I would most of us don't have trailers we just go straight off our Li yeah um anyway just giving the reality of what the fth a better day you no I'm saying what about the p i mean that one well I mean April 26 now if you talking about getting out and coming back I mean you you get out about 9: and you got to be back by 4 3:34 I mean it's it doesn't get much better than that that's unless you're going to have it at night or early in the morning no no no I mean like early in the morning yeah when you were saying early I'm thinking getting out at s so that wouldn't work but yeah doing it like 10 or 10:30 I think 26 is good I mean yes granted the the fishing time is the best there because you got a high high tide and that coming off that high tide is going to be perfect yeah I think it's okay and it's still a snook season so all right there you go so I'm done being table so we're going into March now all right I would think um how about on Sunday the 6th um to do the um the yeah still no in April um Sunday the 6 to do bowling tournament the same weekend satday and Sunday I don't know about do that on Sunday because I get lot lots of push back on people who want to do the church thing on yeah but that's there would be a Sunday afternoon like 3 afternoon yeah but that's the same weekend as another event that might be stretch in there what else do we have oh oh I I didn't know we had something else then no never mind well we we come back there see see bowling would be good we've got plenty of months yeah we've got so we've got May done cool cold April's potentially done okay let's stick the GOL scamble March we got 22nd Saturday and that something outside like the community yard sale or the golf scramble CU those are we got to keep it somewhat warm for those why don't you do the community yard sale on my date in March on the second March [Music] second I it was let me look into the cancer C real quick I think it's on so the golf so you could actually combine potentially golf scramble and the taste of Port Richie stuff cu the golf scream will happen early early in morning and then everybody goes out and then you get done and that sounds good in the evening yep Y what month is that March March okay and maybe split the difference with the try to figure out where it fits maybe bowling on the or bowling in February okay when it's just cold it's definitely an indoor February's our we've got nothing two let see feary yeah two Saturdays air F so we know the first one is this but that's going to be on Friday and that's all indoors so that won't be too cold for anybody right exactly so do you want to do that on the seventh or 8th we can do that or do you want to we can kind of split that between the two because that that has to have a lot of pre-work seventh is a is a day right yes yes right so yeah we could do we do split it between the sth and 8 so we have let's see meet your local government meet your local government and um Museum day on 8 yep Museum and then tour thing is just you're picking that up on the museum day the Cil on that Friday yeah we can open it on Friday and close it on Saturday and this is like if anybody oh I want something I you know if anybody wants to add something leg goes all the time okay I got you yeah this mque problem with that yeah the is we could tell we could um even though you're doing it before you could also get like last minute ideas not good for the commercial Friday and then um add it on Saturday right yeah that's yeah just do the closing on Saturday right your opening day that's yep there all right so we got to get the community the bowling should be February probably B March 2nd is the cancer call so I have to move my day 22nd or 23rd I'll move to the 9th well you know the cancer crawls in the what time is that it's usually like midm morning is but then they they go to you know they go to the bar it kind of lasts a little while but I would say it starts like mid morning and then runs early afternoon Max I can still accommodate you probably still do that and have four five hours total between registration and happening and then then finishing up I think the walk started at noon but people were there earlier because they were shuttling people I think it'll work perfectly to kick it all off reach out to um Carri Carrie Cella okay and let her know you if you got if if you want to if she rather have you do it on a separate day or if it work it's more awareness you have more people there yeah because they usually have the bus to the mamogram bus comes that would be awesome yeah make a bigger event it's about Community across the board she might actually like that yeah kind of have that together do wife I'm sorry having her the chamber thing has first Sundays oh okay so yeah she was going to move it maybe it be better to have it she if she doesn't want it that's fine I'll move it to she thinks but that'll go on that day where's where is that happen what you on that day the community sale well oh you told me can buy that CU I thought let's see where is where is that chamber event happening um water water park oh okay it was on the 6th of April I could do that as well and that's right after that that's [Music] why don't we have the festival in New York sale on that day just a car show and stuff right better 20 miles of walking we have those combined on the Cancer Day on the Cancer Day the cancer craw this last year started at yeah but there was people L because they had to shuttle people in because you park down there so they were lining up like so you could still do that while cancer C is happening our stuff starts at 10 though so right right we loaded and I've made arrangements for parking so that actually expands the parking a little bit more well I mean you know I mean if you get all the people down the Cancer Walk they're not going to be no but they got two hours before that that they're they are at water well they all gather down at at the gate and they have a beer tent things going on people walk I've seen that they walk one way and then they walk back the other there I mean it's it just depends I mean there may not be a lot of activity during certain time frames it is a short window then W it off because I'm worried about unless you can extend it make it later that day go to six or something I could do that as well it would make more sense because I am doing it as a plea Fest so because then you actually enhance the event because you it's suppos to competing yeah we can work with time frames I it would have to kind of start about the same time set up and all that at the same time but we can yeah they get set up and go from 10 to six it be a longer one right but also not everybody's going to be participating in the cancer walk so yeah no and then people Cancer Walk they normally when they come back or get out Waterfront you know they eat at of course you know Guild off is closed now so that whole dynamic of that changes so yeah um may be better to have something Waterfront Park to have food vendors right plus we don't knows right now not I believe what's open down whiskey whiskey Joe is open catches and catches I think remember was closed I don't know if they still open or and that kind of attached to catches that might give them an opportunity even if the restaurants aren't yeah no I think I that can enhance that event yeah but actually talk to her make sure she's okay with but on the restaurants that are closed if they want to open up tents or whatever to reengage with the community idea you they can cook right out of t sitation with that happening at the same time it was really bad if we weren't in the golf cart last year if what was having this on the same time because of the parking situation over there was there a lot of cars parking we used L's golf cart so I mean there was a ton of cars parked there well she's you you coordinate with Eric on his lot he okay with that I got Eric's lot and if I have to coordinate with catches and all that or old lot should still be available that's who yeah okay what about he's already allowing her to use that for the events got what about the parking um where the trailer park that's that's what theying for the cancer right but that's there's only so many limited par there and they can overflow they can overflow at the on the larger property yeah let me talk to we could talk to them too yeah let me talk to her and see I don't know that I don't know that you're going to having this and that is going to generate double the people either I think the same people are going to be participating in both it just makes it convenient it's all there down you might get 15 20% more yeah it's not I don't think there going to be that much of impact and people come and go people come and go on just going to say that yes plus they not and even the cancer crawl some people just walk it and they're gone yeah so I think it I think it probably would enhance the event given the recent situation too I don't know how much stuff people are actually going to have sure yeah yeah but the craft Benders will sure absolutely yeah um how about the bowling on the 22nd or 23rd February yep gu a couple weeks in between the opening and that's a easier one to put together yeah so s eth and then we got 27 there you know you could do it that Sunday afternoon at like 3: or 4 yeah you can do the business expo on that Saturday full ter on Sunday because that's going I thought you wanted that ear she said she wants that during the week some point theek on Wednesday all right so when would that the first the first Wednesday 12 right after opening yeah on 12 12 19 19 give us a little Tim in there yeah okay plus b business-wise the hardest time to let people go is the first two weeks of the month typically in most businesses City H combining that with the cancer call my us sometimes get 5,000 people right now I need to work with that I'll work with that it's going to be more like a you can always you can always roll it to the next weekend the night we'll see how she feels about it I think give a situation down there water front that events will be totally different now okay I mean because gild dog's not being there some of that stuff Seaside may not be open I don't are they even open open Before the Flood I think they closed before the flood didn't they no he was no they were they were open they're closed now yeah um he was trying to sell it but I don't think it's sold yet that's theid FL just open up yeah what's change hand like three times wow okay so I think there's some flexibility there okay that's I think that's the general time frame we can always change that date not to throw a firestorm into all of this but is anything going to be happening with the um development of that area before that time I would say no it's that's a long way off I mean it's the meeting is the 22nd um would be the first reading if that gets approved then it would go to the state state has 60 days to respond back then there's a second reading there's a lot of stuff going on then we still have to get into site plans site plans whole I just want to you know just before they break ground a year from now a year from okay going to be you're talking breaking ground and that's even if it gets all approved right anyway so but okay there's you know within a year and hopefully maybe sooner but it's nowhere near okay that's why I was just I would hate to be planning all these things and not be able to have the land available yeah the only the only issue that might possibly be that if they close on that then that empty lot that we use for parking for that depending on what they're doing with that we have come up more shuttle is that where the um the mobile home park used to be cuz that's a lot that's a lot of parking right there why don't we write this in on this calendar well I mean it'sing we stuck it here and then Ashley can put that together yep um she's going to make it a print out so we've got Ashley you just got got an art project you you got art project so we've got um opening February the old new capsule beet government on that Friday Friday Museum Day history okay Clos capsule all that happens there business expo uh week and a half after that on the Wednesday bowling turn on that Sunday um we could either have it on 22nd or 23rd yeah just depending on what they Saturday Sunday if I was to I would if I was to do a bowling tournament I would rather be on Saturday we the only thing is that I'm not sure extensive it is but usually Saturday are the kids bowling day it's the youth league has has um Saturdays I think this far in advance if we reach out to which over bowling Alle we're going to go with which is probably going to be this one right here and let them know in advance they they could probably lock in that day for us and what we could do now if if this is the DAT that we're going to select we can reach out to them now and get their schedule okay and then if we have to change we can change but at least we know what days we want to do it and then that way we can call them up first thing tomorrow and say hey what's your schedule for February as far as leagues and and other and other tournaments and they'll let us know participants too yeah they they'll work around ours they they'll add to that so okay so that so February looks good right yeah yes all right and then skip two weeks there yeah oh right right right so then we got the 38 that's still a two week that's two weeks that's right 38 this is two alternate 39 [Music] was 19 yeah you're right you're right yep you're right you're right okay and then we've got golf scar on 22nd he poor Richie now what day was the community the field day that's that's coming coming that's near the end oh okay the reason I was thinking about is if if we were combining with Newport Richie then 26 might be around it's on March sorry that might be oh yeah I don't know when they're that's the thing we're doing with Newport Richie yes because I don't know when they're um CH fiest around that time in March good point that's why I'm here than I would think they would be if they're doing they also are going to redo um because that might be their parade March River March 28th y That's our off week y okay that got ped rep pushed ped is it usually in October yeah but they because of the but it goes through April 5th chco Saturday is on march8 we can down so we're all right well Saturday that last day they they're not doing anything EV they got the uh our field day with them is more talking about the end okay car show all right and they also have on March 30th is a Chasco Fiesta car truck and bike show mhm that's the weekend before yep so but the boat parade is 1 to three on April 5th we get the golf cart parade and Fort Richie Got Talent their boat parade is what their boat parade is 1 to three on the fifth well the car show will be at night during all day it's during the day during the day yeah so that would be right at the same time we can start at any time well we've got we've got two weeks in between that we can just move it to the 12th right uh what is what month is that pass begins at sundown so April 12 yeah it shouldn't bother home Sunday's the next day with that shouldn't bother pass but that's a Saturday we're doing it right yeah but if we do it Saturday during the day from like 12: to 4 or whatever or wait that gives us two weeks in between the golf scramble and takes Port Richie pass masses on do pass Mass no no you do it at Sund [Music] M yeah but we're nowhere near that we're not going to that's why you have to be done before Sunday so 383 so we good there so if you want to make a note on the car show thing that has to be during the day it is during the day yeah okay you they would start that in the morning walk around then we'd have food trucks there as well the port Where You Got Talent would be the evening evening same you know golf cart parade could kick that off oh but then so people who are who are celebrating Passover then wouldn't be able to attend that right they got talent the evening right what how long is a m an hour right well I thought we were just dinner what having it going so nine no this we're in no this will all wrap up way before that you're in March no you're doing the you're doing tal what is it's too well depend on how many people we we're talking wait what month are you in April oh yeah so what happened to the 19th oh that's before [Music] E well Got Talent can start at noon move Got Talent yeah or but what we're talking about just having a um stage and then you know people can and then you can have all ages because it's during the day and I mean you could do that I mean that's really hot during the day though and you've got so much going on you are going to have a cover over top of steak Yeah but it's still hot in April [Music] yes do you have do you want to do that inside you can switch the golf scramble and they sport Richie for that leave it there do do you want do you want to do that inside with the full St age I mean I might be able to um get something for that I don't think we're going to get the draw that we would for the the crowd if if we bring it in on the inside thing we do it either way you always have parents who have kids who are coming with their whole family plus what where you considering doing it then at JCC they have a full stage alth Saturday night I think they didn't go wouldn't have to be a Saturday night maybe we could do that the Friday night before you could do that or Sunday afternoon that's Palm Sunday yeah yeah why don't we put that on the Friday and let's go with that let's go with it you got T on Friday y you're going to do that outside then no JCC for they have service FR Friday night no yeah can't do it Friday night well it's Indo can we do it during the data you can go Richie theater too for that yeah yeah okay Friday 11th check with them that'd be actually better it's okay downtown they have all the equipment and everything exactly right exactly idea uh so this is April 11 12 car show Dolf car parade that would uh cover that problem okay uh we got the fishing Tern which is problem just [Music] the and then we've got [Music] T 16 17 [Music] so now what we have to do is we have to like kind of figure out like what are we going to actually do at these events right I mean I know Char you've got some really good ideas well there was a cornhole tournament that we that was on the field day or something right that's on the field write that on there that's on here um that's the it says uh two cities tug of war cornhole and okay corn tour and the dunk tank Mr Mayor y corn cornhole tug of war turnning war and I [Music] take oh on the on the mut strut are we also doing um a cat thing too cats and dogs together yeah we had on here a catwalk okay no no I mean if somebody bring want to bring their cat strut that's fine but you're asking for all sorts of trouble yeah oh that's true yeah dogs and cats together don't mix yeah okay I'm only reading what it says on here yeah that that that list is the kitchen sink and then this yeah so lock it in is there anything we're missing that's what I'm looking for no I think this allows us a spread out time frame to try and accomplish all of these um and we got like total 13 14 different events 14 well that's actually more than that I think we well there different events but oh yeah we separated that one so 15 one two three four five six no that's four four one two is there someone Friday Saturday you can I count as one no one okay one two three oh that's two two days two three four yep that's what I said one two three four roll the tape four five six seven 8 n 10 11 12 13 14 y okay that's that's doable 14 is a better number 14 days 14 days 14 some of them are like Saturday Sunday so it's if you look at weekends you've got 14 days 14 days put some have multiple events are we still keeping circus La as a maybe oh yeah um so that and that could happen if we were to throw it in there where would it go you know a lot of times they'll do a Friday Saturday Sunday yeah they do it a whole week check it out before so and that's something like I said it's really just a partnership they set it all up so we could do that on our off weeks whenever they yeah and I and I would consider like either March um you know sometime in March cooler especially they're going to set the t t dump and all that so like the first weekend in March in the mall parking lot back we met before of course I don't they've been doing some stuff back there so I don't they could possibly do that well do yeah Walmart maybe they can do it in the front well it's big enough but then you get Walmart has to have room for their clientele so I mean wford Park possibly yeah could do that or you could do it yeah but security do you have then then you don't have security really I mean you could close the gate but why can't you do it in the front of golf VI where they do the car show and all that kind of stuff potentially could yeah I mean again it's up I mean they got all the parking over furniture and stuff let's leave that like before setting a date for let's reach out to them let's talk yes let talk if if it was a if we're still leaving it is it maybe I'm put up [Music] here call for info reach out and potential like March 28th through the 2nd March I'm just going to say potential off weekend [Music] days so if they want to do it like February 21st 22nd 23rd or something anything we don't have anything going on filler those are gone right yes okay actually what I what I've got here the Circ cir event I've got it on top February 10 we're reach out to them and see if we can slide it in some way but the other stuff is is PR they're taped together so I've got dates on the one of them um falls off but they're on the right days right now I'm gonna make printed calendars so that way they can be included in your next agenda okay yes I'll I'll include a list a master list but I'll also have agendas for you guys so you can see a visual of them as well I'll go ahead and just take a picture just in case oh yeah do you want to you don't trust me do you I do Cas something happens no trust as I knock over my cup I trust you with my life oh are we going to remember which ones we wanted during the day and which ones in the evening and all that kind of stuff what's that we we all heard that you need to stand up you want a bladder [Music] yeah you know in case a gets lost or something since they aren't posted they don't stick very well who's procurement here and do any of our Parks do any of our Parks have like Lobster Fest or shrimp fest or anything like that we don't have of our [Music] I don't think I've ever seen that here well I know they're around the area this one make sure we don't have anything already scheduled I think the par water Advance Easter the back the the Bed Race we didn't have listed on here is that is with the field day put that on here oh and do you have the um on the taste of for Richie do you have the um pub crawl and stroll no is that on the is that on the Note uh what's it was combined with the wine taste of taste of wine Str y okay so you have that fishing all right the bed R you have golf cart parade is [Music] we have to check with the Newport Richie as far as if they can do the field days right cats got knocked off six I could probably clamp that se what day was it field day on the 8th of March children's Advance oh the children's Advance you have the rock painting children's V is combin and The Rock the what I'm saying do you have the you sure thought was something down here towards the yeah children event is on the so rock hunt events on here and rock painting look at number 20 well we'll do a lot of yeah different children's things yeah I just kind of summarized it on the sticky yeah figed you guys well now that we have the dates locked in we can actually what we exactly doing for each one of these exactly right did the board vote on the logo the board did vote on the logo did we get any feedback from Nancy as far as the legality of using oh not yet I haven't heard all right I I I can reach out and ask so this go still home was in the picture might need release or something voted they voted for the still home with the I think she said go ahead and just get a release to be safe I know Bob said that it was you know he heard from sign I kind of figured there was no like numerical address or anything on there don't know oh okay just going make sure they're okay with it being in the logo and even though it's even though like a generic house better sa the sorry type thing yeah have a number yeah usually usually it's not an issue if there's like no number or anything like that but she feels that it's just best to just have it you know since we're putting it on everything so um I I'll follow up with her is it the one that has like the stars and stripes CU that is a specific oh here's yes yes that's what I thought yeah so that is a specific General like there was one that had like a shadow was still P so that would not matter at all but the one that's very specific this one is it yeah yeah no the other no other one the blue one that one there yeah we got to get a release sign from that manate and that dolphin as well those those Dolphins probably does the house have a flag on it yeah house oh so that's why picture why specific still know okay so know it doesn't have an address it's a specific house specific one because it's got that on yeah okay that's the epitome ofo anything still houses this is good yeah I think we went through it we added some stuff that wasn't on here is it on the stickies yes you said it I think you said it was I'm not sure what well everything there was like three extras that weren't included that original they were all on St yeah golf scramble I think was one of them was it no that was on here whatever you guys have put yeah they're all on there no they're all there was we when we went to this list we added a couple things there was chly it was a taste of P Richie with the Sip and stroll pup crawl mix allogy night barbecue cook off so all that is written on the stickies yes yeah because the other one had a little extra in there sure we added all the extras to the bottom of the sticky yes all right so that's it um any other discussion on anything else sponsor packet is it well that coincides with the logo so let me uh let me reach out to her and see what what she needs you know if there's a generic release or something I don't have the gentleman who owns I don't have his information to we know who he is specifically Greg Lake and it's Lake Greg and his brother brother's name okay um so we can reach out to them and just get this locked in yeah so it's just just a formality just needs to be I know do we do we do we sorry to interrupt you but do we need a backup in case they say no they well they they've already said they they verbally said yes oh we just got to get them signed okay all right so they've already verbally said sure no problem I mean you think about why would you want right I hey I I agree but I'm you know I'm just you yeah look at all all sides they're aware I believe is that sign so if that does happen we'll just we'll have to we'll just fall back to the next that's what I'm saying yeah to the next two that we're the runners up okay gotta all right which or change still house yeah change pH Shop new new uh house or just make it a shadow right and part of the sponsor packet is going to be um this master list of of all the you can sponsor the whole entire thing you can sponsor one event or two events or five events once she has the draft and we're we're all good with that draft and that we'll go on to the sponsor packet and go out so I'm actually going to reach out and see if I can get Ryan and then to sponsor that golf scramble just because they've done it for so I reach out to him and say he so next week do we want to start coordinating yeah who's heading up different events or what we're doing at each event too yeah we'll have to so nextend items obviously we'll review the what we've got then um that'll go to council just let them app on it um and then uh we'll need to what was you saying well like I know we were talking about getting volunte sub committees or whatever sub committees to we need to start diving up them so they can start actually doing the leg work on all this stuff to get yeah we could maybe we could maybe put out cuz you were going to put something out on the something you were talking about what was it um sponsor not sponsor it was uh you're going to put something out to what was it for I don't remember what you said he some kind of to the community to get some feedback on something the very beginning of oh for the um for the um the capsule oh yeah caps up yes so in that same thing maybe solicit people here's some events anybody interested in for these special events or whatever since we've got locked in now that won't be that won't be a problem well now we have these and we can present them to council Council approves it now we can just start locking in locations of the events right so then we can start looking at accessibility and that kind of stuff well VES was one of the was like the mayor's ball so we can lock that date in with them and the business expo business expo that was V too right I really think we need to consider moving that to another day with than the cancer call and the only reason why I'm saying that alterate 39 okay just because of City resources not just not enhancing carries event but the fact that you're going to have police and fire that are already there and it's going to they they limited staff sure no we say if if it doesn't work out 39 let them talk it out or whatever I don't disagree I mean yeah I'm just thinking City resources not not to take away from either event but I'm just thinking City resources for both it's just going to be it's just going to be too much to have it for all that on one day well and like this is why we need Council approval on it anyway they may consider either changing dates or recommend dates or you know the amount of events that we have you know because one then we got you know obviously we about the financial side of it so um you know we got we got to see you know we also got to see what we pull in from sponsors um well and which events are funded funded by themselves and which by themselves and which ones we have to fun you know exactly so do you w to do you guys want to wait on suggesting subcommittees until after Council approves that final list yes wonder if the depot would be I think I don't think we have much time now because you wanted to make the six o'cl meeting right well I mean I that could but do another day too because I mean we can look at these right now and determine what's going to be what is independently funded and what's not I mean that's very that's very simple yes right well so so so timing wise obviously we've got it now our next meeting would be what um sorry what's today beginning November right after the first week of November no it's the second Tuesday isn't Cel the second no I'm sorry no as always the first and third first and third first and third you're right sorry there's so many meetings you're good it be the fifth November the fth yes is the next meeting so that gives you all three weeks to maybe pull together so on the 5ifth if we do this then we could have this to Council on the 12th yes why don't we have why don't we have it we need to have a four so that we can get so we can get going uh she already has you're it's not happen for the 2 we got a lot going on there's no way that's I'm sorry agend well we got to once she puts us all together we need to okay B our eyes cross our tee and then say this is this is it in right format and that goes to council so that would go Council on 12 right and that's 12th November um I think that's we're still in good shape so what do we want to do on the fifth then I think I think what we should do is on the fifth is determine what is what you know um funding what could be self-generating what needs to be uh City resources what need and that yeah that would be good to have in that Council pack that they're going to ask they're going to ask okay you got all these events events here's what we think for what so for the penny no he's yeah that's going be number one concern is um this all looks great but where's it coming from so if we tell them that's what I'm asking if we're gonna meet then we should know what we're going talking about and if we tell Council like the bowling tournament is a self-funded thing they're like okay you know and then if we sell them Well Museum day is going to be be held here at City Hall um it's going to be minimal amount we figure it's going to be uh maybe you know the maybe $1,000 to have just you know stuff set up of refreshments and things like that all depending what we want to do for that you know and so I think we could spend the fifth breaking all that down on each day on each day figure out what it is at least come with a really close estimate of what it may be so do we think we should maybe have like Daryl and Chief and that meeting so they can tell us how much Manpower would be needed for some of the events um well between now and then Ashley can I can I was GNA say if you guys could get together with maybe you Adam too kind of preview what we've got here and try to make some not about that and figure out which events we're actually going to need people at you know and let them know because um the business expo you're not going to need anyone you're not going to need anyone Bowl tournament or or the city hall thing so until we start getting into outside events um the golf the golf scrille is is selfcontained on its own the field day you need the field day you're going to need EMS things like that well I said for Richie is going to be a part of that too they can probably help out with resources correct so but on the opening day for a city hall yes I mean you still want to fire chief and the police chief which they'll be yeah ceremonial and right and probably have a few officers here you know so yep I'm sure a lot of City staff probably be attending that because it will be here anyway so okay motion to was and that's still four yes yes so is there anything else other than this all right so we get what we need for the next meeting second all in favor I me Jed