call Monday May 1324 pledge flag of the United States of America and to the Republic for which it stands one nation under God indivisible with liberty and justice for all M Kirk I take you take roll please may John Eric Hoover here vice mayor Linda Rodriguez here Council David Mueller here counciler Samson here Council Robert H here city manager M here thank you so now we got comments from the general public I don't have any signups I'd be happy to entertain one now but I also just let you know um as it's a workshop a little bit different format um I'll provide at the end of the workshop and opportunity to public comment as well if you want to just hold your comments until after it' be easier anybody want to talk now what's [Music] that moving on again I'll bring it back and give you opportunity discussion um commment from city manager moving on to comment mayor city council start my right as well we'll dig right in to discussion of dispatch options and I will turn it over Mr C for introduction thank you um this is the uh continuation of the uh I guess exploration the council is undertaking look at ways to improve the level of dispatch to Public Safety uh services within the city of for Rich again I think I may have said during our our long first discussion that this really is a longer process than just you know here some information make a decision we want because this is something that that is going to have an impact long after a decision is made and will control I think a lot of how um the level of service to our residents as relates to both both police and fire will be dictated and so I think it's something that that I urge very strongly that you take a very measured approach going down the process of collecting information um and then entertaining that discussion amongst yourselves about what is the best future for the city kind of recapping the last meeting real quick that was kind of here's here's what we perceive to be the different options uh here's kind of a presentation from Police Department's perspective of what can be done and what should be done there tonight is an opportunity to get some of the questions answered that I think was brought up the last meeting and also allow one introduction to uh the staff of the County dispatch so you can meet them and they can discuss and answer questions on what to expect if we were to go with them um I think there's always you know um misinformation Ood uh answers if you don't allow those that are you know in in the business that you're looking at to answer those questions one of the weaknesses I think we have from our staff perspective is you know we're not there in their operations 247 we don't know what their policies and Protocols are and we also don't know exactly how they've integrated other cities within their system and I think again tonight having um Eric steltzer Captain steltzer here his staff to explain all those things will help provide you understanding of what it could look like if the city ever decided to do that contract or dispatch with them it also I think provide a little bit of Enlightenment Enlightenment of of what we should aspire to if we don't go with them you know their operations uh again and I will not speak and Ste your thunder or any of that um I think you know are are something that we need if we don't go with them we need to kind of model ourselves after and say this is what we aspire to and so with that okay I would invite the captain just come up introduce yourself for the whole whole public and I have maybe a couple questions to kind of kick it off to if I if I could just uh briefly so you know as we you guys stay I'll be brief um you know after we had the last meeting had a fairly long discussion with a lot of different points of views whatever after that there was a lot of spin on social media so I want to I want to make sure that the public understands a couple things that uh this is a this is a process in due diligence right it identified that we have some issues with our dispatch and there's there's options on how we address that we can we can beef up our dispatch uh function and uh you know maybe change salaries to attract folks uh change process and whatnot uh the county taking over dispatch is an option and I think it's important that we we look at all options uh to see what the most favorable would be cost perspective again if it cost a lot more to go to the county that's probably not going to be an option but there's a lot of things that the data that we had at the last meeting there's a spreadsheet that was put out publicly with here where we're at now here's if we enhance dispatch here's if we um put the county in in dispatch for us and that was uh it looked like all options the county was the highest but there's a lot of stuff that's left out of that data you know what services outside of dispatch do we offer 247 there's a lot of things to talk about so what I want to I want to make abundantly clear I've seen this bounced around as well what this meeting is not is a step one to get rid of our Police Department or firepl that is not even a brief moment of thought all this is just discuss is dispatch options okay and if we were to decide that going to the county for dispatch purposes we would still maintain our Police Department fire department that is not even we're not even looking at that and it's not a precursor to that if we take this step that does not mean we're going to go to that step that's not even a step we're looking at we are strictly looking at this from a dispatch perspective and how we can provide the most U beneficial services to our residents at the best cost best effic efficiency and that so I want to make that clear that this is not the start of something more than what it looks like it really is just doing due diligence on patch so I want to make that abundantly clear um I also want to bring out one more thing and then I'll turn it over to C there is no there is no hidden agenda here on Council uh I speak for myself and I feel like speak for us couns as well there's no hidden agenda to do anything here but just to try to look at due diligence on making the right decisions for the city um nobody's planted here to try to dissolve the city nobody's planted here to try to give up all our services to the county um there there was even thing said about uh I've been seeing with Richie mayor Cher Davis I mentioned I had discussions with the county at the end of the day it's very important I think in the past we've lost sight of that is we've kind of maintained our little island mentality act in actuality we are a smaller piece of a bigger pie we need to be able to work well with our neighboring cities we need to work well with our with our County and so any discussions and all that is really in an effort to to have a good relationship so that we can all work together um and it's nothing more than that so please don't take this as as something that we're trying to sneak into the radar to do something there's there's no agenda here I promise you my goal is to do due diligence on everything we discuss and this is exactly that so that I'll turn over Captain thank you and Mr Mayor I just want to say thank you um you've actually addressed a couple things that I know were concerns for people um as a sheriff's office member and as being appointed by the County Commission as the Director of emergency services for the entire County I can tell you our nothing to do with taking anybody over we're looking at providing the best Services we can for all of our First Responders and all of our citizens both cities County everything and that's and it's about dispatch it's about that Consolidated effort um and I I'll introduce myself in a second um but if anybody has ever seen any major natural dis fter um any um school shooting or any just horrible incident right you see him happen and you read the after action reports and I've read tons of them over the years I've been with the Sheriff's Office over just about 30 years now um you'll look at the number one failure is UN usually communication right because you have tons of First Responders between firefighter EMS police sheriffs all responding to assist in this major incident and none of them can communicate effectively CU they're not getting patched through together so years ago when the county put together a Consolidated effort it was to try and avoid that to make get us all on the same system so we can communicate effectively for our community and that's what it's about it's not about taking anybody over or anything like that it's about bu providing the best dispatch service we can for the county um again I'm Eric Seltzer I'm one of the captains at the Sheriff's Office I've been there 30 years um I recently took over the Dispatch Center about 8 months ago um when I was was appointed by the County Commission to do so and we're and this is Kylie cerran she's one of my operations managers she's been with the center for 19 years almost 20 years um so she's the expert that's why I brought her I'm still learning as I go um you know I didn't know a lot about the Communication Center and the whole Consolidated effort until I got appointed to take it over and I can tell you I've been impressed from the very beginning and I can tell you from my standpoint it's definitely the right thing that we did um but we're here to answer answer any questions um and go from there so I guess one of one of the uh maybe to jumping off point and then the council I know has a lot of questions as well so I won't talk lot is you know there's there the other cities are all right now in some form or process either with the County dispatch or going to that and and one that's been longest has been date City yes so date city has been with us since 2013 I believe um actually zephra Hills um comes on at 4:00 a.m. today or this this morning they are um we're flipping the switch and they're 100% on um come 4: a.m. this morning the City of Newport Richie has already um their city council has already approved and signed off on the agreement and it's moving forward to the border of County Commissioners for that that approval and then we'll be moving forward with them in the next few months to get them consolid and on board with us as well so um at this point um moving forward pretty much every Police Department fire department except Port Richie will be part of the Consolidated effort and and knowing knowing that you haven't you weren't there when D City went on to it your 10 tenure align with zeph hills or that start before you took over or so the Consolidated efforts as far as contracts and getting getting the agreements uh had started and then I came on as we were getting the it components and and those type of things organized okay I guess that's that's at least from from my standpoint question I'm going at is if you could maybe give us a little bit of background or or understanding of how that process is I mean it isn't just people wake up one day and say hey we want to come to the county there's a process in place that that this develops yes and that's I guess where I'm going with the question so I guess this is kind of where it starts right you guys have to consider all the facts make a determination on what's best for the city the public in the city and and you know um all your First Responders and make a decision is this something we're interested in if you are then you know we'll work with you to kind of address any concerns issues um and then at some point if you decide you want to move forward with it you guys will sign a an agreement that'll go before the County Commission they'll agree to take you part of the Consolidated effort and then we move forward from there um as far as you know and you're probably going to get to this but how the city comes on board and what we do for the city um pretty much that's a discussion we have with you guys how you want calls handled how you want things dispatched that we don't just say this is how we do it and that's it you know we work with you um the sheriff's office has a way of how they want certain things done date City had a way of we we want this done okay that's what how we dispatch for them and then you know as far as it component um my understanding you guys um the other cities were not but you guys are on this um very similar or same system same CAD system that we're on now so that's not a big lift for you guys um financially or um tech-wise you're there flipping the switch with you guys is a lot easier than it has been you know getting the cities on board you know we were um you know Friday they were getting final things loaded doing all of that a lot of that's already squared away with you guys so um one uh one thing clarify too County dispatch is actually a separate entity so it's not part of the Pasco Sheriff Pasco sheriff is a customer of count this way absolutely not and um as far as that goes there's a Consolidated board um that um I report to and that Consolidated board is made up of a member from each City or entity so the sheriff's office has a member that represents on the board if you guys choose to join you will have a member and everybody's equally represented so I run operations um for the county every day day to day but anything major anything there's a board that meets that would vote on that stuff so you would have an equal say with Dade City Newport Richie effa Hills and the Sheriff's Office office and there's a one of the assistant County administrators on there system you spoke of sorry the cad system that you spoke of that we went online about two years ago not two three years ago something like that um does not allow us to speak now you mentioned school shootings that we can't talk to each other wasn't that system we put that system in place to be able to do that can't we hear your calls and you hear our calls now no the C system is not the radio system that's just the computers what is being used to to see each other right so you see each other correct but not talk to no but you what we can see that was part of the problem I mean people keep bringing up school shootings and stuff and it's kind of scary of course but that those systems like Parkland that was mentioned last time they didn't they couldn't see each other as well as speak to each other if that's what I understand correctly that's what someone told me well there's a difference between being able to see the ultimate would be to see and speak yes see and speak but you they couldn't do anything before they couldn't see each other nor speak to each other correct some departments could some couldn't right they remember incident like that especially down in that area Broward I want to say they have 30 something Police Department so you have so many different people coming and going there so you may have had some that could see and speak some that one or the other um how how I got a couple notes Here excuse me how much times do you hold a call before dispatching it because I what I hear is there are times when there are 30 40 50 calls on hold so again it'll depend on the agency right so it's what offices you have available so if a call comes in that's the Sheriff's Office call and there's no deputies available that could potentially hold if a I'm sorry say it one more time if a call comes in for the sheriff's office or dat City PD and they have no officers available able then that call will hold but if a call comes in for your city and you have officers available that doesn't hold so what may hold for one may not hold for the other it's based on availability so it would be no different than if it came into your dispatch because if you have offices available somebody's going to go if you don't they won't yeah if I if I could add that so there's a there's misinformation out there that and it is a reality that pasal sheriff I I just saw within the last week I think it was there was 32 calls holding that's because not they weren't holding a Dispatch they had dispatched and dispatch them all the information was there they're just waiting for Sheriff's to take them and and call so if Pasco has 32 calls P Sheriff has 32 calls holding and our officers are ready to go call comes in it goes out it doesn't go it's not 33 number one for us wasn't finished okay go ahead sorry oh okay so you have s zre Hills how often do they cross like are you go how often are they going to you going to pull our officers to outside areas never never you do now well we request assistance from one another but we don't pull you to handle our calls well you don't now because we don't have that but we we're not going to dispatch you to our calls and they're not going to dispatch the Sheriff's Office to your calls your calls for service are still your calls for service so if a so we we don't dispatch you to other agency calls the only time that could ever potentially happen and it's not you to take the call and this is another benefit of being on the system as if your officers are going to a shooting or a fight in progress where there's multiple people it's going to be assigned to you but they may say hey we need assistance from the Sheriff's Office can they come as backup so that that's Again part of being on the system and they're going to hear that and again that's part of being on the system together if an officer from your agency is screaming for help right now to get help from the Sheriff's Office your dispatch has to call our agency or call 911 and ask for help right now being on the same system Newport Richie Port Richie they'll all hear it the sheriff's office and they can self- dispatch or respond to back you guys up without even being asked so we don't push work workload is your workload their workload is their workload but they're there to assist one another and be there that that's that's what the benefit of doing this is right I mean there's no benefit to the Sheriff's Office there's no benefit to you guys except that the officers being able to back each other up and help each other out and be there it's about providing the safest and best environment for them and also the information sharing you know currently right now um just kind of Jump Ahead a little bit maybe you going to get to it if we have an officer down in holiday that makes a traffic stop and it's a subject that there needs to be a warning put out on them that goes into the cad system and two hours later an officer in your city stops that same car they'll know that information right now that information doesn't get shared like that unless they call and ask what sorry um since we are on their system IM reive just so that we can all he we're already on your system or the Sheriff's Office CAD system um anything that's entered into the RMS aspect we can see in view any bolos that they put in we see in view certain things not everything there are certain certain Blackout um um if they have a hot call in the county we can see it we have a hot call in the city they can um so because we do share that CAD we have that basis and data of information so we can't see each other's information maybe not it but you're what you said I thought you couldn't see any of the information but that's not true we can see you can see bit again it depends what it is bits and pieces and what is pushed out yes and we can also communicate with an individual through the cad system because they have CAD messaging so we can we can communicate through the cad because of CAD messaging like instant messenger okay so we can communicate with dispatch we can communicate with deputies they can communicate with their officers Vice vers they don't have to call 911 we would never call 911 to ever get help from another agency we would use um an administrative phone line as a as a resort if it's non either way you would have to call we can also use West Universal systems Universal on the cad County r or I'm sorry on the county radio system we we tether those channels with them they're monitored by not just dispatch but the officers and deputies on patrol um to give you an example if I send officers to um a fight at the Pirate Bar or say there's 30 people fully involved in the fight I'm not going to call on a phone I'm going to use West or systems Universal and announce that Port Richie is responding for a 30 member fight any additional units that you can respond to mutually to help us which is almost what would happen inside of a center a Dispatch Center um if your Zone that you're assigned to dispatch on needs additional support from another Zone that another dispatcher is communicating with it's essentially the same concept um so we already have that that fail safe in place okay and that that's what I thought the cad system allowed us to do that's why we paid so much money for it and that's why I was asking those questions because I thought that that was helped the communication and we were an Island by ourselves prior to the cad system that's what I recall a quick introduction for anyone who didn't meet me last time any Community my name is Diane I do dispatch for report rou police fire utilities um and I've been with the department for approximately 3 years thank you that's all I have right now just to clarify some more more misinformation obviously that so that's why made it clear in the beginning these County dispatch is a separate entity so they cities efor Hills Newport Richie potentially Port Richie would all be customers of County dispatch so those parameters what what our city consists of our boundaries that's what their dispatch area would be so it's they're not looking to subsidize our officers or anybody else's officers Newport Richie otherwise to do County calls it's all that request for assistance that we have the mutual Aid agreement place but R call comes in it's Port Richie it's Port Richie cops if it's over here at O'Reilly they're not going to dispatch Port Richie to it they're going to dispatch the county because that's County jurisdiction correct correct correct I have two questions you all would be the main hea right for County we all have an alternative so if something happened and you all had no access or computers down is there an alternative we actually do um dat City we just opened up uh another p app um it's fully completed actually are um we had some air conditioning issues and they're operating out of there tonight and last week um when it was completed we tested it we operated out of there for 48 hours so it's a fully operational the plan is um when we get the proper Staffing to staff that 247 as well to have two fully functional peaps um so we have total redundancy so that way if something goes down we have the other Center and no one would notice an interruption in service and then the dispatchers on EUR all's team are they all do they all have the ability to also properly dispatch fire and medical yes so our they're all trained yes all our members are certified EMD efd epd Department of Health Department of Health we also have a compliance Department that grades the calls they monitor the calls and grades the calls to make sure our members are meeting standards of calls um we we operate under protocols so when when calls come in they have set protocols they have to follow to ensure that they're getting the right information out and getting get it in oh yeah I a couple more um if you could clarify for us what dispatch encompasses right and I I give you a couple examples there were some things listed out that um that if we had you guys doing our dispatch that we would still have to do in house uh one example would be uh the operations of the teletype correct you expound on and that because I I think there's that may be another service or whatever but and when we talk about tell type my understanding is is let's say that we going to stop or whatever and we're there's a warrant and so there has to be a a validation of that warrant which is a teletype operation is that correct is correct so that's that's not something we could have you guys do or no all all the police agencies have maintained that service so and I guess Pasco has their own Pasco has their own as well right um is that something that has to be done out is that something to be done in car with officers as well or is that something is separate so that's that's done separately that involves entries and of like stolen items different things so that that that's why each agency does their own and they enter their own okay and then same managing radio traffic during event traffic stops Sor manage radio traffic during event traffic stops that was another thing listed out that that was something we would have to managing the radio traffic that would be done by the dispatchers so that would be yes part of dispatch that that was put here as one of the things that we still have to do um the line calls is there anything else that dispatch wouldn't that you would you would not take care of that we would still have to main so obviously the the tell type is one thing is there anything you can think of that just walk UPS yeah um the agency's you know walk ups and they're either entered or transer over to us right do do the other cities dat CI Seer Hills Etc maintain 24-hour people in their police departments yes is it law is it um officer or is it uh you know like a dispatch I don't know what the title would be so that still has to be maintained 247 365 yes okay so that's what we have now correct we still have we have one person 24 okay and so that would persist in in our agency I'm all three I'm a call taker a dispatcher and a teletype operator the sheriff's office has do I need to repeat anything no you're you're good uh the sheriff's office has theirs broken down differently they have designated call takers they have designated dispatchers and their teletype is in on another location um it used to be all together uh but you know geography has changed over since I was there um so we do man our own terminals we are we are it's necessary for us to be ncic fcic FDLE certified teletype operation okay okay I was just curious about the other cities as well they that because I thought that was a can you can you explain a little bit more about teletype so for me espe B for everybody what I mean it's a termo all right there's Communications happening is yeah so they do uh warrant and uh warrant confirmations um uh Lo stole lost and stolen items um vehicle entries this bunch of stuff that they do as far as entering property removing property um missing persons information and confirmations all of that and all that is I guess when an officer needs that information reach out to in our case dispatch which is telop same we we would go right to our teletype person correct and then the what is the average time to transfer to the police departments that are part of your all's consolidation what do you mean to transfer to to say let's say you get a call and someone in dat City needs help how long does it take you all to get that call over to a police officer in date City or Z for Hills OH seconds we take the 911 call and enter it right into Cad and they get dispatched right out all right and how many what is the number of call handoffs that you all have for all the agencies or um I'm really so around 50,000 for zepher Hills D city is around 35 oh they talk about how many calls we handled for a year so last year um or for 20 yeah so I have that here um we had a million 800 33 that's total for Pas total for Pasco County okay how many dispatchers do you guys have on on shift Staffing we have 136 on staff that's doesn't include every dispatcher or call taker we have you know we have administrative staff and stuff like that but shift shift on that um well you have one covering each channel so you have the three fire right M and the three law enforcement and we're going to be going to the four law enforcement um in the near future at least two supervisors an assistant supervisor 10 call takers um so so 10 call takers per shift so if so if you get 11 calls at the same time our minimum is 10 our minimum um call takers is 10 so we generally do have more than 10 but that is our minimum have you have you seen recently or even in recent history um where you are inundated with calls if you they're off so every every and she'll tell you every agency does so example driving up the interstate major traffic accident you can get several hundred phone calls about the same thing they all come in so they you know it's you can only handle one call at a time per person so just depending you know how many come in and that's for any agency U big or small right so that that would be one example of where um your dispatch could be over inundated with calls because you're obviously you're you're handling a much broader scope Pasco County whereas somebody here in Port Richie they wouldn't run into that because they weren't you know something happened as ever Hills and all these people are calling in you know the Port Richie caller would be in queue with the rest of those I guess right potentially yeah do you have any real examples maybe an incident that happened what the whole time was what I mean they just differ from from day to day I mean overall um worst case scenario would look for so I can tell you average um so for the million 833 calls the average um or 93% of the calls were answered in 15 seconds or less and then the the other say was 93% so the other 7% but uh just it just depends again the worst case scenario I mean has there ever been worth five minutes 10 minutes no we talking about a minute it's within yeah it's within you know than 90 seconds so worst case scenario you're probably looking at a minute and a half yeah and you're talking about a small small percentage of calls 7% of that yeah thank you for that yeah clarify it and is there a way for you all like I obviously don't know how this works right but is there let's just say that police and fire did want to separate their dispatch right is there a way that you all would do fire and EMS and and not police or like how do how does that work I mean that's how it works now so we have um law dispatch and then we have fire rescue dispatch so when we dispatch um EMS to your calls with your fire department we're dispatching on our fire and EMS Channel and it's separate from our law Channel okay but you're talking about if you guys wanted to right yeah I mean that's something we'd have to out contract wise but did you have something I was going to ask for a clarification if you were talking about um just strictly the fire going over I think that's what that's what I got yeah I but all our call I mean I do have a landline but it's unplugged and most of us only use cell phones all of our all of our calls presently go to you guys correct cell phone calls cell phone calls cell well not the administrative L the 911 calls so we are we are a primary p app we are not a secondary P so we do receive incoming landline 911 will be the Cellular Tower calls because of the geography go to the shiff right and that's why I saying so and the majority of our calls nowadays are sell sell calls that is correct majority of our calls are already going to you guys what right I mean am I correct and then you'll right right by right okay so at that point then so when I fell and broke my ankle I thought I was talking to them and I was talking to you guys and then it has to be transferred over to them well we never got done okay um because I wasn't nice not you well broken ankle probably well they were at telling me to put my dogs away when I was laying in the street holding them and I had a broken ankle and I was like how do you expect me to put my dogs away when I'm laying here with a brok broken ankle with the dogs anyway so um but anyway so the calls go to you guys and then you dispatch them to either our fire or our or our police no no yes well we well if I'm call a 91 for my cell phone it goes to you guys and so then we'll transfer if it's um fire needed we transfer the actual call to your dispatch right okay yeah we're not dispatching them okay so you're sending them to our dispatch and then you guys send it out initially um once the adverse or location of the incident is determined the cab will populate jurisdiction it is at that time if it's determined to be the city of for regie it should instantaneously be transferred to us uh with the acception of certain EMD related fired calls because we are not EMD we're not ALS um we don't provide those Services however the law calls should automatically be transferred to us they shouldn't process any portion of it takes some sometimes a while to figure out because there are County employees and they're not thinking to look for other jurisdictions any incoming call and this is an assumption on my part because I would do the exact same I would assume it's in our County and it is but it's not in the county jurisdiction so sometimes they do process some of our calls or at least start the ball rolling and then they'll call over and say started call number such and such have a caller on the line it's very it's it's you so we it's okay and it's the same as well we take calls in the Sheriff's Office jurisdiction you know there's we just reverse that and do the same for them so I'm assuming there's there's a at least a little bit of dialogue so the call comes in on a cell phone 911 prob answer 911 what's your emergency they' be going to tell you the emergency and then you probably ask where you're located whatever soon you hear that then you realize as Port Richie that's when a call gets transferred is that okay you guys don't do any intake and and transfer information once you find out the location the name of the caller and the call back information and then we do the transfer correct so there is an inherent delay because and then when you transfer I'm assuming now when you transfer and it comes to you from the county do you ask those same questions I me I feel it's repetitive we have an Ali drop screen on the besta I don't remember what that acronym stands for the Vesta is the 911 communication terminal it's a phone put in a computer so on that screen that Ali screen it says the um GPS coordinates or the location of the tower site or whatever it's coming in from if it's a a landline that says the address of the property uh it will tell us the caller's phone number it will tell us the phone carrier uh it might give some other information um this the call I guess what I'm saying is they they do a it's a drop screen from one computer that we can see everything on that computer that automatically populates the cad call with that same information until it is altered or changed in some way um because it could be that the crime occurred at this address but theyve called from this location so it does alter and change we we have all of that information I personally don't feel that I need to listen to I have it right um but that is it could be their policy and it also could be and I would have to look it up I have to admit that freely that could also be of the state requirements it is um so I know that at the very minimum the location definitely the location is a state requirement it was the Denise Amberly law um from when that happened that's why we have to be State Certified yeah Tel Communicator so name address and then location and then phone number in case we get disconnected we at least verify phone number is correct and in nature of emergency or no yeah so you get so that we can determine police fire medical right so my question is when you when you transfer that at that point you have a name you have an address you have a nature emergency do you see that or you have to Reas those questions no I see it all unless there's a problem with the software so you're capturing that as you're taking it then you transfer the call she has all the things you and she can just proceed from there hi an I see you you got a domestic violence call whatever that's kind of how it works and it's seconds sure no I just I'm just curious how much information that they take actually flows over can I clarify something sure situation so and correct me I'm wrong your or your mik correct me if I'm wrong when your medical call when talkinging about law enforcement call when when your medical call came in again if it's it's on cell phone which 95% of them 98% of them are it goes to their dispatch you take preliminary information and then you transer it to us to dispatch it out and then we transfer it back to you for the EMD correct no we St on the line for the EMD on the line after they dispatch it then you continue with the call for the EMD side of it so you guys really never let go of the call not for medical medal that's I was I was going to say that I never stopped talking to Pasco County dispatch she was she was there the entire time until um our fire rescue pulled up and then and then we were able they were able to let go now under the consolidation part once you get the call while you're asking her to put the dogs away you're already sending the truck correct right there's no delay in transfer of the call to us so we can dispatch it out correct that's like the difference I just wanted to finish off the answer to your question that you had inter on that okay so the majority of the 911 cell phone related uh fire calls the county does process okay because they are EMD they can do the medical they can say when you broke your ankle to turn a touret on you we can't do that so they generally will process the entire call and and ship us the call Via C for the BLS the basic life support that we our fire service provides so we generally don't talk to fire medical fire medical calls um it will work in the reverse if someone calls me on an administrative line and says my great aunt gert's fallen and she can't get up oh and she cut herself when she did and she's in a pile of blood so then I start the call I get our guys going and this is all within the cad system the county will receive my call and send alss support as well then I will transfer the caller stay on the line depending if I need to or not for them to do the medical and any additional information that they obtain that I feel our units need I can relate to the units because I'm staying on the line it's the same in Reverse but it generally doesn't happen on the 911 that's more on the admin us to reverse the process yeah and and that's exactly what happened I was on the I was 911 and it was continuous up until um the firet truck showed up and then shortly after the ambulance showed up so it and it was a continuous it was a continuous call for medical it always yes for consol if we Consolidated all calls would be like that yes there would be no transferring if you could just I wanted to couple questions that came to mind as I'm listen to this so when when when on the medical call um forward on so our fire department can roll what point do you do you send County resource for transport yeah so we get the location the name um what is the emergency is we go through a couple questions and figure out what the actual medical emergency is and then we start our units okay so is is that has there ever been the situation where the ambulances are going before our our engines are going out sometimes yes okay if you could um I don't if you have this or not but on that whole transfer talk the call comes in if you had to guess on average what is the time time you guys pick up the call and our dispatch picks up the call the time between that it just depends on how Cooperative the caller is um because sometimes if they're uncooperative it's hard to get the location and that type of thing um and then if you if your dispatchers is available if they're on another call if they're not if they're available it it really does it differs in the amount of time minimum amount of time a perfect everybody's um 30 seconds minute yeah yeah I would say around probably 45 seconds to a minute so it sounds like to me that um that would be a service enhancement from a 911 perspective because you guys that's in I life or death situations 45 seconds could be something right so comes in a year you dispatch it that saves 45 seconds from the transfer and all that not a lot of time but there is time that's that's spent in that transfer process correct whereas you if you guys had a Dispatch they would just dispatch yes SC no not a scowl it's a it's a that's what they're doing for medical exactly what they're doing calls fire so there's if you call on your cell phone it goes County now so the difference is is that you would save 45 seconds on every one of those calls by not having to transfer our Dispatch they dispatch that's point out that that's a right service enhancement yes and that's that's a minimum disagreement on that I believe that countywide EMS and fire I believe it's an asset to have one County dispatching for all fire throughout the county the laws and the regulations for fire do not change the different jurisdictions they're State landed they have certain guidelines they have to do a Q&A for every type of of call that they get in um law that's where it differs law differs so tremendously from fire they're not the same Beast the only overlap they have is it's public service and the two work together very still 45 second delay minimum right if I had I'm going to have to speculate because I do not have their numbers I don't have their data their incoming calls but if you project our lack of better description our Three Mile City we've got nothing going on it's he's got that mic on there too okay all right I I just quiet little window for us the county may be working a homicide of shooting a robbery and they may be extremely busy those calls are going to ring out and people are going to hang up and I can say that from personal experience because I brought this up in the previous meeting that when people call me and say I can't get a hold of the sheriff's office I need you guys to step up and do it my response is let it ring 30 times give it 15 minutes and call back because they can get busy they're old they can be overwhelmed they're a larger agency and they have a larger geography to to provide service for fire is is very different they're mandated they've got 30 seconds to get the call up they've got one minute to dispatch it they've got one additional minute to tell maybe the EMS supervisor the fire supervisor the call it's highly mitigated very I call 911 I don't call I don't call 911 C for cop 911 F for fire I call 911 and until it gets answered nobody knows what it is that's 911 a lot of calls for law come in on admin lines all calls are 911 come 911 yeah most most come 911 because especially in emergency I'm not look up a number I'm G to say 911 because I need you know I don't and as far as delay goes whether it's a it doesn't matter what comes in right 911 same thing if we if you're on the phone or you're busy it's going to hold so that rare scenario you know can happen anywhere where a call can hold whether we transfer it there they transfer to us you know the thing again um it's just you got to look at what's best for the city right um we have a lot more yeah we are busy but we also have a lot more people and a lot more resources and our dispatchers are not answering phone calls they are just answering the radios our call takers are not answering radios they're just answering phone calls they're not doing teletype they're not doing traffic stops they're not doing anything other than focusing on the 911 calls on the fire department agencies and on the law agencies so as an example she said she dispatches she does teletype and she answers the phone if she's busy dispatching and calls are coming in who's answering the phone you see what I'm saying we that's we have people that answer the phone getting that information going so yeah Tak calls minimum y that that's what they do minimum so you you know she's running a Pursuit one of your officers are in Pursuit and you have something else coming in that phone's not being answered that's not true because I will pick up the phone line and I'll ask the caller are you having in progress lifethreatening emergency as soon as I get the no hold and I go back to my detail but I can multitask because I am a trained operator and I've been doing this for 30 years so I can multitasking I can have eight phone lines on hold 3 911 calls coming in if I look up at the screen and I I see that the sheriff's office has got arrows on the screen that means they're taking calls at that location where I may have a badge on my call screen because I've already started a call so I know those two incoming 911 calls are related to that event so I don't need to answer those calls per se yes I do need to answer them but they don't need to be by priority if I have a connection with my current caller and I'm already processing that those are two additional about the same event OCC mostely never and I'm I'm not bashing anybody but there's a danger to that if you're you have an officer involved in something whether they're fighting with somebody chasing somebody doing something and you're stopping to answer a phone God forbid he's relaying information or something happens that we miss and we're all none of us are perfect you you are correct no no and I have no doubt that you were extremely talented and there's just an inherent danger with that I mean if I can SP on that I mean don't take this the wrong way the conversation sounds like you're an excellent dispatcher no doubt right you can multitask but the reality of it is is is uh you know computers can multitask as well you have one computer doing all the work it's it's not really multitasking it's it's it's a you know you're doing one thing at a time you can't do two things at once per se you can pass share right but you got more bodies at it more computer you're actually getting pem processing so while you would put call on hold to answer their call they're still on that call not putting on hold somebody else's answer so it's it's happening at the same time so not take anything away from your ability to do the work you're great but the standard practice Across the Nation all small municipalities we all dispatch like this and it's it's just common practice it's not anything of to or abnormal for us um and I worked in large call centers and i' I've been a designated dispatcher I've been designated caller designated teletype operator and I've also said you know what there's too many calls going on and I need to help out um so if I'm a dispatcher and my agency's policy and protocol is you don't you don't pick up those phones you don't so they're ringing out and getting on answer so there's double Ed sword on both Sid it's ever going toct a real life scenario to kind of bring us in um and listen I've been with the city started junior volunteer at 15 years old I'm not trying to sell a salary that but a real life scenario was just the other day and this is to show you that how like Mr coppler said we got to be all in or figure something out um our dispatcher was running a tag had a call sent over to his screen for a medical call because he couldn't he didn't want to come off running that tag for the police officer we delayed dispatching the fire department by 3 minutes and 20 seconds because he had to run the tag because he's one person trying to do three things yeah and they end up having to respond the patient into the hospital that's a real life scenario that happens often it's when it comes down to our our Dispatch Center is under staff and they because he can't do two things at once I heard somebody say something the other day why would you want somebody to listen to three channels with two ears and they kind of brought a point that made sense we're trying to listen to Three radio channels for two years that's a good segue it's it's it's good to point out that if we were to enhance our dispatch to fix some of these issues or whatever we can't operate on one and that's the that's the conundrum is that do we how much can we hand can we have do we have enough work for two dispatchers on each ship at the same time right now right now we have a police officer in dispatch I'm correct I think getting paid cop pay because I think we only have actually two paid dispatchers at three police officer that you're referring to currently is on light duty stand right he go back on the street any time understanding but anyway point taken is that uh we got a cop and dispatch now we've had that scenario for a fairly long time which has kind of precipitated these conversations um so but to your point in order to run an efficient well-run dispatch we probably need more than one and our Size Doesn't Really allow us to do that and and again that's we start looking at cost and how to really have a good dispatch we may have to have two or three per shift to handle those oneoff times that we would experience a lot less than obviously the county is doing it on a broader scale but like I said they got minimum 10 call takers we got one so if we get hit with something we're in trouble but the the their 10 call takers are not taking calls for a 2.7 square mile area they're there example 2 7qu m just right there I'm talking um so they're 10 their 10 call takers are taking calls for the entire County minus Port Richie right now but they're not dispatching or doing teletype either they're only doing taking calls do don't you dispatch them you just you don't just talk to them to a dispatcher correct so you take the call and then you send it to dispatch automatically goes to the dispatcher so a dispatchers dispatch and deal with the people on the road and take it over from there our call takers take calls so that's the difference if um that the same I mean like isn't that like two different processes I'm taking the call I'm saying we use my broken you got a broken ankle let me just the person that you spoke to did not dispatch your call they only answered your call and stayed on the phone with you we'll talk about a police a police thing mhm same thing being held it so then they dispatch it they send it over to the dispatch people so you get 10 people taking calls how many people do you have dispatch minimum three per shift for police for police three and minimum three for fire per shift okay so you have minimum of 16 people minimum 16 people per shift which 12 hour shifts or 8 hour shifts 12 well we have um supervisors assistant supervisors also minimum per shift as supervisor add they don't take calls yeah they do they do they do if they get busy and so 911 calls come in they bleed over if everybody's on a call it goes to them to supervisors we have shift commanders who will jump in and Dispatch they will jump in and answer calls so you have we have a minimum of 16 could be more so that's what minimum 16 right so we have minimum 16 for all of Pasco doing three different jobs add inet typey separate they don't that's the sheriff the Sheriff's Office does has to go to teletype then right the deputies have a channel that they switch over to teletype so so we so calls dispatch what was the third thing teletype oh okay so that's what I just said so 10 three and three three and teletype no we don't do teletype they do yeah consolidated dispat Center does not maintain the Sheriff's Office Sheriff's Office just real quick clarification as you try to understand the different Services out there way that I think of it there are dispatch services and there are police services so the teletype falls in the police services realm so the the Departments that that not dispatch now not going to be dispatching they still maintain their own teletype that's my mind a police service not a dispatch service right so that and that still has to be maintained locally right the sheriff's office has a minimum of basically four teletype people on at all times also have a radio access and when there's one person on I mean they they have to use the restroom and stuff too sure of course of course so um we generally do have to take over we've got a call recently that one of you your dispatchers needed to use the restroom and they couldn't answer the radios or the phones during that time we also had a Rec and and you got some good people I think it's just Staffing right you know there one person doing everything um you had an officer with a code 24 going off which is officer in need of assistance and the dispatchers didn't notice it um one of our dispatchers had to call over to the city and say did you see your code 24 going off it's not that we didn't notice it we don't have the capacity to do anything about it we cannot eliminate it from the C we cannot eliminate it radio us radio so we approved that radio system we getting ready to we voted on I think it's on the agenda for tomorrow so again I like I said it's not a knock on anybody I'm sure they do a great job we're we're dealing with humans and no human is right that's the thing and that's the bottom line no hum is perfect and that's why you know the thing is this there's a lot of small police agencies they have good people I have no doubt I don't know you but I'm sure you do a great job I'm sure most of your people do um the reason most a agencies are starting to look at going to the consolidation is to put the resources together for the information sharing um that that's what it comes down to is what what's the best model for this you know if you could um when you talk about the the 10 call takers minimum and the three police three fire if each one of those six are currently dispatching and a call comes in what happens then the call taker do they are they able to dispatch as well or they going to wait for dispatch to become available no they so the call goes up through the cad system through the computer system so they don't have to wait at all there's no waiting as far as getting the call sent to dispatch as soon as the call taker enters the information into CAD Loc nature of the emergency and the name and phone number it automatically goes to dispatch for the dispatch has to act on it right in this their sole job so they set there a call pops up they review the call they send the units out so it either goes to your dispatch if it's Zer Hills or or just regular goes to our right presently it goes to our P system and our our dispatchers see that is that correct what when we transfer the caller over no when you said when you're putting it in the system location name Etc it goes to dispatch ours doesn't automatically go to your dispatch no but it goes to the cad system which our dispatcher s right so we have to transfer the caller over they pull the call up and then they take the call over from there that's not how I understood it we don't they the sheriff's office has a policy I've been told and I don't know if it's accurate of it from other call takers that they will monitor our calls so they they um our calls that we dispatch will show up on their screen on their dispatch screen not because we're requesting to delay they I've been told they have a policy to monitor us for whatever reason no that's not correct we don't I can select to view their calls where I see that they're holding calls I see their dispatch window I don't op to do that unless there's a priority situation a neighboring our bers don't that because I can see on the maps all around our city and in our see all of their calls on the screen the officer is not right now but my question was um 911 call and you're typing the information in the call the nature of the call name of the person you're putting that in the cad system system correct we have so that they can see it no right but somebody has to make contact with them to let them know that we are taking this call in order for them to pull the call up in CAD and view it and take over the call from there so there's that time delay also the other thing that you know we have because we have our minimum dispatching requirements but if one of our officers in Pursuit we have a major crime scene or incident they move that off to a tack Channel we assign a supervisor or another a backup dispatcher to take that channel and then the one dispatcher continue dispatching new calls on their channel so they don't get tied up on a major incident so you know if you have a Pursuit going on that's done over here that dispatcher the dispatches primarily for that channel is out and it goes to somebody that handles nothing but that major incident and we continue forward with Services if there's a major homicide same thing or whatever it may be same with fire if you have a major fire it move moves over to a attack Channel and that assigned dispatcher or assigned person monitors specifically the services needed for that major Incident That's above and beyond the three and three yes so that so it prevents the three and three dispatchers being tied up on a correct the goal is to never have them tied up so really there it really is call comes in dispatcher gets it boom sends it out next one the just mooving stuff around and if there is something that they need more time on it gets transferred to the C yeah we we don't want them tied up so something's G going on as soon as they can get it over there and then because they have all the officers in that District to monitor right which we don't have that it's all you or whoever's on you do when it comes to fire because the fire um the fire works with the county so closely that they're almost the same entity lack of better description so they utilize the tag channels the most are but our dispatchers are supposed to maintain control of us because they're our dispatchers but a lot of the times they're too busy and they can't sometimes the county has to take over and there's been times that the county are like we're busy this isn't our call right you're going to have to have your dispatcher switched to the T channel so then that that plays out more than it should yeah or longw it's different again the different Beast we're less than three miles our units don't generally get into Pursuits because if we did by the time the radio transmission ended we'd be out of jurisdiction and most like they're not going to continue the pursuit anyway our population is much smaller we do have less high priority situations like murders not to say that we don't get them because we do um so the utilization of t for us is generally when we're AOA with the Sheriff's Office and our units it's literally changing a dial on a handheld radio and you switch T channels it's not an elongated process it takes fractions of seconds um and you can also monitor both channels on a device it's called scanning so the fire department can SC their noise is very different so if they have an active fire they have lots of noise going around it's it is more difficult for them to hear but for long our guys scan the Sheriff's Office all night long anyway and some of the sheriff's office will scan our channels it's variable it's dependable and the channel you have selected is the channel that takes priorities when there's a transmission so if I'm monitoring two radio channels and say it's it's my local it's my channel I'm your dispatcher and you're monitoring me but you've also you're scanning the tag Channel as soon as I start talking it mutes the TAC Channel and you're my focus and I'm your focus and it's designed like that for officer safety purposes so utilization for tack channel for our law enforcement size we like it we use it It's a Wonderful tool it when we get our new radio system I will be able to have control of that tag Channel I won't have to call the sheriff's office or type them a note in the cad system while I'm answering my 911 calls and my other walk-ins because I do ask that and say can you open a t tanel Force it's seconds fractions of seconds that's all that it boils down to again I don't think the issue was the switching of the channel the issue is the ability to monitor the channel take control of the call that's that's the bigger issue that he was discussing I had a brush fire the other day that I'm trying to guide resources to and um I have law enforcement things that were taken priority that were um just information for you know for police officers but here I am I'm trying to guide resources and again it's not about the switching of the channel it's about the ability to monitor that dispatch channel listen to the orders that were given and process the orders without interruption that's the we have the capacity we the ability of extra dispatchers to put a second dispatcher in our Center yes the three of us that are the full-time designated dispatchers currently along with the chief and the captain we're more than willing to occupy that with a fire dispatcher that's fire trained to provide those services and we're still going to be working tanem together because our certification through the State of Florida is always the same there's no difference but on the job training that makes a fire dispatcher versus a law dispatcher we've got two consoles they're fully locked and loaded ready to go we can do it at any time they have their own radio they have their own radio channel they don't they can talk on each other's radio channels again simp changing a DI so we're fully loaded all we need is somebody who can provide a curriculum to train us on the fire aspect to be more Centric to Fire and if we have designated fire is for that channel that would limitate certain portions of their concerns however again the state laws do not change by city and county for fire and EMS and and ALS they are maintaining the same and they must follow those stage guidelines so why not take just the fire department put them in the county the majority of calls that our fire department responds to no it's not we don't respond to Counting mate our mutate volume is roughly at its highest in 2021 was one called every two days that was our our average we don't respond to all each calls sometimes what happens like today a dispatcher will put in a call in the nature Code system as the wrong call type that's what happened reference to today so we got toned as a mutual Aid call that was actually in City jurisdiction because the wrong nature code was used what's a nature code so a nature code will describe in CAD correct me I'm wrong Kylie it's what tells pvis which tells us it's a it's a nice one so when for you guys to understand on the fire side one thing that we did gain by going to the county CAD um was pervis it's very expensive system that the county you know kind of I don't know should kind of gave over to us and what happens is when our dispatcher so this is something that does help our dispatcher currently because back before pervish they would have to hit a tone box and then voice where they needed to go now they don't they type in P space d and it dispatches the call and there's a voice that comes over our alerting system that says engine 42 respond to such and such for such and such that four is what tells us what resources we need to get as you guys know we're the only Department inside Pasco County that that has boats we're also the only Department inside Pasco County that that has rapid divers and water rescue team so we are utilized for that well if it's not put in as a water rescue you think I'm going to be walking towards my boat no I'm going to the fire truck because I think it's a muttil A or I think it's another type of call not until I get inside the fire truck read my notes because some dispatchers will call over the radio and say engine 42 be advised it is a mutual Aid call but they need your your your your boat but changes whole game plan of where I'm setting my two guys to go to deploy what they said but that doesn't always happen you can't always count on dian's one of them that at Diane being there to do that for us so we can't always rely on on that side so if the N the wrong nature codes used the wrong Instinct gets put in the other example is that is everybody there's only two administrative people for our fire department we get text on certain type of calls if a structure fires put in as a fire investigation we don't get toned for that the dispatcher also doesn't know the proper resource to send so if the dispatcher puts in fire investigation for a structure fire the chief and I will never get the page that there's a structure fire within the city of bief that happens that happens we had an oven fire not too long ago and it got put in as fire investigation our crews requested Mutual a mutual a just wasn't able to be requested um a time because the dispatcher was was also trying to take care of dispatching law um simultaneously and we were on scene thankfully that it was a small contain fire but the mutual Aid never got called or properly notified because the dispatcher unfortunately was trying to do two things it's put incorrectly it's built to recognize that this is a higher priority type of incident and we have to send these types of resources it's not put in and all have been apprised via MOS about everything we've done to try to ify to make sure the process as easy as they can and that was one of my the first question I had written down prior to coming in here of course was was the education I being an administrator for a long time sending somebody a memo they don't get it so when somebody does something that's not correct from either lack of knowledge or they're lazy or they missed the memo or whatever the thing is I mean the first line of defense is education of the person not just a I mean if I mess up here and we've done that I just want to be show the education of the people and and then we follow through I mean that's part of management is following through because if that person makes the same mistake three times then that that that's a real problem sometimes if it's just education you educate them and hopefully it will not get done again just to give you an example I mean we we understand that they get there were n hats in there so we try not to be a burden but at the end of the day there's how many nature codes two zillion there there's there's thousands and I just give you an example there's chest pains there's chest pains with toe pain there's chest pains with you know back pain there's chest pains with shortness of breath instead of just saying chest pains so Captain Quinn and I spent hours sitting down breaking down 5,000 something nature codes to the 20 most common and then other to cover just Basics and and we broke those down we brought them to the dispatch or sat down with the dispatchers actually spent time with County IT services to make sure that they put in a certain code yeah it spawns certain other things to happen like like he had just mentioned a structure fire call not only does it alert me and Captain Quinn but it also alerts automatic age which we have to have for ISO because it's already set up with dup Richi but if it's not it's not entered correctly the computer can't do what computer's been trained to do and that's to notify those so so we spend time going in with dispatchers but then you also has you know problem keeping dispatcher so we have a new dispatcher that the other day told me I don't even know what T channel was thanks for coming in and talking to me so you talk about education being huge so just so you you know all all of our me members are certified in EMD efd epd Department of Health um our members attend eight weeks of class training they then go to two weeks ofor per year or per just this is for their initial certif ini okay yes okay okay then they go to a twoe transition class eight weeks of training on the floor um and then when they transition to radio they go to another eight additional weeks of training and then we do regular inservice training so we have a training department as well uh members that do nothing but training continuous education to keep everybody up to date on their certifications we require the certifications be maintained so you know that's that's a big thing for us actually recommended sending our dispatchers Cyrus to Pasco County and work with Kylie to if we can have access to their training room so they can sit behind a computer let's face it we don't get working structure fires every day in P Richie you know what I mean so what what we review with them today and go over with them today they may not be able to use for two three months five months some dispatchers maybe a year before they hit that particular call type but I was like what if we sent them to to Pasco County would you guys be willing to allow our dispatchers to come in you know do it an hour or two on a training computer and then go spend an hour or two with a busy dispatcher on the fire side again I can't I can't speak for long I'm not a long forcement officer but I see the issues on my side so I we we brought those to the table as well so yes we try what we can do to to train and assist you know them in every way but again they're they're one person wearing multiple hats yeah at the end of the day for us this is not a sales pitch to you guys right I don't get commission we don't you know I you know I I truly like I said in the last eight months I've learned more about this batch than I've known in my 30 years working at the sheriff's office um I truly believe it works when I went in there and just saw how they do things what they do I was like Wow and to see and all the Departments that are coming on and just to have everybody Consolidated I think you know just just a benefit to every agency involved not just the Sheriff's Office not the county not fireex I think everybody being as one you know being Unified being together having the same standards have just having you know qualified training and certifications there there just a benefit to it you know and again at the end of the day whatever you guys choose you know um we hope that you come on board um you know and we're here regardless of what you guys decide you know we this our County right you know cops we fight as one law enforcement firefighters everything we're we're going to back everybody up we're going to help each other out at the end of the day you know the benefit is mutual it's not for us we don't gain any money buy it actually you know the quote we gave you guys um is probably a lot less than you're paying right now um you know we eat a lot of expenses by doing it but there's a benefit for the county to have everybody for everybody it's a joined benefit that was what that was that I just turned to that page as you said that 92 913 $38 pays for 1 1.5 positions we base that we still have to pay a dispatch a dispatcher to be here 247 teletype teletype op teletype yes but we still have to pay a person to do that yeah um but you're not I mean it just again you just have to look at the overall benefit and what what's beneficial to you I think if you figure out what you currently pay and expenses you know and what you're going to be getting the same thing we still have to pay a body 247 all right and that's all you have one at a time yeah 247 that's that's yeah to yeah to keep our what what's that three-letter thing that I yeah the O yep we have to keep somebody here 247 for our o I never remember those letters so we have to keep them here to maintain that because if we do not maintain our o we do not have a police department we do not have we do not meet our char we do not have a city right but what that's the that that's that's the that's how it goes right we have to maintain somebody here for 247 so this $913 is an addition to what we're already going to pay right so it is you got to figure out the expenses and what what it becomes Worth to the city and and and what you get by be joining if you decide here's another question yes sir you mentioned you had 10 people in dispatch with this 1.5 where you going 11 yes yes so you would add we would add one basically 1.52 we're going to add two um base that on your call volume okay that's so you actually add staff in your in your Center it also indicates it's a draft for law 911 is fire included in this as well I believe so I I'd have to look at it um our it um guy jod had put that together he wasn't available to come today but I believe that is for everything does all your dispatchers have both trainings yes they go through everything so dispatcher whether they're working on the laws side or fire side they can do either one yes they be on fire one night La the next in everything call taking dispatching every two they hire would be able to do both yes thank you well the 1.5 Staffing purpose is that person doesn't work days week so that's where 1.5 comes in there aition St for that yeah so me the person has days off that's where the 05 comes in vacations well we based it on um cuz we based it on your call volume based on yeah one increased would be one but the 1.5 covers their days off their vacations and stuff like that I got you don't worry I got it okay I've done Staffing for over 20 years I 247 this is a question for for our police um do do do we does our dispatch enter like the local warrants for traffic violations things like that we do not enter warrants U most agencies in the State of Florida that are police uh regulated do not because the warrants are administered by County judges in the county courts and they're served um they're disseminated to the Sheriff's Office and the sheriff because you have to have that physical paper uh so they have to have that access and it goes du just share system the way it's set up in Florida they strictly do warrant entries we do everything else so we actually have a warrant's clerk section that handles that it was just a question that a citizen um I may I do have a question um for the for the captain if I in regards to um dispatch practices now you had stated if I understood this correctly that is Court Richie does um your ship that the will there just be a Pasco designated dispatcher that will dispatch Port Richie in addition to or will Port Richie maintain its own dispatcher and dispatch their units and I base this question off of our small City we don't generally initiate emergency traffic because we have three so no you you would be part of it because again you're only getting 1.5 right so how would you dispatch 247 so if you being the larger busier agency you guys declare emergency traffic frequently throughout your shifts in a month um several times a night several times a day absolutely who then is going to dispatch or holding calls because you can't transmit on the radio because it's designated for emergency purposes well that's why we move over we talked earlier about moving over for emergency stuff over to Tech channels and then someone takes that c time that's not that's not within maybe the first five minutes or 10 minutes of it just all depends that could when deputies arrive on scene or officers arrive on scene and they go oh you know that domestics now turn into a hostage barricade that could take 15 20 minutes on top of how long that not 15 20 minutes to switch over so who going to's how what is the guarantee that they that Fort Richie is going to have their own uh ability to to talk over the radio when they need to talk on the radio versus having to give way to the county the rest of the County area because of the county situations going on they're going to fall within a district and they're going to have the radio time that they need who would also then dispatch for Public Works utilities do that now that's separate issue that's has nothing to do with this yeah because that was part of my responsibility right that would be something we'd have to look at as well that's outside of the scope of that's outside scope of this conversation but yes that's something that we that you guys do currently that we would obviously if you guys aren't there doing that maybe it would be the tety person will do that just depending how you want to do that so familiar familiarity with Community terrain Protocols of our specific fire and police landmarks things like that those are all implemented to dispatch personnel and Equipment those things are Community specific so can you tell us how it's worked in Zephyr Hills and dve City considering that I'm assuming you know not everyone in this Batch who were taking calls know all of the different terrain and let's say somebody calls and says oh this cell tower that is located near a water hole you know Fort Richie dispatch might know okay yeah that's exactly where that is but you all won't how do you all handle situations like that we use all the mapping and all the technology and resources that we have and it's going to be your officers responding right we're not taking anything away from your offices your citizens in the city are going to get the offices they know and love right so same responding officers that you know if I go back to another question so a little bit confused when you say we have three dispatchers currently is is the one that's on light duty that on light duty is still in dispatch is he included in those three so if if we have three dispatchers why do we have a cop and dispatch four dispatchers until probably about two months ago had four full-time dispatchers and the one lady young lady in training decided that job wasn't for her so the last time we had four full-time dispatch it was about two months ago so he's in there he's been trained all all the law enforcement officers that work in dispatch have been trained in order to handle uh the call of service and and dispatching while they were on light duty that one of the things we did is anytime somebody's on like Duty we put them in dispatch to learn how to handle those types of situations how many dispatch shifts are they two they were in the same they were in the same as our law enforcement 12 hour shifts and order to cover minimum four right dispatchers their cops whatever had four people doing dispatch right two are off one night their long week or short week work um six or seven days uh at two weeks work seven weeks three and four three one 3 one week four the next no it's two one week and in five the next week it's just the way the shift is laid out the same thing as in law enforcement Sheriff we do we do 3 one week four one week we do the Panama schedule and then you said the IT guy he wasn't able to make it here tonight it does say in this dra proposal that costs do not include it technical support or training that's a separate agreement can you comment on what that would look like the extra cost that would be that that would entail I don't have the exact cost but you guys are already on the system so that was part of that like so just um zephra Hills had to go get a on they had they had to upgrade all of that stuff you guys don't so I don't and the training um the sheriff's office has been providing the training and the county has been providing the training so we didn't charge any of the agencies for that so that's catch all we don't sounds like we it St based on our current situation do um on the on the dispatch side again so we've got three we've got one in there that's covering we need four what do we have any in pipeline that applied or we had one applyed today but it's one of our part-time dispatchers and and we still have to add out on indeed and other social not social media but other uh employment sites if you will what the the issue sometime the issue is we bring people in uh what we started doing was having them sit in after they sign a confidentiality agreement for like four hours to see if they are capable if they want to move forward in the process because prior to that we would spend the money um and do the medical and do the drug and do all the background investigation and they go in there we have one girl work one day one shift so we smartened up and decided to give them almost a uh we can so we can interact with them as far as training dispatchers to see in fact this person has the capabilities and then vice versa see if that person is is does have the capabilities of most multitasking and they handle as they you know as they say they have multiple people to do different things so our dispatchers do are gone so we need to know if they can handle that and so and that that's what we started doing so some people come in and no I can't do it we don't spend any more time dealing with them some you say that they can do it just like the last year we had uh she got through about a month of training uh it's not that she couldn't do the job uh but because she came in a couple times late and the training dispatcher said you can't come in here late that changed their mind and so it wasn't that she couldn't do it uh she didn't like being told uh to come to work on time which it's not going to work out in most professions so the last time we actually had four dispatchers was how about two months ago two months ago and it didn't last very long right so if you if you subtract that one off how long before that say we had a full disp and how long was that it was December and he had to cut ties with that individual because he wouldn't show up for work right so although we needed dispatch we need Dependable dispatchers so how long see very fluid dispatch situation obviously and we we're still trying to actively hire so over the past let's say two years what how of those two years how much of that percentage wise months wise what you want to guesstimate or whatever have we actually had four dispatchers and not had a coping dispatch we had four dispatch until December up until December December of last year so all the last year January December we had four dispatchers correct we weren't paying any dispatch overtime no cops in dispatch we had the one that we had to release had been just about a year and I'll have to check back to see who was there before then but he lasted about a year and so it sounds like we've maintained three pretty steadily it's just that four fourth one what's the average what are we paying for average salary for just bches do we know 15 18 I'm sorry I didn't see that 18 1598 like 1598 that's the unit rate you look the fully loaded rate it's a lot more than that that position but he ask a starting rate believe 1598 I believe something in that range that's no experience do we pay for experience let's make believe she wants to come work for you she all this experience do she start at 15 no the current the current current range is 1516 to 1842 thank you again that's that's just salar not the benefit right that's all we care about when we're working so K my understanding is it it's it's a a global problem getting dispatch hired right which that that's standard I mean we we typically always have some openings um it's a stressful job lot of turnover um probably like them we've had some very long-term 20year employees some longer and then just a lot of new ones um just yeah it's a 247 Staffing position is extremely difficult nobody wants to work I'm Nur very long time classes we do a lot of Recruitment and then they go through they go yeah byebye yeah thank and you know one of the things I don't didn't come up today but again um if you do decide to go with us members that you have that are dispatchers that wish to come over um as long as they hadn't been fired from the county or left in poor standing are welcome to come in um our starting is higher but you know we'll we'll take care of them interview not just be an automatic addition to well um we'd bring them in um you would have to anybody that came in would just have to pass the training um they would have to go through the certifications and our training program yeah absolutely and we would welcome experience and then you do want the ph and then you said that there is a secondary P set yes when is the start date when is that coming online because just so that you can clarify for everybody can you tell us what that means when it does come online it's an entirely another Dispatch Center it is online it's online right now actually tonight they're working out of there okay um and they worked out of there last week so it's up and running it's fully operational um the way we would deploy like hurricane season right last year um it was a temporary piece h a lot smaller but what we do hurricane season we split our staff half go over there half over here so if one of the centers goes down loses power it's like nothing ever happened no one should know the difference because both centers are running um we don't have to rush over there stand it up or anything like that so it's fully operational we have same equipment and everything now you your system is they probably redund it within the peap you redund it there as well but you also have a whole another thing so you're fully redundant there should never be issue where you're down no what's our redundancy look like as far as here to city is it possible we could lose power you lose power you lose power so they lose power everyone is have but for for us because we are smaller we don't need all the bells to to function because we don't have the responsibility of thousands of upon thousands of we have our little area and Kylie Kylie very nice to meet you nice to meet you probably she made mention the other day that there was an operator that was in our agency in the bathroom and they had stepped in for whatever purpose um I don't know it may be a medical condition or something I don't know that they weren't able to perform I don't know who it was or what the circumstances were when I go to the bathroom I have a notepad a pen and a portable radio that's all I need to do my job I need a portable phone we're working on trying to figure out how to do that that's what I need to do my job I can do not fire I can do a lot with that and be perfectly fine good so I I you know I appreciate I appreciate what you're saying there and I understand the how saying that but from a management standpoint that is the worst thing to hear I mean that's that's what we I understand and and I guess I I just want to make sure that we understand that I've done this for 30 years first year six months here by the way congratulations um and and I've never had to have an employee you know do that because when you do dispatch you you don't think about the the the minimum amount of what you do you think of what is the level you need to be doing it at and that's what you commit to and and you know I don't want to get away from you know because I think when I we started this conversation I I started off with the thought that you know these are not easy conversations talking about where you fail it's hard and and what I said was this isn't about any individual this is about a system this is a system failure and and it kills me when she said that and I had to speak because otheres work state agenci we should have to ask you to do that we did it with FWC a state based law enforcement agency head would you like to be able to go taking your job with you it doesn't bother me I get that IDE IDE World be nice to be able to do that it is what it is so you get the job done we're not at least my generation anyway we're workers we want work we don't provide the excuses we either we do the task and we look for a solution if there is a problem we're not going to wh and complain when you're home with your families I know y'all are taking your phones to the bathroom too granted it's not a professional environment but it gets the job done and that's the bottom line that my staff goes home at the end of every shift that every Community person that I come across either on the phone or in the background of the radios whatever the scenario I'm getting you safety I'm getting you help and it doesn't matter what my inconvenience or intolerance is I don't matter I'm a public servant I matter to certain degrees my comfort is never going to come above somebody else's it would be remiss man Force those condition upon you now you're willing to do that I commend you for that that's great I take my phone into places I probably don't need to to continue to maintain contact and that's you know there's different work work ethics on each individual um it's not like you work very hard I work very hard we all do right but it's it's it shouldn't be it shouldn't be something that is we force upon you so I think expected it's not expected definitely not expected that's facility no that that would be improbable you but in a small place so at a at a minimum at a minimum whatever we do it sounds like to me that we need to invest and probably somewhat invest heavily in dispatch whether it's with accy internally whatever we need to invest some money in a dispatch because as pointed out system is not is failing right and um and that there's a lot of things in play that and I think that's why again we're having these conversations to get all the information because we look at what we to invest is it better serve to invest and have some of that farmed out not invest internally it's better invest internally but minimal we need to invest and again I only think four dispatches I mean if somebody wants to take vacation yeah you know and it also sounds like minimum we need to have a law dispatcher and a fire dispatcher and whether we sure they do it for we invest in our own dispatch we have both or we mo County I mean move fire to County and keep police or some hybrid approach or all again all things we need to look at and that's that's what we're having this conversations not because there's any one option that's maybe um better than the other they're options right we need to we need to pick the best one for our specific purposes but we need to do something well that's a rare attitude to have these days you can't you can't replace some some somebody like that easily or absolutely these days so you you you can't retire for years continue to work be my third that's a rare trait it absolutely is I mean and that's why it's hard to replace it get someone is absolutely but if someone gets sick in this batch and we can't get someone to replace them and we can't find a police officer right then that they called in they just got hurt they can't come in and the police officers AR available there's no one there to take over dispatches that could switched over to ask in the worst case scenario in the worst case scenario would most likely be natural disaster to our area we have protocols established in the Sheriff's Office and the fire side everybody has protocols established for the fail safe uh and to to break it down even further technology constantly has concerns occasionally some sabotage construction Crews like sever 911 line it happens we have a fail safe built in if Construction Company accidentally s our 911 system or our 911 Festa the calls will automatically dispersed to TCO or new we would never leave your officers or firefighter and that would be the same for them never leave them out to dry what we we we currently do not currently we do not charge now one of the other things that our um members get we have a realtime information center so when calls come in um real the crime analysts are crunching the information they come so you're going to 123 Main Street they're pulling up one 2 three main street they're looking at does anybody in that house have warrants does how many times have we responded to that call um is that person wanted for anything all of that information it gets pushed into the call notes for the officers so it gives them premise alerts all that what and fire rescue and fire rescue so it gives them a history so we have people also pushing that information into the call so they're not going to calls blind an example years ago when we first started it up I was backing up one of my officers on a call we were heading to a he was heading to just a neighbor dispute type thing um but as we were going all of a sudden because it was new popped up uh uh Sovereign citizen alert and a white supremacy thing letting us know that we've been there we've had use of fores there um not friendly to public servants so the officers we knew that so automatically dispatched a couple of extra officers just because so that's something else that we push into the calls but yeah we But to answer your question yeah we would never leave you guys out to drive emergency came up there was occasion like three or four shifts a months you guys could if no one was in our office to no we would cover it we would cover it yes because when you you sign up for this field you sign for the understanding that your life is going to be altered in some way shape or form on the regular you're going to have to miss your family appointments you're going to have to miss doctor's appointments you're going to get held over on mandatory over time and the sheriff's office or sorry count um they would have a similar protocol established for that if their minimum Staffing below 10 for call takers they're going to bring people in on overtime and hold someone mandatory if they need to and that's just the nature of this field of work and this is a global situation and it's the same on the officer side if a critical critical incident occurs at the end of a shift but half the day shift has called out sick well guess who's holding over and not going home same for the fire service it's it's autom it's an automatic given we know that signing up for this position we expect it to happen it's never perfect nobody ever wants to be told you can't have Christmas morning with your 2-year-old sorry but it does [Music] happen not a perfect things happen know that we covered is there is there any other specific questions that we need answer he by at the moment I think all my questions were answered thank you well thank you for having us here um listen I hope we were able to answer the questions you had um if there's other questions um Matt has all my information please ask us we open book we'll share with whatever you know any questions you have we'll get we'll get you the answers we want you to make the right decision for the city whatever that may be if it's coming on with us great we'd love to have you if it's not then we wish you well and you know we're we're still here to fight with you guys you know Fighters one out there and um we're going to do what's right regardless appreciate us help and your service for sure thank you sir appreciate it I'm sure we be having more conversations about this going forward absolutely so thank you all and we'll get out of your way if you don't want to stick around I'm GNA open up public comment to see if there's anybody oh yeah does anybody from public like to speak show hands you guys find out who want first I would just one second thank you very much for your time thank I appre apprciate it it was so nice to meet you put the name to the face of the voice Todd McClary 8731 Betty Street wow seen this in a while um taller mic no it's broken you need there um couple things to keep in mind high level uh one you know and nothing against the county or anything it does seem like you have an additive cost of about a quarter of a mil uh to the tax base whether you find offsetting savings or whatever but at the end of the day it's a quarter Mill of a tax increase um to go to County over compared to what we have right now um I think everyone can agree what we have right now is not necessarily sufficient um I know even when I was on Council we were always talking about uh increases for salaries for the dispatchers to try and make it more lucrative I understand it's hard to get to the county level pay um but they always you know that's been a discussion for years um what I heard today was I think a little bit of a departmental meeting that you guys have to have in coordination to kind of work out all your differences a little bit and and and you know work together as a team because I saw some uh discussions that maybe shouldn't have made it to this level at this point uh in Council but I agree that you know fire and police need to work together if it's additional uh uh dispatchers to Aid in that um perhaps you can get an additional dispatcher sitting in to so she this poor woman can use the bathroom um and you know it seems like cross training is a feasible alternative between all of the dispatchers for both fire and and police especially if there's an addition additional dispatcher there does that additional dispatcher cost less than $90,000 a year that's for numbers to be run but uh the other component I think or other components that I think you need to look at is these people are swallowing Zephyr Hills and Newport Richie and several other cities I believe that that are currently in process it may be a good idea to wait a little bit before jumping in on the boat and get some data has their response time slowed um you know you they've been with us for yeah Dade City I won't go into Dade City right now they they have some issues I think Newport Rich's a m much closer representative to us or Zephyr Hills is much closer representative to us than than Dade City personally but you know you you do have that data and that data should be analyzed as well the other po portion you should look at at a very high level they have 10 call takers minimum I I understand 10 call takers for five 530,000 people population of Pasco County roughly so that's one call taker per 53,000 people right now we have one call taker for 3,000 people at a high level the ratio oh kiss my butt with that at a high level the ratios kind of lean themselves towards keeping it local especially if you're increasing your number of call takers if you go to two to 3,000 or 3500 people that's one per 1750 they just can't achieve those they're too big and I get it you're efficient and everything else they have more resources there's no but also that personal uh knowledge of the city is very valuable as well so there's pluses and minuses to this but from a cost perspective I think the the real Fair assessment is one have them work out and put together a plan that sat satisfies all of their needs and then see what those costs are and then compare it to the 90,000 because right now if you're just going to the county you're going you're spending another quarter Mill tax uh rate or quarter Mill increase in your tax rate and the benefits are the at best disputable across the two so that is something that you should very much take into account thank you next time five minutes next time just add on to that so when we talk about obviously there would be depending on what the the cost would be if we if went to the 91,000 or whatever it is for there would be obviously an amount of money we would need to collect for that but what is it if we improve our dispatch I guess there there's not there's not any reason to do nothing we have to do something and so you know we might spend 91,000 or more to enhance our dispatch so that's where the numbers come in so I think we're going to we're going to look at some some amount of investment either way what that you know if it's County quarter Mill or internal quarter Mill or you know we we' to work those out so I don't think we get out of this unscathed we're gonna have to spend some money so Cynthia Ma 5446 blueo drive I'm just going to kind of rehash I think some of the things that Todd was saying that I was thinking the same thing I think you guys do a phenomenal job both of you it is a calling and not just a oh I'm going to go work do this um one of the things is is I did pick up you're you're pulling up a million calls per year how many calls a year do we get a year I would have to research that but it's definitely not be any to that well that that's one of the things is is that we are a much smaller area um so my qu second question is do you all charge when we give you the medical calls do you do you cross charge us when you do all the medical calls for us because of apparently we're not we don't have an EMT on call um so my question is is the medical calls go to you so do you charge for us rescue might because that's who handles the medical portion we pay portion of of pass County Fire it's it'sing because we have our owner fire but we do pay Pasco fire so they Services as well right and that's that's something that that wasn't really pulled out that you know curiosity just trying to get some of the facts on this so again is you know and my question to you would be how long would it take to thoroughly cross change cross train for fire in all honesty I I do not have the answer to that I have been a trainer um for over 20 years but I've never had to train fire rescue so I don't know what the what the um the program would be for that now again I am State Certified right in in fire dispatch because it's it's part of our certification but as far as the actual nuances of it I where I came from my larger agency our training program was six months long right so our call position was two months our our radio position two or three months and so we we did a lot of on the job training in that regard but I don't know what all the fire service EMS for EMD side right would contain for training and how long it would take and what the cost of those uh classes or if we brought um if we had to to go somewhere right else to take those training courses or if we could picky back off the the sheriff's office I I don't have that information right but you know it's just a qu question and some of these answers we need to look into and what we what we really think about this because training should always be ongoing coming from medical field I'm always doing accreditations always and I'm always looking at new things and new new procedures and how to better what we do in the medical field um so those those are some of the questions that we really need to make sure that we also look at um I know that you put up some costs in the agenda and a lot of it looked like it was a wash between you know adding on the new equipment adding on extra people you know and and true you should have at least one and a half to two more people and when I say a half it would be a part-time person so um you know that we we help get a little bit better because like you said you have to manage the people in in that aspect as as it goes on and and have a a reasonable the more they enjoy the job the more it becomes a calling the more they'll stay with us so those are are my thoughts on on what I've heard today and and I do appreciate this it is but we we need to make sure and look at look at all the facts and bring that in as well and because of having them local and understanding our locality and our special needs is important too thanks anyone else uh Seth cap 7638 Grand Boulevard um so just to Crunch I'm just doing numbers here so you guys fued a million calls roughly a year so um and there was 93% was answered within 15 seconds okay it's very very impressive okay but just solid numbers when you look at that 7% That's 70,000 calls uh divided by 365 days right it's about 192 calls that AR answer within 15 seconds now if you do that per day right uh you're about eight every minute or I mean uh eight every every hour which is about one every eight minutes okay yeah but it's not minutes minutes understandable understandable so it and just going off the 15 seconds right uh and I'm also did the math we we have average response times in two minutes for fire and police in Port Richie right now okay that's all I want to say anyone else speak and one thing to keep in mind is when they talk about those million calls or whatever that includes our 911 calls now right those those right so they're they're they're a touch point in the process pretty much a lot anyway [Music] just total right call backs different things so in reality all our 911 calls are going through that Avenue now so all right Officer Kenneth corek 6333 Road um I've worked for the city for going on8 years and prior to patrol I was a dispatcher a lot of the dispatchers we have now I was the one that trained them I know that room in and out um they still contact me on a regular basis for difficult situations that they're going through in there and speaking to my colleagues one of the things that I was hearing from the residents was there was a lot of confusion on um the differences between what was going to take place as far as the alternatives and I just wanted to make sure that the council was aware that if we gave Dispatch over to the county that they're strictly call taking and dispatching I don't know if that was mentioned I'm just kiding here but um that we would still be required to do what we call teletype operations and for me as a law enforcement officer right now we have that all combined here at Port Richie so when I do a traffic stop on a vehicle um I'm going to call that traffic stop out to the Port Richie dispatcher and they're going to run my tag they're going to run my driver's license they're going to run my gun that I find in the car um they're going to confirm my warrant if the person has a warrant um if we were to go to the county they're strictly call taking and dispatching for us so if we were to go to the county and I did a traffic stop I'm calling the traffic stop out on the County dispatch channel and then I'm switching to the radio that we currently have in dispatch with the dispatcher that would still be here because we still have to retain someone here and running that information through the Port Richie dispatcher who's doing the teletype then switching back to the county channel to do my status checks and the rest of the traffic stop warrants and that of stuff is R by us right up front so that yeah not not the gun or something but that would be something that's more an in-depth thing that you would call switch over to teletype for so warrant checks and those immediate checks are done as part of the process so yes that they're running the driver's license to see if the person has a warrant but any further uh action I'm I'm going switch into that info Channel which would essentially be the dispatcher that we would retain this transition as well they would switch over to Telly requires a different type of search one thing you l a couple things you miss specifically the um the running the tag so we run the tags of car right now there's times that I guess when you run the tag in car you get those those hits back or whatever dispatch run it as well to yeah dispatch information or dispatch is going to run that tag when I radio it over the radio and um if we were on pasco's channel they would be telling me if that car was stolen or if if that person had a warrant um but any further action other than that I'm I'm switching to that other channel to speak to the dispatcher who is already here the other thing is is um the county the 911 Center is not going to be Fielding your your water outages right they have a separate uh entity or the utilities department has a dispatcher on call for that so basically the point that I'm trying to make and and ultimately it's up to you guys the decision um but the same people that are your dispatchers now are going to be in there post transition to them if that's what you choose to do the only difference is is the county is going to be call taking and dispatching for us that's correct same same people same basic job for the most part minus the call taking and the dispatching and and there's pros and cons to each option um you guys got a earful of of of both but I just wanted to make sure that you all understood um that aspect of it thank you hey on on the tag R you guys would run that as well right care the stuff that and it would be same with our officers as well any department so the initial stop in the safety knowing warrant car stol and all that but now when you start getting into running serial numbers and guns that is something that they need all need to switch over to tell type different type of search so Mak sense because you wouldn't want anybody tied up when they're supposed to serial number right running that again that's where we get back to that person being tested with a million different options answer this because you're probably familiar with the sheriff side tell ay right what are those what kind of employees they hire to do that tell type stuff they what do you mean mean are they dispatchers or they they actually fell onto me um so just um they entries missing persons um nameus entries they do a ton of things uh lost in stolen guns stolen car entries they do a wide variety of stuff and then they have to do validations so they have to validate stuff um every year or so many months entries and removals um and then I had warrants that fell on the me which is the warrant entries warrant verifications so there are certain things that you do not want dispatch doing and certain things need to be over here what's what's a telet typer starting pay um I want to say it's 19 something right now so same as a dispatcher pay so somewhere yeah our starting for Dispatchers in training is 19 it goes up to like $21 an hour when they complete the training then we also offer a $100 per paycheck signing bonus uh retention bonus that they get and then they get five hours of built in overtime and they get 10% night differential so from a staffing perspective a tety or almost $25 an hour by the time to the same cost they just they focus on different things thank you you speak I think everybody spoke that's in here said Joe Joe not to say I leave you out okay you guys have any other questions no thank you all for coming appreciate it thank you very much I appreciate your time thank you um so I I think next steps I think and I I'd asked for some data I don't know if you got that back on some other okay and tell me all what you think but I think Matt should probably go back and do a little more digging and try to put some some cost together on both sides of what uh I mean real cost not not the spread Shey we saw obviously but to try to really put some real cost on if we go to County and we maintain uh teletype whatever for I there's there's things we can do from a service perspective I give you example releasing impounds we don't need to do that 247 so we don't necessarily need somebody here to release impounds 247 so that could be done during business hours right utility calls obviously there needs to be something with some kind of on call thing or whatever not necessarily somebody here but somebody on call walk-ins there's there's a you know we could have a red phone in and they pick it up there Dispatch they they call out and dispatch one of Poli officers to City Hall to the police department so there's there's service level things again not suggesting we do that but there's there's more than one way to solve a problem and then do we need an employee to do that but it sounds like at a bare minimum we have to do something on a teletype side and so maybe that that would take care of these other things as well because small agency we don't have a lot of tell type compared to what other agencies would so they could probably do the utility calls and stuff as well how that how that equates to our pay scales like they're the same I don't know if ours would necessarily be have to do that but that might from that perspective we might not have to raise our salary to get uh dispatchers if they just are tell type I don't know the answer these but I think the next step obviously would is kind of put some real numbers together so that we can compare apples to apples um in our Solutions and then we can look at it objectively if I agree that that's approach the one question I had is Chief last time I I don't remember um the details the teletype there were like you have a certain you have a certain time frame like I don't know I I remember you have to respond to Something in 10 minutes and you have to respond to Something in 30 minutes with the teletype with warrants or go or yeah no what with the telet typing do you know what I'm talking about I don't know I have no idea what I'm talking about I really don't but but that sounds like you do well well I remember them saying you we have you know me I'm honest right nothing else um we have a certain time frame and if we didn't have telet typing here we didn't have dispatch here to meet those time frames we are severe potential to lose so what were what are those time frames and what are those functions so what that is is the when you run the teletype or when you have the teletypes it's called a hot um entry of missing persons entry of stolen stolen Firearms uh we don't place what we said earlier we don't maintain active warrants um we can on occasion if it's rare enter a temporary wanted felon um that's done it's a Time window to it that's done for a temporary basis so that we can put a detainer on somebody until we can go get the warrant and have that warrant entered into the system that way um anytime we enter any information or item or Endor person into that into that system um that device that teletype has to be maintained 247 and in the event that somebody comes across that that article that that stolen firearm or or that missing person there's there's two levels most of them are are are Urgent nature but occasionally it's it's routine um the Urgent level is that we have to initiate a response back to that requesting agency because they'll they'll send us a confirmation request to confirm that that is an active file okay um the the dispatch will then literally go over to the cabinet pull that file out look at the hard copy make sure that it is indeed a a active file in the system and then we have to respond back within that 10- minute time window 10 minutes that's I did hear 10 minutes there is there is a one hour time limit it for routine routine inquiries um typically something like that would be if we if we recovered a firearm a week ago or let's say let's say we we had taken we have a firearm that's in in evidence and we're going through administrative processing that we rerun it for whatever reason um something like that we would do a routine request for it because there's no urgency at the moment to get that response back how however the vast majority of of hit confirmation requests that come in are are marked urgent nature because most of the time wherever that is it could be in this state or another state the officer is out with that person or that object and needs to make a response U and again I'll use the firearm as an example an officer in whatever local stops a vehicle and there's a firearm in the car and it comes back as a as a stolen firearm we need to be able to confirm that within that timely within that Timely uh window so that they can take action and either release the person or or find other accommodations for them okay um so that's where those windows come from okay so so we do have it there is a time sensitive aspect to the person that is here 247 correct and and if if it's not within that time window and that requesting agency sends a second request we're getting we're getting a phone call from from F Why didn't to respond to the first request if it gets to a third request it it goes National to to FBI as the the overall entity to do that and then we can then get dinged if you will for for not responding within a properly timely manner all right thank you in um in your discussions again maybe not here's place to talk about it but if you could think about it from the approach of a minimum viable product and so when I say that you know and let me ask you Chief so Chief if if our if we had one dispatcher in there for shipped and they were fully trained police dispatcher they were fully trained fire dispatcher is that will that solve a good portion I mean obviously there's going to be they can only do so much at once I get that but as a minimum viable product is that something we could that that's the problem that'll uh be fine for your every slow day until so I can't I can't sit here and tell you that that's going to solve the problem because it won't there has to be somebody else that can assume other responsibilities that can take the TCH Channel and I have an active incident like I said the other day I'm trying to run a brush fire and the poor dispatcher is trying to answer Public Work calls answer PD calls run tag numbers you know answer the brush fire call some of the police officers are giv brush fire information on a PD channel that she's telling me so you can train them in in FD and that that would be awesome you know what I mean because at least now they understand FD operations a little more but but it's bigger than that yeah so maybe the minimum bi product is fire dispatcher police dispatcher well I guess what what I'm saying is if it like you said for the L share of the time one would do it um but we really need two do you know that's that's the that's the problem here in the decision- making process right we really need one dedicated to each so we don't have those times peak times or whatever you want to call them whereas it might make more sense sense to move you all to County I want to see that as an option which is different than this what if we just put fire to County keep police here obviously there needs to be some investment there as well so any amount of scenarios that you can conjugate that would make sense that we could actually um enhance and perform the service we need to provide whether it's County hybrid here whatever well bottom line is not working the way it is right and we all agree upon that we need to come with a viable solution and I don't really care what it is but it's needs to be something that's going to work for everybody in this city right and just looking and hearing these guys talk uh I know that we ran some preliminary calculations on that and the equipment cost is is a move point we're going to need that either way right right the radios that's kind of more or less kind of a moot issue but the reality is uh all these items that saying hey we still got to have four people even though we move to the county I don't think that's a viable or realistic view there are items like the mayor indicated uh we don't need 24hour impound releases there's ways that we can think through this and look at doing uh a better job and if at the end of of the day we and I'm just throwing this out there if we if we do move to a county solution it looks like it could potentially provide some enhanced services that we're not getting today and it would cost us an awful lot to to get those Services if we had to replicate a fire and a law dispatcher in our in our Center uh what I do think needs to happen is like like you're indicating maybe go back relook at this and massage these numbers a little bit and try to come up with hey what's a what's a good tradeoff here we're looking at pros and cons pluses and minuses in in this solution and try to get to what's going to benefit this city the best that's where I see this go uh there's two issues we can't seem to staff what we have we've been lack a full staff since December right we're at month five right so what we've done is we've pulled police guys away from Staffing or to staff that Dispatch Center so that um you know they're probably not the best person in that scenario either you know we're pulling them off uh something else and and trying to get this County 911 uh thing worked out potentially this this might be a solution to that as well so that's what I see I see a process issue and potentially if we were to do this ourselves we were going to have more cost involved we're going have to raise our unit rates for for dispatchers and maybe even add Stu so um I think we need to go back and reort these numbers and and let's see where this really lands and then put a side by side plus and minus and come up with that solution yeah for every for every option that we have and again detailed as far as not just here's the number for X here's number for y here's Z the detail behind it so we can see what's making up those numbers but then a pro and con of each option so let's say that uh one costs less say it's 25% less but then you look at the cons and you see all the cons go along with it you know there might be there might be movement to be able to spend a little more money to have better service so at the end of the day and what I challenge Council as well as staff as well as public to do is take emotion motion out of the decision- making process look at the data objectively um and let's make a decision that makes the most sense not based on emotion but Based on data and then hopefully that will put us in a much better place than we are today so I think that so I think that the purpose of an O is kind of lost a little bit on on some people so I'm just going to say some things and you say yes or no okay so the O It's a unique code right that's assigned to law enforcement agencies it's sort of like your email address right it signifies who you are the police department here and it submits data back and forth between the National Crime information center the NCC right yeah so let's say somebody kidnaps a girl in Massachusetts and drives down here to Port Richie and someone sees the tag that they've registered up in Massachusetts because they also have an O and they're also a part of that right you all get the notification oh this tag was just seen then you're able to say oh we've got this little girl we can do we can go get her and get that what happens if you don't have that access to that situ like what happens if you don't have the access don't you're right we don't have access so get that information potentially someone is kidnapped in Massachusetts brought down here to Florida someone calls and says hey well there this tag is here I just saw there acting weird you would have you wouldn't be able because you wouldn't be staffed here 24/7 you wouldn't be able to say okay so you would have to like the next day check your voicemails or however that would work and potentially we would have a dead kid on your hands well so to to lik to your email analogy if if you don't have an email address you don't send in an email so an O white is an identifying number for the agency if you don't have an oi you're not an agency so you got and there's a Ser in order to have that o in order to get that access get have that designation be recognized there's a minimum set of requirements that you have to perform teletype and all things we've talked about so if any of those you don't meet those those requirements then you lose your RI and then you lose your department because you can't you can't you can't have a department without an ri right and then we don't have a city because we don't for our Charter we have we don't have the city as well so I'm just trying to say like I personally don't think that saying that we can't have like we should that just that's scary to me like saying that we should somehow reduce the staff to where there's not somebody 247 there that that signifies a really big issue right no there's I don't think that's what we're saying we're not saying that at all what we will maintain o hands down what are the understood as well so that's what the way it came over when you said that a second ago oh well we're going to transfer this oh well we're going to do that well so let me let me let me expand on that so we use zeper Hills as a example or let let's use date City date city has a police department they have an RI they don't do their own dispatch now they have things in house that they do to satisfy those requirements by no stretch of the imagination would our decision- making involve something that would would put our Ori stand this is jeopard that that's so whatever we have to do does that mean that we have to do dispatch no we'd be the only ones other than we be going City Pasco do way you said it that made me yeah no no no so anything we give away um just for another U discussion let's say there was a service provider that service teletype well let's say we we were able to give dispatch to the County but uh company X does teletype services and we can contract with them to handle our teletype or we keep it in house I mean there's we have to look at all the service we have to provide and do we need to provide all of them or are we able to change them now another example if we don't do 247 impound release does that affect our oi the impound relas that affect the no so we wouldn't need to do 247 impound release for so so that's something that we could reduce and again am I interested as a city of Staffing somebody to do impound releases 24/7 no I mean they can get it during business hours I mean I can't go to my bank and make a withdrawal of an ATM but I can't see a teller business hours right I understand all that it's just the way that you said that minutes ago what did I say about well we're gonna find these different things that are going to that we could reduce and the the the leaning towards that I felt like was no oh let's not have somebody 247 no no I think by what we found out tonight we have to have somebody here 247 for teletype at the Bare Mount and so that would be or unless there's another option which I don't know if there is but sound if there's no other teletype service I mean we have to have somebody here 247 to do that all in all like Matt said when she said that she takes the phone from a also a management perspective that was shocking to me that I was like wow I mean I get that that's a totally I can't even imagine I am not the type of person that would be able to do that not because I wouldn't be able to handle that I would be crying like a baby every two seconds you know but that was really shocking but we we got to find something yeah so to clarify so to clarify in all the all the options that you provide us or whatever they all will meet the or and we need to know what that criteria is yeah so I apologize type is that the only thing that so if I may that is ESS the teletype it's it's terminals on of teletype and and the oi is a derivative of that there's one main alpha numeric number that that is identifies it so for you to maintain your RI you have to maintain a teletype server right the and teletype almost one same it's just the identifying number for our our teletype system um well there's more things that you have to maintain besides teletype they have an just to to kind of elaborate on on an example of what I believe you were getting at um Beyond just the missing person example it it can also go into daily team operations a hypothetical that I that I have had in years past um we go to a a natural density nothing criminal nothing of that nature we find out that the the person next of kin is in Tupelo Mississippi now to make notification we would typically send a law enforcement from that from that area to there I call up tupo police department and say yes can you go after this location many times every once in a while you'll get it will to do it without it but many times tupo is going to say okay yeah no problem send us a tety and we had have to go in and send this a special administrative message to that Police Department from ouri to their oi so that they know that we're a legitimate agency making that request and it's not just somebody call with a prank call or whatever it's verifying the source of that request and then they'll they'll act upon that request from that um to to use your missing person scenario not 100% on there but but yes indeed we could not run that person in the system to see if they are a missing person out of Michigan we would have that ability without the teletype feature questions got one well I don't want to make this meeting longer but I want to understand what my assignment is here fix dispatch fixed dispatch this is part of it um when when you say that that you know we're not going to risk our oi whatever we come back with so obviously the thing we're going to come back with is that we need someone there 247 sounds like it right yeah and that's that's so when we look at these other things so like 247 you know impound release if we have that person there then then it does they could do that yeah right right I mean again that could be a policy that we just change that I mean the can say you know it doesn't make sense for our department to do that and I I wouldn't want to burden with that be honest with you unless I just had right right but but again it's something that under certain circumstances that that person could do if there's an emergent reason to do it in right and so that's the difficulty I have with this is that that you know once you accept that there's an employee going to be there you know that whole shift whole day you know these these other things it it wouldn't make a lot of sense to start pairing away those things and let me give you another example that's not relatest is that that we have customers that come in pay utility bills right and or come in to get a a building permit or whatever so when you're doing Staffing you know you look at it from the standpoint of saying well there's going to be a certain amount of people are going to walk that window we're not going to know how many people are going to walk the window that day we don't know how many people are going to make a phone call that day but what we don't want is you know phone calls not to get answered and people not to be serviced and so that is an irregular schedule because you can't predict a Monday a Tuesday a Wednesday a Thursday Friday or any time of the month so we have people that you know 40% 50% of the reason why they're being employed by the city is because there's a possibility someone may come to the window or someone may pick up a phone and that's kind of like the teletype I mean you know there's no way they're going to be able to tell me that well every Monday there'll be a teletype and on Tuesday there's gonna be two and on Wednesday There's G to be eight right and so what I don't think you want is us just to pay someone to sit there stare at a tet type right that's not your concept right no but what okay so but in that if they're not doing Dispatch they not doing some of these other things and they're not doing impounds or whatever they're not they're not having to answer the window or whatever they could do teletype which would be their their main focus that would take priority over any other thing they could be running reports for Dave that he has you do all the time just just kidding right so there's I don't know there's there's probably some things that they could do other than teletype when there's no teletype going on that they could help fill our staffing need whatever that is I just utility is probably good those those those requests that you made were two different possibilities I just wanted to make sure that we all understood that that as soon as you accept the thought there has to be someone there because it's not you know constantly a lot of work on the teletype happening that there's going to be time for that employee to be doing other things right and and I just wanted to make sure that you understood that and you know what we come back with is things that make sense or positive and provide a value added service to their existence yeah maybe they could add they could do some code enforcement entries or something you know as we just opened up the new portal for the uh Eyeworks thing maybe there's some something they can do you as time yeah I don't know what okay that's what I said minimum VI viable product of what we need to have and as far as how how you delegate work put it makes sense I we hired Matt to run the city I would like to ask that you as the manager the CEO of Fort Richie not us work with the Chiefs and the Departments and come up with two solutions one going to Pasco one not going to Pasco I don't think I with with all due respect or let him decide the functions of the teams and let him present it to us you understand yeah I was I was I was clarifying that that my anticipation of what you said was correct you tell us what you want yeah I didn't I didn't want to come back with something that you all look at me and say what what we didn't ask for that I just wanted to make sure I was clear on my mission right and within that scope I I I think that he brought out an important point if if this person is going to be sitting their 12-h hour shift and got one in the daytime uh and other things can be done you want to maximize use of an individual you just want to you know sit them in a desk and go to sleep yeah that goes for any position not just that's right that's right somebody's got time on their hands we need to put them to work multitask yeah just like that but but the point that you brought up uh that's exactly the way people should work and you as a manager should be focused on you know solving that problem and you know that's what yeah back to us we want to give you the tools you need to to fix this and and maybe it is maybe it is we can we throw a bunch of money at dispatch maybe it's $150,000 to this is what this is the best solution to do and we we have a full-fledged dispatch system and these telet typers are also doing dispatch I don't know what the answer is until I see the numbers in front I think keep it in in house and keep control is the best way to do it myself ideally that's the best another scenario trying to us do but but we have a we have an issue between what's going on in Fire and what's going on on and law and we need to get to the bottom of that and M is g to come up with a solution that's above our pay scale has I just wanted to to clarify something or get clarification for myself I know when they were here they we've been talking about a million calls is it I there's someone I he them say 1.8 million calls is what they hand last year it's almost two million okay two million calls the exact number is 1,833 th000 two million 1. 1833 million because what I've been hearing is we're talking like 1 million we're talking almost 2 million almost 2 million and how many have we how many do we get we're gonna like you said we'll we'll ride that that to put it in perspective and can you separate between fire and police is that is that a possibility to separate the calls between fire and police yes we can yeah okay I I I think you guys had that data I thinked you guys had that dat also including phone calls and utility calls out of the dispat center just well I guess you could do total and then you could do like whatever you figure it out well one one of the data points I'd asked for actually to find out was is because like I said n of those 1.8 million calls all our 911 cell phone calls are that touch Point first anyway so those are included in that so what I'd like to see if we have a way to do it how many 911 transfer calls we have coming in how many direct ones come in from a landline if we have that and then walk UPS if we can see all the different ways a call starts that'd be good information and a total calls we say okay well 1% of our calls are walk up to the window 90% of the calls come through 911 on a transfer basis because then we know Count's touching those anyway so those are good candidates for they immediately dispatch them so that's in the pros and cons stuff as we as we look at those numbers we're going to get a much better service level from a dispatch perspective if it stays with the county on on those again speculating here just the conversation we can have so the much data you can give us the best decision we can make and just so and I think we all agree on this like you said we would love nothing more than to have dispatch in-house solely functioning for both firing and police I mean that's that's the best case scenario but that might be cost prohibitive and that's what we need to figure out I mean I mean as I've said numerous times I mean I've I've run I mean 50 years I've been working 247 So and I've been on call I I know what it takes to staff for 247 over Christmas over birthdays over holidays I know how to do it so I understand their frustration yeah and the and the ation of dispatch because when you're dealing with people that aren't are making $15 an hour they come in for an hour and leave they come in for a day and leave and there's it's very difficult to do that um to keep that to keep that staff I think education is a huge aspect that I don't know um the extent of the dispatches their education or the ongoing education one of the things we do in nursing is every year we hit the high-risk low volume your your structure fires would be a perfect example of that we don't do a lot of structure fires here is what you've said so that would be a high risk and a low volume so that would be something that we would go over with the dispatches on a yearly basis to make sure they know how to do that because chances are three of the dispatchers aren't going to ever get a structure fire right how many structure fires do we get a year it's not their fault it's not their fault they're doing the best they can so so there are opportunities for Matt to come up with solutions to fix a whole bunch of stuff whether we go to county or not go to county that it's it's brought a lot of things to light and and that's important and I think we need to work through those for sure more importantly it's this discussion has brought out these issues that now we're focused on and potentially we're going to come up with a solution right that we can hopefully address these concerns and and we go to spend that money it's all laid out we've done our due diligence there should be nobody in the public that has any qual with that because we've all aired it out we've had a discussion here and so I I want to I know this is this is above and beyond having these workshops but I think they're incredibly valuable to have these discussions so we don't have to worry about a council meeting last till midnight one o'clock we focus on one particular issue this Workshop so um I P a pillow you did and you didn't have to use it thank goodness can we get some uh ideas yeah like City you know D city's been on it since 2013 maybe we ought to have that discussion with their management well there there's a lot of municipalities that we can check on and see what how it works for them and I think I think we've got enough information now for at least give him marging orders to put together a couple different plans for us to review and we give him uh options to go forward so is there if there's anything else that you think you need to pull together for another Workshop just I was going to suggest that tomorrow everyone bring your calendars have me what your calendar book schedule out over the next month we're talk about I'm booked up for the next six months so thank you all for your participation good discussion fantastic discussion lots of information so looking for a motion motion to adjourn second second all in favor sing by saying I I clst jour